#an albino whom nobody likes
chano4kauwu · 6 months
Maybe drop some oc lore? Like what they're like, interests, that kind of stuff? :0
Thank you for such a question/request! I am pleased to hear that someone is asking me about my OC :") I will try not to stretch this post by millions of letters. I have nothing to say anything definite about the characters, because all the action takes place in a world like ours. In America. About the characters, I will tell you a basic little information about each : ") I have 19 of my characters.
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Here I showed their physique and height. Plus I only needed the base colors of each character.
I'll start with the main three characters that I most often draw:
Fritz Hagen. He is 22 years old. He's German. He's a biology teacher at school. He is not a serious person at all, he constantly jokes stupidly and tries in every possible way to make amends to his ex-boyfriend, with whom they met - with Ron. He killed his parents as a teenager, so Ron has been afraid of him ever since, that he might kill him too. Fritz and Ron broke up two years ago. And Fritz can't let go of their breakup in any way, wanting to meet Ron again.
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Ron Williams. He's English. He is 25 years old and works as a chemistry teacher at the same school as Fritz. Ron is a terribly hot-tempered, dissatisfied person. He is well able to pretend to be an intelligent, well-mannered person - but in fact he swears most of all. He tries to avoid Fritz. But Fritz comes to him without asking. Deep down, Ron still loves Fritz and worries about him. In this world, the main role is played by the pupils in the eyes. His pupils are the same in his eyes, so he is gifted in the exact sciences, he has an excellent memory, logic, thinking. He had already had some knowledge of chemistry since he was 4 years old. He is also an albino.
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3. Ben Summers. He is an American and he is 17 years old. He goes to school with Ron and Fritz. They are his teachers. Ben was born with his Siamese twin brother. His brother died at the age of 5. He got a small and unhealthy heart, which could not stand it and stopped. Ben has been suffering from amnesia related to his parents since childhood. All his childhood he could not remember either their names or their faces. He was often scared of them because he saw them "for the first time". His mother died of an illness and his father crashed in an accident. He still doesn't know about it. His parents died when Ben was 10. He lived for some time with Fritz's family, who sheltered him. Ben also happened to witness the murder. Fritz knows Ben saw it, but he threatened him - if anyone finds out about it, Ben will face the same fate. He has been friends with Ron and Fritz since he was born.
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Ben (right) and his brother Al (left) 4. Claire Taylor. He is 27 years old. American. He works as a physics teacher at school with Ron and Fritz. He was called by a female name because the family was expecting a girl, but a boy was born. His mother bought a lot of things for the girl, and until the age of 7 he went in dresses, played with dolls, addressed himself in the feminine. He is a very touchy person. Manipulator and he is very jealous. He is also an owner. He dated Ron for a while. Until he found out that Ron was also dating Fritz at the same time, whom he hated. He hates his younger sister Margo more than anyone else in the world. Claire is the heaviest, nasty-looking person. nobody wants to have anything to do with him. Some are even afraid of him. There is also a pendant hanging around his neck. It's a gift from his girlfriend who died in a plane crash. She was the only one who could see a good person in him.
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Ron, Claire and Fritz/Claire and Edith are stuck together in an elevator.
5. Margo Taylor. She is 17 years old. American. She's a classmate with Ben. She is most afraid of her brother Clare. Especially at home. At school, she is the most beautiful girl, she wins many competitions wherever she participates due to her appearance. But in fact, she is a quiet, not noisy girl who only plays a role in public. She understands that many friends will turn away from her if she shows herself real.
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6. Edith de Fleur. 29 years old. A Frenchwoman. She is a French teacher at the school where Fritz, Ron and Claire work. She was most unlucky with relationships. Men do not look at her, considering her boring and not very interesting. She is a quiet, modest girl who has a personal home library. Her twin sister was married twice and she had many partners. She is madly in love with Ron and shows it to him in every possible way. But he doesn't seem to see it. At the same time, she does not notice the courtship from Claire, who already loves her, but she does not notice him already. Also, Edith's whole body is covered with many different freckles. Especially a lot of them on the face, shoulders, hips.
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7. Rick Evaco. 27 years old. Brazilian. He was born in the favelas of Brazil and lived for a long time in the poorest family. He is the oldest child. There are three children in their family. His father became very good friends with one of the influential people on the black market. He earned enough money so that Rick could leave Brazil and move to a prestigious place. He moved to Spain, where he was able to pass the exam and go to college. There he was able to show himself, his knowledge. Rick turned out to be not the stupidest, on the contrary - one of the smartest students. During the summer holidays, he visited America and became friends with Ron and Fritz, who helped Rick a little with money. Now he is a successful businessman who has two companies in Spain, one in Brazil and one in America.
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Rick with his sister. 8. Ines Sarto. 25 years old. Italian. A sweet, calm, quiet girl. She was in the same class as Ron at school while she was living in America. In Italy, she met Leah in a cafe. At that moment she was working as a waitress. Now Ines is engaged to Leah after a long relationship. Inez still communicates with Ron on the Internet. She often uses a translator, since she began to forget English.
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Ines and Leah 9. Leah Gentile. 26 years old. Italian. She was born in a large family. She is the second oldest child. There are 7 children in her family. Leah's parents are terribly religious people. She ran away from her family at 17 and stopped communicating with them at 20 when she said she was dating a girl. She smokes a lot, is a rude and tough girl. She protects Ines and worries a lot about her if she goes somewhere alone. She often swears and does not behave culturally in society. But not in front of Ines.
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10. Engel Weber. He is 26 years old. German. He is rude, not polite, harsh and uncomfortable person. For a long time he was close friends with Fritz. They were friends until Fritz pushed Engel's sister into a pit with iron bayonets. When Engel found out that Fritz had killed his sister, he swore revenge on him. But by the time he realized, Fritz had moved to America. Due to the loss of a loved one, Engel stopped caring for himself, he gained weight, he has mental and not only health problems. His hair was dyed gray with white tips. The only goal left was to take revenge on Fritz for what he had done.
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11. Josh Carter. 30 years old. American. He works as a teacher of several foreign languages at the same school as Fritz, Ron, Claire and Edith. He's a terribly deceitful, cunning man. He is never interested in the affairs of another person. If he asks something like that, it means he needs something. He was in three relationships, and only the last girl was able to injure him. There's a burn on his left side of his body. His ex-girlfriend threw a kettle of boiling water at him in the hope of killing him. But it didn't work out. He realized that all girls are fools and he remains single. The only one who really matters to him is his friend Henry.
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Josh and Henry 12. Henry Gate. 30 years old. American. He works as a psychologist at the school where Fritz, Ron, Claire, Edith and Josh work. He is a terribly sentimental, empathic person with weak nerves. For a psychologist, he takes everything too close to his heart. He often tries to help everyone to his own detriment. The only person who is particularly important to him is Josh. It is still a mystery to everyone how they were able to make friends. He is terribly fond of collecting books and drawing. Especially landscapes.
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13.Ed Ryder. 17 years old. American. He's a classmate with Ben and Margot. Ed lives with one father, his mother left them when Ed was 9 years old. My father's salary is not enough for normal living, and sometimes not enough for normal food. Ed is endowed with a slightly feminine physique and appearance. Therefore, he followed in his mother's footsteps and went to earn money through prostitution. So he was finally able to provide for himself on his own. Despite his position, he remains optimistic and often jokes. Especially on sexual topics.
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14.Amintas Exarchidis. 31 years old. Greek. He works as Rick's bodyguard. They became good friends, despite the closed and not verbose nature of Amintas. Aminats has three younger sisters and one older brother, who provided great support in his youth. He, like Rick, lived in a poor, not rich family, so they quickly found a common language. Despite the numerous scars that are on his body, he still tries to resolve any conflicts peacefully.
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elucubrare · 2 years
What's your favorite sword?
unfortunately my favorite evil sword is Elric of Melniboné's Stormbringer. I just love a sword that really commits to the bit of not letting its wielder have any friends (because it eats their souls).
Non-evil it's probably either Andúril, because I'm basic, or Aliera e'Kieron's Pathfinder, because I also love a sword that won't let its wielder die.
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mellifexfarm · 5 years
i knw its kinda useless to point out the many animals whom should not be pets bc at the end of the day people will do whatever it takes to get instagram famous and one day the exotic animal laws in the usa are going to be as awful as japan’s and ppl are going to be keeping otters and inbred white tigers and endangered parrots and micro primates and ~designer albino possums~ etc etc in the future cause its always going to be a race to get the cool hip new animal to get that internet fame! it happened with sugar gliders and it will happen again and again with nobody questioning “hey maybe this animal isnt suited to be a pet maybe i should just get a dog”
some animals that arent domesticated can be good pets. many reptiles and amphibians arent domesticated but adapt well to captivity. some birds like emus and ostriches and galliformes like peafowl arent domesticated but dont have a problem with captivity and can be good pets. but domesticated animals r always going to be better pets. and there are few wild animals that can be ethically kept indoors as pets without their mental or physical heath being negatively effected. 
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gwenpendragns · 4 years
Ship questions for oc you rarely talk about
We’re going to do them for Naomi-Uzume Weasley because I love her and nobody really asks about her much. Under the cut bc she long!!
How did they first meet?
They first meet in fifth year, on the train to Hogwarts.
What was their first impression of each other?
Because of the fact that they’re literally soulmates, the bond is everpresent so there’s this underlying pull of intrigue and curiosity. They’re clearly attracted to one another but don’t understand why, really. Draco things she’s intriguing because she’s very different from the other Weasleys and Naomi thinks he’s a prat.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Nope. Nuh-uh. I mean, the Weasleys have an understanding that it’s going to happen whether they like Draco or not, and Molly, Arthur, Bill and Charlie are all accepting of it, as long as she’s happy. Ron, the twins, and Ginny are all uber protective of Naomi, so while they are very against Draco they try to keep their opinions to themselves, but whenever he steps a toe out of line in terms of Naomi, they’re immediately on the offensive. The Malfoys think she’s scum, but Narcissa just wants Draco to be happy and loved.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Again, because of the bond it was kind of instantaneous, but I would say it affected Draco a lot faster than it did Naomi.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Oh they both did, but Naomi resisted it a lot more, because of who he is and where he comes from and who her family is. She thought it was a mistake.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Well, this is just the plot of the book, fam.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Draco, once he accepts the bond he’s constantly chasing after her, wants to know how her day went and what she’s doing. I headcanon Draco as being super soft to someone he loves, hence him being a simp for Naomi. Naomi is very annoyed at first, and while she keeps up an irritated front she secretly loves all of the attention, and begins to count on it.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Nope, they have no time for that. First Umbridge, then Draco has the mark - there is simply no time for dates in the midst of war.
What was their first kiss like?
Angst-ridden, tears. Naomi iniates it. That’s all I’ll say on the matter...
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
They’re each other’s first time but both have kissed others and been in relationships before. They’re each other’s first real, commited relationship, though. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Book!Draco is around 6′0 and Naomi is 5′8 so it’s a couple of inches, which is pretty perfect. Draco is a Gemini, June 5, and Naomi is a Taurus, May 6, so they’ve got a month between them. I’m a whore for the girl being older, fight me.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Um, Yikes.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Draco, 100%.
Who gets jealous easier?
They both get pretty jealous because of the way the bond affects them but Draco is definitely the more jealous of the two.
Who said “I love you” first?
Draco, but it is not a fluffy admission, let me tell you that much.
What are their primary love languages?
Draco’s is gift giving and physical touch; Naomi’s is physical touch and acts of service.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
They aren’t big on kissing or like groping in public but when they are in a relationship, they are constantly holding hands or touching one another. Huge cuddlers, they love to be in contact as much as possible.
What are their favourite things to do together?
Honestly just being together but probably Draco playing the piano for Naomi, or them both reading beside on another.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Naomi is way better at comforting Draco, Draco tries his best but he’s always a few steps off.
Who’s more protective?
Draco, he has to be, his family and associates are all out to forcefully mark Naomi. 
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical affection, they aren’t good at voicing their emotions. Which makes verbal affection a very big plot point for them (see “I love you” admission for reference lol).
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Sofia by Clairo; Please Notice by Christian Leave; Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons; I love you by Billie Eilish
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Love, sweetheart, Drake, Nomes.
If they get married, who proposes?
Draco proposes, but it was a conversation they’d already had on multiple occasions.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
All of their families come, and they basically threaten to hex anyone who starts shit. They have it at the Burrow, because Naomi loved Bill and Fleur’s wedding. It’s quite upscale with decorations and apparel because Draco is a fancy boy. Their wedding colours are emerald green and pale pink. Naomi’s dress is ivory coloured with a lace bodice, sheer boho-inspired sleeves and a tulle skirt; Draco wears a dark green tuxedo. Draco’s best man is Blaise Zabini and Naomi’s maid of honour is her best friend, Laurie Creevey.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
They have two kids, the first is a girl named Moreya Delphini Malfoy whom I explained in detail here. The second is a boy named Scorpius Horace Malfoy (Horace is in honour of Naomi’s late father, Horace Weasley). Scorpius is a Slytherin who is gentle and socially awkward but fiercely loyal and incredibly intelligent.
Do they have any pets?
They inherit Draco’s parents’ Albino Peacocks. Draco keeps his eagle owl (Pollux) until he passes and Naomi keeps her pet Burmese cat (Nox) until he passes as well. They end up getting a pair of Bengal cats named Atticus and Winnie, and each of the children have their own pet owl.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Draco, obviously.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Naomi, Draco is a tad bit of a baby when it comes to bugs
How do they celebrate holidays?
They have two seperate Christmases (one at the Malfoy Manor and one at the Burrow; they alternate every  year who gets the actual date) and smaller holidays are spent with just the four of them.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Naomi pulls her puppy eyes and begs Draco for just one more hour. She thinks he works himself too hard. Draco acts annoyed but secretly loves it.
Who’s the better cook?
Draco, surprisingly, he took some muggle cooking classes after the war and also spent time watching the elves at his manor cook when he was a child.
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kindcstguardian · 4 years
「 Yaribu starter call ft. Atsushi / @tradiitum​ 」
   AH, HOW COULD DAISUKE LIKE SOMEONE LIKE THAT?  No matter how many times he tried to find the logic behind, it wasn’t possible.
   It pissed him off immensely, though he was biased towards the pinkenette whom he thought deserved the world if not more, he was the sun in his life     Atsushi would grant him any wish if the boy had any to begin with, but his life so far  ( and so short )  had taught him not to be greedy since everything could be lost all at once in just a second. 
   How could this flashy guy provide anything?  It was infuriating.  It was even more frustrating how it seemed to be that Daisuke was not aware of his own emotions, and how this upperclassman was... to some extent. Their interactions lately started to appear genuine, the first rule of the club broken by the same president who wrote them. But still, he found it in himself to offer a smile that had no sentiment behind other than clear disgust.
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   “ I look forward to your graduation, senpai ”, were the first words that he said as a greeting, the club room wasn’t empty, but his best friend was nowhere in sight but his bag was. The one waiting there was none other than the guy whose existence became a problem. “ Maybe then, I can relax. Dai also needs to get back to work, this     ”, he said, pointing at him for a moment prior to dropping his arm,”     is more of hobby.  It isn’t like him to take time off without a reason “. That is to say, he was a nobody. Or, at least, he wished that... despite being aware that was not the case.  Could you blame him?  The albino was beyond overprotective  ( possessive )  with his childhood best friend and wished him a good life, his sisters and Atsushi were the only family he had now. A rough life for someone who didn’t deserve it.
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thetradeway · 3 years
Session 3
Melaina guides us back to the tradeway, north to the campsite. It’s late morning. We give the caravan leaders (Hilthane and one other whose name I’ve forgotten) back their stolen items.
We press on to Waterdeep - Melaina spots a griffon just outside the city, but with her History check, believes that they might be being ridden by the city watch.
It’s raining, but in the distance we see some kind of fortification on the walls. This is our destination - we must register here before we go on to Waterdeep. We approach Stonebridge - the bridge that gives the town its name is magical and never needs repair. The ogre that helped to build it is rumoured to live nearby.
We cross the bridge and go into the yard. We are pointed to the Red Rune - the inn - and told to go in and order food and our employers will pay for that and rooms for us. The inn is small but well appointed. Lots of empty tables.
Yosten - rock gnome barman, from whom we order rooms.
Shalass stew - a type of local fish, and a delicacy. We order that with wine. (Tarragon, a vegetarian, decides fish is probably OK to eat.) There is also authentic goblin bread - Tarragon does not eat that. The caravaneers come in a while later, say they will be turning in early and leaving early tomorrow morning so can we please join them early in the courtyard. Other than that we are encouraged to enjoy our evening.
Kessler retires early, possibly to design a rat-powered clockwork vibrator. Who knows. Tarragon makes note of which of the two of our rooms Kessler retires to, and makes sure to go to the other one.
The following morning Gunna orders a pouch of porridge to take away; how exactly this works no-one is sure. Melaina and Tarragon go to investigate the griffons. One is getting brushed and saddled. They have two types of saddle - depending on whether they are hunting or patrolling. One sits on the back, one hangs underneath.
We go back to the wagons, some of us with porridge pouches. There is, sadly, no pocket bacon. A human in black robes approaches us. Hilthane tells us that he’s one of the Magisters. Kessler steps forward and affirms to the Magister that we are heading for Waterdeep. The Magister takes our names. Ahleqs goes first, gets a piece of paper - it’s a pass to enter Waterdeep. Then Gunna, then Gideon, then Tarragon, then Melaina. Kessler doesn’t need one because she lives in Waterdeep.
We are warned not to cast spells in a certain part of the city as there is a sundered magical jewel that could react badly. Called the White Hall. (?)
We see Mount Waterdeep, spiralling up out of the water, and then the city itself. All of us (except Kessler) are awed at its sheer size. For Tarragon (who has lived her whole life in the forests of Faerun) its like trying to comprehend outer space.
The roads are busy - people on horses, on foot, with carts. We see a huge gate - that’s where the traffic is heading. It’s almost queued up. There is another Magister here checking passes, and also members of the city guard.
Hilthane says will will be staying at the Dripping Dagger. We enter the southern ward. Waterdhavians call it the southern ward, not the south ward. Also known as Caravan City. All trade from the roads passes through here.
We are heading for the trades ward. Goods and sundries available here. The DM tells us that the Moon Spear is an event that occurs during the full moon in the southern ward. It allows people to fly, but only the aristocracy are allowed to do it.
The caravaneers dismount. We can go on ahead to the trades ward and the Dripping Dagger if we want; we should ask there for Filiare, he’s our contact for further work.
The buildings here are tall, with banners of purple and green. Some have a dragon on. The area looks expensive. Everyone from rich-looking people to urchins, and shops everywhere. The white flat area is the white thing where we can’t cast magic - a big, wide open plaza. It’s been tidied.
Used to be for grazing livestock. Owner of an albino calf built some stuff. There was a jewel that caused a rift in the magic weave.
We find the inn on the bottom floor of a 3 storey building with stone griffons on the top. The door is kind of battered looking, with marks on it. Sellswords and mercenaries get work here, and people used to just stick their blades in the door when they went in, until the local guards had to make them stop.
There is one lord that everyone knows in Waterdeep - the Unmasked Lord. The other Lords are Masked Lords, and could be anyone from dock workers to aristocracy - this is to in theory prevent corruption, as nobody knows who they are.
We are pushed past by an elf, who goes inside the Dripping Dagger - sounds of merrymaking, scent of spilled ale and tobacco smoke waft out. We go in. Contrary to the outside, it feels homely in here. On one wall is a noticeboard - this is the Adventurer’s Board, which registered adventurers can have access to.
The patrons all look like they can handle themselves. Pretty rowdy, warrior types. People from all different races in here.
We order food, Gunna gets a lot of ale and gets pretty drunk. He sings a terrible sea-shanty; Tarragon is hugely entertained and decides that she is becoming a little less afraid of the humans in the party.
(Also we should look up a video called Doctor Bees on YouTube, according to Ed.)
Ahleqs goes over to Filiare - our contact for further work. He asks after HIlthane - how is the old git?
Filiare asks if Ahleqs is alone - he gestures to us. Gunna is drunkenly re-enacting yesterday’s fight with a chicken and a duck leg. In spite of this, Filiare offers us a job and says depending on how we do we might get more.
There’s an infestation under the pub - Filiare doesn’t know what it is. Staff had heard scratching. The tunnels join up with the sewers but we are warned not to go near them. Sort it and we can have access to jobs on the noticeboard. We agree.
Filiare nods to the blonde elf woman, Cass, who comes over to show us down to the cellar. Gunna brings his half finished chicken leg, Gideon necks his mead. Kessler hangs back, believing this job to be stupid.
We are pointed to a trap door. We need to go south to a storage room with unlit braziers in it. Gideon makes an insight check - gets a 7. She doesn’t seem to be misleading us…
Gunna leads, with the chicken leg in his mouth.
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coryfirelion · 4 years
OC Quiz (with a Twist ;P)
Tagged by @rpgwarrior4824 Thanks for tagging me n.n
Tagging:  @wickedwitchofthewilds, @cassandra-pentughasst and @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold. No obligations. ( tagging @natsora​ just to have some fun reading about this “not so badass” oc out of her work XD)
The original Quiz can be found in @rpgwarrior4824 blog :D I wanted to have some fun with this, so instead a Quiz about my OC, here is an interview to my OC ;)
OC: Carrie Staton (and May Adams at her back, just to make sure Carrie won’t say anything she doesn’t need to say -w- ) (Fanfic: One Last Trip - Original Work)
Asked someone to marry you? *smirking, turns to May* “Would you-” *stops before the glare in May’s eyes* “Not.....yet” ;) ;) *May rolls her eyes, but she’s smiling :D*
Kissed one of your friends? *scratches her head* “Yess...?” *turns to see May* (”It was back at the training and it meant nothing! Really!”) *May’s chill, trully* -w-
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? “In my defense, they shouldn’t play those songs when they serve that kind of alcohol!”
Ever told a lie? “Welp, yeah. Who doesn’t?” *turns to May* “But not to you, May. I’d never lie to you.” *May archs an eyebrow* “And what about that time when-” (*BEEEEEEP*)
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? “Well...” *squeezes May’s hand* “That doesn’t matter anymore :’)”
Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? "Yes. I have a dark past >:v”
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? ".... Are you really asking that?”
Kissed a picture? "No? Why should I when I have the real deal right here.” *tries to kiss May* *May glares* *Carrie uses Puppy Eyes* *It´s super effective!* *May kisses Carrie cheek* “Victory!”
Slept in until 5pm? "After a trip through Ground Zero I would like to see you waking up before 5 pm.”
Fallen asleep at work or school? "I need to sleep at work! Correction, I - Ouch Ouch Ouch” *May pulls Carrie ear* “No spoilers, Carrie.” 
Held a snake? "A snake? An albino mutant larva counts?”
Been suspended from school? "Once, and he totally deserved that punch in the face! Nobody tells me what to do in that tone!” “Carrie, he was your Captain.” “And I’ll do it again!”
Stolen something? "Technically, yeah? The things I pick as trinkets aren’t mine, so :v”
Done something you regret? "Hella lot of things, but this interview has to end some day.”
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? "What the heck is a snowflake?”
Laughed until liquid came out of your nose? “HA! Yeah! Just this morning! Let me explain. So May was- ouch ouch ouch” *May pulls Carrie ear...again*
Kissed in the rain? "Here doesn’t rain :( ”
Sat on a roof top? "In almost every mission”
Kissed someone you shouldn’t? "Next?...Please?”
Sang in the shower? "But of course! and I’m an excellent singer” *May burst to laugh* “The dog starts to howl when he listens to you” “He’s singing the chorus!”
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? "Clothes and suit! That bastard! But then I punched his face!” *May looks amused at Carrie* “How did you finished your training?” “I was the best on the field, what else? >:D”
Shaved your head? "Yeap, is a custom when you finish your training they shave your head. That and they have to put the-” “No spoilers -.-’ ”
Slept naked? "Nope, feel weird x_x”
Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? *turns to see May* "That won’t happen again, ok?”
Donated blood? "No, too contaminated.”
Eaten alligator meat? "What’s that?”
Eaten cheesecake? "I love it <3 Dark cherry, please”
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? "Nope -w-”
Have/had a tattoo? *turns and lifts her shirt, small tattoos of her trinkets cover all her back* “I have one for every time I’d come back, so there must be a bit more than 100”
Liked someone, but will never tell who? "No?”
Been too honest? “Sometimes, sometimes”
Ruined a surprise? "Completly guilty, and proud of it. That’s not the kind of surprise you want to find out. x_x ”
Eaten so much that you can’t walk after? "When you put the suit, you need to weight at least 45 lbs more than your normal weight, the suit will eat you otherwise. So, yeap.”
Dressed in a man’s clothes? “THEY. HAVE. POCKETS!!”
Dressed in a woman’s clothes? *Carrie blushes* “Yes, she did it. Yes, she looked pretty. And no, she would never do it again. Next one.” 
Joined a pageant? *Both arch an eyebrow* "A what??”
Still have communication with your ex? “He’s dead. Do you have a ouija chart?”
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who meant it? *Carrie Tomato Mod ON* *May giggles* “Next question?”
Cheated on someone? "Never! >:( ”
Gotten totally drunk and missed an exam? “Drunk yes, but I passed the exam. I’m a legend. B) ”
A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? "Nope.”
Got so angry that you cried? "Yesssss...”
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? "I’m a threat to myself only :v”
Thought about suicide? *May squeezes Carrie’s hand* "....Next?”
Thought about murder? "I didn’t think so...no?”
Actually murdered someone? “Mutants...and *SPOILERS* >:v”
Thought about mass murder? "SPOILERS”
Actually committed a mass murder? "SPOILERS”
Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? "Yeap, he was so kind to leave the keys in the car :D”
Stalked someone? "No need it -w-”
Had a boyfriend? "As I said, I have a dark past.”
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? "And who doesn’t?” *May raises a hand* “I don’t” *Carrie takes her hand and kisses it* “Who that isn’t perfect doesn’t?”
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mst3kproject · 5 years
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Jungle Moon Men
The title of this movie is a fucking trick.  There are no moon men at all, just a tribe who worship a moon goddess who will die if she goes out in the sun, like the albino Sumerians from The Mole People.  Deeply disappointing.  It was produced by Sam Katzman, who made an enormous number of incredibly bad movies including Teen-Age Crime Wave, and features Myron Healey from The Incredible Melting Man.  There’s also quite a lot of material that is very unfortunately reminiscent of Jungle Goddess.  I already know I’m going to hate this movie, but I’m watching it anyway because I have a blog.
Our Hero, Johnny Weismuller, and his buddy Kimba the Chimp are hired by adventurous archaeologist Ellen Marsten to take her deep into the jungle, or at least the Spahn Ranch, on a quest for an ancient civilization who worshipped the sun god Ra.  Instead, they find a tribe of little people who are ruled by a moon goddess called Oma, the last survivor of an ancient civilization who were swallowed by the Earth after Ra became angry that they’d discovered the secret of eternal life. Nobody is allowed to leave the lost city of Baku, but Johnny and Marsten have to get out somehow, or they’ll be fed to the sacred lions.  Maybe they can take some of those diamonds from the temple with them when they go.
Not only are there no moon men in this movie, there’s not even any jungle.  Most of the movie was shot in the open scrubland of Corriganville, California, without even an attempt to make it look jungle-ish.  The people making the movie knew this, too, because all their animal stock footage is of the savannah.  I think the ‘Jungle Trading Post’ building that appears in the background of one shot is actually a zoo gift shop.  I can’t entirely blame the film-makers for this, since it’s clear that their budget did not remotely extend to going anywhere jungle-ish, but they didn’t even try.  They couldn’t shoot in the woods?  They couldn’t even hang a couple of vines?
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There are definitely no black people in this movie, except for maybe some of the stock footage when you really can’t see anybody’s face well enough to tell.  All the ‘Africans’ are played by white guys who aren’t even wearing any makeup.  The Aribi people, whose chief Nolimo wants revenge on Oma for the death of his son Maro, are a bunch of guys in culturally insensitive costumes which, were it not for the leopard print, could have equally well allowed them to be background ‘Indians’ in some terrible budget Western.  They even talk in the same forced broken English. The Moon Men are a bunch of short people in shitty Ewok cosplay.
There’s some Egyptian-type iconography in the city of Baku.  A lot of it looks like the kind of thing you’d get if you asked a bunch of sixth-graders to paint something Egyptian without looking at any references.  They weren’t even talented sixth-graders.  Most of the ‘hieroglyphics’ are just squiggly lines, and everything Marsten says about ancient Egypt is transparently, infuriatingly wrong.  She talks about a ‘white civilization’ that flourished there long ago, and how the Egyptians had lost wisdom that would tell us why there are different races and why there are tall people and short people.  I’m truly shocked she never mentioned aliens.
The actual story is surprisingly engaging at points.  Jungle Moon Men is not a long movie, only sixty-five minutes including the credits, but there’s quite a bit going on in it.  Aribi chief Nolimo is seeking his revenge, although he gets entirely forgotten about for most of the movie because even fake black people aren’t allowed to do anything in these movies.  An unscrupulous guy named Santo wants to steal the moon men’s diamonds.  Marsten keeps finding ‘archaeology’ and spouting off ‘ancient legends.’  When it actually gets going, Jungle Moon Men steams along quite nicely and makes us want to know what happens next.
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Yet the movie still manages to spend an awful lot of time dallying around doing nothing.  There is, for example, the whole opening sequence – first a narrating voice drones on about the Law of the Jungle over a selection of animal stock footage in an attempt to establish that, despite all evidence to the contrary, this story is set in Africa.  Then we get a useless sequence in which Kimba the Chimp is fishing, and Johnny swims down to tug on his line just to tease him.  Kimba’s supposedly humourous antics fill up quite a bit of the movie, and they’re almost always irrelevant except at the climax, when he sneaks in and unties everybody before the Moon Men’s pet lions can eat them.  He’s also badly-dubbed, with loud chimp noises playing over scenes in which Kimba’s mouth isn’t even open.
There’s an extended funeral sequence for Maro, which does nothing at all except show us a bunch of embarrassed extras in skeletal makeup bouncing in a circle.  The worst thing in the movie, however, is the part where Marsten and her friend Prentiss go hunting with bows and arrows, ultimately killing two pigs and an out-of-place puma… and I’m not entirely sure but it looks like these three animals were actually killed, just for this movie!  The scene establishes that they’re good shots but that wasn’t necessary because shooting things with arrows is never important to the plot. This movie killed three animals for no reason.
The Moon Men themselves, such as they are, are at once supposed to be threatening bad guys and objects of fun.  Their mastery of poisons and accuracy with their blow darts makes them sinister enough, but their costumes are absurd and other scenes show them struggling to open the door to the lion cage, or the useless bit where one of them tries to steal a jeep but cannot control it and just drives it into a ditch.  Sometimes the punch line is lol, they’re short! and sometimes it’s lol, they’re stupid primitives! and either way it’s obnoxious and offensive.  The only joke that works is when they sneak into the tall people’s camp disguised as shrubs, which is funny mostly because of the better movies it reminds me of.
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There is kind of a theme to the movie, though – it’s about where information comes from, and what biases people bring to it. First there’s the fate of Maro. In the mind of his father he was kidnapped and murdered, while the Moon Men say he was chosen by the goddess herself for the great honour of being Oma’s high priest, and had to be punished for his senseless betrayal.  Marsten and Prentiss are friends but tell very different stories about how romantic that friendship might be.  When Oma catches Santo and Johnny fighting, with stolen diamonds all around them, each blames the other until she gets tired of the whole thing and throws them both to the lions.  Oma tells her guests that the Moon Men love her and serve her willingly, but after her death they celebrate because they are no longer slaves.
Oma herself is a pretty blonde woman, much like Greta from Jungle Goddess, but she really is some kind of immortal being who holds herself up as a goddess, rather than being a lost heiress whom the natives just assume was divine because she was paler than them.  I guess that’s better… maybe… the movie still holds whiteness up as being nearer to godliness.  She’s also fully dressed, though her white gown looks nothing like the Ewok costumes the Moon Men wear, and is never treated as a sex object.  There is no implication that her high priest is expected to sleep with her, and neither Prentiss nor Johnny fall in love with her, or she with them.  That’s definitely an improvement.  There is, furthermore, one really nice moment when she demonstrates that she’s way more afraid of the sunshine than she is of the lions – the latter are just cats, while the former is the incarnation of a god who has sworn to punish her.
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Ellen Marsten is never a sex object, either. She spends the whole movie fully clothed and is never in any peril that the men aren’t in with her.  Everything she says is stupid but within the world of the film she’s clearly supposed to be an expert in her field.  Prentiss is in love with her but respects her enough to remain friends despite the fact that she doesn’t return his feelings, and at the end of the movie Marsten herself is not ‘with’ either him or Johnny. She is a character, not a love interest, so that’s refreshing, too.
None of that’s enough to save the movie, though.  It’s a cheap, shoddy, racist train wreck with a side of animal cruelty.  It’s also a ripoff, having stolen a lot of its major plot points from H. Rider Haggard’s She.  I could talk about that in more detail, but I haven’t actually read She, only seen other movies based on it, and I honestly don’t care.  I don’t hate Jungle Moon Men as much as I did Jungle Goddess or Black Dragons, but it’s pretty damned bad.
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novaursa · 7 years
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Imagine being Eris, Goddess of Chaos, daughter of Zeus and Hera and twin sister of Aries; and Loki being enchanted by your beauty and power.
Info for role-playing is below: 
|| Biographical Information ||
"Better you battle Zeus himself, than me." - Discord
- Real Name: Eris
• Meaning of the Name: Strife
- S.H.I.E.L.D Name/Alias: Discord
- Other Aliases: Bellona, Enyo, Discordia
- Nickname: Tony Stark sarcastically named her Sunshine (much to her displeasure).
- Born: N/A
- Age: N/A
- Birth Place: Olympus
- Current Location: Earth
- Base of Operations: Olympus, possibly the Areopagus.
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- Occupation: Goddess of strife and discord.
- Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Eris’ existence except as a mythological character.
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|| Personality And Traits ||
- Personality Types: Wicked, vindictive, judgmental, fun loving, passionate.
• Eris represents true malevolence and deviance, she has no morals of good and/or nobility. She is seen as spiteful, vindictive and passionate when it comes to the prospect of the world potentially crumbling into chaos; which she refers to as being a glorious event. She is seen enraged at the fact that she has gotten her way which shows her to not be one who likes fair and square events. Eris is also seen as wickedly intelligent and takes a dullness tone to the happy endings which often gets her into a fight with her half-sister Aphrodite.
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|| Physical Information ||
- Species: Olympian Goddess
- Gender: Female
- Hair Color: Silver/White (albino)
- Eye Color: Purple (albino)
- Skin Color: Pale
• Note: Eris is an exceptionally beautiful woman who is said to look like "a vision of the good spirits in flesh, though they themselves would fear her". She has long silver hair and intelligent, piercing, lilac eyes. Eris had a soft, silken voice and is always clothed in a fine golden or red dress. She never grins, though she produces disarmingly subdued smiles. She detests flattery, because "vacous flattery is the sound of a prybar, a tool used by a thief as he tries to get what she has." Her least favorite color is pink.
|| Eris | Pictures ||
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|| History ||
"She takes after her mother." - Zeus about Eris
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Eris is the daughter of the Zeus, Ruler of the Olympian gods, and his wife, Hera. She often entered into the schemes and plans of her older twin brother Ares to ignite the dissension that often leads to war. Possibly as a way to cause dissension between gods and mortals, she stole the golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides guarded for Hera and had it engraved with the words, “For the Fairest.” She then tossed it among the guests attending the marriage of King Peleus of Aegina to the goddess Thetis. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite then tried to claim the apple in the dispute that triggered the Trojan War. Her activity after that event is unrecorded, but after the war, several Trojan refugees lead by Dardanian prince Aeneas conquered the area upon Rome was built on. During the Roman Empire, Eris was intensely worshipped by the Romans as one of their most important goddesses. During this time, Hercules most often antagonized Eris as he prevented most of her attempts to cause dissent and strife among mortals.
"Discord, you are my wrath. Send their bodies to Underworld and bring me their heads." - Hades
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During one of his skirmishes with mortal heroes, Hades gave Eris the ability to turn into giant tapian snake called Enyo. She has bitten heads of mortal heroes off and brought them to Hades in the Underworld. Eris later used both this giant and small form of tapian snake to spread more strife among the mortals.
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In his visits to Earth, Zeus became incensed that Eris was taking an active role in exciting her followers into killing Christians in his name. He decided to break off ties with Earth and allow the worship of the Olympian Gods to fade away. Eris retaliated by assisting many of the gods eager to preserve their ties to earth into hunting down mortals. Zeus faked his death to lend credence to an end of worship of the Olympian gods. To all who had seen these events, it appeared as if the gods were dead, but Zeus had several spells in effect that any god that was killed would be restored to life. Eris in meantime tried to hold on to whatever worshippers she had, but it all ended quickly. Defeated, Eris retreated to Olympus for some time.
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In modern years, Eris became intrigued by the forces of terrorism and racism on earth and even masqueraded as a mortal to stir up trouble between blacks and whites, Jews and Anti-Semitics, left and right wing liberals and other potentially controversial groups. Seeing as her brother Aries had fared unsuccessfully against Hercules, she began training her own modern champion, Centurion, as a worthy ally. She eventually sent him to kill Kyllian, a mortal man imbued with the power of a trio of Celtic Gods, many of whom the Olympian gods beheld with some enmity. After Kyllian defeated Centaurion, Eris realized that he might make a better pawn or ally than a new adversary and she vanished back to Olympus to plot her next scheme.
|| Recent History ||
"You humans are so predictable." - Eris
• Her first appearance is noted by Tony Stark; he claims that he first saw her in Afghanistan for a very brief moment not knowing her true identity. Their conversation was short and it ended with her saying, "You know what I like about you, Stark? You don’t have a heart." Then she just vanished into the thin air with misty fashion. After he was critically wounded Stark wandered more about her true nature.
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• Her second appearance is after the death of Stane. Tony confronts her about past events asking was she somehow involved in all that. Her response was that he must be more specific because- "a lot of things are her fault." She then introduces herself as Eris Goddess of Discord, before vanishing once more. After the defeat of Vanko, Tony found his home in a chaotic mess and a note on his desk which said: "Discord favors the heartless." Hinting that he is favored by Goddess Eris. She appeared a few times more after that, usually to protect him stating that "nobody is allowed to decapitate her favorite mortal". She also had a few ‘interesting’ encounters with Clint Barton and Bruce Banner who aren’t that much fond of her.
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|| Extra Information 1.00 ||
"There’s my Sunshine!" - Tony Stark to Eris
- Likes: Chaos, tipping the balance of good to evil.
- Dislikes: Losing, being proven wrong, defeat, nobility.
- Group Affiliation: Olympus, Ares, Hades, herself.
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- Ancestry: Zeus (father), Hera (mother), Ares (older twin), Hephaestus (brothers), Eileithyia, Hebe, (sisters), Hercules, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus, Perseus (half-brothers), Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Persephone, Panthia (half-sisters), Poseidon, Hades (uncles), Demeter, Hestia (aunts), Asclepius, Cupid, Janus, Deimos, Phobos (nephews), Harmonia (niece), Triton, Rhode, Benthescyme, Neptunia, Arion, Pomona, Consus, Vertumnus (cousins)…
- Common Olympian Powers And Limitations: immortality, regeneration,  shapeshifting, flight, the ability to become invisible to the human eye, telekinesis, superhuman strength, stamina, heightened senses, speed and they have the ability to "teleport." Some possess the ability to manipulate matter and the elements of nature and are able to create natural phenomenon or natural disasters. They also possess a wide range of seemingly magical spells such as the casting of fireballs. One Olympian god cannot restore humans or gods to life. It took both Zeus and Hera to restore the life of their grandson, Evander. Also, most of them cannot heal others without the blessing of either Athena or Zeus. The only gods that were able to do so were Ares and Hades. Only a very few things can kill an Olympian: Hind's Blood, the Ribs of Kronos and Zeus.
- Eris’ Strength Level: Eris possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions.
- Known Superhuman Powers Of Eris: She possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Olympian Gods. Like all Olympians, she is immortal. She has not aged since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any known conventional means. She is immune to all known terrestrial diseases and is invulnerable to conventional injury. If wounded, her godly life force would enable her to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of her bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for Zeus or a number of gods working together to revive her. Also, she is able to make herself invisible to mortals, or only visible to one person she chooses to, which makes easier for her to plant discord and hatred in the heart of mortals, however, gods and half-gods are immune to this effect and can see her all the time. Eris does have some superhuman strength, but she is not quite the powerhouse as gods like Hercules or Ares. Her Olympian metabolism gives her far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. Eris also has limited mystical powers common to all the Olympian gods, such as shapeshifting into a tapian snake. According to her, each Olympian has personal object foraged by Hephaestus that enables their powers; hers is known as Discord’s Ribbon Device and it gives her many supernatural abilities.
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"Do you really want to test my powers?" - Eris
- Her Normal Abilities: Eris has great skill in the use of all the implements of war used in the time of ancient Greece and Rome.
|| Discord’s (Clawed) Ribbon Device ||
"Put your hand down!" - Clint Barton
Discord’s Ribbon Device, is a multifunctional Olympian apparatus foraged by Hephaestus. The hand device is a gold colored, forearm-length glove worn on the left hand of the user, with a red gem in the center of the palm. It is controlled by a neural interface and is powered by DNA in the user's blood, functionally rendering it impossible to use except by Eris. The device has numerous functions with a variety of controls on its surface that can be used. It can also wirelessly control Olympian technology, triggered through a button on the back of the palm.
|| Discord’s Ribbon Device || Its Abilities ||
- Conducting a scan of a human - though it is unknown what the scan actually detects.
- Firing a powerful kinetic energy wave, capable of throwing grown humans several meters with significant force. It can potentially kill the target if they impact a solid surface nearby.
- Shooting a deadly fiery energetic neural link that connected to the brain of another person with the intention of torturing or killing them.
- Creating an energy shield that encompasses and protects Eris from harm. This shield only stops things that are incoming at high velocity and blasts. Arrows and thrown items go right through the shield.
- Paralyzing a human.
- Giving Eris ability to use pyrokinesis and telekinesis.
"You never were one for flowers." - Ares to Eris after she burned down Persephone’s garden.
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|| Extra Information 1.05 ||
- Theme Song: Everybody Knows by Sigrid
-Signature Look: Seen can usually be seen in a golden or red dress. Most commonly, however, she is seen in black armor.
- Her Sacred Animals Are: Tapian snakes and Hydras.
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• Note: Hera raised three Hydras. She sent first one to kill Hercules, and the last two she gave to Eris.
- Love Interest: Loki
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|| Discord’s Quotes ||
"Glorious chaos."
"I'm missing some excellent chaos here."
"Every argument has two points of view. Otherwise, there would be no room for discord. Think about it."
"You are far too hard on yourself, my dear, sweet, mortal friend. What would the people do without you? Dance? Sing? Smile? Grow old?"
"The last time I was this bored I took hostages."
"No! You can't take away my power!"
"Only two of those times were my fault."
"The kid was raised by wolves; until she killed them and ate them all…"
"I’m a simple girl who’s into anarchy and chaos. I also enjoy walks during sunset through battle-torn wastelands."
"Do you want to see the face that launched a thousand wars?"
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|| Quotes About Discord ||
"Discord is here?! I hate it when I can’t see her!" – Clint Barton
"Discord thinks only of discord." – Tony Stark
I’m looking forward to role-playing this very much. You can send me an e-mail if you are interested: [email protected] -much love, NovaUrsa
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elucubrare · 5 years
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disclaimer: I love a lot of these tropes 
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makaioujiimagines · 6 years
Can I have a scenario of Michael being a lead singer of a soft rock band and Gabriel is a fan. Then one day, Michael starts singing a never before heard song and Gabriel realizes it for her and at the end of the show Michael calls her backstage and admits he’s fallen for her? Sorry it’s so long! I hope you don’t mind >
Hey darling! I don’t mind at all although this is quite a challenge! I don’t usually listen to this sort of music so please excuse any of my mistakes! Lexie for you ;)
The stadium was filled to the last inch of space and the crowd was cheering insanely. It was quite amazing how this event, a rather simple at it’s base, got this many people in one place and excited them to this degree. Michael peeked out from behind the stage for just a bit and gave a smile, watching all of their fans waiting for them to claim the stage and fill all of their ears with their music. As his eyes travelled across all the people, he stopped at a sight of a young woman in the very first row. He wasn’t quite sure why but something about her caught his attention and he couldn’t help but stare at her. There was just something that made his heart pretty much race with excitiment. He only returned to his band-mates after Raphael placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a smile, “Micchan! What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you have a fever now of all times!”
“I don’t, stop worrying.” Michael growled in response as he struggled to get out of Raphael’s arms, looking around the band curiously “And don’t you call me Micchan, I told you! Are you all ready to go up?”
“All ready now.” Uriel said as he finished tuning his base and threw it swiftly over his shoulder. He looked over at Raguel who was already growing irritated by just playing with his drumsticks. It was obvious everyone was right about to jump to music at this point. Michael gave a nod then and, taking his guitar, ran up to the stage, sending waves of loud cheers through the crowd. Others followed him quite eagerly as well and the mood in the place immediately rised to amazing heights. Michael took a hold of the mic and welcomed the audience to their concert, jumping to the first song without further wait.
Gabriel watched the stage as if she were hypnotized. All the music was screaming so loud she was sure she’d go deaf here soon but all she could care about was the band up there. She’s been yelling her encouragements and cheering for them since the first concert they ever held and travelled to this one for a couple of hours from her hometown but it was totally worth it! To be able to stand in the front lines was something every fan always dreamed of. And here she was, almost within an arm-reach of the lead singer himself! She caught a glimpse of his burning red eyes and saw his face actually turning pink. That was weird and she surely would hate it if he were singing while sick. Though she had to admit that his voice was just as flawless as ever.
She turned just for a second to look for her friend whom she came here with, only to find her on her boyfriend’s shoulders so that she could see everything clearly even over the people who now forced their way in front of them. She had to adore their relationship which was pure in every possible way. She often wished for a partner like that but knew her fantasies were a bit too fantastic even for a girl her age. Just when she thought of that, the next song ended and the crowd around her erupted in even louder cheering. She looked back up and for a second was sure her eyes locked with Michael’s before he suddenly turned over his shoulder, saying something to Raguel quietly enough for nobody else to hear.
The drummer shook his head a bit and obviously heaved a sigh but soon enough started with a brand new rythm. Both Uriel and Raphael looked at each other and then at Michael slightly confused as the albino started a solo all of the sudden. They gave one quick look to Raguel and then caught the key their lead singer used in his little show-off. This was something that wasn’t in the program for sure. She knew all of their songs by heart but this was nowhere in there! Did they prepare a brand new song just for this concert? Michael grabbed the mic fully, staring straight into her eyes. There was no mistaking it, he really was looking right at her. It seemed that even her friend noticed and chuckled lightly down at her boyfriend.
“See that Camio? I think he’s looking at Gabi!” Camio gave a smile back to Maria and nodded, though carefully not to knock her down. And then Michael started singing. For just a moment the fans went quiet, surprised by this sudden action but soon enough they caught up to the rythm and started clapping and chanting to it. Camio and Maria both joined. Only Gabriel didn’t really move an inch, just returning Michael’s intense glance.
As Uriel set the base down and took a long gulp of water, he turned to Michael with a pretty angry expression, “Michael! What was that supposed to mean?!”
“Whatever are you talking about?” the albino asked as if it didn’t concern him at all. Instead, he quickly gave something to one of the security guys and sent him off.
“You know what he’s talking about.” Raguel stated, standing behind Uriel, “Between Silver lining and Shallow heart, that song you pulled out of nowhere. What was that all about?”
Michael heaved a sigh, pretty much unable to hold it back any longer. He looked Uriel straight in the eyes, his own glimmering with excitement, “I saw someone today. She was like an angel, like a muse. And she was there, in the front lines. I had to do something, I just had to! But you really need to learn how to improvise. The first few acords I had to do all by myself.”
“Micchan fell in love! How cute!” Raphael immediately ran to hug his shorter collegue tightly. Unluckily for him, Michael already expected such an act and quickly dodged, hissing “Stop acting like I’m a kid!” in the process.
Just a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and the security guard entered, a young woman with him. The room went quiet for a bit before Raphael actually pushed Michael in front of her and gave a chuckle, “Go on Micchan! You had her called here for a reason, right?”
Michael took a deep breath, feeling his cheeks flushing again before he dared to look up at her, “Good evening. Did you… did you like the concert…?”
“Gabriel.” she gave a nervous smile, “And yes, I enjoyed and loved every second of it! You all are really amazing!”
“Oh, thank you. You see…” Michael gave a nervous look around, his band giving him supportive smiles, “Gabriel… I called you here because I needed to tell you something. I can’t really explain it since today is the first day I’ve ever actually seen you but I’m pretty sure I’ve fallen for you. So would you be my girlfriend?”
While watching the two both blush and give each other rather shy looks, Raphael approached them and pushed them together to hug each other with a bright smile, “Nicely said Micchan! Now you’ll need to change the tattoos on your back if you’ve fallen though!”
Michael shot him a glare but in fact, he could care less. Gabriel gently took his hands in hers, getting his attention back, and smiled, “It’s like a dream coming true. Michael, I would feel honored to be called your girlfriend.”
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moskat-22 · 6 years
The buzzing in Vladimir’s head grew progressively worse as the seconds ticked by, grating on his every nerve. Ever since they discoved this damned mansion, their lives had become nothing more than a joke at this point. Hell, they weren’t even supposed to be alive, yet they were. What’s worse than discovering everyone BUT the man who dragged them to this place died gruesomely? Oh, right, the same nation responsible for their deaths made a deal with the grey abomination in order to save their already deceased asses.
Every reset the headaches get progressively worse and Vladimir knows he’s merely moments away from tearing a hole into the closest living thing in this room, then everyone would throw a huge fit - there’d be fists flying and weapons unsheathed and a whole lot of blood and brain matter - Vladimir groaned, rubbing aggressively at his temples. He had to stop thinking about the negative things, it was really bad for his already diminished health. Exhausted crimson eyes fell onto the small group of nations huddled around the table in the “Safe” Room. Why put air quotes? The room may be safe from the monster roaming the halls, but nobody was safe from each other. Everyone was a possible target and anyone could strike someone down at any time. As safe as it was, it wasn’t safe enough for him (and many others) to let down his guard. Tuning into the chatter that had been previously nothing more than white noise in the Russian’s ears, he was able to pick up on the topic of their rushed discussion.
“So you’re telling me we the chances of actually killin’ than damn this is jack shit? That’s fuckin’ great! Ya know, it’d’ve been nice to actually know when the damn bastard shows up. Maybe a lil’ audio que, or a growl or somethin’ along those lines.”
“Stop complaining, as if that ever solved anyone’s problems. As of now, we should focus on finding replacement weapons. Whatever happened to our actual weaponry will remain a mystery until clues are collected, until then, venturing outside of this room is prohibited until we have armed ourselves for any potential battles. Do I have any objections?” Silence fell over the mortal turned nations, much to James’s delight. Pushing his shades back against his face, the Canadian began spounting nonsense about what a good replacement weapon would be, drawing quick sketches of basic wooden daggers and pikes, a bow and some arrows, other easy to craft weaponry which happen to be quite light. No one seemed to mind all that much, since it was James who was speaking and no one wants to piss of the Canadian. Vladimir actually saw no difference with his old weapon and the replacement he had in mind; it was just a rusty tap, he could easily use an old pipe from this decayed building’s pipe system. As he mulled over the piping he’s come across over their days(?) trapped inside the mansion, a familiar voice chimed up in aggrivation.
“Why the hell do I need to replace my handguns? We just haven’t’ve been lookin’ for them in the right places!”
“Allen, please, we’ve looked everywhere for our weapons. They’re nowhere to be found, surprisingly enough.”
“You aren’t the only one missing your weapon, you know.” Kuro piped in, glaring heatedly at the redhead. Even Oliver sounded a bit ticked off, which was rare and all the more terrifying to Vladimir. He waited for Allen’s “genius” comeback as if the fate of their current time line rested on the words that tumbled from the redhead’s mouth. One never knew what would cause the next reset, this was the farthest any of them have gotten. Everyone was on edge about the next death and when it would happen, whether it be by one of their hands or by the hands of the creature lurking in the shadows. However, the moment Allen attempted to make his statement, a miracle happened.
Standing near the right of the group, Siegmund had listened silently as the others squabbled like children. He was almost completely forgotten by the Russian, almost. Luckily, the older German stood out quite sorely compared to the other idiots he was unfortunate to stand by. His accursed white hair was actually helpful for keeping tabs on him, should Vladimir feel he was a threat. Which never happened. However, the raven haired male (whom wasn’t a part of the group, he stood off to the side to “keep the stupidity from infecting him” and to monitor them should things start going south) couldn’t have been more surprised than anyone else. It happened so quickly though, it left everyone in collective shock for about a minute.
Siegmund had shoved Allen away from the center of the table with a strength many thought he no longer had, barely paying the American much mind as he whipped out their hand drawn map of the mansion and slammed it against the table top. He had everyone’s attention already, but then he opened his mouth, “Listen up, I don’t want to repeat myself. We know the momster shows up mostly in these two locations the most, however, because of their placement in the building, traversing these areas is almost a necessity to getting to and from. We should stick with James’ plan and focus on getting a substitute weapon for the meantime until we can properly reclaim our personal weapon. Make it desposable, there’s no need to get attatched to a poorly crafted wooden replacement when a steel bladed set is what you came in with. Are there any questions?”
Naturally, Allen opened his mouth again. “Dude, what the hell! YOU can talk!?”
“Of course I can, Mr. Jones. Why wouldn’t I?”
“B-But, y-ya never have before, so why speak now?”
Siegmund didn’t even bat an eye, returning to look at the map. “I had no reason to speak to any of you up until now–“
Vladimir’s heart lept into his throat. What was with these strange emotions? He has never felt this way about anyone before, this was simply foreign to him. The German’s voice was so foreign to everyone’s ears, it was demanding and well mannered with a hint of sternness. Something so many of the group despised, yet found themselves reluctantly listening to him. Siegmund may not be a fighter now, but he had once wrecked havoc across Europe as a powerhouse of a nation. He could easily put everyone down in their place if he felt the need to.
However, Siegmund’s commanding tone and confidant attitude had Vladimir’s brain slowly turning into a pile of mush. The more he spoke, the more the raven haired male longed to hear it directed towards him. He found himself automatically walking closer to the table, unintentionally joining the cluster of nations just to hear more of those foreign sounds. Piercing red eyes clashed with lovestruck crimsons for only a split second before the Russian got a hold of himself, drowning out the sudden overwhelming need to piss the German off.
“Did you catch any of that, Mr. Braginsky?”
“О да. I did. Find or craft a replacement weapon, avoid conflict with the beast down under, try not to slaughter each other in this mad house, and find keys to open more doors. All understood.”
After a few seconds of leery eyes being sent his way, Siegmund appeared to be satisfied once he mulled it over in his head. Vladimir, on the other hand, let out a silent sigh of relief. He hadn’t botched it up, good god that scared him. It paid to pay attention whilst he got lost in the ever darkening maze that were his inner thoughts. The Russian listened intently to whatever else Siegmund had to say with, what he could now safely call, a pining heart. Any signs of emotion other than disinterest were hidden behind his red scarf, which had seen some better years. Whether people noticed how he pulled the red fabric up past his nose to hide the fierce blush that crawled onto his cheeks and the giddy smile that grew on his lips every time Siegmund glanced up at him didn’t bother him. As long as they didn’t point it out. This instantanious infatuation with the albino was a secret only he, himself, could keep. The others would make his already shitty life worse, tenfold, if they found out about this unfortold event.
Seeing everyone slowly drift apart and away from the table snapped the raven haired nation out of his mental funk. The FACE quad returned to the table with some food that had been prepared before the spur of the moment meeting, Luciano and Siegfried retired for the night, and Siegmund had went to the kitchen to get his fill on food. The Russian decided he would pay a visit to the bathroom, claiming he was waiting for the boring meeting to finish due to his bladder crying out for release for the past ten minutes. However, the only thing that was crying for release was the hard on he accidentally found himself with once he felt the heat pooling in between his legs. No one questioned it when Vladimir calmly shut the bathroom door, they simply prayed to the poor toilet he was supposedly going to destroy.
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crtaylorbooks · 5 years
The Enemy
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany  |  Luke 6:27-38
Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. So who thought this was a good idea?
Do to others as you would have them do to you. Most of us are good with this one. We can wrap our minds around it, and it isn’t even specific to Christianity — there are other flavors of the golden rule floating around out there. We like the idea, until we realize that “others” includes everybody, including our enemies.
Loving our enemies? It makes no sense. It’s impractical and unproductive behavior. Unpatriotic, one might say. From people in the next booth at the Waffle House to military strategists, everyone will tell you that helping your enemies is not a sound principle.
What we all really want is to discourage, even punish, negative behavior — anything negative toward us, that is. Whether on a personal or a cultural or a national level, we want to intimidate our enemies. Nuke the bastards. Turn their houses into radioactive ash heaps, and you won’t have to put up with them anymore.
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Art by Banksy. Stolen from his/her/their website.
And if we are a righteous, God-fearing people — we may substitute the name of our country, people group, or militant bridge club here — God is on our side, right? It isn’t about resentment or petty retribution. It’s now the judgment of a wrathful God upon our enemies. Right?
I confess that I have a list. There are people whom I’d like to see fall through an open manhole cover into a disease ridden sewer to land on the snout of the largest, most evil, ravenous, albino (because that’s weird and more frightening), man-eating, ebola-infected, urban crocodile ever imagined, with only prolonged and ragged screams ever emerging from that darkened pit.
Ok, maybe I’ve spent a little too much time thinking about it, but I’m not the only one.
The gospel message is that we ought not feed the darkness. To a degree, as with the Do Unto Others teaching, we can go along with it, but for most of us the notion that there is something worthwhile in every person loses steam in the face of certain individuals. Hitler is the classic example, but I’m sure we could all name less famous folk, some a great deal closer to us.
James Thurber wrote a story called The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It’s a hilarious tale of an ordinary man who fantasizes about being extraordinary. A famous pilot. A brilliant surgeon. We laugh, until Mitty’s secret fantasies begin to hit home for us, and then we smile to cover our discomfort.
Most of us have pictured ourselves as heroes, destroying the bad guys. If we’re more passive, we imagine getting the phone call informing us that our enemy is humiliated, or ruined, or dead. And plenty of quiet grandmothers have imagined using a cast iron frying pan in non-culinary and extremely satisfying ways.
Most of us spend too much time thinking about the past. We drag up old resentments, slights, losses, injuries, and we make them into the central plot of the mental play of our lives. The movie plays in our heads relentlessly, and we keep watching, never imagining that we could change the channel. 
Let’s be honest. We don’t want to love our enemies, even if we knew how. That’s the whole point of having them in the first place.
Paul, writing to early Christians in Rome, tried to put some spin on it — by doing good to our enemies, he wrote, we pour coals of fire on their heads. That sounds encouraging, and I can think of at least a dozen people who’d look great with their heads on fire. Unfortunately, Paul didn’t explain the mechanism by which it works, and we remain unconvinced.
Test yourself. Think of the worst person you know, the bottom (or top as it may be) of your list, and then imagine that you were given carte blanche. You could do anything you liked, and no one would ever know — no reprisal, punishment, or rocks to be thrown your way. What would you do?
Me, too. I wouldn’t even have to ponder it very long. It’s why so many of us secretly enjoy the Beatles’ Maxwell’s Silver Hammer.
So what do we do with this Love Your Enemies business? Most of the world’s inhabitants ignore it as dubious advice from a man who ended up crucified by his enemies. See where it got him?
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Moby Dick, illustration from 1892 edition
On the other hand, if we do have the inkling (let alone actual faith, but who has that?) that there is a God, or if we consider that we are all connected, or if we can accept that there is something greater than our own personal interests, then we’ve got to consider some possibilities.
For one thing, maybe doing good to our enemies introduces, activates, or confirms some value, worth, and possibly life changing power in their lives. Damn it. Maybe they are our enemies for reasons we do not see — in the movies playing in their heads, we are the ones who acted wrongly or who deserve their disdain. Or maybe they are truly loathsome people — some people are — but the nature of our response can undermine their world view. Maybe.
Another possibility is that doing good to our enemies adds intrinsic value to the universe. There may be other universes, other planes of existence, but here we are in this one. Making our universe a better place is our responsibility. Nobody is going to do that for us.
The best reason may be personal — doing good to our enemies has some intrinsic value for us. Yes, my imagination fails as well, but there it is. Helping another person, particularly when there is little question of reciprocity, has a greater effect on us than on them. It changes our estimation of their value as a person. It shifts the plot of the movie in our heads.
You don’t even have to be a Christian for these ideas to work. Compassion and forgiveness are embraced in many traditions, religious and non-religious ones. Compassion makes us better humans. Empathy and understanding make for more peaceful communities. And it is difficult to put out a fire by adding fuel.
The whole point is to stop thinking of ourselves as separate from everyone else. That’s hard to do, particularly in America, where our entire national mythos is built around the rugged individual.
This Gospel notion, though, isn’t for me, or you, or for that jerk over there. It’s for all of us. All inclusive. This Kingdom of God idea includes everybody, or at least invites everybody. No exceptions, no matter how much we’d like to submit a list of rejects. In Buddhism, the notion of connectedness hasn’t been diluted by western individualism, but Christianity has to reach for it.
We might even find that people we think are our enemies really aren’t. They may not even give us much thought. Of course, that isn’t always the case. There are dangerous people out there. Hate groups. Neo-nazis. Terrorists. Thinking that our response to our enemies is a purely personal act, as opposed to a broader cultural or national one, is also dangerous. It limits our possibilities, and it limits our understanding of our responsibilities. How we as individuals choose to act is important, but we are not relieved of responsibility as members of a community, a culture, a religion, a nation, a civilization.
What does it look like, this doing good to our enemies? A lot of it is obvious. Some of it isn’t.
If I see a person in need and do nothing, am I their enemy? If I see someone being harmed, oppressed, held down, injured by individuals or by society or by some groups in that society, and I do nothing, am I their enemy? Maybe I am.
And religion, particularly Christianity, doesn’t have a good track record on this one. Plenty of Christians used faith based arguments — wrongly, of course — to justify slavery. Today, plenty of Christians use faith based arguments against LGBTQ people — again, wrongly, although this would be an entire topic of its own. How is hatred and exclusion and intolerance furthering the kingdom of God? Even if Christians could manage to justify regarding some people as enemies of their faith, the gospel commands a response of love and of doing good.
Instead, Christianity has often become a bastion of exclusion, intolerance, and hatred disguised as religious observance. That’s not what the gospel preaches, people. I don’t know what label to put on the exclusionary and intolerant form of religion often practiced today, but it isn’t Christianity. It is something else, dressed up in the forms and language and symbolism of the Church.
To put it another way, Christianity has become its own worst enemy. Being excluded by Christians can be harmful, in real and in dangerous ways. Being within the Christian world can also be toxic — we may find that we are our own enemy. And it may be that loving our enemies begins uncomfortably close to home, maybe even inside our own heads.
When we love our enemies, we are reaching. And we’re remembering that we are not able to place ourselves in a different world than they occupy. We’re in this thing — love it or hate it — together, and we need to embrace it. And one another.
Bernard of Clairvaux, in his work On Loving God, concluded that the best and strongest reason to love God is God — love is its own reward. In Luke’s gospel we hear that “the measure you give will be the measure you get back.”
Perhaps that is the reason to love our neighbors, our enemies, ourselves. The love we give is the love we get.
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Art by Banksy. Stolen from his/her/their website.
The Enemy was originally published on C R Taylor
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drugrattes-blog · 7 years
1. She was astounding. Her skin was made of white snow, cold, which melted as soon as you'd touch it; burning red and the sensation reflecting on whoever got ahold of it. Her eyes were made of pink crystals and if it weren't for her inky, silky, long hair, some would've thought of her as an albino child -- or for worse, as a witch. Oddly enough, she's been lucky to avoid this kind of fate. Instead, she's been gifted by a special kind of decoration -- a multitude of constellations, soft, almost completely hidden, spread on her cheeks, her shoulders, arms, everything. Her skin was freckled, much to the court's surprise.
2. Some said that she was the result of an unfaithful act: for she looked nothing like the Zar. Like her mother, she did, yes, her traits--the nose, her lips, her delicate hands--were about the same: but those very same freckles have been deemed as suspicious. 'The Zarina had an affair?', 'Princess' appearance resulting suspicious', 'The Princess is a bastard child?'. These rumors went on for as long as she remembered, and they are still -- but they were, quite frankly, her last worry. Wether the people like it or not, she was born royal: and as such, she must be treated. Even though she, herself, had wondered why she never looked like the father that died when she was way too young, the one she'd seen in a couple paintings hanging on her mother's bedroom.
3. Her love was to travel, to be free. The Princess loved to be anywhere but the court, anywhere but where royalty had its reign. Her mother deemed this as stubborn, rebellious, and unworthy of her status: but she always ignored the comments, wandering around Europe like a curious child, thirsty and hungry for knowledge. Knowledge different from the one in books. She wanted to meet the poor, the ones whom God hadn't graced with his kindness, so that she could teach them what she knew, only to have them teach her something in return. The Princess was kind, and she always hid her status, simply because she hated to be treated as if she were superior. If her mother hadn't let her read all those books, study, learn about the world, she would've never realized that no matter what, every person is on the same level. And thus, nobody should be treated better, or worse. Nobody should suffer from favouritisms.
4. She was scared of marriage. There isn't much to it. It tied to her love for freedom -- it choked her love for travel, and it opposed to how she wanted to live. She didn't want to become yet another prize for yet another unworthy Zar, she didn't want to become yet another wife. She wanted to love and to be with her lover, but not tied to them in such a restricting, caging manner. Yet, she was resigned, and defeated. She knew that she would have to be a decoration, one day, for another one's crown.
5. The Princess was many things, knew many things, and had many things. Beautiful, intelligent, royal, but most of all, human.
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Truth Meaning Of Understanding.
For many years, Hollywood has actually portrayed African American guys in an unfavorable illumination. Even if they merely got a new 60-inch 3D level screen that brings in Linda Hamilton's areolas in the Terminator love scene jump straight into your lap in crystal clear meaning doesn't imply you need to obtain one to maintain. Let them purchase all the pricey crap they really want, then laugh when the repo guy has their Sport Utility Vehicle in the middle of the night.
Schwierig wird es aber, wenn perish Empörung so groß ist, dass man meint die Justiz einschalten zu müssen. Adam sinned from The lord by paying attention to his other half Eve and hence enjoying Satan which informed the biggest lie from that day; guy ought to not definitely die. It can easily be viewed as usual if a lady arrives in to contact along with a guy that is merely interested in satisfying his bodily necessities. This's just logical at that point isn't it that there are actually a lot of comical golf jokes that are actually also filthy. Seat University Chancellor William J. Sullivan conducted the ceremony, while Steve Ballmer was actually the bridegroom's best man. When proprietors worked with folks to perform the filthy work for them as they sit as ritualistic scalps, gone are actually the days. I consider myself as a ride or even pass away chick, however in my humble opioion, you can simply die or be a ride girl if that guy is for you, by yourside, and like you ONE HUNDRED%. That additionally gives everyone a possibility to establish a Dirty Santa activity play tactic. The white colored peacocks possess wonderful blue eyes (and also in some cases couple of colored feathers too) therefore they can not be taken into consideration as albinos. If the remainder http://besporty-amelieblog.info/pilules-qui-eco-slim-france-accelerent-les of The U.S.A. begins to seem like California - virtually nobody will definitely be putting on Under Armour sneakers other than country United States white men. But the radiation can think the highly effective jumps from great beyond factor that was actually aiming to limit that. It steered its own wonderful wings against the stubborn water and forged ahead, dragging the man and also pushing a sullen wave before this. Several two-part The Male from UNCLE episodes were actually edited in to feature size movies which found their method right into cinemas under new headlines. Just what was all of it concerning?" And also my dad checked out me and he said, Robin, that was a poem composed through a guy whose heart was full of regret over a life half-lived". The episode where Catherine, a woman of mixed blood stream, whom Meersman loves, spews on him as she views him as the agent from the white energy apparatus, explains the decreased rage which is going to eventually erupt in a terrible revolt. Just in case have been actually with a heavy heart and you want your ex-boyfriend back just talk to the exact same guy Via his e-mail Kwaletemple @ or name him on his mobile number +2348056141089 that can help you reunite your defective relationship. So our team generally have taken $1.2 billion of squander from OneBeacon and also the White Hills possession of OneBeacon is actually still worth just about $1 billion. The hearts of women everywhere skipped a beat and also I ensure there was several a guy that would like to go to the very least a small amount like Johnny Palace.
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tingstrup · 7 years
The Graça Miradouro is the most popular of Lisbon’s sunset view points
Annette enjoys the sunset and a glass of Port Wine
We go there every day – not only because we live at the Miradouro. We go there for a cup of coffee, to read a book, to meet people, to enjoy some of the many concerts and performances that happens here and to have a sun-downer.
And then we go here for dinner – on the square just behind the Miradouro you find some of the best local restaurants in town and the legendary Botequim where the old poets used to sip wine and work, and the young creatives do the same today.
Only few knows that Graça Miradouro is much more than a viewpoint. And nobody knows its real name.
For connoisseurs Graça is the gateway to the old bohemian parts of Lisbon. Literature had an often unacknowledged link to this part of town, but posterity has changed its view on this, and started giving credit to literary figures like Natalia Correia, Angelina Vidal and poet Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.
The latter is one of  Portugal’s most important and influential poet who used to get inspired and write her poems on the Miradouro – the reason why it was renamed Miradouro Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen back in 2009.
We have always had strong relations and connections to this oasis, but didn’t know anything about neither Sophia, nor her works. So it was a big surprise to us not only to know that the view-point was named after her – but also the story behind.
Who was Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen?
J. H. Andresen (1.11.1826 – 7.3.1894)
In 1840 the only 14-year-old Jan Heinrich Andresen left Denmark for America.
When the ship stopped over for a few days in Oporto he decided to stay. True to his American Dream – Jan Heinrich Andresen ended up becoming a successful Port Producer and the President of the Commercial Association of Oporto Business.  
Jan Heinrich Andresen married Maria Leopoldina de Amorim de Brito and got one child João Henrique Andresen whose son (also named João Henrique Andresen) entered the Portuguese aristocracy by marrying Maria Amélia de Mello Breyner. And that’s how Jan Heinrich Andresen’s great-gran daughter Sophia got her semi aristocratic semi common-Danish family name de Mello Breyner Andresen. 
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
In 1946 Sophia married renowned journalist, lawyer and politician Francisco Sousa Tavares and moved from Oporto to Lisbon, where the couple became part of the opposition to Salazar’s dictatorship.
After the military revolution in 1974 Sophia became a deputy for the Socialist Party for a short period of time. Her last years were mostly dedicated to writing.
Sophia published her first book in 1944 at the age of 25 – Poesia  – a selection of poems she has been writing since she was 12.
In  1999 she was the first woman to achieve the prestigious and most important Portuguese literary award Camões Award.
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen is buried at National Pantheon (10 minutes walk from Tings Lisbon) next to important Portuguese personalities like Eusébio and Vasco da Gama amongst others.
When Sophia died in 2004 she left behind a production of tales, poetry and a number of Children’s books where one of most famous stories is O Cavaleiro da Dinamarca or The Knight from Denmark.  
In 2010 Berligske Tidende/Aok interviewed Portuguese tourists: visiting Copenhagen
The Knight of Denmark,
AOK: How do you like Copenhagen?
Sofia Lange (Portugal):I’m very happy being here, a lot of sun, its warm and people are really friendly.
We have a very famous Portuguese writer – Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen – who wrote the children’s book The Knight of Denmark. It begins Christmas Eve in Copenhagen and is about a travel to through Europe’s Cities to Jerusalem.
So for me it’s fantastic to visit Copenhagen.
  Why do I find this so interesting?
Good question!
And NO – I neither knew Sophia nor have read the Knight of Denmark or any other of her works for that matter.
It’s interesting for other reasons.
First: I was born and raised in Copenhagen and lived here for 47 years. And even though I left the city in 2009 and hardly hasn’t been there since I consider myself as a Copenhagener. So when I by coincidence fell upon the interview in Danish Newspaper, AOK and read the comments about Copenhagen and Sophia, I took it as a sign to gather all my notes and photos about her and the miradouro and share them.
Second: For the first time in many, many years we have found a city where we feel so much at home that we have brought our few belongings from Copenhagen. This City is Lisbon – and our ‘hood’ is Graça!
Third:  I am surrounded by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen whom has not only given name to the Miradouro she is everywhere in this neighborhood.
Fourth: I really enjoyed Graça before I knew anything about Sophia. But after I got to know about her – and the stories about her fellow Graça writers – things have changed. You can feel their presence. It feels as if the whole neighborhood ‘lives’.
If you still don’t understand – go to Botequim and have a drink or sit and have a glass of Port Wine and watch the sun set from The Miradouro next to Sophia. Or why not both 🙂
  What happened to The port wine?
Andresen Oporto Century Port, 1945
After Jan Heinrich Andersen’s death their son got into financial problems and had to sell the Port Business to a society led by Albino Pereira dos Santos who already then was a respected name in the Port wine business.
Today this  company remains one of the few totally family ­owned Portuguese Port firms.
You can’t get the Andresen Vintage at the cafe – still you should order a glass of Port and keep this story in mind when you enjoy the sunset.
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5 minutes from us we have the most popular sunset viewpoint in Lisbon
The Graça Miradouro is the most popular of Lisbon’s sunset view points We go there every day – not only because we live at the Miradouro.
5 minutes from us we have the most popular sunset viewpoint in Lisbon The Graça Miradouro is the most popular of Lisbon's sunset view points We go there every day - not only because we live at the Miradouro.
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