#amoura tag
My name is Jonas, I go by they/he pronouns and my stupid (affectionate) ass interests include the following:
Undertale/Deltarune (papyrus my beloved!)
Hazbin Hotel
Friday Night Funkin'
any art you fuckers do (you guys are so good at it srsly)
(lol i honestly should have done this first)
(if you want info on friday night funkin', keep reading)
art i've done:
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Speakin' of Friday Night Funkin, my brother (@amoura-funkin-official) and I are planning on making our own mod called
(drumroll.mp3) Amoura Funkin'!
The gist of it is BF and GF fall into Amoura - the center of it to be specific. On their way to get out (and make it home in time), they meet a wonderful cast of characters. Raya, who invites them into the bar she works at, Clyde, the King's royal advisor- (and Raya's friend) who's a total nerd. His niece and nephew, Apollo and Lydia, along with the King's right-hand man, Brian. And even the King himself! (and also Jenna maybe)
We are planning to release this mod in versions for the sake of our sanity.
v.0.5 - the beach episode. not really part of the main story, but a fun practice one-off
v.1 - the actual mod. probably not a lot of stuff yet. raya's week and a few freeplay songs
v.1.5- partner's week. @reddnpinkepiphanyz is going to work with us one that part, as partner is their character
v.2 - clyde's week is added along with new dialogue box and character sprites. more freeplay songs. the interface changed a bit
v.3 (?) - animated (hopefully) cutscenes for the dialogue. full interface change. maybe some bonus songs if i'm feeling rather funky
(expect a shit-ton of art for this lol) Updates for this are TBD.
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concretepie · 3 months
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ᯓ★🎧⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟGurls out in town!!
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morelikesin · 7 years
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🌹 Cimorene and Xanthippe, respectively 🌹
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thranduilsperkybutt · 3 years
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Gif source:  Cheryl
Imagine asking Cheryl to help you learn how to apply makeup, which leads to her taking you on a shopping spree because you don’t have any of the proper colors.
---------  Request for @bixbiboom  ---------
“This will simply not do,” Cheryl huffs at your measly arrangement of makeup which had been mostly functional, up until this point. “I cannot work under these conditions!”
Sighing, “Well, it’s all I’ve got, Cheryl.”
“That’s it, mission number one in my three-mission plan to get you somewhat competent at handling makeup: we’re going shopping!”
“Shopping?” you blanch, you definitely didn’t have money for much makeup, with how overpriced everything seemed to be. “Makeup is so expensive...”
"That’s why you leave that to your Fairy Godmother Blossom, of course,” Cheryl points to herself like it was obvious to assume she was going to foot the bill on all of this, and before you can protest, she silences you with her declaration of, “and I’m not buying any of that cheap stuff. No, we’re going to Amoura, of course!”
You almost choke, “Cheryl, that store charges, like, forty bucks for one lipstick! I can’t ask you to do that for me---”
“Good, because you aren’t!” Cheryl grins, “And I’m not asking!”
General + Imagines Tag List:
@im5-tw​ @hanoi15 @thatbitchann @genericbrowngurl @badbitsh13 @wayward-sociopath-221b @abisexualsailormoon @thatsjustdamncrazy @breadsquash @mydelightfultigerbouquet @midnightzonzz @stylebydesignxo @otassbek @a-pigeon-is-spying-on-me @mysecondcarisa67chevyimpala + @dorkofclanlavellan @kristalulah
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badassindistress · 4 years
No Vampires Allowed - Session 30
A banshee screams, a desperate prayer is made and a final battle is fought… It’s time for the last session of No Vampires Allowed!
Tagging the party: @aporeticelenchus @pioup-pioup @guineamaina @ratheralark @m-siecle @somuchbetterthanthat
 Raisa is locked in combat with Strahd, the rest is left behind. Two gargoyles have appeared and Strahd has called other creatures of the crypts to aid him. Calliope gets attacked by an icedog that nearly tears het throat out. She strikes it with thunder but it’s still on top of her.
Clara makes Emily’s crossbow magic and heals Calliope. Everard uses the Faerie Fire scroll, creating a violet light around Strahd. Viktor throws a fireball and Emily flies over the  wolf to shoot Strahd with her newly magical crossbow. She gets attacked by bats, which fail to harm her and latch onto Raisa instead. Strahd tries to bite Raisa, but gets stuck on her armour. Ezmeralda slashes at the dog hunkering over Calliope and Kasimir makes it howl in pain with another fireball. A second dog knocks Viktor unconscious.
Bucephalus appears and Strahd gets on the horse. Calliope spears the dog on top of her, killing it and healing herself. There is an eerie wail coming from the south. Clara gets Viktor on his feet again. He fails to snipe the bats and hides.  Raisa is still grappled by a giant bat and Calliope stabs the gargoyle attacking her. Emily shoots the bat off of Raisa, so she’s free to pursue Strahd with the sunsword. Ezmeralda dispatches another gargoyle.
Emily has run back to Ireena’s grave and hears footsteps coming down the stairs. Ireena is still in peaceful repose, so Emily throws her ballbearings over the stairs. The wailing is getting louder. Everard uses the pipes of haunting to frighten the creatures away from him.
Emily finds Patrina’s grave and sees an elven looking banshee going towards her friends. Ludmilla trips over the ballbearings and falls on her butt, but she still catches Raisa in Evard’s Black Tentacles. Calliope blows the gargoyle attacking her to smithereens and heals some more.
The Banshee starts a mournful wail and Kasimir throws his arms around her. Raisa, who was just fine a moment before, drops to the floor, suddenly unconscious. Strahd reappears next to Calliope and tries to burn them all. He calls the inhabitants of the crypts to him and all the crypt doors swing open. Clara, burned by the fire, falls unconscious. Muriel swoops down on Strahd and Everard gives Clara a health potion to get her back on her feet. Everard tries to call on Shami-Amourae for help in desperation, but nothing happens.
Clara drinks the potion of exhausting speed and rushes Strahd. Emily flies to Raisa, unconscious in the tentacles, to get her back to consciousness too. The moment Clara fell unconscious, her crossbow lost its magic. Raisa gets back up again and relights her sword, bringing sunlight streaming back into the crypt. Strahd jumps off the horse and tries to grapple Muriel, he slashes at her and she gets knocked unconscious. He sucks her blood, getting her two steps closer to death.
Kasimir holds Patrina until the life seems to return to her cheeks. Ezmeralda brings down a lightning bolt on Strahd and Ludmilla manages to just hit Emily with a poison dart. Escher appears, shambling, looking half starved. He looks in very bad shape and reluctant to fight.
Bucephalus tries to disappear, but a lovely voice that appears out of nowhere says “I don’t thinks so” and Shami-Amourae pushes him out of the ethereal plane. Calliope heals all her friends in one fell swoop, saving Muriel’s life at the last moment. Muriel is awake again and claws Strahd in the face. Everard casts Chill Touch on Strahd and then turns around and sees Escher. Everard is dumbstruck.
Clara keeps slashing at Strahd desperately, he’s bloodied from her Divine Smites. Emily shoots him and tells him that Tatiana would rather die than love him in any lifetime. Raisa runs forward so both Strahd and Escher are in the sunlight. Strahd tries to flee, but Clara catches him with Scorch and Muriel catches him with her claws. He fireballs them all and runs away. Clara passes out again. Everard uses Misty Escape to appear next to Escher. Escher has been ordered to fight, but when Everard tells him “terrible news darling, your ring saved my life” he’s so surprised he freezes. Escher is struggling against Strahd’s control, but the compulsion takes over and he slashes at Everard weakly.
Ezmeralda gives inspiration and Calliope heals everyone once more. Ludmilla does not join the fight, hanging back to see who wins. Escher gives Everard bardic inspiration. Calliope sacred flames the horse, it doesn’t do much. Muriel tries to mount Bucephalus, but he bucks her off. Patrina turns back into an elf in Kasimir’s arms.
Viktor makes Raisa fly. Everard keeps joking at Escher and Escher does not attack him. Clara slashes at the horse.
Emily runs after Strahd and finds him in the dark. She seizes him up and shoots him through the chest with her last magical crossbow bolt. Raisa, still flying, follows the sound of his cursing and feels the sunsword go warm in her hand. She sees Strahd stumbling, bloodied and with a bolt through his heart, and runs him through with a sword made of sunset. For a moment, Strahd looks surprised and then he looks, just for a moment, full of regret. And then it passes and the Dread Prince Strahd von Zarovich crumbles into ash.
Suddenly, everything freezes. A group of robed, hooded figures appear out of nowhere around the ash. One Figure speaks. “Has the verdict been reached?” Another says “Parole will be granted temporarily” a third says “good, the contract has been met”. The voices speak of paths from shadows opening and a review at a future time. The particles of ash disappear and the hooded figures fade.
Time flows again and all hostile creatures fall to the ground. Only Escher is still standing. He has not seen the hooded figures.
Emily runs to Ireena, still lying peacefully in her coffin. Calliope, with all her friends safe around her, takes out the diamonds and Revives Ireena. Ireena’s eyes flutter open and she is not burnt by the sunlight. She’s alive. Emily bursts into tears and hugs her.
Everard wanders back to Escher to show him they’re not going to kill him and talk about Everard’s new look. Escher admits that roguish isn’t a bad look on Everard. He doesn’t know why he gave Everard the ring, but Escher says he’s not good at killing people. He says he’d like to help Everard and pay him back. Everard says he knows someone who will have some advice and Escher promises he will listen.
A sound of crying and wailing suddenly permeates the air, there is a chilling shriek of despair and Everard feels the despair running through him. He gracefully passes out in Escher’s arms. The stones start to shake and the entire castle trembles. Escher tries to help Everard and gives him a little bit of his blood. Calliope helps him. Raisa retracts her sunlight and Escher leads them quickly out through a secret door to the brazier room and from there to the doors of Castle Ravenloft. The rowers are crumbling and falling into the abyss. Rahadon in his grief is bringing the entire castle down.
Outside, they find Izek and Ishmark still alive and standing over Volenta’s corpse. They run across the drawbridge and from there they watch as Castle Ravenloft is destroyed once again.
Calliope uses her sending stone to see if the Martikovs are okay. Davian says they’re all alive, but that Stefania might lose an arm. Calliope immediately offers them her ring of regeneration. Clara wakes Everard in Escher’s arms. Patrina is unconscious, but she looks thoroughly alive. The mist is slowly allowing some rays of sunlight in. Muriel looks up at the sun and cries. Emily pulls them all into a group hug.
Clara proposes they all get a rest and get smashed, so they all pile into Ezmeralda’s cart. Everard gets Escher a cloak to shield him from the sunlight. Escher and Everard agree to try and free each other. Escher doesn’t know if his family is still there. Viktor doesn’t want to go back to Vallaki, but Stella’s body is still there. Stella the cat has made it through the battle safely.
Exhausted and relieved, they arrive in Barovia village, where signs of life are returning. They all pile into Ishmark’s house, who empties his wine cellar for them.
Muriel goes up to Escher and says “I don’t know if you know this, but we didn’t start out on the best foot. I was the Raven. If you have the terrible idea to hurt anyone I care about, I will kill you slowly.” Escher accepts this. He expected to be stuck in a crypt for twenty hears, this is a vast improvement. Muriel says that now she has them, he can shake her hand.
Clara, drunk and exhausted, spends the evening in the corner petting the cat. Muriel and Everard talk about returning to Faerun. Everard asks to stay with her until he feels “more himself”. When he hugs her, Muriel actually hugs back.
Calliope shyly approaches Ezmeralda to ask about her plans. They neither of them really have much to return to back home. Ezmeralda advises that leaving sooner rather than later might be wise. The Mists might not be dispersed for forever. Calliope offers to help Ezmeralda in her next adventure. Ezmeralda smiles. They agree to share the road, at least for a while.
Raisa gives Ireena the sunsword, because she feels Sergei might have wanted her to have it. When Ireena touches the hilt, she tears up without even knowing why. She says she will treasure it, bur confesses she is going to try and leave Barovia, if the land will allow it.
Emily goes to talk to Ishmark in private, to make sure he will accept Izek as a little brother. Ishmark says he feels like he keeps on getting new family, but he does agree to accept Izek as Ireena’s little brother and to take care of him. Emily speaks seriously to him about his obligations as the Baron, but Izek does not seem inclined to fill the power vacuum Strahd left behind.
Everyone is either drunk and exhausted, or asleep. Everard tries to get Escher to join him, but Escher is starving and it wouldn’t be safe. Everard kisses him on the cheek and makes to leave him, but Escher pulls him back into a proper kiss. When they part, Escher says proudly that he didn’t bite Everard once. Everard replies that he didn’t use Fae charm to make that kiss happen, so Escher should be proud of him.
The next morning, there’s sunlight and the mists have parted. In the village, some people seem to have just disappeared. Some villagers are planning on leaving Barovia, others are staying and planning to rebuild in the sunlight now they are out of Strahd’s shadow.
The party of adventurers, involuntarily stuck in the mists and finally free, can finally leave Barovia.
Emily pulls Raisa away by the hand and confesses that she doesn’t quite know how to do without Raisa anymore. Raisa agrees to come home with her, but only if they can see Raisa’s family first. They will be the ones to bring back the stolen children to the Duchess of Daggerford.
Clara talks to Viktor and Stella and asks if they want to come with her. She wants to go back home where she an feel connected to her God again and carry on with her mission of defeating evil, but now with her new apprentices. They will have to go back to Vallaki first, to retrieve Stella’s body. Lady Watcher is apparently in a weird cult and the fiend in her house is her familiar, so Clara and her new children will have quite an interesting time setting Stella back to rights. ( Viktor tried to teleport them out of Barovia, but Stella and the cat stepped into the circle at the same time. Viktor’s spellbook was written by Mordekainen, who is known as the Mad Mage, which might explain some things).
Muriel has found her family and realised how important community is to her. She want to make Barovia into a better place, repair the road, plant gardens and start a postal service. She’s going to change Barovia for the better.
Everard doesn’t want to bring his lady out into the world. He’s going to stay in Barovia, with Muriel and with Escher.
Ezmeralda says how nice it is to be together. She used to prefer being alone, but she’s realised now how good it is to have friends on the road. She proposes they will all meet again in a year, in Barovia or elsewhere.
Emily tells Muriel to get Everard to teach her to dance, since she will very much hold her to that promise of dancing at her wedding and that wedding might be closer than she thinks. Clara says she’s glad she didn’t kill Everard when she thought he was a vampire, which he very much appreciates.
They share a few more hugs but finally they all turn back to the road. In the newfound sunlight, they all go their own way. Outside the Burgomaster’s mansion, the spectral form of Sergei von Zarovich is watching over the house, sunsword set firmly in to the ground, protecting the house from all that might harm it.
 ... And that’s the end of the final session of No Vampires Allowed!
 (Vampire Count: Dead. Permanently.)
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Nickname: I got by Anzu online but my real name is Hailey.
Zodiac:Aries ♈
Height: 5’1 or 5′0 ft.
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor Last thing I Googled: A Barnes and Noble near me.
Song stuck in my head: Remedy by Little Boots or Rain on Me by Lady Gaga ft. Ariana Grande.
Number of followers: 500.
Amount of sleep: I get 8-9 hours a sleep per night.
Lucky number: 6
Dream job: I’d say something to do with Sociology or something to do with fashion.
Wearing: A wine red blouse with red, orange and white tiny flowers on it with a denim skirt.
Favourite song: Depends. XD
Favourite instrument: I’d say the piano because I have played it before and it sounds pretty to me.  🎹
Aesthetic: Pink, totally pink because it is my favorite color alongside red, blue and purple.  🌸
Favourite author: I’m gonna have to say Langston Hughes, Robert Frost or Maya Angelou. I have read their works in class and I’ve grown to like them.
Favourite animal noise: I like the sounds of birds chirping in the morning and the sounds of dolphins.
Random: I have a pet dog and I can sing well.
I know it’s only a few but tag @magicalshoujolover @animeokaachan  @babydolledtulip @strawberrylollipopkisses @tvngames @flowerynameslover @amoura-eternia and @desi-pluto
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orbesargentina · 4 years
Un neurobiólogo de renombre mundial dice que el extracto de nicotina podría proteger contra el coronavirus
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Parece que hay un uso beneficioso para el tabaco después de todo, o al menos la nicotina que contiene.
Según el aclamado neurobiólogo Jean-Pierre Changeux, la nicotina muestra una promesa increíble en la lucha contra el coronavirus de Wuhan (COVID-19) como un remedio preventivo y curativo.
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Él y un equipo de especialistas del hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière en Francia han estado estudiando los efectos del coronavirus de Wuhan (COVID-19) en fumadores versus no fumadores, y han llegado a una conclusión interesante, si no inesperada: los fumadores están menos afectados por el nuevo virus que los no fumadores. Por alguna razón, los fumadores tienen menos probabilidades de sucumbir al coronavirus de Wuhan (COVID-19). De hecho, muy pocos fumadores están contrayendo el virus, un hallazgo que ahora ha sido publicado por la Academia de Ciencias.
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Dos grupos de población específicos que también muestran tasas mínimas de infección son los reclusos y los pacientes de los hospitales psiquiátricos, los cuales tienen un número de fumadores superior al promedio. El denominador común en toda esta investigación es el tabaquismo, que curiosamente parece proporcionar algún tipo de protección desconocida contra el coronavirus de Wuhan (COVID-19), y potencialmente también otros virus y microbios. Para su investigación, Changeux y el equipo de Pitié-Salpêtrière evaluaron 350 pacientes hospitalizados, junto con 130 pacientes "más ligeros" que ingresaron de forma ambulatoria. Todos estos pacientes dieron positivo para el coronavirus de Wuhan (COVID-19).
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Como resultado, muy pocos pacientes que reciben tratamiento para el coronavirus de Wuhan (COVID-19) en Pitié-Salpêtrière fuman, apenas un cinco por ciento, mientras que muy pocas personas que fuman están dando positivo por el virus en primer lugar, y por lo tanto no están siendo admitidos para tratamiento. "Básicamente, tenemos un 80 por ciento menos de fumadores en pacientes con Covid que en la población general del mismo sexo y la misma edad", declaró Zahir Amoura, profesor de medicina interna, en un artículo francés sobre los hallazgos. La nicotina detiene la entrada del coronavirus y se fija dentro de las células
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Según lo que Amoura, Changeux y otros han descubierto sobre la naturaleza de la nicotina, parece que este componente del tabaco posee una capacidad única para evitar que el coronavirus de Wuhan (COVID-19) ingrese a las células y se establezca allí. La nicotina detiene efectivamente la propagación del virus, actuando como un tipo de freno que evita la formación de enfermedades. Por más inquietante que pueda ser esta hipótesis, dado que el tabaco y la nicotina están en gran medida vilipendiados, tiene cierto mérito y podría explicar por qué a los fumadores les está yendo bien en general en medio de esta pandemia. Pronto comenzarán los ensayos clínicos para probar esta teoría y ver si podría haber mejores formas de administrar nicotina en lugar de fumar. Estos pueden incluir extractos o parches de nicotina, los últimos de los cuales ya se utilizan para ayudar a los fumadores a dejar el hábito.
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Una vez que el ensayo reciba luz verde del gobierno francés, los investigadores planean administrar parches de nicotina a tres grupos diferentes en diferentes dosis. A los cuidadores se les dará como medida preventiva; a los pacientes del hospital se les dará para ver si sus síntomas mejoran; y pacientes de reanimación severa se les dará para ver si sus condiciones inflamatorias disminuyen. Otra teoría es que la nicotina ayuda a evitar que el sistema inmunitario reaccione de forma exagerada al virus, un fenómeno conocido como tormenta de citoquinas. Debido a que las tormentas de citoquinas tienen el potencial de matar a una persona, la nicotina podría ayudar a mantener el sistema inmune bajo control mientras regula una respuesta inmune más apropiada a los invasores patógenos. Tags chicles de nicotina, nicotinell chicles precio, nicotinell chicles. nicotina sistema nervioso, la nicotina engorda. Read the full article
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badassindistress · 4 years
@aporeticelenchus and @ratheralark were talking about how much our curse of strahd campaign would have changed if another character had died instead of Everard. And then I couldn’t stop thinking about how everything would be so different if Everard hadn’t been the one to die and get revived so early. So here’s some thoughts I had if it had been someone else:
Clara got really badly hurt by the vampire spawn in the fight where Everard died. I can’t imagine that if she had died she would have become Shami-Amourae’s champion. Delights and indulgence really aren’t something Clara seems to strive for. I don’t think the Lady of Delights would even offer. Does the Morning Lord take champions? Because that would be really interesting.
Calliope already is on her second chance (I think), but maybe the voice who saved her 25 years ago would do so again? Or maybe Khavan who gave her the blood spear would save her. I know he’s not a Vestige, but it would be cool. Muriel wasn’t with the party yet then, but I’d like to think Khavan as her ancestor would keep her alive too.
Raisa already fights like a champion, but I can’t see her reacting very well to the Lady of Delights. Perhaps there’s a more martial Vestige. The same guy who gave Izek his arm maybe?
Emily would fall in love with Shami-Amourae. She’s highly susceptible to ladylike beauty.
Tagging the party: @aporeticelenchus @pioup-pioup @guineamaina @ratheralark @somuchbetterthanthat @m-siecle
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badassindistress · 4 years
No Vampires Allowed Session 15
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Everard meets the most attractive man he’s ever seen, Calliope meets the most beautiful library she’s ever seen and Muriel meets a linen closet. It’s time for more No Vampires Allowed!
Tagging the party: @aporeticelenchus​ @pioup-pioup​ @guineamaina​ @ratheralark​ @m-siecle​ @somuchbetterthanthat​
At the Abbey, the ladies are hard at work to create a wedding dress for Vasilka. Everard prestidigitates the stain out of Emily’s silk dress and with the curtains from Argynvastholt, Emily, Ireena and Vasilka manage to sew together a sort of acceptable dress.
It is discovered that the necklace with Strahd’s emblem is a lucky necklace. (while wearing it if you roll a one, the next roll will have advantage).
Calliope ask the Abbot about the Witch. He doesn’t much care about her, she’s not a threat to the land according to him.
Ezmeralda hasn’t heard much of the Amber Temple. She hasn’t heard at all of the Order of the Feather. Calliope finds an Atlas that includes Solenka Pass in the Southern mountains. It’s not perfectly accurate, but it’s a pass over the Luna river into the mountains, south of the ruins of Berez. Muriel knows a little about the territory, it’s cold and hard terrain.
Emily read the Tome of Strahd but only gets repeated frantic scribbling. “She always dies, she always dies.”
Everard composes a poem about Godfrey and his long lost love. It’s a lovely stirring poem he gifts to the Lady of Delights. The offering pleases her. In his dream, he asks her advice about Strahd, but only gets general advice, that he should not let Strahd charm him and that his Patroness will be put out if he gets bitten. She is more helpful on the subject of Baba Lysaga. Baba Lysaga is still human, sees herself as a protective mother of Strahd. Shami-Amourae tells Everard he’s not strong enough yet to come and find her at the Amber Temple. She’s having fun, so she’d like to keep him alive. When he wakes up, Everard has forgotten the contents of his poem.
Calliope has a dreamless sleep (but only because she had a good wisdom saving roll). The next morning, the Abbot tells her the priest lost after the flooding of Berez happened was Brother Grigori, close friend to burgomaster Laslov Olrek. There’s  a shortage of priests of the Morning Lord, so one disappearing is noteworthy. Lydia Petrovna’s family was from Berez. The Abbot asks if Calliope can still hear her God’s voice. She hasn’t, but isn’t sure if that was the near-death, or the mists. This troubles the Abbot.
Emily attempts to make a tiny Raven backpack for Muriel. She’s going to go to the dinner as Everard’s shoulder raven.
They all get dressed to the best of their abilities. Everard cleans everyone’s clothes, Emily braids Raisa’s hair and persuades the Blood Spear to turn into a hairpin to tuck into Calliope’s hair. Everard still has his elaborate traditional elven robes, so he’s the only one actually appropriately dressed for dinner with royalty.
The carriage with black horses and no driver arrives down at the gates. Everard casts countercharm on in just in case. In the carriage is a parcel with the note “a gift for your arrival”. In it are warm velvet cloaks with silver lining and matching gloves. Emily puts one on and nothing happens. The journey takes hours, but Everard manages to fill a lot of that time with telling stories.
When they arrive at Castle Ravenloft, they are awaited by Volenta and the most beautiful man they’ve ever seen, who is strangely familiar to Everard. This is Escher, another one of Strahd’s consorts.
Volenta takes the ladies to a sumptuous dressing room to put on more appropriate attire and Emily is extremely grateful. Escher takes Everard to a separate room so they can bitch at each-other. Ludmilla, the third female consort in a golden dress, comes to take Ireena away. Clara comes with her to keep her safe. Ireena gets the royal treatment, with the luxury of a bath and an amethyst gown and jewellery. When she comes back, the dye has been washed out of her hair. Ludmilla is inscrutable, Volenta seems to be having the time of her life playing dress-up games with her new victims guests, although she becomes more cheerful the moment Ireena is out of the room. She wants to redo Calliope’s hair, but Emily manages to convince her curls can’t be brushed and suspiciously sharp hairpins really shouldn’t be taken out, so Volenta pronounces Calliope to be perfect.
In the other room, Everard convinces Escher that Muriel is an accessory and sings to annoy him. Escher is less annoyed at the bagpipes than the singing.
They meet an Elf, a rarity in Borovia, who was the man who left the invitation at the winery, with all the screaming in his mind. He doesn’t join them for dinner. The wives are all still in their wedding dresses. When they enter the dining room, Strahd is playing the organ very dramatically. He’s being very jovial and welcoming. Ireena and Ludmilla are placed on either side of Strahd. Luckily the table is not too long for everyone to fall under Clara’s Protective Aura. Strahd seems fascinated or obsessed with Ireena.
Information learned during the meal:
Darkon “used to be” to the West, wasn’t there for a long time before
Rictavio has a grudge against the Vistani
Shami-Amourae sometimes wears Escher’s face
Strahd had an older brother who died ages ago of natural causes, he did not mention Sergei or his Vistani half-sister
Strahd studies the arcane, he talked scholarship with Calliope
Raisa may be able to get a job with Strahd
Strahd gets notified of movement in the mist, if they die they are not there anymore
Someone called the White Rider still tries to go through the mists even after his death, because he is so determined to leave.
Strahd doesn’t like to go tot eh western edge of his domain(but he can.)
His wish for the party is to see them thrive here. He’s disappointed with the Borovian people Some people are hollow, empty, like Baron Vallaki. Baroness Vallaki is a true soul.
Strahd’s father and other outsiders are not souls who return. Soul diversity cannot be improved by adding outsiders. The march of souls where the foreigners. But bringing new people does add change.
Strahd won’t say what change he would like to see
Escher is very confused at Everard’s mentions of the Lady of Delight
“Kasimir Delakov has never tried the Vistani adoption route.”
Strahd thinks the mists seal off a place that was once somewhere but now nowhere
Strahd is unsurprised Everard knows about his patron, doesn’t expect help from Vampyr, seems to think of it as a past transaction that does not resolve this cursed situation.
If you stand on Yesterhill on a clear day you can see into the past.
Strahd proposes a ball after dinner, neatly winning Emily’s approval. Everard immediately claims Escher’s first dance, to his chagrin. Strahd gives Emily a tour of the castle, Raisa and Clara immediately follow. Everard compliments Emily’s dress to give her Bardic Inspiration just in case. The Chapel has a stained glass window of Strahd and the sun, next to it a broken panel. Strahd says the altar is not prepared for guests, but they can see it later after they’ve done some cleaning. He also thinks Calliope’s long sleep is strange.
Strahd asks Ireena if she wishes to return to Borovia Village. He promises Ismark is unharmed.
In the study there’s a beautiful collection of books. Calliope gets a fairytale book from Strahd, so she’s getting charmed the non-magical way. There’s also a portrait of Queen Ravenova, who is a bit familiar to Everard, Clara and Muriel. (Maybe because they were the only one to see the statue in Krezk). Strahd had a quarrel with a lord of the Valley, he was not managing it well so he took over. Strahd thinks the Abbot is interesting and a friend, but has never invited him to Ravenloft.
Strahd offers the party a boon, they get to ask for something small. In the ballroom they find Gertruda, the lost woman looking great and very happy to be there.
Strahd asks Ireena to dance, who politely accepts. Everard dances with Escher, Volenta asks Calliope, Anastraya asks Raisa. In the confusion, no one asks Emily which is the worst thing that has happened to her in her life ever. Clara politely declines Ludmilla’s offer to dance, so Ludmilla dances with Emily. Raisa tries to convince Gertruda to come home, but to no avail. Everard talks to a confused Escher about being picked as second best and asks him for a second dance which he rudely declines. Muriel goes on a bit of an explore, but gets followed by the shadows coming from the creepy elf. (The elf may be called Rahadon).  Ludmilla does actually seem to want to serve Strahd, but she is a little disconteted that she might not be lady of the house after Strahd marries Ireena. Ludmilla says that Emily is what is generally Strahd’s type, the curious ones. She believes Strahd would never hurt Ireena, but she’ll get hurt another way anyway. “History is illustrative”.
Anastraya offers Clara a duel instead of a dance, but Clara politely declines, complimenting her enough that she preens.
Everard tells Escher to come find him when he wants to know more or remembers Her. He gives Escher a lock of his hair. Escher asks Emily to dance to escape him. Escher is Borovian but very much doesn’t want to talk about himself.
Muriel flies around, but the shadowy Elf catches her. She struggles and manages to not get overwhelmed by the screaming in her mind, but gets stuffed in a linen closet anyway. Clara goes out to find her.
And that’s the end of that extremely politely tense session of No Vampires Allowed…
(Vampire Count: 13, now we’ve met all four consorts?? I don’t know I’m very confused, who is the 8th vampire???)
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badassindistress · 4 years
No Vampires Allowed - Session 13
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Everard and Muriel bond, Emily weeps and Clara keeps on getting the heebie-jeebies from her own people… it’s time for more No Vampires Allowed!
Tagging the party: @aporeticelenchus​ @pioup-pioup​ @guineamaina​ @ratheralark​ @somuchbetterthanthat​ @m-siecle​
Lunch with Vasilka and the Abbot is wrapping up and Everard and Muriel, the newly dubbed “corvid companions” decide to go down to Krezk and try and find Vasili von Holt. Emily and Ireena attempt to teach Vasilka to waltz.
Everard and Muriel go down to a gazebo near a lake, where they find a statue of a handsome man with his arms outstretched as if he is waiting to be embraced. They also find Vasili von Holt looking sadly out at the pool. Everard expends a lot of effort flirting with Vasili and learns some very interesting information. Vasili brings the Abbot books that might be too dangerous for the general public, he’s never been to the Amber Temple but he read about it. Shami-Amourae is linked with atrocities a lot less than some of the other Powers. Vampyr a lot more. To find the Temple, you must find the Order of the Silver Dragon, which as legend has it has been formed to guard the temple, or at least the pass leading to it. This is Solenka Pass. If Vasili learns anything else, he’ll tell Everard, who will be able to reach him via Baroness Watcher or the Bluewater Inn. Offers of mutual friendship are made. The pool water is faintly shining with Abjuration magic, to Everard it stings briefly and then feels pleasant. He suspects it might be mildly damaging to undead, so they bottle some and bring it back.
Emily gets uncharmed halfway through the dancing lesson and falls to the ground weeping because the sense of safety she felt for the past 24 hours turned out to be false. Raisa ends up with an armful of weeping woman and takes her out to the garden to calm down. Emily tries to find out if Vasilka actually wants to marry Strahd, but Vasilka doesn’t seem to know she gets to have opinions on her future. Emily has personal experience with forced marriages and tries to impart some knowledge about consent and freedom to Vasilka. When she’s not sure that sticks, she asks Raisa to teach the two of them how to stab men in the heart and finds out that Vasilka is incredibly strong.
Calliope and Clara go explore the Abbey, finding a training area, barracks with incomplete Magic Circle ruins and to Calliope’s delight, an extensive library. They also find an incredibly cool woman called Ezmeralda D’Avenir, the Huntress they’ve been looking for. She’s not from Borovia, but from Darkon. Like all Vistani, she can travel in and out of the mist, though she can’t take anyone with her.
She’s looking for a friend whose name she declined to mention. He’s a wizard and always at the places where there’s most trouble. She’s also looking for “The Wolf”, she hunts wolves around Lake Bartok. Since 2 years ago, with the change of leadership, the wolves have become a real problem. Team Religion also learns that Vasilka is the Abbot’s second try and that the first still walks the Abbey at night. Calliope reads about St Petrovna, her bones are interred under Castle Ravenloft. She also mends the torn books and Esmeralda lends her some books and notes on werewolves. Born werewolves retain their reasoning when turned, they’re not feral.
The tombstone on Tasha Petrovna’s grave seems to be missing something sun or rose-shaped.
Muriel and Everard try out if  Everard has gained any new cool skills from his Patroness and find out that he’s suddenly even more persuasive. (Once a day he can cast Suggestion, this power will probably stay for about a week.) When they return, Emily tearfully tells Muriel she really hopes she is the Strahd-killer.
The Abbot invites them all to stay over, offers them guestrooms and if they want to the old surgery. Ireena is letting the Abbot sketch her face, in the hope that that will stop him from just taking it. The Abbot lets Calliope borrow some books, as long as she shows him which. Clara finds out the Abbot is a celestial, which makes her very uncomfortable since he’s associated with her good and doing some severally creepy things.
Clara and Calliope introduce the rest to Ezmeralda, who invites them all to go wolfhunting with her. She evades the guards in Krezk by going invisible. Her real goal is the kill the Witch King Azulon in her homeland, but failing that any dark lord will do. Everard tells her Madam Eva’s prophecy. The mentor Ezmeralda is looking for has spells that can save a person from being charmed. She also tells the party that Strahd may have asked the mists to let them through, meaning he might need something from them so perhaps they are in a better bargaining position than they thought. She’s never heard of Vampyr.
Everard convinces the nice guards to let them back in again if they return within 2 hours. Since they’ll only be scouting for the wolf den, this should be no problem. However, they encounter a figure dragging a sword, with armour of a silver dragon with the head scratched of. Everard and Raisa try to communicate with the dead knight, who asks them who they serve. Raisa holds out the toy of the headless silver dragon they found and the knight takes it but hands it back saying it is not right, it is true and it is lost. Raisa offers to help him find the head and he asks if they will come to Argynvastholt. The knight doesn’t remember his name, so he will be called Vincent for now. According to Vincent, the Commander will decide if they will be able to help.
They follow Vincent to Argynvastholt, a mansion guarded by a dragon. They throw a stone to the door, which gets attacked by a weak cold blast. While the trap recharges, they pass through. Knocking has no effect, so they enter the hall, which has busts of handsome men, on of the four is in pieces on the floor. There’s a shadow moving, so they follow it. In the dining room, they find several broken chairs and the passage to the chapel. In the chapel, they see three armoured figures kneeling as if in prayer. Muriel ghosts in stealthily and sees that they are also dead. One is dazed, the other two are filled with rage but all three seem to be in a resting state. There’s lots of sun imagery in the chapel.
Clara’s Divine Senses find three undead in the chapel, some undead above it. Clara steps into the temple to try praying with the figures and gets attacked immediately.
And that dangerous cliffhanger is the end of this session of No Vampires Allowed!
(Vampire Count: 10 and that’s far too many vampires)
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badassindistress · 4 years
No Vampires Allowed - Session 12
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The party watch a boy die and then not be dead, meet a bride learning to be human and debate the unattainability of perfection... It’s time for things to get weird in Vampires Allowed!
(Content warnings for brief descriptions of death through illness of a child (he gets better) and general Frankenstein/Dracula type creepiness.)
Tagging the party: @aporeticelenchus​ @pioup-pioup​ @guineamaina​ @ratheralark​ @somuchbetterthanthat​ @m-siecle​
 The party, who are looking back on their past actions and realising they may merit the name The Arsonists, have decided to return to Krezk before accepting Strahd’s kind invitation to dine. Muriel talks Adrian into letting them deliver the wine but they can’t skim a bit of the profit since the vineyard does not seem to run on a for-profit model. Adrian asks her if she’s been around Berez, since people have gone missing around the swamps there. Adrian’s father thinks the witch is behind that and the druid’s recent actions.
Calliope sees that the soil around the gem is recovering. Everard spends his evening fruitlessly flirting with Adrian and has to do actual farmwork for his sins. Clara figures out the unidentified potion will give a boost of something, but leave you tired afterwards. Emily reads the Tome of Strahd and learns that Strahd believes the mist keeps souls trapped and that he keeps seeing familiar faces reborn.
As they all settle down to sleep there is ominous knocking on the door. Everard sends a Message through the window and hears screaming but also that this figure is there to deliver an invitation. Clara opens the box left on the doorstep and finds 5 fine invitations. Muriel did not receive one. The invitations are not magical in any way they can detect.
Raisa dreams of the sounds of battle and the sensation of looking up and seeing a giant silver dragon flying overhead. When she asks after it later Muriel vaguely remembers the name Order of the Silver Dragon, which makes Raisa feel a faint sort of melancholy.
Everard dreams of Shami-Amourae again, who is now a beautiful young man playing an instrument in an idyllic meadow. Shami-Amourae tells him that saving the vineyard was indeed her intention, that his visit to Strahd will be entertaining, that there was once someone she considered choosing as a champion but that she lost the chance and maybe Everard will meet him at Ravenloft. Everard gets another question and asks about Strahd’s patron. Vampyr is old, obsessed with life and fears time above all. Shami-Amourae might be imprisoned here. She suggests that when Everard comes visit he better bring her a present. She leaves a small mark of a tiny golden spiral on his forehead.
The Martokovs give the party one bottle of each kind of wine as thanks and they travel to Krezk with the rest of the wine supply. Everard finds he has lost his truesight.
They encounter an abandoned Vistani wagon. There isn’t much to find, but Muriel picks up a cheap shiny bracelet and Everard and Clara strip out the lacy curtains for Emily to make herself a new garment. Everard warns Muriel that Winter Splinter wanted to destroy ‘The Raven’s Roosts’ in particular, which is very alarming for her.
Baron Dmitri Krezkov lets them all in without too much trouble this time. When asked after a holy place for Clara to pay her respects, the Baron says that visiting the Abbey is inadvisable. It used to be a place of healing built by Saint Markovia herself, but people don’t come there anymore. The Abbott has been there for far longer than a human life and dead bodies go missing around it. The bells toll at random times, without anyone knowing what it signifies.
The Baron’s young son is very ill. Ireena, who has been studying healing, has been trying to help him. Clara and Calliope immediately offer to help.  At the Krezkov’s cottage, they find Ireena talking with Vasili von Holtz, who gives them the news that Baroness Watcher of Vallaki has cleared up the issues with Strahd by paying her taxes plus an additional sum, that Victor Vallkovich is still missing and that Stella Watcher still has not been seen but that there are rumours of sparks coming from the attic. It has been suggested that the party taking Izek with them may have been instrumental in the successful insurrection by Fiona Watchers “Bookclub”.
The non-charmed people try to compare Emily’s unfortunate condition with Ireena’s experiences. Charmed people in old stories always allow Vampires to bite them. Ireena’s charm didn’t last long and she was furious when he’d left, so it definitely was not the same situation.
Calliope can see that the Baron’s son Ilya has very little time left. Before she can even attempt to help him, there’s a knock on the door. A young and ageless man with a beautific smile announces he is there to save them. He takes out a sun symbol and starts praying. After a while, Ilya dies. Immediately after, the man stretches out his hand and Illya wakes up again. Clara knows it’s some type of resurrection, but generally that takes diamonds. She does find out a while later that this man is a celestial and that Ilya is not undead now. The man asks for a wedding dress, which he needs to bring light back into this land. He tells Ireena her face is perfect and tells Emily she can help as well. This man, who is the Abbot, is apparently creating a bride for Strahd. This bride is still learning to be human, but soon she’ll be perfect and when Strahd’s misery and loneliness lifts the land will be released tragedy. He invites them all to visit this bride at the Abbey. The Abbot also mentions he’s glad Calliope is well because the Morning Lord wished to save her and that he misunderstood her calling. He thought the Morning Lord wished for her to be a warrior but now he sees that might not be her path.
The Huntress from the prophecy might be a guest at the Abbey. She’s a scholar there to visit the library. Guests don’t always get to leave, but she can go freely.
The Abbot believes Strahd is the power of this land and doesn’t care to know much about Vampyr, though he may have seen the name in a scroll. Powers have prevented the Abbot from his work, until He (probably referring to the Morning Lord) showed him a way around. Clara and Calliope are Very Concerned.
There’s chimeric people by the name of Belview living at the Abbey as they have done for generations. The Abbot takes Calliope to the beautiful grave of Tasha Petrovna, a Saint who was a healer and good friend to Saint Markovia. Her descendants are probably still alive (Lydia Petrovna is the wife of the former Baron of Vallaki, so that’s not entirely certain.) The Petrovna’s lived in Berez.
In the Abbey, the party meets Vasilka, a young woman with red hair, a motheaten gown and a veil over her face. The Abbot says she must be perfect, or else it won’t work. She seems to be mimicking human behaviour and learning fast.The nature of perfection and semantics about wedding dresses are hotly debated. Emily decides that what Vasilka is lacking is Tatiana Vederovna’s soul, since she is the one Strahd has been longing for since she died in such unfortunate circumstances. The Abbot says he can’t find her soul. Since Emily is still under the impression Strahd is a worthy and trusthworthy man, she volunteers to teach Vasilka all her finishing school skills. The Abbot volunteers Everard to be her dance partner, getting in the way of Everard’s plan to sneak away and search Krezk for more information.
The Abbot is trying to give Strahd his heart’s desire, which is apparently desire is youth, life and love. According to him, Van Zarovich has made a bargain, he is cursed and he must find another way.
The Abbot had a hard time easing sickness, until he heard of the amber Temple and the entities that give gifts. He’s never been there. The person who taught him about the Temple was Vasili von Holtz.
They dine with the Abbot and Vasilka, who does seem to at least have part of a face, but are disappointed to hear that the Huntress takes care of her own provisions.
The Abbot offers a future boon, healing or resurrection aid, in exchange for their help making Vasilka perfect before Strahd’s carriage calls for them. Time to find or make a wedding dress…
And that’s all for this session of Vampires Allowed!
(Vampire Count: 10 probably, but really we shouldn’t judge. True vampires seem to be very pleasant people.)
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badassindistress · 4 years
No Vampires Allowed - Session 6
Everard is suddenly experiencing some sun sensitivity, the Baron is once more creepy and some super holy bones get restored. It’s time for No Vampires Allowed!
Tagging the party: @aporeticelenchus @pioup-pioup @guineamaina @ratheralark @somuchbetterthanthat
After their mild spot of arson, the party gets escorted to the church by the guards who seem unsure what to do. (Information gained: Rictavio used a 5th level Guiding Bolt to kill a vampire and disappeared, Izek was going to accuse them but ran off when he saw Ireena was not with them)
The church turned out to be desecrated, with druidic symbols in blood painted on the doorstep. In the crypt, Clara finds Father Petrov impaled on a fancy sword with the ravenloft symbol on it, dead since early morning. Everard has no issue entering the church. No one seems to know who will take charge of the church now. The Baron swans in, smiling creepily and cuts a deal with them. He wants the party’s “support against dissidents”. In return there won’t be consequences for the teensy bit of arson, as well as 100 gold credit with the apothecary.
While everyone is vacantly smiling because the Baron ordered it, Clara finds out that Everard is undead of some sort. The dilemma of what to do with the holy bones is very strong, especially since the thighbone seems to have been made into a mace and it is extremely cool. Clara nonetheless decides they ought to be put back and spends the day searching for the correct place and cleaning up the church. Clara puts back the holy bones and a calming energy surrounds her while a spectral figure nods at her and she gets filled with inspiration. Clara’s neckwound is bleeding, something that was not the case when Strahd bit Ireena.
At the inn, Everard, Raisa and Emily find Izek Strazni being restrained by Danika’s husband Urwin. They won’t let him go up to find Ireena, even though Izek is threatening them with conjured flames. He leaves, promising to come back tomorrow. Muriel helped Ireena into a secret attic so she was safe.
At the apothecary, Emily and Ireena both buy a Healer’s Kit and some healing herbs with the Baron’s credit while Everard takes a well-deserved nap. In his dreams he sees the woman who revived him, who introduces herself as Shami-Amourae, the Lady of Delights. Next to her is a beautiful woman playing the harp. She speaks of the fact that Strahd is the Champion of some entity named Vampyr, like Everard is now her Champion. What exactly that means she hasn’t decided yet. She offers Everard a gift, of truth, sight or persuasion. He chooses Sight and wakes up healed. He borrows an ugly cloak from Danika to help with his sudden sun sensitivity and goes in search of the others. He tries to follow Rictavio, but loses him past the town square.
At the stockyard, the two vampire spawn corpses remain. The whole party investigates, Emily finds a necklace with Strahd’s seal on it that seems to have some kind of protection magic, but Everard cruelly prevents her from wearing it. It’s glowing with abjuration magic. Suddenly Everard has a knife to his throat and the adventurers have to convince Rictavio they weren’t sent here by anyone. Rictavio doesn’t want anyone to know how powerful he is, but he does decide to talk to the party. They learn a whole lot about vampires. Vampire spawn are people killed by the bite and controlled by the vampire, they can’t disobey, unless the Vampire allows it to become a full Vampire. When a Vampire spawn bites someone, they don’t turn. Holy magic/sun/radiation makes regeneration harder, but it’s strange that those spawn weren’t burned by the sun. Rictavio calls Vampyr one of “the Powers” creatures maybe dead lost or banished whose memory leaves darkness on the land. The most fearsome known Power is Tenebris, master of dark arcane arts, the one who invented the first lich ritual. The temple that houses the remains of these entities is in the valley of Borovia, it’s exact location lost to myth. It is often called the Amber Temple, which might correspond to a part of Madam Eva’s reading. It’s not in Derkom/Derham/??? (I really can’t read my notes here). The amber Everard had gotten from the alcove in Durst Manor is disintegrated, it doesn’t have the same weird vibe to it that it had when whole.
Killing a vampire doesn’t take unless you also find his resting place and sabotage it. Resting places are generally graves or coffins. Strahd’s consorts are extremely powerful spawn, but not full vampires.
Rictavio has been here for a month, to gather information. He mentions the “Order of the Feather”, which the party haven’t heard of, and is extremely interested in the glowing feather that revived Calliope. He says there’s rumour there’s a Roc bird down south.
Rictavio also knows Strahd used to be a successful general when he arrived. He says Shamia-amourae is “Devil’s Business” and he’s not in that line. Everard gets increasingly nervous and Clara suspicious.
The next day they go to visit the church, but Everard can’t enter the church basement anymore. He goes out to buy a turban to deal with his sun issues while the others scrub the church clean of desecration symbols.
The party decide to make use of their invitation to the Watcher house despite their shady deal with the Baron. They get admittance and have a rather awkward meal. A cat hisses at Everard, Clara finds out there is a fiend in the basement and Fiona Watcher offers a great deal of money if the party conveniently removes themselves from Vallaki for a while. They learn the three Burgomasters are the most powerful people in the valley, that one of Strahd’s consorts is Vistana and that Baron Kreskov in Kresk might know more about the wolves that are “recruiting” children. One or two children might have gone missing form the orphanage, Fiona doesn’t seem to care. Clara tries to find the basement, but gets intercepted by a servant. Stella Watcher does not join them for dinner, she is ill apparently.
When they go back to the inn, Izek is waiting. There’s a raven upstairs who Everard tries to send a Message to. After a while, Danika comes out.
Izek keeps asking after his sister, he’s been dreaming about Ireena for a decade, she looks like his sister Anushka. He lost his arm in a werewolf attack, while his sister was 6. He’s not lying. He keeps on saying he’ll keep his sister safe. Everard tries to use his Gift of Sight and Izek’s arm seems to ripple. When he looks at Urwin, he suddenly sees a raven. Izek had a strange dream, he saw a weird creature covered in spikes that offered him power. When he said yes he woke up with the arm.
The Bartok tower on lake Bartok is a safe place, nothing magical can go in. They don’t like outsiders in Kresk, Izek will help the party escort Ireena to the town. Emily decides she will teach Izek to be polite and proper. The party decides to take Fiona Watcher’s offer and make themselves scarce for the festival. They borrow a silvered longsword for Raisa from Fiona and get a purse of 300 gold.
They spend 90 gold on a silvered dagger for Everard and another 40 gold for two health potions. Now they’re all prepared they’re going to hit the road and that’s all for this session of No Vampires Allowed!
(Vampire Count: Still 7 thankfully. Or possibly 8, but Everard is Allowed).
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