#amateur shit smh
guardianwallace · 2 years
oh my god a 1 day old account that has does nothing but make inflammatory comments, i must engage immediately
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cashewally-sarcastic · 5 months
why did that guy in fountaine drink bathwater....
You’re still thinking about Bulle Fruit bestie?
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
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wttcsms · 5 months
hq fanon is truly a masterpiece, the fandom was 60% gullible dumbasses and 40% amateur gaslighters, and my goodness, what a combination this was. who else could have come up with and then believe in fictional knee injuries, false medical diagnoses, and declaring someone a chemistry nerd after he made a biology joke. no fandom is doing shit like this nowadays smh
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ilovebeingaturtle · 10 months
JUST SAW THE MONDO GECKO HC POST AND CAN I ASK IF YOU HAVE ANY SHREDDER AND KRANG HCS 🥺 (they're living rent-free in my head smh. i should charge them)
I gotchu bud here’s some evil husband rambles-
While he definitely neglects his other passion these days, I think Shredder still finds the time every now and then to pursue his interest in writing. In the few quieter moments of the Technodrome, you can probably find him curled up somewhere with a notepad and muttering to himself. Connected to his interest in writing, I had an idea where Krang is dissatisfied with the ending of his comfort show-so Shredder, in a rare moment of consideration (that will still fuel his ego) offers to rewrite the ending for him. The two then end up spending the afternoon writing fanfiction together basically, and if they ever manage to cooperate enough to produce a final draft, Krang likely forces Benop and Rocksteady to act it out like a script. Their acting is terrible and it results in Shredder taking over as the leading role. He can’t stand watching amateurs.
Shredder hates taking of his armour, it makes him feel unprepared but he also just likes the sensory pressure it provides (because this man is ABSOLUTELY autistic I can claim him). That’s his comfort armour dang it, however he has a secondary set with less spikes on it for relaxing purposes after that time he accidentally tore up their couch and Krang REFUSES to buy another one because of that. If he must appear in other clothing, he prefers pinks and purples. Purple is the colour of royalty after all, and pink just always suits him so well.
Krang had a small fortune he inherited from his family that he was allowed to keep after being banished, plus all that money he’s gained since. He’s started needing to hide all his cards though, Shredder has a habit of stealing them and he’s absolutely an impulse buyer. If they get random shipments of useless items, he knows who’s fault it is, despite Shredder always trying to pin it on Bebop and Rocksteady.
I also like to think Krang probably enjoys singing, his voice is always lilting naturally anyways so I can see him having a secret interest in it. Shredder thinks he sounds god awful and like a cat dying in jelly, but Krang always snipes back that he’s amazing by dimension X standards, which Shredder can’t disprove but still doesn’t feel is right.
Shredder low key has a complex over being replaced, it’s why he gets so hostile whenever Krang brings in a “replacement” for him. He loves attention, he wants to take over the world for the glory of it (it’s why in the timeline where he wins he doesn’t actually know what to do with himself and does shit like make the “I love Shredder” show) and because he wants everyone to see how amazing he is. It’s not that he feels the need to prove himself to Krang, what are you talking about-he just thinks that someone as intelligent as Krang should know better than to think he’s a worthless and if Krang can’t respect that he’s leaving. Sure he always comes back to him after saying that every time but-shut up!
Krang meanwhile I think detests the occasions he has to rely on Shredder, especially in the beginning. He hates feeling helpless, his constructed body gives him security, makes him feel safe and powerful, and without it anything could happen. He feels weak and he hates it. He needs that power over people, to feel taller than them-but I also think that, eventually, after all the times Shredder saves him when reason stands he could have just abandoned him, the fact that Shredder has stuck around this long at all...him being nearby makes Krang feel safe and powerful too. Not that he’d ever admit that.
They’re equals, they snap at each other, betray each other, shift the balance of power back and forth but at the end of the day there has to be respect there for them to work together this long. They need each other, and both know it, so their dynamic will always bend and crack but always snap back into place. I just think they’re neat 💖
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monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
Been talking about Roxy being cute and nice a lot lately. I just wanna say she's petty as hell, causes trouble on purpose for funsies, will absolutely throw hands if a competition gets too heated or just cause she can, absolutely vicious with her words if pushed, destructive as all fuck, and does not need another excuse to punch Freddy so hard his head falls off.
She's literally banned for life from Fazerblast she and Freddy hate eachother that much and Freddy is notorious for never banning anyone for more than a day at most. Roxy has seen the inside of Fazerblast a whole two times ever. To be fair, she hates cheaters and unfair games so with her fancy eyes, she wouldn't feel comfortable playing when she has such an unfair advantage she can't switch off, but that's not the point. Their beef is so bad that Glitchtrap fucking bails on Freddy whenever Roxy catches them luring a kid because he doesn't want to get his shit kicked in while she has way too much fun doing it. It's on sight. No fucks given.
Roxy is the bane of the managers and the staffs existence. Unless the rules make sense to Roxy, she's not following them for shit. What gets them is that the higher ups really like Roxy for some fucking reason, and by that, I mean her misbehaving makes them money. She was pre-programmed to play acoustic guitar, violin, and the drums. She was primarily meant to be the band's drummer but this motherfucker found an old ass keytar in the dusty as basement and fell in love with it. Showed up to her debut, too late for anyone to have a chance to stop her, and played keytar instead. Literally kept deliberately stealing the spotlight to give herself a solo or to drag out the song a little bit longer, she had an absolute blast with it and because the audience loved it, she fucking got away with it.
If literally any of the others had done that, they're convinced they would have got in such big trouble they'd be at risk of getting scrapped. Yet they're currently watching the staff hastily swap Roxy's art and posters for new ones without the drums like it was totally fine what she just did. And she never stops doing it! The others start to join in with it, but god damn that's frustrating at first, even more so when she refuses to stick to the script for five fucking seconds.
She's sworn in front of kids a good few times too. Wise enough not to do it in front of parents though, but it has happened and she's barely got a slap on the wrist for it. The higher ups don't really like when she ignores the pass system and takes kids into attractions they don't have a pass for without charging them, but it's only one or two every so often it's fiiiinnneeee... Bonnie did that one time and they had a real go at him though and she couldn't help but laugh about it cause haha lmao sucks to be him sounds like he did it wrong smh what an amateur!!
She's the king of getting away with shit. She'll find a loophole to anything she doesn't agree with, make her own rules, or just straight up not get caught. She's also the king of never letting anything go ever. If you wrong her, she will not let it go until justice has been served you mark her fucking words.
She's also a pretty sneaky lil shit. She's the fastest in the Plex, can see through walls and has the perks being a guard dog to Mimic gives her too. If she doesn't want to be found, well shit, she's just gone and no one has any idea where to. Completely vanished. Is she even still in the Plex? Who fucking knows!
Prides herself on being able to find anything and anyone in the building just you fucking watch. So long as it's in the Plex, she can find it. Don't ever doubt her on this. She will not hesitate to prove it. She loves showing off too much to let it slide, she will bet her life on being able to find shit and while sometimes it does take her a while, she's yet to meet her match.
The manager was threatening to scrap her one time when she was feeling particularly ballsy after she'd done something actually serious, and she really did bet her life on being able to find something. This fucker didn't believe anyone could be that fucking stupid, and given how much trouble she causes, it would be nice to kick her down a peg... She found the prototype drummer Roxy figurine he asked for within the hour. And then a plushie of one of the much older Bonnie animatronics within a day. And then a discontinued arcade cabinet his daughter wanted to play within the week. Like god damn she was not joking whadda hell. She's so fucking smug about it too like god. Whadda hell.
There's so much more to say about her there's just so many elements to her personality I could do this all day lmao
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catdemontraphouse · 1 year
Through having an autism moment for one of my favorite movies and its related medias (the current Beetlejuice fixation) I came to the following conclusions:
*Beetlejuice’s favorite color is probably red, which is probably a reference to the color of the star he’s named after
*Beetlejuice enjoys fashion and could even possibly be considered a designer (yes rly) Despite being a grungy character who’s known for being smelly and gross… he is a designer/seamstress with a vested interest in fashion???
Yes I’m going to explain in horrifically unnecessary detail. (It’s the autism) and yes this draws from all the juices but tbh any one of them would work as a stand-alone example (except maybe musicaljuice but he’s critical to the sewing part and also he’s the cute one)
The argument for Beetlejuice being an amateur designer:
There’s an interview somewhere with the costume designer for the musical that says they wanted the pinstripe black and white suit to look like it had been repaired and modified over the years, because since Beetlejuice was a loner, he’d been solely responsible for making and maintaining his wardrobe. So like, he sewed his own suit by his lonesome out of fabric of some sort. Because if it was magic why the hell would it need repairs? Which suggests at least to me that he *enjoys* making clothes because why go through all that work if you can materialize anything at will? And I mean it fits so, I’m sure it wasn’t his first ever pattern making and sewing experience.
There’s also the way toonjuice refers to his suit as having “never been washed” on numerous occasions so I don’t reckon it’s something he just makes from magic and poofs into nothingness on the fly? Though toonjuice could be argued to buy his clothing since they never stated he made it and he lives in some kinda monster city idk. I’m saying that suggests physical matter somehow not like, idk a temporary illusion? If you can wash it, it has some sort of mass to it right?
Listen, why the fuck a guy who can make his own patterns and sew an entire suit would not wash it is beyond me but okay. Anyways the point is there’s a suggestion being made here by the franchise that Beetlejuice makes his own clothing in the traditional way by sewing together some sort of permanent matter. I can’t say I get the same impression from moviejuice though. There’s not much to suggest his clothing isn’t just temporary magic bullshit, save for the visible decay… ok wait maybe it is made of permanent material. 🤷‍♀️ either that or the dust, tattering and moss is a fashion choice? 🤨🤨
Ok so for this next part let’s just like, put aside the weirdness going down with the wedding thing in the movie (btw I’ve seen it numerous times and I feel like it’s def “a green card thing” in the original as well, pay attention to the characters’ behaviors/interactions throughout the film with one another and u can see what I mean.)
Beetlejuice probably designed that red wedding dress right? Because he materialized it or pulled it out of thin air or whatever? And the matching red tux, same thing. I kinda think that was the fashionista in him taking the excuse to make dramatic evening wear lol. Using Lydia as a Bratz doll dressing her up in his designs smh
There’s also how jazzed up and amused he was by turning Otho into a walking fashion faux pas, or at least I have to assume that’s what he was doing when he ripped the guys outfit apart and replaced it with something that caused Otho to scream in terror. How tf does a smelly guy in a crypt know what’s considered a style no-no unless he’s into this shit lol
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Oh and uh if you’ve ever seen the cartoon he dresses himself up in all sorts of little outfits on the fly, like very frequently. If nothing else he’s coming up with the concepts for these clothes, maybe not constructing them himself in every version of the franchise but he’s at least designing the outfits in all of them or so I assume. He also gives other characters makeovers or new outfits on various occasions. It seems for Beetlejuice, the living are like breathing Barbie dolls he sees no issue with dressing up in his latest creations.
I’ll now explain the “favorite color is red” thing:
*Beetlejuice doesn’t wear many outfits in the movie, but three out of the four I can remember had red in them. The aforementioned wedding outfits were primarily red. His shirt under the coat in the guide outfit is red. 🤷‍♀️ (Adams undershirt that he copies is red but I don’t rly think it counts) Whenever he’s seen wearing a saturated, non-neutral color, it’s red.
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*didn’t he crash a little red car in the model at one point?… I just watched this movie again like last month and I forget already. That car in the photo, he crashed it into a fire hydrant earlier in the movie, didn’t he? Idk maybe not
*his tombstone has his name written on it in red
*toonjuice always has red nail polish 🤷‍♀️
*idk if this counts for anything but the nightclub Juno created to lure him away from the Maitlands was entirely red idk
*and the star Betelgeuse is a red supergiant, so yeah
Bonus entry is this guy a reference to Viy or am I overthinking it???
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Yeah ok I’m def overthinking it. 🤦‍♀️
That’s all i have to say. All that crap above. Bye.
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kmp78 · 1 year
"Smh. 🙄 "
Does the truth hurt KMP78?
I have already shared here 25 points of Narcissistic behavior, all of which JL fulfills.
He has no real emotions, he only feels something during sex.
It's going to be like Jack Nicholson's life, he's going to live and die alone, old.
Unless he will catch monkey prox or HIV because of his gay sex orgies. Then he will soon be singing along with Freddy Mercury.
Wow! Just WOW! Okay, so Lets say he's a narcissist . Do you have a degree in psyhology or are you an internet degree doctor? That is for start . Can he help himself with that, if he is? Can you? That is such nasty thing to say about anyone. Also mocking somebodies death cause "they had GAY sex" is very stupid and ignorant statment, otherwise you would know that key words are "unprotected" and " risky behaviour" wich also should not be your concern cause, guess what, you Will not be getting his dick so you are Safe from that. Phew, right? Jfc People 🤦🤦
Can each and every kitchen sink philosopher just fucking cool it. 🙄
I don't have any interest in reading 50 paragraphs of amateur analyzing on a topic I givr less than 0 shits about.
Bring PROPER GOSSIP OR TOPICS and leave this bs aside, and this applies to every single person.
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ruabadfishtoo · 1 year
Miss me with all that other amateur hour shit
Damn i should’ve included that as an option smh
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My boss at the railway is in a really good mood because, and I quote, “They finally dropped the insider trading charges against me! I’m not going to jail after all! 😁😁”
Like…good for you Buddy??? This is not a normal concern most bosses should have?? Congrats on the bare minimum of being a civilian in society?? 💀🤚🏻
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realcube · 4 years
Karasuno and their love languages headcanons
tw// cussing, sexual references
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Shoyo Hinata
his love language is physical touch
after every one of his games, the first thing he does when he sees you is tackles you to the ground in a hug 
the day he walks beside you without holding your hand is the he is kidnapped and replaced with a clone 
and he’d always place a kiss on the tip of your nose and vice versa before you went your separate ways on the walk home 
and one time he caught a flu and (because he loved you so much) he wouldn’t go within 10 feet of you for like a week 
and that was the hardest week of his life
he almost had a meltdown on day 3 
but don’t worry because as soon as his flu subsided, he gave you enough hugs and kisses to compensate for the whole week he missed
Tobio Kageyama
his love language is word of affirmation 
honestly, whenever you compliment his volleyball skills (even if it sounds really amateur) it makes his heart go 💖💞💕💓
not that he’d even admit it though
and recently, he’s been trying to compliment you more because some how he came to the conclusion that he wasn’t being nice enough to you and that you’d leave him for Oikawa if he didn’t step up his game 
so whenever you mention one of your slight achievements to him, he goes insane with the praise 
“Oh, Kags. Did I tell you about the English test?”
“No, you didn’t.” 
“Well, I got a pretty good mark so don’t stress about it. It was an easy test but you should probably still study though-”
“A good mark? (Y/N), that’s amazing.” He said in a monotonous voice, making you snicker slightly. 
Although his flattery didn’t seem genuine, you still appreciated his efforts
At least he tries
he just wants to make you feel the way he does when you compliment him 🥺
Kei Tsukishima 
his love language is acts of service
to him, nothing says ‘i love you’ like helping him fold the laundry 
he does acts of service for you too, like helping you with your homework
or sometimes you help him with his homework
honestly, it didn’t take long for you to figure out this man’s love language considering he’d describe all the other things as ‘shallow’
(other than quality time)
“Seriously? I mean, I’d hate to be in a relationship that was based off of compliments. That shit gets tiring, y’know?” he’d gush to you while you both were buying the groceries 
and don’t even get him started when you make his lunch hhhhhhh
one time he went downstairs to see that you had already made him lunch and at first he thought it was sweet but no big deal so he just texted you 
‘Thx for the lunch btw’
but when he actually got a bite of your god-tier onigiri
he deadass almost got up and said 🚶‍♂️✌
anyway when he got home you got railed so <3
and by railed, i mean you heart got railed because he gave you a kiss on the forehead :3
Tadashi Yamaguchi 
his love language is words of affirmation
again, his heart goes brrrrr whenever you compliment him 
but it’s different depending on what you compliment him on 
when it is on his volleyball skills, he feels chuffed and not absolutely worthless
if it is has something to do with his facial appearance, he gets that warm tingly feeling inside and gets the urge to cuddle you - which he usually acts on 
but if it is a comment on his body..the unholy thoughts-
like on one hand, he wants to crawl into a hole and die
but on the other hand, he is like ‘is that so?’
anyway, he doesn’t act on either of those thing so he usually ends up making a comment about your height in response 
also, you make sure to shower this boy in compliments because he deserves it 
and he does the exact same right back at you because you deserve it too
but he is shy so he either writes a note to you in class or, more commonly, he ends up texting you after a date like 
‘omg I AM SO STUPID AAAAAAA..! I wanted to say this so bad while I was with you but i just couldn’t >< anyway i think you look so beautiful and your hair was absolutely gorgeous in that style, goodnight <3′
Ryunosuke Tanaka
his love language is quality time 
this man has no chill
if you text him like ‘omg i wish you were here bb 🥺’
my mans would be RUNNING WKDHWESAK
his personal motto is ‘get that bread, get that head, get that love and affection, get that attention, get that movie, stay the night, THEN LEAVE! PEACE OUT!’
his home his your home and your home is his home 
then there was that one time that he studied so hard on his tests, just so he could pass and hopefully get moved up into your class 
mission unsuccessful but he did get good grades ^^
Yuu Nishinoya 
his love language is receiving/giving gifts
which is really hard coz y’all are poor lol 
jk jk 
but anyway, sometimes you find a cool rock on the ground and then give it to him like “this rock reminded me of you..”
and honestly, he thinks that his is the cutest thing ever
he has a display on his windowsill in his room of all the rocks you’ve given him ever
and sometimes he’ll catch an insect, put it in a container or a plastic bag and give it to you like “it reminded me of you!”
then he hands you a tub filled with worms lmao 
it’s the thought that counts
Asahi Azumane
his love language is physical touch
contrary to popular belief - it is not words of affirmation
he likes compliments and feeling worthy as much as the next person  but..
sometimes it makes him kinda flustered and self-conscious 
anyway, he thinks that actions speak louder than words
before a game, rather than verbally encouraging him, he prefers it when you play with his fingers or give him a massage 
that relaxes him ten times more than words ever could
 and he might not act like it in front of his friends - but he spends most of his day looking forward to 9 o’clock when y’all can both be together and cuddle in bed ^^
also, before a big game you make it your mission to wake up especially early , find Asahi and do his hair 
firstly, you do it better than he ever could 
secondly, the feeling of your fingers gently massaging his scalp and lacing his hair in between them just made him so calm
and in those moments he would just look up at you with admiration in his eyes and wonder what he ever did to deserve you
Koshi Sugawara 
his love language is quality time 
this man actually gets physical withdrawal symptoms when he is away from you for too long 
and his teammates know symptoms off by heart and the order they appear in so they can identify when Suga is going through YNWF (  Y/N withdrawal fever ):
The first sign of YNWF; excessive lip biting, lip dryness and generally poor lip condition - this is due to the fact that (Y/N) is the one that always reminds Suga to put on lip balm
The second sign of YNWF; becoming lenient and overly nice to the first years - since (Y/N) isn’t here, he has nobody to be nice to. So he is nice to the children.
The third phase of YNWF - and probably the most dangerous; mood swings. He goes from fanon to canon Suga real quick. 
The fourth and final phase of YNWF; denial. 
“No! I don’t miss (Y/N)! I am doing just fine without them.”
Then his teammates force him to facetime you and then he is cured.
Daichi Sawamura
his love language is physical touch 
every second he spends with you, he has his hands on you
not always in a sexual way, ofc
and he’ll immediately back off if you are even slightly uncomfortable with it 
but he just loves he feeling of having you close to him 
it makes him feel like he is protecting you (especially in front of Tanaka)
(’tanaka, nice kill!’)
and when he cuddles you to his chest, not only does it warm you up, but you also feel like you’re making him feel big and strong (which you are), so that makes you happy
also, Daichi will lend you ever single jumper/jersey/jacket he owns if you even shiver within a 10 metre radius of him
Chikara Ennoshita
his love language is quality time 
y’all don’t even need to be talking or even interacting 
as long as he is in the same room as you, he is chill
(Narita and Kinoshita are also quality time kinda guys because it is not like they get any quality time in the actual anime smh)
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tamiddyinyourcity · 5 years
Me: oh cool, Starting a Business for Dummmies, ill read this shit no problem
Me: thats a lot of pages
Me: i dont have the attention span to focus for 365 pages
Me: any way i could just get the run down and not all the excessive shit?
Me: *googles 'how to start a business'*
Me: how do they expect me to pay attention long enough to read all four steps????
Me: this shit is too hard, never mind
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chainsawcorazon · 3 years
it only makes me sadder that in the pro go world in hng, anyone who wasn’t ablebodied wasn’t deemed worthy enough to play the game professionally, like that shit cut so deep cuz if sai wasn’t a ghost but instead bedbound or sick or the other five million AUs the fandom cane up with over the past two decades, he still woulda been discriminated against and shamed for not “coming into the light.” like what about all the amateur go players who were too sick to pick up the stones and had to have their friends and family play for them? what about the ppl could only travel a certain distance? how about the ppl who weren’t mentally healthy enough to make it to every game? smh a damn tragedy. seriously need a sequel from hotta addressing some of these issues.
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baskrvilles · 4 years
Hello, you don't have to reply to this, but I think user frailuta is back as gojolovesanime. It's just a guess, but just letting you know in case you all don't want to interact with her again. Because, I, too, think her acts weren't stuff that an actual adult would do. (some minors don't even do shit like that too)
hi anon im gonna post this just so other people are aware too! yep you’re right gojolovesanime is her. i already have that account blocked meaning she just changed one of her urls to try and seem like a new blog even tho it was inactive for like 2YEARS lol trying to be sneaky. i encourage every one to block that blog too
and even then her editing style is completely the same like guuurrrrllll at least try and use a different coloring at some point AND OF COURSE IT WAS A GHIBLI GIFSET LMFAO she need those notes smh i dare someone to request a gifset with a different coloring and see if she does it 🤡
also for someone who just wants to forget this all happened she sure does reply to the “haters and bullies” a lot and keeps victimizing herself HMMM 🧐 and “amateur photoshop user” on that new blog??!??! LMFAO GURL
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candyredterezii · 4 years
you clean the sauce with soap not the pasta you amateurs smh ur all going to get tetanus from that shit
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eroticcannibal · 4 years
you know what is a good pair with piss though? Humiliation kink. Degrading shit. Petplay? Anyway I won't read it but there was ways to actually make piss worthy of complaint. come one people why can't you be a "normal" kink shamer and shame me for my noncon unbirthing art.
these amateur kink shamers smh
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