#an entire story within the story in 1890 XD
mikimeiko · 11 months
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Bodies | Miniseries (2023), Paul Tomalin
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fairygardencorgis · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I got tagged by @prince-rivailles to do this, which...I know I have a ton of these to do because I was tagged in them, oops xD So we’ll start with this one. And I guess whoever wants to do this after me, go right ahead! It’s fun. :) And these are all fics, btw, and pretty much the only things I created in 2019 haha.
1. The Cellar- SNK, “A vile kidnapper and rapist is on the loose in a small town. Levi was his first victim. Eren is his second. This is their story of survival as the two spend years of total darkness and despair locked in his cellar, slowly coming to trust, and then care for, and finally fall in love with each other. Their deep bond brings them hope that they will one day escape...if only they can survive the depravity in store for them.” 
2. Those Neon Voices- SNK, “Levi is the only male stripper dancing at The Dollhouse, the richest gentlemen's club in town. Though he's worked there for years and is even considered its most lucrative dancer, often called its "pearl", his debilitating, untreated mental illness is finally progressing to the point that it's threatening to end his career for good. Eren, who is studying to be a psychiatrist, is dragged to The Dollhouse one fateful night that ends up throwing him into the path of the beautiful "Jouet." Desire he has never felt before takes hold of him, desire to both bed and protect the fragile dancer. Try as he might to keep his mask of normalcy around the younger man, Levi finds that it's harder than he thought possible, for Eren shines brighter than the darkness within him can handle, and manages to speak louder than the voices taunting him in his head.“
3. Infinite You- KNY, “ When he turned five years old, Tanjiro met Inosuke, and his life was never the same. Something kept them running through life over the years, from elementary to high school and beyond, and it was easy to see that it was each other. Follow them through their trials and tribulations as they get hurt, heal, and find solace in the love of the other, as well as learn that they're bigger than their own fragile human hearts. “
4. Aurora Dolls- SNK “ The year is 1890. Levi is a depressed, lonely librarian dreaming of making his mark on the world who has also struggled with his attraction to men for his entire life. Eren is the son of a wealthy doctor, confident and charming, but mentally unstable after the death of his mother, and longs to become a professional artist. When the two of them meet, the attraction is instantaneous and all consuming. They enter a passionate, forbidden love affair that must be kept secret above all else, otherwise their reputations, dreams, and potentially their very lives, could be shattered. But love, like dreams, deserves to be nurtured, and when it is nourished by adversity, fear, and the utmost care in spite of those that wish to destroy it, it emerges as the most beautiful and exquisite bloom of all.”
Arguably Aurora Dolls is my most favorite fic on this list, though this and Pearls In the Garden I think are my favorite fics at the moment. Maybe I’m just a sucker for the time period. But yeah, check these out if you guys want, they were fun to write!
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