#america is racist and  the national anthem is to
tariah23 · 7 months
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darkeagleruins · 2 months
From David Thomsen:
An Open Letter to Leftists: On July 13, 2024 things CHANGED. For too long you have mistaken our TOLERANCE for weakness and it emboldened you. That TIME has come to an END. Things are going to happen FAST now and you will find yourself wondering HOW you got here. So, here’s how.
You called us RACISTS while we were standing together as WHITE, BLACK, & BROWN Americans. You overwhelmed us with images of races unable to COEXIST. Then came DEI, reparations, & constant ATTACKS for even the smallest perceived slight. You needed us DIVIDED, which was the GOAL.
We supported GAY marriage and didn’t notice the TQIA’s at first. Then you went after OUR KIDS, openly flaunted your sexuality, & made PRONOUNS a weapon. You had men competing in WOMEN’s sports and invading their private spaces. And again you demonized those that DARE push back.
We got behind “ME TOO”, not knowing the intent. The slightest accusation became grounds for MOB RULE. You cancelled and shamed. You made being a MAN the problem. Toxic MASCULINITY was the phrase of the day. So we watched you TEACH AND RAISE a generation of SOFT, feckless boys.
WE’RE ALL immigrants and our ancestors did it RIGHT. They learned English, got JOBS, and assimilated into the culture in order to be a part of this GREAT NATION. Then you allowed an INVASION, gave them handouts, and let them do as they LIKE. Hell, you even wanted them to VOTE.
You changed the NAMES of mountains, and buildings, and teams to ERASE our history. You took the pledge out of schools, knelt during the anthem, and burned our FLAG!! And did it while proudly displaying those of OTHER countries and movements. You made PATRIOT a dirty word.
You took away our VOICE. Media STOPPED even talking about OUR side. You PREACHED to us during our shows, on the NEWS and in the theatres. VIRTUE SIGNALING at every turn. And you LIED. Telling us not to BELIEVE what we were seeing with our own EYES. We felt isolated, even CRAZY.
Then HE came along. He was brash, RAW, but grew on US. He wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. He spoke to the helplessness we FELT. You said RUSSIA was his handler. You attacked his CHARACTER, his family. And yet, HE WON. You didn’t let us CELEBRATE though. You said he CHEATED.
So you took to the STREETS. You PROTESTED, and BURNT, and THREATENED, and ATTACKED. Our fascist response was to remain SILENT. We heard every single day that, ORANGE MAN bad. The economy was STRONG, the world was SAFE, and the WALL was going up. You couldn’t let that STAND.
Then came your VIRUS. You locked us in OUR HOMES, hurt our businesses, stole moments from our CHILDREN they won’t ever get back. Keeping us separated became LAW. You killed our ELDERLY and VULNERABLE. Then you FORCED us to inject a CURE. If we refused, you SHAMED and fired us.
You LIED some more. A lot more. You covered up LAPTOPS, mobilized your ARMY of celebs, and smeared the man’s RECORD and reputation. Worse yet, you CHEATED. At least you told us the BLUE WAVE was coming. We didn’t expect it to happen while we were SLEEPING. You STOLE an election.
The best of US finally stood & took to the STREETS. You provoked us and let us walk into that BUILDING. You killed a woman and PROSECUTED the rest. You locked us up. You CENSORED us. Made sure we couldn’t RISE. You weaponized LAW and laughed as YOU DID IT. You thought you’d WON.
We sat and watched you destroy our COUNTRY. You defunded our POLICE, allowing crime to run RAMPANT. You spent to the point we couldn’t AFFORD to live. You abandoned BASES, and EMBASSIES, and allies. You made us WEAK. Then OTHERS began to awake. So you became DESPERATE, more vile.
You convicted him of CRIMES he didn’t commit on CHARGES you didn’t define. You tried to take his FORTUNE. Your leaders called him a THREAT and a fascist. You called him HITLER. And you DEMONIZED EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. We lost friends and FAMILY. MSM spent everyday on our EVIL.
Then SHOTS rang out. YOU NEARLY KILLED HIM. But the man ROSE. He lifted his FIST in the air and told us to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This selfish, HATEFUL, ugly man nearly gave all to save a COUNTRY he LOVES. And we’d been afraid to wear a RED HAT? Our eyes teared with ANGER, respect.
He withstood all you could MUSTER. And in doing so, he EMPOWERED us. And so now you see, the REAL men and REAL women are coming to take our COUNTRY back. We won’t be SILENCED, we can’t be STOPPED. You will watch as every ounce of POWER you once held is returned to the PEOPLE.
We will restore LAW AND ORDER and ILLEGALS will be shown the door. WE will retake our SCHOOLS, our cities, and our STATES. The minority will NO LONGER dictate to a once silent MAJORITY. We the PEOPLE of the United States of America LOVE this man and country. We will and are MAGA!
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12 of 1001
Today's album: The Mothers of Invention - Freak Out! (1966)
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Shit yeah, folks, we got some Zappa today!
When it comes to the Mothers, i know Weasels Ripped My Flesh and We're Only In It For The Money, so i can't wait to get seriously fuckin WEIRD.
A quick Wikipedia search tells me that Freak Out! is:
•the debut Mothers (and therefore also Zappa) album,
•might be the first concept album,
•and also was the first time anybody released a double album for their debut.
Hungry Freaks, Daddy-
Okay, as much as i wanted Tracy Chapman's revolution a few days back, i want these Hungry Freaks around even more.
Florida should be filled with hungry freaks. That feels right and natural, unlike Mr America.
A killer start, and i love any song with prominent kazoo.
I Ain't Got No Heart-
Aro anthem or "free love, no strings" anthem? Hard to tell, could go either way. I guess it depends on how you look at it.
Who Are The Brain Police?-
Who ARE the brain police? Why are the brain police? Kill the cop in your head.
Chaotic instrumentation and lyrics that wouldn't be out of place on a Death Grips album, only Ride would be *way* harsher with it.
MORE KAZOO. I got a fever that can only be cured with plastic and a piece of wax.
Go Cry On Somebody Else's Shoulder-
Doo-wop "nah we should stay broken up" song. "Red House" from the other viewpoint.
I have to wonder if this song was an influence for Weird Al's "One More Minute", as they have some very similar bones.
Motherly Love-
The somewhat rarely-seen "know what? groupies are kinda fuckin awesome" rock song.
Kinda creepy, but I've seen/heard much worse.
How Could I Be Such a Fool?-
Another "she done me wrong" song. Okay. Not great, not terrible. Just okay.
Wowie Zowie-
And now a love song. I know this is the start of side 2, but the tone of the songs are giving me whiplash here. That said, who doesn't like a flash in the afternoon?
You Didn't Try To Call Me-
And another i still love you but you don't love me anymore song. Frank, my dude- they're pissed off about the groupies. Simple as that.
Any Way The Wind Blows-
Okay at this point, if this is a concept album, the concept is roughly the same as How I Met Your Mother, in that it's the story of how a guy ruined every single relationship he was in.
At any rate, an "i don't want YOU anymore, i got HER now!" song. Meh.
I like the instrumentation here, but this song kinda feels unnecessary with all the other songs on the album that are so similar in theme.
I'm Not Satisfied-
Lol, love that Zappa gutteral Yeah! in the intro. There's the Frank i know and love.
The lyrics are sadly relatable, but I'm the dude who sucks plus i got depression. (that was an achewood reference I'm actually doing pretty okay more often than not nowadays, esp. when i don't think about my governor existing)
You're Probably Wondering Why I'm Here-
This is more what i was expecting, coming from the other, later albums.
Hell yeah, kazoo SOLO. *Multiple* kazoo solos, even.
"Oh, you don't like our band? Cool, go fuck yourself. We might be weird, but you're fucking basic and boring as shit."
Trouble Every Day-
Change the TV references to Twitter references and you'll realize that, in the last 57 years, nothing has really fundamentally changed in any way.
This song could be released tomorrow and still be relevant to what's going on. Zappa knew from the beginning that America was sliding towards a fascist theocracy, and it really shows here.
Cops are still racist pricks actively beating the shit out of people (well, they put down the nightsticks and picked up ARs, but yeah.)
This nation is still inherently extremely racist.
And the media and all the out-of-touch fuckers in charge keep telling us "there's nothing we can do about it (unless you give us more money)!"
Help, I'm A Rock-
The return of the Weird.
I've heard this song's title as a punchline before, but this is my first time actually hearing the song, and it's exactly as weird as i was hoping it would be.
It's a drag being a rock. Think I would rather be the mayor.
Chaotic as hell. Also, i was glad i was wearing headphones when the orgasm noises appeared out of the noise. I can't even begin to imagine how much people of the time hated this.
It can't happen here. Everybody's safe and it can't happen here. No freaks for us and if can't happen here.
(It's happening here. It has been for years and it likely won't ever stop happening here.)
The Return Of The Son of Monster Magnet-
Suzy Creamcheese's first appearance in the discography. (So, until today, I legitimately always thought Suzy Creamcheese was like a late 60s porn star or something. Come to find out just now that it was just an inside joke started by Zappa that blew out of proportion. Today i learned..)
Decidedly the most experimental song on the album. The sounds of Space Madness.
Ooh, picked out a theremin during the space madness section. Fuck yeah.
The lyrics on Spotify have officially broken at this point. They simply do not know how to handle this song.
Space Madness has devolved into more orgasms and speaking in tongues. Yeah, i bet people in the late 60s either totally loved or vehemently hated this, depending on their usage of... substances. (Love me a good substance. Especially some cream cheese. Put it on a toasted bagel and I'm set.)
The last half of this song is the sheer insanity i had been waiting for.
So, for a guy who claimed to never do drugs, this album IS drugs. It's been interesting to see where Zappa et al started from, because it makes me appreciate the later stuff that much more. Thank the gods that Zappa decided to fully Embrace the Weird as he continued his career.
Not my favorite album of theirs, but I'm glad i finally got around to listening to it.
Favorite Track: While i really want to say Trouble Every Day, i have to say Help, I'm A Rock beat it by a hair. Might be unfair to Trouble, since the latter song is like 3 times longer and 5 times weirder, but Trouble Every Day just made me too sad on reflection to give it the top spot.
Least Favorite Track: You Didn't Try To Call Me. This song is already on the album in 2 different spots. The album is long enough, imo it really doesn't need a third song about the exact. same. idea.
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
Well yeah that’s what’s happened in Sweden as well. Nothing has been done in the past 20 years except for trying to invest resources in schools and in segregated neighbourhoods, which is good but it has not been enough. And so it has just escalated. For example all the criminals know that there is no punishment for anyone under 15, and barely any punishment for anyone under 18. So they take advantage of that. 16-17 year olds are commiting murder and even children as young as 12 are used for criminal acts.
Sweden is a small country, a small population. So when you have a very large immigration in relation to the population size, integration doesn’t work no matter how much you want it to. We have also been way to anxious and afraid to let people feel they are a part of Sweden. Thinking that it’s racist or offensive to teach the children of immigrants the Swedish national anthem or our traditions. Or asking people to speak Swedish or know our customs before becoming a citizen.
There has to be something to integrate into, a strong culture. That’s how it was when the big immigration to America happened in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. Within a generation the Swedes and Germans and Irish and Italians were all Americans first of all, that’s how they identified. But if there’s no strong majority culture to integrate into, people will take other options, and the culture that exists in large majorities is very strong. It’s not about things like what food you eat or which holidays you celebrate. The problem is when there is no unity in fundamental values. Such as respect for the law when it comes to freedom of speech, freedom of religion and equality for women.
Yeah I think you can look at history and go segregating of Cultures just doesn't work (I studied the history of the Irish diaspora in America as part of my dissertation). The melting of Cultures is not something that happens overnight it takes subsequent Generations and various factors to get to the point where for example in the 1840s and 50s the Irish in America and the United Kingdom were seen as the lowest of the low whereas and it took nearly a century of integration to where Irish Americans are seen as a celebrated cultural group in America.
Each country's different in how they approach it I think we can all agree that there are good and bad ways to deal with this and for the most part it hasn't been dealt great within Europe.
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vivaciousoceans · 2 years
Half of the people mad about Sheryl singing are just racist who have no idea about the origins of the song and the other half are people in the diaspora upset that Sheryl is Jamaican singing the African American national anthem, completely ignoring the fact that her father is an African American man born in America. Moral of the story is everyone upset is just uneducated and loud.
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reasoningdaily · 8 months
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Hello friends, non-friends and white people who claim they don’t see color. 
I want to give a special shoutout to the “colorblind” white people. Life must be so special for you. How do you even match your clothes on a daily basis? Is your colorblindness related to the racist bone that is not in your body? 
These questions need answers, but since we are already here, let’s talk about this idea that we should be a “colorblind” society in America.
You see, there are some white people who will tell you that bringing up race and color is the real issue. They say it’s divisive and only causes more problems. If only we would stop talking about race and color, all the bad things would go away, they say. 
That is a lie. The truth is that ignoring race and color means ignoring the injustices that go along with race and color in this country. Declaring yourself “colorblind” means you are also blinding yourself to the inequities and injustices suffered by Black people.
If we sit back and pretend not to see racism, how will it ever be eradicated?
I was reminded of this earlier this week when Jerod Mayo was named the first Black head coach of the New England Patriots in the team’s history.
During a press conference to announce Mayo’s appointment to the role, team owner Robert Kraft made mention of Mayo’s race, but was quick to declare that’s not why he chose him. He said he chose Mayo not because he is Black but because he is the best person for the job. 
And while it’s undoubtedly true that Mayo is the best person for the job, we cannot overlook the significance of him being Black. Mayo himself addressed that when it was his turn to speak. 
“I do see color,” Mayo said, “because I believe if you don’t see color, you can’t see racism.”
He went on to say that race does matter when you are trying to fix the problem. 
The NFL has a race problem. Specifically, the NFL has a problem when it comes to Black head coaches, but I would extend that further and say the NFL has a racist problem when it comes to its Black members period. 
Let’s not forget that this is the same sports league that took issue with Black players kneeling during the national anthem as a form of protest against the extrajudicial killing of Black people at the hands of police. 
My friend and colleague Michael Harriot did a deep dive into the lack of Black coaches and the way Black coaches don’t get the same opportunities and chances that white coaches do. 
In “Black coaches are better: a statistical breakdown of the NFL’s racism,” Harriot wrote: 
By every statistical measure, Black coaches in the National Football League have outperformed white coaches. 
In 1989, when the Oakland Raiders made Art Shell the first Black head coach in the world’s most profitable, most popular but most undercompensated sport (NFL players share a lower percentage of profits than any other major professional sport), the NFL was already majority-Black. Since then, Black coaches have won at higher rates than white coaches. Black coaches are more experienced, more capable and produce better results. They are more likely than white coaches to lead their teams to the playoffs. However, in the 102-year history of the National Football League, only 20 Black men have been allowed to coach an entire season.  I encourage you to read the full article because my friend does an excellent job of breaking down just how egregious the lack of Black head coaches and head coaching opportunities in the league for Black coaches is when you compare the stats. 
The NFL released its 2023 Diversity and Inclusion Report in March 2023, and it revealed that between 2012 and 2023, 81% of those hired to be head coaches in the league were white (a total of 62 head coaches) compared to 19% of head coach hires being of color (a total of 15 head coaches, and of those 15 head coaches of color, as of March 2023, only five of them still had head coaching positions.) 
All of that is to say that the disparities are stark and real, and this is just looking at football. 
Imagine how these disparities look in other aspects of the real world. 
The bottom line is simple. If you insist on people not seeing color, then you are insisting that they uphold white supremacy as a means of maintaining the status quo. 
People who claim to not see color want to turn a blind eye to the ways that race and color play a role in even the simplest day-to-day living experiences of Black people. 
They want to exist in their little bubble that is cushioned and protected by whiteness because that’s safe for them. 
They aren’t thinking about the safety of everyone else. 
A colorblind society upholds white supremacy, plain and simple. 
Anyone who says anything different is lying to themselves and the rest of us, too. 
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oldpoet56 · 2 years
A Few Things To Think About ( #767 )
A Few Things To Think About ( #767 ) ( A few parables for the amusement and entertainment of my friends, family and loved ones ) 1.) Is it only in America that some people use something that is racists and divides to say that they are trying to bring the people together with? 2.) Should each race in our Nation have a separate National Anthem under the fraud of trying to bring people together? 3.)…
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jtaylorsvad · 2 years
Week 11
The roles and responsibilities of a graphic designer are rather extensive. Many people assume that these roles and responsibilities involve simply creating logos, product packaging, websites, etc., however, there is more to the job description than one would expect. For example, graphic designers must sometimes double as editors.
It is necessary for graphic designers to be able to edit because even when working in collaboration with a professional editor, grammatical errors and the like are still bound to occur. These mistakes can be costly and time consuming if noticed too late.
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This week in ARTS 245, I began working on project five, which involves rebranding an existing American sports team. The sports team I selected to work on is the Atlanta Braves, notorious for their controversial logo depicting a screaming Native American man. Fortunately, the first step in rebranding includes designing a new logo. 
While I am ditching the racist Native American motif, I plan on keeping the original team name, the Atlanta Braves, the same to maintain recognition.
When I think of the word "brave", what comes to mind is the iconic last line of the National Anthem "the home of the brave". This quote has inspired me to rebrand this baseball team to fit a retro America vibe. Think 1950s, patriotism, “take me out to the ball game”.
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omahalong · 2 years
Unite the right dc organizer
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#Unite the right dc organizer series
Victor Blackwell rips Trump's tweet on racism President Trump – who has been accused of deepening the racial divide in America – condemned last year’s events in Charlottesville in a tweet Saturday morning, saying they “resulted in senseless death and division.” That drew white nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the Ku Klux Klan. Kessler organized that event to oppose the renaming of two parks honoring Confederate generals. An independent review faulted police and said they failed to adequately prepare for the “Unite the Right” rally. In an interview on Sunday, Kessler offered his condolences to Heyer’s mother and “those who were hurt,” but blamed last year’s violence on the police, who he said did not adequately protect the “Unite the Right” rally.Ĭharlottesville authorities came under harsh criticism for their delayed response to the clashes between white supremacists and counterprotesters. The demonstrations also come at a time when the wounds from last year’s events in Charlottesville remain raw, particularly in regard to the death of counterprotester Heather Heyer, who was killed when a suspected neo-Nazi sympathizer drove a car into a crowd. This week, NFL players in the first preseason games resumed their protests over police brutality against blacks by raising their fists, kneeling or sitting out during the National Anthem.
#Unite the right dc organizer series
Recent months have seen a series of high-profile incidents in which police were called on people of color for innocuous acts, like napping in a dormitory common room, having a barbecue and going to the pool. Kaitlin Moore, 28, joined the counterprotest in Lafayette Square Park. Sunday’s demonstrations and the opposing rallies took place against a backdrop of heightened racial tensions in the US. In the past, similar far-right demonstrations have been dwarfed by counterprotests.įor example, at a separate Ku Klux Klan gathering in Charlottesville in July 2017, Klansmen were outnumbered 20 to 1, according to Charlottesville officials. They proceeded to Lafayette Square Park, where police kept the opposing sides separated.īy Sunday evening, authorities said that two arrests had been made in connection to Sunday’s protests, both on charges of simple assault. Kessler and his group were met by counterprotesters the moment they exited the Foggy Bottom metro station with their police escort. “We won’t tolerate bigotry and hate in the United States.” She said she felt it was important to show up after she saw what happened in Charlottesville last year. They addressed the small group over the jeers of the anti-racist demonstrators, who chanted, “Nazis go home!” and “Shame! Shame! Shame!”Īnti-KKK signs are layed out by counterprotesters in Lafayette Park ahead of the planned white supremacist rally across from the White House. “People are scared to come out after what happened last year,” one of the men added.Ī small stage and speaker system was set up in the park, where attendees stood silently and listened to a slate of impromptu speakers. Kessler, who organized last year’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, blamed the low turnout on logistical issues and confusion regarding the group’s transportation – a claim echoed by at least two men who spoke to reporters. Who are the white nationalists gathering in Washington? Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency and police dressed in riot gear ordered people to disperse after chaotic violent clashes between white nationalists and counter protestors. President Trump later said there were “many fine people” among the white nationalists and blamed the violence “on both sides” - sparking outrage for appearing to offer support to the organizers of the protest.White nationalist demonstrators walk into the entrance of Lee Park surrounded by counter demonstrators in Charlottesville, Va., Saturday, Aug. Two Virginia state troopers also were killed that weekend when their helicopter crashed in woods nearby. Heather Heyer, 32, was killed when she was struck by a car driven by a white nationalist that had rammed a crowd of counterprotesters. Scores of peaceful demonstrators who got caught in the middle were also injured. Paul Brandus: Charlottesville anniversary and LeBron James tweet point to uncomfortable conclusion about TrumpĬharlottesville cops came under intense scrutiny a year ago for not intervening in the clashes between the torch-carrying racists and violent anti-fascist counterprotesters after video showed officers standing by and watching as people were beaten. Ralph Northam and the city of Charlottesville declared a state of emergency ahead of the anniversary of the initial Unite the Right rally. Kessler, who dubbed this year’s event “Unite the Right 2,” filed paperwork with the Park Service in May for a permit allowing 400 people to demonstrate in Lafayette Park, just across from the White House grounds, “to protest civil rights abuse in Charlottesville Va/white civil rights rally.”
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radiofreederry · 2 years
US Presidents as Dril Tweets
George Washington: another day volunteering at the betsy ross museum. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck the flag. buddy, they wont even let me fuck it
John Adams: "ah boo hoo hoo i want to post Foul comments to content leaders" Fat Chance, Dimwit. I will annihilate you under bulwark of the Law and God.
Thomas Jefferson: Q: If your post was proven by a counsil of wise men to be racist, or bullshit, would you bar it from the record? A: I do not delete my posts
James Madison: (sniffing a crumpled up one dollar bill i found on the floor of a dog kennel) ah.. thats greenbacks baby
James Monroe: for decades i have traversed the unforgiving mountains and rivers of south america, hoping to catch a glimpse of the fabled "ass downloader"
John Quincy Adams: "This Whole Thing Smacks Of Gender," i holler as i overturn my uncle's barbeque grill and turn the 4th of July into the 4th of Shit
Andrew Jackson: handing Faves over to my enemies is FRAUD !! base, contemptible FRAUD!
Martin Van Buren: Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Candles $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
William Henry Harrison: (spends all of 7 seconds skimming some blog posts) yep. just as i knew all along. having pnuamonia is good
John Tyler: fuck "jokes". everything i tweet is real. raw insight without the horse shit. no, i will NOT follow trolls. twitter dot com. i live for this
James K. Polk: thhere is no such thing as charisma, and art is fake. the only metrics by which we must determine the worth of a man are Strength and Wisdom
Zachary Taylor: the doctor reveals my blood pressure is 420 over 69. i hoot & holler outta the building while a bunch of losers tell me that im dying
Millard Fillmore: trying to heal..... please donate to my go fund me... $10 will make me less racist... $100 will make me extremely less racist...thank you...
Franklin Pierce: blocked. blocked. blocked. youre all blocked. none of you are free of sin
James Buchanan: #NationalGirlfriendDay please cherish your gal's.. in honor of us, the single Boys who must sacrifice all companionship to #CarryTheBrand...
Abraham Lincoln: unloading an entire belt of ammo at me with a minigun or some such device will now get you "Blocked"
Andrew Johnson: who the fuck is scraeming "LOG OFF" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never log off
Ulysses S. Grant: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and Nice manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT
Rutherford B. Hayes: using the toilet when i hear Our national anthem start to play. i do what i must. i stand tall in complete agony; as shit runs down my leg,
James A. Garfield: too much truth in such little time. feeling the heat cominh down to silence me... signing off........ for now
Chester A. Arthur: i WILL wise the fuck up. i WILL super charge my content for 2017. i WILL get blue check mark
Grover Cleveland: the way i see it, people who come on here and submit content that is not up to par, could possibly be considered the "Villains" of this site
Benjamin Harrison: i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc
William McKinley: boy oh boy do i love purchasing large amounnts of Fool's Gold. wait a minute... fools gold fucking sucks. this stuff is no good..!! Fuck !!!
William H. Taft: ah.. the perfect Souffle! cant wait to dig in to t(*EVERY PIPE IN MY HOUSE EXPLODES AT THE SAME TIME, COVERING ME IN SHIT AND BOILING WATER*
Woodrow Wilson: the conflicted supersoldier stares over the horizon as he smokes a cigarette. "war is the most fucked up thing ever." he takes a sip of beer
Warren G. Harding: somebody please Bribe me
Calvin Coolidge: aggressively joyless oaf hhere. painfully obnoxious respect demander checkign in. extremely dim witted frowning man looking for pals
Herbert Hoover: it is really quite astonishing that I have yet to win The Lottery, given how good I am at selecting six numbers and saying them out loud
Franklin D. Roosevelt: ive never heard of this “europe” but it sounds like a big bunch of shit to me
Harry Truman: everybody wants to be the guy to write the tweet that solves racism once and for all because it would look good as hell on a resume
Dwight D. Eisenhower: my "F*&k It!! Let's Go Golfin" t-shirt maintains a tenacious stranglehold on my life. after 1,125 days of Golf my body is twisted, deformed
John F. Kennedy: when you do sutuff like... shoot my jaw clean off of my face with a sniper rifle, it mostly reflects poorly on your self
Lyndon B. Johnson: incredibly handsome , charismatic famous boy credited with ending income inequality after saying that slumlords should be called "dumblords"
Richard Nixon: i attribute the complete failure of my brand to the actions of detractors, oor my “trolls”, as it were, as well as my own constant fuckups
Gerald Ford: shutting computer down until the shitty moods & attitudes can fuck off., if you need me ill be on my other computer, sititng 60° to my right
Jimmy Carter: i warnned you all that bad things would happen if you kept letting your wives wear jeans. AND NOW LOOK! the damn gas prices are up again
Ronald Reagan: spend a lot of time thinking about how sometimes even war criminals can be heroes sometimes... Dont like it? Click the unfollow buttobn
George H.W. Bush: just thought off an idea i believe to be bad ass. lets find the address of the leader of isis, and mail him/ her pieces of our SHIT
Bill Clinton: were at the point now, that when i offer to impregnate my girl followers, people assume my motives are sexual. disgusting, grow the fuck up,
George W. Bush: friday night gathering up together a big pile of things i like to respect (flags, crucifixes ,etc) and just roll around in it ,give kisses,
Barack Obama: my IQ has increased 10 points ever since i stopped tollerating people mucking about, on the time line
Donald Trump: THERAPIST: your problem is, that youre perfect, and everyone is jealous of your good posts, and that makes you rightfully upset.
ME: I agree
Joe Biden: I will shut the fuck up , IF , it will restore the Harmony. I will get on my knees like a dog and make that sacrifice, for the sake of Calm
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andimthedad · 7 years
If you don't want to mix politics and sports, then don't play the National Anthem during sporting events.
Me, in discussing the NFL #TakeAKnee with Luke, my 13-year-old. As a friend of mine added, “And don’t use taxpayer money to build the stadium.”
Also, if you’re more upset at the method of the protest than the reason for the protest, you need to examine your definition of patriotism. It’s a protest to bring attention to unarmed black men and boys — like Jayson Negron, Jordan Edwards and Darius Smith, just this past May — getting murdered by police who are then protected by the system. The American flag is supposed to symbolize “liberty and justice for all,” as the Pledge states. Right now, it does not represent that for all Americans. If you can’t see this then you don’t really believe in liberty and justice for all; you only want it for some.
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marty101sblog · 4 years
How to pick a side in the next Civil War.....
I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born “white” into a two-parent household which now labels me as "Privileged", racist and responsible for slavery. I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan & budget. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged”.
I believe the Lord did not give me the heart to judge others. I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel. I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which makes me a threat to the liberals and I get labeled as being part of a militia. I am older than 30, making me a useless person with outdated ideas and values. I think and I reason, and I doubt much of what the "mainstream" media tells me, which makes me a "Right-wing conspiracy nut”.
I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe. I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me a target of socialists and Antifa. I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath.
I believe in a strong defense and protection of America for and by all citizens, now making me a militant. I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand and salute during our National Anthem - so I must be a racist. I kneel only for The Cross, which makes me racist. I think that all lives matter, which labels me as a racist. I think the riots and destruction of property around our country are wrong and are just an excuse to push a political agenda, so I'm labeled a racist.
I support our law enforcement, servicemen and women, which labels me as a racist.
I question how fear is being used to control us during the COVID-19 pandemic and think the crisis is being used for political gain, so I'm labeled careless and non-sympathetic. Yet I know the virus is real.
Liberals have tried to make me feel bad about who I am! Based on everything above, some want me to believe I am a bad person; I'm not, I'm a good person who loves my God, my family and my country.
God bless America! Amen!
Feel free to copy-paste !!! I did!
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dragoni · 7 years
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Find the American flag
#TrumpYacht #TrumpPatriotism #TakeAKnee #RacialJustice #SocialJustice
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thehalfwaypost · 3 years
Juneteenth is a great fucking holiday
The resentment some conservatives feel about Juneteenth becoming a federal holiday is so farcical because the end of slavery is such a spectacularly patriotic thing to celebrate. It’s a great moment in American freedom for all according to the existential ideal that injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere, and it’s a way better holiday than Columbus Day or Washington’s Birthday posing as “President’s Day.” Imagine being one of the 14 House Republicans who voted against it, a minuscule minority even in their own party. Talk about embarrassing to go on record claiming that the acknowledgement of the end of slavery is “divisive.” For who? The people who had slaves? The people today who secretly want slavery back? Em.Bar.Ras.Sing. Juneteenth is win-win for everyone. It’s either a day off work to celebrate, or a day for service-economy businesses to make a ton of money… so just one more thing that centuries’ worth of forgotten, suffering, unindemnified slaves have done for the material wealth and comfort of America. And the crazy part is that the “controversy” is not even because of comprehensible notions of white guilt—it’s worse! It’s because pedantic morons who claim they’re not racist can’t help themselves but get emotionally incensed like pavlovian freaks anytime they’re forced to mentally accept the fact that Black people are just as American as they are. Maybe they’re annoyed that they now have one more day like MLK Day to feel societally compelled to write out halfhearted public statements extolling the virtues of racial equality littered with superficial references to historical civil rights leaders who, if alive today, would be yelled at to “sit down and shut up” with the same stupid, prejudiced fury BLM experiences when they merely ask police not to kill them, or Colin Kaepernick experiences when he merely kneels during the National Anthem in the most passive, silent, unthreatening protest imaginable that would still qualify definitionally as a form of communication. Juneteenth is great, and takes America a few steps further down the long arc of moral justice.
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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What is Critical Race Theory?
Basically, Critical Race Theory is a way of using race as a lens through which one can critically examine social structures. While initially used to study law, like most critical theory, it emerged as a lens through which one could understand and change politics, economics and society as a whole. Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic’s book, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, describes the movement as: “a collection of activists and scholars engaged in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power.”
Kimberlé Crenshaw, one of the founding members of the movement, says Critical Race Theory is more than just a collective group. She calls it: “a practice—a way of seeing how the fiction of race has been transformed into concrete racial inequities.”
It’s much more complex than that, which is why there’s an entire book about it.
Can you put it in layman’s terms?
Former economics professor (he prefers the term “wypipologist”) Michael Harriot, who used Critical Race Theory to teach “Race as an Economic Construct,” explained it this way:
Race is just some shit white people made up.
Nearly all biologists, geneticists and social scientists agree that there is no biological, genetic or scientific foundation for race. But, just because we recognize the lack of a scientific basis for race doesn’t mean that it is not real. Most societies are organized around agreed-upon principles and values that smart people call “social constructs.” It’s why Queen Elizabeth gets to live in a castle and why gold is more valuable than iron pyrite. Constitutions, laws, political parties, and even the value of currency are all real and they’re shit people made up.
To effectively understand anything we have to understand its history and what necessitated its existence. Becoming a lawyer requires learning about legal theory and “Constitutional Law.” A complete understanding of economics include the laws of supply and demand, why certain metals are considered “precious,” or why paper money has value. But we can’t do that without critically interrogating who made these constructs and who benefitted from them.
One can’t understand the political, economic and social structure of America without understanding the Constitution. And it is impossible to understand the Constitution without acknowledging that it was devised by 39 white men, 25 of whom were slave owners. Therefore, any reasonable understanding of America begins with the critical examination of the impact of race and slavery on the political, economic and social structure of this country.
That’s what Critical Race Theory does.
How does CRT do that?
It begins with the acknowledgment that the American society’s foundational structure serves the needs of the dominant society. Because this structure benefits the members of the dominant society, they are resistant to eradicating or changing it, and this resistance makes this structural inequality.
Critical Race Theory also insists that a neutral, “color-blind” policy is not the way to eliminate America’s racial caste system. And, unlike many other social theories, CRT is an activist movement, which means it doesn’t just seek to understand racial hierarchies, it also seeks to eliminate them.
How would CRT eliminate that? By blaming white people?
This is the crazy part. It’s not about blaming anyone.
Instead of the idiotic concept of colorblindness, CRT says that a comprehensive understanding of any aspect of American society requires an appreciation of the complex and intricate consequences of systemic inequality. And, according to CRT, this approach should inform policy decisions, legislation and every other element in society.
Take something as simple as college admission, for instance. People who “don’t see color” insist that we should only use neutral, merit-based metrics such as SAT scores and grades. However, Critical Race Theory acknowledges that SAT scores are influenced by socioeconomic status, access to resources and school quality. It suggests that colleges can’t accurately judge a student’s ability to succeed unless they consider the effects of the racial wealth gap, redlining, and race-based school inequality. Without this kind of holistic approach, admissions assessments will always favor white people.
CRT doesn’t just say this is racist, it explains why these kinds of race-neutral assessments are bad at assessing things.
What’s wrong with that?
Remember all that stuff I said the “material needs of the dominant society?” Well, “dominant society” means “white people.” And when I talked about “racial hierarchies,” that meant “racism.” So, according to Critical Race Theory, not only is racism an ordinary social construct that benefits white people, but it is so ordinary that white people can easily pretend it doesn’t exist. Furthermore, white people who refuse to acknowledge and dismantle this unremarkable, racist status quo are complicit in racism because, again, they are the beneficiaries of racism.
But, because white people believe racism means screaming the n-word or burning crosses on lawns, the idea that someone can be racist by doing absolutely nothing is very triggering. Let’s use our previous example of the college admissions system.
White people’s kids are more likely to get into college using a racist admissions system. But the system has been around so long that it has become ordinary. So ordinary, in fact, that we actually think SAT scores mean shit. And white people uphold the racist college admissions system—not because they don’t want Black kids to go to college—because they don’t want to change admission policies that benefit white kids.
Is that why they hate Critical Race Theory?
Nah. They don’t know what it is.
Whenever words “white people” or “racism” are even whispered, Caucasian Americans lose their ability to hear anything else. If America is indeed the greatest country in the world, then any criticism of their beloved nation is considered a personal attack—especially if the criticism comes from someone who is not white.
They are fine with moving toward a “more perfect union” or the charge to “make America great again.” But an entire field of Black scholarship based on the idea that their sweet land of liberty is inherently racist is too much for them to handle.
However, if someone is complicit in upholding a racist policy—for whatever reason—then they are complicit in racism. And if an entire country’s resistance to change—for whatever reason —creates more racism, then “racist” is the only way to accurately describe that society.
If they don’t know what it is, then how can they criticize it?
Have you met white people?
When has not knowing stuff ever stopped them from criticizing anything? They still think Colin Kaepernick was protesting the anthem, the military and the flag. They believe Black Lives Matter means white lives don’t. There aren’t any relevant criticisms other than they don’t like the word “racism” and “white people” anywhere near each other.
People like Ron DeSantis and Tom Cotton call it “cultural Marxism,” which is a historical dog whistle thrown at the civil rights movement, the Black Power movement and even the anti-lynching movement after World War I. They also criticize CRT’s basic use of personal narratives, insisting that a real academic analysis can’t be based on individually subjective stories.
Why wouldn’t that be a valid criticism?
Well, aren’t most social constructs centered in narrative structures? In law school, they refer to these individual stories as “legal precedent.” In psychology, examining a personal story is called “psychoanalysis.” In history, they call it...well, history. Narratives are the basis for every religious, political or social institution.
I wish there was a better example of an institution or document built around a singular narrative. It would change the entire constitution of this argument—but sadly, I can’t do it.
Jesus Christ, I wish I could think of one! That would be biblical!
Why do they say Critical Race Theory is not what Martin Luther King Jr. would have wanted?
You mean the Martin Luther King Jr. who conservatives also called divisive, race-baiting, anti-American and Marxist? The one whose work CRT is partially built upon? The King whose words the founders of Critical Race Theory warned would be “co-opted by rampant, in-your-face conservatism?” The MLK whose “content of their character” white people love to quote?
Martin Luther King Jr. literally encapsulated CRT by saying:
In their relations with Negroes, white people discovered that they had rejected the very center of their own ethical professions. They could not face the triumph of their lesser instincts and simultaneously have peace within. And so, to gain it, they rationalized—insisting that the unfortunate Negro, being less than human, deserved and even enjoyed second class status.
They argued that his inferior social, economic and political position was good for him. He was incapable of advancing beyond a fixed position and would therefore be happier if encouraged not to attempt the impossible. He is subjugated by a superior people with an advanced way of life. The “master race” will be able to civilize him to a limited degree, if only he will be true to his inferior nature and stay in his place.
White men soon came to forget that the Southern social culture and all its institutions had been organized to perpetuate this rationalization. They observed a caste system and quickly were conditioned to believe that its social results, which they had created, actually reflected the Negro’s innate and true nature.
That guy?
I have no idea.
Will white people ever accept Critical Race Theory?
Yes, one day I hope that Critical Race Theory will be totally disproven.
Well, history cannot be erased. Truth can never become fiction. But there is a way for white people to disprove this notion.
Derrick Bell, who is considered to be the father of Critical Race Theory, notes that the people who benefit from racism have little incentive to eradicate it. Or, as Martin Luther King Jr. said: “We must also realize that privileged groups never give up their privileges voluntarily.”
So, if white people stopped being racist, then the whole thing falls apart!
From your lips to God’s ears.
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mysweetheart30 · 4 years
This is probably badly written but i don't care
Hi guys
My name is Lucia and i'm 18 years old. As am writing this, i am sitting in My bed crying. I live in Perú, I am peruvian, and I don't know if any of You have heard anything but we are in a political crisis since monday. Our (now ex) president, Martin Vizcarra, was impeached by the congress, acussed of moral incapacity, for some investigations for his actions when he was a Governor. The process was NOT respected.
By law, The next in line (because of a series of events that happened in 2018) was The president of The congress. That man, Merino de Lama, with The rest of The congress is under investigation for corruption.
People have been using their RIGHT to protest since monday, but they met with police brutality in a way we have never seen before. People were protesting peacefully, dancing and singing our national anthem; and the same police we aplaudd every night starting quarantine months ago, turned against us and started throwing tear gas bombs and shooting pellet bullets. Merino has denied The use of both of them. They also have shot health volunteers that were trying to help The injured.
The protest is not "Pro - Vizcarra" this is because every person in congress has their own agenda and their selfish reasons to climb into power. Specially, Merino and The premier Antero Flores Araoz, a racist, misogynist and homophobic piece of shit.
They were Even fining ambulances near The protest that were trying to help The wounded.
The media has done NOTHING and are trying to set up protesters as The ones making disturbes. Some journalist have resigned their jobs, saying that they are trying to censor them. While peruvians were fighting for their country, a lot of channels were broadcasting movies and comedy sketches.
According to The press, there are 3 deaths until now. Look for pictures and videos of The protest and decide for yourselves if You believe that is The accurate number. Tonight, they are rumors of that say The police is kidnapping people and getting them into black vans into an unknown direction.
I know that Tumblr is not that popular in Latin America. I know that there are Even less peruvians in this app. But i know that there are latinx people all over The world. I'm asking for all of You, latinx, white, black, Brown, etc if You come across this, PLEASE SHARE this post. Right now, The only way we have to make this injustice known is social media. And for that to happen we need The help of people all over The world.
To My fellow peruvians, feel free to add more information.
We are not alone. And we are stronger together
@youknownnothingjonsnow0303 @psychvamp25 @obsessivewriter @kelleesioverhere @coffeexwhiskey @jjofalltrades @gvanille @gendrie @taylorswift
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