#and 2. if you have sprites or not. dont matter so long as i know
8bit-mau5 · 6 months
i may not have art prepared for the yule ball.. HOWEVER. i can still participate in yule ball RP and might post a few little musings/opens tonight, smth i havent done since like. 2016/17 ASDMJBHDBHDB
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benibevan · 1 year
(this is the second part of a tumblr post version of a video i made click here to see the first post)
and with that lets move on
sans has many ties to science
i dont have much to say about this he just kind of does
here are some examples
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another great example is his fight but that would be way too long
now to papyrus once again
despite what he may seem like papyrus has many ties to science too which most people dont notice
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now lets continue to one of many reasons why this is important
its a suprisingly common misconception that sans remembers timelines but that is false
he seems to guess many things from "your expression" which the human's sprite doesnt show
he also seems to get some info from "reports"
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papyrus also probably knows atleast something about timelines
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if they do or do not know what is going on is up for depate
some may say that papyrus doesnt realize the implications of what he says sometimes and to those people i say go away please
lets move on to a very intresting topic
its more than well known that sans can use something called "shortcuts" which seems to be some form of teleportation
its very noticable to the players and many characters acknowledge it aswell
and yet some people think that papyrus doesnt know about it
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papyrus very clearly knows about it and probably might be able to do it too
here was supposed to be something but i couldnt find it in my folder when i made the video and i still cant find it so nevermind
anyway sans is often depicted as extremly powerfull and papyrus as very weak which is not true
let me tell you a fun fact
papyrus is the only enemy who no matter how hard you try will not kill you
toriel can kill you by accident but papyrus refuses to for some reason
he is so good that he can even do 0 damage when you get hit at 1 hp (or atleast it is coded that way)
most of you probably already knew this but i just wanted to put this in the video and posts just in case someone somehow did not
now lets move on
in many fan works sans is drawn with a constant blue "eye" that makes a fire for some reason
however in the game his "eye" is not constant and only appears sometimes like when he controls gravity to smash you against the walls
also its not only blue instead its blue and yellow and flickers between those two colors
it also doesnt make a fire lol
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this seems way more cool than a fire in my opinion but whatever
it is not known if papyrus has an "eye" like that
but many people draw him with an orange one becus of a popular theory
the theory being that the traits described in the ball game are not only connected to the souls but other things too
such as sans' "eye" which would make it blue for patience and yellow for justice
this theory makes sense and is mostly good
however orange is for bravery and while papyrus is brave there is a trait that fits him better
that trait is integrity
becus he is a good friend stands by his morals and many other reasons
but most significantly integrity is dark blue which is the color he turns your soul to
another thing is that sans has two colors which means papyrus could have both blue and orange and yet people do only orange
and he is also commonly depicted with orange bones which he never used and probably cant use
thats enough of this topic
there is more that i wanted to talk about but editing the video was taking too much time and i needed to go do some other things
i want to make more videos (and posts) on this but right now i think this is enough considering its one of my first right now
so this is where i ended the video and right now am also ending the post
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livecharliereaction · 7 months
Bye tsumihoroboshi
thats all for tsumihoroboshi chapter ZAMN. omfg i did cry i cant lie at that big battle on the rooftop i did i did i did.. It just hits a litte close to home friendship and all that... I love my friends so mach i get everything theyre feeling u know... AND the delusions of rena what a crazy writing style i dont think ill get over it like ever. urgh. Well the final tip almost wanted me to consider that "ooh maybe she was right!" but honestly my takeaways from it are juts 1. disaster happens regardless no matter how the events go otherwise 2. rika was murdered? Thats pretty weird 3. BUT theres hope liek she said BECAUSE: keiichi rememberd something from "another world" (i know a timeloop when i see one. its def a timeloop. Hells yeah) 4. the scrapbooks do hvae some evil spell or something takano i am onto you its weird anyway she shows up at such times and all.. Idk if shes the #MAIN VILLAIN DEMON OMG but shes Something.
Rena i love you thank you for solidifying your place as my favorite good time. argh every chapter so far is better than the one before it goes for this one too it does it does... Which is amazing implications for next ones... Lets hope they keep it up...
And keiichi i cant lie i do love you. I love you i love you i love you. Ughh. If i was still 16 hed have a big chance at going to that kinlist. But hes so gross so i wouldnt actually have added him then either!!! im unable to kin these days because EVERY GOOD CHARACTER EVER has Some Traits I Can Relate To Myself becuase i dont know something something human emotion something i am just like everyone else and everyone is just like me in the end and i love it. But yeah keiichi love the guy hes so #Power of Friendship #Protagonist. Im mentioning this cos i loved the girls from the start and still do but keiichi had to prove himself a little...
Yeah im curious about satoko now too i dont think i paid her enough mind i sort of ended up assuming shes #Normal but just super close to rika obviously but that one line about her being older. I couldnt tell yet if its Haha satokos body is older and rikas being funny! OR Omg satoko some immortal or something too woww! but yeah. I wouldnt think she is it doesnt seem that way at all BUT u never know w this fuckass series..ou ou ou ou ou
Mion i love you the girl that you are. Rena you are everything and more. Rika how have you managed to stay mysterious ive been here for like over 30 hours total for sure maybe even 40. But hmm
if its a timeloop i still cant tell what its about. id say rikas in charge (wants to keep giving this world a chance) n takano is with the antagonistic forces But how does it work exactly? If rikas the one "looping the time" directly it doesnt really compute unless she can do it from the afterlife. I dont konw.
And Omfg i hate this series because i STILL believe satoshi will show up one day. Even though it seems impossible now. But i liked him n shion so much dude i love shion so satoshi HAS TO come back for her. Urgh urgh urgh
But yeah i fr didnt think keiichi would be able to break renas delusion even for such a long moment But he pulled it off. Shes really cool i love her. I love her i love her i love her. UGHHH. Everything and more. and i said it alr but ill say it again the portrayal of her delusional state is SO personal to me i get her i get her i DO so good... Urghh. Ok. Thank u charhigurashi6 i have to check how many games the bundle i bought still has hmm
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ok these 3 i own but havent installed lets see The first one here is um well i dont know that girl i havent seen her which is concerning! I feel like i mightve seen a sprite (in the og style that i read with) but thats kinda it. I recall seeing a name somewhere too shes a furude i think but not too sure Im always frustrated when i see a spoiler like that but then it never makes me any more knowledgeable about anything so so far its fine #LOL. proably has to do with the demon stuff tho...
takano in the middle one right takano you are so weird and offputting. Damn maybe she IS the big bad afterall
last one aww rika But yeah thats. I dont know its at least 5 hrs each but i think i spent like 10+ hrs on meakashi so it could possibly be up to like what. 15 even 20? per game. At least 15 hours left though.. Idt theres anything outside of the bundle after this its either higu anime time or umineko time ill see what kinda time i have then (i can probably watch the anime while multitasking i dont really care so much but umineko i want to be TUNED. IN.)
yay exciting ok thank u charhigurashi6 best chapter so far loved it love u rena love u everyone ok gn
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kelprot-old · 2 years
good evening this is an official encouragement to rant and ramble in an insane manner about goro akechi on this post
literally worst thing u could've given me permission to do i'm putting this under the cut to save msyelf the embarrassment becuase im AWFUL abt him and this is going to make no sense
OKOK so firstoff i get soooo heated abt fandom. which is OBVIOUS but i'll go into tags and it's all this infantilising or ship stuff which is HORRIDDDDD makes me want to tear people apart brutally Not Really Though. but kinda.
even IF i feel like atlus's writing team didn't always bring him to his full potential, i still am so utterly obsessed with his royal characterisation. so utterly and deeply it is insane. for starters, i have spent so long just. staring at his sprites for the first 2 sems vs the 3rd semester because they're. the. the.
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THE....THE. YEAH. i dont even know how to put it into words but ????!?@!?@?#!@?#!?@#?!@#?. do you understand. do you
i just ???? he's a tragic character, yeah, but. that's not a trait that's exactly out of his control? well. it is, in the sense that the whole [TERRIBLE BACKSTORY] thing inflicted upon him the world's most irritating case of "stubbornness" ever. the whole thing is he could accept help. he could be like "yo" and trust the PTs, but that would. never happen (plus the chance of him even making it out of his situation WITH their help is still considerably low). [getting their help would also count as “admitting weakness” or whatever anime bullshit he would start to lose his shit over, which is . a whole thing] 
his circumstances essentially pushed him into this one-way road to what is practically a glorified suicide. and he's not budging from it. NOOO WAY is he gonna change any of it. because that would mean, in his mind, that everything he's done for the past few years was for nothing. couple that with the fact that there's no way goro thinks he deserves to be forgiven....he's GONE LOL.
he's SO hyperfocused on his shitty little revenge plot that he doesn't seem to give a single shit about what happens afterwards. like yes, shido will be taken down and everyone will hate him and all of that ect ect, but like. there's clearly nothing else he hopes for. he's dedicated himself so wholly to this goal that, i honestly believe that even if he did pull it off and survive, i don't. ??? i dont know what the fuck he'd even do. it'd be like having cold water dumped on you. like congrats, gayboy!! you committed the equivalent of political patricide!!! as your reward, you get a brief feeling of insurmountable joy, and then nothing else !!! congratulations on planning for your future!! and having literally anything else planned !!
i just GHGHRJOAUHGHHHHHHHH im so mad about him. because no matter what happens, no matter his connection to Joker or anyone or literally anything else, he's not changing his mind LOL. he's deadset on practically killing himself.
and ROYAL. i dont even know where to start with the third semester. genuinely dont know what to say but im grabbing it and strangling it and blowing it up brutally. literally no way to translate my thoughts into words
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dino-nugget7 · 3 years
Just saw Eternals
Turn back now if you don't want spoilers.
God that movie made me mad.
1. Phastus. He's a secondary character at best and his husband is a flat. Literally I dont even know what his name is and his personality is Phastus' husband. Marvel gets no credit from me about gay representation until we actually get a well fleshed out relationship that is Canon and both members matter to the story. And anyone that tells me I'm asking for too much or tries the "they can't because international audiences" can bite me. They are catering to America's homophobes. Also, if you're going to put a gay black man on the earth through all of human history and say he gave up on humanity a long time ago, youre a coward for making his pivot point Hiroshima. Marvel didn't want to touch a real arc for him so they gave him a fake plot point and then undid it immediately.
2. Sprite. Goddddd do I hate the storyline "Im miserable and can't have an adult life because I'm an adult who looks young." Its bullshit. At 13, there were people who assumed I was 8. At 20 years old, I had strangers assume I was 12. At 24 its common for people to assume I'm 15. I look young. Always have, probably will for a long time. I am in an adult relationship with an adult life and people who know me well don't view or treat me as a child. Had someone try to tell me to reconsider teaching because of how young I look, but I'll tell you it was never the teens who gave me shit or refused to treat me with authority. Now, I'm not saying they should have given her a romance life because she actually was played by a child, but like, looking really young and people being annoying about it isn't a fictional problem and the answer isn't for the babyface adult to integrate in with the teens instead of other adults.
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scandeniall · 4 years
late night drives & rnb
pairing” atsumu x reader
summary: just self indulging wishing i was on a late night drive with atsumu to an /early/ 2000s playlist. In drabble form because its 1am (therefore this isn’t edited bc it’s just me thinking out loud)
Late night driving with Atsumu would be so fun. I’m talking y’all got the 2000s rnb playlist going because y’all know he KNOWS the bops. It’s a summer night like 2am y’all just driving to go to get some food because he annoyed you into doing it. Anyways it’s one of the nights you didn’t spend the night so he pulls up to your place and literally as soon as you step outside you hear his ass blasting We Belong Together. Like his eyes are closed and his ass is just singing poorly until you get to the car. When you get in he points and dramatically sings at you like a loser. You HAVE to do the backing vocals. Mini concert to “I’m feeling all out of my element. Throwing things, crying, tryna figure out where the hell I wrong”. He doesn’t even greet you once you’re all bucked and he’s done he just kinda takes off down the road.
The end of the song he like pauses his phone and is all “what’s up babe.” The type to scroll his playlist while driving his eyes going back and between the phone and the road. (Sir please not tryna die). Anyways you know how this type of music just makes you soft. So he plays Yo (Excuse Me Miss) and is sweet. The time of night and the type of music as a late night car ride just hits different. He /poorly/ sings and dedicated the song to you. “Should i talk about her smile”, rubs his hand all on your cheek without taking his eyes off the road. At the part where it’s like ‘grab hold of my hand” he grabs your hand and like wave dances it. After that song y’all just kinda vibe in silence while driving and it’s so peaceful. You’re both unintentionally matching in a T-shirt and sweats and the way the streetlights occasionally flicker makes him cute. He just drums his fingers on your thigh as y’all pull into the McDonalds drive thru. “What do ya want” His ass gets a whole meal and I know them workers are SICK. Who wants a Big Mac extra mac sauce, large fry, and 2 apple pies and a ✨sprite✨ at this time. (But it’s his chest weekend so he’ll be damnned if he don’t answer to them cravings he’s had all week). Just get you’re lil mcchicken and Apple pies and vibe. You can eat his fries he’ll be alright. While y’all in the drive thru ‘Like You’ comes on and you know y’all gotta go off. The drivers like either like: they’re so cute goals or i wish these mfs would shut up as y’all are obnoxiously “iainteverhadnobodyshowmeallthethingsyoushowedme LIKE YOUU”. Good mood atsumu is a party and that’s what y’all having with yourselves.
When a more upbeat song like Throw it in the Bag comes in he’s the type to you know point and just move his arm up and down to the beat.
Love by keyshia Cole come on this dummy act like he’s in a music video because thats his SONG. Does the keyboard thing in everything. Man will rest his head on the steering wheel “Im gettin’ in character babe” tryna get fake emotional. He goes on on the chorus and is the type to think he really has some vocals. Does all the runs and whew your poor ears. “I think I could be a singer” yeah ok who gone tell him (you do). Anyways record that shit for blackmail (it don’t matter thought because just play the song on a different day. Nothing new same old shit with him. Song just never gets old)
Bonus: *21 questions playing* while y’all are just parked vibing.
Atsumu: babe would ya still love me if I didnt olay volleyball
You: hell no. The pro player money? Worth it. (make his pockets hurt am i right)
Atsumu: 👁👄👁 alright ima head out
You gotta grab at his arm and he like “just kidding loser” and he lowkey pretends to be mad even while you’re kissing all on the side of his neck but he wants to smile.
a/n: yall i dont even eat red meet so i gotta do the mcchicken. I also havent had mcdonalds in months idk how longs its been but im craving their apple pie pls maybe i can get my “date” to get me one tmw
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eeveemaster22 · 4 years
Something about Undertale AU’s
okay, so, this is kinda just my opinion, there are some facts, but it’s pretty long so yeah
So, the thing about UT AU’s that bothers me: To many Sans-Centered AU’s. And even the ones that aren’t, everyone just makes things for the Sans and MAYBE the Papyrus. Thing is, there are other characters too. Matter of fact, just because the Sans AU’s are so popular, I made a Chara-Centered AU... even though those are a bit overdone too. Read to the end to hear about it. Anyways, more things about Undertale AU’s, is that there are WAY too many swap au’s. Come on, DreamSwap, StorySwap, SpinSwap, freaking SWAPSWAP and REVERTSWAP. Really? Oh, yeah, and FellSwap and SwapFell. You know what there isn’t enough of? Trio AUs. Sure, there’s the BTT and TTS AUs, but how about a Caretaker Trio? Maybe a Royal Guard Trio? Omega Trio? Royal Leader Trio? Godly Trio? Superstar Trio? So many ideas, and none of them have been done (I think). Also, I’m begging you, someone make a decent Hopeless (ShiftDisbelief) game, or even sprite-comic. Anyway, you came this far, have my Chara AU. (its kinda stupid tho, but u get the point)
Backstory: This Chara was like any other Chara, they fell into the underground, met Asriel, etc.. Except, one day... they became sick. Oh yeah, the plan. Don't forget that. Howevey, this Chara stopped liking the plan too. They attempted to load a save last second... but died at the same time. Their soul was "glitched" out, and Chara was sent to the inbe... I just realized THREE of my OC's have appeared in the inbetween. Anyway, here they got powers to... I'll just tell you in abilities. Appearance: They look like, well, a Chara, with brown hiking boots and... well, that's the only difference. Other than the permanant red eyes, kinda like Gone!Frisks. Also, so basiclly, their smol. About 3'09''. Personality: They're very mischievous, causing mayham wherever they go. They dont actually want to HURT anyone, however, and if someone gets hurt, they'll help. They do, however, LOVE pranks, and will pull them constantly. They also fall asleep quickly and are hard to wake up when they do. Abilities: They have the ability to move any object to any location at any time. OP, right? Yeah. So, anyway, they also have the ability to control people and monsters for very small amounts of time. If they see it coming, it is easily preventable by just trying not to be. Weaknesses: They're, well, just a kid, so, theres that. Also, they can't resist some good old chocolate. Stats: B!Chara LV1 Prank Puller Yes Atk - 5 Def - 5 Magic - 0 Smol - 2 Comedy - 99
Soul Trait: Gold (???) Origin AU: ???
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thequeendesi · 4 years
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Title: Never Forget It
Alt Title: You mean me?
Warnings: Vaguely mentioning reader's been assulted before
Pairings: Scott Reed x Reader
Disclaimer: i dont own you or the 13 Reasons Why franchise, i do own the writing.
Rating: PG-13
You sighed, your hand flat on the door. Your mother suggested the group to you. A support group, though you couldn't help but still feel like you weren't victim enough.
"You going in?" You snapped out of your thoughts as you made eye contact with brown ones. "Oh.. hi." You moved out of her way. "I'm scared too." You let out a soft laugh.
"I was my first meeting too. You want me to walk in with you?" Tears threatened to spill as you nodded. The girl reached out her hand as you took it.
The room smelled like vanilla and pop. A few girls had already sat down and made small talk. "Jess! Nice to see you again." The older woman said who sat at the north of the circle.
You bit at your lip nervously as you sat next to Jess, your denim purse in your lap, your ankles crossed.
You watched as Jess conversed with the other girls, smiling happily. "Will you be going to Liberty High?" A girl sat next to you. "I'll be starting the week after your guy's first week."
"My name is Nina."
"What grade are you in?" She asked, trying to make conversation with you. "Senior." You rubbed your shoulder. "I'm taking extra classes so i can graduate earlier."
"That must be a lot work." Nina smiled at you.
Honestly, you could feel your nervousness leave your body.
You listened to everyone talk about how they were coping.
"Now would anyone else like to share… new girl?" The woman looked at you. "Can… can i stay sitting down?" You fidgeted with your thumbs.
"Of course, as long as your comfortable."
"Oh.. alright, um.. My name is (Y/N), I'm 17, turning 18 (Y/BD), my favorite color (color), and I moved here a week or so ago." You cleared your throat. "I don't know what else to say."
"And that is perfectly fine. You're doing just fine (Y/N)." Everyone began to chime in, telling you it was fine and you're doing well.
You sigh, and rub your knuckles as someone approached you over at the snack table. "I think you're really brave for coming here."
You turned around, "thank you. Justin, right?" You tucked some hair behind your ear. "Oh yea." He laughed a little.
"So, where'd you come from?" He asked, grabbing a red cup of Sprite. "Dothan." You said, looking over at his confused expression. "Alabama." You chuckled nervously, you hadn't really been that close to another person since..
"Have you gone too our towns movie theater yet? Me and Jess we're going to go see that new comedy."
"Oh are you and Jess..?" You asked, looking over at the caramel skinned girl, who, surprisingly, thrown a thumbs up at you.
"Yea. She thought you might need some friends who.. get it."
That's all you needed, honestly, you felt alone and wanted friends who understood.
Soon, you were included into Jess and Justin's friend group. Upon that, you met Zach Dempsey, Tyler Down, Clay Jensen, Tony Padilla, Alex Standall, Sheri Holland, Courtney Crimson, Scott Reed and Sheri Holland. They'd allow you at the table at Monet's, you definitely had a strict 'no-touching-me' rule. Which everyone ahered too.
"Did anyone do any of the math homework last night?" Zach asked, sitting down in his usual spot. "I did." You said. "Do you all need it?" You asked, looking up from your other classes' homework.
You ended up discarded your wants to graduate early. The high school experience seemed to suit you.
Your friends nodded, making you give a soft laugh and get the paper out of your binder, putting it on the middle of the table.
You looked over to the other side of the table. "So, (Y/N), got any plans for the weekend?" Alex asked you, prompting you to shake your head.
"Want to go see that new movie with me and Zach?" Alex rose an eyebrow.
Zach and Alex had been dating for a few weeks. "I wouldn't want to intrude." You laughed a little.
"I, honestly, just wanted to stay home this weekend, watch both Zombielands, eat pizza and just… just chill." You messed with your knuckles. "Not to say that I don't really like hanging with you guys, but I just want a weekend in." You dont say love, you haven't in months, not since him. "Calm down (N/N)... you don't have to explain shit to us." Tony who sat next to you, moved to nudge you, but stopped before you could notice.
"I know a pretty good pizza place. I could bring one over." Scott said, looking over at you, holding a mug in his hand. "That sounds... nice. Thank you."
You sighed, you wore a pair of grey baggy sweats and a Repzion hoodie, two sizes too big. You sat on the couch, legs crossed. Commercials started as you checked your phone for the time.
A knock at the door made you jump up and walk over to it, looking through the peephole. "I bring gifts." Scott smiled, holding up 2 boxes of pizza and a bottle of Sprite.
You unlocked the door letting him in. "Welcome to my humble adobe." You watched as he found his way to the kicthen with ease. "Wow… you really know this house."
"I actually lived here as a kid, then moved to my current house 8 years ago." Scott said. "I got plain cheese and a pepperoni meat pizza." You walked behind him. "And in case you had an allergy or something, gluten-free."
"Well, don't just stand around," he laughed. "Grab a slice." You nodded, grabbing a (pizza) slice. "So, what made you come here?" He asked as you both ate a slice of pizza.
"I don't like talking about it." You said, discarding the crust. "I can respect that." You nodded. "Do.. you want to stay?" You looked at him. "Watch the movie with me?"
"Are you comfortable with that?" He asked.
You paused, before nodding. "Yea. I am."
You ended up asleep, your head on the side of his chest. Your breaths were slow, calm, anxiousless. Scott hasn't even noticed, his arm was draped over your shoulder.
Your parents ended up coming home at around 11pm at night. This wasn't the first time Scott had been over, however it was the first time with out Jess, or any one else for that matter. Scott came over loads of times in the few months you has began hanging out with the group and your parents quite liked him, kind, respectful, 'a good pickle' as your dad said.
They nodded to him as they put the pizzas in the fridge along with the soda. "You get sleep soon Scott." Your mother said too him as she went down the hall to her bedroom with your father, closing the door behind them.
Scott sighed as he turned his head to the TV, watching the remainder of the movie.
Morning came and assuming Scott left you let out a disappointed sigh, sitting up you pushed your hair from your face and stretched.
"Good morning sunshine." Scott said before handing you a biscut and a cup of coffee he had gotten at the local breakfast place. "Oh, good morning." He had went into the kitchen, placing down two other coffees and biscuts on the counter before drinking his own walking back over too you.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked sitting next to you on the couch.
"I slept… fine." You said, even shocked yourself at the end part. "Well, I gotta start getting back to the house." He said before reaching his hand out. "Goodbye handshake?" He asked. "I know you don't exactly like touching, but what's a handshake got to hurt?" He asked, smiling softly. It make your stomach flutter as you grabbed his hand, shaking it.
"Come back another time?" You asked, a tinge of hope in the question.
"Maybe Saturday's can be our movie night." Scott smiled before taking his hand back.
"Maybe." You smiled a little.
And so it did, just about every Saturday, you two would watch a movie, eat a box of pizza, drink a liter of soda, fall asleep, Sunday, Scott would bring you and your family breakfast and a coffee for each and then leave around midday.
This went on for an entire school year, and in that school year, Scott had immense joy watching you change into someone new.
You were still socially awkward and wary of new people, but it wasn't as bad as it was when you first got here. You didnt wear as many hoodies anymore either, it was upgraded to teeshirts and jackets, his jacket sometimes.
There was no doubt about it. Your best friends definitely went Jess, Scott and Tyler.
"So... plan on telling me the details with Reed?" Justin teased. "(N/N) definitely has a crush." Jessica teased. "Even if I did?" You rose an eyebrow, sitting at the lunch table. "Why dont you ask him out?"
"I don't want to mess anything up with him." You sighed. "With who?" Scott asked, sitting next to you. "My dog! Uh, we're training professionally." You said, making a quick excuse up.
"You don't even have a dog." Scott rose an eyebrow.
"We're getting a Dobbie." You said. "Oh, cool. So what's gonna be the movie for tomorrow night?" He asked, eating a french fry. "I was thinking The Grudge? In theaters?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Oh dude, that's sick. Hell yea. Let's definitely do it."
You heard Jessica snort a little, she could obviously tell your attempt of asking Scott out on a date was, to say the least, failing.
"What are we gonna do for food though?" Scott asked. "I got paid yesterday.. we could go out for dinner too." You paused. "Finally could actually go to that pizza place you talk about." You looked at him.
"Oh, uh, sure." He laughed a little.
"Pizza and a movie? Don't you guys do that every weekend? Switch it up a little. There's a new restaurant opened next to the theater, just gotta go next door." Jess winked at you two.
"What kind of restaurant?" Scott asked, his hands in his pocket.
"Hibachi next to a theater… sounds sanitary." You laughed a little bit, causing your friends to look at you. "Hibachi sounds fine." You cleared your throat, shoving your hands in your pocket.
You sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You couldn't even remember the last time you wore makeup, you wore a smokey eyeshadow look and black lipstick. "Why not do something different?" You asked yourself outloud.
"(N/N)?" Your mom walked into your room, her eyes welling with tears as she saw you looking at yourself in the mirror, a smile on your face. "It seems so long since you've smiled at yourself." She walked over to you.
"Is he here yet?" You asked, rubbing your arm. "Living room." She smiled at you. "No later than 2."
"Alright mom." You said, walking towards the living room, messing with the scrunchie on your wrist. "Hey Scott." You said, making him stand and face you. "Oh wow." He chuckled, looking up at you.
"Ready to go?" You asked, grabbing your wallet.
You laughed as you leaned back in your chair. "You didn't!"
"Oh, but I did." He smiled, obviously beeming with pride. "All I've done is talk about me. Why don't you ever wanna talk about you?" He asked, putting a forkful of his food in his mouth.
"I'm not very interesting." You laughed a little.
"C'mon. Tell me something from your past." He grinned.
"Hm.. When I was 13 I dyed my whole head green because I was watching some anime and I wanted to look just like the main character." You chuckled a little at the memory.
"Have you ever gotten into a physical fight?" He asked. "A few times." You looked up at him.
"I didn't expect that from you." He joked.
"I was a pretty scary person at my old school." You paused. "Was the the all mighty 'goddess' there. No one really fucked with me… but it uh.. it changed because..." you trailed off, staring at Scott's hand.
"Hey, if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. Don't stress it." He held your hand.
"Thank you." You whispered. "Ever had a boyfriend before?" He asked.
"Not really." You looked up at him.
"Is there someone you want? 'Cause I could hook y'all up, just say the name."
"Scott Shellings, Scott Quinn, Scott Brown?"
"Scott… Reed."
"We don't have a Scott Reed… oh… oh… oh! You mean me?" He asked, smiling a little.
"Nevermind, it's stupid, I should've figured you didn't like me like that."
"Hey, stop." He squeezed your hand a little. "I… figured it was the other way around." He chuckled.
"What?" You picked your head up, looking at him. "I've... I like you. You're sweet and funny and kind and… you're my best friend." He chuckled.
"You don't have to lie to me." You looked down. "Have I before?" You looked back up at him after he asked that question. "No."
"Do you think I am now?"
"Do you think I will ever?"
"No Scott." You said.
"One more question, how would you feel about being mine?"
"I feel… okay with that." You smiled at him.
"Just ok?" He chuckled, kissing the knuckles of your hand. "I'm not gonna say I love you just yet. But when I do, you'll never forget it." He grinned.
"I'll never forget this night."
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indecisive-v · 3 years
NINJAMUFFIN DOING ANOTHER AMA ON TWITTER, HERE'S MORE SHIT FOR YA! keep in mind i'm just sharing the funkin related stuff, though i am including WAAAAY more than what i shared before 👍 go check out ninja's twitter profile for questions about stuff like ritz! questions in blue, answers in orange. if yall don't wanna read everything i MIGHT make a version of this post where i replace the answers with my own summaries of em (and if the questions are long, those too)
and here's a link to the ama tweet itself! dunno if it's still goin
Q: I figure the answer will be yes but do you have more plans to implement more guest appearances from people in the newgrounds community into FNF? Or are you all gunna focus on OG lore and stuff going forward
A: for guest appearances, I think we have always seen it as getting a healthy mix of both. PERSONALLY I'd like to lean towards having more OG stuff than guest stuff, BUT it's all a matter of what other boys think of that as well. I'm not the sole person working on game!
Q: Are you gonna release the full FNF game or are you gonna be releasing week after week? Like, are you gonna release week 8 or are we gonna wait some years until The Full Ass Game comes out?
A: Release plan for FNF right now is a few more updates or whatev to the 'demo' we have out right now, and then a long silence of probably no updates whatsoever until the full game is done (which will likely be a few years). That's partly why we made kickstarter for game.
Q: Hey so like, how much will Fnf cost after it's finished? And when will you ask the supporters what they want the game on?
A: It's all subject to change, but right now it prob gonna be standard 15-25$ lil steam indie game.
We will ask Kickstarter pledgers and whatnot what they want the game on SUPER close to when its released, to keep options open if we get onto anything like a console people want.
Q: 1. how was your day
2. are you releasing a week 8 song early like week 7, or are you goin full lockdown
A: I am doing GOOD today, and I think recently I've been good in general.
up to the mood, but so far we doing good about not having anything leak or whatev, so I think it'd be fun to have update come out with people not knowing what to expect at all. Build dat intrigue
Q: Will fnf ever get official plushies?? Seems like an untapped market
A: FNF plushies will prob happen some point, we have a lot of current merch stuff on our plates already though! (Mostly kickstarter type stuff, shirts, pins, posters, and all the physical OST stuff) Its a lot to sort out, but in time more and more stuff will happen. We r jus 4 boys!
Q: did you ever expect your game to blow up as it did? what was your first reaction to seeing it become super popular
A: FNF never had a humble moment, literally day 1 before the prototype even came out, the vid on twitter had like 5K likes overnight. Then when ludum dare version came out, it got 5K likes again, like it wasnt just a fluke. Was crazy, and def felt like somethin was different wit FNF
Q: Do you plan on getting other people to come in to help with the music? That seems like a lot of work to dump on one person, what with the erect mode and whatnot.
I guess the question could apply to all aspects of development. Will you be bringing on more people to help?
A: We definitely are getting help from other people. We are always keeping an eye on people for various different things. In terms of programming, already I've gotten 2 people (MtH and Geokureli) to help with certain Week 7 stuff (charting/polish, and loading stuff). Shit like dat
Q: Oh, also, will the Steam version be Workshop compatible? That'd really help streamline the process of downloading mods.
A: Steam version of FNF will likely NOT be Steam workshop compatible, because we want all the mods to NOT be spread out through different places. There WILL be modding support that is as streamlined as Steam workshop though. Mainly for non-steam versions of the game!
Q: Are there any chances that the game will have a physical release? Also any updates on a switch port? I remember one of you guys talking/joking about it.
A: Not impossible for FNF to get a physical release. We would want to see how far we could go with it though. I think it'd be super easy to do something wit people like LimitedRun games or whatev, but I think stuff like that can only go so far. I wanna see Funkin in mf Walmart!!!!!!
not that LimitedRun isn't going to be an option! Just we consider and pursue many different things! FNF release is years away, so we have time to think about everything. Whole mindset can be different just a few months from now.
Q: Out of curiosity, how are you dealing with all the popularity? It blew up so fast id barely be able to handle it if I was in your shoes.
A: The only way I've been able to handle it is having the other boys on the crew and being able to talk to them about all the overwhelmingness.
Part of it feels very lonesome, feels like NO ONE can come close to comprehending exactly how I'm feeling, except them. also other PALS!!!
Q: Do you own any of the bootleg FNF merchandise? Like any bootleg plushies or anything?
A: i dont, i genuinely think they r a waste of money, and I know any bootleg shit that gets made, we can prob go about and make it, and make it 100x cooler because we actually put effort into shit. bootleg shit just in it for the coin, so they aint gettin that from me
Q: How did you go about getting in contact with sr pelo for skid and pumps vocals?
A: Pelo i think was familiar and pals wit PhantomArcade a bit thru various Newgrounds things and collabs and whatnot.
pelo retweeted the first OG FNF posts first ever, and brought a LOT of attention to it. to pay him back, we put skid and pump in game! ask dave for more info prob
Q: what's the plan for having the full ass game open source if it's gonna cost money? couldn't people just download the source and compile the game for free?
A: when FNF is fully released, the full source code will be released as well.
the game will be DRM free so it will be way easier for people to redistribute the released/offical .exe instead of compiling it, so that's not the issue anyways. people will pay for things if they like it
Q: What are the chances of it getting on consoles like switch or Playstation, ps5 would definitely be my preferred way to play
A: it'd be a matter of hiring someone to build out backend stuff for those specific consoles. someone who knows their way around all the wacky code stuff, AND knows console hardware stuff. Then its just a matter of hittin up those console manufacturers (Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo)
the CLOSEST one is SWITCH. pretty much all of that backend is already made, so it just a matter of gettin all that access and shit.
i think in any case though, there's a lot of NDA stuff required, i dunno how much we'd be able to talk about it even IF we get that stuf sorted
Q: any ideas of releasing it on epic store or another platform?
A: Right now, the only thing that is 100% confirmed and WILL happen is a Steam version, itchio version, and mobile versions on respective app stores. Other storefronts aren't out of the picture though, but we don't want to spread ourselves too thin with it.
Q: Will you continue using HaxeFlixel to make the rest of FNF?
A: yes, because it is what I'm the most technically proficient in, and generally is VERY flexible. just a matter of ME becoming a better coder. It's ALL open source, so if I need something done a certain way, either I can do it, or we can hire someone to do it.
Q: have you seen game theory's videos on your game yet and if so, what do you think about them? (not talking about his predictions because i dont want spoilers. i like mystery)
A: it is always good silly fun to watch the Game Theory vids about Funkin with some pals, and see what matpat thinks of the game. i lov the vids, but wish he used my face less! Or at least used a cuter pic of me like this one!!
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Q: Ok so: What does the future of FNF look like to you?
A: future of FNF is a rhythm game that not only exceeds every expectation that people have of it, but subverts most expectations and conventions as well.
Q: Do you plan on retouching on older weeks once the game is fully out? Like reanimating sprites, redoing some charting, updating the background, etc
A: retouching and probably overhauling certain aspects is almost definitely gonna happen. Everything is fluid and can be changed (and should be changed when necessary). i dont think anything should be too attached to, especially this early on in development
Q: I honestly do not care if the answer to this is vague as hell to keep surprises and shit lol but… Since Week 7 was the closest we’ll get to a playable girlfriend (still bf controlling tho), do you have plans to make girlfriend playable in spin-off things or just freeplay?
A: wouldnt be out of the picture for a playable GF, i don't think we've had some hard thing AGAINST it. just a matter of what we want out of the game, and what sort of story or whatev we could do with that concept
Q: How do BF and GF manage to meet famous newgrounds characters (such as pico, tankman and the others to come) like is this all in one universe/ timeline or are they being brought in?
A: i think they are all just there existing. i think there's a lot of wacky things in other media that try to justify crossovers, like MULTIVERSE bullshit or TIMELINE shit, but i dunno, its like subspace emissary. Captain Falcon and Olimar from Pikmin just hang out. Shit like dat
disclaimer that all lore shit is in phantomarcade head pretty much and maybe there is wacky dimensions or somethin
Q: Will the game have dlc?
A: its not too unlikely that we'd have expansions of some sort, but i mean right now we plan on packing in as much as we can into base game, and trying to make that as pure as possible.
if there is ANY dlc, i would personally want it to be 100% free updates
Q: How did you meet Phantom Arcade, Kawai Sprite, and EvilSker? And what do you think about the community and its controversies?
A: me and phantomarcade been fukin around NG for years so years and years ago we naturally crossed paths and became pals
about 2 years ago i found kawaisprites music on NG, and started talkin wit him, made Ritz wit him and we fell in lov
and evilsk8r i met cuz of FNF!!!
quik elaborate on evilsk8r, wanted artist for gamejam FNF was for (ludum dare), and OG person i asked wasnt available, so he referred me to evilsk8r, who I have never met or talked to before ever.
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gross-gal · 4 years
yo!! i dont know jackshit about Darkstalkers!! What's it about?? What do you like about it?? What do you NOT like about it?? Tell me alll!!!! (@gamer-gremlin-gf-ships)
AAAAAA THANK YOU @gamer-gremlin-gf-ships​
Darkstalkers is a fighting game developed by Capcom. The main gimmick is that, most of, the fighters are based off of horror archetypes. So ya got vampires, zombies, frankensteins, fishmen, ghosts, all that shit.
There isn’t really much story wise I can elaborate on since, fighting games don’t usually have that much of a story to begin with. BUT, in Darkstalkers 1 and 2, main story is that this big bad dude named Pyron kinda wants to determine if the Earth is worthy to be ruled under him or if he’ll destroy it. Pyron is a shape shifting alien dude from the planet, Hellstorm and he’s really looking for a good brawl so he goes and fights the most powerful Darkstalker, which is whoever you choose to play as.
Now then, to avoid confusion, Darkstalkers 1 and 2 (or Vampire Hunter/Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge) are basically the same game. 2 is more of an updated version of 1, has two new characters, better gameplay, and it also changes some part of the story because Demitri (the vampire dude) actually was the one who originally started the whole tournment thing in determining who was the most powerful and I think? Pyron kinda ends up in the way. In 2, it basically is changed to Pyron is the one that starts the tournament, and that’s the canonical version.
So 2 isn’t really that much of a sequel, while Darkstalkers 3 (or Vampire Savior) is an actual sequel to the series. This introduces the antagonist, Jedah Dohma, whose plot is that he wants to collect all the powerful darkstalker souls and put them into this big demon baby, which then be used as a vessel for him. Jedah’s whole thing is that he’s basically disappointed in what has become of the demon world (makai world) and decides that he’s going to annihilate both the demons and humans. He sees himself as a savior, and while there really isn’t a protag, Jedah kind of is considered to be one in 3.
NOW. WHAT IS A DARKSTALKER? It’s literally just...fucking monster? I guess? There really isn’t a specific definition but just know, everyone, besides B.B. Hood because she’s the only true human in the series, is a Darkstalker.
Just gonna get my problems out of the way. Obviously, the series has some sexual stuff, which is fine but it can get uncomfortable. Demitri is a pretty big example since he literally has an ability that just involves transforming the opponent into a younger, more desirable person so that he can drain their blood? I won’t go to into it since it’s gross but yeah. Then of course there’s Lilith and yeah...REALLY WISH THEY DIDN’T MAKE HER LOOK LIKE THAT BECAUSE SHE’S A PRETTY COOL CHARACTER.
Darkstalkers also doesn’t offer much as far as a story, this is sort of good because it offers a lot of freedom as far as writing, but to be honest? A lot of stuff which tries to elaborate on the Darkstalkers lore or whatever, KIND OF SUCKS. I myself, am not into the Udon comics or the mangas, the OVA also doesn’t offer much of a great story. Which is a shame because Darkstalkers has a lot of potential but so many attempts, just kinda fail because they miss the point in the series. Udon and the Vampire Savior manga in particular because they take the series way too seriously or just characterize really strangely? The OVA probably offers the best in terms of story but it’s not even much because the only actual good and satisfying one, is Donovan’s story. His is the only one that actually has a conclusion. Otherwise, the OVA suffers from poor pacing, lots of exposition, or just OOC moments. LIKE??? REALLY DOESN’T MAKE SENSE AS TO WHY FELICIA GETS ALONG WITH ZABEL OR MORRIGAN ENDING UP WITH DEMITRI?
And then I guess a more minor complaint. Darkstalkers has a very specific style, I really think the series look best in the first two games and in the OVA. I personally am not a big fan of the character art in 3 jdskal
The main artists for the series are Bengus (Gouda Cheese) and Daigo Ikeno. Bengus really fucking nailed how the series should look. It’s got that perfect balance of the gothic, sensual aesthetic with exaggeration and fuckin weirdness of the series. Darkstalkers is a series that completely embraces it’s wacky side and just how campy it’s influences are. I mostly love Bengus’ earlier works from 1 and 2. Daigo’s stuff is much more casual and less elaborate compared to Bengus’ works but I kinda love that, he’s really great at showing off the characters in more casual situations and showing off their goofier sides. I’ll share some of my favorite pieces at the end.
While I wouldn’t say it’s as fluent as Street Fighter Alpha 3′s sprites, because Darkstalkers is able to be more creative with it’s moves, the results are some super wacky and fun animation. Darkstalkers animators heavily referenced old Looney Tunes and Hanna Barbera cartoons when it came to animating. I really don’t know a whole lot of fighting games, especially from Capcom, that look the way Darkstalkers looks. And a lot of that comes from the fact that Darkstalkers isn’t very limited. Characters can launch missles, fireballs, fucking blood?. Characters can extend or manipulate their body. Or just do weird shit like transform characters into basketballs, make characters perform in a rhythm game?, A CHARACTER STRAIGHT UP USES HIS ASS CHEEKS TO GRAB YOU AND SUMMON LIGHTNING?? Everything is super fucking wild and that’s what makes the series.
A lot of people say Darkstalkers needs to be gorey and sexual but that’s really not what the series is about. Yes, Darkstalkers is def sensual but it also really doesn’t take itself seriously. That’s what so many people miss. And honestly? Even though it was terrible, the American cartoon ends up being the most accurate to the source material because it gives no fucks and so much weird shit just happens.
Another thing I love about Darkstalkers is how much it subverts it’s characters and just how creative they got. You have an Australian zombie rockstar, a catlady that’s also an idol and a nun??, a demon possessed samurai ghost armor guy. The character design is genuinely fucking brillant and not at all what you’d expect to get when given the idea for monster characters. I would talk about the characters but you see how long this post is starting to get.
And I haven’t talked that much about gameplay but Darkstalkers feels fucking great. If you’re curious about which game to get into, absolutely go with 3/Vampire Savior. It feels great, combo inputs are relatively simple, you can straight up beat the game just by button mashing, and no character really feels too similar. It’s also a very fast game too, if you ever watch tournaments, they go by so fast and when you play it, you’re very much engaged. It’s a game that requires a lot of attention and I enjoy that. I also have to mention this but, pretty much every character has their own unfair, bullshit tactic that, if you plan on getting good, will require you to figure out how to avoid depending on what character you use. There’s a sorta popular joke with the game that, it’s balanced if all the characters are broken. I’ll admit, probably not the best game for someone like me that sucks as far as remembering stuff and being able to plan ahead, but I still have lots of fun with the game!
I really didn’t expect to become as engaged in the series as I did but there is a lot to appreciate about Darkstalkers. It’s unfortunate to because, sadly, Darkstalkers likely will never get another game.
While the series is technically popular, it’s still way too niche compared to most fighting games. It just never had the same impact as other fighting games, and ultimately, no matter how good those games feel to play, there’s always shit like Marvel vs Capcom that just is more well known and features more stuff that just is what people prefer going to. I think Capcom will pretty much stick with having Darkstalkers characters appear in crossover games vs actually giving the franchise another game
They tries reviving it with Resurrection, which was a re-release of the games on Xbox and Playstation, but it hardly even sold that many copies. Which is where the phrase “Darkstalkers are not Dead” originated from, a phrase that has become a joke now in the fighting game community. Even if they were to revive the series, it’d be difficult recapturing that same vibe since most of the original crew are working on completely separate projects. There’s also a part of me that does fear the idea of another game because of how it’ll be handled. I’ve heard people mention possibly having the Skullgirls team develop or maybe Arc Systems, I just don’t want a lot of the charm to be lost in a sequel.
Since a fighting game isn’t really possible, I do hope for maybe a show or comic series that explores the characters and story more.
My brain is kinda blanking rn but yeah. I just fucking love this series a lot. I hope maybe someday I can contribute something great to this franchise and I hope you listened to me ramble about it.
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thecrowsjoker · 5 years
Before you read, major Persona 5 R spoilers so please just skip this if you don't want spoilers
Also please note the tags!
Please Enjoy these delicious pancakes and have a good day (spoilers below pancakes) 🥞
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So Im probably putting my foot into it by saying that a relationship with Goro should have been tucked away near the end of the P5r.
And by that I mean you have to meet certain conditions.
Example list
You can't romance any of the girls
You must max out all confidents with Goro's being the last one
This will prompt Goro saying "I've noticed that your quite popular with the ladies (Last name), is there no one that catches your eye?) to which it prompts you to confess," I like Goro" or to simply just say" I'm not interested"
Option two- oh I see *disappointed sprite* game then resumes like normal.
Option One- *surprised sprite* wait, I dont quite understand
(Game prompt: this is an important decision. Your relationship with this confident might change depending on your answer)
Option 2- "I'm joking"
Goro- oh *fake smile sprite* very funny Joker
Option 1- I like you Goro, I want to be with you
Goro- *startled sprite quickly replaced by depressed sprite* why now, why after everything I've done, how can you just-
(player can move in to hold Goro or to simply listen to the rest of Goro's speech)
Uninterrupted- Goro- I hurt so many people I don't deserve this, you deserve someone who's not broken.
Prompt- I want you
Prompt--I love you
Protagonist moves in to embrace Goro
Goro- *flustered sprite* what is this feeling? *annoyed sprite with blush* damn you Joker...
(Loki and Robin Hood fuse)
Goro monlogue: I don't know if these feelings are mine or yours. But I do know that I want to fight with you till the end...
Afterwards- Akira moves closer to Goro
Goro-! Ah! Your really close...
Blackout screen
Goro- Joker... Thank you- I...
(you spent a long time with Goro)
Option with sudden hug
Goro-! Ah, hey your...
*sprite with clenched eyes*
Goro- how can you suddenly just bring down my walls like nothing
Prompt 1- it's because you love me
Prompt 2-...
Prompt 1- Goro- *cheerful sprite* who made you such a good detective? *wink sprite* I guess the roles are reversed now.
Prompt- Your pretty good at stealing hearts Crow
Prompt 2-...
Goro- *sigh* to think this would end like this.
Goro- *embraces Akira back* I want to choose my own destiny. The future with you... by my side.
(Loki and Robin Hood fuse)
Goros monologue- I understand now. Its not weak to rely on others, thank you.- ill use this power to shape my own destiny... Our destiny.
Goro- hey is it okay if you hold me just a little while longer?
You spent a long time with Akechi.
Yea so I know it's a long example but this completely negates the fact that it's suddenly just an option. You'd have to jump through a few hoops in order to get with Goro. Also it gives you the option to stay single without any consequences to the story.
I know some people are against Goro x Akira and I can understand why people would be pissed if this was the only slash option.
But you got to understand that no other boy in P5 is used for gain more than Goro. His life was hell to begin with. His whole life up until he meets Akira is just built on the only emotion he knows hate.
And then comes Akira, and Goro is literally torn between hating him and wanting to be around him.
Akira brings out emotions Goro's never felt before, like flies, he tries to swat them away but they always reappear.
It shouldn't matter that they are both male.
Goro deserves to be loved and Akira very canonically loves him.
Love shouldn't just be exclusive to male and female, it should be just be accepted for what it is.
It's not for the sake of adding more options, its not celebrating diversity. People shouldnt be rewarded for just throwing scraps to an audience and give them a "maybe it's canon" because in WHAT way is it fair to add multiple girls to romance but do nothing about the actual relationship that is one of the core story points?
Goro and Akira are in love.
Akira is in love with the real Akechi Goro, not the plastic fake on TV. He's in love with the scarred boy who was used and abused for far to long.
Goro never had a forever home until he met Akira and despite the good, the bad and the ugly, Akira took Goro into his heart and gave him a home at long last.
Ps-I'm so sorry this has been such a long post but I'm just so emotionally drained with it all.
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legion1993 · 4 years
Never Let Me Go
Never let me go
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A/N : this is just a small little tiny story to get myself out of a writing block.. im branching for a moment or 2 away from the world of Supernatural and into a similar but very different universe! lets see how this goes!
Pairing: Kol Mickelson x Reader
Tags: fluff, flirty talk, some dirty talk, touring new orleans, Kol turning you into a vampire at your request, mean drunks trying to get you alone, Kol saving you, anything along those lines
Summmery: not mine to give…
This was to be the day, the start of your new life. You had moved to new orleans, more specifically into the french quarter to get away from your past.
You arrive at night, walking from the airport to the french quarter you find the streets alive with music, dancing, musicians and most importantly drunks.
You head to your apartment, putting in your stuff you decide to go check out the closest pub. walking through the quarter, you could only marvel at the sights that lay before you. this was you new home this was your fresh start.
Kol was sitting in the very pub you were just outside of… Kol was sitting in his favorite spot by the door, so he could see everyone who was entering, see if he could find the gem through all the drunks.
you walked in a few moments later and for Kol it felt as though time slowed down… he watched you head to the bar and order a drink. you ordered just a normal vodka and Sprite… you made it a double even, you were not sure how to start over in a new place. 
Kol watches you making sure that no harm comes to you, but indeed there were alot of drunk idiots in the pub that night. you were one of the only gems he has seen walk through that bar that very night. 
at that moment his hearing picked up a conversation between a few of the guys a few tables away , he began to tense up listening to them talk, it made his blood boil… then his thoughts and watchful gaze were interrupted by a hand being placed on his shoulder… 
 rebekah: “chill brother its just me…” 
Kol: “what are you doing here beks?” 
rebekah: “nick sent me to find you, he was worried that you might be causing trouble during this night…” 
kol: “nope im just keeping my eyes peeled for the new and exciting…” 
rebekah: “you mean like that girl, that you keep staring at?” 
Kol nods turning back to stare at you some more, then he realizes that the guys that were talking about your physique before were now heading towards you. 
Rebekah watched the look in her brothers eyes turn from just gazing in love to worried and ready to strike should the need arise… both of them now watching the following events unfold.
 Meat head 1: “hey pretty thing wanna come with me and have some fun?“ 
You sip slowly at your drink before answering. 
YN: “no thank you.“ 
Meat head 2: “your new here arent you? And from the smell of things your a virgin too…”
 This made you go radio silent, you tensed up at the feeling of their hands traveling over your body. This sight made Kol get up off his chair and come barging through their stances. 
 Kol: “leave her alone you stupid muts…" 
You look at Kol his eyes piercing your soul, kol keeps an eye on both those muts as he helps you off the chair and you both start walking towards rebekah… little did you both know that tonight was the first night of the rest of both your lives.
Kol and you run the opposite way of the pub going away from the muts and arriving at a gate surrounded by mass amounts of archetecture… you marvelled at the structure, kols hand tightened round your own.. 
Kol: “come on chica, i have some people who are very anxious to meet you…”
YN: “you kmow if you had approached me sooner i wouldnt have stopped you from touching my leg the way those guys were.”
Kol: “i definately would have done so and made sure no one saw anything…”
YN: “well what do you want to do right now? Any risks you want to take at this precise moment?”
Kol had to think cause yes there were risks he wanted to take but he wanted to try one specific thing at that moment but being a gentlemen he decided to just close the space between the 2 of you. 
The feeling of his skin against your own, the twinkle to his eyes in the moonlight, the way he spoke made you feel week at the knees. But instead of your mind being careful with your thoughts, they started being the exact opposite. 
Kol: “i think ive fallen for you…”
That was the last thing said for a while, cause as he said that last word he kissed you, he had cupped your cheeks and kissed you. In that moment nothing else mattered, in that moment all else seemed useless… 
5 minutes later the kiss broke and both of you took in a gasp of breathing… before another word would be spoken a gust of wind past by the both of you.
YN: “dont let anything happen to me please..”
Kol: “i promise i wont… ill never let you come to harm…”
You both walked inside the gate, the first thing that catches your eye is the architecture… the next thing that catches your attention is the number of people in the room… 
Rebekah: “see, i told you all that it was true…”
Elijah: “so it seems.. what do you make of this Niklaus?”
Niklaus: “i think our brother seems to have found himself someone new.. shall we meet her? Welcome back brother… rebekah told us what happened… you both are very lucky… come forward with her brother, so we may all have a chat…”
Kol and you join them at the table, not knowing what to expect but sitting there you held onto kols hand knowing that whatever the outcome he would not leave your side.
Kol: “i just realized we didnt be properly introduced… im Kol…”
YN: “YN its nice to meet you, all of you actually… im new in town i just moved in today… but kol can you please explain why you called those guys in the pub muts….”
Elijah: “muts are werewolves they are always thinking with their downstairs brain not their brain brain…”
You had stood and moved away from the table slightly  at the mention of werewolves… your brain trying now to make sense of everything that has just been said… 
YN: “werewolves are not supposed to exist… they are not supposed to exist period… i dont suppose there is a way to make more sense of all of this…”
Klaus: “i suppose you should also know that i am part werewolf and part vampire, my brother Elijah is a vampire, my sister rebekah is a vampire, our other sister Freya is a witch and kol is a vampire…”
at that moment you backed up and ran up the stairs and into the first open room you could… you were scared, well that was obvious… you sat on the bed and kicked off your shoes took off your jacket and started trying to breathe… you were not sure of what was happening, the man you now were in love with was a vampire…
something that should not exist and the fact that it did made you concerned, you had never given much thought to the possible existence of the supernatural though having kissed one now opened your eyes to what exists that should not…
a few moments of sitting there later you hear your name being called… you say nothing but instead flop backward on the bed… you let out a long exhale of breath, before turning your head towards the door to see Kol standing there…
Kol: “im sorry love, you shouldnt have found out that way… not about any of this… i had plans to tell you the truth after you had settled in to life in new orleans. i never meant for you to be ambushed like that… truth is your the first girl in a very very long time that has made me feel alive again…”
YN: “Kol tell me the truth, would you have even bothered with me if i had not been in trouble…”
 kol had now come to lay kinda beside you on the bed as he propped himself up on his elbow and smiled. 
Kol: “i would have come up to you as soon as you walked in that door… i wouldnt have let those muts say anything mean or dirty about you, we would have drank and drank till the late hours and partied more in the dirtiest ways possible. Cause from the moment i saw you, my entire world has spun slower like im normal again…”
 YN: “then why would your brother out you all to me like that… does he have no considerstion for feelings?”
  Kol: “nope, he is actually always an ass… but he loves me all the same… now i can think of a few things we can do to brighten up the mood but we need some scotch first..” 
You sat up once he left the bed going to the table in the corner and thats when the words spilt out of your lips so fast that your filter left you entirely. 
YN: “turn me Kol…” 
You had no idea you had even been thinking that till you said it… kol came right back to lay beside you, he knew what you had said and he thought he knew why, but there was still reassurance needed before a decision this big could be fully made.
kol: “are you sure that is what you want?” 
YN: “I came to New Orleans for a fresh start, now finding you, being with you in this moment this is my fresh start… This is where I now belong.”
 Kol: “before I turn you there is something I want to do first, so we do this properly…”
 You kinda look at him confusingly but he gets up and helps you up as well. Kol walks you to the stair case and then tells you to hold on for a moment, then he is back in front of you and down on one knee… 
Kol: “family I invite you to bare witness to this momentous occasion… I’m not sure if any of you heard what me and YN were discussing but she came here for a fresh start, she wants me to turn her she wants a completely fresh start. But I want to do something properly first, she and I shared a moment before I brought her in to meet you guys… we could feel it in our hearts we are meant to be together but i want to do things right by me, her and our family name… so YN akthough we only just met, this is love at first sight and truly happy we shall be if you will do me the incredible honor of marrying me?” 
You smile not looking directly at the ring but at the man holding it, he was your new start, he was your future, he was your soulmate! You hold out your hand and feel the cool metal sliding cross your finger, kol stands up to be face to face level with your eyes!
 YN: “yes!” 
Kol: “Elijah, dear brother, will you do the honor of officiating this momentous ceremony?”
 Elijah was beside you in seconds, he took your hand in his and placed a kiss to the back of it…
 Elijah: “I’m happy my brother has found a eternal love! It will be my highest honor to officiate your ceremony!”
Kol: “i guess we have a wedding to plan…”
YN: “elgance is a must, but we need to set a date…”
rebekah and Klaus are upstairs with you in a few moments… 
Rebekah: “what about we have the wedding in a week… more than enough time to pull something together… omg i get a sister… this is so exciting… alright so i already have several ideas for your wedding and the dress obviously we are going together in the next few days…”
YN: “yes i have several ideas as well infact if we go tomorrow rebekah you can help me carry a few of my bags back here and i can show you my wedding notes…”
Rebekah: “yes of course and Elijah obviously will accompany us to and from the retrieval of your bags so we can both see your notes… of course Kol will also see the notes but that might be after he finishes the errands im gonna send him on…”
Elijah: “naturally of course i will be delighted to grace this magnificant city with my prescence.”
Kol skowls at his sister and then smiles at you…
Kol: “cant wait sis…”
you stood beside kol and smiled, his brother and his sister except for Klaus was warming up rather nicely… Klaus was skeptical as he always was about every change that affected his family.
 Klaus: “brother may I have a few words with you…. Brother to brother. Rebekah can you take the soon to be newest member of our family and get her set up in kols quarters… He will be along after our little chat…” 
Kol smiled as he leaned down to kiss you, he pulled back and released you into the care of his sister. 
Kol: “lead the way Nik…”
 Kol follows Klaus as you are left with Rebekah and Elijah standing on the stairs. 
{~*A/N this is where it’s gonna get a little confusing… It’s gonna be splitting off into 2 separate convos… One between Rebekah and YN. And one between Kol and Klaus… Don’t worry this story will end with a happily eternal after. Back to the story. *~}
Kol and Klaus go into the lower chambers, so neither side can hear the conversations. Klaus shuts the gate behind him after Kol enters the room and he speeds pinning his brother to the wall…
Klaus: “what the hell is wrong with you? brother falling in love with a human thats risky and completely irrational, what do you think is gonna happen… what happened to staying loyal to the family… though our brother and sister seem to have no regards for what ever is happening between you and this girl… now your marrying her in a week… you need to get your head on straight…”
before klaus could finish Kol throws his brother to the ceiling and lets him fall before shouting at his brother…
Kol: “i love her… Nik i love her… i know your not entirely thrilled with whats happening… but this is how it will be, this is my choice, its my life not yours… just because you have fucked up your life, doesnt mean you get to control ours… you have driven almost every single guy out of our dear sisters life, Elijah doesnt even try cause he is too busy cleaning up after you and your antics… if someone in this family deserves to be happy, it should be me… whether you accept it or not this will happen and YN will be a vampire in a week and if you desire there will be a spot on the guest list just for you… my head is on straight Nik its you that needs to straighten out your head…”
klaus: “you are gonna have to also straighten out your head if you hope to go through with starting a life with this half wit bitch who needs a lesson in manner. or needs to learn whose in charge around here…”
Kol: “no she doesnt, cause we wont be answering to you. we will do what we want when we please and if you want to continue to remain in our lives more specifically in mine, you are gonna have to smarten up and stop trying to control everything and everyone around you… please Nik if you ever were serious about us being brothers then please stop being a class 1 jackass, get your head out of the 16th century and start living in the now… now if you dont mind im gonna go get a bottle of wine from my collection for me and my fiance to drink while we plan our fantastic wedding.”
Kol walks away leaving Klaus alone with his thoughts…  he went to find a nice merlot that would suit the rest of the evening alone that you both would share… he had hoped that when he went upstairs to find you that you and Bekah would be done your conversation…
meanwhile, while Nik and Kol were having their little argument you and Rebekah were having a civilized woman to woman conversation…. going over what was in your brains for ideas for the wedding then this conversation took a sharp turn…
rebekah: “so how did you come to move to new orleans…”
You sat up and leaned your head against the pillow against the headrest as you began to answer.
YN: “i had to get out of my previous city… the person i was living with was abusive and just an over all class 1 jackass… he was not the best person to be roommates with at all… but one night i was sleeping and i woke with a fright as he was towering over me jerking off and he tried to rape me but i hit him over the head with a lamp and i went outside the room called the cops and waited for them to show up.., when they did they arrested him and let me grab a few of my essentials and brought me into protective custody… his hearing went against him he is now in jail and probably will never be let out… but anyway when i got put into protective custody the cops were very clear that i had to go as far away as possible they gave me cash to get far far far away from there and never look back so i went to the airport by police escort, booked a flight to the first place i thought of and ended up here with only my essential belongings… and a few new items.”
Rebekah gave you a hug and smiled… you both then hear humming echoing through the walls… 
Rebekah: “i suppose your wondering how the process of turning you into a vampire will go…”
YN: “kinda ya… i just want to know how it will go so i kinda know what to expect…”
Rebekah: “thats understandable… so the process may sound a bit disgusting but thats just the way things have been done for ages… so once you both are pronounced husband and wife, there will be a few photographs simple but elegent one with each of me nik and elijah several shots of you and Kol and then a family portrait… then during the reception you and Kol will get up to make the speech last, during the last part of the speech Kol will speak… he will then go through this process… in your wine he will have put several or more drops of his blood in there course thats to drown out half the taste… once he toasts you drink the entire glass then you both will breathe it in the excitement and new beginning still new and fresh in your minds. he will kiss you and upon breaking the kiss he will tell you he loves you then snap your neck there by killing you… within 8 hours after you will wake beside Kol who will present you with a blood bag which you will drink entirely maybe wanting another maybe not… but thats basically it from there its learning control and how to use all the tricks.” 
You laid back on the bed and kinda smiled at rebekah, as you both seemingly continued to bond getting along but before you could respond kol was standing in the doorway.
 Rebekah: “dear brother how long have you been standing there?”
Kol: “not long, just long enough to watch you too bonding…”
rebekah: “do you need anything else YN?”
You look at Kol whose just eyeing you up and down..
YN: “nah im good ill see you tomorrow bright and early ish for some head start wedding planning…”
Rebekah gives you a hug as she gets up and heads out the door closing it behind her. Kol takes off his jacket, kicks off his shoes and pours 2 glasses of wine, he hands one to you and both of you take several sips.
Kol: “i never thought ever that id be married in this lifetime or the next… or well any lifetime… im just happy to be starting the next chapter of my forever with an amazing lady such as you.”
 YN: “this move was not in my future at all at the beginning of the year, but now i feel like i can safely fade out of my old life and into my new one with you.”
 Kol takes your wine glass from you and places both yours and his on the nightstand, he then runs his hands over your forearm, tracing every inch of it as he lwans in closer to you..
 Kol: “tomorrow when we are with my sister and dear brother wedding shopping we will also introduce you your new home. Now let us fall into a kiss of lasting slumber till morning light breaks the sky.”
 The making out began while you changed into the shirt that kol gave you to wear for the night, and ended when you both fell asleep in eachothers embrace waking not only to morning light but also to the knocking that was happening on the door. 
 With groans from both of you and adjustments to the bedding, you both greeting the one who walked into the room. It was klaus. 
 Klaus: “ah fantastic your awake…” 
Kol: “we are now brother thank you… now i hope you have a very good reason for this cause we would like to get back to sleep…” 
Klaus: “just came to let you know that the french quarter is home to mardi gras and you know how things get and well also to say that i support this union if it means your happiness brother.”
Kol and you kinda sit up against the headboard as you both stare at klaus.. 
Kol: “are you being serious nik…”
 Klaus: “im being deadly serious. Besides brother i have my own news, i have found a venue for your wedding, a place thats special to our family a place where you both need to go before the reception is begun… brother its timd to show YN the place that only a few years ago you awoke from a coffin…" 
Kol: “eventually but right now we are quite content with being married here in new orleans.. especially during mardi gars. Now nik is that all?”
 Klaus: “yes ill let you both be and ill see you later.”
you and Kol take a few longing stares at eachother before curling back into eachothers arms again and falling back into a peaceful sleep. another several hours to pass before the streets of new orleans become lively enough that the noise catches both your ears. 
this prompts the both of you to get up from the bed and go to stand on the balcony. absolutely certain that it was the start of mardi gras. sure enough down below the streets full of people dressed in bright vicious looking colors and vibrant songs play. 
you and Kol start your day… this kept you busy well the wedding planning did… you learned a bit of the history behind the city and your fiance’s family involvement. you meet a few interesting people along the way. 
you then come to the night before the wedding. you and Kol had just finished going through the lists and making sure you had everything prepared and that the compound was ready for the events that would progress the next day. 
Kol: “attention family and honored friends. thank you all so much for helping us pull this together this past week has been insane and we appreciate everything you all have done. tomorrow we welcome a new Vampire into our little family. tomorrow i will turn my bride giving her a freash new start to life and the release from her past that she craves. i thank you all once more for the help in decorating, planning, and putting this entire event together. we are gonna be very happy together for all eternity. which is why i have a gift for my beautiful bride curtisy of Vincint. i had him make this at the beginning of the week… please say you will wear it always and forever.”
you are handed a small but rectangular box, you open it to reveal a daylight necklace. you smile as you nod your head. 
YN: “always and forever. Lapis lazuli very nice…”
Vincint: “that is your daylight necklace, it will allow you to continue to walk in the sunlight after you becime a vampire. This way Kol and the rsst of us xan continue to help you on your journey for all eternity wuthout that pesky problem of daylight. Congratulations to both of you… to the happy couple!”
 The congratulations and champange flowed, eventually you were taken away by rebekah and kol the same thing by klaus… you and rebekah prepared a couple things to make the getting ready process easier. 
Then you both lay your heads down to rest for the night knowing that the next day would bring happiness and family all in one shot. You closed your eyes excited for the events of the next day!
 The lights were strung high ready to sparkle and shimmer.
 The flowers were fake from the store cause you were very bad at gardening.
 The table cloths were already owned, and made in the 16th dentury… shit thats old.
 The dinner ware same thing old as shit but gold and shiny.
 Kols tux was well only a half tux so he has his navy vest, red dress shirt, and navy pants. And man was he ever gonna be handsome! 
Rebekahs dress was a wine red short dress with sparkles and beading on the bodice.
 Your dress was a sexy backless wine red short dress which you were certain would knock kols socks off.
 Klaus and elijah both wore navy tuxs and the ceremony would begin at 3pm.
your hair would be done last. the first priority was for you to put on a bikini and let rebekah help you get your hair washed and relax like any good mannered maid of honor should. 
Rebekah: “look i get it your nervous. but dont worry, being part of this family means we dont let any member walk alone at all. you will be an excellent vampire. now lean back and relax, we will have you looking sexy and hot for my dear brother in no time. now dont worry about a thing, you will be fine, everything will go as planned. now get into that bikini and get into the bath, ill come in when your ready and ill give you a shoulder massage as well as help you wash your hair. and we can talk about girl stuff and gab and all that fun stuff…”
YN: “thank you Rebekah. you being here with me today is actually a huge relief that i wont have to get myself ready for my own wedding. i didnt have any siblings that i know of nor any friends…. it was a very lonely time back home… now i am actually gonna live with people who i know will always be by my side so thank you for everything!”
Rebekah: “your selcome. now get into that bath before i vamp speed it upon you…”
you take the bikini and the towel going into the bathroom. it was amazing the decor and the view. you could still see and hear the festivities of the people below but you also were occupied with putting on the bikini and getting into the bath. 
first step in was warm, the water was warm, you were smiling as you sunk into the water. you let out a kind of loud sigh as you spoke…
YN: “its safe bekah, come on in girl.”
rebekah comes in and smiles as another lady walks in beside her… 
rebekah: “this is my sister freya. she just arrived from helping with a witch problem out of town. she came in to meet the newest member of the family.  but she is a witch. she helped pick the necklace with Kol for you.”
Freya: “hello YN, im freya. please allow me take away some of your nerves to better help you relax.”
you nod as rebekah comes up behind you to set up to wet down and wash your hair. Freya goes to grab some sage and burns the tip as she mutters a few words, you begin to feel alot more relaxed. 
you feel the stress and nervousness leave your body as Freya comes to put a touching coat of wine red Nail polish on your nails, your hands were for obvious reasons staying out of the water.
YN: “can we deal with my toes once im out of the bath?”
Freya: “of course, cause we can mosturize your feet as well to help with blisters and such too… not to worry girl, we got this. trust me i know how you feel bout my brother. im in that same boat with a lovely lady of my own… of course she wont be attending this ceremony she understands that this is a family matter.”
YN: “i need to get something off my chest…”
Freya mutters a few extra words.
Freya: “we can now speak freely ive sound proofed the room.”
YN: “i never thought in a million years i would ever get married, not to someone as wonderful as Kol. i just wish i hadnt spent all my life alone… for the entire time of my past relationship if you can call it that, i lived in constant fear of each day being my last cause he was an asshole whose idea of being roommates was a secret perverted lie, he told me he was gay and then he started ordering me around like i was his slave, then he had me dress slutty, then he had me dance for him and his drinking buddies. i cried myself to sleep almost every single night. i am just happy to have a future thats bright.”
Freya: “not to worry sis, we will make sure nothing ever happens to you again. now Rebekah go prepare the robe so she can wear it while we do her hair. and make sure the dress is not a pull on, i will finish with her.”
Freya helps you to relax a bit longer, by this point  1 hour had almost gone by, you were so relaxed and caught up in girl chat that you didnt realize what time it was. good thing it wouldnt take long to get you ready. 
Freya handed you a towel as she averted her eyes from you to allow you to wrap into the towel. it was an amzing thing you felt so relaxed. but you still had lots to prep before you could stand by and watch some of the festivities. 
of course with rebekah and Freya from the balcony that would be where you guys would sit drink champagne and listen to the music and deal with whatever comes your way. 
you and Freya walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, your mind begins to wander as you go behind the changing screen and put on your strapless bra and your lace panties. this would be your under garments for Kols viewing after everything. 
you come out in a undone robe and sexy lingerie, both Rebekah and Freya make oolalas and sexy eyes at you jokingly of course because they knew you never had any real friends or family before this so they just treated you like family right off the hop. 
Freya: “stylish.. kols gonna flip. now come sit in this chair sis, sideways so your feet are over the arm rest and your hair is easily accessable for rebekah… and try to relax again, just enjoy it enjoy your champagne and dainties. and dont worry your glass will just keep refilling itself. its enchanted!”
You did as instructed, you giggled with both of them, you felt good, you finally felt normal. 
{~*A/N we are almost done our epic tale, i think… we have but 3 more instances to get through. now we venture from freya, rebekah and YN being girls and happy to Kol Elijah and Klaus being men and making sure they forget to play nice entirely. Back to the story.*~}
meanwhile, while you and the ladies were have amazing conversation and excellent champagne. the guys however not so much, elijah was just sitting back while Kol and Klaus were well sparing but for them sparing was arguing in a form. 
Elijah: “niklaus dont hurt Kol he is the one getting hitched in a few hours.”
Klaus: “nah he will heal by then, just mind your own business elijah.”
Elijah: “fine Kol can i ask you some questions while you kick our brothers ass from here to kingdom come.”
Kol: “go for it elijah i will answer them best i can.”
Elijah: “do you want me to write your vows for you or are you just gonna tell me what to write for you?”
Kol: “ill talk you write…”
Elijah: “next question how do you like the ceremony layout?” 
Kol: “it was elegent and simple with the mikelson touch it is exactly how we wanted thank you brother.”
elijah watched as Kol now was charging head on for Klaus… this made elijah kind of flinch when the 2 of them collided. 
Elijah: “niklaus you need to behave for the sake of our family reputation be on your best behavior. in the name of our family do not ruin us niklaus. it will destroy this family. now if you boys will excuse me im gonna go check on the decorations i just got the text from the ladies that they are watching the festivities from the balcony. ill go and see our dear sisters in a moment after the decorations and the set up. i can not stress enough Niklaus do not mess this day up. or i will do something drestic..”
elijah leaves the scene already wearing his tux, looking sharp and spify he goes out to check on the decorations leaving the 2 guys truly alone.
Klaus: “are you sure you want to get married brother? to this human that you have not known long?”
Kol: “its love at first sight. i didnt compel her or anything i just knew. she was the one i wanted to spend my eternity happily with. now either come at me or ill make you regret it. and elijahs right ill even let him do the honors if you wreck my wedding. now go get ready nik… ceremony starts in a few hours and we have male portraits to take…”
Klaus doesnt say anything but instead scowls at his brother before smirking and walks out of the room and back to his so he can get ready. Kol heads back to his room, he gets ready and goes to stand close to the balcony so he can hear your sweet voice.
he then gets a text from you the conversaton though short and sweet went like this: 
Tumblr media
this made Kol smile he went on his way to the photos with a huge smile crossing his features. while you were sitting with the girls swooning over the chat. it wasnt vocal or face to face but you could hear his voice say every single word.
the girls were not shy to this heroic deed either. this was how you were beginnined your newest journey through life. this is how you are starting over. this is how your life was gonna be. you were getting married this very day!
you put on your dress and had just finished zipping it up when Elijah knocked on the door. you freya and rebekah turned towards the door to see elijah enter.
Elijah: “all 3 of you ladies look spectacular. but the bride looks absolutely radiant. everything decoration wise is in order, the food for the receptin is being prepared, the place settings are laid out as per your specifications and you are gonna love how dashing the groom looks. he is as radiant as you are sister in law. Freya its a pleasure to see you again, i trust it went well with the witches. rebekah stunning as always. niklaus is in a mood, be warned ladies both Kol and myself have threatned to take drastic action against him should he do anything to disrupt yours and Kols wedding. we will start in 10 minutes.”
You stand to approach elijah…
YN: “thank you for doing everything for this wedding to go off without any issues. elijah i am truly honored to call you brother. now you should go and please tell Kol that i love him.”
Elijah: “of course sister. ill see everyone down in a few moments. places.”
you suddenly were torn away from the sight of the door closing by the aroma of sour puss shots. you freya and rebekah went out onto the balcony overloooking the inside of the compound where you couldnt be seen to listen to the start of the ceremony.
Elijah: “if you will all take your seats we will begin the ceremony immediately.”
everyone sat down, elijah continued.
Elijah: “welcome ladies, gentlemen and honored guests. today it is my highest honor to officiate the wedding of my dear brother Kol and his lady YN. they found their happiness in eachother so today we join our hearts with their own as they join their lives forever. everyone please rise and turn for the approach of the bridal party.”
that was when you freya and rebekah took the shots. you were all smiling as rebekah went down first, then freya went down about 10 seconds after, then elijah spoke again.
Elijah: “now if you all will have your gaze continual fixed on the stairs its time to greet the bride, this is the first glance between the bride and the groom as well for they have not seen one another for 24 hours now. here comes the bride!”
you from behind the pillar and into everyone’s view, no one looked shocked except for Kol. his reaction was one you had asked the photographer specifically to catch. so you could hold it over his head for all eternity. 
Freya had waited at the bottom of the stairs so she could walk with you the rest of the way down the aisle. the second you locked eyes with Kol coming off the stairs both of you were smiling, neither of you could think straight. 
seeing kol standing there looking so handsome in his suit made your knees go weak cause in your eyes he was moi caliente.
kol kept his cool but he wanted to take you right then right there in the middle of the aisle because in his eyes you were sexy beyond compare.
reaching the end of the aisle freya placed your hands in Kols, you handed your  bouquet to rebekah and then nodded at Elijah to continue the ceremony.
Elijah: “My name is Elijah Mikelson it is my highest privilage and honor to preside over this ceremony that shall unite Kol and Yn. should anyone object to this union let them speak now or for eternity let them stay silent.”
no one spoke from the crowd. the surroundings were glimmering, but you and Kol were lost entirely in eachothers gaze.
Elijah: “very well, i understand from the couple that they have prepared their own vows. starting with Yn you may now recite your vows.”
you grip Kols hands in your own as you take a nice deep breath.
YN: “Kol, you changed my life. you spoke one word to me and that was it your accent had me hooked. i fell instantly for you. i stand here today to declare that from now and forever i shall be yours wholy and willingly. yours and yours alone. your the reason why i can have a normal life. your the reason why i can finally feel free from my old life. today i die to be resurrected into this new eternity of firsts with you! i love you Kol Always and Forever!”
Elijah smiled slightly as he spoke once more.
elijah: “Kol dear brother its your turn.”
Kol too took a breath.
Kol: “YN, my darling my light. i feel like ive known you forever. i love your laugh, your smile, your eyes the way they sparkle. i love everything about you. it takes alot of courage to propose marriage but it takes greater courage to say that you want to die and be resurrected into a life that your unfamiliar with for the rest of eternity to be with someone. many of us didnt have a choice, most of us became what we are by force not out of our own free will. Yn made the choice out of her own free will cause she came to New Orleans looking for a fresh start. the choice she made was to be with me and stand by my side for eternity. today i turn you to be like me and in doing so bring you into your new life as your husband above all else Always and Forever will i love you evermore!”
Elijah: “now if Rebekah will give Yn Kols wedding ring its time to exchange the rings.”
Rebekah hands you the ring as Elijah clears his throat to speak again.
Elijah: “say the declaration of love that you were given to speak during this part. this will be your affirmation to everyone here including yourself and Kol that you are ready to become what we are for all eternity. then Kol say the reply and place your ring directly after.”
You slowly start to slide the ring on Kols finger as you begin to speak.
YN: “I YN declare this day to now and forevermore forsake my mortality and exchange it for the thrills of marriage and immortality. Kol i vow to love, honor, cherish and be faithful to you forsaking my mortality and old life always and forever.”
Kol take the ring from Klaus as Elijah cleared his throat as Kol began to speak.
Kol: “i Kol accept your declaration and this day declare that those who dare try to harm or commit treason against my bride shall be executed at the hands of the Mikelsons. from this day and into eternity i Kol vow to love, to cherish, honor, be faithful and protect you forsaking all others for eternity and into forever. i love you Yn Always and Forever.” 
Elijah straighten up and smiled now ready to speak again.
Elijah: “by the power vested in me by the laws of New Orleans i by my highest honor pronounce you Husband and Wife. Kol you may kiss your bride!”
Kol’s hands leave your own to one arm hold you by the waist, the other with your free arm as well fist bumping the air as he Kisses you passionately. surely the photographer caught that absolutely beautiful moment.
you and Kol joined hands breaking the kiss and the crowd applauded louder and louder their applause was turned round by Klaus speaking.
Klaus: “3 cheers for the happy couple…”
the crowd roared at those words. but neither you nor kol cared you both were just happy that this day so far had gone off without a hitch. you were whisked away from the crowd for a few moments alone with your husband. you both went into one of the small rooms upstairs to be alone.
Kol: “finally i get you all to myself for a while.”
YN: “i guess you dont do large parties often.”
Kol: “not often, not since our mother passed. she was the one who threw the parties, i only went to please her. did that really just happen? did i just get married to the most gorgeous woman ive ever met?”
YN: “that depends if it was a dream dont you think we would have woken up by now?”
Kol just laughed as he stood and held his hand out to you.
Kol: “i want to show you something… this is something i had done up for the woman who i would eventually end up with.”
Kol goes to the desk and pulls out a box, the appearance of the box was petite and black with no logos or anything. he comes back to stand beside you he hands you the box.
Kol: “happy wedding day darling!”
you stare at the box for a few moments before opening it. this revealed the mikelson family crest on a bracelet… similar to Kols but more you!
YN: “Kol its beautiful dear thank you! now i have a gift for you but it was kinda hard to decide what to get you, so i had vincint enchant this item with a locator spell, so no matter what life brings us cause i know the family probably have enemies who will at some point or another possibly come after us and i cant loose you so here…”
you go to the corner by the bed and you pull out a small box. you handed it to Kol, you then watched him open it to reveal a set of dog tags. 
Kol: “its beautiful babe! now lets go comence the reception. and bring you into your new life.”
those words said and the 2 of you walked back to the top of the stairs awaiting the announcement. 
Elijah: "ladies and gentlemen may i present to you for the first time Kol and Yn Mikelson!”
you and Kol step out on the stairs, going down you both greet the guests. then you both greet the siblings.
Freya: “you both were absolutely graceful up there.”
Rebekah: “we have another sister, yes!!!!! we will do everything girly when your changed Yn we will show you the best time.”
Elijah: “i hope that you both will enjoy this new found life together. YN im honored to call you now my sister.”
Klaus: “well this party is successfully dull when do we eat.”
Elijah: “niklaus, dont be impatient you must wait for the cooks to be finished what they are doing.”
Klaus: “fine brother if you need me ill be at the bar drinking the stock.”
you and Kol decided to enjoy the cocktail hour with the siblings minus Klaus, then you decide to give elijah the signal once Dinner trays start being put on tables. 
Buffet style dinner, the first dance a tango of sorts something Kol had picked up it was so romantic, a few more photographs, then it was time for speeches, first rebekah, then klaus, then elijah and finally Kol (speaking for you and him).
Kol: “first of all, me and my beautiful bride wish to thank each and every one of you for being here tonight to celebrate with us. second i have a few more thank yous to give. first to my brother Elijah thank you brother for being here today and being ready to perform this ceremony. we are so grateful. second to my sisters Freya and Rebekah, thank you both of you for helping my beautiful bride and accepting this choice, and being here to share in this day. we love you both. third to my brother Nik, who fought back his urges to ruin what is the happiest day of my eternity, thank you for being here today brother i know we have alot of unresolved anger to work on but i know we will resolve it in due time. forth to Vincint whose enchantments helped me and my beautiful bride have wonderful gifts for eachother for this glorious occassion. thank you my friend, we look forward to many more dinners and drinks with you my dear friend. and finally to my bride, YN you changed my life, now with this goblet i change yours. inside it you wont taste anything off but when we toast you have to drink your entire goblet. thats why its only at half. now as you step out of this life and into your eternity with me i promise you wont feel a thing but you will be quarantined with me for a few days after before i take you on the proper honeymoon you deserve. toast to my family.”
everyone began to toast Kol and you turned to face eachother. clinking your goblets, you chug your entire glass then look up at your husband who kisses you but as he breaks the kiss he snaps your neck. you fall limp in his arms. 
Kol then carries you bridal style into your now shared bedroom, knowing he had to stay by your side till you awaken, he had prepared everything, he had bloodbags, he had a change of clothes, he had thought of everything he could possibly think of.
 Kol took off his shoes, your shoes and his coat before he lay beside you knowing that in a few hours yiu would wake. he hoped that you would not spiral if he was the first person you saw coming out of stasis.
Kol (to your still form): “i pray you will see the good out of this after you wake. i love you and ill be right here when you wake up.”
kol faced you and shut his eyes reminiscing on the events that took place that very day. Several hours later he could hear the pulsingnblood through your body awakening, he could feel your fingers beginning to move, intently he watched your form. A few moments later you woke up.
the light hurt to look at, the way your gums hurt, everything all at once made you sit straight up. Kol was in front of you in moments. 
Kol: “hey love, hey its okay. your gonna be okay. what do you remember?”
YN: “i remember our wedding, the reception, the stolen moment after photos, the dance, the toast, the goblet. drinking it and now waking up here with you. did it work? am i?”
Kol: “here drink this do what i do ill drink some with you. but you need this so your gums stop hurting and so your aversion to sunlight subsides. if you do what i do and just keep your gaze on me you will be fine and the transition will be complete.”
Kol hands you a blood bag from the pile he has just put on the bed and he sits in front of you. he takes the tube and uses it like a straw you do the same thing, the pain subsiding as soon as the blood touched your lips.
you went through 10 blood bags before Kol finally got up and put the pile in the garbage.
Kol: “how do you feel now love?”
YN: “no more pain, i feel fantastic. hows the family?”
Kol: “why dont you ask them yourself.”
at that moment the door to your room is opened to reveal Freya, rebekah and Elijah. Freya and Rebekah approach you first pulling you into a 3 way girl hug. this was the one embrace you had been looking forward to.
then you stood as Elijah approached.
Elijah: “how do you feel sister?”
YN: “i feel good, actually Kol said i am doing better than expected. but still wants to keep me here.”
Elijah: “fair enough but from what im seeing you are progressing beautifully. dont stress too much about your progress. niklaus regrets he couldnt be here but he had business to attend to in the south quarter. some witches wanted to speak with him.”
you looked at Kol who nodded to rebekah and freya.
Freya: “come with us sister we are gonna let you see your closet. we are also gonna help you move it into this room but we want you to see it first.”
you go with them, elijah and Kol follow... 
-you discover your new wardrobe.
-Kol and Elijah as well as your sisters now help you to transfer your new wardrobe into your room.
-Klaus returns to the compound with a young girl who he had had an affair with back in Mystic Falls a while ago but just found out is pregnant somehow with his child. 
- you learn how to speed safely, you learn how to use compulsion, you leanr how to use your strength without killing anyone with a hug or a hand shake as well as how to control your blood lust. 
you are standing in yours and Kols room on the balcony in one of the silk sheets you both had recieved as a wedding present after a shower. Kol comes up behind you wraping his arms around your waist from behind.
Kol: “what are you doing out here in that sheet?”
YN: “just admiring this beautfiul city. listening to the calm. seeing the bstle of the night life coming together.”
Kol: “how bout you come to bed so we can properly consumnate our marriage?”
You follow Kol to bed and that was that. you both in a frenzy concummated the marriage and smiled lots.
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eaexu · 4 years
Private Playlists
filthbois (lincoln x elias)
lips on you - maroon 5 (x) You wanna be reckless, restless, right until tomorrow. Wait. When I put my lips on you, you feel the shivers go up and down your spine for me. Make you cry for me, when I put my lips on you. I hear your voice echoing all through the night for me. Baby cry for me. When I put my lips on you. Just turn off the lights, and you could be my private dancer. When we close the curtains, you and me can forget all our manners. The neighbors must think we're crazy, baby, cause look how easily we keep coming undone
Hands to Myself - Selena Gomez (x) Can't keep my hands to myself, no matter how hard I'm trying to. I want you all to myself, you're metaphorical gin and juice. So come on, give me a taste of what it's like to be next to you, won't let one drop go to waste. All of the downs and the uppers, we keep making love to each other. And I'm trying, trying, I'm trying, trying, can't keep my hands to myself, give me your all and nothing else. My doctors say you're no good, but people say what they wanna say, and you should know if I could, I'd breathe you in every single day
PILLOWTALK - Zayn (x) Climb on board. We'll go slow and high tempo, light and dark. Hold me hard and mellow, I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure. Nobody but you, 'body but me, 'body but us, bodies together. I love to hold you close, tonight and always. So we'll piss off the neighbours, in the place that feels the tears, the place to lose your fears. Yeah, reckless behavior, a place that is so pure, so dirty and raw. In the bed all day, bed all day, bed all day, fucking in and fighting on. It's our paradise and it's our war zone
Animal - Troye Sivan (x) I told you something safe, something I've never said before and I, I, I can't keep my hands off you. While you lie in the wake, covered all in the night before. I'm high, high, high, no one's got me quite like you. I want you all to myself, don't leave none for nobody else, I am an animal with you. No angels could beckon me back, and it's hotter than hell where I'm at. I am an animal with you. An ode to the boy I love, boy, I'll die to care for you. You're mine, mine, mine, tell me who do I owe that to? And as the days fly by, we'll be more than getting through, yeah, and in time, time, time, we'll build a home for two. I want you all to myself, don't leave none for nobody else. I am an animal with you
Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey (x) Dear lord, when I get to heaven, please let me bring my man. When he comes tell me that you'll let him in. Father tell me if you can, all that grace, all that body, all that face, makes me wanna party. He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds. Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I've got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
art-hoes (jackie x des)
a little death - the neighbourhood (x)  The room was fit for two, the bed was left in ruins, the neighbor was knocking, yeah, but no one would let him in. Touch me, yeah. I want you to touch me there, make me feel like I am breathing, feel like I am human. Dancing through the night, a vodka and a sprite, a glimpse of the silhouettes, a night that they never forget.
BITE - Troye Sivan (x) Kiss me on the mouth and set me free, sing me like a choir, I can be the subject of your dreams, your sickening desire. Don't you wanna see a man up close? A phoenix in the fire. So kiss me on the mouth and set me free, but please, don't bite. You can coax the cold right out of me, drape me in your warmth, the rapture in the dark puts me at ease, the blind eye of the storm. Let's go for a walk down Easy Street where you can be reborn, and kiss me on the mouth and set me free, but please, don't bite.
Love Lies - Khalid & Normani (x) I need a lover to trust, tell me you're on my side. Are you down for the ride? It's not easy for someone to catch my eye, but I've been waitin' for you for my whole damn life, for my whole lifetime. Don't be afraid to tell me if you ain't with it, I see you're focused, yeah you're so independent. It's hard for me to open up, I'll admit it, you've got some shit to say and I'm here to listen. So baby, tell me where your love lies, waste the day and spend the night, underneath the sunrise. Show me where your love lies. I've been so into your mystery, is it because of our history? Are you into me? When it feels so good, but it's bad for you, can't say I don't want it 'cause I know I do. Come on over, I need your company, cravin' that synergy. 
Cherry Wine - Hozier (x) But I want it, it's a crime, that she's not around most of the time. The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine, open hand or closed fist would be fine. Blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine. Her fight and fury is fiery, oh but she loves like sleep to the freezing, sweet and right and merciful. I'm all but washed in the tide of her breathing, and it's worth it, it's divine. I have this some of the time.The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine. 
Malibu - Miley Cyrus (x) I never came to the beach or stood by the ocean, I never sat by the shore under the sun with my feet in the sand, but you brought me here and I'm happy that you did.  Cause now I'm as free as birds catching the wind, I always thought I would sink, so I never swam, I never went boatin', don't get how they are floatin', and sometimes I get so scared of what I can't understand, but here I am next to you. The sky is more blue, in Malibu, next to you. We watched the sun go down as we were walking, I'd spend the rest of my life just standing here talking. You would explain the current, as I just smile, hoping I just stay the same and nothing will change, and it'll be us, just for a while. Do we even exist? That's when I make the wish to swim away with the fish. Is it supposed to be this hot all summer long? I never would've believed you, if three years ago you told me I'd be here writing this song, but here I am, next to you
spookie-babes (olive x mur)
High School Sweethearts - Melanie Martinez (x) Can we just be honest? These are the requirements, if you think you can be my one and only true love. You must promise to love me, and damn it, if you fuck me over, I will rip your fucking face apart. Step one. You must accept that I'm a little out my mind. Step two. This is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line. Step three. Give me passion, don't make fun of my fashion. Step four. Give me more, give me more, more. If you can't handle a heart like mine, don't waste your time with me. If you're not down to bleed, no, oh, if you can't handle the choking, the biting, the loving, the smothering, 'til you can't handle it no more, no more. Go home
Kiwi - Maroon 5 (x) But it's so strange, it's something new, amazing feelings that I have for you. I close my eyes when I'm alone, wonder what it'd be like to make you moan. I wanna give you something better, than anything you've ever had. A stronger and a faster lover, the world it disappears so fast. Sweet Kiwi, your juice is dripping down my chin. So please let me, don't stop it before it begins. So give it up, and don't pretend, and spread your arms and legs across the bed, and when you shake, you won't regret, the things I whisper in your ear
Bed Peace - Jhene Aiko (ft Childish Gambino) (x) Gotta act like I care about this fake stuff, straight up, what a waste of my day. If I had it my way I'd roll out of bed, say 'bout 2:30 mid day, hit the blunt then, hit you up to come over to my place. You show up right away, we make love then and then we fuck, and then you'd give me my space. What I am trying to say is, that love is ours to make so we should make it. Everything else can wait, the time is ours to take so we should take it. Wake up, wake up, bake up, gotta heat the vape up, let's get faded, gotta call your job tell em' you won't make it, ain't nobody here baby let's get wasted. We should just get naked
Past Lives - Kesha (x) We were lovers in a past life, I can see it in your green eyes. Maybe you were one of my wives? In a long lost tribe. There's just somethin' about you I know, started centuries ago though. You see your kiss is like a lost ghost, only I would know, but I, I keep on falling for you. Time after time, I'll make you mine, time after time. See millenniums ago love, we were nothing more than stardust. Just the galaxy beneath us, you found me. Then we made it though the ice age, but I lost you in the crusades. I build the pyramids for you babe, just to see your face.
Nothings going to hurt you baby - Cigarettes after Sex (x) Whispered something in your ear, it was a perverted thing to say, but I said it anyway. Made you smile and look away, nothing's gonna hurt you baby, as long as you're with me, you'll be just fine. Nothing's gonna hurt you baby. Nothing's gonna take you from my side. When we dance in my living room to that silly '90s R&B. When we have a drink or three, always ends in a hazy shower scene. Nothing's gonna hurt you baby, as long as you're with me, you'll be just fine. Nothing's gonna hurt you baby, nothing's gonna take you from my side
messes (patrick x elias)
a lover I dont have to love - bright eyes (x) Let's just keep touching, let's just keep keep singing. I want a lover I don't have to love, I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk. Where's the kid with the chemicals? I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full. I need some meaning I can memorize. The kind I have always seems to slip my mind. But you, but you, you write such pretty words, but life's no story book. Love's an excuse to get hurt, and to hurt "Do you like to hurt?" "I do! I do!" "Then hurt me."
BOY - Charlie Puth (x) You tell me I'm too young but, I gave you what you wanted, baby, how dare you treat me just like a boy...You won't wake up beside me, cause I was born in the nineties. Baby, how do you treat me just like, like a boy, how dare you treat me just like a boy. 'Cause you talk a different talk, and you kiss me differently. Now I don't know where to go, after you love me this way, after you love me so good. How are you gonna tell me you don't wanna stay? 
Slow Dancing in the Dark - Joji (x) I don't want a friend, I want my life in two. Just one more night, waiting to get there, waiting for you, all night, I'm done fighting all night. When I'm around slow dancing in the dark. Don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms. You have made up your mind, I don't need no more signs, can you? Can you? Give me reasons we should be complete. You should be with him, I can't compete, you looked at me like I was someone else, oh well, can't you see? I don't wanna slow dance in the dark
Sexxxx Dreams - Lady Gaga (x) Last night, our lovers quarrel, I was thinking about you, more than I can say, and it was kind of dirty. All night, and the way that you looked at me, help me here, it was kind of nasty, it was kind of trashy. 'Cause I can't help my mind from going there. Heard your boyfriend was away this weekend,wanna meet at my place, heard that we both got nothing to do. When I lay in bed I touch myself and think of you. Last night, damn, you were in my sex dreams, doing really nasty things
the fuckups (em x alf)
earned it - the weeknd (x) You know our love would be tragic. So you don't pay it, don't pay it no mind. We live with no lies and you're my favourite kind of night. So I love when you call unexpected cause I hate when the moment's expected. So I'ma care for you, you, you. I'ma care for you, you, you, you, yeah. 'Cause girl you're perfect, you're always worth it and you deserve it.The way you work it. 'Cause girl you earned it.
Casual Affair - Panic! at the Disco (x) Hey, a casual affair, that could go anywhere, and only for tonight. Take any moment, any time, a lover on the left, a sinner on the right. Lay in the atmosphere, a casual affair. Lay in the atmosphere, a casual affair. Break involuntary ties, a secret so despised, could never find us out. Stay for as long as you have time, so the mess that we'll become, leaves something to talk about
Fetish - Selena Gomez (x) Reaching your limit, say you're reaching your limit, going over your limit, but I know you can't quit it. Something about me got you hooked on my body. Take you over and under and twisted up like origami, I'm not surprised, I sympathize, ah. I can't deny your appetite. You got a fetish for my love, I push you out and you come right back. Don't see a point in blaming you, if I were you, I'd do me too
Hurricane - Halsey (x) I went down to a place in Bed Stuy, a little liquor on my lips, I let him climb inside my body and held him captive in my kiss, and there's a storm you're starting now, theres a storm you’re starting. I'm a wandress, I'm a one night stand, don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man. I'm the violence in the pouring rain. I'm a hurricane
Eyes on Fire - Blue Foundation (x) I'll seek you out, flay you alive. One more word and you won't survive, and I'm not scared, of your stolen power. I see right through you any hour. I won't soothe your pain, I won't ease your strain. You'll be waiting in vain, I got nothing for you to gain. I'm taking it slow, feeding my flame, shuffling the cards of your game and just in time, in the right place, suddenly I will play my ace. 
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emospritelet · 5 years
HC prompt 40 - "I dont think he/she would want that for Christmas." Feel good Sprite!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
AO3 link
Ogilvy took a sip of his brandy, letting it spread over his tongue with mellow, fragrant heat and traces of caramel and nutmeg.  He glanced towards the door through which Belle had disappeared, and held the image of her in his mind, head turned slightly, eyes flicking across to catch his briefly as she left.  He smiled to himself, his heart slowly shedding itself of grief and anguish as it swelled with his love for her. She seemed a little taken aback by her welcome; he supposed that he and Doc had been somewhat effusive in their greetings, and Alice was - well, Alice - but he hoped that she would soon settle in, that she would feel part of the family.  Doc picked up his own glass, swirling the liquid in it as he stared off into space.
“It’s almost as though no time at all has passed,” he said quietly.  “She looks very well, at least.”
“She’s perfect,” said Ogilvy softly.  “Perfect. Just as she always was.”
“I suspect she thinks we’re all unhinged.”
“Yes.”  He took another sip of brandy.  “We should try to be a little calmer in her presence.  I find I can’t help myself.”
“Indeed,” agreed Doc.  “She’s every bit as intelligent and brave as she ever was.  I was almost bursting with pride when she told me about her experiences at Girton.  I must write to Professor Magus about her; I know the man a little.”
“Yes.”  Doc took another drink.  “Considered something of an outsider by the elite due to his background, unfortunately, but an excellent fellow.  Very knowledgeable.”
There was silence for a moment.  Ogilvy swirled the brandy in his glass, the bowl cradled in the palm of his hand, inhaling the fragrant scent of it before he took a sip.
“Pity about the stone,” mused Doc.  “It’s clear she doesn’t have it herself, so that’s another dead end we didn’t need.”
“We got her back,” said Ogilvy.  “She’s home. That’s what matters.”
Doc put down his glass and pushed his glasses up his nose with a sigh.
“I’ll try and See something,” he said.  “Perhaps tomorrow.”
“It’s Christmas Eve.” Ogilvy’s tone was dry.  “The children won’t let you have a moment’s peace.”
“Well, that’s true.”  Doc took another drink.  “You’ll have to entertain them, then.”
“Leave it a day or two.  Now she’s back with us, perhaps something will turn up.”  He turned the glass in his hands absently, a faint whiff of brandy reaching his nose.  “Perhaps things will be as they ought to from now on.”
“Perhaps,” said Doc, and licked his lips, eyeing him shrewdly.  “And if not? What if we can’t find the stone?”
Ogilvy hesitated, thumb rubbing over the well-worn gold band of his moonstone ring.
“I - I don’t know,” he admitted.  “Perhaps there’s another way to wake her.  We never had to try before.”
Doc took a sip of brandy, smacking his lips, his expression speculative.
“You could try kissing her,” he suggested, and Ogilvy gave him a flat look.
“When I’m a stranger to her?  Emphasis on strange? She’d slap my face, and rightly so.”
“I didn’t mean right away…”
He sighed wearily, letting his head roll back.
“Let’s get her settled in first, let her grow comfortable here,” he said.  “Perhaps she’ll feel the bond, as you say. Perhaps not.”
It hurt to think that their bond might be broken, but in his heart he didn’t believe it.  He could feel the pull towards her, the physical tug of her soul on his, the overwhelming urge to wrap his arms around her and feel the warmth of her against him.  He closed his eyes for a moment, remembering the last time he had held her. The memory led to less pleasant recollections, and he shoved the images away before his mind could bring them into sharp focus, make them real, give them life.  He took a swallow of brandy, the heat in it making his eyes water.
“You should try to talk to her as much as you can,” added Doc.  “If anyone can restore her memories, it’s you. I have a feeling we’re going to need her sooner rather than later.  We only just managed to deal with that fire wraith, remember?”
Ogilvy winced, rubbing at his thigh at the mention of it.  The burn had been excruciating, and the scar would always be with him.
“I don’t want to alarm her by being over-familiar,” he said.  “I think I may already have done so.”
“I’m not suggesting that you confess your eternal love and ask her to marry you immediately,” said Doc dryly.  “Just get her - accustomed - to talking with you about everyday things. You have the excuse of checking on the children’s progress, after all.  And I’m sure she’ll want to explore the library.”
“Yes.”  Ogilvy put down his glass, sitting back in his chair.  “We can certainly talk of books. She has an interest in science, so I could show her the telescope.”
“Good.  Good plan.”  Doc ran his hands over his face.  “And on that note, I think we’ve left Alice playing hostess long enough.  Shall we go through?”
Belle had finished her tea, listening as Alice chattered away about the house, the servants and the surrounding area.
“Of course, you’re probably used to dramatic sweeping driveways and enormous gardens,” said Alice, having finished talking about the hothouse in which she was attempting to grow flowers. “I’m afraid we’re far less grand here.”
“Oh, I think it’s a beautiful house,” said Belle hastily.  "And the park outside is very lovely.  You must show me the hothouse, I’d love to see your flowers.“
Alice beamed, evidently pleased with her praise.
“Well, I certainly hope you’ll be happy here,” she said.  "It’s so nice to have another woman in the house. The servants are dear things, but they tend to treat me like I’m a proper lady, not a guttersnipe in a silk dress.“
Belle smiled, and set down her cup.
“Forgive my inquisitive nature, but you must have felt a little out of your depth when you first arrived,” she said carefully.  "I was wondering if there was any advice you could give me when it comes to dealing with the children.  I suspect they’re in a similar frame of mind.“
"Well, they’ve been here a couple of months now,” said Alice.  "But yes, they still have some way to go before they settle down completely. I should think they probably know things you wouldn’t expect, and yet won’t have the knowledge that children born to this life would have, if you take my point.  I know how that’s how things were for me, anyway.“
"Yes, I can imagine so,” said Belle thoughtfully.  "I’ll bear that in mind.“
"Nicholas told me very earnestly that he intended to give Doc the old cat that lives down by the river as a Christmas present,” said Alice, shaking her head.  "Covered in fleas it is, and half wild, but it lets Nicholas pet it, so he thinks it’s the best cat in the world.  Doubt that Doc would agree - it would probably tear up the couches in the library within a day.  I don’t think he would want that for Christmas.“
"I imagine not.”
“Try to talk Nicholas out of getting the cat, if he mentions it again,” she added. “I think I managed to push his attention onto peppermint creams, but you never know.”
Belle bit her lip in amusement, and looked around as the door opened and Ogilvy and the Professor entered. Alice straightened up with a smile.
“Here they are,” she announced.  “Right on time, just as we’ve had the last of the tea.  I could ring for more, if you like.”
“I’m fine, thank you.”  Ogilvy sat in the chair opposite, fingers hitching the knees of his trousers as he lowered himself into the seat.  “I trust you’ve been making Miss Marchland welcome?”
“Of course,” said Alice pertly.  “I’ve been telling her all about your excursions and how you promised to take me with you next time you go.”
Ogilvy sighed a little, sitting back.
“I’m not sure we’ll be going away anytime soon,” he said, and Alice huffed.
“See?” she said, turning to Belle.  “I knew they’d say that!”
“Perhaps in a few months,” added Ogilvy.  “If we’re called away, that is.”
Alice grumbled into her cup, and he turned his head towards Belle.  There was something in his gaze, something that warmed her and made her feel at ease, despite the lingering, wistful sadness in his eyes.  She recalled Ivy saying that he looked as though he had lost someone, and wondered who it had been.
“Miss Marchland, you expressed an interest in seeing my telescope,” he said.  “There’s a little cloud tonight, but not so much that we couldn’t see some of the constellations, I think.  If - if you wanted to look, of course.”
“Oh, I’d be delighted!” she said at once, putting down her cup.
“Alice, would you come too?”
“Yes, alright,” she said, setting her empty cup on the tray and getting to her feet.  “I suppose that would be proper, wouldn’t it?”
Ogilvy’s mouth flattened a little, but he stood, tugging restlessly at the cuffs of his shirt.
“I’ll go to bed, I think,” announced the Professor.  “Bit of a headache.”
“That’ll be the brandy,” said Alice, and swooped in to kiss his cheek as he tutted at her.  “Goodnight!”
Belle said goodnight to the Professor, following Ogilvy and Alice from the room and up the staircase.  They went along the corridor and up another, smaller flight of stairs to where the hallway was narrower, the decor not quite so fine and the gas lamps dimmed.  Ogilvy didn’t seem to mind, leading them along the corridor to yet another set of stairs. The hallway at the top was narrower still, a thin strip of carpet cutting some of the noise of their feet, the floor creaking a little as they walked to the heavy door at the end.  The room beyond was tall and long, with deep red walls and a shining wooden floor. Belle thought they were at the end of the house; the windows opposite jutted out from the rest of the room, forming a crescent. A single lamp on a nearby table gave out a faint glow, and skylights in the ceiling either side of the tall windows let in the pale light of the moon, shining on the largest telescope that Belle had ever seen.  It was a beautiful thing in polished wood and brass, mounted on a heavy stand and pointed upwards at the glass panel of the skylight, and she sucked in a breath.
“Oh!” she whispered.  “Oh my goodness!  It’s - it’s enormous!”
She rushed forwards excitedly, gazing up the broad, polished length of it, but Alice hesitated.
“Actually, Papa, I think I’ll go to bed,” she said.  “I’m a little tired, but you should show Miss Marchland the stars, since you’re here.”
“Ah.”  Ogilvy glanced at Belle.  “Well. I’m not sure Miss Marchland would be comfortable with that.”
“Oh no, I’d love to,” said Belle, at once.
“See?” said Alice lightly, and kissed Ogilvy on the cheek.  “Goodnight.”
She smiled and ducked her head, walking swiftly from the room, and Belle turned back to the telescope, hearing Ogilvy approach behind her.
“Would you - ah - would you like to take a look?” he asked, and she spun on her toes to face him, clapping her hands together.
“Oh, please!”
He smiled, lifting a hand.
“Allow me.”
Belle stepped out of the way, and he bent to look through the eyepiece, adjusting the angle of the scope with careful fingers.  She watched curiously, noting how precise he was, how measured. She wondered what his interests were beyond astronomy, and made a mental note to ask him.  Alice had told her of his supernatural investigations, and while she retained a high degree of scepticism on such matters, she was intrigued to find out how he viewed such things, given his interest in the sciences.  Perhaps the contents of the library would contain some clues.  She cast her gaze up the length of the telescope again.
“Is it a reflector?” she asked.  “I heard they were using silvered mirrors now that give a much clearer image than the old refractors.”
He straightened up with a tiny smile on his face, and what she thought was a gleam of admiration in his eyes.  It made her belly tighten pleasantly.
“Yes, it is,” he said.  “I used to have one of the old refractor models, but this is much better for viewing distant objects.  Take a look; you should be able to see Orion.”
Belle bent to look through the eyepiece, gasping as the night sky appeared to jump into her vision.  The stars of Orion’s belt made up a bright line, and she could see other points of light scattered around.
“I think that’s Gemini,” she observed, eyeing a constellation to the north east. “They seem so much closer than I’m used to!  I’ve never seen them like this before.  It must make stargazing such a pleasure.”
“Certainly better than the naked eye,” he agreed, from behind her.
Belle tried to identify some of the other stars that she could see, but was finding it difficult.
“I need to brush up on my constellations,” she said, with a sigh.  “It’s been some time since I read about the stars, and I appear to have forgotten much of what I did read.”
“The library has some excellent resources,” he said.  “I’d be delighted to show you.”
“Thank you.”
There was a moment of silence, and Belle let her gaze roam over the portion of the heavens that the telescope had opened up for her.  The stars gleamed, points of bright bluish-white against the velvet black of the night sky.
“I always felt, when looking at the stars, how insignificant life can be,” she said softly.  “Imagine if the stars could tell what they have seen.  Our lives must seem so short to them.  Like mayflies.  A fragment of time from birth to death, leaving nothing of note behind.”
She heard Ogilvy shift behind her, as though he had moved a little closer.
“I was once told that mortal life was meaningless,” he said.  “That it’s merely a time to suffer through, in the hope of what comes after.  But I don’t believe that.”
Belle straightened up from the telescope, glancing over her shoulder at him.
“Sounds a rather medieval outlook,” she remarked.  “I don’t think I believe it either.  If you’ll pardon the comparison, it sounds very like what Lady Ella told me of marriage.”
Ogilvy smiled at that.
“I believe Lady Ella didn’t have the happiest of marriages,” he said.  “I can understand her bitterness towards the forces that trapped her there.”
“The life of a woman in today’s world seems nothing but duty and forbearance,” she sighed.  “I can’t help wondering if that will ever change.  Or if it was ever different.”
“Long ago, perhaps,” he said.  “And I hope things will change in the future.  In the meantime, we must do what we can to make the best of it.”
“I suppose that’s true,” she said thoughtfully.
“A life filled with love is never wasted,” he added.  “Never meaningless.  Yes, life can be short, and brutal and painful, but it can also be a thing of beauty.  Given the right experiences.”
“You’re a philosopher, Mr Ogilvy,” she teased, and he rolled his eyes a little.
“That’s a complicated way of saying ‘world-weary’,” he said dryly.
“Hmm.”  She pursed her lips, amused.  “A philosopher and a cynic.”
Ogilvy barked a laugh, looking away for a moment.
“Well, I’m certainly cynical, I’ll admit that,” he said.  “And you, Miss Marchland?  No doubt you are eager to see the best in everyone you meet.”
“Well, I try to,” she acknowledged.  “I suspect that makes me naive. You must despise me!”
She grinned at him, and he returned the smile.
“On the contrary, I envy you,” he said.  “I wish I had such faith in my fellow man.  There is nothing poetic about the death of innocence.”
“Change is necessary for growth,” she countered, and his smile grew wistful.
“Perhaps you’re right.”
She turned back to the telescope, bending to look through the eyepiece again, but the clouds had rolled in, hiding the stars from view, and she made a noise of vexation.
“Undone by the weather, it seems,” she remarked.
“There’ll be other nights,” he said.  “May I escort you downstairs?”
She straightened up, turning to him with a smile.
“I suspect I’ll need all my wits to deal with my first day tomorrow,” she said lightly.
“Well, it’ll be Christmas Eve,” he said.  “I suggest you use an hour or two in the morning to get to know the children, then take the rest of the day off.  They’ll be too excited by the thought of decorating the tree to be of much use in the classroom. They can start their schooling in a few days.”
“Hmm,” said Belle, clasping her hands at her waist.  “Perhaps you should have asked me to start in January. You won’t get much of a bargain by taking me on before Christmas.”
Ogilvy smiled, the light glinting on the lenses of his glasses.
“Not at all,” he said.  “I believe I’m getting everything I could possibly want.”
He gestured to the door, and Belle took a last, long look at the telescope before heading back to the hallway and down the stairs.  Their feet echoed a little on the treads until they reached the first floor, where thick carpet muffled their steps. Belle glanced to the side as they walked, but Ogilvy had his head bent a little, as though he was lost in thought, and they almost passed her room before she realised where she was.
“I’ll bid you goodnight then, sir,” she said.
He glanced up, blinking rapidly before seeming to realise she had stopped a pace or two back from him. Turning slowly on the toes of his shoes, he faced her, fingers unconsciously turning the moonstone ring again.
“There’s no need for such formality,” he said.  “You don’t need to call me ‘sir’.”
Belle swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry.
“Then - then what should I call you?” she asked, her heart thumping a little. “It’s - it’s not as though I’m one of the family.  Sir.”
Ogilvy gazed at her for a moment, then shook his head.
“No,” he said abruptly.  “No, of course not.  Forgive me, I have no desire to make you uncomfortable.  I find - I find some of the rules we have to follow in this age somewhat stifling, at times.”
Belle smiled a little.
“I think Miss Alice would agree,” she said.  “She’s asked me to teach her, nonetheless.”
His mouth twitched, his eyes crinkling a little at the corners.
“Well, I wish you the best of luck with her,” he said, and gestured towards her door.  “Please do ring the bell in your room, and someone will come to help you dress.  Goodnight, Miss Marchland.”
He bowed his head again, and turned sharply on his heel, walking swiftly away.  She watched him go, and he disappeared through a door further along, a sliver of golden light spreading into the hallway before being cut of abruptly by the closing door.  Belle shook her head, reaching for the handle of her own door.  A very odd family.
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manzisme · 5 years
having finished all of friendsim, here are my final thoughts on the project:
skylla was the best! <3 i loved her as soon as her troll call came out and i loved her when her friendsim came out. i picked a winner. i love you. <3 <3
i still dont care about clowns. chahut and marvus are exceptions.
stelsa and tyzias have a wonderful and lovely relationship that felt real with conflicts.
god i hate zebede so much like i know its all “haha beekeeper am i right guys” but like,,,,,,, beekeeper...........................
fav routes: SKYLLA!!!! KONYYL!!! Daraya!! Chixie!! Mallek!! wanshi! tagora! tyzias! bronya! chahut! yes, in that order
worst routes: marsti, diemen, zebede, fozzer, ardata, cirava, charun, zebruh, vikare... quite a few imo but i hope that doesn’t discourage people from liking them or trying their routes. 
route i was most surprised by: mallek for sure. NO ONE expected that hunk. he was such a blast!! chixie too had such an unexpectedly empowering route. it turned me around on a character i barely worth noting on design alone. chixie, you own it girl!!! oh, and Lanque too but no one saw that coming. it was a cool route though.
route i was most disappointed by: zebede marsti. she’s so pretty and her route just had Nothing going on. i think we stared at a wall for 20 minutes. i mean you do you i guess....
wanted to make a special bullet point for this one; tyzias and tagora have okay routes but have had AMAZING fandom reception and content. i love what the fans have done with their characters and the depths they added to them. on their own they were ok but talking with people about them and joking about them and just having Fun with them made them absolutely memorable to me and i think for everyone else too
oh my god lanque discourse never ends huh
funnily enough, the hussie routes were some of the worst ones. it was interesting seeing other people’s takes on the hiveswap story. 
all in all though, friendsim stories never truly hooked me. what kept me invested was the fandom content from these trolls rather than the canon material itself. it always felt kinda... low budget and too long at sections. too much to say about things that didnt matter. too many witty internal monologuing that ended up dragging most of the time. i still deeply appreciate the work the friendsim team put in though. im glad they had fun more than anything.
james roach im so sos so sososo sorry that people were always weird to you. you made some bops and bangars tho.
favorite themes were chahut’s, skylla’s, and the first half of lanque’s. (mostly chahut’s. ive had that theme on 24 hour loops sometimes.)
the background were gooooorgeous. ESPECIALLY in volume 18. completely stunned. so much detail. homestuck artists are a blessing
it was fun seeing the artists grow more and more each volume. you go from having diemen and elwurd’s..... interesting, for lack of better phrasing, sprite styles to the high-quality anime sprite styles of lanque, marsti, tegiri, and mallek.
the highlight of friendsim for me was watching dia have fun with slapras and their obsession with daraya and the jades and then actUALLY SEEING SLAPRAS IN THE TITLE CARD like WOW that was a really heartwarming and fun fandom moment
i cant think of much else to say other than that im excited for hiveswap act 2 even though it looks like cohen is gone..... and james roach......... and toby....... and most of the team..... ah jeeze.....
((oh right, is that seadweller friendsim happening soon too?))
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microsoftedgy69 · 5 years
Day 2
// sorry mobile users, this starts with an old chatlog so it’s probably long. it’s also sad. all i can say in my defense is he has good wholesome plans for as soon as this is over
July, 2428
Hey, can I ask you something about dream bubbles?
I don't know much about them. Who ends up there? Surely not everyone who ever dies? Did you have to be an active Sburb player, or... Basically, do you know about the conditions?
they havwe to had been invwolvwed in the game. doesnt matter if they played it. carapaces end up here, ivwe seen sprites too. if they die after creating their newv univwerse and entering it, though? i think thats vwhere the luck runs out.
So, then. Would it be enough if they were awake on their moon, but hadn't actually started playing the game yet?
did the game happen in that univwerse at all. because if so, the bubbles should reach. horrorterror influence doesnt exactly adhere to the constraints of linear timestreams.
It should have, but it hasn't. Yet. So someone would have to start it for the bubbles to reach the universe?
if the game is going to be played in that univwerse, the bubbles should already exist.
Oh. Alright, I see. And to get there as someone who hasn't died, you only have to dream?
yes. but only if your moons vwere destroyed. if you still havwe a dream self, you vwill dream there.
Ok. Last question. Is there any guarantee that the dead player ends up there, if these conditions are met? Or is there a chance that it doesn't happen?
it is guaranteed. howvevwer, ghosts can die.
I see.
so the person youre avwoiding might be double dead.
Oh. Is this likely?
a lot of bubbles havwe been massacred so far, completely destroyed along vwith the ghosts or dreamers inside. i couldnt givwe you an accurate statistic by any means, but at the rate i heard this vwas going dowvn? vwe might ALL be gone soon.
Well. That sure is a big frightening issue I was not aware of until just now.
i havwent heard anything about it in a vwhile, but im bad vwith time. i cant givwe you a straight ansvwer.
That's understandable. Thank you for the answers you did give. This was very informative.
vwhy dont you just search for them in your dreams. if you found them you could duke it out or havwe a lovwely reunion, i still cant really tell if youre hunting dowvn or avwoiding this person.
Yeah. Me neither.
Mostly, you put your charging ports into your back for aesthetic reasons. You always liked the look of it. You designed your whole charging unit so as to still make it possible for you to sleep on your back if you want to, without wearing out the cable or getting too tangled up in it. But sometimes, when you charge, you still like to just lie face-down on your bed and not worry about that at all.
You are spent.
Your body is made from lightweight material that makes you weigh even less than a human your size would, and yet you feel heavy in a way that has nothing to do with your chassis. Drained in a way that your charging unit cannot fix. On your personal interface, without moving, you scroll through your old log with Cronus again, and again.
Cronus got a soulbot. You saw it. You helped work on it, a tiny bit. You don’t understand how a dead soul can be transferred into a piece of metal, but you know it’s possible, and it’s not entirely surprising to you either, considering who you are.
You could build the robot in a handful of days. Maybe three, if you don’t sleep. You’d have to find a Zahhak to hit up and see if they can help you with the soul part. You could get this done in a week, probably.
Dirk will be gone by this time tomorrow.
You have no way of finding him, after that.
You have no dreamself. You’re not a Sburb player. Not a human, not a troll, not a cherub. You are barely even a person. You could ask the others to search for him, but nobody can tell how long it would take.
It all boils down to you being too slow to save him.
Five years, one month and nineteen days ago, when he was dead on that rooftop and you were close to dying in his slack hands, you were too slow to fix yourself and get his body downstairs, get his head in the sendificator, get someone -- anyone, anyone with a mouth because you didn’t have one -- to kiss him and revive him before his dreamself died. You didn’t make it then, and you won’t make it now.
Too slow.
Turing makes a soft noise when he jumps on the bed, and then starts kneading your back. It’s warm there. He likes it. You like it too, like the weight of him and the gentle vibration of his purring whenever he does this, like he grounds you. It’s nice now, too. You’ve got that going for you.
You have a lot going for you, really, and that’s been a bit of a problem. For years, you’ve felt bad for living a life that Dirk so badly wanted and never got, because he died, and you killed him. Now he got smacked into the middle of it and has to see your goddamn yacht in person, and he doesn’t deserve to have it rubbed in his face like this.
He’s fourteen, from his perspective. He never deserved any of this.
You asked him, yesterday (you think -- it’s all a blur to you), if he wants to talk to the others. You didn’t want to ask, but you had to. He said yes, of course. So you hit up Roxy, and let her do the rest. You left the room, and you think he might have left the boat. You’re not sure. He was there when you checked a while later, that’s all you know.
You don’t know how it went. You didn’t ask. You don’t want to find out. Earlier today, Squarewave threw a rhyme at Dirk and he responded with a scalding verse, with ease, something you haven’t been able to do with the rapbots in -- surprise -- about five years. You couldn’t bring yourself to.
Everyone is so much better off with him, here. And you’re too slow to make him stay.
You want nothing more but for this to be over, and yet the time limit feels more and more like a threat. Like someone dangled the opportunity to right your biggest wrong right in front of your face, and is keeping it just out of reach now, letting you chase after it until you collapse.
You squeeze your eyes shut against the pillows, and the loud, sudden whirring in your chest makes Turing jump before he settles back down. You’re at 81%, and you still feel like you’re at two.
One more day.
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