#amethyst duchess x you
phoenixbound · 2 days
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@gcldfanged | continued [x]
A dangerous shimmer crossed her amethyst coloured eyes, which made the imperial guards freeze in their movement, as though they had been caught at something forbidden. Only a split of a second later, they lowered their arms once more under the watchful gaze of their mistress. And yet the iron grip on the prisoner's arms remained to keep him in place, even though little did she fear he would try to make for an escape. As shackled as he was, there was nowhere for him to go and with the illusive shadows dancing at the corners of their eyes, even a successful escape from the guards would lead to yet another capture.
One could say many things about the former duchess of Rosaria and the holy empress of Sanbreque, but coming unprepared was certainly none of them. " The time to have a say in the matter ended the moment you have been caught by my guards. That much should not have escaped you, " Anabella replied as her brows arched in faux surprise about his declaration. " For someone of your station and reputation, accepting the mantle of a personal guard is the luckiest outcome you could possibly hope for. Bearers and the like would be dragged to the gallows immediately. You should be grateful to be allowed to live. " And continue your miserable existence, she added in her mind before pulling her hand away and returning it to her other that was loosely resting in front of her mid-section. Gently, her fingers took hold of her other index finger.
What was worse than a dominant or a bearer? Those that forgot their place in this world or made themselves a fool by disrespecting it - she crinkled her nose at the thought and had to turn to the side. Could she not stand the sight?
He reminded her of her husband's bastard son, who routinely seemed to forget the circumstance of his existence and the reason for being legitimised by his father. A prince he tried to be, but he was a brute in fine clothing - at least with this one, she thought while returning her gaze to the prisoner from the corner of her eye, she would be able to form him and make him proper. Not as a prince, but as a respectable personal guard. Someone to become a shield between her and the cretin of a dominant. " Let him go. He knows that he will either service or die here. " And with that the guards withdrew, taking a step back.
" You say I do not own you. Well, then I will give you a choice as the free man you pretend to be. Either serve me as my personal guard and enjoy the privileges of nobility, or be cut down now and be forgotten by the world. "
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 years
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treasured jewels 🪞
pairing. bloody queen (amethyst duchess) x you pronouns. unspecified synopsis. do you want to be put in your place by the duchess yes/no (yes)
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Every night, the Amethyst Duchess takes inventory of all her wares. She counts them one-by-one regardless of whether any customers had come to visit or not. The care that goes into her shop is something she never compromises on, and you know better than to interrupt her.
Her reaction is always very predictable: she will bark out a string of insults, threaten to pluck your eyes with her jeweled hairpin, and refuse to speak with you for a week. Every time, without fail.
Despite knowing this, you still find yourself drawn to her in those moments. The late hours are one of the only chances you have to catch her alone. You can see her through the glass windows of her shop, sitting with her legs crossed, tucking that one strand of hair that keeps coming loose back behind her ear. Her head is clouded with records while yours is clouded with thoughts of her.
Sometimes she catches your gaze. It’s always very abrupt — her eyes flick away from her notepad to meet you in the time it takes you to blink — and you almost trip backwards, the pit of your stomach fluttering on your almost-way down. You aren’t very subtle.
At this point, the Duchess just about expects to see you perched somewhere. But today is unusual in that interrupting her is something you’ve been tasked with doing. Not for no reason, of course. It’s a package delivery on behalf of the Duke. Still, this feels so awkward. Maybe you have gotten too comfortable expecting nothing out of your nightly encounters.
The Duchess accepts her package with a brief thank-you. You expect to leave right after, but before you can go she gestures to the cushioned stool in front of her dressing table. And her lips, curling up into a cherry-red smile, beckon you forward.
“Sit,” she instructs. You’re not one to argue.
The Duchess steps behind you with a click of her heels, her skirt swaying like a painting come to life. She places one hand on your shoulder, and every muscle tenses up inside of you. Then, very suddenly, she dips the other into your thigh pocket. That prompts a gentle gasp out of you, one that you hope isn’t audible.
“What is this you carry with you?”
The Duchess draws out a glittering amulet necklace, its delicate silver chain winding around her fingers. They are thin and feminine, with nails painted a royal purple, but they’re far from dainty — not just any pair of hands can be so skilled with intricate jewelry making.
“A necklace,” you tell her.
“You don’t wear it,” she observes.
“No,” you agree. “But it is mine.” You sound as though you’re worried she might accuse you of stealing it from her. As if the Duchess wouldn’t be able to tell her own wares from yours.
“Hm. What’s it for?”
“Just something I keep on me. Good luck and all that.”
“Luck...” she echoes. “With your nightly endeavors lurking around my shop?”
“!! Wait, that’s—”
She cuts you off with a soft laugh, raising the back of her hand to cover her mouth. “Oh, I couldn’t help myself. You’re so easy. Here, take it back.” When she slides you back your amulet, you ball it into your hands, very embarrassed by how quickly this turned on you.
“I-I’m sorry.” It’s all you can say. Her laugh is unexpected. You thought she might curse you out for invading a lady’s privacy, and perhaps break your amulet while at it. But she only continues to laugh, and you feel like rotting in shame. “I’m sorry for acting improper...”
She lets out one final, airy chuckle. “As you should. I was thoroughly revolted in the beginning. And don’t mistake this for tolerance -- it isn’t. You’re just so harmless.”
Easy, harmless. This isn’t doing anything to redeem your pride. But you suppose it’s a good thing if she’s laughing... right?
“And,” she says, “I know the feeling of awful lovesickness myself very well.” She tucks that strand of hair behind her ear again, the one that’s always falling out. You avert your gaze to her collection of velvet jewelry stands littering the table. That’s a habit of hers you’ve come to adore. It’s somewhat embarrassing to see it up close.
She returns her hands to her side and steps away from the table. Then, she stops at a nearby mirror, gently weaving her fingers through her hair.
“That necklace could use a bit of maintenance. Will you bring it back tomorrow? Earlier in the day will be fine. And make sure you have time to spare.”
“Um... Yeah, sure!”
You take this as your cue to leave, and quickly stuff the amulet back in your pocket.
“I do expect payment,” she reminds you, “but not with money. We’ll use an alternate method.”
In your haste to rush out of the shop, you nod along to everything she tells you.
“I’ll have it ready within two hours. Only after your payment is complete, of course.”
“Right, thank you! Tomorrow, then.”
Once you’re a good distance away from the Princess’ Choice, her conditions suddenly hit you: whatever is an ‘alternate method’ supposed to mean?
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onthesandsofdreams · 5 years
A Love that bloomed from hope
Fandom: ASoIaF Pairing: Rickard x Rhaella Rating: T Summary: Rhaella wishes nothing more than to escape her prison.
Aerys, Duke of Dragonstone, her older brother and head of her house has her in almost complete isolation. She wishes she had someone who could help her. Someone who could take her away, but Aerys has refused several noble men her hand, without any consideration of her wants.
Aerys is cruel, lives in bitterness since the woman he loved married someone else, and as such, he feels the need to make her own life miserable. And she is running out of hope. There’s no one to champion her.
That is, until King Edwyle throws a party in welcome for some foreign Princess. Words: 2030 Notes: For @asoiafrarepairs‘s ‘A Dream of Spring’ event. Day 3 hope | sun. Alternative Universe - Royalty/Nobility, Role reversal.
Read @ AO3
Rhaella wishes nothing more than to escape her prison.
Aerys, Duke of Dragonstone and head of her house has her in almost complete isolation. She wishes she had someone who could help her. Someone who could take her away, but Aerys has refused several noble men her hand, without any consideration of her wants.
Aerys is cruel, lives in bitterness since the woman he loved married someone else, and as such, he feels the need to make her own life miserable. And she is running out of hope. There’s no one to champion her.
That is, until King Edwyle throws a party in welcome for some foreign Princess.
Aerys and Rhaella attend as it’s their duty. Aery’s grip is firm on her arm, firm enough that she knows that she will find bruises later on. But she’s wearing her best dress and jewels that match her eyes, and even if it’s for a night, she can have a dance or two.
 She dances with other noble lords, some men of the army and lastly - much to her surprise - Prince Rickard. The King’s only child is kind, there is a portly elegance to him, his eyes are clear and empty of the anger she’s used to seeing in the eyes of her brother. Also free of the desire that some of the men who have tried to court her, some, she knows only did so because she’s Aerys’ heir.
“You look sad, Lady Targaryen,” The Prince says while they dance. “Is the dance not to your liking?”
She blushes fiercely. “No my Prince, I promise. I am not sad.” She gives him the best smile that she can, one that she hopes it’s reassuring.
But the Prince’s look is one of doubt. “Forgive me for speaking boldly my Lady, but your eyes speak louder than your words. I must ask, is everything alright?”
Her eyes widened in surprise, she had not expected for Prince Rickard to be this perceptive. ‘Wolf’s eyes’, she thinks. “I - I am well my Prince. There is no need for you to worry.”
“Mmmh,” Prince Rickard replies. “I only have one question, if I may be so bold?”
“Yes, my Prince?”
“Why is it that one of our most exalted Ladies remains unwed? I have known of men who asked for your hand, and yet, here you are, unwed, much like Lord Targaryen.”
She’s unsure of what to say. Tries to think of a convincing lie, but nothing comes to mind. Fortunately, the dance comes to an end, saving her from having to answer the question. Prince Rickard nods at her, she bows in turn and hurries back to a sitting area.
She doesn’t dance nor speak to the Prince after that. That night, she dreams of herself leading a pack of wolves through the snow. It’s strange and wonderful, and above all else, it’s freeing.
A week later, she receives the shock of her life. For she finds that King Edwyle has written to Aerys, for he declares that Prince Rickard wishes to court her. Aerys is wroth, yells and curses and she feels a knot in her throat. But she also feels the little flame of hope shine a bit brighter. For she knows that Aerys will not have a good excuse to deny the King. She takes to avoiding Aerys as much as she can in their manor.
Her courtship with Rickard starts slowly. She finds that the Prince is very sharp eyed, very wolfish in nature, and she can’t help but to think that beneath the veneer of diplomatic politeness, hides a predator. She shivers at the thought, but she finds herself drawn in.
Prince Rickard is clever, has ambitions for the Kingdom that, if they pay off, they could propel it forward. He is kind, surprisingly gentle and very tender. Writes her the loveliest poems that she hides in a secret compartment in her doll cradle. Takes her to the theater, gives her books - both fictional of nature and relevant affairs. Talks to her, listens to what she has to say, in turn, he talks to her and he allows her to know him a little. She has dinner with the King and the Queen, who welcome her like a beloved daughter. And the flame of her hope burns brighter.
 Prince Rickard makes her feel safe and protected. 
“Never lose hope, Rhaella,” Rickard - as he insists she call him in private - says. “Monsters may seem impossible to escape, but then, one day, they are defeated.”
“Of course,” she answers, ponders just how much Rickard suspects Aerys' poor treatment of her. She never speaks of his cruelty, it would be terrible to do so when simply courting. One day she might tell him everything, but not yet. At least not while she must still return to Dragonstone. And Prince or not, it would not do to have Rickard have a go at Aerys. Aerys would lose that match rather quickly and easily, for Rickard’s broader and stronger than Aerys is.
“Have faith, Rhaella, have faith.” Rickard says and gently kisses her hand. His eyes are full of love. 
And her heart leaps in her chest, full of hope and full of dreams. 
In the end, when the Prince asks for her hand in marriage, Aerys can only grit his teeth and agree. Rickard’s smile is sharp and his eyes are hard as he stares at Aerys without an ounce of fear. The smile of a man who knows he’s won. She can’t help but to relish in Aerys’ ill concealed fury.
Their wedding is a grand affair, as befits for the heir to the throne. She has the Queen’s ladies-in-waiting attending to her, making sure that everything is perfect. She is dressed in a diaphanous gown of pale lavender, it’s something of a dream; it brings out a rosy color to her skin and cheeks. Her hair is placed in an elegant bun, with diamond and amethyst pins woven into it. She wears rose oil as perfume, and places her late mother’s jewels on her, a diamond and amethyst parure that goes well with her gown.
Queen Marna comes, gives her a look of approval. “You look absolutely heavenly, dear Rhaella. Rickard will hardly take his eyes off you.”
She blushes. “Thank you, my Queen.”
Marna smiles gently, caresses her cheek with tenderness. “There is no need to thank me, you will be my daughter in an hour or so. So it would please me greatly if you were to call me mother.”
She smiles, her mind set at ease by Queen Marna’s words. “I will, mother.”
Queen Marna beams at her. “I will leave you now, I will see you in the Godswood my dear.”
Aerys doesn’t speak to her when he escorts her to her wedding. She can feel his arm being tense, the veins in his neck stand out, his eyes are hard and unforgiving. She resists the urge to flinch away from him. She will soon be free of him.
She walks to the Heart Tree with her head held high, a smile on her face as she looks at Rickard. He looks so handsome in a deep charcoal and white uniform. She never takes her eyes off him, nor he of hers.
They recite their vows, they kiss. And she finds that she likes Rickard’s - her husband’s, her mind supplies - lips. They are firm and demanding, yet there is a softness to them. People cheer them on, they cheer her name as Rickard places the traditional crown on her head, declaring her his Princess and future Queen.
They feast and she finds herself beaming with joy. Until she looks at Aerys. His face is frozen with fury, instinct makes her move closer to Rickard. He notices.
“Are you scared?” He asks, whispering in her ear. “Don’t be. From today onwards, I’ll always protect you.”
She believes him. She’s finally free of Aerys.
She feels like she is fit to burst with joy when she finds that she is expecting. Marna cries when told, Rickard holds her and swears that she will lack for nothing. Edwyle is pleased, wishes her an easy pregnancy.
It is. And during her childbirth, Rickard remains with her, sitting behind her as she lays against his chest, pushing their child into the world. It’s a boy, one who screams loudly and squirms in her arms; he’s red and angry and she is madly in love with her boy.
Brandon they name him.
And she is absolutely delighted in her little family. Rickard is an excellent husband and father, he shares in the childrearing with ease and little complaint. 
Five months after Brandon’s birth, Aerys dies by poison. An inquest is made, but no one has answers and there is little to do. She dons black, but she is not sad to see her brother go, he is quite surprised that he lived that long. She’s now Duchess of Dragonstone of her own right. And life simply moves on.
She gives birth to another boy, Eddard two years later after Brandon. Edwyle passes, sudden sickness takes him away during his sleep. People mourn their King, Marna is inconsolable, but finds solace in her grandchildren. Rickard holds her closer than ever.
They are crowned in a grand ceremony. She takes her duties as Queen seriously, much like Rickard takes his. Years pass and Rickard’s plans move forward, pushing the country into a new era. Then she births a daughter, whom they call Serena and lastly a son, Benjen.
Marna dies when Benjen is four and she weeps. She mourns for the woman who loved her like a mother, consoles Rickard and their children, mourns the fact that neither Serena or Benjen will remember much of her.
But time keeps going.
She watches as their children begin to grow into adults. Sees Brandon marry Catelyn, firstborn daughter of Duke Tully, Ned follows by marrying Lady Ashara Dayne, daughter of Earl Dayne.
Serena marries Jaime Lannister, and she is glad to see her wild daughter settle down. Only Benjen remains unwed.
Grandchildren begin to arrive and she delights in them. Rickard takes the role of grandfather with the same ease he did of father, they love their grandchildren and the love they have for one another never dwindles.
In fact, she’s sure that she loves Rickard more than what she had first thought possible. He became her life, a solid foundation to the castle of her dreams. She loves everything about him, that secret smile he saves only for her. Those poems he recites in her ear late at night, that passion that never really went away, that care and tenderness he always has in him for her.
But they grow old and Rickard’s older than her. She knows when his time is drawing near, sickness has fallen on him and she doesn’t move from his bedside.
“Was I a good husband, Rhae?” He asks, voice hoarse and tired. His eyes are glazed over. “Did I make you happy?”
“You were the best husband I could have ever hoped for,” she says, tears in her eyes and her voice cracks. “You made me the happiest woman ever.”
Rickard gives her a tired smile. “Good, at least I did you right.”
She kisses his forehead. “You did more than right, you saved me. When I had almost no hope left, you swept like a knight from a fairy tale. You saved me from the monster and allowed me to discover my own dragon. You gave me a family, I am the happiest woman that ever lived.”
“Good. I love my Queen, my beautiful silver Queen. My She-dragon. Always remember that.”
“And I love you, my Wolf-knight. Know that, I love you with every ounce of everything that I am.”
Rickard passes away in his sleep. She mourns. And even when grief clings to her like an old lover, she lives for her children and grandchildren. The life she led was full, loving and beyond anything that she could hope or dream for. 
When her time comes, she leaves the world with no regrets and a smile on her face.
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zoocross0vers · 6 years
Raspberries Challenge #2: Zootopia x Pinocchio
Hello everyone! As promised here’s the first of many more to come Zootopia x Disney crossovers! Sorry I never got back to these before, but they’re back now and hopefully they’ll have a better updating schedule from now on. So hope you all enjoy! :D
Keep in mind some will be longer than other, some shorter. And in some maybe some characters might not be present or not so much, like Judy for one is not really present in this one, but I hope you like my take on this Disney classic nonetheless! 
Raspberries Challenge Entry #2: Pinocchio
Once upon a time, there lived a kindly old clockmaker named Emmett Otterton. He lived on his own after the unfortunate passing of his wife some years ago. Having never had any children of his own, the otter passed the time focusing on his life’s work -- making clocks day in and day out.
A fruitful life financially, but empty without anyone to share it with.
In his loneliness, Emmett turned to carving marionettes. Fashioning most of them to look like children to serve as sort of surrogate children to him. He loved them all so dearly, but if he had to choose his favorite -- it had to be a small red fox kit made of pine. The little fox marionette, clad in a pale yellow shirt, red overalls, a blue bowtie, and a yellow hat with a red feather was named Pinickhio by the kind otter.
One night as Emmett went to bed, he made a wish upon the evening star -- asking it, praying to it -- to please grant Pinickhio life, so that he may become a real fox and a real son to him.
His wish was granted.
For when Emmett fell asleep, a beautiful gazelle fairy with a blonde tuft of hair came to Pinickhio and granted him life. When the little wooden fox opened his brightly painted emerald eyes, the fairy promised him that she would make him into a real fox kit. But!...on one condition, “Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish. And someday you will be a real fox.”
To help him achieve this, the gazelle fairy gave the wooden kit a conscience. A conscience in the form of a small fennec fox named Finnick who had snuck into Emmett’s home to seek shelter from the bitter cold. Though he did not possess the most admirable life, the gazelle fairy felt that this was the fennec fox’s chance to make things right for himself -- to learn from his past mistakes and to lead Pinickhio down the right path.
“Now remember Pinickhio, be a good boy. And always let your conscience be your guide,” and just like that, the gazelle vanished. Leaving Pinickhio and Finnick to prove themselves worthy.
The bell tolled throughout the village, signaling to the children that it was time for school. As boys and girls of all species and sizes said good-bye to their parents and rushed off to the local schoolhouse, Pinickhio eagerly swung open the front door to gaze in amazement at all the children. There were so many different looking ones! There were big ones, there were little ones, there were some that looked like his father Emmett, and there were some fluffy long eared ones.
Speaking of which…...There actually was one of those that immediately caught his eye and made his chest feel funny. A pretty little bunny girl with gray fur and amethyst colored eyes that looked in Pinickhio’s direction. She giggled and waved at him with a sweet friendly smile. Pinickhio returned a bashful smile and waved back as she skipped off along with other similar looking rabbits.
After watching her disappear into the distance, Pinickhio’s attention turned to another equally amazing sight. There, making their way to school, were a group of mammals that looked just like him. In his excitement, Pinickhio began hopping around the porch, following their every movement with his eyes.
His father, Emmett Otterton, came out the front door to place a formal little black vest on the puppet to make him look presentable for his first day of school. The eager Pinickhio however, was having a difficult time standing still as he hopped around eagerly. “Look father! Look!” the little wooden kit called out in a hop.
Emmett chuckled at the young puppet’s eagerness, “Hold still, Pinickhio.”
“What are those?” the little wooden kit asked Emmett.
“Huh?” Emmett lifted his gaze to the children making their way to school. “Oh, those. They’re foxes and your schoolmates, Pinickhio. Girls and boys--”
“Real boys?” Pinickhio cut him off, finally standing still. Amazed at the revelation.
“Yes,” Emmett answered as he finally managed to put the vest on Pinickhio. “And I’m sure they’re all eager to become your friends.”
“Friends?” Pinickhio beamed at the word.
“Yes, now hurry. You don’t want to be late,” Emmett gently shooed him down the small steps of their porch. “Oh! Wait my son!” Pinickhio stopped, wondering what his father could want of him. “I almost forgot,” Emmett came down the steps with an ABC book and an apple. He breathed on the apple and shined it up nice on the sleeve of his blouse for Pinickhio. “Here’s your book and here’s a nice apple for your teacher.” Pinickhio smiled. “Alright, now turn around and let me look you over,” Emmett told him with a proud chuckle.
The little fox puppet obeyed his father and turned only his body around, keeping his head in place.
“Perfect. Run along now.” Pinickhio joyfully skipped on toward school, feeling excited and eager to meet real foxes and make dozens of new friends.
“Goodbye father!” he called back to Emmett.
“Goodbye son! Hurry back!”
As the town’s children continued to race on toward school, a red fox by the name of John Worthington Foulfellow and his mute feline sidekick, Gideon, made their way about the crowded path. “Ah Gideon, listen. The merry laughter of little innocent children wending their way to school,” said the red fox to his companion. “Thirsty little minds rushing to the fountain of knowledge. Haha! School, a noble institution. What would this stupid world be without--” Honest John stopped short, noticing a poster depicting a heavy set ram named Stromboli with a pair of marionettes. “Well, well, well, Stromboli! So that old rascal is back in town, eh? Hahahaha! Remember Giddy the time I tied strings on you and passed you off as a puppet? Hahahaha! We nearly put one over on that old gypsy that time! Hahaha! Hahahaha!”
Honest John and Gideon continued on their merry way, laughing boisterously until they came across a most unexpected sight. There, skipping along the same path but heading in the opposite direction as them was… “A little wooden fox. Now who to--” Honest John and Gideon froze. “A wooden fox?!” Honest John gasped as he and Gideon followed after the wooden kit. They hid behind a brick wall to spy on the young kit and ensure their eyes did not deceive them. “Look Giddy! Look! It’s amazing! A live puppet without strings! A thing like that ought to be worth a fortune to someone. Now let me see…” Honest John rolled his eyes up in thought, his gaze landing upon the poster he had seen earlier. “That’s it! Stromboli! Why that fat old faker would give his--Listen! If we play our cards right, we’ll be on easy street. Or my name isn’t Honest John. Quick we’ll head him off.”  
Honest John and Gideon made their way behind a brick wall walking along the path Pinickhio was taking -- following the young puppet’s every move -- still amazed at the sight of a moving living puppet. The hustler fox quickened his pace and pulled his mute feline companion by the neck with the crook of his cane until they arrived at the other end of the wall. Now ahead of him, it was the perfect opportunity to catch him!
Honest John and Gid waited and brainstormed on how to go about catching the unsuspecting puppet. “Shh,” Honest John shushed to his friend, “Now’s our--” Honest John’s eyes widened upon noticing his associate lifting a mallet, ready to bop the young puppet on his head. “No, no stupid!” Honest John said, removing the mallet from Gid. “Don’t be crude.” Honest John uttered, bopping the silent feline over the head with the mallet. Gid gave no reaction, save for a single hiccup. “Let me handle this. Here he comes.”
He spun around to face Gideon, pretending to be lost in conversation with the feline. “Ah, yes Giddy. As I was saying to the Duchess only yesterday--” The cunning fox casually slid his cane back, causing the incoming Pinickhio to trip on it.
“Oh! Oh, how clumsy of me,” uttered Honest John, feigning concern for the young puppet. “My, my, my. Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Honest John clicked his tongue as he and Gideon helped the boy up, messily re-adjusting Pinickhio’s bowtie and hat. “Oh I’m terribly sorry. Oh, I do hope you’re not injured.”
“I’m alright,” Pinickhio responded.
Honest John sighed in relief, “Splendid!”
Gideon meanwhile, pulled out a small brush to help dust off the wooden kit clean. In the process of dusting him off, a greedy Gideon tugged at Pinickhio’s back pocket, pulling it wide to see if he had any money on him. He apparently did as Gideon reached in only to have Honest John smack him on the head with his cane, pushing the feline’s head down below his shoulders and into his shirt.
Pinickhio reached down for his book and apple, but Honest John picked them up first. The older fox rudely took a bite out of the apple and opened up the ABC book. He held it upside down,“Well, well, quite the scholar I see. Look Giddy, a mammal of letters.” Honest John lowered the book to his mute associate to see. With a humored chuckle, the fox returned the book to Pinickhio, “Here’s your book.”
Pinickhio took his book and innocently pointed ahead with a smile, “I’m going to school!” He started to march off on his way again when Honest John pulled him back with his cane.
“School?” Honest John questioned, “Then you haven’t heard of the easy road to success.”
“Uh-uh,” Pinickhio shook his head.
“No? I’m speaking my boy of the theatre!” Honest John exclaimed, draping his cape over himself in a dramatic flare. “Here’s your apple.” he said placing it back on the wooden kit’s palm. Pinickhio grimaced seeing that the older fox had already eaten it and only handed him the core. Taking absolutely no notice to the boy’s frown, Honest John continued with his speech, “Bright lights, music, applause! Fame,” Honest John said, raising his brows.
“Fame?” Pinickhio repeated, imitating Honest John's brow gesture.
“Yes! You’re a fox after all! Just like me! And let me tell you from one fox to another, there’s no greater occupation for a fox than the life of an actor!”
“Really?” Pinickhio asked, amazed by such a detail.
“Absolutely my dear boy! And with that personality. That profile! That physique! Why he’s a natural born actor. Eh Giddy?” Honest John said with a wink and a jab of his elbow to Gideon. The cat responded in kind with several goofy nods.
“But I’m going to--” Pinickhio tried to argue, attempting to continue on his path toward school.
“Straight to the top!” Honest John interrupted, turning the boy in the opposite direction and leading him on a new path, “Why, I can see your name in lights! Lights six feet high! Uh...What is your name?”
“Pinickhio! P-I-N-eh-Y-I-uh-P-I--Ohoho!” he chuckled, trailing off after fumbling his name. “How about we just call you Nick for short?”
“Okay! That kinda sounds like how my friend Finnick calls me. Except he calls me Nicky or Nicko.”
“Then Nick it is then!” Honest John cheered. He’s got him right where he wants him. “Now, on to the theatre!” the older fox declared, breaking into song as he and Gideon lead Pinickhio toward his ‘promising career’ as an actor.
An actor's life for me
A high silk hat and a silver cane
A watch of gold with a diamond chain
An actor’s life is gay
It’s great to be a celebrity
An actor’s life for me
Ta dum diddle dee dum
Ti dee um dee dum
Ta dum diddle dee dum
Ta dum ta dum
Ta dee de dum ta dee
Ta dum diddle dee dum
Ta dum ta dum
An actor’s life is fun!
Elsewhere, Finnick raced through the streets while simultaneously attempting to dress himself. “Some conscious I turned out to be. Late on the first day--come on!” he strained between his teeth as he slipped on his black coat. “Oh well, I doubt Nick can get into much trouble on his way to school.”
The miniature fennec fox stopped beside a bridge on his path to tuck his nightshirt into his pants when suddenly...
Ta dum diddle dee dum
Ta dum ta dum
The sounds of merry singing caught his ear. This could only mean one thing, “Oh no, a parade,” the small fox groaned. “I guess I better move before I get stepped on.” Finnick stepped aside, crossing his arms and leaning against the stone to allow the marching mammals to pass.
An actor’s life for me
“Ugh finally!” Finnick growled under his breath once the mammals passed by. He made his way back onto the bridge only to hear a young, yet strangely familiar voice sing from behind him.
An actor’s life for me!
Finnick glanced back doing a double take, “What the--?” There, marching beside a singing red fox and a brown feline was Pinickhio!
A waxed mustache
And a beaver coat
A pony cart
And a billy goat
“Pinickhio?!” Finnicked gasped confused. The school’s on the other side of town, thought the small fennec fox, So where...? Realizing he had no time to waste with questions, Finnick ran after him, “Hey Nicko! Where you goin’!”
An actor’s life is fun
You wear your hair in a pompadour
You ride around in a coach and four
Finnick raced and slid down a stairway rail, desperately trying to reach the young wooden fox, “Wait! Nick!” The fennec fox called to the young puppet but received no answer, the older red fox’s singing completely drowned out Finnick’s calls.
“Stop!” Finnick called once more only to have a completely distracted Honest John push Finnick away with a flare of his musically wandering paws. Finnick fell tail first with a dazed head. He shook it off to call for Pinickhio once more, “Hold on! Nicko!”
You stop and buy out a candy store
An actor’s life for me,
“That does it,” Finnick growled. He’s had enough.
An actor’s life for me
With clothes that come from the finest shop
And lots of peanuts and soda pop
He ran after them and whistled as loud as he could, “HEY! PINICKHIO!”
“What was that?” Honest John asked turning every which way until he looked down and spotted the angry Finnick.
“Oh! It’s Finnick!” chirped a happy Pinickhio.
“Finnick?” questioned Honest John to the puppet.
“He’s my conscious!” Pinickhio replied innocently.
“Ah! So this is your conscious,” said Honest John, feigning excitement. “I didn’t know one of your schoolmates served as your conscious.”
“Schoolmates?” echoed an angry Finnick, “I’m a grown fox!”
“Really?!” Honest John gasped in shock, “Could’ve fooled me. I thought you were a bit tall for your age!” he snickered, jabbing Gideon with an elbow, eliciting an inaudible chuckle from the silent feline.
“What’d you say?!” Finnick snarled at them, balling his little paws into fists, “You’re lucky I have to set a good example for the kid. Otherwise I’d wipe that smirk off your face!”
“My, my, my, what a temper. We must be cautious Giddy. Seems like the grown fox has grown short with us. Hahahahaha!” They threw their heads back, laughing boisterously, while Pinickhio looked on wondering what's so funny... and what's made Finnick so angry?
Speaking of which…
“What are you doing here?” Pinickhio asked his fennec fox conscious.
“I could ask you the same thing kid. Ain’t you supposed to be in school? And who are these guys?” asked the miniature fennec with a sour look on his face.
“They’re my friends,” Pinickhio responded innocently, “This is Gideon,” Gideon tipped his hat to Finnick. “And that’s Honest John. He’s a fox! Just like me and you!” Pinickhio pointed happily at the older red fox.
“Charmed,” Honest John responded with a sarcastic bow.
Finnick only glared at him with an angry mumble.
“He’s gonna make me an actor!” Pinickhio replied ecstatically.
“An actor?! No, no, no. You're going to school kid.”
“But Finnick, Honest John says an actor's life is the only life for a real fox.”
“What? This guy told you that?” Finnick gave Honest John a dirty look and took Pinickhio by the paw, pulling him a few feet away from the two deceiving mammals, “Come 'ere kid.”
“What's wrong Finn--”  Finnick raised a paw, stopping the young fox puppet from finishing his sentence.
“I’ll tell you what’s wrong. Those two are lyin’ to you,” Finnick whispered to the little puppet. “Foxes aren't supposta be actors. I'm not an actor and neither are you! You're a kit. You're supposta be in school. Learning how not to end up like that guy!” Finnick pointed to Honest John, who simply placed a dramatic tattered gloved paw at his chest as if saying, 'moi?’
Finnick continued, “Look kid, if you wanna be polite about it that's okay. Just tell 'im thanks all the same but you gotta go to school.”
“And he shall!” Honest John cut in, placing an arm around the tiny fennec. “Acting school that is!”
“Wait. Wha--!” Finnick hissed before being so rudely interrupted once again by Honest John.
“Finnick was it? Come with me. Talk with me,” Honest John said, guiding Finnick away from Pinickhio’s hearing reach. They stopped behind a wall to speak in private, “Now listen my tiny friend. You're a fox, right? I’m sure you know all too well the paths our kind are destined to follow. I'm just looking out for the boy.”
“Puh, yeah. Lookin’ out how you can exploit ‘im to make a profit you mean,” Finnick scoffed.
“Exactly!” Honest John admitted without shame. “After all let’s face facts, that solo moving puppet is a gold mine! You’re his conscious right? Don’t you think it would be wrong of you to keep him from a promising future with heavy financial rewards? Hmm?” Honest John lifted his brows, attempting to tempt Finnick into going along with the plan. “Think about it, as his conscious that gives you a right to a heavy cut. If not all of dear Nicky’s cut considering he’s still too young to utilize his own earnings.”
Finnick’s eyes widened in amazement. That would be a lot of moola, the fennec thought with a mischievous smirk as he imagined all the money he could make with the little fox puppet. Given all the financial hardships he’s gone through his whole life, this could be his big break! He could have anything he’s ever wanted! Money, girls, his own place -- heck a mansion even!
….Finnick’s smile fell and he shook his head as his own conscious returned to him. “No! No! Sorry ‘pal’, but ain’t doin’! I’m not betrayin’ the kid and I ain’t about to let you ruin his life neither!” Finnick declared bravely and loyally.
“Really? Is that so? Never thought I’d see the day when a fellow fox would turn down such an opportunity.”
“Guess there’s a first time for everythin’ chump. I’m takin’ that kid to school and if you don’t like it, try an stop me--eeh!”
Honest John snatched Finnick up in the air. Hanging him high by the coattails of his coat, “Hey what the?! Put me down ya no good piece a--”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Temper, temper,” Honest John tisked, “We don’t want young Nick to hear you say such foul words. But I will tell him you send him your warm regards and the best of luck.”
“Wha--!” Finnick yelled before being tossed into a barrel. Honest John slammed the lid hard down on top of the barrel, muffling Finnick’s foul ranting.
“You’re a heck of a conscious by the way. Not that it did you much good here.” With a bump of his hips Honest John sent the barrel rolling down the hill with Finnick still inside.
The barrel crashed against a thick tree. The lid popped open, allowing a dizzy Finnick to waddle his way out of the barrel before collapsing right next to it.
Atop the hill, Honest John laughed boisterously and made his way back to Pinickhio and Gideon.
Pinickhio looked around curiously, unable to spot his conscious anywhere. “Where’s Finnick?”
“Finnick?” Honest John asked, “Oh! He went back home, but he told me to tell you that he changed his mind. He wants you to be an actor and wishes you the best of luck!”
“Really?” Pinickhio asked with a big innocent smile.
“Yes! Now come along Nicky! We have to make you a star!”
“Okay!” Though unable to see him, Pinickhio waved good-bye to Finnick in hopes that his conscious would still hear him. “Good-bye Finnick! Good-bye!”
Honest John and Gideon guided Pinickhio back down the path toward Stromboli’s. They resumed their song as Finnick regained consciousness and Pinickhio’s words at last reached his large ears. “Good-bye? Good-bye?!!”
Finnick shook his head, shaking off the dizziness and watched Pinickhio walk off into the distance with Honest John and Gideon. Finnick slapped a frustrated paw to his forehead with a groan, “That kid’s dumber and more gullible than a rabbit! Hey Nick! NICK!!”
No response. It’s hopeless. Honest John’s singing completely tuned out any of Finnick’s desperate calls. “Great! What do I do now? Should I tell his dad?” Finnick questioned to himself. “Nah, I ain’t no snitch. I’ll go after ‘im myself.”
Finnick tipped his hat forward in a determined manner and ran after them, hoping to stop Pinickhio from ruining his young life and his chances of ever becoming a real fox.
11 notes · View notes
henryobsessed · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
The Duke and The Duchess - Chapter 1
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Picture from @henrycavillworld
Summary: Charles Brandon the Duke of Suffolk had survived the sweating sickness and been forgiven by the King but will he survive the arrival of a new beauty “Duchess Leila” to the King's Court.
Word Count: 2721
Warning: Physical Violence,
A/N welcome to the beginning of a new story, Thank you to @sillyrabbit82 for your beta reading. Now let's see where my brain will take on this new Journey.
The Duke and The Duchess
POV Third person
The room fell silent as the herald declared her name – standing tall the severe widow dressed in a stiff black dress with delicate panels of dark violet silk that softened the movement of her skirt, her square line bodice fitting snug against her cleavage. Her neck was adorned with a delicate amethyst and onyx stone arrangement, the only item declaring her wealth. Her hair was pulled into a tight severe bun her ebony hair’s true nature only made evident by the tendrils twisting and turning softly around her face. Her status and authority radiated about her as she moved with grace, and poise, Her eyes never wavered from her destination, the throne room of King Henry VIII.
POV Charles Brandon.
The temptation to waiver on my feet was tremendous, the smell of vinegar still lingered on the air even though the servants had filled the King’s throne room with the scents of sage and rosemary. It had only been mere weeks since the sweating sickness had stolen across the country leaving many dead. As the country recovered so did his majesty’s court. Thankfully I had only had a mild illness and had survived. The only lingering issue I had was to try to increase my strength once again. But it had also not been long since being accepted back into the king’s good graces. Unwilling to embarrass the King by my behaviour, I reached out and steadied myself on the back of the throne as I heard the herald call, “Duchess Leila.” As the doors opened a magnificent creature entered the room. My breath hitched at the sight of the apparition that seemingly floated towards the throne. Bowing graciously before the King her head held at the appropriate angle, her skirts billowing about her lowered form as she waited for the Kings word.
His Majesty sat upon his regal throne, however, even his body language was unusual. His hands shook, not overtly, but as his confidant of many years, I could see the slight tremor in his fingers as he breathed, “Your Grace. It is my honour to welcome you to our court, and may I say I was sorry to hear of the passing of your husband.” Her face lifted at his rough voice. The slight tremor was again indecipherable unless you knew the king well. All these things together had me standing with unease until I looked at the woman before us. Now standing at her true height my brain lost all thought of the King and instead it was now fixated on her face. My stomach twisted and my lower regions swelled as I took in her beauty.
Her voice interrupted my thoughts as her warm rich cadence filled the room. “Thank you, your majesty. It was unfortunate that he passed.” Her voice took me by surprise I had never heard a woman’s voice hold such depth and warmth whilst being so cold in her conversation. Most of the women at court had nattering high voices that were as true as they were silly, apart from my lady, Princess Margaret who also held a familiar cadence and recently also a similar coldness.
The King seemed to fidget again this time pulling at his sleeve’s before speaking, “Lady Anne has spoken highly of you. It pleases us to have you here. As you know the lady herself is recuperating at Hever Castle.” The conversation ended again, stilted, awkward at best from the king's side.
The lady however looked uninterested, her eyes narrowed, and her face morphed from the open warm look to one of annoyance. Taking a breath, she attempted to smile again but I could tell it was forced, “Your Majesty it has been a long journey. May I retire to my chambers to freshen up? Perhaps we can visit later and discuss the matters for which you have requested my attendance at your court.” Shocked at her passive-aggressive manner towards the King I stilled waiting for his outburst to correct the lady however it never came.
Instead, the King swallowed then said in a smaller voice, “Quite right your grace. Follow my steward and he will direct you to your chambers. Please do rest as we will be having a dance in your honour tomorrow night and you will need your energy.” She bowed again nodding in approval then moved with the steward.
This whole situation was weird. For the next two long hours, I managed to stay standing listening along with the King to the different lords and ladies of the land coming to fill His Majesty in on the numbers of dead and how the clean up was going in the different areas of the kingdom. As much as he could I knew Henry was being compassionate, but he also seemed to be distracted. His mind was no longer on his job and if I was a betting man, I would hazard a guess that his mind was on the Duchess. She certainly lingered in my mind, and not just her looks but her demeanour was not the average lady that visited. It held authority and power and right now I wanted, no needed, to know more about her. Plus, if she was a widow, I needed to offer my services to attend to her needs. One of my true talents.
For a short moment, my conscience pricked at my brain, I loved my wife, well as much as I knew how to love. I had been clouded by lust when I asked her to marry me and she was looking for a way to secure her happiness after her husband the King of Portugal had died. (Cough) Well more like she had murdered him the morning after their wedding. Surprisingly, the son was not so upset that his father had died and there ended up being no consequence. No, the true consequence had been on arrival back in England when The King had found out I had married his sister without his permission. We had been banished from court and His Majesty had almost taken my head! Well, Margaret treated banishment as if our heads had been cut off. Nothing had been as nice since, so I returned to what I loved best: bedding the ladies at court whilst returning to my duties as a companion and now Duke.
Duke, now there was a laugh. Why Henry had decided to make me a Duke I will never know. I was good in a war situation but outside of battle I really was only good and bedding women and making him laugh. But that was different now to as much as he had let me return our friendship had taken a beating. I felt an arm, rest on my shoulder before His majesty’s voice cut into my musings, “Charles, you have done well but I think you need to also retire to your chambers and sleep this time. I need you in fine form for the dance.” He laughed, but even that held an odd nervousness to it. Seeing that everyone had truly retired for the day, I nodded, smiled at the King and left to my chambers.
Heading out into the corridors it truly was eerie, even here in the court many people had been lost to sickness. Stripping down to my undershirt and draws and placing them neatly on the side table, I slipped beneath the covers. Before darkness took me images of a stern but beautiful woman filled my vision. Who was she? Why was the King nervous in her presence? And how could I get her into my bed?
The King was happy the next morning, in fact, he was the most relaxed I had seen him since before the great sickness. All-day he had filled up my duties with preparations for the dance, I made sure the musicians had been organised delivering the King's food preferences to the kitchen and oversaw the hall preparations. All the while I had looked for the Duchess. As I walked the gardens, and the halls of the palace she had not come across my path. She was almost like a drug, I had but one taste and I needed more. I finally resigned myself to wait till the dance, surely she would attend as it was in her honour.
Everything was set in place the candles were lit, hovering over the room set in great circular wheels suspended from the roof. On each table was large candelabra’s light tow illuminated the greenery and flowers from the gardens that decorated and accentuated the lush food that had been laid out. The instrument began to warm up playing a lilting tune as the room filled with the Kings courtiers and they came out in droves all looking to fill their lives with some colour after all the sadness. Tonight, I wore a rich burgundy red outfit accentuated only by my white ruffles and simple gold Duke’s adornments. I was ready to woo the lady who had not left my mind all day, the room filled as the music and laughter increased. Colourful skirts flew as the dances began until the trumpets announced the Kings entrance.
He walked arm in arm with the Duchess who he sat at his right side, the opposite side to where I would be seated. They both looked untouchable the King in a white and gold ensemble accentuated by a gold and ruby heavy necklace that sat from shoulder to shoulder. The Duchess had her hair piled atop her head, higher this time with the ringlets cascading down her neck. Her dress was now a velvet black with royal blue panels. This time her neck was adorned with a choker interweaved with blue sapphires, it accentuated how long her neck was making my mouth hunger to taste the sun-kissed skin that was just a hint warmer than the ivory colour on her face. I sighed moving from the wall I had been resting against through the crowd to the King.
I moved uninterested by the skirts that swished near me, all I was focused on was the tall beauty seated next to the King. As I reached the King I bowed low, “Your majesty.”
I saw a smirk pass over the Kings face, “Your Grace. May I introduce you to Duchess Leila? Madam this is the Duke of Suffolk.” I turned towards the Duchess hoping to spark some interest in her eye.
Her uninterested eyes did move to take a sweeping look from head to toe almost making me squirm under her perusal. Her cold and yet warm voice, a contradiction in timbre, filled my ears “Your Grace.”
Gulping down my now increasing nerves, I addressed the Duchess, “Madam, would you care to take a turn with me in the next dance?”
The King seemed to almost lose his mouth full of wine at my boldness, but it was worth it for the spark of amusement I court in the lady’s eye before the wall seemed to shut again. Almost as if she had decided under duress, she sighed and said, “If you are all that is brave enough to ask then you will do.” Once again the king's face smirked at the backhanded comment directed my way. If she had not already had such a hold over my body the indignation of her words would have angered me. Instead, I craved to feel even her gloved touch.
I held out my hand and lead her out to the dance floor. No matter how long we danced she stayed stiff and controlled. However, during one close moment, she looked me in the eye. It was that moment that I was sure she wanted me, the spark and desire pulled at me.
Returning her to her chair we ate, the King and the Duchess talked of his desires for the country and financial needs making me wonder what service she was to the king and how rich she was. I was confused as their demeanour towards each other had changed. He was no longer nervous, and she was still passive-aggressive but it was delivered in a kinder manner.
See the full post
103 notes • Posted 2021-05-20 14:32:35 GMT
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Bwhahaha ohhhh but he is so pretty @sillyrabbit81 @amberangel112 our princess 🥺
128 notes • Posted 2021-12-22 11:44:09 GMT
The Veterinarian and the Werewolf - Chapter 14
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Word Count: 1400
Warnings: Angst
A/N Yay another one :) thanks @sillyrabbit81 once again for your amazing editing - seriously guys you wouldn't like it without her. And @amberangel112 for reading and saying "more, more, more"
Chapter 14 - Henry
Shouting, and angry voices could be heard piercing through the fog that had surrounded his mind, but one voice, one sound stood out from the rest. It was a desperate cry calling to him. “Please my love, my mate, come back to me.” Come back? Come back to who? He opened his eyes and saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. As her hazel iris’s held his gaze, he could see the pain, and fear in them. They pleaded to him, asking him to change. He tried, pushing through the thick ties that held him. For the first time in a long time, he heard the sound of his wolf. It wined and yipped at him, until finally, he heard the words, “Mate.” Still unsure of what was happening and yet because of the urgency in her voice he tried again to change.
He felt her hands in his fur, energy surged through his body, pulling the emotions from her into his own, mixing them together and he felt strong. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs and those angry voices. Then a sob came from the beautiful woman before him, her sparkling eyes shimmering with tears before a man’s voice came from the door, “Miss Jessie, I am sorry to intrude with your guest being so sick, but I have to insist. Where is the wolf you have been caring for? We need to check his footprints against the ones found at an animal attack in the forest nearby.”
He watched as the beautiful raven-haired woman sucked in another sob and stood facing the man. “I am sorry Sheriff but Wolfy ran away three days ago. I have not seen him since we went for a walk in the forest.”
Stepping back from the door the man indicated for Jessie to follow him. They stood at the door talking in hushed tones, but his increased hearing could make out each word. “I’m sorry Miss Jessie, I know you were dating Boyd Hatfield, but I have to inform you that he was found early this morning mauled in the forest near here. The corner confirmed our suspicions that it was a wolf or wild dog that did the damage. We don’t know if it was your wolf or another stray that has headed into the area but if he comes back, you must bring him in to test his paw print.” He heard the beautiful woman break down in sobs, she must have loved this, Boyd. “I am truly sorry to have to tell you this horrible news.”
More footsteps and a tall boy stepped was beside her. He pulled her into his arms. “Thank you, sheriff.”
The sheriff look at the boy, then said, “What happened to you, Tom? Your face looks like it took a beating.”
He hesitated for a moment then grimaced, “Dad didn’t like me hanging out with Miss Jessie. You know what he is like about wolf lovers.”
The sheriff nodded, accentuating it with a rough humph. “Well, you tell him if he does it again he will be in for some trouble from me, ok? If you want you can make a statement now and I can book him for physical assault.”
More hesitation then, “Thank you, but I’ll give him another chance. Maybe he will come around.”
Silence then more footsteps. “Right. Well, we will be off. Again Miss Jessie, if he comes back, bring him down, ok? And I hope your friend feels better soon.”
Everyone stood still until Henry heard the front door shut. Then multiple slow deliberate steps could be heard until he looked back up and saw four people looking at him. The beautiful one, the tall skinny brown-haired boy, then two others who were holding each other. Whoever they were, awe seemed to be etched on their faces apart from the beauty who seemed to be holding herself up.
She stepped forward, then kneeled by his head, her hand automatically going to his curly locks. The action felt familiar to Henry like he was home, but he didn’t recognise the woman or the others. Anxiety started to creep into his chest as he realised, she knew him, her actions were that of an intimate partner. On one hand, he wanted to pull away, but then it felt so good, he almost wanted to pull her into his arms, to smell her hair and… Henry pulled back causing Jessie to startle, his voice rough from unuse stuttered out, “Um… mm… I… I’m sorry miss that felt really nice, but I don’t… I umm, I’m not sure who…”
Realisation filled her eyes, and then pain. “It’s ok. Do you remember your name?”
Yes, he remembered his name. “It’s Henry.”
She smiled at that, then she asked, “And do you know what year it is?”
He frowned at that. What year? The last thing he remembered was his family was travelling, they were looking for his mate. Mate! She was his mate, but then where was his family? “Umm, I’m not sure where are my family? We were travelling together, they shouldn’t be far away.”
Concern filled her face, what was wrong, something was very wrong, and it made his anxiety build higher. She seemed to adjust her features, a soft smile pulling at her lips. “It’s ok sweetheart, you need to rest right now, we can talk about that later, ok?” Her hand returned to his curls, the peace, and calm returned to his chest. Maybe she was right. Once he slept, they would be there.
He closed his eyes almost falling asleep until her hand lifted. Without thinking he grabbed her hand, whispering roughly, “Please stay.”
She sighed then stood, talking to the others, just outside of what she must have thought was earshot. “I’m going to be ok. I know that you all have questions, but how about you go grocery shopping, and gets some clothes. Do you think you can guess the sizing, Joe?”
He heard the man giggle, really a giggle? It sounded so strange coming from the man’s voice, but he then responded, “Sure thing Jessie. You were right, he is a bit shorter than Tom but his legs look almost the same size. Well at least in length, maybe get him in the PJ bottoms I got and text me if you need a different size.”
He blushed at the thought of her seeing him naked, but at the same time, the thought was also a turn on. Hearing them all moving away he forced himself to calm, the last thing he wanted to do was lose control and just mark her as his mate. He knew she knew he was a werewolf, but how much did she know? He heard her moving about the room, draws opening and closing, then she came back into view. He opened his eyes, unwilling to sleep while she was there. She smiled a reassuring smile at him. “Ok Henry, I have some clothes for you. Do you think you can sit up? The injury is in your shoulder.” Right I’m injured, he thought, but how did he get injured?
Sitting up the world began to spin. The sweet woman noticed and held his hands until he felt better. They were warm and slightly calloused, she must work hard. She knelt and lifted one foot at a time placing them into the pyjama bottoms, before sliding them up his legs. “Right. I think these are going to be ok. I’m going to turn around, do you think you can pull them up over your bottom, ok?”
Red coloured his cheeks, not just at the word bottom, but at the way she asked, it was so gentle. Almost like he was a child but not, grumbling under his breath he said, “Sure. I didn’t injure my bottom.” The room filled with the most amazing sound, her genuine laughter, it was so mesmerizing that he began to laugh as well.
Bottom half fully clothed she helped him lay back down then slipped into the bed next to him. Her arms open in an invitation and he didn’t hesitate to cling to her. Her smell, her sound and her body all felt like home. Nuzzling into her chest, he forgot that he couldn’t remember her, and instead relaxed and fell into a peaceful sleep.
Chapter 15
See the full post
137 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 10:07:10 GMT
The Veterinarian and the Werewolf - Chapter 9
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Words: 1579
Summary: Jessie is comforted by Tom after Boyd's threats were made.
Warning: Angst
A/N Surprise another one sooner that I thought. Thanks @sillyrabbit81 for editing and @amberangel112 for pestering me for more lol :) selah
Chapter 9
Jessie was shaken, never in her life had she been in a situation where she felt so out of control. She was so grateful that Tom was there to help control Wolfy, for she could not help fear that he would do something to get himself killed. If he even scratched someone, and they complained, she was sure that the local police would insist that she have him put down.
Tom was nothing like Henry, in that moment she had ached for his strong arms, furry chest and soft lips. But instead, she was grateful that her friend had caught her in her time of need. His skinny arms were still strong enough to hold her, his body warm enough to stop her shivering from the shock. He had walked her to the couch sitting the two of them down and pulling her into his body.
It felt right and yet so wrong the way his hand caressed her, comforting her, and yet there was a hint of something else in his caress. Her head now lay on his clothed chest her eyes closed trying to forget. “Shhh. It’s ok Miss Jessie, I know for a fact that he will be going out on a cattle drive for the next few days. So, you won’t have to worry about him. I will even see if I can encourage Dad to keep him out longer. It won’t be the first time I’ve had to help. He once tried that with my sister. But I managed to keep him out of her way until she went off to college. Dad wasn’t happy about it, and neither was Boyd, but Mom and I secretly helped her getaway. He really is the wrong fit for you, Miss Jessie.”
She heard the concern in his voice, the steel when he talked about Boyd. There was no love lost between the two men. It was then that she really had to see Tom as a man, not a boy. He had in a way protected her tonight and now he was comforting her. Ohh for sleep, to see Henry, to run into his arms. If only he was real and not just a perfect concoction of her brain. Her heart rate had slowed her breathing settled, and began to feel uncomfortable, so she sat up. “Thank you, Tom. I think I might go to bed. Do you think you can show yourself out?”
The young man looked at her strangely almost longingly but complied, “Sure thing, Miss Jessie. Wolfy, you look after the lady, you hear.” She almost laughed at the seriousness in Tom’s voice and the deeper yip that came in response. Standing the man looked down softly at Jessie. “I’ll pop by the clinic tomorrow to check in with you and let you know what happens. Okay?”
Thinking how sweet he was being, she smiled then kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Tom, that would be nice.” She schooled her features, trying not to laugh at the red as he flushed from his neck to his cheeks at her kiss.
“Ssh…sure thing miss Jessie.” With that, he almost ran out of the house.
Making sure all the doors and windows were locked she walked upstairs, Wolfy never leaving her side. He clung to her even as she brushed her teeth, and to her embarrassment sat beside her as she went to the toilet. Not once did he leave her side. As she crawled under her blankets, he curled his long body around her his muzzle snuffling into her neck. She reached her hand back running her fingers through his fur as she said, “Don’t worry boy. It will be ok.” But as she fell asleep, she once again longing for Henry, she was not really sure that she was confident herself that all would work out.
It didn’t take long for her to wake up in her safe place, or for her to hear his footsteps, they were running not walking to her. He burst into the opening scooping her up in his arms holding her tight to him. His prior knowledge did not surprise her, this is what she had longed for so it should not surprise her that her mind would create this perfect situation. But even so, the care and concern he showed her set her to crying again. Hot tears full of frustration, anger, and disappointment ran down her face as she realised that fear also filled her. The truth was, she didn’t think Tom could protect her, and she was terrified that they would make her destroy Wolfy.
His deep voice scratchy with miss-use filled her ears, “Shhhh, baby. It’s going to be ok, shhhh, I’ll protect you. Don’t worry about that idiot. He can’t harm me. It's ok.” His words soothed her but also confused her. What did he mean by ‘he can’t harm me? Of course, he can’t be harmed, he is my dream man. So, unless Boyd became Freddy Krueger, Henry would be safe. His strong arms lifted her, folding her up against his chest as they took their familiar place at the base of the tree. The tree she had found the wolves, the tree Tom had rescued the wolf and his cub, the tree that had bought such comfort to a lonely child.
She rested listening to the thrumming of his heart, the strong beat, that almost seemed to beat in time with her own. “Why can’t I just stay here with you, Henry? Why do I have to go back to a world full of hate?” She waited, listening as he hummed before his rich voice answered.
“If we stayed here, then people like Tom and Joe, would not have your bright smile or warm care. They would live their lives void of what you have to bring to the world. If all the good people disappeared it would be a very bleak world indeed. I felt that bleakness Jessie until you began to fill my world with happiness again.”
She looked up into his eyes, wondering again at the familiar words, “Henry, are you really the wolf? Genuinely or am I just dreaming this up hoping you are. Sometimes I am so sure I catch a glimpse of you there and then, well, it’s only the beast I see. I’m so confused right now.” Embarrassed at voicing her confusion she hid her head back into his chest.
His hands ran through her hair, his fingertips caressing her skin before he replied, “I’m trying my love, I really am trying to get out, to break free from my self-imposed cage. The last time I was a human, was the day I found you, you were standing by the window of your school looking out almost looking directly at me. Then you turned away. I had my nephew with me, he was so young only a month old and my sister wanted to have a small break. What Tom described, that was us, we had come back, only to see our family being shot, and then we were fired on. I vowed that day never to change back, so great was the grief. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you my love, my mate”
His words should have provoked fear, should have created anxiety that she was crazy. But for once it made sense, perfect sense, sitting up she looked into his rich deep blue eyes. She could see the honesty and love shinning there. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you, I’m sorry I must have put you through even more pain by denying you existed.” A soft smile tugged at his lips as his forehead leaned forwards against her own.
“It’s ok my love, I would not have expected any less. But I also knew you would work it out eventually.” He kissed her then, soft and gently, her body reacting but now she knew he was real she held back her response. She needed to tell Henry about her own story, and what had happened for her that night. Putting her hand to his cheek, she caressed him as she said, “Henry, I want you to know, I found your family that night. I was walking home and I felt drawn to my tree which is where I found them. I thought they were just sleeping. When I realised, they were dead, I worked all night to bury them, giving them a proper farewell. I think it is why we are drawn to this tree, they are still there in the forest. Watching over us.” She felt his body shudder at her words.
“I…. I never knew, I just ran. I had to run for Adam’s sake, I had to get him to safety. Thank you.” The arms pulled her in close as he buried his face in her neck. She felt his hot tears run onto her shoulder and at that moment her own grief joined his, her own tears flowed for the loss of his family. Those she would never get to meet.
The alarm pulled her back to her room, her bed, she could still feel the hot tears falling on her neck and as she rolled over, she stared into his eyes. The clear understanding is that even though he was in wolf form, he truly was her Henry. She reached up and ran her fingers through his fur, as the tears subsided, she whispered, “Morning, Henry.”
Chapter 10
169 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 06:23:36 GMT
One Shot - Henry requesting to be restrained
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Hmf... Alright. I'll consider it. Only if you consider restraining me. I want to see what it feels like."
Inspired by and encouraged by @blakerouge
Thank you to @sillyrabbit81 for being my amazing beta reader, encourager and all-around great mischievous friend.
Warning: Fem!dom, restraints, mentions body parts
, word Count: 3100
You had arrived home after a long day at the office, the kitchen smelled great something was in the oven alerting you to the fact your boyfriend of 6 months was home. “Henry? where are you baby?” you called out, the sounds of nails clipping on the wood floors alerted you before a large dog came barrelling towards you. Laughing you bent down to greet the happy pup who was dancing in circles at your feet. “Hey Kal, where’s daddy?”
After a tummy rub and a few kisses from the excited pup, you stood making your way to the only room in the house you hoped he would be. Walking into your bedroom you found him sitting on the bed, with a bag in his hands that made you stop. Fear gripped you as you realised, he had found your secret.
Henry looked up at you, his eyes unreadable as you watched him waiting to see what his reaction would be. His hand pulled out the kitty ears and tail plug that had belonged to your previous partner. Danny had been a good kitten, had been lean, obedient and had fulfilled your need to dominate beautifully, but in the end, there had been something missing. After he had left, you had packed your gear away. For a while you had sworn off partners and just enjoyed your friends, going out to the pub and parting long into the night,
It was on one of these nights that you met Henry; he was everything you had avoided over the years. Strong, muscular, and dominant in nature, and until now you had not believed you could like that kind of man. But Henry had also been sweet and caring, the combination had proven fatal, after wooing you for a month you had given in. That had been the end of your fight. You had locked the Dom up inside you and enjoyed for the first time being weak with someone you had grown to trust.
Nothing could have prepared you for how good he had made you feel, those nights he had held you down, showered you with kisses and bought your body to height’s that none had previously. But now, now that he was there pulling item after item out of the bag and laying them on the bed your Dom began pushing at the edge of its cage. “Where did you find that?” you asked, a slightly hard edge to your voice. Again, he looked at you with unreadable eyes, you were fighting so hard not to outright demand to know what he thought he was doing going through your stuff.
But for once in your life, you didn’t want to stuff this up, didn’t want to lose the man who had filled your days with pure joy. His soft deep voice filled your ears as he replied, “I was adding my clothes to the wardrobe as you suggested, this was tucked in the back where you assigned my clothes to go. I… was curious.”
You huffed at the last statement, “You know curiosity killed the cat.”
He smirked at that statement picking up the ears and tail as he said, “Is that what happened to this poor fellow?”
Sighing, you knew you needed to be honest with him, especially now that he was moving in. It made more sense since he was travelling a lot and when he was here, he basically lived with you anyway. Plus, Kal now had a consistent place to be when he could not go with daddy. Cringing at the thought of what he might say, you sat down next to him on the bed the array of equipment laid between. “Before I met you, I wasn’t so ‘vanilla’, in fact, my preference was skinny subs who liked pet play. After my last partner and I broke up, and it was nothing to do with him I just felt empty I was missing something. I decided to put it all away, he left those behind and I guess I just forgot about them.”
Henry’s face was serious as he asked, “Was it my dominance you were attracted to, something different from what you had before?” A small smile was tugging at his lips as you pulled his hand to your lap playing with his finger’s.
“Yes, and your caring, you are the perfect mix for me Henry. Maybe one day you will realise that about yourself. Maybe you and I can go to one of the clubs I went to, and I can introduce you to my friends. But for now, I can throw these things away. I’m sure he won’t want them back and it's not sanitary to use them on someone else.”
A mischievous look crossed his face as he said, “ Hmf…… alright, I’ll think about it, only if you consider restraining me, I want to see what it feels like. Maybe keep the cuffs I’m sure you can sanitise them”.
At that point, you could only stare at your boyfriend, your strong, muscular dominant boyfriend. Were you hearing correctly, were you dreaming, did he just say… At that point your Dom broke free of her cage, dancing for joy. Both sides of you now in balance as he gave you permission to be you. An evil glint hit your eye as you asked, “Are you sure Henry? It takes a strong man to give up control, not everyone can do it.”
His eyes now shifted to the same determined look he had when you had said no to his first request to date you. “I think by now you know I can handle anything pumpkin, so why don’t I go finish dinner and then after you can show me what it takes to be your submissive.” A shiver ran down your spine at his words, they were said in such a dominant way and yet alluded to something completely different. He stood, muscles flexing through his tan t-shirt and walked out of the room leaving you feeling awed at the turn of events.
While Henry, cooked downstairs you set up the room, this time felt different than all the other times. Excitement filled you as you reattached the restraints to the slats of the baseboard on your bed. You left out your cuffs for hands and feet, replacing everything else in the bag, your hands caressed your spreader bar wondering if he might be up to that level of vulnerability. Maybe next time, if he was up for a next time.
A voice called from downstairs, “Honey dinner’s ready.” Looking at the simple set up you smiled before hurrying down. The smells hit you as you got closer to the kitchen, aromas that you had come to associate with Henry, strong curries, fresh Italian or traditional English cuisine were always on the menu and tonight was no different as he pulled a beautiful fresh Italian fish dish from the oven.
Kal sat in the corner eating his dinner, and Henry pulled your chair out as you sat mouth salivating at the smells coming from your plate. It was a quiet dinner, Henry seemed lost in thought as he ate. For once he did not dominate the conversation. Deciding he needed to come out of his head you ask, “So how was your last project? Are you going to be home long?” This seemed to pull him back to the present, becoming animated again as he explained to you all the pranks that had been played on set, and how the final editing was in progress.
Finally, he said, “The next project is set to start in a few months, so you’re stuck with me baby.” That was said with his signature smirk and attempted wink.
Laughing we cleaned up the kitchen together, everything spotless you noticed he had begun to fidget with the tea towel. Deciding now, it was better to allay his fears, you took his hand and led him into the living room. Kal followed laying at Henry’s feet after you sat him down, “We have to talk before we go upstairs, I am sure your aware of how important communication is when doing something new. Just like you did with me those first few times checking in making sure I was comfortable and feeling safe. I will do the same with you.” A soft smile graced his face at the memory of your first time together. It had been passionate, but you had also been nervous, he had softly coaxed you along each step until you were putty in his hands.
“Ok so what do you want me to do?” he asked tentatively, my Dom was screaming at me to take charge, and just command him, but you wanted to do this differently. “You have a choice, we can just be you and me, but have fun with the restraints or you can let my Dom have control and from the moment we enter the bedroom you will submit to my will. It's up to you, you’re the one who is truly in control as there is nothing I can do without your permission.”
He thought about it for a moment, staring off into nothing before looking back at you. “You know I like control in the bedroom, it’s not a secret and you have for the last 6 months accommodated my whims, so just for tonight why don’t we do it your way. I’ll submit and you let your Dom free.” At the last phrase, he chuckled, maybe it was nerves or maybe he didn’t truly believe you could. All he had seen over the last 6 months was a soft accommodating but not quite a submissive partner.
“Well, if that is the case let’s go over the rules. Once you enter the room I want you to strip, fold your clothes neatly and place them on the tallboy. Then kneel in the middle of the room. At any given time, I will ask you how you are doing, to keep it simple we’ll keep to the traffic light system. Red is stop, Yellow is pause and green is go ahead. Does that make sense?”
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185 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 07:17:25 GMT
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