#ana menéndez
malinaa · 9 months
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Ana Menéndez, “Hurricane Stories,” In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd
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A Cuba, J'étais Un Berger Allemand – Ana Menéndez
A Cuba, J’étais Un Berger Allemand – Ana Menéndez Auteur(s) : Ana Menéndez Editeur : Flammarion Parution : 15/04/2003 Nombre de pages : 260 Dimensions : 22 x 14.5 x 1.8 Résumé :Quatre retraités cubains jouent chaque jour aux dominos dans un jardin public de Miami et rivalisent d’humour sur ” l’île de Castro ” pour tromper la douleur d’en être partis. Une mère sommée par son fils de cuisiner…
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chloeinletters · 1 year
What are some of your favorite books? I love your writing and would love to know what has subconsciously influenced you
Lemony Snicket’s series of unfortunate events.
Wild by Cheryl strayed
Cannery road by John Steinbeck
In the dream house by Carmen Maria Machado
Blue Nights by Joan Didion
Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Jester
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes
Loving Che by Ana Menéndez
These are books I LOVE and I know they have influenced my style of writing. I can feel how I wanted to emulate their dialogue or cadence and experimented until it all blended together or took on my personal touches.
I will say in college I studied poetry which has a heavy handed effect on my style. I had a mentor poet that I got to pick and read all semester so I studied Philip Levine extensively. But also Sharon olds, Mark Doty, li-young lee, Robert Lowell, and frank O’Hara
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buckttommy · 2 years
what's the name of the short story?
It's called Miami Relatives, by Ana Menéndez. Very disturbing!
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enelecolombia · 17 days
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usser98394738793 · 8 months
El ir por las calles de tu ciudad...
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En las calles de tu ciudad puedes observar Bultos, Murales, Pinturas y esculturas las cuales son "formas" de arte. Estas son representaciones de actos cívicos o personas muy importantes de un pais.
En este espacio hablaremos específicamente de los monumentos, de uno en especifico.
En el caso de Ecuador/Guayaquil tenemos varios monumentos de personas importantes como lo son:
-Medardo Ángel Silva
-Ana Villamil Ycaz
y del que voy a comentar hoy, hablo del monumento de Guayas y Quil.
Esta estatua resalta la figura del cacique Guayas, en un imponente porte de 32 metros, quien esta con su esposa Kil, la cual lleva a su hijo en brazos, que no tiene nombre pero representa al guayaquileño. El monumento se levanta en el distribuidor de tránsito de la av. Pedro Menéndez Gilbert, cercano al Puente de la Unidad Nacional, de acceso a Guayaquil desde Samborondon.
Cuando salió este monumento en las noticias en 2016, estaba muy emocionada, siendo muy "fan" o algo así sobre las leyendas en general, me llamaba mucho la atención acerca de la historia de Guayas y Quil.
Si mal no recuerdo, no pude ver de cerca el monumento por bastaaaante tiempo, a pesar de mi insistencia nadie me llevaba y bueno no pude verlo hasta que sucedió.. Durante un viaje familiar viajamos a Manabí, cabe recalcar que enserio detesto los viajes en carro ya que me mareo, para distraerme tuve que intentar dormirme pero era imposible, así que mi ultima opción era mirar a través de la ventana (lo cual es una pésima idea, ya queme maree aun mas) pero en eso vi que nos "salimos" del camino que normalmente tomamos, y entonces lo vi, después de tanto tiempo pude ver el monumento, no lo vi completo ya que desde el carro no se pudo apreciar muy bien y solo alcance de ver ya de lejos el monumento completo.
Supongo que esa seria mi experiencia, nunca mas cogimos esa ruta ya que se complico mas el viaje y casi nos perdemos, pero me agrado bastante la experiencia a pesar de haberlo visto taaan de lejos.
Eso es todo..
By Arii!!
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biglisbonnews · 11 months
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Between flood and drought: How cities are facing water surplus and scarcity Publication date: 1 November 2023Source: Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 345Author(s): Jolanta Dąbrowska, Ana Eugenia Menéndez Orellana, Wojciech Kilian, Andrzej Moryl, Natalia Cielecka, Krystyna Michałowska, Agnieszka Policht-Latawiec, Adam Michalski, Agnieszka Bednarek, Agata Włóka https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479723013452?dgcid=rss_sd_all
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Secure the rights of people with disabilities.
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Speakers of the 2019 International Day of Persons with Disabilities – held at United Nations Headquarters in New York – stressed that the voices of persons with disabilities serve to make society more inclusive and sustainable and are essential to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The event was hosted by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
“When we secure the rights of people with disabilities, we move closer to achieving the central promise of the 2030 Agenda – to leave no one behind,” said Secretary-General António Guterres in his message during the launch of the observance.
Mr. Guterres pointed to several initiatives within the United Nations that are spurring progress on disability inclusion, stressing that the organization is determined to lead by example. He said that almost all United Nations Member States have ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and that in June of this year he launched the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy to raise the organization’s standards and performance on disability inclusion across all areas of work around the world. Finally, he said the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2475 (2019), its first-ever resolution dedicated to the protection of persons with disabilities in armed conflict.
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The Secretary-General concluded by reaffirming the United Nations’ commitment to work with persons with disabilities to build a world in which all persons can realize their potential.
Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President of the General Assembly, said the theme of this year’s observance – “Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda” – aligns perfectly with the pledge to leave no one behind. “Disability issues must be mainstreamed into all discussions on sustainable development,” he stressed.
Mr. Muhammad-Bande said the General Assembly is taking steps to improve disability inclusion within United Nations Headquarters. As part of those efforts, he announced the re-appointment of Walton Alfonso Webson, Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda, and Chul-Joo Park, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea, as Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee on Accessibility. The Committee is tasked with enhancing physical accessibility as well as information and communication accessibility within the United Nations.
Turning to sport as a tool for inclusion, he encouraged all stakeholders to use sport as a medium to promote the dignity of all human beings. “I want to see persons with disabilities excel in any vocation they choose,” he said, calling for collective efforts to accomplish disability inclusive development.
Opening the event was Elliot Harris, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, who said the 1.5 billion persons with disabilities around the world are making contributions that are delivering on the 2030 Agenda’s pledge to leave no one behind. Mr. Harris said the 2030 Agenda cannot be implemented fully unless persons with disabilities can participate meaningfully as agents of change. “When persons with disabilities lead and participate, the whole world benefits,” he stressed.
Ana Maria Menéndez, Senior Advisor to the Secretary-General on Policy, said the world cannot afford to leave over one billion persons with disabilities behind and the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy represents a transformative change for action. “We need to raise the standards of disability inclusion across all pillars of the United Nations’ work,” she said, calling for meaningful engagement with persons with disabilities as agents of change. “Whatever we do, persons with disabilities and their representative organizations must be at the front and center of our work.”
Venus Ilagan, a civil society representative, said the International Day is an occasion to assess emerging opportunities for persons with disabilities. Ms. Ilagan said she was born and raised at a time when society stigmatized disability, adding that disabled women of her generation were considered worthless, incapable of becoming leaders. “Things have changed in a positive way,” she said, noting that persons with disabilities are now able to enjoy their rights and are appreciated for the contributions they make in their communities. Still, as a seasoned disability activist, she tempers her optimism with the knowledge that much remains to be done to improve the lives of persons with disabilities.
The annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was proclaimed in 1992 through General Assembly resolution 47/3. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.
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cofradiastv · 2 years
Horario e Itinerario de la Procesión de Santa Ana este Martes 26 en Dos Hermanas
Horario e Itinerario de la Procesión de Santa Ana este Martes 26 en Dos Hermanas
El martes 26 de julio, a las 20.30 horas, llevada por su cuadrilla de costaleros, saldrá en procesión la Patrona de Dos Hermanas. Recorrerá: plaza de la Constitución, Santa María Magdalena, Canónigo, Antonia Díaz, Calderón de la Barca, Divina Pastora, Cruz, Plaza Menéndez y Pelayo, Botica, plaza del Arenal, Ntra. Sra. de Valme y plaza de la Constitución. Santa Ana llevará acompañamiento musical…
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sonsonatecontodo · 2 years
Autoridades localizan a menor de edad reportada como desaparecida
Fue ubicada en una casa en donde vivía sin ser víctima de violencia, con un hombre de 33 años, quien será acusado del delito de estupro, según explicaron las autoridades.
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El ministro de Justicia y Seguridad Pública, Gustavo Villatoro, aclaró que una menor de edad, la cual había sido reportada como desaparecida, el pasado 1 de julio en Santa Ana, fue localizada «una casa donde convivía, sin ser víctima de violencia».
De acuerdo con el titular de Justicia y Seguridad, la menor de 16 años se encontraba viviendo con Orlando Mauricio Menéndez Martínez, de 33 años, quien será acusado por el delito de estupro.
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Según explicó Gustavo Villatoro, el detenido ya contaba con antecedentes penales, ya que fue capturado el 2011 por el mismo delito.
«Carolina R., de 16 años, fue reportada como desaparecida el 1 de julio. Tras activar los protocolos de búsqueda, fue ubicada en una casa donde convivía, sin ser víctima de violencia, con Orlando Mauricio Menéndez Martínez, de 33 años, quien será acusado de estupro», informó.
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malinaa · 9 months
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Ana Menéndez, “Miami Relatives,” In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd
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Llevan a cabo campaña de donación de sangre en hospital San Juan de Dios de Santa Ana
A la actividad acudieron más de 100 altruistas.
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En el hospital Francisco Menéndez, de Ahuachapán, se desarrolló una campaña de donación altruista de sangre que tuvo una afluencia de más de 100 personas. Según el personal encargado de la recolección, con esto se pretende trasladar 40,000 ml del líquido al Hospital San Juan de Dios de Santa Ana, que es uno de los bancos activos más cercanos en la zona occidental.
Los encargados de la actividad la calificaron de exitosa por la afluencia de personas, ya que les permitirá salvar varias vidas y abastecer el banco de sangre en Santa Ana, que tiene la capacidad para recibir más de 800,000 ml, equivalente a 200 personas.
«Como institución tomamos a bien realizarla por primera vez este año. Es una campaña donde se le explica al donante lo importante que es el preciado líquido para salvar vidas; recordemos que esto puede salvar a un hijo, hermana, padres o amigos, nunca sabemos cuándo lo vamos a necesitar. Lo importante es hacer conciencia de lo que esto significa para todos los humanos», indicó Miriam Cuéllar, jefa de laboratorio clínico del hospital ahuachapaneco.
Los donantes fueron entrevistados por el personal sobre ciertas características que tenían que cumplir; además, les hicieron varios exámenes para determinar si eran aptos.
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pclysemia · 3 years
Eva Hoffman in her memoir Lost in Translation writes about emigrating from Poland to Vancouver at the age of 13 and encountering the shock of the new language. She writes: “The problem is that the signifier has become severed from the signified. The words I learn now don’t stand for things in the same unquestioned way they did in my native tongue. “River” in Polish was a vital sound, energized with the essence of riverhood, of my rivers, of my being immersed in rivers. “River” in English is cold—a word without an aura. It has no accumulated associations for me, and it does not give off the radiating haze of connotation. It does not evoke.”
Are We Different People in Different Languages? by Ana Menéndez
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neoyorzapoteca · 7 years
To translate, one must really understand what is being said. The translator crawls inside a text and inhabits it in a way not even the careful reader can. This is why every writer must read as the translator does.
Ana Menéndez - Are We Different People in Different Languages? | Literary Hub
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enelecolombia · 2 years
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cultfaction · 3 years
Preview- Blood Ceremony (Standard Edition Bluray)
Preview- Blood Ceremony (Standard Edition Bluray)
Directed by Jorge Grau, Blood Ceremony stars Lucia Bosè, Espartaco Santoni, Ewa Aulin, Ana Farra, Sivano Tranquilli, Lola Gaos, Enrique Vivó, and Ángel Menéndez. It takes place in 19th century Europe, where the people are in the grip of ancient superstitions and the fear of vampires runs riot through the land. Strange rituals are enacted to seek out the resting places of the undead and macabre…
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