#an arguement can be made about sissel but i dont care enough to make it
denkryn · 6 months
Marcille is actually quite selfish when u think about it. Her fundamental character drive is her biggest fear which is everyone leaving her. It’s not that people she loves will die before her and she’s scared of that. It’s much more selfish. It’s people leaving HER. She doesn’t want to be alone. But it is her curse to bear as a half-elf. I love how selfish she actually is when u think about it. She does black magic because she needs to resurrect her gf. It’s a selfish desire. Without a care for consequence. All her motivations are very self-based. If u think about it. Even the lunatic magician who was basically the bad guy was not really selfish compared to her. He geniunely wanted to save the kingdom. But Marcille, well Marcille just wants to not be alone.
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