#amalthea answers
godwoken · 1 month
11. Are there any specific or unique items they carry with them? 12. What are their monikers, and do they have a special meaning or story behind them?
>Are there any specific or unique items they carry with them? Colette: She carries a journal where she details all of her adventure with Polaris, she wants to remember forever, and she hopes by writing it down the feeling will always find its way to her. She also wears a very pretty day collar her master bought for her.
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The crystals are made from Polaris' blood. Polaris: An antique monocular telescope and her most expensive possession I'd say. She may not talk a lot about it, but the stars really captivate her. >What are their monikers, and do they have a special meaning or story behind them? Colette's garnet and Polaris' is dragon! When I chose them I was pretty unfamiliar with the dd universe, but it ended up fitting them rather well! Colette is regarded as being extremely beautiful and her beauty is compared to the elegance of a garnet. When it comes to Polaris her connection to the draconic tale of the cycle vibes with that. Also now that I'm adding little dragon bits to her it works very well! :>
Thank you for sending an ask!! <3
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This was an easy list to do
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lsdoiphin · 3 months
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Queen Amalthea died of illness in her early 30s.
The public did not know she was unwell.
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powerfought · 1 month
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@0fdevotion asked: Sneaks. Thea pickpockets Zevlor. >:)
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a sigh. a long, tired sigh. she is sneaky, well-practiced, but he's become rather accustomed to the feeling of small hands searching rather empty pockets. "amalthea, if you need something, you can simply ask. when have i ever been known to have the ability to say no to you?"
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galefcrce · 14 days
👁️👁️ pickpockets
@stargroved ¦ yoink
[perception check: 13]
Gale had failed to notice the withdrawal of the artifact from his satchel, yet he managed to perceive the sudden lightness of the bag. He spun around, assuming it had simply fallen out, only to see the auburn locks of the little thief a few steps away.
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"Right, you've been caught. Please return the amulet, and I will be more than happy to let this little transgression slide." In truth, if it were naught but a trinket, he wouldn't have made such a fuss. However, for Gale, this item was a matter of life and death. He couldn't let it slip away so easily.
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💯 🐷 💘🍔 😊  for Andy,  💭 🍃 ❤️ 🤔 for Caspian, 🎮💤🎄🐉 🍦 for Willow and 🎻.🎶🍎💛🍸 for Raven please? <3
Ohhhh *rubs hands* thank you so much weasel <3 Surprised to find Raven instead of Adrian *wiggles eyebrows*
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💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. Hahaha what don't you guys know by now? I'm a slut for talking about my boi! Aaaalright now... let's see what I can shake out of the Andy bag... 1. He prefers white wine over red, though he likes both, I mean, they are alcohol, right? 2. He used to write a diary, but he got tired of his own whining. 3. He secretly enjoys old Danish movies from the 40's-70's, but is for some reason embarrassed to commit to it in front of others???? 🐷 (previously answered) 💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them? His partners and kids are the absolute most important to him, equally. After all those people, there's a lot... comes his parents, uncle and then his friends/other family members. If I have to handpick just 5 people that would be the absolute most important, from my perspective, as in 5 he "couldn't live without", it would be: 1. Evan. 2. Congo. 3. Adrian. 4. Willow. 5. Raven. 6. Sam. But that's my opinion.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer? Andy is very good at cooking and pretty good at baking as well. He 100% prefers cooking though, but his baking skills improved massively after he got Oscar, since he only live of sugary sweet things, Andy had to get skilled when it comes to making food for the little one. 😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc’s career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life? Andy is still a musician, he's just not as active as he used to back in the band days where they toured the world for years. He has been wanting to get back on stage, alas he hasn't had the balls to actually do it yet. What he most want in life is love and simply having the best time he can possibly have. Just being happy being alive, having fun, exploring, seeing, feeling, tasting.
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💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc’s MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
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Well... yeah XD *snorts into my wine* and yes I took the test for him, enjoy! XD
🍃 LEAVES FLUTTERING IN WIND — what is/was your oc’s favorite subject in school? He absolutely hated school, not a single subject he liked, and he barely passed the exams.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc’s positive traits? Hm.. he's a pretty quick thinker, he's creative and he's not a quitter.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc’s quirks/mannerisms? He bites the skin of his thumb when he gets stressed/anxious. Just the very corners around the nail. And he always cracks eggs into a glass before throwing them on a pan, cause he absolutely can't stand eggshells in his food. It drives him up the wall!
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🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc’s favorite hobbies? 1. Messing with her dad (Andy) 2. Shopping. 3. Drinking alcohol/getting drunk. 4. Talking shit. 💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? She's definitely a heavy sleeper, and she always sleep naked unless it's with family or friends, then she'll wear panties and a tshirt. She sleeps in a big king sized bed with huge pillows and comforter blankets, with some sort of bright black/neon colored sheets, 'to make her dreams pop'. 🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc’s favorite holiday? Surprisingly perhaps it's Christmas and not Halloween. However, the spooky bitch has Halloween as a close 2nd. She just finds Christmas absolutely enchanting and magical. 🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc’s favorite mythical creature? Hands down unicorns. They remind her of her dad. But she also really likes mermaids/sirens (the real creepy kind, not the Disney version) Oh, and El Chubacabra. 🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc’s favorite ice cream flavor(s)? Willow is very into the brand Ben & Jerry's. Her top 3 favorite of those are: 1. Cherry Garcia. 2. Phish Food. 3. Red White & Blueberry.
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🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? Technically he can play both Violin and Piano excellently. As a matter of fact he could do it professionally and with expertise, but he likes to overlook that he plays instruments, cause it's connected to something dark from his past. He also plays guitar really well. And he's perhaps more casual about that and doesn't hide it as well.
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often? Raven has a very wide music taste, and can listen to pretty much anything. He perhaps surprisingly enough, is most into 60-70's Rock. He listens to music fairly often, mostly when he's home alone, where he tends to listen to classical music. 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace? Raven was born in Ireland, about 1898 years ago, give or take. Possibly closer to 2000+ years ago, but if you ask him, you're going to get just as vague an answer as I am giving you now. Thing is, the McKinney clan is so old, they have stopped counting birthdays. However, his Grandfather has been alive since the dawn of time. Long before humans ever walked the Earth. Raven currently live away from the castle where he was born/grew up. But he still has a room there, and quite often visit. He's very attached to the place and it's still very much home to him.
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any? He fluently speaks Irish, Scottish, English, Welch, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and German. And he speaks Norwegian, Icelandic, Russian and Dutch pretty well. 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc’s favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? Most people would probably guess red wine, or Whiskey and he does like both very much. However cold beer, straight from the bottle is his favorite.
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boras-unhingedwriting · 10 months
Amalthea Starter Call
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Like this for a starter with the mysterious yet alluring Amalthea. Will you uncover her secrets?
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daechwitatamic · 10 months
i want amalthea jin as my partner!!
puh-lease he is so....ugh
thanks author!! ily
i wouldn't hate that either, but only AFTER he gets over his 'too scared to speak words' phase heheheheh
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galarrapidash · 1 year
top 5 fictional equines?
Oh this is a tough one!
1. Spirit
He's got such an adorable design and I love his expressive eyebrows 🥰
I absolutely adored this film when I was little and it's still one of my favourites now (I definitely don't still get too emotional whilst watching it)! I remember there were extras on the DVD that showed you how to draw Spirit, and that's where my horse-drawing obsession sprung from!
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2. Ixion
Magical lightning unicorn summon!! What more could a girl ask for? He always ends up being my most powerful party member and I will happily farm waves of enemies, in order to give him the best abilities and decent stats!
I also really love his design for X-2 - robot unicorn attack!
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3. Red Hare
The famed steed of the mighty Lu Bu! I always enjoy stealing him away from Lu Bu (or Guan Yu) in the old Dynasty Warriors games 😊
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4. Faran - Sparhawk's horse from the Elenium and the The Tamuli series
I love that David Eddings made Faran a character with plenty of personality! He is prideful, grouchy and Sparhawk is often repeating warnings to new-comers and companions alike. Both will be met with flat ears and unfriendly stares.
In my current D&D group, my character has Faran as her mount 💜
5. Amalthea
Somehow, I only managed to first watch The Last Unicorn a few years back and Amalthea is such a wonderful character with a stunning design✨ the novel is really magical too, I can definitely recommend it!
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totouchthcstars · 1 year
“C’mon, we’d look cute together.” (Tabris for Anyone)
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.。.:*☆ "And.. that is something you wanted to achieve?" Even with her fake memories, all those.... things mortals were doing, were often still very foreign to Amalthea. Like, yes, she knew about friendship. Family and love. The other unicorns had been her family. Molly and Schmendrick had been her friends. But Amalthea had no idea what looking cute together had to do with that, really....
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So, she looked at Tabris again, trying to search for the right words. For the meaning behind this statement. "Or is that, wel... just your way of telling me what I should go and actually buy this dress?"
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soulcluster-moved · 1 year
@svnsworn / lir "Lady Amalthea?" Lir's voice is only loud enough to be heard through the door, and his gentle knock doesn't show the slight tremble of his hands. Oh, if only she were to gaze upon him, acknowledge him, so he could see if there is any inkling in her eyes that she may feel the same as he does. Perhaps it is folly that keeps his hopes raised so, yet he cannot help it. He has not felt this stirring within his chest before, the pounding of the heart that bards sing about, the narrowing of focus, eyes only for the one who has so enraptured his mind and heart. Truly, this must be love, and he so wishes to know if his affections are returned. "I have brought you some tea, if you are thirsty." A flimsy excuse, maybe, but it brought him to her, gave him reason to knock and to hope, to hope, to hope.
Her pale figure remained still save for the silver strands carried by the wind. They dance and weave across her satin dress, tangled and longing to escape with the breeze that leaves through her balcony. Called by something that she cannot put a name to.
Behind her came a muffled voice, but the name is as unfamiliar to her as this longing. She squeezed her eyes closed, but now she can see a forest and animals. They're gathered and waiting, but for whom? Pale moonlight stretches across still waters and a butterfly's wings dance through its light.
The emotions that well feel as if they will drown her and her amethyst eyes opened wide. Seeking a distraction from whatever it is that tried to grip her, she stood. It took only a few steps to bring her to the door, though the length of her dress gave her the appearance of gliding. With some effort, she pulled the door open, the hinges protesting, but it was only to find that her path was blocked by a blonde human.
Caught off guard, she backed up a step then averted her gaze. "E-excuse me." She tried to brush past him, certain that she had somewhere to be, something to find, something important. But what?
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godwoken · 1 month
(from bardistraee) miscellany & au #7 for the ask game!
>What’s that one random fact about them you want to yell about?
Polaris forehead symbol is a nod to the cycle!
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wornlilac · 2 years
—  which  fairytale  archetype  are  you?
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  —  the  monstrous  bride.
   “  Just  as  the  ultimate  goal  of  Arthurian  quest  finally  defines  itself  as  the  Holy  Grail,  the  object  that  can  never  be  assimilated  into  the  real  world,  so  the  ultimate  woman  of  romance  is  a  fairy  mistress,  or  fairy  queen.  ”  —  Helen  Cooper.   The  monstrous  bride  is  not  necessarily  monstrous,  but  she  is,  by   definition,  inhuman,  which  is  part  of  her  je  ne  sais  quoi.  Her  happiness  often  depends  on  whether  her  groom  knows  her  inhuman.  If  he  does  not,  he  is  bound  to  find  out  before  the  story  concludes,  at  which  point  he  will  either  be  repulsed  by  his  wife's  deceit  and  leave  her,  or  attempt  to  make  the  relationship  work,  but  fail,  because  he  is  operating  under  a  misinterpretation  of  her  nature.  If  he  is  aware  of  her  inhuman  identity,  it  will  often  be  one  of  the  factors  leading  to  his  attraction  to  her,  and  he  will  be  rewarded  with  her  love  –  but  often  at  the  cost  of  abandoning  his  previous  life  completely.
tagged by:  @knightshonour​ tagging:  uhh steal from me if you want and say i tagged u or w/e sjhdfb
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ahalal-uralma · 2 years
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If I die, it’s because I couldn’t see it coming.
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powerfought · 1 month
"Can't say no to me, huh? Pick me up like a princess and kiss me then." - Thea, who doesn't think zevlor would uwu
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well, that hadn't been the type of request that he'd anticipated, but ... would it do her any harm if he took her up on it? if she had any genuine interest in this, surely she would like it if he did. and if she were just doing it to play cruel tricks on him? perhaps his fearlessness would persuade her to think twice the next time she planned on weaponizing his kindness.
thus, toned arms scooped the small thief just as requested, cradling her in a bridal-style hold. fiery eyes peered down at her face, drinking in her expression. for the moment he was grateful even the hottest of blushes could not penetrate the crimson hue of his flesh. but before his lips could find her, tiefling's brow raised; he would give her an out if she so desired it. "are you sure about this?"
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stardrcpped · 1 month
     when do you realize you love someone ?
amalthea && jasper.
     when silence is comfort . . . when you get closer slowly over time, unspoken with no words required to express it. when you call them, just to be talking in intervals and realize that it's not even really an ongoing conversation, just hearing their ambient sounds on the other line is enough. when you invite them over, just to sit down and watch a movie together. you know the heavy impact words can have, and how abrasive they can be. But you also understand that silence can be deafening, and that the phrase "things are better left unspoken" has negative connotations but sometimes, they are better left unsaid, even if it's an "i love you." because you know they know it and are saying it back, too. ... steal this ! !
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