#amber talks aus
sc0tters · 7 months
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☆ drafted 59th overall in 2020 to the Toronto Maple Leafs
☆ born on november 12th 2002
☆ completed 2 and a half years of her journalism degree at Ohio State before she left for Toronto to play
☆ specialises as a left winger
☆ highly independent as a child and still to this day
☆ closest with Quinn as they are both in Canada together
☆ whilst Mitch was the player to take her under his wing it was John who took her in
☆ highly competitive! like she will be running around trying to beat the other rookies at any and all competitions that they form during camps
☆ her rookie season was her worst by a landslide as she seriously swore that nothing could get worse than that Amelia went through
☆ her first hattrick came in a game against the devils last year and Mitch assisted two of her three goals
☆ Amelia made the first move on Mitch but he turned her down so they didn’t get together until mid 2024!
☆ Amelia wants a big family like the one she grew up in
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blueau-niverse · 5 months
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it's been 4 years since the start of this comic!! So much has happened in the last couple of years, and while I haven't been able to post the comic as much as I would like sharing this time with you all has been some of my best times. Theirs more Blue AU coming up, and I can't wait to share more!
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flamingfalcon3 · 7 months
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Some art for the House of Anubis AU I’m making. The gist of it is that Nina gets her body stolen by an evil entity while she was staying at school over the summer after s2 to make up for all the classes she missed. The possession was supposed to destroy her soul, but the Eye of Horus manages to save her soul and gives her a body in the form of a falcon. Unfortunately, no one saw what happened, so when they discover her, they assume that something must have happened to Nina and somehow a random bird got ahold of her locket.
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lionydoorin · 7 months
logically i know sam would volunteer for tara but just imagine tamber in thg and amber (prolly a career or something) manipulating tara into being canon fodder to further her own chances at winning idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
sam thinking every single year that if tara was reaped she would volunteer for her So quickly but then tara gets reaped after she's already over 18 so she just can't and has to watch her sister get taken away from her with a 1/24 chance of survival?????? BRUTAL
and during the final minutes she's got with her she just tells her to be careful. not to trust anyone but her instincts. use her survival abilities, the ones sam taught her, the best way she can. not be afraid to defend herself.
then the games begin and tara forms an alliance with amber and the career group. maybe they saw some potential in her, maybe amber noticed tara was more prone to her charms than most. she kept her by her side during the games, winning her trust, plotting behind her back, taking people down one by one and waiting for her shot to stab tara on the back.
little did she know tara was stronger and smarter than this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
just read house of kent arc and. hmmm. many thoughts mixed feelings. its like... it was an overall pretty nice superfam story and the clois+jon parts in particular were solid and good, and i care them, but man. everything abt kon's storyline in there and them trying to figure out his whole deal just really got used as a framing device and not an actual plotline... which i mean i kind of expected bc hes not the main character but at the same time the way its just entirely sorta handwaved as "oh well no answers but its cool!" is kinda frustrating. but of course that does come with the caveat that i generally just do not like rebirth kon's setup and storyline.
i just cant fucking get over this sentiment kon expresses outright here... clark is trying but jesus the situation is so existentially fucked up. hey man your grandparents remember you but no one else you knew including the rest of the supers does bc you never existed here. also we randomly threw in some stuff about how you might lose all your powers for some reason? but anyway at least youve got the farm buddy :)
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(it's also frustrating re: kon's arc and general situation bc bendis is just not very consistent w explaining it. cassie remembers yj existing somehow, ma and pa remember kon when they see him, but clark never does. this is explained as him having memory issues bc of having universe-jumped so much, but if that was actually the case then youd think the random people in yj19 who kon meets, like the security worker who asks if he's jon, would also recognize him like ma and pa did. and then there's the way tim and steph supposedly have magically repressed memories, only steph's never return the way tim's do, but it's never brought up again? and tim only recovers these memories when zatanna gets around the block in his head but we just never find out what put that there to begin with, nor do we ever discuss any narrative impact of it so its kind of like well what was the point ...? why establish tim having this when cassie doesn't??? is it just to explain the previous tim line about conner's name "tugging on his heart" without having to bother saying anything similar about cassie and simply brushing her aside there to focus on tim's memories??? idk. there is just so little consistency around any of this. which i knew going in but also GOD. comics im on my knees im begging)
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boydykedevo · 1 year
wish they had candlenights in founder’s wake I want to picture Amber taking Devo and Zoox out to see all the lights for the first time
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Tbh I feel like Cleo would either be an Airbender or (if you want to make her extremely terrifying) a blood bender because of the whole armour stand puppet thing
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rainboq · 1 year
One AU I have not been able to get out of my head is putting the LiS characters on the Titanic.
Max still has her powers, but the vision(s) she keeps getting are either of the iceberg collision or the ship sinking.
The story wouldn't likely follow the plot from the movie unless heavily modified.
Honestly I usually find myself not wanting to write Max with her powers. They all too easily become all purpose plothole filler, and they serve a very specific emotional and narrative function in the game. Max's anxiety manifesting as minor clairvoyance in the days before the Kodak Brownie? Now that I can absolutely see, even if it's generally dismissed as Max's nerves getting the better of her again.
The fun thing that writing the Arcadia Gays and even the Haven Homies on the Titanic is that it lets you explicitly play with the class and social dynamics that are subtext. Chloe is German working poor, while Max is the same but Irish, they're absolutely in Third Class, but Chloe's mischief making probably means they won't be there for long. If you're bringing Alex along for the ride, she'd be there too along with Gabe and the Lucans being a Scottish mining family. (Yes there were Asian passengers on the Titanic!)
We know Steph's mother is Catholic, but personally I HC her dad as Jewish, but they're a bit more well off. I can see the Gingrich clan maybe making their way to Second Class. The Marshes are Proper English Stock, but not all that well off themselves. They're probably also in Second Class, following Kate's father to the new world on what's probably missionary work. Who knows what sections of the ship that Kate is going to have to chase her little sisters through, and which particular miscreants she might meet along the way.
Victoria and Rachel are absolutely in First Class, being WASPs up to the gills. Rachel, however, aims to misbehave and almost certainly starts slumming it in Third Class the most first chance she gets. Victoria turns her nose up at such behaviour, but... she's curious, and Rachel seems to be having more fun than any tea party or fancy dinner with the officers might offer. Besides, carrying on with anyone from Third Class is sure to ruffle their parents feathers, and that's always a plus.
It's pretty fertile ground for playing around, never mind which Runaways might be stowing away below decks. I hope you write it!
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inbetweenhours · 11 months
Do they have any personal relationships out side of each other Joel and Mumbo and Tilly
even if she’s not close with anyone but Tilly does pearl have or had any human interaction weather it was civil or negative
like a coworker or boss or another villain
if you don’t mind me asking
Pearl does thankfully have other people besides her dog lol. Grian is the most isolated of the siblings because he's wanted in all three of his villain identities AND his civilian on, y'know? So he's isolated to like Mumbo and whoever he runs into his costume, which besides Scar he's kinda keeping distance from for safety.
Lizzie has Joel like I said and I imagine the two of them have more civilian friends?? I just don't have them in mind rn? Maybe I can work in the Ren & Lizzie friendship idk how because he's involved in his own shit but, yeah they definitely have civilian friends.
Jimmy is close with his fellow heroes and many civilians I haven't really organized my thoughts about but I imagine he's actually probably shared his identity with coworkers and hung out with them, he's pretty social nowadays :]
Pearl is the one I've actually worked out the most for between the siblings because her abandonment and the relationships she keeps are so massive to her character. She's involved in a couple villain factions and keeps close ties with them. The ones in Hermitopia feel she's a bit too much a loose canon for even them to really handle so she's mostly on teh fringes of that and is feeling pretty petty and sour about being more or less used by them. However she is very close with the villain faction occupying Empires City and that is where she puts most of her energy as she realises she can actually rely on people there. It's a learning curve because she wants to be close to people, oversharing and clingy , but she also is expecting betrayal at every turn.
Luckily, Team Corruption (better name pending) is a lot less business like the Hermitopia villains and a lot more deranged found family if that makes sense? She and Sausage (who I need to work out the details of more) are thick as thieves and he's the one to kind of give her what she needs in a friend. A ride or die whose going to have her back no matter what and always care about her. They're really important to me I love their dynamic a lot in this au <33
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maliceofminds · 1 year
queen the jennifers body au…..we are thinking the same thoughts i swear!!! ive been sitting in my spell circle manifesting this I would read the fuck out of it!!! screaming crying foaming at the mouth��it’s perfect🧎🏻🧎🏻 🧎🏻
Fr thinking the same thoughts. You wanna have a sleep over and talk about hot murder lesbians and eating boys?🤭
But I swear to you I’m gonna do it. And I’m gonna fix the original. I swear, if my hot friend who wanted me bad was killing boys I would support her like go off babe!!
I’m not at home at the moment but as soon as I get there and have my laptop back things will be happening. Shit will hit the fan.
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sc0tters · 6 months
when we get a nico au with a photographer don’t be shocked when he steals her camera 🫠
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blueau-niverse · 1 year
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Some doodles of Nora that I did while I was away~!
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I just realized something & I feel like an idiot for not doing that sooner: In Scream 5, Amber never actually tried to kill Tara. She went out of her way not to.
And that's because she was in love with her. Amber was also jealous of Sam due to how Tara basically worshipped Sam. She wanted to take Sam's place.
I can't be the only person who thought about this.
Now I'm tempted to write an AU Scream fanfic where Amber didn't kill Dewey, but a third Ghostface did. She helps Sam & friends by taking out that other GF.
Eventually Sam, Tara & Amber start dating.
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Entering a slight bit of an Amber obsession again so this blog might deviate from being Charlie themed for like 2 seconds I hope u all can forgive me 💔💔
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
ohghhghgh amber spyglass garden bench quote konbart au we're really in it now...
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sky-of-ideas · 1 year
thinking about my amber morro au (power swap between skylor and morro p much), originally made because of a mispelling (morro lies au) and I thought the name was funny and wanted it to actually be used.
So with this au so far I have (under the cut):
- Morro is Chen's kid - the timeline is still the same (ie morro is still alive in the time period where garmadon is studying under chen) - morro runs away from chen at some point and gets assassins sent after him because he knows too much (thinking that chen tried to get him to do some morally wrong thing, like killing someone or smth. maybe chen tried to bring morro further in to his plans but stuff happened?) (but this is pre-serpentine war. why would chen even have morro?) (<- thing I need to figure out somehow) - morro gets the element of form somehow, bonds with the em of wind before skylor (they die fighting chen, somehow making it so that it will go to skylor when she's born </3) and then meets wu - at first wu doesn't know morro is an elemental master but at some point he catches morro using wind and thinks that morro is the master of wind and morro just agrees. - morro is Terrified of Chen finding him or anyone he stays with giving him over to chen because of bribes or smth so he just never says anything about his past to wu. - green ninja prophecy stuff still happens ✌ - morro copying the powers of everyone at the monastery and training with them in secret because he thinks he'll have to go back to being on the run again and having more tools at his disposal can help - oh yeah morro is like. 11 or 12 during this I think. maybe 13 or 14? but teenager at most. - there was an idea that the assassins get morro? and that's how wu finds out about morro's past. not sure if I'd keep this though ? I do quite like the idea of wu knowing nothing tbh... - morro doesn't turn out to be the green ninja, runs away then dies - somehow, he gets bound to skylor. Whether it be because she's Family, the wind element or something else, he's stuck to her. (inspired by a fic where basically the same happens but to lloyd and where morro is cole's bestie p much) - what happens between skylor's birth and morro's death? I'm not sure. either he goes to the cursed realm like in canon and meets the em of wind before skylor and they get to talk and be friends again, same thing but actually the departed realm or it's that morro's actually stuck to the mansion/chen for one reason or another. - but anyways - morro is stuck to skylor. either he gives her a fake name or smth so chen doesn't know about him. - also made a vow to Protect And Help Her because 1. wind element and 2. children of chen gotta stick together or smth ya know? - and I haven't really thought as much about the s4 changes yet- I had the idea of Morro urging skylor to ask the ninja for help because??? garmadon and wu????? but????? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - ALSO. morro gets discovered at some point and is used to complete the spell or smth hehe. tho hmmm does he have every element? he probably wouldn't...
and uhh. that's what I have on it so far I think?
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