#am not against smut but y’all are so annoying. god bless
asterdeer · 7 months
really been struggling with finding good mindless queer audiobooks to distract myself with lately. today i started not one but two different poorly written fantasy romances where the main characters bone within 24 hours of meeting each other (one of them was literally 5 minutes after meeting). allos are wild
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Of Blood and Roses*
Chapter Fifteen
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Pairing: Loki x Lauren  |  Word count: 9548 Warnings: Fluff, angst, smut, NSFW, and a whole lot of Loki being Loki.
Loki sat with Lauren and asked the Three quiet questions, hoping for answers about who she would become. It was clear she had powerful magic inside her, magic tied to the land in some way, but the Three were cryptic in their answers. They spoke in riddles or gave knowing smiles, all things Loki couldn’t discern truth or lies from.
The smugness of them annoyed him, but he would not upset the Norns by insulting their priestesses, no matter how badly he wanted to.
As one, the women stood and returned to their respective forests. While Nåværende collected flowers, Fortiden harvested supple twigs and the brightest of leaves, and young Fremtiden climbed high in her evergreens to reach the lowest branches of Yggdrasil and pick the beautiful white blooms.
Each returned to the floor beyond the pond and set their treasures down. As Fremtiden and Nåværende began weaving and working on… something, Fortiden returned to Loki’s side.
“The Norns speak through me. Will you listen, God of Mischief?”
Loki nodded, his gaze unwavering from the woman’s face. “I would receive their message.”
She sat, and her robes flowed out around her. “They would have you know your sacrifices, what you went through, were not in vain.”
“I know that,” he said, harder perhaps than he should have. “All these things brought me to her.” He looked down at the woman in his lap.
“Yes, they did,” she smiled at Lauren. “Do not forget that. Remember it, even when the night seems darkest.”
He looked at her sharply. “What does that mean?”
“I cannot tell you.” She shook her head. “But know we all have our trials to walk, and what the Norns plan, no man, or God, can fully understand until the end is revealed.”
Loki clutched Lauren tighter, disliking the ominous feeling to Fortiden’s words. “I won’t let them hurt her.”
“We all must fall many times when we are learning to walk, my prince,” Fortiden said softly as she pushed to her feet. “Your lady wakes.”
Heart pounding in terror, Loki watched Lauren sigh. “Please don’t do this,” he whispered to the priestess.
“The Norns are merciful. Learn that lesson well, Loki,” Fortiden murmured as she turned to the others.
A world of white fog and rolling mist spread out beneath Lauren’s feet. Standing on the peak of a tall mountain, she gazed out over the shroud of it in wonder.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?”
She turned to see a man with a staff of twisted blonde wood in his hands. “It is.” And so was he.
He was tall, even when compared to Loki or Thor, with a face like an angel but hair as dark as night shot through with silver. Eyes of pure blue, so pale they were almost white, peered at her curiously. Garments of silver velvet embroidered with strange symbols did little to hide the strength of his sleek frame.
“But not everything is as it seems,” he said, letting the tip of the staff drop to the ground.
The granite rolled beneath her feet, sending Lauren stumbling forward to catch herself on his arm rather than fall to her knees. “What are you doin’?”
He shook his head slowly. “I do nothing. Yggdrasil speaks. Balance must be restored.”
Lauren frowned, the world at her feet catching her attention again when mist burned away to be replaced by the red of superheated lava. Mountains crumbled, sending ice and stone tumbling down into the molten rock.
“Stop! Not like this! You’re destroyin’ it!” she cried, yanking the staff from his grasp.
Instantly the land settled, the lava cooled and blackened, and the mist returned to hide the unsightly scar.
He turned on her in apparent disbelief. “Who are you? What are you?”
He took a step toward her, and Lauren took one in retreat. “No one. I’m… I’m no one. Nothin’ special.”
His eyes fell to her torque and widened further. “It’s… not possible.”
She reached up to touch the stone at her throat. “Please, stop this.”
“Balance must be achieved.” He reached for the staff.
“Not like this!” Lauren tucked the staff behind her back and stamped her foot. “Cut it out! You can’t destroy one thing in order to balance somethin’ else out!”
“What would you know of balance, girl who is no one special?”
She gave an inelegant snort and took another step back. “Walk on your hands for as many years as I have and you’ll learn a thing or two about balance.”
“Return my staff,” he said sternly.
“You must.”
“I won’t.” She lifted her chin defiantly.
“Unlike you, I am not no one. Return it, or suffer the consequences.”
Lauren switched it to the other hand and held it out over the land of mist, balanced precariously on the edge of the cliff. “Promise me you’ll stop.”
“I cannot.”
“Then I can’t give it back.” She let it slide through her hand a few inches.
“You do not understand!” he roared. “I do not want to do these things, but I must!”
“Find another way!” she snapped.
“There is no other way! Do you think I have not tried? I destroy what I must to preserve what I can. I must protect my people.” He held out his hand; shoulders slumped in defeat. “There is no other way.”
Lauren’s heart ached for him even as she pulled his staff to her chest. “Have you asked for help?”
He turned his face away. “I cannot do that either.”
“Well, why the heck not?” she huffed. “Y’all clearly need it! I don’t even know what the hell’s goin’ on down there, but you can’t rip your world apart like that!”
“And where would we seek assistance?” he scoffed. “Asgard?”
Lauren lifted her chin again. “And why not? What’s wrong with Asgard?”
“Asgard has fallen to darkness.”
Now she scoffed. “Don’t be stupid. Asgard’s not dark.”
“Yes, it is. It has been for centuries,” he said emphatically.
“No,” she shook her head, “it’s not. Y’all have clearly not been there in a while if you think Asgard’s dark.”
“Do not lie to me, woman! The World Tree withers in the temple! I have seen it with my own eyes!” he barked, throwing up his hands before turning away.
“It blooms.”
“What?” He turned back so fast his hair flew around and slapped him in the face.
Lauren just managed to bite back a snicker. “It blooms. Just today. I saw it myself.” She glanced down at the mist billowing past her feet. “Don’t believe me? Come and see for yourself.” The fog rose up and seemed to swallow her whole as his staff fell from her fingers to the ground.
Lauren blinked open her eyes and smiled up at Loki when he caressed her cheek. “Hey.” The worry in his eyes gave her pause. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he smiled, the worry disappearing.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Yes, my heart.” Loki looked up at the branches above. “Look what you did, darling.”
“I know,” she giggled. “It’s so pretty. I even had a weird dream about it.”
“A weird one? Care to share,” he asked as he helped her sit up.
Lauren only shrugged. “It was strange, but not scary or anythin’. Some tall guy was doin’ somethin’ bad, and I made him stop. Then we talked about Asgard a little, I told him how the tree bloomed today, and then I woke up.”
“That is strange,” Loki murmured, helping her to her feet. “How do you feel now that you’ve rested?”
“Fine. Though… I don’t understand what happened,” she glanced shyly at the Three.
Fortiden came forward and held out her hands to take Lauren's. “Like physical stamina, magic also takes work to grow stronger. You have a very deep well to draw from, but you are yet young and new to magic’s ways. It is easy to overexert one’s self, and drain too much.”
“Is that why I got so tired?”
“Yes, love.” Loki nuzzled against her ear. “Much more and you would have passed out in the pool. It is possible to give of yourself to death, but it is very difficult. We are built with the will and desire to live, and our magic knows this. It will shut us down rather than run out completely.”
Lauren sighed heavily. “Really, really need a manual on all this stuff.”
Fortiden chuckled. “What you need is a teacher. One who knows Asgard’s ways and can teach you what all our children learn as they grow.”
“Great. I need to go back to kindergarten.”
“Something along those lines,” Loki snickered. “But perhaps just a tutor. One of the teachers for the school may be interested in assisting you. I will send an inquiry.”
“Excellent! Now, before you go, we have a gift for you,” Fortiden said, motioning to the others.
“Oh, that’s not necessary,” Lauren blushed.
“But it is!” Nåværende insisted.
“You did us such a service, returning out home to its past glory,” Fremtiden agreed and held out a crown of leaves and flowers, berries and twigs, all woven together exquisitely.
“How lovely!” Lauren gasped, her hands flying to her heart.
When the youngest of the Three motioned her to bend down, Lauren did so and giggled a little in nervous excitement when the floral crown settled on her head.
“All who come will see and know, Lauren of Asgard returned our bower to us. May the Norns forever bless you both,” Fortiden smiled and tilted her head.
A clear dismissal, Lauren nodded back, but when she made to follow Loki, she found the swans standing at the edge of the pool. “Goodbye.” She waved to them and grinned when they appeared to wag their tails.
Loki only chuckled as he led her away. “Come, my love. The others will be growing anxious.”
When they left the hollow in the tree, Lauren shivered. It was like stepping beyond a warm embrace, leaving the comforting arms which once held you. She hadn’t noticed it walking inside, and paused to look back at the shadowy interior.
“It always feels that way,” Loki said, placing his hand on her lower back. “The tree is a sanctuary. Leaving can be difficult, but the feeling of loss fades once you exit the temple.”
“Everythin’ feels… different now,” she murmured. “Like… I took a giant step in a direction I wasn’t expectin’.” A little worried, Lauren looked up at him. “I… don’t know how I feel about that.”
He drew her to a stop in the middle of the bridge. “Excited, I think. This is a journey, my love. And though there will be twists and turns, likely bumps and bruises and possible missteps, everything happens as it should. We… we can’t know the Norn’s purpose until it is revealed to us.”
“A leap of faith, huh?” she smiled up at him.
“Yes. Big and terrifying though it may seem.”
The worry had returned to his eyes. “Loki? What is it?”
He held her gaze for a long moment, seeming to memorize her face and her features before his hands lifted to rest on either side of her jaw. “I don’t know. Truly. The Norns are cryptic and beyond my understanding, but I had a moment this morning after Sigyn challenged us and lost. Danger, and it comes for you, Lauren,” he whispered, letting his forehead rest against hers. “If something were to happen to you… I would tear apart all the realms to find you.”
“Loki.” Lauren lifted her hands to his lapels. “I know you would. I guess I’d best keep my torque tight, hm?” she smiled a little, trying to lighten the mood. When he sighed, she knew she hadn’t succeeded. “I won’t live scared. If this danger is real and it’s gonna come at me, then I want you to teach me. Teach me magic. Teach me to fight. Teach me… teach me to kill if I have to.”
“Lauren, no…” He shook his head. “I do not ever want you to have to do that. Taking a life is no easy feat. It… scars a heart in ways yours may never recover from.”
She reached higher until her hands mirrored his. “I would rather take a life than have mine taken from me.”
Green blazed sharply in his eyes. “I wouldn’t long live without you in this world.”
“Then you’d best teach me so I can fight for us both.”
He swallowed and shut his eyes, regret seeming to carve fresh lines in his face. “Then we will teach you. Tomorrow you will begin training, and until I say otherwise, you will keep training.”
Leaning into him, Lauren cocked her head and peered up at him through her lashes. “Can I have at least an hour or two to spend in the barn?”
Immediately some of the hardness fell from his face. “I will see you have plenty of time to spend with that menace of a stallion. But the rest of the time will be lessons, lessons, and more lessons. You must learn everything quickly.”
“And you will go nowhere without an escort. One of our friends, Thor, Father, or myself will be with you. If we cannot, you either stay within the walls of the castle, or I send Joran and his ten best men with you.”
“Loki… isn’t that a bit much?” She sighed in resignation when he only looked at her. “Never mind.”
He relaxed enough to smirk his familiar smile and kiss her on the nose making it wrinkle. “Good. I do not yet know what comes, but I will not have you unprepared or unprotected.”
Staring up at him for a moment longer, Lauren lifted her hand to push back his hair. “Whatever happens, Loki. If somehow, somethin’ goes awry, know I’ll never stop fightin’ to get back to you. I’ll never stop searchin’ for a way home.”
He swept his arms around her and hugged her tight. “Home two days, and I feel as if we must prepare for war.”
Lauren held him just as tightly. “Then we prepare and pray it never comes.”
He pulled back to kiss her, gentle, soft, and slow. Ardent in his affection, the tenderness caused her eyes to tear.
When they broke apart moments later, nothing more needed saying. Loki curled her hand around his arm and walked on, nodding to the woman at the head of the bridge who smiled and bowed with their passing.
Lauren looked up again at the tree, still stunned to know she had done that. Taken the deep green of the canopy and covered it in white blossoms unlike any she’d ever seen before.
Around the outskirts of the cavern they walked, finding more and more people lined the railing to stand and stare at the tree. When they finally reached Thor and Sif, and Volstagg and his family, Fandral and Hogun had joined them. All were marvelling at the tree like everyone else.
“This is gonna be another thing, isn’t it?” Lauren murmured to Loki.
“Thing?” Loki asked.
“You know. Where I do somethin’ weird, and everyone stares at me like I’m odd.”
“Not odd, my love. Special,” he smiled and approached his brother. “Thor, close your mouth. It’s unbecoming of a king to gape so.”
Thor’s teeth closed with an audible click before opening them again as half-formed words and phrases spilled out. “You… that is… wh-... how… when did… did you… Loki?”
“I gave of myself, but it was Lauren who renewed such life into Yggdrasil,” Loki said proudly.
She clutched Loki’s arm when Thor appeared to be about to mow her down he was coming at her so fast. Then, his hands found her waist, and he was lifting her up high in the air to swing her wildly around before hugging her tight and laying a smacking kiss to her cheek.
“My sister did that!” he crowed laughing his great, booming laugh.
“Thor, you giant buffoon! Put my wife down before you break her!” Loki snapped.
But Lauren only laughed and kissed Thor on his bushy beard in return. “I’m happy it makes you so happy, cause I had no idea what I was doin’.”
“Never in all my years,” Volstagg murmured, staring at the tree in wonder.
“Or mine,” Hogun agreed.
“What does it mean?” Fandral asked only for Sif to smack him in the back of the head.
“You don’t ask those kinds of questions. Why must you be so impatient?”
Lauren laughed brightly and hugged Thor when he finally put her down. She really adored this odd little family of theirs.
After what seemed like endless question, the group of them made it out of the temple and back onto the main road where Lauren deserted Loki to sidle up beside Sif and create a little distance between them and the others.
“I’m sorry about Loki. He just knows me too well, and when you left us last night, he was real sweet about helpin’ you if you needed it, and… I caved,” Lauren sighed. “I’ll understand if you’re no longer interested in my help.”
Sif blinked at her in shock. “No! No, I am! Lauren, it may have been a surprise to have him speak to me about it, but he was… kind. I never knew he could have such kindness in him. I believe you have much to do with that, but we also never truly gave the other a chance growing up. We have mended our differences, and while I am still… skeptical of what tonight will bring, I am also,” she tucked her chin down and glanced sideways at Lauren, “a little excited.”
“Yay!” Lauren giggled and squeezed her arm.
The brunette snickered before leaning closer and whispering, “He thinks to teach me to flirt.”
A momentary and fleeting shot of jealousy jabbed Lauren in the heart, but she pushed it easily aside. “Well, he’s kind of a natural at it.”
“I fear I will be red of face for hours.” Sif was already blushing.
“It’s just practice, Sif. You do it often enough, and it becomes easier.” Lauren patted her arm. “Remind me of that when Hogun is kickin’ my butt in the next few days.”
“Ah, training begins I take it?” Sif asked with a smile.
“Yes. It’s necessary.”
Sif came to a sudden stop and looked at her hard. “Why? I mean, I understand the man today might have escalated your desire to learn, but you sound most… grave, Lauren.”
“Loki… has a feelin’. And somethin’ the Three said to him,” she sighed and shook her head. “He said he feels like he’s preparin’ for war, Sif. Two days here and already somethin’s changed.” Lauren looked at her seriously for a moment as she thought about what she was going to ask of her new friend. “I need you to do somethin’ for me.”
“Ask, and if I can I will,” Sif vowed.
“I need you to think like only a woman can when she fights a man. Not a warrior, but a woman. Can you teach me things the men wouldn’t think of? Spots to injure that will down a man faster than a sword or punch will?”
“Lauren…” she looked shocked for a moment before her gaze drifted up to land on the flowers now gracing Lauren’s hair. Her eyes hardened and dropped back to Lauren’s. “Yes. I can teach you.”
Lauren nodded and began walking again, well aware of Loki watching her while he walked with Fandral and Hogun. “He’s not happy about this.”
“He wouldn’t be. No man would. It is his duty and his privilege to see to his Ástvinur. Learning he will, quite possibly, fail in that regard in someway will put him on edge.”
“Isn’t it better I learn this now, rather than be caught unaware?”
“He will see it as you should not have been caught unaware, to begin with. This is Asgard! You are the Princess of Asgard. There should be none who seek to harm you here. You should be safe to walk the streets during the darkest hours of the night completely alone if that were your wish simply because of who you are. That you cannot…” Sif took a deep, fortifying breath. “Remind me not to anger your husband in the coming days and weeks.”
“I will do my best to keep his temper in check,” Lauren snickered.
Sif arched a brow and looked at her sideways. “Are you implying things of an intimate nature?”
“And if I were?” she teased.
“Then I would not want to know what you were implying,” Sif blushed.
“Considerin’ the rather ‘free love’ thinkin’ of the people ‘round here, one would think you’d be used to it.”
“I have never been free with my affections. And while others around me tend to run rampant, it still makes me… uncomfortable.”
“Why?” Lauren asked out of curiosity. “You’re gorgeous.”
“That is why,” she sighed. “Everyone saw my face first, then my sword, so I sought to prove them wrong. Now, my sword is all anyone sees, and my face… does me no favours. Do you know what it is like to be uncomfortable in your own body?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” Lauren sighed. “Luckily, I had Sadie and Gran to help me see what I saw in the mirror and what mama, Marabeth, and Cissy had been shoutin’ at me for years, didn’t mesh with what was really there. For me, it took leavin’ home and gettin’ out from under everyone’s scrutiny to become someone I liked and respected, but even then there was still doubt and self-image issues to be handled. Loki helps with a lot of that.”
“Is…” she hesitated before deciding to finish the question. “Is that what happened this morning? With Madame Lanche?”
“Yes. I had a bit of a… flashback is what we’d call it on Earth. What that woman was sayin’ got mixed up in my head with somethin’ my mama always used to scream at me, and though Madame Lanche didn’t mean it with the same intention mama used to, it still returned all those same feelin’s of inadequacy. I was seconds away from a full retreat when you stepped in.” She looked at Sif and smiled. “Thank you for that. That little bit of backin’ snapped me out of it.”
“Lauren…” she murmured, her eyes huge. “Did your mother… hit you?”
Lauren fought not to flinch. “No. But there are other kinds of abuse besides physical. It’s one of many reasons I left home. Yes, the biggest was my ex, but he was simply the catalyst in a long line of reasons to run away.”
“I… don’t know what to say.”
“There’s nothin’ to say. My sister was by far worse than my mother ever was, but those are memories I prefer not to dwell on.”
Sif was quiet for a time as they continued on their way back to the palace, Lauren smiling and waving a little when people would call out to her.
“Lauren, if in the future you find yourself in a situation which gives you these… flashbacks again and Loki is not there, but I am, look to me. I will give you strength until you can find what lives in you, and grasp it tightly with both hands.”
“Thank you, Sif,” Lauren murmured, squeezing the woman’s arm. “You’re a good friend.”
“I will remind you of that when you are flat on your back with the wind knocked out of you,” she chuckled.
Loki watched everything. The crowd, the buildings, the rooftops where they dipped low enough, but mostly he watched Lauren and Sif, heads bent together speaking while he listened to the fluctuations of Lauren’s emotions.
He hated how unsettled she’d become. They fluxed and fluttered all over, the joy of earlier muted beneath uncertainty. But he had to admit when she’d stood on Yggdrasil’s bridge and asked him to teach her everything, her conviction and determination had been inspiring.
Her next words though had left him cold. To kill. He wasn’t sure he could live with himself if she had to do that. If, for whatever reason, he was not there to deliver the blow and her innocent hands did it instead he knew it would scar her, as he’d said, in a way she would never recover from.
But he would teach her, and he would have the others teach her because scarred was still better than dead.
“Are you even listening to me?” Fandral huffed and jabbed him in the ribs.
Loki’s arm jerked back, but he managed to contain the punch before he sent Fandral through the nearest wall. It was not his fault Loki was on edge. “I was not.”
“You are very jumpy, Loki. What did the Three say?” Hogun asked.
“Things I do not wish to speak about publicly,” he murmured. “But Lauren begins training tomorrow, and though it pains me what I am about to ask must not go unheard. Do not go easy on my wife. She must learn, and she must do so at great speed, whatever the cost to her body. If we must seek the pools beneath the keep every night, so be it.”
“Loki!” Hogun gasped. “I cannot-”
Loki cut him off with a look. “You must!”
“Is this because of the man at Tara’s?” Fandral asked.
“It is because the Norns work in ways I do not understand, and the dread of something sinister scratched my spine post Sigyn’s humiliation.”
The two men with Loki exchanged a hard glance. “Then we begin tomorrow. Thor will not like it.”
“Thor can kiss my ass,” Loki muttered. “What were you prattling on about before this, Fandral?”
“The dagger. We found the forge who made it,” the blond said, producing the dagger from the small of his back. “The bad news is he’s made dozens, if not hundreds of a similar design. There is no way of knowing to whom it was sold for certain.”
Loki ground his teeth together, plucked the blade from Fandral’s fingers, and made it vanish. “There are other ways of finding people who do not wish to be found.” He may not like Strange, nor did the Doctor like him, but he did have an extensive and fascinating library Loki occasionally perused when the Doctor was out.
“But for tonight, we feast!” Fandral said enthusiastically.
“For tonight,” Loki agreed and glanced again at Lauren and Sif. “Sif made mention of your natal day approaching, Fandral. By chance have you a favourite colour?”
“Loki!” Fandral laughed and threw his arm around Loki’s shoulders. “I didn’t know you cared!”
“I do not,” he smirked at Fandral. “But Lauren will likely wish to know.”
“Well then, you may tell your lovely wife, I am not partial to any single colour. I like them all, reds, blondes, brunettes.”
“He did not ask hair colour, fool!” Hogun huffed.
“Bah!” Fandral scoffed. “What other colours matter?”
“Dress colours,” Loki said casually, though he found the man’s flippant manner aggravating. What Sif saw in him, Loki would never understand. “There are certain colours I would never dream of putting Lauren in after all.”
“Hm, excellent point,” Fandral nodded gravely. “Perhaps indigo, a deep plum is nice, a dark red. Though after seeing your darling wife in that blush gown, perhaps that should be my favourite colour. It is most fetching.”
Loki produced a long, sharp dagger with a wicked looking curved tip and held it out for Fandral to see. “I will stab you with this if you do not shut up about my wife.”
Placing his hand on his heart, Fandral sighed dramatically. “Is it my fault the Norns saw fit to bless you with a woman whose smile lights up a room? Whose voice could sing the stars from the sky? Whose grace could put even the rulers of Alfheim to shame?”
“In the belly, Fandral, so that when I remove it, your entrails follow,” Loki threatened.
“Spoilsport,” he grumbled but stopped talking.
Ignoring him and his pouting, Loki vanished the blade, increased his pace, and joined Sif and Lauren. “May I inquire as to what you two lovely ladies are whispering about so intently?”
“You may. That doesn’t mean we’ll tell you,” Lauren smirked.
“So it is me you are speaking of!” Loki snickered. “All good things, I hope.”
“Lauren, has he told you yet about turning himself orange when he was first learning seiðr from Lady Frigga?” Sif asked.
“Sif!” Loki gasped in outrage.
“Orange?” Lauren burst out in giggles.
“Or there was the time he turned into a mouse but couldn't quite turn back and wound up sporting whiskers and a tail for most of a day.”
“How the hell do you know that?” Loki barked.
“Lady Frigga liked to talk about her boy,” Sif said, her smile both smug and soft as she wandered away.
“Just you wait until later,” Loki muttered. “I get to dress you tonight.”
She froze for a moment before smiling over her shoulder. “I give Lauren final approval.”
Loki huffed a pout, and Lauren broke down in all new giggles. “I think she’s got you there, peaches.”
“Woman, don’t be ganging up on me with Sif now. Between you and her, and your maids, I’m feeling outnumbered.”
“Guess it’s a good thing Socks is a boy, hm?” Lauren smirked and gave him a saucy wink.
He snagged her by the waist before she could walk away, drew her in close, and cupped her nape to hold her captive. “I love to hear you laugh.”
Her hands went around his waist, beneath his jacket, and up the back of his tunic to rub gentle circles. “Your laugh is better because it’s so rare.”
“Less rare than it used to be, but yours is still better because I know you’re happy. I need you to be happy, my love.” He brushed his lips lightly over hers.
“I am happy, Loki. Never doubt that.”
Green, the colour of new grass, he searched her eyes and found nothing but truth, complete faith, and unending love. “I need you,” he whispered, heart in his throat. “I need to have you and touch you and show you how much I adore you.”
“Yes,” she breathed, her gaze drifting down to his lips. “Can we go? Is it allowed?”
Loki chuckled softly. “Most people are probably surprised we lasted this long,” he said before taking her mouth in a drugging kiss which had her melting against him.
With nothing more than a thought, Loki took the two of them from the city in a shimmer of green magic.
Beneath the silk sheets, Loki lay propped on his elbow, watching Lauren play with the kitten pouncing on her fingers. The few hours of the afternoon they’d spent alone with nothing between them but heat and flesh and sweat had been some of the most peaceful Loki had spent since they’d come to Asgard.
As if she could feel his urgency, Lauren had been right there with him, her hunger as insatiable as his, her hands as needy while they wallowed in each other. Sank in and held on and loved desperately.
He felt better, less ready to snap then he had on Yggdrasil’s bridge. But then he could still feel her hands on him, her nails in his back. He could taste her on his tongue, and smell her perfume all over him.
Yet, he couldn’t get the image of her asking him to teach her to kill out of his mind.
She rolled to her back and looked up at him, her kitten scampering to follow her fingers. “Loki?”
“I will teach you to kill, but I beg you, I beg you to use it as a last resort. If there is another way, seek it first.”
She sat up and sank her fingers into his hair. “Of course! Loki, I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I’d rather have the knowledge and never need to use it, then to not have it and wind up in trouble.”
He wrapped his arm around her, wanting her close to him always. “I will teach you magic, Hogun will teach you to fight, and Fandral will assist with the sword for his style is more fluid.”
“And Sif is gonna teach me to fight dirty.”
“I beg your pardon? She's what now?”
Lauren laughed and gave him a shove so she could rest her chin on his chest. “Though y’all are super accomplished I'm sure, y’all think like men. I need Sif to think like a girl. In fact, tonight after we’re both dressed, I think I should get her to show me what to do in a dress if I need to fight or flee.”
“That's…” Terrifying. “Brilliant. We will start tonight. Actually, we will start right now.”
From nothing, he pulled the blade he’d purchased at Sif’s urging. “This, my love, is your first weapon.”
“Loki… it's gorgeous.”
“And quite sharp,” he assured her. “Be careful with it.”
She sat up and tucked the sheet beneath her breasts - unfortunately - as she looked the dagger over. “Can you teach me to make them appear and disappear like yours do?”
“Eventually. For now, I will modify all your clothing so you can wear it on your thigh. There will be an opening, like an unfinished pocket in your skirt where you will be able to slide your hand to grasp the blade.”
She pulled it free and held it on her palm. “I feel like it should weigh more. If somethin’ so light can potentially take a life, shouldn’t it be heavier?”
“You would think so,” Loki murmured.
Lauren returned the blade to its sheath and peered at him for a long moment. “So what do I learn first, magic wise?”
Loki chuckled at her inquisitive mind. “You master the elements. Air, water, fire, earth, and spirit.”
“Bris, right? For air?”
“Very good, but bris is breeze, not air. If you were to say air, the air would do nothing.”
“How old were you when you no longer needed the words to make the magic happen?”
Loki shifted until he sat behind her, holding Lauren cradled between his thighs. “Who says I don't?”
She frowned at him. “I've never heard you?”
“Magic is a combination of intention, ability, and will. With intention, you can state the word, or words, of a spell but without ability, you have no skill to make manifest the spell your working. And without will, you cannot make it act as you wish. As I have all three in abundance-"
“And buckets of humility,” Lauren giggled.
He ignored her teasing. “I need only think what I wish of my magic, and it manifests, but the words are still there in my mind. Would you like to try something else?”
“Why? Are my eyes glowin’?”
Loki chuckled and kissed her bare shoulder before vanishing her dagger. “No, my sweet Lauren. You must learn to reach for the magic in you. Feel it in your belly and draw it out. Let's start with drawing it into your hands, then stir the air again. You know how that feels.”
Reaching behind him, Loki propped the pillows at his back so Lauren could stretch out fully. Once she relaxed, Loki set his hand on her belly. “Center yourself as if meditating. Seek the magic within. It will be warm, friendly. It is yours to use and command, but you must learn to do so."
Lauren closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and blew it out slowly. Her hand drifted up to rest on his. “I think… it's a lotus. Violet and pink and lavender floating on still water. It kinda glows or shimmers. Like heat risin’ off the pavement.”
“Good, imagine drawing those shimmers toward you. Let them flow up your body and out to your hands.” As he spoke, he collected her hands in his and shifted them so they were cupped before her. “Pour the power into your palms. It is fluid, moving. Let it pool.”
He did not let his excitement show in his voice or let it kick in his heart when wisps of violet energy began to curl and flow down her arms in spirals to swirl and dance in her palms.
“Hold your concentration and open your eyes, my heart,” he smiled.
Her little gasp of amazement made him chuckle. “Incredible.”
Her curious kitten stood up on his hind legs to peer over the edge of her hands. Socks meowed, sounding most impressed.
Loki flicked his fingers, sending snowflakes drifting from the ceiling. “Now, stir the air.”
“How did you do it last time?”
Loki could feel her determination build slowly as she took a deep breath and said softly, “Bris…”
The magic lifted from her palms in more wisps and curls to twine through the snowflakes and make them swirl.
“That's it. Now, think of what you want your magic to do. Use your hand to guide it for now. Lead it, like a maestro to her orchestra.”
Lauren’s hand lifted, and she began to roll her wrist and sweep her hand back and forth. The magic followed, her breeze sending flakes looping and swirling in a gentle blizzard around them.
“Exceptional! An amazing job, my love.” He was so incredibly proud of her. “You can now work air.” She laughed, and it was so full of wonder, he couldn’t help but smile.
“I can’t believe this is real,” she said softly, her voice full of awe. “Magic. Loki, I can do magic!” Lauren sent a curl of air whisking snowflakes down to wrap around her kitten, causing Socks to turn in circles as he chased the little bits of white.
A devious smile circled Loki’s lips when he teased his fingers over her stomach, dragging them slowly higher to cup her breasts. “But can you do so while distracted, pet?”
Her serpents no longer held her nipples, but it was easy enough to tweak them with his fingers and create the same reaction. They hardened, and she gasped, sending the snow fluttering.
“Concentrate. You must fight the distraction. In the future, what comes will likely be much less enjoyable than this. You must be able to acknowledge what is happening around you without letting it distract you.
"This is wholly unfair,” she grumbled, fighting her rising desire.
“That is the point,” Loki smirked continuing to fondle her breasts. “You have such a lovely bosom. Keeping my hands to themselves is difficult. In fact, they seem to have a mind of their own,” he grinned as he let one adventurous hand drift down to pet her mound and tug her tight curls.
Another sharp gasp left her lips, but she held her magic, moving the snow up and around, sending it dancing around the two of them.
“You are doing so amazing, sweet,” he purred, so proud of her. “But what if I add a second distraction?” He grinned wickedly, not that she could see it, and left an avatar in his place to play with her beautiful breasts, so he could appear at the foot of the bed and slowly tug the sheet down.
She startled, her focus wavered, and she glanced behind her. Arousal sharp and sweet assaulted Loki's nose, and he hummed in excitement. “Wicked, naughty girl,” he teased as he crawled up the bed to press her knees apart. “The idea of two of me to see to your pleasure pleases you?”
“I… I've never thought about it,” she breathed, a small whimper escaping her throat when his copy plucked her nipples.
“Oh, darling. You cannot even fathom some of the delightful things I will one day do with you,” he purred against her ear and bit it gently.
Loki laughed softly at his copy's teasing. “Yes, so many wonderful experiences await.”
“Starting now,” his double agreed and went to work rolling and twisting her nipples and working his mouth over Lauren's throat.
Another devious chuckle left him when Loki pushed her knees all the way apart and settled between her thighs on his belly. “Spell the alphabet with the snow, my heart. A through Z and if you hold your magic and finish, I will let you come. Fail and no reward.”
“Loki! This is so not fair,” she whined, her control already tentative at best.
“Concentrate,” he ordered. “Begin.”
Letting his copy pay attention to her actions, Loki set about thoroughly distracting her from her goal by gliding his fingers down her thighs to her wet lips, pulling them gently open, and humming as he began to lick, suck, and entice every drop of cream from her.
She moaned, but the magic around him didn't stop. Loki smiled and snaked his tongue into her hot body, adoring how responsive she was even while resisting. Her walls contracted around his tongue, her thighs quaked beneath his hands, but she still didn't break. Her willpower was strong.
Moving higher to her swollen, throbbing bundle of nerves, he gently pulled it between his lips and gave it a suckle. Lauren gasped, and snow went all directions, but she quickly gathered it back under her control without entirely losing hold of her magic.
“Careful, darling,” he chuckled.
“R, S, T,” she muttered.
Loki could feel her need for release burn like fire in her belly and flicked the tip of his tongue over her rapidly, driving her higher until her hand shook with her faltering control.
“W, X… Y… Y,” she gasped, “Z!” erupted on a scream when he pressed his fingers into her contracting body and stroked her sweet spot.
Her magic failed, and when his copy disappeared, so did her ability to sit up as she fell to her back exhausted.
“Oh, my stars…” Lauren gasped for air. “That was really hard, Loki.”
Sweat coated her skin when he wiped his mouth and climbed up her body to settle at her side. “That was an acceptable first test of air. I'm very impressed, my love. Perhaps next we should practice water while in the pool?” he grinned salaciously.
“Cad,” she huffed but rolled over to lay mostly on top of him when he laughed. “I loved this, Loki. Really.”
“Good, because teaching you is most enjoyable to me.”
“It was definitely enjoyable,” she snickered, resting her head over his heart. “You always make things fun.”
“No, my darling. That is you. You have returned my ability to have fun, and I will be forever grateful for it.” Drawing the sheets up with a flick of his wrist, he made sure they were both adequately covered when the soft knock came at the door. “Come.”
The twins slipped inside and dropped matching curtsies. “It is an hour till dinner, my lord.”
“Very good. Lauren will join you in the bath momentarily,” he dismissed them with a nod and watched them scamper away. “Sif will also be arriving soon.”
“Good. Put her in somethin’ red, Loki,” Lauren said as she sat up.
“Red? I was thinking plum, or perhaps a deep burgundy.”
Lauren smiled. “Deep red.”
Fandral had said it was a colour he preferred. “Alright, my heart. If that's your wish.” He twisted his wrist and held out her robe. “Go to the twins and when you're done, join me.”
She reached forward but bypassed her robe to cup his cheeks and kiss him softly on the lips. “Be gentle with her. This is all very new. She’s nervous and tonight is important. It sets the tone for her future.”
“Anything for you, Lauren. I won't shock Sif too badly.” That didn’t mean he wouldn't have at least a little fun while Lauren was occupied. “Go get ready.”
She donned her robe and scampered from their bed, while Loki waited a moment longer before rising.
Tonight… tonight was going to be interesting. He’d see to it Sif enjoyed herself, even if he had to threaten Fandral within an inch of his life to get the blond fool to dance with her.
Dressed and waiting, Loki had been indulging in the cask of wine Lauren was gifted, the first of her items to arrive when Sif strode through the outer doors. She looked equal parts determined and terrified.
“My dear Sif, you are not going to war. This is meant to be fun,” Loki teased gently when she noticed him and headed his way.
“Fun for who?” she muttered as she sank down heavily on the chair to his right.
Loki turned his hand and held out a second glass of wine. “For you, Sif. If it isn’t fun, there is no point in doing it.”
She sighed as she accepted the cup, drank deeply, and looked at him over the rim. “I’m not looking for fun, Loki. Just love.”
She looked away, and Loki felt for her again. “This I understand better than most. Up. Stand up. Let me see what I am working with.” He shooed her to her feet and made her turn. “Hmm.”
Loki snapped his fingers, and her typical dress of armour over breeches and boots disappeared to be replaced by a dress of red with a deep neckline and thigh-high slits.
Sif yelped in a front and quickly covered her chest. “Loki!”
He’d already started to chuckle. “It looks quite fetching, Sif. You have the figure for it.”
“I will stab you in the face, Trickster!” she snapped, her face flaming red.
“Consider this payback for earlier,” he snickered and waved his hand.
The dress reformed into one closer to Lauren’s of earlier. The skirt belled slightly, though he gave her more coverage across her chest and broader straps to see Sif comfortable. Again he followed Lauren’s request and made it red, but added sparkles to the sheer overskirt in silver.
Sif lightly touched the skirt, her eyes wide in disbelief. “How pretty,” whispered past her lips.
But it felt… wrong to Loki. “Though you look fetching in it, I think it is a touch too youthful for you, Sif dear.”
“Are you implying I’m old?” she quipped, eyeing him suspiciously.
“Not old. Mature,” Loki huffed, rolling his eyes. “But you must admit you do not carry the same blush of youth to you that Lauren does.”
She looked contrite, then nodded. “I understand your meaning. There is an innocence to her I’ve only ever seen in children. She has no hard edges, no cynicism. She is just… pure goodness, isn’t she?” Sif smiled.
“She has her moments of mischief, but yes, she’s very innocent. Watching her face the harsh realities of life will not be easy,” Loki murmured.
“Everyone must grow up, Loki. And I believe she has perhaps seen more of those harsh realities than you or I have guessed. She told me of her mother.”
“Wretched shrew,” he grumbled.
“Indeed, but also your mother-in-law,” Sif snickered.
“Do not remind me,” Loki huffed and waved his hand, replacing her dress with one of black silk and red sparkle. The back was quite non-existent, and Sif gave another undignified squeak of refusal. “Come on! There is nothing wrong with that!”
“My back is completely bare, Loki!”
“So are your arms, but you do not complain about that!”
“Arms are one thing, but I am well aware of any number of men who would be most enthusiastic about dipping their hands where they don’t belong!” she bellowed.
He shot to his feet in rage. “Who?” Loki snarled, low and deadly. “Who would dare?”
Sif took a step in retreat. “They would only do so once as they’d lose their hand in the process.”
“Lauren’s dress for the evening is quite backless. I would have their names so I may personally inform them to keep their hands to themselves or suffer my wrath,” he stated, gliding toward her.
She arched a brow and lifted her chin, her body naturally moving into the lines of one readying for a fight. “And if you think any of them would be stupid enough, even drunk, to so much as lay a finger on Lauren then you are also an idiot.”
Loki stopped and stared at her for a moment before nodding. “Hm, it would be rather foolish of them, seeing as how they would lose much more than just a hand touching what is mine.”
“Exactly,” Sif snickered.
He cocked his head to the side and looked her over. “But this is not to your taste, is it?” Sif shook her head. Loki paced around her, arms crossed, a finger tapping against his lips. “Then let us try something else.”
Loki sent his magic spiralling around Sif. When it cleared, he’d swept her hair up to leave her neck and shoulders bare, unwilling to allow her to hide behind it should it remain down. Rubies wrapped in silver swung just below her earlobes while a single, heavy teardrop ruby on a slender silver chain rested just below the hollow of her throat. The new dress of red lace clung to her shoulders, dipped slightly into a sweetheart neckline, fit to her body and hips and flare out again from her knees to her ankles and trailed behind her in a sleek train. Once complete, Loki produced a full-length mirror and waved her toward it.
“Oh!” Sif gasped, bringing her hands to her belly. “It’s��� it’s beautiful.”
Loki smiled at the excitement in her eyes. “You make it so, Lady Sif,” he said, moving on to phase two of his assistance.
She blushed, then looked at him hard. “What are you playing at, Loki?”
He rolled his eyes in exasperation. “That is not how you accept a compliment, Sif. Try again.”
She blinked once, and her face turned red, then she stuttered, “Th-thank you?”
“Hm. Practice is needed.” Loki held out his hand which she took with minimal hesitation.
“I still feel… a little naked,” she muttered, pressing her free hand to her belly. “Everything is soft, and too much of me is bare.”
“Sif, darling, you need only say so.” Loki waved a hand and produced a pair of ornate silver bracers. “They will appear to everyone as beautiful adornments, but they are as usable as your typical armour.” But where Sif’s bracers were solid with minimal design, these mirrored the pattern of lace on her dress. “Even the sticks I’ve used to hold up your hair are ones you could easily use as a weapon.”
She gaped at him for a moment before taking the bracers and fitting them over her arms. “You’ve thought about this a lot.”
“Changing your attire does not mean you must change who you are, Sif. Learning to be softer also does not mean you cannot still be strong.” He squeezed the fingers of the hand he still held.
“Like you?”
He studied her for a moment trying to decide if she were making a joke, but when honest curiosity remained in her eyes, Loki nodded. “Lauren has changed much of me, but I will still happily gut any fool who comes for her.” He waved a dismissive hand. “Now, you will likely receive many a compliment tonight. How will you respond?”
“Depends on who is giving the compliment,” she muttered.
“No, it truly doesn’t. When someone expresses surprise, as many will, simply smile, tilt your head in a nod, and say, “Thank you.”
“What if they ask why I’m dressed like this?”
Loki tugged at her hand and brought her closer to dance a slow circle wanting her to grow used to the feel of the skirt and train before another could ask her to dance. “That depends on what you want to say.”
She started out stiff, but slowly relaxed into the gentle swaying. “I… I don’t know. I do not want to tell the truth, but I don’t lie well.”
“I am aware,” he snickered. “Blame it on us, Lauren and I.”
“What! How?”
“It is our feast, the first of many to come, and Lauren asked if you’d like me to make you something as the notice of our return home was quite short. As most of the court have now seen what I create for Lauren, it will not be a stretch to think I would put you in something so… feminine as well, and if they comment on the change, you can always say that you quite like the softness of the design and are considering adding more such garments to your wardrobe.”
Her brow arched in amusement. “You are most devious.”
“Dear Sif, you have no idea,” he chuckled and bent her back over his arm.
“It’s a good thing I’m not the jealous type, or this would look highly suspicious,” Lauren said as she, with the twins following, walked out of the bedroom.
Loki lifted Sif up, but couldn’t take his eyes off his wife. She looked exquisite in the blue and gold and cream dress with its pattern of circles and diamonds and little bits of fringe. The twins had left her hair down in soft waves, framing her face, giving her a wild and free appearance. The high neckline currently hid her torque, easily remedied in a moment, but it was the back he longed to see and bid her turn with a circle of his hand.
She chuckled but did as he asked, turning to show him the ropes of amber beads which draped across her bare back. “Do I pass muster, elskan min?” she teased, smiling at him over her shoulder.
“More than pass,” he purred, striding away from Sif to go to Lauren, take her hand, and bow deeply over it. “You are so stunning, my love.”
A light blush pinked her cheeks. “Thank you, kind sir,” she smiled and bobbed a little curtsey.
“It’s such a unique dress,” Annekke murmured. “You will be the envy of all the women.”
“And Lady Sif will be second,” Anitra smiled, gazing at Sif’s red lace. “How exquisite. What a pair they will make on your arm, my Lord,” she said to Loki.
“The most beautiful women in attendance,” Loki agreed. “Thank you, ladies. Enjoy the feast. We will see you in the morning.”
“Oh, I…” Lauren bit her lip.
“What darling?” Loki frowned.
“It’s alright, my lady,” Annekke winked. “We will see everything is prepared and waiting.”
Lauren blushed and shot Loki a glance. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
“What are you up to?” Loki asked.
“A surprise and I’ll thank you to keep from spoilin’ it by askin' questions you don't need to!”
She gave him such a look, Loki couldn’t help but laugh. “Alright! Alright. I won’t ask.” The twins giggled as they returned to the bedroom and bath beyond to clean up, while Loki led Lauren to Sif. “Well, my heart? Do you give final approval?”
“I certainly do. Sif you look wonderful!” Lauren said as she took Sif’s hands.
“Thank you. We’ve decided if anyone should ask, it’s your fault I look like this,” Sif snickered.
Lauren giggled. “I’ll gladly take the blame.”
“Darling?” Loki held out her dagger.
Lauren’s eyes widened. “Even now?”
“You should get used to wearing it.” Loki flicked his fingers. A thigh sheath, unseen beneath her skirt, appeared on her thigh, and he stepped closer to show her the opening in her dress where he slipped the dagger and secured it in place. “Easily accessible should you need it.”
“I wear one as well,” Sif said, patting her thigh. “Usually,” she glared a Loki.
He gave his fingers a secondary flick, and she nodded her thanks. “Lauren was curious to know how one could fight in such clothing.”
Sif nodded slowly in understanding. “This dress is too tight to fight in with any success, so the first thing would be to open the seams, giving yourself the ability to move freely. Then it would be about holding an attacker off long enough for help to arrive. Loki?”
“Mm?” he hummed, distracted by the bareness of Lauren’s back beneath his palm.
“Come at me.” Sif waved him forward.
He shrugged and stepped forward, only to nearly take the heel of her hand to his nose.
“Nose, solar plexus, foot, and groin will incapacitate your assailant long enough for you to get away. If that fails, stab them in soft tissue.” The dagger from her thigh appeared in her hand, and Sif flipped it so the hilt pointed down before jamming it in Loki’s thigh, stomach, and the toward his throat. “All will do damage, allowing you to get away.”
“I’m so glad I could participate,” Loki gasped.
Lauren laughed. “You’ll live. Thank you, Sif. Tomorrow I may not say it, but for now, thank you for the lesson.”
“Anytime,” Sif agreed.
“Well, now that you’ve taught my wife to beat me up, let’s go eat,” Loki chuckled, shooing them toward the door.
Lauren scooped Socks into her arm and took Loki's with the other. “Let’s. I’m starvin’.”
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