#amanda-jyushi-jiro-love-life talks
hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
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Today I thought I’d show the ongoing wip I have this week as well. And again, it’s for something along the road in the ongoing fic series I’m writing. I’ll eventually catch up to what I’m drawing. . . I hope XD do look forward to it!
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evil-m0nk · 4 years
If you would like to see more of these ship
breakdown & analysis posts, consider liking/
reblogging/following/etc. ♡
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!!!Please note!!! All of the things stated in this blog are my own personal opinions and not meant to put anyone down by saying "This ship is better than so-and-so". My purpose is uncovering the potential between characters who would have had great chemistry or do have great chemistry. It's fun to see what could have been and all that. If you don't like this ship, feel free to ignore this post! Thank you and enjoy :)
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Yamada and Jyushi Aimono.
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As a fan of Ichiko [Ichiro x Kuko], I got to thinking about the BB!!!s interactions with B.A.T., outside of the Ichiko. I don't quite remember how this idea came to me--possibly that Jiro and Jyushi are both the middle members of their group, and usually characters who share a member status have more interactions--but once I realized the hidden potential of their dynamic, I was hooked.
It seemed like a stretch at first but when looking into their personalities and trivia, many ideas came to mind--being further supported by pre-existing headcanons, which I guess could count as cheating but oh well.
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Jiro Yamada.
*Some of the things mentioned below are headcanons.
Jiro is a juvenile delinquent with a heart of gold. He idolizes his brother, a natural born leader who cares deeply about his division, the people in it, and his job. It seems only sensible that Jiro would attempt to mirror Ichiro's behavior in one way or another. He bickers with Saburo like any sibling would, but when the time comes, he's ready to fight by his side.
Jiro is a bit of a headstrong idiot, but he's never going to leave anyone behind--especially if they don't deserve to be left behind. He's generally well-liked and in return, he treats people with the same respect.
Unfortunately, as nice as he is, he's too awkward for his own good and that doesn't sit great with his dating life. Most of the time he's too busy focused on school or his job to care too much about what the ladies (gents & non-conforming partners included ♡) think. Proms/dances come and go, by the end of the night he's left sitting on the bleachers by himself. He pretends he's tired from dancing--which is partly true, he jams hard--and that he doesn't care; But in reality he wishes there was someone like him.
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Jyushi Aimono
*Some of the things mentioned below are headcanons.
Jyushi, unlike Jiro, is an outcast. It's stated in his wiki that he didn't have many friends, he uses narcissistic behavior as a defense mechanism, he was bullied for most of his school-age years--until Hitoya befriended him--and overall had a lack of people skills. Even out of school, away from the harsh words, his bad habits continue.
While it's obvious that his intent isn't to drive people away, it's hard to tell when the first-impression of him is that he's aloof and a little full of himself. No one wants to give him a chance because they don't realize it's something more. His style, visual kei, and stuffed animal, a pig named Amanda, are more things that made him an outcast.
Deep down, past the fear of not pleasing people, Jyushi is sweet, he cares deeply about those who are close to him and he wants someone to accept that from him. He came to respect Hitoya because Hitoya stood up for him when no one else would. He's tired of people judging him based off what they see on the surface--a narcissist crybaby. If you were bullied for who you really are for as long as he was, your first instinct would be to drive people away too.
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How do these personalities fit together?
The classic "opposites attract" statement applies very well here. Jiro has the confidence to strike up a conversation first, the empathy and curiosity to see there's more to Jyushi than his aloof persona and enough kindness to give him a chance--after all, that is was Ichiro would have done. This coincides perfectly with what Jyushi is looking for in a person. Someone to take a chance on him and understand.
To dumb their dynamic down; "sensitive dumbass x dumbass dumbass".
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As well as some ship songs yknow yknow 👀
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fluffypeachwriting · 4 years
hypmic characters & affection hcs
i didn’t write these in order so some are about hugs n stuff and some are more about emotional affection but i hope you like it anyway! it’s all the divisions & chuuoku  `;:゛;`;・(°ε° )
i tried to make them about both platonic and romantic love (bc i love both) but some are more one than the other oh well
Ichiro will full-body hug you at all times. It looks like he’d squeeze you hard, but his hugs are surprisingly gentle, and he would never intentionally hurt you. He’s absolutely the type to pick you up and hold you tight when you haven’t seen each other for a while. If you become really close, even just as friends, he’ll give you kisses on the top of your head.
Jiro gives hugs the most when he’s trying to reassure someone. He’s not the best at giving advice and stuff like that, so he’ll do his best to tell you that he’s got your back by holding you close. He’ll let you cry on his shoulder if you need to, and he refuses to let go until you’re feeling alright.
Saburo will be too shy to initiate contact most of the time but he doesn’t mind it with his friends. When he’s looking for comfort he’ll very gently tug on your sleeve with an anxious look, and he’ll settle down once you’ve brought him into your arms. He forgets all too easily that he loves being held by someone he trusts.
Samatoki will give little bits of physical affection that seem mundane at first, but he gets close enough that you can tell it’s his way of showing that he cares. The most common will be his hand on your arm or shoulder as he asks how your day’s been, maybe working up to a hug. From that, and the sweet smile on his face as he does it, it becomes clear that he’s more than genuine.
Jyuto doesn’t think there’s a huge barrier between what levels of affection you should show whether it’s a platonic or romantic relationship, only because he thinks both are equally important. And he’ll respect your boundaries because he has his own. When you’re excited about something he’ll ruffle your hair to show support, and in return he loves gentle strokes to his hair (the bunny loves being pet, what can I say?).
Riou loves having one arm over your shoulder as you’re lying down, admiring the sky. Whether you’re looking at clouds floating by or the twinkling stars, Riou could lose hours staring at them with you by his side. His hugs are so warm that it’s easy to get sleepy in his arms. Seeing you feel safe around him is all that Riou could ask for.
Ramuda is the clingiest hugger ever, in the best way possible. It’s kind of scary how easy it is for him to tell when something’s amiss, and he’ll be attached to you until whatever was bothering you has gone away. It feels more intimate for him to hold someone’s hand than much else, so he’ll save it for super special occasions.
Gentaro is fonder of casual affection than anything else. Whenever the two of you are hanging out he won’t mind if you lean on his shoulder as he reads, and vice versa. It’s like a little reminder that you’ve got his back when he needs it. Likes the occasional pat on the shoulder (and on the head too but he’d never say it).
Dice needs physical affection a lot more than he lets on, but it’s not as if he tries to hide it. When you’re hanging around with him and he’s in the mood for a cuddle he’ll whine and sigh dramatically until you get the hint. It turns into a habit, Dice asking for a hug without him actually saying it. And it’s only because he’s too embarrassed to admit it. One thing he can rely on is that your arms will always be open to welcome him, whatever state he’s in.
Jakurai has the softest hugs in the world. It starts with him placing his hand on your back to ask for permission, and when he gets it he puts his other hand on the back of your head, bringing you to his body with as much caution as if you were made of glass. But there is a strange strength to his embrace. It feels like if anyone tried to pry his arms open they wouldn’t budge at all.
Hifumi will, of course, act differently depending on which side of him you’re interacting with. But if you’re close with him he’ll be happy to cuddle you no matter which Hifumi it is, because after all, they are the same person. If you’re alright with it, he likes flirting with you platonically (you get me?) to make you smile. But he can’t take it. Being told compliments as you hug him make him weak.
Doppo loves bedtime snuggles. Just being able to forget about the world outside of the bed is one of his favourite feelings, especially with the warmth of a loved one. Even just knowing someone cares about his well-being enough to want to be there with him as he falls asleep is enough to warm his heart. Waking up next to them and being free to drift in and out of sleep in the warmth is something he’ll secretly cherish forever.
Kuko (canonically I think) isn’t fond of being around too many people, so his affections come out when you’re hanging out alone, and even then it’ll take a while for his sappy side to come out. Standing shoulder to shoulder enough affection for him at the start, but over time he finds himself realising how much he just wants to snooze and cuddle next to you.
Jyushi needs hugs so much. When he’s nervous, before a live show, after practice, you name it and Jyushi wants a hug. Most hugs will be you hugging him as he’s hugging Amanda. Letting you get so close to Amanda is a whole honour in itself! If he’s not up for a hug and needs his space, before you can get to him he’ll bonk you on the nose with Amanda’s squishy snout.
Hitoya will only let you be affectionate in private. Out in the world he’s more stoic than soft, but in the comfort of his or your home he’s game for anything. He loves kicking back with you, making some food and drinks and chatting about whatever. That alone is intimate for him, but your embrace would make him even happier with your relationship.
Sasara will opt for fleeting touches, like a quick hand squeeze or a hug that’s over before you know it. He’ll make you just want to wrap him up in your arms and not let him skip away with that annoyingly cute grin of his. If you do he’ll say that it’s too much for him (jokingly of course), but the reality is that he gets embarrassed. If you tease him about it then there’s no telling what might happen.
Rosho makes sure the affection is equal between you. You hug him, he hugs back, you compliment him, and he compliments you back. Even if he blushes the whole time. His favourite way of showing affection is definitely through words. Hearing that his jokes amuse you make him blush up to his ears, and he’d have no idea how much he loves being complimented on his appearance.
Rei isn’t a hugely sentimental guy, so it’d take some convincing that you’re trying to be affectionate towards him. There’d be a lot of trial and error, finding out what works for the two of you. Saying “You did good today.” or “It’s nice to see you here!” will be the tipping point. Actually getting to admit that he likes your company is the hard part.
Otome is cautious of opening up to someone, but with enough mutual love and trust it’ll come through. There’s a mine of affection sitting inside her, with glimpses coming through every now and then. Stroking her hand while she’s talking about something she’s invested in shows her you care, while also letting her have her space.
Ichijuku takes a while to warm up to a lot of physical affection, but she wants to! She appreciates how much you’d pay attention to when she gets a little antsy and needs some alone time. The pay-off would be worth it though as she’d start to surprise you with greeting hugs, and maybe even a light-hearted kiss on the cheek to show how thankful she is to have you in her life.
Nemu loves little hugs and squeezes throughout the day, making sure to get one in before and after work. Knowing she has someone warm to hug when she gets home makes all the hard work worth it. She also loves binge watching her favourite shows with yummy snacks to last you all night, and the two of you huddled under a warm blanket.
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
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Another Jiroshi wip I plan on using for inspiration on a fic that will come in later on in the Amanda, Jyushi, Jiro, Love, Life series. Jiro makes it so hard for me to draw but maybe it will look better when I color everything XD
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
Hello! I have just uploaded the newest installment to the Amanda, Jyushi, Jiro, Love, Life series! If you’d like to read it, you can here. I hope you enjoy this segment as we transition from Side: I to Side: N ^^
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
About the Amanda, Jyushi, Jiro, Love, Life series
Today I thought I would try to give a little bit of insight to the ongoing series right now. It’s surprisingly been a couple of months since I began this journey, and with how much I have planned to write for this, it will probably take a few more until I’ve written all that I have planned out. With the sheer length of these works it does take a long time, so I might have forgotten about a loooot of stuff, but I’ll try to list off the things I remember quq. If you’re interested in reading some of these backstories, you can after the line break^^
For those interested in reading the series as it gets updated, you can read it here! I hope you enjoy this!
To be completely honest, I should have been done with this little excursion after writing Amanda’s Journey to Bringing Jyushi Happiness. I thought that this much was enough, and I was having low confidence issues as to whether or not things were likable, if they were in character (or somewhat at the very least...) and the list could go on forever.
But ideas kept popping into my head and what was supposed to be disjointed scenes out of everyday life for Jiro and Jyushi as they manage a long distance relationship after only being together for a day turned into Closing the Distance Between Us..... quite comical if you ask me considering the word count just got longer from there *cries into the distance*
But to tell you the truth, I’m happy I continued this journey despite the challenges. I feel like the way I’m progressing through this is giving it a more complete story that embodies the “circle of life and love” I imagine thanks to Amanda’s existence. This is also the reason why I named the series the Amanda, Jyushi, Jiro, Love, Life series. It’s a circle of connections, founded by Amanda, and it branches off into love for Jyushi and Jiro, which betters their life and/or changes it drastically from what it could have been. So with that kinda pushed out of the way, lemme tell you about some good old background info.
1. Amanda’s Journey to Bringing Jyushi Happiness is not my first Jiroshi fic
... it’s just the first one I’ve completed. After being immersed in the Hypmi fanfic archives and devouring the sweetness that is Jiroshi I started thinking about things I could write. The first one came in the form of Jyushi wearing red lipstick, which to this day I don’t know if I’m making it fluff or more explicit but I was hooked on the idea and... stopped writing 500 words into the work. The second one came in the form of An Outrageous Circumstance. I wasn’t surprised about Buster Bros making an appearance in my strange dreams, but after reflecting on it I realized I could use this and switch Jyushi with me in the dream plot. I fortunately did manage to finish writing that, so if you’d like to read that, you can here.
Amanda’s Journey to Bringing Jyushi Happiness was born from the concept that Amanda has more of an importance to Jyushi’s life than ever imagined. I wondered, what would happen if Amanda had a soul and supported Jyushi? And from there this was born. Initially I was content with leaving it as it was since I didn’t know just how much power I could give Amanda, but they grew on me so much okay? I practically love Amanda as much as I do Jyushi and Saburo. I can’t produce them tho aha... having Amanda as a support person is one of the best things I could write for Jyushi. And I hope people can enjoy this as much as I have.
2. The soulmates concept is mostly forgotten about 90% of the time for me.
Whenever I write more installments I forget that this is kind of a soulmates au, based on the fact that Amanda can see the fated linkage between Jyushi and Jiro. I always imagine this is kinda like a semi rewrite of canon world but at the same time it’s like it’s own little world quq. But whenever I have to stop and think about how much fluff I need to add and just sequential things like that... the soulmates concept come out. I guess I do have to thank myself for actually remembering about it every once in awhile XD
But I will mention that this fate concept will come out more in some of the newer installments. I have prewritten something a little more into the future that heavily talks about the fated pair deal. I hope you’ll look forward to it!
2.1. Why is Jiro the only one that has a fated string?
I wrote this specifically in Amanda’s point of view. If anyone had a fated string, Amanda would believe this person to be Jyushi’s fated partner, because their duty is to look over Jyushi and make sure he receives the happiness he deserves. Amanda cannot see the fated strings of anyone else in the world, because Jyushi is all Amanda truly cares about. Think of it as a special gift Amanda was gifted by the gods for their journey to giving Jyushi his happiness.
From here, I don’t know what else might be important, but I’ll list off some other things that might’ve been written in notes and other things like that.
3. Jyushi has “graduated” high school.
Jyushi’s school circumstances are kinda strange now that I think about it. THINKING ABOUT IT LOGICALLY, Jyushi should be a third year in high school at his age of 18 (or at least... I thought so lmao). Instead, I’ve given him a job and a life outside of school lol. So I’ll just say Jyushi got into school a little earlier than he should have thanks to his parent’s frequent travels abroad. He was raised by his grandmother most of the time, whenever his parents couldn’t stay in Japan. Around middle school, Jyushi transferred to a middle school that was closer to his grandmother’s residence, rather than feed into the middle school his elementary school was joined with, so then the commute from his grandmother’s residence wouldn’t be as problematic.
Amanda was born around this time, and they got to witness the extremely difficult times Jyushi faced. When Jyushi’s grandmother passes, Jyushi moves in with his aunt and uncle who lived in the next town over. Feeling bad about being a nuisance when they were planning on having a family, Jyushi finds a high school with a boarding plan so he doesn’t have to inconvenience them any more than he did. Along with these plans Jyushi also found part time jobs that were allowed in accordance to the school rules. This is where he finds his passion with making music, which is more than just listening to it and singing in general.
Jyushi was fortunate enough that he had his own dorm. Most of that reason came in the form of his “eccentric personality” which came out a lot whenever he was nervous. He had classmates who talked to him, but he didn’t really have friends. With that said and done, Jyushi quietly progressed through school and quietly graduated around his 18th birthday. He was already set with a job though, with the label he is currently under giving him a contract whilst in his third year of high school. The company officially advertises Argo Kishii Gakudan, and Jyushi becomes the lead singer who produces everything on his own. They gain popularity almost instantly thanks to the copious amount of lives they have done.
Technically, Argo Kishii Gakudan was already a couple years old however. They were made up of Jyushi’s upperclassmen that recognized his talent for music, Takeru, Jun, and Keisuke. You will see more of them in Side N. But because they were so small, and had to pay for all their bookings and everything on their own, going out to share their music, even when they were a hit in their frequent live houses, was nearly impossible. Thanks to the backing of their label, Argo Kishii Gakudan was able to perform around the country and do tours. The fateful one that brings Jiro and Jyushi together is their first one to Ikebukuro.
Jyushi in the current day doesn’t have many opportunities to see his mother and father. They’re successful in their own respective companies, and it shows in the way they send copious amounts of money to Jyushi whenever they can’t meet. Jyushi never has used it though, instead saving it and using only his own earnings from his contract and his previous part time jobs.
Sooo that’s my sorry attempt to document the reason why Jyushi doesn’t attend school lmao. And maybe a little insight on Argo Kishii Gakudan lol.
4. Room settings are soooo difficult to envision, especially whenever they’re different from whatever it is you’re looking at
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When I started writing Side: I, and even before when I was writing the ending of Closing the Distance Between Us, I didn’t have the image of Jiro’s room to refer to. How I imagined his room was somewhat drastically different, and thanks to that, I ended up not really giving much of a description to those fics. As of today though, I wrote some hefty descriptions of Jyushi’s room because it’s building up on the imagery I had, in combination to Jyushi’s room in ARB.
You’ll get to read it in the next fic I post from this series. Hope you look forward to it!!
5. Music kinda defines a lot of my inspirations to adding to this series
I listen to music all the time while I’m writing. As a result, there are times I get sidetracked based on songs that come to the shuffle. When I wrote Amanda’s Journey to Bringing Jyushi Happiness and Closing the Distance Between Us, I shuffled a lot of the Hypmi music into my playlist, with a focus on Moonlight Shadow XD. But then I started writing Side: I, and then I came across a really inspirational song when I watched a Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics routine. While I don’t really associate with the story this song was for, I love this song enough I played it on repeat for like. 80% of that fic entirely.
There’s a couple lines where Jiro thinks about how some romantic music would be playing in the background if it was a drama of some sorts, and this song was a tribute to the fact I was listening to one song... almost entirely. Please listen to it here.
For Side: I-02, another song was put on replay for a little while as well. I made mention of it in the upload post I did for that fic, but I’ll list it here as well.
I hope you’ll give these tracks a listen one day!
7. Some references kinda inside the fics.
I guess I’ll wrap up this mini list of nonsense by mentioning some things I’ve added into these fics based on inspiration from other things or just in random I guess.
Amanda’s Journey to Bringing Jyushi Happiness: I didn’t know how a love at first sight type of story with soulmates au would work out when I wrote it. I was inspired to write the arcade portion of the date because 1. I wanted to write a kiss segment. And 2. I thought arcade dates would be enjoyable XD.
Closing the Distance Between Us: I never expected this would be in sequential order, like I think I mentioned earlier. I intended on this being more like texting and messaging moments between the two while coping with their long distance relationship. Because of this... I... I don’t really know. I didn’t have an excuse to write this XD I just loved the two and my inspiration was the fuel that was this series? Ahahaha XD
You, Me, and Summer: Side I: a lot of romantic feels fueled this fic, among other things. I was inspired to write a whole lot on Jyushi’s hair routine bc of the tsunami season voice lines on ARB. When I did write this, I was also watching a sports anime called Bakuten. It is a Men’s rhythmic gymnastics anime, and it was what I mentioned when Jyushi watches the anime with Ichiro. The game that they all play is the Game of Life, more or less. I played a few games from the game boy edition just to get a grasp on the game ahaha. But the reason why I added this game was because the ARB event that ran me over with Jiro and Jyushi SSRs. They were event scout SSRs... and the fact that I was drowning in Jiroshi feels only to have MORE thanks to official content even if they weren’t in the same team just made me internally scream and dance all night long.
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These two... destroyed my account in more ways than one. I’m now technically a Jiro and Jyushi stan rather than a Saburo and Jyushi stan bc Saburo or Ichiro on that matter never come home. But thanks to this I had to play enough to rank on two accounts. Thus... the one month delay.
Side I-02: because of this event, I decided that they should okay their own human sized Life game. I had to give tribute to the event that wrecked me aha. When I was writing this, I drew something on the side as well. . . And while I’m not sure I like it anymore, I thought I’d share it as well.
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One hour of watching the sun rise and not being able to sleep led me to drawing this prototype on a whim. And because I’m a fan of drawing Jyushi’s wardrobe... I thought it would be fun ahaha XD I am a newbie still when it comes to digitally drawing but I am happy at how this turned out!
Finally, I will make mention of the haunted house. While hopping through logs on pixiv, I came across some log that showed how Jiro and Jyushi are scared of scary things, but Jyushi is like a sobbing mess and Jiro is just flat out scared. And later, I heard Jiro react negatively to a horror movie in ARB. When I heard this, I couldn’t resist the temptation! And since technically, Jiro and Jyushi don’t know more about each other than you would think, I thought it was a good opportunity to get them to know something else about them.
Sooo... I think that’s all I can think of right now! I hope you enjoyed learning about some of these small tidbits I could remember when I started working on this series. There’s a lot more to this you can look forward to, and I hope you look forward to it!
I will also apologize in advance for the sheer amount of mistakes there may be. I am my own beta, and I’m usually finishing these up at 5am like clockwork XD whenever I hit a slump in my writing, or miraculously reach the end of this series, I will make sure to clean them up I swear TTuTT thank you for understanding QuQ
If you have any questions, you can ask me here! I’ll try to get to them as quickly as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
Hello! I have just uploaded the newest installation to the Amanda, Jyushi, Jiro, Love, Life series! If you’d like to continue reading how Jyushi spends time with Jiro in Ikebukuro, You can read it here. I’d like to know your thoughts on future things that have been referenced slightly in this part, but I hope you enjoy!
Stay tuned for the behind the fic post regarding this fic and other fics in this series!
The song I listened to for the majority of writing half of this fic is Catiso’s Gravity Zero. It’s such a catchy tune, and if you would like to listen to it, I’ll leave it here.
I hope you enjoy the fic!
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
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I had tried to hold back and not post this but then I realized I might not get to writing this for like. Another few months it’s that far in the future... so I decided to post it lmao. Who do you think this third character is? And what do you think is the general idea for this? Let’s just say there’s a lot of possibilities but I’d like to hear your thoughts. Hope you enjoy it^^
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hanamuranobuyuki · 3 years
Just something I’m curious about. Would people be interested in reading some snippets to the rest of Jyushi’s stay in Ikebukuro? I don’t think I can put the same amount of devotion to the rest of the days when I’m deeply invested in the upcoming coughcoughangstcoughcough I started writing up last month but if people are interested enough I can make “lost excerpts” that give some aspect to whatever they did?
Also yes. I wrote things out of order and trying to write IN ORDER is hard but I’m still trying XD
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