#lila you dunce
nobur-tone · 2 years
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eliyah-de-dark · 5 years
Two Lies and A Truth, part 3
Here it is, the part 3 that you’ve all been waiting for. Sorry that it took me a bit longer to get out, I kept rewriting and having to put it away so I could focus. Put it’s here! It’s ready! ...i hope...
Tag list will be at the end of the doc so...yeah, here we go!
Marinette stared at the akuma in the doorway. His costume was a flamboyant display of red and black diamonds and a stretched grin that looked painful. Poor sap, she shook her head. That wasn't going to look good blown up onto TV screens.  
The akuma cartwheeled around Madame Bustier's desk, cackling like a fool. He paused in front of the sickly sweet teacher and extended his hand. When she didnt move, he mimed a handshake.  
"Come on, Madame. Wouldn’t want to be rude and set a bad example." Marinette muttered to herself. 
Bustier slowly brought her hand up to his and took hold. As soon as they touched, another loud explosion went off and a cloud of smoke filled the room.  
"The windows! Open the windows!" Someone yelled. The whirling of a fan sounded above Marinette as Markoff set about helping. The smoke billowed out of the room in large black plumes.  
The clean air was perfect for screaming. The Harlequin was gone, and large black scorch Mark's showed where Madame Bustier used to be.  
Written on the board in black letters were the Harlequin's message. 
Confusion spread like a virus through the students. No new people had appeared. What... 
All across the floor near their teacher's desk and the door were small black and red marbles. They gleamed in the sunlight. Marinette stayed in her seat when the rest of the class crept towards them. Suzette stared at the board. 
"What should we do?" Mylene asked. Her voice was the pin that pricked the silence and set a flood in motion. Everyone began talking, trying to be heard over everyone else. Everyone that is, except Marinette and Chloe of all people.  
Chloe sat on her desk and turned to face Suzette, her gaze a proverbial spotlight on the stunned girl. Anyone who caught Chloe's eyes followed them to her and began demanding she do something.  
"Go take him down!" 
"Get us out of here!" 
"Help us, dudette!" 
Suzette shrunk with every word that the class said. Her eyes darted around to anything other than her classmates. "The window!" She shrieked. "We can escape through the windows." She lead the charge to the openings and looked out.  
A two-story drop met her gaze. Light glinted off small objects on the sidewalk below. More marbles. Marbles, black and red diamond stickers, and more littered the streets and sidewalks.  
Marinette glanced out just in time to watch a Parisian step on a diamond and trigger another explosion that left only scorch marks behind. She bit her lip. This is bad. Really really bad. Ladybug has to step in.  
A hulking form towered over the bluenette, looking out the window with her. "This is bad," Ivan whispered. At first, Marinette thought he was just talking out loud. Then he looked down at her and said, "What should we do?" 
Ivan stood up straight and rubbed his neck. "Well, I figured you're our everyday Ladybug. Maybe..." His gaze dropped to Suzette and Marinette caught a hint of disgust in his eyes. "Maybe you can figure this guy out." He jammed his hands in his pockets. The look he gave Marinette reminded her of a little kid after saying sorry. That searching, pleading look that begs for any response. 
She nodded. "Let's try." Ivan lit up like a Christmas tree. He sank into the seat next to her and waited. Oh, Marinette thought. He's waiting for me. "So what do we know?" 
Adrien had been lucky to be in the bathroom when the Harlequin entered his classroom. That's about where his luck ended. He walked out into a hallway devoid of life. Scattered on every walking surface were black and red diamonds stickers every few steps.  
“Don’t do it!”  
Adrien watched a girl from Medeleiev’s class – Aurore, he recognized her from her Stormy Weather situation – step carefully out of her room. 
It was for naught as a loud bang and a lot of smoke made her vanish.  
Plagg hovered near one of the diamonds. He circled the strange object with a gleam in his giant eyes. “Kind of cool, right Adrien?” He flashed up to his wielder’s side and  the odor of camembert radiated off him like an old stain. 
“Seems like Chat Noir’s scene. Plagg, CLAWS OUT!”
The Black Cat leapt onto the handrails. Balancing like his life depended on it, which it most certainly did, he made his way to the Bustier classroom. My Lady will be able to fix everything, he thought happily. She always does.
As he approached the open door, he heard people whispering. Peeking in, he saw a class reduced to eight people and a robot. Suzette, Lila, and Alya were at his desk, whispering to one another. Alix was on her knees crying next to a scorch mark, Kim’s sweatband in her hand. Chloe stared out the window, Sabrina nowhere in sight. Max and Markoff stayed at the highest point in the classroom, talking about the marbles and their properties.
That left Marinette and Ivan talking together by the window. She had a piece of paper in front of her and a pencil making big arching lines on it. Weird time for fashion design, but okay.
Suzette spotted him first. “Chat Noir, thank goodness you’re here!” She cried. The class spotted him, Marinette smiling ever so slightly, and tears of joy started spilling from the students. “Harlequin trapped us in here. You have to get everyone out!” Her voice didn’t sound like it normally did when she was giving him orders. She sounded...afraid. Where was her confidence? Why hadn’t she transformed?
He asked and she looked away, ashamed. “The Guardian has my miraculous right now, chaton. He needed to borrow them for a while.” She looked back with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry I won’t be of much help.”
“Nonsense, m’lady!” Chat Noir chirped. He didn’t notice his baker friend flinch when he used that nickname. “We’ve got this.”
“Chat Noir, wait!” 
The remaining students stared at Marinette. Ivan looked shocked as he stared up at his friend. “You should take Suzette to the Guardian, get her miraculous. We can last in here, but there are people out there who need Ladybug and Chat Noir.” She ignored the mild terror on her classmate’s face in favor of the confusion on her partner’s. Perhaps ex-partner. She’d have to talk to Master Fu about that.
To Suzette’s dismay, Chat nodded. “You’re right. Hang tight.” He jumped in, grabbed the protesting Suzette, and vanished out the door. 
Marinette sighed and slid out onto the steps. She eyed her target, Chloe, who had gone back to staring out the window. “Hey Chlo-” Her foot snagged something, and she caught a glimps of Lila’s amused face as she fell onto the exploding marbles.
As soon as she made contact with the floor, the rest of the classroom exploded.
@justanothersepticeyefan @ml-cartoons @enchanted-nerd @aegyobutpsycho2 @kristycocopop @kris-pines04 @totellismert @f0xylegs @writingishfanonsideblog @spookycat 911 @persephonebutkore @crazylittlemunchkin @pandabearsamm @rudy-ruby @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @mvaree @melhuney @chatsladybabe @miraculous-of-salt
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haymaker-mva · 4 years
Chloé Bourgeois: HBIC
(Check it out on Ao3!)
Now, Chloé Bourgeois may be a “Queen Bitch”, but these students were her subjects. And Lila was on her turf, dammit.
Now, Chloe knew that she was a bit of a bitch, excuse her french. She had at least some self awareness. She had bullied Marinette for years, she was a jerk to about anyone possible, and tended to get in Adrien’s personal space. That last one… Chloe had recently realized a few things about Adrien. #1: He was interested in some mystery girl, and seemed to have something happening with Kagami. And #2: Chloe had never really liked him in the first place. Yeah, she had pulled out all the stops to be near him, but now that she thought about it, it felt more like her protecting him then her just wanting to be a thing with him. 
Chloe also realized that she had been a hair short of a villain after being deakumatized from being Queen Wasp.
She had spent a ton of time rethinking her actions and decisions and decided to try and change for the better. Chloe knew that if she went all-in immediately, she’d probably mess up, and no one would trust her suddenly being nice. So instead, she subtly changed. She stopped ordering Sabrina and started requesting. She went from picking on everyone to ignoring them most of the time, but of course adding in a sarcastic comment from time to time.
But then Lila arrived.
Chloe knew Lila was full of bs from the start. Ladybug? Being best friends with a civilian? Yeah. Sure. Chloe knew that she had claimed the same thing, but she knew now that she just wanted to feel closer to her idol, and everyone else knew that too. But because of the whole Queen Bee tobacle, Chloe knew that Ladybug would not risk such a thing. So this Rossi girl was lying.
And while Chloe was still trying to get better.... This was her turf. She was in charge. The class would figure out Lila’s damage in a week, tops. But still, Chloe had overestimated her idiotic classmates.
Seriously. Marinette. Their Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She would hate a girl for no reason? Adrien might’ve been a good explanation… except for the fact that Marinette’s jealousy spouts lasted about an hour, but then she would always be out of spite. So something was going on here. Another inconsistency.
Since Chloe knew the truth, she could see Lila’s predatory smirk, disguised as a sweet smile and Lila’s disgust at anything from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Now, Chloe hated Dupain-Cheng. But the bakery was the fucking bomb. Not that Choe would ever admit it.
The last nail in the coffin was when Chloe saw Marinette run to the bathroom, probably to cry. Chloe sighed and got up. Dupain-Cheng may be Chloe’s rival, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or something , Chloe thought.
Anyway, she was just getting up when Lila mentioned something about going to the nurse and went after Marinette instead. Chloe made sure to sneak ahead of Lila, and even Marinette. Chloe made a guess of where the two were heading, and hid in a bathroom stall.
She had just gotten her phone out and pressed record when Marinette walked into the room. The sounds of muffled crying started, and then Lila chose that moment to walk in.
“Marinette? Oh, are you crying?” Lila asked with faux concern.
“No I’m not!”
“I can sense that you don't like me, but I don't understand why. We barely know each other.” Lila wondered with that obnoxiously fake voice of hers.
“Don't tell me it's because of this new seating arrangement in class!” Chloe heard a very quiet rustle. “It is! Of course, you're jealous because I'm sitting next to Adrien, because you would've given anything to sit there yourself. You know what? It's really not worth fighting over a boy. You and I could be friends, and who knows, I might even be able to help you with Adrien.”
“You and I will only be friends the day you stop lying, Lila!” Lila gasped, and Chloe silently applauded Marinette on the comeback. “I can't prove it, but I know for a fact that you don't have tinnitus, that your wrist is just fine, that you don't know Prince Ali because you've never even stepped foot in Achu, and despite what you got Alya to write on her Ladyblog, Ladybug has never saved your life!” Chloe was a bit iffy on that last one. Ladybug didn’t know Lila personally for sure, but Ladybug may have saved her once. Chloe waved the thought away. It didn’t matter right then.
“I only tell people what they want to hear.” Lila said, facade dropping at Marin-- Dupain-Cheng’s bold declaration.
“It's called lying!”
“There's nothing you can do about it, anyway. People can't resist when they hear what they like to hear. If you don't want to be my friend, fine! But soon you won't have any friends left at all. And trust me, I'll make sure you never get close to Adrien in class or anywhere. You seem a little less dumb than the others, so I'll give you one last chance. You are either with me or against me. You don't have to answer right away. I'll give you 'till the end of class today.” A door opened and shut, and Chloe knew that the liar had left.
There were noises that Chloe recognized as Marinette stepping into a stall herself. Chloe stopped recording, but started another one when she heard Marinette start talking again.
“I thought Chloé was evil,” Wow, rude. Valid, but rude. “but Lila really takes the whole cake! She's like a supervillain who doesn't even need a costume!” Chloe wondered who the noirette was talking to, but her question was answered when someone responded to Marinette’s words.
“You mustn't let her get to you, Marinette.” The strangely high-pitched voice consoled the girl.
“If I don't manage to expose her lies, she'll ruin my life, Tikki. She'll turn my friends against me, including Adrien!” The normally kind and gentle girl let out a scream of frustration, and Chlow heard a loud noise, and deducted that Marinette had punched the inside of a stall. The blonde stopped her second recording and deleted it. None of the words spoken in it were important. The first one on the other hand…
Chloe noiselessly sighed. She really was gonna have to step down from her throne for a bit to deal with this lowly liar.
Now, Chloe may be a “Queen Bitch,” but these students were her subjects.
“What do you need, Chloe?” Lila asked, batting her eyes.
“I’d like to talk.” Chloe threw a glance at Alya. “Alone.”
Alya was about to get on Chloe’s case, probably about to spout something about intentions or whatever, but Lila reassured her. “I’ll be fine. If I need help, I’ll just yell.”
“Good.” Chloe walked into the bathrooms that she heard Dupain-Cheng being threatened in. Gotta get that aesthetic.
“So, let’s cut the crap.” Chloe stated, turning toward the italian. Chloe started recording on her phone that was hidden behind her back.
“I know you’re a liar, Lie-la.”
“What are you talking about?” Lila asked innocently. “Oh! Did Marinette tell you that? She’s just jealous of me having to sit next to Adrien is all--”
“Yeah, yeah, sure whatever. I don’t believe you.” Chloe cut her off. “I know you’re lying, drop the act."
After Chloe’s admission, Lila did in fact drop her act. The silver-tongued girl’s entire stance changed.
“I’m just going to tell you the same thing I did to that goody-goody-faker. You are either with me or against me.”
“Yeah, again for sure. I may be a bitch and a bully, but I pay my dues without the comfort of any hidden shadows. I’m no underhanded dunce.” Chloe rolled her eyes.
“Well fine, I’ll destroy your reputation too. I’ll take all your friends-”
“Yeah, you can’t use the same threat you used on Marinette. I only have Sabrina, and she already knows you're lying too.” Chloe interrupted her.
“You’ll see what I can do, bitch.” Lila growled and sashayed out of the room.
Chloe snickered. Lila had forgotten that she could’ve framed Chloe for something right there by just sitting on the ground and screaming.
Anyway, Chloe stopped her second recording and giggled. Time to take down a lying bitch.
A few minutes later, when she was going over her plans with Sabrina, Sabrina went silent for a second.
“I have an idea.”
Now, the old Chloe would've been offended that Sabrina dared to question her plans, even if mentioning an idea was hardly shooting down another. But I did tell you that Chloe was trying to get better, didn’t I? So the heiress listened to Sabrina’s idea, who beamed at being listened to.
“Do you believe Lila or Marinette?” Sabrina asked.
“I love Marinette, but I believe in Lila. Marinette can get nasty when she’s jealous; I see that first-hand a lot.” Alya responded, certain.
“I’ve known Nette’ for years, dude. I don’t think she would stay angry at Lila, even if she was jealous. I mean, she and Kagami go out for orange juice once a week.” Nino voiced his thoughts.
“Marinette? She’s awesome! Lila is too though. I’ve known Mari for years, but you never really know a person, you know?” Kim said, already bored from sitting still for that small amount of time.
“I sincerely doubt that Marinette is lying. I believe with almost 100% certainty that Marinette would not do such a thing. I do not know Lila enough to judge her yet. The napkin could have just been an accident on both sides.” Max theorized, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Well, Marinette can get jealous and do some petty things, but I don’t really believe that. She did help me and Marc after all.” Nathaniel said, smiling at the memory.
“Lila is really nice! Marinette is really nice too! I like them both. Marinette can get a bit jealous though. I’m sure she’ll get over it!” Rose gushed.
“I’m not sure… I’d want to talk to Rose and Luka about it first…” Juleka mumbled.
“I don’t really have an opinion, but I’ll bet my skates that Marinette doesn’t mean any harm. She is probably jealous though.” Alix shrugged.
“Well, I like both Lila and Marinette. Lila just needs a bit more help, with her injuries and all.” Mylene said thoughtfully.
“I don’t know. I’ll just agree with whatever Mylene said.” Ivan replied shortly.
Last one was Adrien.
Chloe was about to try and talk to him, but he was already talking to Dupain-Cheng. Chloe pressed record, just in case, and eavesdropped.
“Are you going to tell everyone?” Adrien was asking the noirette.
“'Course I am. Lila is--”
“A liar. Yes, I know.” Adrien responded, cutting her off. “But do you really think exposing her will make things better? If you humiliate her, she'll just be hurt more. Making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy.”
“So we just stand by and let her lie?” Marinette replied, unsure.
“As long as you and I both know the truth, does it really matter?”
Chloe saw Adrien give Marinette a warm smile and walk away.
Well, that answered her question.
That sheltered little boy. Chloe knew why that was bad advice, specifically for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. DC was a goody-two-shoes. It would absolutely kill her to see her friends being manipulated.
But Adrien had been homeschooled for years, and was never taught the ins and outs of social affairs not related to the brand.
So Chloe couldn’t entirely blame him.
But that advice he gave Dupain-Cheng was shit.
Chloe and Sabrina put it together that night, and managed to get Miss Bustier’s permission to do a small presentation about a “surprise” the next day. It was all falling into place.
Checkmate, Rossi.
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eliyah-de-dark · 5 years
Two Lies and A Truth part 2
Turns out the Startrain can get a person from London to Paris in what feels like a matter of minutes. Marinette waited on the platform, alone in a crowd of commuters, with her wide brim hat pulled down low over her face. She wore her hair down, a countermeasure against any old friends who might recognize her style, and opted for an equally unfamiliar white and pink sundress. She'd originally made it for her dream date with Adrien. Now it would meet one of the only friends she had left.
The train from London pulled in, and Felix Graham de Vanily was the first off. He wore his signature dark gray three piece suit, a white shirt making his skin seemed more tanned. He scanned the crowd, forcing people to move around him as his vibrant green eyes searched for her.
She wove a path through the crowd and grabbed his hand. "Hey," she said weakly.
He froze, taking in her changed appearance before speaking. "Your hair looks nice." He touched just the tip of her blue hair, admiring the length. "What prompted the change?"
Marinette's smile dropped. "Don't want to be recognized." Her voice was almost imperceptible in the din of the station.
The pair walked out hand in hand, Felix's heart racing where Marinette's barely caught her attention. Together they wove their way through Paris. Their only pause was with Andre Glacier to get ice cream, Andre's idea not theirs. Finally their meandering brought them to the bakery where they first truly met.
Sabine and Tom waved to the kids as they went up into the apartment. Marinette noticed her mother's calculating look while Felix caught her father's questioning gaze. The young man thought their journey would end in the living room, but Marinette kept his hand in her own until they'd climbed up into her pink painted room. The walls were nearly bare, with the crumpled up pictures of Adrien in her waste basket. Felix took good note of that.
In the safety of her room, Marinette started talking. She repeated a lot of what Felix already knew: how her class had been turned, how the teacher punished her when it wasn't her fault, about how she had only 3 people left in the whole city she could trust. When she brought up the arrival of Suzette, he could tell from the stormy expression of her face that this girl did more than bother Marinette.
"What do you care if she's Ladybug?" Felix asked, waving his hand as if to present the situation on a platter. "Sounds like she'll prove herself wrong soon enough."
"But she's put the entire school in danger!" Marinette cried. She slumped onto her chaise and sighed. "If Hawkmoth thinks anyone in François Dupont is his arch nemesis..." She didn't finish the sentence. She didn't have to. Felix had seen the chaos akumas caused, and if it weren't for the Ladybug Cure, everyone in Paris would be dead ten times over.
He nodded, and Marinette sighed with relief. She wanted to tell him the real reason, that she was the one suffering stolen identity here, but she couldn't. She thought of Master Fu's threat. Being Ladybug was stressful, sure, but it was one of the best things in her life right now.
Their phones buzzed simultaneously. Felix had his out first, sparing Marinette the trouble. Nadia Chamack's face filled the screen completely. "Don't be bemused, it's just the news. On this special report, we have Alya Cesaire live in our studio to talk about a remarkable post she's put on her Ladyblog." The camera switched to show the red haired girl Marinette used to call friend. As the audience applauded, the pair in a pink room sat on Marinette's chaise.
"Thanks for having me, Madame Chamack." At least she had her manners. "I'm a big fan of yours."
Nadja laughed and made a little dismissive gesture. "If you're a fan of mine, then you know here at the station we love our Ladybug, and your blog has been a key source of information on her. Let's show the audience what you posted today that's sweeping our city!"
Nadia's large screens showed Alya close up in the frame, breathing heavily. "How unbecoming." Felix scrunched his nose in disgust while Marinette laughed.
The video showed Alya rushing back to her seat where across from her sat...Ladybug? The costume was fairly well made, superior to Chloe's in many ways. There was still the glaring issue of a zipper on the back and her mask slowly dropping on the left side.
The two began talking like old friends, Alya crediting Lila for getting the interview squared away. Felix watched Marinette as her face switched from shock to horror.
Once the Ladybug interview had wrapped up, Nadja began asking questions about the whos, whats, wheres and whens of the impromptu video. "Lila, my best friend," Alya emphasized that title like she knew Marinette was watching, "promised me an interview with LB, and it turns out Ladybug is wonderful in and out of costume!" She pasted a surprised look on her face and murmured, "Oh, I shouldn't have said that." in such a perfect copy of Lila that Marinette searched for a wig line or something.
"In and out of costume? Does that mean - hold on, you know who Ladybug is?" Nadja had real shock on her face, and if the camera had turned then Felix imagined the audience would have that same look too.
Alya smiled sweetly. "I couldn't say."
The interview continued, but Felix set his phone away. Marinette was shaking now, and he put an arm around her. She leaned on his shoulder, her body slowing to matching his heartbeat. He rested his head on top of hers and took a deep breath. She smelled like strawberries, glue, and mint.
Now he jumped up and paced. Her eyes followed back and forth as he moved, pausing every so often to muse on a particular idea.
"I've got it." He smiled, a devious grin that split his face like a demon.
Marinette listened with rapt attention.
"Blast Master, I am Hawkmoth. You want to expose the truth about Lila Rossi and save your friend. I'm giving you the power to control explo-"
"That's a no on the name."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Then beg."
"...what is happening?"
"Listen, you're right about why I'm pissed, and I'll gladly take the explosion power, but I'm not calling myself Blast Master."
"Excellent, glad we're on the same page."
Suzette Lambert basked in the attention of her schoolmates like a cat basks in the sun. Lila was right, she mused, these idiots are too easy. Only two weeks and she had near god like worship. She almost didn't regret transferring out of her private English school.
The two people who didn't immediately succumb to her will were Chloe Bourgeois and Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chloe made snide comments here and there but hardly went toe to toe with the new queen of the school. It helped that literally anytime she tried, either that nuisance Alya would snap at her or the teacher would gently redirect the class.
Her teal eyes caught sight of the little pariah, who'd snuck in early and taken her spot at the farthest desk in the room. Marinette never spoke. Not even when the teacher called on her. When she'd asked, Lila bemoaned, "Oh Mari? She's just the worst. She's always so mean to me and everyone hates her for it. I wouldnt even bother talking to her."
Suzette couldn't say it was hard to get on Lila's bad side, but that seemed a bit extreme. It all made sense after her little "slip-up" though.
It was the Italian's idea to say she was the heroine. "Trust me, no one will even question it." As much as Suzette hated to admit it, Lila was right. Everyone latched onto the biggest lie of her life and now the royal treatment was just a standard. The only bad reaction she got was Dupain-Cheng running out of the room. That was weird on so many levels, but Suzette ignored it.
Class was going smoothly until the volley of ringtones interrupted the lesson.
"An akuma?"
"It's just down the street!"
"Hold up Alix, let me see!"
Suzette checked her phone, lazily scanning the report of a dancing harlequin-style akuma moving steadily towards François Dupont.
"Go suit up, Suzette!"
She looked at Alya with a tired expression. "What?"
The reporter pointed her cellphone at Suzette. "Don't you need to transform? To defeat the akuma?" Her quizzical look spread like a virus through the class.
"I can't." She needed to think, quick. "The Guardian took my miraculous for safe keeping." She mentally congratulated herself for the excuse.
Nino spoke up next. "Why?"
"Why would a miraculous need repairs?" And why was Kim of all people chiming in?
"Oh puh-lease." Now came Chloe Bourgeois. She sat on her desk and ignored Madame Bustier's reprimand as she continued. "Obviously she can't because she isn't Ladybug." Sabrina nodded vigorously, the nasty little cockroach.
Alya naturally spoke next, loud enough to give the queen standing next to her a headache. "No one asked you, Chloe." She snapped. "Why dont you keep your opinions to yourself?"
"Why dont you you little gossip rag wannabe?"
Wow, Suzette thought. That's an interesting shade of red in Alya's face.
Chloe turned those sky blue eyes back to her rival. "What form does your miraculous take? Or better yet, what's mine?" She leaned forward, her head tilted as if to listen for an answer.
Suzette crossed her arms. "Why would I care about yours?"
"Because you're the one that gives it to me, Ladybug. And I know for a fact if you were the real Ladybug, you would've kept your mouth closed about your identity."
No one noticed Marinette in the back of the room staring wide eyed at Chloe.
"Who are you to talk to me like that?!" Suzette yelled. Lila grabbed her arm, locking her in place. "You're just the mayor's spoiled brat who only cares about herself!" Chloe smiled at Suzette's words. The audacity.
"Maybe, but at least I'm honest."
Another insult began forming in the mind of the false Ladybug when the door came off its hinges with an explosion.
((@goblinwhoships @ml-cartoons @enchanted-nerd since you three specifically requested being tagged, here you go))
((Yeah so people really seemed to like part one. That's pretty hekking neat. Hopefully part 2 can live up to the hype))
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eliyah-de-dark · 5 years
Two Lies and A Truth chapter 4
If there was something more irritating than small glass marbles digging into your ribs, Marinette couldn't think of it. She grabbed the desk first support as she stood up. To her amazement, she had no injuries other than possible bruises. Those would vanish with the Cure. She turned to glare at Lila.
Scorch marks. All around her, where there had been students, large angry black burns in the wood and plastics of the room. Her jaw fell slack. She looked to the floor again. All the marbles were in their exact positions, except the few she had disturbed.
Why? Why was she okay?
She looked for Kim. Kim, who had tried to jump from Chloe's desk to Madame Bustier's. Kim who had slipped, stumbled, moved one marble and left in a blinding flash.
What about Sabrina? The poor mousey Sabrina who had tried to clear the traps away from Chloe and got blown up for her trouble.
Mylene, who'd tried to balance through? 
Nino who saved Alya from falling?
Marinette struggled to breathe. Her lungs felt like she was underwater and couldn't get out. Desperate for answers, she searched the classroom. Her search found her under the desks where black and red diamonds had been hidden. They appeared broken now that they were spent.
She stood back up. Her watery eyes fell on the board. On its message. It changed.
The writing was more erratic, less controlled than even the first with its wild penmanship.
My friend?
The echo of Felix's voice came back to her. "What better way to prove this Lambert girl isn't Ladybug than to throw a terrifying akuma at her?" He'd been so vague about it all, so calm and settled, no obvious anger, she didn't think he meant -
Marinette stifled a sob. "What did you do?" She asked the empty room.
Tikki set a kind touch on her wielder's shoulder. She didn't speak. 
"Tikki, spots on."
My word, his lady was clinging to him more tightly than she normally did. Maybe she was concerned since she was out of her suit? 
Chat Noir kind of enjoyed her squeezing him like a lifeline while he leapt from roof to roof. Master Fu's window was open. He must have expected their visit.
In the teens came to see a very shocked Tibetan man. "What are you doing here?" Master Fu asked, his gaze shifting from Suzette to Chat. 
"I'm sorry to bring her like this, Master, but she needs her miraculous." Chat Noir said as his lady clung to his arm. 
Master Fu stared at them in confusion. "You must have the wrong place," he said slowly. He shuffled to the window. "Perhaps who you seek lives nearby?" He gestured to the window, an invitation to leave.
Chat Noir shook his head. What was going on with the old man? "Master Fu, we need the ladybug out in the field. Suzette needs her miraculous." He stepped closer, ignorant of a little red figure in the distance. 
"I'm telling you, I don't know what you're talking about."
"You know what I'm talking about!" He couldn't help but yell. "Please, it's us. See? Plagg-"
"-claws in." The black leather traded off with a white jacket and blue jeans. Suzette squeaked in surprise. "I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you, milady." He offered an apologetic smile to his stunned girlfriend.
"Chat Noir, what are you thinking!?" The old man yelled with surprising force. "When I gave you the black cat, I expected better of you!" His fury was only matched by Wayzz. The little turtle dragged Plagg by his large ear over to the side for what could only be assumed as a chat. 
"Look, I'm sorry, but it's important!" 
"This is unacceptable."
"No, taking Ladybug's miraculous is. You have to-"
 A loud thump caught their attention. Suzette laid on the floor, passed out. Adrien dropped to his knees and shook his love while Master Fu looked on.
A red and black polka dotted hand seized Adrien's wrist. He jumped and stared wide eyed at Ladybug, who now held his ring between her forefinger and thumb.
"I can't believe I didn't see it sooner." Her voice was like distant thunder, low and angry. It caught every available ear like a spider's web. 
"Milady, I…"
"You clung to her because you thought she was me."
"I didn't know."
Ladybug gave a short humorless chuckle. "You know Lila Rossi is a liar. Why would you believe her friend?" She turned to Master Fu and bowed. Adrien watched as his ring was laid in the old man's palm, his lady now pointedly not looking at him. 
She gave him one sideways glance before heading back to the open window. "I'm sorry, but you've revealed your secret to a civilian. And to me." She swung out the window just as Suzette woke up.
Adrien wanted so desperately to hide, to run, to escape this nightmare. Instead, he listened as Master Fu spun a story to his girlfriend.
TAG LIST ((need to find a better place for this ^_^;))
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