#an idle and fond bondage.
frankensteincest · 1 year
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MARY SHELLEY, Matilda | ANAÏS NIN, Winter of Artifice
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blueparadis · 3 years
Geto Suguru || A to Z Profile
rating : mature
type : drabble ; (special event post)
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Geto is the kind of guy who would silently gaze at you until you break the silence by asking "What’re you doing?’ to which he’ll reply “nothing just thinking how lucky I’m "and place kiss upon your forehead.
B- Bondage
Geto loves it when he’s tied up and can’t get his hands on you while you being a perfect tease to him. He would even go on lengths to convince you to participate in his pleasures.
C- Cover the Cry
He absolutely likes to hear your voice when he’s inside you but he isn’t the kind of guy who would cover your mouth to go harder until the final release.
D- Dominance
He’s a switch. He’s moody. Both his sides are equally enticing. He would pin you against the wall to fuck you till you’re numb and would even voluntarily agree to surrender to you.
E- Erogenous Zones
He likes to be touched upon his back, soft mild strokes as he coos, a soft kiss on his nape. He will gladly take it without interrupting.
F-Favorite body part
He likes to touch your neckline and mark you up disregard to your objection. Now, don’t object when he’s marking you up. He would let himself run wild ;)
G- Get caught
At first, he would be super embarrassed about it but if slowly he would be bold enough to let you continue what he started.
Not really. He won’t talk down unless you ask him. He has a balloon size ego so don’t ruin his climax by talking down to him. Sing praises instead.
I – Idle Zone
Geto is so much into sexting. He wouldn’t call to be precise but expect messages like “Hey, need to be inside you” while you’re busy at a meeting. He won’t stop until you reply back.
J – Join the show
He’s not against it but it’ll always be a “NO” if asked with total honesty. He might do an emotional drama if you keep pestering about it.
K- Kissing
Geto likes to kiss around your nipples but prefers it on his forehead and face.
L- Lighting and Location.
He’s moody. Some days he wants to see your moaning face while some days he doesn’t feel to expose himself to you.
He is a explorer. You won’t know until he’s exposed to it. He might like it when you’ve established and earned unfathomable trust from him.
He likes it when he’s making a sweating, moaning mess out of you while your clothes are still on yet he is naked.
O- Orgasm denial
He is pretty much into it. He wouldn’t object if he’s denied and takes immense pleasure doing it to you.
P-Public Place
You don’t get a easy way out if you tease him in public and it’s a “No” for him since he’s not good at controlling his basic urges.
Q- quite quickie
He doesn’t like it when he’s the victim of it but loves to torment you with it.
He definitely has one. He takes care of his body but surely could make an exception just for you.
He has high sexual drive, like he needs to get off quickly if he gives in to his sudden urges, doesn’t matter that he just had a session a while ago.
T- Time to tease
When he hasn’t been a tease? It’s neither deliberate not intentional but he takes his time while teasing you. He could even jerk off at just by teasing you alone.
Geto has a bunch of set, like according to the days. He might not seem like it but he his quite fond of seeing you in vibrant colors.
He can’t. He just can’t, okay? It would still be a no if you put it nicely or tease him into it.
Hell yeah! He is quite fond of it when he sees your tongue doing it’s work. He would be so deliberate and loud about it.
X- X-dressing
He doesn’t like it. He could allow you if you whine too much.
He might be rough with you but he is not that bold to execute erotic acts on you. He wouldn’t allow it on him too.
Z- Zone out
He likes to do it when he’s high but mostly prefers morning shower sex.
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do not alter and repost elsewhere by @blueparadis
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flatstarcarcosa · 2 years
😇🥺 and 😶 for Norman (for the NSFT meme)
😇: What about your F/O’s favorite and least favorite kinks?
so here's the thing and some people already know this bc it goes back to the rp days but: almost stereo-typically of him, norman definitely views sex as a power thing. dominance, ownership, etc.
he's also fond of light bondage, and i think i transferred some of my armor kink onto him via osmosis.
he absolutely fucking hates anything that might even tiptoe too close to ddlg shit, though. i'm sure his therapist would have a field day with that and how it relates to his failings as a father, but i digress.
🥺: Does cuddling usually lead to sex?
nnnnnnnnnnnnnooooo? maybe?
that's usually dependent on me. is it just idle lounging while doing something else, then it's likely. is it because i'm Feelin' It Now Mr. Krabs and I Don't Feel So Good? then no. man's out here doing calculus in his head based on my minute body language every time i plop on his lap i'll tell you hwat.
😶: What was the first thing you and your F/O tried to spice things up in the bedroom?
WELL the first time we ever fucked was in his lab, so i feel like it was already starting at a fairly spicy level. i guess toys? he's casually nosy and i'm casually lazy so i imagine it was less "what's in this box under your sink" and more *opens my shower curtain and finds a giant dong hanging out in the caddy* "i didn't know you had a friend over"
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minervacasterly · 3 years
Since Luther’s day, many Protestant groups have thoroughly ridiculed the idea of purgatory and have even gone so far as to say the Catholic Church made the whole thing up. But although the word purgatory—a Latin word meaning to cleanse or purge—is most definitely not in Scripture, there is biblical mention of just such a place. The Bible did indeed often speak of an in-between or limbo realm where the saints “sleep.” This place has been referred to by its Hebrew name of Sheol. The original Greek of the New Testament used the Greek word for Sheol, which is Hades, to describe the same exact place. The same realm has also come through translation as “paradise,” or even “Abraham’s Bosom.” It can be confusing to have such pleasant-sounding names as “paradise” and “Abraham’s Bosom” for a place Catholic’s called purgatory. Also of confusion is the use of the Greek word “Hades,” which most people probably associate with the Western concept of hell, but hell and Hades are two different concepts. While hell is defined as a place of torment, Hades is simply the underworld abode of the dead. The actual Greek term for a place of torment akin to our common notion of hell is the word “Tartarus.” In the Greek translation of the New Testament, the word “Tartarus” only appears one time when the Apostle Peter is describing the final destination of the fallen angels who disobeyed God. The choice of this word is interesting because, in Greek mythology, Tartarus is the place where the Titans were imprisoned. If you read up on Greek myths and compare them with the biblical stories of the fallen angels/watchers/Nephilim, the parallels are rather stunning. It makes one wonder, was the word “Tartarus” chosen out of convenience, or was it indeed referring to the same exact place? Did the Apostle Peter see some sort of similarity between the popular Greek tales of the Titans and the fallen angels? At any rate, as it pertains to Sheol, Hades, paradise, and Abraham’s Bosom—all these realms spoken of in the Bible, regardless of what they are called, fulfill the same purpose of the Catholic purgatory. They are neither Heaven nor hell, but merely a place where transitory souls are temporarily holed up. These concepts are complex, and save for theologians who spend years studying them in- depth, most Christians probably do not know much about them. But, as strange as they may sound to the casual observer, these concepts are based on Scripture. Early Christians believed that before Jesus came to Earth and died on the cross, all the Old Testament saints (such as Abraham) were denied access to Heaven, yet God certainly wasn’t going to send them to hell, so instead, they were kept in an in-between plane of existence—hence Abraham’s bosom, paradise, purgatory, Sheol, or whatever you wish to call it. According to this notion, Jesus himself, after being crucified, descended down into this netherworld to “set the captives free.” Today, preachers are more likely to use this as an allegory to deliver a feel-good message to the masses about how Jesus liberates those in bondage to things such as alcohol or some other vice. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, but the expression has a literal interpretation, as well. The three days between Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection is a dramatic part of New Testament Scripture that is often overlooked, but according to the Bible, he wasn’t idle. Scripture tells us that immediately after being killed on the cross, Jesus went straight to paradise/purgatory and quite literally “led captivity captive” by rescuing the Old Testament saints who were being held in Sheol. It was only after this mission was complete that Jesus Christ was physically resurrected from the dead and emerged from the tomb—back from the dead and back from that underworld realm of purgatory called Sheol/Hades. According to the Bible, in the three days prior to his resurrection, Jesus was on a spiritual mission to set souls who had long been stuck in a purgatory limbo free. He did not enter Heaven until his physical resurrection and eventual ascension in what Christians refer to as his “glorified” or “immortal/incorruptible” body—a state of being that Christians believe they, too, will be transformed into in the “twinkling of an eye” when the “last trumpet sounds.” The idea that Jesus went to paradise first, before resurrection and ascension, is also supported by a remark Jesus made to the thief on the cross: “This day you will be with me in paradise.” He didn’t say Heaven but specifically said “paradise,” which is another word for Sheol/Abraham’s Bosom/Hades—you get the point. This is a lot to unpack, but understanding such things is essential to understanding why Catholics spoke of an in-between realm called purgatory. Despite misinformation and the insinuation that purgatory is simply nonsense someone made up, the concept of purgatory is one that is grounded in Scripture. At any rate, Catholics greatly expanded upon all of this and eventually came to believe that one could lessen the time spent in purgatory by paying indulgences to priests—or even help dead relatives believed to be in purgatory by paying on their behalf. As for Martin Luther, it is said that he would later drop much of his previous belief in purgatory, but at the time he nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door, he wasn’t so much against the notion of purgatory itself as the idea that one could pay their way out of it. As corrupt as such a bargain might seem at first glance, the act of paying money or “alms” on behalf of a deceased loved one wasn’t simply a scheme hatched by the Catholic Church. Just like purgatory, it was derived from Scripture. The concept of indulgences stems from Maccabees—a book which, coincidentally enough, is excluded from most Protestant Bibles. The concept of paying a sacrificial amount of money for the souls of the departed comes from an account of Judas Maccabeus advising his followers to pay alms for some of his warriors who had perished in battle. These warriors were found to have amulets around their necks that were considered profane and in reverence to pagan gods. It was for the atonement of the acts of these dead men that Judas requested all his followers to offer up alms. Or, as 2 Maccabees 42-45 tells us, “The noble Judas called on the people to keep themselves free from sin, for they had seen with their own eyes what had happened to the fallen because of their sin. He levied a contribution from each man and sent the total of two thousand silver drachmas to Jerusalem for a sin offering—a fit and proper act in which he took due account of the resurrection. For if he had not been expecting the fallen to rise again, it would have been foolish and superfluous to pray for the dead. But since he had in view the wonderful reward reserved for those who die a godly death, his purpose was a holy and pious one. And this was why he offered an atoning sacrifice to free the dead from their sin.” Maccabees clearly gives an example of praying for the dead and paying alms (an indulgence) for them in the hopes that this atoning sacrifice would “free the dead from their sin.” Protestant Bibles would choose not to include the Book of Maccabees. Roman Catholic priests however, could readily point to this one Scripture as part of their reasoning behind allowing indulgences to be made for those offering alms for the dearly departed. As it pertains to Martin Luther’s reasons for nailing his Ninety-five Theses to the church doors on October 31, 1517, he was primarily critical of what he saw as blatant abuses of the practice. Luther was particularly irked by priests who had used the sales of indulgences to fund building projects. In Luther’s day, the acquisition of indulgences had become so thoroughly commercialized that, at one point, a Dominican friar by the name of Johan Tetzel had created his own advertising jingle to get proceeds. The crafty friar was allegedly fond of proclaiming, “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory to heaven springs!” Luther believed that such malfeasance was corrupting to the clergy just as much as it was to the congregation since it made the public think they could avoid true repentance and simply pay their way into Heaven instead.
Captivating History: The Reformation
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Author’s Note: This is gonna have a few parts! Taglist open! I’m rewatching earlier Viking episodes like he needs more love lol so he might have a series lol. This takes place as if Ragnar never took a hiatus in being in Kattegat. He raised his sons, lives with Aslaug and his sons.
Requested By Anon: Could you do something for thirst day with dom Ragnar where he binds your hands and impregnates you? Thank you very much.
Warnings: Bondage, Virginity loss. Smut.
Pairings: Ragnar X Reader
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“When King Ragnar enters the hall make sure you are busy. He doesn’t like the servants to be idle. If we are to service the king we are to be worth of the title servant.” The brunette quickly wiped down the long table in the Great Hall placing the plates at them and then turns to you. “What are you standing there for? Set the table. The royal family will arrive soon.”
You waste no time walking through the hall bringing out the bronze plates and curved horns placing them at the table. The young sons of Ragnar Lothbrok all had their eyes on you and you them. They were handsome. You could not help but to look upon them, and in a way you glanced upon them with envy.
The young men walk in wrestling one another. The oldest Bjorn steps over Ubbe and Hvitserk as they pounce one another until you catch their eye. “Y/N! You are looking radiant today.” Ubbe the most frisky of the brothers smiles. You had heard of his conquests all over Kattagat.
“Thank you Prince Ubbe.” You try to hide your smitten face but the heat radiating to your cheeks and the raise brow gave away your position. You place the first platter of vegetables in the middle of the table and turn to the kitchen nearly colliding with the timid one.
Hvitserk catches you by your elbow and lifts you up from your near fall. “Nervous?” He shoots you a smile. He had always been your favorite for when the rest of his brothers were being philanderers or blatant assholes, he was the kind and the meek. Hvitserk the Meek.
“Not at all, I daresay my feet are the nervous ones.” You exhale and get back to your duties. It was hard to appear busy when they were in the Hall. Your attention was on them as you carry the wooden bucket of ale to the Hall and begin to fill the glasses. The sons had taken their seats, all but Bjorn who was engaged in conversation with Aslaug. They always appeared to be in deep conversations.
After a few more trips and no more indiscretions on your part. They eat at the table without King Ragnar. He liked to eat alone. The head servant told you of this, you were just happy for the work. Your mother had gained the favor of the Queen and she had offered you the job. Now you could work, help your mother and father until a suitable man came forth or you became a shield maiden one.
“Father is tired.” Bjorn says. The hulk of a man grabs his fur securing it around his neck. “Y/N are you in need of someone to walk you home.”
Aslaug shoots you a smile and you nod your head as she leaves the table.
“No but thank you.”
“What are your plans for the night Y/N? Are you to conquer villages? Drink until you are blind? What is it that you want to do?” Bjorn asks leaning back in his chair placing his gargantuan feet upon the table.
Ubbe tosses the brown ball in the air. “I think she is to drink with us until she can’t stand.”
“I think she is to throw axes with us. I would love to see her strength.” Hvitserk teases tossing his small knife in the air before placing if back on the table.
“Don’t be foolish, she has no interest in entertaining any of you eager bastards.” Sigurd chides. “We are to the mountain, there will be music. We will dance under the stars.”
Ivar climbs down from the chair sliding his body out of the hall getting the attention of all his brothers. Ubbe leans back with a curious eye to his younger brother. “Where are you off to Ivar?”
“To another room, perhaps I won’t have to watch you four pine over the help.” He says not looking back.
“It appears that you are fond of my sons.” The voice at the back of the hall startles you as you carry the last of the plates to the pantry. Ragnar was a presence. He cleared his throat sitting at the throne. It was rare to see him there lately. He’d rarely come home and when he did the murmurs of him losing his edge filled the Kingdom. “Y/N.”
“Yes, King Ragnar. Your sons are kind spirits and great warriors and there is much to be fond of,” You answer timidly adjusting your dress before leaving the great hall. Everyone had already headed home, and you could hear the rowdy streets of Kattegat coming back to life as the games and began.
He appears again looking at you through the gap in the pantry. You were told Ragnar was the one the children mimicked, their actions, their flirtation and their lustfulness. But it was more than evident when you turned to see him staring at you with the crooked smile and wonderous eyes. You act as if you are startled clutching your chest at the lurking visitor. “I’ve made a decision.” He states simply.
“You have?”
“Oh yes, it involves you. Since you are so fond of my sons. I have decided that I will give you one.”
“I-,” He jumps down from where he was sitting backing you into the room closing the wooden door. He takes one step and you take one step back. You’d never realized how dominating Ragnar was until you looked up at him with concerned eyes. “I hope I have not offended you.”
“I am quite okay with you taking interest in my sons. But they are young, two of them would not know how to please a woman like yourself. The other three wouldn’t understand how to make you feel bound to them.”
“Bound to you, King Ragnar?”
“Oh yes, bound to me. So that every movement you make you are reminded of me… You pull your hair from your face and you see flashes of yourself coming undone. You hear a knock and you hear our bodies thumping on the ground. You hear a clap and you’re reminded of our skin. You see rope… and your eyes drops to the lines on your wrist.”
“I am flattered by your proposition truly King Ragnar.” You can feel your heart thud against the cage it was trapped it. There was an ounce of fear floating in the pool of arousal that had started to flow below. Ragnar’s piercing blue eyes dance with amusement as he stepped closer to you. “But I am afraid I would do the queen an injustice and she has always been so good to me. “The queen and I have an understanding.” He explains. “Nothing for you to be concerned with, I swear it to you, Y/N.” He pulls the rope from next to the table tossing it over his shoulder before lifting you from the ground. “Come,” Ragnar gently tosses you over his shoulder leading you out of the great hall onto the lively streets of Kattegat.
You shut your eyes hoping not to be spotted on the shoulder of the King and you find relief watching him turn onto the small alley behind the Great Hall and into one of the homes. The crackle of the fire is the first thing you hear as he places you on the plush furs next to the hearth.  You hold your hands over the fire savoring the heat before he takes his seat next to you with his cloak over his head.
“What is this place?”
“The only place I can think sometimes.” He admits. “But truly this is the home of my friend Athelstan.”
You’d heard the sad tale of the loyal friend of Ragnar, slain in his home by Floki. It’s quiet as you try not to say something more saddening than what was already said. His finger climbs your arm sending the small hairs up and frazzled. “Scared?”
“What are your intentions for the rope, what are your intentions for me?”
“To bind you, watch those pretty marks form on your skin, fuck you until your weak and sleep. Then maybe tomorrow I can take you somewhere you’ve never been?”
“You talk to much. Yes or no?” Ragnar smiles tossing the small stick in to the fire. “Don’t you want to be bound to your King Y/N?”
What were you thinking? Your heart raced with a yes. Day in and out you watched as the women around your frolicked amongst their men, fucked them whenever, however and you never did. Vowing yourself to one man, vowing yourself was not the Viking way. You turn to him crossing your legs and shake your head yes. “I am ready King Ragnar.”
“So, you say,” In one movement he tugs the rope from next to him securing the rope around your hands and then he drapes it over the beam over your head. He tugs, and you are lifted from your seat to stand and one final tug and tie and you are dangling above the ground. “This dress is pretty.” Ragnar rips the front of the dress and your breast fall out bouncing for a second. “Those are prettier, don’t you think?” he steps closer to you leaning down to your breast. His tongue flicks before he sucks for a second and drags his teeth over your nipple. “Beautiful skin.” He whispers.
Your toes curl from the sensations trickling throughout your body and you moan as he does the same thing to your other breast, tugging licking, flicking and driving you insane.
“I like the way you sound.” He rips more of the fabric until the dress just falls to the ground and you are naked before him. “Now you will have to practice your control… not a word.” He drags his finger down your spine dipping to cup your chicks to the warm center of your cunt.
You control yourself as his long finger prods into you and your mouth falls open taking in more air. You shift clenching your legs together, but he adds another finger to the delightful intrusion and secures you still with his free arm.
The caresses start small as his thumb joins the party kneading small circles over your swollen clit. You’re wet, noticeably so as his finger start to thrust into your body with ease, faster and more focused. “Let me hear you come?”
How did he know your body so well? You were nearly there already; your body had gone rigid to halt it to make the sensations from what he was doing last forever. But you erupt like fireworks spread all over your body. Each one triggering another and it has caught his attention how responsive you are, “You would make a great lesson.’ He mumbled.
You hang there feeling the breeze from the nearby window. Ragnar allows you the time to replenish and then he is back in front of you, his shirt removed revealing his long torso, and even though he was older it was hard to tell. “I want to watch you hang there dripping of me.”
You don’t object, keeping in mind that he apparently didn’t like you to talk. You just watch as the King of Kattegat drops his trousers to the ground revealing his cock. Your eyes widened in fear, no lust there at the moment. The thoughts of never lying with a man before filled your head. He was thick, long and curved. All things you had heard your friends brag about.
“I should take it easy on you, but nothing is easy for a Viking is it?” He grins lifting your legs up. His lips touch yours sweetly. “Relax.” He says. You feel his thick tip brushing at your entrance and shake your head as you feel him beginning to move inside of you. The first inch is terror. You gasp tugging at the rope and he pulls you further down on him, the pressure to take in another inch and then another until he’s inside of your painfully stretching you.
“That wasn’t so bad was it?” Ragnar says through clench teeth.
You’re tight around him, clasping his girth with your walls. You can feel his tense muscles and the near pained or joyful look on his face as he starts to move. The heat flushes your body and then you feel your body relaxing as he eases out. Ragnar slams back into you with a hiss. “Gods,” he groans biting his bottom lip in satisfaction. “You okay?” He asks but he doesn’t stop fucking you lifting your body from his until he’s nearly out and then back down on him.
“Ragnar.” You plea breathlessly wishing you had your hands to try and control a little of his movements but nothing here belongs to you, not even your body at the moment. The uneasiness that had started in your stomach initially has faded as the hastened strokes become more desired. Your hips move to meet him, and he groans winding his hips before they snap back onto yours. The tiny coils of pleasure start to build all over you again and you cannot control the pants that have melded into mewls that are now shattering screams scorching off the walls of the small home.
“Let me hear it.” Ragnar teases snapping his hips so fast you’ve lost your breath.
Then you explode. Your eyes burn with the pool of tears as you cum on him gritting around his dick causing him to spill inside of you. You’d never felt a man come inside you before but hearing his melodic groans paired with the sensation of him coating your walls with himself is a new high for you. You feel him go from rigid hard to semi soft pulling himself from you.
You hear the drip of the liquid as it falls from you and you can’t help but look at the mess you made. Your blood mixed with his come is reveling site.
He unties the knots releasing you from the rope. “Tomorrow, you will start training to become a shieldmaiden.” He touches the imprint of the rope on your small wrist. “you will travel with me to England.”
“I am in service of the Queen.”
“But you are bound to me.” He said simply.
 TAGGING:  @ivarsshieldmadien @equalstrashflavoredtrash @whenimaunicorn @akamaiden @siren-queen03 @titty-teetee @sparklemichele @oddsnendsfanfics @imgoldielikehawn @greennightspider @tomarisela @scumyeol @raindrop-dewdrop @naaladareia @vikingsmania​ @readsalot73 @amour-quinn​ @wheredidallthedreamersgo​ @unsure-but-trying​ @ceridwenofwales​ @leaderradiante​ @microsmacrosandneedles​  @valynsia​ @captstefanbrandt​  @therealcalicali​ @lol-haha-joke​ @b-j-d @cinnabearice​ @tephi101​ @grungyblonde​ @ivarswickedqueen​ @honestsycrets​ @ivarslittlebadgirll​ @igetcarriedawaywithyou​ @loveviera​ @wilddrabble​ @earthsmightiestasses​ @earthsmightiestasses​ @sincerelysinister​ @dangerousvikings​ @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla​ @ivaraddict​ @tgrrose​ @pixiedustandfairywings​ @luci-her​ @wakanda-inspired​ @thevikingsheaux​ @lil-lit-bit​ @im5ftbutmythroat66​ @nik-writes​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings 
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cordelia-connects · 5 years
dear cordelia, 
My half-brother forged a letter that goes a little something like this: 
“This policy and reverence of age makes
the world bitter to the best of our times; keeps our 
fortunes from us till our oldness cannot relish them. I
begin to find an idle and fond bondage in the oppres-
sion of aged tyranny, who sways, not as it hath
power, but as it is suffered. Come to me, that of this
I may speak more. If our father would sleep till I waked
him, you should enjoy half his revenue for ever, and live 
the beloved of your brother”
You can imagine the chaos that ensued shortly after. He had tricked me into thinking that I should flee from home and hide, with nothing but the clothes on my back and a dagger in its sheath. I was forced to become a Bedlum Beggar, facing all sorts of discrimination based on the stigma surrounding mental health. (I would certainly hope that this is no longer an issue in four or five hundred years...)
  Then, he betrayed our father by revealing his loyalty to that old man Lear, just so that vile jelly could have our father’s earldom. Of course, my poor father, who had always been nothing but generous and loving to both his children, legitimate or otherwise, had his eyes gouged out. Since he was blind, I was able to guide him and keep him safe, despite his miserable state and wishes to end his life. 
  I am now aware that he wishes to see me again, but I am not sure how he will feel, knowing that I had to watch him suffer greatly. Whatever shall I do? The one person I have looked up to and trusted my whole life has appeared in front of me after the most difficult time of my life, only to be going through his own struggles. Should I confront him and reveal my identity, or allow him to remain blissfully ignorant? I wish not to put more stresses on him in what appears to be his final days, but I feel as though he deserves to know 
  Ugh, this is the worst moonshine ever!
  Please advise, 
enerved eclipse. 
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frankensteincest · 1 year
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normal things to say to your daughter as you kill in her name.
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frankensteincest · 10 months
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JANINE GARRISSON tr. Richard Rex, A History of Sixteenth-Century France, 1483-1598
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frankensteincest · 1 year
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MARY SHELLEY, Matilda | ANAÏS NIN, Winter of Artifice
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frankensteincest · 1 year
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D. H. LAWRENCE, Sons and Lovers
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frankensteincest · 9 months
Dean started second grade. I watch him like a hawk. He makes me swear that I’ll take good care of Sammy before he’ll go to school. God, I love that kid.
[Mary] doesn’t know that Dean watches his little brother like a hawk every minute, with an expression on his face that says he’s willing to die to keep Sammy safe. She doesn’t know that it’s because I have drilled it into Dean that Sammy is his responsibility. He’s eight years old, and I’ve told him his brother’s life is in his hands. Mary, I didn’t have any right to do that. But what else could I do?
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frankensteincest · 1 year
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ANAÏS NIN, Winter of Artifice | MARY SHELLEY, Matilda
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frankensteincest · 1 year
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D. H. LAWRENCE, Sons and Lovers
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frankensteincest · 1 year
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[RIVERDALE] It was the right decision to make. Your father will either see that or he won’t. // [SUCCESSION] So, you’re literally doing the wrong thing over the right thing?
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frankensteincest · 1 year
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2 notes · View notes