#and EVERY side character in his route is FUCKING THE BEST oh my GOD
hystericfae · 4 months
I regret to inform you all that I've fallen into the hole. I am watching an anime that is both romantic AND comedy
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zombi3zammy · 2 years
Little doll.
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((This is my very first fanfic so uh, yeah it’s bad. Anyway, GN reader! <3))
(CW - Jason being a toxic A-hole, main character death, horribly written and rushed story lol)
It started in elementary school. You where the shy and socially awkward child… the one all the children bullied and teased due to having dirty uniforms and messy, tangled hair… and you always seemed to have dirt on your face and knees.
you where best friends with Amelia, a sweet girl with black hair and Amber eyes, the only one who was nice to you. well, you to where close. Before Amelia have gotten a new friend.
his name was Jason… a little boy with maroon hair and yellow eyes, and he seemed to be on the colder side. He wasn’t necessarily shy, just…
he always crafted and whittled small wooden dolls during playtime, and during lunch he constantly sat by himself, refusing to talk to anyone. But that was before he met Amelia.
it was in matter of time where Jason never left her side, and you could’ve sworn he glared at you when Amelia was busy with small tasks, his Honey yellow eyes burning holes into your skull, a scowl constantly on his face.. but every time Amelia where to look at you two, he would snap back into his cheery, loving tone. You tried to tell Amelia, but she never believed you.
“..maybe he was looking behind you!”
“..that doesn’t seem like Jason… he’s very sweet, he would never hurt you.”
You slowly begin to give up on letting her know… Jason had Amelia wrapped around his finger, she believed every little lie he said. And you where sick of it.
he was clingy and borderline obsessed with her, it was weird and kind of creepy. He followed her around in public but she never noticed, even as you two where in highschool.
Oh, Highschool got bad.
he memorized her entire route and schedule, and he would start to interrogate her if she was one minute late. He started to become more violent too. He would wrap his hands around peoples throats, glaring down at them if they even breathed near Amelia, but she still failed to notice.
It was a matter of time when he finally threatened you too.
you where pinned to the wall under the stairs, as he wrapped his strong hand around your throat and he held a box cutter in the other.
“I don’t want you around Amelia.”
He spoke lowly, brows furrowed and his grip around your neck tightened, digging his nails into the soft flesh.
“Tsk, like I would do that.” when you said that, he plunged the box cutter into your thigh, using his hand to cover your mouth, muffling any sound you where to make.
his eye flashed a bright green, and you could’ve sworn the tips of his maroon hair faded into a soft white.
“I won’t say it again.”
You felt the hot blood soak your pants, tears forming in your eyes.
“..f-fine.” you manage to wince out, before he ripped the blade out of your thigh and he handed you a small bandage.
like that’s gonna do something..
but you where smart enough to listen to Jason, and you avoided Amelia all day.
“(____)!” You heard a female voice spoke, before turning around to see Amelia, a look of confusion on her face.
“(____)! what’s wrong? Why are you ignoring me?”
she spoke sadly, and she put a hand on your shoulder, but when you looked around, you saw Jason peering over the corner, glaring at you.
“I uh.. I don’t want to be friends anymore!” You yelled, and you pushed her hand off of your shoulder.
In response to this.. Amelia’s eyes softened and small tears ran down her cheeks. “…what..?” She whispered, blinking slowly, and you noticed her lips quivering.
“I said I don’t want to be friends anymore! Now — now leave me alone!” You shouted, before turning on your heel and running in the opposite direction, and you wiped your own tears away…
God, this is so stupid. Jason was so clearly manipulating her, how is she not noticing that?! At this point, he’s using Amelia like a fucking puppet, and he’s the one pulling the strings. He’s corrupting her thoughts… controlling her every word and move! And it’s so frustrating to watch.
he wasn’t going to let you even look at Amelia at this point… what is happening.. why is this happening to you? To Amelia?
later on the bus ride home, you felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked up to see the black haired female, her Amber-brown eyes looking down at you as you sat.
she didn’t say anything at first, but she sat next to you, and her serious gaze softened into a sad one. “(____), what’s wrong..? Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong..?” she whispered, nervous at making you snap again.
“Amelia.. it’s not you it’s Ja—”
you cut yourself off. Jason was in the next isle, but one seat up, and you can feel his glare from the corner of your eye.
“it’s what? (____)?? Are you okay??”
Amelia pestered, both of her hands on your shoulders.
“it’s Jason. He’s—” “Oh! Amelia!” Jason cut you off, and he placed his hand on her arm. “Come sit with me, please. I have something I want to show you.”
He smiled down at her, but you can feel the anger radiating off of his skin.
“…okay..” Amelia whispered, and gave you one last look before getting up and going to sit next to Jason.
There’s no point in trying to warn Amelia now… She was too far gone in whatever spell he has placed on her. Besides, Jason was always watching. Always by Amelia’s side, making sure you don’t make a peep about his dark actions…
it’s been years. You, now aged 24, haven’t spoken to Amelia since you two were 16. But you still pass by her, and of course, Jason was still protective of her as always. But… Amelia was different… she wasn’t as cheery anymore. And everyone in town avoided her… It has to be Jason.
no way it’s something else… Jason must be doing this to her. Being so selfish, he forces everyone away, not letting Amelia look at anyone.
but that was before you where walking through the town at night, and you felt yourself step on a wrinkled piece of paper.
It was a missing report… with a girl on it..?
it’s Amelia!! She’s gone missing? What happened?
Thoughts where running around in your head, but you stuffed the paper in your pocket, and you sprinted your way to a small shop.
Jason’s toy shop.
it has to be Jason… there’s no way that it wasn’t him! He’s been pushing everyone away from her… and now she’s missing? This isn’t a coincidence.
you pushed through the glass door and stormed up to Jason, slamming your hands on the front desk.
“where is she.”
you shouted, and thankfully no one else was in the shop..
Jason, however, was quiet. Not even flinch was ripped out of him, as he continued to stitch the clothing for the doll calmly.
“whatever do you mean, (____)?” He spoke, voice much deeper and.. attractive than what you remembered. But this isn’t your reason to be here.
“Amelia!! She’s missing!! I know you did it!” You shouted at him, and you fisted his white button up by the collar, tugging him closer to you.
Jason’s eyes where cold, the honey yellow staring deep into your own eyes, and his expression hasn’t shifted in the slightest. It was cold… and Dead.
“ANSWER ME GOD DAMNIT.” You shouted even louder, and Jason didn’t even blink.
He was quiet as he shoved your arms off of him, and his hands gripped your wrist, squeezing tightly, and you heard your bones pop and crack.
“it’s been a while, (____). I’m glad to see you again. But this isn’t a way to treat a friend, now is it?” He spoke, and he gave a small smile, though you knew something was off. Or was it the way he was quite literally breaking your wrist?
His grip never loosened, in fact, he was adding more and more pressure, and you saw your hand fade to a purple.
“you’re not my friend.” You spat, before trying to pull away from the Maroon haired man.
He let go, and stared at you as you went to close his shop. “Don’t ignore me you freak!” You screeched, looking down at your now broken wrist.
“fine… what is it you would like me to do, (____)?” He spoke coldly. How would he be allowed to have anything… this toy shop… being allowed to make contact with children???
“tell me where Amelia is!” You shouted again, gritting your teeth as you stared up at the taller man.
He let out a chuckle, God that chuckle… it was so alluring yet so disgusting, it showed his true colors, and his eyes flicked to a bright green.
He crouched down to be your height, and you watched as his smile slowly, yet surely, contorted into a scowl, his hair faded to a white and you saw cracks on his face, as if he’s made of porcelain…
Before you could speak again, his now blackened arm and hand snatched you by the arm, his claws digging into your flesh and you could feel the sharp pain, along with your hot blood flowing out of you… he was dragging you to the back of the shop, and he threw you on the floor, to where you were assaulted by the stench of something rotting…
the disgusting smell of rotting flesh and old blood filled your nostrils, coughing violently at the change of the atmosphere… and that’s when you saw her…
a rocking chair in front of you… and in it was the dead body of Amelia. She wasnt rotten, but she was very obviously dead…
the smell of wax radiated from her, and red thread was keeping her limbs together, as if she was dismembered then sewn back in place…
Like a doll…
you gagged at the sight and went to back away, your back bumping against Jason’s legs.
“…she tried to abandon me. She tried to leave me for YOU.”
he growled, his clawed hand grabbing a fist full of your hair, staring down at you with those green eyes. “Amelia wasn’t the perfect one… she didn’t deserve my affections… but then you walked in.” He continued.
“oh, you… you hate me, don’t you? But that’s okay…”
You flinched as he gripped your cheeks.
“I’ll teach you some manners… turn you into a toy! Then… I’ll go find a new chosen one.. and you won’t be able to stop me this time, darling.” you shuddered as his claws traced along your jaw, down your neck, and he stopped on your chest, where your heart is.
you felt your vision went black, and your body goes limp and hits the floor, as Jason gripped your hot heart in his hand, staring down at you.
“Let’s begin, little doll…”
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taegularities · 2 months
Oh I was entertained to the fullest and till the very last devoured the whole thing in one sitting like 🍗💋
Firstly I love it more than before everytime I read your recent works it's just gets better your writing is just getting better with every fic and the whole description just crunchiest shit 🫦🫦 which is so rare to get such quality in this fanfiction community and very few who just do it WE LOVE IT BABE the growth and hard work you put in these ffs so much love and appreciation for you and lots of respect
Personally love this inner monologue of jk's you did in this just OH MY FUCKIN GOD like for a good minute even after knowing he gonna be assy musty bitch I was rooting and feeling for this guy so much.
My thoughts were like okay it's just little insecure narcissistic eittiy bittiy baby boy we are dealing with who is about to get his shit wrecked up and down but DASH 💨 we got some other route I knew it exact the moment Chaos coming when oc mentioned the college and her friend like yes bitch ✨✨✨✨ you are fucked 🤭🤭 we are getting a HIT 🔥🥵 SHOW
And is it bad to say I feel little bad for the unreleased song unfortunate how poor song isn't getting released anytime soon #justicefortheunreleasedsong
WOW LIKE WOW scrumbley delicious smut gosh RID you really outdid yourself with this one just 👩🏻‍🍳🍳 I wanna know how you writing this good smuts lately so much better than some actual publishing authors 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Now coming to the oc's friend I understand her and sympathize her and nor I wanna sound like some completely unsympathetic person BUT !!!! like C'MON GURL HE WAS A CLEAR CUT VISIBLE RED FLAG he put on display of himself and still you went in like your friend is able to see more into your whatever relationship than you at all we clearly DELUSIONALLY BLIND 🦯 too our own goodness but that was very dumb 😭😭 of her I'm sorry like we can't even blame her people even IRL be doing shit like that. I'm not victim Shaming at all like yes what the fucker character of jk did was absolutely disgusting and deserved Karma he got at the end
But how come she never thought of her friend who was constantly there for her like if you would have asked oc to commit murder I'm sure she would have gone all 🤺🤺 not that we support such stuffs 🙅🏻‍♀️ but some 🦨 nasty deserve
Being for real if not legal action she and oc could have pull some smart move revenge prank back on him if only she genuinely listened to oc I don't know I feel bad how she just didn't give much thought and went away so fast after that fuckers bullshit talk
Btw I Love that playlist thingyy you did cherry on top loved how similar taste we share (⁠´⁠ ⁠❥⁠ ⁠`)
And about jk's character dynamic I feel like he always prefer himself in way he chased himself in people from very childhood getting full on best treatment and praise from all side clearly made him little narcissistic and self obsessed with zero expectations of returning back anything to the point he thought of anyone but him and his Chase for more appreciation and undivided love in different people all the time till he get's bored from them when they start asking back for the some love YK which is what we get to see with jangmi like all he wanted was typical love me all you can without wanting back in return till I get board and toss you I'm sure even after all that he keep on doing same shit with others assholes like him never stop any lower
Untill he got faced with something to Chase more just like parallel to his career we can see it's like he wants to something to engage with on constant like a spoiled brat child who is more so anticipated of opening the gift rather than receiving or appreciation of others hope it's all making some sense ⊂⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠つ
And I kinda I wish there was more of uglyness from oc's side yes I'm through and through satisfied but still I was wishing more of a femme fatale crazy havco taking place her making him all tangled up in love  and obsession full-on blinded by her to the point he can't still imagine her do something like this just swapping off floor from his feets like ⛽🔥📛👩🏻‍🚒🚒
Really love you appreciate you for putting this out here for us 💖🙏🏻
~🦴🔫 anon
32k in one sitting is insaneeee 😭 omg did i get better? thank you.. as someone with a creative hobby, this is all i could hope for :') gosh, i bet there are so many people out there who are amazing and do even better stuff than i do, but you're so sweet and i'll take the compliment 🥺
glad you liked the jk pov :P he's super secure and insecure about himself at once!! definitely is a narcissistic, whiny baby either way :') yes!! the world missed out on the song bc it was my time, one of the greatest tracks ever made, but what can we do 🤣 THANK YOU FOR LIKING THE SMUT. i am quite proud of it, if i say so myself, like i do think it was one of the better ones i've written so far :D how i'm writing such good smut lately? who'd know 👁 LOL
you right you right, the friend was certainly naive, but i guess that was just part of her personality, you know? like, jangmi was an extremely kind, extremely giving person. she trusted others and she believed in love, she just gave that trust to the wrong person. she hoped she could change him, or make him love her; just a very "oh a bad boy, i can fix him" kinda mistake. oc isn't like that – she sees through people fast.. and she tried to convince jangmi, but love is love and it does make you blind and you only really see the issues once the loved one is gone in one way or another. things would've turned out so differently if she'd listened to her best friend though sigh :') and oh, oc definitely wanted to take legal action! or hurt jk in some way, but jangmi, as someone who really really liked kook, did not want to go that far.. she was not the type of person to take revenge or pull a prank.
hehe okayyy, i put a lot of thought into the playlist!!!! so happy you enjoyed it!! any fav song on it?
yup yup, the top notch treatment he got from his family, and as the younger sibling too, certainly shaped him. made him selfish for sure; for him, nobody is good enough, and he def deffff doesn't expect anything from anyone!! except maybe attention and love, but he won't settle for long enough to actually give anything back. proceeds until he gets bored and then moves to someone else. chasing someone else was new for him, which is why oc intrigued him so much haha she didn't give a shit about his advances :P
yeahhhh, i think oc has a lot more in her than we know, but since the fic was already too long and we didn't see much of her thoughts or anything from her pov, it was a bit hard to go the full femme fatale route 🤣 not sure if he would've ever fallen in love with her, tbh.
i appreciate you so so much, babe!!!! thank you for dropping such a long fkn review??? i'm sorry i got to it so late, but i wanted to give a thought out response. literally, never stop and ily <33333
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shirogane-oushirou · 5 months
OMG RO HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WAJFEKAHFEKE ;-; take this as an opportunity to gush if you want!! <333
KJNASDKJN THANK YOU NICK!!! technically i messed up yesterday, it's actually tomorrow kjsndfjkn, but i started the gif and art reblogging early bc i've collected so many lmao ;; i'm the only oushirou gif-maker and people WILL see my boy!!!!!
i was going to gush on my anniversary art post, but you've handed me a golden opportunity to do it here. you will regret this. :3c 💞
[cw quick mention of a scene where he's called a slur]
oushirou's been my most beloved, specialest, best boy since my first year in college. i was working my way through the games, and i saw his profile in some artbook scans, and i went... who the FUCK is this guy??? KAJSNKDJN. i hated his design so much; it didn't fit with the rest of the series's designs.
but he immediately won me over as a side character in the pc game, and then i was Doomed the second i booted up to play the PSP port with the added oushirou route (our 13yr anniversary is the day i started posting about playing his route lol). i became The Oushirou Guy™ in the eng fandom from that point on ;; and, of course, now i'm like "i need MORE characters who look like this guy, RIGHT NEOW" kjsnfkjn.
and then a year later -- 12 years ago tomorrow -- the last game released AND, FINALLY, he had his own karedanna cd! a fandom friend sent a rip to myself and my also-oushirou-lover friend, as we were waiting for ours to ship... and he proposes in it. my friend and i both made this day the wedding anniversary in commemoration. i even have some ancient joke art i made on the release day itself LMAO
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i love him so much more than i think i let on; ren's my main right now, so that's what people know me for, but oushirou really is The Blueprint for me.
he's so self-driven. he could have lived a cushy, comfortable life following the family trade as a western fortune teller, but he would rather throw that -- and an unealthy relationship with his family -- away so he could follow his dreams of being a photographer and journalist.
and he's loyal. after his life is saved by another student (kazuki), and he realizes kazuki will be held back due to spending too many days recovering from the injuries he incurred, he makes sure he's also held back a year so he can play as kazuki's right-hand-man during the remainder of their time at seigetsu academy.
also like... ngl, him being a scorpio is like 👀 he's a freak like me LMAOOOO we can be like "every zodiac girlie hates our pussiessss" together. 💖
oh. and then of course he's the Ambiguously Queer Character of the series. he's a little fruity w it in general, he loves crossdressing, he's flirty with kazuki, homare, and shiki, he's stated outright that his love for kazuki and tsukiko are equal and he can't decide between them, and his fashion sense is just a little cherry on top ksjdnfk.
ugh. honeybee's just itching to call him a slur i s2g.... wait omg wait they actually had some one-off characters call him a slur in his first route KJASNDKDJNSDFKJN WAIT???????? I JUST REMEMBERED??????? it was one of the first scenes i translated from his route i'm lksnfkns oh my fucking god. and everything since then has been like. doubling down without actually calling him anything. crying omg ksjdnfkjns.
ANYWAY. just a year ago, he was the character everybody associated me with, only beaten out once ren appeared. even my art username is based on him (zerofoursix -> 0-4-6 -> o-shi-ro -> oushirou). he's pulled me through so many things, from shitty college experiences to my health issues... to even being part of the reason why i picked art back up after i took a 5-6yr hiatus due to art school burnout. ;;
i love him so so much, forever and ever, my beloved hentai sentai red*, my adhd king, my most skilled f/o by a LONG shot**, my scorpio twin, my misunderstood weirdo... he's Everything to me 😭💗
* think i've posted about it once before, but it's a running joke that he's a sentai hero who regularly saves tsukiko from creeps in his AW route ;;
** photographer, journalist, multilingual, fashion-forward, western fortune teller, super emotionally intelligent... i could go on. the guy hides SO MUCH of his power level around others.
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m-s-justice · 2 years
Once again, I show up to the Cod:z tag with a fucking essay. Once again it's about Dempsey. Sorry for Demposting :'(
The whole point of this is just to focus exclusively on a point made very briefly in my previous one. The whole Dempsey-Player dynamic (and a little bit of Treyarch mixed in for spice) is just so strange.
Three main questions I’ll try my best to answer, and a few more open-ended ones to chew on.
What are the lines?
What causes the lines?
Player control and the extent of it?
what the fuck is up with the lampshading seriously is this gag a joke or an actual part of his character now???
The first question is easy. Pretty much all of his lines referring to the Player are, to put it lightly, incredibly rude. He frequently insults and even outright threatens us. In Shangri La, he says that he’ll appear in your living room and that he’ll have “words with you”. The most polite is when he’s being passive-aggressive. “Why do my guns feel so light? HINT. HINT.”
So what causes him to speak up? That’s also pretty easy: anytime his ability to kill is threatened, when the Player isn't doing well,  or when they make him do something he doesn’t want to(though the last is much more rare). The majority of his lines are ‘out of ammo’ lines but he does have a few of him demanding headshots or blaming you for his lack of points(which he’s right for doing but also fuck him he’s a rude bitch and I’m going to force him to walk into a horde). In Classified, he’s particularly sassy: “Wait, this isn’t the secret song. What the hell do I need this for?” “I suppose you want me to comment on this thing, right? Hey you made me pick it up, pal! Well guess what! Fuck this thing in partiular.”
He’s clearly not enthused about the whole “being controlled by an untouchable entity”, but he also is strangely flippant about it. Fatuous, almost. It’s actually kind of concerning how nonchalant he is about it. But that could have a little something to do with the next point
How much control does the Player really have? In the grand scheme of things? Not very. In cutscenes, Dempsey is in full control, we have no input over what he does. In game, we only have control over his body, and even then, not complete control. Dempsey can talk all he wants and he can still have minor control over himself with idle animations and the like. This is compounded by the linear story-telling. There is only one major story EE in every map and the outcome never changes. This is pretty much expected as COD is a FPS, not a choice driven game. The most Player influence we ever got was in BO2 with Maxis vs Richtofen, but even then Treyarch said "Fuck Richtofen" and made the Maxis route canon. So no matter what, Dempsey will still so the only thing he can(progress the story via the EE)
Despite this, one would imagine that he’d be more concerned about his total lack of autonomy while in a combat zone, yeah?
But this could be dismissed as a running joke; Treyarch giving Dempsey a neat, ultimately harmless and insignificant quirk. Except.
Except there’s an in-universe explanation for it. It’s a side effect from the 115 testing for Ultimis and after getting his soul extracted, Primis starts acting similar to his Ultimis counterpart with the same happening to his teammates. But you know, maybe that’s just a one-off thing. "Oh, Dempsey is just insane in canon now. The 115 fucked him up and now he thinks he’s the Player Character."
Except. It’s fucking acknowledged. Characters on the level of gods know that he’s doing it. And try to manipulate him with it. Only two do it, but they are the Shadowman in Revelations and Samantha in Classified.(ok, both Toffens make fun of Demp in Alpha Omega, but he clearly has no idea that it’s rude to talk about someone who is listening.)
“Oh… oh Dempsey… another big tough man without a brain… always a good soldier… always the American savage… and always so eager to kill my puppets! Who are you always talking to? I always hear you doing it. Even when the others aren’t around. You are like a talking doll! Speaking to people who aren’t there! Maybe Teddy DID break you! But you can stop him! It could be so easy! Just pull the trigger, and… POP! No more Teddy! What is it you want? Do you want to stop fighting? Do you want to go home? Do you want your memories back? What he took from you? Kill him for me, and I can give you EVERYTHING!”
Wow that’s a lot to unpack, but for now I’ll only focus on what’s actually relevant to my point. Samantha fucking knows that Dempsey is talking to ‘someone’. Comparing him to a doll and contemplating that Richtofen actually managed to ‘break’ him. The latter bit of the statement lines up with the in canon reason, but still. (the doll bit is an admittedly apt comparison, considering that’s exactly what we’re doing with him, but I feel like that was unintentional on Treyarch’s behalf.) Of course to others he comes off as absolutely insane, but to us who are there, it’s a really odd thing to point out. Samantha could’ve easily utilized Dempsey’s lack of memory and his unrelenting hatred of Richtofen to manipulate him, but instead she mentions ‘people who aren’t there’.
And the Shadowman. He’s kind of a bitch and is very manipulative, but to be manipulative you have to know your audience, so here.
“ ‘Tank’ Dempsey. Do you even have a first name? You know so little about yourself. You used to talk to imaginary forces all the time! Forces you thought controlled your destiny. Or have you forgotten that? Of course you have! It’s all Monty’s fault!”
A lot shorter than Samantha’s schtick, but still telling enough. For Primis, who hadn’t even been experimented on, by sheer virtue of being Dempsey the Player(and probably Treyarch, too, considering the whole ‘controlled your destiny’ bit) is immediately brought up in an attempt to exploit him. Which is so strange. It implies something much deeper than what is really there.
But above all, the one link between every line regarding Dempsey and his connections is the fact that the Player(and Treyarch) are either fake or just ignore him.(though, considering his treatment over the series, yeah kinda.)
“Speaking to people who aren’t there”
“You used to talk to imaginary forces all the time!”
“Dempsey, whoever you’re talking to I don’t think they are listening.”
Which is so strange. Why bring it up in the first place, if his calling is responded to with only silence? Why try to manipulate him with it, if Dempsey is so clearly unaffected by his circumstances regarding his lack of control? The important-non importance this facet of his character is given just confuses me. Maybe they were going to do something with it, eventually, but y’know. He just gets killed off.(I’m entirely bitter about this)
End of Post(me complaining)
The whole thing is just sitting in between being a joke given justification and a Chekhov's Gun. And I really wish Treyarch let Dempsey pick it up. If not for some serious plot point or justification, then just to do something with it. It’s been given the spotlight from characters of great importance and knowledge, so why not do something with it?
I hope I don't come across as someone ungrateful or unnessecarily scrutinizing, but the vibes are off man. Takeo's obsession with honor and the Emperor got utilized and made into character development, as did Nikolai's drinking and nth Wife gag. Richtofen got his madness explained and could be viewed as perhaps not redeemable, but definitely pitiable.
Dempsey is just ruthlessly mocked at ever convenience and while thrown into focus few times by some big names, it's nevery really made into anything more. I dunno where they were going with this, but man. Dempsey as a character was so underutilized. For a fan favorite, he gets a whole lot of nothing.
Ah, but that's for another post. This one is already far too long.
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shiroselia · 1 year
Second Manda’s 13 sentinels character thoughts post now that I’m close to 50% remembrance because I have problems and it’s summer (If you plan on playing this game do not click this there are MEGA spoilers in this)
(Will update this tomorrow cause like a solid 5 of these guys didn’t actually have any story progress lmfao, you can tell that my playstyle definitely leads to occasional tunnel-vision)
Juro: I fear he’s having amnesiac protag protag syndrome a little bit in that I’m Way more intrigued about the plot beats of his story than him himself, but I think he’s a fine character, still think it’s Hilarious that he’s got so many fucking romance subplots going on tho (but tbf so do Most of the people in this story this game is so fucking straight but in the most hilarious way)
Shu: This guy intrigues me mostly because I’m stupid interested to know how they’re going to handle him being Ida, like are Shu and Ida separate, is Shu in a similar position to Juro? Evidently not since Shu and Ida exist at the same time in some capacity, or maybe it’s something like we see Morimura do on the train with Ogata? Either way I like this guy a lot more than I expected he’s really fun, Juro’s second biggest competitor in the romance subplot olympics tho goddamn
Iori: I love her so so much, she’s really fun and I think she generally has some of the best character interacts throughout, I think her plot is incredibly intriguing and I Need to know her deal so fucking badly, assuming hers is swaying more Juro and that whoever the game Calls Morimura is fucking with her (which I know is true because I’ve seen Ryoko’s event where that’s made clear but y’know, how why when what) Juro’s Greatest contendor in the romance subplot olympics tho good god, the writers when they need a female love interest in this game be like “Eeeh. Fuck it Iori.” (Not in a bad way just a funny way, if you can’t tell I think whatever the fuck this game is doing with its romance subplots is spectacular and I wouldn’t have it any other way, that doesn’t stop me from thinking it’s Really over the top tho)
Megumi: I’m so fucking interested in who Fluffy is, based on what I’ve seen on Hiji’s side I’m guessing he can’t be working with Tsukasa and that group, so I’m really looking forward to seeing what his deal is but I’m pretty sure he’s clearly supposed to be the reason why this problem is even a problem to begin with once again knowing what I know from Hiji, I do enjoy her character but tbh I think it entirely hinges on paying attention to her in the beginning and understanding that Megumi’s Very lonely and Very desperate and generally I find her very good, thank god that I finally figured out how to get to the rooftop I feel like that shouldn’t have been so hard lmfao
Usami: I’m going to write more on her tomorrow because this idiot still hasn’t progressed past her prologue because of how I play, but I love her so much what a fun character, she plays off everyone so fucking well
Yuki: Getting to the bathroom was a Lot less horrible than I thought, so that’s on me, but I really love her she’s so much fun, there’s no heterosexual explanation for her behaviour with Shu tho (especially combined with every time she talks about Natsu) (Update after progressing Miura and seeing Where Do We Come From?: LMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO OHNO, not my dumb fucking ass reading that completely fucking wrong, oh man I love this game, omfg not me pulling a fucking zero escape on this mfer ohnooooooo) and that’s my general take, I haven’t gotten to the like. Plot Plot of her story yet but I’m really interested to see how the black suit stuff unfolds since she does seem unaware of their involvement with Natsu’s epic adventures in timetravel, as said tho she’s great, based on what I know from Miura’s route, she and Shu/Ida are 100% divorced, especially considering Natsu’s hair colour
Natsumi: Going to write more on her tomorrow cause I still haven’t progressed more but once again, love her, what a gal
Ryoko: I feel so fucking bad for her, and I cannot wait to find out more about her, and that’s from someone who went from 0 to 75% in one sitting and then getting locked lmfao, but ye she’s absolutely lovely her story’s so interesting, really want to know more about her relationship with Ei tho
Ei: There is no fucking way this guy is Not involved with Gouto’s assassination plot considering that I literally know that he told Iori that he’s an assassin from the future sent to kill her like no Way he isn’t the dude who spoke with future Gouto, Need to know more about his relationship with Ryoko Now, and I have yet to see him speak to Gouto but considering what I’m assuming about that scene I Need to see if they know each other or not, he’s a really cool guy tho I think he’s a very fun serious character, he truly gets into many a shenanigan (Mostly because of Iori lmao)
Gouto: Absolutely hilarious that I played his prologue and the game literally just went “Absolutely the fuck not bro you’re doing this Last Last”, and they were not wrong! I really need to know his deal tho he seems so interesting, I think he’s really nice tho like, I like what I’ve seen so far even tho he’s clearly supposed to be the serious red-herring kinda guy, but I think he’s cool
Ogata: From being the guy I yesterday knew the least about, I love him, what an absolute fucking guy, he’s so much fun, I was sure from the first key scene that it was gonna be Tsukasa and I’m so fucking glad I got that right lmao, but ye I think his story is really cool and it has some very interesting reveals, can’t wait to see what more comes out of it, really love him tho he’s so fucking great
Hijiyama: Okay, here’s the thing, I’m Clearly an Okino stan of the finest kind, mostly because I think he’s stupid fucking funny, and also really want to know what his deal is, but Hiji himself is So good, he’s such a genuinely nice guy what a lad, he’s probably the route where I’m laughing the most if only because I find him and Okino great together in every way, like what a good dynamic, but his route in general is just a good fucking time, really sadge that it’s only losing to Gouto in the forced late-game olympis tho, I would Def do a Ryoko on this one otherwise
Miura: Like Usami and Natsu I will write more proper on him later cause I still haven’t gotten much new stuff on him, but I love him I think he’s a very cool character, and like Hiji he’s a very genuinely nice guy Update after progressing more: THIS DUDE’S ROUTE MAKES ME INSANE LMFAO CAN YOU TELL ME PUTTING THIS ONE OFF FOR LATER HAS FUCKED ME OVER LMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO, unironically tho Where Do We Come From? alone has made my braincells spin soooo much, I love his route, I think he’s a lovely character, what a lad, he and Hiji both feel so well handled in the whole guys from the 40s get transported into the future and are completely delighted, like that’s so much better than a lot of the other alternatives they’re so much fun as fishes out of water
So anyways I’ve throughout basically gone “Okay who’s whose siblings here” cause timetravel stories always pull some secret sibling shit, and I’ve thought Iori was related to Ei at first, then Miura, and neither of them were true, and ofc the two characters that Are related, i.e Yuki and Natsu, are the ones where my First reponse was “Oh they’re kinda cute”, absolute fucking me moment lmfao, me when I go “There’s no heterosexual explanation for this character” ofc the game goes “Actually it’s even more heterosexual than you thought” fucking lmao (this is not a bad thing I just think it’s fucking Hilarious, I’m along for the ride in every way but sometimes the turns go where you didn’t expect and suddenly you have said very ohnono things previously lmfao)
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house-of-slayterr · 3 years
Spoilers I guess if you’ve never seen Batman Begins…
TLDR: I don’t like this movie 😶
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So I just watched the movie… what… the actual… fuck??? First of all, fuck Rachel right in the ass. I would rather eat glass, on a gravitron then ever see her boring ass on screen again. I was so mad that Crane didn’t kill her. She’s is by far the most boring, understated, and I’d love to say forgettable but I unfortunately cannot forget, character I’ve ever seen. Also that forced fucking kiss at the end 🤮 kill me.
Second off, who ever the fuck didn’t give Jon more screen time, I hope your pillow catches fire at night. Like that man is the best part of your movie, les Rachel, more Scarecrow!
If somone says Falcon-E one more time, I’m going to hire Victors Zsaz (yes that’s how they misspelled it the whole movie) to kill me. Why was he Bostonian, he’s supposed to be Italian! Like what was that accent? I wanted to ring his neck every time he opened his mouth. #notmyfalcone.
Also like, the entire movie I forgot Flass was even supposed to be a cop. Like he just looked like a random homeless man the whole time. He also had way to much screen time, like I could not care any less about this man.
Now to my biggest fucking issue, other than the annoying way everyone pronounced Ra’s Al Ghul the whole fucking movie. WHY THE EVER LIVING FUCK DID THEY CAST LIAM “I HAVE A PARTICULAR SET OF SKILLS” NEESON?!?!? LIAM NEESON!!!!!!! Ra’s is many things, but white is not one of them. Can we stop casting white people in Asian fucking roles? This being made in 2005 doesn’t make that any fucking better. Like I didn’t think anything could piss me off more than Finn Jones being cast as Iron Fist in the MCU. But this takes the cake.
Like I understand, maybe this is like the 500th Al Ghul cause it’s a title that can be bestowed upon people. But can we please just get actual representation? It’s not that hard to cast East Asian people. Like I’m sick of white washing.
When we talk about Bruce… oh boy. One I’m sick and tired of seeing Martha Wayne’s god damn pearls. Burn them. She makes pearls seem tacky. Like I shouldn’t be routing for the Wayne’s to be shot, but that was literally the best thing they did in the entire movie. First off, that casting choice…. I’m meant to believe Bruce came from that? Where? Also why do we need to show them die over and over, especially if you only show them bonding with Bruce for .5 seconds. There’s no suspense, no tension. Nothing is happening. Like I get Batman can’t exist without them dying. But just pick up the movie after they’re dead, skip the whole rushed sob story and just start with the actual fucking story.
Also his obsession with Rachel. What are you seeing Bruce? She’s a walking lamppost that keeps flickering in the middle of fucking nowhere. Hate to say it, but I don’t think Gotham would change if Rachel Dawes disappeared. She felt like a plot device to just be like “hey Bruce isn’t a playboy and has feelings” like the titular love interest. Like when it comes to Defence Attorneys, I want Laurel Lance on my case, not this wanna be girl boss.
Also why was Bruce being a “playboy” such a throw away gag in this. Alfred mentioned it so suddenly I actually had to pause, because we had previously seen no playboy bullshit. And then the next scene, dear god I’d rather be fear gased. It felt so forced and show boaty. Delete the whole scene, give me Loner Bruce Wayne who’s traumatised from his parents death. Give me Bruce Wayne who lashes out in fear and anger. Bruce Wayne who’s broken. Not Bruce I fuck bitches from Europe and don’t even remember their names Wayne.
Now go the things I liked about the movie:
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More more more more more! I have never been happier than during this scene. His mannerism are mesmerising and Enticing. I wanna know more about the fear serum. I wanna see more of his experiments. I wanna see more of him in Arkham as a patient. Why have him as a side villain, when he had so much potential for a better storyline. Again, I think he should have just fucking killed Rachel. Like I want to see The Bat unleash his fury on Jon. I want to see him come back as scarecrow because he was doing an amazing job and it looked like he was having fun. Like I can’t express enough how much I am in love with this man. He did Scarecrow proud.
Next, Alfred. I will admit I am partial to Gotham’s Alfred. But this guy has a special place in my heart. I fell the same way about him that I do about Anthony Hopkins, Hannibal. And his South London accent is so endearing. I think it’s a bit odd that he just is ok with what Bruce is doing and joins him right away. But I love their relationship. I feel like he’d Ground Bruce if he went to far. He genuinely just wants to see this kid thrive. This man deserves all the kisses and hugs and complements on the planet. 10/10, I love all Alfred’s 🥺
Luscious mother fucking Fox!!!! Morgan Freeman did a fantastic job. Holy shit he made me love this man more than I thought possible. He’s such a good character and I feel like he doesn’t get enough love. Like I’d marry this man, no hesitation. Like pull up in vegas homie, let’s do this shit. I want to sit and talk to him about science for hours. I want to calm this man after a long stressful day. Love a black man from infinity to infinity! Give me more! 😍
Last but certainly not least, Bruce, I have autism, Wayne. Am I projecting? Most likely. But I think a lot of versions of Bruce have autism. His mannerism as so socially awkward, and he hates crows. Like that scene where he sent everyone away felt like he just stopped masking. The one thing Rachel got right, is he is Batman. Bruce Wayne doesn’t fucking exist. He’s the alter ego. Bruce is the most fake, forced man I’ve ever witnessed. He’s so much more comfortable as The Bat. His obsessive tendencies are obvious. His need for justice and struggling with revenge is just 10/10. Like he seems to have hyperempathy, even Ra’s points out how persistant his compassion is. His tone is incredibly flat most of the time, and the way he just leaves conversations unannounced. Bruce says it himself he doesn’t give a shit about his image or what people think about him. He just cares about justice for Gotham.
Bruce doesn’t have any real friends other than Rachel, and Luscious is getting there but he’s new. Like his fucking smile when talking to Rachel melted my heart. That boy was just so happy to be in the same room as her (i don’t understand why her but I’m happy if he’s happy) the way he just stands and pauses in conversations is so relatable. Like home boy really became the 🧍‍♂️emoji for so much of the movie. Again, probably projecting cause autistic Bruce would be way more interesting to me 😂. But he at least has C-PTSD and OCD. Also what kind of person is like “I’m terrified of this thing, let’s become this and use it as a symbol for hope.” Like Bruce, you could have legit become anyone else, why Batman? Are you a masochist? But over all, i enjoy this Bruce, he’s nice.
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So overall rating. 3/10 would not watch the movie again. I’m hoping the next two are much better, I’m looking forward to finally seeing Heath Ledger’s Joker in action. I will also now be watching Scarecrow edits from now until forever. So if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be trying to forget this movie, and mentally preparing to watch more Batman films. There is a reason I avoided watching these for so long, but I just know I’m gonna love Rob’s Batman when I finally get to see it.
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press-x-to-simp · 3 years
Friends Don’t Do This - Part 1            Nathan Drake Fanfiction
Fandom: Uncharted 
Word Count: 4,404
Characters: Nathan Drake x Reader (F)
Summary: You and Nathan have been best friends since you’ve been twelve when meeting at Saint Francis Home. You are both now in your mid 20′s and have to go on a mission with Sam, Sully and Elena. What happens when tensions rise and jealousy is stirred?
Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of angst (more to come), swearing, a few sexual innuendos, kissing, jealousy, teasing, fake relationship, use of weapons and Sam being a lovable idiot.
This is our first story that we are posting here. Hope you guys enjoy! 
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“Promise me you won't leave me.” A 12-year-old Y/N pleads.
“I promise.” A 13-year-old Nathan reassures.
“Do you mean it?” Y/N asks.
“I mean it. We will escape Saint Francis Home together.” Nathan promises.
“We shouldn't be far.” Sully announces.
You hear, snapping out of your daydream. It had been 12 years since that day. The day you two promised to always stay by each other’s side.
“Hey, you okay?” Nathan asks you.
“Yeah, I'm fine just thinking.” You respond.
“Anything worth sharing?” Nathan curious.
“No, just gone away with my thoughts.” You answer not wanting to relive the memory.
“You are okay back there love birds?” Sam jokes.
“Shut up Sam you do this every time.” Nathan sighs.
“Yeah, you got to stop with that shit Sam.” You agree.
“Kissing Y/N would be like kissing my sister.” Nathan grimaces.
“Well, you don't have a sister you have a brother, so it's like kissing your brother?” Sam retaliates as Nathan groans “God can you just drop it? That was one time.”
You and Sully burst out laughing but you then remember Nathan’s words and hide behind a fake smile. Sully looks into the rear-view mirror and notices your slight change. Sam does the same they both look at each other and slightly shake their heads.
Nathan is completely oblivious to their looks and even more oblivious to your changing demeanour.
You look back out the window and start drifting back into your thoughts, this time the memory of Nathan breaking that promise.
“Okay we’ll meet on the roof at 10. Bring what you need. Sam will meet us by the front gate.” Nathan explains
“Are you sure this is going to work?” You start to worry.
“You have nothing to be afraid of. I'm here. We’ll get through this together.” Nathan holds your hands and looks deeply into your eyes reassuring you.
“I trust you.” You smile at Nathan.
“You ready to do this?” Nathan asks.
“Ready than ever.” You respond confidently.
“We're here.” Sully says.
“About time.” Sam sasses.
“You're telling me kid.” Sully remarks back.
You once again get snapped out of your thoughts. They exit the car and take in their surroundings, the beautiful greenery blooming around you all.
“Oh, wow.” You say in awe.
“I know.” Nathan agrees as he lets out a breath.
“What a great view” he says looking at you.
Sam looks towards the two friends and notices Nathan’s lingering look at you. Sam nudges Sully and nods his head towards you both, not that you notice, and both share a knowing look.
You pull out a map opening it and checking your route. Nathan still looking at you, moves towards you and then guides his attention to the map you lay out on the car.
“Right Y/N, where we off to now?” Nathan put his arms around you as he leans on you.
“I'm glad you asked Nate. I have no fucking idea.” You look up at him and you both share a look. Both of you start to laugh as Sully and Sam chuckle at the two bantering.
“Am I crazy or are those two totally into each other?” Sam quietly asks Sully.
“Well, you are crazy kid but not about this. Those two have liked each other for a while but I don’t think it's liking anymore.” Sully validates.
“You think it's the big L Word oh wise one?” Sam says.
Sully quickly side eyes Sam not appreciating the sarcasm but responds, nevertheless. “Yes, I do but they're just too blind to see it.”
They look back out to Nathan and you who are continuing your playful conversation, “It’s gone beyond that.” Sully continues.
“Alright guys I think it's…” You start to look at every different route around them until you pick one, “…This one.” However, there's a sense of hesitation.
“You sure about that kid?” Sully asked her not quite sure himself.
“No but what's the worst that could happen?” You reply.
“How reassuring.” Sam comments.
“Wait Elena’s supposed to meet us here.” Nathan unveils.
You and Sam look at each other confused to the information of this new addition.
You take this moment to ask, “Elena?”
“Yeah, Elena. She’ll be helping us out.” Nathan answers.
“How did you guys meet?” Your curiosity gets the better of you.
“Well do you remember the mission I went on to find Shambhala?” Nathan reminds you.
“Yeah?” You reply eager to find out more.
“Well, she’s a journalist. She was covering the story of Lazarević. She almost got herself killed but I jumped in and saved her last minute, from then on, we’ve worked together.” Nathan clarifies.
“And when were you gonna tell me this?” You question raising an eyebrow.
“Why do you care?” he laughs. “You’re acting like a clingy girlfriend. Besides, I didn't think it was that important” Nathan continues.
You see Nathan joking about the situation, “I pity the girl who becomes your girlfriend Drake.”
“Hilarious.” Nathan punches your shoulder playfully.
Sam and Sully share another look as they hear a car in the distance. As it approaches, you start to see the woman who's been on Drake's mind. The car halts and a beautiful blonde woman walks out. Nathan turns around and spots the petite woman as he happily welcomes her, “Elena so good to see you. Glad you could make it.” Nathan says enthusiastically.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, cowboy.” She replies smiling.
Nathan strides towards Elena engulfing her in a big hug. You let out a sigh glaring daggers into Elena. Cowboy? Since when did she have a nickname for him?
You turn to look at Sam and Sully as if to ask did you know about this? They both shrugged as if replying no idea. You look back at them who are still holding their hug. Elena breaks from the hug noticing Sam, “Oh my God you must be Sam. I've heard so much about you.”
“Yes, if you were wondering, all the rumours are true.” Sam grins sending her a wink.
“Oh, and the infamous Sully. Great to see you in person now.” Elena greets.
“Well nice to put a face to the voice kid.” Sully answers.
She turns to look at you and walks up to you, “Oh you’re (wrong name), right?” Elena asks.
“It's Y/N actually.” You respond gritting your teeth.
“Oh, right sorry. Nate hasn't really said much about you.” Elena informs.
This makes you laugh a little spitefully, “Well at least he's talked about me, this is the first time I'm hearing about you.”
Elena tightens her smile, “Oh well I'm sure there's just too much to say.” Elena challenges.
You clench your fists, “I'm sure there is.”
Nate walks over to you both and puts his arms around you, “Glad to see that you’re both getting along. I knew you would.” If only he really knew the thoughts swimming through your minds.
“Yeah, she's a pleasure.” You comment, a dead silence remains between you three as you and Elena size each other up luckily Sully comes over and breaks the tension, “I think it's about time we get moving.”
Sam claps his hands, “Great idea old man.” Sully quickly cuts in, “Don't call me that.”
Sam ignores his request, “I vote we go that way.” He points in the same direction as you did which makes you laugh as you use this as an excuse to break away from the awkward hug.
“Hey that's what I said.” You walk up to Sam.
“Well great minds think alike huh.” He wraps his arms around your shoulders and pulls you in. Nathan notices this, his jaw clenching not comfortable with how close you two seem to be getting.
“Well, I say you guys follow us in that case.” Sam says still with his arm wrapped around you as everyone walks towards the direction. Sully recognises what Sam is pulling as he observes Nathan’s reaction. He chuckles to himself shaking his head, “You're a smart one Sam.” saying under his breath.
Sam pulls you in front, “I need a chat with you kiddo.” A laugh sounds from the back of the group as Sully looks over at you two amused. “Kiddo? Really? What are you trying to do replace me over there? I'm not on my death bed yet kid.”
“Well then you'll just have to watch your back old man.” Sam says trying to rustle his jimmies. Your group laughs at the pairs comedic banter.
Sam pulls you in once again, “Anyways before we were rudely interrupted.” Sam emphasises.
“Hey, I heard that kid.” Sully shouts back.
“Yeah, you were meant to.” Sam says back.
“I wanted to have a little heart to heart because you're my little sis well I mean I see you as my little sis but you're not actually my little-“ Sam gets cut off, “Okay Sam, where are you going with this?” You cut in.
Sam looks back to make sure no one hears as he notices Nathan and Elena deep in conversation. He turns back to you, “So what do you think of Nathan and Elena eh?”
“Pfft, what? Why are you asking me about that?” You stutter stumbling over your words. Sam raises his eyebrows staring at you as if he could read your mind.
“I – I don't have any comments.” You reply dismissively.
“I've known you for a very long time. I know you like the back of my hand. You can be honest with me.” Sam expresses.
“There's nothing to be honest about Sam. I don't know what you're trying to get out of me.”  You grow frustrated.
“I think someone's got a little crush.” Sam reveals as your eyes widen. Had you been that obvious?
“Whatttttt?” You drag out as your voice gains in pitch. “No.” You deny.
“See the thing here my dear friend is I don't trust you.” Sam presses.
“Well, Sam believe what you want but I still don't have any idea what you're talking about.” You defend.
“Whatever you say. I mean it's your romantic funeral and it's their wedding I'll be attending.” Sam throws in.
You glare at Sam, “Why are you so interested in my love life Sam? The last time I've heard you’re single. You’re not doing great with the ladies, are you?”
Sam laughs and replies, “Well, it just wouldn't be fair if I was tied down to one woman where they all want me. I've gotta keep it fair.”
“Disgusting. You really are a ladies’ man aren't you, Sam?” You sarcastically respond.
“I am a man for the ladies.” Sam winks.
“Charming.” You sigh.
Sam laughs and pulls you closer. Sam hears that Nathan and Elena’s conversation has paused. He discreetly turns his head to the side to look behind him. He notices Nathan staring at your proximity shooting daggers at his arm touching you which somehow snaked around your waist. Thoughts run through Nathan’s mind. How come you seemed so okay with this? You’re completely fine with his hands around your waist. You seem almost comfortable in the feeling.
Nathan doesn't like this as Sam notices Nathan's glance and decides to push further. He comes closer and leans into you and whispers, “I'm charming for you baby.”
You giggle, “Sam Drake, you are quite a man not a gentleman. But a man.”  As you nudge him Nathan lets out a breath, he didn't even realise he was holding. He sees that there is now a distance between you as he goes back to talking to Elena.
Sam looks back and says, “I'll tell you what is charming those two getting chummy back there.” You quickly turn your head to witness the interaction with your own eyes.
“Ha! I knew it.” Sam exclaims as you turn back to him. “You like Nate.” He confirms.
“What makes you say that?” Your anxiety heightens.
“There's a whole list of things honey but I don't think you want me to go through them.” Sam replies matter of fact.
You finally give up, “I don't know it's complicated he's my best friend. We’ve best friends since I was 12. Nothing can ruin it not even some bubblehead blonde bimbo.”
“I think someone is jealous” Sam teases.
“Sam shut up.” You shush him.
“Hey, I'm coming from a place of love” as he dramatically places his hand to his chest. “Because I care about you.”
“Oh, how sweet of you Sam…now shut up.” You demand.
“Look I've got an idea. I think it'll help-“ Sam gets interrupted.
“Whatever you gotta say I'm not listening. All your ideas are dumb, and they either don't work or gets us almost killed.”
“This might do both but in the best way.” Sam smirks.
Thinking that there's no choice but to pay attention you agree to listen to Sam's stupid idea, “Alright hit me with it.”
“I say we test Natey Watey's limits.” Sam discloses.
“What do you mean?” You question.
“How about we act as, you know we got something going on if you know what I mean.” He winks at you.
“No, I don't.” You say confused.
“I'm saying we try to make him jealous. Just to test the waters but I think it may work out for the best.” He speaks.
“Okay and what makes you say that? He doesn't he doesn't feel that way about me.” You look to the side.
“Well, he sure as hell doesn't feel that way about Elena.” Sam admits.
“I wish that were true.” You look down sadly.
Sam sighs, “Hey it’s their wedding you’ll be attending if you don't try this out.”
“What makes you think this will work?” You press.
“I know my brother and I know you. There's something between you two. You guys can't ignore that feeling as if it’s not there. You’ve got to give it a chance.” Sam says softly.
“Yeah well, he left me once, how do I know he won't do it again?” You admit your fears.
Sam looks at her understanding her worry, “I know you’re still mad but what really happened is –“ He’s quickly cut off as Nate walks between you two pointing ahead, “We're here.” Nathan's voice is rough and sharp as he stands in-between Sam and you completely separating you two.
“I guess your way was right Y/N.” He smiles at you.
“Oh, I know I was right cowboy.” You joke.
“Hey, you haven't used that since we were 16. I thought we were over that.” Nathan turns to you grinning.
“Hah you wish cowboy.” You wink at him as you walk ahead. Elena witnessing the conversation mumbles, “Bitch.” under her breathe. Sully hears this and rolls his eyes disapprovingly. You were like a daughter to him and Drake like a son, he wouldn't let anyone ruin your friendship or anything else that may come with it.
As they walk ahead Nathan quickly pulled you back, “Guards up ahead. I say the best thing we do is-“ Sam cuts him off, “Y/N and I will scout ahead while you guys wait back here.”
Nathan quickly looks Sam, “Why? You know Y/N and I always do that.” Nathan argues.
“Thought I'd change it up for this trip little bro.” Sam quickly winks at you who giggles.
“You know you usually have bad ideas but this one is not your worst.” Nathan quickly looks to you, “You're not serious, are you? He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.”
You look Nathan up and down and before you could come up with a response, Sam steps forward wrapping an arm around you, “Not the sharpest tool in the shed but definitely the best in bed I'll see you later little bro.” and walk off with you.
Nathan goes to follow you and Sam, but Sully quickly pulls him down, “You trying to get us killed kid?” Sully rhetorically asks.
“No but Sam's trying to get Y/N killed.” Nathan proclaims.
“Yeah, well you're going to get us all killed if you don't stay here.” Sully tells him.
“But-“ Nathan begins to say but Elena cuts him off, “Well it's better two get killed rather than five. Come on, we can cut our losses.” Sully looks at Elena stunned. Nathan too angry to process his thoughts agrees, “Yeah I guess you're right.”
Sully looks at Nathan, “You can't mean that.”
“Well, they don't want to listen to us anyways.” Nathan dismisses.
Sully shocked by this unrecognisable Nathan scoffs, “I taught you better than that kid.” as he gets into hiding position and checks over his gun just in case something was to go down with the enemy or maybe someone in the group. Nathan realises what he says and looks down ashamed regretting his words.
Sam pulls you behind a fence on a ledge which becomes your hiding spot as you would not be seen in plain sight.
“Did you see the steam coming out of his ears.” Sam laughs to you.
“What were you thinking? We just left them behind Sam. You know we don't leave each other behind.” You defend.
“Oh, he'll get over it.” Sam dismisses, “We're fine okay. Look.” Sam notices Sully leading the group as they come to their position. Sam expects Sully to be giving him a thumbs up for his brilliant plan but when he sees how mad he is and how Sully slowly shakes his head, he knows somethings gone horribly wrong. He looks to you with an unsure look but nods determinedly ready to go ahead with your plan whether it makes you and Nathan or breaks you.
Sully speaks quietly to the group, “Alright let's just finish this mission up quick kids I'm sensing this place is getting toxic for all of us and I'm not just talking about those toxic fumes that they seem to be letting off.”
Sam cheekily winks at you, and you look away with a sigh. Is this what you really wanted to do?
Sam goes behind one of the guards and stealthily takes him down while you go to the other Sully looking out for you on watch. You two see Nathan and Elena on the other side doing the exact same however Elena drops her gun making an echoed noise as it announces their presence. The guards quickly look towards the direction of the sound not seeing the group yet.
“Oh crap.” Nathan groans as he pulls Elena back to the hiding spot as gun fires can be heard and bullets whizzing through the air. Nathan looks back Sully and Sam, “Get the two girls back to a safe position, I'm going to hold them off.”
You scoff and look back at him, “No way in hell we're leaving you back here alone.” Sam grins and takes this as his chance, “Yep you heard the guy, Sully, Elena let's go.”
Before Elena can protest Sam grabs her wrist and starts pulling her off as she turns around to try and get back to Nathan. Sully stands between them and motions for her to follow him.
You quickly go up to Nathan, “You know I can protect myself. I can help you.”
Nathan looks at you, “I don't want to take that chance. Go.”
You slowly stand up reluctant to leave, “I'm not a kid anymore Nathan, I can protect myself. I mean I had to learn how to right?”
Nathan looks to you, “I know that more than anyone else, but I can't live with myself if something happened to you. Please, just go.”
You shake your head, “No I'm not leaving you.”
Nathan grits his teeth, “I'm surprised you didn't take the chance to run off with Sam anyway.”
You roll your eyes as you respond, “Don't be like that.”
“Don't be like that?” Nathan questions his voice raises.  “You were all over him a second ago.”
“Nathan are we really going to be arguing about this now? Shots are literally being fired at us.” You persist.
“Well, if we’re about to die. I want to know at least if you're trying to fuck my brother.” Nathan says.
“Jeez Nathan.” You huff.
“Don’t be shy.” Nathan doesn’t give up.
You angry at this accusation shout, “Yes, okay?! I'm trying to fuck Sam. Happy?”
Annoyance and irritation fire up in Nathan’s eyes, “Happy?” He seethes.
“It's been a while since I've had any.” You continue.
Sam quickly runs back and grabs your arm, “Alright you two. We really, really need to go. You can continue this conversation after we're not dead.”
Nathan chuckles and shakes his head, “Speaking of the devil. Why don’t you just jump him now.”
“Do you know what Nathan? I will.” You glare at Nathan as you grab Sam's belt pulling him closer, “You ready to go Sam?” Sam clears his throat getting nervous, “If it means that we're not going to die yes.”
Nathan glares at his older brother feeling a deep betrayal, “Well if they don't kill you I might.” He retorts to Sam.
“Nathan what's gone into you?” Sam says. “I've never seen you like this. Never seen you so angry.” He smirks.
“Yeah, wouldn't you be angry if your brother was trying to fuck their best friend?!” He exclaims.
You’re taken aback, he's not mad because he's jealous of your possible romance, he's mad because it's weird to know that his brother would want to sleep with his best friend.
Best friend, he made that clear.
You cut in, “Well Nathan as my best friend. I don't think it gives you the right to tell me who I can or can't sleep with. Now, can we stop talking about my sex life and please just go? Nathan you're coming with us you're not staying here.” You demand.
Nathan is about to protest when a gunshot flies past him hitting the wall next to him, “Alright but we're talking about this later.” You three start running back off into the forest as the guards see you and run after you. You hear footsteps behind you chasing after you. Sam is ahead of Nathan and you as you hear the footsteps grow closer, you reach a town filled with people.
Nathan takes in the surroundings quickly constructing a plan as he looks everywhere no longer seeing Sam. You look at him, “Nathan what do we do?”
He quickly looks behind seeing the guards approaching the town, “They'll find us if we try to run. We've got to hide.”
He quickly pulls you and pushes you up against the pillar not completely hidden enough. Knowing you were not invisible; Nathan knows there needs to be another step taken.
He diverts his eyes and sees the guards making their way to their area looking in every direction. He looks to you as he leans in, his lips brushing against yours and says against your lips, “Don't make a sound.” He captures your lips with his own. One hand resting above your head against the pillar and the other on your waist pulling you in to a deeper kiss. This would make you seem like a young couple in love. He knew the guards wouldn't question it and they would pass as any other couple. Once he hears the guards have left, he slowly pulls away and looks into your eyes as you look up into his and for a moment, you both could see something you didn't know what, but something changed.
It seems Nathan was going to lean back in for more, but you place your hand against his chest and say, “I think they're gone.”
Nathan still not finding his words slowly nods and replies slightly out of breath, “Yeah I think we're okay” he pulls back away from you still looking at you. Eye contact never breaking.
Sully runs back in and finds you both, “Finally, there you are guys, I was worried sick. Did you manage to get rid of them?”
Nathan still looking at you, “Yeah we did.”
You nod along and are the first break the eye contact as you look at Sully, “Yeah we're good for now.” You speak.
Elena comes in and notices the tension between Nathan and you. She didn’t like it.
“Oh my God Nathan. Are you okay?” She quickly grabs his arms to make him face her. She plants her hands against his cheeks making sure there's no wounds. Nathan still out of breath replies, “Yeah, yeah I'm okay.” He pauses. “Are you okay Y/N?” His eyes dart back to you.
“Apart from the heart attack you almost gave me, yeah I’m doing pretty good.” You joke to relieve the tension.
He lets out a laugh sharing the moment that is until Sam comes to them, “Y/N you good?”
“Yes, I'm fine, don't worry. Not even a scratch.” You smile at him, comforting him.
Sam lets out a sigh of relief, “Good.”
Nathan looks towards Sam, his nose flaring his jaw clenching. The anger had not yet left as he thinks about the kiss. Would you kiss Sam like that? Would you kiss him like that again? Your his best friend, he can’t think of you like that.
“Maybe I should implement that plan more often.” Nathan quips with a hint of seriousness.
Elena cuts in, “What plan?” oblivious about their escape.
You chuckle a little sadly, “I'm not sure if my heart can take it.”
Nathan looks sadly at you, “Mine either.”
As you look at each other, Sam looks between you, “Wow this is lovely and all, but I don't think we should stick around. They're probably going to come and check this area once more.”
Sully nods along, “I agree. Let’s head back this way.” As Sully leads you all, you look at Nathan once more entranced by what just happened but then is quickly reminded of the one memory clouding your mind.
You quickly turn around and walk ahead as Sam follows. Nathan’s eyes still following as if he didn't want to lose sight of you again.
“Hey Nate, you okay?” He hears another voice almost forgetting Elena was here.
He takes a moment before he replies, “I don't know.”
Elena follows his eyeline, jealousy brewing within her, “Well let's go.” She tugs on his arm, he looks down finally breaking sight of you, looking at Elena, “Yeah we should catch up with the others.” as they follow behind.
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stellocchia · 3 years
God I hate the fact that techno being trapped in prison is the worst thing that's happened to him and all signs point to him destroying the prison. And the shittiest thing is that yeah. The prison isn't fucking good. Him failing in destroying it would not be an actually good or satisfying thing. But at the same time him succeeding is just as fucking bad. Because. Great. Once again, nothing that could possibly keep Technoblade in check.
Like. Can this man ever just take an L? PLEASE?!?!
Like. I don't want him to succeed in breaking dream out and destroying the prison and once again asserting himself as queen bee of the server. Because Ew.
But also. Him failing this? Him destroying lmanberg twice and being a threat to snowchester without any repercussions, doing so easily and succeeding? Two factions that we know are morally grey at worst but generally "in the right" when considering sides?
But then failing to destroy the prison, which is genuinely on the dark grey side of the spectrum? Losing against something that stands for corruption and abuse and the failings, both morally and also just. Physically? Losing against that? Fuck that.
I don't want Technoblade the asshole, the douchebag, the prick, the fucking TOOL. To actually be in the right from a narrative perspective and also be the underdog or whatever.
Like. Both the prison and Technoblade are terrible, and when this conflict happens there has to be a side that's the "good one" from a narrative perspective.
And that'll have to be fucking techno and I guess by extension also fucking dream and quite frankly both of them are fucking awful people.
I don't want them to win. But I also don't want the fucking prison side to win.
Because wtf.
Like. I want someone to kick technos ass.
But I want it to be someone defending something genuinely good.
I wanted it to be lmanberg.
Or at the fucking very least las Nevadas itself.
But no it's about the fucking prison
What is this?!?!
I don't want that pig face to fucking win. I don't want him to once again, destroy what's essentially the limited protection Tommy and everyone else has from dream, only to then ride off into the sunset on his high horse and get home to his cottagecore lifestyle and have a hot cocoa while philza minecraft licks his boots clean.
But if this is actually where he fucking fails then that victory for us is gonna be so incredibly hollow and twisted
I fuckidhnskdhdjdkoshsjsk
Actually, I didn't even think of it in those terms up until now but yeah. Honestly, I won't enjoy either outcome if they're framed in absolutes, but one thing they could do to fix that is having the destruction of the prison be framed as a good thing (because it is) but make it clear that Dream being freed very much WASN'T.
And the best way to handle Techno in this situation is to have it be a fucking lose-lose situation. Like, the prison loses by being dismantled, while Techno gets bitten in the ass by freeing Dream and ignoring EVERY. SINGLE. RED FLAG.
Like, have Dream be out, and then it looks like nothing has gone bad for Techno but oh? What's that? Dream immediately kidnapped Philza and is using him as leverage to have Techno be his weapon against Sam and Las Nevadas? (and possibly a helping hand in kidnapping Tommy. Again). Oh who would have thought that he'd do something like that?
Like, don't get me wrong. I don't think they'll go down my preferred route. I WISH they did, but I don't think any of them really know what to do with c!Techno in general, because he's literally not a character, he's just a plot device. But still, until it happens I can have hope...
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
Azure Moon: Chapter 17
I'm an emotional wreck right now.
If you're looking for a coherent review of events - this isn't it. I'm going to need to cry in a corner for a bit first.
Pre Battle:
Oh, right. Now Gilbert and Rodrigue are talking about fog. Did they just forget to make this Fog or War or something? Not that I'm complaining.
Oh, boy, Duscur talk. Poor Rodrigue. He lost a best friend and two sons that day 😭I still hope Felix forgives him. I really don't think Rodrigue did anything wrong.
So I had to look up who Lady Patricia was again, and please, dear God, no. Please tell me Dimitri's step-mother didn't arrange that.
The writers are like - how much trauma can we shove into one character: all of it. Oh, wait, oh wait, let's have his step-mother arrange his brutal death too! Oh, great idea. 😑
So he spent the whole time talking about how everyone else got hurt and didn't even mention he ALMOST DIED 😭😭😭😭. This character makes my heart hurt.
So are we gonna see Patricia again? Is she part of that evil mage group?? God I hope not.
Oh, no, the messenger to the Alliance got killed. That explains how the game is going to be like - no two lords for you! - even when it makes more sense to team up in AM. Did this happen in VW too? That would explain why Dimitri didn't want to join Claude tbh.
Sounds like a pretty brutal death too. 100% picked it was the Empire. Dimitri's all about it lol.
Oh, "Maiden" Fleche is back.
Good God this feels 100x more epic on AM than VW. I'm honestly starting to feel sorry for Claude. He got done dirty compared to the other two.
And now it's Ferdinand's birthday. Now is not the time, bro.
I'm betting it's the same cut scene? I get to see Dimitri say "Kill every last one of them again" lol.
Edelgard be like - last time we were classmates fighting, this time I'm here to kill all of you and take over your lands.
Alright - the battle. Thankfully I have Bernie recruited so no more fires for her, poor thing.
Lysithea and Ignatz are on here though. I'm assuming Claude retreats? Probably not the other two. But I'm trying to stick to the "kill everyone" (or I guess I should say "Kill every last one of them!" lol).
Gotta have Dimitri fight Claude and Edelgard to get that sweet-sweet dialogue.
Dimitri's just going to solo the alliance troops. Batallion Wrath/Vantage/Retribution is one hell of a drug. Just gotta watch out for gambits, but only really worried about Claude tbh.
Claude's range is too big, which is why Dimitri's taking that route. Thematically I'd love to watch him just solo all the Empire troops, but I can't risk Claude flying around if I want that unique battle dialogue.
LAMO - Byleth crit Hubert. Though, interesting note. In VW, Dedue insists he can still fight when he's defeated, and Dimitri tells him to get off the battlefield and live (rudely). Hubert says he needs to retreat, and Edelgard says nothing about his injuries.
Oh, shit, Petra too. Didn't see her there.
And now Leonie and Hilda too. Does Hilda retreat like Hubert and Dedue?
So Leonie, Lysithea, and Ignatz are dead. Hilda, Petra, and Hubert retreated. Hubert really likes to show up, get his ass handed to him, and then retreat. Who do you end up doing this to more, Hubert or the Death Knight?
Guys, I think Dimitri might have an issue with Edelgard. If you let them fight each other in VW, does he say the same thing?
OMG Edelgard philosophizing about death after Dimitri's like - pick a way to die. For some reason this is amusing.
And then he crits. Dimitri likes doing that.
Oh, shocking, she retreats too.
OMG Dimitri was MVP (shocking, I know), but it's so amusing to see "Dimitri's motivation is maxed out" right after criting Edelgard.
Post Battle:
So Dimitri goes to chase after Edelgard, which kills him in VW.
Man he sounds so enraged - like a setback after the progress. And yelling at Rodrigue 😭
Oh, shit, what is Fleche doing here.
Man, this is so much more intense than VW.
Oh shit - Fleche stabbed Dimitri. OMG. Saw that coming. Rodrgue's so worried.
Oh shit. Oh God. Rodrigue just died saving Dimitri, didn't he? Dimitri wasn't even going to fight back, was he?
OMG 😭😭😭😭😭😭
He's really dying guys. Why.
"Live for what you believe in. Your life is your own."
If I ever hear anyone shit-talk Rodrigue, I'm going to have words.
Oh, shit Felix. Felix never made up with his father.
Nevermind, I want VW back. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
(Oh, wait, nevermind, Dimitri just died in VW. I take that back)
Chris Hackey though. (I get the feeling he really liked Dimitri. How could you not, though?)
Oh shit guys, I'm getting watery-eyed.
Rodrigue just fucking died saving Dimitri.
Yo - Lambert is hot though. WHY DO ALL THAT HOT OLDER GUYS DIE? Please someone look out for Seteth.
Oh, shit Lambert should've listened to Rodrigue.
Rodrigue is so loyal and good. Fuck any haters.
On a side note - Byleth pretty badass taking Fleche out.
Ok - here comes the Byleth part.
Dimitri's "I haven't slept in a week" look is gone.
Oh, shit, where is he going? He's going to leave, isn't he?
C'mon, Byleth, don't let him leave. 😭😭😭
Dimitri thinks he'd just too far gone 😭😭😭😭😭😭
There's Survivor's Guilt, and then there's Dimitri, holy shit.
OMG his little voice wavers asking the professor for answers. Dimitri's going to be the end of me.
Also - Chris Hackney is a gem. Like, all the VAs are pretty good with a few exceptions, but Dimitri demands more range than most of them, and he sells all of it. It's what Dimitri deserves though.
I picked "You must forgive yourself," because holy hell 😭😭😭
He really just thinks he has no value, doesn't he. 😭😭😭
"As the sole survivor of that day, do I . . . Do I have the right to live for myself?" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And Byleth just reaches out her hand again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Your hands are so warm . . . have they always ben" 😭😭😭
Shit, man, I don't like Byleth much, but this is good shit. Maybe I like Byleth a little.
Next Chapter title is "The King's Triumphant Return" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Hell yeah, we're going to free the Kingdom!
Does this mean I get Dimitri's supports now?
Oh, boy, Dimitri's here. And Dedue's worried about his wounds. OFC he is.
He sounds so normal now.
Dimitri's apologizing. Is it weird to feel proud of a character? Because I feel proud of a character.
"I wish to do the right thing from now on." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
OMG, Dimitri, this route is an emotional ride.
Hell yeah, let's go kick the Empire out of the Kingdom!
He's finally going to start living for himself, I'm just feel like a proud mom.
I love all the Blue Lions so much. They're all precious.
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aerois · 4 years
Remarried Empress: Sovieshu Contextualized and Navier the Unreliable Narrator (SPOILERS!)
So recently I started reading Remarried Empress on WEBTOON. Honestly the whole premise wasn’t my cup of tea and I was solely reading it because it was part of an event where I could get free coins (lol). But then... I got hooked. I got invested. Started drinking in chapters whenever and wherever I could, and even now I still crave more. I wanted Navier to have some semblance of a happy ending (and, let’s be honest, I wanted to drag that precious little bitch Trashta by her fucking hair across the yard). At first it was mostly that. Raging at Trashta and her Simperor, pondering at Heinley’s true intentions, drooling over Kaufman. 
And then, I noticed something odd. I noticed-- the strangest thing-- Sovieshu seemed to be... not as enamored with his mistress as meets the eye. And there was even some hinting that his feelings for Navier weren’t what we assumed.
I have to preface this: I don’t condone Sovieshu’s crappy actions. He’s an idiot, and acts very poorly as a husband. And there’s no excuse for cheating. Absolutely not! So I don’t want this post to come across like In Defense of Sovieshu, because it’s not. But I do think that our view, the reader’s view, of Sovieshu, is warped. And this is mainly because we see the story through Navier’s eyes of course, but we forget that every individual person is fallible. Every person, at some point, harbors false assumptions that color their concepts of truth and reality. Put shortly, Navier is human, and therefore is not a reliable narrator at some points. Especially concerning her husband. We see Sovieshu entirely through the eyes of his wronged wife in the webcomic. Pin that: in the webcomic. Did you know the webcomic is actually based on a mobile game? Yes, it is! And I downloaded it! And I’m playing it! And... I’m actually... hating Sovieshu less?????????? 
Ok, ok, put the pitchforks down! Hear me out! I’m not saying any of the stuff he did was okay! But Navier’s narration of the story paints him as this cold, detached man who grew to hate his wife so much that he flew into the arms of some hussy for warmth and then just cast his wife aside and deliberately acted like a jerk just because he wanted her to suffer.  And there’s a grain of truth to that. There are points where Sovieshu feels bitter and does or says something waspish. But it’s not as black and white as you might assume. I played the mobile game, and decided to take Sovieshu’s route out of spite. I opened this app, saw it was an otome with this garbage-fire, cheating sack of shit for a romance option and thought “Hah! The nerve. Probably some semi-abusive dirtbag route aimed to appeal to girls who like men who treat them badly. You know, that mutually abusive relationship appeal that some girls like because drama.” And I needed to rack up in-game currency anyway (it’s like usual mobile games, where when you wanna make cool choices you gotta cough up cash unless you “diamond-mine” on crappy stories to save up the meager bits of free currency the app gives you for playing) so I figured I’d blast through the Sovieshu route and skip onto my darling Kaufman in playthrough 2.
And then the smoke genuinely compelling character development got me. So I could run y’all through Navier’s version of the events, but you already know that. For Sovieshu though? Here’s the kicker: this idiot has had a raging passion for his wife slowly building up for years throughout their entire lives, and only realizes it about halfway through the events of the story. This idiot, this buffon, this absolute brain-dead dolt... didn’t even realize he was pining over his own wife until he was about to explode from the desperation from it all. God, I wish I was joking. Lemme break it down for you:
Sovieshu’s POV: He and Navier are introduced as kids and are told they’ll be married someday. Life partners. They are raised in tandem to respect and care for one another. Kinda smacks of grooming (go mom and dad!) but whatever, that’s the background. These kids are mentally regarding each other as spouses their entire conscious lives. And Sovieshu, as he grows, quickly comes to realize his intended is a selfless girl who holds everything inside. The first spark of his affection for her is wrapped in this: that Sovieshu longs for Navier to take off her “perfect princess” mask and let herself be vulnerable with him. He admires her intellingence, her grace, and her devotion to her country. He looks at her and sees someone that inspires him. He craves the opportunity to comfort and protect her. He waits, and these opportunities come in small instances. But they get older, their burdens get heavier, and like most young women, Navier gets better at pretending nothing is wrong with her and putting everyone else first. Sovieshu feels more distant from her. But that desire to break through her wall still stands.
They marry, but Navier, in her infinite wisdom, makes the assumption that this marriage is entirely political (despite...the fact... that they were raised together??? they were literally best friends their entire lives??? are y’all seeing how this could be confusing for him???) and that there are absolutely no feelings involved on Sovieshu’s side. Expect there’s that little problem. That little problem. Of Navier’s absolute inability to be vulnerable. And so she starts this marriage all Elsa-Conceal-Don’t-Feel convinced that her husband (whom she is secretly in love with, shocker) holds no warmth for her because she’s never received any from him. 
Now I’ll acknowledge that this is a two way street, where Sovieshu fails as well. Should Navier have made a mature decision and asked for love and support when she needed it? Yes. Should Sovieshu have offered anyway, despite not knowing that she wanted it at all? Yes. They’re both in the wrong here. They’re both too passive, too afraid.
So the first few years of their marriage pass by like this. And Navier kinda melts into more of a depressed state over it, while Sovieshu becomes frustrated. But he doesn’t know why. He hasn’t quite put his finger on the fact that HE’S IN LOVE WITH HIS WIFE, GEE WHAT A SURPRISE BUDDY. And then... the little ingenue comes in. Trashta, with her crocodile tears, oversharing of emotions, co-dependent as all get-out. You see where I’m headed, right? It’s not just that she’s the opposite of Navier that gets Sovieshu hooked. It’s that she gives him that opportunity to unburden all this pent up romantic frustration. He can comfort, and protect, and wipe away the tears of a woman who loves him... And for a while, it’s intoxicating. That itch is finally being scratched.
Or so it seems. Because sooner or later, Sovieshu realizes that this woman is not his wife. And she’s a bit clingy, and clueless, and she’s... well, she’s not his wife. She’s not his wife. 
“Oh, dear God...” the idiot finally realizes. “I don’t want this hussy. I want my wife!” 
Ding ding ding! You did it! And it only took you--what? 20 years? After all this time, Sovieshu (and the audience playing his route) realizes. He’s not cheating because he’s bored, or because he hates his wife, or because he’s Inherently An Asshole And That’s What Assholes Do. He’s cheating because he’s using this woman as a stand-in for his wife. He’s been looking straight through this woman and seeking his wife the entire time. He’s cheating because he’s stupid and repressed and misguided and human. And again, that doesn’t excuse it. He still cheated, and that’s something he needs to spend a life-time making up for. It’s a mistake, and a big one. But it’s not fueled by a malicious hatred or a desire to hurt her. It’s fueled by confusion and fear. And, strangely enough, a desire to perform love for his wife.
So anyway, this stupid dweeb finally wakes up and realizes that no matter how much he plays around with the Town Skank, it doesn’t slate that thirst for the woman he’s spent his life growing to love. And that he actually, truly loves her to begin with. Now at this point, Navier was away travelling, doing queenly stuff. And he gets a message from a servant-- his wife is home. This boy books it. This man throws down what he’s doing, sprints across the imperial palace, to stumble at the feet of his wife; red-faced and breathless, absolutely undone. This man is screaming for his wife on the inside and now nothing he can do will quiet it. And his wife, ever the perfect pinnacle of a monarch, just raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow at him and wonders what’s got him in such a tizzy.
This is where the difference between the narratives hits especially hard. Navier has absolutely no clue that her husband is a hair-thin thread of self-control away from all of this just completely spilling out of him. She looks at him and sees a tormentor; someone who’s treating her like a used doll. And he sees this Goddess that’s been hiding in plain sigh the whole time. He sees his sins and repents before this, his wife, his almighty Goddess. But he doesn’t know what to do. She’s still been hurt by him, Trashta is still in their lives, and damn it all, he’s still frustrated. He still feels bitter and abandoned because even after everything, even after the years of marriage, his wife just seems so unaffected by him. This is where Navier’s “perfect queen” image that she tries so hard to curate really bites her in the ass.
These two dumbasses are hopelessly in love with each other but they’re deadlocked in an endless cycle of letting their prides get in the way. Navier doesn’t want to be vulnerable. Sovieshu doesn’t want to compromise, doesn’t know how to not lash out in anger when he’s really feeling sad. Unlike Navier, he can express emotions-- but not in a heathy way. So he says something mean, does something kinda shitty. And Navier thinks it’s because he delights in her suffering. So Sovieshu’s over here in his head like a cranky little child that’s mad at mommy because she’s on the phone, and Navier is over there in her head wondering why on earth her husband can’t notice a love that she’s never actually expressed to him. And it’s just terrible. But kind of hilarious. Mostly sad and terrible. But defintely hilarious.
To further illustrate this: even a lot of Sovieshu’s actions, for that matter, get warped by Navier’s unreliable narration. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! In the chapter where Trashta is stabbed, Sovieshu immediately screams for guards to surround Navier. So I’ll sum up their thought processes here.
Navier: Oh my God, I can’t believe this asshole. Calling the guards? He really fuckin thinks I did this?! Jerk! Asshole! He really thinks I’d arrange for a pregnant woman to be stabbed!! He’s probably deliberately framing me too, so he can get me out of the way and live happily ever after with her!
Like I wish I was joking, but that’s how it read. Anyway, I’m not done with the comic or the game yet. But Sovieshu’s motivations aren’t all as they seem. And while he’s not a perfect husband, he has the capacity to mature, let down his pride, and make steps toward atoning to his wife. I honestly and genuinely believe this marriage could be salvageable if they could come clean with each other. A lot of people want to root for Kaufman or Heinley, and I get it. Those two would probably treat her well. But the fact stands that these two are married, and surprisingly, they both actually still hold a spark of love for one another. If Sovieshu could genuinely repent, and demonstrate this to Navier, they would attain the happy marriage with each other that they both strive for. Anyway, I find myself surprisingly hooked on the story now that I see Sovieshu’s POV. He’s not a hero in this story by any means, but I’m somehow, against my better judgement, rooting for him. I’m rooting for him to make the right choices and repair his marriage. 
It’s a bold strategy, folks. Let’s see how it pays off.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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♡   —   personal favourites
☆   —   fan favourites
♠   —   nsfw
♫   —   includes songs
RFA + Saeran - Dirty Dancing  ♫ ♡
RFA + Saeran - MC wants to have her own business
RFA - MC is ten years older than them ♡
RFA - What goes through their mind when they’re cuddling? ☆
RFA + Vanderwood - Having a rebellious kid ♡
RFA - MC can’t sleep unless with them
RFA - A bubbly MC makes self-deprecating jokes as a coping mechanism ♡
RFA - MC that is bubbly, confident and never afraid to stand up for someone
Yoosung dragging MC back to bed because it’s raining
RFA + V - MC blasts music when she’s upset ♫
RFA + V + Saeran - MC with a passion for anime and drawing
RFA + V + Saeran - MC with a major in fashion
RFA + Saeran - Quarantine edition ♡
RFA + V + Saeran + Obey Me! brothers on a trip to the beach ♡ ☆
RFA - MC with a hand fetish
MC has Jumin trying commoner food
Zen + Jumin + Saeyoung - MC is selfconscious about being chubby and they make her feel better  ♠ ♡
Jumin comforts MC about a guy who is texting her constantly and making her upset
RFA reacts to a MC that is called Elizabeth
RFA + V + Saeran - As Les Misérables songs  ♫ ♡
Saeyoung messes with Yoosung’s phone to help him out
Saeyoung x MC - MC makes her own music
Latina!MC and Jumin get stuck with MC’s latino parents during quarantine ♡
RFA + Saeran - MC gets her wisdom teeth out ♡ ☆
RFA + V + Saeran - MC has a bad coping mechanism of punching her thighs (tw!)
Domestic Texts Series: Zen & MC || Saeran & MC ♡
RFA - MC is obsessed with Elizabeth the 3rd
RFA + V + Saeran with a MC that likes going to protests
RFA - MC grew up in really bad poverty
RFA + V + Saeran - They find out MC is only eighteen after everything that happened during their routes ☆
RFA - How do they calm MC when she’s anxious?
RFA - MC has dyslexia
RFA - MC with chronic pain
Royal AUs with Jumin, Zen and Yoosung
Love Language Event with Yoosung, Zen, Jumin, Saeyoung, Saeran and V
Happy New Year Event with Saeyoung, Saeran, Zen, V and Yoosung
Thirst Asks [+18]
[All Asks]
[Jumin] [Jihyun] [Yoosung]
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Mystic Messenger as failed love stories  ♡
reminiscing about the characters and your failed love stories in an alternate universe
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You get me ♡
What happens when you’ve finally found your prince charming, but he doesn’t seem to fit in your life anymore?
Bet you can’t leave me
Mystic Messenger Week 2020. “The first time she threatened to leave me, I felt like I was dying.”
Who are you?
Drabble prompt - Zen always sought recognition for his work. Lately, he’s been using other resource to achieve his goals.
Dance with me
Latina!MC tries to teach Zen to dance bachata.
Jealousy [Kinktober 2020 - Day 2] ♠
When Zen agreed to be MC's plus one at a fancy party, he never expected she would lock them both inside a bathroom in a fit of jealousy. The hunger in her eyes could only indicate she was about to remind him who he was with.
A plan gone wrong [Mysme Angst Week - Day 1]
You convinced Zen to stage a fake coffee date in order to give Jumin, your fiancé, a wake up call about how much he had been ignoring you lately. However, things don't go as planned.
i could buy you anything but i cannot buy you  ♠ ♡
[kinktober 2021 - day fifteen: body worship] Zen had always had the need to be in control for a lot of years. (...) His guard may not be up as much as it did back then, but to this day Zen still takes a second look at any situation he’s in. He can’t let anything drive him away from his acting career so he always has to give his best and not take anything for granted.
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You get me  ♡
What happens when you’ve finally found your prince charming, but he doesn’t seem to fit in your life anymore?
I always wanted to marry rich
Jumin Han stood with his hand holding the doorknob, not believing what he had just heard. There was no way this was happening. Not days before his wedding. Not only that, days before he married who he thought was the love of his life. The one who he thought he could trust, the one that didn’t ask for anything but his love and attention.
You are staying at Jaehee’s after Jumin did something that made you really angry. While staying there, you start feeling sick and end up at the hospital. What you first thought was nothing to worry about, quickly turns into a nightmare that could change your relationship.
Sweet Creature  ♫ ♡
Jumin gets stuck in another country away from his wife due to the pandemic. He’s been having trouble falling asleep, so MC decides to tell him a bedtime story. A simple request ends up making Jumin open up about a small insecurity he had over his wife and his best friend.
If I could tell him  ♫
Request: “can i request a jumin fic where MC has a crush on jumin but is very shy and so ends up talking with the other members more and then jumin confronts her about it and she accidentally confesses/he confesses.”
Animal I Have Become  ♫
500 followers event. “So what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one will ever change this animal I have become. Help me believe it’s not the real me.”
Young God ♫  ♠
500 followers event. “He says: “Oh, baby girl, don’t get cut on my edges. I’m the king of everything, you know my tongue is a weapon. There’s a line on the clock that’s separating your thighs, if you wanna go to Heaven you should fuck me tonight.”
Crowded Room  ♫ ♡ ☆
500 followers event. “Baby, it’s just me and you, just us two, even in a crowded room, baby it’s just me and you” - [SMAU Epilogue]
Dear Jumin ♡ ☆
What if after all the events that happened during Jumin’s route, he didn’t fall in love with MC?
A new life
When MC gets into a car accident, Jumin ends up with her medical records. He never thought he would find out about what happened to his wife six years ago.
You see me in my room, wish you were here right now [Kinktober 2020 - Day 12] ♠ ☆
Jumin Han clicks on a pop-up ad and gets stuck into a cam girl website. As he waits for someone to come to his penthouse and fix his laptop, he can't help but notice a young woman giggling as she read through he comment section. From that moment on, he's hooked. And he can't wait to see more of her.
Sometimes I think about Elizabeth [Mysme Angst Week - Day 3]
Jumin tries to deal with the grief of losing Elizabeth the 3rd.
A late night conversation
A late night conversation with Jumin takes another turn into a much better scenario. [Fix-it fic for Jumin's DLC. Set on Episode 3]
Seven Minutes in Heaven - Holidays Edition  ♠
You’re home for the holidays and your friends invite you to a party. After a couple of drinks, one of them proposes playing seven minutes in heaven and makes everyone at the party leave an item of theirs in a small basket. When it’s finally your turn, you walk over and inspect the items before choosing the one that will decide your fate for the night.
A day off
For @/mysme-rbb event! You convince Jumin to take a small trip to the theme park. Taking into consideration it was the first time either of you had stepped foot in a place like that, it went exactly like expected.
you know i’m just a flight away (if you wanted you could take a private plane) ♠ ♡ ☆
[kinktober 2021 - day five: sex tape] Knowing Jumin is about to leave on yet another work trip, you suggest recording something for him to see while away. A little souvenir so he doesn't miss you too much- but now he's not sure he wants to leave at all.
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Superstar  ♫
500 followers event. “Before I met you, I pushed them all away / Soon as I kissed you, I wanted you to stay.”
What you always wanted
Mystic Messenger Week 2020. As MC’s anniversary with Saeyoung is approaching, she asks her friends of the RFA for advice on what present is the best one. After several recommendations, she decides on what she should give him. Her only hope is that he’ll be happy with her choice.
The Ghost Of You   ♡   [ Vietnamese translation ]
A love story between a man with a mysterious job and a nurse during the Second World War. “And all the things that you never ever told me and all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me. Never coming home, never coming home.”
Loving You ☆
Drabble Prompt. “I am profoundly enchanted by the flowing complexity in you.” - John Keats
Discoveries [Kinktober 2020 - Day 27] ♠
After you find a transparent light blue dildo hidden in Saeyoung's room, the question hangs in the air. Why not trying it out together?
Lost on you [Mysme Angst Week - Day 2]
A discussion about how to handle Saeran's recovery turns into the worst fight Saeyoung and MC have ever had. Both of them bring back past memories that should have never been talked about, in a desperate try to prove their point, not noticing how much they're tearing their relationship apart.
Just like him [Mysme Angst Week - Day 7]
No one teaches you how to grief. Sometimes you just do whatever it helps the pain go away.
give me the stars
For @/gureishi’s event. A small piece to celebrate Saeyoung’s birthday. A late-night escapade for two young lovers.
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Wildest Dreams  ♫ ♡
500 followers event. Slightly NSFW. “He says no one has to know what we do, his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room.”
Seven Minutes in Heaven - Holidays Edition ♠
You’re home for the holidays and your friends invite you to a party. After a couple of drinks, one of them proposes playing seven minutes in heaven and makes everyone at the party leave an item of theirs in a small basket. When it’s finally your turn, you walk over and inspect the items before choosing the one that will decide your fate for the night.
Beautiful  ♡
Jihyun has a couple of burn scars on his torso after the fire that took his mother’s life. You make sure you know he loves every part of him.
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Wait for me
When the pandemic starts, MC gets stuck in another country, away from Saeran who was just starting his recovery. She tries to work a system with him so they can feel close even when they’re kilometres apart.
How ♫
500 followers event. “I’m asking for your help, I am going through hell, afraid nothing can save me but the sound of your voice.”
Vanilla ♠ ♡ ☆
NSFW. Saeran’s favourite place was between MC’s legs.
Drabble Prompt. He never understood the reason behind this change (...). All he knew was that when winter came, he would start feeling tired out of nowhere and he would lose his appetite.
Drabble Prompt. In which Saeyoung and MC break one of Saeran’s pot and they try to cover it up before he gets home.
All I’ve Ever Known  ♡ ☆
Drabble Prompt. Saeran has some doubts before his wedding. Thankfully, you’re there to send all his worries away.
Not to be able to love
Drabble Prompt. He wants to love her, he does. But when you’ve been through that much, it gets hard to love and not need.
Four Seasons (15 chapters)  ♠ ♡
Saeran’s After Ending. Saeran has finally found MC and is ectasic to finally be able to enjoy the good ending his tumultous life has reached. But with Saeyoung still missing and Mint Eye around, his happiness may have to wait a little more. Was love really capable to win against his inner demons or will he have to learn to fight for himself?
In another life [Mysme Angst Week - Day 4]
When MC knows her time is coming, she promises Saeran she will do whatever it takes to find him in another life. The only mistake was that she didn't expect to find him like that.
Our time
Saeran is saying his goodbyes but this time, you decide not to let him go. || Fix-it fic for Saeran's After Ending
even in the dark
For @/gureishi’s event. A small piece to celebrate Saeran’s birthday. Some days are better than others. But the people who love us stay through it all.
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drivingsideways · 3 years
Hey talk to me about your top three favourite kdrama women. What makes them special? What's a fic you would like to write about any one of them?
Mystery anon! :D What a lovely ask. 
I’m going to cheat a bit and divide my answer into characters I loved a lot, but do not want to write fic about, because I think the canon gives me what I need; and characters that I loved a lot but NEED TO BE RESCUED ZOMG.  (My fic writing impulses are 50% spite and 50% fix-it )
Caveat being that I’ve still watched only maybe a dozen kdramas, so I’m pretty limited in my knowledge!
Characters that I love a lot, but have very zero fic impulses toward:
Han Yeo-jin from Stranger/Secret Forest: What a delight! What an iconique character! Is there anyone like her? NO. LSY-nim gives us a delightfully complex character, and Bae Doona knocks it out of the park in every single scene, so I’m just happy to be along for the ride. I think what makes Yeo-jin special for me is the intrinsic place of empathy that she operates from.  I think “righteous” is a word that often comes with negative connotations (self-righteous, for eg), but I do think she’s one of the most righteous-in-the-good-way characters I’ve watched in kdrama or any drama. I’m tired of stories that portray goodness as “boring” , as unworthy of narrative breadth or depth, and I love that Han Yeo-jin comes to us like a breath of fresh air in our particular dystopian narratives hellscape. She’s good, but never naive. She’s righteous but never cruel in her moral certainties.  I think that LSY nim, in the second season especially, gave Yeo-jin the kind of arc that character deserved when she’s forced to really dig deep into herself to figure out how she’s going to live in the world in the face of a deeply cutting, deeply personal disillusionment, and I’m really hoping for an S3 to see how that plays out further. 
Goo Hae-ryung from Rookie Historian: Ok, I will admit this may be rose tinted glasses view due to this show being my gateway drug into kdrama, but c’mon! She’s a reader! and a Thinker! And loves her wine! She’s plucky! She’s cute! She’s got a wry sense of humour! She’s got principles! She’s got a solid common sense to her that somehow doesn’t get in the way of her dreaming BIG! Oh dear, doesn’t she sound like the Mary-est of Mary Sues? Good for her.gif,  I say! Anyways, Shin Se-kyung is unutterably charming in this (AS IN EVERY SHOW OMG GIRL) and I just have a huge fondness for free-spirited heroines who get to tramp through the narrative changing the world as they do! 
Lee Ji-an from My Ahjussi: I’ve never had my heart broken more OR restored by any single character. IU is *phenomenal * in this, I think she really stepped up to what the script demanded from her. Ji-an’s weariness, her fear and vulnerability, her prickliness, her anger and her bitterness, and how, despite everything, she fights : GOD. Just. Again, what I love about the writing in this show is that it’s deeply empathetic without being cloyingly sentimental. I think a less, hmm, imaginative writer/PD might have focused on the Lee Ji-an the victim, and while the show definitely tells you in no uncertain terms that she is one,  of both circumstances and a cruel society, I think it refuses to take away her agency over her own life.(Lee Ji-an when we meet her is too busy hanging onto life by tooth and claw to indulge in self-pity, but we also see the toll it takes on her not to be able to say “this is too heavy a burden for me to carry myself and it isn’t my fault”; the show I think approaches Dong-hoon from the opposite side- his emotional isolation is partly a result of his own choices, but he doesn’t see it yet, and so his journey is also about letting people in and sharing the burden, but also recovering his own agency over his life. It’s an interestingly gender-bent arc, which is one of the things I love about this show. )
Ok, can I please add one more?
Hwang Han-joo from Melo is my Nature: She just felt SO real to me. She’s someone who doesn’t have the spectacular brilliance of either Jin-joo or Eun-jung, and struggles with accepting her limitations but not allowing herself to be defeated by them? I love her struggles as a mother, as a working woman in a sexist industry, a woman who’s perhaps having to rethink and reimagine what she wants from romance. I love that she’s a little silly, a lot kind, and an optimist, and just. I just think she’s the bravest of the three, tbh, and I LOVE HER AND I WOULD WATCH A SPIN OFF ABOUT JUST HER (i shouldn’t have faves among the three i know, BUT I DO, IT’S HER, IT’S HER.)
Ok! On to the next section! And I’m going to cheat again because I can’t stop at three. SORRY. NOT SORRY. 
Characters I love and SHOULD write fic for if I weren’t such a tired and lazy bunny:  
Song Sa-hui from Rookie Historian: Oh, girl, girl, GIRL. I love how she fights to snatch her freedom from the jaws of the patriarchy. I love that she unapologetically centers herself while doing that, because she knows that nobody else will.  I love that she’s prickly and calculating. I love that she’s smart and knowledgeable. I am SO HAPPY that she got to carve out a little bit of freedom for herself, even if it also is exile to some degree. She *should * be Emperor Jin’s Prime Minister and steering the ship of state, while also carrying on a tumultous affair with Queen Min Woo-hee, while ALSO commiserating with Emperor Jin about his boyfriend Historian Min Woo-won’s regrettable tendency towards Principles (TM) and masochism-but-not-in-the-fun-way. (This takes up much of his time which is why Song Sa-hui is running the country, of course. It works out well for all concerned, well, except her dad, of course.)
Song Ga-gyeong from Search:WWW: What’s NOT to love about our brilliant, beautiful, emotionally tortured gay icon? Nothing, absolutely nothing. I loved how the show allowed her to be flawed and make bad decisions, and then allowed her to make better decisions and regain control of her life. What I do need to do, of course, is see the CANON LOVE STORY between her and Cha Hyeon through to the end. It must, of course, include at least one baseball game, a lot of tequila and messy beach kisses. 
Oh Ji-hwa from Beyond Evil: Oh boy, this year’s runaway hit cleared the extremely low bar for standard crime/ thriller shows by leaving more than one of its female characters breathing and with all limbs intact, and got called feminist for it BUT it didn’t do justice to any of them in any meaningful way and that never hurt more than in the way they sidelined Kim Shin-rok’s talent by not giving Oh Ji-hwa anything much to do. She’s a tough as nails cop, a loving sister, a devoted but unsentimental friend-and by rights SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE HEROINE OF THIS SHOW. My secret fic fantasy is to rewrite the show entirely by making her , and the two other female characters in non-antagonist roles- Yoo Jae-yi and Im Sun-nyeo- as the central characters, as they investigate a serial killer who targets women.  It’s the only acceptable version of this done-to-death (ha!) genre, I have no idea what the Baeksang jury and tumblr fandom is smoking when they hype the show so much, I want none of it. 
Jung Sun-ah from The Devil Judge: I love her rage, her spite, her passionate defense of women, her style, her sexiness, her rage, her rage, her brilliance, her tenaciousness, her smartness, her clothes, her refusal to hate herself for everything she is and chooses to be, her ambition, her comfort wielding power, her EVERYTHING. Dead, her? NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT. Here’s what *really * happened at the end of canon- she gets out of the building by planting that lady-like but still deadly gun against Kang Yo-han’s temple and making him lead her through his own “secret escape route” or whatever the fuck it was the show wanted us to believe. From there on out, it’s all sunshine and beaches, and scheming and waiting for the right moment to strike again-though of course, this time around, she also has to reckon with vigilant, tenacious cop Soo-hyun -another character who REALLY didn’t die for manpain reasons and had the good sense to leave her gay best friend to follow his psychopath boyfriend to Switzerland or wherever it is that star crossed lovers in kdrama land meet up on the regs these days- anyways, Soo-hyun and her are in this catch-me-if-you-can epic transnational honest and cute cop-and-beautiful sexy villain chase and yes, they WILL kiss (and more) AND IT WILL BE GLORIOUS. 
*whew *
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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masonscig · 3 years
wayhaven summer fic #5
pairing | nate x ramona
word count | 2.1k
warnings | mention of sex, an innuendo
author’s note | i tried to figure out how to get around nate’s aversion to water, and i hit a wall so... i dug around it and decided to write an actor!au !!!! i’d seen a comic months and months ago by @/pvnkvampr and another one that i can’t seem to find again, but i wanted to take that and apply it to nate and ramona! nate’s the type to fall in love with his costar after years of working together and you can’t convince me otherwise. also, to clarify !!! the beginning of the fic is supposed to be like nate x ramona’s romance route so any of the exposition centered around their relationship being fleeting/him being deeply in love with her is nate the character rather than the actor! (you’ll see lmao i’m definitely overexplaining) this is a bit of a stretch bc they’re on the water... and ramona drinks water. but whatever it works !!!!!
She was standing on the edge, looking out at the glimmering water, the sun, high in the sky, skipping off of each wave like a smooth rock.
The wind whipped her hair, tossing her short curls until they were unruly, and she was smiling.
Her grin was wide, eyes closed, as she inhaled, drinking it all in – the sunshine fueled her.
Half of Unit Bravo were under the deck, quietly stewing in annoyance. They’d given up complaining to Ramona, though. Frankly, she didn’t care.
Farah was passed out on the floor underneath a sliver of shade at the top of the yacht, chest heaving as she slept soundly. Ramona had taught her how to swim earlier, and she’d used all of her energy flailing around determinedly in the relentless July rays.
Nate watched her as she held her arms out to her sides, fingers outstretched, chin tipped towards the sky.
She was unbridled joy held together by the strings of her bikini, and she radiated a warmth that could rival even the summer sun itself.
So unrestrained that changes didn’t phase her – most conflict rolled off her shoulders in a way that startled Nate, a being who’d existed for hundreds of years and had seen the best and the worst of it.
Nothing baffled him more than this part of his existence.
The way love fell into his lap and he didn’t have to try anymore. 
But despite it all, he’d deluded himself into thinking it was permanent – they were permanent. And they weren’t. And that was okay.
“Oh, you’re back!” She grinned, stretching her arm out until her fingertips grazed his bare arm, her palm warm against his skin. “I was wondering what you were up to.”
“I had to do a quick wellness check of our crew –”
“– Oh my god, are Adam and Morgan still seething down there?–” She asked, cutting him off with a laugh.
“– Very much so, I’m afraid,” he said, his mischievous smile betraying his tone.
“I thought a tiny little shindig would be better than a huge shebang, you know?” She turned in his grip, back against the railing, his arms curled around the bare skin of her waist.
“You’re still trying to stump me? Give it a rest, love,” Nate laughed into the thick mess of curls at the top of her head, pressing a kiss to her sun-warmed strands.
“I will say a phrase you don’t know and then you’ll owe me some juicy Agency secrets,” she giggled, snaking her arms around his neck.
“Like what?” He asked, lips straining at corners, his grin threatening to falter.
“Like how the hell does Morgan wear jeans and no underwear? That’s something I can’t for the life of me wrap my mind around,” she all but shuddered.
“That’s an answer you’ll have to coax out of her, unfortunately.” He said, a bit distracted.
“You know you can keep your Agency secrets, mister secret agent. I have no need for ‘em,” she stuck her tongue out, still stained bright red from the margarita she’d finished hours before.
He must’ve looked puzzled, because she continued, inching in closer until he could feel her everywhere and it wasn’t in the least bit appropriate.
“We both know you have even juicier secrets to spill,” she said, before leaning in to whisper the last bit, her fingers tangled through his hair.
“And I’ll lap up every last drop of ‘em,” she murmured, kissing his earlobe.
The pads of his fingers were sunken into the flesh of her hips, and he tried desperately to anchor himself to spare the others, but he couldn’t get a grip on anything but her warm, warm, sunkissed skin –
He blanked.
His thoughts were scrambled and he couldn’t form words. Couldn’t recall the words he needed to say. But he could see the paper so clearly –
“Line?” He mumbled, feeling her go limp with disappointment in his arms.
Farah groaned from across the deck.
“Cut!” The director yelled, and all but stormed over to him. “What happened out there? You were on a fuckin’ roll! The chemistry was insane. God, I wish you could’ve been watching –”
“Don’t make him feel like shit over it, Craig,” she gently warned, stepping forward just a bit until she’d angled her body between them. “I flubbed my lines all last week and he was so patient with me.”
Craig sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, the wrinkled skin between his brows crinkling even further. “Alright, alright, I get it. Not gonna hound you over one take, but I need you to get it in gear, man. We’ve only got a couple more hours of sunlight in this godforsaken shitheap, and we’ve gotta wrap this part up so we can film the sunset kiss –”
“I understand. I won’t mess it up this time,” Nate promised, glancing over to his co-star with an apologetic smile.
Ramona shrugged, waving his statement away. “It’s fine, seriously. I’m totally okay with running that again.” “Speak for yourself! I’m dying out here,” Farah called from across the deck before turning back to the hair and makeup people, pursing her lips for more lip balm and sunscreen. “Please get it right this time, Agent Sewell.”
“That’s just the name of my character –”
“I’m well aware of that,” she yelled, cutting him off. “Method acting. You get it.”
His co-star shook her head, patting him on the back. “Don’t mind Miss Hauville. She’s just upset she was dragged out here to lie down on a hot sundeck like a dead body for half of an episode.”
He laughed at that, relieved that his co-star was keeping things light.
Truth be told, he’d had a rough time getting his on-screen family to cooperate with him, much like the character Nate Sewell.
Adam’s actor was a notoriously nice guy, but he had a knack for intense method acting, so he’d been a stoic asshole for months – there was no getting through to that guy when he was in filming mode. Morgan’s actress was a bit of a wildcard. She was fucking the executive producer and everyone except Craig knew it.
Farah’s actress was arguably the biggest success of them all – she was constantly booked and busy and effortlessly making headlines. And it was becoming increasingly obvious that she was only there as a favor, not because she wanted to.
She was a film star who never touched TV, but hell, she was half the reason millions of people tuned into the pilot episode.
The Wayhaven Chronicles wouldn’t be the same without her, or Ramona’s actress, the fan favorite. Yeah, she was the protagonist, but the cast, crew, fans, and everyone alike loved her.
And he had a bit of a crush.
He was aware that on set romances usually fell apart before they could really begin, but he couldn’t help it.
Not only did he spend nearly all of his free time with her running lines and hanging out in her trailer, but to make matters worse his character was canonically falling for hers, and… he found himself enamored with her, too.
He’d never admitted it out loud, and probably never would, but it was getting harder and harder to push those feelings away when they had to share an on screen kiss.
Season one wasn’t too bad, considering they were just testing the waters to see who the fan favorite love interest was out of the four of them, but by the end of it, social media had all but rioted to lock in the “Natemona” romance plot.
And there they were, well into season two, a handful of kisses shared (a lot more than that considering the reshoots and the practicing) and a plot decided.
And he was into her – way more than he’d like to admit.
The rest of filming went pretty smoothly. He got over his nerves and kissed her like a champ, and they got patted on the back for their realistic chemistry by all the execs and producers on set.
When they finally broke for a quick food break, she followed him to his trailer.
“People are gonna eat this episode up, huh?” She asked, closing the door behind them and grabbing a water bottle from his fully stocked mini-fridge.
“Surely they will,” he agreed, stepping around her to grab his salad from the fridge. “If they were rallying for the relationship before, they’ll be vindicated this episode.”
She laughed into the rim of her bottle before chugging it. “So why were you frazzled today? Something at home?”
He eyed her, raising a brow.
She held her hands up in mock surrender, before plopping onto the couch across from him. “You don’t have to answer, dude, I’m just lending my ear.”
He chewed thoughtfully, trying to choose his words wisely. He swallowed, took another bite, chewed.
His mind was just as blank as the deck scene.
He shook his head before setting his food down. “I’m sorry I’ve been off today.”
“I don’t care if you’re not feeling like yourself. It’s normal to have an off day. I just wanna know if you’re okay,” she said with a tenderness that he’d never heard from a co-star before. 
“To be quite honest, you’ve been distracting me,” he admitted, timidly.
She pursed her lips. “What can I do to fix it?” 
He squirmed in his seat. God, this was a lot harder than he thought it’d be.
“It’s, uh, nothing you can really fix. It’s all me.”
“Well, what can I do to help?”
He shook his head again, glancing away from her.
“Look, I know Craig’s been rough on us this week, but don’t let it get to you. We can practice more –”
“It’s not that, I promise.”
She waited, sensing that he had more to say. He took a deep breath, then continued.
“It’s something I don’t want to admit to you. It’s embarrassing.”
“Honey, my last job involved waxing places that would make your grandmother gasp. I promise nothing phases me,” she joked, running a hand through her hair.
“There’s… quite a few lines Nate says this season that I’ve resonated with,” he started, trying to figure out what he was gonna pull out of his ass.
She sipped her drink, waiting.
“Things like… ‘I care for you, Ramona’ and, uh, ‘You’re important to me’,” he said, twisting the ends of his summery button up shirt between his fingers.
“Yeah, same here. We’ve become really close –”
She stopped abruptly the moment she noticed the look in his eye. And the subtext hit her like a truck.
“The things Nate feels for Ramona… I find myself feeling for you,” he admitted, hesitantly, looking anywhere but her face.
“If you don’t feel the same, that’s okay. I’ve just developed a bit of a workplace crush that I can’t quite shake, and that’s my fault –”
She stood from the couch, and he glanced up at her, finally, nervous to see how she’d taken it.
And before he could register what was happening, her lips were on his – a sweet tender kiss. 
One that, scarily enough, felt exactly like the last time they’d kissed. And the time before that. And the time before that. And the time before that. 
When she pulled away, she cupped his cheeks with the softest touch in the world, gazing down at him with an expression like she’d gotten the best news of her life.
“Those kisses weren’t just practice to me, either,” she whispered, stroking the pad of her thumb across his stubble. “I just wasn’t sure if you felt the same.”
He blanked. Again.
He couldn’t find any words, so he did what Nate would do. What he wished he’d had the courage to do for over a year.
Gently enclosing his arms around her waist, he tugged her down to the couch with him, planting kisses across her face, cheeks, nose, lips, over and over and over, revelling in the broken giggles that erupted from her.
Maybe allowing the essence of Nate Sewell and how he loved pervade his life over the past year and a half of filming was the right step. It’d gotten him the girl, after all.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 14 reactions: HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AWESOME BUT ALSO I’M CRYING edition
- the good good din characterization is back after all the weirdness last episode!!!! that soft way he says ‘no, no, I’m not mad at you’? THAT’S din djarin, he would not be fucking impatient with his son having just been informed and seen for himself that he is terrified, go away mr filoni I know you’ve got all of canon memorized but you don’t get this lol. this feels much more right in how din being conflicted and still thinking he should give the baby away for his own good plays out too  
honestly every line of dialogue for him in this one was perfect I was just whispering ‘I love this awkward clueless wonderful man just doing his best’ to myself any time he said anything. “...does this look Jedi to you?” sir I adore you more than words can describe
- we got din chuckling. asjdklfhsdkafghsdafsadhjkfsdahjkfh. fskahfksjad. side note: I can’t believe my joke post about din desperately trying to Force home school the kid with the one (1) jedi trick he knows about and the baby being delighted by it over and over anyway -- listen to his expectant excited laugh when din takes the ball and sets up the game!!!! -- was canon all along. and then the baby & mando music kicking in when he gently put the silver ball into the baby’s hands again and tells him he’s special (because he IS special. to din)? hmng. hmmmmnnnnn  
they opened on the height of softness so we would all crumple under the weight of the rest of the episode and that was very mean of them in a way I sincerely appreciate 
- nothing to see here... just a dad trying to walk through the literal manifestation of the unassailable underlying forces of the universe to get to his baby again and again........ the desperation in that, the love, the foolhardy devotion................... shit
- okay so I might be a dumbass, but I’d never noticed this before -- the silver ball has a blue spot on the top, like so: 
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and in addition we get the room where the baby goes full darth grogu (I have to laugh so I don’t cry okay) on those storm troopers, and there’s a red light in there dominating the room (and it did even more in the concept art):
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in star wars blue means light side and red means dark side (it’s very sophisticated that way), meaning the visual storytelling here is that there’s a battle for the baby’s soul and gideon and all his nonsense (and the trauma bb’s been through in the wider sense) is pulling towards the dark, while grogu and din’s connection leads him towards the light. just... the image of the baby looking at his own reflection in the symbolic representation of his relationship to din? the way children find their sense of self through being safely reflected and held by their caretakers? god help meeeeeee I will go in there and fistfight gideon myself for disrupting that in any way  
the smaller light seems to be blue too, like there’s still the presence of light even if it’s dimmed and small in that shitty horrible room, which is a change from the concept art!
- FENNEC SHAND SURVIVED BITCHES!!! I even called that she’d be back with new shiny robot parts back in season 1, could not happen to a cooler lady, I hope we get more backstory and interaction from her the next episodes -- sounds like she’s basically sworn herself to boba’s service in gratitude for saving her life, I wonder if that’s a cultural thing of whereever she comes from? does she live aboard slave 1 now too?? because that would be hilarious and amazing, it must be like two strange cats trying to get used to sharing the same space   
- everything I could ever hope for about boba fett in this series came true, they went down the much more interesting and nuanced route with jango and boba’s identities as mandalorians, he looked cool as fuck and made din as a character shine rather than overshadowing him... amazing beautiful yesss 
(I did 100% not anticipate just how ‘cool uncle boba here to help you fuck shit up’ he was going to be but I am delighted to get it anyway. uncle points deducted for getting someone to point a gun at the baby, but the main point still stands lol) 
the power and brutality of his hand to hand fighting too... a w e s o m e , I enjoyed the action scenes a lot in this one
- they even recanonized him actually wearing jango’s armour. what more could I ask for. I’ve had confused parent & child feels about these two since I was like eleven and here we fucking go again. and jango fighting in the mando civil wars too!
- so I’m grieving the razor crest (and I always will be, rip you magnificent jalopy, always in my heart) but also there’s the grim satisfaction that my reading on it was sort of true -- it is (...was. oh god it’s going to take a while to sink in huh) a symbol of din’s self and life, and at this point when they take the baby it tears everything else to pieces. the only thing that’s left in the ashes is the beskar and the thing that connects him to the baby. and there’s... a strange solace in seeing that that’s all he needs to keep going? he’s fucking obliterated from orbit but he still has his love for the baby and the beskar and that can keep him going until he finds something new, everything else can be replaced?????? weirdly healing, though he is probably going to have a solid breakdown at some point after they get the kid back (shut up they are getting the kid back) and the cold distant fog lifts 
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also this scene/shot feels like it carries some Meaning, doesn’t it? I’m on record several times saying I never want din to be mand’alor and that’s still true, but there’s something about the framing of this and the way boba looks at him that’s like... hm. I’m not sure I have the words for it. there’s something heightened about it, anyway, for a moment he looks like something mythic there in the wreckage 
(something I would be much cooler with is our clan of two growing a little bit and those new people rallying behind him, actually, that might be neat. imagine if a force user does show up for the baby and gets adopted into the clan somehow??? so many possibilities.) 
- from the way he picks up the silver ball... din djarin is on his way to straight up murder some people huh
I think part of what reassures me about this scene is the music -- this mando flute is not distant, is not beaten, is not despondent, it’s clear and determined and strong.
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I love this. I love when we get explicit baby POVs, it makes it feel so real and intimate and... like home. (I especially loved baby’s point of view inside the razor crest, which just made me tear up again. baby lost the closest thing he’s had to a home in a long long time on top of it all. everything is suffering)
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Emotionally Significant Thumb Grabbing tm; the show
- din djarin looking for the ‘on’ switch on a magic rock fhsdakjfhsadlfhsdjah I can’t breathe
 “Well, this is the seeing stone. Are you. Seeing anything?” fsafkdsajhfsa sdhfksjalhfkjsdahfkjsdhf
- the energy around the baby as he’s, in ahsoka’s words, ‘choosing his path’ is blue, and the force sort of works across time and space, right?? so there’s definitely still hope for our lil green bean to not have to come up with a really dumb unsubtle sith name for himself, as is regrettably yet delightfully tradition. darth babbu should never come to pass (I do like how they’re interrogating the normal dark/light side dichotomy in this series, seeing as this is a literal baby who can’t really be responsible for that stuff himself yet and has such capacity for both.)  
- listen. listen, the way din says ‘can you please hurry up’ with no sarcasm or real impatience whatsoever, more like a harried worry, to his force-meditating son as he jogs off to make sure no one’s trying to kill them. is hilarious and also YES this is what the character is!!! weirdly and incongruously polite under stress sometimes and with a slightly odd reaction pattern to things!!! he’s not just quiet and badass, he’s a little strange sometimes and it’s so good!  
- a friendly opening volley warning shot from boba there
also din uncertainly asking BOBA FETT if he’s a jedi... now this is the dramatic irony I’ve been looking for haha 
I guess neither shand nor boba actually know din’s name after this either. baby you gotta start introducing yourself at some point it gets real confusing when there are two mandos on screen 
oh the long weary sigh going through din’s frame when boba says he wants ‘the armour’ and he thinks it’s just someone trying to peel the beskar off his corpse again. sorry the galaxy’s so shitty dad   
- “But fate sometimes steps in to rescue the wretched” is a killer line well done mr favreau. I like that boba actually offers din a good deal as well and seems to intend to deliver on it from how things are going. 
- din using his beskar-covered bod to cover someone he’s fighting alongside!!! literal moving cover haha. also I love fennec’s costume design  
- I don’t know where din got more whistling birds from and I don’t care, it was really cool haha 
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wow haha um so anyway -- 
(cue all the ‘who wore it better’ with cobb vanth’s ‘spiderman’s first home made costume’ look on one side and ABSOLUTE UNIT DADDY boba fett on the other side posts lol)
- aaaghh the music almost like a stunned desperate fluttering heart beat as din watches the razor crest be destroyed 
- for someone who has willingly worked for them in the past boba sure sounds less than thrilled about having the empire back in any capacity 
- oof the deadness in din’s voice when he says “The child is gone”. ooooh no that got me  h e l p 
- guessing next episode is at least partly a ‘gathering old allies and preparing the assault’ step before the grand finale, then! they cannot go for the season ender cliffhanger with this, I will fucking riot. anything can be up in the air except baby and dad being separated, I will not allow it
it would be very funny if the force user baby called out to comes stumbling into the middle of all this like the troy entering the room with pizzas meme too 
- the music in the darth grogu scene is partially a dark mirror of the baby & mando music :’( is nothing in this world sacred
also from how he reaches out for it baby might have used a light saber before in the past with the jedi? ngl the idea of baby wielding the dark saber not when he’s all grown up but in like two episodes -- with all the chaos a toddler holding a laser sword would involve -- is all that is keeping me sane here 
‘liable to put an eye out with one of these’ well gideon you sure have doomed someone to lose an eye with that one, here’s to hoping it’s you, for full dramatic payoff 
he is a deliciously smug awful force with great musical cues tho, you have to give it to him
- okay so this
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is obviously awful and horrible and it makes me so sad... but it is undeniably also very very very funny in how it’s framed. you know what? after all this bullshit baby grogu can have a little dark side tantrum, as a treat, we’ve all been there right
(forget finding a jedi, we need to go out there and find a child psychologist who can help him deal with this without adding the fear that he’s on the path to become a two foot tall evil space sorcerer to the mix Y_________Y) 
- rip the razor crest except for the second time :’’’( gone but never forgotten
- the last thing din tells the baby is “I’m gonna protect you; I’ll be back soon”. and I hope that stays with the kid somehow and that it actually comes true, that din will be back for him as soon as humanly possible and all this pain and fear can be repaired. ggggghhhhh my emotions are too big for my dumb human body 
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karlajoyner · 4 years
first of all: i absolute LOVE your write
also....can you write an enemies to lovers smut with reggie or jeremy (what you feel more comfortable with), and if you have a taglist for jatp could you add me?
(english isn't my first language, sorry if there's something wrong!)
Why Wait? (Jeremy Shada x Reader)
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A/N: So I got two requests a Jeremy one and a Reggie or Jeremy enemy to lover one so I put them in one. I have a enemy to lover one coming out about Charlie. It’s a smut and gets well aggressive so make sure not to read it if it makes you uncomfortable! It was as well per someone's request so I hope you guys enjoy!
Requested by: @epikskool (Tumblr)
@agotzmann (Wattpad)
Warnings: None
(P.S I do not do smut for Jeremy, Madison, Jadah, Booboo, and or Sacha! Only for their characters!)
I sighed getting out my car unprepared for tonight's events. My best friend Savannah invited me to a game night with some of her co-stars from her new show on Netflix. They were nice people I visited on set a couple times when they were shooting in LA and got along pretty well with most of them. Well all except one. Jeremy. Jeremy Shada.
I frustratedly walked towards Savannah's set beyond pissed. I was visiting my best friend on set today when I anonymously received photos from an unknown number. After 2 hours of sitting in her trailer I had just confirmed that my now ex boyfriend had been cheating on me and to make it worse it was with someone who I though was my friend. I finally reached the location she was filming at watching as she spoke to the director who was probably giving her instruction. She threw a glance at me realization hitting her what we had suspected since I got the pictures was true. I stood back as she said something to the director before making her way towards me.
"Did you talk to him?" She asked.
"Yeah. He admitted it to me. He straight up told me he cheated on me" I said on the verge of tears.
"He's such an asshole" She whispered pulling me into a hug.
“I know. I just don't know what I'm gonna do Savannah. I live with the man for fucks sake" I sobbed pulling away.
"Well for starters your moving in with me"
"I can't do that Sav, our lease isn't up for another 2 months"
"Your not staying with that jerk for 2 months y/n. Over my dead body am I gonna let my best friend stay in the same apartment with such a pig" She said getting ticked off. I sighed knowing there was no point in trying to argue right now when I was filled with too many emotions to count. I simply nodded fidgeting with my fingers.
"Go wait for me in my trailer. I almost done with this scene then I'm done for the day. After that we can go pick up some clothes then head over to mine for a breakup ritual"
"You really think that'll fix this?" I asked letting another tear slip out.
"No but it'll sure help. We'll order takeout, paint our nails, and have a high school musical marathon"
"Your just saying that because you can't wait to drool over Zac”
"Well yeah but your gonna be doing the same"
"Fair enough" I said smiling at the girl.
"See you in a bit k?"
"Okay" I smiled walking away.
I was walking back the route I came from when I received a message.
"You know we don't have to stop it here if don't want to😏" I read aloud making anger boil in me. He's such a fucking Asshole.
I groaned in frustration suddenly feeling myself collide with something hard.
“What the fuck!?" I cried holding my forehead. I looked up realizing I had just collided with an opening door.
"Oh my god are you okay?"
"Do I look okay? Are you fucking serious?"
"Look I'm sorry but you don't have to be such a dick about it" The person spoke. I finally looked up seeing a guy around my age who looked awfully familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.
"I'm the dick? You hit me with a fucking door"
"Look I said I'm sorry" He said sticking out a hand to help me up. I was so fed up with men today. I scoffed standing up on my own.
"I don't need your help. Just watch where your going next time"
"It's not my fault. I didn't know anyone was gonna be passing by"
"So it's my fault I just got knocked to the ground by an opening door?" I shouted holding the part of my head that was now throbbing.
"W-well n-"
"You know what save it! I'm tired of men today I'm tired of everyone" I said passing by the dark haired guy bumping his shoulder in anger. That guy ended up being Jeremy Shada. Savannah's cast mate. And now my worst enemy.
“I brought lasagna” I announced to the group of people who were in the living room. Specifically Charlie, Savannah, Sacha, Owen, Jadah, Tori of course, and unfortunately enough Jeremy.
“Yes!” Sacha shouted with excitement. I giggled putting down the dish in the kitchen going over to greet everyone.
“Hey Charles!”
“How you doin?” He smirked making me laugh.
“I’m doin good baby. How you doin?” I played along. Recreated one of my favorite scenes from friends.
“This is why I love you! You get me!” He shouted pulling me in for a hug.
“Hey Owen. Sacha” I greeted the two boys with a hug.
“Y/n! We missed you the last couple weeks on set”
“Owen you were shooting in Vancouver”
“I know we just really missed you. Savannah was no fun”
“I was fun!” The girl shouted form the kitchen.
“What he means is we missed our biggest cheerleader” Tori corrected.
“I am great aren’t I?” I jokingly flipped my hair on my shoulder earning laughs from around the room.
“I beg to differ” Jeremy’s voice spoke making me roll my eyes.
“Seriously? I just got here and your gonna start?” I asked looking at him.
“Hey! Guys! It’s game night let’s chill out tonight” Charlie tried to reason shuffling the uno cards in his hand.
It wasn’t the first time he or any of the other cast tried to talk me and Jeremy down but sometimes his side comments got to me so much that I’d burst. God I hated his luscious dark hair. And his snarky little smirk. And his beautiful brown eyes. And his adorable dimples.
“Charlie’s right” I spoke calming down.
“It’s game night. I’m with my friends and nothings gonna ruin that. Even you Shada”
“It was ruined the moment you stepped in”
“Man chill out” Owen said placing a hand on Jeremys shoulder. I watched as the two small talked on the side before turning my attention back to the rest of group.
Internally groaning I took a seat in between Jadah and Savannah who had finally made it back to the living room.
“Glad to see your lasagna didn’t come out burnt” Savannah said making me let out a giggle. Referring to the first time I tried baking lasagna.
“Sav that was one time and it was an accident”
“I can think of other things that were an accident” Jeremy said my eyes going wide. Gasps filling the room.
“Dude yo chill out”
“That’s low even for you Jeremy” I said standing up and making my way down the familiar hallway. I reach a room I recognized as Toris. Locking myself in. I began to cry sitting down on her bed in the center of the room.
That was it. Those were the words that finally triggered me.
“Your a drunk! Can’t even take care of your own daughter!” “She was a fucking accident!” “You don’t mean that daddy” I cried holding my chest to my knees. Drowning out the voices of my parents fighting. Wanting anything. Anything to happen that would get me out of this house. But nothing did.
My thoughts were cut off by a sudden knock on the door.
“Who is it?” I questioned wiping the stray tears that had escaped.
“It’s me”
“Who’s me?” I asked sniffling.
“Go away you fucking prick”
“Can we talk? Please” He pleaded confusion hitting me. Why would he want to talk to me? Why now?
I made my way toward the door slowly unlocking it.
“What do you want?” I asked moving back onto the bed.
“I wanna apologize. Savannah told me about your parents. She also said if I didn’t cool it she’d have my head” He said moving slowly to sit beside me on the bed.
“Yeah. She’s a sweet girl but she’ll have your head in seconds” I tried to joke only to have more tears fall down my face.
“Look I’m really sorry for acting like such a jerk”
“A dick” I corrected him earning a chuckle from the guy.
“A dick. I’m really sorry”
“For the sake of our friends outside. I guess I’m sorry too. Sav always talks about how much of a great guy you are but I never actually got to know you. I honestly I don’t know why I always went out my way to attack you”
“I do” He spoke. My head cocking to the side in confusion.
“I mean I know why I always acted like that”
“And why is that?”
“Maybe it was to conceal the big fat crush I had on you since the moment I laid eyes on you”
“What?” I questioned looking him in the eyes.
“Don’t make me say it again. Look I’ve acted like such an ass especially lately. But every time I see you I just remember the first time we met. How beautiful you were. But then we interacted. And now I realize how terrible I really was. Then the way you reacted didn’t help the situation. I mean it looked like you weren’t having the best day and I made it worse. And guilt has been eating away at me ever since but I could never bring myself to apologize because of my stupid pride”
“Your pride is pretty stupid. But your face makes up for it” I spoke with a nervous smile.
“Was that a compliment?” He teased.
“So what if it was? What are you gonna do about it Shada?”
“Well for starters.....I’m gonna take you on a date. A proper date. Maybe to the beach. We could have a picnic. Make a day out of it. The I’ll drive you back to yours and Savannah’s. We’ll walk hand and had up to your door. We’ll make casual small talk about how great it was. Then I’ll say we should do this again sometime and you’ll agree of course. Then I’ll lean in at the last second and....kiss you”
He said our bodies seemingly to have gotten closer within the period he had begun talking to now.
“Why wait?” I whispered finally looking straight at him to see him already looking at me.
We gazed into each other’s eyes until our lips met in the middle. The kiss was short but sweet. We finally pulled away looking down I watched as he intertwined our fingers. Smiles plastered on both of our faces
This was it. No more backhanded comments. No more glaring at each other from across the room. No more uncomfortable tension in the air.
It was me and Jeremy.
Up Next: Charlie Gillespie x Reader (Smut)
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Sacha Carlson x Reader
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