#ammon hennacy
radiofreederry · 11 months
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Happy birthday, Ammon Hennacy! (July 23, 1893)
An influential Catholic anarchist and pacifist, Ammon Hennacy was involved in left-wing politics from a young age as a member of the Socialist Party of America. Resisting the draft in World War I, Hennacy was imprisoned alongside other socialists including leading socialist Eugene Debs. While in prison he came to embrace anarchism and pacifism, and after his release spent time wandering, learning, and organizing. He became involved with the Catholic Worker movement, and in 1961 moved to Salt Lake City, organizing the Joe Hill House of Hospitality. While there, Hennacy continued his activism while also mentoring younger anarchists including folksinger Utah Phillips. Hennacy refused to pay taxes to fund war and protested against the death penalty many times throughout his life, among other actions. He died in Salt Lake City in 1970.
"Your damn laws! The good people don't need them, and the bad people don't obey them."
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victusinveritas · 3 months
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oldinterneticons · 2 years
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"Being a pacifist between wars is as easy as being a vegetarian between meals." - Ammon Hennacy
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maiathebee · 1 year
But living in community is saving Ammon.  He is learning not to give the ready answer to every problem, not to be surprised at criticism, at the nagging that goes with community life.  He is learning to recognize that all men have their various talents, physical, mental and spiritual. That the vocation of one is not the vocation of all.
Dorothy Day on her friend, at the time a fellow-Catholic Worker and always an activist, Ammon Hennacy, who later of a heart attack that came while picketing the Death Penalty in Salt Lake City.
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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Chapter 5. Crime
Recommended Reading
Kristian Williams, Our Enemies in Blue. Brooklyn: Soft Skull Press, 2004.
Jamie Bissonette, When the Prisoners Ran Walpole: A True Story in the Movement for Prison Abolition, Cambridge: South End Press, 2008.
Dennis Sullivan and Larry Tifft, Restorative Justice: Healing the Foundations of Our Everyday Lives, Monsey, NY: Willow Tree Press, 2001.
Graham Kemp and Douglas P. Fry (eds.), Keeping the Peace: Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Societies around the World, New York: Routledge, 2004.
Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: the Birth of the Prison, New York: Pantheon Books, 1977.
Ammon Hennacy, The Book of Ammon. Salt Lake City: Catholic Worker Books, 1970.
Fred Woodworth, The Match! an anarchist periodical published in Tucson.
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anarchist-quotes-1312 · 2 months
An anarchist is someone who doesn't need a cop to make him behave. Ammon Hennacy
— AnarchistQuotes.com
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2020cookie · 11 months
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my-life-fm · 1 year
Like a little flag in the wind.
Like a little flag in the wind.
Nur zwischen den Kriegenein Pazifist zu sein, ist so,wie nur zwischen den Mahlzeitenein Vegetarier zu sein. Ammon Hennacy – zit. nach: Frieden stiften – jeden Tag Impressum/Datenschutz/Datensicherheit
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brambonius · 2 years
“Love without courage and wisdom is sentimentality, as with the ordinary church member. Courage without love and wisdom is foolhardiness, as with the ordinary soldier. Wisdom without love and courage is cowardice, as with the ordinary intellectual. But the one who has love, courage and wisdom moves the world.”
Ammon Hennacy, from 'the book of Ammon' (a weird autobiography of an idiosyncratic Christian anarchist vagabond, but at least sometimes he gets right what most people get wrong)
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black-flag-preacher · 7 years
The philosophy upon which my action is based is that of the Christian Anarchist, who regards all government as based upon the return of evil for evil in the courts, legislature and prisons. Opposition to all government is therefore a necessary part of the daily life of one who seeks to follow the Sermon on the mount.
Ammon Hennacy, "1952 Tax Statement" from the book "The Autobiography of a Catholic Anarchist"
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Utah Phillips! (May 15, 1935)
A prolific singer-songwriter in the American folk tradition and a committed member of the Industrial Workers of the World, Bruce "Utah" Phillips was born in Cleveland, Ohio, but spent his formative years growing up in Salt Lake City, Utah. After serving in the US Army during the Korean War, Phillips, deeply affected by the death and destruction he had not only seen but caused, spent some time wandering America, hopping trains and getting into fights. Eventually he returned to Utah and became an acolyte of the Catholic anarchist Ammon Hennacy, who introduced Phillips to both anarchism and pacifism, philosophies which Phillips would hold fast to for the rest of his life. Phillips became a keeper and teller of stories, collecting the experiences and lives of older generations of radicals and ensuring that they would not be forgotten. He helped to preserve the traditional IWW songbook and mentor the next generation of folk singers. Phillips also hosted a radio show, Loafer's Glory, which ran for 100 episodes in national syndication. Phillips eventually settled in Nevada City, California, where he was active in community organizing and helped to found a homeless shelter. In ill health in his last years, Phillips died in 2008.
"I have a good friend in the East, who comes to my shows and says, you sing a lot about the past, you can't live in the past, you know. I say to him, I can go outside and pick up a rock that's older than the oldest song you know, and bring it back in here and drop it on your foot. Now the past didn't go anywhere, did it? It's right here, right now."
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placeofdiscipleship · 7 years
Love without courage and wisdom is sentimentality, as with the ordinary church member. Courage without love and wisdom is foolhardiness, as with the ordinary soldier. Wisdom without love and courage is cowardice, as with the ordinary intellectual. But the one who has love, courage, and wisdom moves the world.
Ammon Hennacy
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nagasakidivision · 2 years
Haruto Hirabayashi: Division Leader Impressions
Ichiro Yamada
So, a full time job supporting his siblings, and both of them are…a handful. Well, he’s got his work cut out for him, I can’t say I envy him. Considering he’s doing and still manages to keep a positive attitude does say something about him, I guess.
Samatoki Aohitsugi
“Force is the weapon of the weak.” Ammon Hennacy. Do I really need to say any more? Using violence to make the world in the image you want just creates more uncertainty in people who can’t see the reasoning behind your actions, which creates more violence among the insecure who see their lives being threatened. Nobody can see into your intentions but you. No matter how pure they are, if you commit an evil act people can only see the evil.
Ah, I shouldn’t waste my breath on him, though, right? It’s not like he’d care.
Ramuda Amemura
He feels completely fake. N-not that I have proof of that or anything. It’s just a hunch. Nobody could possibly be that over-the-top cheerful without faking it, right?
⁽ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵃᵗ ˡᵉᵃˢᵗ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵒⁿᵉ ᶦˢ ˢʰᵒʳᵗᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵐᵉ⁾
…What? Noooo-o, I didn’t say anything. You’re hearing things.
Jakurai Jinguji
I feel like we’d have a lot in common. It’d be nice to talk with him, I want to see what he’d do to bring his better world about. Being a doctor is probably a good start, all things considered, and he does seem to be in it for saving people and not the money.
Sasara Nurude
One day during the preliminaries, he came up to me, and we were talking. He seems friendly, but he told me, “Us rural divisions gotta stick together!” but he’s from Osaka? Osaka isn’t rural, is it? I mean, it’s practically ten times the size of Nagasaki…
Kuko Harai
Aha, I get it! Some Zen Buddhist monks use unconventional behavior try to shock people into a moment of enlightenment, right? That’s why he’s a delinquent. Totally not like a monk! Though, given the nature of anatman, if you go around picking fights, wouldn’t you be actually fighting yourself…? But not really, if there’s no self, so—you know what, never mind. I’m going to give myself a headache.
Kazusato Doan
Yeah, we’re technically after the same thing, so I can’t really avoid him. That doesn’t mean we’re going to get along and the less I have to deal with him and those two thugs the better. Whatever world he thinks he’s going to be building, I’m not going to let myself or anyone else live in it.
Jinpachi Ho-zuki
Him and his team are our drinking buddies! He’s got more thoughts in his head than you’d think. We had a long talk about things and we’ve got way more in common than I thought.
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fullpraxisnow · 5 years
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Anarchy: What It Is and Why Pop Culture Loves It | Kim Kelly 
Anarchism 101:
Are You An Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You! by David Graeber
Everything you ever wanted to know about anarchism (1980 approx.)
An Anarchist FAQ
What Is Anarchism? An Introduction (1995) by Freedom Press
Anarchism: a beginner’s guide (2005)
No Gods No Masters: An Anthology of Anarchism (Released 1980, This Edition 2005) by Daniel Guerin
Anarchism: From Theory to Practice (1970) by Daniel Guerin
To Get to the Other Side: a journey through Europe and its anarchist movements (2010) by Peter Gelderloos
Marxism, Freedom and the State (written between 1867 and 1872) by Mikhail Bakunin
Bakunin on Anarchy (1971)
Basic Bakunin (2007) by the Anarchist Federation
The Soul of Man under Socialism (1891) by Oscar Wilde
Anarchy (1891) by Errico Malatesta
Anarchism and Other Essays (1910) by Emma Goldman
No Treason (1867) by Lysander Spooner
The State: Its Historic Role (1896) by Peter Kropotkin
How Nonviolence Protects the State (2007) by Peter Gelderloos
The Accused, the accusers: the famous speeches of the eight Chicago anarchists in court when asked if they had anything to say why sentence should not be passed upon them. On October 7th, 8th and 9th, 1886, Chicago, Illinois.
Anarcho-Feminism: Two Statements (1971) by Black Maria and Red Rosia
Feminism, Class and Anarchism (2007) by Dierdre Hogan
Love without borders? Intimacy, identity and the state of compulsory monogamy (2010) by Jamie Heckert
Women, the State, and the Family by E. Moraletat
Gender is a Weapon: Coercion, domination and self-determination bySally Darity
No Authority But Oneself: The Anarchist Feminist Philosophy of Autonomy and Freedom by Sharon Presley
Communist Anarchism:
Introduction to anarchist communism (2010) by the Anarchist Federation
What Is Communist Anarchism? (1929) by Alexander Berkman
What is Anarchist Communism? (2008) by Wayne Price
The Conquest of Bread (1906) by Peter Kropotkin
Basic Kropotkin (2008) by the Anarchist Federation
A Talk About Anarchist Communism Between Two Workers (1898) by Errico Malatesta
Fields, Factories, and Workshops (1912) by Peter Kropotkin
The End of Anarchism? (1925) by Luigi Galleani
The Struggle Against the State and Other Essays by Nestor Makhno
Anarchism: arguments for and Against by Albert Meltzer
The Floodgates of Anarchy (1970) by Albert Meltzer and Stuart Christie
Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unbridgeable Chasm(1995) by Murray Bookchin
Durruti in the Spanish Revolution (2006) by Abel Paz
Anarchy Works (2010) by Peter Gelderloos
Marx’s Economics for Anarchists: An Anarchist’s Introduction to Marx’s Critique of Political Economy (2012) by Wayne Price
Insurrectionary anarchism:
Why Insurrection? (1982) by Alfredo M. Bonanno
Armed Joy (1977) by Alfredo M. Bonanno
For An Anti-authoritarian Insurrectionalist International (1993) by Alfredo M. Bonanno
A Critique of Syndicalist Methods (1998) by Alfredo M. Bonanno
The Insurrectional Project (1998) by Alfredo M. Bonanno
Some Notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism by sasha k
Anarcho Platformism:
Contemporary Platformism: a critical study (2010) by Karl Klien
Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Draft): The new translation, the debate, the history & the platform today
About the Platform (1927 - 1929) by Errico Malatesta and Nestor Makhno
Insurrectional Anarchism vs. Class-Struggle Anarchism by Wayne Price
Anarcho Syndicalism:
Fighting for ourselves: Anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle (2012) by the Solidarity Federation
Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism (2009) by AK Press
Anarcho-syndicalism in the 20th Century (2009) by Vadim Damier
Anarchosyndicalism (1938) by Rudolf Rocker
Anarchism and Anarcho-syndicalism (1949) by Rudolf Rocker
The Tragedy of Spain (1937) by Rudolf Rocker
Free Women of Spain (1991) by Martha A. Ackelsberg
To Remember Spain: The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936 (1994) by Murray Bookchin
Green Anarchism:
Post-Scarcity Anarchism (1971) by Murray Bookchin
Feral Revolution and other essays by Feral Faun
Anarcho Primitivism
Why Primitivism? by John Zerzan
Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections (2005) by John Zerzan
Against His-Story, Against Leviathan! (1983) by Fredy Perlaman
Why I am not an Anti-Primitivist (2010) by Lawrence Jarach
A Mutualist FAQ
The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A Low-Overhead Manifesto (2010) by Kevin Carson
Studies in Mutualist Political Economy (2007) by Kevin Carson
Organization Theory: A Libertarian Perspective (2008) by Kevin Carson
What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government (1840) by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
The Philosophy of Poverty (1847) by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Queer Anarchism:
The short instructional manifesto for relationship anarchy (2006) by Andie Nordgren
Polyamory and Queer Anarchism: Infinite Possibilities for Resistance (2012) by Susan Song
Radical Queers and Class Struggle: A Match to Be Made Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire by Gayge Operaista
Christian Anarchism:
The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth (1906)
The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1894) by Leo Tolstoy
The Book of Ammon (1965) by Ammon Hennacy
The Autobiography of a Catholic Anarchist (1954) by Ammon Hennacy
This list was originally complied by a Tumblr user who deactivated. If somebody knows who they are to credit, please message me. 
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madamlaydebug · 3 years
A Mass Distancing From Government Is Necessary in Order to Escape the Tyranny We Face!
Despite the popular idea of anarchists as violent men, Anarchism is the one non-violent social philosophy.… The function of the Anarchist is two-fold. By daily courage in non-cooperation with the tyrannical forces of the State and the Church, he helps to tear down present society; the Anarchist by daily cooperation with his fellows in overcoming evil with good-will and solidarity builds toward the anarchistic commonwealth which is formed by voluntary action with the right of secession.
- Ammon Hennacy, “The Book of Ammon"
The ruling class will always and forever defend aggressively against any separation from their rule, because they fully understand that secession is meant as a way for the people to protect their liberty from those in power that would strive to destroy it. While it is a simple concept, it is vastly misunderstood, and is certainly the only way to achieve true freedom. Perception in most cases leads to reality, so a change in perception about the moral right to be free is necessary in order to understand that the state is the enemy of the people.
Secession is the natural right of all people, and can only be successfully achieved by individual dissolution from the state. It cannot be successful through any political process or voting that aims to amend the governing system into another form of government. Past history has certainly shown this to be the case. For if eliminating all government power leads to individual freedom, then rebuilding another governing structure that allows for certain powers over the people by the political class will only end in more tyranny. That is why states seceding through the political process, but retaining political power at the state level will naturally fail. When people decide to separate from what is referred to as the “Union,” a further separation is mandatory if true liberty is to be won and sustained.
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lyonofsaintmark · 4 years
Hey, so, being extra I decided to do a two part playlist for SAMAEL. First one is metal flavor, second one is southern gothic. Liner notes and links below the cut. :V
(Art credit for the covers to Cam!)
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HEAVEN SENT / (side a)
BISHOP PIERRE CAUCHON: The church opens her arms to you, but if you do not sign, the Church will turn her back to you, and you will stand alone. JOAN OF ARC: Alone? Yes, alone....with God! --The Passion of Joan of Arc
Leo Hawke, the human bound to the divine.
ULTRAnumb (Blue Stahli)
Violated, so degraded The show has just begun Dominated by all you hated This will make you ultranumb
Drag Me to Hell (Lord of the Lost)
The more I reach out for Heaven The more you drag me to Hell
Better the Devil (Tim Skold)
Tear my soul apart Drown me in your sea of darkness I’ll be your lucky star If you promise that you’ll never let me go Better the Devil you know
Losing My Religion (Lacuna Coil)
Oh, life It’s bigger than you And you are not me The lengths that I would go to The distance in your eyes
Devil in My Life (Grace Jones)
Devil in my life, treading on thin ice With your words so wise, always in disguise Devil in my life, I’ve seen it in your lies Slowly mesmerized, as I fall you rise
Operation: Mindcrime (Queensryche)
It just takes a minute And you’ll feel no pain Gotta make something of your life, boy Gimme one more vein You’ve come to see the doctor ‘cause he’ll show you the cure I’m gonna take away your questions, yeah I’m gonna make you sure
Wings of Feather and Wax (Killer be Killed)
I never stopped to notice The fire in your hand A burning so consuming But now I understand And now I’ve fallen like Icarus to land Too late to kill the flames I fanned
Ambassador (Evergrey)
I am light to cast away shadow Spirit, Holy Ghost, and even Jesus God walking Earth Ambassador
Just Like You (Celldweller)
It’s the dark of night and I’m at the end of my line Alone in my head and waiting for something divine To answer me Drowning in silence, the internal violence I pray to make it through
Flight on an Angel’s Wing (Deadsoul Tribe)
Come with me, my friend Come with me and clear your mind So tired of the lies they laid upon you Open your eyes and you’ll see I’m going to take a flight on an angel’s wing Far and away She’ll carry me home
Small Town Boy (Paradise Lost)
Mother will never understand why you had to leave But the answers you seek will never be found at home No, the love that you want will never be found at home Run away, turn away
A Demon’s Fate (Within Temptation)
Angels have faith I don’t want to be a part of his sin I don’t want to get lost in his world I won’t play this game
Gates of Hell (Timeless Miracle)
Far beyond the gates of Hell Tricked the Devil, broke his spell Traveling ‘round the River Styx to freedom
A Grave Mistake (Ice Nine Kills)
But I heard that you reap what you sow So here’s to believing in ghosts And when you see my face you’ll know You can’t save yourself or save your soul When you meet the man whose life you stole On weathered wings and broken bones A fight for the fallen, flies the Crow
Lost and Damned (Kamelot)
Don’t ask why Don’t be sad Sometimes we all must alter paths we’ve planned Only try to understand I want to save you from the lost and damned
House of Eternal Hunt (Avatar)
It’s my time My darkness, my might divine It has been foretold this land Will live and die by my hand Child to the moon and the storm Silent shadow growing I’m reborn
Darkling (Sirenia)
You’ve got to chase your demons on the run Put out their fires, their dark desires The exorcism has begun Slaying all, leaving none
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/ HELL BENT (side b)
If there is a hell, it’s what Christians have made of this world, in Christ’s name. -- Ammon Hennacy, The Book of Ammon
Lyon Hawke, the angel who fell to earth.
Angels Look Like Hell (Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band)
The Devil don’t live down in Hell The Devil’s right here, doing very well And it’s hard to tell It’s hard to tell When devils look like angels And angels look like hell
Old Devils (William Elliot Whitmore)
From behind these bars the view don’t change Desperation, death and despair From what I hear of the outside world It ain’t so different out there And they tell me there’s a war without no end The old devils are at it again
In the Branches (The Builders and the Butchers)
They left angels singing in the branch of a burning tree Said it was all a game His daddy went and twisted in the bed that he made And you’ll end up the same He went down, down, down Down where the fire is born
Birds with Broken Wings (Ben Caplan)
I climbed up a mountain just to kill my son An angel tried to stop me with a ram Well, he said “Your mind’s infected” But I said “You lack perspective!” You gotta walk the bottom if you wanna see the top
Sins of My Father (Tom Waits)
Does the light of God blind you Or lead the way home for you I’m gonna take the sins of my father I’m gonna take the sins of my brother I’m gonna take the sins of my mother Down to the pond
Laplace’s Angel (Will Wood and the Tapeworms)
You could break an angel’s fall And ignore the devil’s call Still forsaken shoulders fall silent now It’s no more than cultural You and me, inseparable It’s a small Hell, after all
Boy, Decide! (Murder by Death)
There’s a son He is born with a silver spoon in his mouth Go on, boy, admit There’s gotta be something you love Enough to protect
Caves (Brown Bird)
The corners of the heart are caves That echo with the bloodcurling cries of babes We’ve sheltered in a shadow of a doubt Where faith is abated by design
Dream of Sleep (The Peculiar Pretzelmen)
When I dream I dream of sleep And when I sleep I never dream I’m bending and I’m breaking Under weight of the secrets that I keep
Funeral March (Strawfoot)
Good riddance to you You’re in the clear You watched me dying Never shed no tear I used to be a man ‘til lines were drawn Oh, I’m marching on
Old Pine Box (Those Crooked Bastards)
Brother, I have never not been lost The apples on the tree have turned to rot And all around I feel the Lord’s eyes watching If you think I’m gonna whimper Well, I’m not Throw me in an old pine box And nail that lid on top
Some of Adam’s Blues (Quaker City Nighthawks)
My name was written In the foundation Despite our faithlessness You bring salvation And now I know it’s true
God’s Gonna Cut You Down (Johnny Cash)
You may throw your rock Hide your hand Workin’ in the dark against your fellow man But as sure as God made black and white What is done in the dark will be brought to the light
Strawfoot (Sixteen Horsepower)
I am not alone And looks can be deceiving When you get down to it You’re talking when you should be leaving Why is it you don’t want what he’s giving? It ain’t no sin, son, to be forgiven
Dynamite (Devil Makes Three)
I know that it’s coming I ain’t worried now ‘Cause we got enough here to go around And every single person gonna get them some
Hell’s Coming With Me (Poor Man’s Poison)
I am the righteous hand of God And I am the Devil that you forgot And I told you one day you will see I’ll be back, I guarantee And that Hell’s coming with me
I’m Always Walking as Somebody Else (American Murder Song)
Traveler I am Knock-two-three-four God is in your country The Devil’s at your door
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