#and 1920's america for the moon. or venus.
exovissa · 8 months
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character sheet for my uni project lol
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astrognossienne · 3 years
scandalous beauty - dolores del río - an analysis
“I love my native Mexico but I love Hollywood, too. It has brought me much happiness and yet, while here I have been miserably unhappy also. But through it all I have found myself, my work and my true destiny.” - Dolores del Río
Like Lupe Vélez, Dolores del Río was a pioneering Latina actress, however del Río’s reach was longer. Far from being stigmatized as a woman of colour, she was acknowledged as the epitome of beauty in the Hollywood of the 1920s and early 1930s. While she insisted upon her ethnicity, she was nevertheless coded white by the film industry and its fans, and she appeared for more than a decade as a romantic lead opposite white actors. Returning to Mexico in the early 1940s, she brought enthusiasm and prestige to the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, becoming one of the great divas of Mexican film. With struggle and perseverance, she overcame the influence of men in both countries who hoped to dominate her, ultimately controlling her own life professionally and personally. Her sophistication, style and artistry bewitched everyone from Stella Adler to John Ford, Federico Fellini, and her great friends Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, who proclaimed to be “totally in love with her, just like forty million Mexicans and one hundred and twenty million Americans who couldn’t be wrong.” She was America’s first Latina superstar, and by the early 1930s, she was one of Hollywood's ten top moneymakers. Hers was a charmed life, but not even she was without problems. A child of privilege in her native Mexico, her family’s status was destroyed in the Mexican Revolution, and her desire to restore her comfortable lifestyle inspired del Río to follow a career as an actress. Discovered and promoted by American director Edwin Carewe, her obsessive protector and Svengali, as the “female Rudolph Valentino,” del Río’s aristocratic, Spanish-European background was constantly pushed to counteract Hollywood’s racism against Mexicans; indeed she was generally thought to be one of the most beautiful actresses of her era, and was the first Latin American movie star to have international appeal. She worked for over five decades and paved the way for Latin American stars in American cinema.
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Dolores del Río, according to astrotheme, was a Leo sun and Aries moon. She was born María de los Dolores Asúnsolo López-Negrete in the Mexican town of Durango; she was an only child born to parents who belonged to the wealthy Mexican aristocracy. She was the second cousin of actor Ramón Novarro and a cousin to actress Andrea Palma. They lived the high life in the company of intellectuals and artists. Dolores attended a prestigious school but soon their world was turned upside down, threatened by an insurrection led by Pancho Villa in the region. Del Río and her mother escaped Mexico City disguised as peasants, while her father crossed the border to the United States. When the family eventually reunited in 1912, they did so under the protection of Francisco I. Madero. In 1920 she married the 18-year older attorney Jaime Martinez del Río and became a socialite. Her career got off to a good start when in 1925 when the lauded American director Edwin Carewe was invited to her home and saw her perform and dance for her family and friends. He persuaded del Río and her husband to moved to the United Sates and go to Hollywood to be in his films. While in Hollywood, del Río played a variety of leading roles, from European aristocrat to "native" girl to European peasant.
Within a few years after her arrival, she was a major hit and her appeal was astonishingly broad. She quickly came to command a substantial salary and to exercise control over her choice of films, scripts, and camera angles. Despite the fact that she did not speak English when she first began and had to have the director 's instructions delivered through interpreters, she made the transition to sound films gracefully. Her accent was deemed slight, attractive, and not specific to a particular country. As socially attractive as she was, physically and personality-wise, the truth is that a major part of del Río’s seamless transition into Hollywood is down to racism and white supremacy. While her contemporary (and nemesis) Lupe Vélez was viewed as the "bad Mexican wildcat" (to be fair, her temperament didn’t help this stereotype), Dolores was viewed as the "good Spanish lady." The contrast between the two stars and their degrees of acceptance reflected society’s stereotypical dichotomy between "good" Spanish and "bad" Mexican images– which has its roots in U.S. history. While most Mexicans were perceived as racially inferior, the elite Hispanic Californianas were deemed European and superior while the mass of Mexican women were viewed as Indian and inferior. Californiana women who possessed land and intermarried with Anglo men were depicted positively; they were represented as aristocratic and virtuous and they epitomized "good" women; but this was at the price of denying their racial identity, and being treated as racially superior to Californiano males and the rest of their people. So as such, she soon divorced her Mexican husband Jaime in 1928 and two years later married MGM art director Cedric Gibbons (who happened to be Gary Cooper’s wife’s uncle).
Soon after her marriage, she was romantically linked with actor Errol Flynn, filmmaker John Farrow, writer Erich Maria Remarque, film producer Archibaldo Burns, and actor Tito Junco. However, it was her affair with Orson Welles, who considered her the love of his life, that was arguably her most high profile relationship. She and Welles met at a party hosted by director Darryl Zanuck. The couple felt a mutual attraction and began a discreet affair, which upon eventual discovery caused the divorce between Dolores and Gibbons. Their relationship lasted for 4 years; she ended it when she got word of Welles cheating on her. She decided to end her relationship with Welles through a telegram that he never answered. According to his daughter, Rebecca, until the end of his life, Welles felt for del Río a kind of obsession. Weeks later, her father died in Mexico. With these personal and professional downturns, Dolores del Río returned to Mexico in the 1940s and became a significant part of the Mexican film industry’s Golden Era. She was the muse of director Emilio Fernández and starred most notably in Las Abandonadas (1944) and La Malquerida (1949). On a national and even international level though, Dolores del Río will perhaps always be best remembered for her role in the 1946 classic María Candelaría, which is said to be the film of which she was most proud. It also marked the first tentative steps of the Mexican film industry into the world of serious cinema and was the first Latin American film to be screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 1946, where it won the Grand Prix (now known as the Palme d’Or) for Best Picture. After her triumph in her native homeland, she returned to Hollywood and played opposite Henry Fonda in The Fugitive (1947). She continued to work steadily, starring in various TV shows and films until retiring in 1978. On April 11, 1983, del Río died from liver failure at the age of 78 in Newport Beach, California.
Next week, I’ll focus on her one-time lover, an iconoclastic disruptor who took on the conventions of Hollywood and won: the amazing Taurus Orson Welles.
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birthdate: August 3, 1904
major planets:
Sun: Leo
Moon: Aries
Rising: Leo
Mercury: Virgo
Venus: Leo
Mars: Cancer
Midheaven: Taurus
Jupiter: Aries
Saturn: Aquarius
Uranus: Sagittarius
Neptune: Cancer
Pluto: Gemini
Overall personality snapshot:  She had a large, warm-hearted, extroverted personality that was always eager to embrace life, love and success – in big doses. There was something about her that assumed the divine right to live life to the full, and her intensity and impatience, along with her personal ambitions, pulled her ever onwards into new projects, fresh relationships and greater challenges. She was something of a gambler and had a daring and dramatic spirit which propelled her forward to make her mark, a sense of personal destiny which can only be exciting and noble. And she was prepared to fight for that glorious destiny if she had to, although she would rather simply steal the show and convince everyone with her intelligence, originality, courage and fabulous style. One of her most beguiling qualities is that she was totally lacking in guile and pretense. Although her own personal destiny was what interested her, paradoxically she at first looked for people she could admire and make into personal heroes. Strongly influenced by a favourite teacher, friend, poet, sports champion or movie star, she could then emulate them and learn through experience how to be great.
She loved the process of creating, as well as the applause that came at the end. Indeed, she relied on those adoring strokes and affirmative responses more than she liked to admit. Life without people would be colourless and boring for her. Social interaction was her life-blood – she could be the life of the party, a real ham and an eccentric, ready to take up the most outrageous dare. But when her extrovert escapades dry up, so did she. She may have, in fact, driven herself to exhaustion and then collapse like a child, home from an all-night rave-up. Yet despite her headlong rush into the experience of life, she was not necessarily irresponsible. Daring and highly idealistic dreams worked away inside her and made her want to improve things, to show people the way, and she may have simply taken charge – for a while. Intensely self-motivated, she did not respond well to orders from others, even though she could be quite bossy herself. There is a touch of the preacher inside her, and she approached her work with great enthusiasm and commitment. She needed space to do her own thing, to learn from her own mistakes, and to learn how to impose her own brand of self-discipline. Her innate self-dramatizing tendencies made her a natural for the theater, business, lecturing, the media – areas that involved group interaction and provided scope for her original and iconoclastic ideas.
She had great presence with a strong-featured face and a sunny glow of inner self-confidence and displayed a regal quality in her posture and carriage; was definitely well-built. She sought perfection in whatever she did and could be very critical of herself and her own efforts. In this way, she often became overly critical and pedantic, especially under stress. She was basically an honest person, and it disturbed her greatly when she had to deal with people who were not. Anyone who violated her sense of trust had a very hard time getting it back. It was very important for her to know that she had the security of a guaranteed paycheck coming in regularly. She had an artistic side to her that obviously influenced her choice of career as an actor. Once she had decided upon her career, she was able to (and most certainly did) pursue it with great determination. She had boundless enthusiasm and big ideas coupled with high expectations of succeeding. She was also self-sufficient and broad-minded. Her genuine pioneering spirit, positive outlook and large-scale personal ambitions led her right to the top. She needed to learn to think before you take on a challenge, and all risks should have been carefully considered. She needed to learn to relax and slow down. She was anxious to prove herself both to others and to herself. If anyone said that she couldn’t do something, she defied them to try and stop her. As long as she felt that she was the one in control, she had a high degree of optimism and was fun-loving, loving to play at life. 
She had an original mind and used every skill she possessed to gain control of her affairs. She found it hard to let go of the past, and it would have been good if she did so that she could grow. She was willing to tolerate austerity for as long as it was justified. She respected institutions for as long as they served her purpose. She had the ability to judge what was viable or important. She belonged to a generation with fiery enthusiasm for new and innovative ideas and concepts. Rejecting the past and its mistakes, she sought new ideals and people to believe in. As a member of this generation, she felt restless and adventurous, and was attracted towards foreign people, places and cultures. She was part of an emotionally sensitive generation that was extremely conscious of the domestic environment and the atmosphere surrounding their home place and home country. In fact, she could be quite nostalgic about her homeland, religion and traditions, often seeing them in a romantic light. She felt a degree of escapism from everyday reality, and was very sensitive to the moods of those around him. Dolores embodied all of these Cancer Neptunian ideals, when she returned to her native Mexico in 1943, a country of which she was very proud, her decision to return to her roots changed her career. As a Gemini Plutonian, she was mentally restless and willing to examine and change old doctrines, ideas and ways of thinking. As a member of this generation, she showed an enormous amount of mental vitality, originality and perception. Traditional customs and taboos were examined and rejected for newer and more original ways of doing things. As opportunities with education expanded, she questioned more and learned more.
Love/sex life: She had a heroic conception of herself as a lover. She saw herself as strong and in control, the protector of the weak and the saviour of the desperate. Unfortunately, the realities of her love life didn’t always support this notion. Often it was her tender feelings that required protection and her desperate plunges in and out of love that called for a saviour. In order to justify this discrepancy, she often had to be less than honest, both with her lover and herself. The person most likely to win her heart would have been that individual who made it appear as if  she was the champion when, in fact, she was the one crying for help. Her tendency toward self-deception often extended to a failure to admit to her very natural emotionalism and sexual passivity. Unfortunately, there always came a day of reckoning when she had to “own” her emotional susceptibility and capitulate to her sloppy feelings of dependency and her deep-seated need for affection. The good news was that surrendering everything for love wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought it was. She may have lost her dignity but what she got in return made it all worth while.
minor asteroids and points:
North Node: Virgo
Lilith: Pisces
Vertex: Sagittarius
Fortune: Taurus
East Point: Leo
These points in her chart, however minor, packed a major punch in her sex appeal as well. Her North Node in Virgo dictated that her tendency to dream and be disorganized needed to be tempered by developing more practical and down-to-earth attitudes. Her Lilith in Pisces meant that she was a woman who was a natural born mystic and cultivated her own myth. Her Part of Fortune in Taurus and Part of Spirit in Scorpio dictated that her destiny lay in attaining personal freedom through seeking material security and comfort. Happiness and good fortune came through tangible and practical results that had a solid foundation. Her soul’s purpose lay in delving fearlessly into the unknown. She felt spiritual connections and saw the spark of the divine when she could strip away the outer layers of experiences and get to the core of a situation. East Point in Leo dictated that she was more likely to identify with the need for pleasure (including the potential of liking herself) and comfort. Vertex in Sagittarius, 4th house reveals that she dreamt of the pinnacle of adventure when it came to mating. Her psyche yearned to be carried away to the ends of the earth or to be exposed to every manner of religious and/or philosophical theory known to man and then some. Her yearning was strong and really deep when it came to rarefied experiences of any sort. Encountering and wanting to join with her demanded that she always had an itinerary that will provide her with the maps to explore the roads that they have not yet traveled, to say nothing of the different worlds they have dreamed of but not yet experienced. She had a childlike orientation, in all of its manifestations, toward relationships on an internal level. That implicit dependency and impressionable nature that was instilled in her childhood persisted far into maturity. The concomitant explosions and occasional tantrums when these constructs are violated also accompany this position. She had a need for emotional security and comfort in a committed relationship, no matter how many years it has endured. She often had deep fears, typical of children, of abandonment, as well as a need for protection and universal acceptance, no matter how she acted, which she needed her partner to respect and nurture, rather than rebuke, especially in adulthood.
elemental dominance:
She was dynamic and passionate, with strong leadership ability. She generated enormous warmth and vibrancy. She was exciting to be around, because she was genuinely enthusiastic and usually friendly. However, she could either be harnessed into helpful energy or flame up and cause destruction. Ultimately, she chose the latter. Confident and opinionated, she was fond of declarative statements such as “I will do this” or “It’s this way.” When out of control—usually because she was bored, or hadn’t been acknowledged—she was be bossy, demanding, and even tyrannical. But at her best, her confidence and vision inspired others to conquer new territory in the world, in society, and in themselves. She was a practical, reliable man and could provide structure and protection. She was oriented toward practical experience and thought in terms of doing rather than thinking, feeling, or imagining. Could be materialistic, unimaginative, and resistant to change. But at her best, she provided the practical resources, analysis, and leadership to make dreams come true.
modality dominance:
She liked the challenge of managing existing routines with ever more efficiency, rather than starting new enterprises or finding new ways of doing things. She likely had trouble delegating duties and had a very hard time seeing other points of view; she tried to implement the human need to create stability and order in the wake of change.      
house dominants:
She had great interest in the unconscious, and indulged in a lot of hidden and secret affairs. Her life was defined by seclusion and escapism. She had a certain mysticism and hidden sensitivity, as well as an intense need for privacy. Traveling, whether physically across the globe, on a mental plane or expanding through study was a major theme in her life. She was not only concerned with learning facts, but also wanted to understand the connections formed between them and the philosophies and concepts they stood for. Her conscience, as well as foreign travel, people and places was also of paramount importance in her life. Her personality, disposition and temperament was highlighted in her life. The manner in which she expressed herself and the way she approached other people is also highlighted. The way she approached new situations and circumstances contributed to show how she set about her life’s goals. Early childhood experiences also factored in her life as well.
planet dominants:
She was intelligent, mentally quick, and had excellent verbal acuity. She dealt in terms of logic and reasoning. It is likely that she was left-brained. She was restless, craved movement, newness, and the bright hope of undiscovered terrains. She had vitality and creativity, as well as a strong ego and was authoritarian and powerful. She likely had strong leadership qualities, she definitely knew who she was, and she had tremendous will. She met challenges and believed in expanding her life. She was romantic, attractive and valued  beauty, had an artistic instinct, and was sociable. She had an easy ability to create close personal relationships, for better or worse, and to form business partnerships.
sign dominants:
She loved being the center of attention and often surrounded herself with admirers. She had an innate dramatic sense, and life was definitely her stage. Her flamboyance and personal magnetism extended to every facet of her life. She wanted to succeed and make an impact in every situation. As a Leo dominant, she was, at her best, optimistic, honorable, loyal, and ambitious. She was a physically oriented individual who took pride in her body. She was bold, courageous, and resourceful. She always seemed to know what she believed, what she wanted from life, and where she was going. She could be dynamic and aggressive (sometimes, to a fault) in pursuing her goals—whatever they might be. Could be argumentative, lacked tact, and had a bad temper. On the other hand, her anger rarely lasted long, and she could be warm and loving with those she cared about. She was a discriminating, attractive, thorough, scientific, hygienic, humane, scientific woman and had the highest standards. Her attention to detail was second to none and she had a deeply penetrative and investigative mind.
Read more about her under the cut.
Dolores del Rio was the one of the first Mexican movie stars with international appeal and who had meteoric career in the 1920s/1930s Hollywood. Del Rio came from an aristocratic family in Durango. In the Mexican revolution of 1916, however, the family lost everything and emigrated to Mexico City, where Dolores became a socialite. In 1921 she married Jaime Del Río (also known as Jaime Martínez Del Río), a wealthy Mexican, and the two became friends with Hollywood producer/director Edwin Carewe, who "discovered" del Rio and invited the couple to move to Hollywood where they launched careers in the movie business (she as an actress, Jaime as a screenwriter). Eventually they divorced after Carewe cast her in her first film Joanna (1925), followed by High Steppers (1926), and Pals First (1926). She had her first leading role in Carewe's silent version of Pals First (1926) and soared to stardom in 1928 with Carewe's Ramona (1928). The film was a success and del Rio was hailed as a female Rudolph Valentino. Her career continued to rise with the arrival of sound in the drama/romance Bird of Paradise (1932) and hit musical Flying Down to Rio (1933). She later married Cedric Gibbons, the well-known art director and production designer at MGM studios. Dolores returned to Mexico in 1942. Her Hollywood career was over, and a romance with Orson Welles--who later called her "the most exciting woman I've ever met"--caused her second divorce. Mexican director Emilio Fernández offered her the lead in his film Wild Flower (1943), with a wholly unexpected result: at age 37, Dolores del Río became the most famous movie star in her country, filming in Spanish for the first time. Her association with Fernández' team (cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa, writer Mauricio Magdaleno and actor Pedro Armendáriz) was mainly responsible for creating what has been called the Golden Era of Mexican Cinema. With such pictures as Maria Candelaria (1944), The Abandoned (1945) and Bugambilia (1945), del Río became the prototypical Mexican beauty. career included film, theater and television. In her last years she received accolades because of her work for orphaned children. Her last film was The Children of Sanchez (1978). (x)
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devinclaire · 4 years
Weekend Horoscopes For April 17th (Taurus Season Edition)
We step off of the battlefield of Aries season, and into the lush garden of Taurus season. While some of us may already feel the shift as we snuggle up at home, others of us who have been doing essential work may look around and say, “What garden?”
Hopefully at this time people around you are a little more willing to slow down and smell the roses. If not, choose to be the one who leads the way. While the current situation is long from over, rather than being driven by Mars, a carrier of disease, Taurus season is guided by Venus who is interested in love, beauty, and creativity. Venus doesn’t let things fester, being more interested in blossoming and growth.
Also, Taurus is the sign of financial stability and abundance. However, this may not be playing out the way it has traditionally in the past. Notice how the President is calling for social distancing restrictions to loosen to save the economy. This would put so many people at risk. There are already enough people in dangerous situations who are going to work now. This plan doesn’t save the economy, it gets business back to usual so big business can continue sucking the energy out of the little guy.
While some say big business is Taurus energy, I would argue that true Taurus energy is more lush than a violent form of capitalism. It’s the Earth’s vegetation growing back as people are out less, resulting in less driving, and smog in the air. Taurus, an earth sign, is represented by the fruitful garden.
Another example is the fact that Black communities across the country are being devastated by this sickness. It’s a reminder that it’s already very stressful to be Black in the United States. It makes us sick, leading to pre-existing conditions that are exacerbated by this virus. The best remedy for sickness is rest. People have the right to rest. It shouldn’t be determined on the fate of the economy if you have time to rest or not, yet this is America, and many do not have that choice. Yet Taurus loves rest, like Ferdinand the bull who’d rather sit under the tree and smell the flowers than go and fight the matadors in the ring.
Taurus may represent a bull economy, but more so shows us where we need to take care. Sometimes, in full Taurus-Ferdinand-the-bull fashion, we have to be stubborn about it, and demand rest not only for ourselves but for the working collective as well.
This weekend the Moon dances in Pisces giving us space to imagine a world where everyone has their fair share of rest and care. Hopefully taking place in the most beautiful of gardens.
It’s been a very interesting birthday season for you. As it comes to an end this weekend, think about what you want to bring into the garden of Taurus from this recent experience, and what you want leave on the battlefield of your previous life.
Happy birthday season Taurus! While this birthday finds you in an odd time in your life, know that this is still a time to grow your own imaginary garden. If there ever was a year to grow where you’re planted, this is it.
As you enter Taurus season, know how fertile the garden of your imagination is right now. This doesn’t mean that you should force yourself to be creative if you’re feeling blocked, but definitely consider the act of playing in your own mind. You have the ability to retreat into a lush space where unicorns run by waterfalls, and rainbows burst through clouds.
This weekend you step into a fabulous garden under a blanket of sparkling stars. Lanterns light up the trees, and there’s a smorgasbord of good food on the table. This is a metaphorical description of your mind space potential for celestial possibility. You may be stick on the oasis, but the ground is fertile.
As Taurus season begins this weekend there are some parts of your life that feel as if everything is falling apart. In other parts you truly feel like the royalty that you are, you’re wearing your crown and meeting to speak with your subjects at the castle balcony. This is a time you’ll be remembered for, and while being responsible is very important, remember you’re responsible for your own joy just as much as rising to the occasion.
You’ve been undercover for the past month trying to get a hold on the current situation. Now over the weekend, as Taurus season begins, you feel like you’re back connecting with people you haven’t seen in awhile. It’s like you’re stepping into that vine covered tavern that has the hard-to-find sour beer you love, and all your friends are there to wish you well before you go off on a beautiful adventure.
Sometimes you just want to fall into a sex cave that’s reminiscent of one of the rooms at the Madonna Inn. All I can say is that this urge will become strong over the weekend as Taurus season begins and rather than keeping things in airy balance, you are interested in sitting an the edge where simplicity and complexity meet. You of all the signs understand that you need one to achieve the other.
The interesting part about you, Scorpio, is that while you love to get complex and deep about things, no subject is too taboo for you, when it comes to your closest relationships you actually like to keep it quite simple. You enjoy love, sex, and beauty. You’re not down to be with someone who isn’t willing to work to get over their hangups about these things. This weekend as Taurus season begins, seek simplicity in love. Better yet, let it come to you.
Something that’s very important for you to keep in mind as Taurus season begins this weekend is that during this time, pleasure is very practical. Even if you can’t do anything else, you can close your eyes and be taken to a field of flowers. For this season, this is your happy place. If you do cook up some witch’s spells in this state of mind, it’s your job to share with the rest of us.
You have been through the ringer and back since the beginning of this year, and you’ve handled the entire thing with grace, all while taking care of others. Now that it’s Taurus season, it’s time to play. Whether it’s dancing around to D-Nice at home, or finding small ways to still have fun at work, you deserve to shimmy a little. Imagine that someone is throwing a fantastic 1920’s cocktail party for you in Harlem. This is the vibe you walk with this season.
As Taurus season begins this weekend you feel a shift from being a fighter for the community, to being a lover at home. Both are important, but remember the importance of resting after fighting. Now is the time for that. This may involve enjoying looking at the homes of others as well. Might I suggest peeping on the abodes of your favorite Housewives franchise or watching the video for “Toosie Slide”.
Once Taurus season begins this weekend, it’s time to get the word out. You received plenty of practice while Mercury, the planet of communication, was in your sign last month. Now is the time to bring those words down to earth to promote change for the good of the people. Think of it as stepping into a lush community garden with a message. Even the sprouts perk up to listen.
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doctormelapples · 7 years
plz do all the space related asks
i hope you know that every time anyone asks me anything my souls cries happy tears ( i’m so sorry to everyone who don’t give one single fuck that it is so long)
-space related asks-
pluto: what do you love most about yourself?
-my hair
mars: who is your ideal best friend?
-my current best friends are all really doin it for me tbh, I love my friends (phil lester)
earth: what’s your ideal house/home?
-!!! Windows! Light wood!  Art! Travelling souvenirs! Many friend filled parties/get togethers!! Music!!! Dancing +singing!! Books!! Books everywhere! Here a bookshelf, there a bookshelf everywhere a bookshelf!! mmm fairylightsss!! (plentiful alcohol cupboard) ! warm happy atmosphere!!!
saturn: what’s your aesthetic?
-Ah idk,, messy. I asked a few of my friends, one of them said something along the lines of fogged out pictures, like blurred out but fogged out, another said tumblr fashion aesthetics. I like feeling like I made an attempt at being cute, but at the same time like I’m a real person so I guess those work.
jupiter: if you could choose your own name what would it be?
-I quite like my name, but I’d never have thought of it on my own maybe amelia? Idk tell me what you think my name should be
neptune: what’s an album you can listen through entirely w/o skipping a song?
-The Wombats Proudly Present This Modern Glitch -the wombats-Home of the Strange - young the giant-twenty one pilots -twenty one pilots-this is all yours -alt-J-Ball Park Music-ep -Ball Park Music-Anti(deluxe) -Rihanna
(is that enough? I should stop right?)
venus: go to piece of clothing/outfit?
-It’d be either my white shirt or my black skirt. My white shirt is too big, got a little paint stain on it but it fits weirdly nicely, and I always wear it when I feel uncomfortable w my body. My black skirt is just comfy
mercury: what something you couldn’t live without?
-my sister + my friends + hot chocolate
uranus: what’s your zodiac sign?
-I’m the most stereotypical mysterious, sad, anti-human/intensely loyal scorpio in existence.
the moon: favorite quote?
-ah,,,,,, “I’m sad but I’m alive” -idk probs somebody but I sure did pull that right out of my ass
the sun: what motivates you?
-who’s that? I’ve never heard of her?
kepler-22b: if could go anywhere, where would it be/why?
-if I was white, america 1920s, like to one of Gatsby’s parties, in that summer, you know,, in skin colored reality,, I’d be in a novel so i could be a perfect yet flawed character loved by many, with a happy ending. Or at least a meaningful ending.
phobos: what was your favorite song as a child?
-idk fam I was a child. My mum played seasons of love a lot and I would always ask for her to play the numbers song again so lets go w/ that
ceres: out of everyone/thing in this world who would you elect president?
-michelle obama
titan: if you could dye your hair absolutely any color and pull it off, what would it be and why?
-I actually just came to a conclusion about this today. I said to myself, you are going to bleach and dye your hair pink! I want pink in my hair because that will make me happy. That’s the argument I’m going to my self/parents/friends with.
callisko: what’s your ideal job?
-any job where I’m allowed to experience the world, knowledge, maybe travel, meet new people, as long as I don’t have to sit in a monochrome office for my whole life. I’d like to be a photographer and put up intricate exhibits in museums. I’d like to be an artist, but I really, truly suck at all forms of art.
enceladus: who is your favorite person? what are they like?
-mmmmmmmm??? It’s either one of my best friends or my mom. For the same reasons: strong, smart, supportive, loving, loyal.
hyperion: do you have a favorite store/shop?
-yeah! There is a thrifty shop in a town near where my grandparents live that is full of all kinds of fun stuff! It has the coolest little flower pots, old suitcases, old clocks, it was beautiful. They had an upstairs + a downstairs and upstairs they have this little section dedicated to fairy lights, I’ve never been so blessed. All plugged in, old strings, new lights, some with colors, oml. They have a nice little coffee shop on the main floor too, it’s glorious.
comet: what’s your biggest secret?
-ahahahah no. how about =I secretly hate the color orange
asteroid: what’s your biggest fear? is there a reason why you’re scared of it?
-I’m very, very scared of riding in/driving cars. Fucks me up. I’ve recently gotten much better but, I used to have mini panic-attacks every time a car would slow down/speed up around our car. Don’t even mention a sudden stop in our own car. Jesus. This is the only reason I don’t have my drivers license yet. I was in a lot of car crashes when I was younger, so that’s probs the reason.
shooting star: who is your ideal s/o?
-phil lester
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