#and 2 cancellations (3 if you count the ride today that nobody bothered to call me back and tell me they were just cancelling)
loversandantiheroes · 2 years
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shesclearlya3 · 4 years
Class Fight (p.2)
pairing: teen!dandy mott x teen!reader
word count: 1,666
warnings: language, jealous dandy, slightly au!dandy, all characters are 18
part 1 part 3
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When he opened the door, you saw both boys sitting in chairs. They both had packs of ice on their faces and sheepish expressions.
"What were you thinking?" you hissed to them as Mr. Harmon gestured for you to take the empty seat next to Dandy.
"Well, now that y/n is here, I think you both owe her an explanation and an apology."
Jason and Dandy shared a look. Dandy now looked pissed, and you could only imagine what lead to this.
Oh, I have a pretty good fucking idea.
Principal Harmon looked at the boys expectantly. Jason and Dandy awkwardly moved in their seats, not looking at each other as their faces slowly turned black and blue as seconds ticked by.
You waited impatiently, your feet bobbing as you rolled your eyes. Principal Harmon was staring directly at the boys.
"Fine. I'll start." Jason said, throwing the melting ice pack on the desk. Dandy was glaring at his legs. "This guy is a fucking psychopath!-"
"Watch your language, Mr. Dean!" Mr. Harmon snapped, his fist beating against the desk. You jumped as a glass of water tipped over and soaked the floor.
"I apologize. He's crazy." Jason shrugged, "A nutter."
"That's extremely rude," you commented.
Jason laughed to himself, "y/n, you have no idea."
"Mr. Mott?" Principal Harmon inquired, staring at the oldest boy. "Would you care to counter?"
"No," Dandy said flatly.
"Dandy?" you asked, managing to catch his eyes before he looked away.
Dandy adjusted the ice pack. "I don't like him, he's a fu- moron."
"I could say the same!" Jason countered.
"Boys." Mr. Harmon sighed.
"You're a disgrace," Jason shook his head.
"You're an imbecile." Dandy laughed quietly.
"I want you to say that to my face, you looney bin." Jason snapped, curling his fist.
"Oh my gosh," you sighed, rubbing your face as the boys began to bicker and throw insults at each other nonstop.
"Boys!" Mr. Harmon snapped, "If you cannot set aside your differences for just a moment, you'll have detention every week for the rest of the year."
The boys shut up at that, mumbling half-assed apologies to one another.
"Now. You caused quite the spectacle in the quad today. Ms. Esmerelda is in the nurse's office with heart palpitations at the spectacle she witnessed today."
You frowned, wondering what the hell happened even more.
"It's not that big of a deal!" Jason sighed, "I punched the fucker in the face, we're even."
Principal Harmon sighed, "Language."
"Oh please, you curse up a storm all the time. It's just us in here!" Jason defended.
The principal had to hide his laugh. "Fine, I'll let it pass just this once."
Dandy was laughing, a slight crinkle in his eye as he winced from the bruise on his cheek.
"Dandy, this isn't funny," you groaned. "Why were you fighting and what does this have to do with me?" you insisted, standing up. Jason and Dandy both glanced at you, "The entire school probably knows about it by now and I don't take well to rumors!"
Dandy looked saddened as he looked at you, but Jason is the one who spoke first.
"Your friend thinks I'm trying to sleep with you."
Mr. Harmon cleared his throat, dabbing at his forehead as you gaped at the two boys. You could tell he was questioning his life choices.
You thought of the conversation earlier this week with Dandy. He currently looked proud of himself, dropping the ice pack. The bruise was nasty.
"He approached me and my friends as we were walking to the cafeteria. Matthew made a stupid comment about you, that I corrected him on, by the way," Jason defended, putting his hands up. "He told me to stay away from you and he threatened to kill me if I ever hurt you."
"Which is a threat we are taking very seriously." Mr. Harmon said, giving the infamous Harmon death stare to Dandy.
"I wasn't being serious... For the most part." Dandy shrugged.
You sank back into your seat, feeling yourself getting a headache. "Why are men like this?" you groaned.
"Is that it?" Mr. Harmon asked, looking between the boys.
"Yeah, we got into a fight and kicked the shit out of each other, then we got pulled apart. He hits like a girl." Jason laughed.
"I could easily say the same?" Dandy smirked.
"Fall into a fucking ditch." Jason mumbled.
"I'll be happy too, I don't want to be here anyway." Dandy replied.
You stared at Mr. Harmon, feeling like you were watching a television show that was about to be pulled from the air after the first episode. This had to all be a joke, right? There's probably a recorder under the table to be played over the speaker tomorrow.
"Mr. Harmon, I don't understand what is going on through their heads, but I can assure you that Jason and I are friends. The same with Dandy." you said. From the corner of your eye, you could see both boys with crestfallen expressions. "I don't condone violence and I certainly never wanted this to happen."
Mr. Harmon nodded, "I appreciate that, Ms. y/l/n. I do not blame you, men tend to be pigs." he said. The boys glared at him now. "To wrap this up, a month of detention for both of you, two nights a week. I don't want to go through this again, you hear?" he scolded.
The boys nodded slowly, and you stood up, wanting to go home and take a hot bath and listen to the radio. The boys stood up and sauntered out, Dandy giving you a genuinely sad look while Jason didn't bother to look you in the eye.  
You heard the bell ring, and you could already hear students asking if they listened to what had transpired outside. You weren't prepared to deal with this. You were always under the radar. Nobody ever had a bad thing or a rumor to say about you. Now the entire school knew Dandy Mott caused a fight with the Quarterback over you.
Mr. Harmon was shuffling papers on his desk, and you turned to look at him. "Sir? Would it be alright if I go home for the day? I'm feeling unwell."
Mr. Harmon is a strict principal, for the most part. However, he gladly dismissed you, writing a note himself, and you took it to the lady at the front desk after you gathered your things. You ducked out as fast as you could, not caring that it was cold and rainy. By the time you got home, you had settled into a hot bath. You hoped the scalding water would just take you out.
You were shaken awake first thing in the morning by your mother, who told you the party's host was sick and wouldn't be hosting the Tupperware party. Which meant you had no plans on Saturday night.
You didn't mind. If you went to the dance now, it would just turn into a gossip party about you. You could always have a night to yourself and see a new release. Maybe go to the diner and get dinner before.
The rain from yesterday had not let up, so you stayed in with your mother and did some cleaning as she played the radio. Your father was away on last-minute business and wouldn't be back until Tuesday night. You liked spending time with your mother. She was soft-spoken and never butted in when it wasn't necessary. She was just that person you always wanted around.
She could tell something was bothering you. Over lunch, you ate in your room, going over the required reading for English. You could faintly hear some weather bulletin on the radio downstairs. You were expecting a call from Zoe talking about the dance being canceled.
Just minutes after the phone rang. Your mother answered below before calling up to you and saying a friend was calling. You smiled, running out of your room and down the stairs, taking the phone from your mother.
"You okay, Zoe?" you teased.
"Zoe?" your smile fell as you heard Dandy's voice on the other end. "It's Dandy."
"Oh, I'm sorry!" you smacked your head. Your mother gave you a concerned glance. "I was expecting her to... Never mind. What's up?" you asked.
"I need to talk to you," he said quickly. "I'm coming over."
You paused, "I-Now isn't a good time, Dandy-."
"I'm leaving now." he said before the line went dead.
You hung up the phone, giving your mother a look as she pretended to be busy.
"Uhh, Dandy is coming over, I guess." you said, slowly taking a seat at the table.
"Oh?" your mother asked, her lips twitching as she somehow tried washing a dish with a dry rag. "I wasn't aware you two were speaking."
Your mother knew Dandy often gave you a ride to school. She assumed that the relationship had come to an end with the girls picking you up every day.
"It's complicated." you answered sadly.
"I see." she said, seeming to realize she wasn't washing correctly. She dropped the hand towel, giving you a pointed look. "Is he causing you trouble?"
You frowned, figuring the school would call to notify the parents their daughter was the cause of a brawl between two model students. You were surprised but realized she would have said something had they told you.
"Not quite. Things are just rocky right now." you said before you heard knocking on the front door. He was here already? He lived all the way across town. You stood up, ignoring the joyful look your mom was giving you as you ran to the foyer, seeing the silhouette of Dandy through the glass.
You wrenched open the door, seeing a drenched Dandy shivering under the porch roof. You pulled him inside, ushering him upstairs before her curious mind could reel the both of you back in the kitchen.
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demivampirew · 4 years
Don’t judge a book by its cover chapter 3.
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A Cap. Syverson story.
Triggers: talking about panic attacks; cursing words (I think those are all the triggers for this chapter- mostly is a very friendly chapter).
Synopsis: Rebeca is an Argentinian girl who a few months ago moved to the USA (Washington D.C) to study in university thanks to a scholarship that she was granted. She’s lonely. People don’t treat her well. Some could be understood but most of them just hate her for being a foreigner. She meets Syverson because he’s a man from the South and she has not had a good experience with people from there, but she may find out at the end that she shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Tag:  lunedelorient 
Syverson helped Rebeca get into his car and then he boarded the vehicle and turned it on. Before leaving, he called 911 to inform them about the two men. Then he proceeded to go. This time he drove at a normal pace; she was also with him on the car so he didn't want to risk making a mistake and endanger her. Also, he expected that the slow ride would give her a chance to calm down. He looked at her every few minutes to see if she was better, but she was stiff and barely breathing. Her eyes were focused on the road, but her mind was elsewhere. - Rebeca, we are home. - Syverson said breaking her trance and brought her in back to reality. She looked at him, then look outside and she set her eyes on him once again. - This is not my place.- she replied. - No, this is my house.- he indicated- There's no way I'm leaving you alone tonight. You're still having panic attacks. C'mon. Let's get you inside. They got inside the house and he made her sit on the comfortable couch. He disappeared into another room and soon enough came back with a blanket. He sat in front of her, in the tea table. He grabbed her hands and cupped them with his hands. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He could still feel her fear. He caressed her hair and called her name, trying to get her attention. Still nothing. He tried "Becky" a few times and then he finally heard her speak again "Beca", she said, "Call me Beca, no Becky. I don't like Becky". "Ok, Beca" he agreed with a smile, glad to hear her speak again. Once again, she broke into tears. Sy sat next to her and pulled her closer, letting her cry on his chest while he stroked her hair. After some time, there were no more tears left to cry and she fell asleep. The morning came and Rebeca woke up. She was lying on the couch in a fetal position, cover by a warm blanket and, as she sat slowly, she saw Sy sitting on a smaller couch close tho the one she was on. He was asleep. It took her a moment to wake up a remember where she was and what happened the night before. She felt sorry for him. Once again she had to bother him to saved her because she seemed to have a magnet for trouble. Counting the time that he stopped the car because she was crossing the street with a red light to prevent hitting her, this was the third time that he saved her. She didn't have to much time to think. After seeing the time, she realized that only had two hours until she had her first tutoring class of the day. She would have loved to call and cancel, but the family paid well and she needed that money. There was no way she would bother Sy again to take her to her place, so she wrote a note letting him know the reason why she left and to thank him for saving her and then grabbed her bag and slowly walked out of the house. Thankfully, thanks to the map, she found her way home and it wasn't that far from his house, just about 25 blocks away. Hours later, as she was walking to another one of her tutoring student's house, she received a call from Sy. - Hi! - she greeted him as she answered the phone. - Beca! Are you ok? Why didn't you wake me up to take you? - he asked worriedly - I'm fine. I didn't want to bother you again. By the way, thank you so much for saving last night. - You have nothing to thank me for and you'll never bother me. Never doubt about calling me for help. - again, Rebeca noticed by the tone of his voice that it was an order. - Ok. I have to end the call Sy. Thanks, again.- she said reaching the doorstep of her student's home. - Alright. I'll check on you later. Bye. -Bye.
As he promised, Syverson texted her twice a day to see how she was. He would call before she began her shift at the grocery store and by the time she was home. Two weeks later, she was leaving the college building, when she saw Sy waiting outside, standing with his back against his car searching for her among the crow of people leaving. As soon as he saw her, he grinned. She smiled back at him and went directly to him. Rebeca wasn't exactly a shy girl, but now, for some reason, she acted that way. - Hi - she said. - Hi - he replied. - I just was close by and wanted to check on you to see how are you doing. Not to call you a liar, but I believe that you could tell me you're fine when you're not just for me not to worry. So, I wanted to see it with my own eyes.- he explained and she laughed - I'm alright. It's not a lie. It's the truth. I'm trying to keep my mind busy so I won't think in anything that worries me, other than exams. -Hi Beca! - scream a girl as she walked towards her and Sy. The girl had curly black hair, brown eyes and was taller than both of them. She had a beautiful chocolate colour skin. She always wore beautiful clothing that made Rebeca envy her a little bit. - Hi Danielle! - Beca said. - Thanks again for helping me today. That math problem was driving me insane. - You're welcome. Maybe you could help me back and save some notes from tomorrow's 9 am class. - You're telling me that you're actually going to miss a class. You? - Danielle asked surprised - Unfortunately, yes. My boss asked me if I could go tomorrow morning because both she and her husband had important things to do. So, I've got to work. - Rebeca explained - Oh, too bad. Well, don't worry, I'll take as many notes as I can for you. -she assured - Thanks a million! - No worries. - the girl said and then looked at Sy who was following the conversation amused. - Hi, I'm Danielle - she introduced herself to him. - Oh, sorry, I'm the worst. Sy, this is Danielle; Danielle, this is Sy. - Rebeca said introducing them. - A pleasure - Sy greeted the young lady as he shook her hand. - The pleasure is all mine. I'm happy to get a chance to meet Beca's boyfriend. - she said smirking. Rebeca wanted to run off; she was unbelievable embarrassed. "Shit" she tough. She was blushing so much her cheeks burn. Sy remained silent. He just smiled at Danielle and looked at Rebeca to see if she knew what she was talking about. - Ok, I'll leave you two lovers alone. Thanks again and don't worry about tomorrow, I got you covered. - she said, winking at Beca and then left. - So, I'm your boyfriend, hu? - Syverson asked amused as soon as he made sure no one will hear them. - I'm sorry. Let me explain.- she apologized- As expected, everyone found out about the incident with Trevor. He couldn't stand the humiliation of people thinking a nobody beat the crap outta him, so he made sure everybody knew you were a military captain; that'd made him lest pathetic on his own eyes. And he also said that you were my boyfriend and you were jealous and that's why you attacked him and that all I said about him trying to hurt me was a lie. At first, I was pissed, but honestly, after hearing that the people who bother me now leave me alone, so I'm relieved. That's why I corrected anyone when they say you're my boyfriend. - That's ok. You did the right thing. - he assured her. - Do you have to go to work? - Sy asked her. - Yes. My shift starts in 40 minutes, so I should go if I don't want to be late. - she replied checking the time on her phone. - C'mon, get on the car. I'll drive you there.- He said as he walked over to the driver's side. - Oh, no. I cannot bother you again. Don't worry, I'm fine walking. - Get in the car, lady. Is an order.- he commanded her using his Captain tone and she obeyed. - So, who's the girl that you were talking to? Is she a friend of yours? - Sy questioned curiously. - More a cool classmate than a friend really.- she explained- She's one the few people that's always been nice to me, but we never hang out outside class. She's like me, a busy girl and a bookworm. - She seemed really nice. Maybe someday when you're on vacation you could hang out with her.- he suggested - Yeah. - she replied and wait a moment before speaking again - I wanted to ask her out on a date because I found out she's also bisexual, but she was dating somebody. I had a little crush on her, I must admit. - Rebeca confessed, smirking. - Do you still like her? - he asked - I find her attractive, yes. But I don't have a crush on her anymore. Once we got closer, I realized that I'd like much more as a friend, if we ever have the chance. - And how about boys or another girl? Do you like anyone? - There's someone on my mind constantly, but there's nothing going on.- she answered, blushing. - Is a classmate? - Nope. I know him from another place. He's older than me and I'm sure he doesn't want anything to do with me. - Well, you'll never know until you tell him.- he told her, offering a smile. A few minutes later, they arrived at the store and when Rebeca was about to get out of the car, Sy asked her if she wanted to go out to dinner after her shift at the store ended. She accepted and wave him as she entered the store.
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