#amazon vendor consulting
impossiblebearfury · 1 year
MONITORING ADS TO REDUCE ACOS - ecommprofessionals.com
In Amazon Pay-per-Click advertising, Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) is very important. Target ACoS is a measure of success, a volatile percentage and a decisive factor in bidding on search terms. Being an Amazon seller, you must have understood by now, how important a low ACoS is for the success of your Amazon Sponsored Products ads. You may be selling a lot of products, but if your ACoS is very high, it will eat away at your profits.
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amazonseoservice · 2 years
Amazon market place is expanding day by day with customers spread all around the world. Competition is increasing with most of the sellers taking their business online on this one of the trusted online platforms. It is becoming quite crucial to manage the amazon account professionally to stand ahead of the competition. There are several aspects of the account management like product listing, optimization, stock management, logistic management, product reviews, returns, and refunds.
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"Don't spy on a privacy lab" (and other career advice for university provosts)
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This is a wild and hopeful story: grad students at Northeastern successfully pushed back against invasive digital surveillance in their workplace, through solidarity, fearlessness, and the bright light of publicity. It’s a tale of hand-to-hand, victorious combat with the “shitty technology adoption curve.”
What’s the “shitty tech adoption curve?” It’s the process by which oppressive technologies are normalized and spread. If you want to do something awful with tech — say, spy on people with a camera 24/7 — you need to start with the people who have the least social capital, the people whose objections are easily silenced or overridden.
That’s why all our worst technologies are first imposed on refugees -> prisoners -> kids -> mental patients -> poor people, etc. Then, these technologies climb the privilege gradient: blue collar workers -> white collar workers -> everyone. Following this pathway lets shitty tech peddlers knock the rough edges off their wares, inuring us all to their shock and offense.
20 years ago, if you ate dinner under the unblinking eye of a CCTV, it was because you were housed in a supermax prison. Today, it’s because you were unwise enough to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for “home automation” from Google, Apple, Amazon or another “luxury surveillance” vendor.
Northeastern’s Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex (ISEC) is home to the “Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute,” where grad students study the harms of surveillance and the means by which they may be reversed. If there’s one group of people who are prepared to stand athwart the shitty tech adoption curve, it is the CPI grad students.
Which makes it genuinely baffling that Northeastern’s Senior Vice Provost for Research decided to install under-desk heat sensors throughout ISEC, overnight, without notice or consultation. The provost signed the paperwork that brought the privacy institute into being.
Students throughout ISEC were alarmed by this move, but especially students on the sixth floor, home to the Privacy Institute. When they demanded an explanation, they were told that the university was conducting a study on “desk usage.” This rang hollow: students at the Privacy Institute have assigned desks, and they badge into each room when they enter it.
As Privacy Institute PhD candidate Max von Hippel wrote, “Reader, we have assigned desks, and we use a key-card to get into the room, so, they already know how and when we use our desks.”
So why was the university suddenly so interested in gathering fine-grained data on desk usage? I asked von Hippel and he told me: “They are proposing that grad students share desks, taking turns with a scheduling web-app, so administrators can take over some of the space currently used by grad students. Because as you know, research always works best when you have to schedule your thinking time.”
That’s von Hippel’s theory, and I’m going to go with it, because the provost didn’t offer a better one in the flurry of memos and “listening sessions” that took place after the ISEC students arrived at work one morning to discover sensors under their desks.
This is documented in often hilarious detail in von Hippel’s thread on the scandal, in which the university administrators commit a series of unforced errors and the grad students run circles around them, in a comedy of errors straight out of “Animal House.”
After the sensors were discovered, the students wrote to the administrators demanding their removal, on the grounds that there was no scientific purpose for them, that they intimidated students, that they were unnecessary, and that the university had failed to follow its own rules and ask the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to review the move as a human-subjects experiment.
The letter was delivered to the provost, who offered “an impromptu listening session” in which he alienated students by saying that if they trusted the university to “give” them a degree, they should trust it to surveil them. The students bristled at this characterization, noting that students deliver research (and grant money) to “make it tick.”
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[Image ID: Sensors arrayed around a kitchen table at ISEC]
The students, believing the provost was not taking them seriously, unilaterally removed all the sensors, and stuck them to their kitchen table, annotating and decorating them with Sharpie. This prompted a second, scheduled “listening session” with the provost, but this session, while open to all students, was only announced to their professors (“Beware of the leopard”).
The students got wind of this, printed up fliers and made sure everyone knew about it. The meeting was packed. The provost explained to students that he didn’t need IRB approval for his sensors because they weren’t “monitoring people.” A student countered, what was being monitored, “if not people?” The provost replied that he was monitoring “heat sources.”
Remember, these are grad students. They asked the obvious question: which heat sources are under desks, if not humans (von Hippel: “rats or kangaroos?”). The provost fumbled for a while (“a service animal or something”) before admitting, “I guess, yeah, it’s a human.”
Having yielded the point, the provost pivoted, insisting that there was no privacy interest in the data, because “no individual data goes back to the server.” But these aren’t just grad students — they’re grad students who specialize in digital privacy. Few people on earth are better equipped to understand re-identification and de-aggregation attacks.
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[Image ID: A window with a phrase written in marker, ‘We are not doing science here’ -Luzzi.]
A student told the provost, “This doesn’t matter. You are monitoring us, and collecting data for science.” The provost shot back, “we are not doing science here.” This ill-considered remark turned into an on-campus meme. I’m sure it was just blurted in the heat of the moment, but wow, was that the wrong thing to tell a bunch of angry scientists.
From the transcript, it’s clear that this is where the provost lost the crowd. He accused the students of “feeling emotion” and explaining that the data would be used for “different kinds of research. We want to see how students move around the lab.”
Now, as it happens, ISEC has an IoT lab where they take these kinds of measurements. When they do those experiments, students are required to go through IRB, get informed consent, all the stuff that the provost had bypassed. When this is pointed out, the provost says that they had been given an IRB waiver by the university’s Human Research Protection Program (HRPP).
Now a prof gets in on the action, asking, pointedly: “Is the only reason it doesn’t fall under IRB is that the data will not be published?” A student followed up by asking how the university could justify blowing $50,000 on surveillance gear when that money would have paid for a whole grad student stipend with money left over.
The provost’s answers veer into the surreal here. He points out that if he had to hire someone to monitor the students’ use of their desks, it would cost more than $50k, implying that the bill for the sensors represents a cost-savings. A student replies with the obvious rejoinder — just don’t monitor desk usage, then.
Finally, the provost started to hint at the underlying rationale for the sensors, discussing the cost of the facility to the university and dangling the possibility of improving utilization of “research assets.” A student replies, “If you want to understand how research is done, don’t piss off everyone in this building.”
Now that they have at least a vague explanation for what research question the provost is trying to answer, the students tear into his study design, explaining why he won’t learn what he’s hoping to learn. It’s really quite a good experimental design critique — these are good students! Within a few volleys, they’re pointing out how these sensors could be used to stalk researchers and put them in physical danger.
The provost turns the session over to an outside expert via a buggy Zoom connection that didn’t work. Finally, a student asks whether it’s possible that this meeting could lead to them having a desk without a sensor under it. The provost points out that their desk currently doesn’t have a sensor (remember, the students ripped them out). The student says, “I assume you’ll put one back.”
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[Image ID: A ‘public art piece’ in the ISEC lobby — a table covered in sensors spelling out ‘NO!,’ surrounded by Sharpie annotations decrying the program.]
They run out of time and the meeting breaks up. Following this, the students arrange the sensors into a “public art piece” in the lobby — a table covered in sensors spelling out “NO!,” surrounded by Sharpie annotations decrying the program.
Meanwhile, students are still furious. It’s not just that the sensors are invasive, nor that they are scientifically incoherent, nor that they cost more than a year’s salary — they also emit lots of RF noise that interferes with the students’ own research. The discussion spills onto Reddit:
Yesterday, the provost capitulated, circulating a memo saying they would pull “all the desk occupancy sensors from the building,” due to “concerns voiced by a population of graduate students.”
The shitty technology adoption curve is relentless, but you can’t skip a step! Jumping straight to grad students (in a privacy lab) without first normalizing them by sticking them on the desks of poor kids in underfunded schools (perhaps after first laying off a computer science teacher to free up the budget!) was a huge tactical error.
A more tactically sound version of this is currently unfolding at CMU Computer Science, where grad students have found their offices bugged with sensors that detect movement and collect sound:
The CMU administration has wisely blamed the presence of these devices on the need to discipline low-waged cleaning staff by checking whether they’re really vacuuming the offices.
While it’s easier to put cleaners under digital surveillance than computer scientists, trying to do both at once is definitely a boss-level challenge. You might run into a scholar like David Gray Widder, who, observing that “this seems like algorithmic management of lowly paid employees to me,” unplugged the sensor in his office.
This is the kind of full-stack Luddism this present moment needs. These researchers aren’t opposed to sensors — they’re challenging the social relations of sensors, who gets sensed and who does the sensing.
[Image ID: A flier inviting ISEC grad students to attend an unadvertised 'listening session' with the vice-provost. It is surmounted with a sensor that has been removed from beneath a desk and annotated in Sharpie to read: 'If found by David Luzzi suck it.']
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beingdiplomatic · 6 months
Fostering Partnerships of Amazon:
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Third-Party Sellers: Amazon sells the goods and provides a list of independent vendors in the marketplace. Building a Collaboration in Which Amazon Offers. Platform operations and consumer outreach, while vendors supply goods and frequently take care of fulfillment.
Affiliate Program: Through its affiliate program, which pays bloggers and website owners commissions for promoting Amazon products, the company offers incentives to both people and companies to increase traffic to its platform.
AWS Partner Network (APN): We have a network of technology and consulting partners who provide free service solutions and highly skilled service delivery methods for our cloud service, Amazon Web Services.
Amazon Delivery Service Partners (DSP): Amazon Partners With Independence Contractors Through Its DSP Program To Deliver Packages Expanding Its Logistics Network And Capacity.
Amazon Associates Program: Publishers, influencers, and content producers like using Amazon’s Associate Program to promote Amazon products and earn referral credits.
Retail Partnerships: Amazon offers retailers and brands the opportunity to sell directly on its site through programs such as Vendor Central Seller Central.
Amazon Prime Partnerships: To enhance the value proposition for members, Amazon works with content providers, including publishers and film studios, to deliver content through its Prime membership program.
Technology Partnerships: To give customers more alternatives and capabilities, Amazon partners with tech firms to integrate their solutions with Amazon’s services.
AWS Marketplace: To promote collaborations with software developers and suppliers, AWS provides a marketplace where users may find, purchase, and utilize software and services that are hosted on AWS.
Acquisitions and Investments: To increase its capabilities or penetrate new markets, Amazon makes strategic investments in companies or acquires them outright. This might be considered a partnership or collaboration. Read more...
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knackforge · 2 years
Checklist for a Successful AWS Cloud Migration
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a highly secure cloud services platform. The AWS cloud is the safest way to save data, run applications, and provision a wide variety of cloud computing resources. The process of migrating your current computing system into the AWS Cloud is known as migration. This may include moving your current company data center to the AWS cloud, re-engineering your applications with AWS, or even simply moving some of the organization’s systems to the cloud while leaving others in the current environment.
Businesses are migrating to Amazon Web Services (AWS) in greater numbers than ever before, lured by the cloud provider’s key features and benefits, including lower operational costs, scalability, agility, high availability, and disaster recovery.
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Why Do Businesses Migrate to AWS?
When compared to on-premise deployments and other clouds, Amazon Web Services is the top cloud provider and offers several benefits. Here are some of the reasons why organizations are migrating to AWS:
Cost ━ AWS is known for its pay-per-use pricing, but it also offers a wide range of services that allow you to use only the resources you require, lowering expenses. For example, you can execute storage tiering and can save cold data to a low-cost storage service like Amazon Glacier.
Scalability ━ AWS delivers limitless scalability as well as a variety of ways to manage it, from EC2 auto-scaling to containerized deployments, serverless services, and more.
Agility ━ AWS provides diverse automation capabilities, integrates with DevOps workflows, and allows teams to instantly spin up development, test, and production environments to iterate quickly. Amazon also makes self-service IT simple by allowing organizational units to set up their infrastructure.
High availability and disaster recovery ━ Amazon has many data centers across the world, as well as a multi-AZ feature that allows you to host cloud services in various data centers, ensuring that your services continue to run even if one geographical region is affected by a disaster.
Cloud Migration Checklist in AWS
Understanding the process:
Migration must be handled by an expert in AWS, who has ample experience in migrating so that there is no major disruption in the operational flow of business. This AWS cloud migration checklist is the basic protocol that needs to be followed by organizations, which are aiming for migrating their application to cloud environments.
Identify resources and responsibilities
The pre-planning stage begins with identifying your budget, scope, and schedule. Some of the things you should outline during this phase include:
1. Key resources for migration work streams
2. People and departments responsible for each resource
3. Size of transferable modules (databases, data centers, applications)
4. Migration phases (steps)
5. Timeline for each step of the migration
6. Risk and mitigation logs (including data backup tools)
Find an experienced cloud partner
A skilled AWS partner can help you through the migration process, making it faster, smoother, and, ultimately, less expensive.
Remember that you’ll be providing this organization with your business data, so your decision should be deliberate and informed. Here are a few things to look for in a migration vendor:
1. Data safety. Professional firms can ensure the confidentiality of your data. An NDA (non-disclosure agreement) is, of course, required.
2. Experience. If you wish to avoid the common AWS cloud migration challenges, be sure your provider has appropriate experience.
3. Pricing. The migration procedure may be costly, but the experienced vendor can reduce your expenses with a practical framework.
4. Certification. When you’re dealing with AWS Consulting Partners, you can be sure they’re experts with deep technical knowledge.
You can also choose to migrate databases, applications, storage, and servers on your own. But your success rate will increase exponentially if you decide to work with a professional cloud computing service provider.
The following steps should be followed while migrating to AWS
Step 1: Migration preparation and business planning:
This is the initial phase in migrating to the cloud, and it involves taking into account the present state of application architecture while designing a project migration activity. To make the process go smoothly and maintain uninterrupted operational efficiency, all elements of the stakeholders engaged in the business and how they will be affected should be examined.
A rollback strategy should always be included in a migration plan since, due to unforeseen circumstances, the entire program or a portion of it may fail to migrate to the cloud, and in such scenarios, it should be rolled back to its original environment setup.
Step 2: Analysis of current solution and planning:
The analysis phase entails identifying and understanding the dependencies of the applications and focuses on defining priorities for migrating to the cloud. Less complex and critical applications should preferably be moved first, followed by the more critical ones.
Step 3 & 4: Designing, migrating, and validating applications:
After the migration is done, the next and final step includes addressing individual components of an application. There are six ‘R’s’ that act as references for migrations. The six ‘R’s’ are briefly defined as follows:
Re-host — This strategy is the most cost-effective way to migrate non-cloud services to the AWS cloud. Rehosting is a highly automated process that allows both quick migration and several big migrations.
Re-platform — This strategy works well when an application’s architecture needs to be changed to achieve cloud optimization. Cloud optimization aims to achieve certain objectives, such as minimizing database administration time or migrating to a fully managed cloud.
Re-purchase — This process is an approach for moving from a proprietary system to a SaaS platform. Organizations that have workloads that are simple to migrate to new versions ensure a smoother transition with this method.
Re-architect — This step is meant for applications that are native to the cloud for incorporating features such as autoscaling to ensure excellent performance. This entails redesigning the application to make use of cloud-native services and architecture.
Retire — To make the cloud more effective for an application’s operations, it’s crucial to figure out which assets should be removed if they’re no longer required, and which ones will take more time and effort.
Retain — In a few circumstances, organizations may choose to retain some part of their applications on their servers and move the other part to the cloud. This leads to a hybrid approach, which becomes a scenario of continuous reevaluation.
Migrating to the Amazon Web Services cloud may benefit a company in a variety of ways. AWS is a very cost-effective approach since it allows for resource auto-scaling, which means you only pay for the services you utilize. Transformation to cloud architecture is also a step toward increasing team productivity by offering a consolidated picture of work in progress. It also provides agility to any firm by allowing them to sell their goods much more quickly, giving them a competitive edge.
It is recommended that an organization must plan on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which might be helpful to measure and validate the migration success rate.
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Win the Amazon Buy Box: Expert Services for Vendors & 3p Sellers
Channel Supply Experts consulting numerous brands on the Amazon vendor program, the need for tailored marketplace strategies is evident. Despite Amazon’s first-party relationship and extensive marketing, logistical support for vendor accounts, thriving long-term hinges on maximizing control over.
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ctweddingdj · 1 month
Why Couples Shouldn't Shop For Wedding Vendors As They Shop On Amazon - #109
It's not just about the price tag!
  In this latest edition, we reveal why picking vendors isn't as easy as shopping on Amazon.
  This podcast is for engaged couples who are stressed out with wedding planning and family expectations but want a fun wedding day.
  Dive into wedding wisdom with us and uncover the secrets to choosing the right vendors beyond just price.
  From building trust to creating lasting memories, learn how to ensure your wedding day flows smoothly with the right vendor choices. Don't miss out!
  Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast #109: Why Couples Shouldn't Shop For Wedding Vendors As They Shop On Amazon
Host: Sal & Sam Music: "Sam's Tune" by Rick Anthony
00:00 Introduction to Why Couples Shouldn't Shop For Wedding Vendors As They Shop On Amazon
03:00 The Abundance of Online Shopping Options
03:46 The Importance of Personality and Professionalism
05:00 The Consultation Process
06:00 Building Trust
09:24 The Price of Professionalism
10:30 Experience
11:30 Learning Experiences
13:00 Customization and Creativity
15:30 Wedding Tip Wednesday
17:52 The Intangible Value of Professionalism
19:50 Memories That Will Last
21:30 Legacy
22:52 Beyond the Price Tag: Investing in Memories
26:00 Final Thoughts and Podcast Wrap-up
27:00 Close
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Sponsored in part by Clear Vision Productions and the Wedding Styles of CT Wedding Shows.   https://www.weddingstylesofct.com/   https://www.theclearvisionagency.com/
Wedding Tip Wednesday on the Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast is sponsored by EMERGE Cosmetics – 10% OFF promo code: SF1 https://shopemergecosmetics.com/ Copyright © 2024 Atmosphere Productions LLC All Rights Reserved. Produced By Atmosphere Productions in association with After Hours Events of New England https://atmosphere-productions.com https://www.afterhourseventsofne.com #stressfreeweddingplanning #stressfreeweddingplanningpodcast #ctweddingdj #atmosphereproductions #afterhourseventsofne #cvpevents #clearvisionproductions #theclearvisionagency #dreamwedding #WalkDownTheAisle #WeddingEtiquette #100th #celebrate
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amazonseoservice · 2 years
In today’s competitive e-commerce world, having a strong presence on Amazon is essential for businesses looking to succeed. To achieve this, many businesses turn to Amazon account managers and vendor central consultants to help them navigate the platform and maximize their sales. This blog will explore the benefits of working with these professionals and what they can offer to businesses.
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govindhtech · 2 months
VMware workloads to AWS: Optimize, migrate and modernize
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Optimization, migration, and modernization of VMware workloads to AWS.
Based on strategy and results, IBM clients’ transformation journeys are unique. Businesses must ensure that its infrastructure supports strategic goals like cost optimization, performance improvement, and cloud adoption as technology and business needs change.
After Broadcom acquired VMware, VMware clients confront transformational decisions in a shifting marketplace. IBM Consulting understands. IBM Consulting can assist VMware clients succeed through a variety of hybrid cloud transformation pathways using its expertise. These include on-premises modernization, cloud modernization, containerization with cloud-native technologies, or a mix.
VMware Modernization Assessment is a Rapid Strategy and Assessment that explores VMware’s future paths to achieve business success and manage risk.
IBM Cloud For VMWare Regulated Workloads
IBM will discuss how IBM Consulting can help organizations who prefer AWS-based cloud-native solutions using AWS’s modern tools and cloud services in this blog.
AWS offers VMware a complete platform with cloud services, global infrastructure, and strong security. This method avoids hardware dependence, scalability issues, and high operational costs of on-premises infrastructure. Organizations can use AWS’s scalability, pay-as-you-go pricing, and wide range of services to construct VMware workloads to AWS.
Clients considering data centre (DC) exits want to cut costs and simplify operations while improving security, compliance, and innovation.
Data centre consolidation can be accelerated by moving from VMware to the cloud or hybrid. IBM Consulting provides data centre migration (DC exit), a comprehensive solution to help organizations efficiently and strategically migrate from their data centre infrastructure to their cloud of choice, including AWS. IBM’s generative AI and IBM–AWS collaborative investments enable scaled migration.
AWS Cloud migration scenarios
To build new capabilities, boost operational efficiency, and implement cloud-native architecture on AWS Cloud, enterprises can explore numerous scenarios to relocate and modernize VMware workloads to AWs:
Clients can move VMware VMs to AWS instances first. This requires rehosting apps on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and maybe reconfiguring them for the cloud. After migration, organisations can modernise their applications to use AWS native services like Amazon RDS for database management, AWS Lambda for serverless computing, and Amazon S3 for scalable storage.
IBM’s container-first approach provides an end-to-end stack of solutions and services to satisfy modern organisations’ complex needs. From cloud infrastructure and AI to cybersecurity and data management, it covers it all. This product centres on ROSA and OpenShift Virtualization. These technologies demonstrate IBM’s commitment to flexible, scalable, and integrated business innovation and efficiency.
ROSA, EKS, and Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate may containerize workloads across the AWS Cloud to reduce vendor lock-in. Businesses can execute and manage containerized and virtual machine (VM) workloads on a single platform using Red Hat OpenShift virtualization.
Software as a service (SaaS): VMware applications can be migrated to AWS. The flexible, cost-effective, and efficient way to deliver software applications is SaaS.
Offered managed services: IBM is an AWS-certified MSP that can migrate VMware workloads to AWS managed services. AWS managed services automate and simplify cloud management. IBM services help organizations adapt and operate in the AWS Cloud with best practices, security, and compliance. Managed services let companies focus on their core business while IBM manages cloud infrastructure.
IBM Migration Factory speeds cloud migration
IBM understands AWS technologies from years of collaboration and expertise, enabling enterprise integration and optimisation. IBM provides a tailored strategy to meet clients’ needs.
AWS Migration Factory, based on IBM Garage Methodology, is a unique app modernization engagement approach from IBM Consulting. This squad-based, workstream-centric strategy uses gen AI and automation to scale rapid transformation.
The structured and efficient AWS Migration Factory framework migrates huge VMware workloads to AWS. Organizations may reduce risks, costs, and time for cloud migration by using automated technologies, best practices, and a phased strategy. The manufacturing speeds client engagements with cooperative incentive programmes.
IBM thoroughly evaluates the client’s VMware setup before migrating. This includes workload dependencies, performance metrics, and migration needs. Based on the assessment, a complete migration strategy should include timetables, resource allocation, and risk mitigation. The IBM Consulting Cloud Accelerator, IBM Consulting Delivery Curator, IBM Consulting developer experience platform, and IBM Consulting AIOps solutions help plan, design, and execute end-to-end migration and modernization journeys.
These assets are supported by IBM Delivery Central. Digitising and improving delivery procedures and providing real-time oversight, this end-to-end delivery execution platform transforms delivery. Powered by generative AI, these assets and assistants serve key personas’ consumption modes.
Other AWS tools and services for VMware workload migration include AWS Migration Hub. It accelerates and automates application migration to AWS, offering visibility, tracking, and coordination, incorporating AWS Application Migration Services.
IBM’s Generative-AI migration tools
IBM used Amazon Bedrock to create migration tools and assets. Using Amazon Bedrock and generative AI, this unique approach migrates applications and workloads to the cloud.
Service-based AI-powered discovery: Extracts crucial data from client data repositories to speed up application discovery.
Artificial intelligence-powered migration aid: Transforms natural language questions into SQL queries to retrieve application and server migration status from a centralised data lake (Delivery Curator) during migration.
Generative AI design assistant: Uses models like llama2 on Delivery Curator’s centralised data store and the design assistant to speed up design.
IBM helped a worldwide manufacturer move VMware workloads to AWS
Moving to AWS may save costs, scale, and innovate for companies. IBM assisted a worldwide consumer products manufacturer in migrating 400 applications to AWS in two years as part of its product strategy shift. To increase agility, scalability, and security, the customer moved to AWS.
The customer also needed to train personnel on new data handling techniques and the architectural transition. To achieve these goals, the customer moved their technology from on-premises to AWS, which improved business performance by 50% and saved up to 50% utilising Amazon RDS.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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tech2globe23 · 2 years
Amazon Vendor Central Consulting
Amazon Vendor Central Consulting is the web interface used by manufacturers and distributors. If you sell via Vendor Central, you’re called a first-party seller. You’re acting as a supplier, selling in bulk to Amazon. Registration on Vendor Central is by invitation only.
Amazon send you a purchase order listing what they want to buy.
You send Amazon the inventory they have ordered.
Amazon pay you.
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monisha1199 · 3 months
Beyond the Hype: Unveiling the Power of AWS for My Cloud Journey
Deciding on a cloud service provider is a significant choice that impacts the efficiency and scalability of your operations. After a thorough evaluation, AWS emerged as my top pick for several reasons. In this blog, I will outline why AWS stands out as the optimal cloud platform.
Professionals can get the skills and knowledge required to fully utilize AWS for a variety of applications and industries by enrolling in AWS Training in Hyderabad.
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Diverse Range of Services
AWS offers an unparalleled selection of services that cover all aspects of IT infrastructure and development. Whether it's computing power, storage solutions, databases, or advanced technologies like AI and IoT, AWS provides comprehensive options. This broad spectrum allows for creating sophisticated, scalable, and customizable solutions.
Key services include AWS’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which provides scalable computing power, and AWS Lambda, which supports serverless computing by allowing code execution without the need to manage servers.
Extensive Global Infrastructure
With its vast global network of availability zones spread across numerous regions, AWS ensures that applications can be deployed close to end-users. This setup minimizes latency and enhances performance while also offering robust disaster recovery options through redundancy and failover capabilities.
AWS’s global reach also helps meet data sovereignty requirements by enabling data storage in specific geographic locations to comply with local regulations.
Scalability and Adaptability
AWS excels at scaling resources to match demand, which is crucial for handling varying workloads efficiently. Its flexible pricing models, such as pay-as-you-go, reserved instances, and spot instances, help optimize costs and manage resources effectively.
Services like Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and the AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) ensure high availability and reliability by adjusting capacity and distributing traffic as needed.
Enrolling in the Best AWS Online Training can help people understand AWS's complexities and realize its full potential.
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Robust Security and Compliance
AWS prioritizes security with a comprehensive framework that includes physical, operational, and software measures. Its wide range of compliance certifications simplifies meeting regulatory standards. Features like Identity and Access Management (IAM), encryption, and advanced monitoring tools ensure a secure environment for data and applications.
AWS’s shared responsibility model delineates security responsibilities between AWS and the user, supported by tools like AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and AWS CloudTrail for enhanced security management.
Continuous Innovation
AWS is renowned for its rapid innovation pace, consistently introducing new services and features. This commitment ensures access to the latest technologies, helping maintain a competitive edge.
For instance, AWS offers advanced machine learning tools like Amazon SageMaker and AI services like Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Polly, enabling cutting-edge capabilities in image analysis and text-to-speech conversion.
Strong Community and Support Network
The AWS ecosystem includes a vast community of developers, partners, and third-party vendors. This network offers valuable resources such as documentation, tutorials, forums, and a marketplace for additional tools and services, fostering a supportive environment for learning and growth.
AWS re, an annual conference, showcases new innovations and offers extensive educational opportunities. The AWS Partner Network (APN) provides access to technology and consulting partners to help build and optimize AWS-based solutions.
Cost Management and Savings
AWS offers various ways to manage and reduce costs effectively. Its pricing models and cost management tools, such as AWS Cost Explorer and Trusted Advisor, help monitor usage and forecast expenses, enabling cost-saving strategies.
The AWS Free Tier allows new customers to explore and use AWS services for free within certain limits, providing an excellent entry point. AWS Savings Plans also offer significant savings compared to On-Demand pricing.
Seamless Integration
AWS integrates smoothly with various third-party tools and on-premises systems, ensuring a seamless transition to the cloud. This interoperability is crucial for maintaining business continuity and leveraging existing IT infrastructure investments.
AWS Direct Connect and AWS Storage Gateway are examples of services that facilitate integration, enhancing network performance and providing hybrid cloud solutions.
Choosing AWS as my cloud platform was a strategic decision based on its diverse service offerings, extensive global infrastructure, scalability, robust security, continuous innovation, supportive community, cost management, and seamless integration capabilities. AWS not only meets my current needs but also provides the flexibility and tools to adapt and grow. For anyone considering cloud computing, AWS stands out as a reliable and powerful platform.
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jcmarchi · 4 months
John Forstrom, Co-Founder & CEO of Zencore – Interview Series
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John Forstrom, Co-Founder & CEO of Zencore – Interview Series
Zencore is a premier Google Cloud consulting and engineering partner, empowering organizations to succeed through expert guidance, comprehensive services, and a relentless focus on risk reduction and client success.
John Forstrom is Zencore’s C-Founder and CEO, he is focused on helping companies make the transformation to cloud based services.
An early believer in Cloud, John joined AWS cloud management software company RightScale in 2009. While many were doubting the use of cloud computing beyond startups, this experience provided him with a front row seat to the shadow adoption of AWS and value of IaaS in large organizations.
In 2013 John joined Google Cloud as part of the initial business team working with product and engineering on the strategy for large enterprises and digital natives.
When John is not making all the connections between Zencore’s customers, partners and Google he can be found on the nearest body of water (surfing, fishing, swimming, paddling).
For over 5 years you worked at Google Cloud, what were some of your responsibilities and what were some of the key highlights from this period?
I joined Google Cloud in September of 2013 when the Cloud division was just a small startup inside of Google. I was one of the first external hires for a business development team that worked with product and engineering to acquire the initial large, strategic customers.
It was a pretty unique time at Google Cloud in which a few hundred of us (now the business is 35k+ employees) were working hand in hand to compete against AWS, which at the time had a much more mature offering. We were 100% focused on the customer and acted as trusted advisors to the early adopters. These companies knew Google Cloud didn’t have feature parity with Amazon, but found value in having a seat at the table as Google built their products and prioritized features.
The highlight for me was in 2015 when I secured a contract for one of the first billion dollar revenue Google Cloud customers.
Can you share more about the genesis of Zencore and what motivated you as a former Google insider to start a company focused exclusively on Google Cloud services?
I think what we have created at Zencore is pretty special, but the concept is rather simple. More than half the company is ex-Google and we have lived and breathed the complexity of clients going from zero to having a significant footprint in Google Cloud.
We took that experience from inside the machine and created a company to solve the major challenges that clients face as they start their journey or ramp on Google Cloud. For me personally and many of us at Zencore it’s refreshing to not have any limitations between us and doing the right thing for customers every time. We make fast decisions and get the right people involved. Zencore is designed to be a throwback to those early days of Google Cloud.
Additionally, our experience with the partner ecosystem during our time at Google consisted mainly of partners who didn’t start with Cloud. So many of Google’s partners started with Workspace, AWS or IT services and extended that to a Google Cloud practice. The ecosystem has definitely matured, but the opportunity for us was to create a business focused only on Google Cloud engineering from the beginning. Our premise was a partner organization that does one thing really really well would make the biggest impact for Google and its customers.
Zencore has chosen to specialize solely in Google Cloud from its inception. What unique opportunities and challenges does this specialization present in the rapidly evolving cloud market?
When you align your company to a single vendor, there is inherent risk in that approach. However, the risk is not significant given Google Cloud’s growth, broad data and infrastructure product portfolio and investment in Gen AI. We are still relatively early in the global adoption of public cloud services and we are very comfortable betting on Google as one of the two long term winners.
The upside to having an entire company focusing on one thing is we are all rowing in the same direction all day, every day. The collaboration between our engineers is such a powerful part of our culture and that only comes from everyone working to solve similar challenges with our clients. When you have delivered hundreds of Google Cloud infrastructure, data and Gen AI projects, there’s not a lot that we haven’t seen which is really powerful when you are working on a complex, high risk engagement.
You are right that the market moves very quickly and we feel like that singular focus on Google allows us to stay current and provide the most value to our clients.
You emphasize a customer-centric and opinionated approach in your services. How does this philosophy translate into tangible benefits for your clients, especially when considering the integration of open-source solutions?
Zencore’s clients are buying experience from a trusted advisor. When they start a project that has significant risk, they want to know that we are 100% aligned with their interests and sometimes that includes sharing some hard truths. Many times the recommendations we make are to not use a Google Cloud native product because an open source option is the best solution. I think that scenario is more rare than you would think. Google has done a really good job of building managed products on top of widely adopted open source solutions that have low operational overhead and are integrated well with the rest of the platform.
But in each one of these conversations we lay out the benefits and challenges of all the options based on real life experience. The client benefits from this approach when speed is critical. There are so many decisions to make and when we recommend a Google Cloud native product for example, the client doesn’t need to spend time second guessing the decision or wasting cycles doing an evaluation. They know we bring an independent, experienced lens to every decision we make.
Your innovative support model that bypasses traditional ticketing systems has been praised by many. Could you elaborate on how this model enhances operational efficiency and client satisfaction?
I like to joke that one of the biggest benefits of working with Zencore is that none of us have a professional services background. The reality is that we don’t do things because that’s the way they have always been done. Our reseller support offering is a great example of one area in which we have taken an innovative approach.
Many of our clients are mid-to-large size software companies. They have experienced engineers, want to move fast, but sometimes they get stuck.
The last thing they want to do when they have a consultative question is to open a ticket, get triaged by an inexperienced support rep, escalate and have that process take a day or two. It’s a total waste of their time and they end up not engaging with a partner’s support offering.
So we created a model to fit into how they work today. Every client get’s a dedicated Slack channel. On the backend of that channel is the entire engineering staff at Zencore.
So when you ask us a deeply technical question, in 15-30 minutes you are Slacking with an experienced cloud engineer or architect directly who will help to unblock your challenge. In addition, many of the questions we receive are less Google Cloud related than they are about the technology that the customer is connecting to Google like Terraform or a particular CI/CD product. It’s that intersection of the customer’s stack and Google Cloud that can be the most complex.
Direct access to our engineers is like gold to our clients. Rather than struggle with an issue, search stack overflow and get frustrated, they ping a channel and immediately get help from an engineer who has worked on dozens of complex projects.
Our clients have described it as “the next best thing to having direct Slack access with Google.”
What are the most common pitfalls companies face when migrating to cloud technologies, and how does Zencore help navigate these challenges?
We have thought a lot about this question and last year came up with five of the most common pitfalls to cloud migrations.
Not understanding workload needs and insufficient application assessment. Existing workloads might behave unpredictably in a new cloud environment. This can lead to performance issues and failed application migrations.
Insufficient implementation and strategy development. Improper implementation or strategy development can lead to downtime, cost overruns, and a mismatch between an organization’s goals and the outcomes from its cloud implementation.
Security and compliance considerations. Insufficient security and compliance considerations can lead to breaches and fines, as well as a loss of customer goodwill, revenue, and data.
Lack of cost optimization and poor resource management. Without a proper understanding of billing, costs, and how to maximize the return on cloud resource spending, cloud costs can fail to align with business objectives.
Skill gaps. Skill gaps can lead to a domino effect of problems, including poorly designed architecture, inefficient resource allocation, security vulnerabilities, and, ultimately, project failure.
Zencore prioritizes an outcome-based approach that focuses on quickly getting hands-ons with our clients. We want the strategy and architecture to be well thought out, but you cannot spend your time in endless workshops run by consultants. These five pillars best describe our overall methodology.
A deep understanding of the cloud platform. We know Google Cloud inside and out, including key areas like data cloud, machine learning, AI, and Kubernetes.
Proven methodologies. Our streamlined assessment, planning, and migration processes minimize unplanned downtime and reduce the impact on your staff.
The ability to guide the selection of the right intial cloud project tailored for success. We guide you in selecting and planning cloud projects that are set up for success, especially during early phases like evaluating workload migrations.
Expertise in cloud security. We help minimize risks with our deep knowledge of cloud security, protecting you from data breaches and other costly issues.
Hands on development capabilities. We are outcome oriented, and bring the engineering resources needed to get your solution deployed and running in production
With the cloud technology landscape continuously evolving, what emerging trends do you believe will significantly impact how organizations adopt and utilize Google Cloud in the next few years?
I think we are on a journey here in the constantly evolving cloud space. I’ll describe it in 3 steps, and I believe we’re somewhere in between step 2 and 3.
First, we all experienced the shift from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to Platform as a Service (PaaS). Companies are increasingly favoring PaaS solutions because they simplify the development process, reduce the need for managing underlying infrastructure, and accelerate time-to-market. Google Cloud’s PaaS offerings, such as Cloud Run, allow developers to focus more on coding and less on maintenance, which fosters innovation and efficiency.
Second, the rise of managed services is transforming the way organizations handle their cloud operations. Managed services like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Cloud SQL and BigQuery take the burden of routine management tasks off the shoulders of IT teams. This shift not only improves operational efficiency but also ensures higher levels of reliability and security. By leveraging these managed services, organizations can allocate more resources towards strategic initiatives rather than routine upkeep.
Lastly, the integration of generative AI is set to revolutionize business operations across various industries. Google Cloud’s AI and machine learning services, including the new generative AI models, empower businesses to harness advanced analytics, automate complex processes, and enhance customer experiences. For example, tools like Vertex AI make it easier for companies to develop and deploy sophisticated AI models, driving innovation and creating new value propositions.
This is just the beginning of the age of AI in everyday life for organizations running on Google Cloud and it’s definitely where we see a lot of momentum. To that end we built a set of services at Zencore we call Zen AI to help companies building AI applications or integrating AI into their existing processes.
How has your background at Google influenced your leadership style at Zencore, and what key qualities do you look for when assembling your team of cloud experts?
It’s a great question. When you look at the SRE organization at Google the Individual Contributors (ICs) are the most important part of the organization, not the managers. The ICs are highly paid, well respected and make things work without a lot of oversight. They are truly the special forces inside of Google.
What I learned is that if you hire the right people things actually work very well without a dedicated people management layer at our size. I think that one of the most unique things about Zencore is that there are no individuals whose only job is to manage people. We are an assembly of ICs who are still pretty good at their area of expertise that lead others who may be a little less experienced. Creating a company of leaders instead of a company of managers has become a key component to the culture we have created. You respect your manager because in most cases he or she is more experienced at their job and still performing it at a very high level. It’s a very collaborative approach.
From an engineering perspective, we have very high standards. We review so many resumes and they all look similar with the standard Google Cloud professional certifications listed. We generally don’t care how many certs you have obtained. What matters to us when we are hiring an architect or engineer is significant practical experience with Google Cloud. Your experience with migrations, ML ops, building a Kubernetes Operator or your depth with complex data environments leveraging BigQuery are what’s meaningful to Zencore and its clients.
Could you share a case study where Zencore’s approach significantly improved a client’s business outcomes through cloud adoption?
Although migration work is a key component of our business, it’s the data platform engagements that really stand out when you’re talking about value to the business.
One project that really stands out is a complex engagement that involved working with a company that was made up of a diverse portfolio of software brands. They were struggling with operational inefficiencies and an incomplete view of their business due to data being siloed across their various brands. This led to inconsistent data standards and made it difficult for them to gain actionable insights.
When Zencore came on board, our primary goal was to consolidate these disparate data sources and build a highly scalable data platform on Google Cloud Platform. We tackled this challenge through several key initiatives:
First, we migrated their various databases, including Redshift and SQL Server, to BigQuery. This step unified their data landscape, making it easier and more efficient for them to access and analyze their data.
Next, we focused on enhancing their data ingestion and validation processes. By implementing and automating their data job orchestration and integrating CI/CD pipelines, we ensured that their data ingestion was reliable and timely. This setup also improved the data validation checks, which are crucial for maintaining data integrity.
We also standardized their data modeling using DBT, which is an open source tool that allows you to develop data transformation models in a version controlled, easy to understand manner. . This allowed a standardization of data models across the many disparate brands, which made data analysis and reporting much easier for their teams across their portfolio.
Additionally, we consolidated multiple BI tools into a single Looker environment on GCP. This move streamlined their reporting processes and provided a unified platform for generating insights across all their portfolio companies.
The impact of these efforts was transformative. Our client now has a consolidated data environment, which gives them a comprehensive view of their business operations. This unified data platform has significantly improved their strategic decision-making capabilities and operational efficiency. Furthermore, this transformation enabled them to develop a new strategy to monetize their data, creating a new revenue stream and providing them with a strategic advantage in the market.
Looking ahead, what are your long-term goals for Zencore, and how do you plan to evolve your services to meet the future needs of your clients?
The market moves so fast that I’m not joking when I say six months is long term. I think the biggest opportunity for both Zencore and Google Cloud is with Generative AI. We have moved quickly past the hype phase and are now working on projects with real operational value that will go into production. And the value of Gen AI is so compelling that it’s putting massive pressure on organizations to get their data house in order to leverage the technology. The risk of not engaging and understanding the value of Gen AI is that your competition will use it to leapfrog you in the market.
So Zencore is doing several things to address this opportunity. One is to continue to invest in the right architects and engineers that have experience across a broad set of industries and use cases focused on things like RAG, enterprise search and of course Google products like Vertex AI.
You will also see us take a much more vertical approach, which is something historically we have not done. When you solve a specific challenge for one client in an industry using Gen AI, the reality is that you have done 80% of the work to solve the challenge for a significant number of clients in the industry. This is a unique advantage for us when time to market is critical.
Finally you will see us make a significant investment in our data cloud practice. Zencore will always have a 360 degree approach to Gen AI projects and be ready to focus on the infrastructure, security, data pipelines and ml ops to ensure a successful end to end production solution.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Zencore.
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divadivine13 · 4 months
Where Can You Buy The Best Human Hair Wigs In India?
India's best human hair wigs are made from high-quality, 100% human hair. Human hair wigs have a more natural look and feel than synthetic wigs and can be styled and colored like natural hair. They also last longer and can be worn for extended periods.
Another reason human hair wigs are considered the best in India is that they are more versatile. It can be styled differently, such as curled or straightened and can be dyed to match any hair color. It allows for more styling options and the ability to change your look effortlessly.
In addition, human hair wigs are breathable and lightweight, which makes them more comfortable to wear. They also look more natural, making it difficult for people to tell that you are wearing a wig.
When it comes to buying human hair wigs in India, it is essential to buy from reputable sellers and check the hair's quality and the wig's construction. It's also important to read customer reviews before purchasing to get an idea of the product's quality and the vendor's customer service.
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There are several places where you can purchase human hair wigs in India. Some of the best options include:
Online Marketplaces: 
Websites like Amazon, Flipkart, and Myntra have various human hair wigs from different brands. They offer a convenient way to purchase wigs from the comfort of your home and usually have a good return policy.
Online Wig Stores: 
Several online wig stores in India specialize in selling human hair wigs. Some popular options include Hair Wig Hub, Wig India, and Wig Studio. These stores often have various styles, colors, and lengths to choose from and can provide good-quality wigs.
Hair Salons: 
Many hair salons in India also sell human hair wigs. They usually have various wigs and can provide professional advice on which wig best suits you.
Local Wig Vendors: 
Many cities in India have local wig vendors that sell human hair wigs. They often have a good variety of wigs and can provide good quality wigs at a more affordable price than other options.
It is important to note that when buying a human hair wig, it's essential to check the quality of the hair and the construction of the wig. Also, it's always a good idea to read customer reviews before purchasing to get an idea of the quality of the product and the customer service the vendor provides.
There are various places where you can buy human hair wigs in India, such as online marketplaces, online wig stores, hair salons, and local wig vendors. It's essential to check the hair's quality and the wig's construction, read customer reviews and do proper research before making a purchase. 
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But Hair professionals say that you can buy from here, but you should buy from a verified vendor or brand only to get all the features. Be it a policy, discount, or hair consultant. Our India is an essential source because 100% Remy hair is available only in India, and the country also goes abroad. You can visit and buy these verified brands at low and reasonable prices. As like:
1 Hair Stop :
1 Hair Stop is a well-known brand of hair extensions in India that offers a wide variety of options, such as clip-ins, tape-ins, and weaves. They specialize in providing high-quality human hair extensions that are easy to maintain and last longer. They are known for providing excellent customer service and support. Its office is in Hyderabad. If you need clarification about which hair wig is right for you, you can book your appointment online by visiting its website.
Diva Divine :
Diva Divine is the most popular brand of hair extensions based in India. Their hair extensions are made from 100% Remy human hair, considered the highest quality of human hair. They offer the broadest range of temporary clip-on and professional semi-permanent human hair extensions in Delhi and India. Before buying a product, stylists and customers can feel and touch the variety of human hair extensions and wigs at our location. Their network of salons is now over 1000 salons in all of India, and we have trained over 500 stylists in Delhi and throughout India on professional human hair extension installations. They have a fleet of delivery vehicles and deliver. Within 45 minutes, to Salons in greater Delhi. They offer the widest variety of human hair wigs for clients with hair loss or thinning hair and have the staff to install this professionally. They are on call seven days a week to support the requirements of our stylists and clients. 
Nishhair :
Nishhair is a brand of wigs based in India that provides high-quality human hair wigs. They offer a wide range of wig options, including full wigs, lace front wigs, and hairpieces. They help you create incredible hairstyles for any occasion. They decided to do it differently, and NishHair was born – an ethical, premium, and best-quality hair extension brand. Hair wigs are made out of 100% authentic human hair, and every piece of our hair extension collection is handcrafted ethically with love. It's located in Mumbai and has verified vendors too.
We have told you in this blog how to buy from which verified brand at a low price, from where you will get all the facilities. It's essential to research, read customer reviews, and check the seller's reputation before making a purchase. Some of the best wig brands in India include Hair Wig Hub, Wig India, Wig Studio, 1 Hair Stop, Diva Divine, and Nishhair. All these brands offer high-quality human hair wigs that are easy to maintain and can last long. They also have a good reputation for providing excellent customer service and support. Additionally, they offer a wide variety of options that can cater to different hair types, textures, and lengths.
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22-02-2000 · 5 months
Explain Amazon Web Services, or AWS.
Amazon Web Services (AWS), the robust cloud computing platform by Amazon.com, has redefined business operations since its inception in 2006. Offering an extensive suite of cloud services encompassing networking, storage, and processing power, AWS has become a cornerstone for modern enterprises globally. This article aims to dissect the intricacies of AWS, exploring its foundational elements, advantages, and profound impact on businesses worldwide. Furthermore, it sheds light on the avenues available for individuals to hone their skills through comprehensive AWS training courses in Bangalore.
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Overview of AWS Services: AWS boasts a diverse array of services tailored to cater to the varied needs of companies across different sectors. These services are typically classified under categories like networking, machine learning, storage, computing, and databases. Among the prominent offerings are Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), and Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service).
Advantages of AWS: Scalability, reliability, and affordability are among the myriad benefits that AWS brings to businesses. With AWS, organizations can dynamically scale their resources in response to demand without hefty upfront investments, ensuring optimal performance. The global infrastructure of AWS ensures fault tolerance and high availability, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity. Moreover, the pay-as-you-go pricing model allows organizations to pay only for the resources they utilize, a departure from traditional on-premises infrastructure setups.
Utilization Cases and Industry Applications: AWS caters to a broad spectrum of use cases and industry verticals, serving startups to enterprise-level corporations. Startups leverage AWS's versatile toolkit and flexible infrastructure to swiftly prototype and launch applications. Enterprises utilize AWS to drive innovation, enhance agility, and modernize their IT infrastructure. AWS finds applications across sectors including healthcare, finance, and e-commerce, facilitating enhanced security, regulatory compliance, and seamless customer experiences.
Privacy and Compliance: Security is paramount for AWS, which offers a comprehensive range of security features and compliance certifications to safeguard client information. Identity and access management (IAM), network security, encryption, and threat detection are among the security measures employed by AWS. Moreover, AWS ensures that customer workloads comply with regulatory requirements by adhering to strict standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and SOC.
AWS Community and Partnership Ecosystem: The AWS Marketplace serves as a one-stop platform for customers to discover, procure, and utilize third-party products and services directly from AWS. With a vast array of pre-built solutions including machine learning algorithms and security technologies, the AWS Marketplace streamlines software acquisition and fosters innovation. Additionally, AWS has fostered a robust partner ecosystem comprising system integrators, independent software vendors (ISVs), and consulting firms, offering specialized expertise and solutions to support customers on their cloud journey.
Hybrid Cloud System Integration: AWS facilitates seamless integration of on-premises IT systems with the AWS cloud through solutions tailored for hybrid cloud setups. Organizations can extend their data center capabilities to the cloud while maintaining control and consistency over their hybrid deployments using services like AWS Outposts and AWS Direct Connect.
Analytics for Data and Machine Learning: AWS offers a suite of services for data analytics and machine learning, enabling businesses to derive insights and develop intelligent applications. Machine learning algorithms facilitate the creation of predictive models, extraction of actionable insights, and analysis of large datasets through services like Amazon Redshift, Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce), and Amazon SageMaker.
Connectivity of Things (IoT) Solutions: AWS's IoT services and solutions empower businesses to connect, manage, and analyze IoT devices at scale. By leveraging services such as AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Greengrass, and AWS IoT Analytics, enterprises can securely gather, process, and utilize IoT data to enhance operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and revenue generation. Register in professional AWS Online Training to acquire extensive knowledge from any location.
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Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) and DevOps: AWS's DevOps tools and services streamline the software development lifecycle, enabling organizations to deploy applications quickly and reliably. Services like AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy automate development, testing, and deployment processes, facilitating continuous integration and deployment.
Serverless Architecture Computing: AWS's serverless computing services, including AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate, enable developers to build and launch applications without managing servers. This architecture accelerates innovation and reduces operational overhead, allowing developers to focus on creating value and developing code.
Cost Optimization Techniques: AWS provides a suite of tools and best practices to optimize expenses and maximize the return on cloud investments. Organizations can leverage AWS's cost management tools such as instance right-sizing, Reserved Instances, cost allocation tags, and AWS Cost Explorer to identify cost-saving opportunities, optimize resource utilization, and achieve higher levels of cost efficiency.
Certification and Training Programs: AWS offers comprehensive training and certification programs to empower individuals and organizations with cloud-related knowledge and skills. Professionals can enhance their cloud careers by obtaining AWS certifications, validating technical proficiency, and accessing courses ranging from basic fundamentals to advanced specialization tracks.
In conclusion, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands as a pivotal player in the cloud computing landscape, enabling businesses of all sizes to innovate, grow, and drive digital transformation. With its extensive service portfolio, pay-as-you-go pricing model, and global infrastructure, AWS empowers organizations to achieve unprecedented levels of cost-effectiveness, scalability, and agility. As cloud computing continues to evolve, AWS remains at the forefront, delivering cutting-edge solutions to meet the evolving needs of the modern enterprise landscape. Through comprehensive training courses offered in Bangalore and beyond, individuals can acquire the knowledge and skills needed to fully leverage AWS and succeed in today's digital era.
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tech-reasearch-blog · 5 months
Cloud Billing Market Significant Growth, Technological Advancement 
The Insight Partners introduces its new market research as “Cloud Billing Market Industry Analysis| 2031”. The company specializes in syndicated market research and consultation services. Through this research company is offering both qualitative and quantitative data assisting Cloud Billing market investors.
Key Chapters Under This Research
Current Market Scenario and Estimates to 2031
Cloud Billing market research report identifies overall market share, market size, and revenue potential guiding companies on market economics. Understanding the customer base and demand generated by them is crucial for the business to narrow down its products. Market size helps companies to guess demand in certain markets and understand future projections through this chapter.
Market Drivers, Opportunities, and Trends
This chapter offers insights on factors that support market share expansion in the projected period. This section further dives deeper to explore trends and ongoing R&D in the industry.  
Market Competition Analysis
This chapter offers insights on established and new entrant Cloud Billing market players. Understanding competition helps companies understand their position in the market. Through this chapter, the report offers insights on threats and opportunities ahead of Cloud Billing market players. Comparing pricing strategies and organic growth strategies used by key market participants provides opportunities for growth in the Cloud Billing market.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Cloud Service Providers
Telecom and Communication Service Providers
and Managed Service Providers
Billing Type
Cloud Service Billing
Subscription Billing
Metered Billing
and Others
Enterprise Size
Small and Medium Enterprise and Large Enterprise
Financial services and Insurance (BFSI)
Healthcare and Life Sciences
Public Sector and Utilities
Media and Entertainment
and Others
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Oracle Corporation
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
NEC Corporation
Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)
Amdocs Inc.
Aria Systems, Inc.
CGI Group Inc.
Zuora, Inc.
Other key companies 
Research Methodology
This Cloud Billing market report includes findings based on scrutiny of different factors impacting on business environment. Both primary and secondary methods of research are used to generate insights. Details on Cloud Billing market share, key players, micro-financial pointers, and other demographic factors.
Key market players are analyzed for their market share and overall growth in the industry. Based on forecast duration, these key market players are evaluated for their incomes. This market research brings local, regional, and national level information on the market
Go-To-Market Framework:
Development trends, competitive landscape analysis, supply-side analysis, demand-side analysis, year-on-year growth, competitive benchmarking, vendor identification, CMI quadrant, and other significant analysis, as well as development status.
Customized regional/country reports as per request and country-level analysis.
Potential & niche segments and regions exhibiting promising Cloud Billing market growth are covered.
Analysis of Cloud Billing Market Size (historical and forecast), Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Available Market (SAM), Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), Market Growth, Technological Trends, Market Share, Market Dynamics, Competitive Landscape, and Major Players (Innovators, Start-ups, Laggard, and Pioneer).
Key Benefits for Buyers
Strategic Insights to increase per-customer revenue and overall consumer experience.
Assistance and strategic roadmap to device marketing tactics
Details-oriented approach, authorized information, and new optimal business solutions
Preferred target demographic, regions, and market channels
Customized Insights and Consultation services.
Author’s Bio:
Anna Green
Research Associate at The Insight Partners
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amazonseoservice · 2 years
Maximizing Your Amazon Presence: The Benefits of Amazon Account Managers and Amazon Vendor Central Consultants
In today’s competitive e-commerce world, having a strong presence on Amazon is essential for businesses looking to succeed. To achieve this, many businesses turn to Amazon account managers and vendor central consultants to help them navigate the platform and maximize their sales. This blog will explore the benefits of working with these professionals and what they can offer to businesses.
What do Amazon account managers do?
Amazon account managers are dedicated individuals who work with businesses to help them achieve success on the platform. They provide support and guidance on various issues, including product launches, advertising, and account management.
One of the main benefits of working with Amazon account managers is their personalized support and guidance. They can help businesses navigate the complex world of Amazon and identify areas for improvement. Also, Amazon account managers have a deep understanding of Amazon’s policies and guidelines, which they can use to help businesses avoid potential issues.
Another benefit of Amazon account managers is their ability to provide valuable insights and analytics. They can help businesses understand their sales data and identify trends that can be used to drive growth. Additionally, they can help businesses develop strategies to increase their visibility and sales on Amazon.
How useful are Amazon vendor central consultants?
Amazon vendor central consultants are experts in Amazon’s vendor central platform, designed for businesses selling large quantities of products to Amazon. These consultants can help businesses navigate the platform and maximize their sales.
One of the main benefits of working with Amazon vendor central consultants is their deep understanding of the platform and its features. They can help businesses understand the various tools and functions available and how to use them. Additionally, they can help businesses develop and implement effective strategies to drive growth.
Another benefit of Amazon vendor central consultants is their ability to provide valuable insights and analytics. They can help businesses understand their sales data and identify trends that can be used to drive growth. Additionally, they can guide how to optimize product listings, improve product photography, and increase product visibility on Amazon.
source: https://amazonseoservices.com/maximizing-your-amazon-presence-the-benefits-of-amazon-account-managers-and-amazon-vendor-central-consultants/
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