#james x amore
florsial · 6 months
Cannibal Regulus is the tavern dancer in some generic dnd fantasy town that mesmerizes everyone then at the end of his performances his lures someone from the audience to a back alley and eats then, licking clean bones and all while covered in blood in a way that you can’t even glamorize it, it’s just a disgusting mess of organs and stomach’s intestines and piles of bones like a dragons den.
And James is the vampire lurking around for a Lucy Westenra wannabe in a loki homeless looking town to dull his aching hunger. He walks around for a bit and turns into a backalley where Regulus is having his midnight snack and finds the sight so hot that he immediately falls in love and nearly drops to his knees in a marriage proposal.
(Regulus on the other hand thinks James is thinking about eating him and is quickly trying to finish his meal and concocting a whole 50 step plan to kill James in his head while Jame is thinking about their future wedding)
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gelly-fsh · 8 months
The problem of positivity
An angsty jegulus microfic ft. Bartylus
The thing with James Potter is that, sometimes, his endless positivity can blind him.
His mother has warned him, Sirius has warned him, everyone that he is close and comfortable with has warned him. Nevertheless, James has never seen his positivity as a flaw before.
Not until now.
Now, James knew well that developing a massive crush in Regulus Black a the tender age of 12 might not have been the best idea on the world, but his endless positivity made it almost impossible to not at least try to make Regulus to like him, and after a couple of years, he got to be one of the people Regulus considered as a 'friend'.
For a while that was nice, awesome even, but James sometimes got greedy, and awesome was not enough then.
It started with the light touches of shoulder against shoulder, a soft touch of hands that could pass as an accident or the press of thighs when they seated besides one another in the library.
Then, the little details James had with Reg like buying him broom polish when he knew he was running out or new rings he knew Regulus would love, giving him little trinkets he found in the forest that he knew Regulus would like or giving him little flowers that grew around all the castle.
It was also the light flirting that James could pass as his personality all the time, complimenting Regulus until he could see the almost imperceptible brush of color in his cheeks. James did everything he could so Regulus could even notice him in other way that wasn't friendship, and until before the Summer, James thought he was managing that, he was positive that he was in the good road to win Regulus affections.
They even sent letters to each other over the summer, and Regulus replies always sounded so fond that it gave James heart way too much hope.
As he was walking excitedly towards the Hogwarts Express, James got a surge of courage that flowed intensely inside if him. He was as sure as one could be in this type of situation, he was a Gryffindor for Merlin's sake! He should just go and confess right now while he had the courage to do so, so he did just that.
The train was overflowing with students, new and old alike, but as he and his friends always used the same cabin, he knew Regulus and his friends did the same, so he went straight to it.
He was a knit of nerves even before seeing Regulus, and at some point he even felt some strange goosebumps when he was just 2 cabins away, but honestly James just thought the nerves were getting the best of him, so he should do this quick before he lost his bravery. Regulus was probably just relaxing in his seat with a book while he waited for his other friends to come (he always got to the station early), and the mental image of that made James want to melt.
When he opened the cabin's door, he did not find Regulus reading a book beside the window seat.
What he found instead, was Regulus kissing Barty Crouch Jr.
He was such a fool, wasn't he?
Everything shattered around him, his vision clouded a little with an accumulation of tears and heartbreak that burned his eyes. His heart was throbbing so painfully James just wanted to take it out of his ribcage and throw it out of the window.
That would have hurt less than what he was seeing right now.
His little 'oh' apparently alerted the two boys in front of him that they weren't alone anymore, so they stopped kissing almost inmediately, but sadly James could not erase that image out of his mind.
Regulus eyes bulged out of his sockets when he saw James, and even in his heartbreak, James knew he should make sure Regulus was not afraid.
"Im sorry" James croaked, willing his eyes not to spill the tears that were building and commanding his voice to not sound so broken "I'll leave you two right now. Happy for you guys"
"James-" Regulus called, but the walls he hazphardly builded were started to crumbling down, so he just shut the door hard and tightly closed his eyes and started to (try to) breath.
And there James stood, a lovesick idiot who was foolish enough to think he got Regulus Black's heart, already grieving his loss.
'That could have been me' James thought miserably, as he started to run in the opposite direction of the cabin
'No, don't fool yourself, he was never yours, not really' That was the truth, Regulus never really wanted James, not in the way James wanted him.
And isn't that the most pathetic part of it all? To miss something that has never really happened, to mourn something he never truly had?
'You were wrong. You are stupid. You were wrong. You are stupid. You were wrong. You are stupid. You were wrong, You were wrong, You were wrong, YouwerewrongYouwerewrongYouwerewrongYouwerewrongYouwere-' James found an empty cabin at the end of the train, so he just shut himself in there. Finally, in the privacy of the cabin, all the walls crumbled down like castles of sand, all the breath he was forcefully trying to keep in his chest flowed out in a heartbroken cry.
No one was able to find James for the rest of the ride to Hogwarts, but if he had looked at Regulus one last time before bolting out of the cabin, he would have seen Regulus' heartbroken eyes.
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2prongs · 1 year
posted a little vampire jegulus one shot because i could. read it or I’ll bite you :
el amor después del amor
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star-lovex · 2 years
Amor a primera vista [Lo’ak]
Lo’ak x lectora (Na’vi)
Advertencias: ninguna 
¡Contenido ficticio para la diversión y disfrute de los lectores!
Derechos al creador de la película ‘Avatar’ y sus personajes
Uso de nombre creado por mi para no utilizar t/n ni ___
Nombre: Lua 
Cuando los Sully aterrizaron en la isla frente a sus habitantes, les dio la bienvenida los jefes junto a miradas despectivas, curiosas, entre muchas emociones más particularmente negativas
Jake explicando la situación en la que estaban y que solo buscaban refugio, fue difícil conversar debido a la situación, pero llegaron a un acuerdo.
Neytiri, compañera de Jake y madre de aquellos niños que intentaban seguir las ordenes de su padre, sin dar una mala impresión y tratar con respeto a cada uno.
El jefe de la aldea decidió darles refugio en su lecho y ordeno a todos sus hermanos y hermanas que los trataran como unos mas de ellos, decidido a que ellos les enseñarían a los Sully como vivían y que debían lograr para poder sobrevivir en las islas.
Tsireya salió del agua majestuosamente llamando la atención de los Sully, unos mas que otros, como por ejemplo los hermanos mayores que la miraron fijamente debido a su repentina aparición y sorprendidos por las habilidades distintas que tenían estos na’vi.
La chica les dio una sonrisa para darse vuelta y buscar entre la gente a su amiga, mira a su hermano dándole una mirada que rápidamente el pudo interpretar, su única respuesta fue una vista rápida al mar, haciendo que ella comprendiera todo.
Nuestra protagonista era amante del océano, podía pasar horas y horas junto al mar entre todas las criaturas y biomas, gracias a eso comenzó a crear su propio trabajo en la aldea, se dedicaba a investigar, representando todo en dibujos no tan limpios pero que se podía comprender, haciendo mapas mentales con los cual ayudaría en varias situaciones.
Pero no todo es tan perfecto, sus amigos casi no la veían fuera del océano y se preocupaban enormemente por ella, aunque las aguas fueran lugares hermosos no le quitaban el peligro en ellas.
La hija de los jefes era una de aquellos amigos, gracias a Eywa, antes de que empezara a caminar al agua en busca de su amiga, la vio encima de una de las rocas, pero noto que no era la única que la había encontrado, los Sully la miraban a causa de su interacción y practica con su amigo del mar.
Realizaba intentos de trucos con su Ilu, divirtiéndose demostrándolo con su gran sonrisa y ciertas veces carcajadas que se le escapaban
-          Oh, veo que ya encontraron a Lua, ella es una de nuestras mejores aprendices podrá ayudar con su conocimiento sobre la cultura y lugares de nuestra aldea- Hablo Tonowari, el Olo’eyktan mirando con cierto orgullo que solo notaron los que le prestaron atención
Lo’ak estaba hipnotizado por así decir, aquella chica de alguna manera había podido llamar su atención en segundos aparte de luego de mirarla un rato también noto su belleza y esplendor que lo hizo avergonzarse rápidamente por lo cual aparto la vista en un intento de parar aquellos estúpidos pensamientos y intentar disimular que aquella vista no cambio nada en él.
‘’Creo que ahora tengo más interés en este lugar’’
Luego de aquella abrumante situación, empezaron a conocer lo que seria su nuevo hogar, una de las mas importantes era aprender a desplazarse correctamente por el mar ya que si no podían lograr esto estarían en grandes aprietos ya que literalmente están en un arrecife que esta rodeado constantemente de agua.
Rápidamente Tsireya que fue la que mas se intereso en su aprendizaje noto demasiados errores en su técnica, pero la que mas debía tratar es el modo en que respiraban.
Instruyo a todos los hermanos a respirar correctamente, pero a algunos les costaba mas que otros, durante una de esas clases decidió invitar a alguien que estaba segura que podría darles ayuda.
Cuando los Sully llegaron se sorprendieron al ver a aquella chica que estaba junto su Ilu aquel día
- ¡Oh, eres la chica que estaba con el Ilu! - Dijo la pequeña Tuk con emoción en sus ojos
-Chicos, ella es Lua y pensé que seria divertido y los ayudaría en sus lecciones- Presento Tsireya
-Un gusto, me llamo Neteyam el es mi hermano Lo’ak y ellas son kiri junto a Tuk, mis hermanas- Se animo a decir el mayor de los hermanos
-Un gusto, intentare ayudarlos a conocer nuestra aldea-
Luego de la presentación empezó la lección de la respiración, las chicas del clan Metkayina hacían una demostración de la técnica para luego ver como los Sully la intentaban usar.
Las chicas por su lado podían lidiar con la técnica poco a poco, neteyam tenia alguna que otra complicación, pero pudo lograr algo a diferencia de Lo’ak que le costaba seguir el ritmo
Lua en un intento de ayudarlo, le explicaba que es lo que tenia que hacer lo mejor posible para que el comprendiera y pudiera adaptarse a ella, en medio de la explicación la chica explicaba que tenia que calmar los latidos de su corazón para poder respirar más, mientras que a su vez colocaba una mano en su pecho y la otra mas cerca de su abdomen, intentando ayudar pero sin saberlo hizo todo lo contrario, por mas que intentara tranquilizar su ritmo cardiaco, Lo’ak no lo lograba por mas que lo intentara, ver a la chica que le llamo la atención en solo un minuto y sentir las manos en su cuerpo era demasiado impacto para él, sin querer empezó a aparecer un pequeño y casi invisible sonrojo en las mejillas y orejas del menor de los Sully.
Todos solo con darles una mirada comprendían la situación, pero Lua lo único que veía era que no podía instruir a su alumno de manera correcta y eso de cierta manera la molestaba
Con el paso de días y lecciones, empezaron a adaptarse a el arrecife y a su vez lograban profundizar o empezar amistades con sus habitantes.
La mayoría de la familia estaba feliz con su situación actual excepto uno.
Lo’ak, el estaba frustrado y encerrado en su mente desde la llegada, sus progenitores al igual que sus hermanos notaron aquello y algunos se preocupaban excepto kiri y Tuk.
Kiri con solo observar a su hermano entendió completamente lo que le sucedía y Tuk con presenciar una interacción predijo algo rápidamente.
Su hermano empezó a sentir atracción por aquella chica, pero el jamás había sentido algo así por lo cual no entendía nada de lo que estaba sintiendo.
Neteyam noto el comportamiento en él, y para ayudar decidió hablar con el y dejar que se desahogara.
- ¿Qué sucede Lo’ak? Has estado extraño desde que llegamos, nuestros padres se empiezan a preocupar, entiendo que cueste ser amable con Ao’nung y sus estúpidos amigos, pero—Empezó el mayor intentando comprender, pero siendo interrumpido
-No es eso- Respondió el menor, mirando a su hermano con el ceño fruncido
- ¿Entonces que es? - Pregunto
-No es nada importante- Respondió corriendo la mirada
-Vamos, dime-
-Que no-
-Vamos solo dime y te- Lo interrumpió
-¡Bien, no entiendo que es lo que pasa conmigo!- Grito ya cansado de la insistencia de su hermano
-No entiendo...- Dijo confundido
-Desde que la vi, estoy extrañamente distraído y no se como pero desde que la vi solamente un segundo me llamo la atención y eso es imposible.- Expreso desesperado, raramente Lo’ak se enfocaba tan profundamente en algo que no sea pelear o hacer problemas, jamás había llegado a sentirse interesado por una chica
-¿De quien estas hablan- ¿Te llamo la atención Lua?- Al segundo Neteyam conectando hilos pudo predecir la situación y comprender finalmente a su hermano
-. . .-
-Espera espera, ¿te gusta Lua?- Pregunto con una sonrisa picara y burlona a la vez
-¡NO! ¡Digo si! ¿DIG- ¡No lo se!- Grito impactado, jamás considero aquella posibilidad por lo cual jamás se había preguntado eso
-A ver, dime como te sientes o lo que te esta pasando que no entiendes- Intento investigar su hermano para ver si su intención era acertada
-Em.. cuando la vi llamo mi atención lo que hacía, como intentaba varios trucos con su Ilu que jamás había visto luego la sonrisa y risa que sacaba de esa situación tan simple, su cabello junto a su piel distinta a la nuestra al igual que sus ojos después durante su lección me sentí nervioso, ansioso o algo así cuando la vi tan cerca y el contacto de sus manos es raro porque Mama a echo eso y no he sentido nada igual lueg- Razono Lo’ak intentando desahogar su poco conocimiento
-¡Te gusta! Mira cuando sientes atracción es normal no poder dejar de verla y apreciar pequeños actos que no prestarías atención en alguien mas pero por lo que dices no solo te atrae, ella literalmente te gusta- Explico su hermano, el tampoco tuvo demasiados situaciones iguales pero al igual que su madre era una persona curiosa por eso intento informarse sobre el tema
-¿Ella me gusta?- Se pregunto en busca de una respuesta
-Eso solo lo sabes tu Lo’ak, creo que deberías conocerla mas e investigar tus sentimientos para poder estar seguro- Dijo Neteyam para luego darle una palmada en la espalda y irse del lugar
-Hare esto, debo sacarme la duda- Dijo decidido, ya solo mirando la luna llena, prometiendo inconscientemente el inicio de algo    
Nota de autora:
Este es mi primer trabajo, hare mas contenido de avatar y tal vez de algunos de mis personajes favoritos, estare abierta a solicitudes o ideas pero sepan que recien inicio en Tumblr pero quiero colaborar dentro del fandom de Avatar.
Vi la 2da pelicula y me volvi a enamorar de todos los personajes pero toco hacer uno de Lo’ak con la tematica de amor a primera vista, hare mas con otras tematicas y tal vez una segunda parte de esta
Acepto criticas construcctivas y correciones (obvio con respeto de por medio) porque realmente busco mejorar y me encantaria saber su opinion  
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alwaytogether · 1 year
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hi mae:)
If you feel like you could you write poly!marauders and how they would dirty talk to fem reader while fucking her?
Hi gorgeous :) Thank you for requesting!
cw: smut mdni, oral, fingering, unprotected p in v, d/s dynamics, praise (it seems like I'm incapable of doing smut without praise, but really who's surprised)
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 565 words
“What is it you want, dove?”
Remus’ thumb draws loose, languid figure-eights into your clit, his amber eyes watching you interestedly while his other hand stokes James’ cock. James moans into your cunt, and the vibrations send tingling shockwaves through you. Your breath catches in your throat, tears springing to your eyes. 
“I—I want—” 
“You won’t get anything unless you ask for it properly,” Remus reminds you. “Come on.” 
An agonized keening sound tears from you. “Please,” you choke out.
“Please what, baby?” Sirius’ voice is low and crooning. He smears a kiss onto your neck, careful not to loosen his grip on your wrists, held high above your head in one of his hands while the other toys idly with your tit. “Y’want them to go slower? Is that it?” 
You make a small sound of protest, but he only tuts at you. 
“Don’t want to use your words, huh?” 
Remus’ thumb stalls and he lightens the pressure on your clit, cooing insincerely when you whine. “Aw, I think we’ve fucked her dumb.” He releases James’ cock, but the other boy doesn’t complain as Remus reaches up to wipe a stray tear from your face. Precum smears across your cheek. “You don’t even remember the words to get what you want, do you sweet girl?” 
“Poor baby,” Sirius agrees. He’s smiling against your skin, teeth scraping the column of your throat as he pinches your nipple between his forefinger and thumb, tugging lightly. 
James’ tongue sponges over something sweet inside of you, and you cry out, hips twitching upward into Remus’ stilled thumb. Sirius swears as your wrists almost slip from his grip. 
“Oi.” Remus’ hand comes entirely away from your clit, delivering a swat to your bum that has you jolting on the bed. “Quit squirming.” 
James presses a chaste kiss to your cunt, looking up at you with his too-big, too-warm eyes. “You wanna be a good girl for us,” he says, “yeah, honey?” 
You nod, panting as another tear skids down your face. 
“Course she does.” Sirius makes sure he has your wrists secured again before using his other hand to stroke comfortingly up and down your side. “She is a good girl, aren’t you baby?” 
You nod again. “Yeah,” you manage. 
Remus’ eyebrows lift. “Well, look who’s found their voice.” 
He sets a hand on your hip, steadying himself as he leans over you for a long, amorous kiss. “Now.” He leaves his nose slotted against yours, breath hitting your lips. “What do you want, dove?” 
“I want—I want you,” you say unsteadily. “Inside me.” 
He backs up an inch, waiting. 
You can see Remus wanting to smile, but he doesn’t let himself, leaning back until his hips are hovering over yours. James moves to make room for him, taking your wrists from Sirius so the other boy can wrap his hand around James’ cock. It twitches at the sight of Remus lining up over you. He catches you looking and smiles, stooping down for a kiss. 
“You look so pretty,” he whispers against your lips. 
You’re about to return the compliment when Remus drags his cock through your folds, unable to tamp down his grin this time as you gasp and he feels just how wet you already are. 
“Keep your legs open for me, dove. Don’t want the boys to have to do that for you, too.” 
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resi4skz · 4 months
Title: Mi Amore (oneshot)
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Pairing: nonidol!Chan x Grace (OC)
Warnings: swearing in italian, smut
This is for @gracebang143 (i cannot tag her in it, stupid tumblr)
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"Ugh, for the last time, Steph!" I exclaim as I put ice in the blender, chatter of customers in the background. "Olivia is my cousin and he's her boyfriend!"
"So?" She says and turns at the till, smiling at the customer. "Thank you for choosing Stat Lost, have a nice day!" She turns to me as she closes the register. "Look, we both know what of a person Olivia is. She's probably moved on to the ne-"
The sound of the small hanging bell on the door cuts her off. We both look at the front door at the same time to see my cousin, Olivia and her boyfriend, Chris.
Or Chan, as I like to call him. He was dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans, topped off with a black cap.
Why did he have to be so damn attractive?
Olivia walks over to a vacant table as Chan approaches me. I put on the biggest smile, as if he isn't my regular. "Hey, you're back."
"Yeah," he replies, taking out his wallet. "She'll have a macchiato with a cheese scone and I'll have a-"
"BLT with extra bacon and a watermelon lemonade?" I finish his sentence.
His eyes light up, giving me a small smile. "Yeah. Wow. You even remember customers orders?"
Only yours, is what I wanted to say. "Sort of. Since you're a regular here so I took the liberty of memorizing your order."
I tap on the computer screen taking his order and scan his card before giving it back. "Your order will be with you shortly."
When I turn around, Stephanie is looking at me with a smirk on her face. Rolling my eyes, I start on his sandwich. Just gotta get through it. You can do it, Grace.
Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain on my finger. "Cazzo!" I glance down and see a small cut on my finger. Great, just I need. Quickly cleaning my hand, I gently wrap my finger in a bandaid.
"Everything alright?"
I jump at the voice before turning around. He needs to stop being so god damn good looking. "Yes. Your order is ready. Give me one moment." I put their order on a tray a d hand it to him. "Thank you for choosing Star Lost, I hope you enjoy your order!"
He chuckles, nodding. "Thank you, Grace."
My heart does that thing again. Oh wait, that's my stomach. I groan when he sits at the table with Olivia. "Have you maybe tried confessing?" Steph asks from behind me.
"What good will that do?"
"Maybe he'll realize what a crappy of girlfriend he has right now and maybe likes you back?"
Hanging my head in defeat, I walks towards the back door. I need a break.
But when I come inside, I hear Steph and Olivia in a heated argument.
"What do you mean I can't have a free muffin? It's my cousin's bakery!" Olivia shouted.
"Because if we started giving away free muffins," I state stepping behind the counter and face her, "We'd be out of business. And it's not my bakery. Steph and I are partners."
"You're greedy. Why can't you just say that?"
"Babe, maybe we should-" Chan began.
"No, you stay out of this!" She brushes him off.
The fuck.....did she just tell him off? My blood boils, my nerves lighting on fire. "Olivia, simply just leave before you piss me off anymore."
"What?" She blinks at me. "What the fuck is your problem?"
"You want to know what my problem is? You might need a notepad because the list is long."
"Fuck you," she spat. "I hope this shitty place rots."
"Ah, the words from the famous home wrecker Olivia James," I say.
"Home wrecker?" Chan says as he looks between Olivia and I.
"Chan, don't listen to he-"
But I cut her off. I've had it with her bullshit. "Let me ask you something, Liv. Did you also try to lure him into your trap so he would give you money? Or are you fucking his buddies too like you did with Mr. Stanley?"
Mr. Stanley was our neighbor and his lovely wife, Diana would always bake these pecan pies that was mouth watering. One day, Mr. Stanley came to our house to drop off a pie and Olivia was the only one home. One thing led to another, once Olivia saw he was loaded, she seduced him and ended up sleeping with him. Many, many times. It wasn't until Diana saw them going at it in her home, on the kitchen table because she had gotten off work early.
Safe to say, Diana is divorced and thriving by travelling the world with her friends.
The look on Olivia's face is priceless though. "You...bitch!" She lunges at me from across the counter but I was quick to dodge.
Chan pulls her back and shoves her back before facing her.
Steph elbows me and whispers, "$10 says they break up."
"It all makes sense now."
"Chan, babe. Please listen to me." Olivia pleads. "She's lying."
"No," Chan says firmly. "You're always putting me second. You're always asking to go to expensive restaurants and to think I was spending so much on you. Tell me something," he takes a step towards her, completely towering over her. "Did Jake treat you well?"
"Did he tell you to come here with me? Did he also tell you I was also going here?"
"Wha....what are you talking about?"
And then I see a different person come out. A new person who I wanted to know so desperately about. He runs his hand through his curls and smirks. The man actually smriked. "Why do you think I wanted to come here, Olivia?"
"You asked me on a date," Olivia replies. "What does this have to do with-"
"I know about you and Jake."
Oh shit. I watch Olivia's face turn into horror as she opens her mouth. "You're the one always yapping about your music all the time. I don't get what the big deal is, you're never going to make it."
I saw red. My blood was boiling. "Fermati!" I march over to Olivia as she blinks at me. "You do not get to judge a person based on their profession. You do not get to make assumptions. YOU do not put negative things in their mind to the point they want to end their lives."
But she rolls her eyes. "Please, you just had a scratch-"
I shove my shirt up on my arm, showing her the long scar going up to my elbow. "Does this look like a scratch to you that YOU caused?"
"What the..." Chan says and looks at Olivia, who's seething in anger. "I though you said she fell."
"She's lying," Olivia replied, her eyes narrowed at me.
"Oh, so you're saying that I magically got a knife and stabbed myself, making a huge line on my arm?"
"You bitch!" Olivia lunges at me but Steph stands in front of me and pushes her back.
"No one is fighting in our cafe, okay?" Steph announces then points at Olivia. "As for you, get out. You're no longer welcomed here."
"Better yet, you're black listed from this cafe."
Olivia huffs and stomps her way out of the shop. "You alright?" Steph asks
"Yeah, thanks," I smiled and she gets behind the counter, immediately apologizing to the customers.
I slightly jump at his voice and turn around.
"Are you okay?"
"I should be asking you that."
He scoffs. "I'll be fine."
I nod. "Alright, well. I gotta get back to work." I make it two steps when he calls my name.
I turn. "Yeah?"
He looks at me, almost as if he wanted to ask me something. But he just shakes his head. "Nothing. Have a good day at work." And then he's gone.
It was Friday and rush hour was just finishing when something catches my eye outside. "Che due coglioni?" I watch as Olivia tries to kiss Chan and he keeps pushing her back.
"Is she for real?" Steph says.
"I've had enough of this," I snap, taking my apron off and walking towards the door. When I open the door, I hear her crying.
"Chan, please. You've gotta believe me," she wails.
"Olivia, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I say.
Chan's eyes flicker towards me, almost lighting up making my heart skip a beat. "This doesn't concern you," Olivia hisses at me.
"Porca miseria, questa cagna!" She blinks at me surprised and I stand in front of her. "This man," I point to Chan, "has been nothing but loving towards you, has given you the time he should've spent elsewhere other than your stupid ass. You," I jab at her chest, "do not have the right to control someone as kind as him. You," I jab at her chest again making her stumble back a step, "do not get to do that to him."
"Grace," I hear Chan say from behind me.
"Do you even realize how hard it is to chase your dreams when no one belives in you? Of course, you don't because all you get to do is use others and degrade them till they have nothing left in them."
"What?!" I snap as I turn around, sniffling. Was I crying? But I don't get to touch my face as I feel a pair of warm hands cup my cheeks. "Cha-"
His lips. Oh my god his lips. My hands stay at my sides because I don't know where to put them. As he lets go, I look up at him. "I've been meaning to do that."
"What?" I blinked, perplexed.
"She's gone," Steph's voice makes us jump apart a step away from each other and she comes to my side. "Jeez, she's like a lizard, always coming in between."
I snort which leads to laughter as she beams at me. "Come inside! I'll make you guys something to drink!"
I watch as she heads inside before turning to him. "So..."
"What did you mean by what you said earlier?" I asked.
"Why did you kiss me?"
He sighs. "I never liked Olivia. She was just there, I guess to fill that void," he flicks his eyes down at me, "but that void was never filled."
I scoff, not believing what he just said. "So you mean to say, that you dated her-"
"I never da-"
"-just so you could dump her and then coincidentally you thought that a kiss would solve all the problems?"
"Look, Grace-"
"No," I say firmly. "You look here, Chan. I'm not the one to messed around with. And you were the least out of all the people I knew that would do something like this." His eyes widen at my comment and raises his hand but I put my hand up, stopping him. "No. I can't look at you right now."
And with that, I turn around and leave. Steph gives me one look once I'm inside and immediately gives me space as I go back to refilling the ice machine.
A few weeks later, I finally had a few days off. I wanted to destress and just chill and relax in my apartment. But what I didn't know was that Chan would be standing at my doorway looking like he had been run over by a truck while I was in a tanktop and pj shorts with a bag of chips on my hand.
"W-what are you doing here?" I asked, clutching the chip bag.
"Can I...can I come in?" His voice trembled.
"Yeah, come in," I stand aside to let him in. As he walks by me, the same vanilla and smoke scent fills my nostrils, making me a bit dizzy.
"Do you want anything to drink? Water? Soda?" I ask, closing the door behind me.
"Water, thanks," he replies taking a seat on my couch.
Fuck. Never in my 22 years of my life, I imagined a man in my living room. Let alone Chan, the 28 year old man that I had been crushing on since I was 19. I hand him the glass of water and sit beside him.
"Nice place."
"Thanks," I replied. After a beat, I say, "So, what brings you here?"
"Olivia paid a visit."
"And smashed all the windows of my car."
"What?!" I knew she would stoop low but to this level? "Are you okay?"
His eyes flicks up at me. "That's funny."
"Huh? What is?"
"Olivia would've asked if my car was okay. She wouldn't even ask me if I was alright."
"Well, she's a bitch," I huff, crossing my arms.
He snorts. "She did teach me one thing though." He turns his body sonhe's facing me. "To never take what's already in front of you for granted."
Holy fucking greek god. Why does this dude have to be so damn pretty? "You're lucky you're attractive, Chan. Any woman would be happy to have you."
"Look, about the kiss then-"
But I stand up. "I'm going to make some tea." I hurriedly walk into the kitchen and immediately fill the kettle with water. It was a good distraction-
An arm snakes it's way around my waist. I gasp, dropping the kettle in the sink and turn around. "What are you doing?!
"Why do you think I kept coming back to your cafe?"
"Because you like the cakes we make?"
"I came to see you, even on busy days where I could catch a glimpse of you working behind the counter refilling stoxk items. Once, Steph caught me staring at you and made me buy 10 pastries," he explains snorting. "Let's just say my friends got a piece each."
"Why are you-"
"-telling you?" He finishes my sentence. "Because I like you."
"I'm sorry, what?" My ears are deceiving me.
He giggles, poking my cheek. "I like you, Grace. I have for a long time now."
"How long?"
"3 years."
I blink at his answer. "I..I... don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything."
I look at him. "But you just told me you like me. How do you expect me to not say anything? To say that I like you as well?"
"Grace, you're not obligated to say- wait, what?" Turning his head, he blinks at me.
"What?" I try so hard to not smile.
"You just said you like me."
"No, I didn't," I lied, hiding my smile.
"Grace," his hand comes to cup my face, lifting my head to meet his eyes. "Tell me before I lose my mind."
"What happens if you lose your mind?"
His gaze hardens. "You don't want to know."
I wet my lips, partially opening my mouth. "Maybe I do." I hear him growl before he smashes his lips on mine. This time, neither of us push away. His tongue darts out and I open my mouth. His hand rub my arms, up and down. "Channie," I whimper, heat pooling between my thighs.
"Yeah, baby?" He says, his thumb brushing my lower lip.
"Can we, uhm, can we take this to the bedroom?"
He chuckles as he slides his arms around my ass hoisting me up. "Say less."
He practically sprints into my room and gently lays me down on my bed. His eye catches my blanket, the pink poka dots on the white colored sheet. "What?" I ask.
"Nothing," he shakes his head and takes his shirt off.
My breath hitches in my throat. Holy fuck. I knew he was fit but this.....holy fucking shit. Then his takes his jeans off, leaving a lot for my imagination when I see the buldge in his boxers as he takes those off too.
"Now you."
I sit up and take my tanktop off. My breasts bounce as I had no bra on. "Fuck me, Grace. You're beautiful."
My cheeks heat at the compliment and my arms come up automatically to hide myself but his hand stops me. "Don't hide yourself," he said as he hovers above me. "Fuck, I'm trying so hard to hold myself back."
"Don't," I gulp. "Don't hold yourself back."
"You sure? I don't want to hurt you."
I narrow my eyes and pull him down by his neck. "Channie if you don't fuck me in the next 5 seconds, I'm going to burn your clothes so you'd have to walk back home, butt naked."
"Feisty, damn," he groans as he takes my shorts off leaving. "As much as I would love to taste you, I need to feel you around my cock."
"Please," I whine.
He smashes his lips on me again, this time with desperation as he settles in between my legs. I feel the tip at the enterance of my cunt. "Ready?"
I nod. He lines himself before slowly pushing in. "Oh, shit- you're fucking tight."
I close my eyes, feeling the delicious burn as fully bottoms himself inside. "Mm, Channie. You feel so goo-" I get cut off as he pulls back and slams his hips.
"Yeah, fuck, you cunt feels so good," he pants and grabs my left breast. "And I love these, fuck, perfect."
He sets a fast pace and doesn't stop snapping his hips. He pinches my nipple, causing the familiar knot to form in my lower belly. "Fuck, I feel you clenching. Are you close?"
I moan in response and his thrusts pick up speed. The only sounds resonating in the room was the snap of his hips. "I'm going to cum," I moan. He brings his hand down to my clit, rubbing it with his thumb. And that was all it took for me to go over the edge. "Channie!"
"Oh fuck, milk my cock, baby. Make a mess," he groans as his thrusts become brutal and I'm pretty sure my poor cervix is bruised. "I'm coming, fuck, I'm gonna fill your tight little pussy. You want that? You want me to fill you up and make you mine?"
"Yes, yes! Make me yours, Chan."
"Fuck," he voice becomes strained as veins protrude in his neck and he stills, emptying himself inside me, painting my inner walls.
As we catch our breath, I notice he hasn't pulled out. "What are you doing?" I ask, still out of breath.
He suddenly grabs my thighs as I feel him harden. "Oh my god."
He grins, licking his lips. "Up for round 2, mi amore?"
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A/N: this was for @gracebang143 hope you enjoy :)
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ethereal-am · 8 months
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¡ narcos mexico / griselda / coming soon : ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ metallica (James Hetfield) content !
( read best in dark mode <3 )
⌨️ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི 𓊆¡ welcome all angels !𓊇 ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ 𓏲𝄢
𝜗𝜚 kalila (lila) ⟡ she / her ⟡ mexicana ⟡ a twenty two year old sweet but sad daydreaming paradox ( i can’t tell if i’m rotting away 𓉸ྀི or a blooming flower ꫂ ၴႅၴ) i write and edit ! — i do post nsfw content therefore beware !
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𝜗𝜚 malquerida — narcos mexico (amado carrillo x oc x ramon arellano : love triangle trope) on wattpad !
𝜗𝜚 curiosa — griselda (rivi x oc) on wattpad !
𝜗𝜚 all grown up — narcos mexico (ramon arellano x reader) on tumblr !
𝜗𝜚 spotify acc !
𝜗𝜚 pinterest acc !
𝜗𝜚 second blog !
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˚ . ྀིྀི୧ popular edits ୨ ྀིྀི.˚
𝜗𝜚 amado carrillo fuentes
𝜗𝜚 ramon arellano félix
𝜗𝜚 ismael “mayo” zambada
𝜗𝜚 rivi ayala (griselda)
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pssst psst !! . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི feel free to shoot me a message for whatevs ‹3 im always open to new friends and requests !! xoxo —
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ྀིა
thank you so much for all of the ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ support amores !!
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
# IFB !! ᰔᩚ
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⡜⡔⢕⠄⠀⡴⢽⣽⠀⠀⠀
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hauntingkiki · 3 months
HIII!!! can i request venture wedding hcs? how would their wedding be like with reader? How would they feel while getting ready?
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Venture x Reader Wedding Headcanons
2nd POV
- let’s just start this off by saying; BABY IS STRESSING OUTTT!!
- they’re about to marry their best friend. YOU! the most BEAUTIFUL GIRL/PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD
- when they’re changing into their suit/with their groomsmen (a few guy colleagues and some of their guy family members) sloan is getting pep talks and words of encouragement from everyone in that room. not a single bad vibe is in the room!
- wedding theme!: whatever you want it to be. a classic, white wedding? you got it! gothic/vampire? hell yeah!
- ^ but! with your choice of theme; sloan also has some huge crystals (that match the theme ofc) that they’ve gotten from expeditions for table decoration!
- the location was kinda on sloan, they picked where they wanted to have the wedding BUT! they made sure YOU were okay with it before making it the finalized decision. if you didn’t like the location, don’t worry! they have like A MILLION MORE
- everyone in both of your families helped pay for the wedding (if needed), like your parents paid for your dress/suit and sloan’s parents paid for their suit
- when they were at the alter, they were sooo nervous, their hands playing with the rings on their fingers and the bracelets that were around their wrists to calm their nerves
- but when you walked down the isle with your father/father figure, all their nerves just melted away.
- you looked so GOOD in their eyes! their heart was racing, their eyes got watery, their face got hot (they cried) (you did too)
- your vows were pretty standard (if there’s spanish vows then yall did that too!)
- but when yall had your first kiss; you know this sucker dipped you into the kiss, twirling you like in those cheesy romance movies (LIKE IN TANGLED AT THE END)
- and now the reception.
- for the food a verity of sloan’s family meals and your family meals, most of them being hand made to avoid a lot of cost
- alcohol/champagne obviously. all the adults are either drunk asf or tipsy (if you have family who smokes/does drugs, it’s totally up to you if you want that in your environment!! i will not be saying anything about that because it’s very different for everyone)
- the younger kids who can’t drink get something fizzy! like apple cider or something!
- father daughter/mother son dance to whatever song you’d like:)
- sloan did a mother-child(son) dance to songbird by fleetwood mac OR mi cariñito by pepe aguilar
- first dance! sloan could not stop smiling like a fucking idiot, they were SO IN LOVEEE
- you both shed a few tears during the dance (and through the night)
- you two slow danced to (options because i can’t pick)
i only have i eyes for by the flamingos
unchained melody by elvis presley
here, there and everywhere by the beatles
bring it on home to me by sam cooke
amor eterno by rocío dúrcal
- then the music played for the dance floor and it was some great songs! like;
september, earth wind and fire
i wanna dance with somebody, whitney houston
how sweet it is, james taylor
something stupid, frank n nancy sinatra
crazy in love, beyoncé
uptown girl, billy joel
rude, magic!
every little thing she does is magic, the police
and obviously some other songs!
- (FOR THE GIRLS/PEOPLE WEARING DRESSES) yall know the garter toss? where the groom goes under the brides dress to get it off all ‘sexy’ with the most embarrassing song on the planet while your family watched?
- yeah. yall did that.
- obviously with no littles present (14 and younger went somewhere else while this was happening)
- the song? pick your poison
get low, lil jon & the east side boyz
yeah!, usher
earned it, the weekend
let’s get it on, marvin gaye
grind with me, pretty ricky
- sloan definitely used their teeth to take it off, probably also got a little carried away too; kissing your legs and running their hands up and down before snapping back to reality when their mother literally SCREAMED at them for being under your dress for almost 5 minutes
- after the wedding, the two of you got to your hotel/air bnb and just relaxed, got out of your fancy outfits, took makeup off, showered (together LMAO) and just got comfy!
- you both just kind of talked about the night and what you wanted in the future and other things:)
- let’s just say you two didn’t get a lot of sleep afterwards😳
did i just write this all in one sitting? yes. yes i did.
would you guys be interested if i made a wedding playlist for the (hypothetical) oneshot?😳
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itsanerdlife · 1 month
Wicked Intentions 7
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader // (Seriously close) Steve Rogers x Reader // Clint Barton x Reader // T’Challa x Reader.
Warning: Violence. Language. Bullying. Girl Fights. Name Calling. Degrading Comments. Angst. Degrade of Woman (to a point). Criminal Life. Illegal Shit. Fights. Alpha Males. Stalking.
Characters: Peter Stark. Howie Stark. Bucky Barnes. Steve Rogers. Clint Barton. TC (T’Challa). Ben Reilly. Cledus Kasady (CK). Brock Rumlow. Gwen Stacy. Wanda Maximoff. Becca Barnes. Amore Lorelei. Kitty Pryde. Frank Castle. George Barnes. Joe Rogers. Winni Barnes. Pepper Stark. Wade Wilson. Eddie Brock. Warner Strucker. Barney Barton. Bobbi Morse. Pietro Maximoff. Logan.
A/N: This is a Bully Romance. High School setting. Mafia Family Life. Woman are on a lower level than males in their world. Just a heads up. This is the third installment of the series. Bad Intentions, Cruel Intentions, and Wicked Intentions.
Credit: Huge shout out to @ml7010 for all the help, pushing, hyping up, putting up with my changes midway through. If it wasn't for this peach, y'all never would have gotten this series or nearly as far as I am now.
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She slams the car door, hitting ignore on her phone again.
Bucky calling again.
Thumbing out a text to my brother, without her seeing me. We look up as the door opens to the house. Pepper, Y/N’s mom steps out on the front steps.
“Miss?” She lifts a perfect strawberry blonde brow at us.
Y/N looks to me, glancing at her we look back at her mom. Pepper looks from her daughter to me. Snapping her eyes back to Y/N they have a secret mother daughter conversation with the look between them. She nods once.
“Come in. We’ll discuss.” She ushers us into the house.
Hurrying past Pepper, hot on Y/N heels. “Sorry Pepper.” Speaking in a small voice.
“What?” They both turn on me, the door closing behind us.
Looking between the two. “I knew, I was there when Eddie made the threat.” Sighing softly.
“Bec’s, why didn’t you tell me?” Y/N looks almost defeated, something I’d yet to witness from her. “And if you give me that bullshit about giving myself up for you, I’ll drop you like your brother, and mine.” She gives me a pointed look.
Running a free hand through my hair, I turn slowly.
“Because Y/N! Look at this, look at the scars on your body, look who died! Who my brother killed! For you! Look what your brothers, hell TC did for you!” Suddenly shouting at them.
Her head tips watching me.
“For you. For a queen. I’m just a wife, Y/N.” I whisper softly.
“Is that what you think of me?” Pepper asks, turning to look at her, I can’t find an answer to that. “I’m just a wife?” She wonders. “Silent, unworthy to kill for?”
“You’re a Stark.” I shrug.
“You will be too, Bec’s.” Y/N reminds me.
I scoff rolling my eyes. “Sure, right.” I nod.
“I’ll drag Howie through the streets if I have too.” She smirks at me. “I got a pretty badass girl gang.” She shrugs, flexing her power.
“If you think you’re not worth killing for, do you think it was a mistake for Y/N to stay and help you, when Brock attacked you girls?” Pepper wonders.
I gap at her for a moment. “I owe her my life for that.”
“Back at you, bitch. Don’t ever tell me you’re not worth killing for. I’d kill my own brother over you.” Y/N huffs, folding her arms over her chest.
“That’s the difference Y/N, I can’t allow you to be taken from my brother. I’d give myself up for the two of you.” I shrug.
“You ever say that again and I’ll make sure your jaw needs to be wired shut.” She points a finger at me. Pepper smirks at us.
“And you say you’re not a Stark.”
Y/N and I stare at each other for a moment before she grins at me. Something dark and dangerous, ruthless. Like the devil making an underhanded deal.
“Those your boys?” One of the guy’s points past him. Tony turns to find the boys climbing out of James’ car.
Peter’s corner of his mouth and jaw discolored and bruised. A cut in James’ cheek. They look concerned and defeated.
“George?!” He calls looking over at his partner in crime. James’ father looks up, finding the boys he starts moving towards them, Tony follows.
“What happened?” George asks instantly. The five of them glance at one another.
Tony looks between his own boys, to his future son in law. “Well, nobody took her, you’re all breathing, that would be there first mistake.” He smirks.
“Really? I would think taking Miss, would be the first mistake. Second leaving them alive.” George looks over at him chuckling.
“We fucked up.” Peter swallows, looking at him.
“How bad?” He asks his oldest.
“Bad.” James’ answers, watching his own father.
He looks to George, sighing. “Into the office.” He nods, together they turn heading into the warehouse.
Sitting in Tony’s office in the warehouse, his father hands him an ice pack, putting it to his cheek. Peter sits next to him holding one to his jaw.
“That looks like a Miss special.” His father chuckles, settling back on the edge of a table along one wall.
“Two for one.” Steve nods.
“What did you do to deserve it?” Tony wonders, looking at the five of us.
Clint clears his throat.
Steve stares at the wall.
Howie shifts uncomfortably.
Peter suddenly gone mute.
Both their fathers look to him.
“A few weeks ago, after putting CK down.” He picks his words slowly. “There was a threat.” He looks at Peter.
“Pete?” Tony looks at his son, worry flicking in his eyes.
“Not on smalls.” Peter mutters.
“On whom?” Tony sits up.
The word burns his tongue, like acid filling his mouth.
“Becca.” Clint swallows.
“What?!” Both their fathers jerk up, his father standing on his feet.
“Why are you just now telling us?” His dad demands.
He looks away. “We weren’t sure. It was a mild, cryptic comment.” He mutters, ashamed.
“I heard a threat was put out. But I never heard who it was towards. Honestly, I assumed it was you boys it would be on. Perhaps still revenge on my boys.” Tony admits. He had a fair point.
“You’re not far off dad.” Howie finally speaks up.
“Meaning what?”
Howie drags his hands down his face, leaning forward. He groans slowly straightening up again, leaning against the wall. “Eddie, the threat. It’s part revenge for us messing up his line.” Howie swallows hard. “He lost out to Smalls, dad. You weren’t even taking bids on her, those putting them in you didn’t even hear them out.” He can’t help but smirk slightly, glancing at Steve and Clint, who smirk back. “But we fucked up. We’re the biggest players in the game at this point.” Howie struggles.
“We’re untouchable. Smalls is lethal, she’s got her own mafia going.” Peter speaks up. “Look at all we’re connected too. How many pots we have hands in.” Peter shrugs, Tony and his dad look at one another. “Look how connected we are with other powerful families.” Peter glances around the room. He drops his head, knowing. “We keep it in our families, sisters marrying friends, partners. Eddie realized what we have going. Instead of killing us, he wants to take from us. Crippling one of us,”
“Cripples all of us.” His dad swallows.
“He commented on Bec’s said she was cute. Said we all have weaknesses in common now.” Howie spits.
“He showed up in the school parking lot today. With me and Chaos.” He admits.
“Fuck.” The room breathes.
Nodding slowly. “He said I made a crazier deal with CK, so he wants a deal. Y/N for Bec’s.” The room erupts.
-------- Everything Peaches 12/8/22 @mo320 @ml7010 @kmc1989 @joannie95 @coley0823 @rileyloves5 @sexyvixen7 @duckestylez @abschaffer2 @drayshadow @shirukitsune @xoxabs88xox @carostar2020 @rosalynshields @hookslove1592 @royal-sunflower @iwillbeinmynest @bellamy-barnes @geeksareunique @happydeanpotter @fanfic-n-tabulous @steel-blue-eyess @mariekoukie6661 @bless-my-demons @notyourtypicalrose @lets-talk-about-xyz @loving-life-my-way @shinycupcakebaker @also-fangirlinsweden @stupendous-science @daughterofthenight117 @dandelionsmarkthegrave @physically-a-cheesecake @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked
Bucky 'Fuck Me Up' Barnes: @nickyl316h @jbbarnesgirl @lets-roggerthat @this-is-mycrisis @kaylaphantomhive
Series tags: @sebastians-love @otterlycanadian
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witchfarnese · 7 months
"Bodyguard" || James Valdez x Reader (PART 1)
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Summary: You are Camila Vargas' daughter and you're used to your mother's meetings with people who don't seem trustworthy at all. One day, however, your mom invites you to one of these meetings along with a man, James, who she says will become your bodyguard.
I apologize in advance for any possible grammatical errors, English is not my native language.
Pairings: James Valdez x Reader 
Word count: 1,5k
Warnings: Swear words, description of sexual content
Mi amor, I need to introduce you to someone.
This was the message I had received from my mother, Camila Vargas. The tone of the message was neutral, but it didn't bode well. I walked through the long hallway of our villa, arriving at the door of her office. I knew perfectly well what my mother's job was, but I had never wanted to get involved, and neither did she feel the need for it.
I knocked on the door twice, and from inside, I heard a voice telling me to come in. I had never been in that room before, and at first glance, it looked like the typical office of an accountant. Standing next to my mom, there was a man I had never seen before. He didn't seem like one of those men with questionable faces that I often saw around the house.
"Mi pequeña, I wanted to introduce you to James Valdez. James is one of my trusted men, and he will be tasked with being your bodyguard," said my mom.
My bodyguard? I looked at the man, and from his expression, he wasn't thrilled about babysitting me and following me around.
"Is something going on?" I wasn't stupid; if things were calm, she would never need someone to protect me.
"Let's just say I'm working on something. Anyway, that's all for now. James, your job starts now," and with that, my mom dismissed us.
I left the room with James behind me, and as I walked down the hallway that led me to that room, I turned to get a better look at James.
"So, you're my new babysitter?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Seems like it," he replied, trying to look elsewhere. He wasn't thrilled, and it was obvious.
"I'm sorry you're forced to do this; it's clear you're not happy," I said sincerely. He seemed surprised that I spoke to him so candidly.
"It's not so terrible to take you out for food and shopping," he said, winking. At that moment, I was quite irritated.
"Do you think that just because I'm Camila Vargas's daughter, all I do in my free time is shopping? Darling, you've got me all wrong," I replied angrily and quickly walked away.
He ran after me trying to catch up, but I reached my room first and locked the door. I couldn't stand the idea that he thought that of me. If he thought it, anyone could.
"Open this door," he said firmly from the other side. I didn't respond to him.
"Y/N, open this damn door, or I'll kick it down," he said again. In the end, I gave in and opened it.
"Thanks," he said, forcing his way in and locking the door behind him. Then he grabbed me by the arms and pushed me against the wall.
"Listen, kid," his face was inches from mine, "I have no desire to make this job harder than it is. I respect your mother; she entrusted me with the most important thing to her, and that's fine. But you're still a kid, and you need to learn that you can't behave like this with me." His words hit me hard and made my head spin. I didn't actually know if it was spinning because of his words or because he was so close to me and in a rather inappropriate position. I nodded, and he let me go. I was nervous; how dare he call me a kid?
"I want to sleep now," I told him, moving away from him and getting under the covers. He settled in the chair at my desk. If I told him to leave, he would get angry again, so I tried not to think about it and tried to sleep.
I woke up groggy. I didn't know how long I had been sleeping. As soon as I woke up, I saw James in the same position I had left him, and he was staring at me. "Good morning, princess, slept well?" He was mocking me. I was starting not to like him. I huffed and got out of bed. I was all disheveled and needed to freshen up.
"I'm going to take a shower," I said, stretching. I noticed he was watching me, so I looked at him too.
"Want to come with me?" I teased him. He looked at me with a mix of hatred and excitement. After all, he was still a man. I shrugged and headed towards the shower.
"Keep the door open," he said firmly. "Forget it," I snapped.
"Fine," he replied, getting up and following me into the bathroom. He leaned against a cabinet and gestured for me to do what I needed to do. I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, I'll keep the door open, but get out of here," I finally replied. He went back to sit on the desk chair. I undressed behind a corner and wrapped a very large towel around myself. I only took it off when I was in the shower with the door closed. The warm water was so relaxing that I stayed there for a while. Maybe too long, because at one point, I heard a knock on the shower door.
"Oh my God, everything's fine, I'm just relaxing," I replied to the figure of James tapping on the shower. He backed away, and I tried to finish what I was doing quickly before he came back to bother me. After getting out of the shower, I dried off quickly behind the corner and then went to my room. I took out some underwear and a very short and colorful summer dress.
"Can you at least turn around?" I said to James, and he did. I made sure there were no mirror surfaces where he could peek, and then I quickly got dressed. "Done," I told him, and he turned around, still looking at me. His expression ran all over my body. I felt a bit uncomfortable, so I was the first to look away. Then I grabbed the hairdryer from the bathroom and started drying my hair. At one point, I saw James behind me; he took the hairdryer from my hand and started drying my hair. I didn't know how to react to that situation, so I let him do it.
"Thank you," I said at the end, and he didn't say anything. I looked at the clock; it was almost eight, and my stomach wanted to be filled.
"Do you want to go grab something to eat?" I asked him, and he nodded.
He insisted on taking his car and driving me to a place. When we arrived, I noticed it was a typical American diner. We sat at a table and ordered food. The waitress almost had a heart attack seeing James, as if he were the most handsome man in the world.
"Hey, look who it is," a voice behind me said. It was my ex-boyfriend, one of the people I hated the most in the world. "Hi," I barely replied.
"And who's this, your new boyfriend? Are you fucking?" He said. He was starting to irritate me.
"Listen, asshole, do you leave by yourself or do I have to make you leave? I'm not as nice as I seem," James replied.
"Ohhh, so she really gave it to you. Man, you're lucky, she didn't want to do anything with me, using the excuse of virginity," he laughed.
"Maybe ask yourself some questions then," I said, rolling my eyes.
James suddenly stood up, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him.
"Wasn't I clear enough?" His face was inches from my ex-boyfriend's, and it was quite menacing. My ex began to tremble in fear.
"Sorry, man, I'll leave you guys alone," he said, still trembling, and quickly ran away. "You associated yourself with a guy like that?" James said to me, but noticing that I was embarrassed by what my ex-boyfriend had said in front of him, he dropped the subject, and silence fell between us. When the food arrived, I attacked the plate without looking at James and finished it very quickly.
"It was very good," I said only, still looking down. James remained silent, but after a few seconds, he began to speak. "Listen, Y/N, you did well not to go with that guy. You would have regretted it for sure," his words were understanding and comforting, and they made me feel good.
"Anyway, I didn't think you were still a virgin," he added as if it were a normal thing to say.
"What do you mean?" I asked, curious about his statement.
"I mean, you're a beautiful girl, you could have anyone at your feet," he said. "Once again, you've judged me as someone I'm not," I replied, but this time I wasn't angry.
"It seems so," he replied, smiling at me. It was the first time he smiled, and I understood why the waitress had felt faint when we arrived. He was really handsome. I tried to brush off these thoughts, but he seemed to notice. "What's wrong, do you like my smile?" he said, winking, just like I had done earlier inviting him to come into the shower with me. I looked away. At one point, I heard the beep of his phone. He looked at the phone.
"Okay Y/N, we have a problem. I need to take you away from here, to an isolated and safe place," he said, suddenly becoming serious.
I didn't understand what was happening, but with him, I felt safe.
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royaldaycare · 23 days
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Hello !! I'm Logan (or Johnny!) and welcome to my daycare! you can call me Logan, Lo, Johnny, big brother or dada! I also occasionally go by saint or my OC's callsign, Sparrow!
A little about me ! :
I use he/they/it pronouns as well as some neo's and xeno's too!
I'm trans, gay and asexual! I'm also questioning whether I am poly or not!
I am an age regressor and a caregiver! (my agere blog is @gh0stlyb34r !)
I'm 19 and my birthday is June 3rd!
I'm from the uk!
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my anons! ;
💚 ,
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I am a 100% sfw caregiver! any nsfw accounts will be blocked!
This blog is a safe space for regressors and caregivers alike! anyone that makes this blog an unsafe place will be blocked immediately
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My rules!
dni ; nsfw, edsh, zionist, racist, homophobic, against Palestine, transphobic, ableist, trump supporters, anti agere, ddlg/abdl accounts, anti petre
boundaries ; keep all terms used for me either masc or gender neutral, do not flirt with me (even if it is as a joke or friendly), please keep all asks sfw.
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My interests!
games ; call of duty, overwatch, resident evil 4, forza horizon, roblox (royale high, dress to impress, obby's and tycoons!), fnaf, poppy playtime, indigo park, red dead redemption 2, animal crossing new horizons, good pizza great pizza, hogwarts legacy, valorant, a little to the left, unpacking, mario kart 8, mario kart wii, just dance, the last of us
movies/shows ; deadpool & wolverine, deadpool, x-men, harry potter, fantastic beasts, atsv/itsv, marvel, star wars, the umbrella academy, stranger things, the batman, titains, heartstopper, young royals, criminal minds, fnaf, arcane, ghostbusters, barbie, oppenheimer, nimona, christopher robin
musicals ; les miserables, hamilton, waitress, the greatest showman, la la land, hairspray, dear even hansen, heathers, high school musical, lemonaid mouth, annie, descendants, beetlejuice, mama mia, tick tick boom, into the woods, mean girls, in the heights, little shop of horrors
youtubers ; pezzy, elasticdroid, puffer, grizzy, smii7y, gtlive, game theory, warn, frogger, aspen, beaplays, dawko, ethan nestor, blarg, thedooo, coleydoesthings, film cooper, dechart games, hthaze, james marriott
musicians ; james marriott, taylor swift, mcr, twenty one pilots, billie eilish, hozier, noah kahan, sleeping at last, the smiths, laufey, chappell roan, bruno major, paramore, novo amor, depeche mode, p!atd, daughter, djo, feels like july, florence the machine, frank sinatra, gerard way, ghost, lady gaga, lemon demon, lily allen, maya hawke, 1d, 5sos, mitski, micheal jackson, sleep token, taylor austen dye
misc ; books, dolls (monster high, lol, rh), pop figures, lego, posters, flowers, pin badges, jewellery, halloween, fall/autumn, deco pacis, colouring
DISCLAIMER ; I hold all of my faves accountable! I do not support jkr, noah schnapp ect!
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My faves !
celebs/authors ; pedro pascal, hugh jackman, ryan reynolds, ali hazelwood, kit connor, oscar isaac, hayden christensen, ewan mcgregor, tom hiddleston, andrew garfield, tom holland, aiden gallagher, eddie redmane, aaron tveit, erik j brown, david tennant, josh hutcherson, david harbour, wynina ryder, natalia dyer, maya hawke, matthew gray gubler, thomas gibson, aj cook, barry sloane, neli ellice
characters ; John 'Soap' MacTavish, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Captain John Price, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Robin Buckley, Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Loki, Logan Howlett, Scott Summers, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Ben Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Newt Scamander, Din Djarin, Deadpool, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Danny Zuko, Jean Valjean, Ben Florian, Flynn Rider, Aziraphale, Crowley, Nick Nelson, Charlie Spring, Diego Hargreeves
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dividers and Lydia banner by @kodaswrld <3 bj banner
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curtsycream · 8 months
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Here you’ll find all my newer works, want to read my older fics click the link in my pinned for it <33
New MasterList
* <- smut
+ <- angst
• <- agere
~ <- m!reader
! <- f!reader
Poly 141 x Reader
Sons of Anarchy*!
Beautiful Woman*!
Price x Reader x Simon
Could You Understand?*!
Golden Era
Hermione Granger x F!Reader
Anything For You, Beautiful !
Marauders Era
Jily x F!Reader
She’s in Love !
Regulus Black x Reader
Could Never Unlove You !
She’s Her !
My Heart Lingers in Italy !
James Potter x Reader
My Greatest Love, My Greater Enemy+!
Heartaches & Coffee+!
Lost It All+~
WolfStar x Reader
A Long Night*!
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Little!Reader
Daddy’s Touch•!
BakuKiriDeku x Little!Reader
Hide n Seek•!
What Makes Them Happy•!
Baby Voice•!
Missing You•!
Pacifier Complications•!
When Sleep Won’t Come•!
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Farmer’s Market Crush !
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley x F!Reader
No One Puts Lovey In A Corner !
Eddie Munson x Reader
But It’s Not Real+!
Support The Arts !
Beside You+!
Support the Arts 3*!
Steve Harrington x Reader
Split Ends !
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SoapGhostGaz x Reader
Platonic!TF141 x Reader
Their Daughter !
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson x Reader
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Cottagecore Wife !
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John ‘Soap’ MacTavish
Tell Me About Your Day
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
Video Call*!
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley x F!Reader
They Call It Love !
Eddie Munson x Reader
A Lesson in Good Girl Training*!
A Lesson in Answering Calls*!
A Lesson in Picnics*!
A Lesson in Bat Boyfriends !
A Lesson in Nails and Blowjobs*!
The Country Club*!
His Scene Girl !
Steve Harrington x Reader
Seijoh Four x Reader
The Way To My Heart…Oranges !
Rainy Days !
Marauders Era
James Potter x Reader
I Promise !
Blue Hands !
BakuKiriDeku x Little!Reader
Mama Bear•!
Favorite Blankets•!
Snow Days•!
Lay Your Head Down•!
Broken Vase•!
Surviving Summer
Baxter Radic x Reader
I Like You !
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Reneé Rapp x F!Reader
Mi Amor !
Mean Girls 2024 !
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson x Reader
Support the Arts 2 !
Marauders Era
Jily x F!Reader
Ringed Fingers !
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goldensunbathed · 6 months
anything ansgty with latino!james?
i usually wouldn't take an ask this vague, but jamies always on my mind so yes! thank you for requesting bb, forehead kisses<33
this isn't very angsty, but when I get into that mood I'll write a little something else
cw: surrounding topic is christmas, slight arguing, mentions of a sick and dying relative, probably horrible spanish
474 words, latino!james x f!reader
You weren't scared to tell James your parents wanted you at theirs' for Christmas, you were scared of the way he'd feel about it. You always do Christmas Eve at your parent's house, and Christmas day at his.
Usually, if this were to happen with any other guy you'd just say fuck it and stay home for Christmas, but not James. James practically worships his parents.
"Guess what, mi amor!" James shouts as he walks into your flat, dropping off large brown bags in the kitchen.
"Hm?" You hum back.
"San Nicolas is coming soon! Snow is pounding down outside, look!" James says, boyishly.
"I actually have to talk to you about that, James."
His eyes brighten as he sets the milk gallon in the refrigerator. "Mami is making that pozole that you liked for Christmas dinner, I've been craving her cooking so bad lately." James says, moving his hands and arms around as he always does to express his language easier. Your heart cracks a little, you both haven't seen Fleamont or Euphemia in over 3 months, and for the Mama's boy, you know it's difficult.
"James, I can't be at your mom's Christmas dinner." You say, a frown on your face. His shoulders drop, his smile fading.
"What, why?" He practically whines.
"I'm sorry, Jamie, my parents want me home this year, you know my grandpa is sick."
"Yes! But-." James stops himself and rubs his eyes under his glasses.
"You can still go! I just won't be there." You try to bargain, but James shakes his head immediately.
"No! I don't want to be without you on a day that's supposed to be filled with happiness." He almost pouts.
"James, I don't want you to miss out on seeing your parents. Please, please go on and stay with your mum and dad on Christmas."
"¡No! Es contigo con quien quiero estar en Navidad. Por favor, ¿por qué no podemos hacerlo como lo hacemos normalmente?" James exclaims.
"I'm gonna go in the other room and let you take a breath, when you can speak to me maturely, come on in." You sigh, standing and walking into your bedroom.
Of course, you want to be with James and his lovely family on Christmas, but your grandfather could be dying!
Only a few minutes pass by, hearing James pace, until he comes into the room and sits next to you on the bed.
"I'm sorry, I just really want you there."
"I really want to be there, Jamie."
"Maybe we can FaceTime the whole time? And I can drive back home after or something."
"No, love, your parents live almost 3 hours away. It'll be okay, next year we'll go back to normal."
"I'll miss you."
"You're very cringey. It's only one day, honey, we'll survive." He smiles, and ultimately, Christmas turns out okay.
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August - Taylor Swift. Harbor - Clairo. Anchor - Novo Amor. Mirrorball - Taylor Swift. Work Song - Hozier. Just Asking - Aquilo. The Bomb - Florence and the Machine. Walk Me Home - Searows. Lost At Sea - Rob Grant & Lana Del Rey. Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens. Always - Daniel Caesar. Promise - Ben Howard. Beach Baby - Bon Iver. Tethered - Sleeping at Last. Us - James Bay. Candy - Paolo Nutini. The Only Exception - Paramore. Song on the Beach - Arcade Fire. Diving (Acoustic) - Bombay Bicycle Club & Holly Humberstone. Beltway - Solange. Everything Works Out In The End - Kodaline. Invisible String - Taylor Swift. Smoke Signals - Phoebe Bridgers. If We Were Vampires - Noah Kahan & Wesley Schultz. You're Gonna Go Far - Noah Kahan. Woman (Single Version) - Mumford and Sons. Let The Light In - Lana Del Rey & Father John Misty. Margaret - Lana Del Rey & Bleachers. History - X Ambassadors. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - U2. Ur So Pretty - Wasia Project. Unknown / Nth - Hozier. Clay Pigeons - Michael Cera. Lacy - Olivia Rodrigo. My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski. Lake Missoula - Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners. I'll Be Seeing You - Billie Holiday. Strawberry Wine - Noah Kahan. In A Good Way - Faye Webster.
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give these songs a listen while you read Honey Girl for the full experience!! i'll add to this playlist as we go along with each chapter <3
the masterlist.
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hypnos333 · 9 months
Falling for ya
1610 Miles Morales x black reader
Synopsis: You love Miles but your scared to fall for him because of a heartbreak in your last relationship
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“Careful” Your friend simply said making you look at her in confusion. You both were in the cafeteria during lunch.
“Huh?” You asked looking back at her waiting for her to continue her sentence.
“Your smile. You look like you’re about to fall in love” She explain making you immediately shake your head in denial. This is the bare minimum of what you want. What’s falling in love? because you definitely don’t know.
“Uhm I don’t think so he just looks interesting, I mean he looks like a regular student sure but he looks like he’s holding a secret” You explained.
She raised her eyebrows at you before sharing a piece of her cake with you but without both your knowledge, the same guy was staring at you.
“You know what I see?” Your friend asked making you curiously squint at her.
“What do you see?” You questioned.
“I see a love story right here, You guys do look cute together and whenever you’re ready you should take a chance” She said making you look back at the cake.
You playfully shoved her before putting on you backpack you hurried her up to get her to class.
“Alright students I’m going to switch up your seats and you’re gonna be assigned these seats till the end of the semester” Miss. James stated.
“Flash and F/n and then Jamie and Kc and then ah Miles and ___” Miss James added before continuing down the list
You and Miles looked at each other before you both walked over your two seat desk to get comfortable.
“Hey Miles” You greeted as he looked nervous and could barely breathe so you tried giving him a comforting smile.
“H-Hey ___” he greeted back making him a little more relaxed.
You looked to your side to see your friend giving you the thumbs up making you roll your eyes at her. But as time went by you and Miles seemed to be getting closer, Like him and Ned now hangs out with you and f/n.
You were falling for him and it was scary.
You were both on the rooftop looking at the sun setting, Miles enterwine your hands together making you wanna talk about your situation.
“Love is scary. This feeling of falling terrifies me, the only way it ends is with hitting the ground” You stated
“Not if I catch you” you giggled at his statement but you could tell he was serious
“You can’t catch me if you’re falling with me”
“Mi Amor, I started falling long before you did” He said before kissing you cheek making you blush.
Maybe F/n was right this was gonna work out longer and stronger.
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