#amuseable sports golf ball
jellycatsdaily · 10 months
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Jellycat of the Day | 4th September 2023
↳ Amuseable Sports Golf Ball
"Tee'ed up for fun"
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jellycatfriends · 1 year
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amuseable sports golf ball by jellycat
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nayziiz · 1 month
It's Rough | LN4
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader (she/her)
Author's note: I'm trying something a little bit different with shorter form fics, so please send through any requests or feedback. These one shots will likely not have a second part unless it really speaks to me to continue with it. Thank you!
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Lando watched with a mix of amusement and frustration as she attempted to grasp the basics of golf. Despite her proficiency in various other activities like water sports, skiing, and driving, golf seemed to elude her completely. He had hoped that her natural athleticism and coordination would translate well onto the golf course, but it appeared that golf was a different beast altogether.
Her swings were awkward and uncoordinated, sending the ball veering off in unpredictable directions. Lando patiently offered guidance, demonstrating proper technique and providing words of encouragement, but it seemed as though golf just didn't click for her.
Despite her struggles, she approached each swing with determination, refusing to let her initial failures dampen her spirits. With each missed shot, she laughed off her mistakes and eagerly lined up for another attempt, determined to conquer the elusive sport.
Lando had known from the moment she insisted on tagging along to the golf course that her declaration of merely watching and cheering was likely wishful thinking. Despite her assurances, he could practically see the curiosity and determination dancing behind her eyes, ready to pounce at any opportunity to join in on the action.
Yet, he couldn't bring himself to deny her the chance to be a part of the day. He understood that her company would bring a different energy to the outing, even if it meant potentially disrupting the boys' dynamic on the course. Besides, the thought of her sulking at home while he enjoyed a day with his friends was far less appealing than dealing with the inevitable consequences of her joining in on the golfing shenanigans.
So, with a resigned sigh and a knowing smile, Lando agreed to let her come along, silently preparing himself for the whirlwind of chaos that often accompanied her presence. Deep down, he knew that her insistence on joining them stemmed from a desire to spend time with him, even if it meant enduring a sport she clearly had no interest in.
As they arrived at the golf course, Lando braced himself for whatever antics she had in store.
As Lando focused on his swing, he couldn't help but be distracted by her restlessness. He noticed her initially staying put behind the steering wheel of the golf cart, as promised, but her impatience soon got the better of her. With a hint of amusement, he watched as she hopped out of the cart and began to circle it, her movements fluid and graceful.
Caught off guard by the sight of her, Lando found himself momentarily forgetting about the game at hand. His gaze followed her as she moved around the cart, her skirt swaying gently with each step, revealing glimpses of her smooth, tanned skin. He couldn't deny the allure she exuded, even in such a mundane setting as a golf course.
Despite his best efforts to maintain his focus on the game, her presence proved to be a delightful distraction. He couldn't help but admire her beauty and the effortless confidence with which she carried herself, even in a sport she had no interest in.
As she circled the cart, a playful smile danced on her lips, and Lando felt a surge of affection for her. Despite her initial reluctance to join them on the course, he couldn't deny that her presence added an undeniable charm to their day. And as he watched her, he silently thanked whatever force had convinced her to come along, knowing that moments like these were what made their time together truly special.
“Hey, come on. Focus, man,” Carlos moaned quietly, making sure no one else could hear him.
Carlos's whispered admonition brought Lando back to reality, reminding him of the game at hand. He chuckled softly at Carlos's remark, acknowledging the truth in his friend's words.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Lando replied, shaking his head slightly. “But can you blame me? She's something else.”
Carlos rolled his eyes playfully, understanding Lando's sentiment all too well. Lando made a concerted effort to refocus his attention on the game. Despite the temptation to steal glances at her, he knew that winning the game required his full concentration. With a renewed sense of determination, he squared his shoulders and prepared to take his next shot, determined to put aside any distractions and give it his all. As the game continued, Lando found himself occasionally sneaking glances in her direction, unable to resist the magnetic pull she seemed to have on him.
As the afternoon progressed and the rounds of golf continued, she found herself drawn into the conversation among the boys. Standing in between them, she listened intently to their banter and jokes, occasionally chiming in with her own witty remarks.
Before she knew it, a few of the boys had handed her their clubs, entrusting her with the task of holding them as they prepared for their shots. At first, she accepted the clubs with a bemused smile, unsure of what to do with them. But as the afternoon wore on, she found herself inadvertently assuming the role of their caddy, carrying their clubs from hole to hole with ease.
Despite her initial reluctance to participate in the game, she quickly embraced her new role with enthusiasm, eagerly offering advice and encouragement to the boys as they navigated the course. With each swing of the club, she cheered them on, her enthusiasm infectious as they worked together as a team to conquer the challenges of the course.
“How about you give it a try?” Alex's encouragement rang out across the green, much to Lando's dismay.
He watched with a mixture of apprehension and amusement as she smirked and accepted the club from Alex's outstretched hand. With a playful glint in her eye, she positioned herself on the grass, mimicking the stance Lando had patiently demonstrated to her numerous times before.
“Come on, you've got this,” Alex cheered, egging her on as she prepared to take her shot. Lando couldn't help but sigh, his expression a mixture of resignation and nervousness.
“Please, do not embarrass me,” Lando pleaded half-jokingly, knowing full well that her unpredictable nature often led to unexpected outcomes.
Her playful gasp of mock hurt elicited chuckles from the boys, but she quickly shifted her focus back to the task at hand. With a determined expression, she squared her shoulders and prepared to take her shot, eager to redeem her reputation.
But as she swung the club, it was immediately evident that this attempt wouldn't be as successful as she intended. With a wild and uncoordinated motion, she missed the ball entirely, the club swishing through the air with a whooshing sound. A chorus of groans and laughter erupted from the boys, their amusement mingled with sympathy for her failed attempt.
Lando, unable to bear the sight of her struggling any longer, groaned in pain as he moved to take the club away from her.
“Hang on. You all got time to warm up, how about you let me give it another shot?” she insisted.
Her insistence caught the attention of the group, prompting them to pause and exchange curious glances. Lando, his expression a mixture of defeat and resignation, reluctantly stepped away, giving her the space she needed to make another attempt.
With a determined gleam in her eye, she positioned herself once again, her grip on the club steady as she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. Ignoring the teasing remarks and sceptical looks from the boys, she focused all her attention on the ball before her, blocking out any distractions.
And then, with a swift and controlled motion, she swung the club, the sound of impact resonating through the air as the club connected with the ball. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they watched in disbelief, their eyes glued to the ball as it soared through the air with precision and grace.
Their disbelief turned to astonishment as the ball arced gracefully over the green, heading straight for the hole with unerring accuracy. Cheers erupted from the group as they watched in awe, unable to believe their eyes as the ball came to rest just inches from the hole.
“Wow, that was great!” Alex exclaimed with a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Must be luck. Try again,” Max insisted, challenging her more than Lando would have liked.
“Fine,” she shrugged.
Encouraged by Alex's praise and challenged by Max's insistence, she couldn't resist the opportunity to prove herself once more. With a confident smile, she accepted the dare, her competitive spirit reignited as she prepared to take another shot.
Positioning herself with precision, she focused intently on the ball before her, blocking out any distractions as she visualised her next move. With a deep breath, she swung the club with determination, her movements fluid and controlled.
This time, luck seemed to be on her side once again as the ball sailed through the air, following a perfect trajectory towards the hole. The group watched in anticipation, holding their breath as the ball approached its target.
And then, with a satisfying thud, the ball landed on the green, rolling steadily towards the hole before coming to a stop just inches away. Cheers erupted from the group as they celebrated her impressive shot, their disbelief mingled with admiration at her uncanny skill.
“Please tell Lily she's a wonderful instructor,” she remarked to Alex, her tone laced with a hint of mischief as she acknowledged the guidance she had received. Alex chuckled in response, a knowing gleam in his eye as he nodded in agreement.
After her impressive display on the green, she couldn't resist a moment of playful triumph. With a smug smile directed at Lando, she returned to the golf cart, her steps light with the weight of her accomplishment. Lando, still reeling from the unexpected turn of events, watched her with a mixture of disbelief and begrudging admiration.
As she settled back into her seat on the golf cart, she couldn't resist shooting Lando a smug grin, revelling in the satisfaction of having proven him wrong. Despite his initial scepticism, she had managed to exceed his expectations, leaving him shaking his head in disbelief.
Lando, for his part, could only shake his head in response, still struggling to come to terms with the fact that she had just hit the ball perfectly not once, but twice in a row. It was a feat that seemed almost too improbable to believe, yet there she was, the evidence of her success undeniable.
As they continued their game, Lando couldn't shake the feeling of astonishment that lingered in the air. Despite his doubts, she had managed to defy expectations and leave her mark on the golf course in more ways than one.
As they made their way towards Lando's McLaren, he couldn't help but be curious about her sudden improvement on the golf course. With a lighthearted tone, he broached the topic, unable to resist a teasing remark.
“So, Lily's been helping you, huh?” he asked, a playful smirk playing on his lips as he glanced in her direction. She chuckled in response, the memory of her recent success still fresh in her mind.
“Maybe a little,” she admitted with a wink, her tone tinged with amusement. Lando raised an eyebrow in mock surprise, feigning disbelief at her confession.
“I see how it is,” he teased, a hint of mock indignation in his voice. “Getting private lessons behind my back?”
She laughed at his exaggerated reaction, shaking her head in amusement.
“Nothing like that,” she reassured him, her smile warm and genuine. “Surprisingly enough, it just took a bit of patience to teach me.”
“Are you saying I have no patience?” he countered, his tone tinged with offence as he feigned hurt.
“None whatsoever,” she replied with a grin, her amusement evident in her voice as she teased him gently.
Despite his protests, she knew that his patience had been tested more than once during their golfing adventure. she couldn't help but notice a hint of disappointment in Lando's expression. His competitive nature was undeniable, and the idea of her newfound golfing skills seemed to sting his pride just a little.
“How much does it hurt knowing your girlfriend can now golf?” she teased, her tone teasing yet affectionate as she gently prodded at his ego.
Lando's response was a playful groan, his lips curling into a rueful smile as he shook his head in mock resignation. Deep down, she knew that he was secretly proud of her achievement, even if it meant enduring a few jokes at his expense.
“It doesn't hurt, but it sucks that you're better at it than me now,” he admitted, his tone a mixture of resignation and playful competitiveness. With a soft chuckle, she gently pressed him against the car, her body close to his as she looked up at him with a knowing smile.
“Baby, when will you learn?” she teased, her voice low and seductive as she leaned in closer. “I'm good at a lot of things.”
As she spoke, she subtly shifted her leg between his, a teasing reminder of her many talents and abilities. Lando couldn't help but laugh at her playful confidence, his own competitive spirit momentarily forgotten in the warmth of her presence.
“I know. So, when we get home, you can put your mouth to good use,” he argued, his voice low and teasing as he leaned in to kiss her.
She couldn't help but chuckle at his boldness, her laughter mingling with the warmth of his lips against hers.
“Disgusting,” she screeched in mock indignation, her hand playfully slapping his chest as she pushed him away with feigned reluctance.
Despite her protestations, there was a playful gleam in her eye, a hint of anticipation as she met his gaze with a knowing smile.
“But, with pleasure,” she added with a wink, her tone teasing yet affectionate as she leaned in to return his kiss.
As their lips met once more, they shared a moment of quiet intimacy, their playful banter giving way to the warmth of their affection for one another. And as they finally pulled away, their laughter echoed through the air, a reminder of the love and joy that filled their lives together.
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jellycatstuffies · 1 year
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Jellycat Amuseable Sports Team
(American Football, Rugby Ball, Basket Ball, Football, Cricket Ball, Golf Ball, Baseball and Tennis Ball)
Ko-fi / Instagram
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c2-eh · 1 year
Happy birthday beloved @f1-stuff <3 i love you sooooo much i hope your birthday is amazing. Mwaaah, here's tiny something for you, I hope you like it <333
Charles wasn't really sure what was going on. He was gripping the golf club in his hand, as if his life depended on it and he tried to focus on the little white ball in front of him. Or next to him. Whatever, he has no idea how this sport works. He only knows that he has to hit the ball well to make Carlos proud of him.
Charles likes to tell himself he's... okay at golf. At least he can hit the ball, no? As it turned out he was wrong, he is shit. Extremely shit in comparison to Carlos and Lando that were with him right now, so he felt like an idiot trying to perform his best. What didn’t help was these two watching him intently. Carlos with love and fondness, and Lando with calculation.
Honestly, Charles would be lying if he said he wasn't sulking. He was positively on his way to stomping his foot and whimpering in displeasure, because this was boring and his boyfriend looked like he was having too much fun watching him suffering.
He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed – loudly, so they both could hear him – when he hit the ball. Charles watched the little ball flying for a bit and then falling on perfectly green grass, rolling for a second before stopping. Charles wasn’t sure if it was a good hit or not, he just wanted Carlos’ attention to return back to him.
“That was a very good shot, cariño,” Carlos says and moves closer to him, kissing his temple, “but let me show you how to do it properly.”
Carlos’ low voice whispering into his ear sends shiver down Charles’ back and he nods absentmindedly, his mind and body only wanting Carlos close. If he knew that hitting the ball wrong (well, for him it was a good fucking shot) would grant him Carlos plastering himself against his back, he would’ve done it way sooner.
“The posture is the most important thing,” he says and starts to explain how his foot needs to be ahead of the ball, but Charles does not give a flying fuck. The only thing he sees is Carlos’ thighs flexing in his tiny shorts, when he tries to demonstrate the position Charles needs to be in. Charles almost drools at the sight – his strong and hairy thighs on display just for him.
Carlos is talking, explaining how he should be postured and what he’s supposed to do – how to swing and other things Charles doesn’t care about– so Charles is not listening. No, he just wants to drag Carlos close and kiss him till he can’t let a single word out about those stupid golf rules.
So he does exactly that.
Carlos’ lips are soft as always and he responds immediately, dropping the golf club on the ground to hug Charles, his arms tight around his lower back. Charles smiles into the kiss, opening his mouth to let Carlos in.
The kiss is soft and slow, just like many of their kisses when he lets Carlos lead. He savours every moment of it – the press of Carlos’ lips against his. His tongue softly prodding at his mouth, asking for entrance which Charles immediately obeys.
Charles smirks as soon as he feels Carlos’ hands moving lower to his ass, palming his ass first before squeezing it. He’s not sure how long they’ve been kissing for, before he hears Lando groan.
“Can you not? Leave that in private,” he sounds annoyed, but also amused. Charles giggles against Carlos’ mouth and pushes him away. He stumbles away slightly, as if someone had snapped him out of his trance, which consisted of Charles’ mouth. He visibly shakes his head as if he’s some cartoon character, which makes Charles giggle again.
“We will leave the golf lessons for later. When we’re alone,” he says and Charles can hear Lando mumble yes sure, golf lesson to himself.
Charles smiles innocently and turns around, so he can pick up the golf club from where Carlos dropped it. He hears him hiss and smirks, hand outstretched to give it to him, “go win some for me,” he says and kisses his cheek.
He can’t wait for them to get home.
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ladylooch · 9 months
I would love to contribute to this conversation 😈
Timo and Emma absolutely roleplay (gotta change things up sometimes)
1. Businessman Timo! Gives him an excuse to put on a nice fucking suit and pull out his sleekest car! Mr. Meier needs to blow off some steam after a hard day at work
2. MILF Emma (is it roleplaying if she already is one???) anyways, she likes to know she’s still got it, so she gets real dressed up to go out with T—but separate so he can keep an eye on her while guys hit on her, then he takes her home at the end of the night to enjoy his HOT ASS WIFE
4. Tennis coach and student. That is all.
Babe I could keep goinggggg
.... speechless... squeaking... sobbing... panting... passing out.
The way I want to explore every. single. one. of. these. 🤌🏻🥵
18+ below
Don't ask me for a favorite, I don't have one cause it's all of them. But I'll give a line or two of dialogue for each one. Cause I'm a giver 🫢
Timo holds Emma's door for her as she slides in, red dress plunging along her cleavage for a deep peek. Timo trails his eyes from there to his wife's eyes where she quirks an amused eyebrow. "What? I missed you this week when I was gone. Almost forgot what they looked like." "How can that be when you saw them on FaceTime?" "haha, thanks for that." He grins as he slides into the driver's side. He starts the German sports car, smirking at the quiet purr. He reaches over to Em's thigh as he back out of the garage. His fingers go all the way to the apex of her thighs. He brushes her over the fabric of her panties, feeling her heat. Em stretches her back out, opening her legs a bit more while looking at him with wanting eyes. "Keep going and we won't be making it out of this driveway."
2. (this one realllllly got me. REALLLLYYYY got me.) Three men have come and gone from the spot next to his man-eating wife, all of them buying her a drink. He can tell from here she is buzzed and extra flirty. He takes the final sip of his whiskey neat, then walks across the bar to come behind her. He slips his hand under her curled hair, grabbing the back of her neck. He arches her face towards his. Her brown eyes are black when they meet his. He hardens as her finger tips brush across his zipper. "You ready for a real challenge?" "Only if he's going to fuck me in his expensive car." Timo's devilish grin shines in the dark bar as Emma sucks his thumb into her mouth. Timo prays their son is asleep when they get home to relieve Nico and Lexi.
3. *hard slap* "Oh my god." Timo moans as he grips Em's skirt in his hand after smoothing his mark on her. "Baby, you're ripping my skirt." Emma whimpers over her shoulder to him. "Sorry." He murmurs against her neck, heavy breathing matching his wife. "Are you sure no one can see us?" Emma whispers anxiously. Timo stares at her large diamond wedding rings contrasting with the tree bark she is anchored to. "I have no fucking idea, baby. But I do know there is no way I'm stopping now."
4. "Show me again?" Em murmurs innocently, then brushes her ass against her husband's growing front as he shows her the swing again. Timo rests his forehead against her shoulder. "Can you beat me already, so we can leave? I know you've been playing tennis since you were little." He asks. Emma snorts out a laughing, letting her ponytail rest against his shoulder for a moment. "Secrets out. Let's go home." She tosses her racket to the ground, leisurely walking off the court.
What a gift you are 😘
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jhilsara · 1 month
Tie Me to You/Chapter 12
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Chapter Summary: A group of family mini golf and a nap at the beach.
Word Count: 3.8k
<Last | Next>
Chapter Warnings: None
This fanfic will explore heavier emotions and will have eventual smut. Minors DNI
Can also be found on AO3 X
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'Cause you could be the one that I love
I could be the one that you dream of
Message in a bottle is all I can do
Standin' here, hopin' it gets to you
You could be the one that I keep, and I
Could be the reason you can't sleep at night
Message in a bottle is all I can do
Standin' here, hopin' it gets to you
Message in a Bottle-Taylor Swift
Mika’s standing underneath the arch of the mini golf she’s dragged the boys to with a triumphant smile on her face. She throws her hands up with a touch of extra pizzaz as she displays the course behind her.   
The paint is chipping away and a sickly pale pastel, not by choice but sun damage. The few animatronics or sculptures that are displayed have an uncanny valley feeling to them. The water features that are visible are spewing like a fountain. Not to mention the run-down excuse of a pirate ship that has a fake cannon going off every fifteen minutes on the dot.   
Mika’s looking at the place with stars in her eyes and the pure excitement of a child.   
The only shared excitement is from Matthew who’s already claiming his putter and bright blue golf ball. He stands next to Mika already pointing out all the things he finds amusing and Mika nods in agreement. They find this place disgustingly charming. The others seem less than enthusiastic. It was her one request from this little vacation. One cheesy family activity. The incubi agreed but were already cringing at the thought of what was to come.   
“C’mon it’ll be fun! If anything, we can poke fun at it!” Mika says trying to twist it in a brighter light for them.   
She’s practically vibrating in excitement and already is taking a photo of the strange pirate at the entrance whose face has a thousand percent seen better days. He’s a weird mix between Captain Hook and Jack Sparrow. It’s undsure who he’s supposed to resemble the most, but his skin has been bleached by the sun so much his plastic is tinted yellow. Mika is cackling in laughter as she calls him Jaundice Jack.  
Erik crosses his arms clearly unamused by the odd statue. He cringes away as he passes it.  
“I mean, it looks like it’s pretty popular.” Damien softly agrees, grabbing his own club and black golf ball.   
“It just looks... grimy.” Erik says, cringing as he grabs a red golf ball. He almost physically recoils looking at the number of children running around and touching things.   
“That’s part of the charm!” Matthew adds helpfully, elbowing Erik playfully.   
“I suppose there must be a way to win this game?” James questions as he grabs a yellow golf ball, score sheet, and tiny pencil.   
“What, ya wanna make this a competition?” Sam jokes, but his tone suggests that he would be more than happy to participate in a friendly competition.   
Knowing those two, it would be anything but friendly. Erik sighs at his two brothers.  
Mika nods, grabbing a purple ball for her and hands a green one to Sam. “Well yea, I mean it functions by golf rules. The lower your score the better you’re doing.”   
Sam tilts his head, “The opposite of every other sport?” he questions.   
Mika smiles and shrugs, “Yeah but the point of mini golf is to have fun and that it’s cheesy. It’s not about the competition.”   
“Sounds like something a loser says.” James rebuttals quietly as he checks the clubs trying to find the perfect one.   
Mika freezes mid step and whips her head around to James. Feeling the irritation prick at her under her skin. She feels her own competitive nature pulling at her.  
“What was that?” She tries to get him to say it again.   
“Nothing, I just meant that usually people who are bad at games tend to only focus on the joyous aspects of it.” James says nonchalantly with a glint in his eyes that challenges her.   
She snatches her own putter off the rack and glares at the taller man, “Game on.”   
Sam lets out a loud guffaw and Erik sighs dramatically at the whole ordeal, pinching the bridge of his nose.  
Mika marches them out to the first hole and decides that this game is about pride and rightful bragging rights. Her only goal is to beat James after that backhanded statement. Nothing else matters to her besides making him eat his words.  
The first hole is a basic one with a small hill in the middle before the hole at the end. The whole course was pirate themed and had small signs that read out a storyline about Blackbeard and Davy Jones, but the text was so faded no one could really decipher it.   
They decide to rock paper scissors on the order they go in. They go in the order of Erik, Damien, Mika, Sam, Matthew, and lastly James. James kept the paper to keep scores, being the least likely to cheat on paper.  
Almost every single one of them played a dirty game though, except for Erik. Who, while trying to have a good time, just wanted to get this over with as soon as humanly possible. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be with his family, it was just going through the motions of dealing with loud children running around and being disgusting. There was a family one hole ahead of them and Erik watched as the child eating ice cream rubs the melting chocolate on the bench they’re sitting on.  
Erik grimaces and notes to not sit anywhere.  
Erik goes first, not even trying to aim his ball at all, and sends it close to the hole. He steps aside to let Damien go next. Damien tries to aim and much like Erik gets his ball close to the hole. Mika goes next and takes her time, lining herself up with the ball and the hole. Usually, these courses were a little deformed and not perfect, but she wasn’t going to be outdone by James trying to be a smartass. She easily gets a hole in one and triumphantly turns to look at them with a smirk.   
“Perfect first try.” She says as she goes to pluck her purple ball from the hole. She’s in a short tennis skirt and she pauses before bending over. She squats to grab her ball and bounces back up trying to not flash her friends.  
As she bounds off to the side, she notices Damien shooting Sam daggers with his eyes. Sam’s face is red as he sets up his ball and his eyes flash up to her briefly.  
Was Sam looking at her when she bent down? He seemed so flustered.  
 A rotten thought passes through her mind. She might as well have fun with it and test her theory, she’d purposefully try to bend over in front of him. See if she’s correct.  
Sam shrugs his shoulders and brushes off Damien’s gaze. He straightens up and aligns himself. He swings his putter but doesn’t think about his strength. He shoots the ball way too far and it skips over past the next hole and into the small manmade lake that the pirate ship sits in.   
“Maybe not so hard Sam.” Erik sighs and rolls his eyes at his brother.   
“If this wasn’t minigolf, that would have been great!” Matthew says, trying to be helpful.   
“Wasted one swing...” James marks down on the score sheet, looking up at Sam with a mischievous glint.   
Mika tries to not laugh, and she just walks by Sam, patting his back, “I’ll go grab another ball... or two.”  
Once Sam attempts again, he still over shots it. This time it stays inside in the green way. Sam shrugs and steps over towards Mika off the course.   
Matthew goes next, and he doesn’t line himself up or even really look at the hole. He swings and immediately gets a hole in one.   
“Are you kidding me?!” Sam exclaims.   
“Wow! Are you sure you’ve never played Matthew?” Mika asks.  
Matthew practically skips to the hole and grabs his golf ball. He just shrugs but sends a bright smile toward her.   
“Nope! Maybe I’m just naturally skilled!” Matthew says happily.  
James closes them out and goes last. He takes his time, lines up his putter, and immediately almost gets a hole in one. He does hit Sam’s ball away from the hole and Mika almost thinks that he does it on purpose.   
Sam’s eye twitches and he grits his teeth but doesn’t say anything.   
The group finishes the hole, and the score places Mika in first and Sam in last. It took him another three hits, all of which he overshoots, to finally land the ball in the hole.   
“And that’s five in total. Rough start Sam.” James says with a small smirk.   
Sam’s irritation grows and Mika bites her lip trying to stifle her laughter. It’s a rinse and repeat as they play through the course.   
Mika consistently goes before Sam, and she obnoxiously takes her time and bends over in front of him, flashing the curve of her butt. She doesn’t feel great about trying to fluster him, but it works every time. She turns to look, and his eyes are glued to her, and his face is red.  
Five holes in as she steps next to Damien and he’s giving her a disappointed look. Damien’s side eye is intense.  
He leans over while Sam’s taking his shot and he whispers, “You’re awful . I know what you’re doing.”  
Mika whips her head to look at him and her jaw drops. Her face flushes, “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.”   
Damien gives her a deadpan look and shakes his head.   
“It doesn’t take a mind reader to see you purposefully distracting Sam dear.” Erik responds with a chuckle.   
“Oh, piss off...” Mika finally mumbles and crosses her arms at being caught.   
During the course of the game, Sam does the worst. He’s broken at least two of the plywood decorations and lost another two in the water near the pirate ship. Matthew just started conjuring up golf balls for him so they wouldn’t have to walk all the way back to the front after the third ball.  
Erik is begging them to finish. He is dying to go to the local boutiques, and while he’s here to support a family activity, James and Sam’s competitive nature is grinding on his last nerve.   
Damien’s just about sick of everyone and is just ready to end it. If his nasty looks to Sam or Mika aren’t a big enough indicator, he also decides to cause chaos. He starts announcing everyone’s thought process as the line up to hit the golf ball.   
“Matthew isn’t thinking a single thought. He just hits the thing.”   
“Mika’s trying to do the math to see how many more hole in ones she needs to try to get to beat James.”  
“Erik is over all of us.”   
“Sam, hitting it super hard isn’t going to help you. We already owe this place for the previous two things you’ve broken.”  
“James every hole is actively targeting Sam’s ball to ruin his game.”   “I knew it! You prick!”  
It’s a hectic day to say the least.   
Matthew and Mika are maybe the only two having a genuinely good time. Matthew makes Mika take some photos while they’re waiting for the others to finish the hole on the pirate ship.   
The weird pirate animatronic keeps glitching out and his sound box sounds like gargled static. Matthew thinks it’s hilarious. Mika and Matthew play their own game of finding the weirdest thing on the course and taking photos with it.   
“What are you two doing? We’re moving onto the next hole.” Sam shouts to them while they're trying to recreate the scene in Titanic .  
“Creating memories Sam!” Mika shouts, grabbing her phone to look through the pictures.   
“You could join us if you weren’t so bad at mini golf.” Matthew adds with a wide smile. Sam just slugs Matthew in the arm. “You’re just a freak at this game Matthew.”  
James, when he isn’t harassing Sam, is actively keeping track of everyone’s score. He’s taking a sick pleasure in watching Sam fumble around, and while he teased Mika about being a loser, James never was intending to win this game.  Especially after seeing Matthew’s score. Matthew really was uncannily good at this. He just wanted to rouse them and add a little competition.  
By the time the group is at the final hole, they’re exhausted. Erik swings first, sending his ball into the pit and almost throws his putter back into the return rack. Begging them to just finish already, he just wanted a nap.  
Damien and Mika follow easily behind him. While it was an interesting evening, Mika could also go for a nap. She definitely had fun, even if it wasn’t mutually shared.  
Sam, finally, realizes he doesn’t have to hit the ball very hard for it to travel far. The last hole he finally doesn’t struggle with and it’s a surprising feat. He does, like Erik, almost throw his putter back into the return. Mika pats his shoulder reassuringly.   
Matthew and James just as easily end the final hole and it’s over.   
James stands there tallying their scores and he sighs handing it over to Matthew.   
“No surprise, but Matthew is a clear winner today.”   
“Finally! Something I’m good at!” Matthew cheers looking over the scores. His face turns into a frown quickly.   
“Oh, wow Sam, this is bad. Like genuinely bad.” He grimaces looking at Sam’s score.   
Sam whips his head to glare at his brother. “I get it. I was by far the worst. Keep going and I’ll drown you in the ocean tomorrow.”   
Mika claps her hands together before Matthew can respond, “Let’s go grab something to eat and head back to the hotel yea?”   
It’s their last day of vacation and Mika is laying out in the sun again. She has no plans besides laying there and day drinking. She’s been listening to an audiobook and has no plans to move anytime soon.   
She’s baking in the sun rays, and is roughly five seltzers in. She hasn’t really eaten much besides the breakfast she made that morning. She’s the only one really watching the group’s belongings. Well, as well as anyone who’s tipsy midafternoon can.  
Matthew and Erik are off in the water with Damien trying to teach him how to swim. They’re not more than knee deep in the water. Sam’s with them, more for moral support than anything else. He doesn’t necessarily have the patient skills for teaching, but for Damien he’d make an exception.  
She thinks she can see the silhouette of James off in the distance, but that’s wishful thinking. He went out immediately to hunt for more sharks' teeth. Mika thinks that he probably made it halfway to the pier she can see off in the distance.  
Mika feels a presence next to her and she opens her eyes to look up. It’s Sam. He brought a towel this time and laid it out next to her. He sits down and leans back using his arms as support. Letting the sun bounce off him.  
Mika readjusts her position after Sam settles down. She flips herself over onto her stomach and uses her arms as a pillow as she lays herself across Sam’s lap. He lets out a small laugh.  
“Comfortable?” Sam teases one hand running through her hair.  
All Mika does is mumble something that sounds like an agreement and press herself more into him, using him like a pillow.  
Sam ruffles her hair trying to get her attention. “Hey doofus, I’m talking to you.”  
Mika lazily smacks his leg and moves to look up at him, squinting at the bright sun, “I heard you I’m just resting my eyes.” She pouts at him.  
Sam pushes her hair back, and sees a glint reflect from the grocery bag they were using for trash that they brought with them. He sees the accumulation of seltzer cans and looks back down at Mika with a raised brow.  
“Are you drunk?” He asks through a laugh.  
Mika’s frown deepens, “Noooooooo.” She drawls out. “I’m just a little tipsy Sam. I just need a nap.” She shoves her head back down into her arms and snuggles against him. Trying to get comfortable again.  
Sam just scoffs and rubs soothing circles up and down her back. He spots Erik coming over to them and he pats her shoulder, “Well you’re going to take a nap inside.”  
“Nooooooooooooo.” she whines out, “but you’re so comfortable.”  
Sam rolls his eyes, “It’s much comfier inside. On your bed.” He reassures her.  
Sam stands up, helping Mika stand with him. “Can you walk?” he asks her.  
She nods sleepily but immediately stumbles on the soft sand. He catches her quickly with another shake of his head, “That’s a no then.”  
He moves to stand in front of her and crouches down, “C’mon, piggyback.” He tells her.  
She doesn’t hesitate and wraps herself around him easily. Her legs are wrapped tightly around his waist, his large hands holding her thighs easily. Her arms are wrapped around his shoulders and her head rests against his shoulder.  
Sam takes a few steps and lets Erik know he’s taking Mika in. The sun and booze are getting to her. Erik just waves them off with a knowing look over his sunglasses.  
“Will you nap with me like last time?” She murmurs against his shoulder.  
If Sam didn’t feel her move, he would have thought he hallucinated the request. He just shakes his head.  
“I’ll shower first and if you’re still awake I will. How’s that?” He talks to her like she’s a child and she pouts in response.  
“Nooo, you’re just going to trick me into passing out without you!” she scolds him.  
He snorts, “Caught me red handed.”  
Mika shoves her face into his neck and whispers, “Please Aomaris .”  
Mika feels Sam shake through a body chill as his grip on her thighs tightens. He’s gritting his teeth and freezes briefly. He lets out a deep sigh, “Yea. Alright. You win.”  
He swallows hard, his mouth feeling too dry.  
“Thank you!” She drawls out happily and leaves a soft kiss on his cheek.  
“Whatever...” He scoffs out.  
Mika knows better though; she can feel how flustered he is. His heartbeat almost doubled in speed as she nestled against his neck.  
He carries her into the hotel room and plops her down on the bed. Mika bounces slightly and giggles, more to herself really. He turns and smiles at how content she looks as she giggles on the bed. She looks up at him and flashes him a wide grin.  
Sam feels himself melt at her reaction. The way she smiles is so bright, it’s like the sun. She makes him feel warm and safe that’s different from the red hot furry of anger he’s much more accustomed to.  
He prefers this feeling.  
Mika demands his attention quickly as she raises her hands up, opening and closing them quickly. Telling him she wanted him to come closer. He just shakes his head and crosses his arms.  
“What are you? Five?” He teases her.  
She groans and frowns at him, “Would you just get in the bed already, I’m tired.”  
He listens to her requests and shoves her over, “Fine, you’re so pushy!”  
His light joking tone has her giggling as she rolls over making room for him. As soon as Sam’s in bed Mika basically lays on top of him. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls herself closer to him pressing her face into his neck to get comfortable.  
Sam goes rigid under her.  
The two of them are still in their swimsuits and Mika’s string bikini is leaving very little between their bodies. As she presses herself closer, her breasts rub against his chest and Sam tries his best to not blatantly stare down at her exposed chest. He keeps his hands to his side, afraid to move too suddenly.  
Mika picks up on his sudden stillness and she moves to look over at him. His face looks like he’s short circuiting and Mika tilts her head in confusion.  
“You know you can hold me, right?” She asks, a little disappointed he’s not moving.  
Sam visibly chokes before he responds, “Uh yeah, just uh, didn’t want you to think I was being handsy cause you’re drunk.”  
Mika removes herself from Sam and sits up straight looking at him her face soured, “Sam, I’m not drunk , and any buzz I did have you just ruined.”  
She sighs and looks at him earnestly, “I’m genuinely asking you to lay with me and cuddle. Okay?”  
Sam’s face flushes as he blinks a few times letting her words settle in his head. “Yea, uh yea. Got it.” He rushes out, voice cracking.  
She lays back down, placing her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around his torso. Sam hesitantly wraps his own arms around her, pulling her tightly against him. He presses his face into the crown of her head.  
She takes a deep breath in contentment. It lasts for a few seconds before her eyes shoot open and she bolts back up and looks at him frantically.  
“Unless you don’t want to and I’m totally forcing you to do this, oh my god.” Her words come out rushed as she looks mortified at him. Mika’s eyes are wide, and she shoves her face in her hands to hide from embarrassment.  
Sam blinks at her and immediately his face cracks as he snorts. Full body laughter rolling through him as he looks at her. He grabs her hands to move them away from her face as he tries to stifle his fit of cackles rolling through him.  
“This isn’t funny Sam!” She whines as she looks at him, face bright red.  
He moves to sit up, facing her directly, wraps his arms around her waist and falls back onto the bed. He pulls her to lay on top of him. Sam smiles up at Mika and gives one last chuckle.  
“It’s fine Mika.” He reassures her, his grip tightening a bit as she relaxes against him.  
“You just made me so nervous! Wasn’t expecting you to throw yourself at me.” He jokes looking down at her smugly.  
Her face heats up and her blush darkens. She scowls at him and snacks his chest, “I did not throw myself at you!” she cries in a pitched voice.  
Sam just laughs, keeping a firm hold on her, “I’m just teasing you calm down.”  
“ Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam! ” She groans in irritation. She tries to hide her face in his chest, but he won’t let her.  
“Calm down doofus,” he pulls her hands up to his lips and kisses them gently. “let’s just take a nap now alright?”  He whispers softly to her.  
Her face is still burning, but he lets go of her hands, flips them onto their sides and throws the blanket over them. He grabs her waist and pulls her closer to him. Mika sighs and moves her arms to wrap around his torso, settling into his chest.  
“You’re such a dick.” She mumbles into his chest.   
Sam scoffs but leans down to kiss the top of her head. “You like it.” He holds her a little tighter and it doesn’t take much longer for them to fall asleep like that.
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idiotwithanipad · 13 days
The Return Of The Rat (Pt1)
Amy (My OC) finds out about a new guest at the hotel who has no right to come back, especially after what his past self had tried to do, and what he lied about. Along the way, discovering new, frightening things about herself.
TW: Mention of choking to death, Swearing
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“He’s got no chance! D’you see the way he swung that Putter?” The head in Amy’s hands laughed. They had found a surprising amount of hilarity in watching the living visitors play golf on the green. Although, judging them would probably be the appropriate term for what they were doing. 
Only last week, the Tudor had made their bond official, and, with the aid of his only living friend, Alison Cooper, had asked for her help in signing an adoption certificate declaring the young girl his daughter in the noble name of Bone. 
But the plan had been lopsided; the girl had spent every moment of her afterlife in the company of the Tudor since her second week of death, and the separation leading up to the day of the adoption was difficult for the both of them. 
While Amy held nothing against her friends for claiming that they had no idea what had become of Humphrey the entire day before the adoption, she decided to distance herself from them for the following week, save for Humphrey and a special woodland dwelling friend of hers now put to slumber by the Waning Moon. 
They watched as the golf balls flew overhead and glistened in the sun, rolling through the manicured grass and coming to a halt. 
"See! I told you he wouldn't manage it!" Humphrey blurted. 
Amy stomped her four inch platform into the grass and growled, although she still held an amused smile on her face. 
"Fuck it!"
The head in Amy's hands chortled. Amy paced over the grass towards where the ball had landed. It had rolled only a few feet away from the hole. 
"That's close enough to be considered a win, come on! I called it! I said he'd get close! " She barked, waving her hand down at the hole, clutching Humphrey's head under her arm. 
"The rules are the rules, that's six points for me and two for you..." The head snided playfully. 
"Two and a half for how close the damn thing is!?" Amy bargained. 
"Nope" Humphrey said, emphasising the 'P'.
"Nah, c'mon!"
The head merely chuckled and waggled his brows. 
"Best of ten then?!" Amy hounded, regathering his head in both hands before her stomach so he could watch as the living player retrieved the ball. 
Humphrey hummed for a moment and flicked his eyes up. 
"... Alright, best of ten"
The whole morning the two had spent watching the golfers. Amy wasn't a sports fan, even when alive, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy placing silly bets on who would win or lose with the Tudor. The day had been hot, the sun had burned many skins and caused the elderly to retreat back inside. A trundling drone had distracted Amy, even through the constant clamp of hear headphones stuck forever over her ears. 
She turned away from the golfers and faced the driveway. A small gazebo was erected, and beneath it was a table containing some plastic cups and some sort of machine. One that Amy recognised all too well. 
"No way!" Amy gasped. 
"What?" Humphrey asked, trying to flick his eyes in the direction he assumed she looked. 
"It's a slush puppy machine!" Amy smiled, already taking Humphrey and heading over to the table. 
Sheltered beneath the gazebo offered an ample opportunity for them to read all the flavours listed. 
"What are these, then?" Humphrey asked, his brow furrowing in confusion at the churning tubs of coloured ice. 
Amy practically salivated. 
"I fucking loved these things! They're these drinks, you- I dunno, blend down ice in this syrup and it's the dog's bollocks!" Amy beamed, her eyes gazing at her favourite two flavours; Cherry and Sour Apple. 
Humphrey clicked his tongue and averted his eyes upwards towards Amy. Amy paused; remembering then that Humphrey wasn't entirely used most to her vulgar language. He could handle a few f bombs and such, but some words, such as the one she threw out just then made his metaphorical gut clench. 
" .. Sorry. It's just been ages since I've seen these things!" Amy sounded like she was holding back her excitement. Humphrey's eyes scanned the labels beneath the machine. 
"Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, Cherry, Sour Apple- ooh, lots of choices then?" He mused, his tongue flicking out to lick at his lip briefly. 
"Yeah, they're so good! Especially in summer, I guess that's why it's here. I heard on the TV that there's a heatwave" Amy said, matter-of-factly. Not that the weather had any effectiveness on the dead anymore. 
"I dunno about you, but if I could pick one, I'd have to go for the Strawberry" Humphrey said, raising his eyebrows at the churning tub of red bliss. 
Amy rose an eyebrow. 
"Well, I recall trying a strawberry as a boy, I enjoyed them then. As for the others, I can't quite remember what Cherry tastes like, I don't remember Apples being sour and Blue Raspberry... Well that's just not factual" Humphrey said, his eyes bulging at the thought of somewhere in the world, a plantation of blue raspberries growing. 
Amy chuckled and swayed slightly in the shade of the gazebo, delighting in the artificial fruity scent that the drinks gave off. Humphrey perked up. 
"You could've made one out of those Monsters you like!" 
Amy straightened. 
"Funny enough, I actually tried that once. Didn't end well. When I blended it up, it got too fizzy and kinda- exploded on me... I managed to try some though, watered down Monster... Not great" Amy said, recalling the embarrassing memory. 
Humphrey remembered seeing a blender once; he thanked his lucky stars that they didn't exist back in his time, he just KNEW that they'd be used as a torture device. 
"You could have a Wine flavoured one?" Amy suggested, sounding like a child off in a fantasy land where anything came in every flavour possible. Humphrey smiled. 
"That would've been nice. Mostly only royalty had ice houses back in my time, so ice was a rarity unless it was the dead of winter or a special occasion. My father was lucky in that regard, really. He had one at Richmond"
The pair fluttered around the slushies for a while longer, Amy began introducing Humphrey to the combinations people would mix, and that only made him want to taste them more. They didn't even notice the new flurry of cars which pulled into the lot, or the passenger which stepped out of a car, who regarded the place with a sense of familiarity. A deep dread. A nagging sensation of... guilt? Fear? Like a moment of judgement was at hand. Like he had the nerve and the unmitigated gall to show his rat face here again. 
After tiring of the golfers and fawning over the cold drinks, Amy and Humphrey retired back inside as the clock struck six. Although the rest of their ghostly crew gathered in the Higham Suite every night for film club, Amy and Humphrey took refuge in the room where Amy had met her fizzy, caffeine choking demise. 
A permanently locked and shady room in the East Wing, the same room in which Fanny would reenact her own death every night. The room had been left unbookable after Amy's death; as far as the hotel staff and owners knew, Amy's was the first death to happen inside the walls during the time the hotel had been in business. They probably should've done more homework and put two and two together on who those old oil paintings where of and they they still remained. 
The room was still and quiet, save for the sound of the TV in the next room over. Amy sat herself cross legged on the bed, the sheets not moving an inch at the contact. Humphrey's head lie on it's side in front of her, his eyes flicking over to the door, keeping his eyes peeled for a certain someone or something. Amy's brow creased, a question she'd been wanting to ask all week finally breached the surface and came into the light. 
"Yeah, Poppet?" He said, eyes flicking back up to her. 
Amy stuffed her hands inside her front hoodie pocket and stared down at the untouched sheets. 
"You know the other day when I couldn't find you? The day you-" Amy shrugged and gave a half smile, nodding her head over to the bedside table where her adoption certificate sat in its frame where Alison had left it, after a little bargaining with the man at reception to allow her access to the room. 
Humphrey blinked and smiled back at the framed document. 
"Well- where you okay?" Amy asked. 
The question puzzled the Tudor. 
"Course I was. Well- I heard you cryin'  and I wanted to drop the idea all together and go show you I was alright" Humphrey spoke. 
"You weren't laughing at me or anything, where you?" Amy asked, blinking in shame for making such a fuss. 
"You 'avin' a laugh? I could barely take it! The only thing that stopped me was hearing Silver talking to you. She always makes things better" Humphrey assured, his brow creasing at the thought of Amy assuming he'd taken joy out of her torment. 
"I guess it worked out alright, though?" Amy smiled. She tried to suppress the powerful yawn that slipped between her lips, but Humphrey spotted it. 
"Come on, get some sleep, you haven't slept all week. I'll still be 'ere when you wake up, Poppet" Humphrey blinked. 
No matter how many times Amy protested and claimed that she wasn't tired, Humphrey could tell it was a bold faced lie. Amy finally conceded and carried Humphrey's head over to a soft armchair by the window, his frequent sleeping place. She placed him onto the soft cushion gently and trundled back over to the bed. As soon as she curled up on her side, pulled her hood over her head and nestled into the pillow, she was practically out like a light. 
For about an hour, Humphrey felt like he could drop off any moment as well, but a certain someone that he had been keeping himself awake for entered the room through the wall. They shuffled and bumbled blindly, their arms braced out ahead of them as if blindfolded, but their eyes did work; they were staring right at themself. 
Humphrey watched as his detached body approached the bed and took a seat on the edge by Amy's feet. It seemed to twist it's upper body towards the sleeping girl to 'look' at her. It's clumsy, searching hand carefully came up to feel around gently for Amy's head still tucked away beneath the hood. It came to a slow stop when it found it's target and stroked softly, before it reached behind itself and pulled the thick layers of it's cloak over her body like a blanket. 
Humphrey smiled and finally let his heavy eyes drift shut, secure in the knowledge that this was his sentient body's way of letting his adopted daughter know that they would both still be there when she awoke. 
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anonymous-astronaut · 2 years
idk if you're still doing these but could we get what the mercs would be like playing mini golf together?
The Mercs vs Minigolf
Please keep in mind I haven’t been golfing in like a decade
Scout: He thought there was gonna be a golf cart he could drive around, but the course is too small for that. He gets over his disappointment fast though because he it feels like he’s at an amusement part with the windmills and like waterfalls or whatever. He has no idea how to golf, but he has fun navigating the course and doesn’t any pay any attention to how many times he has to hit the ball.
Soldier: Hits it as hard as he possibly can. Looses more golf balls than anyone has on the course before, and probably breaks a turbine off the windmill. He doesn’t make a single hole before getting frustrated and moving on to the next one, which he also never makes. Accidentally clocks Demo in the face with his club on the backswing and nearly knocks out his other eye.
Pyro: Over the moon about the wacky castles and like dinosaurs and stuff on the course. They like when it goes though the windmill and disappears for a bit before coming out the other side. They insist on carrying the clubs and wearing a funky little golfing hat, and have a gentle hand when putting so they actually do a decent job.
Engie: He’s little underwhelmed, thinks the attractions could be more complicated or cooler. He desperately tries to keep everyone’s score at first, but no one else really cares about that part much and some people have to hit it so many damn times that eventually he gives up and just keeps his own score.
Demo: He loves golf! He’s much better at covering distance, but he doesn’t mind practicing his short game either. He loves the little castles and starts talking about some of the real castles he’s visited back home. Probably does something stupid like try’s to hit an apple off Soldiers head with a golfball and nearly knocks him out. Joins Pyro in wearing a funky little golfing hat.
Heavy: He’s never been golfing before, but he likes it well enough. He secretly likes the tiny dinosaurs, and thinks the laid back quality of the game makes it fun and relaxing. Would way rather play golf for leisure than football or something. Likes yelling golf terms like “fore” and “birdie” even though he isn’t entirely sure what they mean.
Medic: He is pretty good at regular golf, but has never played minigolf before. He thinks it’s absolutely hilarious and is very amused by all the fun little obstacle courses. Likes to show off his skills and will offer tips to anyone who wants them, but is equally happy to watch people fail miserably and snicker in the background.
Sniper: The venue ran out of adult size clubs and he was too embarrassed to ask someone to trade, so now he’s stuck with a kiddie sized club. This man is bent completely in half tryin his damndest to golf with the equivalent of a fricken toothpick. This is one sport his good aim is not carrying him in, he can still make it in the hole but he definitely has trouble hitting the ball in the first place. If it’s on grass he’s digging himself a little hole right behind the golfball.
Spy: Has no idea what he’s doing and is trying very hard to pretend that he does. He doesn’t like children and they are running rampant, much to his displeasure. He thinks the dinosaurs and windmills are tacky, and would much prefer regular golfing if he has to go golfing at all. Hits the ball like he’s afraid to break his delicate bones.
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stardustsea · 1 year
I need to know your complicated feelings on golf courses. Please
(Disclaimer that I still hate the sport of ball golf*; mini golf and disc golf are both way above it on the list for me)
Okay so basically when I needed an econ senior thesis topic I wanted it to be environmental econ related and made the mistake of thinking collecting information about the harm of golf courses and how that land could be better put to use was a good choice 🤪 and then I actually started looking into it and well...
Turns out! Golf courses can be bad but a lot of them are actually pretty good about water use and more importantly about water re-use. Additionally, I know we'd all prefer they be replaced with way more nature and greenery but the "rough" (wilder areas) and water features can actually attract quite a bit of wildlife, especially if they're filled with local plants
Also the majority of water use in this country and especially in more water-lite areas is for agriculture which golf courses are not part of 🤷‍♀️
My thesis included more suggestions for things that could be changed or added to the Golf Course Experience TM and further suggestions for decreasing water usage quickly and easily but yeah...
TL:DR most golf courses could probably be better about water use in multiple ways but as a whole they honestly aren't as bad as people would like to believe which makes it difficult to just full out call for them to disappear
That being said, as someone who doesn't play ball golf, the sport seems both boring and somewhat elitist (country clubs aside I don't love the dress code aspect) so by and large I am still opposed to it as a sport and institution
*I'm referring to it as ball golf bc I've learned from a disc golfer that ball golfers hate it being called that which amuses me bc I'm petty <3
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divinequo · 1 year
Ok since some people are taking an interest of beautiful world of celestial heavens I thought I would show you all a list of the many many places of celestial heavens, some realistic (makeup store, yoga studio) and others more magical! (Cloud city, fairy village etc) I'll probably edit this later because it's late rn and I'm tired, still enjoy my loces! (⁠つ⁠✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)⁠つ*⁠.⁠✧*⁠.⁠✧
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⁠*⁠.⁠✧RV PARK
⁠*⁠.⁠✧CAT CAFE
⁠*⁠.⁠✧PIE SHOP
⁠*⁠.⁠✧SUB SHOP
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roundrocktx · 2 years
Things to Do in Round Rock Texas
When you're seeking a fun task, Round Rock, TX is the place to go. This Texas city is free to get in and also has lots of things to do. You can see the old-fashioned Old Settlers Park, or discover the city's history at Dell Computer HQ or Memorial Park. There are likewise lots of regional locations to see a motion picture. To top everything off, Round Rock is likewise understood for its fantastic nightlife.
If you're looking for a playground, Round Rock supplies more than 20 various parks for children to enjoy. Old Settlers Park includes a Joanne Land Playground, among the city's most popular play areas. Play For All Capabilities Park is an additional prominent area for kids to play. Its several activities make it a great area for families with children of any ages as well as capacities. In addition to park tasks, there are likewise a variety of galleries and also other destinations that are worth visiting.
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If you're trying to find a day at the park, you can play sporting activities like baseball or soccer. The city also provides fun family members tasks, like going to a home video game. The city additionally uses a water park called the Rock 'N River. Found in the town facility, the water park includes a water play area, a lazy river, and also water slides. There's also a waterfall wall surface where you can climb. You can play water volley ball as well as basketball in the water as well.
You can also take the kids to the Texas Leaping Beans, an interior amusement park that is a wonderful place for children to run around. The Texas Leaping Beans likewise uses bounce residences for celebrations as well as various other events. The area is one of the most effective things to do in Round Rock and is an enjoyable task for the whole family members. Make the most of the many attractions and activities in Round Rock and also enjoy your remain in this Texas city.
If you delight in baseball, Round Rock is residence to the Dell Ruby, the AAA associate of the Texas Rangers. The arena is loaded with upscale facilities and also is family-friendly. You can also obtain close to the action by sitting behind home base. Round Rock also has a lot of fantastic dining establishments. These dining establishments rarely call for appointments, and also parking is never ever a problem. So whether you're planning an enchanting supper or an enjoyable evening out with your liked one, Round Rock has something for you.
Outside activities are a big draw for this city near Austin, Texas. Visitors can trek, bike, fish, and play disc golf in the town's many parks. Round Rock is additionally house to an old rock, the Round Rock, which marks low-water crossings for wagons throughout the 19th century. The city's background as a cattle-driving community can also be mapped by checking out the Chisholm Route Crossing Park, which includes plaques detailing the city's cattle-driving history. Other outside destinations include Old Settlers Park, which features baseball fields, play grounds, disc golf, and also a fish-stocked lake.
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Shopping is another significant draw for Round Rock visitors. The midtown area and also historical area use a wide range of boutiques as well as restaurants. In addition, there are outlet malls in Round Rock, consisting of the Round Rock Costs Outlets. In addition to a selection of stores, this shopping center also boasts restaurants and a cinema. You can additionally have a look at the newest indie films in a movie theatre in the community.
While you remain in Round Rock, do not fail to remember to order a donut at Round Rock Donuts. The city is known for its world-famous gold doughnuts. The original recipe is utilized to make the sweet treats, and also each bite is fried to excellence. Along with conventional doughnuts, Round Rock Donuts likewise supply cake donuts, cinnamon rolls, and muffins.
One of the most effective locations for your household to spend a day in Round Rock is Bushy Creek State Park, which features lots of tasks and also tourist attractions. Situated on 600 North Lee Road in Round Rock, Texas, Bushy Creek State Park is among the leading Round Rock destinations. As soon as you've looked into the park, you'll know specifically why it's a fave of residents. While visiting Round Rock, don't forget to try one of the renowned "rounded rocks"!
On this area you can discover Blingle outdoor lighting company in Round Rock concentrates on patio, vacation, and event lights for residence as well as company. They likewise supply long-term home exterior lighting services and also industrial illumination installations. With greater than thirty years of experience, Blingle makes use of specialist quality lighting items and also technologies for every task, so you can appreciate your lights for a long time. Furthermore, the components used by Blingle are created to withstand the difficult climate condition of the Southwest.
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Blingle 7 Applegate Cir Suite 120, Round Rock, TX 78665, United States 512-881-1013 https://blingle.com/round-rock-texas
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sports-movies · 2 years
The Phantom of the Open
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"The Phantom of the Open" is a specific type of British comedy that features charming, genuine stories of intrepid underdogs pulling off extraordinary feats against the odds. Picture "Calendar Girls," "Eddie the Eagle," or "Military Wives" in your mind. These true believers plod on toward their improbable goal despite the humorless cynics in society who doubt and ridicule them to hide their own inadequacies.
Typically, these movies have a dryly amusing tone that borders on the naughty, but in the end, they succumb to their easiest and most popular tendencies before disintegrating in a puddle of sentimental goop.
This is that, but with golf.
Mark Rylance portrays Maurice Flitcroft, who is famed for shooting the worst round in British Open history in 1976. He sports a vibrant argyle vest and a jovial red bucket hat. He didn't belong there, as you can see. He worked as a crane operator in a working-class neighbourhood of Barrow-in-Furness. By falsifying the papers, albeit in good fun, he tricked his way into the famous competition.
Even his wonderfully adoring wife Jean (Sally Hawkins) assisted him with this endeavour by kindly inventing responses to inquiries about his disability and other things. According to the movie, he was unaware that it was wrong. He simply wanted to play golf, which was something he had never truly done before. He also rose to fame as a result of this.
However, Flitcroft's pursuit is never truly explored by director Craig Roberts, who is working from a story by Simon Farnaby that is based on Farnaby and Scott Murray's biography of Flitcroft. Why does golf, of all things, suddenly become his obsession? On television in 1975, we watch him see Tom Watson winning the Open. But what was it about this sporting win that had everyone spellbound? Without this bit of character development, "The Phantom of the Open" is just an airy, predictable frolic with a particularly mannered Rylance performance at its core. It feels like a fundamental component to knowing him is missing.
With a fair dose of oddities and tics, his thick accent largely does the acting for him. In every situation, he is just unbelievably cheerful and adorable. Was Flitcroft really able to maintain such unwavering optimism? One can only so far suspend disbelief in his innocent youth.
Even less can be said about Hawkins as a person. She is frustratingly constrained to acting as the devoted, supportive wife and little else, save from a few poignant moments with Rylance. She is made fun of for her even lower level of golf knowledge. The British Open's head, played by Rhys Ifans, is the Wile E. Coyote to Rylance's Roadrunner and is a very arrogant and malicious character.
Flitcroft's tale was wacky, but this is a more weirder movie than "The Phantom of the Open," which only hinted at it. When Flitcroft imagines the Earth is a golf ball he is orbiting, for example, Roberts dabbles in magical realism. Additionally, he makes an attempt to enliven the narrative using strong cinematic techniques like whip pans and audacious needle drops, which makes him seem like a cross between Paul Thomas Anderson and Martin Scorsese and Craig Gillespie.
(Some of them are distractingly archaic, such when Flitcroft and his friend/caddy try to sneak out of a tournament by stealing a golf cart while Christopher Cross' "Ride Like the Wind" is playing in the background. This occurs in 1978, but the song wouldn't be released for another two years. Nitpicky? Maybe a little, but in theory, they’re trying to invoke a specific time period.)
No, the fact that Flitcroft would put on wigs and mustaches and enter various tournaments under hilariously terribly pseudonyms like Gene Paycheki, Arnold Palmtree, and Count Manfred von Hoffmanstel is a far more interesting story.
He continued to do this for years! Here, a cunning, fun heist is in store—possibly along the lines of "Catch Me If You Can." Instead, "The Phantom of the Open" chooses to be safe and upbeat. The movie shows us how Flitcroft became into a cult hero for struggling golfers all over the world, and it culminates in a tear-jerking scene of heartbreaking family reconciliation.
"The Phantom of the Open" delivers exactly what you expect it to do in the most recognizable, soothing way imaginable thanks to its humorous training montages, colorful supporting characters, and inspiring message of perseverance. The politest of golf claps follow.
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gloriabomfim · 9 months
Certainly, let's start with the first 9 montages, complete with titles, actions, and dialogue transcripts for each:
Montage 1: "Bumpy's Tiny Misadventure"
Action: Bumpy stumbles upon a miniature model of the city and mistakes it for the real thing.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Wow, this city looks different today!"
Montage 2: "Bumpy vs. Oversized Insects"
Action: Bumpy encounters giant insects in the tiny world and tries to flee, leading to slapstick injuries.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Why are the bugs here so big? Ouch!"
Montage 3: "Bumpy's Miniature Parade"
Action: Bumpy joins a tiny parade of miniature cars, unaware of their small size.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm in a parade! Wait, why are these cars so tiny?"
Montage 4: "Bumpy's Tightrope Walk"
Action: Bumpy attempts a high-wire act between matchsticks, resulting in comical falls.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I've got great balance…or not!"
Montage 5: "Bumpy's Pint-Sized Adventure"
Action: Bumpy explores a miniature amusement park and has hilarious encounters with tiny rides.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "This roller coaster is… miniature-sized!"
Montage 6: "Bumpy's Mini Golf Mishap"
Action: Bumpy plays mini golf but struggles with the tiny golf club and ball.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I can't even hit the mini golf ball!"
Montage 7: "Bumpy in a Tiny Café"
Action: Bumpy dines at a tiny café, causing chaos as he tries to interact with miniature utensils.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I need a microscope for these utensils!"
Montage 8: "Bumpy's Picnic with Mini Ants"
Action: Bumpy sits down for a picnic but is surprised when ants appear giant-sized to him.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Hey, who invited the jumbo ants?"
Montage 9: "Bumpy's Mini Concert"
Action: Bumpy ends up on a tiny stage and tries to perform, but the instruments are too small.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I've got big talent, but tiny instruments!"
These are the first nine montages with titles, actions, and dialogue transcripts. If you'd like to continue with the next set of montages or have any specific changes or ideas in mind, please let me know!
Certainly, here are the titles, actions, and dialogue transcripts for montages 10-19:
Montage 10: "Bumpy's Miniature Movie Set"
Action: Bumpy stumbles onto a tiny movie set and hilariously interferes with the mini actors.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I guess I'm the new action star, in a mini-movie!"
Montage 11: "Bumpy's Tiny Safari"
Action: Bumpy embarks on a mini-safari but encounters hilariously oversized toy animals.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "These aren't real animals, they're just toys! Ow!"
Montage 12: "Bumpy's Lilliputian Library"
Action: Bumpy visits a mini-library and tries to read miniature books with comical results.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I can barely read this tiny text!"
Montage 13: "Bumpy's Toy Town Tournament"
Action: Bumpy unwittingly participates in a mini-sports tournament and faces off against tiny competitors.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm ready to compete… against miniature athletes?"
Montage 14: "Bumpy's Miniature Space Odyssey"
Action: Bumpy believes he's embarking on a space journey but ends up in a tiny rocket.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Houston, we have a tiny problem!"
Montage 15: "Bumpy's Tiny Detective Work"
Action: Bumpy becomes a mini detective, solving cases involving small clues.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "The case of the missing button… Wait, everything's tiny here!"
Montage 16: "Bumpy's Small Kitchen Chaos"
Action: Bumpy tries to cook in a tiny kitchen but faces challenges with miniature ingredients and utensils.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I need a magnifying glass to see these ingredients!"
Montage 17: "Bumpy's Little Gardening Mishap"
Action: Bumpy attempts gardening in the tiny world but deals with overly tiny plants.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Growing a garden… miniature style!"
Montage 18: "Bumpy's Subpar Mini Golf Game"
Action: Bumpy returns to mini golf, determined to improve his miniature skills.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I won't let this mini golf course defeat me!"
Montage 19: "Bumpy's Teeny Tiny Circus"
Action: Bumpy finds himself in a tiny circus ring, attempting various circus acts with tiny props.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Welcome to the tiniest circus on Earth!"
These are the titles, actions, and dialogue transcripts for montages 10-19. If you'd like to continue with the next set of montages or have any specific changes or ideas in mind, please let me know!
Certainly, here are the titles, actions, and dialogue transcripts for montages 20-30:
Montage 20: "Bumpy's Microscopic Adventure"
Action: Bumpy accidentally shrinks even smaller within the tiny world, leading to more hilarious situations.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I didn't think it was possible, but now I'm really, really tiny!"
Montage 21: "Bumpy's Miniature Magic Show"
Action: Bumpy tries his hand at magic tricks with tiny props, causing magical mayhem.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Prepare to be amazed… in miniature!"
Montage 22: "Bumpy's Lilliputian Art Gallery"
Action: Bumpy explores a tiny art gallery and interacts with miniature artworks.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I appreciate art, even if it's super tiny!"
Montage 23: "Bumpy's Pocket-Sized Police Chase"
Action: Bumpy gets caught up in a tiny police chase, attempting to outrun miniature officers.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm not a giant criminal, I swear!"
Montage 24: "Bumpy's Tinier Than Tiny Tea Party"
Action: Bumpy attends a tea party with tiny guests, encountering tiny teapots and cups.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "This is the tiniest tea party ever!"
Montage 25: "Bumpy's Petite Pirate Adventure"
Action: Bumpy becomes a miniature pirate, sailing a tiny ship in a comical sea of miniatures.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "Arrr, matey! Watch out for those miniature waves!"
Montage 26: "Bumpy's Diminutive Dance Recital"
Action: Bumpy participates in a tiny dance recital, attempting miniature dance moves.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I've got dance skills even in this tiny world!"
Montage 27: "Bumpy's Itty-Bitty Circus Extravaganza"
Action: Bumpy returns to the tiny circus, this time performing even smaller stunts.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "The circus, now in micro mode!"
Montage 28: "Bumpy's Nano-Sized Navigational Nightmare"
Action: Bumpy navigates a tiny maze, facing a series of mini obstacles.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I'm lost in this microscopic maze!"
Montage 29: "Bumpy's Subatomic Science Experiment"
Action: Bumpy conducts a science experiment at an atomic level, leading to tiny explosions.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "I didn't mean to make it this small… or explode!"
Montage 30: "Bumpy's Minuscule Mishap Finale"
Action: Bumpy's adventures in the tiny world culminate in a grand finale of miniature mayhem.
Dialogue: Bumpy: "It's been a tiny, wild ride!"
These are the titles, actions, and dialogue transcripts for montages 20-30, bringing Bumpy's misadventures in the tiny world to a hilarious conclusion. If you have any more requests or if there's anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to let me know!
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electricthrillonline · 10 months
Some Adventure Sports That Can Get Your Adrenaline Flowing!
Are you a fan of adventure and sports that make your adrenaline rush? If so, then East Kilbride mini golf is the perfect game for you. Mini golf is an outdoor and indoor sport involving hitting a ball into an array of obstacles and a hole. The game can be enjoyed by all ages and is often played for fun, competition, or even on vacation. With its simple rules and easy-to-learn techniques, mini-golf is a great way to get your adventure and sports fix. If you’re looking for some fun indoor adventure sports for you and your family or friends, then here are 5 great options to try out: Laser Tag Laser tag is a game where teams compete against each other using laser tag guns with sensors that detect when they’ve been hit. It’s a great way to experience intense competition with your friends in a safe environment. Go-Karts Go-karts are a fun way to get your adrenaline pumping while still having some friendly competition with others on the track. You can find go-kart tracks at many amusement parks, and they often feature different tracks with varying difficulty levels. Mini Golf Mini golf may not be as intense as some other adventure sports, but it can still provide tons of fun with its easy rules and techniques that anyone can learn quickly. So, if you’re looking for some adventure and sports that can make your adrenaline rush, golf East Kilbride is definitely worth trying! Rock Climbing Rock climbing is an excellent way to challenge yourself physically and mentally while also having an amazing time with friends or family members. You can find indoor rock climbing centres all over the country that offer different levels of difficulty for people of all ages and skill levels. Bowling Bowling is always a great choice for some competitive fun with your friends or family members. It can also help you work on your accuracy and precision while still having a great time. Trampoline Parks Trampoline parks are great for getting out some energy with friends or family members while having some healthy competition in various activities like dodgeball or basketball slam dunk contests. About Electric Thrill: Electric Thrill is one of the leading places that you can visit if you want to experience adventure golf East Kilbride. They offer the most seamless and hassle-free experience to all their customers. To experience that adrenaline rush, visit https://electricthrill.co.uk/. Original Source: https://bit.ly/3OMoAnO
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