#ambassador of olympus
There's not enough Nico and Thalia interactions.
Both of them lost their mothers because of the actions of Zeus.
Both of them lost a sibling on a quest and have to continue life without them.
Jason was one of the most important people in both of their lives and they've both lost him.
Not once.
But twice.
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soulless-bex · 1 year
god!percy who walks into stark tower after the battle of new york only to tell the avengers that they did a good job like you would a five years old who successfully glued two piece of paper together and then disappears with thor and loki because, in their dumbassery, they broke the accord the greeks had made with the norse
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
No but it would be hilarious if Nico can be completely oblivious of his impactful position.
I mean it in the way that Hades is clearly putting more trust, privileges and responsibilities on him than any other demigod can come close to, and yet Nico still thinks it’s nothing, that those are just petty “errands” his father requests of him as an excuse to give him extra allowance.
Something like:
Nico: What do you mean favorite? Dad doesn’t play favorite.
Apollo: Nico, Uncle is forging you a crown as we’re talking, right now.
Or another, when Nico thought his promotion was in account of the crucial time only:
Hades: So, since you’re my Ambassador—
Nico: Wait, I’m not your Ambassador, dad. It’s not war anymore. You can drop it now.
Hades *looks at him dead in the eye*: You are my Ambassador, son.
Actually I kinda like this^^ because that’s a cement claim from Hades that Nico has gained his respect, and Nico can feel his father’s love for him transparently for the first time.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
I'm not sure if this counts as a fancast because i couldn't find the 1st person's age(and i TRIED)so let's just call them faceclaims if they're actually any different!For the Dead Sea Siblings
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Cai Lullaby for Percy,Caleb Mclaughlin for Nico and Riele Downs for Hazel!The last one is an old fandom classic and the middle one is me not hating Finn but please there are other Nico's🙏🏼This is them specifically throught Tales of Dead Seas,my post Hoo sequel remake because sorry but T///oa was bad even as just a concept and the excecution didn't do it any favors
@xoxopercy @insomniac-jay @moonage-gaydream @julieemarine @floof-ghostie @desi-pluto @refrigeratedboombursts @franollie @themyscxiras @confused-wizard @mik3stuff @ciieli @angel-beloved @leo-thecactus @biandbored @genderfluid-bat @sarasanddollar @jellyfilledeyes @jellyjays @mayameanderings @9ragonmew @tuxedkitt @yukii0nna @ph4ntomed @eyelessrabbit
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I have no reason to be so attached to the concept of Nico being the reincarnation of Odysseus other than they are both identified by three main traits which are: fraud, deception, and lies/ gaslight gatekeep, girlboss
(Sexy thighs are a bonus)
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thefuzzzz · 3 months
Jasico Week 2024 - Day 3
Words: 2,002 Rating: General Audiences Type: Oneshot
Description: Jason Grace, ever aloof praetor, asks the new ambassador to spar with him. Nico isn't sure if this is a weird mating ritual or if Jason is going to murder him, but he has fun either way.
Sidenote: This fic was written for @jasico-challenges Jasico week 2024 event!
Full fic under the cut!
In Nico’s opinion, Camp Jupiter was pretty boring. Considering all the things he’d seen at Camp Half-Blood, this was a walk in the park. They were more organized and put together, which was both appreciated and vaguely disappointing.
One day, as Nico sat bored in a meeting with all the other senate members, he found himself zoning out. He rarely attended meetings but had been asked to be here. He probably should have paid attention, but gods this was lame. 
His attention was dragged away from its sharpened stare on the floor by a hand on his shoulder. He whipped around, instantly going into fight or flight. 
His shoulders dropped as he realized who it was. Jason Grace. The praetor. 
Jason flashed him a smile that looked more like a sad attempt at showing all his teeth. “Hello, ambassador,” he said. 
Nico shuffled awkwardly in his spot. “Afternoon. Praetor.”
Jason pointed to the seat beside him. “This spot taken?”
Nico shook his head, slightly less startled now that he realized he wasn’t in trouble for zoning out. Still, Jason freaked him out. 
Nico was well aware that he himself was a pretty scary guy. Jason, however, rattled even his nerves. 
He was just so untouchable. Nico often wondered if he had some kind of inordinate amount of human-to-god ratio that no other demigod had. 
He knew Jason was nice. He had experienced his kindness multiple times throughout his days at Camp Jupiter, but he just looked mean. 
Nico couldn’t blame him. He’d heard many stories about Jason’s upbringing, and how it was mostly done by Lupa. He’d probably be weird too if he was raised by wolves. 
One of the senate members started going on a rant that no one quite knew how to stop. Most people just quit paying attention. 
Jason leaned over. “Pretty boring meeting.”
Nico jumped again but recovered from his startle. “Yeah,” he agreed weakly.
Jason looked him up and down quickly, accompanied by the unabashed confidence only a man in his position could acquire. Nico yet again shuffled awkwardly, not sure what to do with himself. 
“Spar with me,” Jason said suddenly, eyes flipping back to Nico’s face. 
Nico sputtered before getting himself together. “Excuse me?”
Jason looked away. “You’re excused.”
Nico couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped his lips. “That’s not what I meant. It’s a figure of speech.”
The praetor’s head turned back to Nico, eyes settling on him with the same intensity of the sky before a storm. He raised an eyebrow, leaning forward just slightly. Nico resisted the urge to shy away and lean back. 
“What did you mean?” Jason asked. 
Nico took a beat to let his eyes wander over Jason’s face. “I meant ‘What?’” he explained. 
“I want you to spar with me,” Jason repeated, eyebrows furrowing. 
Nico couldn’t help but laugh again. He got that this guy spent the majority of his life so far either in the company of wolves or being trained for war, but come on. He also couldn’t help but notice the way Jason’s face softened when he laughed. He didn’t take time to ponder that, though. 
“No, no. I understood that part. I meant ‘why?’” Nico corrected, now aware of the few people looking at them, telling them to shut up. Oops. 
Jason lowered his voice. “Why didn’t you just say that?” he asked quietly. Upon Nico’s shrugging, he explained. “I’ve never sparred with you.”
Nico looked at him quizzically. Jason was like a puzzle no one but Reyna could really solve. He didn’t know much slang aside from what he heard every day, and he rarely felt the need to explain himself. Talking with him could be a task, but Nico always left their interactions feeling slightly—oddly— endeared. 
Jason watched him, waiting for an answer. Throughout his eager staring, the meeting was adjourned and people began filing out of the building. This included Reyna, who shot a curious glance toward Jason before shrugging and walking away. 
Nico decided that was enough explanation and nodded. “Sure.”
Jason smiled, slightly scary and slightly sweet. His smiles always were confusing, but it looked like he was really trying this time. 
“…right now?” Nico asked, standing. Jason nodded, just as eager as before. Something shone in his eyes, something Nico wasn’t used to seeing on him. 
Nico let him lead him out to the training area, following awkwardly. 
“Aren’t we, like, not supposed to be out here this late?” Nico asked, tilting his head to see the side of Jason’s face. 
Jason shrugged, though the act looked foreign on his stiff shoulders. “I’m a praetor,” he said as if it explained it.
Nico decided to let it go, following him onto the packed dirt of the coliseum. He pulled his sword from its hilt, standing in wait. 
Jason flipped a golden coin, which transformed into his own sword. Nico resisted the urge to say “That was cool,” deciding Jason already knew that. 
There was no warning or countdown, just Jason suddenly swinging his sword. Nico panicked and shadow traveled behind him, sweeping his leg under Jason’s to trip him forward. He poked the tip of his sword into his back as a sign he had accidentally won. 
“I didn’t say powers were allowed,” Jason said, though there was a hint of humor in his voice as he pulled himself up off his knees. 
“You didn’t say they weren’t,” Nico smiled back. 
Jason mimicked his smile, for once flashing one that didn’t look too threatening. Nico tried to keep his eyes from lingering too long, but he couldn’t help but notice how pleasant the setting sun looked on Jason’s face. 
He passed that off as admiration and let Jason come to his feet, readying again. He lowered his stance. Nico, again, couldn’t help but notice how good concentration looked on him. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts as he got into his own battle stance. 
“Powers?” Nico asked, not looking forward to a fight without his. 
Jason shrugged. “Go ahead.”
Nico let Jason advance again, shadow traveling behind him once more. Jason was able to anticipate it this time, swinging toward him. Nico blocked, forcing him to step out of the column’s shadow he had been standing in. 
Jason smiled, a cocky kind of smile that Nico would’ve been mad about if it was anyone else. However, he couldn’t seem to mind how the scar on his lip moved with his grin. 
Nico was forced farther into the light as Jason continued his advances. They were two skilled swordsmen, but without his powers, Nico often faltered. 
Jason had now figured out the trick to Nico’s powers and was about to show him his own. 
Electricity gathered on his arm in little bolts before shooting down his sword and onto Nico’s. It wasn’t enough electricity to actually hurt him, but enough for him to drop his sword and stumble. 
Jason held his weapon to Nico’s chest. Nico smiled, rubbing the elbow he’d fallen onto. 
Jason outstretched a hand, letting the gathered lightning fade away before offering it. Nico took his hand and stood. Their palms brushed for a second longer than they needed to. Nico tried not to think about that. 
They assumed their positions yet again, both formulating plans behind their eyes. 
Once Jason decided they were both ready, he advanced. Nico was not ready, but let it happen anyways, sword raising in defense. 
This time, he shadow traveled to Jason’s left. Just as he was about to kick him down, Jason shot electricity through his leg, effectively zapping Nico. 
Jason attempted to herd him out of the shadow again, but Nico knew better and evaded. He attempted to block another hit but was just zapped again. It seemed the two were at a crossroads. 
Well, until Nico decided shadow traveling above him would prove more successful, and set him up to do just that. 
He managed to push Jason to the ground with that method, catching himself mid-air to shadow travel just beside him. Nico had dropped his sword in the process, so he couldn’t officially end it. However, he stood triumphantly, taking the thud of Jason’s body against the dirt as clear evidence of his win. 
Before Nico could notice over his gloating, Jason reached out with his sword and zapped the back of his leg lightly, making Nico fall forward. He caught himself on his palms, one by Jason’s ribs and the other by his neck. His knees hit the dirt with a thud. 
He couldn’t help the laugh that fell from his lips soon after, kneeled over Jason. Jason laughed too, though his was more of a refined chuckle than Nico’s out-of-character cackling. 
When he collected himself enough to realize he was currently on top of the praetor, he pushed his hands off the ground, kneeling beside Jason with flushed cheeks. Jason sat up, rubbing the back of his head. His cheeks were equally red. 
Jason tugged himself to his feet, outstretching his hand. Nico, yet again, took it, tugging himself to his feet. 
“I’ll walk you to Temple Hill,” Jason said, dusting himself off. Nico usually used the easy access to the underworld in the Pluto temple to his advantage but wasn’t aware that Jason knew that. 
Nico took some time to dust off his clothes too. “Thanks.”
He knew Jason was just doing it so he didn’t get in trouble for being out past curfew, but it still felt nice. 
They walked silently for a second. However, the silence seemed less awkward than before. 
“What do you call that, by the way?” Jason asked, clearly wrapped up in his own thoughts.
Nico looked up at him, noticing swiftly how Jason didn’t meet his gaze. “Call what?” he asked, eyes lingering on the hints of embarrassment on Jason’s face. 
“The teleportation,” Jason said, footsteps beginning to fall in line with Nico’s. 
Nico considered. “I’ve always referred to it as shadow travel.”
Jason nodded. His eyes traced over Nico’s hands, they were paler than usual—nearly transparent, really. He realized he might have used that ability a few too many times. 
“Is that a side effect?” Jason asked, pointing to his hand. 
Nico held it up to let Jason see. “Oh, yeah. Don’t worry, it’ll go back to normal in a bit.”
Jason placed his hand under Nico’s to pull his hand closer to his face. Nico quickly looked away in a desperate attempt to hide his red face. ‘Gods, does he have any boundaries?’ Nico thought to himself. 
Jason ended the scrutinizing of Nico’s hand, dropping it. Their knuckles brushed in a way that was far from coincidental. Nico decided to focus his gaze on the ground. 
“You’re talented with that sword. What is it? I’ve never seen one like it,” Jason said, focusing on the sky. 
Now that they had their silent agreement of not watching each other very obviously blush, Nico felt confident enough to answer. “Thanks. It’s Stygian iron.”
Jason nodded, seemingly very focused on a cloud. “Interesting. Any special properties?” 
“It can evaporate ghosts,” Nico said, a little too casually. 
Jason nodded again. This dirt was really interesting. 
They found themselves at the Pluto temple. Nico was tempted to ask Jason if he wanted to come in but recognized that they probably shouldn’t go bending any more rules. 
Jason put a hand on his shoulder, flashing him the closest thing to a smile Nico had ever seen on him. “Thank you for indulging my curiosities, ambassador. I have enjoyed getting to know you.”
Nico nodded, doing his best to smile despite his fluster. “No problem. I had fun.”
Jason nodded. He looked behind him, looking at the setting sun. 
“Well, enjoy your night,” Jason said, starting to walk away. He didn’t give Nico the time to say, “You too,” so he mumbled it to no one. 
Nico disappeared into the dark temple and made a very sudden and awful realization. 
He had a crush. Godsdamn it. Not again.
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icepopstar5105us · 28 days
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Nico Di Angelo Business Cards. Made them myself in Canva. It’s a combination of Camp Jupiter, Camp Halfblood, and Hades’s symbol. Cool, right?
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fuzedatti · 1 year
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XVIII. Long live the King.
──────── ❝ 𝐀𝐧 𝐒𝐂𝐏 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 ❞ ────────
CW ; Graphic descriptions of violence.
The metal hitting his face was not well received, Clef thought he had fallen on the Moon but was, for some reason, back on Alagadda.
—Watch your language Alto Clef.– Said the White Lord.
—Hey, what am I doing here?– He rolled his body against the ground to adjust himself and sit properly. —A few seconds ago I was falling straight to the Moon and- –
—Yes, yes, I know, – They answered. —I have been observing you, to know if you are actually going to fulfill your part of the deal.–
—Of course we're going to do it! It's just that your crazy brother killed all of Olympus and now controls them.– He exaggerated the irritation in his voice.
—I know, Clef.– They repeated their words. —That's why I brought you back.–
Now that he was aware of his surroundings, the rest of The Parliament of Joy was not there, only the White Lord looking at him with his stone-like expression.
—I'm not supposed to do this.– They clasped their hands in front of their body and walked over to a long, dirty box. On the edges of the box were engraved in gold the words:
"First Kingdom of Men. AUDAPAUPADOPOLIS."
The White Lord opened the box very carefully and Clef's three eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. It was a huge spear, covered in silver and wrapped in a red veil; The point was rusted with blood, and the dagger was already worn. The blonde cautiously approached the mask and it brought the gun to him, letting him take it.
—You should know what this artifact is. That is why you must take it to Kul-Manas, it is the only way he can defeat the Black Lord in his current form.
The doctor's hands trembled as he felt the firm wood of the spear for the first time in his long, eternal life. He had heard myths about it, but nothing compared to what he felt at that moment.
—But I no longer have God's blood, we used it all to get to Olympus...– The White Lord pointed at Clef's body with one of their fingers, which was soaked with golden blood. —Oh, yeah, of course...–
The mask came closer and just as the King had done, he drew a circle on the ground so he could transport it back to Louis.
—One last question, Dr. Clef.– Clef looked at them. —Do you believe in God?–
The light breeze woke Louis up. His aching body screamed for rest, his chest caved in from the fight and his eyes now completely black, deprived from light. How strange, Louis thought he had died after Dýo's attack, judging by the possessed corpses around him that did not happened. The plague doctor tried to run from them but his sharp pain prevented him from moving forward.
—Please... Louis...– One of the masks whispered. —Sit down... and... listen...–
—We don't...want...to do this...–
Confused, he let his heavy body fall onto a rock to lean back and watch them. They all had an anguished expression and emanated a similar energy. —Why aren't you attacking me?–
—We are... the consciousness of... what you... once called... love...– Their sobs remained engraved in his consciousness. —We are what remains... What survives...–
The few remaining gods and deities took shelter around his body to begin healing him. The body of the God of Medicine, Acleipus, passed different herbs over Louis to heal his wounds.
—We are bound... to the bodies of these divinities... but we still keep... your love...
Their voices were the same as Dýo's, much more gentle and concerned. Another of the Gods, Hermes, approached him and showed him some writings in which the ingredients for the creation of other masks such as Dýo were read.
—He stole... Hephaestus's plans... and he replicated to us to fill... his void...– He brought his hand to his hollow chest. —He has stolen... our hearts...–
Louis couldn't say anything, they may be fragments of Dýo, but in those fragments, he kept his light. He remembered that, the incredulous Dýo that he once loved had left to make a way for a ruthless Dýo, even with his lover. The blood on his face fell at the feet of the corpses, burning even more. He stood up carefully, gripping the left side of his face tightly to stop the bleeding from his illness. Now heading to the tower from the start, he was stopped by one of the corpses.
—Mon chéri... what are you doing?
—I'm going to smash your skull, get out of the way.
—The whole me...is too strong...he'll hurt you again...and we won't be here to help you...
—I didn't need you a long ago and I don't need you now.
—Ma colombe... I won't stop you... but think about what you are saying...– Louis pushed the corpse out of his way and continued walking. —My instability...–
He was about to answer him until Clef's portal blinded his vision. The blond headed towards him with spear in hand, fists white from the force with which he held it. Both doctors looked at each other and Louis gave him a doubtful look.
—What is that in your hands?
—The only way out.
He loosened his grip to hand over the worn spear. The doctor had no idea that the artifact was the only one capable of killing a God. When the wood touched his hand he felt goosegumps go down his whole body; It was not heavy despite its great size, and its red veil danced with the wind.
—I've heard of artifacts capable of doing impossible things,– The doctor affirmed, seeing how his blood drained over the spear to become part of it. —But I've never seen one like this, and judging by your return, you must know something.–
—This is the spear with which the heart of...
Clef was interrupted by the thunderous sound of a beast descending from the skies. Dýo's rage escaped his eyes, the usual violet glow replaced by a crimson red. Clef drew his own weapon reflexively but Louis stopped him, denying him the way with the divine spear.
—This battle is not meant for you.– His cold voice chilled Clef's soul. —I must finish it by myself.–
—Finally you are going to stand up for yourself.– Dýo mocked, clenching the sharp fangs of the cerberus. —Are you going to rebel against the God that gave you life?–
The doctor approached him, stepping on the remains of masks and bodies under his feet. He wielded the spear in the direction of the beast, aiming for its head.
—I do not believe in God.
His response caused the beast to chase towards him, its roars numbing the ears of the only survivors. The doctor moved until the last moment to stab one of the can's heads, even though he had already destroyed the masks, the heads obeyed him as if it were a hive mind; Dýo writhed in pain as he felt a part of his soul being brutally destroyed but he couldn't stop, this time he surrounded Louis to dodge his attacks and bit him with his snake tail.
—You disgusting viper!– Louis yelled, feeling the venom coursing through his veins. He used the spear to kill the snake and render it unusable.
Dýo chuckled as he continued his attacks on his counterpart; Every hit and bite was dodged by the spear, which emanated a rather threatening energy for Dýo. One of his bites managed to scratch it but the wood splintered his mouth and it began to hurt more than it should. He jerked his head away from it in pain and end up impaled by the weapon once more. Now only one head was missing.
The situation was making the God very nervous, who couldn't control his breathing, all the holes in his mask couldn't stop bleeding, his smoky limbs were painful, and he felt his non-existent heart skip a beat.
But he didn't stop, tearing both heads off with his claws causing a grotesque sound as he mutilated torn muscles, cartilage and arteries ripping in two to free himself. The battlefield was littered with bloody violet feathers and skeletal claw marks. Dýo clenched his fangs as hard as he could and pounced on Louis; Every scratch burned like the sun itself but he couldn't stop, he didn't want to stop, his pride totally blinded his judgment until his last moments.
In desperation, he used his tentacles to immobilize the doctor and impaled him against a sharp rock. Louis spat out blood, trying to hold what was left of his lungs and breathe. In the distance Clef was pointing his gun at Dýo's head, but would not fire until Louis indicated that he needed his help. The possessed corpses had already fallen to the ground with both heads severed and their life force returned to the host.
—Give me the signal and I'll blow his fucking head off, doctor!
—You should listen to your toy!– Dýo's mocking voice could barely be understood by how distorted it was. —You can't defeat me, you'll never be better than me. I am the perfect life form, The Black Lord. I am the murderer of Zeus, the new emperor of Olympus..–
His delirious voice began to lose itself in his own thoughts, slowly loosening thr grip of his tentacles. The mask morphed between happiness and anger, laughing maniacally, uncontrollably.
—I outwitted the largest foundation in the universe. I am the God of the New World. I will be your King, your guide. I will form the greatest empires, the best armies. I am the collector of power from other Gods to be the one and only...
All surviving life forms will obey their new leader!
I. Am. Your. Go-!
Broken porcelain has a very distinctive sound. First, there's the sharp pop as it hits the ground, and then the echo of broken material. It's a sound that sticks in your mind once you hear it and know that you were to blame for it. But this time, no porcelain was thrown to the ground, rather it was pierced by the same weapon with which the heart of Jesus of Nazareth was pierced; The Spear Of The Non-Believer. Right in the middle of his forehead began a river of cracks, which became fractures and then pieces. The dull sound of a moan caught Louis' attention, who with the little vision he had left could recognize that it came from Dýo.
—I wish...I'd been better...
When the last flame in his eyes faded, the mask broke to spread over his own blood, with a smile still drawn on his face. The body of the cerberus fell on the opposite side totally unarmed, the feathers falling off quickly to meet all in one place and form what appeared to be a tiny shell. Clef ran over to Louis to help him up onto the rock, putting one of his arms around his shoulder and letting him lean back against it.
—You'll be fine, right?
—Yes, don't worry about me...– He coughed up some blood onto the blonde's white coat. —I just need to heal myself...–
Clef put him down for a few moments to take the feathered shell and show it to Louis. —It's the project the foundation was talking about, it's still alive somehow.–
Louis tried to stand up carefully, ignoring the pain in his ribs. He took the egg in his hands and caressed it gently, watching how it reacted to his touch by bristling. He returned the egg to Clef's arms to head towards the amorphous mass of what had been Dýo.
He gathered up every single piece he could find, taking care not to break it any more than it already was. He knelt before the entity, seeing all the chaos it has caused, he squeezed his eyes shut to cry in silence. He brought the mass to his chest to hug it, sobbing at the memories; That position was the same one he had when he saw Dýo bleed for the first time, he loved him so much it was disgusting.
Alto Clef placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, catching his attention. The doctor turned to see him with tearful dark eyes, meeting the blonde's soft gaze. The three-eyed one told him to turn over one of the Gods on the ground, who were no longer wearing the mask and had their facial muscles exposed; Tiny threads of tissue began to rebuild the skin. The true Gods cannot die due to the greed of demigods or creatures, they will take a few years to revive but they will eventually return.
—We must take 035 to the King, otherwise we will have to use the spear again.– He said as he approached the weapon to take it.
—His name was Dýo...
Clef sighed and nodded. —Yes, Dýo... I'm sorry.–
He was already going to the place where he came to leave but he noticed that Louis didn't move, he was still in the same place crying looking at a blind spot. His face cleared up the more time he spent with Dýo, caressing the shards with his fingertips.
—Aren't you coming?
Louis didn't turn to look at him. He wondered if it was really worth giving everything again for someone who gave so little. He remembered all the things that happened between them in the last twenty-five hundred years; His memory was like an old film tape, showing continuous static images instead of vivid memories. He felt the breeze, the ground, the clouds, everything reminded him of them, because he found everything in him and him in everything.
So, he decided that it was worth it.
—Yes, I'll go in a moment.
Clef nodded again and headed towards the portal from before to activate it again. Its glow reflected against his body and he stepped inside, turning back to make sure Louis was following, only to watch as he stood up before being transported back to Alagadda.
In the blink of an eye he was in front of the entire royal court, the three lords with advanced illness and the immobile but threatening King. Clef swallowed hard and stepped forward, setting the spear on the ground.
—Doctor Alto Clef.– The Red Lord enunciated. —Where is Kul-Manas and the Black Lord?–
Clef broke out in a cold sweat and looked around, he pulled the collar of his shirt to release tension.
—Well it's a fun story...– The portal opened again with Louis inside it, carrying some of Dýo's remains in his arms.
—I've done my part.
He tossed the small mass at the King's feet, who grabbed the remains and swallowed them into his body. He looked at the Ambassador, who was smiling and bowed to Nicéphore and Nicéphore bowed too. That bow sparked something in him, a spark he hadn't felt in millennia; He looked at the Ambassador again with a doubtful expression, the entity made a gesture with their hands that he could not understand, assuming it was something like "You will return".
Anomalies like them were an enigma, they kept their ideals as mysteries and nothing else, they didn't even confess their sins among themselves. The french turned to see the Lords, who were laughing softly but, somehow, he knew that they weren't laughing at him or someone in particular, but that it was a welcoming laugh.
—I congratulate you, immortals, for completing such wonderful journey,– He announced out loud. —Now you have the grace to visit Alagadda and be welcomed whenever you want–
It was not the prize they expected despite not being bothered by it.
—Kul-Manas, before you go... We must tell you something, in private.
Clef turned to Louis to make sure they weren't up to anything strange, when he saw the other's serene expression he calmed down and left them alone to go through the portal; He arrived right at the doctors´ office from where Clef worked. One of the doctors recognized him, it was Kondraki, who was surrounded by butterflies and looked at him in surprise. The brown man ran towards him to hug him tightly but Clef moved away so that he would avoid crushing the shell.
—Good God Clef, we thought you were dead!– Kondraki looked at Clef's appearance, he was a mess, covered in golden blood and dirt.
—I was thrown to the Moon again, of course I'm fine.– He laughed a little, closing his eyes before the blinding light of the portal opened again. Now he owes him an explanation why he has an SCP Archon and Euclid next to him.
Kondraki sent his butterflies to Louis who simply slumped to the ground from exhaustion. —Kondraki, wait! He comes with me, he helped me.–
—SCP-049 helped you, where is his mask? And why does he look so haggard?
—It's... a long story but we must take him to the infirmary, he's seriously injured. It is not hostile, it only needs to regenerate.
The dark-haired man looked at him with doubt but he trusted him, he turned to see the other doctors who saw everything with a mixture of fascination and fear, it seemed that no one was going to say anything so Kondraki helped Clef carrying Louis towards the infirmary; Once there, the plague doctor woke up again in great pain, disoriented and with a hellish migraine.
—Hey, I'm not going to give you anything- 
—Shut up Kondraki.– Clef said giving the instrument to Louis. —I told you it's not hostile.–
Nicéphore began to dissect his own chest, where he had been impaled, to remove the true remains of Dýo along with his secretion.
—Oh God, now he's bringing out a Keter-class SCP...– Kondraki had fists pulling strands of hair from his head in disstress.
—Dýo is in a state of hibernation...– Louis' soft voice sounded too weak. Leaving the mass next to him to continue rebuilding his body, he asked Clef to bring him a D-class to use as a transplant. —He won't wake up for about a hundred years.–
Kondraki fell silent at the statement, looking at SCP-035, which seemed to be a white mosaic with a smiling expression; He then saw Louis's melancholy, Clef's determination... Something had changed in the foundation, something changed in his vision towards the SCPs.
—SCP-049... Is Dýo the name of SCP-035?
It took him a few seconds to process his question. —Yes.–
—You look... wasted...–  He didn't know what to say.
—Yeah, I am.
Kondraki nodded waiting for Clef to return to the D-Class, when the D-Class entered Louis simply touched him and killed him to start replacing his organs with his own. It was a somewhat disgusting scene but it was better than letting him rot in his cell.
—Can I ask you one last question?–  Nicéphore saw him and nodded. —What was Dýo for you?–
Strange choice of words, he thought, his mind too distraught to answer his question. He kept sewing and replacing organs, the scientist still waiting for an answer, genuinely wanting to understand his situation. He finished sewing his broken heart, holes still missing, the stitches trying to hold together from the flow of blood. He sighed, feeling that it was the right thing to say.
—He was my everything.
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karingottschalk · 2 years
Mindy Tan, Photographer, aka FujiGirl, Tries Out Fujifilm X-H2 & Fujinon XF 18-120mm f/4.0 LM PZ WR For Documentary Photography
Mindy Tan, Photographer, aka FujiGirl, Tries Out Fujifilm X-H2 & Fujinon XF 18-120mm f/4.0 LM PZ WR For Documentary Photography
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Hello, Jason Grace Here.
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Hi, I’m Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. I’m currently studying Law and Ethics at New Rome Uni. I am the former praetor of the 12th legion, and part of the Seven. Lord Apollo and I are working on the construction and design of many minor god/ goddess shrines, so I may be busy, but always feel free to come to me for any questions about life in the legion or at New Rome! I love helping new halfblood and legacies know more about the demigod life so ask anything! Here are a few of my half-blood homies (Leo what does that mean again):
@the-only-annabeth-chase - Daughter of Athena, architect of Olympus, and a good friend of mine. Also dating my bro and light Percy (but no homo)
@seaweed-brain-here - Two time savior of Olympus, my best bro, son of the most wonderful person ever, Sally Jackson. He is a great and noble leader.
@grover-the-can-eater - I haven’t met him before but according to Percy and Annabeth a brave and noble faun (edit: satyr), and Percy’s real best bro (you wound me, Jackson). The real life Lord of the Wild!
@death-breath - my smol best friend who deserve love and respect. He’s the best and is the bravest person ever, son of Hades, and Ambassador of Pluto (Percy’s not his type)
@thalia-thehuntress - my older (younger?) sister! Huntress of Artemis, was a tree but isn’t now (normal Demigod things), she doesn’t bite!
@p1per-mclean - Daughter of Aphrodite, and my ex, but we ended on good terms so it’s fine :) Brave and a fighter, you go girl.
@hazel-the-jewel - Daughter of Pluto, the newest praetor, also from the twenties so give here a break!
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sammycoola · 2 years
I wish to use this medium to elaborate *cough rant cough* on a fact everyone should be familiar with by now:
Nico changes with every book he appears in.
We all must've noticed that the Nico di Angelo of The Titan's Curse is not the Nico of The Tower of Nero, and without a doubt, the Nico of The Tower of Nero will not be the same as the Nico of The Sun And The Star.
So you may argue, “Character development and everything—no character stays the same throughout a series.” Then I'll say, “Percy's change isn't as rapid and obvious as Nico's. Why not? He's been through what Percy wouldn't have survived.”
Side note before I'm called mistaken: You are free to convince me that Percy Jackson would've had no trouble losing his closest family at a young age, roaming the labyrinth with a vengeful ghost as a guide, believing that due to his parentage and sexuality he would never be accepted by anyone, and—above all—going through Tartarus willingly and all by himself.
Nico's changes between books are so vivid and regular that I can give a name to him for every book he's appeared in.
The Titan's Curse: Clueless Nico, son of Hades.
The Battle of The Labyrinth: Angry) Misguided Nico, the ghost king (👑).
The Last Olympian: Helpful, Hopeful Nico, savior of Manhattan.
The Son of Neptune: Shady Nico, ambassador of Pluto.
The Mark of Athena: Trapped Nico, hostage of Gaia.
The House of Hades: Survivor Nico, leader of the Argo II.
The Blood of Olympus: Broken Nico, hero of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, uniter of the two fighting camps.
The Hidden Oracle: Healing Nico, all titles mentioned above repeated, boyfriend of Will Solace.
The Tower of Nero: Nico On The Brink Of A Relapse, founder of the trogdylytes, savior of Camp Half-Blood and New York.
The Sun And The Star: Nico On A Mission But At The Same Time Hopelessly In Love With Will Solace, rescuer of Iapetus, ghost king (👑), zombie dude, lord of darkness, future husband of William Andrew Solace (💍).
Try the same with Percy or mostly anyone else, you won't get such results.
See? Nico has gone through too much to stay stable. The changes make a lot of sense. The only hope now is for these changes to lead to his eventual happiness.
“Still Standing” by Elton John relates to him perfectly.
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Nico storming Camp Jupiter after Jason admits no one looked for him when he was missing.
Like... "They raised you for 13 years and than abandoned you?!"
Jason: It's alright... I mean everyone leaves eventually..
Nico: kisses him not me, never
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frank-zhang-praetor · 5 months
Hi, I am Frank Zhang, one of the seven and the one of the Praetor's of Camp Jupiter. I have a girlfriend @hazel-the-jewel. I'm also lactose intolerant so pls don't give me anything with dairy products(this means you Leo) otherwise I will gladly have anything that's offered. These are some of my friends.
@hazel-the-jewel - my beautiful girlfriend, daughter of Pluto and the praetor of Camp Jupiter.
@lightning-boi-is-here - our former praetor who is recently going to University here in Camp Jupiter and rebuilding some shrines. Best advisor award goes to this guy. Son of Jupiter.
Nico - my girlfriend's brother. Ambassador of Pluto. Son of hades. Pls do not annoy him, I'm tired of the complaints. He is not THAT scary, give him a break.
@bianca-d1-angelo - Girlfriend's sister. Lovely person. Really sweet. Daughter of Hades
@annabeth-w1se-g1rl - The architect of Olympus and the two-time Savior of Olympus. Dating our former praetor Percy . If Percy ever says yes to something pls go ask her first, we CAN NOT have a repeat of the Unicorn Situation. Most responsible person. She is going to University in Camp Jupiter. Daughter of Athena.
@forbiddensonoftheseagod - our former praetor, two-time Saviour of Olympus. He is also going to University here, in Camp Jupiter. Has the greatest leadership skills, bravest, reckless, most noble and humble person I know. Dating Annabeth . Son of Poseidon
@p1per-mclean - she can charmspeak, pls DO NOT mess with her. Dating Shel. Daughter of Aphrodite.
@grover-the-can-eater - percy's longtime best bro(sorry Jason). Lord of the Wild. A satyr (faun in roman terms)
@pinecone-face-thalia - Jason's older/younger sister?? Huntress. Daughter of Zeus. Yes, she is Greek.
Leo - hate this guy. Pyrokenetic. Mechanic. Son of Hephaestus.
@will-shoelaces - nico's boyfriend (nico's type). Son of Apollo
Reyna - former praetor. huntress. Daughter of Bellona
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Ooc- if you see me like a post its me. Not my rp blog.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
AU in which instead of hiding them in the Lotus Hotel, Hades saves his children from Zeus by giving them immortality. 
Aka: Hades’ Lieutenant, Nico di Angelo, and how he navigates through seventy years of watching the mortal world and later two mythological wars as a mystical immortal being he is.
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stygianoaths · 2 years
I just think there's so much potential in Nico and Zagreus's brotherhood.
Like imagine Zagreus trying to break out of Tartarus so many fucking times, now with limited help from the Olympians due to the war topside and then this tiny ass demigod who just happens to be his half-brother drops from Gods know where and immediately said demigod wants to get out.
Zagreus is like "damn, you just got here, though?" but then he shrugs it off and offers the kid a chance to come with him on a run. He knows the place like the back of his hand; finding the Doors of Death should be easy enough.
On the way, he tells Nico his story, Nico tells his own, and Zagreus learns that no, Nico can't regenerate like he can.
"Well! That raises the stakes a bit higher," Zagreus comments. Nico snorts.
Imagine their father, who is suffering from his split between his greek and roman personalities, sending the worst of monsters to reel Zagreus back to the House of Nyx (not House of Hades like the game since it clashes with the plot of the Heroes of Olympus series) without realizing Nico is there with him.
Zagreus is genuinely impressed with Nico's swordsmanship with the Stygian blade, and loses his mind when Nico uses a bit of shadow travel to escape from getting hit by a club.
"Can't you just shadow travel your way to the top?" he asks the demigod curiously, but the words go unheard. Nico looks exhausted.
"Woah, woah, are you okay?"
Nico collapses into his arms, face contorted into a pained expression. Zagreus has seen it before. Betrayal.
"He wouldn't kill me," he whispers before looking at his older brother, "Zagreus, he wouldn't kill me right? I heard him. I heard Father."
Zagreus, who awkwardly scratches his neck and answers back with, "Um, well... actually, he would, that is, if I'm any reference to go by."
And then he freaks out when Nico starts crying because apparently the kid has lost his sister and mother, and Hades, as his father, is the only family he's got. Sure, the big guy had a record of almost blasting Nico in the past (during some war Zagreus learns) but Nico had thought they were genuinely on better terms.
"He named me his ambassador!" he cries out. Zagreus has no idea what that means. Hm, must be a mortal world thing.
Towards the end of the journey, Zagreus understands that getting out of Tartarus is a really big deal for Nico. When the demigod catches some sleep (and not of the fitful kind), the god of blood watches him guiltily.
Because here's the thing: Zagreus hasn't exactly, uh, how shall he say, gotten out of Tartarus before.
He wasn't lying when he said he knows the place through and through, he does! But he did omit how many times he died and just how large the swarms of monsters are. Getting this far with the kid has been a miracle, especially now that the Olympians have been less... generous with their boons. He's not sure if he'll make it.
That's not what matters though, does it? What matters is that Nico makes it. What's another run for our dear Zagreus?
Enter scene where a monster gets a bit too close to Nico.
"Watch out!" Zagreus roars, before dashing between the two. Nico hears the sickening crunch of broken bones and he's screaming, because his older brother is on the floor, mangled and crying out. He tries to run back.
"Go," Zagreus hisses out, "GO!"
Nico is nothing short of horrified when he sees Zagreus seep into a rippling pool of red before he disappears.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
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Hi.Percy,Nico and Hazel vibes.Dead Sea Siblings core.The Hero and Destroyer of Olympus,The Ghost King and Ambassador of Pluto and The Princess of the Dead and the Unknown.D'you get me and it and most importantly THEM
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