#anyway i have just been thinking a lot about character motivations because u need to have a good grasp on it to write a good fic
denkryn · 6 months
Marcille is actually quite selfish when u think about it. Her fundamental character drive is her biggest fear which is everyone leaving her. It’s not that people she loves will die before her and she’s scared of that. It’s much more selfish. It’s people leaving HER. She doesn’t want to be alone. But it is her curse to bear as a half-elf. I love how selfish she actually is when u think about it. She does black magic because she needs to resurrect her gf. It’s a selfish desire. Without a care for consequence. All her motivations are very self-based. If u think about it. Even the lunatic magician who was basically the bad guy was not really selfish compared to her. He geniunely wanted to save the kingdom. But Marcille, well Marcille just wants to not be alone.
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campbenji · 4 months
*JWCT SPOILERS* very messy first thoughts
OH BOY here we go
-ben and darius's dynamic was epic. the hug. the roadtrip scenes. "is your friend okay?" "no 😊". ben getting darius out of his isolation cabin and darius grounding him in ep2. the parallels with s3ep7. "you kiss your mother with that mouth?" i'm gonna be thinking about that scene for days. their ship is still a swim to me but please they better keep whatever the fuck they have going on in s2 because it's fucking wonderful
-i love that they took the chance to give more light to duos we didn't see much in jwcc. teamups we didn't often see like ben and sammy, THE B-DUO, and darius and sammy got very special moments here
-the amount of pictures/videos from the six years in between??? the brooklynn flashbacks??? we were so well fed
-BRAND!!!!!! i got so happy when i heard him the first episode, he's clearly been checking on his brother and i'm glad he's ok
-bowman family FEAST. brand and darius talking over the phone. the pictures on the cabin. kenji saying he calls mrs. bowman once a week and all the nice things he said about her. the whole mess between kenji and darius. "we're brothers, right?" i died dead. i love this family your honor
-sammy. she's got so much going on and we desperately need to talk about it. i'm so worried about her, she's desperately trying to avoid confronting what happened with brooklynn, with yaz and her own trauma, and then they casually dropped on us that her family isn't speaking to her and never elaborated on that?? sammy, who's love and care for her family was her biggest motivation in jwcc?? i need to know what happened because it must've been big
-mateo!! i liked him a lot, he definitely doesn't want to get into any of this mess but still dabbles around a bit to help the kids, which i respect. also i hope we get to meet his daughter hiraya, she sounds really cool
-MS MICROBANGS (or the handler, or whatever name we're calling her). what is her deal. who is she working for. she's so uncanny, literally almost robotic i need to know more about her
-brookenji over i cheered. don't take this personally i've never been a fan of this ship and a part of me knew they weren't going to last long
-the animation increased in quality so much. the scene after ben, yaz and sammy get out of the sinking van is so well done it's so pretty to look at. and the t-rex with the explosion behind her? it reminds me so much of toro in the tunnels in s1ep8, and i haven't tested this out but i feel like if you put them one next to the other the improvement would be so noticeable.
-also related to the point above: that thing when a character's eyes start filling up with tears but they don't cry just yet? 10/10. chef's fucking kiss
-sure jwct has the same tv-y7 rating as jwcc, but from minute 1 it's obvious it's not the same audience they're talking to. it's not a big change in tone, like for example adventure time/distant lands/fionna and cake, but it's there, you can tell they know it's not little kids watching anymore
-BUMPY IS HAVING A BABY BUMPY IS A MOM NOW they had me shit scared for her and then they pulled a freaking egg my heart was literally pounding. anyways i hope they get both bumpy and the egg somewhere safe and that they name the new anky "speckles" (i've gotten so attached to that name in the last 24 hours it's insane)
-YASAMMY THE QUEENS THAT YOU ARE. their relationship was stellar this season, i was scared when i saw that they were apart but their issues felt organic to their relationship and i just love how they were written in the show, they are still so in love with each other and i can't wait to see where they go next season. they're everything to me
-yeah they were apart for half the season but. benji crumbs. the egg cradle scene. kenji helping ben after he got hit with the stun gun. basically all they did was act like they knew each other but idc. we are so back.
-the brooklynn reveal was... meh?? it could've been more rewarding if they waited until s2 to reveal she's still alive, but at least i hope they take their time before reuniting her with the rest of the camp fam. also i can't believe ppl even guessed what arm she was going to lose y'all have prophetic powers or smth
-bringing daniel back to kill him the same episode was an insane move btw. i would've normally complained but it's all worth it for causing the panic attack scene in ep7. kenji's reaction felt so genuine, i'm forever in awe at how well this show writes grief and trauma
-i'm so conflicted about darius's confession. i like dinostar, but i feel like it wasn't needed for darius to be in love with brooklynn to explain the voicemails and the way he was dealing with her death. she was one of his closest friends, his grief made sense even with them being platonic. on the other hand, i love how he admitted it to kenji and the fact they didn't turn it into a huge fight between them; also, "i didn't know i could even feel that way" aroace/acespec darius truthers never lose
-maybe it's just that i need to rewatch, but i'm lost as to where they're going next season?? i know they're getting on a boat but where does that go?? what are they trying to do?? there's so much happening my head is spinning
-ben... he kind of felt like the comic relief for most of the show, the first episodes showed him as being really paranoid again and struggling with being alone, but halfway through the season they just sort of forgot about it?? idk something was off
-bring back kenji's old latin spanish va idk who this guy is but that is not kenji i can't do this. i'll survive the loss of ryan potter but i won't survive this
anyways yeah i think those are most of my uncooked thoughts, overall i really liked the season, i can't believe we got to see the kids again this is still so unreal to me
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
omg okay this was originally going to be an ask about what you think the ring of wisdom may look like because i wanted to try and hunt something down that was similar to buy (mc has both the ring of light and ring of wisdom by season three I think, and i own the ring of light irl)
BUT THEN i went on the wiki and found out it's made of brass and iron, and also learned that u treasure created the ring of light look since it never appeared in canon (i can dream of them making the other half but unlikely as Solomon is a side character, sad)
AND THEN i was reminded that Michael gave the ring of wisdom to solomon so he could control demons more easily and not have the giant strain. But why give it to him? Why this specific sorcerer? Why aid in that?
So now I'm in a rabbit hole of wondering WHEN solomon got the ring. And if it was after the brothers fell, did Michael do it on purpose? Was he aiming for solomon to become powerful enough to even control the seven of the brothers? AND HOW DID HE FIND SOLOMON AT ALL? I have so many questions now
- ✨ anon
Hmm well if I remember correctly, Solomon gives MC a ring when they become a full fledged sorcerer, but I didn't think it was the Ring of Wisdom that he gave them? Perhaps I misinterpreted that part??
(Side note, I'm almost glad they aren't like to make Solomon's Ring of Wisdom just because OH THE TEMPTATION.)
Anyway, the question is how the heck did Solomon end up with that ring in the first place??
Oh, friend. You have unlocked a CC Solomon Theory because I've thought about this a lot.
I'm going to put it under a read more because of OG and Nightbringer spoilers!
We know almost nothing about the Ring of Wisdom. I can't remember if it's been mentioned in Nightbringer at all. And there may be more instances of it in OG that I'm not remembering. But here are two of the relevant parts:
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This is from Lesson 2-2 of OG. He says he used it to create pacts with the 72 demons. Now, it's obvious that Asmo is one of those 72 demons, which means Solomon wouldn't be able to make a pact with him until after Lucifer & co fell. However, I don't think that means that Solomon didn't start making all his pacts before they fell.
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This is from Lesson 29-5 in OG. And he says that Michael gave him the ring at a point in his life when he was lost, etc.
What does that mean? Is that before or after Solomon met Barbatos?
Now, there is also a part in Nightbringer where Solomon says that he met a friend back when he was locked up in the basement. He says that his new friend's family came to get them, but that they would come back from time to time and talk to him. He promise the friend he would be a good sorcerer so he could protect humanity.
What if that was Michael?
If it was, maybe Michael gave him the Ring of Wisdom around this time. Maybe Michael did it because he wanted to help Solomon protect humanity.
But this is also the story Solomon couldn't tell MC entirely. He stops part way and says he doesn't have the courage. Which means something else happened then, too. Probably something bad.
So I dunno, this is just a theory. But it could explain why Michael gave Solomon the ring to begin with. If it happened before the brothers fell, his motivation could have purely been to help Solomon protect humanity.
Of course, it's possible that wasn't Michael at all and was actually someone else. In which case we would be back to square one with the question of why Michael gave Solomon the ring.
It would be rather sinister if Michael gave it to Solomon after the brothers fell for the sole purpose of Solomon being able to control them.
It makes sense that Michael would need a human for this because he can't make pacts with the demons himself. But maybe Solomon didn't want to do what Michael wanted him to do and therefore decided to do his own thing instead. He only has a pact with one of the brothers, so he's not exactly going through with that idea.
If Michael is Nightbringer, this could explain why Solomon said that Nightbringer made him who he is. At the same time, it's pretty clear from Solomon's conversation with Nightbringer that he disagrees with Nightbringer and is kinda defiant.
But if Michael is Nightbringer and he's always wanted to control the brothers, that could explain why Nightbringer wanted MC to make pacts with all of them. Perhaps by creating pacts with the brothers in the past, MC has strengthened their pacts with the brothers in the future, too. That could make it easier for MC to control them, especially to control them all at once.
Which is kinda the point of the Ring of Wisdom. As you said, it's meant to allow someone to control multiple demons without it being as draining on the body.
Unfortunately, I still feel like I don't have enough evidence for any of these theories to say for sure that I think they're right. I kinda always thought Solomon's friend was Michael because to me that seems like the scenario that makes the most sense and fits with the Ring of Wisdom situation.
But in the end, I'm hoping they will reveal more about this part of the backstory. Even if I'm totally wrong, I would still very much like to know why Michael gave Solomon the Ring of Wisdom. Because that feels like a really big deal and so far all they've done is just kinda mention it briefly.
ANYWAY well you see I spend too much time thinking about this stuff. But I also have many questions! Here's hoping we get the answers soon!
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
wdym by malice's writing being incoherent
NOTHING IN THIS SCENE MAKES SENSE! Malice sweetie i love u but what r u doin
Why does she have an electric chair party. If her goal is to take apart Audrey on the operating table because she’s A Unique Specimen That Will Finally Make Her Perfect why is she exclusively using death methods guaranteed to damage A Lot of the body when she originally had access to a passed out Audrey?? Why does she want to do a riddle? Why is she angry when you solve the riddle? Like she specifically tells you at the start “yeah, I want to take you apart and use your insides as beauty products, but first we’ll do a little riddle and we can do that other stuff later” so why does she say you’ve “humiliated” her later? You didn’t cheat, she didn’t make the puzzle unsolvable, you just literally did exactly the thing she told you to do.
For the record, Malice is also kinda incoherent in BatIM, but her screaming rage as the elevator falls feels more like her Real Feelings Finally Showing after being mockingly sweet to Henry thus far, while in BatDR she hasn’t really been keeping her cards close to the chest or pretending to be helpful, so it just kind of feels like “and then she loses it and starts screaming, because she’s crazy, of course” logic. Why does Malice have a bunch of loyal lost ones who dutifully repeat their riddle clues with zero additions? Like, this is a tangent, but wouldn’t it be creepier if they were obviously under duress when you speak to them? Why is the logic puzzle not bendy or angel themed in any way, like it was lifted out of a Book O’ Logic Puzzles directly and not even reskinned? WHY ARE THERE BUTTONS THEMED FOR IT, set up in wilson’s retreat????????? how often does Malice run this thing? Malice getting Henry to do her chores at least makes a little sense in that he’s doing things she didn’t particularly want to do herself (tho I agree with Mochi’s suggestion that it would’ve felt less arbitrary if it were made very clear afterwards that you had helped her get everything she needed to do her Boris Experiment), but what does she get out of this? If she’s enjoying making people squirm then there’s a distinct lack of squirming going on!!! Girl go back to unethical experiments that you’re in control of, that’s way more effective!! Her hint of a motive – Audrey is unique, the One That Came Out Right, and might be the key to Malice finally getting the perfection she craves – is ACTUALLY REALLY INTERESTING and works well with the story and plays into everything that’s going on with Audrey discovering her past, and for incomprehensible reasons it’s just kind of not really driving Malice’s actions here?
Anyway, this fun but baffling scene aside, the original reason I felt like Malice was sort of oddly written was the note you find from her:
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This is actually pretty compelling. Malice has always seemed Vanity Obsessed and to give her a reason that’s not just “i want to be pretty” but “so many doors are closed to me unless I’m gorgeous, so if I could Just Be Beautiful I could have the things I want most!” is a great insight… into a character who is not in Malice’s situation. You could roll with this – framing it as these feelings being left over from when she was human, and she’s not coherent enough now to logically think through the fact that “doors will open for you if you’re gorgeous” no longer applies to her in Ink Hell. But was that ever Susie’s motivation…? She just wanted to Be Alice. And you could so easily get to her Perfection Obsession through that – I really like the repeated “angels are beautiful” because it gets the closest to that idea, that she’s desperate to fix the dysphoria of Not Really Being Alice Angel, the thing she sacrificed everything for, and she’ll sacrifice and sacrifice until she has it again.
So, this all just feels like….. Like, the way Malice IS is great. She’s great. Her delivery is fun and of course we’re all thrilled about “honey”. But her actions don’t make much sense, and the reasoning and motivation we’re given feels less like “here’s what’s really going on in this character’s head, here’s what’s motivating her” and more like “here’s a motivation that could explain why someone wants to be beautiful so bad”. It’s kind of generic rather than growing out of Malice’s particular feelings and history; it’s just to the left – and overall, this whole thing kinda feels like they did their best to create some scenario to replicate Malice’s vibes from BatIM, rather than really trying to understand her character and what this situation would drive her to do. Unlike BatIM (where she just wanted your buddy), in this game she wants YOU, and it’s a shame they didn’t lean into that more!!
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delurkr · 1 month
i'm planning on writing daniel and angela from little hope and i was wondering if u could maybe describe their personalities because i struggle at doing that . . . *sits in chair* of course if u don't wanna do it that's fine !
NICE so hm ok.
One thing I believe with Angela is that she's always been naturally sharp in speech and quick-witted, but now she leans even harder into being very outspoken with her criticism because she felt stifled for so long during her marriage. She's just very done with pussyfooting around people's feelings, especially with people she doesn't respect, although when someone is actually being vulnerable with her she'll drop the prickliness (like when she listens and is encouraging when Andrew talks about himself).
Relatedly, I believe she's also people-smart but not likely to update her opinions about others very often. One of her main traits is Understanding, which I think primarily applies in the sense that she is perceptive, but also it's not wrong in the sense that she'll sometimes demonstrate understanding towards people (under the right circumstances like I said). She isn't always right about people's motives though, since she's biased to more or less think the worst of people.
She can be dramatic about minor things, which would kind of seem to contrast with her self-sufficient been-through-the-trenches old war dog persona that she pushes, but I think sometimes the overreacting about things like her shoes in the middle of a bad situation is part of the persona in a way, almost like she's carrying on as usual because she's so unfazed by the big things, if that makes sense. I see the drama as also being a deflection, because while she's happy to remind everyone that she's survived hardship she also doesn't tend to want to open up about the degree to which she's actually affected by it.
Lastly on her, I'll say that she has firm opinions on what's right and what's not (in the moral sense as well as just her personal preference) and that she tends to be an outspoken observer as opposed to wanting to get in the mix and actually change things, but she's driven to get things done when she sees a need for it.
Daniel is quick to react, doesn't put a lot of thought into what he does before doing it, and, I would say, isn't too self-conscious most of the time. He's not one to read between the lines on probably anything, so if he's feeling particularly insecure he'll question if he's a problem in whatever way is relevant in a given situation, but otherwise he'll probably be coasting clueless about any issues deeper than what he sees on the surface. I feel like more subconsciously he absorbs tension and gives out what he gets in most of his dynamics though, which plays into his Defensive trait which I'll get to.
He can be quite broody, and I'd say he's the one most likely to have mood swings, for which more often than not he'll be able to tell the reason why. Not because he's introspective (he's not), but he just doesn't really hold back on his emotions as soon as he feels them. He spends more time being generally even-keeled though because he's also pretty easy going (and therefore I believe easily underestimated, in-universe by Taylor specifically when she's toying with him in a negative arc, but also by players who think his character is bland). Other people being aggravating seems to roll off him without him holding anything against them, and it's specifically when things involve Taylor when he gets more upset, and also when he can't understand why people are doing the bad things they do, because he's very kind-hearted and doesn't like to see suffering.
His Defensive trait is interesting, because he can be quick to match people's energy and clap back when someone pushes him too far, but he kind of wears his heart on his sleeve anyway so I don't believe it's accurate to say he actually maintains a tough exterior. The other sense of the word is that he's defensive about what he sees as his, property and especially people and especially Taylor. (It's when Angela makes digs at Taylor that he gets upset with Angela, otherwise she doesn't really irritate him.) And he's sensitive to injustice and reacts to it reflexively, like he's often picking (and switching) sides to defend whoever he sees as the injured party during the game.
Relatedly I think there's a sense in which he often feels responsible for others and takes that seriously. He likes to lean into the "knight in shining armor" role (particularly with Angela and Taylor) whether or not anyone asked for it. He's pretty idealistic and likes something to fight for and measure up to, and unless he's down in the dumps himself, in which case he's not unlikely to drag others down with him, he's generally trying to bolster the others up and smooth things over. I don't believe he's mature enough to be good at it though, (link to previous statements about him matching tension), but he gets frustrated when his efforts aren't appreciated because he's probably doing all he knows to do. Last note that he's not naturally out to reinvent traditional things like gender roles in regards to his own behavior, which sometimes works in his favor and sometimes doesn't.
Those are some things that came to mind and as usual anyone is free to add on or explain why I'm wrong lol, but I hope there's something that helps ❤️
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kkbardd · 4 months
hi! popping in quickly.
I absolutely adore your artstyle and your ocs. their personalities and stories are always so interesting, and I look forward to seeing any type of art you post.
If you take a break from drawing asurei, that's completely okay!! doing things with joy is more important than just doing them. I will enjoy whatever you draw regardless— in fact, I regularly go back to that drawing of the unnamed pink haired girlfailure OC and her "friend" daily. i am mayhaps their number one fan.
please continue sharing your stories and ideas!! I adore your characters and designs so much. I am very excited for your toxic yuri freeloader/assassin story.. they are very interesting!!
also saw you did some dialogue in japanese.. do you speak it ? im quite interested in any language so.. apologies if this is off topic ><!
In any case, thank you for continuing to create. I love your art and hope you continue to draw what makes you happy and what you feel motivated to do. I love all your art regardless of subject matter!! in fact it convinced me to to start watching madoka magica :}
best wishes !! hope you're well!!
wahhh isopod !! u always send me the nicest asks when i need them most!! i hope ur doing well ~ although my last post sounded pretty depressing im actually doing pretty well too! im going to the aquarium next week w some friends so im looking forward to that more than anything >:D
I've been reading a lot of short yuri stories by Toyo Totan & Iwami Kiyoko lately and I'm excited to use that inspiration to improve some of my own OC stuff too! (I recommend 'Last Summer Vacation' !)
And yes I'm fluent in Japanese !! I'm actually an officer in my college's JP language community & I used to translate manga on the side !! I'm completely self-taught through videos though, so while my listening and speaking are fluent I actually suck at reading LOL I'm so bad that when I translated manga I'd use my camera's text to speech to do everything...
I'm a huge language nerd too! I watch a bunch of scientific videos/TED-Talks on how our brain learns languages and tips to learn things more efficiently! For example, apparently when you first start learning a language you should never try to speak it right off! If you try speaking before listening for a very long time, your brain just kinda solidifies your verbal pronunciation and it can have long-term effects on not only how you sound, but also how you HEAR sounds! This is also why some think that children learn languages better, because they spend a long time exposed to it while being non-verbal. I love this fact bc I kinda experienced it myself!
I spent about 2 years just watching JP translated videos of people speaking naturally (not videos aimed at foreigners, nor shows that have acting, more like vlog-type stuff!) and only started speaking when exposed to others who could speak it too ! Especially during COVID, I think I was pretty much spending ~80% of my day listening and thinking in Japanese so I was very immersed! And because of that, I'm a little famous in my community for having the best pronunciation 😤 Going to on a trip to Japan & translating for the people who went with me also boosted my confidence a lot! I'll never forget this guy at an izakaya who asked how many years I've been living in Osaka LOL ("three days actually!")
I think the biggest downside though is that once u learn another language, ur first language skills get bad.. i often think up half-sentences and sayings/metaphors in Jap that just sound wrong when you try to translate it back into Eng ;;; i sometimes trail off when i speaking because i forget the english word for certain things, but my friends are now just used to my weird metaphors so!
I went on such a long tangent!! But anyways!! Thank u for always sending me the sweetest asks, I always save them to my phone and I'm pretty sure all my friends know abt u bc I always show them the nice things u say 😭!! And yes!!! Madoka is so good, especially the movie so im excited ur gonna watch it!! I hope u like it!
and finally for their #1 fan <3 :
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fandomfluffandfuck · 17 days
Are you being completely truthful with your bio? You have a somewhat juvenile writing style even down to the ✨word✨ and your writing reference for male arousal is strangely written and a little inaccurate. Your obsession with objectifying and writing porn of real life men with wives and families makes you look like either a really creepy adult, or a kid that doesn’t know any better. Do you think it’s ok for a straight man your age to objectify a female actress in this same way?
Not to mention your pinned is from 2020 so you would have been 16 when you made the account that says “minors do not interact” in all caps
The mentions of collage are interesting as well, what the hell are you majoring in anyway? Did you forget to update your age and this is your last year? Or were you actually running an 18+ account while 16? And honestly I’m assuming you were probably younger.
Your alias is S.
You go by sir and but you use very cliché and juvenile language, “I’m more friendly than I look, I promise 😅” “I’m a dyslexic fanfic writer *existencial sigh*”
it’s got the same vibe as, “he’s standing right behind me isn’t he 😬”
Just don’t lie about this shit when you’re writing porn. You’re going to be prayed on. Just be safe with it and keep it on a private account.
I believe this ask and these following asks come from the same person or from affiliated people because they all were sent in around the same time and are all orbiting the same topics, so I'm looping them together:
"Hey man, how old are you exactly?"
"What r u studying? Writing I assume? But I feel like you’d be qualified to teach the class 😏"
"Are you planning on making an account solely for your art? You’re incredibly skilled"
"Do the names cate and Lillian mean anything to you?"
If they're not all the same person or a purposeful group of people talking about the same things, then I apologize to the people I've tacked on to discourse, lol.
Shorter asks first:
I'm in my twenties, and I'll explain the vagueness there in a hot second when I get to the longer, opening ask.
I'm actually studying art, not writing, lol. Writing is just a hobby for me. Thanks, regardless! I don't think I'd be very good at teaching, though 😅 My writing process is a mess, and I'm constantly breaking so, so many writing rules, lmao.
Thank you! No, I don't plan on making a separate art account for fandom or for my actual, non-sketch, finished-piece artwork. I mean, I have art accounts, but they're purposefully not attached to my Tumblr because art is a hobby right now, but I'm planning on making it into my profession.
No? Should they?
No? I'm so confused, lmao. Are you assuming you know who I am, and that's the motivation of the pointed questions? Assuming I'm Cate or Lillian? 'Cause I'm not. If they're people/characters related to the Marvel/Seb Stan/Chris Evans, then I feel like I need to warn you that I'm often fandom illiterate, lol. I don't actually watch TV/series/movies regularly, so... I'm oblivious to a lot.
Okay, on to the longer, opening ask that started this saga of asks.
First, I appreciate that you are trying to keep people out of harms way. I do. Yet, aren't there less accusatory ways to go about it? Absolutely, full stop, I do not want minors--no matter if they're 17, so close to 18 or whatever excuse they may make--in the parts of fandom that are not appropriate for them. No.
However, I, personally, don't think accusing someone of being something and talking down to them, picking apart each little thing about their online presence will do anything to anyone who is already engaging in shit that they should not be. Maybe that's just my hot take, though. I can't say I have the answer about how to eliminate minors who shouldn't be around these places on the internet, though. Unfortunately.
'Cause, yup! I'm being truthful.
Often, I am vague on purpose. I do that because, by the nature of what I get up to on the internet living in a society based so deeply in puritanical views, it's easy to have shit used against you in the professional world. But, whether I'm being vague with personal information like my age, name, location, etc. while getting hyperspecific with sexual shit, I'm still honest.
And I don't know if I need to specify this or not, but just in case I do, it says 20s with an s in my pinned post. Plural. As in 20-29, the range of being in my 20s. I'm in my 20s.
Yes, my pinned post is 4 years old at this point, so maybe I sound more juvenile in it because it's been four years since I wrote that. I have edited parts of it, but not everything. Also, yes, I was 18--closer to 19, but still 18, nevertheless--when I started my blog. So. More juvenile then, definitely. Hell, you're allowed to think I still sound juvenile, too. If you want. You're entitled to your own opinion. If you don't like the way I sound, though, just don't read my stuff. That's simple.
And it bleeds into the idea that I sound inaccurate. I am inaccurate sometimes. Definitely. Not everything I write could I replace myself with whatever character or person I'm writing about and feel like it is accurate to how I would feel or respond in that situation. But, the thing is, for me, that's the allure to porn. That's the whole thing. Porn is fantasy. The way I describe shit isn't literal all the time. It's about conveying feelings. It might not be your experience with feelings of arousal. Cool. Great! Differences are good. Feelings aren't objective. Again, if something about my writing makes you feel weird or feels too unrealistic to your experience, you don't have to read it.
As far as the ethics and nonethics of writing about real people, I've discussed that before (one, two, three), so I won't go into that now, but I would be interested to dig into your notion of how my actions may stack up comparatively to a straight man objectifying women.
I would call myself a feminist. I am always trying to learn more about how to be a better, more intersectional feminist. The swapping of me, a cis queer guy, sexualizing/objectifying other men with a cis straight man sexualizing/objectifying women does bring up very strong feelings in me. It does feel distinctly creepy to me. However, I can point directly to the reason why: it feels much more threatening for a man to talk about women like that. Obviously, not every man is terrible and means to threaten sexual violence to women, and women aren't delicate, helpless little things that must be protected at all costs. However, yeah, like you're getting at, it does feel different, and I have to sit with that to parse out why and what I want to do about it.
Interestingly, though, because of my experiences in the parts of the queer community I frequent, I feel relatively desensitized to mlm sexualization. Like, it's just part of it often, so much so that it goes unnoticed to me. Which, I can understand how people then pick up pitchforks and say no!! You can't do that! That's part of the problem! Or, why does everything have to be sexual with you!! But... that, to me, slides into the censoring, no-kink-at-pride type of discussion that I am not so interested in having at this juncture. There need to be spaces where children are welcome. Yes. There also need to be separate spaces where adults are allowed to be open and honest with all sorts of emotions, including the emotion of horny in a way that's safe and sane and consensual.
I will also note, because it feels worthy of mentioning here, that I have boundaries with sexualization. Real life and online life are different. I'm honest in both, but the rules and behavior are different, y'know? There's nuance to be had.
I don't talk outside of Tumblr the same way I do on Tumblr. Real life is very different to fandom etiquette. Which, I acknowledge that a lot of fandom--historically and presently--is women. Not totally, of course, but a good chunk. Women are objectified exhaustively in our society. So, personally, I feel that it is more than fair for them to then turn around and objective men some. Ever since getting into fandom, I've emulated that because it's the culture here. I've picked it up without really realizing it. Does that mean I feel like it's as fair for me, a man, to take up space in a traditionally women-populated area that's often described as a safe space and co-opt the slang? No. It's not really mine to adapt. Perhaps I should look into that deeper or acknowledge more than I do that I stand on borrowed ground.
Amongst that thought, though, is the realization that I don't talk the same offline because when I'm in the fandom space, I feel a little bit of my traditional socialization come undone. I'm a man. I was raised to crush down emotions and be strong and steady. Sure, I'm a 5'6" twink looking motherfucker, but I'm still a man, and still, strong emotions I might show in real life are met with confusion at best.
Strong emotions like anger or even noticeable, perky excitement when in public do not get a great response. Anger, understandably. I'm very aware of that. I'm not an angry guy, I grew up around a lot of angry people, I know it's frightening--especially when men get angry. I don't think I'm particularly threatening when I do get frustrated, but still, the few times I've been visibly upset like that around people in public, I can always feel women particularly shrinking away from me. It's just not acceptable. But, excitement. Even excitement or other positive emotions rouses discomfort from others in public.
If I express strong excitement or happiness to people who aren't my friends, people in public, I get reactions, too. Women tend to look at me strangely, as if there's something weird about me. That changes if I out myself to said women because it's more socially acceptable to be exciteable or positive if you're queer. Now, men brush me off in that situation. As a kid, that was not allowed because, what are you gay? Why? Why are you excited about anything? Pfft. That's for girls.
So, all is all to say, I don't talk the way I do on Tumblr. And perhaps that excitement/obvious horniness/whatever strong emotion that I do express on Tumblr comes across as juvenile or unmasculine to you. Maybe that's what you're picking up on with my apparently juvenile tone? I don't know.
That all sounds like I'm saying, poor me, it's so hard to be a man, feel bad for me, but what I'm doing is trying to explain where I'm coming from, why I express that way, and how it's different from my behavior in real life. You're still allowed to think I'm hypocritical and creepy, like I'm allowed to explain myself and do my own thing.
Again, I was 18 when I made my blog.
As for what I'm studying, I'm working toward an MFA right now. As it states in my pinned post, I'm dyslexic. Part of my journey in higher ed has been learning--trying to learn, at least, oof, it's not always going well--how to go easier on myself and not stress out over not being able to keep up all the time with my peers who aren't dyslexic. I'm trying not to feel dumber and feel like that's a terrible thing. So, I took a lighter class load when I got to college to go my own speed, I don't take summer classes, and then I fucked up shit with my transfer degree. Meaning, I'm a whole year, almost two, behind with the "average" track. That's why it feels like I'm stuck in college purgatory, lmao.
I use S because it relates vaguely to my real name, that's all.
I offer that people can use "sir" to refer to me because I, personally, like power dynamics in sex and my blog is about sex a lot. I don't feel like "daddy" fits me, sure, partly to do with my age, but really, daddy is a mindset, lol, and it strikes me as much more nurturing and romantic mindset/dynamic. I don't feel like that fits me. I like something stricter. I used to think I was a stone top, lol, and while I don't feel exactly like that anymore, I certainly don't feel as kinky-soft as "daddy".
Sure, that's maybe cliche to say. Cool. Personally, it doesn't strike me as juvenile, but clearly, it does to you, so... okay? I don't know what to do about that? It's just how I write.
Also, it's very amusing to me to accuse someone of lying while choosing to remain anonymous and disconnected from your own blog that, hopefully, contains your age/age range within it.
Reiterating: I think it's good that you want to keep minors out of the places they shouldn't be, I do. That's admirable. It's dangerous for the minors that do step foot in 18+ spaces as well as dangerous for well-meaning adults who unknowingly interact with minors masquerading as adults. But you're barking up the wrong tree.
You're welcome to say that writing this whole thing is defensive, clearly juvenile, and proves your point if you like. (Maybe, fine, I am a little offended to be told my smut sounds like a child wrote it because... yikes. So, I'm defending something there.) Still, I was interested in diving into some of the things you brought up 'cause I think about some of that a lot. Especially about my place in fandom as a guy. I try very hard not to be the creepy guy in the corner 😬
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sanpape · 1 year
hey! hey caeley!! i have a qastion for u if u don’t mind. i see you posting about fear and hunger a lot and i’m like 👀 cuz i do be liking rpgs and i do be liking horror…. could you tell me more about it without any spoilers? like, a bit about the gameplay, story, whether i need to get the first one to play… i googled a bit but i’m already running into spoilers so i was wondering if you could help out here since it seems to be an interest of yours?
Oooo you've come to the right place, I could talk about these games for hours dbsjsj
I'll be breaking this question down into two parts because the first and second games are sort of different beasts that appeal to different sensibilities? (Idk if that makes any sense)
Fear and hunger
f&h1 is a dungeon crawler rpg set in medieval England(?), Centering around the eponymous Dungeons of Fear and Hunger.
There are four playable characters which sort of fit into the classic "adventuring party" setup (a knight, a mercenary, a dark priest and an outlander) all of which have different reasons for coming to the dungeons. They all have vastly different play styles and that combined with the fact that nearly all the items in the game are found through rng AND the fact that rooms in the dungeon are randomly generated mean two people's playthoughs can look extremely different.
Gameplay wise, f&h forces the player to manage an ever dwindling sanity and health meter whilst fighting off various monsters with a j-rpg boss battle amputation mechanic. (Really though, every fight in this game is just as capable of killing you as the next, nothing is safe.)
I personally can't speak too much about the plot of the first game because I've never actually played it. But without spoiling anything, all the player characters are in the dungeon to find a man called Le'garde, the head of a mercenary group called the knights of the midnight sun who's trying to ascend into godhood.
Everyone has varying motives with what they want to do to Le'garde once they find him, the knight wants to smooch him, the outlander wants to kill him, the dark priest wants to know why Le'garde gets to ascend to godhood and not HIM (the vastly cooler, sexier, more religious person), and the mercenary just wants to get some cash to feed his family (I guess? I'm not totally sure)
Fear and hunger: Termina
Termina is the sequel to f&h1. It's set 700 years after the first game in post WW2 Prague. Which is a wild jump in time and space. But anyway.
In termina, you play as one of 8 playable characters: A doctor, a journalist, a boxer, a botanist, an occultist, a runaway soldier, a mage and a mechanic. The game starts with the player on a train to the city of Prehevil after having weird dreams about the moon forcing them into a battle royale style death game over the course of 3 days. When the player awakens, they find that their train is stranded in the forest on the outskirts of town and that the other passengers have had the same dream. Just when things couldn't get worse, the players find that the towns people have been struck by some weird illness, causing them to mutate into... Well. Several things? It's a surprise.
Gameplay functions very similarly to the first game, except without the randomly generated rooms. In fact, termina is pretty much devoid of dungeons all together. It's mostly just exploring a really fucked up city. It's kind of like if pathologic and silent hill had a j-rpg baby.
General recomendations and closing thoughts
1) read up on the warnings before you play the game, I'm pretty desensitized to horror but these games don't pull any punches and some of the more triggering content makes them uh... Sort of hard to recomend? Which is a shame because if you can look past it, they're insanely fun.
2) don't be afraid to pull up a guide, sometimes it's worth getting a little spoiled over.
3) I personally don't think you need to play the first game if dungeon crawlers don't appeal to you, but that's just me.
4) if you haven't already, check out zuldim's video on the games. It's pretty much spoiler free and does a way better job of explaining what's going on with these games than I ever could. I haven't even scratched the surface of all the gods, rituals and religions this game basically runs on.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Could u go more into how Nico would be the villain in relation to this ask https://www.tumblr.com/yonemurishiroku/716941674120724480/jason-had-a-rendezvous-with-percy-before-his
I’m deeply fascinated by what u seem like o be implying
JAAksda pal you have no idea how much this ask delights me. Finally, a chance for me to ramble.
Ok. So.
The idea of this story is that Jason and Percy have a daughter before Jason dies, and years later, the girl embarks on a quest to find her other father. Why, you ask? Idk LMAO I just need her to do that so that I can put Nico in it.
Before that, though, I just want to make it clear that - imo, an antagonist doesn't have to be a villain. Generally, an antagonist is anyone whose goal(s) contradicts to those of the protagonist(s) - regardless of who is the right one. This is more common in seinen mangas (where the characters tread the line of good and bad as if it doesn't exist), though I guess it might be new/rare in mainstream children entertainment (?).
Anyway. So. Where does Nico fit into all of this?
As explained, if it's up to me, I want Nico to be the one hindering Jason and Percy's daughter on this quest to find her father. He's the antagonist because he does not wish the girl to reach Jason himself.
This sounds ridiculous, I know, I know. I have my fair share of saving/resurrecting-Jason!AU as well, but this AU though. Just hear me out.
My peculiar (and uncomprehensible) interest aside, Nico lost both his mother and his sister (sisters if you count Hazel, and you should, rlly) to the gods, and a large portion of his story is about how he overcomes said lost, especially Bianca. Half of his story is grief personified. He understands most what grief feels like and how disastrous it can be.
Seriously, you would think Nico would emphathise the most to Jercy's daughter (now named Dora bc I just found anon's latest ask ajsdhkja) - especially considering Jason mattered a lot to him, too.
But the thing is, Nico has learnt how to let go.
And how important it is to let go.
That's the whole thing, really.
Nico knows the horrible things grief can do to its bearer. He experienced it himself. It's love, and mayhaps pity, in a way, that Nico wishes Dora to move on from a father she has never known, just so she wouldn't end up lost like he has done so many years ago.
Moreover, since this AU is set in a future timeline and I always picture Nico as a die-hard follower/ lovechild of the Underworld, Nico - like Hades - wouldn't wish a demigod to come trashing their land for a deceased loved one. It's against the law - and to hell with it if I'm not making Nico Hades' executor or law enforcer.
So, Nico has every rights and reason to stop Dora.
That's what Nico would tell Dora for you.
I, the personification of madness I am, would like to add a hidden motivation, though. I don't know what it's called, but I suppose it's Nico's coping mechanism and in a way, jealousy. To Dora, that is.
In TOA, Nico didn't even try to summon Jason for a closure (no thanks to you, Rick). I don't like it either but let's just take this as Nico has found his own closure. He learnt how to lick his wounds and patch himself up, in which he finds relief.
How, do you think, Nico would feel to have someone come tearing that down?
Tbh this is a lot of things to unpack.
Firstly, Nico's grief for Jason - which he himself had buried deep down for his own sake - is pried open upon seeing Dora demands for her father purely out of love.
Secondly, Nico's feelings of incapability when he failed to savage Jason's lif - now resurfaces full force with how Dora (supposedly) fights for her father. And the jealousy accompanying it.
Are you with me? I'm talking about that feeling when you realize that, though a slim chance, there might have been hope after all - but you let it slip away because you're just incapable. It's all your fault.
And now, when another has come to seize that chance, claiming the hope you've forsaken as savable, you just don't want to admit it. You want to prove it to be futile, just so you don't have to live with the self-blames.
Ok, that concludes the motivation. As of How Nico as the antagonist would be like, ngl I have a bunch of ideas and none of them makes sense LMAO. Though, if there's anything I want to cement, it's that 1/ Nico has no direct ill-intent towards the daughter; and by that I mean 2/ he's a terrifying enemy anyway.
The first one because obviously. Nico isn't a bad person. Different goals, that's for sure, but he means Dora no harm. Nico just wants Dora to let go of Jason and get the idea of resurrection out of her head.
Also she's literally Percy's child and idk maybe Hazel's, Piper's, Annabeth's god-daughter. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Hazel would skin Nico alive if he hurts the girl more than necessary. 💀
The second one is more fascinating (at least, in my mind, lmao). There're actually so much to this:
Strenght-wise, Nico di Angelo is terrifying.
That's canon and there's nothing that could change it. I mean. Literally. Son of Hades. Prince of the Underworld. Hades' nepotism. The Underworld at his beck and call. He himself is a resilient and powerful demigod borderlining on deity. I've talk too much about this. Srsly What's more would you need?
Sure Jason and Percy's child have her own disastrous powers (being the child of both heaven and sea does that to you), but Nico has one thing Dora can never match: experiences. Percy, the greatest swordmen of their generation, can teach his daughter every move. But Nico has his own set of skills honed through years of just being a son of Hades with a bunch of dead heroes. And that's without the at least 10-12 years generation gap between him and a legacy. Nico has his advantages.
And he doesn't hesitate to use them.
Plot-wise, Nico has many ways to affect Dora.
The first is that Nico understands Dora's motivation. Too much.
As I've mentioned, Nico is the first one who understands what it feels like to lose a family member to the divine forces. He also lost his memories of his mother, Maria, which makes his situation a littlle more similar to Doras's than necessary. He understands Dora's reason, her wishes and her drive.
And it's so much easier to predict one's movements when you know where they're heading, what drives them forward.
Another thing is their family tree. Basically: Nico is a friend of Percy's and even a closer friend of Jason's, which presumably enables him to watch their child closely, thus see through them easily.
Do you know how difficult it would be to fight someone who has been watching you grow up, knowing your weaknesses, your limits, remembering things about you that you yourself can't recall? Nico knows even Jason, the father Dora has never known yet could kill to meet.
And what's more is that all of these^^^ just so happens to align oh so perfectly to Nico's manipulativeness. Really, this just feels unfair lmao.
See. This is why I adore Nico as the antagonist, especially in the specific AU. Nico has all the potentials of a formidable enemy to Jason and Percy's daughter, and I haven't even moved to the part about what Nico-Percy&Jason dynamic can provide.
Because Nico's still basically their family's friend, as long as he doesn't go overboard with Dora, he can just... literally come to their dinner, for example, and act as if he wasn't threatening Dora and his presence is his own warning to her.
Dora could walk out of her room and see Nico sitting there, amongst other guests of the gathering, in her house. His eyes find her efforlessly and pin her to the wall just as easily. When he voices his disapproval of Dora's intentions, he doesn't even flinch under Percy's harsh interference. In fact, Nico and Percy proceed to have a near-brawl across the dining table over Jason Grace, and then Bianca di Angelo, and then Jason Grace again. Dora has never seen her father that furious and it scares her. Dora has never seen anyone capable of being so calm, so cold in front of his angry father, and this Nico scares her, too. It's Aunt Thalia who ultimately brakes them off, with the help of Hazel and Annabeth. Before Nico leaves, though, he looks straight into Dora's eyes, and just his hardened gaze promises millions of challanges waiting for her on the way to her father. And challenge her he did. Nico has all the connections he needs to hold Dora down until she gives up, and he plans to use them all up if he has to. Percy doesn't like the Underworld. Dora has never understood it when Aunt Hazel is so nice, so kind to her or everyone. She sees it now - in many horrific creatures Nico has sicced on her and in his sad, sad eyes and his cold, cold voice. Nico comes to her after each challenge - never one to hide his intentions of sabotaging, sick check-ins to see if Dora's will has crumbled. He tells her to give up, Would Jason want this?, that You'd think I have tried before, and You are not the only one who loves him so much. He coaxes and he threatens just as much. Years of being an ambassador and dealing with whining ghosts makes him excellent at pursuing. Each and every time, his words weigh more on Dora's childishly mind. The Underworld sips away her strengh and Nico's quiet heavy voice draggs her down, down, down...
You might be wondering where the adults are.
Percy, her father, has always grown tense when it comes to one Nico di Angelo. He would fight for the love of his life, though. And yet, Jason has always been close to Nico's heart. Not as close as Percy's, but Nico makes it up with love to spare. Aunt Thalia seems just as eager to bring Jason back as Dora and Percy. Nico fights her just as fiercely, if not even more. They have their own problems to deal with. "You don't get to abandon your brother twice and then demand him return!"
Hazel, Will and Reyna are the only ones who hold a slim chance of changing Nico's mind as they're the only ones close enough, yet that's also what makes them emphathise with him more than Dora would like. They'd help Dora if she needs, but they wouldn't interfere when it all comes down to it. In fact, Hazel tried, once - only because she was resurrected by Nico - and it ended up angering Nico further. No one wants a repeat of that. Leo help Dora tremendously, and Nico asks him "Making up for all those months you were warming it up with your girlfriend whilst he was searching the world for you?" Piper and Apollo try their best, until Nico looks at them with a resentment that makes his shoulders tremble and his laugh burst out maniacally, "Did you forget it was your lives that Jason traded his own for?" The revelation left Dora reeling.
Srsly this AU is just a pure delight.
Anw, if I were to write this, I honestly wouldn't know how to put an end to the story.
I mean, I love Antagonist!Nico. I also want Jason to meet his daughter, but I know that you're not allowed to meet dead loved ones lest you stray further from life. I also don't have any morals when it comes to fictionals.
So like. Who do I want to win? I honestly don't know lmao.
But I want Dora to defeat Nico.
Mainly because I find it a spectacular sight when Nico falls on his knees and confessing his petty motivation - that of the jealousy and insecurities blah blah I've mentioned above - whilst letting out every ounce of grief turned malice he has been forcing down since Jason's death.
And Dora's love for her father would triumph them all. And hopefully, she can save both - in a way I have yet to thought of bc all I want is antagonist!Nico lmao.
Anywayyyyyyy this is such a delight to write all of this down when I have at least 5 fanfics sitting in the drafts LOL AJsKHDAKSdh THANKS A LOT FOR THE CHANCE. 🥺🥺🥺 I'm so glad I can share my Antagonist!Nico agenda and someone's willing to listen lmao i thought i was the only one.
Hope you enjoy!
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stanfordsweater · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday to you and yours!! if you had to point to one single canon scene that exemplifies why wincest is so powerful and engaging and worth thinking about as much as we all clearly think about it, which scene would you pick?
okay so of course i could take the easy route and point to any scene in the first 3-4 seasons, because i have at least one moment in every episode from that era. HOWEVER. there is one that i believe trumps them all, and that moment is [pause for drumroll]
i don’t think this will be a controversial choice 😅 still, there’s a reason that this scene is at the top of a lot of people’s lists, and that’s because of what a great job it does to bring together a ton of threads from the previous episodes and lay them all plain, while also giving us one of dean’s Iconic Moments of Vulnerability™️ AND being a great example of how to write conflicting character motivations between two people who love each other. sam and dean are both heartbroken in this scene, but they’re both sticking to what they want.
one thing i find really interesting about it is how sam, the optimist, starts talking about “getting back to real life” to cheer dean up, as a way to get them both battle-ready and distract them from the possibility of dying in the next few hours. what’s always really drawn me to sam and dean is the way that their intrinsic motivations get in the way of them having a smooth relationship-- that conflict is catnip to me, and it’s something we get a TON of in season one. sam brings up what comes next because he’s genuinely trying to calm dean, but in doing so he brings up his worst nightmare because he doesn’t know!!! he doesn’t know!!! we don’t even explicitly know that sam leaving for stanford was dean’s worst night of his life until dark side of the moon, although he makes it pretty obvious in this scene. then we have dean revealing the only thing he wants for himself, which is having his family together. (and i find it really interesting how sam’s silhouette cleaves the sentence in half, placing “you, and me” separately from “and dad.”) you can see on sam’s face how much he wants dean to let himself have one thing when he asks him what it is, but dean’s only wish here is sam’s worst nightmare-- to be trapped in this life forever, stuck following john’s orders, and seeing them die violent and bloody.
i also love how this scene carries on sam’s theme of committing himself to dean while still chafing against him (”you’re my brother, and i’d die for you, but some things i need to keep to myself.” “dean, that guy was probably gonna die anyway.” “i’d do anything for you, but things will never be the way they were before.”) it’s laying the groundwork for the next [checks calendar] LITERALLY 14 SEASONS. this theme just keeps coming up, and every time it does it comes in a different form. it’s so clear even just from this scene how much sam would do for dean and how little he can conceive of a life together-- flash forward to season nine and you have sam who can only conceive of a life with dean and can’t handle the things they’ll do for each other. mmmmm.
THEN we have sam’s face after dean’s done flaying himself open, and that mix of love and pity and misery is fodder for thousands of fics. the way dean’s eye twitches right before he says “could be.” the weird undercurrent of desperation that shouldn’t be present in a conversation between two brothers about living with their father forever. the way dean can’t even look at sam while he’s explaining himself. sam’s rock solid response, knowing what it will do to dean and knowing it needs to be said. U G H
fantastic. 10/10. i wish i had been on livejournal the night this episode dropped. i hope everyone involved got a million dollars for this.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years
What would be your ideal dynamic for wanda and vision in a current comic? I like both characters and I appreciate their relationship in the past but I don’t like the thought of them being together again (not just because of Jericho but because of all the baggage). I wish they could be good friends. They have a history but it’s not who they are
Well, I definitely don't want them to get back together as a couple. There are many reasons, but in terms of Wanda's characterization, I think that it would undermine her growth and maturity.
Wanda's publication history is pretty clearly divided into two periods-- before Disassembled/House of M, and after. Her character, post-HoM, has been defined by regret and trauma in way that she never really had been before, with her primary motive becoming redemption. The traumatic events and the layers of sexism, ableism, etc. in her writing had been adding up for years before Disassembled, but that event took things to an unprecedented level of cruelty, in both the treatment of the character, and in the message it sent about... basically everything Wanda represents.
In my mind, the only way to move forward from that is to textually acknowledge and interrogate all of the ways in which that storyline was messed up. That still hasn't happened, at least not in a way that is fully satisfying to me, but writers have certainly tried. I think, for Wanda, the most important thing is to let her acknowledge the injustices that she was subjected to, and show that she has chosen to seek healing and restitution.
In other words, she needs to have a marked shift in growth and maturity. She cannot ever be the same person she was in the 70s, 80s, or even the 90s. To be clear, Wanda's redeemed herself several times over, but I believe that the weight of her experiences and the strength gained from her survival need to remain at the core of her characterization, especially for all of her recent magical prowess and personal victories over her past abusers-- namely Chthon-- to feel earned.
Obviously, it should be possible for a character to reunite with an old lover and lose all of their personal growth, but this is Marvel Comics. Characters cycle back to older character treatments, older relationships, even older personalities all the time. I mean, a huge part of the early Krakoa era was about gently resetting characters to their most evergreen iterations. That's fine, it's part of the medium, but I think Wanda needs to stay out of that cycle, and I just don't have faith that the writers and editors will be able to put her and the Vision together without giving into nostalgia, to say nothing of the M C U synergy.
I have loads of other objections, but here are the main two--
1) Wanda and Vision have a ton of recent baggage, from just the last decade. Vision was cruel to her in AvX; he went through something very heavy and traumatic with Virginia, which was also kind of messed up for Wanda; and— this is the big one— they were mutually raped in Secret Empire. The text does not properly acknowledge that fact, but that's because Secret Empire was a really fucked up book in the first place.
2) I think the fact that Wanda and Jericho's relationship never got any serious page time or development after Uncanny Avengers is a crying shame, and I think that it is in part due to racism. Breaking them up before they get their time to shine would be a huge disappointment, and I feel like doing it so unceremoniously just to pander to Wanda//Vision fans, let's be honest, would feel kinda antiblack. To me! I'm just saying!
Tumblr media
Anyways, here's Vision, Wanda, and Jericho (& Clint!) having a lunch together in Avengers: No Road Home. They're pals, Wanda and Vision are friendly exes who care about each other a lot, but they're just very different people from who they were back when they were together. That is exactly how I want their dynamic to be written in the upcoming Avengers.
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
2, 13, 18 for the writer asks!
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
oooh. i think there are some standard sci-fi tropes that i tend to enjoy, even if theyre not rly sci-fi-y in genre. time loops, time travel... maybe i just wanna do something timeywimey haha
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
i love when you send me questions you already know the answer to LOL. god i feel like i say this a lot but its so formative to me!!! but i had a professor in journalism school who would ask, "what is the story about?" and we'd answer like w the general synopsis, and then he'd be like, "ok, but what is it ABOUT?" and the answer there is more about the purpose of the work. like, ok, the story is about andrew and neil getting tipsy in a hotel room, but it is ABOUT showing a v specific way they've been able to grow & heal with each other. you know?? and i don't think all writing NEEDS to be rooted in something so concretely thematic, but for me at least, it's always helpful to come back to the foundations of my story whenever i get stuck. and also keeps me motivated -- i like always having an answer to "why am i even writing this??"
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
kati u are literally so silly. see above. ANYWAY. for short stuff i usually have a bullet point situation but then i just kind of blurt a draft out. for long stuff, i need a really in depth outline because once i get in there im just a lost soul gripping the railing as i try to stumble to the end.... so i set goals for what i want the characters to experience, then i build scenes and plot thatll show those things, then i add whatever scenes i need for pacing/mood/tone/etc. then i throw all that at scene-by-scene outline (sometimes separated out into acts, just to keep me sane). i am pretty strict with myself about following, bc when im in the middle im not good at thinking abt the big picture. so if i hit a wall a bunch of times then i have to throw everything off my desk and re-analyze the entire outline before i change things lol. SO. outline? yes? WORKSHEET? no its chaos over here lol
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seiwas · 6 months
hi selly belly !!! aaa i’m so sorry it’s been so long since i dropped by :((
ok so. first question. ab bakugo this time :3
if bakugo were to take someone out on a date, someone he REALLY likes, where is he taking them? bc i am 100% positive he is doing every piece of research he can into what his person likes so he can take them out on a rlly nice first date :(( TELL ME ALL UR THOUGHTS
second…opinions on dabi. because i’m afraid to say i just got back into mha and even more afraid to say my dabi phase may be coming back jahdkwjdkaksk i am not ok pls save me
AANYWHOODLES !!!!! have some snackies for ur day 🍙🍦🍡🍪 i hope spring is springing for u !!!
hello my dear emu!! there’s no need to apologise at all!! 🥺 i hope you’ve been well 💗 i am sharing the snacks with you!! and hoping spring is wonderful for you as well 🥺
and a question abt bakugo omg 🥹🥹🥹
i’m torn between bakugo just. not being able to take someone he really likes out bc he refuses to let them know of his feelings vs. him, like you said, doing everything perfectly 🥺
to be in a somewhat middle, i like to imagine this as bakugo trying to squeeze in some time for you despite his hectic as hell schedule 🥺 and you’re right, he plans everything based off what you like (a bunch of the cliche stuff too, because he thinks that’s what he’s supposed to do—flowers, nice dinner, etc.) BUT. i like to put him in situations 😈 so. i think ALLL his plans go out the window 😭 a last minute call to deal with an emergency a few blocks down, or something holding him up at the agency and he just absolutely CANNOT avoid it.
i think he feels TERRIBLE about it afterwards, and tries to make it up to you straight after—but i like to think that you’d be understanding enough to bring the date to HIM later on instead 🥺 takeout dinner in his office when he’s fixing paperwork maybe, or in a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant by an alleyway nearby after he’s finished debriefing with the police.
the thing with bakugo is—i think he’s really attentive and thoughtful, and that shows in his romantic gestures but not in the grand ways 🥺 i think doing that is a bit out of his comfort zone 🥺 he’ll swap your bell peppers for his cucumbers when you aren’t looking, though (because you told him once that you prefer the latter over the former) & he’ll sit closest to the entrance of the restaurant because he knows you feel cold easily.
as for dabi!!! the deeper stuff under the cut but the new stills ? teaser ? IDK BUT I SAW GIFSETS/PHOTOS OF HIM RECENTLY FOR THE NEW SEASON I THINK AND I WAS LOOOOOSING IT OMFGBJSNZJS i was never a dabi fucker truly but those stills Got Me. My God. He looked SO GOOD sksknzj rivalled shouto even holy shit HANAJABAH
but anyway!!!! i have tons of complex feelings for him, none of them bad. just that i feel really sad about his character a lot 🥺 i think there are things he’s done that are inexcusable but understandable (idk if that makes sense)—but in a way, i really like how you can clearly explain his actions and motives through the things that have happened to him.
he’s an interesting character to think about and i wonder what he’d be if things had been different 🥺 i also wonder a lot about redemption, if it’s still possible etc etc. i hope his character arc ties up nicely in the end 🥺
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serotoninny · 2 years
Hey- hi. My sister and I grew up playing Super Paper Mario constantly. I would absolutely love to hear any and all thoughts you would like to share pls and thank you!!
wanted to start off by saying Holy Shit!! spm was a video game me and my sister also played growing up!! we never beat it back then but recently she came home and got me hooked on it again and we played it all the way thru. we also did fun little voices for each character I got to be dimentio so that was very fun ^__^ i think Objectively its not a very hard game (which is why we were able to beat it LMAO) but what it lacks there it makes up for in STORY and super strong characters and i adore it so
IF ANYONE!! ANYONE wants to respond to anything ive said in this word soup of a post PLEASE DO!!! in the tags in the comments i just like seeing ppl talk abt whatever the hell about spm. Head canons Theories You name it
this is . a little scattered around. u do not have to read all of this but thank you for giving me an excuse to talk abt spm VVV
first of all themes of love being the answer make me wanna bawl my eyes out and i gotta be real i did tear up at the end of the game when blumiere and timpani have bounding through time ost playing and then walk out of frame. CHEFS KISS. lovely. i like how each chapter the gang goes thru has its own unique little set of townspeople and even thru little bits of dialogue u are left wanting to defeat the chaos heart even more because you dont want any of them to die YK? HEAVENS TO BETSY! THE DIALOGUE OPTIONS FOR RIGHT BEFORE CHAPTER 8 FOR ALL THE PEOPLE IN FLIP/FLOPSIDE?? SHIT HURTED. npc reactions to all the shit going on were so good
one thing i WISH happened tho was. mario and luigi Sibling Love (i mean this platonically i want to specify Just in case there are any weirdos out there) Helps Save The World. i get the whole count bleck mansion part where everyone started sacrificing themselves to save the others which means they care for one another n whatnot which is good great and fantastic However i think it wouldve been COOL to see the whole gang esp the two opposing forces of Mario (prophesized hero color red) and luigi (prophesized Man In Green to contain the chaos heart and destroy the world) contribute to the reformation of the pure heart like some sorta balance between light n dark . BUT ITS FINE i love the game anyway because its probably the longest bowser luigi mario and peach have ever been on the same team
and completely unrelated, the entire premise of luigi being the harbinger of a great world ender is ALWAYS a joy. a fun little recurring gag if you will. like i cant believe this is not the only time he was the vessel for a great evil like what is up with that. every day i think abt that one luigi post abt how he's Doomed By The Narrative TM to be the Evil Twin Brother but he just chooses not to be. never not thinking abt that ever. hes so haunted by like literally everything got separated and brainwashed fought his brother aided in the destruction of the sammer guy world Died went to hell KOed spm satan got revived became GOD then saved the world. and he is some middle aged man in striped socks
MR L. GOD. that fucking guy. hes so lame. i like him so much. his theme goes SO hard in the silliest way imaginable. and i also like how even when he is brainwashed its kinda obvious he still wants mario around (see: brobot, the replacement brother). they fr tapped into luigis need to be useful and used that as is motivation to work for the count. yeowch. mr l to me is just luigi but Lots of parts of him just locked up and forgotten (plus a little minor bit of oh i dont know straight up brain manipulation, nastasia is a force 2 be reckoned with fr) Duno if im making sense here . anyway mr l is so so so hilarious to me because his one liners are so so dumb and i think the gag abt no one recognizing him is FUNNY (EVEN IF i think at least mario SHOULDVE recognized him but WHATEVS).
all of count blecks minions are . SUCH a fun little group. and while dimentio didnt give a fuck about them i still love his dynamic as the court jester whos a little bit of a bitch. the origins of them joining the group are very interesting because ochunks mimi and nastasia had been at their lowest when bleck recruited them and dimentio was like. let me in your emo band. ochunk's warrior code is something i think about a lot. he doesnt got a lot behind the eyes but hes got values he sticks to and i like that a lot in a character. him and mimi do spa days
bleck as a character makes me wanna chew through my walls. in a good way. guys who are slipping and dont want to get back up and bringing everything else down with them are fun and that is all. bonus! he still gets to be Somewhere quiet after the story's over
dimentio has to be my fave of the goons (not counting mr l). not surprising because hes just. so. ...... He is the Way That He Is. his little similes are so stupidly funny for no reason and i think being a Silly Guy and also a Guy With Ulterior Motives are the two funest traits a character can have. His ambiguous past is so interesting like yes bitch hide behind the mask keep cards up your sleeve dont let them know your next move!! something interesting i read somewhere was that. even after luigi the chaos heart and dimentio were separated that there were bits still mixed up between them, linking them not only prophetically but on the atomic level is a headcanon im tucking close into my heart . terrifying as it is super fucking rad !! luigi cannot escape the harbinger of doom allegations
dimentio and luigis entire dynamic is the best thing ever. because dimentio is a goddamn weirdo and luigi is. and i cannot stress this enough. JUST a fucking GUY. luigi is like "ill stop you you ne'er do well!" and dimentio responds with "im killing us both<3ciao!" why does every luigi villain wanna be no children mountain goats with SO BAD. they should keep doing it
god. the way mario is the mc and barely has a role in most of the story other than being The Hero of the Light Prognosticus is both a little annoying and also kinda sick /pos. annoying because mario is one of my faves and i want him to participate in the story more (not really a diss on the writing i just like him) but also kinda sick because . the way everyone in the game talks abt the hero from the prophecy is so. soooooooooooo. god. like everyone in favor of all worlds Not Ending preparing THOUSANDS of CENTURIES in advance just for mario to arrive. Pixls were locked in boxes and hidden away WAITING for him and its like. if he could talk back. i wanna know how he thinks abt all this. because throught the entire story You as the player kinda fuck things up for people in pursuit of the pure hearts. and mario cant rly SAY anything abt it cus its not Really his story, but MAN. what i would give for a little development on his end of the lineup during a few points like 'wilting' king croacus, figuring out squirps is now orphaned because he had to stay alive long enough to help the heros, Luvbis Entire Deal, and figuring out mr l was luigi all along. SIGH
i dont know much about the pixl war, but all of that lore is so cool to look into. ive got like surface level knowledge. even then i only rly care abt the history when im thinking abt the personalities of the pixls themselves. cus like they get their little moment in the spotlight and then they Never speak Again. dottie and cudge and fleep are some of the more memorable ones for me and i wish it was possible to hear more of them. but alas
squirps. :( in my heart. in my heart and soul. bowser takes squirps under his wing. forms an alliance with his kingdom (assuming. squirps takes over from where his mom left off). peach would of course also form an alliance with him. IDK. squirps is the Only One out of every major side character in the game who didnt really get a happy ending. while not everyone NEEDS one i think he deserves one. and in my perfect world he is being guided by two more experienced rulers (bowser isnt doing much in terms of teaching him good diplomacy but he sure as hell is getting him to hang out with kids his age like Jr).
bowser was so funny this whole game. love when evil guys get domesticated a little. thats all about him
PEACH. PRINCESS PEACH. god i love her. the way she was the only person to resist nastasias brainswashing AND her fucking umbrella is the most cracked defense in the World. blowing a kiss to the wind. for peach
ok so i cant think of anything else to say and i havent proofread this. if YOU, dear viewer, love super paper mario i need you to never shut the fuck up ever. there are like 12 of us
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regretisstoredintheme · 9 months
HI OMG!!! IT'S YOU I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND YOU AGAIN HIIII!!! You are so awesome I'm so happy you exist please continue existing argahhrhs I remember sending an ask a long time ago and you replying so nicely and making me happy and I have not forgotten about you since (I forgot ur username but also I forget my own birthday so like/lh) rahrah I hope that's not weird m sorry if it is I uhhh
Neeways for the asks thing!! If if you're still taking (idk when u reblogged it I didn't see)
what made you start your blog?
tell a story about your childhood
what’s some good advice you want to share?
Pls have the greatest day and have a very good year this year (im manifesting it this is a threat/silly)
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Thank YOU for existing 😭😭 I’m literally nothing w/o you guys I love you so much — which ask we’re you if you don’t mind me asking??? :0 I don’t remember a lot of my works BFJBSJS
anyways! Answer time!
what made you start your blog?
I started it because I had been talking to a mutual on another account I believe? In any case @tmntxthings is a huge reason why I had the guts to post my stuff :(( ❤️❤️ they were a huge support and even gave me ideas for my first post: Leo x ShyFelineReader. They are AWESOME and you should check em out >:)
share a childhood story!
Ooo boy… which one should I pick? Alright. I don’t remember a lot from my childhood, but this one’s pretty funny in hindsight.
in 5th grade, I was definitely the “everyone needs to act their age” kid.. it wasn’t cute but anyway— one day when I was playing on the playground I noticed a little spider in the wood chips. I bent to look at it and a few girls surrounded me to see what I was looking at. They freaked out upon seeing the spider but I insisted I just wanted to help it and attempted to scoop it up.
just then, a shoe comes out of nowhere and steps on the spider (and, effectively, my fingers.)
now I have a huge respect for life, so my teachers pet looking ass stood up and shoved this girl. Not like pushed — like SHOVED. “That’s an innocent creature! This is his home! It WAS at least— how would you have liked it? How would you like it if I squashed you and left you to die!?” Looking back I was intense asf as a little 12 y/o but eventually I ran off after scaring the shit out of this girl.
I… ended up apologizing once my favorite teacher’s aid had us talk to each other but STILL BADASS FOR A TEACHERS PET WHO DIDNT GET IN TROUBLE FOR ANYTHING!
what’s some good advice you’d like to share?
honestly? For someone who’s just starting out as a writer, especially a fanfic writer, here’s what I got.
Write your favorites. Nothing quite like writing what you want to give you motivation. Have an idea? Go! Do it right now! Write the dumbest version! Build the skeleton that will build your life. It’s worth getting over the hurdle of just… starting.
Don’t do requests you don’t want to. take this with a grain of salt, but you’re never going to please everyone. It can be great to get out of your comfort zone and try new things with new characters, but if you’re just starting out? Stick to the ones that make you excited, the ones that make you think “that’s such a good idea!” Or “I know just the setting for that!” And take the idea and run with it!! Most tumblr users don’t even expect their ask to be answered.
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theoutlawfaleena · 1 year
Hey there! 👋 Not sure if this account is still used by you 🥹 but I wanna share some brainrot anyway. 😊
I dislike how COD manages to rot my brain every few months 🙄 and is then not quiet, but silent for another few months 😶‍🌫️ so I apologise for being here and not being here sometimes. 🫠👍
By the way, this brainrot is a mix of tiktok headcanons and my own. 🤝
Alright; I was thinking a bit about König in the past week. 🥰 Yk, think of him as a character that isn't an infant that constantly needs help. 🤠 So, what's the opposite of a school kid? You guessed it, a murderer! 😌
Now before you think: "Zombie-Anon, what the fuck are you talking about??" 😳 Let me arrange the rest of the pictures. 😉e
In König's backstory, bullying plays quite a big role 😤 and I think he joined the military at the age of 17 (either canonically of some other tumbler theorised that) which ain't common in Austria. 🇦🇹⛰️🍻
So... what if the bullying got so bad 😟 that he snapped one day and either did kill one bully or simply attempted to do it. 🫢
Now, based on what my sister just told me, this would result in teenjail, some massive amount of rehabiliation and therapy and probably no entry into the military... 😬 but since this is Call of Duty I'm gonna ignore that. 😎
Or if we do want to stay realistic, 🤔😥 König 100% has murderous thoughts. Stop supervising him and he'll strike at whoever he's mad at. 🤩 This man is filled with rage, murder, metal and the ability to kill casually. 👍
And since it has been some time, I have fully stopped working on my Zombie-AU simply because I've got no motivation for that anymore. 🥲 Instead I've been reworking a COD OC of mine, whose really slaying now 😏 and I have no idea how I was able to create the thing I made at the very beginning?? She was bland, had an uninteresting backstory and no spice whatsoever. 😒 I also created an OC that's like, sort of the opposite of her snd he slays a lot as well. 😌
I love traumatised characters, they're my favourite flavour.
Signing off, Zombie-Anon. 🧟💛
oh my gosh. zombie anon. i'm so happy to hear from u 🥺 u and i both are just going thru phases of falling off the face of the earth i fear 😭 i do still pop in on this acc from time to time but life has been life-ing and i haven't been able to write or do anything with it in a rlly long time 🥺 and every time i do get motivation i fear the hype has since passed on, so i just kinda pop in and check every now and then and then skedaddle 😔
listen 😳 u know how much i love unhinged könig,, i 100% think he has some pent up rage from his youth and mayhaps it manifests in some battlefield behaviors 🫶🏻 he absolutely has the capacity to snap necks on a whim and u know what?? i support his rights and his wrongs.
i would be lying if i said i'm not mourning the zombie au rn 💔💔 but i totally understand losing motivation for something and moving on to better things. never lose ur creativity. i'm excited to see what else u have to share 🫶🏻
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