avfanatics · 2 months
Amaharu Noa 天晴乃愛
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sunghee96 · 9 hours
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Noa Amaharu (天晴乃愛)
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young me was such a big k*yoharu shipper but I kept that shit to myself
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luckii-exe · 4 years
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Maki ships bc im a dumb kinnie gn
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arnaharu · 4 years
The idea that sparked my interest in this ship is 2 years old at this point, but I adore it all the same.
An AU in which Rantaro travels around the world to find his sisters that have disappeared. Acting as a wannabe private eye to acquire any clues, he has found himself a lead, which places him on a big, fancy yacht. The tourists on board are mixed in with a more sinister crowd.
Maki, meanwhile, is an orphaned assassin, tasked with getting rid of a man that has snooped too deep into their trafficking business. Except, Rantaro is there, and he’s doing his fair share of snooping as well. Without pictures, Maki assumes the target is Rantaro, except it’s not, and the way they find out is by being pushed off the yacht in a lifeboat by the real target.
The two of them didn’t notice him in the middle of their fighting and yelling.
In the end, they’re left with no choice but to cooperate, and hey, turns out Rantaro doesn’t want anything but find his sisters and all Maki wants is to kill whoever is keeping her chained to the business. So maybe, they’re not on opposing sides!
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aroseandapen · 4 years
do you mind making amaharu / harumami with the prompt “ a rainy morning cuddling in bed ” ?
Writing Prompts
Maki sleepily blinked open her eyes, disoriented by the dark of the room. Certain that she hadn’t woken up in the middle of the night, for a heart-stopping moment she thought that she might have slept straight through to the next night.
She rose quickly, sucking in a sharp breath. Rain pattered against the window, wind making tree branches scratch along the roof. Her eyes found the blinking digital clock on the bedside table. Only eight in the morning, the little ‘AM' symbol next to the block-numbers assured her.
A sigh of relief fluttered past her lips, tension fading from her muscles like the tide retreating from the shore. On the surface, she didn’t understand why she’d worried so much about sleeping in so late when Rantaro, still breathing soft and deep beside her, would’ve woken her anyway. Deep down, however, she knew. Maki knew exactly where her fear came from.
Feeling suddenly restless from half-emerged memories building up within her, Maki swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She meant to get up, but her attention caught on the rain on the window. Water droplets struck the glass, combining and building until they grew too heavy and slid down the panes. As she watched, her breathing slowed to an even pace, and her heart finally found a calmer tempo.
Sitting in silence, save for the sound of rain and wind and Rantaro’s peaceful breath, Maki marveled that she could ever feel as safe as she did in that moment.
Rantaro snuffled in his sleep, flipping over. His arm flung out, unconsciously attempting to wrap around Maki’s waist. In her current position, he missed, and she huffed a soft laugh as his fingers uselessly brushed her thigh, before they fell to the mattress beside her. It reminded her of herself, when she was young and still in the orphanage. Whenever one of the younger kids had a nightmare, she sometimes let them sleep in the same bed for comfort. Holding them through the night had been a habit of her.
Maki frowned, and banished the thought before it could form. Regardless of that, she wondered if Rantaro had the same habit from taking care of his sisters throughout his life. If so, that was something kind and gentle that the two of them had in common.
Strangely enough, that thought warmed her chest. Nothing about her, she used to believe, was ever ‘kind’ or ‘gentle’ or ‘soft’. She picked up Rantaro’s hand, threading her fingers through his limp ones, their palms warm pressed against each other. No, she never thought even ‘warm’ was a descriptor she’d be allowed to use for herself.
She no longer had any reason to get out of bed. Moving slow so as to avoid waking Rantaro, Maki inched her way back into her spot beside him. She draped his arm over her hip--his embrace tightened as she scooted in closer.
A soft smile touched her lips as she rested her forehead against his chest. She could feel it rise and fall with his breath and, closing her eyes, she tried to match it. The day could wait. With the rain outside pitter-pattering away, Rantaro’s arms around her, she let it all lull her back into an easy, gentle sleep.
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golden-redhead · 5 years
Dedication: @strikerkudo Thank you again! And ahh, I hope you’ll like it!
It’s a nice day, decided Rantaro as he looked up at the sky, the warm rays of sunshine caressing his face.
He had a two-hour break between the classes and no idea what to do with all this free time. The weather was too nice to hide in the cold corridors of Hope’s Peak Academy and there was no one in the dorms at this time of the day. It didn’t leave him with that many options. Before he could think about it more though, he spotted a familiar figure sitting at the stairs leading to the main entrance of the Academy.  
His legs started to take him in that direction before he could think this through. He crossed the distance in less than a minute, standing before his classmate with a bright smile plastered on his smile.
They never talked much. He always had the impression that small talk wasn’t welcome and that she wouldn’t have appreciated it if he - or anyone, really - approached her without a good reason.
But Rantaro was… curious.
Curious enough to get closer and ask.
“Wanna grab some coffee?”
The question was innocent enough but it was clear that it took her by surprise, he could tell from the way her head shot up and eyes widened slightly. The grip on the bag she was holding tightened.
As soon as she got over her initial surprise, Maki’s red eyes squinted, staring him in that cold and laced with suspicion way that she almost always did. She looked at him as if she was expecting that he’s going to come up with some kind of surprise attack and tackle her to the ground if she lets her guard down.
“But that’s up to you,” Rantaro added quickly, noticing the wary look on her face.
He smiled - a small and friendly smile - and showed his hands in a non-threatening gesture, letting her know that he meant no harm. There was no ulterior motive. He simply wanted to hang out with a fellow classmate.
Maki barely interacted with anyone other than Kaito, Shuichi or Kaede, mostly keeping to herself and sending death glares to anyone who dared to get too close (Rantaro suspected that Kokichi must have had a death wish, considering how often he hangs out around Maki, almost like he was purposefully trying to provoke her). Even after almost two years of sharing the same class, Rantaro barely knew anything about her other than her talent and some small, unimportant details that didn’t really tell him much about who she was as a person.
“Fine,” she spat finally in a way that sounded anything but fine.
Rantaro chuckled softly, ignoring her glare and less than thrilled response. “Great! Come on, I know a really nice coffee shop only five minutes from here.”
Maki hesitated but after a second started to follow him, her lips pressed into a thin line. She looked like a lost dog that’s been offered a piece of meat, both curious and cautious.
Rantaro liked to think that he had a pretty good understanding of others. Sure, Maki wasn’t easy to befriend but if someone like Kaito managed to do it then there must have been hope... Right?
He looked forward to getting to know her better.
And if not today then, well, that coffee shop served really good coffee.
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rev-eeriee · 6 years
I... Didnt know people shipped Amami and Maki?
*puts on my intellectual glasses* 
Amaharu, my dear, is a precious rarepair. And it is by far one of most underrated and underappreciated ships I am aware of. They have a really good chemistry, in my opinion. 
Amami, being the way he is, isn’t likely to be afraid of Harukawa’s talent. In fact, he might even be interested to find out more about the underground and its workings, considering he was looking for his sisters. He’s an adventurer, of course he knows danger. And who’s to say that Harukawa would be the first professional killer he have met? I have an hc that Amami was a bit of a fighter himself, too. His attitude can easily make him easily approachable to someone like Harukawa. Plus, the fact that he and Harukawa had to take care of countless kids growing up could definitely give them something to bond over. 
Harukawa, on the other hand, simply needed someone who’d thaw her out. Someone who’d treat her right and make her feel human. While pushing her to open up (like Momota did) did wonders for her, I think being patient and waiting it out could work as well. And that’s exactly what someone like Amami would do: wait. Amami doesn’t hit me as the kind of guy who’d push on someone’s boundaries, he’s a pretty gentle person (albeit intense sometimes).  
 Amami needed someone to take care of, because that’s what makes him feel useful. It’s what gives him a sense of purpose. Harukawa needed someone who’d care, someone who’d remind her that her talent doesn’t define her, that she isn’t really all that bad. Together, they make a pretty good couple, the kind of couple that didn’t look like they’re together when in public, but would share some silent heartwarming moments behind closed doors. 
If you are still curious about the dynamics of this ship, consider the ficlet I wrote for it here. This is a pre-relationship ficlet, and idea of how they would end up together. :3
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incorrectlyndrv3 · 6 years
Shuichi: When you said you found a new favorite show, I wasn't expecting this.
Rantaro, watching Maki work out: Nothing is better than this.
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avfanatics · 1 year
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Amaharu Noa 天晴乃愛
Birthday: June /16
Debut: 2021
Height: 155 cm / B92(Gcup) - W60 - H86 cm
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supernekocchi · 12 years
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aroseandapen · 6 years
Oumota is valid because character growth and friendly (sometimes not-so-friendly) rivalry is so satisfying to watch. Amaharu is a rarepair but there's so much bond and understanding that can come from two people who had to care for younger kids, all while understanding the dangers of the world. Oumiu is great because as crass their banter was- it was rarely ever truly hurtful and they had a good offscreen partnership going when they built all those inventions for Chapter five!
All v valid and great ships, big agree.
I haven’t thought much about amaharu, but bonding over taking care of younger kids has that potential that I’m so weak to in characters/ships.
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rev-eeriee · 6 years
43 for amaharu please? Only if ya want of course, but u know that i gotta. Also i might cry if i keep reading ur prompt fics fkjfjfjfj
43. “Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.” 
[A/N: Anything for you, kenny! :D] 
39.8 degrees Celsius. Amami was burning. 
Though perhaps that was to be expected, after walking through the heavy rain last night with no rainjacket nor umbrella. It was uncharacteristic of him to be so careless when it came to his adventuring, but wasn’t as if he forgot his gear. No—he lost it, along with most of his food and water. That’s kinda what happens when you dangle off a mountain cliff several miles above sea level. It was a testament of his talent that he was still able to come back home unscathed after such a dramatic turn of events. Well, not completely unscathed… Harukawa traced the scratches on his hands and arms with her eyes, feeling a pang of worry fluttering in her chest. 
She sighed as she placed a basin of water on the bedside table. Amami laid down on the bed, breathing heavily, an arm up to cover his eyes. Harukawa sat on the edge of the bed, tapping his cheek softly. “Amami,” she murmured. He groaned. She reached for his hand and held it, knowing from her days of taking care of sick kids in the orphanage that sometimes, even talking was painful. “You don’t need to speak if you feel terrible. Just squeeze my hand if you can hear me.” 
A few moments passed as Amami slowly evened his breathing. For a moment, Harukawa thought he had fallen asleep, but then she realized that he was squeezing her hand slowly, albeit weakly. 
She hummed as she changed the towel on his forehead, not missing the way he flinched at the cold. 
“Tsumiki would be here any minute,” she informed him. It was unlikely that they could bring him to the hospital right now, in his state. Better bring the hospital to him instead. “Toujou heard you were sick and came earlier to give us some medicinal soup.” 
Amami nodded, his hand reaching out once again, as if seeking Harukawa’s. She felt a faint smile grace her lips as she obliged. 
“Are you hungry?”
No response. Harukawa hesitated. 
“I should bring you some food so you can drink your medicine…” she started to pull away, but Amami only held onto her hand, tightly. 
“Maki.” His voice was breathy. “Stay.” 
Harukawa blinked, before a blush crept up her cheeks. They have been dating for a while, sure, but they never called each other by names. It wasn’t like they didn’t want to… the topic was just never brought up, and Amami really wasn’t the type to try and push against her boundaries. But now that he had said it, she had to admit—she didn’t hate it. Being called so familiarly…
“Rantarou,” she tried. “Get well soon.” 
The smile that crept up his face as he drifted to sleep was peaceful. Harukawa could stare at it forever. 
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incorrectlyndrv3 · 6 years
Rantaro, slurring: You're beautiful.
Maki: You're drunk.
Rantaro: Yes. I am drunk and you are beautiful, and-- and tomorrow morning I will be sober, and you Maki... will still be beautiful.
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ambersheart · 13 years
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poor Amaharu... poor Sasuke))))))))))
6th episode makes me laugh a lot)))
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incorrectlyndrv3 · 6 years
Maki Harukawa, age 18: Rantaro's a wannabe fashionista.
Maki Harukawa, age 24: Rantaro's MY wannabe fashionista.
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