#amanda helders
ziggyplayedguitar96 · 3 months
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It was Amanda’s birthday the other day and I think this confirms that changed her last name
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alex-turners-world · 9 months
So what do we have?
Louise: A woman who stalked a man to get with him, who "stole" him from another woman, that she mocks to this day. A cheater herself. A racist and lover of rape jokes and perverts (hello gainsbourg). A famewhore. A copycat who cosplays Alex's exes to the small details. A crazy person in general ( the knife video and her pretending that she's with Alex, while he's in another country!)
Amanda: racist as fuck, stalker to the extent that there's a restraining order. Shaded Breana many times. The owner of the infamous phrase "did you have tumor for breakfast?"
And as a cherry on top there's Matthew: the man who cheated on his wife and dumped her right after she buried her parents. He abandoned his daughter to the point when she wondered if he died. Breana was a single mother for three years!!!
What can I say? A dumb triangle reunited again. They keep exposing their lack of brain by posting all this shit.
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skylarbee · 9 months
I just saw your recent post on AM stans hating on Milex stans… I need a catching up please. What about LV and Amanda (?) and Matt too? I rarely ever dive deep into bands and their members, I just like to appreciate their music.
Thank you ♡
! long post incoming and i want to point out that i don't plan on using this blog to discuss any of these people (only maybe very rarely) - i don't like them, i don't think they're good people, i don't want to argue with people who think otherwise, and i usually ignore whatever they're up to - my main focus will always be on milex/miles !
hi anon! <3 i have no idea how much you know already, or if you basically don't know anything related to these three, or any of them. i will say that i have no screenshots concerning the things that i mention, but searching their names up on tumblr and/or scrolling through blogs like @/shit-talk-turner and @/alexstorm will make things more clear.
this whole thing started when louise posted a screenshot yesterday of an am fan saying some dumb shit about her in the comments and bringing up alexa (i still can't believe she posted this). she posted this with some equally stupid words (i don't have the screenshot - you can find it on twitter/tumblr/ig/tiktok/wherever), and matt then reposted her story, jumping to protect her (maybe amanda did too, i don't know). then she managed to screenshot some nice comments and posted those too, saying that 'love always wins' or something similar, and that haters can kiss her ass (this definitely didn't come across as her craving and asking for some compliments; she definitely doesn't need people babying her in order for her to feel good about herself) - which reminded me of something similar that amanda said like a year ago, that they don't pay attention to the haters anyways, of course after posting a long paragraph paying attention to them (makes me laugh just to think about it).
there are so many other hysterical and foolish things she does, like posting pictures of a messy bed (look, i'm fucking alex turner!), selfies with suspicious rings, other pics hinting at alex's presence, calling paparazzis to take pictures of them on the beach, pretending to be jane birkin and alex to be serge gainsbourg, going off about how independent she is while living off of alex's money, somehow managing to make matt's and amanda's marriage about her (with amanda encouraging her), 'accidentally' always doing these when miles has important things going on, etc etc (the fact that her and miles never interacted in real life is also deeply concerning. alex, dear, you should always trust your best friend when they don't like your partner, they always end up being right - especially knowing that miles was always on really good terms with alex's exs). it's clear that she's deeply insecure and adores when the attention is on her and when people are talking about her, and if she goes for a long period without this, she just has to pull something that will get fans talking. she's trying so hard to fit in and be the sexy rockstar girlfriend that she just ends up looking stupid.
if you don't know the real reasons why some people don't like louise, i'm just gonna post some links about her that pretty much sum it all up:
about amanda... now, if i remember correctly, amanda had a blog dedicated to her music, and people dug up some screenshots in which she replies to someone and uses the n-word, and then another post where she's being racist. these screenshots are somewhere in the depths of my phone and it would be impossible to find them, and regardless, these screenshots are so old that she could've well changed for the better since then.
the problem with her is the fact that she's having arguments in the comments with young fans (asking stuff like did they have brain tumours for breakfast and other ridiculous things...or was that louise?) and posts even more ridiculous stories in response to people bullying louise, and protecting her like she's a toddler who can't take care of herself. the pure arrogance and self-importance with which she communicates her ideas is just mental, she thinks that she's on the top of the world, and encourages louise to act the same way. it's baffling that two 40-ish women think that bullying 14 year olds will achieve anything other than encouraging other 'fans' to act the same way.
the thing about matt is just basically the fact that ever since he's been with amanda, he acts the same way as her. now, i know there's been some issue about some idiots commenting about his daughter, which made him deactivate his ig account, and i have absolutely no words for the people who dared to say anything about that poor, innocent, completely blameless child. but even before this, he turned to the same kind of arrogance as amanda and reposted all her stories concering louise. the way that they need to say over and over again what a good person louise is, how much alex loves her, how great their relationship is, how beautiful and kind and caring she is... makes you really question if she really is indeed all those things (especially if you opened those links i posted). more importantly, what exactly do they plan to achieve arguing with teenage girls? it's so childish, my god, they are only adding fuel to the fire. god knows what they're telling alex and also god knows what he thinks about it all.
there's something that i'm not 100% sure about, but i'm gonna say it in the hopes that someone will see this and will tell me if this is wrong or not: matt cheated on breana when both her parents died (this one is definitely true), and left her with 1 year old amelia, and fucked off to live with another woman (amanda denies being the woman in question, i have no idea). she was solo parenting for a while (breana said all these in a podcast), then matt woke up and decided that he wants something to do with his daughter after all, and ever since then he takes care of her too - good job love, you're still horrible though.
in short, l&a's insanely childish antics dragged matt into the whole thing too. they're constantly throwing hissy fits, in hopes to achieve god knows what, and then they feel proud of themselves for telling teenage girls off. which makes you think, what would happen if am would be 10 times more popular than they are know, and louise would get 10 times the hate she gets now? or even better, what would happen if louise would get the same amount of hate miles gets on the daily? she said in her screenshot that she knows that it's only a minority of the fandom that leave such mean comments - then what's the point of paying attention to it? all this just shows another reason why these two definitely don't like each other - miles has brains, the other one... well, i'm sorry. i tried my best to like them and look past their mistakes,but i just can't do it.
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malina-33 · 1 year
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I might being delusional, but looking at this story that Katie posted today, I could not help thinking. It looks like the guys with their families are relaxing somewhere all together after UK leg of the tour. And I wondered what they could talk about in such a narrow circle.
Whether they discuss past concerts, good and bad moments, whether they laugh at each other or at inside jokes. Or maybe they don’t discuss performances at all, making it a taboo topic, but instead, they discuss the latest news about the sunken submarine, or they plan to go to the Oppenheimer in the cinema, or maybe even discuss politics, or the results of the Champions League. Maybe they're talking about kids, telling sweet moments about them growing up, or discussing poetry, or in which restaurant they last ate delicious carpaccio.
It could be anything, absolutely everything. I'm just really curious about what's on their minds. After all, we are used to seeing on the stage a certain image of them, which is not just a facade, it is part of them, but at the same time does not fully reveal their true personality. In interviews, they only talk about music, but they certainly have other interests in life.
I don't want to live someone else's life, don't get me wrong, but I would really like to have a glimpse of their everyday life. Probably to understand that they are absolutely the same simple people as all of us...
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alexstorm · 11 months
idk if you know this already but amanda has just posted a story and it says that matt is “the best husband” in it… so i’m assuming that they have gotten married?😬 #big mistake matt
Well, she finally confirmed it openly after hinting on it.
Really hope Matt has his bag of money secured. She'll destroy him in a divorce and won't be as gracious as Breana.
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mrschwartz · 1 year
Pretty Visitors in Falls Festival (@littleamandablank's IG story)
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louise-verneuil · 1 year
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from amanda’s ig
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gagginforit · 2 years
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alex i can’t believe you’d cheat on me 😭💔
posted by littlemissamandablank on ig stories
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nicoscheer · 4 months
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shit-talk-turner · 1 year
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There it is
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ziggyplayedguitar96 · 3 months
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This was on Matt’s story the other day
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alexturne · 2 years
The band after the gig at Pula Arena in Croatia, 16.08.22 (source)
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skylarbee · 8 months
Over the years I have seen many fandoms and fans of all kinds, but yes, in fact lately the AM fandom is really becoming something unmanageable for anyone even for those who perhaps follow the band for the music without wanting to know anything about the gossip. I think this is also partly the fault of Tiktok which has led many young people to want to follow the band and therefore to become attached to certain characters without knowing what they have done in the past, they want to throw shit at people they didn't know until two years ago like Miles for example and blaming him for everything is saying disgusting things towards him that really, just reading it brings tears to my eyes. I don't know what will happen as soon as the tour ends, I hope things calm down even if it's hard for me given Amanda and Matt's attitude in the last few days
yes to all of this! the only times that i've searched for gossip were when i already heard a lot of rumours against my will and i wanted to see if they were true (other people should do this too instead of immediately believing/disbelieving something they've read on the internet...). other than that, the moment i open any social media, it's all there without me having to press a single button, and i'm sure that lots of other people have it the same way.
i do think too that tiktok might have something to do with it. i wasn't this deep in the fandom until only like three years ago, so i don't know what the situation was with younger fans before that. i also said a lot of stupid shit on the internet when i was really young, so i can't expect much from the young fans, especially the ones who have no idea about how problematic LV is and love her to bits. the extremely sad thing is that i've seen SO many people who do know a thing or two, and they still think that she's done nothing wrong (like ppl saying that she's a 'queen' for being the one alex cheated with, that she should be proud of it and brag about it, or the ones that congratulate her and say that they would've done even worse things just to get in alex's pants - just some vomit-inducing stuff)
the thing with miles makes me the saddest, i feel you anon. there are loads of people out there who spread false information and call him things that he's not - but what's even worse than this is there are people who have no idea about these things, and still hate on him and make fun of him for absolutely no reason. like he said, we have to accept the fact that this is the way it always will be; i can't even get mad anymore when interviewers constantly bring up alex/tlsp when talking to him. i don't think it will ever change. let's all learn from LV and do the opposite of what she does - when we see people talking shit, we should just click that block/mute button and go about our day without paying attention to it and posting on our stories about it (if i were to sit down and argue with every person on twitter who says something bad about him, i'd do that 24/7). miles' fans are the sweetest people out there (like artist like fan) and we should focus on not ruining the pure and good vibes that miles transmits to us via his IG (reason why i don't tag these posts with his name). if he can take some minutes out of his life (almost) every day to post cute things for us, we should also send him back positive things - out of tens of fake people in am's circle, he continues to be the only genuine, honest, and pure-hearted person - let's not take it for granted.
i imagine that after the tour ends all we'll have will be L&A's stories, specifically LV's stories where she'll position her phone so that we'll be able to see alex's elbow and lose our minds over it; and similar shenanigans. i am not looking forward to it. this community will be rotten for as long as those two will be present in the boys' lives (i wish it wouldn't be true, but everything has been going downhill since 2018/2019)
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arctic-monkcys · 2 years
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the necklace is adorable (Matt's story on IG)
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alexstorm · 1 year
Apparently they did receive bad comments. I feel bad for any kid who’s constantly posted on social media by their parents // What bad comments were about Amelia? I just genuinely don't understand how can someone bully a child
The fact Matt named Amanda first in that Story tells you it's mainly about her. It's a subconscious decision. Why does he name his girlfriend of only three years first when he should be more concerned about his own daughter? Again, I doubt Amelia gets bullied otherwise Breana would've stepped in. Breana doesn't have problems when she posts Amelia. She just got caught in the crossfire of people going after Amanda.
Doesn't Matt realise that his life went downhill since 2018? A divorce/cheating and now he's got a crazy girlfriend to deal with. Does he think that's normal?
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