#am I onto something
smolnono · 5 months
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So my friend noted the 14:30 time on the phone and said 143 pager speak I love you, BUT I decided to look up Bible verses. I have never read The Bible in my life but here we are. Thought maybe I made a wee connection here since this verse seems interesting and relevant.
Feel free to add to/tell me why I’m entirely wrong I was born and raised a heathen.
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arcsin27 · 5 months
Something something dahlias plan to kill Doug and Phoenix would’ve been flawless if not for the factor she was unable to account for: phoenixs heart telling him to return to the crime scene to check on Doug
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jo-ann-kramer · 1 month
Guys i cracked the code.
The Nora have dreadlocks, only tribe to have dreadlocks and all of then have dreadlocks.
People always recongise Aloy as a Nora because of the pathetic little DIY dreadlocks and braids in her hair.
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hughiebutcher · 2 years
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scudelia55 · 8 months
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Do you think they discussed about their pfp choices like…
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luna-talks-stuff · 21 days
So I’ve been thinking about Sakamoto Days (especially because the anime has been announced yay) and after thinking of Nagumo’s potential voice actors I thought of something
Ever since Nagumo started on his quest to find out about Rion’s death I thought that maybe he was in love with her, and recent chapters have made me think more about it
So I know that Nagumo’s brain is going to short circuit the moment he meets Akira. He’s going to stop working, and I can’t wait to see it
(But also poor Nagumo, I haven’t seen a firing that cold since Kuzco told Yzma she needed to go lol)
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vibe-d-pyro · 24 days
I have come to the realization that shark boy & lava girl and Persona 5 have similar plot points, being
- worlds built on cognition and idea
- otherworldly personifications of impossible creatures and members of our real world
- battles with a peer in said worlds
- battles with an authority figure
- a insane plot to bring both worlds together to take over the real world
- creatures of the world becoming warriors for the rulers of the world built on cognition
- venture into a world where cognitive beings are separate from their real world counters.
Maybe I am insane for this, but if insanity means shark boy and lava girl = Persona 5 then so be it.
I’m probably missing a few tbh, but that doesn’t stop me from being delusional and believing this idea.
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redgemwink · 6 days
hear me out.... mod that makes the nahobino a trans catgirl named the nyahobino
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35925honeymoon · 23 days
t4t tsumob (tgirl mob & tguy tsubomi...)
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buck-up-buck · 27 days
As always, here is my pre-episode theory drop about what I think about the upcoming episode (and potentially 7x10).
First things first, I did say this before the sneak peek was shared that the councilwomen would gate crash the ceremony so I am taking this as a win! I did also say she would do some fucking up of Henren trying to adopt Mara which by the looks of what we have seen, could also be plausible. I have no idea how American politics works or adoption so I have no idea what the councilwoman could possibly do but I am sure the Henren storyline has something to do with her and Mara’s upcoming adoption.
I think that Gerrard is going to at some point approach Tommy, and the interaction is going to be uncomfortable in some way shape or form.
I think Amir is the one Athena says ‘I think my husband is in danger’ to and it is in fact the Cartel that are after Bobby and cause the fire in Bathena’s house.
I am predicting the Bathena house fire to be in the middle of the episode, and that there is some other big bad thing that is going to happen that causes the episode to end in a cliffhanger.
There may be a potential Bobby relapse storyline, but either in this episode or the last one of the season. It may be along the same lines of season 5 and we have an almost relapse, or an actual one.
I think Buck is going to catch Eddie out on a lie and that’s how he finds out about Kim, and they have an argument about it. I think this argument is going to either be overheard by Christopher, or Christopher is going to figure out about Kim also by Eddie lying, and they have it out with one another. This is going to spiral into Eddie feeling isolated and alone.
I am throwing this in there because my brain does weird things and I don’t know why I thought this, but, BUT, what if, Kim isn’t real, and she is a figment of Eddie’s imagination. Maybe he is having some kinda mental breakdown, maybe he is sick but I just, feel like the boat scene is a bit… weird(?) and it just didn’t sit right with me. Call me crazy but hey, I had to put it out there.
What do we think? Have I lost the plot yet? Probably.
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bunnidot0rg · 2 months
Instead of overthrowing Toriel, Undyne should’ve just taken Asgore’s place as King. Royal lesbians like wtf
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bluebellhairpin · 4 months
thinking about. modern au arthur. bull rider. big vest n hat n boots. droves cattle between rodeos. do we see what I'm seeing or am I delulu.
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dungeonbf · 11 months
it’s like we’re in the same containment cell. or the same enclosure at the zoo lol. or even better we’re in different enclosures across from each other and we stare at the glass at each other and sometimes bring over rocks to show and stuff. it’s a mighty bit enriching!!!!
OK i’ve thought on this actually! i think by the time amelia puts everything together (which wldn’t be unreasonably long but not unrealistically fast either) she’s already grown somewhat attached to jesse & enjoys having him as a roommate (they’re not romantically involved YET) (yet…) so she weighs her options. she could kick him out & look for another roommate who might not be as bearable as him OR she can just. pretend the bad stuff isn’t real. she opts for the second option, lol. she does not approve of him selling meth & has strict boundaries on the fact that he can’t bring any home & that he has to wash if he comes home smelling like the crap. it’s more personal for her bc she’s worried abt a potential relapse so she’s sort of harsh abt it but. other than that she doesn’t bring it up bc she’d rather not see jesse in that sort of light.. ignorance is bliss, blasé blasé. her relationship w jesse & w drugs is something i think abt often ngl.
on a less serious note, auth right wld block anyone who leaves hate comments under his art bc it actually hurts his feelings ok arguing over which ppl deserve to live in his community that’s different but his ART? nah he’s crying in the bathroom on that. bc I feel like when he draws he lets his inner child, that sad little lonely pathetic boy, take over so it rlly hurts. he might say a slur b4 blocking actually… anywho i wld support his art bc i like all art ^_^ I think each piece of art has beauty in it and idm if the proportions are wacky bc a lot of styles r like that tbh when u look at them for more than 5 seconds. plus I think it’s cute he wld draw us kissing that’s just rlly funny cute
— @boykujou
@boykujou OMG YES… bringing over little rocks and flowers and such (authright headcanons) to your enclosure (ask box)
i’m very curious btw what’s your fave thing to do with either jesse or authright (or both)? i like jesse, i think he’s a sweet bf and has good intentions. i encourage his wrongs. anyways, i’m super curious about how his drug dealing affects your relationship, especially considering your s/i’s stance on it. i also think considering the highs and lows of the relationship is one of the more interesting parts of self-shipping, like maybe it’s just me but i like thinking about conflict and strife and how to get over issues!! sorry this is like wordvomit but you get what i mean… we’re on the same wavelength.
also curious.. how IS jesse in a relationship? cuz obvi you know him better than i do, please feel free to share any headcanons :3
AND NO THATS SO REAL, he definitely gets super emotional about it. i think it’s a good thing though (getting emotional about art) cuz it shows that he’s passionate about it! it’s something important to him! i feel like at first he views it as a weak soyboy cuck activity but he genuinely grows to enjoy drawing, even if his art isn’t conventionally good. headcanon that he draws up propaganda posters and tacks them up all around the extremists’ house.
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criminalizegolf · 8 months
Papa's Pizzeria nostalgia money-grab movie when
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kbmdee · 11 months
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...am i going somewhere with this.
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sweet-cockroach · 23 days
so I have an idea I want to share for a story I'm writing and I'd love to gauge interest,,
The new year brings with it new resolve for a group of bored teenagers determined to live it up. they decide to make the last month of holidays one to remember, and together they experience all the hallmarks of adolescence: Going to the beach, getting way too drunk way too young, summoning spiritual entities in public bathrooms.
Mainly inconsequential activities, until the new school year begins...
I want it to be a fun Aussie school 'horror' story all about kids battling the demons of growing up and messing around with unfamiliar realms. I have a lot of work to do yet but maybe I'll share bits and pieces here. Any thoughts and opinions are always welcome 🧡
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