#an aasimar would be fitting for the boy
hello-eeveev · 1 year
Oooh I finally remembered a wip wednesday!
Here’s Essek having some demi/aro-spec/ace-spec feels while talking to Reani!
“You… kissed Beauregard?”
“I mean no offense, but… why?”
“Well, she’s really smart and cool and super hot.”
Essek paused. ‘Beauregard’ and ‘hot’ were not words he would put together of his own volition. Granted, he had never described anyone who wasn’t running a fever as hot. But Beauregard was fine to look at, and she was a good and loyal friend once he got past the brusque exterior. He could… understand the appeal.
“Ah,” he said finally. “I suppose.”
“You don’t think so?”
He leveled a flat stare at Reani. “I can count the number of people I’ve felt”—he fumbled for the right words—“feelings for on one hand and still have several fingers to spare.”
He nodded.
“Oh,” she said. “But you’re so—you’re—” She simply gestured to him. “You’re the hot boy.”
“I don’t see how my physical appearance is indicative of my inclinations,” he said. “Besides, it is little more than a decent draw in the genetic lottery, bolstered by a preference for good grooming. I did not choose to be ‘hot’ any more than I chose to be a drow or you chose to be an aasimar.”
“Fair enough.” Reani took a swig of her drink. “But you’ve really never kissed anyone?”
Essek sighed. “No. I have not.”
“Why not? You’ve just never been interested?”
He sat back and thought about how best to explain. “I would not say such things haven’t been of interest, but they have never been of import.”
“But now it is?”
Essek flushed. “Perhaps,” he mumbled, and downed the rest of his wine.
And another line that I love and want to fit somewhere in this scene:
He didn’t think that the warmth in his chest that sparked a desire to touch and to hold was the same heat Reani spoke of.
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nightwardenminthara · 3 months
so be it T | 455 words another pwotr ficlet: a conversation between cyril and daeran right before he accepted his new position as Knight-Commander
“You know, I was not aware Lord Lodovka had a grandchild. I’d always thought the leaves on that family tree were rather barren.” Daeran’s voice betrays the spark of curiosity he hides behind a disinterested look at his wine glass.
“You should write to him and tell him just that, he would be overjoyed to know his efforts to conceal my existence weren’t in vain.”
“Oh, maybe I will.” He smiles and recites: “My Dearest Lord, forgive me, how could I be so unaware of your lovely grandson? You have deprived the Court of a truly interesting guest, how glad I am that my dear cousin has seen fit to elevate him to this new command. I daresay there’s not a soul in Kenabres who doesn’t know the name Cyril Lodovka now. I am thrilled to finally have a fresh face to add to my guest lists.”
Cyril chuckles, smiling into his own glass. “You may send him into a conniption. Throw in some reference to bacchanal blood-drinking feasts and the fashionability of the Undead and even the chirurgeons will struggle to mend him.”
“Oh, that does give me some ideas. A grand feast in your honor. I’ll need to make arrangements,” The Count is looking at him in that way he does, innocently amused.
Cyril is once more thankful of his incapability of blushing. He thought himself beyond such idle flirtations from young, foppish nobles. Plenty had seen him as a rebellious amusement in Brevoy, the danger of dhampirism alongside bastardy. He’d allowed himself to be used in his younger days – relished their attentions, their bodies, their blood – and then they’d become annoyances. He’d turned his attentions to alchemy and lost the fascination and yearning for a glimpse of the noble life he would never know. All he could achieve was a facsimile of it and the entitlement of young dandies and noblewomen had become grating.
And yet… this boy. He’s clever and he knows it. Beautiful and talented and all too aware of that, too. Even his complaining isn’t enough to sour Cyril entirely.
Daeran continues, looking at him through his golden lashes, “Any preferences on the libations?”
Cyril pauses, a finger to his lips as if he truly is in quiet contemplation. “The elven blood served here is suitable, as suitable as anything not directly from the source can be.” He looks directly at the Count. “Although, if it is to be a lavish affair, I’ve always been partial to aasimar.”
The Count’s eyes narrow and then he laughs and Cyril hears the performance in it. “Then so be it: an aasimar maiden, ready to be devoured. I did always believe that the centerpiece should be a talking point.”
“So be it.”
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alphapercyjackson · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel x DnD
First the easiest one is Angel Dust. He'd fit perfectly as Thri-Kreen both are bugs and have four arms. As for class Gunslinger is clear I mean that is the weapon he uses.
Second we have Sir Pentious, now race and class is easy for him. He'd be a Yuan-Ti Abomination and an Artificer. Now the hard part would be subclass. Would he fit better an artillerist to go with his laser guns or a battle smith for his egg boy minions.
Third let's go with Vaggie. Now for her now that we know that she's a fallen angel and former extermater, then a fallen aasimar oath-breaker paladin is a perfect fit. Also I can help see her as the Nightsong when she was imprisoned.
Then there's sweet Charlie. Race is the easy part,she'd be Tiefling. For class I'm thinking multi-class Bard/Sorceress. Divine Sorcerer is just too fitting. The bard subclass I have a hard time choosing, should it be Lore for better spells or Glamour/Eloquence to better support the others.
Now for Mimzy I'm thinking Gnome Zealot Barbarian. You know for her love of violence, pain, and killing bugs with a fever.
Husk was a bit of a hard one. Now race wise am thinking of a homebrew Taxabi race based on a sphinax, and giving him owlin level flying. I was thinking of class for a bit and then it hit me, Phantom Rogue would fit with his whole soul and gambling stick. Also his cards are a lot like throwing knives.
Formerly finally Alastor. He'd be a Reborn Variant Human and am thinking Necromancer Wizard. I mean his powers are Voodoo and that's where zombies came from.
The new finally I feel would be Emily. Sense Vaggie was an aasimar then so would be Emily but I see her as a Protector. Finally is class which is easy she'd so fits cleric, but am not sure if she'd be more of a Light, Life, or Peace.
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gwynbleiddyn · 1 year
💗🔮🍆📀⭐️🔥 for Mr Mio please señor!
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why?
i think we all understand Mio's vanity is a character in itself by now but to get all Deep and Introspective about it, there is something to be said for how manifestation in physical form is a belief that his culture very much celebrates and upholds. statues, carvings, reliefs, paintings -- art mediums that intentionally capture the form of a person are revered as ways to shape that person into what they would like to be. you make an image of yourself that you love, that other people love, and the power behind that concept is a kind of magic that will shape you.
it's not a hard bridge to cross then, when you think of how many paintings and portraits mio must have sat for. how many statues of his forefathers he walked past every day. he was surrounded by people that deliberately made themselves works of art, so it's easy to see how the trait fell into him too.
it's a little complicated for mio to point out something he likes about himself now, because he doesn't look much like the prince that now exists only in portraits around Raqasr, or in murals, or in statues. static pieces and remnants of the boy he was. he feels irrevocably changed and not in a way he has any control over, so he's a little uncomfortable in his skin and is mostly choosing to ignore that right now.
objectively speaking though if he just looked at himself in a mirror, i think he would like his eyes. they're a gem-like green (so often called malachite for good reason lol) that is very typical of the Basekh family, you can see it in generations going back, and i think Mio likes that connection. it's a part of him that's genuine, and it doesn't hurt that people think they're pretty :) little self-esteem boost thank u
his family... i mean. it's hard to say, they haven't seen him in a while. i like to think that once upon a time, his younger brothers would've said his hugs were the best thing about him - always warm and safe, even when they were being shitheads to him. he protected them without question, until he wasn't there. that's been hard to reconcile.
lovers... loaded question. two i can speak for - i know one would say his words because that was what she valued most, knowing that he couldn't lie to her the way he could lie to everyone else. the second might say his shoulders, in the most point-blank, blunted statement ever, but he means the shoulders of atlas that shored up a world of incorrigible expectation, and he has never forgiven certain people in Mio's life for that. i think Mio is afraid to consider what Diric might say - he found Diric at a point of significant change in his life when he wasn't really sure of who he was, he felt like an amorphous creature that was just kind of fitting his surroundings, playing to the needs of the party, so his demeanour and his behaviour may have been hard to pin down over that time. he likes to think he was fun and gave Diric some light in his life which, in Mio's pov, seemed to be cast in a long shadow.
i accosted the crew for input from his party members so have some quotes:
"Alar likes Mio because they have similar vibes, like they can be goofy or serious together. But he also likes that they have a, as far as Alar is concerned, a strong relationship that to others might not look like it is built on much.
They keep pretty much all info on a need to know basis, but that allows them to work on a 'If I have told you or asked about this, even without all the info, I need you for this' system." - from eddy who graces us with Alar, aka Mio's frat bro bestie, they're a couple of ride or die aasimar out for vengeance and redemption
"dir just loves mio in total ok he can't explain what specifically he just do T_T he loves mio's drive, loves how he can be silly, just. hnnnngh" im keeping the hnnngh because that resonates with me thank u @soulventure91 <3
and then ur delicious response which im chewing up:
"Zin… hm. Now would they love it, or are they just jealous of it? Mio’s presence, his charm, his panache, his knowledge, his Charisma that oozes through every hole in Mio’s body and how he gets people to listen and pay attention in just the right ways, they want to be like that, but also recognise the effort that goes into maintaining that. So it’s both a covetous affair and something to admire from afar. But also his general devotion and drive, his perseverance and ability to stick to his guns, that’s something they do find attracts them to him."
also several reports for his ass as his best feature
🔮 Star gazing or cloud watching? Hand-holding or snuggles? Early mornings or late nights?
oh, star gazing!!! the stars over Akhenaton.... especially if you ride out a little bit into the desert bluffs or the tombs outside the city, they're beautiful and endless. and it's nice sometimes to be spared the intense heat of the sun, but still see its light reflected in the moon.
hand holding, for sure. he doesn't mind snuggles but he doesn't generally like being crowded for long, while holding hands affords him the closeness without the problem of someone being up in his space.
early, early mornings, when the dawnlight spills out like a softly breaking wave, the pink-purple glow that preludes the inevitable sunrise... the smell of warmth on the air, encroaching... when the river is still and gentle and the world isn't watching him for a moment. yes.
🍆 Tea or Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Sweet or Spicy? Fruits or Vegetables?
well i really thought this emoji was implying another kind of question
i think coffee! it's something he would have had a lot back home, and it carries a kind of warm nostalgia for him.
spicy spicy spicy
i think probably vegetables, purely on the basis of prevalence and versatility in dishes. the farms of Akhenaton were bountiful thanks to the river delta and the nutrients stored there, so veggies came up in abundance as opposed to the more seasonal-dependant fruits.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
i think shock and confusion don't tend to creep up so much in Mio's obvious responses, whether that's because he deliberately doesn't show it or doesn't feel it, kind of hard to say. he's dealt with a lot in his life, he's seen a lot - people are fucking unhinged, especially in royal courts where there's plenty to gain - and he's extremely well versed in liars and manipulators, because he is one. however, the current thread in Faelethris that seems to be unravelling is one that i think Mio is genuinely out of his depth on. the swarm of devils and fiends that appear to be threatening his city is not only a situation he has no control over, it's a situation that is utterly sacrilegious to his devotion. that's shocking to the core. he's scrambling to find purchase on something before he goes diving in, which is where his intent on searching the Shadowfell and finding the Raven Queen is coming from.
trust is a difficult line to walk for Mio. there's few people he trusts implicitly, and he usually always likes to have some measure of control over a situation where his life or reputation might temporarily fall into someone else's hands. and i think in return, he doesn't enjoy being burdened with trust from others - partly because he knows he isn't entirely honest and upfront, and partly because that leaves him vulnerable if he fucks it up. it's something he's slowly unpicking by virtue of being surrounded by a party that he often has to rely on to keep him safe and mostly sane.
trusting Mio is very much at ur own risk because as i've said before he will absolutely drop a bitch for the sake of his gods
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
he's not a huge fan of the dark or being on the edge of something that is very high up. like purely on a practical level, these things suck, yes he has darkvision, yes he can fly, no it doesn't make a DIFFERENCE IT'S ABOUT THE RANCID VIBES
but there are certainly more insidious things that scare him! the whole experience with Laz's magnificent mansion that got twisted by the fucked up Weave in shadereef - that was terrifying. i think in that instance, what scared him was that he felt like he did when Akhenaton was attacked. the horror of the unknown, the oppressive darkness, the creeping stench of rot and decay. logically he understood the two situations were very, very different, but the feeling that it invoked was horrible. he's still on edge now, and you see that he can be sharp and almost cruel - he's not a malicious person in combat, but the way he killed that erinyes was a pointed statement from a very, very scared man. fear makes him throw up all his defenses, everything that says 'keep away' because it's such a vulnerable emotion and he fucking hates people seeing his vulnerability.
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
colours - warm tones, oranges and yellows and golds. white or black contrasts. metallics in gold and bronze and brass. PTHALOGREEN. sometimes turquoise. the yellow-toned blues. he loves loves loves colour, and his armour is devoid of it but his formal attire is drowned in it. Just Something To Muse On,,,,
textures - he is a DECADENT BOY when it comes to fabrics - silk, satin, luxurious materials that slide over the skin. warm sand through the fingers. cool water lapping at his ankles. the wiry hairs of a lion's mane. smooth gemstones. the dense weight of platinum in his hand, versus the softness of gold. he is a tactile person, and textures sit quite strongly in his mind.
music - the combination of heavy drums and powerful voices is something Mio likes, because it's very reminiscent of numerous songs that come out of festivals and celebrations in Akhen. i think more than anything though he just likes to hear singing.
weather - this is the obvious one, but hot, dry days where the sun is blazing and it almost feels too heavy to move. nothing better than lounging around like a glorified housecat in the shade while you sip on fantasy margaritas by a river.
colours - he's not a huge fan of pastel type colours, he doesn't generally like greys and muddy colours, all for the same reason: no vibrancy or life to them. he is like a silly little bug that lands on the brightest and loudest flowers in the garden and nothing else.
textures - coarse things, rough hewn fabrics, heavyweight fabrics are all BLEH. he doesn't like the way linen creases so he has to get it flattened constantly. he's particular about the skin on certain fruits - god forbid anyone leave a little of the rind on the oranges. he also hates rose-cut gemstones because why. also when metal drops onto marble = BAD NOISE, BAD TEXTURE, BAD TIME ALL AROUND. ceramic on marble is okay tho, crunchy and satisfying.
music - overly long piano pieces are a blight upon the upper echelons of operatic society, and he will cry if he has to attend any more recitals.
weather - snow and cold and frost and anything that demands he put on a coat. this includes cold northern rain or maritime fronts. tropical rain is okay, mostly.
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brattysorcerer · 2 years
Hello, I hope you are doing well!! It's been a while since I've sent anything in but I just noticed the comment about D&D au and it would be really cool to see what your ideas are for the guys and ttrpg classes and races.
Do you play Vampire the Masquerade because I've been literally trying to think of an au where Luxiem and Noctyx are VTM vampires clan wise... Anyway, I hope you are having a good day and take care!! - 🌟
well, lucky for you, i started pondering on it last night and i think i have a list for the boys. i'll slap it into the answer at the end here to show off!
to answer about VtM, i don't play it unfortunately. the trigger list that a friend showed me is...a lot and i don't think i'd be able to properly play the game because of it ^^; it does look like an interesting system though and i always enjoy tabletops were it isn't always good v evil. i've been looking into trying more ttrpgs other than d&d. d&d is my fave bc it was my First but there's so many interesting ttrpgs out there. i'm hoping to find one that will fit a really good modern day high fantasy setting.
but to answer the question of classes and races for the boys...here u go:
LUCA - Half-Elf Champion Fighter
SHU - Elf Wild Magic Sorcerer
MYSTA - Tiefling Arcane Trickster Rogue
IKE - Aasimar Enchantment Wizard
ALBAN - Tabaxi Thief Rogue
SONNY - Human Oath of the Crown Paladin
YUGO - Elf Glamour Bard
UKI - Half Elf Divination Wizard
FULGUR - Human Knowledge Cleric
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turianosauruswrex · 1 year
2, 4, 6 for katya! :)
!!!!! thank you Peri!!! (Song Lyric OC Ask Game)
2. a song lyric to describe their love life
So this is where I gotta tell you, she thought she was in love with Artemy, her best friend, for like, fifteen years. She dated other boys to try and get her mind off him but it never quite worked. And this is where I gotta add that she never said a goddamn thing about it to him, and then he died, and then she spent so long trying to figure out a way to bring him back.
Enter other friendships. Enter learning what love looks like, compared to obligation, compared to obsession. Enter a tall hot goth elf who has the audacity to ask to read her mind, to let her practice that spell on him, to ask for her to stay with him. Katya has been Thru It and different lyrics fit at different times. You'll have a Phoebe Bridgers lyric for Artemy ("Part of me wants you/But most of me needs you/So I won't fall unless you ask me to"), you'll have a Halsey lyric for the in-betweens of Kaspar, Andrey, Ivan, no one ("I don't need anyone, I don't need anyone/I just need everyone and then some"), you'll have multiple Ghost lyrics for Silas ("Can't you see that you're lost? Can't you see that you're lost without me?" // "You will never walk alone/You can always reach me/You will never ever walk alone").
I think the most consistently, Katya is, was, and will be "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie. It's overdone, it's cliched, it is an essential part of her person. Katya Fyodorova doesn't feel things in small ways, and when she is in love (as she is... pretty sure she is, this time), in the face of uncertain future, of pure despair, of memories spotted and faded with time and tragedy, she wants so badly to find it in her to face it together.
If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark
4. a song lyric to describe their personality
I don't care what you think As long as it's about me
("I Don't Care" by Fall Out Boy) This has been, like, a guiding star for roleplaying Katya for three years and it's gone great LMAO. Girl's made not one, but TWO nemesii! And friends, but, like. It's the nemesis, Ilya, she's most quietly pleased with herself about. The other nemesis she's still coming to terms with because he happens to be her best friend Hyacinth's boyfriend. Whoops. But hey-- she's got their attention, doesn't she? :)
6. a song lyric to describe their personal style
Look down, you're talking to your highness Can't see me, I'm the reason for your blindness They try this, but I'm too classy for your lines Got my double cups up, that's the reason that I'm like this
("Sand Storm" by Apashe ft. Odalisk) Anyways would you believe there aren't a lot of songs that describe, in exact words, the precise category of goth Katya's weaseled herself into? Sure I could've gone with "Long Black Veil" by Johnny Cash or "Wear Black" by the Mountain Goats but those felt like cop-outs, like joke answers. So I went for the attitude she tries to convey, bonus round: being a scourge aasimar she can quite literally blind people.
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juliaswickcrs · 1 year
This is me asking.. tell the people about Marina
Now that I'm home and can devote my full attention to this ask, of course!
So, you know, but for those who don't, Marina Mondraia is my Dnd OC for Dimension 20's Fantasy High!
Her love interest is none other than Fabian Aramais Seacaster and boy do they take awhile to get together
She is an aasimar (essentially a demigod) circle of the stars druid and she's very into crystals and astrology and wholistic healing
She has two moms, Celine, a human circle of the moon druid, and Juniper, a werewolf Twilight Cleric who is the sister of Jawbone and the aunt of Tracker
Marina's best friends of the bad kids are Gorgug, Adaine, and eventually Kristen.
Marina is also really close with The Seven Maidens, particularly Danielle, Ostentatia, and Antiope (the latter she eventually dates and breaks up with)
Like most aasimar, Marina has a a celestial guide who appears to her in dreams and moments of crisis named Seraphina, who believes Marina's destiny is to destroy the Nightmare King and become the savior of Solace.
Marina hates Aelwyn Abernant with a passion and would kill her if given the chance.
While both of her moms grew up in Elmville and went to Aguefort, Marina herself moved around Solace a lot because of her moms and because people often expected miracles and great things from her and when she didn't deliver, often found herself friendless.
Because of her constantly moving, Marina was technically held back a year, and turns sixteen in her freshman year.
She is pretty much always down to clown and murder
Marina was always very popular when she was growing up, and much like Fabian, probably would've fit in well with Penelope and Dayne if she hadn't already met Adaine beforehand.
Riz is probably the person she gets along with the least just because of how attached he is to the police, although she does love Sklonda.
Marina and Tracker genuinely see each other as sisters rather than cousins and often fight as such.
While she doesn't have an "official" faceclaim, I use Auli'i Cravalho for live action and Korra from Avatar for animation
if you have any more questions pls lemme know!!
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errantgoat · 2 years
More WoTR things:
I'm playing a "Sensei" - it's a monk subclass, with more of a support role flavor. (It basically has re-skinned bardic songs that buff your allies.) I wanted something that would fit an Aeon, but I admit I miss doing 70 damage a turn with Harvey. xDD Instead it's "have a + 2 to attack friends, good luck!" It's just not the same.
Lann's romance is cute as hell. He's more adorkable than I imagined he would be. (Still, it's a True Aeon playthrough and from the minor spoilers I got, it's not gonna have a happy ending. :I ...I guess I'm just checking that box.)
As for the True Aeon...it's funny but Madoc never had any chance of becoming one. At all. For a time I wasn't aware you had to use the Law book during judgements, I just scooped that thing up without reading the title. (And even when I found out about it later in the game, without checking it out I was sure I at least got SOME of the choices right. Nu-uh. I'm not sure if I even got one trial right. It seems 'fair' isn't the same as 'lawful' and my boys's a softie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Now I am very careful with my monk aasimar to stay on track.
I've made my life easier and didn't recruit all the companions. So definitely no Nenio, I said goodbye to Greybor early after dealing with the dragon... And didn't recruit Arue because it wouldn't make sense for my borderline LN Aeon to risk trusting a demon, whatever her deal would be. (And it will make ACT 4 way shorter.) Also I kind of benched Daeran, and travel with Sosiel instead, got a lot of new convos that way. (Even if I DO think Daeran is a more useful healbot.)
No puzzles. I'm sorry Storyteller, not this time.
Anyways ACT 3 is definitely my favourite, the game picked up for me a lot since taking back Drezen.
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whimzeee · 4 months
Name: Virtu Sean Thatcher Nickname(s): Tymora's Lucky Charm (self-imposed) Pronouns: he/him Age: 25 Race: Aasimar Origin: Tav (folk hero) Class: Monk/cleric Lover: Rolan Challenge: Virtu hates getting his feathers wet. Throughout Virtu's run, I have to avoid having him be submerged in water or walk through it. Also, he carries in his inventory a bag full of neat little curios that he collects, such as unique items there are only one of, but exclusively the ones with low sell value. He also can't equip necklaces; they get stuck in his little neck feathers.
Personality: In a word: lucky. In a few more: fun-loving, confident, irritating, impertinent, golden-hearted, and young. Virtu is the most annoying boy in the world and knows you love him anyway. He has a casual and friendly nature and, with a thick skin, doesn't anger easily. He may be self assured and cocky and bask in praise, but at the end of the day his moral priorities are in order. He loves to help people--though he'll tell you it's just because he adores the hero treatment they give him for it. He never sticks in one place for long, though, a free spirit with a flighty nature who gets bored easily. He never wants life to be mundane. Above all, he values the freedom to enjoy an adventurous life. He is secretly terrified of losing that freedom and lifestyle, which he thinks was granted to him by being an Aasimar. Nothing scares him more than the possibility of falling. Sometimes, when he is afraid of committing an evil deed and risking becoming a fallen Aasimar, he will abruptly shift from his easygoing demeanor into one of strict moral lawfulness.
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Background: Virtu was born to human parents, and was entirely unexpected. They rejoiced at their good fortune and praised the goddess of luck, Tymora, for blessing them with a divine child. So he was raised in a glowing spotlight, treated like gold just for being born. Spoiled rotten. The village he grew up in was small and had long been a target for criminals--raiders and bandits and the sort. As soon as Virtu was old enough to throw a punch, he was on the job. He trained fighting skills with local retired adventurers, soldiers who passed through, anyone and everyone he could pester into teaching him. His skill for hand to hand combat and his maneuverability with his wings made him an excellent candidate for a monk. Physically. Spiritually though…well. He tried out a few monasteries, but never lasted more than a couple weeks. Virtu was too worldly, too self-centered, too… undisciplined, for most masters to put up with. So, he just continued collecting scraps of tutelage from all sorts of different sources, living his best life without a care. Until he learned that he could fall. When one of his monk tutors became enraged at Virtu's behavior, he cast him out with terrible words: "If you do not become a fallen Aasimar, it will be a miracle borne of all the grace fortune herself can offer!" Since then, Virtu's confidence cracked. Along with his appearance. Fissures would appear along his very skin every time he did something that he feared was black-hearted or unkind. He was terrified of losing his perfect, golden status as a hero and his very freedom. Losing everything being an Aasimar had given him. But Virtu had never served any god, and had no guide to follow. Breaking apart inside and out, he ran home to his parents for help. They taught him of Tymora. Goddess of luck, good fortune, a goddess less strict and more forgiving than most other divinity. The perfect fit for Virtu.
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parasite-core · 5 months
MAUUUUUU! Tell me more about Mau!
Omg gladly!
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(Art by Dey Varah, @/DeyVarah on Twitter)
It got long so I’m putting it under a read more 😂
Mau Ornelos-Servos is a catfolk alchemist, born in the town of Riddleport. He and his older brother Cailin were left in an orphanage there when Mau was too young to even remember his parents’ faces. He doesn’t know what happened—if they died or just abandoned the boys, and his brother didn’t like to talk about it.
At around 5 years old Mau began favoring his left leg, complaining of pain in his lower leg. Some days he could barely walk on his own. His brother was always there to support him, protecting his delicate younger brother, keeping older kids from picking on him and helping him to get around.
But then one day Cailin was adopted—and Mau was not. Whoever adopted the elder brother had no use for the ‘defective’ younger one. Mau has not seen his elder brother since.
Mau became extremely bitter in the year that followed, realizing he had virtually no chance of being adopted himself, and that he’d be expected to survive somehow on his own despite everything being stacked against him from the start.
Then a miracle happened—Mau was adopted. He found himself in the care of a former member of Korvosa’s House Ornelos, Selena Ornelos, who had run away from her life of nobility with a large part of her family’s fortune and had eloped with her longtime lover, a roguish swashbuckler named Belladonna Servos. He wasn’t the only one—Selena had taken it upon herself to take in multiple children who would otherwise struggle to make their way in life.
Mau suddenly had a very large new family, with three new siblings to contend with. The one who had been with Selena and Bella the longest was Laila, a drow teenager (by drow standards—still making her over 100 years old) who had been abandoned on the surface for unknown reasons. The next was Morrigan, an aasimar with almost doll-like beauty who the couple had adopted to try to shield her from the religious burdens many aasimar shoulder if one of the churches get ahold of them at a young age. The eldest, the only one older than Mau, was Keir, a Strix with a malformed wing who had been left to die by his tribe.
It took a long time for Mau to open up to his new family, and to trust that this wasn’t all just some sort of trick. It was too good to be true. There had to be some sort of catch. But no, for once in his life, the world extended kindness to the young catfolk.
Not long after he moved in with them in the village of Turtleback Ferry, his new mothers had local doctors examine Mau’s leg. They had him fitted with a knee brace and helped him to learn how to walk with a cane, giving him more freedom of movement than he’d had virtually his entire life. Selena was well-read and started looking into alchemical formulas to help with pain, and taught him how to brew tea from turmeric and make ointments from aloe. The women did much the same for their other children, fitting Keir with a prosthetic wing, and getting tinted glasses for Laila to ease her photosensitivity.
Selena’s interest in alchemy rubbed off on Mau, and he eventually began studying the science in earnest, making simple remedies and soothing potions.
The more worldly Bella insisted that all of the children know how to defend themselves when they were old enough to safely hold a training weapon—unfortunately the world outside was often dangerous and it was better to be prepared for a fight than to be caught without even the basics. This eventually led to Bella gifting Mau his swordcane before he set out to make his way in life.
When Mau left home, he initially thought to go to his mothers’ hometown of Korvosa. Although Selena had little nice to say about it, it seemed familiar since he’d heard so many stories. Unfortunately, he found Korvosa to be an uninviting city for a fresh face, especially a non-human. He quickly realized that this city held nothing for him but a reopening of bitter old wounds, and he decided to try his luck elsewhere. He travelled back towards Turtleback Ferry, and considered going to the other large city in the area, Magnimar. However when camping with some nice traders along the road one day he learned about a small village called Sandpoint. The description of the sleepy little village reminded him more of the small village Turtleback Ferry was, and he realized he longed for something quiet and simple like that. So he decided to head for Sandpoint instead of Magnimar.
He settled into Sandpoint nicely—the people there weren’t used to a catfolk, but they were nice folks who generally minded their own business and didn’t make their unfamiliarity with animalfolk Mau’s problem. Mau liked the slow and sleepy pace of things in Sandpoint. He spent much of his time continuing to expand his knowledge of alchemy, occasionally selling tinctures and potions to earn enough money to upkeep his home and to eat at the delightful local tavern The Rusty Dragon.
And so things were peaceful and kind to Mau for many years. Until they weren’t. One day, during the Swallowtail Festival, the town came under attack by a goblin raiding party. Mau helped to fend them off along with a local man named Nel and two travellers, a rabbitfolk named Tabot and a ratfolk named крыса (Krysa). Some people were injured but few were killed, and the four were hailed as heroes.
Unfortunately, while Mau was out splitting the spoils the four had gathered from the goblins and selling much of it to local venders, a messenger ran up and told Mau he had bad news for him. His house had been caught in the raid—it had been burnt down entirely.
Sure enough when Mau returned to where his house would be, there were only cinders and the skeletal remains of the framework. Everything, Mau’s entire life in Sandpoint, had gone up in smoke.
And there was evidence within the smoldering ruins that this hadn’t been a random attack by the goblins—but purposely planned. Someone had been after Mau specifically.
And thus began the worst week of Mau’s life—still ongoing.
Fun facts: Mau is ambidextrous. He uses his cane/sword with his right hand and generally does everything else with his left.
Mau’s canesword has a snake biting its own tail on it, coiled in such a way that it creates sort of finger grips for him (the snake is in like a figure 8 but with 4 loops)
Mau is allergic to actual cats—other catfolk are fine, but actual cats make him sniffly. (Because I think it’s funny)
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satansemployee · 7 months
DnD inspired @/sephiramy questions
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Doing this AGAIN for my Aasimar Fighter Euralio, who's just a sweetheart :)
Turquoise- specifically Pantone 319C
2. He has a pretty natural charming laugh unless he gets into a giggle fit- in which case he starts wheezing to the point he can't speak and it looks like he's choking.
3. Aside his best friend, as always
4. He doesn't own much. Do sideburns count as an item?
5. Not really. The rare times he's alone and not doing anything he likes to sit under the sun and rejoices in not having to worry about anything.
6. He could brilliantly, but he has no interest to.
7. CHOCOLATE- Euralio has a sweet tooth for sure. Even better if it has a bit of a spicy kick.
8. Unicorn. Dragons are dangerous and scary.
9. Spring boy, or early summer.
10. An undershirt and underwear. What, you think he has the money for pyjamas? Grow up.
11. No, and he's not really the type to.
12. Somewhere abit far from the mess of the city, with the resources to live semi-autonomusly (some chickens and pigs or maybe sheep) and a couple of children running around. He's not sure of anything else, but his mind does wonder towards being a dad often.
13. Late December.
14. Ballads are sung about heroes and knights- not their squires.
15. Anything that will get his moustache soaked. Watermelon, pineapple, peaches, the man does love to slurp
16. Not really. When he was younger he used to help his mother around the inn with her cows and the guests' horses, so he doesn't really see pets as companionship as much as he does tools. His mum wouldn't let him have a pet when he was a kid because she feared he was too irresponsible for them.
17. His mom Marjorie and his best friend :)
18. Ugh, something disgustingly healthy. Leafy greens and lean meat and tomatoes with homemade dressing over rhye bread... a kind of elaborate blt.
19. Early bird- he gets sleepy when the sun's out.
20. Absinthe. It's highly acoholic and has a nice smell, and he loves that.
21. Euralio is rarely the one feeling down but when he is, he enjoyes actively being cheered up- a hug and a kind word go a long way for him. When he doesn't have access to that, he likes to walk away for a while and mope by himself. He usually comes back ready to work, if not actually better.
22. Hot springs. It's like soaking in the sun, but warmer
23. He's a man of honour and will keep your secret. He never guarantees for his Amichetto though, if he manages to hear about it... somehow...
24. Energetic and joyful, but also manipulative in that way that children can be. Doing pranks and saying things as if he somehow knew they would appease adults. Fortunately he grew up into a genuinely nice person, according to his mom.
25. He doesn't really have favoured activities... I suppose duelling would fit, as in formal duelling. He's good at it and he likes it a lot.
26. Possibly- I think he'd enjoy single vocalists more though. Madonna/Houston/Gaga style.
27. We already established he really likes chocolate, so probably some kind of mousse or chocolate soufflé.
28. Lemongrass and Vanilla with undertones of Leather.
29. He already wears a tricorn. I love him very much.
30. Euralio could easily pass as a Paladin but I actually think he'd play better as a Monk.
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faithfulcat111 · 9 months
Six Sentence Sunday (kinda)
Happy timezones! I didn't want to to leave you guys with nothing today. The main things I've been working on have been the ST DnD AU and my Big Bang project. Can't exactly share anything from the second one, so have a few bits from the first. This project will probably be released in photo edits and drawings and such more than writing. But I shared the Party previously, so here are the teens now:
Jonathan - half-elf - Monk - multiclass later into Druid
- So, I haven't mentioned the adults yet but just know that firstly, Joyce is a druid. And reading through a bunch of material, kids of members of druid circles are still part of them. So, while Monk makes sense for him mostly, I think it would be interesting to have that Druid multiclass too. Especially since with those two, you can almost only really multiclass into each other. But he is a half-elf like Will is. There is a whole lot more with that that I will happily go into in a future post.
Nancy - protective Aasimar - Fighter - Gunslinger
-Nancy is an Aasimar, just like her brother. I think that race aspect does partly play into her and the boys' relationship. But she is a fighter with her fighting style mostly focused on guns. Like I could ever take those away from her. She's too hot to even think of it.
Steve - human - Cleric - War domain
-If you remember (or go back into the tag on my blog), Lucas is the only human of the Party and I did the same thing with Steve. The fantastical races are way too interesting for me not to include them into everybody I could. But it made sense for Steve to still be human considering. He is just one of those Jack Harkness-types in this universe. But him being a cleric who didn't have the "traditional" focus of life and stuff made sense because I think he is one that would have wanted a purpose but none of the Paladin oaths fit. This made far more sense.
Robin - changeling - Bard - College of Eloquence
-The first time I read the changeling entry in MotM, I immediately thought of Robin. She just has the vibes of a changeling in this universe. She is Robin most of the time, it is who she is comfortable as. But she is also alone because her family is the only changeling one in town that she is aware of (aka I haven't decided yet if there is another).
Argyle - Firbolg - Druid - Outlander
-I knew instantly that Argyle would be a druid. Different subclass than Joyce or (later) Jonathan. But coming up with his backstory was a trip and a half. I literally was talking about the options with some of my roommates and the newest one (who has never seen Stranger Things so purely has the bits I've told him) came up with brilliant idea. I actually loved it so much that I reworked it to be less Argyle-focused into my new character for the campaign we are hoping to start soon (I knew I wanted to be a druid, but this backstory was just *chef's kiss*). So I'll know how well this build will actually work too.
Okay, so those are the teens who got full sheets instead of just NPC sheets. At some point, I'll actually go through the adults too (and Erica) and the various NPCs I've created. Feel free to send me asks because I've put literal hours of work into building these sheets and I'm making up the season 1 versions at least this weekend.
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Fitting the theme, what kind of character would the main cast in a DND game? And what kind of character would they play if that's different?
Oh, hell yeah! Great ask!
Tommy, Ciel, Danny, and the Celestial's answers are under the cut cause they're honest and thus a little spoilery.
Dev: Would be an eladrin rogue - swashbuckler
Would play a kalashtar rogue - soul knife
EJ: Would be a human sorcerer - wild magic
Would play a high elf wizard - school of divination
Adam/Eve: Would be a half-elf rogue - inquisitive
Would play a drow fighter - echo knight
Ainsley: Would be a half-orc barbarian - path of the totem warrior
Would play a dwarven paladin - oath of devotion
Lucía: Would be a wood elf ranger - monster slayer
Would play a human ranger - drakewarden
Rose: Would be a human cleric - order domain
Would play a half-orc fighter - eldritch knight
Ciel: Would be a half-werewolf/half-vampire druid- circle of the moon
Would play a shadar-kai sorcerer - shadow magic
Danny: Would be a reanimated ranger - gloom stalker
Would play a human monk - way of mercy
The Celestial: Would be a solar sorcerer - divine soul/shadow magic (also a proficient wizard and alchemist)
Would play an aasimar bard - lore
Tommy: Would be a young, human boy you meet near a tavern at the start of your first session who's quickly adopted by your group of murder hobos and can become a powerful fighter, sorcerer, rogue, etc., by the end of the campaign (or still be just a kid)
Plays a human wizard turned warlock named Samson who makes a deal with a demon named Zorlok.
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raeynbowboi · 3 years
How to Build Apollo in DnD 5e
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That’s right, today we’re tackling a herculean task by trying to build the golden boy of the Olympic Gods: Apollo. Now, obviously, we can’t build Apollo as an actual factual literal god, it would break the game and it would be preposterous. However, Apollo translates really nicely into DnD. He has many skills, multiple powers so that we don’t have to pad his spell list with crap, and he’s also shown off his fighting style across multiple myths and legends. Keep in mind that while I am using Apollo himself as our template, this is also a GREAT resource for if you want to play as a Demigod child of Apollo (such as Will Solace), a worshipper of Apollo, Apollo’s chosen champion, or if Zeus has condemned your godly gloriousness into the pimply awkward adolescent body of one Lester Papadopoulos. 
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To start things off, we should examine Apollo’s many skills, abilities, and his MANY MANY MANY domains as a god.
Athletics - Apollo is the god of athleticism, though he shares this domain with Hermes. The original Olympic Games were held in his honor, young Greek boys held him up as the ideal of masculine physicality, and they still crowned winners with his sacred laurel wreath long after the games stopped being held for him.
Animal Handling - Before giving them to Hermes, Apollo was a pastoral god with a herd of cattle, and he also has horses that draw his solar chariot across the sky. There’s also art showing Apollo riding on the back of a swan, and he had a crow as his sacred messenger at least until he got angry and burned its feathers black.
History - Apollo’s been around a long time, and more importantly, he’s the second smartest and the second wisest of all the gods after only Athena herself. He invented mathematics, and two of his muse daughters embody history and astronomy, big staples of Ancient Greek scholarly rhetoric. A third daughter covers epic poetry which by modern standards would make her the muse of novels and plot-driven storytelling.
Intimidation - Diomedes carved a bloody canyon through the Trojan forces, but one threat from Apollo was all it took for him to scamper off with his tail between his legs.
Medicine - Apollo is the god of medicine, and as such, would be good at healing and checking for injuries.
Performance - This one’s a no-brainer, Apollo is the god of music, the father of the muses and the demigod Orpheus, and beat pan in a well-known musical battle.
Perception - Apollo is the god of prophecy, it’s hard to get the drop on a guy who may have seen your attack coming 30 years before you tried anything.
Persuasion - With the possible exception of Zeus and Aphrodite, Apollo is definitely a contender for the largest list of lovers by a single Olympian God. They had a terrible penchant for ending poorly, and he didn’t always pass his persuasion checks, but dang it if he didn’t try his hardest.
Religion - Apollo is a god. This is where I’d put any skill check for knowledge of Greek mythology, such as remembering myths, legends, heroes, demigods, the weaknesses of monsters, and mythological artifacts.
Now that we’ve covered Apollo’s skills that we should aim to provide him with, let’s examine his domains and abilities for appropriate spells, and figure out what spell lists he needs to be pulling from.
Magical Abilities
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Divine Favor (Paladin, War Cleric) Heroism (Bard, Paladin, Battle Smith Artificer, Order Cleric, Peace Cleric) Hunter’s Mark (Ranger, Vengeance Paladin) Jump (Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard) Longstrider (Artificer, Bard, Druid, Ranger, Wizard) Zephyr Strike (Ranger) Cordon of Arrows (Ranger) Enhance Ability (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard, Glory Paladin) Conjure Barrage (Ranger) Crusader’s Mantle (Paladin) Flame Arrows (Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard) Haste (Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard, Land Druid (Grassland), Glory Paladin, Vengeance Paladin) Lightning Arrow (Ranger) Skill Empowerment (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard) Conjure Volley (Ranger) Steel Wind Strike (Ranger, Wizard) Swift Quiver (Ranger)
Inflict Wounds (Cleric, Oathbreaker Paladin) Ray of Sickness (Sorcerer, Wizard, Death Cleric) Ray of Enfeeblement (Warlock, Wizard, Death Cleric, Grave Cleric) Vampiric Touch (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Death Cleric, Grave Cleric) Blight (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Death Cleric, Grave Cleric, Oathbreaker Paladin, Alchemist Artificer) Sickening Radiance (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Vitriolic Sphere (Sorcerer, Wizard) Contagion (Cleric, Druid, Oathbreaker Paladin, Undying Warlock) Harm (Cleric)
Create Bonfire (Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Firebolt (Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard) Burning Hands (Sorcerer, Wizard, Light Cleric, Wildfire Druid, Fiend Warlock, Genie Warlock (Efreeti)) Hellish Rebuke (Warlock, Oathbreaker Paladin) Aganazzar’s Scorcher (Sorcerer, Wizard) Dragon’s Breath - Fire* (Sorcerer, Wizard) Flaming Sphere (Druid, Wizard, Alchemist Artificer, Light Cleric, Celestial Warlock) Heat Metal (Artificer, Bard, Druid, Forge Cleric) Scorching Ray (Sorcerer, Wizard, Artillerist Artificer, Light Cleric, Wildfire Druid, Fiend Warlock, Genie Warlock (Efreeti)) Fireball (Sorcerer, Wizard, Artillerist Artificer, Light Cleric, Fiend Warlock, Genie Warlock (Efreeti) Flame Stride (Artificer, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard) Fire Shield (Wizard, Wildfire Druid, Armorer Artificer, Battle Smith Artificer, Fiend Warlock, Genie Warlock (Efreeti)) Wall of Fire (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Artillerist Artificer, Light Cleric, Forge Cleric, Celestial Warlock, Fiend Warlock) Flame Strike (Cleric, Wildfire Druid, Devotion Paladin, Glory Paladin, Celestial Warlock, Fiend Warlock, Genie Warlock (Efreeti)) Immolation (Sorcerer, Wizard) Investiture of Flame (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Delayed Blast Fireball (Sorcerer, Wizard) Firestorm (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer) Incendiary Cloud (Sorcerer, Wizard)
Spare the Dying (Artificer, Cleric) Cure Wounds (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Celestial Warlock) Healing Word (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Alchemist Artificer) Healing Spirit (Druid, Ranger) Lesser Restoration (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Celestial Warlock) Prayer of Healing (Cleric) Aura of Vitality (Cleric, Druid, Paladin) Beacon of Hope (Cleric, Devotion Paladin) Mass Healing Word (Cleric, Alchemist Artificer) Greater Restoration (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Celestial Warlock) Mass Cure Wounds (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Battle Smith Artificer) Heal (Cleric, Druid) Regenerate (Bard, Cleric, Druid) Mass Heal (Cleric) Power Word Heal (Bard, Cleric)
Dancing Lights (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard) Light (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Aasimar Race) Sacred Flame (Cleric) Faerie Fire (Artificer, Bard, Druid, Light Cleric, Twilight Cleric, Archfey Warlock) Guiding Bolt (Cleric, Glory Paladin, Celestial Warlock) Branding Smite (Paladin, Battle Smith Artificer, Hexblade Warlock) Blinding Smite (Paladin) Daylight (Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Celestial Warlock) Dawn (Cleric, Wizard) Destructive Wave (Paladin) Holy Weapon (Cleric, Paladin) Wall of Light (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Sunbeam (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard) Crown of Stars (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Holy Aura (Cleric) Sunburst (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)
Music, Sound, Etc.
Vicious Mockery (Bard) Word of Radiance (Cleric) Thunderwave (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Armorer Artificer, Artillerist Artificer, Tempest Cleric, Fathomless Warlock, Genie Warlock (Djinni)) Knock (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard) Shatter (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Armorer Artificer, Artillerist Artificer, Tempest Cleric) Thunder Step (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Divine Word (Cleric) Power Word Pain (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Power Word Stun (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Power Word Kill (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
Guidance (Artificer, Cleric, Druid) Detect Magic (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard) Identify (Artificer, Bard, Wizard, Knowledge Cleric, Forge Cleric) Augury (Cleric, Druid, Wizard, Open Sea Paladin) Find Traps (Cleric, Druid, Ranger) Locate Animals or Plants (Bard, Druid, Ranger) Locate Object (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard) Clairvoyance (Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Great Old One Warlock) Divination (Cleric, Druid, Wizard) Commune (Cleric, Glory Paladin) Legend Lore (Bard, Cleric, Wizard, Undying Warlock) Contingency (Wizard) True Seeing (Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Foresight (Bard, Druid, Warlock, Wizard)
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In order to determine the best way to play Apollo, I’m going to showcase how many spells they get from each group, and add on additional spells based on class features, subclass spell lists, et cetera. The ultimate goal is to try and find a balance between as many of Apollo’s spells as possible.
Bard: (4,0,1,7,3,6,8) 29 + Magical Secrets (6-8): 35-37 Cleric: (1,3,2,14,9,2,10 ) 41 + Light (6): 47, Death (4): 45, Grave (3): 44 Paladin: (3,0,0,3,5,0,2) 13 + Devotion (2): 15, Glory (5): 18, Vengeance (2): 15 Ranger: (11,0,1,3,1,0,4) 20 Sorcerer: (5,5,14,0,5,3) 32 + Divine Soul (32) 64 Warlock: (0,4,3,0,2,5,2) 16 + Celestial (8): 24 Wizard (7,6,15,0,7,7,10) 52 + Theurgy (26): 78
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Racial Options
As an Olympian, Aasimar is a good fit for Apollo. He gains a resistance to Radiant and Necrotic damage, healing hands, and the light cantrip. Since Apollo doesn’t fly around on his own, the best choice for Apollo would the Scourge Aasimar.
Another good choice would be Variant Human. Give Apollo +1 DEX, +1 Casting Stat, take Athletics, Performance, or Perception for your skill of choice, and give him the Alert feat so he can never be surprised or Fighting Initiate to give Apollo the Archery Fighting Style if you’re not planning on giving him any Fighter levels.
Viable Backgrounds
Acolyte (Insight, Religion) Athlete (Acrobatics, Athletics) Entertainer (Acrobatics, Performance) Noble (History, Persuasion) Custom Background: Olympic Athlete (Athletics, Performance)
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In terms of raw flavor, Bard is probably the best choice for Apollo, as being the god of music and poetry, as well as his numerous romantic entanglements, fits the image of the classic DnD bard. The Bard’s magical secrets also ensures that any non-Bard spell you really want can still be collected. While Bard doesn’t have the highest count of compatible spells, Bard has a nice, even distribution of Apollo’s abilities, with a little bit of almost everything. Casting with Charisma is also very on-brand for Apollo’s general depiction in media. The bard’s ability to steal any spell also means that it can exploit the Paladin and Ranger spell list specifically and swipe their high-level spells much closer to the bard’s early-to-mid level.
The Lore Bard specializes in learning and recounting tales of myths and legends, collecting information and gossip, and sharing insights to those who seek it. A rather fitting choice for the master of the Oracle of Delphi and the father of the muses. The added magical secrets is also a great choice to give Apollo more versatility in his magical abilities. The Lore bard also expands its skill list, which is fitting for the overly talented god of music.
The bard of the Battlefield, the added focus on melee combat means that this build option is a good fit for not neglecting Apollo’s mastery of archery as a major component of combat without needing to take levels of fighter.
A very good contender for the build, Cleric is the only class out of all of the options that got at least 1 spell in all 8 categories. As Apollo is the god of healing and medicine, Cleric provides the biggest selection of healing spells, as well as the most radiant damage. Clerics have good Hit Die, and with enough Constitution can withstand damage long enough to aid and heal themselves and others. They get access to plenty of divination spells to call upon the help of the gods and the forces of luck and fate at play in the universe to guide them. On the character level, Apollo does seem like the sort of god that would worship himself.
Far and away Apollo’s best choice for building him as a Cleric, Light gives Apollo access to more fire spells to fit his solar theme, and the ability warding flare is rather fitting for the god of light to use.
If Apollo didn’t have so many other abilities, Ranger might have been a great choice for him. If you want to fixate entirely on his role as an archer and a hunter god, then by all means, Ranger is a fitting choice for Apollo in that respect. But when taking the whole of his mythos into consideration, it leaves too much on the cutting room floor, and the only real reason I’d consider giving him Ranger levels is that Hunter’s Mark helps encourage him to use his archery skills more.
Honestly, this one might have had a chance if not for Sorcerer’s abysmally small spells known. Thanks to a lack of subclass spells and having to stretch 15 spells across 9 spell levels, the Sorcerer walks away with the smallest spell list of ALL the primary casting classes. It doesn’t matter that Divine Soul Sorcerer gives Apollo access to a wide variety of spells because his miniscule spell book means that he can’t flex that variety whatsoever.
I wouldn’t advise building Apollo as a sorcerer, but if you’re set on Sorcerer, the Divine Soul is the best possible origin for Apollo, as it gives him access to radiant, fire, divination, healing, and ‘disease’ spells.
Warlock is a surprisingly decent pick, especially if you’re playing a mortal that obeys Apollo, or even if you’re as Apollo himself swearing fealty to Zeus, Helios, or some other celestial entity. By making Apollo’s pact boon the Pact of the Blade, Apollo can make his pact weapon a bow and arrow, and unlike the Paladin smites, the Warlock can Eldritch Smite with their bow.
Like Ranger, the Warlock prioritizes Apollo’s skill with a bow over a lot of flashy magic, but unlike the Ranger, by following the Celestial patron, Apollo gets a rather decent assortment of radiant spells and healing spells. It can’t compare to the shere volume of the full casters, but it certainly works in Apollo’s favor.
Due largely to the Wizard’s massive spell list, it’s not surprising that Apollo actually has an impressive variety of spell options that work for a Wizard build. Lore wise, Apollo as a wizard makes some sense, as Apollo is considered to be clever and wise, even if he is not the single smartest god on Olympus. However, that wide range of magical power comes with two shortcomings: Wizards can’t learn healing spells, and it abandons his archery skills by the side of the road.
While the bladesinger does seem to favor melee combat, nothing says that you couldn’t multiclass a little with Fighter or Ranger to give Apollo Archery fighting style and prioritize Apollo’s bow as a bladesinger. Everything else works rather nicely, giving Apollo additional speed, AC, magical power, striking power, and attacks. If you’re hellbent on Apollo being a Wizard, but you still want to give him the melee option, the Bladesinger is the best option to do this with.
Probably the wizard subclass everyone would assume for Apollo, Divination is one of Apollo’s primary gimmicks, and the portents of the Divination Wizard are ridiculously overpowered. It’s amazing, and the kind of game-breakingly good skills you’d expect when fighting the god of prophecies.
Although technically UA and no longer valid, if your DM will permit the Theurgy Wizard, this is the only way to play Apollo as both a Wizard, and as a god of healing and medicine. Furthermore, Apollo can straight up steal domain features from the cleric domain he chooses, and unlike the Cleric where the choice of Light is obvious, the Theurgy Apollo has a little more wiggle room, since he already gets access to most of the spells we chose Light for. As such, Apollo could choose Life to supercharge his healing, Grave to keep people from dying, or even War to be better adept at fighting with a bow. The choice is really yours and how you feel Apollo works best as a build.
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Race: Scourge Aasimar (+2 CHA, +1 CON) Background: Entertainer (Acrobatics Athletics, Performance) Class: Fighter (1), College of Valor Bard (19) Skills: Animal Handling, Medicine, Perception, Survival Alignment: Chaotic Good
Fighting Style: Archery Number of Attacks: 2 Damage Resistances: Necrotic, Radiant Instrument Proficiency: Lyre
STATS STR 10 DEX 20 CON 14 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 20
Skill Expertise (4): Athletics Medicine Perception Performance
Bardic Magical Secrets (6): 4 Divination 5 Swift Quiver 5 Contingency 6 Sunbeam 8 Sunburst 9 Mass Heal
Apollo’s Spell List
C Dancing Lights, Light, Mending, Message, Vicious Mockery 1 Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Hunter’s Mark, Faerie Fire, Thunderwave 2 Lesser Restoration, Locate Object, Shatter 3 Clairvoyance, Mass Healing Word  4 Locate Creature 5 Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds  6 True Seeing 7 Regenerate 8 Power Word: Stun 9 Foresight
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Race: Variant Human (+1 Wis, +1 CON) Background: Entertainer (Acrobatics Athletics, Performance) Class: Ranger (2), Light Domain Cleric (18) Skills: Animal Handling, Medicine, Perception, Survival Alignment: Chaotic Good
Fighting Style: Archery Feats: Alert
Domain Spells:
1 Burning Hands, Faerie Fire 2 Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray 3 Daylight, Fireball 4 Guardian of Faith, Wall of Fire 5 Flame Strike, Scrying
Apollo’s Spell Book
C Light, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy, Word of Radiance 1 Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Guiding Bolt, Hunter’s Mark, Inflict wounds 2 Augury, Lesser Restoration, Locate Object 3 Aura of Vitality, Clairvoyance, Revivify 4 Aura of Life, Divination, Locate Creature 5 Contagion, Dawn, Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds 6 Harm, Heal, Sunbeam 7 Fire Storm, Regenerate 8 Sunburst 9 Mass Heal
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I won’t go through the process of building the Warlock or the Wizard, as I only decided to build the two I felt had the strongest case, but I think Apollo came out fairly well considering the monumental task of cramming so many skills and abilities into a single playable character without cheating. Apollo is certainly a tricky god to build, but one that I feel came out pretty well.
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DnD (5e) Classes for my Trolls
Look, I’m bored, because I can’t draw right now so imma start assigning DnD Classes to my kids! Feel free to reply with yours too! Let’s make it a meme lol!
All my kids and their classes (and maybe some reasoning if im feeling like it) under the cut:
Look, I have a lot more Characters but these are the ones I’ve already gotten onto this blog more or less fully. Plus I’m picking these entirely on Lore/Flavor, because who the fuck cares about stats here?
Aitreo - Immortal Half-Elf Rogue - Assassin He has no idea how he turned immortal, he’s kinda pissed by it, but he can’t change it. It’s fine... he’s found ways to deal with the boredom of existence. Taking Assassination jobs being one of those ways to deal with it, heh...
Alfadi - Elf Sorcerer - Divine Soul This one was kind of hard to pick actually! Alfadi is by nature a healer and a creator of things, but I just can’t see her in heavy plate armor! That just doesn’t work for her! So hey, a sorcerer with a focus on healing and party support!
Athokk - Human Warlock - Great Old One Pact A man which holds so many goddamn secrets... and so much information... and all that information... it could kill you... it could drive you insane... it could destroy you... beware this one. He looks friendly and unassuming, but behind that ever neutral face of his, is a vast array of unfathomable dangers...
Elyzia - Aasimar Bard - College of Eloquence Elyzia is not a fighter. At all... they would rather talk through issues and resolve things peacefully. This class seems most fitting for that task. And hey, they are an Aasimar with a celestial parent that most definitely would have their hands in the domain of love and emotions in general.
Etatio - Half-Orc Barbarian - Path of the Berserker Easy pick for this one! Boy is angery and gets himself into trouble with it! What else is there to say really? The rage makes him stronger, but it has drawbacks! For flavor I think he’d be Half-Orc and Half-Triton (Shark) maybe?
Rodisa - Changeling Bard - College of Glamour She’s a performer first and foremost! She can do anything that is asked for her, change into any type of personality, she can be charming, she can be intimidating, she can be anything and everything! And this choice definitely describes her extremely well. I love this woman.
Sintai - Human Artificer - Alchemist This girl is creative as fuck, but she doesn’t like the spotlight or getting too much attention, or fighting... She prefers being in the back, playing support for those she deems more important. That creativity of hers is so well developed though, that I see her coming up with so many amazing items and consumables and other ways to help others! She’d definitely be a major asset to have around, even if she would disagree on that. She’s not afraid of experimenting with new concoctions, trying out new things as long as its in the safety of her workshops, with all kind of precautions, of course. Whatever ails ya, she can probably make it!
Somnee - Shifter Ranger - Beastmaster Somnee grew up most of her life away from civilization, learning to survive out in the wilds, with a fuckton of wild animals. She’s learned to understand and befriend whem. She doesn’t care as much about protecting the land as she cares that the creatures in her homelands can live a life worth living. And her gryphon lusus basically already functions as her beast companion. There really was no choice to be made here, haha. The shifter genes would probably be weretiger.
Striga - Daywalker Druid - Circle of the Land This one was pretty easy to pick, since Striga already is a druid, haha. She already protects the land deemed her domain and is very eager to preserve all the knowledge given by her parent. It’s all about balancing things out, being one with the land while at the same time satisfying his own wants and needs.
Xiento - Eladrin Wizard - Order of the Scribes Xiento is fucking DILIGENT in literally everything he does, so I can see him being an extremely potent Wizard, always on the hunt for new spells, expanding his repertoire on the daily, if possible. He’s very smart with the use of his spells, often thinking outside of the box and proactive with everything else. He’ll prepare resources before they are needed and isn’t afraid to spend his money where he deems it necessary. He is however physically on the weak side and needs others to keep his back clear so he can do his work properly, so Wizard seems very fitting.
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dicksoutformtl · 2 years
I miss playing dnd (5e) so excuse me I throw out random ideas for la squadra & their races :3c
has anyone considered a warforged risotto, i think specifically he’d be a neat envoy for the subspecies c: ( juggernaut could also be cool for him!! ) sorry everybody but I have to also add the Goliath* & or a Minotaur (go to page 23 it’s being mean :( ), there isn’t a good reason they’re just one of my favorite races.
hmm either melone or illuso would be really interesting as changelings, they’d be neat for different reasons. Melone would also be super cool as like a Vedalken by themselves or Vedalken/Elf Simic Hybrid c: Illuso I’m still really stuck on changeling, but I could see him as a Water Genasi*.
I won’t lie I think it’d be funny if formaggio was one of the smaller races like a Gnome would fit him nicely. I’d specifically say for subspecies a Rock Gnome. Satyr* would also be great for maggi boy!!
Pesci my beloved boy I legally have say a water “guy” so I’m choosing a Triton*, I also think a Tortle (go to page 3 & 4) would be rather neat for him :3c Oh oh sorry one more I think a Firbolg* but they’re also just one of my faves also lol.
Prosciutto was a hard one cause my gut thought was to be a Fallen Aasimar, but to be more serious I’d like to think he be an Elf maybe a High Elf for subspecies hmm or a drow elf could be cool I bet c:
Ok ok hear me out on this but Sorbet as an Centaur (page 19) & I’m totally not basing this soley off the campaign I’m in where we had a DILF centaur we spent like 45 minutes on just him lmao. But no to be serious I also like him as a skirmisher warforged— oh oh oh a Dragonborn would be neat also~!!
Gelato I won’t lie I love him as a dwarf, specifically a moutian dwarf they’re taller then the others & very sturdy/hardy lads. Have we considered a Kenku for him that would be really cool~!
Sorbet & Gelato together could also be both Shifters, Sorbet would be of the Swiftstride or a Wildhunt. Gelato would be of either Longtooth or a Beasthide. ( the link has all four so you can read them all on one page c: )
The little * is meant for you to turn the page~!
But let’s be real here they would all be very sexy & cool as teiflings but here’s some other races that could work.
Sorry for all the repetition I’m very bad with words :’)
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