italking-alone · 1 year
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— 𝚂𝚘𝚏í𝚊. ᥫ᭡
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shokolu · 10 days
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macsoul · 1 year
Cê não tem idéia de quantas coisas eu amo, eu amo demais, não sei viver de outra forma, por mais que a vida me derrube, ainda que eu esteja no chão, olharei para cima e pensarei com todo meu coração: nossa como eu te amo!
Te digo, já tentei, mas não sei ser muito mais do que amor.
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leregirenga · 2 months
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Sigo amando la lluvia, el café y los libros.
Sigo viendo caras en las nubes
y sueños en las estrellas.
Tiempo de amar
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moongirl-26 · 6 months
Lo que me hace ser yo , es la ilusión con la que miro hacia el futuro, aunque el pasado y el presente duelan tanto. La magia que me ser quien soy es que amo tan intensamente como si hubiera sido correspondida siempre. Lo que me hace ser yo es que mantengo la ternura de mi alma aunque la vida haya sido tan cruel. Lo que me hace única es que sonrío como si dentro de mi corazón no existiesen tantas heridas sangrando. Lo que me hace ser tan especial es que sueño con los ojos abiertos, como si nunca hubiesen sido rotas mis esperanzas. Lo que me hace tan única en medio de la multitud es mi corazón que sincero siente amor y más amor. Lo que me hace maravillosa es que estando rota , aún puedo reparar.
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jokerownsmysoul · 1 year
to be loved by arthur would feel like a miracle. he loves so tenderly, so openly. with hands that caress and cradle protectively, lips that kiss innocently, embraces that would never leave you. to love comes naturally to him. some people simply are put in the world with the ability to love with pureness, unconditionally and in just all the right ways, as if Love chose them personally before they came into the world and marked them with a forehead kiss to see them walk among us with the mark of ethereal love, making them a little bit more special and heaven-sent. arthur is one of them. he's such a romantic and affectionate man. he feels like an angel who would make you wonder how can life continue to be so hard when there's an angel like him to love you, so profoundly and gently you don't know what to do in front of his affection, how to breathe, how to survive it, even, because no one has ever told you that this kind of gentle love existed. I feel a lump in my throat whenever I think about how softly he would love someone, with a kind of care and vulnerability that would make all the sorrows and evil on earth come to an end. everything able to hurt you would suddenly cease to exist the moment you find out how gentle his way of loving is, almost overwhelming, hard to believe as true. but it would be. he's so good at heart, so loving, so caring. he's so perfect. his heart is so pure and his soul so clean, he doesn't know any harm. what a gift it would be. arthur would have such good care of your heart.
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claxoneandomelodias · 2 months
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mairamacri · 3 months
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"É num abraço caloroso que nasce o amor quente..." (Novo texto... Em breve) @mairamacri
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bipolarizandoalua · 5 months
Anseio saber como anda teu sorriso,
Como anda a luz no meio da tua escuridão...
Ou melhor dizendo a minha escuridão
Eu esqueci as palavras, será que é só deixar elas sairem?
Será que você as apanharia no ar antes que tropeçasse nos sentimentos que cairam no chão?
Será que tropecei nos pensamentos?
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tutriplet · 2 years
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Ten cuidado porque hay personas que te cargan las energías y otras te las descargan.
"Elige bien las personas que van a estar cerca. De eso depende tu paz o tu guerra" Rafael Cabaliere💫
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corazondemusa · 2 years
No es mi fuego el que anhelas,
No es mi tacto por el que rezas,
¡No me importa!
Si no puedo ser fuego seré agua, y
Si no puedo ser agua seré aire,
Que de lejos te acaricia con solo pensarte,
Por siempre seras mio sin serlo porque
¿Qué es más tuyo que lo que sueñas y anhelas y traes a tu alma con la infinita caricia del amor que sin esperar nada se entrega?
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airanstarr · 2 years
Aún hay vacíos que estoy intentando llenar, pero no quiero llenarlos contigo.
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feelingcomplet · 1 year
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“Ela é o trabalho. Ela é a essência do seu dever. Amando ela. Protegendo-a.”
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nana-18-caos · 2 years
Me deprime saber que no vivo con quien si me ha amado porque estoy con alguien que cree que me ama, pero sé que en realidad es porque tiene miedo a estar solo.
Pero recuerdo que quien si me ama no quiso vivir conmigo..
Que rara es mi vida.
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jokerownsmysoul · 1 year
all this love, so all-embracing, yet so difficult to let out into something that can be seen and touched as words
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tomejerry · 12 days
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Falling in love
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