#an unkillable gay ship lol
mmmthornton · 2 years
Do Stan and Tolkien compare gunshot scars from them both being shot (and twice in Tolkien's case)?
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bthump · 6 years
idk if you're interested in getting into anything new, but i feel like you'd really like this show called Black Sails. It's basically a period drama about pirates, and since you like complex, morally grey characters (which black sails is chock full of), you might dig it.
You’re very correct, I’ve actually seen Black Sails and I loved it. Flint is probably one of my favourite protags ngl. spoilers bc i kind of just want to gush about it now lol.
It was so refreshing to see someone declare violent bloody war on the oppressive system and be portrayed as p much morally correct lol. “This ends when I grant them my forgiveness, not the other way around,” is like, one of my favourite lines. The ending was a little disappointing but it was also portrayed as bittersweet rather than happy - like we were meant to be sad that Madi didn’t get her war! it was great! so I was pretty satisfied with it overall.
Also solid ship content. Max/Anne and Max/Eleanor are both great, v interesting and complex ships, and both Flint/Thomas and Flint/Silver have their appeal. (Also Flint/Vane. You can’t tell me they weren’t enemies with benefits.)
And you just can’t beat setting up a protagonist as a mysterious dude, seriously driven by something but teasing the audience about what exactly motivates him to be so hardcore and incredibly awesome, only for the surprise reveal to be that he’s gay and motivated entirely by the loss of his relationship w/ a dude (which then turns out to be surprise endgame! truly unkillable gays and unbury your gays are the best tropes).
I mean the first half of season 3 had me a little :/ with the focus on Miranda, but then season 4 got back on track w/ revolving around Thomas and I was ok w/ it.
Plus a lot of awesome also complex and interesting secondary characters, and a fast paced engaging plot, and a fun real world/treasure island mashup, that whole monster vs man theme which i always love w/ flint vs mcgraw (team flint tho, like one of my favourite moments of the series was the end of season 2 when he leveled that town), 2/3 endgame ships being gay, idk it was just solidly enjoyable. ty for bringing it up!
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icouldbemoreclever · 8 years
1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19, 24, 27, 29, 39, 45, 49, 50 ^_^
1. Your first OC ever? If you want to get technical, when I was really young I used to givepersonalities to my crayons and act out stories with them (they were just namedafter their colour). Even now, those stories kind of influence my feelingsabout certain colours. Out of OCs that I still currently have, Enre is the oldest. I made her in grade5. After crayons I graduated to other writing utensils. One day I found apencil case full of non-standard pens, markers, etc. There was one pen thatlooked normal but when I took it apart, someone had replaced the regular inktube with one from a silver gel pen. That inspired me to build the character ofEnre, who spends most of her story wearing a suit of armor, disguised as a man.
4. A character you rarely talk about? Probably all the minor characters from my old roleplay :P I kind of can’tfigure out what to do with them. I think some of the ones with the mostpotential are a family of shapeshifting aliens. The first one to show up wasHart, then later is “brother” Lumo. They’re from a planet with no sun, so theycan’t open their eyes if there’s any light around (maybe in dim artificial lightthey can open them a liiiittle). Hart ran into someone who could create dynamictattoos and so had one installed that could serve as a navigation system whenhe can’t open his eyes. It’s a black hart lined with blue (rather large, on hischeek). Lumo later got one of a yellow sun lined with red. Their blood isreally acidic/poisonous. Human language is difficult for them so they both havea stutter and don’t use contractions.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? I was thinking about this last night and I think I would say Kye. I’m trying towork on good drafts of her novels right now, and I really like her story. (Enre is sighing with relief in the background because she’s already well knownin her own world and doesn’t want to be)
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? Possibly, like if someone wanted to turn a roleplay into a cohesive story Imight let them use whichever characters were mine in that roleplay (we’d haveto work out conditions though).
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? Pentel! Unkillable optimist (I mean, until the roleplay got really dark...) He’s addicted to chocolate and it makes him really hyper and childlike. He’sgenuinely kind to all of the people he meets.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? Off the top of my head the only one I can think of is Kemuri. He doesn’tnecessarily go out of his way to make trouble, but he’s a shapeshifter whosegoal is largely his own amusement so it happens anyway.Other than that, Kye causes all sorts of trouble because her truest joy is tobeat people up.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? Lambda wishes it was her (she graduated med school dammit!) but I think itwould actually be Heaven, since he was a child prodigy after all (and graduatedthe same med school at a much younger age)
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) Th-they all do!Since I haven’t mentioned him yet, I’ll say Carmine. He’s labeled as anintergalactic terrorist for his efforts to free his race from slavery. He wasborn into a privileged home, but because of his race had to be hidden from theoutside world. In an accident involving a rare artifact from space, hisadoptive family was killed, exposing him to the rest of the town. He was set tobe hanged, but the artifact cut the rope at the last minute. Unfortunately, italso killed all the people of the town.He spent a long time in isolation before finally leaving to begin his missionof freeing his people (he believes that’s what his adoptive father would want).He carries a lot of guilt for what happened and believes himself a murderer. Ofcourse, it doesn’t stop him from murdering people during his activities.Eventually, he meets another freedom fighter who is more of a pacifist. Theyget along about as well as you’d expect.I came up with him in middle school and he means a lot to me because of thechanges he’s gone through over the course of the roleplay. His character growthalways felt really organic. It has always been really easy for me to relate tohis feelings of isolation, being tainted, and not being able to connect withother people. He also gets chronic headaches just like me. We ended up sharinga lot of traits, even if it wasn’t intentional.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?I would probably meet Pentel, so he could give me some chocolate and also be myfriend (he would!!)
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?So many of them… let me try to remember the ones that specifically came fromsongs…A lot of Carmine’s creation was influenced by Easier to Run and Faint by LinkinPark (it was middle school!). Likewise, my character Kiri was heavilyinfluenced by Figure.09 by Linkin ParkWhen I fleshed out Jeice’s character (he’s the other protagonist in Enre’sstory) I was really influenced by Audrey, Start the Revolution by Anberlin.My character Kipper came entirely out of the song I’m With You by Avril LavigneKasane was heavily influenced by Perfect by Simple Plan (man, sounds so basic…)Joey and his sister (I forget her name… they were from a comic I stoppedworking on cause my art wasn’t there yet) were created through the song Joey byConcrete BlondeI had a character that hasn’t been named yet that came out during The Only HopeFor Me Is You by My Chemical Romance. Still don’t know much about him though.Kimoura came out of Into the Night by SantanaTwo so-far unnamed characters from Drove Me Wild by Tegan and Sara. The onlyway their dynamic really works is as Loveless fan characters but… do I reallywanna write fanfic?I felt like I had more characters who came directly from songs, but it’s lessthan I thought. I think mostly it’s that the character’s development is ofteninfluenced by songs, and most of my characters have a “theme song”.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned houseIt’s kind of Kye and Riven’s job to do that – they fight the paranormal.
39. Introduce any character you wantWhile Enre is a soldier fighting on the side of the Penns, Jace is the leaderof the Coeur revolution. He’s young, practically still a kid, but he’sambitious and he thinks his side can win. His people have been enslaved foryears and they’re ready to rebel against their oppressors. Ambitious as he is,the revolution is also personal – recently married to the love of his life, howcan he build a family with her under the yoke of slavery? (that sounded more like a plot summary, but there you have it!)
45. A character you no longer use?Most of them from the old roleplay. Some of them I don’t even have intentionsof repurposing for a different story. Probably the most useless of them isCopper (typical perverted anime stock character lol). Actually, I forgotPrimer, who served as the first captain of the Five Star (he was murdered, soof course I don’t use him anymore). I miss some of the ship staff like Orca andNarwhal. They’re background people that had a very specific role.
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memesPyry/Peter because he’s a teenage boy. Probably one of the only ones who wouldbe exposed to memes in canon! (Now I’ve got the bad idea of making a tumblrblog in character as him…)Shinto would probably get a kick out of memes if she ever saw them. I think she’dreally like gun. She and Karaoke would have a great time rick-rolling theirentire squad.Chance would probably spread a lot of classic art/history memes. He’d show themto Enre and she’d be like “I’m illiterate.”
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you wantI want to talk about how Carmine is bi!!!! Like, I think about this a lot but it means nothing to anyone but me, haha. Carminetravels with a sort of partner-in-crime named Sky who is a common gay. Alsototally in love with Carmine, but Carmine is the most oblivious unobservant assin the universe. In the roleplay, it’s painfully obvious to everyone else thatCarmine is in love with Taki (the captain of another ship) but that he won’tget together with her. His emotions are kind of vulnerable so he turns to theonly other person he can trust, Sky, and they eventually get together. Ofcourse, Sky KNOWS who Carmine truly has feelings for, and bets him to ask Takiout (Carmine can not turn down a bet). This, as you’d expect, backfires as Takiis offended he asked her out on a dare. But he is forced to confront his truefeelings and eventually does confess to her (they later get married). Sky isboth sad and happy at the same time.Technically if you want to use the split attraction model, Carmine isbiromantic and homosexual but whatever. I don’t give a lot of thought intodefining a specific sexual orientation for most of my characters but the twothat I know are most definitely bi are Carmine and Cruz.
This ended up really long of course, but Iwanted to say thanks for asking and giving me a chance to ramble on and on!
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