super-metroid · 5 years
What is your preferred trainer class?
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coniferscribbles · 5 years
Conifer I want to marry your Corn
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Get your game on my guy, she’s already hooked.
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tokai-teio · 5 years
I challenge you to find a girl in manga that is sweeter than Miku Okazaki from Gal Gohan
miku is undeniably sweet and i love her, but i think senko easily blows her out of the water in that regard
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carnival-phantasm · 6 years
congratulations on luring 13,000 victims to Brazil, here's to the next 13,000
They can’t resist the pizza
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abirdandabeast · 7 years
Raven being the pursuer....
1 (Terrible) - 2 (Bleh) - 3 (It’s okay, I guess) - 4 (I like this) - 5 (YOU CAN PRY THIS FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS) 
I love this. I mean, I can enjoy writing or reading a good fic where BB gains the courage to take the first step, but given BB’s history of self loathing and lack of confidence makes this a fantastic, in character trope where Raven gets to shine.
Like, Raven having to take up the mantle and be all, “Hey, Gar, I LIKE YOU. Take me out.” And BB being all, “Uh…what…” is great and good and pure.
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books-entre-letras · 8 years
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- "Cartas cruzadas", Marcus Susak.
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officialravendc · 8 years
amistillfeeling replied to your post: Writing a fic, because fuck my personal life
Don’t give up Raven! Writing is a muscle you exercise, even if you think you aren’t good at it
Don’t worry. I recognise that I do actually happen to be good at writing. It’s just difficult.
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titansanctuary · 6 years
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The Official BBRae Discord is now accepting new members!
The BBRae Sanctuary was funded in 2016 and has evolved throughout the years. Through trial and error, we have created a positive and fun place for all BBRae shippers to come and enjoy the ship they love. We welcome fans of any and all adaptions of the ship, including but not limited to, TTA, TTG, Titans, DCAU, and DC Comics!
Being a Member includes:
- Exclusive access to streams of popular TV shows, movies, and video games!
- Exclusive previews of fan art and fan fics created by some of the fandoms most popular and talented artists and authors!
- Having a community to share your interests with, even outside of fandom!
- Being the first to know when events in the fandom are happening!
- And being able to interact within the fandom, hopefully forming new friendships along the way!
For more information on how to join, please visit our blog @titansanctuary or contact a mod listed below. We look forward to meeting you!
- @fireflyxrebel (Head Mod)
- @abirdandabeast
- @loubuggins
- @nightglider124
- @hodgeofthepodge
- @amistillfeeling
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loubuggins · 5 years
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better ; tagged by @bthehappyperegrine
001. Favorite Color: Blue 💙
002. Top 3 Ships: BBRae, Allurance, and um...the third one changes depending on my mood, but I’ll say TJSpin considering I wrote fics for them.
003. Last Song: i love you by Billie Eilish
004: Last Movie: Shazam! Saw it yesterday!
Tagging: @nightglider124 @snowdragon4 @hodgeofthepodge @amistillfeeling @tinzarone @honestbbrae @kiome-yasha @abirdandabeast @crysta-loves-titans
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based-bobcat · 5 years
*silently places my hand on your shoulder*
C’mon like, they’re addicted to remasters haha. That means thEY HAVE TO
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super-metroid · 5 years
Lass MADDISON wants to battle!
someone please draw me as a pokemon trainer i will love you forever
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vixensheart · 7 years
Comic meme thing
I was tagged by @azarath-evo!
Favorite Character: Beast Boy
Favorite Team: Teen Titans
Favorite Publisher: I haven't read enough comics to know the publishers... ���
Favorite Writer: I like Geoff Johns, he writes a good Beast Boy.
Favorite Artist: Hmm. Not sure.
Favorite Indie Book: Again, not sure. Is Saga an indie book?
Favorite DC Character: Beast Boy
Favorite Marvel Character: Probabky Spider-Man. I dunno if Groot counts, since I've only seen the movie, but dammit I love that guy.
Favorite Adaptation: I really love Johns' run of the Titans so yeah.
Favorite Comic Movie: Probably Spider-Man Homecoming or Wonder Woman.
Favorite Ships: BBRae, DickKory, WonderSteve, and idk of this was in the comics but Michelle Jones and Peter Parker cuz that was cute in the movie.
Unpopular Opinion: Uh...well I’m not a huge fan of all of the batfamily. I love Dick, I like Batman, the others are just okay. Probs cuz they tend to get wayy more spotlight than other characters, and I find that frustrating. I also dislike how writers can and do use them as a self insert for themselves. They deserve better than that. 
Idk who to tag! @lightdusk, @amistillfeeling, or anyone else who wants to! XD
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tokai-teio · 5 years
Prefix I want "Gyaru" to be a manga sound effect. It's the sound of seeing a gyaru and immediately falling in love with her
that’s extremely valid
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carnival-phantasm · 6 years
You are slowly transitioning from Uma Musume fan to just genuine racing horse fan
We all know everything I learned about racing horses was just because of that anime, I’m hoping I won’t get into some bad mobile game just because of it too
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abirdandabeast · 8 years
I had a one shot idea I love but I just couldn't get onto paper so would you like to have it? "Beast Boy is mortally wounded and Raven can't heal him, so she breaks magic laws and binds his soul to hers as a familiar, saving him. She hates herself for doing it to him but he's utterly thankful, there's no one who he would rather give his soul to"
Robberies were the worst. Almost always, they were inexperienced, or at least had someone in the group who had no idea what the hell they were doing. And always, without fail, someone ended up getting hurt. 
Raven liked to think that it was merely a coincidence, but she knew from experience that it had more to do with fear than anything. Criminals feared them. It was nothing new about working in the superhero business, especially one with a shining reputation like the Titans. 
They were intimidating. 
The hammer of justice that descended upon criminals; that was the Titans. So it made perfect sense that the cowardly troop of lowly bank robbers quaked before them. 
Raven batted them aside with her magic, her eyes nearly rolling into the back of her head from how painfully easy this was. According to the media, this band of robbers were supposed to be up and coming in the villainous world; scary and merciless, not above shooting a civilian or two. But to Raven, these guys were a joke. 
One of them nearly wet his pants at the sight of her. 
It didn’t help that she was an empath, and could sense every single spine tingling emotion that dripped out from their oddly shaped skulls. Raven almost laughed while she pummeled them to dust, unable to handle their fierce demeanors when she knew they all wanted to tuck tails and run. 
The idiots had decided that it would be a great idea to try and rob one of the largest jewelry stores in Jump City. Of course, the Titans were alerted right away, and now they were kicking these robbers’ sorry asses into next year. 
“Raven, look out!” 
She effortlessly dodged the fist coming her way, latching onto the perpetrator’s wrist and sending him flying across the lobby in one, swift movement. She turned to give Beast Boy a shout of thanks, only to freeze at the sight of him charging towards her. 
A ferocious growl erupted from his throat, and he launched himself up over her, erupting into a tiger as he landed atop one of the robbers. 
Raven had been so caught up in the roller coaster of emotions around her, she hadn’t even noticed him. 
She stared a moment in shock, watching the robber as he held Beast Boy back with a bat, trying to keep the tiger’s fangs from taking a bite out of him. Not that Beast Boy would ever do that. But the robbers didn’t know that. 
And Raven was certain Beast Boy wanted to keep it that way. 
The pounding of footsteps drew her out of her trance, and Raven whirled around with her fists raised, dark energy crackling up her arms. One of the perps ran at her, weapon raised. She caught him in a net of black magic, batting him away like it was nothing. 
A strangled grunt had her whipping back around. A gasp caught in her throat, and time slowed. 
Beast Boy swayed over the robber, whose hand gripped the shaft of something embedded within the shapeshifter’s gut. There was a beat where the two stared at each other, both of them wide-eyed in shock. Then Beast Boy keeled over, falling in a heap atop the robber, who shoved him to the side and scrambled away. 
The sight of her comrade falling spurred Raven into action. She ran to his side, a garbled scream tearing at her throat. 
She dropped to her knees, something sticky and warm clinging to her skin. Blood. His blood. Tears burned at her eyes as she clutched at his arm, gently turning him over. 
It was a knife. At least, by the looks of the handle. A dagger, perhaps. Regardless, it was shoved unceremoniously into Beast Boy’s gut, blood swelling around it and staining his lower half. Raven gulped, reaching for the injury with shaking hands. 
She could fix this. 
She had to fix this. 
Tears spilled down her cheeks and she muttered her mantra, trying to build up the courage to remove the knife. 
“Rae,” Beast Boy croaked. 
“Shh,” she hissed. “I-I need to get this out.” 
Beast Boy’s hand covered hers, and he gently pried her fingers off the hilt. In a swift motion, he ripped the dagger free of himself, crying out in agony as he did so. “There,” he rasped, letting the bloodied weapon clatter to the floor. “Happy?” 
His joking tone was quite the contrast to the situation, and Raven wasn’t sure if she wanted to smack him, or sob like a baby. Instead, she powered onward, pressing her trembling hands onto the gushing wound and muttering her mantra like a lifeline, relishing in the healing power that flowed from her fingertips. 
She could do this. 
“Raven,” Beast Boy whispered, his voice rough. She ignored him, fervently trying to pour every ounce of healing she could into him. Raven could almost feel the energy draining as fast as she provided it, and it scared her. 
Raven sniffed, glaring at him. “I’m trying to heal you,” she growled. He lifted a hand to her face, brushing softly at her cheek. There was a faraway look in his eyes, accompanied by a tenderness she’d never noticed before. 
“I…I need to…tell you something…” 
She shook her head. “N-no. Stop that. You’re going to be fine.” Her voice came out as a growl, and she scowled at her own abrasiveness. 
“I’m not letting you die.” 
As soon as she said it, Raven knew that she meant it. Maybe she was selfish, but she didn’t care. In that moment, staring death in the face, Raven decided to break the natural cycle. She was going to spit at death’s face, and nothing was going to stop her. 
Raven took a deep breath, shutting out the world around her. Her eyes fluttered shut, and immediately a map of auras lit up the area around her, like a starry night sky. She slowly blocked out all of their glow, focusing solely on the flickering light beside her. Her hands moved to Beast Boy’s chest, and she allowed her breathing to sync with his erratic gasps. 
Her eyes snapped open, and she began to speak. 
“Vitae, mortem, immortalitatem. Vitae, mortem, immortalitatem. Et hanc animam sicut vinctum ad reliqua in aeternum.” 
A bolt of magical energy exploded out of her with a bang. Raven fell back from the sheer force of it, her body slamming into the cold, marble floor. She sat up, dazed, when a bright, blinding light burned at her eyes.
Raven shielded her face, gaping up at the floating shape of Beast Boy. He was glowing. She watched, fascinated, as fiery red symbols scrawled across his body, shining like pinpricks of firelight in the darkness of night. The symbols began to flash brighter and faster, before erupting into a brighter light that made her squeeze her eyes shut. 
Her arm was on fire. Raven let out a gasp, her eyes snapping open as she clutched at her wrist. A symbol glowed white on her skin, matching the abstract markings that had just blanketed Beast Boy. As quickly as it appeared, it vanished, though Raven could have sworn she saw a silvery sheen left behind. 
The light around her faded, and Raven stared at Beast Boy’s still form in front of her. For a terrifying moment, she thought he was dead. He didn’t move. Not even a little. She watched his chest with bated breath, hoping that her little stunt wasn’t for nothing, when she felt it. 
Beast Boy? she thought. 
His eyes fluttered open, and he gasped, gazing up at her in wonder. He was alive. 
Tears dripped down her face, and she laughed. What she’d done was probably illegal; a great break in the laws of magic, but Raven didn’t care. She lurched forward and gathered Beast Boy up in her arms, sobbing uncontrollably as she relished in his warmth. 
He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight. “I’m here,” he whispered, over and over again. “I’m here.” 
It was then that Raven realized why she did it; she loved him. Selfishly so. And while there was going to be serious repercussions for what she had done, Raven found that she simply did not care. 
Instead, she clung to him, worrying only about the sweet sound of his gentle breathing. 
Well, this was a beast. I tried so hard to keep this as original as possible, since the first thing I thought of when I read the request was Birds In the Rain. Hopefully I did my job and kept it new and exciting! I plan on continuing this too, since the story doesn’t seem to be quite over yet. ;) 
Enjoy, Ami! :D
-mod vixensheart 
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norulesontheark · 7 years
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I eventually found a thylacoleo, who was completely uninterested in pouncing on me (Not that I minded). She’s an excellent hunter, she’s great in dangerous areas.
@amistillfeeling will appreciate the name I gave her.
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