hornetposting · 2 years
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fortune cookie
its her!!!!!
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Note, this ain’t a Cookie Run oc, she’s entirely original. I just drew her in a Cookie Run style because I was having trouble with posing and stuff in my normal style, and I thought since I’ve been doing good with the Cookie Run style, I might try drawing her in it
Alright, so with that out of the way, this is a character I made quite a bit ago but has been creeping back into my mind, this is Captain Anadara
To put her description in the simplest of terms, she’s a fish goat immortal pirate queen lady. I mean technically some of those are inaccurate, but we’ll get into that later
I’ve had a lot of trouble with designing her, I just wanted to come up with something so I can talk about her. This design is…fine, but I still don’t feel like it’s good enough. The fur color in particular is something I’m struggling with. I originally wanted her to have relatively pale fur, but also I’m not sure I want to keep that, because it blends with her blonde hair and yellow eyes. I dunno, I have ideas in my head but I can’t get them onto paper
But how about we talk about what I intend with her design instead, so I can at least get across what I intended?
Alright, so first off, she’s supposed to be a Capricorn. And by that I mean literally, she’s a fish goat lady. She has horns, fish scales, and gills, which she keeps covered up. Not out of a sense of shame, just that she doesn’t want to give herself away to potential enemies, particularly her gills. Also her scales are mostly on her back, so it’s hard to see them. I do intend to draw her in an outfit that shows off her features, I just haven’t yet. Also that’s why she has sharp teeth and those sort of slit pupils, which come more from the fish side. Also the fluff on her chest is in fact her fur, which I wanted to make look like something you wear on your neck
In terms of what she is in her world, there aren’t really any other Capricorns around, it’s just her (well other than her kin, but we’ll get into that later). As a young girl she lost her parents and she’s been alone in that regard ever since. As for other zodiac signs and whether they’re other species in this world, I’m not sure. I’ve dabbled with the concept of Zodiacs, with them originally being beings from the stars who came down to the world, but where she lives she’s the only Capricorn she’s seen, but I’m not entirely sure I should keep it
As for her pirate thing, so after she was left an orphan, she basically grew up on the streets, stealing to survive. Eventually she crossed a group of pirates and they decided to take her in, and since then she’s been a lifelong pirate. There have been some bumps in the road, but overall she’s stuck to it. Around the time she was 40, things amongst pirates were getting heated, and she eventually was able to create a confederacy of pirates, and made herself leader of the group, and became known as the Pirate Queen. Technically the title’s inaccurate, as again she’s the leader of a confederacy, but it sounds cool, so everyone calls her that. She’s also the main person who interacts with the townsfolk in the area
Oh also, I’m aware that the hat she wears is not a pirate hat, in fact I took it (and the boots) from Puss in Boots, but I thought the normal pirate captain hat just didn’t look right on her
As for the immortal part, so yeah, she has immortality. She gained it at the time of her forming the confederacy, and it was one of the reasons she was able to pull it off. It comes from something I’ve called the Heart of the Sea. No one but her really knows what the Heart of the Sea is other than legends, or how she got it, other than it gives her immortality. She keeps it that way because she doesn’t want the Heart of the Sea falling into the wrong hands. As for what it actually is, I do have an idea for it being like a blue orb, sort of like aquamarine in Stardew, that’s lodged in her chest, which is what she covers up with her fur
Speaking of her immortality, it was actually the pitch to her character, specifically, having a character who’s immortal, but that immortality is becoming a growing issue, because the people around them, even their own children, are growing old and even dying while they do not, and they’re having to deal with that existential dread. And yeah, this is currently an issue for Anadara. She’s currently in her early to mid 90s, and she ages like a normal person. She’s had the Heart of the Sea for about 50 years now, and stopped aging around 40. Most of her friends have already passed away, either from the pirate life or more notably for her, old age. And her eldest son is in his mid 70s, and an old man. Her grandchildren are her age, if not older. And she’s having to face the reality that in a few decades, her own children will die of old age, and she’ll still be here. And soon, everyone she spent her life alongside will be gone. It’s something she has trouble coming to terms with
Now how about we talk personality? At first I was gonna compare her to Puss in Boots, but to be honest she much more closely resembles Hollyberry Cookie, in that she’s a very boisterous and jovial person, loves to drink (though she’s cut down on it considerably, it was more a problem when she was younger) and party, and is a well known fighter, and has fun boasting about her feats, though most don’t call her a hero, given she’s a pirate. She also loves to have fun, and if things get destroyed or stolen in the process, well it can’t be helped. But she’s also a very caring and maternal individual. I mentioned her eldest son, but she’s actually got about 20. Most of them are adopted. But in terms of emotionally her children, that’s most of the pirates of the confederacy, especially the ones on her ship. There’s basically only one pirate older than her, so she gets to call everyone her child if she wants. The pirates tend to refer to her as either Captain, or variations of “mom”, if they feel like it. She doesn’t mind. And while she likes to mess around, she can be a lot more mature than she comes off. She’s lived a long life and recognizes she has responsibilities, so she can be serious when she needs to be
Speaking of her children, while I know there’s plenty of them, I’ve really only worked on one, her eldest son, whom I’m gonna call Aaron. She had him pretty young (and the father dipped. Ana doesn’t care about him anymore, but she’s pretty sure he died a long time ago), and for the first couple years, she tried her best to raise him. But ultimately, she came to the realization that her life wasn’t good for a young child like him, but she couldn’t just leave it. So on one of the ship’s stops, she left him with a couple and basically abandoned him. She went through a bit of a depressive arc after this, and she still wonders what would be different if she had kept him, but ultimately she feels she did the best thing for him, as he’s happy now and leads a pretty good life, something she’s not sure she could have ever given him. As for how Aaron feels, while he doesn’t remember his time with his mother, the two did end up meeting again when he was around 20, and he had resentment towards her for abandoning him, though he’s also not sure if he would want to live a life like her. There was a lot of complicated feelings towards each other, with Aaron not really wanting to call Anadara his mother after leaving him for so long, and Ana not sure how to approach him after all this time, but they’ve had over 50 years to work things out between them, and they’ve come to an understanding between each other. Aaron has learned to understand her side of things, and while he still has some resentment towards her, he recognizes that she has regrets over her actions, and that she’s greatly improved as a mother after all this time, and can come to see himself as part of her family, even if only on occasion. Ana recognizes that Aaron had lived his entire life without her, and that she can’t ever get back what she lost, but she’s proud of him and his accomplishments, and can see him as an equal instead of just her son. As for Aaron’s actual life, he’s working as head of the towns in the area they live, and is a proficient magic user. He’s also been happily married for nearly 50 years and even has grandchildren
At this point Ana’s used to her children disowning her; not because they hate her (though some might), but rather because of who she is. And she gets it, telling people that your mother is the famous pirate lady isn’t going to help in the career department. Ana’s aware that the life of a pirate, while it seems great and she loves hers, is a difficult life, one that people only walk because they have nowhere else to go. That’s why she made the confederacy and continues to run it, to help the people who have nothing. If her people are able to find opportunity outside of their life and find a better path, she’ll encourage them to follow that path, even if it means they never come back or end up their enemies. And this extends to her children as well
Oh right, I should probably explain the world she lives in. So she’s actually from another project I made about 2 years ago, where the main thing was fusion. The world itself has been split apart into several pieces a very long time ago (sort of think like Lorule, but if the pieces were all much farther away from each other), and is currently on the brink of collapse, so our main characters get put together (there was originally a person who brought them all together, but I’m not sure I’m keeping that) to find a way to fix it. This concept has had a lot of reworkings, with plenty of characters being added and deleted. Ana is one of the newest members of the group, in terms of me adding them, being made around February last year, one of the last times I worked on it. Currently, I think I have a better idea of where I want to go with the story, and it’s gonna be like a strategy RPG, where you have your 8-10 characters and they can fuse together to have different effects and abilities, stuff like that. But I think I originally had it in a sort of show format, which means that some characters no longer work in this new version. Ana however probably still does, so I’ll likely be keeping her in it. Though to be honest, I feel like she could have her own solo series dedicated to her life story, all the way up to her obtaining the Heart of the Sea and becoming the Pirate Queen
Oh right I was talking about where she lives. Okay so basically the area she lives in is one of the chunks of the world, and it’s one made up of basically just the sea and the islands within it. It’s also supposed to be the reason there aren’t any other Capricorns, as they aren’t in this area
Okay, I think that’s everything about Anadara, I hope you liked it! Well, assuming you got this far, I’m aware this is very long
Oh yeah, if you want to see my older drawings of her, I’ll put them under the cut
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The last one I drew a week or two ago, with the others being from when I first made her
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leedsomics · 5 months
Long-read transcriptomics of Ostreid herpesvirus 1 uncovers a conserved expression strategy for the capsid maturation module and pinpoints a mechanism for evasion of the ADAR-based antiviral defence
Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1), a member of the family Malacoherpesviridae (order Herpesvirales), is a major pathogen of bivalves. However, the molecular details of the malacoherpesvirus infection cycle and its overall similarity to the replication of mammalian herpesviruses (family Orthoherpesviridae) remain obscure. Here, to gain insights into the OsHV-1 biology, we performed long read sequencing of infected blood clams, Anadara broughtonii, which yielded over one million OsHV-1 long reads. This data enabled the annotation of the viral genome with 78 gene units and 274 transcripts, of which 67 were polycistronic mRNAs, 35 ncRNAs and 20 natural antisense transcripts (NATs). Transcriptomics and proteomics data indicate preferential transcription and independent translation of the capsid scaffold protein as an OsHV-1 capsid maturation protease isoform. The conservation of this transcriptional architecture across Herpesvirales likely indicates its functional importance and ancient origin. Moreover, we traced RNA editing events using short read sequencing and supported the presence of inosine nucleotides in native OsHV-1 RNA, consistent with the activity of ADAR1. Our data suggests that, whereas RNA hyper-editing is concentrated in specific regions of the OsHV-1 genome, single nucleotide editing is more dispersed along OsHV-1 transcripts. In conclusion, we revealed the existence of a conserved pan-Herpesvirales transcriptomic architecture of the capsid maturation module and uncovered a transcription-based viral counter defence mechanism presumably facilitating the evasion of the host ADAR antiviral system. http://dlvr.it/T6PbVc
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dipsiven · 11 months
Team finds that the bivalve mollusk Anadara kagoshimensis can endure high water salinity – The Lifestyle Insider
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cchiroque · 1 year
EL LAGO DE SECHURA, segundo más grande del Perú
Al norte de Chiclayo y sur de Piura, en aquel desierto existía un lago cuyo fondo se observa paralelo al litoral entre Mórrope y Sechura. Además, como una prolongación, en las orillas del macizo IIlescas conocidas como Chorrillos y Pampas de San Antonio, los manglares hospedaban a sus transeúntes ofreciéndoles la “concha negra” (Anadara tuberculosa); de ello hace 7500 años señala el fechado de Carbono 14.
No existe más información al respecto, salvo algunos datos sueltos de viejos ermitaños que vivían en esa región desértica, como don Pedro Namuche y Pablo Yenque dedicados a la crianza de cabras. Eran tiempos (1976) en los que aún se veía bajar cóndores hacia las playas de Avic y Nunura y había que caminar precavidos de los burros salvajes y cabras alzadas que poblaban el lugar, aprovechando los puquios en las alturas y quebradas del macizo.
Nos contaron que cuando eran niños, por los años treinta, había una laguna en la que pescaban, fueron años de lluvias, no recordaban mucho porque sus padres los llevaron a Sechura. Años después regresarían con sus cabras, para aprovechar los bosques que iban desapareciendo.
El año 2000 de paso a Piura observábamos al oeste, desde el segundo piso de los buses, una tenue imagen de agua que se confundía con espejismo. No había más alternativa que caminar para despejar las dudas, ya que por encontrarse en una depresión desde la carretera no se veía.
La estudiamos durante doce años monitoreándola mensualmente. Nos maravillamos desde el primer día cuando llegamos a ella y vimos millares de flamencos o parihuanas (Phoenicoparrus chilensis) con una variedad de aves sorprendente. Era el Edén en pleno desierto. Lo bautizamos como “la Laguna de los Flamencos”. Más tarde descubriríamos que es un lago que tiene un ritmo: De marzo - abril se extiende por 200 km2 con 200 millones de m3 de agua dulce, que el mes de octubre su área se reduce a 60 km2; y que los flamencos emigran en junio para regresar en verano.
¿Tiene un ciclo, un ritmo de vida y muerte? No sabemos, no existen registros, no se conocía. Antes de 1988 la carretera Chiclayo Piura iba por Ñaupe y Chulucanas. El desierto era libre y despoblado, apenas cruzado por la orilla del mar por una vieja góndola (ómnibus) que partía a las siete de la mañana de Piura a Sechura y por los camiones que construían el oleoducto.
¿Cómo se formó el lago?
Al centro del área existe una depresión, la más profunda de la costa que aparecía en el mapa oficial del Perú como “Depresión Bayovar” con 37 metros de profundidad y 187 km2 de área; depresión en la que el manto freático, enriquecido con las lluvias de marzo del año 1983 y 1998, cuando los “ríos secos” de Olmos, Motupe, Cascajal y la Leche y sus quebradas colectoras inundaron la región desde Mórrope hasta Bayovar, afloró el agua llenando la depresión; generando además un bosque de algarrobos de 800 km2 donde hemos contabilizado hasta 3200 plantones por hectárea, además de gramíneas y leguminosas forrajeras aptas para la ganadería.
El estudio concluyó en su primera etapa y así lo publicamos e informamos al Instituto Geográfico Nacional, el que lo ha bautizado equívocamente como “Lago La Niña” nombre con el que hoy aparece en el mapa oficial del país.
No es un fenómeno. Pertenece a un SISTEMA HIDROGRÁFIO DE LA COSTA que se mantiene con las lluvias periódicas e intensas, las filtraciones de los acuíferos y las cuencas que se forman en los bosques de Huacrape – Palacio en las faldas occidentales de los contrafuertes de Piura y Lambayeque y con las pequeñas descargas del río Piura que suele llegar cuando el cauce aumenta en los meses de verano.
Flora y fauna.
Es sorprendente la fauna local de aves migrantes que vienen desde el Canadá hacia el sur de Chile como el Playerito; además gavilanes, garzas, pardelas, gaviotas, piqueros, cleos, cigüeñas, halcones, caracaras, águilas, turtupilín, pelícanos, sarapitos, cormoranes, patos, zorros, venados, cabras, gatos de monte, y hasta cerdos (es una lista muy extensa de nombrar); además de mojarras, lizas, carpas, monenques, robalos, lifes, almejas, camarones, langostinos, etc. Fauna favorecida por tener agua dulce y cristalina con buena oxigenación, sobre un fondo de arena firme y endurecida.
Olvidaba decir que el lago, como tal, era desconocido oficialmente, no existía en los registros del Gobierno Regional de Piura (2005), no estaba en los planes de gobierno ni en la monografía publicada por el Municipio Provincial de Sechura con una ONG alemana, talvez lo consideraron un fenómeno transitorio.
Ahora Piura y Lambayeque continúan de espaldas a este paraíso, que puede ser de gran valor turístico y económico por sus características, dando propuestas improvisadas como “construir puentes” para cruzar el lago evitando la destrucción de la carretera a Bayovar y Panamericana, abrir cauces para el caudal del río Piura evitando la inundación de la ciudad o hasta construir diques para secar el lago como lo hizo la empresa que explota los fosfatos (American Potash) hace 14 años.
¿Puede desarrollarse un manejo sostenible del bosque en beneficio de las comunidades? Es posible, la naturaleza en su eterno equilibrio del todo, nos ha devuelto un paisaje rico y misterioso, cíclico. En vez de llorar todos los años, corresponde a la burocracia el siguiente paso ¿será capaz?
1. Ubicación del lago
2. Lámina formación del lago, mantos freáticos,
3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Lago y aves
11. Publicaciones
Jaime Deza Rivasplata
• (2020) Migraciones ambientales post pleistocénicas en los desiertos de la costa peruana.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21503/cyd.v23i1.1891
• (2012) El Santuario Natural de Sechura (youtube) Internet (documental 12 m)
• (2012). Eventos El Niño: alternativas para su aprovechamiento DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21503/CienciayDesarrollo.2012.v15i1.01
• (2012) Jaime Deza, Juan Tume Ruiz y otros SECHURA, MAR Y DESIERTO ISBN 978-612-4097-29-4
• (2010) Jaime Deza, Juan Tume Ruiz, Juan Alarcón Delgado. Cambios ambientales en el desierto de Sechura y alternativas para su aprovechamiento DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21503/CienciayDesarrollo.2010.v12.02
• (2005) Gobierno Regional de Piura. Plan estratégico de la Bahía de Sechura
(1998) Novoa Goicochea, Zaniel. Las lagunas de las Salinas. PUC, Lima.
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mschmdtphotography · 2 years
Christmas Muddle by Robin Densmore Fuson
Christmas Muddle by Robin Densmore Fuson
Book Link From Amazon: Can a child’s doll change the way a person see’s God? Problems arise. Muddles happen. Attitudes need adjustment. CEO Anadara Richardson likes the way things run in her well-ordered world. For years, she’s “adopted” one-child families for Christmas and lavished them with gifts. Zachary Hall is an entrepreneur who specializes in construction. He sponsors a different family…
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strawairi · 5 years
Na bilang ana' dara Sholeha Eh ana' dara pasolle'ha. Wkwkwkwk *Buginese
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micewithknives · 3 years
no one talks about the impact that archaeology and learning about shell species has on your ability to relax at the beach
my friends: walking along, looking at the water
me: staring at the shells mentally identifying species every time i look at them like they’ve got lil labels stuck to them and i cant help reading them
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yankumi19 · 6 years
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.Big Batotoy SheLLs.
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marutisuzukiarena · 3 years
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Navneet Motors – Best Maruti Showroom in Anadara Road Sirohi
If you want to buy a new car at an affordable price, then you must visit Navneet Motors an authorized Maruti Showroom in Anadara Road Sirohi. We have a huge collection of exclusive cars like Alto, Dzire, Celerio, Swift, Ertiga, Celerio X, Vitara Brezza, WagonR, S-Presso, and Eeco in different color variants.
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ennot74-blog · 7 years
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Анадара. Как же я скучал по морепродуктам😍 И именно по этому чуду природы - Анадара или Blood Clams. Единственный в мире ☝️❗ моллюск, обладающий кровеносной системой! Кладезь здоровья: богат таурином, микроэлементами регенириирующими внутрие органы человека, железом, фосфором, йодом (Челябинск внимание!) Подаём свежей с текилой и кровью анадары. Это просто взрыв на ваших рецепторах! Отвечаю😏 #максработает #maxennot #Myzoisters #повара_новые_рок_звёзды #rocknroll_in_the_kitchen_beaches #хулиянехореограф #здесьскоробудетморе #anadara #bloodclams #tekila #seafood (at Chelyabinsk, Russia)
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craneat · 3 years
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Ceviche de conchas negras (Anadara tuberculosa) directamente de los manglares de Tumbes, hacia la mesa... frescos y un festival de sabores en tu paladar. Solo en @lapiuranitavip (en La Piuranita vip Cevicheria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT860GFgR5o/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Mollusc Communitiess at Coastal Kemantren, Paciran, Lamongan- Juniper Publishers
Research was to obtain mollusc densities, for classification quadrant station using mollusc communi-ties at coastal Kemantren, Paciran district, Lamongan regengcy, East Java Province from November to December 2014, used descriptive method; data was collected from 3 stations was Station 1 located at mouth of river, Station II. located at settlement of inhabitant, and Station III located at mangrove. The lowest density of mollusc (1 individu) for instaned Nassarius arcularius at mouth of river. The highest density of mollusc (27 individu) at species Cerithiopsis emersoni at mouth river, meanwhile data analysed used cluster analysis SPSS program classified coastal (quadrant station) Kemantren into 3 of cluster. Cluster I located at mouth river and near the settlement, cluster II located near the settlement and mangrove forest, and cluster III located only at mangrove forest. Based the research result, it is recommended to sample in the various of substrat.
Keywords: Classification; Station; Cluster
Mollusca are found in Indonesian waters mainly of sea grass and coral averages with sand substrate, muddy sand and dead coral fractures. There are several types of mollusks that have important economic value that can be used as food, craft and industry [1]. According to Arfiati [2], many types of shellfish have economic value because they are human food ingredients. Kemantren village has a coastal area with a length of approximately 695m, is an open coastal area. The people of Kemantren village use mollusca to consume. Some kinds of moluslka are consumed and have selling value, among others Gafrarium tumidum, Tagelus divisus, Anadara sp, Cerilhiopsis matara, Cerithiopsis emersoni and Nerita sp.
With this reason it is very interesting to study especially the community of organisms that live in tidal areas, especially from the type of mollusca that have a slow movement along with several environmental factors that support their lives in the coastal area. The purpose of this study is to obtain density, cluster sites (stations and quadrants) by using the mollusc community from coastal waters of Kemantren village. The research was conducted in coastal waters of Kemantren village, Paciran sub-district, Lamongan district, East Java province in November-December 2014.
Methodology Research
Determination of observation station
The station taken in this research there are 3 locations, namely as follows: Station I: near the mouth of the river; Station II: near settlement; Station III: near the coastal mangrove forest of Kemantren Village. Before determining the number of quadrants to be taken then the first thing to do is measure the width of the tides, where the tidal width is found to be approximately 30m. After the width of the tide is known then from each station from land to sea transect line made 30m long. Each 1m, the substrate was taken, to obtain the number of substrate as many as 30 samples in each transect. The substrate is then analyzed to determine the type of substrate.
Based on 90 substrate analysis results from 90 quadrants, then the selected 15 quadrants were chosen based on different types of substrates to be observed and to identify the samples of mollusca taken in a quadrant. Station I of 7 quadrants (K2, K5, K8, K11, K15, K23, and K27), station II of 4 quadrants (K2, K8, K15, and K29), while station III 4 quadrants (K1, K5, K14 and K24). All quadrants are selected based on the substrate type change. Mollusc sampling and water quality physics (temperature) as well as chemistry (pH, salinity, and organic matter) are carried out when the water moves down. At each station 1 transect line along 30m is drawn perpendicular to the coastline toward the sea (lowest tide). In the 1st transect a quadrant is made, the 2nd transect is made into 4 kuadran and the 3rd transect is made up of 4 quadrants, each of which is a quadrant of lm x lm. Sampling is done only once, this is because one capture represents each station.
The collected live mollusca are preserved with an alcohol solution of 70% [1]. All samples that have been collected are sorted by their species and counted in number, then identified by Dharma [3], Roberts et al. [4], Morris [5,6]. To know the density and frequency of attendance, a measurement method is based on Soegianto [7].
Data analysis
The mollusca that have been identified are then analyzed using cluster analysis, which classifies site (site) by using mollusca based on similarity characteristic among the research objects. In this study cluster is used to group the location by using the mollusk that has been found [8]. The purpose of the cluster analysis is to group m samples into the same group g gene, where g is unknown, gm [9]. In this study, the amount of g = 3, because the number of m (quadrant) = 15, the determination of 3 is based on the type of substrate, found there are three kinds of sand, sand and clay sand cluster cluster images can be seen in Appendix.
Results and Discussion
Station description
Coastal Paciran especially in the area of Kemantren Village is an open coast with a coastal length of approximately 0.695km. This coastal area is utilized by the people of Kemantren Village as the source of the fulfillment of the primarily animal food needs, namely fish, crab and mollus ka. The Kemantren Coastal area is also used as a household garbage disposal (plastic, paper, or used food). Besides, the residents also use the beach as a place to defecate, sailboats with outboard engines are also moored in the coastal area of Kemantren besides that there is also stone mining in some parts of coastal Kemantren.
Station I
Station I is located in front of the river estuary, the river is long dead, near the settlement of population, so as well as a place to belay sailing and oil extraction, household waste disposal (plastic, paper, and food) and was defecating. On the shores of the coast also contain vegetation such as waru, and sea kangkung. This station is a sloping area, in addition it is close to the rocky area.
Station II
Station Ii, located about 100m from Station I to the East, lies near the population settlement. Utilized by residents as household garbage dumps (plastic, paper, food) and defecating.This area has a bamboo tree, from a nearby cemetery on the beach. Substrate contents include a type of rocky substrate, which is visible when the water moves down.
Station III
Station III is located about 400m from Station II to the East, located in front of mangroves or mangroves, and there are other plants such as waru and bamboo trees. This station is utilized by the population as a place to belay the sailboat, so that in this area can be found waste of ex-oil used oil waste that has seeped into substract, which can be seen when the sampling is done by digging. In addition there is also household waste (paper and plastic) disposed of residents, and also this location is used as a place to defecate. This location is very gentle and rocky visible at the time the water moves down.
Ecological facts of coastal waters village Kemantren
Substrate: The results of substrate analysis at stations I and II are sandy, sandy clay, and sandy clay, and sandy type at station III (see Table 1). According to Romimohtarto & Juwana [10] the substrate type of aquatic base also affects the types of marine animals that can live on or in the ocean floor. Meanwhile, according to Nybakken [11] in addition to the rocky mollusks can also live on sandy substrates such as large shells such as Tivela stultorum, Pismo shells, the small of the genus Donax, and razor shells of the genus Siliqua; on a muddy substrate of bivalve mollusks can also live, moon snails (Polinices, Natica, Glycera). The coastal waters of Kemantren are a suitable area as a place of life for mollusca.
Temperature: The temperature range obtained during the measurement is in the range 27-33 °C (see Table 1). The lowest temperature (27 °C) is obtained at station II K29. Station II is an area in front of the residential area, which contains bamboo trees and near the cemetery. Low temperature is caused because the location is near the cemetery of many trees (frangipani trees) and bamboo pole, so this area becomes shade, the other way the sampling is done in the morning. The highest temperature (33 °C) is obtained at station III K5. Station III is an area in front of mangroves, on the edge of the waters covered with mangrove trees. High temperatures are due to K5 rather far from the waters edge so far from the shade of the trees, in addition the sampling time is late in the day where the water temperature begins to warm.
According to Dahuri et al. [12] the temperature of awater is influenced by solar radiation, sun position, geographical position, seasons, cloud conditions, and processes between water and air, such as overhead, evaporation, and wind gusts. According to Salamet [13], the mollusca on the coast of Pesisir Village, Probolinggo regency, East Java Province can live in the temperature range 27-30 °C. The results of temperature measurements in the coastal waters of Kemantren Village indicate that they are still within the supporting range for the life of the mollusc community.
1: Sandy, 2: Sandy clay, 3: Sandy clay.
pH: pH obtained during the measurement is 8 (Table 1). All stations of stations I, II and III have the same pH of 8. pH is at number 8 means alkaline waters, disebabkan because the measuring area is a coastal waters area. According to Hellawel [14], pH values indicate the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a water. The neutral pH value is 6-7 and in this range the physiological function runs primarily primarily related to respiration. This means that pH affects membrane permeability. According to Nybakken [11] the seawater is slightly alkaline, usually the pH varies from 7.5 to 8.4. pH of Kemantren Village waters is still at a good rate for the life of mollusca.
Salinity: The salinity obtained during the measurement is about 25-37%. (Table 1). The low salinity (25%) was obtained at station III K24. Station III is an area in front of mangrove and there is fresh water flow. Nevertheless still can be inhabited mollusca. The highest salinity (37%) was obtained at station I K27 (Table 1). Station I is the area in front of the river estuary which overgrown with sea kangkung and also there is waru tree. The high salinity (37%) was due to sampling conducted during the day, at which time the sunny weather of the evaporation process took place and the water receded. According to Nybakken [11] salinity increases can occur if the evaporation is very high during the day. In general, the salinity of the surface of Indonesian waters averages between 32-37%. Salinity in coastal waters Kemantren village is still in the normal range for the life of mollusca.
Soil organic materials: The level of organic material obtained during the measurement is in the range of 0.11-0.53% (Table 1). The lowest organic material (0.11%) was obtained at station I K2, K11 and K15, station II K2 and station III K1 (Table 1), Station I is located in front of river mouth, station II is in front of residential area and station III is in front of mangroves. Low organic matter (0.11%) is caused by the type of substrate containing sand, so the organic material is easily washed when tidal, in addition the location directly faces the high seas. According to Dahuri et al. [12] coarse particles (sand) cause only a small part of the surface to absorb both dissolved and very small organic matter. Organic matter is also not available for bacteria. Mollusks in the coastal waters of Kemantren village are still able to live at a 0.11% organic matter content, and it is thought that the mollusks in the daerah are fed by filtering plankton from seawater or inhaling the sediment of organic matter from the surface. The highest organic material (0.53%) was obtained at station II K15 and K29 (Table 1). Station II is an area in front of residential settlements, which at the time of the research there is a lot of garbage disposal, and large water waste but the type of sandy substrate. The high organic matter at 0.53% in this area is suspected because of the input of the waste that has been disposed of by the population.
Composition of mollusca: Based on the research results obtained 3 kelas the class Gastropoda, Pelecypoda and Polyplachopora, 3 orders, 25 species and 238 taxa. The lowest no (3) at station code 30-31 (station II, K2) (Table 1 & Figure 1). The number of domestic taxes (3) is due to the type of clayed substrate (Table 1) and station II is located in front of the settlement, and in addition the location of K2 is on the edge of the waters, where on the edge of the waters there is much discarded waste by settlers. Nybakken [11] in addition to the rocky areas of mollusks can also live on sandy substrates, and muddy substrates. The number of low taxa (3) is presumed to be a disturbance of the waters edge caused by the activity of the population, so that the mollusc community at that point is low.
The number of high taxa (34) in the station code 45-54 (SIIIK,) is due to the type of sandy substrate (Table 1 & Figure 1), in addition it is the area in front of the mangroves that are far from the settlements, and a lot of mangrove leaves. According to Snedaker et al. in Dahuri et al. [12] mangrove forests has important significance because it provides a contribution of organic material to the surrounding waters. Locations in front of the mangrove cause in this area are found many different types of mollusca. The lowest number of individuals (1 individual), among others, of the Nassartus arcularius species, found in station I (K) station code 12-16 with sandy substrates, Urosalpinx perrugate species at station II (K15) 36-39 de With sandy and sandy substrate types and Nassarius viticusis species at station III (K1) station code 55-63 with sandy substrate type (Table 1). This is in accordance with the opinion of Roberts et al. [4] mollusca from the Nassariidae family and Muricidae can be found in sandy and sandy climates. Therefore station III is a suitable location for the life of Nassarius viticusis.
Station I is near the mouth of the river, and station II is in front of the settlement, utilized as a waste disposal place, so the mollusca are disturbed, so the number of individuals is found only slightly. While the mollusca at station III located in the mangrove where the area is used as a place of belaying of the ship and also there is oil waste of the ship, therefore with the oil waste suspected mollusca disturbed.
The largest number of individuals found was Cerithiopsis (27 individuals), which was found in the area near the river estuary (station I, K27, station code 28-29), with a clay sand substrate condition (Table 1). Cerithiopsis emeionsi are found in this location, the substrate is sandy clay, and is clean of garbage. According to Severns et al. [15] a small portion of the species of the Cerithiidae family prefer to live in sandy and sandy areas. Molluscs are still able to live in this area, one of them is from the species of Cerithiopsis emersoni.
Density and frequency of relative presence of mollusca Station I
Based on the data analysis, the species of emery erythiopsis emersoni has the highest density of 48ind/7m2, this means that in the area of 7m2 can be obtained 48 individuals Cerithiopsis emersoni with relative attendance frequency 41.7% (Table 2), which means the possibility of finding emerythis emersoni from all constants found is 41.7%. The station is located in front of the river estuary with environmental factors such as sandy sand substrate, sandy clay and sandy clay, temperature 28-29 °C, pH 8, salinity 33-37%, and organic material content ranges from 0,11-0.43%. At this station Cerithiopsis emerionsi are found abundantly above ground level, and are increasingly found in areas far from waters edge. Roberts et al. [4] states that the family of Cerithiidae found in tidal areas is mostly found in sandy and sandy areas. Cerithiopsis emersoni utilized by coastal people of Kemantren for consumption. Therefore, Cerithiopsis emersoni which is commonly found in this area can be produced through cultivation, so its preservation is maintained.
The lowest density, among others, is found in Planaxis sulcatus (1ind/7m2), this means that in an area of 7ml one can obtain 1 individual Planaxis sulcatus with a relative presence frequency at Planaxis sulcatus of 0.8%, this means that the possibility of finding Planaxis sulcatus from all constants found in this area is 0.8%. Roberts et al. [4] states that Planaxis sulcatus is commonly found in mangroves. At station I not found mangrove plant, therefore allegedly Planaxis sulcatus is only found in this area:
Station II
Based on the analysis of the highest density data obtained on the species Cerithium thaanurni (13ind / 4m2), this means that in an area of 4m2 can be obtained 13 individuals Cerithium thaanumi and relative presence frequency Cerithium thaanumi by 43%, this means the possibility of finding Cerithium thaanumi of all samples found in this area by 43% (Table 3). Environmental factors at station II that have been measured are sandy substrate type, sand clay and sandy clay, temperature range 27-30 °C, pH 8, salinity 30-32%, and organic matter content ranged from 0.11 to 0.53%, otherwise the station is a rocky area. Cerithiurn literatuns are found above the ground and many are also found behind rocks. Severns et al. [15] suggests that a small number of species from the Cerithiidae family favored sandy basin areas and on sand. Therefore Cerithium thaanumi is widely found in this area because this region has a substrate suitable for the life of Cerithium thaanumi. Cerithium thaanumi is not utilized by the inhabitants of Kemantren to be consumed, but the shells of Cerithium thaanumi can be used for handicrafts, so that they have economic value.
The lowest density is found among other species of Clypeomorus brevis (1ind / 4m2) this means that with an area of 4m2 can be obtained by one individual Clypeomorus brevis and the relative presence of Clypeomorus brevis as large as 3.2%, this means the possibility found Clypeomorus brevis of all samples obtained at 3.2%. The station is located in front of the residential area, the type of sandy substrate, sand and sandy clay sandstone beside it is also rocky. Roberts et al. [4] states that Clypeomorus brevis can be found in the coral habitat. Clypeomorus brevis at this station can be found in small numbers, this is thought to be due to other factors such as competition, pre-integration or migration.
Station III
Based on the results of data analysis, the highest density of Cerithiopsis emersoni (23ind/4m2) was obtained, which means that in 4m2 area, 23 individuals of Cerithiopsis emersoni with relative emotional distress of Cerithiopsis emersoni were 21.3% the possibility of an emersoni cherry ebiopsis of all samples found in this area is 21.3%. Station III is located in front of mangroves, sandy substrate type, temperature range 28-33 °C, pH 8, salinity 25-30%, and soil organic matter content ranges from 0.11 to 0.43%. Cerithiopsis emersoni is a mollusk of the family of Cerithiidea which is often found on the surface of the substrate. Odum [16] states that the number of organisme, does not mean determine the structure komu itasitas in a region. Therefore Cerithiopsis emersoni cannot be said to be the most dominant organism in the coastal waters of Kemantren village. Cerithiopsis emersoni utilized by the coastal population of Kemantren for consumption. In order for Cerithiopsis emersoni in this area is not exhausted then Cerithiopsis emerionsi can be cultivated.
The lowest density is found in species such as Littorina irrorata (1ind/4m2), this means that in an area of 4m2 we can obtain 1 individual Littorina irrorata with a relative presence frequency of 1.06%, which means the possibility of finding Littorina irrorata of all samples found in this area is 1.06%. Roberts et al. [4] states that the Littorinidae family is commonly found in tidal areas with hard substrate and mangroves. McNaughton & Wolf [17], argue that organisms may compete if each tries to reach the best source along the quality gradient or if two individuals try to occupy the same place simultaneously. Therefore, the low density of Littorina irrorata in this area is thought to be due to commission, predation, or migration.
Quadrant station grouping
The result of data analysis using cluster-analysis of SPSS program based on substrate is made 3 cluster, that is cluster 1, cluster 2, and cluster 3. Each cluster is subdivided into several sub cluster and each sub cluster consists of several dendogram group. The cluster arrangement starts from cluster 2, then cluster 3 and the last cluster 1, this corresponds to the cluster's width on the dendogram. Each cluster categorizes the site (quadrant substrate) using molluscs. Cluster 2 is prepared by S2K 15, S2K29, covering station II (in front of residential area) and 3 (in mangrove). This cluster is prepared among others by Gafrarium tumidum. The environmental conditions in the cluster 2 area are the type of sandy substrate; temperatures ranging from 27-29 °C, salinity ranging from 25 -32%, pH 8, and organic materials ranging from 0.4 to 0.5%. Gafrarium tumidum includes molluscs of the bivalve class found in the substrate. According to Roberts et al. [4], Gafrarium tumidum can be found in areas with pore and muddy substrates. Gafrarium tumidum found in coastal waters of Kemantren Village lives by immersing itself in the substrate, so that the coast of Kemantren village is suitable for the life of Gafrarium tumidum. Gafrarium tumidum included in cluster 2 is caused because Gafrarium tumidum has the same living characteristics (environmental conditions) or similar to other molluscs that are in cluster 2. The substrate type in this cluster is sandy but the content of organic material is high. Solid waste contains materials ororganic and inorganic materials. Due to the presence of waste of residents in the waters edge and the contribution of organic material from mangrove so that the content of organic material in cluster 2 is high (Table 3).
Cluster 3 prepared by S3KK1, S3K5, S3K14, is in the front area of mangroves. Cluster 3 is arranged among others by Planaxis sulcatus. The environmental conditions of the area are sandy substrates, temperatures ranging from 32-33 °C, salinity 30%. pH 8, and organic materials ranging from 0.1 to 0.4%. Planaxis sulcatus is a mollusc of the gastroperte class. During the study these molluscs were found on the surface of the soil and found in this area (front of mangroves). According to Roberts et al. [4], Planaxis sulcatus can be found in sandy clay habitat and mangrove areas. The location in front of the mangrove is a place that supports the life of Planaxis sulcatus. Planaxis sulcatus termasuk in cluster 3 is caused because these molluscs have characteristics (environmental conditions) that are similar to mollusks located in other clusters 3. According to Subarijanti [18], the materials in the waters come from the waters themselves (autochtonous) and come from outside or surrounding areas (allachtonous). Therefore, mangrove plantations contribute greatly to aquatic organisms, because mangrove leaves that fall into the waters will be utilized by organisme waters as foodstuffs (Table 4).
Cluster 1 is composed by S1K2, S1K5, S1K8, S1K11, S2K2, and S2K8, located at stations I and II which are areas near the estuary and in front of residential areas, composed by Cerithiopsis emersoni. The environmental conditions of the area are as follows the types of sandy substrates, sand clay and sandy clay, temperatures ranging from 28-30 °C, salinity of 30-37%, pH 8, and organic materials ranging from 0.1 to 0.4%. Cerithiapsis emersoni is a mollusk of the gastrophas class often found in station I, II, or III, found on the surface of the soil and in the rocks of the rocks. In addition to the residential area, station II is also close to the public cemetery, on the banks of the water can be found bamboo trees and frangipani trees, therefore the area (station II) shady. According to Roberts et al. [4] Cerithiidae is usually found in tidal dams, sandy substrate types and sandy patches. The coastal waters of Kemantren Village are a supportive area for the life of Cerithiopsis emersoni. Cerithiopsis emersoni is in cluster 1, because this mosaic has the same characteristics (environmental conditions) with other molluscs in cluster 1. Organic material ranges from 0.1 to 0.4% with the type of sandy loamy substrate and sandy clay. According to Nybakken [11], beaches with finer sediments tend to accumulate soil organic matter larger than sand beaches, because the fine grains of sediment are very slow in draining water at low tide. Therefore, sandy loam clay and sandy clay can bind more organic material to sandy substrates. The organic material found in the substrate is utilized by mollusks as foodstuffs [19].
Species found not only in clusters include Gafrarium tumidum species found in clusters 1, 2, and 3, Gafrarium tumidum can live in areas with sandy substrates, sand clay, and sandy clay. According to Roberts et al. [11], Gafra-fertil tumidum can live in sandy and clay habitats. The type of sandy substrate, sandy clay and sandy clay suitable for Gafrarium tumidum, because this species lives by immersing themselves. While species are found in one cluster, eg Nassarius arcularius in cluster 1 only, with sandy substrates, sand clay and sandy clay, temperatures ranging from 28-31 °C, salinity ranges from 30-37%, pH 8, and organic materials range 0.1-0.4%. Roberts et al. [4], Nassarius arcularius lives in a clay- sand habitat. Therefore, it is suspected that Nassurius arcularius can only live in areas with environmental conditions such as cluster 1 only. Cluster analysis with water management Based on cluster analysis result 3 clusters are cluster 1, 2 and cluster 3 Cluster 2 and 3 have similarity in the case of the sandy substrate type, the differences between the two clusters are thought to be due to other ecological factors (commission, predation, and migration (*)) that affect the presence of molluscs in these clusters. Cluster 1 is different from clusters 2 and 3, i.e., in terms of substrate type.
The type of substrate on cluster 1 varies, ie sandy, sandy clay, and sandy clay. Cluster 2 is the cluster with the lowest diversity (13), is in S2K15, S2K29 (in front of residential area) and S3K24 (in front of mangrove), while cluster 3 is the cluster with the highest divergence (17), located in S3K1, S3K5 and S3K14 (in front of mangroves) can be said that cluster 3 is the best cluster compared to other clusters. Musus found during the study consisted of 3 classes (Gastropoda, Pelecypoda, and Polyplacophora), 3 orders (Archaeogastropoda, Mesogastropoda, and Neogastropods), 19 species (Gastropoda), 2 species (Pelecypoda), and 4 species (Polyplacophora). Roberts et al. (1982), the molluscs found in Jakarta Bay and Thousand Islands consist of 4 classes (Gastropoda, Pelecypoda, Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda), 3 orders (Archaeogastropoda, Mesogastropoda, and Neogastropoda), 275 species (Gastropoda), 95 species (Pelecypoda), 1 species (Polyplacophora), 2 spesies (Scaphopoda). The small number of mollusks found in the coastal area of Kemantren Village can be caused by several factors, among others, due to the difference in the number of quadrants taken (*). The result of cluster analysis in this study can be used as a material for rearranging the location for the interests of coastal management. This is because the coastal Village Kemantren experiencing the threat of coastal damage, among others with the discharge of oil in the waters and the disposal of garbage residents on the edge of the waters.
Conclusion and Suggestions
Based on the research results obtained; The identification of mollusc obtained 3 classes of Gastoda, Pelecypoda and Polyplachopora, 3 orders, and 238 taxa. During the study we found 22 taxa representing the order Archaeogastropoda, Mesogastropoda, and Neogastropoda, and 2 classes Pelecypoda and Polyplacophora. The lowest taxa number (3) is found in station code 30-31 (SIIK2), located in front of residential area while the highest taxa number 34 is located at station code 4554 (SIIIK 1), located in front of mangrove. (1 individual), among others, of the Nassarius viticusis species, found at station I (K2 and K8) station codes 1-5 and 12-16, station II (K2 and K15) of station codes 30-31 and 36-39 and station III (K1, K5, and K24) station codes 45-54, 55-63, and 69-77. The largest number of individuals (27 individuals) was Cerithiopsis emersoni, found at station I, quadrant 27, station code 28-29.
The lowest density among others was found in Planaxis sulcatus species (1ind/7m2) with a presence frequency of 0.8%. Based on data analysis on station I, Cerithiopsis emersoni species has the highest density of 48ind/7m2 and relative frequency is 41,7%. Data analysis at station II highest density is obtained at Cerithium thaanumi species (13ind/4m2) and attendance frequency 43%, the lowest ability was obtained among other species of Neritina sp (1ind /4m2) and relative frequency 3.2%. Data analysis at station III obtained the highest density on species of Emericon Cerithiopsis (23ind/4m2) with frequency 21.3%, low density obtained in species such as Littorina irrorata (1ind/4m2) with frequency 1.06%. Condition environments in coastal waters Kemantren village is sandy substrate, sand laminated, and sandy clay at station I and Il, and sandy type at station III, temperature range 27-33 °C, pH 8, salinity 25-37% and organic material content ranged from 0.11-0.53%. Data analysis using Cluster analysis program obtained 3 clusters, namely cluster 1, cluster 2, and cluster 3. Each cluster is divided into sub cluster and each sub. The cluster consists of several groups of dendograms. Each cluster classifies quadrant stations using molluscs.
From the research results suggested:
a. Substrate diversity (e.g. rocky substrates) in mollusc sampling should be considered.
b. Need to study other ecological parameters (ocean currents, sedimentation, predation, competition, and migration).
c. Need to take advantage of other macrozoobenthos in location grouping.
d. Need to study the cultivation problem of molluscs (Cerithiopsis emersoni).
e. Require the management of coastal areas of Kemantren Village with environmental insight, for example mangrove cutting, mangrove planting, reducing oil and garbage disposal at the waters edge, and making final waste dumps for waste.
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