#amarabliss gif
amarabliss · 4 years
Imagine finding a joke book for Ellie on a run...(Joel Miller/Reader)
Joel took in a deep breath as you flipped through the book, "We really don't need to sample any more..."
"Oh but we do! They have to be Ellie worthy..." You smirked looking through the joke book, "Ah here we go...what do you call a bear with no teeth?"
"Christ..." He shook his head tired of hearing the awful jokes.
"A gummy bear..." You smiled proudly before he turned slowly looking at you. This is what you had been waiting for, that glorious look of pure disdain, "I love you..."
He rolled his eyes, before he smiled a little, "Love you too..."
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artbymesa · 6 years
Post 10 gifs from your favorite movies without revealing he titles and then tag 10 people
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(But mostly the book)
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I cheat here a little because its a show but a movie has been made of it lol
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Taggin @chocolatefrizz89 @cayliana @amarabliss @justiceisanoncorrosivemetal @ladystormcrow @littlewolf1433755 @thebrainybear and anyone else who'd like to XD
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Prompt:  “Choose me” &  “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.” - Prompt Lists
Tagging: @amarabliss (requester)
“You’re really going to make me pick?” you recoiled in shock, your face falling in disbelief. Sure, you knew Damon had been distancing himself from the rest of your friends of late, but you had never expected this. He wanted to leave Mystic Falls for good, and he wanted you to come with him. Shock turned to anger as you thought over his request. Leaving town was one thing, but never returning? Never getting to see your other friends again? That was just unreasonable. So what if you were closer with him than Stefan or Elena, that didn’t mean you wanted to suddenly live your life without them. Shaking your head in contempt at the very thought, your jaw clenched shut, your hands running through your hair, simply so they could grip onto something.
“Of all the downright crappy things you have done, Damon Salvatore, and let’s be honest here, there have been a lot, I can honestly say I never expected this,” you began to rant, furiously pacing in front of him, your sights on anything but your old friend. “You want me to pick who I remain friends with? How can you possibly think this is ok? How can you think I’d decide to stay your friend when you’re the one giving me an ultimatum!”
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Damon scowled, tilting his head in a dramatic matter as his eyes pierced into you with a slight yet cutting glare. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
A gulp traced its way down your throat and you couldn’t help but cringe, knowing full well he had seen the anxious action. So, you had flirted with one another in the past, danced a little too close together, spent nights curled up on the couch together, admitting secrets and desires neither of you had ever shared with anyone else, but that didn’t mean anything, right? You had long since convinced yourself nothing would ever happen with Damon, that his flirting, playful manner was just a part of his charm, something he shared with any woman with half decent looks under 40.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you shook your head once more, this time with a hint of nervousness in your gentle movement as you continued to pace.
“Y/N,” Damon groaned in frustration, quickly making his way towards you and pulling you to a sharp stop in front of him, barely catching your balance inches away from his chest. “Don’t lie to me, I know you, I know you feel whatever the hell this is,” he pointed between you both with his free hand.
A shuddering exhalation fell from your lips as your sights focused on the floor, your mind whirring as it tried to come up with something, anything, to say. “Damon,” you started slowly, your head lifting as you struggled to find the words. “I don’t know what you want me to say,” you admitted, finally reaching his gaze. “All I feel right now is disbelief and, to be honest, a little disappointment, that you want me to leave my life behind. I don’t even know what this is.”
“So, what, you’re saying you don’t feel it?” he taunted, a small smirk playing on his lips as his certainty grew. He could hear the forceful thumping of your heart beating in your chest and while it gave him assurance that you did feel the same, he couldn’t help but question whether or not you’d admit it.
Lowering himself to your height, his eyes captured yours; the sight alone drowning out the thoughts that had been racing through your mind. His eyes slowly traced down your face, settling on your lips before making the return journey, silently telling you that this was the moment to pull away if you wanted to. But your mind seemed to be in a trance, the only thought that was rushing through it ‘he’s going to kiss me’.
With the softest smile you had ever seen him show, his lips met yours. Tenderness and love radiated from his kiss and you instantly felt warm and complete, suddenly aware of just how wrong it felt to feel anything else.
He pulled away slowly, his eyes closed as if he were still wrapped up in the moment. But with a soft sigh emitting from his lips, he opened them, emotions running through them so fast you had no chance of knowing how he felt at any given moment.
Gently placing your hair behind your ear, he leant in, watching you closely as he did so, savouring ever moment. Your cheeks darked to a red tinge, and you could feel your heart pumping wildly in your chest, a clear giveaway of just how deeply the small gesture was affecting you.
“Choose me,” he whispered against your ear, his tone far more vulnerable than you had ever heard before.
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That is absolutely wootastic! Congrats, you totally deserve it, you've worked so very hard for it.
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cisco-fics-4-all · 8 years
Alright, so @amarabliss is one of my personal favorite writers <3 and she has a few Cisco Fics that I’d like to share with you all!
These Little Words (Reverb/reader): Cisco Ramon’s Earth 2 doppelganger takes a special interest in the reader, and a certain gift she hides to herself...
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McSniffles (Cisco/Reader oneshot): The reader has come down with a cold, and Cisco is the perfect boyfriend making soup for them, and loving them even when they are sick and gross.
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Spectre (Cisco/Reader): Imagine a vigilante has moved into Central City ‘cleaning’ up the city and preventing further crime lords from moving, but their methods are a little…out of Team Flash’s style. Will they agree to disagree? Or will a certain engineer help them find a different path?
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So there you have it! I really recommend her work, it’s so good! Enjoy!
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amarabliss · 4 years
This is a Regis Lucis Caelum appreciation post...
The more I've been writing him lately the more I've come to admire him in my little world...swoon with me...
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amarabliss · 4 years
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Joel Miller love...
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amarabliss · 5 years
Bored at work, making more of my obsession, Nyx Ulric...
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amarabliss · 4 years
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I struggled with surviving...
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But you find something worth living for...
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amarabliss · 4 years
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Prepare for spam!
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Rules: Answer all 21 questions, let the one who tagged you know you answered and then tag your writing pals!
I was tagged by: the lovely @omgopalsapphire! Thanks lovely! Sorry it took a million years for me to get around to doing this!
The Works:
1. Which is the imagine you’re most proud of?
Too Good At Goodbyes, even though it’s not finished yet. It’s the one I always go back to thinking about, and can really expand upon.
2. Which is your least favourite?
Probably this one with Klaus and Tyler. I heartily dislike Tyler, and I ended up using the prompt in a skewed way, turning it into a reader/Klaus by the end.
3. If you were to recommend one to read to your mum/mom?
Anything that isn’t romantic. She’s read a few because I was so focused on writing during NANOWRIMO that she got annoyed by me writing all the time. So, yeah, I can’t think of one in particular.
4. Which one would you consider re-writing?
I mean, I reconsider parts of Too Good At Goodbyes, all the time, because I’m still not sure where to go with it. But otherwise I tend to kind of forget what I’ve written, so I don’t think too much on them once they’re up. If I did, I’d never post anything because I’d never be happy with them.
5. Biggest regret in an imagine?
Prior to making this blog, it was taking things on I wasn’t comfortable with or couldn’t picture. I ended up writing things that were out of character and I wasn’t happy with them, all because someone requested them.
6. Biggest success with an imagine?
I mean, what is success? Is it the most notes, the best feedback? The imagine that got the most notes ever was for a different fandom, and thus on a different blog, which is here.
7. Your imagine with the most notes?
Somehow it was one that was written on a complete whim. Helping the Mikaelson’s research the latest threat, and trying to take a day off. I still want to write a part two for this, but I have no idea which Mikaelson it should be with. But yeah, I wrote that because my friend and I got caught in miscommunication with a spelling mistake changing ‘yoga’ to ‘yoda’, and then I heard Robbie Williams’ song ‘Soda Pop’ like 20 minutes later and just had to write something lol.
8. Your imagine with the least notes?
Kissing Bonnie under the mistletoe. 
9. What do you think makes a good imagine? Tips?
Honestly, anything that makes it realistic, yet not too precise. The reader shouldn’t be someone people can’t relate to, which, unfortunately, means sometimes they have to be a touch blander than you’d like. Making a strong character is fantastic for writing, but if they’re particularly angry or aggressive it’s hard for people to relate. I also think focusing on often unspoken thoughts is really good. So where you might see a character struggling on screen, for the reader you need to talk about that, involve the audience, make them connect. Basically, it’s a lot about the reader and making them someone you can relate to without making them too unique.
10. When’s the next update on your works?
Honestly that’s pretty much a running joke at this point. Who knows? Honestly, who the heck knows. I’m still trying to do the Christmas requests, and plan things for Valentine’s Day.
11. Number of followers before you started writing and after? I started this blog just for imagines, so I didn’t have any followers before writing here. Now I have 1,013 followers.
The Writer:
1. Which character do you love writing for?
I think Klaus or Alaric would probably be my favourite.
2. Which character do you dislike writing for?
Tyler and Jeremy. I don’t get Jeremy, and Tyler just pisses me off.
3. What’s your favourite AU to write for?
I don’t write AUs, but I don’t mind reading the coffee shop ones.
4. What’s your least favourite AU to write for?
I don’t write AUs, but my least favourite to read is teacher/student.
5. What do you hope never gets requested?
I work with prompt lists, so this doesn’t really affect me.
6. What do you wish was requested more?
The girls, that or things that are less romantic, so the focus is on other things, whether it be the relationship between people, a situation, angst... god I love me some angst...
7. Thoughts on writing Smut/POC/Curvy/MxM/FxF?
I’m not comfortable writing smut simply because I don’t have a bleeding clue how to even begin. But the others are all things I’ve done before, and honestly see nothing different about.
8. Which account is your biggest inspiration in writing?
Oh man, I have so many. Different ones for different fandoms. Some of the ones I can think of, and I’m sure I’m missing some, are @amarabliss @justfangstvdto @xteenwolfwritingsx 
9. How long have you been an imagine writer for?
Since March 2016...Yikes, that’s longer than I thought!
10. Any upcoming secret works? 🤔
Not really a secret, but I am trying to get something done for Valentine’s day. Although time is not on my side for that.
@amarabliss, @fiercefray, @illidarisimagines, @miiikaelson, @justfangstvdto and anyone else I’m no doubt forgetting.
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7 & 15 with Klaus or Damon your choice pls! You're the best!
I’m only doing one prompt per request/imagine, so what if I do one each? #7 with Damon (as I already have it for Klaus) and #15 for Klaus (as I already have that one for Damon?
And you’re very very sweet, but we both know that’s a lie because you’re the one here who writes for H5O and that’s just awesome x
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amarabliss replied to your post “Could you please, if you have time, do from your prompt list 1 and 22...”
Daw deary! *Hugs* you take your time! No rush, just glad someone finally is on this fandom with me!
I’m starting to think we have similar tastes, lol. First The Flash/DCTV, now this.......
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Could you please, if you have time, do from your prompt list 1 and 22 with Damon? Love your writing!
Excuse me while I just cry over here at the fact you sent me a request... Of course I can do this for you hun! I’ll try and at least start it tomorrow! 
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I don't know what ships are... Sooooo teach me oh wise one with an example? From watching your blog I figured out headcannons so thanks for that! :)
When I write a ‘ship’, I tell the requester which character I paired with them and a brief description of why I paired them with that character. It's somewhat difficult to explain without a proper example, but you take whatever profile the requester has given you and then you think about which character would suit them best.
Ex. I ship you with *insert character name here*
*insert small paragraph of reasons why they’re with that character and potential aspects of the relationship here*
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Peter Quill or Captain James T. Kirk?
Oh my god the decisions
Tbh Quill, mainly because he’s just incredibly hilarious and has a face to match
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