#amyriadofmuses: vanessa.
bydesiign · 5 years
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     “Can’t say I know what to think about this android revolution.” Rona takes a sip of her drink, relishing in the faint burn of the alcohol down her throat. “If giving them what they want ends all these deviant cases clogging up the systems, then fine by me.” She leans forward, settles her elbows against the tabletop. “What about you, Vanessa? What’s rolling around in that head of yours?”
@amyriadofmuses   //  sc
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chendetroit · 5 years
closed starter for : @amyriadofmuses 
   She wasn’t always this generous with her gifts, but with the case Vanessa had managed to crack open and solve for the DPD, Tina knew it was damn worth the celebration. The homicide detective had spearheaded the whole operation in one of the precincts biggest cases that month. It had been hanging over their colleagues for weeks now. Public tensions had risen, media began to question whether the police could actually do their jobs, and the detective had come in and pulled the weight and eyes off their backs by finding the men guilty. For that, a thank you was definitely in order, so that’s what the officer had set out to do with a little pitch in from others at the precinct too.
   An expensive bottle of alcohol sat placed upon the Detective’s desk, neat little bow wrapped around the neck and a dodgy looking card next to it. It was a very colourful addition to the detective’s desk, pinks of many shades splotched the card with birthday balloons and hearts printed in metallic 3D implements. The words intended were “To the best girlfriend ever, Happy Birthday !” but with the use of someone’s incredible sharpie skills, it now reads “To the Best Detective ever, Happy Case Solved!”. It was awful, the card was the tackiest thing she could find at the bottle shop. But Tina never preached to be anything of a classy gift giver or ever a completely serious individual. 
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@amyriadofmuses said:
✪ Vanessa
Send me ✪ and my muse will tell you what they’d like to do to/with yours.
One  ✦ = They don’t want to do this at all. Five  ✦ = They would die to be doing this! (Zero  ✦  = “Wat?!”)
My muse would like too… ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  dance with your muse. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  sing for your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  ask your muse out on a date. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  take a bath with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  hold your muse tight. ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  lean onto your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  kiss your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  sleep with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  marry your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  watch your muse sleep.  ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  cuddle your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  go to a party with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  watch a movie with your muse ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  play video games with your muse ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  steal horses with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  cook together with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  support your muse’s hobbies. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  get drunk with your muse. (human verse) ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  watch your muse cry. (after the big reveal he’d likely expect this) ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  send your muse away. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  make your muse trip. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  deny your muse’s existence. (forcing himself in lieu of his mission) ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  slap your muse. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  crush your muse’s dreams ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  set your muse’s home on fire. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  kill your muse.
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detrcitmade · 5 years
[Grocery shopping]
Vanessa: hey, you guys want any chips?
Tina and Gavin, yelling from the other side of the aisle: I'M ALWAYS A SLUT FOR DORITOS!
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creatorofclay · 5 years
Book starter // accepting // for @amyriadofmuses (for Vanessa)
CyberLife had certainly done an excellent job causing a scene for themselves. Between the androids rising up and actually killing people and the stand in CEO's refusal to make any sort of comment, it was a wonder anyone could even still trust them. The president herself seemed to be the only one getting any answers. But, Elijah had his ways.
Even though he still owned the building and the rights to the company, there were a great many things he was not privy to. As he had his own secrets, it seemed they still had their own. With the state of the world as it was, he wasn't the only one looking for answers.
In an office on one of the first few floors of the tower, Elijah sat at a computer, clicking through file after file and record after record, trying to find something he didn't already know about. His eyes flicked up towards the door as it opened and a woman stepped in the room. He could she was a cop, if mostly from the way she seemed to watch him. He just gave a smirk and sat back in the chair.
" I can offer you no consolation, Detective, " he greeted her. There had been quite a few people trying to get in touch with him lately, all for different reasons, but he just couldn't be surprised someone had spotted him in the building and switched him out, " Your disaster is irreparable. What do you intend to do? "
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fourmarksmage · 5 years
Rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
Ruby Lucas (OUAT)
Shawn Spencer (Psych)
Morgana (Merlin)
Claire Fraser (Outlander)
Vanessa Ives (Penny Dreadful)
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Carmilla Karnstein (Carmilla webseries)
David Rose (Schitt’s Creek)
Tagged By: @amyriadofmuses (thank you!!)
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this!
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deviated-detective · 5 years
15 ASSOCIATIONS: repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
animal: Dog colour: Blue / White / Gold month: August song: Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons number: 8 day or night: Day plant: Gladiolus // Strength of character, honor, conviction smell: burning wood // fresh baked goods // wet fur season: Spring food: astrological sign: Leo element: Fire drink: Thirium 
tagged by: Stolen from self @ruthlessnessisyourdesire tagging: @doctor-for-you @uxis-multimuse @stayhuman-genevieve @rk800isalive @soulxism @ninesis @coffee-and-guns @theyearningtofly @scarletclues @alexiscryotek @amyriadofmuses  (vanessa & sabrina)  // already tagged previously but here ya go // list too long any & everyone
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goddamnitconnor-a · 5 years
"I swear to all the gods, if Reed leaves the coffee pot empty one more time we are going to have a murder scene in the bullpen and you are going to have to cuff me." Vanessa grumbled shoving fresh grounds back into the machine.
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“Can’t we just hide the body and file a missing person’s report?” It somehow sounds like less work.
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Is (Vanessa) Someone You:
• Would Kiss: Yes
• Would Date: Yes
• Would Make Friends With: Yes No (friends with benefits is his lure) 
• Would Adopt: No
• Would Marry: Yes (complicated boy that he is goes for it)
• Would Sleep With: Yes
• Would Live With: Yes
• Would Cuddle With: Yes
• Would Fight With: Yes
• Would Trust: Yes
• Would Dance With: Yes
• Would Bathe With: Yes
• Would Die For: Yes
• Would Ignore: Yes (when the truth comes out he used her in the beginning? perfect way for him to deny he loves her)
• Would Not Care For: No
• Would Laugh At: No
• Would Cry With: No
• Would Cry For: Yes No (fool doesn’t admit weakness)
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tfw tumblr won’t upload your ask graphic
@amyriadofmuses said:
There was one gift in a small box that contained silver and blue cuff-links and a tie clip. It was neatly wrapped from Connor. Vanessa sat at his desk with other box in hand with a small smile as she waited for Sixty to come back as she had a box of her own. It had a tie of blue and black in a tasteful pattern, the smaller thing in the box was the more important gift. The one that had her slightly nervous to see his reaction. It was a key to her apartment.
Birthday Event Asks | CLOSED
Vanessa's presence is one ravishing sight seated at his desk. A dreary thing in DPD but she creates a bright spot. Striding up behind her, lowering his head beside hers, the detective exhaled warm artificial breath in a system cooling process. She is quite an overheated symptom after all. 
"My bird," he purrs, tracing a finger along her shoulder and down arm. The sweeping caress tingled his synthetic skin absorbing her warmth. "What is this?" His eyes skim over the obvious boxes. One in particular, sitting alone forced his head to tilt. Is that from Connor? What sort of offering is this? Why would she-? "Ah. I see what this is for. My supposed day of birth. Alas my precious it is not inherently real but I shall humor my predecessor." 
Gifts are quite fanciful if he does say so! He hardly cares what Connor would give to him or why he would even attempt such an olive branch. Sixty kept looking at the one she had as he made quick destruction of the box from Connor. "Hm," the android hummed at the presentable clip and cuff-links. It seems his talks of fashion sense have paid off with that fool. "Not at all bad," he admits, shifting to seat himself upon his own desk, narrowing eyes down onto her from his higher perch. 
"Vanessa, you are ravishing. What other present will I savor other than you?" His words are silken come hither on a promise. He retrieves the box from her, chuckling at the obvious. Ah! Something to go with that new clip but of course it is a perfect match. "Just my color. It appears you know me all too well my...." 
Freezing at the key hidden beneath fabric of patterned tie, plucking it up, he analyzed several times. It is a specific make and cut. In fact he is all too aware. "Are you giving me permanent access? To your abode?" Sixty leans forward bringing his face closer, expression unreadable before his lips touch hers with a soft tease. "Mmm. I believe this is a large step in our relationship. Be careful what you wish for my dear. I may never leave you alone now."
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Tell me (Vanessa)
Tell Me / Accepting
[ X ] Go back to sleep // 60: Here again are we? ;)     [  ] Kick you out[ X ] Cuddle with you                   [  ] Be like “How in the world?”[  ] Let you sleep on the floor    [  ] Become angry
[ X ] Kiss or hug you back                       [ X ] Smile and laugh[  ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable        [  ] Push you away[  ] Be shocked                                       [  ] Strike you
[  ] No          [ X ] Yes          [  ] Most CERTAINLY not.          [ ] Without hesitation.
[  ] Cute          [  ] Adorable          [ X ] Attractive          [ X ] Beautiful // 60: Naturally strong & beautiful is a deadly combination.[  ] Okay         [  ] Ugly                 [  ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
[  ] Stranger          [  ] Acquaintance          [ X ] Ally[ X ] Friend              [ X  ] Love                        [ X ] Rival // when his allegiance to Cyberlife is outed the sexual tension will be palpable[  ] Enemy
[  ] Pathetic          [  ] Off no consequence          [ X ] Intriguing[  ] Frightening     [  ] Unsettling                          [  ] Annoying[ X ] Infuriating // 2 hot heads make for an interesting combo      [ X ] Pleasant company            [  ] Comforting[  ]  Unable to be lived without                            [ X ] Trustworthy
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@amyriadofmuses / cont. from x
Dazzling how she looks in this setting, he almost forgets they are a bit undercover. Where is the fun if not in pretend? “Do tell me how that tastes,” Sixty motions to her glass, leaning forward in his swath of ebony and royal blue. An excuse for fashionable events is always profitable in his experience.
His hand slides across table to press against hers. “My real time sensor system can discern. I just need your mouth. Little bird.”
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"I feel like this is a challenge." (Vanessa cause she can't keep her mouth shut)
“Do you? I hope so. It would be rather boring if there were not one. Don’t you think Vanessa?” A solitary tilt of the head follows his slippery words. Silver tongues are made for licking. Perhaps he will find a way to sample delights this evening. 
The corners of his mouth do rise. An abundance of smug delivery slithers upon tongue when alone with her. All of it began so casual did it not? He needed to establish before becoming overly comfortable. Showing his full spectrum would only deter his personal mission. Sabotaging DPD in wake of a peaceful revolution’s end is all he cares about. That is what he wished to think. 
He inhales sharply. Such human action in a non-human entity feels as any man connecting a hot burnished gaze upon her.  “What sort of challenge do you presume my dove? I would very much enjoy knowing your interpretation. After all we are partners. Not at all as unbearable as I first suspected meeting you Detective.” 
His gaze shifts beyond her. Settling on the light blue of his couch, he slides fingers against her hip. A gentle brush despite what he is capable. It is enough to motion for where he wishes to have her join him. His flat is quite spacious for an android he will not lie. Perhaps he is far more human than he wishes to be. "I do enjoy the fact you think my asking you over here is a challenge."
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chendetroit · 5 years
❝I should call my ex.❞ (from Vanessa)
Drinking Starters ! : @amyriadofmuses
   “You absolutely should not do that. That’s a horrible idea.” Tina turns to flash her a disapproving look before she sees it; her eyes spy the single phone, resting between them in all its glory like a bad bad omen. It takes her a moment to process, the silence stretching between them. She looks at the phone, then looks at Vanessa, then looks at the phone again. Tina prays that she hasn’t seen it yet.
   “…Don’t you dare.” Tina points an accusing finger at her, eyes slightly wild in flicking from the phone to Vanessa’s face. She knew it was there; Tina wasn’t gonna let her. She looked ready to pounce across the room at her if need be, “Vanessa.” Tina says warningly, inching off her seat towards her slightly.
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❝ A broken heart can be as lethal as a bullet to the brain. ❞ ( Vanessa cause let's foreshadow the heartbreak that will come at the end of all this)
Heartache Starters !Accepting!
Poetry in motion or so the phrase is spoken but one does draw his undivided attention. Eyes are deep chocolate full of a glimmer not at all befitting his natural countenance. Somehow that shines under the pretense of this close bond. The very relationship between partners should not exist. He still gathers each piece of it closer to chest. Strangely his synthetic heart pumps with quicker, heartier sensation. At those very words he does respond curious indeed.
Tongues are sharper than wit’s measure in his calculations. The conversation at hand is private. A quiet solitude as he perches nearby, silence permeates in this oddly satisfying company. He should not enjoy it. He should not enjoy her.
“What words,” he teases. “Did my little bird decide to be open with me? Or do you simply pull at my proverbial strings?” A hint of a smile is a mask unto itself. The android undercover from his true allegiances paints a face they all wish to see. Tonight in this close space he allows a bit of truth on a cool steel heart. 
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Anonymous said:
❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥
Send ❥ For the Mun to write some positivity for a blog of their choice! | Quota Reached
// Anon you’re a damn cheat lol OK I’ll post a few but not all of those hearts. My God. 
@rk800isalive​ > OK you know the love drill for Eme but it’s fully here > Click
@stayhuman-genevieve​ > Same thing with my babes Lea and that love > Click
@coffee-and-guns​ > Feli I love you to death. You are one of my best friends. I’m blessed you commented on that one fic (I can’t remember lol) when you did. Such a long time ago it seems but that’s the moment we were in this. Your writing is wonderful. You make me laugh all the time with our mutual insatiable thirst. And our OTP? Lotixty? They were born from crack originally and damn I cannot imagine NOT having the 60 x Lotus ship. I’m glad to share that with you and even happier to call you a friend for life. 
@diivinerose​ > Curls! We’ve been doing this for so long and I’m just so happy we met across the other side of this fandom. Even happier that we get to do this together. You’re a literal babe. You’ve been there for me during some really rough shit especially now. We can talk about anything and you’re a literal best friend. Your writing is so much better than you give yourself credit for. Same goes for your muse who my muses adore. That good DD60 x Main!D? OTP BABY. Let’s not forget the OTP to top OTP’s with Det!D and Corvus. Finally we get to bring our problematic loves to full swing here. I missed them. I’m so happy to call you a friend for life too babes. I love you too much.
@ninehartx​ > My canon Nines right here! The only Nines of my life! Iron you are simply amazing. That goes for you as a person, friend and your muses. All of them, especially the wonderful boy that is Aiden Barnes, deserves so much recognition. Your writing is wonderful. I love when we plot. I love when we just chat. You’ve done some amazing things for me while I’ve been going through ish but I will never forget it. Chatting with you daily just brightens my life. You’re one of a kind. And Sixden? My OTP boys are absolute love. I adore you. 
@creatorofclay​ > Waifu! WAIFU # 2! Kam, Ash, Clay you’re such a delight. I mean I’m super stoked that we’re finally interacting so much. You are my Kamski. The canon Kamski of my life and 60 secretly (and not so secretly) has a thing for his creator. Then again so does Corvus in that killer human au but you know what I mean. ;) Platonic murder husbands otp? Never thought that dynamic would come about but damn it’s gonna be a blast. Talking to you is always a blast. You’re so chill and down to earth. I love hearing you in VC and damn I still haven’t been able to go live in VC with you there. Hopefully soon. I adore the hell out of you Kam. Your writing is amazing. 
@rxseguided​ > Cupcake! My sweet angel babe! I love you a lot. We’ve only just started really interacting but damn do I love every minute of it. I’m all on that Jesse x Corvus. You have no idea. He’s just so stuck on her in almost every verse but the killer au? Oh man that’s juicy. 60 never expected to gain an adoptive mother but he’s rolling with it. He just loves his angel mom. Every time you pop on I’m just so down to chat. You’re super fun, chill and amazing all around. That writing tho! You’re so good and let me tell you this. Jesse is an amazing original muse and deserves all the damn love in the world. 
@dulcis-pythonissam​ > My baby Hime you are wonderful. I am so happy you followed me when you did. I’m even happier we started chatting. You’re such a sweet person even if you might not see it. Please just have my hugs. You deserve them. Shizu is absolutely adorable and needs more love! All my muses are here to give her that but I’m already hype on this cute Shizu x Nines. Look what you started with that ask. I love to read your threads. I love to read your plotting. Your Kara is wonderful and 60 is totally in love. I love you lots!
@deviant-by-design​ > Already gave my love to my baby Crow and their amazing Connor here > Click
@vexeddetective​​ > Lots of love for Vex my babe already gushed here > Click
@nightofthefall​ > Cherub I will tell you this as I have always. You are a talented writer and you will go far. I remember when you first started talking to me in the other side of this fandom. You were the last good thing to come out of that before I moved away from that mess into here. Your muse deserves more. She’s very well thought and unique. I will always give you writing advice, tell you that your writing is better than you think. Just know you are the sweetest!
@musesdivine​ > I know you’re on a break here right now but Tori you are an absolute doll. When you followed me I saw Alex and immediately fell in love. 60 was just “ha! a new foil!” And Connor? Well, Connor loves Alex with all of his synthetic heart. Conlex is here and is waiting to set sail again. Then came the rest of your muses. I love them all. I love your writing. I love you! You deserve all good things. I’m glad to have met you through this fandom and will always be grateful we made the choice to dm each at the same time. lol It was too good! And you’re too precious ok? 
@amyriadofmuses​ > A literal babe. You were one of the first people to follow this blog and I’m just so blessed to know you. You’re so sweet and just I love when we get the chance to interact. 60 is all in for Vanessa. He fooled around and fell in love. You tackle so many muses in so many different fandoms and I just adore reading all of yours threads. Please give me all of your DBH muses. I want to interact with each one. With all of my muses. Your writing is lovely. You put so much effort into every single muse and you’re a mutual for life. 
@fearlessandchaotic​ > OK let me just say I missed all the plotting and just being chill in chat. Shenanigans are afoot! Shenanigans are being had! I’m so happy we’re back at it. All of my muses just want to pounce and 60? Oh boy 60 is a hyper puppy with his precious fox around. Let me give love to your Chloe as well. I’m so ready ok? It’s been so great getting back to it. Here’s to  more and more my baby Ely! 
@theveryfirst​ > Angel babe who is the Dove to 60′s stone cold heart. I’ve missed you a lot and whenever you manage to pop back up, I just gush. You’re super sweet and were one of the early ones to follow this blog. I’m happy you gave 60 a chance because Sixloe? SIXLOE. I ADORE THEM SO MUCH. She’s so soft and he’s so hard. They just fit so well. All of that good plot we’ve done I’m still ready to do. Whenever you’re ready babes. I love your Chloe so much. Your writing is just beautiful. 
@beeutifulmuses​ > Bee! My precious Bee! I adore you! You’re just so wonderful and such a pleasure to chat with! I’m super happy you dropped on Corvus and I love the added dynamic we’ve plotted with your Forgiveness (tommy) for the demon au. Let me say that you have many a muse that are just so well thought out, canons and oc’s alike. I love reading you on my dash. I love plotting. I am so looking forward to more threads together. You’re just a wonderful writer and I’m so glad to know you! 
@negotiiator​ > Andrew! While we haven’t interacted in a thread lately I just want to give love to this wonderful Connor. Your blog is always so aesthetically pleasing. I love to read you when you pop up on my dash. 60 is just always gritting his teeth and wanting to pounce. He has to suck it up because you’re a pleasure to see. Your writing is just too good. I’m glad you followed when you did. Slap me up in dms again. 60 wants to love on you....with his fist but still. 
@anderson-residence​ > My baby Alley! All the muses. Give me all the muses for all my muses! You’ve been nothing but a doll from the moment you followed me on my Connor blog. That was the first and then you followed me here and beyond. I love seeing all of your plot, ideas and just your enthusiasm for all of your muses. It’s infectious. You have such a great sense of humor and I love you to pieces! 
@idontkillorphans​ > FLO! I love you to death. Sleip is such a mood and a wonderful OC. Whenever you’re on the dash I smile because I know he’s up to something. lol I want to interact more especially with my devil man Corvus. You’re super sweet and just an all around wonderful person. <3 
@jericholeader​ > OK but the Markus queen herself. Always a pleasure to see on the dash. I just adore the way you write Markus. I love your writing. It’s just so good. Becca you’re an angel and I have to toss my muses more at you. 60 is just shaking his head whenever he sees Markus doing good. He hates it but secretly respects him for standing his ground. You’re amazing OK? OK. 
@dpd-detective-in-training​ > 60 is in love with one Isles Turney and I can’t stop him. Seeing you on the dash whenever you are able just makes me smile. I’m super glad you followed me. I adore Isles so much. She deserves way more love. Honestly, she deserves the damn world and no one will tell me otherwise. That’s the truth. 
// OK I lied. I posted more than the hearts you sent lol Give all of these babes some love. Oh and shout outs to > 
@gracioustwin​ > Whenever you come back let me love on you with my muses. You’re such a sweetheart. Hannah is love.
@cyberlifefortune​ > While you just followed me here and on a few of my other blogs, I can already say you are a pleasure. I’ve been reading everything you write on my dash and I’m super excited to start writing with you!
@electricshxxp​ > Just started following but already I’m so hype to interact. 60 is ready for Kamski. Been reading you on my dash and I’m loving it.  I’m super excited to start writing and plotting! 
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