#so you get this !
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My sketchbook only has the most serious art pieces
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the-awful-falafel · 11 days
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lihhelsing · 11 months
I know we love to talk about Eddie who wakes up after the UD and has lost his memory but he looks at Steve sleeping peacefully at his bedside and figures he must be his boyfriend (but they haven't even kissed yet)
but I don't think we talk enough about Eddie who wakes up with no memory, Steve is by his side and Eddie knows Steve can't be anything other than his friend because that's fucking King Steve, and just the fact that he's there is surprising to him.
But the thing is... They were dating before and Eddie doesn't remember anything and it breaks Steve's heart over and over again.
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aviewtoakillmp3 · 5 months
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how do you draw… legion mongrels…
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ballad-of-the-lamb · 7 months
Lamb! Sweetest, kindest, dearest, and greatest of decievers! Have you ever given thought to what might happen if you were to expire? What would become of those dependent on you, your wisdom, and your protection? Those who have come to rely on what you have built? Not even immortality is truly forever, as you should well know. For that is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons, even death may die. I, for one, cannot wait to bear witness.
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it's almost like they're a literal manifestation death or something, or like, has disciples for a reason. like. to carry on the civilization when that time comes to pass. isn't it crazy. omg.
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i don't think i've posted this yet
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So I was thinking about how Steven, Connie and Stevonnie all have a duet with one of the main Crystal Gems and I realised how masterfully these songs are deployed to tell us things about them.
First of all, On The Run for Steven and Amethyst.
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Amethyst is the Crystal Gem who relates the most to Steven's experiences and vice versa. They're both the 'juniors' in their household, they've both been struggling with being respected by the older Crystal Gems for a while now, and though Amethyst is very much Steven's guardian when it comes down to it, she's also Steven's peer in a way that Garnet and Pearl just aren't even when they try to include Steven.
And now this song sets them up as parallels in other contexts, too. They're both from earth! They both don't wholly belong in one category (Steven as a half gem, half human, Amethyst as a Crystal Gem who never fought in the rebellion and whose existence runs against the Crystal Gems' original wishes for Earth), and as we are about to learn, they both came into existence at the cost of other life and might harbour guilt about it, even though they had literally no say in this.
And then later on they continue to be parallels, especially in season 3 (though they share the child of divorce energy during the Sardonyx Arc). They both compare themselves to impossible standards of what they 'should' be (Steven to the idea of Rose, Amethyst to Jasper) and it is their recognition of their own struggles in each other that allows them to at least partially overcome them. No wonder Smoky Quartz is Steven's first fusion with another gem!
Next up: Do It For Her, sung by Pearl and Connie.
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Speaking of parallels! It's pretty obvious watching the episode that Pearl is spending some time in projection city regarding absolute devotion to a beloved, if not revered partner, but she might actually be closer to the truth in some respects than she realises.
Remember Lion 2: The Movie? When Connie said that she didn't understand why Steven would hang out with someone as normal as her? Doesn't this remind us of someone else who feels like she's objectively inferior to a special (in several ways) someone? Someone who stepped out of the predetermined role she was supposed to fill to join her loved one on their dangerous path? Who lived a double life to avoid retribution from controlling authority figures? Couldn't say.
Also, they're both the knowledgable planner to their all loving goofball partner.
With all of this, I think Do It For Her both draws parallels between Pearl and Connie as well as Pearlrose and Connverse, and shows us how the example of Pearl and Rose's unresolved dysfunction could stop Steven and Connie from falling into the same trap before it was too late. I think seeing Pearl demonstrate the end of the road they were beginning to walk was what enabled Steven to step in before they got to Pearlrose's point, where Pearl was to deep in her self sacrificing mindset for Rose to reach her.
And finally, Here Comes A Thought for Garnet and Stevonnie.
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First of all, obviously, Garnet and Stevonnie as an embodiment of the love and harmony between Ruby and Sapphire and Steven and Connie respectively.
It also draws parallels between Ruby and Connie and Steven and Sapphire though. (I saw a great meta about that in my lurking days, which I will link here if someone could kindly direct me to it). Sapphire and Steven as people who would rather bury negative feelings, like Sapphire tries to in Keystone Motel and Steven in... the entirety of suf to name just the most prominent one. Which of course only leads to more problems in the long run, because they haven't processed the feelings at all.
On the other hand, the comparison with Ruby draws attention to a trait of Connie's we maybe wouldn't have noticed otherwise: She is, for the lack of a better term, much more confrontational about things that make her unhappy. Just look at The New Crystal Gems.
Also, letting Ruby and Sapphire demonstrate their conflict resolution for Steven and Connie gives us an insight into what goes into keeping Garnet together through everything. Love takes work indeed. It's also worth pointing out that Connverse have been paralleled with both Pearlrose, Rupphire and (a little bit in We Need To Talk) Gregrose this way.
This show has so many layers, I swear, I'll be on my deathbed and I'll still find new nuances to write an essay about. Well done, Crewniverse.
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hydriad81194 · 9 months
Do you guys think that Phil and Missa hold hands while sleeping like otters do in the hopes that when they awake, the other will still be holding their hand, regardless of if they are awake or not, and how disappointed they get when they find the other has drifted away, despite all they’ve done to stay together
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marauders-bs · 3 months
barty who spent his time in azkaban, and his time under the imperius curse, working to get out to see evan again– evan who waited on barty in the afterlife forever
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uncouthseaslug · 2 months
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Redraw of an actual picture of me and my friend taking a nap at Anime Expo. Shoutout to the guy who saw us and commented “Bucciarati had one too many drinks” as well as the girls who walked by and just went “awww” (?????)
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
#44 from this prompt list w/ Choso🤎
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"Please...Cho, baby. Let up for just a second. I have a crick in my neck-!"
You begged Choso while looking at him over your shoulder.
His heavy thighs slammed against your ass while one hand held both your hands behind your back and the other wrapped around your throat.
The cold, stainless steel of his rings dug into the flesh of your neck while he just stared down into your eyes with his cold brown ones.
"Well, if you would have just kept your face in the pillow like I told you, you wouldn't be having this problem, now would you?"
He punctuated his question with a particularly hard thrust that made his heavy balls smack against your clit.
"Ah, Cho.. I'm sorry, baby! Just please, I-!"
Removing his hand from your throat, he grabbed ahold of your hair and forced your head back down to where he'd wanted it in the first place.
"If I have to stop what I'm doing, you won't be able to walk for the next week. Understand?"
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frenchietoastieboy · 1 month
tap, tap, tap
(Little wanderrose soulmate au I wrote-they feel each other’s pain so skip if you aren’t comfy 🫶🏻. Hope you enjoy! Below the cut!)
Wander sat slumped against the wall, breath coming out in short wheezes. Every time he inhaled, he seemed to let another smoke cloud in. Each cloud had a bundle of razor sharp teeth it pushed into his mouth. The teeth clawed their way down his throat before ending their agonizing march in his stomach, where they greedily feasted on his insides. He trembled violently, fingers digging into his shorts to try and stabilize himself. A torrential downpour of tears soaked the carpet where he sat. His shirt was pasted to his back with a sheen of sweat.
He wasn’t dying, though-he knew that much. 
If he could tough this out, his soulmate might not die either. He couldn’t imagine them trying to bear the full brunt of this alone. What was happening to them?! Wander cycled through the scrapes his soulmate tended to spring up. There was the occasional bump and bruise…and that particular sensation that broke Wander’s heart every time he felt it. 
Those fingernails dug into his soulmate’s skin too often to be an accident. 
Then again, Wander’s training had left him with some pretty brutal bruises over the years, so hopefully it was just something like that. A particularly sharp stab yanked him back to the present, and he cried out, stuffing his shirt in his mouth to muffle his screams. Screaming just let more smoke in.
 Keep distracting yourself. 
“You…” he started, before trailing off. What, was he going to talk to his soulmate? Another wave of pain crashed, and he nodded. Yes, he was going to talk to his soulmate. Not like they could hear him. 
“This isn’t an accident, is it? Someone hurts you. I don’t know if this is the same person, but it feels on purpose.” He paused, feeling very stupid for doing so. What, was his soulmate going to respond? Wander took a shaky breath before continuing. 
“I’m sorry if they’re there. I hope you know you don’t deserve a second of this, and…I’m glad I can be here with you. Maybe it helps a little? I’m not physically there, but we’re bonded, aren’t we? I’ve thrown you into enough walls. Sorry about that, by the way.” 
It was helping-or maybe his soulmate was just dying. No. Not before Wander even met them. How could they slip through his hands before he even touched them? 
The thought made his breath come faster, inadvertently letting more shards slip down his throat. He brought his shaking hands to his chest, pressing them firmly over his heart. He began speaking again, brain tripping to catch up with his lips. 
“When we meet I’m going to take you on the best dates. I don’t know what you like yet, but I’ll learn. I’m sure I’ll like it too-or we’ll be like my mom and dad where we hate what the other likes but we love them so much we don’t really care. Do you like space? I hope you do.” The pain was dissipating more now, and Wander’s eyes were beginning to involuntarily droop after hours of torment. Was this it?! He fought against the wave of exhaustion, willing himself to stay awake and alert enough to go find them. Anything to avoid grieving a lifetime of those little moments he wanted so badly. His body felt like lead, no matter how loudly he ordered it to get up. 
“Please don’t die. Please. I haven’t even met you,” he babbled against his fading consciousness. With the last of his wakefulness, he brought his fingers to his left shoulder. His soulmate wouldn’t get it, but Wander had to try. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. As many times as he could. 
I love you. 
I love you. 
I love you…
It was a fitful sleep, peppered with colorful nightmares and sharp gasps awake. There was a continual pricking in his left shoulder, and he froze. Was he imagining it? No, this was definitely real. And it hurt. Wander nearly sobbed with relief.
“You’re alive,” he squeezed the afflicted shoulder. At least he could breathe without feeling the teeth-compared to last night, the shoulder was little more than an annoying gnat buzzing at his side. 
Wander moved about his morning slowly-it felt selfish, given that his soulmate didn’t get to recuperate before hurting again, but wow, he was exhausted. 
Oh, his shoulder wasn’t hurting anymore. He should probably change-his shirt was damp with sweat and tears, uncomfortably clinging to his arms. As he rummaged for a clean shirt, a flash of gold  on his shoulder gave him pause. 
His left shoulder. 
Slowly, he walked towards the mirror on the other end of the room. 
A tattoo. Wander couldn’t help but guffaw, throwing his head back. Had his soulmate really gotten a tattoo after all that?! 
“You’re tough, aren’t you?” he wiped the tears from his eyes, stepping closer to the mirror. 
What did it mean? Wander didn’t know, but it paraded across his shoulder. The lettering was jagged, forming angles that collided with each other to craft a mosaic of golden shards. He rubbed it fondly with his thumb. It wasn’t what he’d pick for a tattoo, but he loved it-the way one might love a haircut they never thought they could pull off. 
 Wander grinned in the mirror, imagining them with their matching tattoos. They were going to be just fine-Wander’s soulmate clearly wasn’t going down without a fight. He twisted and turned in the mirror, admiring the tattoo. 
“It’s beautiful. ‘Lose yourself’-it must be really important to you. You’ll have to tell me what it means later, okay?” He pressed his fingers against the lettering. Tap, tap, tap. 
I love it. 
I love you.
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starstruckodysseys · 1 year
girl help there are themes and motifs in my comedy musical improv show
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hezekiahwakely · 5 months
There's something so, so.... I don't know. Sickly anticipatory? About wanting to see the fallout from MAG 200 in somewhere else. Yes it's a good space to make fluff and comfort for the characters yes its healing to imagine them living out the rest of their lives in domestic bliss. But I can't stop thinking about the fallout. The pain of that betrayal and misunderstanding. The worst it could bring out in both of them.
I want to see them have to figure out how to live with themselves, and make an effort to love each other and come back to each other over and over again. I want to see them heal from their experiences, but I want it to be realistic. I want it messy and ugly and relapsing and I want it to hurt before they come out on the other side.
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elminx · 5 months
I find it fascinating that so many people were so all in on how that lunar eclipse was going to be the most perfect day to make magic and enact change and Jupiter conjunct Uranus was *right there*. Waiting for us on the horizon.
This Saturday, Tumbleweeds. If you need to make a change, this is it. This conjunction comes up once every 12 years. It's the real deal. Think big.
Taurus babies - this goes double for you. Especially you mid to late Tauruses.
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