Hi, i have a request for a one shot if possible. So if you can do about Peter and the reader, something that goes from being cute to hot, maybe they’re playing truth or dare cause they aint got nothing better to do and the tenciona between them changes. Thank you and i hope to hear from you soon
Hi! And thank you for the ask!
Unfortunately I don’t write romantic lines for Peter, it’s just not my thing.
But there are some great blogs on here that do! Off the top of my head I can think of @obsessed-withthe-hales and @xteenwolfwritingsx but I am unsure if they are on hiatus or not.
Sorry, but again, thank you for the request!
It’s a great scenario!
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cockslutpadalecki · 3 years
Alright I’m going to take the plunge. Can I grab #47 with Ransom Drysdale for your Decade Under the Influence writing challenge? (It’ll be posted under my other blog, xfandomwritingsx)
yes of course! happy to have you aboard 💕
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hightown-funk · 3 years
When submitting my submission, do I both check the assignment box AND add the user under "Gift This Work To" or just the assignment box?
When you go to your assignment page on ao3 and click “fullfill” at this years HTF it should automatically add your recipient to it, no need to add them seperately
- Mod Calysto
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Rules: Answer all 21 questions, let the one who tagged you know you answered and then tag your writing pals!
I was tagged by: the lovely @omgopalsapphire! Thanks lovely! Sorry it took a million years for me to get around to doing this!
The Works:
1. Which is the imagine you’re most proud of?
Too Good At Goodbyes, even though it’s not finished yet. It’s the one I always go back to thinking about, and can really expand upon.
2. Which is your least favourite?
Probably this one with Klaus and Tyler. I heartily dislike Tyler, and I ended up using the prompt in a skewed way, turning it into a reader/Klaus by the end.
3. If you were to recommend one to read to your mum/mom?
Anything that isn’t romantic. She’s read a few because I was so focused on writing during NANOWRIMO that she got annoyed by me writing all the time. So, yeah, I can’t think of one in particular.
4. Which one would you consider re-writing?
I mean, I reconsider parts of Too Good At Goodbyes, all the time, because I’m still not sure where to go with it. But otherwise I tend to kind of forget what I’ve written, so I don’t think too much on them once they’re up. If I did, I’d never post anything because I’d never be happy with them.
5. Biggest regret in an imagine?
Prior to making this blog, it was taking things on I wasn’t comfortable with or couldn’t picture. I ended up writing things that were out of character and I wasn’t happy with them, all because someone requested them.
6. Biggest success with an imagine?
I mean, what is success? Is it the most notes, the best feedback? The imagine that got the most notes ever was for a different fandom, and thus on a different blog, which is here.
7. Your imagine with the most notes?
Somehow it was one that was written on a complete whim. Helping the Mikaelson’s research the latest threat, and trying to take a day off. I still want to write a part two for this, but I have no idea which Mikaelson it should be with. But yeah, I wrote that because my friend and I got caught in miscommunication with a spelling mistake changing ‘yoga’ to ‘yoda’, and then I heard Robbie Williams’ song ‘Soda Pop’ like 20 minutes later and just had to write something lol.
8. Your imagine with the least notes?
Kissing Bonnie under the mistletoe. 
9. What do you think makes a good imagine? Tips?
Honestly, anything that makes it realistic, yet not too precise. The reader shouldn’t be someone people can’t relate to, which, unfortunately, means sometimes they have to be a touch blander than you’d like. Making a strong character is fantastic for writing, but if they’re particularly angry or aggressive it’s hard for people to relate. I also think focusing on often unspoken thoughts is really good. So where you might see a character struggling on screen, for the reader you need to talk about that, involve the audience, make them connect. Basically, it’s a lot about the reader and making them someone you can relate to without making them too unique.
10. When’s the next update on your works?
Honestly that’s pretty much a running joke at this point. Who knows? Honestly, who the heck knows. I’m still trying to do the Christmas requests, and plan things for Valentine’s Day.
11. Number of followers before you started writing and after? I started this blog just for imagines, so I didn’t have any followers before writing here. Now I have 1,013 followers.
The Writer:
1. Which character do you love writing for?
I think Klaus or Alaric would probably be my favourite.
2. Which character do you dislike writing for?
Tyler and Jeremy. I don’t get Jeremy, and Tyler just pisses me off.
3. What’s your favourite AU to write for?
I don’t write AUs, but I don’t mind reading the coffee shop ones.
4. What’s your least favourite AU to write for?
I don’t write AUs, but my least favourite to read is teacher/student.
5. What do you hope never gets requested?
I work with prompt lists, so this doesn’t really affect me.
6. What do you wish was requested more?
The girls, that or things that are less romantic, so the focus is on other things, whether it be the relationship between people, a situation, angst... god I love me some angst...
7. Thoughts on writing Smut/POC/Curvy/MxM/FxF?
I’m not comfortable writing smut simply because I don’t have a bleeding clue how to even begin. But the others are all things I’ve done before, and honestly see nothing different about.
8. Which account is your biggest inspiration in writing?
Oh man, I have so many. Different ones for different fandoms. Some of the ones I can think of, and I’m sure I’m missing some, are @amarabliss @justfangstvdto @xteenwolfwritingsx 
9. How long have you been an imagine writer for?
Since March 2016...Yikes, that’s longer than I thought!
10. Any upcoming secret works? 🤔
Not really a secret, but I am trying to get something done for Valentine’s day. Although time is not on my side for that.
@amarabliss, @fiercefray, @illidarisimagines, @miiikaelson, @justfangstvdto and anyone else I’m no doubt forgetting.
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bamby0304 · 6 years
Hello, you have been identified as An Awesome Writer™! Congrats, you rock! So that all of your readers can shower you with some extra love today, please tell us your favourite five (or as many as you want) stories of yours and why you like them and then send this to another five fic authors you think deserve this title!
You’re too kind, seriously. I know we’ve talked about this over the last few days, but it still amazes me that someone who writes as amazing as you do actually liked my stuff. But, you do, and thank you so much for that support!!
There are too many fics for me to list, I love a lot, but I’m gonna leave a list of some of my fav series just to show some love. The list is kinda long, so it’s all under the cut :):)
Explosions by Crazy Pink Penguin
It’s a hot and heavy fic where the main character is a phone sex operator... and Daryl Dixon calls. There are a few little prequel oneshots, and an alternative timeline fic as well. It’s all great, trust me.
How Can I Love You? by jessica-bones-winchester
A series on fanfiction.net. I’m not much of a John Winchester fan, but this is sweet and pulled on my heart strings enough to keep me going. But in a twist of events the reader finds herself falling for a second Winchester... Dean. A great read
Irresistable Danger by @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash
Negan has never looked better in this reader insert story. A slow burn that’ll have you hanging for more.
Knock by @superprincesspea
This little gem is the soul reason why I am now a proud member of the Simon Thirst Squad. It’s fluffy, it’s funny, it’s angsty, it’s hot... it’s perfect.
Our Little Secret by @sis-tafics
A Dean Winchester x Reader fic that has a new kink in every chapter, and a plot that melts your heart the further you fall into the words.
Rabid Animals by @curbitkirby
Another Peter Hale fic, only this one has a sassy OC. There’s a sequel part that is just as good as the first. Hot, complicated, funny and amazing, it’s worth a read.
Sunny Days by @kellyn1604
Negan finds a little sunshine in an otherwise dreary world when he comes across a sweet little thing called Sunny. This fic is a little different to what I usually go for, with the detailed smut and daddy kink worked in the plot, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is amazing.
The Escort by @ilostmyshoe-79​
The Reader needs to find a date for her family vacation, and in a desperate move she decides to call an escort of sorts, Dean Winchester. He offers to pretend to be her boyfriend in exchange of money, but things get complicated when they get closer than anticipated.
You Know Better by @xteenwolfwritingsx​
The first Peter Hale series I found... and the first I fell in love with. Another slow burn, but that doesn’t take away from the incredible plot and the complicated relationship between Peter and the reader.
I’m not gonna tag anyone, but if the people above or anyone else wants to join then go for it!! :):)
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xteenwolfwritingsx replied to your post: so we maybe have a pretty big problem my draft of...
Is it just the screen? If the hard drive is still viable, a tech might be able to pull your files.
yeah i know i just don’t have the time to actually do that. like i’m so busy with college that i barely have time for anything. Hoping I could do that within the next couple months tho! Just so annoyingggggg! x
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everlarkficexchange · 3 years
That’s Just Tachy
Written by: @everybirdfellsilent
Prompt 153: Best friends!Everlark who have always been in love with one another. Katniss is in a pretty serious accident, of course Peeta visits her every single day. He notices that every time he enters the room her heart monitor beeps due to elevated heart rate. He notices and finally mentions to a mutual friend (Madge? Finnick?) how it’s sweet that she gets excited to see her friends, said friend rolls eyes and is like uh yeah ok “friend”. Peeta’s all what? Cue suspicion so next time he visits her he takes it a step further and gives little touches (brushes her hair back, strokes her cheek, grazes her arm? LET IT BURN) to see what happens. Sure enough her HR skyrockets. Tell us all the sweet and suspenseful details :))) [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone] (@peetamewllark)
I do not own The Hunger Games or it’s characters. All credit where credit is due.
Thank you to @xteenwolfwritingsx, @smartalexy, and @papofglencoe for looking this over for me!
Warnings: Some language. (I think?) Mostly just fluff, though. (Rated K-Teen.)
Word count: 6,712
A/N: This didn’t turn out quite how I wanted, but it is what it is. 😆 It was a 2k document I sat down to flush out and suddenly it was over 6k words, so I figured it was time. I like to write where you just jump right in kind of like a TV show, but that didn’t really work for this prompt, and was a sort of learning curve for me. But I still hope you all like it! This was fun to write, and I have loved this prompt from the beginning. (Especially the “LET IT BURN”. Haha! So here are my two lovesick idiots who don’t know it until it’s right in front of their face. I have missed writing for them.)
“You guys coming?” Jo called from up at the front of the group as they made their way across the quad. 
Glancing back over her shoulder, Johanna stopped, effectively stopping Gale and Finnick as well, and they all stared at the two stragglers of the group who were locked in some kind of glare off. 
“I don’t trust him,” Katniss stated, her eyes never wavering from his. 
“Me?!” Peeta cried in disbelief. “You’re the one with impeccable aim and on the archery team, why in the world am I the bigger threat here?”
“Because you started it.”
Gale huffed. “Started what?”
“Poking me in the sides at the most inopportune moments all day.”
Gale sighed heavily. “Catnip….”
Her head snapped his way, the glare now on him, she missed the two thumbs up Peeta sent Gale from behind her in thanks. “You know I hate that nickna-”
The rest of her sentence stopped abruptly as she felt two strong and familiar hands start to play her sides like a piano, and it was a wonder she avoided letting out a screech. Batting the hands away with her own, using the thin folder in her hand to swat at them as they tried to come near again, she couldn’t help the smile that crawled across her face, muttering nonsense at the lighthearted taunts Peeta sent her way. 
Finnick rolled his eyes, smiling almost imperceptibly. “Come on, let the lovebirds be.”
As the three up ahead continued on, Peeta and Katniss called a truce, both breathing heavily, an errant chuckle here and there the only noise as they caught their breath. 
“So are you meeting up with Haymitch before work today?” Peeta asked, staring at the ground as they began to follow their friends. 
“Yup,” Katniss nodded, looking at the ground herself, but glancing over at Peeta every now and then. Each time made her heart race just a little bit more, and she wasn’t quite sure how that made her feel. “I need to talk to him about enrolling in one more course, or how to get some extra hours somehow.”
“Well, we’ll meet up when you’re off work later, then, and you can tell me how it went.” He looked up and right at her. “And, you know, if Haymitch doesn’t have any ideas, I can always try and talk to our professors and see where that gets us.” His voice was smooth and deep, and he playfully bumped shoulders with her as they continued to walk. 
She couldn’t help but blush at the implication, knowing Peeta could sell anything to anyone with the way he spoke. “I’ll think about it,” she managed to get out. “But I have to work late tonight, so I’ll just text you when I get off, and we’ll go from there. Sound good?”
“Sure,” he said, sticking his hands in his pockets, and she couldn’t help but sigh in relief knowing he wouldn’t be poking her for the foreseeable future, making him smirk. “How late?”
“I’m not sure exactly. They just said some may need to stay late.” She shrugged, clutching her folder close to her chest. “But not too late, I don’t think. Definitely before midnight.”
“I’ll see you at midnight, then.”
She’d been in an accident. An awful, terrible accident. 
There were more details, he was sure, but his mind tuned out of any further conversation past that. Images flashed in his mind, everything from horrendous to benign, of the condition she was in, or would be in. Did she need surgery? Did she need a kidney? A really big bandaid?
All he knew was that he’d be there for her. They all would. Because that’s what friends do. They protect each other, it’s just what they do.
They went in as a group, right before visiting hours were over that same day. 
He didn’t know what exactly he was expecting, but he still had a breath catch in his chest at the sight of her. 
Gale and Johanna were teary eyed as they walked around to the opposite side of the bed, Gale gently taking Katniss’ hand in his where it lay beside her on the bed, and Jo hanging back behind him, almost as if to have a barrier between her and the situation. 
Finnick stood beside Peeta on the opposite side, up by her head, and rested his hand beside her head, supporting his weight. Normally one for a playful nudge or flirtatious tuck of hair behind one’s ear, his lack of physical touch and in fact distance between his hand and her spoke volumes. “Hey, Katniss,” he said softly. The hitch in his voice not missed by anyone in the room, or the shuddering breath he took in after. 
Her eyes fluttered open, and while still somewhat glassy from the pain medicine pumping through her system, she let out a tentative smile, and gently squeezed Gale’s hand back. “Hey,” voice scratchy from lack of use. “What-” she coughed a rattling cough, making everybody in the room cringe. “What happened?”
“You were in an accident,” Finnick’s voice came out much stronger than before, relief painting his tone. “No one else was hurt, they think you just fell asleep at the wheel coming home from work.”
Her pulse kicked up just slightly at the info, but her typical poker face was in full swing. 
“Don’t worry, your job is giving you paid leave until you are totally recovered. You shouldn’t have been working that late, anyway.”
Her eyes flicked over to Peeta as he spoke, her heart monitor seeming to glitch as it registered a missed beat. 
“They just don’t want a lawsuit,” Johanna muttered, causing Katniss to laugh, which turned into a major coughing fit. 
A nurse poked her head in, pushing some buttons on machines that started to let off incessant beeping, and letting them know visiting hours were over. 
They all filed from the room, including the nurse, but Peeta stayed behind. Reaching out to take her hand in his left, he gave it a squeeze, and smiled. “I’ll be back by tomorrow. We’ll go over the assignments coming up.” 
Her heart monitor started an intermittent beeping again, a light flashing at the top. “Shhhhhh, it’s okay.” He reached up to brush a piece of hair behind her ear, and the monitor started going crazy, the nurse coming in, lightly scolding him and ushering him from the room. Turning off all the beeping, the only sound was Katniss’ shallow breathing and rapid heart rate. 
One last squeeze to her hand, and he was out the door. He faintly heard the nurse say, “Calm down, honey, your boyfriend can come back by tomorrow.”
Then the monitors started going off again. 
True to his word, the next day Peeta showed up as soon as his last class was over, giving him just a few hours with her, as opposed to every other day when his schedule allowed most of the afternoon, if she’d let him stay. 
He smiled at the thought. She did love her time alone. But however long she’d let him stay, he would.
Rounding the corner into her room, he saw Haymitch on the other side of the bed with his hand on her shoulder, grinning down at her, and Katniss sitting more upright than the night before scowling up at him.
Following Haymitch’s glance up, she met Peeta’s eyes, and almost instantly startled away to look at the floor when her heart monitor started beeping like the night before. 
Looking at it with knit eyebrows and a slight smirk, he made his way into the room. “So you got defective machines, huh?”
Pushing a button on the rail of the bed to make the head go up slightly, she sat a little further up, muttering, “Something like that….”
Haymitch snickered, quickly coughing to cover it up, moving to the recliner in the corner of the room, observing them over the top of a magazine he grabbed from atop a nearby table. 
At some point during the exchange, a nurse must have come in and turned off the alert, though Peeta still noticed the rapid beeping of her pulse. 
Holding up the assignments, giving them a little jiggle and raising an eyebrow in question, Peeta set them down on the little rolling table over her on the bed when she gave him a little nod.
Reaching out to touch a few pages absently, she finally muttered in a scratchy voice, “You came back.”
It took a moment before Peeta realized she was talking to him, but he quickly shook his head and said, “I said I would.”
They stared at each other for a moment before the monitor started beeping again, Katniss sighing and reaching out to push a button and silence it. Looking back to Peeta, she held his gaze before darting it all over the room, looking anywhere but him. “They said I could do that.”
Haymitch snorted from behind the magazine, earning daggers of a glare from her. 
“Thanks for coming by, Haymitch. You really didn’t need to.” Her tone was sincere in her thanks, but also very clear in her sarcasm. 
“Nonsense, sweetheart!” He lowered the magazine to his lap, which made a slapping sound against his thighs. Feet propped up on the footrest of the recliner, legs crossed at the ankles, he just smiled. “I’m your advisor, and I’m here to advise in any way I can.” He glanced at Peeta. “On whoever I can.”
He snickered, blocking the tissue box she threw at him with his arm, before pulling the magazine back up to read. 
Chuckling softly, Peeta pulled up a nearby chair to sit next to Katniss. “Luckily, we have all the same classes, except for one, which Finnick will bring by. He gets off before me, so he said he would swing by on his way home.”
Katniss just nodded, staring at the pile of papers on the little table. 
The nurse came in with a little cup of pills. “Time for your medicine!” She glanced at Peeta and smiled. “See? I told you your boyfriend could come back!”
Katniss started choking on the water she had used to take the pills, spluttering as Haymitch guffawed in the corner. 
“He’s not my boyfriend,” she choked out, taking another quick sip as the nurse pushed the button to silence the alert to her elevated pulse yet again, not even sparing it a glance, taking the empty cup when Katniss was done with a smirk. 
The nurse looked at Peeta with a raised eyebrow.
“Yup, just friends,” he clarified, and wasn’t really sure if he liked the way that made him feel.
“She just really loves her friends. Close knit. Tight bond,” Haymitch said emphatically to the nurse. 
She smiled at him. “I see.”
The next day Peeta sat next to Finnick in one of their shared classes, in the back row of the stadium like seating. Finnick leaned back in his chair, hands knit behind his head like he was laying out in the sun lounging on a pool float somewhere.
After a few moments Finnick turned his head just slightly toward Peeta on his right, his eyes still on the ceiling. “So what you’re telling me, is her pulse was elevated the whole time you were there?”
“Yeah,” Peeta said, tossing his hands up a little in exasperation and letting them lightly slap back down on to the desktop. “I was concerned at first, but then,” he smiled, looking down to the desktop for a moment, playing with his pencil, then looking forward again. “Then I realized it was whenever we talked, specifically, not Haymitch or the nurse, and I put it together. She’s just really glad to see her friends, I think. I mean, I don’t blame her, that place is all greys and whites and blah.”
When Finnick didn’t respond, Peeta looked to his left to find Finnick still splayed back, but looking right at him. “Just ‘blah’?” He stared blankly at Peeta. “You think she’s happy - so happy it sets off alarms - that her friends are bringing a dash of color into her world?”
“….Yeah?” Peeta was hesitant to answer, shrugging his shoulders as he responded. 
Rolling his eyes, Finnick rolled his head back toward the ceiling with the movement, scoffing and letting out a small chuckle. “Uh, yeah. Okay, ‘friend’.”
“What-” Peeta huffed, looking for the right words, “What are you- What do you even mean, Finnick?”
Finnick shrugged with a smirk, everyone quieting down when the teacher walked in. Looking to his friends one more time, Finnick spoke in a hushed tone as the teacher began the lecture. “You’re a great friend, Peeta.”
They both looked forward toward the lecture happening in front of them, but Peeta wasn’t absorbing anything, his mind going a million miles a minute trying to figure out what Finnick meant. 
He had his suspicions, but, no…. Surely not. Finnick was crazy.
He had waited until the end of the visit to test Finnick’s theory. 
As he went over the notes he had taken, reading them aloud to Katniss while she sat with the bed a little straighter up than the day before, her head back and eyes closed while she listened, he kept looking at her. Wondered what was going on in her head. Silently daring her to open her eyes and meet his. 
Shaking his head as Finnick’s voice echoed in his head, he went back to staring at the paper as he read, not even looking up.
The medicine she was on for pain made everything blurry, so he had volunteered to read to her. But as he went on, he found himself unconsciously speaking to the rhythm of her heart monitor, her pulse holding steady for the time being. And he couldn’t help the little grin that came across his face.
“And that’s it,” he said, closing his notebook and looking up to see Katniss blinking her eyes open, letting them readjust to the hospital room’s bright lights. 
“Thank you,” she said softly, her voice a little stronger than the day before. 
Reaching out like the day she came in here, he gently took her hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze. “Don’t mention it.”
He glanced to the monitor that registered what looked to be a missed beat or two, but her pulse stayed fairly even, going slightly higher, but not enough to set off any alarm bells - on the machine or in his head.
The nurse came by and poked her head in the door, announcing that visiting hours were almost over, then came all the way in to the other side of the bed. 
Katniss looked at the needle in her hand with disgust. “I hate this medicine,” she said offhandedly. “It is supposed to help me sleep, but it just gives me nightmares.” Looking at Peeta as the nurse injected the medicine into her IV, her pulse started to quicken. 
Absentmindedly packing up his stuff, Peeta looked to the monitor when it finally started beeping and flashing. Swinging his backpack onto his shoulder, he noticed a particularly high spike, setting off new alarms he hadn’t heard before, and he looked to Katniss worriedly. 
As the nurse came around the foot of the bed to turn off the machines, fiddling with them after the blaring stopped, Katniss spoke quietly, “Peeta. Stay with me?”
It was a question, not a statement or demand, and he so wanted to give in and ease her mind as she fell asleep, but visiting hours were over. 
Katniss looked like she was starting to drift off to sleep, reaching for him blindly with the hand he had held moments before. 
The nurse looked between them, smiled and winked at Peeta as she made her way out of the room. “I’ll come check on her in a few hours. You know, she is allowed one person to stay with her.”
Setting his backpack on the ground, Peeta went to the hand still outstretched for him, and held it tight. 
“Peeta?” Her voice was small and barely awake.
“Yeah. I’m here. Go back to sleep.” He went to go over to the recliner in the corner, but her hand clutched his with a strength he didn’t think had returned to her yet, keeping him beside her. 
“Stay with me.”
This time it wasn’t a question but a statement, a demand, and it made him smile. Glancing to the monitor again, he saw her heart rate settle back down as the chair he had moved over earlier scraped against the floor as he pulled it closer to her bedside, still clutching her hand tightly in his own.
“Always,” he said matter of factly, as if any other answer were wrong. 
Resting his chin on his hand, giving hers one last squeeze, he stared at her and smiled softly. He found himself yawning and drifting off to sleep soon, preparing for the nightmares, and dreading the moment he would finally have to let go.
Peeta woke to sunlight hitting his eyes, blinking them open only to squint and lift up his left arm to block the rays slipping through the blinds. Looking toward Katniss, he saw her staring at him, already wide awake, and she even smiled a little bit. 
“Good morning,” she said, her voice leaps and bounds better than previous days. 
“Morning,” Peeta mumbled, sitting up from where his head still rested on his hand, groaning at his stiff back stretching for the first time in hours, and swiping at his face, hoping he hadn’t drooled in his sleep. His hand froze over his eye as he blearily gave it a rub when he heard a giggle.
Eyes snapping to Katniss, he saw her smiling broadly and uninhibited. “You really aren’t a morning person, are you?” she asked.
Yawning, Peeta spoke through the stretch. “You’re really a morning person, aren’t you?”
She threw her head back and laughed the first real laugh he had heard in days. Leaving her head back against the bed she sighed. “No,” she said honestly, and they both chuckled. “No, I’m really not, but that was the first night of sleep I have had since being here, and I guess I needed it, so thank you.”
Reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, Peeta let his hand linger, and heard the monitor spike, making him smile. “I can tell. Your hair is crazy.” 
She scowled at him but it melted into a chuckle and pink cheeks.
Letting his hand fall slightly, down to her cheeks, he traced the back of his finger over her blush. “You’re getting your color back. That’s good.”
She reached up to grab his wrist gently, groaning what sounded an embarrassed reply. 
“Hang on,” he mumbled, and she lightly held on to his wrist as he moved down to trace her lips with his thumb.
Her breath hitched and the monitor beeped faster again. 
Grinning impishly, he swiped his thumb on the side of her mouth as if wiping something off, and said softly, “You drool.”
She shoved his hand away, once again trying to scowl but ended up snickering along with him as he jokingly wiped his hand on his jeans, making a ridiculous face before chuckling himself.
Since it was a Saturday, Peeta took his time, lingering at her bedside, and lounging in the chair he had slept in, despite Katniss telling him repeatedly to go sit in the recliner in the corner, so he would be more comfortable. 
Instead of comfort, he took the chance to sit by her and steal a glance every now and then, since he no longer got to do it in class. He always felt a sense of calm when looking at her, much like last night, when Katniss’ heart rate had calmed down when he agreed to stay. Something just felt right. 
They brought her a breakfast tray, if it could even be called that. Peeta stared at the tray just like it that sat in his lap, thanking the nurse who had given it to him with a wink and a smirk, and trying to decide what exactly was on the tray that they were trying to pass off as “food”. 
Standing up after the nurse left, he walked his tray over to the nearby counter, turning to see Katniss glaring at him. 
“If I have to eat this, you have to eat this,” she hissed, gesturing to the food then him with her fork. 
Peeta gulped. “How about we share?”
Katniss narrowed her eyes at him briefly, before mumbling a “fine”, looking back to the food and picking at the imposter waffles. 
The TV was playing softly in the background, the only other noise aside from Katniss’ incessant fidgeting. 
“Are you okay?” Peeta asked after what felt like the millionth time, and tried to swallow the “waffles” that didn’t seem to want to be eaten as much as he didn’t want to eat them.
Katniss grimaced. “Yeah, it’s just,” she fidgeted again. “This is the most uncomfortable bed, and I can’t find a way to help it anymore. They changed my medication to something a little less potent, so now I’m feeling all the aches and pains and itches and everything glorious.”
Peeta chuckled. “Well, how about we get up and walk around the hallways a little bit, and after that I can give you a little massage?” He had to bite his cheek to keep from smiling at her wide eyes. He didn’t need a machine to know her pulse was elevated, her cheeks gave that away as they tinged pink. Ever since Finnick had made his “observation” the day before, he’d found himself being much bolder than he had ever been before. “I mean, it can’t be too much different than kneading bread….”
Katniss simultaneously choked and chuckled at the same time. “The medicine I’m due for in a few minutes makes me really dizzy, and I’d have to use the walker, and-”
“And I’ll help you,” Peeta interrupted, earning him a scowl. “I’ll walk right beside you in case you need help, and catch you if you start to fall.”
“And if I can’t walk the whole time you’ll go find me a wheelchair at the nurses station, right?” Katniss rolled her eyes with a little scoff, but her cheeks still bloomed in a bright blush. 
“No, I’ll just carry you if it comes to that.”
“Oh.” Was all Katniss could muster, a short decisive nod in confirmation as she sat the bed up all the way, lowering her propped up feet and pushing away the tray of “food”. “Could I- I mean, Can you-” she stuttered out, timidly reaching her hand out in a request for help up.
Peeta scrambled to his feet, immediately offering his hand to help her sit totally upright, easing her legs over the side of the bed and lowered the rail on the side to help her even more. 
She turned toward the edge of the bed, her feet dangling off the edge in the yellow socks with grippy bottoms they kept replacing every day, and flitted her eyes over to the walker in the corner, Peeta following her gaze and immediately reaching over with his long reach to grab it, placing it in front of her. 
“Can I have my robe, please?” she asked in a small voice, pointing to where it hung on the bathroom door. “These hospital gowns are drafty in all the wrong places.” She pulled a hand down her face, sighing at the words that kept coming out of her mouth. “Sorry, too much information.”
Peeta smiled as he handed her the robe. “No, I get it. I’ve been in here once or twice, remember?”
She smiled sadly. “Yeah, I remember.”
As Peeta helped her into the robe, he also smiled sadly. Staring at the floor, memories he’d rather forget started flashing through his mind. He must have spaced out, or maybe he clutched her shoulders just a little too tightly, but the next thing he really registered was Katniss holding his face in her hands, searching his face frantically. 
“Stay with me,” she echoed her words from last night, once again not a question, but a matter of fact. 
Locking his eyes on hers, he found the fog clearing. Swallowing thickly, he nodded, letting his gaze dart around the room. “Thanks,” he finally muttered, smiling sadly one last time before he cleared his throat and smiled a bit more genuinely. “Now quit procrastinating.” 
They made it a few laps around the floor before Katniss was too tired to make one more round. When they passed back by her room, they went in and saw that the food trays had been removed, thankfully, and the bed linens changed. At the foot of the bed sat a new hospital gown, bright yellow and folded neatly, on top of it a matching set of those same yellow socks. 
“Feel up to changing?” Peeta asked her as he helped slip off her robe, carrying it back to the hook on the bathroom door. 
“I guess,” Katniss sighed, her breathing labored. “Makes the most sense to do it before getting back in bed.” 
“Let me know if you need any help,” he said, holding the bathroom door open as she shuffled by, the gown and socks clutched tightly to her chest with one hand, the other holding the back of the hospital gown together as best she could. 
Closing the door all but a sliver, Peeta stood right outside in case she needed help, absently staring at the TV. His mind was far away, though, thinking about all the times he had been the one in here, and she had visited and helped him. He didn’t dwell on the reason he was there, but the fact she had come to help. 
“Peeta?” Her small voice echoing around the small bathroom caught his attention. 
“Yeah?” He cleared his throat.
“I need some help tying this gown.”
Now it was his turn to have his cheeks go pink. Nothing is more awkward than a hospital gown. The door slowly swung open, and her back was revealed to him, her hands clutching the back tightly around her hips, but her back was on full display, making him swallow thickly. 
It was moments like these that he found himself getting lost in an emotion he only ever felt around her, but he never fully understood. If he had to describe it, it was how he pictured love feeling.
Slowly walking into the little room, he stepped up behind her, closer than needed, and noticed she was shaking as he reached for the little ties. 
“Are you cold?”
“Y-yeah,” she stuttered out, looking at the floor. 
Slowly tying a double knotted bow so it wouldn’t slip open on accident, Peeta accidentally brushed his fingertips on the soft exposed skin of her back, and she instantly stilled. “Is that too tight?” he asked softly. 
“N-no. But can you tie the top one a little looser? I think when I sit down it might be just a little too tight.”
He nodded, reaching up to tie the top strings in just one bow in case she wanted to adjust it, and his skin brushed her clavicle, making her shiver once again. 
Leaning in toward her ear, he spoke in a low voice, “Can you please hold your hair up? I don’t want to get it caught in the strings.” 
The shivering turned into a violent shudder before she nodded, lifting her hair up with her free hand not clutching the lower part of the gown closed, and took deep, steadying breaths.
“Thank you,” she breathed, letting go of her hair as he set his hands on her shoulders, pulling her back flush with his front gently, and placing his chin gently on one shoulder, his cheek right by her ear.
“Don’t mention it,” he said in a quiet tone much like her own. With their bodies so close, he could feel her rapid heartbeat against his own, and they both were above average.
“I’ll let you take care of the lower ties.” He took a few steps back before turning to go back to the room. Her voice so close behind him startled him. 
“I think I will leave those open. I’ll be under the covers anyway, and it makes it a little easier to move and sit in that bed. But I could use your help switching out these socks…. If you don’t mind.” She smiled timidly. “Bending over is still really hard.”
Nodding, he gestured her to the bed and helped her sit on the edge. Pulling off the old pair and putting on the new, he heard her hooking the various little monitors back up as she settled back in. Looking up he saw her plug the pulse monitor back in and immediately the machine started blaring like it had before. Looking up at her with wide eyes, they both glanced at the monitor as the nurse came in and turned it off. 
“Why does that keep happening?” Peeta questioned her. “Isn’t that something bad?”
The nurse smiled kindly at him. “That? Oh, that’s just tachycardia. Elevated heart rate. The machine has certain parameters set for ‘normal’ and sometimes exertion or excitement can make your pulse shoot up to what the parameters deem ‘too high’. It’s completely safe.” 
She leaned into Peeta. “But between you and me, I think it’s just you in general that keeps making hers go off. You have some effect on her, no one else who visits has it going off this much. Someone named Finnick had it going, but she was laughing really hard. Haymitch seems to put her in a bad mood - or annoyed - and that sets it off sometimes. But you, you make it go off the most. I’d be very unhappy about that if she wasn’t looking so much better having you here.” The machine went off again, and the nurse glanced at a mortified looking Katniss before smiling knowingly at Peeta. “Just push this button if it happens again.” Reaching out she silenced the machine once again, winking at Katniss, before promptly leaving the room. 
Katniss and Peeta just stared at one another for a long moment before he clapped his hands together and said, “Now how about that massage?”
He reached out and shut off the machine before it let out too many alerts.
If he had thought it through, tying the gown before the massage wasn’t the brightest idea, but he was so glad he had because it was one more excuse to be so close to her. He was surprised she wasn’t swatting him away with how ticklish she tended to be. 
The head of the bed was lowered enough for him to squeeze in behind her, and they finally settled on her sitting between his legs as she hugged a pillow to her front as she slightly bent forward, and laid her head on a pillow on the little rolling table they had locked to sit in front of her. Her head was turned to her right so he could see her profile, and her typical braid going over her shoulder had been done so he could have easier access to her shoulders and neck. 
He wanted to take a moment to just admire her, but he understood the horribleness of a hospital bed, and went to working on her shoulders immediately. Working from the bottom of her shoulder blades up to the top of her neck, he tried to be gentle not entirely sure what might still hurt from the accident, but dug in to the knots he found, earning appreciative groans from her. 
He worked down to her lower back, right above her hips was as much as he could get to, and he made a mental note to ask the nurse for a heating pad next time she came in. Even his baker trained hands couldn’t work that tension out without some help.
“Is the pressure okay?” He kept asking, to which she answered a groggy sounding yes every time. Finally instead of an answer he got a snore in response. Glancing to her face he saw her peacefully asleep, not even a flinch as he found yet another knot near her shoulder blade. He worked on it gently for a few minutes, not seeing her flinch once, but finally decided that was enough for now. 
Someone cleared their throat to his left, and he snapped his head to see Finnick leaning in the doorway, ankles crossed, arms crossed over his chest, and a smirk across his face that was absolutely beaming. 
“Friends,” he said quietly, but with emphasis, snickering, before hanging his head and gently shaking it.
Double knotting the one tie and loosely tying the top one again, Peeta slowly eased out of the bed, taking the pillow Katniss was hugging and adding it to the one that had been behind his back, slowly lowering her back until she was laying on the slight incline of the bed, her snoring not wavering once. He took the pillow her head had been on on the tray and gave it to her to hug like the other one, and she clutched it tight, snuggling into the blankets he pulled back up over her.
Walking past Finnick, Peeta gave him a dirty look before continuing out into the hall, pulling him along by the elbow when Finnick didn’t follow, closing the door all but a crack so he would hear if she woke up or the machines went off. 
Finnick was just smirking.
“Why did you have to say anything the other day?” Peeta hissed. “Everything was fine until then, and now I can’t think about anything else.”
“Could you before? Really?” Finnick prodded. “I mean, sure, you didn’t sit an analyze her heart rate, but can you honestly tell me you didn’t think about her, look at her and get that feeling you can’t really describe but understand, and just know this person is supposed to be in your life?” It was quiet for a minute before Finnick spoke in a softer voice. “I get it, man.” He put a hand on Peeta’s shoulder, despite Peeta’s arms still being firmly crossed. “It’s the same feeling I get-”
“Let me guess, it’s the same feeling you get when you see me?” Peeta’s sarcasm was off the charts. 
Finnick threw his head back and laughed. “Well, yeah, but in a different way. No, man, it’s how I feel when I see Annie.” Peeta’s face softened at the mention of Finnick’s fiancé. “And no matter how long we have been together, that feeling doesn’t change. It gets more comfortable, yeah, but it’s the same feeling, same emotion.” He smiled a goofy smile and looked off in the distance over Peeta’s shoulder. “It’s like…. You look at them and….” He met Peeta’s gaze again, “you know you’re home.”
Peeta had to glance over his shoulder to see if Annie was actually there, because the way Finnick had stared down that hallway, Peeta was almost certain she had to be there. 
Letting his arms drop as he sighed, his shoulders hunching, Peeta rested his forehead on Finnick’s chest and groaned softly. 
Snickering, Finnick pushed him to arms length, hands on his shoulders, and gently shook him until he met his eyes again. “You’re here. You’re safe. This is real.” He sighed. “It’s a really messed up situation, but it’s where you are.” He grinned impishly. “Now go get her and tell her you love her, you idiot, before I do.”
Gently shoving Peeta back toward the room, all thought of flipping Finnick the bird faded from his mind when he heard Katniss sleeping fitfully, moaning softly in what sounded like pain or distress, and her monitor registering a higher and higher pulse rate. 
The nurses words about what causes the elevation came back to him, and Peeta was in the room and beside her faster than Finnick could say “go”. 
The door shut softly behind him, but it was enough to make Katniss sit upright in bed, wide eyed, immediately grimacing and groaning as she grabbed her midsection.
Peeta put a hand on her shoulder, and she immediately flinched, but looking up and seeing his face, relief washed over her features, and her pulse began to calm down. “You’re okay,” he reassured softly. 
“Thank you,” she all but whispered. “I am now that you’re here.”
They looked at one another and shared a soft smile, their eye contact never wavering. 
“Scoot over,” Peeta said simply, jutting his chin forward as if to motion to her which way to go.
“What? Why?” Katniss asked, but did as he asked. 
Slipping his shoes off, Peeta took the pillow she had been hugging away form her, ignoring her lighthearted protests, and stuck it a bit further up than her pillows, and climbed in the bed in the spot she had made for him. Pulling the sheets up over them, he laid his head on the pillow slightly further up, and gently pulled her so that she was resting on his chest, hugging him like she had clutched the pillow. 
“You slept better leaning forward when I was giving you the massage, I figured this might help-”
They heard a snort from the doorway and both looked to see Finnick in the exact position he had been in only minutes earlier. “You two idiots are going to be the death of me,” he muttered softly with a smirk, hanging his head once again with a gentle shake.
Looking back to one another, Peeta began again after a moment of silence, “Really, it was just an instinct, I’m sorry if I- I can get out of you want-”
He was cut off by Katniss firmly planting a kiss on his lips. Pulling away just enough to speak, she whispered, “Thank you.”
“Always,” Peeta responded without even thinking.
They both smiled when they heard Finnick whoop and say something about “finally” from down the hall before the door clicked shut.
Searching each other’s face, eyes flitting this way and that, from lips to eyes to nose to lashes, the space between them slowly began to close again, until it finally disappeared and was lost in a kiss, then another, and some more. 
In longing touches, laughter, and whispered discussions. 
Stolen glances and hidden smiles. 
The distance between them stayed small, much like the distance between each heart beat, until finally the nurses cleared her to no longer need the monitor. Probably more for their own sanity than anything else. 
When she finally got dressed in normal clothes and was discharged, she came out of the bathroom after braiding her hair, and smiled as Peeta waited for her by the door, his own broad smile across his face, one hand outstretched for her. When they were within touching distance, he firmly gripped her hand with his, reaching out to touch the tip of her braid with the other, fiddling with it absentmindedly, a goofy grin on his face.
Walking the few feet to the waiting wheelchair the hospital insisted she leave in, Peeta let go of her hand, but stayed as close as he could. After she finally was in the passenger seat of his car, he once again took her hand across the console, threaded their fingers together, and they both smiled. 
“Are you ready?” he asked.
Looking at him now, she understood her feelings of only a few days ago, walking through the quad with stolen glances. 
“Ready,” she said. 
Shifting the car into gear, Peeta gave her one more dazzling grin, and one last squeeze of her hand, before he turned to look at the road, and they rode in comfortable silence, and that wonderful feeling, of knowing that that special someone loves you back. 
After a few minutes, Peeta finally piped up, “Just so you know, that truce I called in the quad the other day? That only extends a few more days.”
Katniss turned a glare on him and he snickered.
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thranduilsperkybutt · 4 years
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Warnings: Mentions of drinking, Ransom being an ass is a given, right?
Gif source:  Ransom
Imagine Ransom not recognizing you at his family’s costume party on Halloween and hitting on you.
---------  Request for @xteenwolfwritingsx  ---------
Parties were, perhaps, the one thing that the Thrombeys excelled at, besides making ridiculous amounts of money. You suppose, when you’re richer than god himself, that makes it easy to entertain the masses. If nothing else, the parties gave them an excuse to flaunt it.
The costume party was in full swing, and you looked beyond your masquerade mask for this brief moment of scrutiny over the sip you take from your cup. It was some kind of liquor, named appropriately for Halloween, but you didn’t care really what it was, so long as it burned the back of your throat when you took it down. Reminded you to not get caught up in the pretty swirls of color, because underneath there was a bite to it, like everything else in this place.
Ransom didn’t even bother with a costume this year. You’ve noticed, he’s always hilariously disinterested in whatever his family wishes him to participate in. You snort as the sting comes in the back of your throat, sending some of the irritating fluid up the back of your nose, and you have to take a moment to gather yourself with another, steadier sip, which finishes off the cup in its entirety.
Fucking Ransom Drysdale. That asshole had messed with you for practically your entire existence here, as a member of the help. Dropping shit in the floor, just so you would have to pick it up. Barely even acknowledging your presence when you entered a room, like you were subhuman. And then, there was the fact that he made everyone call him Hugh.
But here he was now, serving you, as he brings you another cup of the disgustingly strong liquor, grinning like he just knows getting you drunk is a good idea, “You look like you could use a refill.”
He’s been hovering, like he’s just now noticed you existed in the last fifteen minutes, and you have to admit, the budding realization that he had no clue just who you were was entertaining in itself. You wonder, will it bite him in the ass to realize he’s been chatting up the help this whole time? It sure did make you laugh, internally, of course. Later, it would be externally.
“Do you even remember my name, Ransom?” you ask him pointedly, with enough flirtatious overtone to egg him on.
He smiles, cockily, like he does all things, and looks you up and down with an entirely fabricated sheepishness in his tone, “Ah, well,  would you believe, I’m bad with names? Especially at these parties. There’s a lot of people that my grandfather invites, you know.”
“Hmm,” you occupy your tongue with another sip, thanking the heavens that you are able to hold your liquor better than he probably thinks you can, “I suppose I can forgive you, then.”
“You can always remind me.”
“And where’s the fun in that?” you chuckle, shaking your head. No way were you giving it up that easily, “Tonight, I’m just Christine Daaé, from The Phantom of the Opera.” Gesturing down to your costume, you fix him with a pointed look, “And, who are you supposed to be?”
“Why dress up as someone else,” he grins wide, like he thinks his answer is clever, and you hate yourself for even thinking for a moment that it’s an attractive smile, “when I can just be myself?”
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thefanficfaerie · 4 years
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The OTP Challenge is here! And Starts tomorrow!!!! 
There are only a few rules.
1. You do not have to be following to participate.
2. The challenge starts in October with Spooktacular Halloween. 
3. Try to stick to one couple. You can do a different couple for each set but one set should be one couple. So its like a journey for them through out the month.
4. You may create anything that you wish. Mood boards, drabbles, full one shot, social media edits.
5. You do not have to complete them all. You can do as many or as few as wish.
6. No you can’t combine prompts. Its a daily challenge so a new challenge for each day. You can skip days if you wish. However you choose to take part means you can still only post that prompt that day.
7. You can use existing couples. Have a couple you already created, you are welcome to use it.
8. You can use any fandom you want not just ones I follow.
9. You can go back sort of. If you miss one and wish to post it you have to do it after you post the one from that day. If you miss day 2 you can post it on day 3 but after you post day 3s challenge. 
@justagirlinafandomworld​ @bohemian-barbie​ @mycapt-ohcapt​ @xteenwolfwritingsx​ @locke-writes​ @mrsrafaelbarba​ @madpanda75​ @tropes-and-tales​ @tropicalcap​ @thatesqcrush​ @theweepingvulcan91​ @baycitystygian​ @tanookiroxx​ @cosmicrealmofkissteria​ @xfandomwritingsx​ @steves-on-a-plane​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @tilltheendwilliwrite​ @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms​ @brooklyns-boys​ @shreddedparchment​ @sabrecmc​ @naferty​ @captain-rogers-beard​ @xemopeachx​ @vintagemichelle91​ @annathewitch​ @imoutofmyvulcanmind​ @imamotherfuckingstar-lord​ @avengersandco​ @after-avenging-hours​ @angryschnauzer​ @bucky-the-thigh-slayer​ @theycallmebecca​ @hlkwrites​ @heli0s-writes​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse​ @prettyyoungtragedy​ @pegasusdragontiger​ @petitemistletoe​ @all1e23​ @pagesoflauren​ @fvckingavengers​ @sapphirescrolls​ @bookcaseninja​ @medicatemedrmccoy​ @musikat18​ @marvelouslytrekking​ @thegeekofmanyfandoms​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @caps-boo-bear​ @teamcap4bucky​ @avintagekiss24​​ @allaboardthereadingrailroad​​
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Blue Moon - Masterlist
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((Aesthetic by the amazing @trexrambling!!))
A/N: So. This happened. Haha! I hope you guys like it! Took care of two prompts. I contemplated making this a one shot, but just decided to let it be long and multi part. It took on a life of it’s own. Based off of this prompt and this prompt. It ended up being one of those that follows along with the episodes (from the requested 3x4-on to the end of the season 3A) but not in a direct insert way, more of a “if this character was in the series, this would have happened off screen”, etc. so it’s not directly inserting into the episodes. (Also I feel I should mention, Derek feels a little OOC to me, but I think that’s just how I wrote him “brainwashed” like the request. And I think I did this on purpose so that when they meet up in the end, they can be as snarky and sassy and (our beloved) Sourwolfy as possible. 😆)
I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters. Sadly.
Thank you to @wheresthekillswitch @xteenwolfwritingsx @mymonandsymon @jazziwritesthings and the amazing @trexrambling (who is writing an amazing Dylan x Reader that I love and you should all read) for looking this over for me! (and the latter for helping with my sleep deprivation grammar and autocorrect from hell’s typos (I swear they’re not mine😬).)
Warnings: Some language. Typical show violence, mention of severe bleeding, (the scene where the Alpha pack sticks the piece of pipe in Derek in the episode mentioned in the request), mention of passed characters. Mention of implied death/assumed death. Character death canon with the show. Mostly just fluff, though.
Word count: Pending (24,988 and counting.)
Newest to the pack, Y/N is still learning the ropes under the watchful eye of her mentor and current roommate, Derek. Things take a turn for the worse when Jennifer Blake comes into the picture and has Derek acting completely out of character. With unease settling in her gut and her instincts pulling her in different directions, not to mention the quick approach of the full moon, Y/N tries to sort through the whole mess, searching for light at the end of the tunnel. But it just seems like wishful thinking, something that would only happen once in a blue moon.
(Updated as of 03/01/2022. Number of parts may change, as I am still writing the story, but it’s already over 10k+, so I figured it’s okay to start uploading it.)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9 (TBD)
Part 10 (TBD)
Part 11 (TBD)
Part ??? (TBD)
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slytherinmage · 4 years
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You Know Better by @xteenwolfwritingsx​
Story Description: Peter and the reader develop a slow relationship when she asks Peter for fight training. *NSFW
I made my first ever mood board! I’m hoping it’s not... terrible?
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xfandomwritingsx · 4 years
Random Kink Prompt Tuesday! (CLOSED)
Hello my darlings! Extra special today as I am doing smut/kink prompts! Yay! You know the drill. Send me a number and a character and hold onto your panties. Requests will likely close end of day Wednesday.
Asking that you request from the following fandoms but if your heart (or...other body part) is set on another one, ask and you may receive.  (Any male character. I do not have to have written for them previously.) MCU, Supernatural, Harry Potter, The Walking Dead, The Boys, Dragon Age (specify Hero of Ferelden/Hawke/Inquisitor and male partner)
Begging James “Sawyer” Ford
Praise Kink Jim Hopper
Daddy Kink
Aphrodisiac / Sex Pollen Loki
Lingerie Jim Hopper
Breeding Kink Peter Hale (will be posted to xteenwolfwritingsx and reblogged here)
Oral (Female Receiving) Draco Malfoy
Orgasm Denial Dean Winchester
Public Sex Peter Hale (will be posted to xteenwolfwritingsx and reblogged here)
Dirty Talk
Threesome (send a third character if have one in mind, male or female)
Shower Sex
Incest (specify desired relationship)
Adultery Chris Argent (will be posted to xteenwolfwritingsx and reblogged here)
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bamby0304 · 7 years
Tag 9 People with Excellent Taste
I was tagged by @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash , thanks lovely!! :):)
Colour you’re wearing: Black shorts and like, a light red pink coloured shirt, white white doggies on it :)
Last Band T-shirt you bought: God, I haven’t bought a band tee since 2009... it was from the Veronica’s concert I went to for my 14th birthday.
Last Band you saw live: Refer to answer above... I don’t do well with large crowds and loud noises...
Last song you listened to: Currently listening to Carolina by Harry Styles
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick, purely for the upkeep of my lips. I don’t where makeup, so...
Last movie you watched: Daddy’s Home. It was on TV the other night, and I really wanted to stay up to hangout with my dog for a little longer :P
Last 3 TV shows you watched: Surprise, surprise... Supernatural, Teen Wolf and The Walking Dead. But, I mean, I’m writing fics based on them, so I gotta do research ;)
3 Characters you identify with: Caroline Forbes from The Vampire Diaries, Maggie Rhee from The Walking Dead, and Sydney Sage from The Bloodlines Series.
Book You’re currently reading: Gosh... I haven’t read a book in years. Writing is more my thing now... and reading fanfictions. The last book I read was from the Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead, and it was probs my 3rd or 4th time reading it :)
As for fanfictions, I’m reading Irresistible Danger by @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash , Our Little Secret by @sis-tafics , Knock by @superprincesspea , You Know Better by @xteenwolfwritingsx , and a few more, but they’re the ones I can think of right now :P
I’m not gonna tag anyone, but if any of my followers feel like participating, go ahead :):)
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Hi! Is there any chance for more Peter Hale content from you in the future? You write him so well and you made me thirsty as fuck for him (and now I'm slowly dying of thirst 😥). I've lost count of how many times I've reread your one-shots (the borrowing his shirt one is my absolute fave). Thx for exposing me to this beautiful man 😍 I hope you're well 💞
Gah, thank you for letting me know you enjoy my Peter fics! ❤️
I was thiiiiiirsty as hell for him when Teen Wolf was airing. I won’t say I’d never go back to him at some point in the future, because never say never, though I don’t have any solid fic ideas planned for him at the moment.
I will say that if you haven’t read @xteenwolfwritingsx’s Peter Hale x reader slow burn, I HIGHLY recommend it. I’ve binged it twice already and I’m sure I’ll go back to the beginning and do so a third time once it’s complete. I’ll reblog the masterlist in case you’re interested!
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megmeg-chan · 5 years
I would like to just give a very warm, wholehearted Happy New Years to everyone who has shown me such kindness this year. To those of you who have talked to me, ranted with me, let me vent to you, supported me--- you have no idea how much this all means to me. You are always in my heart and have truly touched my life, making it better and bringing a smile to my face whenever I deeply need it. <3 Thank you! Happy New Years! Here’s to an even better 2019! xoxo
@bixbiboom @sansa-bird @trollingbatterwitch @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @dwayne-pride @xteenwolfwritingsx @cleosertorie
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thranduilsperkybutt · 4 years
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Here it is!! The masterlist of all the wonderful fics submitted for the follower challenge. They were each such fun to read, and I know I’m probably biased, considering the AU/trope list from the challenge is based on my own personal preferences, but that doesn’t change the fact that I had fun reading each one of these, and hope you all enjoy them, too. If you missed one, be sure to go check it out!
Thanks to all who joined for participating in the challenge! And thanks to all my followers for your continued support. I hope you enjoy the fics, and take the chance to send these authors some love! 💕 
- Meg ₓₒₓₒ♡
|  Special Thanks to the Authors  |
@locke-writes  |  @roguesandsaviors  |  @xteenwolfwritingsx  |  @dwaynepride  |  @xfandomwritingsx  |  @plaid-beez
|  Masterlist  |
Authenticity  ---  @xfandomwritingsx Prompts:  The we have to kiss right now or they’ll notice we’re not supposed to be here trope DC Comics: John Constantine
Bound  ---  @locke-writes Prompts:  Soulmate AU + arranged marriage trope Marvel: Tony Stark
Cover Story Needed  ---  @roguesandsaviors Prompts:  Pretend couple, fake dating trope The Walking Dead: Negan
The King and I  --- @plaid-beez Prompts: Sugar daddy AU + the post-fight, nursing back to health trope Marvel’s Luke Cage: Cornell Stokes
Save the Date  ---  @locke-writes Prompts:  Mutual pining + pretend couple, fake dating trope Marvel’s Daredevil: Matt Murdock
The Unfortunate Case of Nonchalance  ---  @dwaynepride Prompts:  Cowboy AU + secret relationship trope NCIS: Leroy Jethro Gibbs  |  Part 1  |  Pt. 2  |  Pt. 3  |  Pt. 4  |  Pt. 5  |  Pt. 6
What Are We?  ---  @roguesandsaviors Prompts:  College AU // Professor AU + secret relationship trope Marvel: Tony Stark
Click Here to read them all!
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