#amine maxwell
arcenergy · 2 years
also no one cares probably but the blanket i gave zilly is a little symbolic because we used it a lot for my pet dog (real max stans remember rusty) and it felt appropriate 
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l30n-m00ns70n3 · 4 months
Solarchanged || A Solarballs AU || Group Chat
Chat Key:
Saturn Jovian - @Ringss
Camilla Johnson - @DoraTheExplorer
Caelus Jovian - @BluBoiTranslator
Tami Quincy - @WordsGoBurr
Jaxx Emily - @AntMan
Neptune Jovian - @BluBoi
Danielle Yu - @SylvionInHumanForm
Jamie Williams - @WhyAreYouHere
Violetta Williams - @ScaryFlowerChica
Maddison Emily - @Storm2.0
Venus Terrance - @GoddessOfBeauty
Matthews Liam - @CopyCat
Carolina Liam - @SirenButWithLooks
James Maxwell - @GravityTwinsButSolo
Calli Harrison - @TheCaliforniaBear
Nadia Amin - @LivingLieDetector
Mars Terrance - @#1MartianStan
Masa Yano - @AlwaysAColdFront
Damien Jaxton - @CaringBully
Yasmin Urriel - @UrarakaIRL
Terra Solar - @TerraSolar /For Now/
Kacey Johnson - @Sheena
Zane Johnson - @Kareena
Year 7-12 Group Chat:
*@Sheena added @TerraSolar to Year 7-12 Group Chat*
GoddessOfBeauty: WTF, Kacey???
Kareena: We have a new student!
Sheena: Multiple actually— but the other 2 are in Year 3 & Year 1
TerraSolar: Uhm... Hi? What is this—?
AlwaysAColdFront: This is the Pangea Academy Group Chat! Well, the Year 7-12 one. Year 6 and under students aren't allowed to be here bc reasons—
TerraSolar: Ok...?
ScaryFlowerChica: There's a lot of us here, how about we introduce ourselves?
Ringss: Good idea—
Ringss: Let's go in age order!
TheCaliforniaBear: That'd mean you'd start & you always start.
Storm2.0:  Let it go, Calli. Doing it this way is very convenient.
Ringss: Anyway.
Ringss: I am Saturn Jovian, Year 12 & 18 Y/O! Male & He/They, please! My younger cousins are @BluBoi and @BluBoiTranslator
DoraTheExplorer: My name's Camilla Johnson! I am also in Year 12. I am a 17 Y/O Demifemale who uses She/Her pronouns! My twin siblings are @Sheena and @Kareena
AntMan: Hello! I am Jaxx Emily, the older half-brother of @Storm2.0 and I am a 17 Y/O in Year 11. I am Male and use He/Him pronouns.
BluBoiTranslator: Hello. I am Caelus Jovian, the cousin of @Ringss and @BluBoi . I am in Year 11. I am a 16 Y/O male who uses He/Him pronouns.
WordsGoBurr: Hello-Hello! I am Tami Quincy, a 16 Y/O in Year 11! I am Female and use She/Her pronouns!
Storm2.0: As stated earlier, @AntMan is my older half-brother. I am in Year 10. My name is Maddison Emily and I am 16 Y/O. My assigned gender at birth was Female, but I identify as Agender and use They/Them pronouns.
ScaryFlowerChica: I am Violetta Williams, 16 Y/O in Year 10. I am Female and use She/Her pronouns! My cousin is @WhyAreYouHere
ScaryFlowerChica: Uhhh.... I'll just introduce her—
ScaryFlowerChica: @WhyAreYouHere is my blind Cousin, Jamie Williams. She is also in Year 10, but she is 15. She is Female and uses She/It pronouns!
SylvionInHumanForm: Hi! I am Danielle Yu. I am also in Year 10, and am 15 aswell. I am Female and use She/Her pronouns. I have three younger siblings, all in Year 3. They're triplets—
BluBoi: 👋💙♂️🔟1️⃣5️⃣👐🪐🩵👆
CaringBully: Yo! @BluBoiTranslator
BlueBoiTranslator: I got it...
BluBoiTranslator: He said "Hi! I'm Neptune Jovian. I am a Male in Year 10! I am 15 and use any Pronouns! @Rings and @BluBoiTranslator are my cousins."
TheCaliforniaBear: Sup, I'm Calli Harrison! I am a 15 Y/O, AFAB, NB Therian who uses They/Them pronouns in Year 9.
TheGoddessOfBeauty: Ugh. My turn ig
TheGoddessOfBeauty: I'm Venus Terrance. I am a 14 Y/O Trans Male. I use He/Him pronouns and I am in Year 9. I'm the older brother of @#1MartianStan and the pipsqueak in Year 5
LivingLieDetector: Greetings. I am Nadia Amin in Year 9. I am a 14 Y/O Muslim Girl. I obviously use She/Her pronouns, but no hate to anyone who uses other pronouns! I respect your decision and preferences.
CopyCat: Hi! I am Matthews Liam, the twin of @SirenButWithLooks , we are both 14 Y/O and in Year 9. I am Male and use He/Him pronouns.
SirenButWithLooks: Hello! I am @CopyCat 's twin, Carolina Liam! As my brother said we are 14 and in Year 9! I am a Trans Female and use She/Her pronouns!
SirenButWithLooks: ; )
GravityTwinsButSolo: James Maxwell, Year 9, 14, Male, He/Him.
Sheena: Uhm... Moving on!
AlwaysAColdFront: Hi! I am Masa Yano from Year 8! I am 13 Y/O and Female! She/Her please!
AlwaysAColdFront: It's very nice to meet you @TerraSolar !
#1MartianStan: I'm Mars Terrance, in Year 8. One of my brother's in Year 5 and the other one is @GoddessOfBeauty . 13 Y/O, Male, and He/Him.
CaringBully: Hey, new kid! I am Damien Jaxton, but calk me Dash, or else.
TerraSolar: Ok—
CaringBully: Good. Anyways, I'm in Year 8. Also 13— He/Him & Male aswell
UrarakaIRL: Hello~! I'm Yasmin Urriel. It's pronounced Ur-re-el btw.
UrarakaIRL: N-e-way. I am in Year 8, and I'm 13!! She/Her and Female! My BB bro is in Year 5!
Sheena: I'm Kacey Johnson, the older Johnson twin! I am 13 Y/O in Year 7, Female, and I use She/Her pronouns. My older sister is @DoraTheExplorer and my little brother is @Kareena
Kareena: I am only 1 minute younger than you, Kacey! But I digress, my name is Zane Johnson; I am also 13 and in Year 7, obviously, and I am a Male who uses He/Him pronouns! As stated before my sisters are @DoraTheExplorer and @Sheena
TerraSolar: Nice to meet ya'll! I am Terra Solar, 12 Y/O in Year 7! I am Intersex, and use They/He pronouns! I have two little brother's, one in Year 1 and one in Year 3!
TerraSolar: That took a while—
TerraSolar: GTG, Astro-Mámá says it's time for bed.
TerraSolar: Since I start school back up and all.
TerraSolar: Bye & Goodnight!
UrarakaIRL: Bye-bye!!
ScaryFlowerChica: Jamie Says Bye!
Storm2.0: Goodnight.
Ringss: Goodbye
SirenButWithLooks: Bye!
CopyCat: Bye.
SirenButWithLooks: ; )
AlwaysAColdFront: Goodbye & goodnight!
BluBoi: 👋 😴
*@BluBoi changed @TerraSolar 's nickname to NewKid !*
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artespana · 4 years
Would this be a way to introduce Paul Klee to the younger generations? Video by artespana valencia
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jurijurijurious · 3 years
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One for us @thisbluespirit !! 😁
Source: https://twitter.com/NathenAmin/status/1409493446491099143?s=19
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nofatclips · 4 years
The Nigga Song by Fantastic Negrito from the Black Roots Music EP
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nyf-archive · 5 years
👫 - fin and max
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Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
1. fin is the little sister max never wanted. but oh no, the elf wormed her way into his heart and pestered him until no end. it was probably something along the lines of how he saw her alone in the camp one day just staring at the stars. he probably asked her about her family or something like that, and when she said they had all died, it probably hit him. who knows if it was pity at first that he pulled her under his wing, but eventually they became inseparable and insufferable with one another. with her shenanigans and him being slightly overbearing, the two have just come to a mutual understanding of this; they are family, and neither of them are going anywhere.
2. (this is dependent on whoever is the inquisitor) fin and max are v protective of one another. and when it comes down to the bottom of it; whoever has the mark is the one who is protected like the bloody revered mother. no matter what happens, the one with the mark is to be kept safe at all costs. bodily harm, exhaustion, whatever the cost, the other is willing to do. not just because they’re the inquisitor, but because they’re family. even if it’s keeping them on a leash to keep them from climbing trees or putting them in bubble wrap to keep every type of injury at bay, it’s done.
3. they are absolutely a nuisance in the other’s love life. fin likes to push max’s lovers into doing certain things she knows he wants to do (or politely coerces them), and makes sure that all his dates are perfect. max, on the other hand, just glares at her own lovers in the ‘i’ll kill you’ kind of way when she’s got her back turned to him. but, he does it out of love. he never wants fin to have her heart hurt. but then, of course, is very overbearing when she returns from the night out, asking so many questions and prying into what may have happened; whereas fin just kind of gives him a bit of a grin and lets him go about his business.
4. if max is the inquisitor, when he retires to live with dorian (or wes, but i’m p sure dorian), he leaves fin in charge of the inquisition and it’s forces. but when she retires, she’s just all ‘fUCK IT! CASS, YOU STARTED THIS SHIT, IT’S YOURS NOW’ cause who the fuck actually thought it would be a good idea to leave fin in charge of an army? she can barely keep herself safe what on andraste’s green earth makes you think it’s a smart idea to leave this blonde little shit in charge of an army? boy you got some big kahuna’s to think that fin’s capable of being the leader.
anyways. while fin is flattered to be the head honcho in charge, now, you can bet your sweet ass she sends him so many letters because who the fuck ever knew you needed to sign so many letters and agree to so many things????
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hot-emma-blog · 4 years
Swimming in Green Island, Taiwan   –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Track: Be Mine — Amine Maxwell [Audio Library Release] Music provided by Audio Library Plus Watch: https://youtu.be/zIr3Ivcnmos Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/be-mine ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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dopingconsomme · 4 years
[2021年02月17日の記事一覧 http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23378/2021-02-17] https://dopingcomplex.blogspot.com/2021/02/20210217-httpdailyfeedjpfeed233782021.html
(全 55 件)
1. Mike Leite - Summer Vibes
2. Atch - Found You
3. Atch - Journey
4. RYYZN - Overthinking
5. Amine Maxwell - You & I
6. Atch - First Light
7. Tokyo Music Walker - Summertime
8. Peyruis - Gonna Sing
9. Roa - Nightfall
10. Leonell Cassio - A Magical Journey Through Space
11. Sarah Jansen - Far Away
12. Tokyo Music Walker - Colorful Flowers
13. onyCs - Eden
14. Atch - Over You
15. Loxbeats - Underground Stars
16. tubebackr - Papaya
17. Luke Hall - Dystopia
18. Amarià - Swing Rabbit ! Swing !
19. MusicbyAden - Aural Nights
20. Mona Wonderlick - Free Range
21. Leonell Cassio - Woho, I Thought It Be Me & You
22. Rexlambo - Fly away
23. Smith The Mister - Floating
24. Smith The Mister - Fluffy
25. SilentCrafter - Fallen Kingdom
26. RYYZN - The Clock
27. Roa - Puzzle
28. Jayjen - Travel
29. Tokyo Music Walker - When I Was A Boy
30. Your Friend, Ghost - Late to Rise
31. Smith The Mister - Riviera
32. Sebastian Kamae - Last Stop.
33. dghtr - Out In Space
34. カサビアン - Reason Is Treason
35. カサビアン - Shoot The Runner
36. カサビアン - Vlad The Impaler
37. カサビアン - Bless This Acid House
38. カサビアン - Club Foot
39. カサビアン - Days Are Forgotten - Single Edit
40. カサビアン - Fast Fuse
41. カサビアン - Re-Wired
42. カサビアン - La Fee Verte
43. カサビアン - Pictures Of Matchstick Men
44. カサビアン - Comeback Kid
45. カサビアン - Stuntman
46. カサビアン - Take Aim
47. The 8-Bit Big Band - Field of Hopes and Dreams
48. ひろえ純 - サイレント・ヴォイス
49. いしわたり淳治 - 神様のいうとおり
50. 冥月 - YO - Acid Jazz ver
51. Yasunori Nishiki - バトル1
52. RichaadEB - A Cruel Angel's Thesis
53. ぷにぷに電機 - 残照
54. 東京事変 - うるうるうるう
55. Desired - Emotions
from dopingconsommecomplex http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23378/2021-02-17 http://www.rssmix.com/ from complex fc2 dcons, https://dopingcomplex.blogspot.com/2021/02/20210217-httpdailyfeedjpfeed233782021.html
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baeddel · 5 years
Who's your favourite philosopher(s)?
So I dont read a whole lot because of my dyslexia, and I also dont read a whole lot of pure philosophy because you have to read quite a lot to engage with it at its heights and I just can’t do that. But all the same, I do spend the majority of my time thinking about and discussing philosophy - you just have to keep in mind that when I’m engaging with it, its pages at a time. The greatest impact on me w/r/t philosophy has been personal conversations with friends on those subjects, esp. Naci, Quinn & Coral, @wrong-shaped, @no-rx, @tiqqun, @deerg1rls, @khawalat-magnunyn, off-site friends Frére, Maxwell and Charity, and my gf @canmom (nach), as well as @gayjodariel‘s ability to provide me with probing questions whenever I infodump to her lol (these names are also specifically the people I have in mind whenever I write). Having that supportive enviornment is basically what ties me to philosophy & lets me engage w/ it the way I do I think…
So uh… favourite! Stirner, of course. I think Stirner forms the backbone of my thinking on all things, from metaphysics to ethics to praxis. Specifically, connecting Stirner with Camatte and Carl Schmitt is where the core framework of my thinking develops from, and I use that reading to engage with everything else.
[long, you knew it would be]
In terms of other pure philosophy, Heraclitus ofc dominates my thinking, as does Laozi. These two are the ones I probably textually engage with the most, and I think the reason is they write very short, multiply-encoded statements that you have to brood over for a long time. While you also have to think about Hegel for a long time, the ratio of reading to thinking with really ancient philosophers is so much higher, and that makes it easier for me to approach them. Like Laozi says, ‘it is better to safeguard what you have inside than to read a lot of books which so often go nowhere’
Clausewitz is probably the writer I’ve read the most of in terms of page count, although I’ve only scratched the surface of his titanic On War. I really want to get back to reading him rigorously so that I can at least clear Book 2, which is devoted to methodology, which I think will feel like taking off the training gloves… I’ve found engaging with military writing in general extremely productive, wether its ancient writing like Thucydides to specific accounts like Neuman’s writing on Northern Ireand to Blanqui’s notes to real materiel like the COIN manual… but Clausewitz is the only military theorist who is also a philosopher and connects politics, philosophy and military strategy, which makes him tower above everyone else in usefulness.
I read Achille Mbembe after Txgen talked abt him a lot in her booklet, and he’s had a big influence on the way I think and approach stuff recently, the intro to Necropolitics is kind of like the best introductory textbook to French theory that there is lol, but he also does lots and lots of talks which is really helpful for me re: dyslexia. He’s also one of the big thinkers that engaged w/ Schmitt. Following that thread I asked @guattarian-egirl for some direction on where some ideas came from & she pointed me to Orlando Patterson who I think is like, a complete supergenius; I havent read all 900 pages of the monolithic multidisciplinary Slavery & Social Death, obviously, but just reading the intro & conclusion was a big influence on me, esp. his stuff about Hobbes & social psychology.
On a similar line Johannes Agnoli has had an impact on me, also friggin… the anti-germans, or at least Joachim Bruhn, who no one reads because they believe Israel is communist, but who are otherwise incredibly brilliant. Also, obviously, Bordiga. And… Samir Amin!
I also read metaphysics but I’m still a beginner and its mostly analytic and therefore very boring. I’ll tell you the truth, honestly: I haven’t read a philosopher yet that I did not like. So even guys like A. J. Ayer I have a lot to say about and I definitely think about them when I’m writing. I’m excited about the prospect of getting to read Hume - Hume! But I don’t really have a favourite in metaphysics yet because I haven’t really picked a horse.
Anyway yeah, thats the main stuff. Theres also some more outside stuff but I have to stop at some point. You asked for favourites, not ‘everyone you’ve ever read’ >.> but yeah, Stirner is The Man, but I think most people go in thinking he’s saying a particular thing and they dont really get anything out of him. I think ‘egoism’ tends to be really shallow and not very interesting. Stirner’s writing is useful for thinking about SO much… I’ve wrote a little thing reading Stirner against the the text of Marx he was vagueposting here (chapter 9) which I think puts it as good as I can - a lot of people think of Stirner as just a sloganeer who wasn’t very serious and who was easily brushed off by Marx, and I think they miss that Marx & Stirner were working in conversation with one another & Marx’s answer to Stirner was an important development of his thought. So I think a lot of people come away with shallow readings of Stirner and my big mission is to stop them!
anyway yeah ty for reading >
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chillultra · 4 years
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Our very first upload check it out hope you enjoy it! Come to our YouTube page link in bio. Music by: Soyb & Amine Maxwell @aminemaxwell @iamsoyb Art Video by: Engin Akyurt @enginakyurt https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYAumEn4tc/?igshid=1jevo0ndd94ht
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rocketkitties · 4 years
Watch me #decoden this lovely #phonecase Really love the #pastel fluffy whip for this one! 😍☺️💖 🎶 "Amelia by Amine Maxwell" #decoden #kawaii #kawaiigirl #kawaiistyle #かわいい #anime #animegirl #otaku #weeb #fakesweets #instagood #fyp #cute #happy #satisfying #satisfyingvideos #rocketkitties https://www.instagram.com/p/CDE1tfPAEoH/?igshid=gynb9uiqurnc
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franklingut · 4 years
Chill Night by Amine Maxwell & MICHAL
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enenler-blog · 4 years
Gerçek Gibi Görünen Pastalar l It's like real
Herkese merhaba, İzleyeceğiniz görüntülerdeki pastalar gerçek gibi görünüyorlar.Pasta ustaları nın mükemmel tasarımlarının yer aldığı görüntüler sizleri gerçekten şaşırtacak. Gerçek gibi görünen pastalar...
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calderamusic · 4 years
TRANCE IN HEART #234 - CalDerA - Uplifting Trance (15 Tracks 136/140 Bpm)
1 Mantra (Extended Mix) Sean Tyas, James Kitcher, Adam Taylor 2 Above My Mind (Original Mix) Lilly Sinatra 3 Orbital 99 (Extended 2020 Respray) Emanuele Congeddu 4 Aura (Extended Mix) Fisical Project & Frank Watson 5 Synergy (Extended Mix) Giuseppe Ottaviani, Factor B 6 Hype (Original Mix) Kiyoi & Eky x ELV 7 Italy in Trance (Original Mix) Ciro Visone 8 Amnesia (Amine Maxwell & Atragun Remix) Running Man 9 Corpi Celesti (Extended Mix) Alessandra Roncone, Rinaly 10 Follow Your Passion (Extended Mix) Enharmor 11 Viola (Driftmoon & Robert Nickson present Astrosphere Extended Remix) Moogwai 12 Sign Of Life (Extended Mix) Darren Porter 13 Origins (Extended Mix) Cèdric Lass 14 Snowfall (Extended Mix) Kiyoi, Eky 15 Collider (Extended Mix) UDM
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It has been requested I post a character list SO
1. Aliare – Jonathan’s best friend. A useless lesbian
2. Annabelle Carter – Levi’s half sister
3. Annaliese de la Fontaine – Morgan’s heiress wife
4. Anya – cro…. WIFE
5. Autom – robot man’s robot friend
6. Blake – Lauren’s husband
7. Calico – blue alien from Mars short story / possibly a demon? Who knows
8. Cameron Michaels– Jonathan’s drag mum
9. Carmen Parker – Jason’s older sister
10. Carson Parker – Levi and Jason’s oldest child, a photographer
11. Carson pt 2 – mimic dragon bird idiot
12. Charlie – pure boy, smol boy, innocent boy
13. Danny – bird dad
14. Delphinium – Simon’s Waifu
15. Eladia – Daddy™
16. Eliott Willamine Taylor – robot man
17. Ellowen – Jonathan’s friend. Distinguished lesbian
18. Fawcett – smol doggo friend
19. Gregory – demon, shadow, Cool Guy™
20. Hale Montgomery – terrible at being a guard, but good at being a friend
21. Harper Lee – Reds ex bf
22. Jackson Parker – bi disaster the sequel
23. Jamie Stryker – boy-crazy idiot
24. Jane – shy, reclusive librarian. Also a goddess but like on the dl
25. Jason Lee Parker – fish boy
26. Jonathan “Red” Casper/Stryker – boy-crazy idiot pt 2
27. The Lamplighter – eldritch being of wax and bone, a Cryptid™
28. Lauren – Jason’s ex gf
29. Luca Parker – likes…………… Aminal……
30. Levi Aleksander Casper/Parker – good-for-nothing bisexual disaster
31. Mary – deer dad
32. Maxwell – frost witch
33. Micah – Zachary’s human anchor, imprisoned in a mirror
34. Miriam Carter – Levi’s step mom
35. Mordecai – demon, shadow person, somehow still Sunshine Personified
36. Morgan de la Fontaine – retired mob hitman
37. Pierre Carter – Levi’s dad
38. Raphael – beautiful, perfect, elegant man
39. Renee – Nina
40. Riley – Jason’s ex bf
41. Sawyer – big doggofriend
42. Simon – Sydney’s guard
43. Skye – art student, Jason’s hmhmhmm
44. Spinnaker – big merm
45. Sydney Casper – middle Casper child, a lawyer, level-headed fire gf
46. Toni – fifty something tattoo artist, wine aunt
47. Valerie – seraphim relic, a messenger of light
48. Zachary – blind mad oracle
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trancesets-me-blog · 8 years
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Mhammed El Alami - El Alami Podcast 045 (Amine Maxwell Guest Mix) 27-02-2017
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