#amore loveberry
thereal-agentrose · 5 years
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New design for Amore Loveberry
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Here are more Sunverse kids ( will do full reference soon , might redesign them) 1- Crystal Blizzard: She is the 15 year old Daughter Of Rhombulus and unnamed woman. She controls ice and Crystals and is friends with Amber Firestorm, Orion Universe and The Royal Butterfly lucitor Siblings. She got a huge crush on Orion Universe. 2- Orion Universe: Is the 17 Year old son of Omnitraxus Prime and Unnamed woman. He can Space-Time Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation and Travel to alternative Universes. He got a crush on Princess Celestia Butterfly Lucitor. Dislikes Nathaniel ( Toffee ) and best friend of Prince James butterfly lucitor and friends with Crystal blizzard and Amber firestorm. He is popular with girls. 3- Prince James butterfly lucitor: the 16 year old Son Of Queen Star butterfly and King Thomas Butterfly lucitor. Heir to the throne of the underworld. Second child ( middle child) and only son. Brother to Princess Comet Nebula butterfly lucitor and Princess Celestia butterfly lucitor. Friends with Amber firestorm, Orion universe, Kevin and Crystal blizzard. He is popular with both Girls and guys. He got a crush On Amore Loveberry. 4- Kevin: the 15 year old son of Kelly. Twin brother to Aisha Friends with prince James Butterfly lucitor and Celestia Butterfly lucitor. Half brother to Olivia Ordonia and her siblings. Got a crush on Princess Comet butterfly lucitor. 5- Amore “Pink” Loveberry: the 14 Years old Daughter Of Mina Loveberry and Unnamed man. Raised to hate and Kill Monsters, Especially hybrids , but opposite of her mother and wants to live peacefully with monsters and mewmans together. Runway home. Hates her mother and The Rebellion Mewmans. She is understanding girl and accept me and respect monsters. Befriends Celestia butterfly and her friends and family. She got a crush on Prince James butterfly lucitor. Characters belongs to me @svtfoe-nextgen-universes
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bfly-chan · 5 years
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Créditos a pessoa que desenhou essa imagem.
Já pararam para pensar que a vítima de tudo que aconteceu em Mewni foi a Eclipsa e a família dela.
Todos sabem que muitos dos acontecimentos em Mewni foram culpa do Rei Shastaca , ele que mandou cristalizar a Eclipsa e trocou a Meteora pela Festivia.
A Eclipsa é filha da Rainha Solaria que era totalmente contra os monstros, mas a mãe dela morreu quando ela era ainda muito jovem , Eclipsa teve que se casar com alguém que ela não amava e quando conheceu seu verdadeiro amor o Globglor, ela decidiu abandonar tudo para ficar com ele e desce relacionamento nasceu a Mateora.
Globglor é um monstro e obviamente seu relacionamento com ele não foi aceito pelo reino e pelo Conselho da Magia , principalmente seu ex marido ficou super irritado por ter sido trocado por um monstro.
Quando Eclipsa foi cristalizada, O Conselho da Magia e o Rei Shastaca resolveram trocar a filha da Eclipsa por uma garota que não fosse parte monstro, assim surgiu a segunda linhagem da Família Butterfly.
Depois de todos os acontecimentos que ocorreram na série quando a Eclipsa recuperou sua família e teve apoio do reino e dos monstros, Mina Loveberry atacou sua família e seu reino, apenas poupando os mewnianos, foi que a Eclipsa reencontrou sua mãe e teve sua aprovação.
Depois de tudo o que aconteceu em Mewni ela realmente foi a vítima de tudo , ela foi privada de sua família por 300 anos e ainda mentiram para tudo e todos sobre quem realmente ela era , falando que ela era do mal e que manipula as pessoas.
Mas tudo foi provado que era mentira , Eclipsa sempre foi boa e super gentil e sempre aconselhando Star durante a Terceira e a Quarta Temporada. Ela realmente se mostrou uma amiga.
Em inglês:
In English:
Credits to the person who drew this picture.
They have already stopped to think that the victim of everything that happened in Mewni was Eclipsa and her family.
Everyone knows that many of the events in Mewni were the fault of King Shastaca, who crystallized Eclipsa and exchanged Meteora for Festivia.
Eclipsa is the daughter of Queen Solaria who was totally against the monsters, but her mother died when she was very young, Eclipsa had to marry someone she didn't love and when she met her true love the Globglor, she decided to abandon everything. to stay with him and get down relationship was born to Mateora.
Globglor is a monster and obviously her relationship with him was not accepted by the kingdom and the Council of Magic, especially her ex husband was super annoyed to have been exchanged for a monster.
When Eclipsa was crystallized, the Council of Magic and King Shastaca decided to exchange Eclipsa's daughter for a girl who was not a monster, so came the second line of the Butterfly Family.
After all the events that occurred in the series when Eclipsa regained her family and had support from the kingdom and the monsters, Mina Loveberry attacked her family and her kingdom, only sparing the Mewnians, was that Eclipsa rediscovered her mother and got her approval.
After everything that happened in Mewni she really was the victim of everything, she was deprived of her family for 300 years and still lied to everyone and everyone about who she really was, saying she was evil and manipulating people.
But it all proved to be a lie, Eclipsa was always good and super kind and always advising Star during Season Three and Four. She really turned out to be a friend.
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thereal-agentrose · 6 years
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Ship name: JAMORE ( it was suggested by @fuluv and @maiky-vs-tfoe )
Amore is James’s squire and they are about to play volleyball in lava lake beach
( Amore got scars and bites from her cruel training by her mother: Mina Loveberry )
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Here is Mina Loveberry’s child: Amore Loveberry She is from the sunverse BIO: Full name: Amore Loveberry Nickname: Pink Age: 14 Species: Mewman Eyes: Fuchsia Hair: light pink Personality: Kind, Understanding, Loyal, Gentle, Protective And Cheerful ABILITIES: Abilities: Magic, Flight, Healing and Aura Reading FAMILY: Parents: Mina Loveberry and Unnamed father ( Deceased ) FRIENDS: Best Friends: James Butterfly Lucitor Friends: Celestia butterfly lucitor, Amber firestorm, Astro butterfly, Crystal blizzard and Orion Universe Love Interest: James Butterfly Lucitor TRIVIA: 1- She was Raised to hate and kill monsters and Hybrids. 2- She is not like her mother. She is understanding and accepting to monsters/Hybrids. 3- She loves her father but he mysteriously was killed, Mina Claims it was the monsters/Hybrids but Amore Don’t Belive that. 4- she is born in a group called: The Mewman Society lead By Etheria Butterfly ( She magicaly turns herself young to have a Heir) along with Mina and other mewmans that hates monsters and want to exterminate them all. Etheria wants to steal the wand and the mewni kingdom. 5- She Runway home and is currently with the Royal Butterfly lucitor family. She did not tell them who she really is and she only known as Pink. 6- She fell in love with Prince James Butterfly Lucitor, She became his Squire. MORE INFO WILL BE REVEALED SOON. Amore “Pink” Loveberry Belongs to me @svtfoe-nextgen-universes
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thereal-agentrose · 5 years
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New design of Celestia Butterfly Lucitor ( I change her royal dress and horns a bit and I will do her everyday Outfit soon)
She is from the Sunverse ( Sun Universe)
Name: Celestia butterfly lucitor
Nickname: Cece
Title: Princess Of mewni/Butterfly kingdom and Underworld
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Mewman x demon hybrid
Personality: Cheerful, Creative, Outspoken, Social, Polite, Gentle And Adventurous
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Fuchsia
Cheek Mark: Sun
Wand: A Rolling pin ( Similar to her Great Grandmother: Comet The Chef And also got the ability to change to different baking/Cooking Utensils and Change to a weapon: A sword)
Powers: Butterfly Magic And Fire Manipulation
Abilities: Sword skills
Talents: Baking
Mother: Queen Star Butterfly Of Mewni And Butterfly kingdom
Father: King Thomas “Tom” Lucitor Of The Underworld
Siblings: Princess Comet Nebula Butterfly Lucitor ( Older Sister) ,Prince James Butterfly Lucitor ( Older Brother), Princess Stella Butterfly Lucitor ( Younger Sister) And Princess Rose Butterfly lucitor ( Baby Sister )
M.Grandparents: King River Butterfly And Queen Moon Butterfly
P.Grandparents: King Lucitor And Queen Lucitor
Other relatives: Johansen Family, Tor Johansen And The Queens Of Second butterfly line
Best friends: Jasmine Diaz And Princess Flora Spiderbite
Friends: Aisha, Kevin, Athena Kelpbottom, Crystal Pixie, Odette Avarius, Cherry pie, Amore Loveberry, Storm ponyhead , Gigi Woolia, Astro Butterfly, Jason Diaz And Olivia Ordonia
Love Interest: Nathaniel Of Septaris
1- She is childhood friends with Flora Spiderbite and been best friends ever since.
2- when she and Flora were little, they were kidnap by Mewmans rebels led by Mina Loveberry and Etheria butterfly. Which they cut off flora right arm and Celestia‘s tail as sign of life to their parents.
3- she and Flora were traumatizes by the kidnaping so much that star performs a memory wipe spell on them. Celestia believes she lost her tail due a infection
4- Celestia loves baking, she is known as The Sweet Princess
5- she got a crush on a mysterious Septarian x Human Hybrid Guy,Named: Nathaniel.
6- Her Older Sister: Comet Nebula passes down the wand to her.
7- she is Cousin to tor Johansen due her mother being also a Johansen and M.Grandpa Being a Johansen. Tor and Celestia get a along well.
8- her wand is a rolling pin, Which is similar to Her Great Grandmother: Comet The Chef, at the wand ceremony Moon And Glossaryck cry ( Glossaryck cried a lot ) when they saw Celestia’s Wand is Similar To Comet Butterfly’s Wand
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