#aminos renth
elavoria · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom, thank you! I tag @dirty-bosmer and @nostalgic-breton-girl. : )
In which Isanna and Regill team up to discombobulate Renth at the barricade of the Threshold camp:
“Knight Commander, if I may make a personal inquiry,” he requested. “Of course,” she said again. “What do you want to know?” “I cannot help but observe that Regill Derenge still numbers among your companions,” he said with genuine confusion, “and not simply among them, but in a position of honor at your side, even after he so thoroughly attempted to discredit you. Why is that? I understand his martial capabilities are exemplary, but I would not have expected… Perhaps it is because you are keeping a close watch on him?” By the time he was finished, she was smiling so much that he was frowning in confusion, which only added to her amusement. “It’s because I love him,” she said softly. His eyes widened in surprise; for several moments he was simply lost for words, and her own eyes twinkled with mirth as she heard familiar footsteps approaching in his silence. “I see,” he said, and although he had recovered himself enough to speak, he still didn’t seem to be over the shock. “And does he… return that love?” “He does,” Regill said, coming to a stop at her side. His eyes were locked on Renth’s, his lips curved into a mischievous little smile, and it took all of her willpower not to laugh. “In love, Derenge?” the paralictor asked, seemingly unsure whether to be more incredulous or judgmental. “First that disaster of a tribunal, and now… this? Has the Bleaching finally addled your brain?” “On the contrary,” Regill answered easily, still smiling, “my Bleaching has been steadily reversing.” Renth’s eyes flicked up to Isanna’s as if to ask if this was some sort of joke; when she offered no explanation, he looked back down at Regill in consternation, and she finally gave in to her laughter.
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silversiren1101 · 9 months
Minovae lost her memory?
Heya! Thanks for the ask-
Yes! Well, it's more accurate to say it was stolen from her instead :)
WOTR Spoilers under cut
When she fell at the end of the Second Crusade, she subsequently fell into the hands of Areelu for her experimentation. Being a primed and ready perfect god-vessel, Areelu doctored her memories to remove most everything that could prevent the grafted soul of Areelu's child from gaining a better foothold and eventually taking over.
Minovae awoke in 4715AR (nearly 80 years displaced in time) only knowing she was a ganzi from Cheliax, specifically Westcrown... but little else. Her core personality stayed intact, her ideals and anathemas, but she didn't even remember being a Hellknight.
The Aeon (whoops Areelu didn't anticipate that did she) gradually unlocked some smaller memories as she grew in mythic power, but she didn't free her mind (mostly) until Regill confronted her and pushed her to after retaking Drezen; both for his own (unknowingly) selfish want to be remembered and the growing complications with Aminos Renth having served with her in the Second Crusade and having a lot of Questions and Suspicions about her suddenly reappearing and like this.
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dujour13 · 2 years
Ooh, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on 23, 27 and 32 for Siavash, if you feel like it! 😊
Aw thank you!! 😘😘
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
In theory: cruelty, dehumanization, using people as tools.
In practice: I had to wrack my brain to think of any characters besides demons Siavash really dislikes, and honestly there aren’t many. He even spares Minagho and sets her up with Chivarro in true azata style.
Regill: Siavash incorrectly believes he’s a terrible person because he’s bleaching and not the other way around, and also incorrectly believes he can save him with hugs and cookies, earning nothing but irritation and disdain in return.
Daeran: Really can’t stand him at first—the image of the degenerate aristocrat, and has a cruel streak. But even then Siavash is alert for signs of a heart, and once he looks deeper he finds a real friend.
Lady Konomi: drives him up a wall but he actually likes her in a way. She’s an astute diplomat who tests how far she can push before she yields. Being abrasive is not his personal approach, but he can respect that. A worthy opponent. Also if you talk to her outside the council room she’s educated and passionate.
Galfrey: totally forgiven.
Wenduag: not her fault she’s like this.
Camellia: cold and immune to his charms, but the poor dear probably has issues.
Hulrun: ok, this is one he actually dislikes.
I guess he’s somebody who can always find a redeeming quality, even in certain demons and devils. In theory one person he is not likely to go easy on, should he ever meet her, is Woljif’s Gran. Until/unless he finds a redeeming quality. And even then.
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
Disarmingly. Though he’s usually easygoing, Siavash can and does get testy if pushed too hard, but he will try to fix things. As a diplomat he’s good at keeping in mind people’s perspective and pushing the right buttons to de-escalate or steer the argument in a different direction so that it’s less adversarial and more “what can we do about this?”
In his most important confrontations (Mephistopheles, Areelu, Nocticula, Iomedae), instead of scattering his energy the strong emotion becomes like a laser beam. He knows what cards he holds and plays them shrewdly. (He surprised me. I was really proud of him.)
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
If we’re doing uncomfortable instead of upset, it would be around people who are unreceptive to his charm, like I can picture him at the Hellknight outpost cracking a joke at Aminos Renth and getting stonewalled. Tough crowd.
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elavoria · 8 months
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Miscellaneous Hellknights, featuring Paralictor Renth in the sleek Gate armor I think he deserves, one Yaker, and spouse’s Aurora, a signifer of the Order of the Pyre.
More about Aurora under the cut for those interested~
She’s a LN angelkin aasimar atheist oracle purifier 20 / Hellknight signifer 10 / fighter 10, with Hellbound curse, beneficial Blackened curse, and flame mystery who went from demon path to legend path [succumbed to demon only because she couldn’t control the rage] and fights with a flaming rapier and sickle. Her wings are black erinyes wings due to the Hellbound curse, and she has bright coppery red hair, eyes, and lips as befits the fire theme. She is “a constellation of contradictions” tied together by her purpose as an atheist purifier of the Pyre: opposing the destructive extremes of religion particularly as found in cults, which is why she was operating in and around Kenabres in the first place.
She is very cool, very beautiful, and very powerful, and a non-mythic version of her will be making cameos in Isanna’s fic. :3c
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