#analysis activity 2
jazforthesoul · 3 months
every time someone reduces CAPTAIN !!! elizabeth "lizzie" lafayette down to "a sad lesbian" a fairy dies bc i shoot it with my gun. like you're telling me you were spoon-fed a character that has one of the most realistic and RAW representations of grief and perseverance in the series and all you got from that was "she's sad" ????
is she a constantly happy character? Fuck no! that's acknowledged!! but to take EVERYTHING that she is, which has positive and negative aspects THAT ARE BOTH SHOWN, to take the fact that she is THE DRIVING FORCE OF THE MAIN BACKGROUND PLOT, and reduce her down to NOTHING but her relationships?? ?what the hell!!!
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aurry-rain · 3 months
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I think Kaiju Zenyatta is really cool!
So I drew a fanart for him!
PS: Here is the GIF I recorded, a VERY lovely tail)
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heavenlymorals · 2 months
do you think arthur had nightmares after the whole ordeal with the o’driscoll’s in chapter 3? you’ve said he’s rather stoic and since he doesn’t really talk about his feelings with anyone (except for that talk with mary-beth behind a wagon in ch2) i could imagine it manifesting (not sure i’m using the right word) in that way. what do you think?? xxx
Oh yeah, I headcanon Arthur to think about his experiences all the time. He lives a cruel and violent life, there is no way he WON'T think about. The fact that he journals all of it shows that he actively thinks about it. Of course, not all people who lived a violent lifestyle will be diagnosed with PTSD in the future or have the symptoms, but regardless it'll always become a part of their lives.
I doubt that Arthur is too traumatized by it though simply because of how desensitized he is to it all. Even just look at the way he writes about it. It's sarcastic and degrading of HIMSELF rather than the situation. To me, Arthur views himself getting tortured as just a risk that comes with the job. The only clue that we have that MIGHT tell us that he was thinking about it more than that is the fact that he gets a deer dream but we also know that the deer dreams pop up only when Arthur has to face the reality of what he is doing in the Outlaw life, not what the outlaw has done to him mentally and emotionally.
And the thing about stoicism is that it's not about being emotionless. It's about being able to control your REACTIONS to an emotion. Stoic people can feel joy, sadness, anger, fear, etc. etc. but what sets them apart from other people is that they actively or unconsciously suppress the full extent of their emotions. Either that or he picks and chooses which emotions to show to people. This can also be an 1800s masculinity thing where he's more comfortable expressing "masculine" emotions like anger rather than "feminine" emotions like fear even though both fear and anger are regarded as "negative" emotions. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it's a real thing.
Just because Arthur is a rather stoic person does not mean he doesn't feel his fears or traumas. He does, he just doesn't "react" to them if that makes sense. Like for example, Arthur does NOT really mourn for Hosea in the way that normal people mourn their father. The most we got from him was anger, then a quiet sadness then nothing. But on the inside? He's hurting. That was his father. For Sean it was the same thing. Anger, a quiet sadness, and then nothing. And for Lenny as well. Anger, quiet sadness, and then nothing. But on the inside, WE KNOW he's hurting.
And again, he is more open with the girls, but he doesn't talk about his own fears or traumas. He only talks about himself in the sense of the things he's doing or have done or is happening to him, and how they make him feel depressed or sad but fears? Traumas? No.
The only time it happened is with Calderon. That's the only time we know for certain that Arthur is scared and there are many reasons why he feels more comfortable about speaking about his fears with Calderon instead of the gang members. It could be any of these reasons or all of them.
-She is an older woman.
-She is a woman of the cloth.
-The Christian mindset of the time.
-The fact that he doesn't really know her like he does the gang members so he's more loose with what he says and doesn't say because she's not a consistent figure in his life.
But overall? Arthur may feel fear or have traumas, but he's a stoic person in regards to that, so I highly doubt he's out there just breaking down every time something traumatic happens to him. There are so many interations of Arthur in fandom that has him be super sensitive and open to figures like Hosea or Dutch but the reality? He wouldn't be. He doesn't care to be.
Hope that answers your question, anon 🤭🫶🏼❤️
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wildissylupus · 2 months
Kiriko would meet Cassidy and Pharah, find out they're siblings, and wonder how the fuck Pharah turned out the way she did
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otsanda · 11 months
I was reading this great meta by @fuckyeahisawthat about Aziraphale and Crowley metaphorically switching places— from Crowley being the giver of Knowledge and the freedom of choice to humanity and Aziraphale being the protector, by giving humans the flaming sword to Crowley being the protector of humanity and Aziraphale granting knowledge and freedom of choice.
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But this made something click into place for me that I’d been turning over in my mind for a while: what if it’s not just freedom and knowledge and choice for humanity… what if Aziraphale functionally brings freedom and choice and knowledge to everyone!
I mean, one thing I haven’t really seen anyone talking about is the contrast between the portrayal of angels and demons (generally) in S1 and specific angels and demons in S2. The first season really set Heaven and Hell up as full of a lot of characters who had their own quirks and unique aspects, but still functioned very well as cogs in the same type of machine.
Gabriel and Beelzebub are the most obvious examples, since they had the biggest pivot in S2: suddenly it’s not just Aziraphale and Crowley who are the special ones.
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We get to see these two other characters have thoughts and desires and aspirations beyond that of following their angelic/demonic natures or furthering the cause of their respective sides. S2 really humanizes both of these characters who were (in S1) the best real example that we saw of an official representative of the corporate goings-on from each side. God and Satan were there in S1, but in a much less visible way (and even LESS visible in S2).
But even beyond Beez and Gabe, S2 took careful steps to humanize a lot of other ethereal/occult characters as well. We see Michael both confident and shaken, sarcastic and unsure. Strong, but with aspirations to go Higher. Uriel pushes back, questions authority, and asks for reassurance that they’ve not done something wrong. Side note: I really hope we get to see more Uriel development bc Uriel has so much interesting potential to me.
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Muriel wasn’t in S1, but is an obvious parallel for early Aziraphale and we see a lot of similarities between them (their enthusiasm and delight at experiencing Earth, being believed when attempting a particular human job, enjoying books, etc).
Even the demons we see aren’t a monolith. Shax feels quite different from the classic evil demons we’ve met before. Furfur and Eric too. Although they’re doing demon stuff, none of these demons act all that demonic. We see even more hints at them struggling and learning and growing. Being… more human.
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Heck, even the demon with the scary mouth in E4, Astoreth, was just doing his job.
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So then what if the end of S2 is establishing Crowley as the defender of Humanity while positioning Aziraphale to share knowledge and the freedom of choice in heaven. If the ‘big battle’ that Crowley mentioned at the end of S1 is between Humanity and whoever is representing Heaven or Hell, maybe it’s time to give more ethereal and occult beings the opportunity to choose their own place in that fight.
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Because I think that Crowley is right that Heaven and Hell are toxic. And Aziraphale is right that they both can do good. And separating the two of them, as painful as it is to watch, could give Aziraphale the space to see glimpses of humanity in the other angels (and even demons?) while positioned in Heaven. And it could give Crowley... probably trust issues, actually. I guess let's put a pin in that part.
But come Season 3, I would love to see Crowley and Aziraphale positioned on opposite sides of the war to end all wars, Aziraphale representing Heaven (and Hell?) and Crowley alongside Humanity. But before anything truly awful happens, they do what they always do.
They’ll come up with a plan. And they'll rescue one another and themselves.
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And everything else and everyone else will fall into place around them.
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aphel1on · 15 days
you know something i find really funny. every time there's a popular "bad boy" ship/character, yknow, like a sympathetic villain that has a reputation for having hordes of fangirls or whatever- people will be like "oh so you think you can fix him huh🙄" and other people will be writing these thinkpieces about how fixing a villain with your love is also a kind of power fantasy
meanwhile i'll be over here like. take a good look at the barely restrained mental illness on my account and maybe you'll realize i am projecting onto the villain and not the love interest (if any) in this situation. maybe MY fantasy is someone/thing miraculously having the power to fix me did you ever consider THAT
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makoredeyes · 2 months
Just a question or kind of request thing. I have always seen timur being portrayed as a happy/chill guy (best way I can describe it bc I can't think of the proper words right now) but basically he's always happy and smiling and stuff and I don't know why but I wanna see him get mad and fight y'know cuz he's also like really strong arc user. (Also something about these specific kind of characters getting angry is awesome) Basically, I was wondering if you have any fics with something like that in the works or if you don't right now, then after you're done with all the others that you wanna get done first. (Hopefully, this makes sense lol I just wanna see timur go off on some bad guys or smth)
Yes! Yes! It’s too easy to fall into the trap of portraying Timur as just this big goofy Himbo of a sweetheart (he is written in lore as being friendly, jovial and even quite playful) but there’s also actually a lot of hints in canon that he definitely had a darker edge to him, not to mention being absolutely no sort of pushover.
He is a weapons smith, and described as such in a way by Saladin that suggests Saladin is pretty unsettled by his methods.
His own student Colovance writes at one point that he fears Timur has slipped into madness.
In-game the ability to suborn enemies is titled Timur’s Demons.
And friends, get a load of the in-game artwork of that talisman of his from D1:
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Zalia and I have poured over this and I’m not gonna do that here because there’s a 10k word limit (lol 😜) but check out that symbol from the festival of the lost, the creepy void aura, and the um. Ah. Really?! Familiar?! Symbology?! Around??! The?? Border??!?!?!?
Not even going to touch on the triskeleon symbology here but this thing is LOADED and MAN.
TLDR for a dude with uh… three? Four? Direct lore references over 10 years and two are the same event just from different perspectives. Holy shit. Man’s a bonified freak and YEAH I want so badly to delve into it a little more and I 10000% plan to because imo the nice guy act isn’t like. Fake. But it’s definitely not the entire man. And yeah yeah yeah I want to see the rest of it we are SO gonna peel back the glittery veneer and see the ugly under and I’m gonna just keep writing for him until he lets me or so help me!
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eggrestes · 1 year
hey ml fandom, polls weren't made to see every 2 weeks which is the fandom's fav side of lovesquare
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hatterladz · 8 months
Fuck it deranged "I just woke up" character analysis
I think it's interesting that in the movie it feels like Leo is more determined to NOT be serious whereas in the series, despite being lazy, he was also (mostly) the most reasonable
A lot of ppl believe Leo was doing this to shirk responsibilities of being a leader (which while I do think is VERY possible, don't think was what was happening)
Considering how much at the beginning Leo pushes "we defeated the Shredder" I believe it was moreso "We just underwent a very traumatic event the last thing I wanna do is start training and getting strict with things"
Rise Leo shirking responsibility? Possibly, but with how much he prevents his brothers from biting off more then they can chew and how integral "why does nobody trust me?" is apart of his character? Harder for me to believe
Him avoiding serious "hero" work bc he went through a traumatic event and as he does so it's repeated "its not about you" when he decides to be selfish and tries to just have fun instead? Far more likely, it's also interesting that Raph never tells Leo "when are you going to be a leader" leadership isn't really ever mentioned in the movie
Just Raph saying "when are you going to take things seriously", I also think Mikey and Donnie aren't really on anyone's side, afterall they're participating in Leo's shenanigans at the beginning, they're the ones participating in the "you said heroes" game, breaking the pizza record
But at the same time now Donnie has Donnie Pods, which is assumably after Shredder's attack (unfortunately we don't have a clue what Mikey might've been doing before the Kraang, but I'm assuming since Leo is the one getting bitched at the most, Mikey was doing some training as well), they have taken some things seriously, more then Leo, but not to the degree Raph is
Anyway but imagine trying to avoid thinking about how everyone you love nearly died and trying to just enjoy time with them while you can and prove that things are going to be okay, there won't be another Shredder only to fuck up so badly that there's something worse then Shredder, and so you go "I can fix it look this future guy says I can fix it he's supporting me" *falls in a hole* *gets told he sucks* "Nvm I guess I don't got this!"
I think this also supported by how Raph mentions trying to prevent your team from getting hurt and the change of Leo's face only to IMMEDIATELY goad Raph into a fight
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bluegarners · 1 year
so so so interesting to me how ppl gauge alternate worlds and its reflections on a character on that scale of morally good versus evil...
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anyway third unrelated tangent i'm rereading some game quotes and it's still kind of very funny to me just how deeply anti-associating with outsiders (help words failing me) calaba is. she's like, galaxy team, you disgust me. i can't even accept help from my fellow mirelands warden because she's DIAMOND CLAN it simply can't be done. completely unacceptable. heathens the lot of you. meanwhile one of her fellow wardens who she presumably like, approved of or at least has interacted with before, is just some fucking dude who materialized out of thin air one day knowing jack shit about anything. pick one!!
although the way she does such a hard 180 after you pick the fragment back up DOES make me feel like, to some degree she was just having a really bad day and taking it out on you and arezu, and she's normally not Like That. or like, not so loud about it at least. like maybe her standard is to just very quietly disapprove of outsiders and give them the stinkeye while treating them otherwise normally. you know the type. but now her dear ursaluna's going apeshit on the mirelands and every fucking person in the region has to come give her their opinion about it, so yeah, she got kinda snappy. she still did get some Character Growth after the tablet retrieval but it wasn't necessarily as dramatic as it appeared bc a solid chunk of it was just her chilling out a little.
she also says that her treatment wrt arezu specifically is bc she thought of her as a "young whelp from the diamond clan" suggesting that it's partially arezu's perceived experience that calaba disapproved of, and if she was just older, it would have been less objectionable. which is also interesting bc it implies (to me at least) that calaba and arezu don't know each other all that well, probably further pointing to the idea that arezu would be the youngest and newest diamond clan warden were it not for sabi being, yknow, an actual baby. but this is drifting towards hc territory and i really should be asleep so i'm gonna stop there
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Eternally distraught and angry that hitting a weakness with Alchemist's Analysis doesn't play the Ding. You Know The One. Zodiac's Singularity gets the Ding. Runemaster's Runic Guidance gets the Ding.
But Alchemists get nothing????? Dead silence???? Was making Analysis a buff/Force Boost instead of a passive not enough of a nerf?
And the kicker... is that Double Attack activations got the ding instead??? WHAT???
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Im jus looking at u w big eyes. Tell me what you're autistic about. Infodump get out of jail free card. Any size
oh boy there are. many things. there are so so so many things……. all rattling around my little brain……………….
#obviously art i love u art i love u drawing i LOVE u character design. love love love#i love u videogames hollow knight is my biggest special interest ever it’s literally the best fucking game i’ve ever played i would kill for#it. i would replay it 393748 times it changed my life for the better i think#i just spent like 2 minutes trying to say anything comprehensible about this game but i just. i dont know#i marathon all of mossbag’s videos on a bi-monthly basis if that helps.#extremely autistic about fnaf i have a love-hate relationship with it. it’s literally my life and part of my brain i grew up with it#im never Not thinking about it. but also i can shit all over it sooo bad i can be such a hater of it#ace attorney…. my autidm game. i could never get tired of the characters or the story no matter how much i play#disco elysium <3 i have no words for disco elysium it’s just the best game ever i think. life changing#has kim kitsuragi in there#i love u tv shows i love u gravity falls literally up there with fnaf on the ‘part of my actual life’ shelf#i’ve rewatched it so many times but it never stops being good and the characters never stop being interesting to dissect#i love u steven universe and my love-hate kismesis relationship with it. show that was so perfect but so flawed. but perfect i think#i could go on and on about su im so serious. but i will hold myself back for the greater good#i love u the owl house <3 it is doing everything it can and it is doing so good#i never really got a chance to participate in active analysis and theorizing so that was a good experience for me#got me autistically looking over one single frame to figure out a plot mystery#oughhhhhh i love u anime. chansow man. one pinch man. mop sikey. saiki k. bnha is in there too somewhere#i’m too autistic over bnha sorry i know it’s bad but maybe i just like it when shows are bad and i get to fix them in my head#i get to make everyone my ocs#which by the way im obsessed with my ocs. completely#you guys think im crazy about my fancharacters wait till you see me infodumping about my actual ocs then i might actually explode#ok this is not as long as i wanted to be but i just cant thhink of words when i try to explain how much my interests mean to me#u just have to trust me ok. or wait for a reason for me to go completely ballistic and write like 13k words explaining why hk is the game of#all time. ok (falls over)#cramswering
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hi i finished my degree last week
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fordp1nes · 7 months
do you ever have a thought that makes you realize you've levelled up mentally?
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shenyaanigans · 1 year
in all my years on tumblr, i have never had a viral post, except for now, and despite that it's not that viral, i see now why people turn off reblogs
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