#and Feyre washing Rhysand’s wing/them taking a bath together
myfriendscallmeraba · 3 years
I was rewatching B-99 and this really reminded me of Rowaelin, Feysand and Quinlar🥺😂
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐳𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ female reader, reader / y/n is of ambiguous race. Requests are open!
Want to be shipped? Here be the instructions 🦋  
・You met Azriel when Rhysand needed your services. The career you chose might be an odd one in the human world, but living with the fae meant magic was everywhere. 
・So in your many years, you started a shop filled with witchy things; herbs, crystals, divination tools, books, candles, flowers, oils, fragrances, etc,
・You were also a collector of magical items - ones that the High Lord himself required. 
・So in comes this tall, beautiful, fearsome man you had only seen from afar. In his usual Spymaster garb, Azriel looked magnificent and it took all your strength not to gasp.
・Were you intimidated? Yes. Did you show it? Also yes, but you tried your best not to. 
・It needs to be mentioned that you weren’t scared though! You knew of Azriel’s reputation, but his face, his height, his wingspan. You were overwhelmed. 
・Okay so further along down the track ... Az had been coming to the shop weekly. Under the pretence that the High Lord liked your products and wished for more (lies, Rhysand only needed like 2 things and that was it.) 
・Az just wanted a reason to keep coming. Because he felt ... welcomed. Like he wasn’t a monster. Or someone to be feared. His shadows felt connected to you somehow. 
・Moving in together when you realise that you have so much stuff at each other’s places. 
・You’re such a patient, kind, and generous person that Az feels overwhelmed with love
・Can you imagine snuggling into his chest at night, window open while the stars twinkle above you???
・You guys also have cute date nights; no matter WHAT you have to spend time together because life gets busy. 
・Mor absolutely adores you 
・Amren loves that you have such ancient books, and is constantly buying them from you/borrowing. 
・Rhysand approves of you, and thinks you’re pretty awesome. If Az is happy then so is he
・Cassian is literally like a big brother to you - constantly trying to ruffle your hair and rile you up. 
・Feyre LOVES LOVES LOVES YOU. She is over the moon that Az has someone and has been hoping for you guys to get together. (BTW She’s the one that told Rhysand to make up a story about how he needed something from your shop ... yeah ... she orchestrated the whole thing)
・You have so much incense in the home 
・Az likes the smell of Cinnamon, Mint, Cardamom and All Spice
・He actually loves to cook 
・Telling you about his awful background and you nearly crying because how could someone hurt another person like that? 
・Training you with basic skills on how to protect yourself; knife, hand to hand, sword, bow and arrow etc. If you wanted to train more, he would be so happy to help
・Making him crappy birthday cakes on his birthday but he absolutely LOVES THEM
・Oh and his favourite things are handmade items - knitted sweaters/scarfs, baked cookies, drawings, notes/letters, etc. 
NSFW 18+
・ 👀 yeah ... the sex is ... mindblowing. 
・He lasts for a really, really long time. Az is super patient ...
・He likes to edge you; being in charge of when you cum. The spymaster likes to hear you whine; hear you beg for release. 
・Az is most definitely dominate but LOVES when you’re in charge. Adores when you push him onto the bed, tying his hands so he has no control
・He isn’t one for dirty talk (of himself) but he does love it when you talk dirty to him. 
・SJM made Illyrian wings sensitive FOR A REASON, and that reason is so their lovers can absolutely take advantage of it. 
・He loves to leave hickies everywhere; legs, thighs, arms, neck, chest, ass. 
・Likes to take baths, and showers together. 
・ Wing cleaning
・Hair washing
・Lathering the soap ... everywhere ...
・He also likes to bring toys into the bedroom, vibrators, dildos etc. he doesn’t feel threatened with them in the slightest
・Likes to smack your ass whenever you walk by him (never in front of people though) 
・Both taking aphrodesiacs to see what would happen - if your sex would be better or the same (no way could it be WORSE dude c’mon)
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Together- Thesan x Peregryn Captain (Slight NSFW)
Since Thesan and his captain don’t get enough love, I decided to write a cute fic of them together. There are some spoilers for ACOSF if you haven’t read it yet so be warned and enjoy!
Apon a mountain high among the clouds stood the high lord of dawn’s personal palace shining brightly with sunstone that seemed to hold the gleaming of a thousand sunrises within it. Within the palace guarded by the most trained and hardened peregryn warriors sat Thesan, the most neutral and peaceful high lord of prythian.
Thesan, who had spent most of his day hunched over a desk going through endless piles of letters and reports, let out a long sigh as he finally finished his last document for the day. Even with the war over and most cities and towns rebuilt there were still many different issues and concerns that seemed to be appearing, especially with the human queens and Rhysand news on Feyre’s life-threatening pregnancy. After meeting with Rhysand all those months ago who had practically begged on his knees for Thesan to help him with the dire situation he and his mate faced, Thesan had feared the worst knowing that even with his powerful healing powers, anything he could do was useless. When he had gotten a letter days ago telling him that Feyre and his son had survived he had been relieved, not just for his friend’s sake but also for the rest of Prythian. 
Rubbing the exhaustion from his face, Thesan stood up and signaled his messenger to send all the finalized documents to their respective places before heading out to leave his office. Ever so slowly Thesan reached his arms up, groaning at the cracks that came from his back after sitting down for so long. Looking out the window you could see the few remaining minutes of sunset left meaning Thesan had about another hour or two before he would able to see his mate, Zyair. Deciding to call it a day, Thesan cleaned up any remaining papers on his desk before he made his way to his room.
While walking down the halls Thesan noted to nodded and waved to any maid or guard still around. Most left around the end of sundown to head home to their families except a couple of guards who took shifts throughout the night. Reaching the master bedroom, Thesan waved the two guards away by his room for some peace and privacy. Both nodded and walked away leaving the sound of armor clanking and wings flapping in their wake.
Quickly opening and closing the door, Thesan instantly sighed as he dropped his high lord façade, immediately relaxing his posture and allowed the tiredness of the day to show. Looking over at the warm and inviting bed, Thesan almost decided to forget taking a bath and just fall asleep instead but, he desperately needed to bathe and let go of some of the tension locked in his body. With slow heavy steps, Thesan walked into his bathroom, relieved to see his pool-like tub filled with steaming hot water mixed with multiple scented oils and golden-like bubbles. The steady glow of golden pink walls and waft of lavender helped ease the headache that had formed from the day. 
Not wanting to waste another second, Thesan gracefully peeled layer by layer of his formal clothing away until he was completely bare of all cloth and jewelry. Slowly stepping in, Thesan hissed at the sting of the hot water as he slowly eased in until the burning sting that had surrounded Thesan’s skin ebbed away leaving a warming comfort in its wake. Closing his eyes, Thesan felt the tension and stress of the day start to seep out of his body leaving him with a feeling of weightlessness. 
For what felt like hours, Thesan sat and soaked in the tub enjoying its relief until the sudden sound of doors opening and closing snapped him out of his blissful trance. Eye’s open, Thesan sat up more, ready to see who was there until the sound of the bathroom door rang through the air and the head of his lover appeared through the opening of the door. Thesan, knowing he was safe, relaxed and smiled at his love. 
Zyair, who had been searching for his high lord, relaxed seeing him safe and content, opened the door as he was waved inside. Softly closing it, he made his way over, careful not to knock anything down with the sheer size of his wings. Thesan gave a soft smile at him as he reached the edge of his pool-like tub.
Thesan looked up to his lover and mate, staring straight into his beautiful onyx eyes, and gave a simple Join me?”
Zyair, powerless to deny his mate anything gave a simple “Of course” before stripping himself of his sweaty and dirty armor from hours and hours of training and fighting. Thesan watched and admired Zyair’s form as piece after piece of clothing was removed. His rippling abs and bulging arms shined with sweat from hours of work.
Zyair blushed slightly at the admiring, even though they had seen each other nude hundreds of times. Thesan knowing how shy his captain was and looked back up while offering his hand which Zyair gladly gave. Arranging comfortably, Thesan eased his back against Zyair’s chest leaving no space between them as Zyair quickly wrapped himself around Thesan after comfortably arranging his wings.
After sitting together for a minute in silence enjoying each other’s presence, Thesan turned and tilted his head whispering “I love you” before sealing his lips to Zyair’s. Zyair was quick to respond, brushing his tongue against Thesans bottom lip asking for permission which Thesan gladly gave, before deepening the kiss. Both fought against their need for oxygen as their tongues danced together. Eventually, both had to pull away. Both rested their foreheads against each other, panting as they tried to catch their breath. Even after accepting their bond months ago both still felt the constant frenzy to be wrapped in each other arms away from the rest of the world.
Zyair leaned closer and kissed the tip of Thesan’s nose before claiming “I love you too”
Thesan gave a low hum before asking “How was your day?”
Zyair gave a long sigh “Frustrating, after losing so many soldiers in the war it’s become difficult to find more men that are willing to join the guard. Anyone we can find that is willing has almost no experience in fighting or training ”
“My poor mighty warrior” Thesan laughed. Zyair gave a quick pinch to Thesan backside causing him to gasp and gave a playful splash. 
Zyair chuckled as he wiped the water off his face before nuzzling into Thesan neck asking “And yours?”
Thesan groaned at the thought “The documents and reports I’ve been getting seem to grow more every day, it doesn’t help that Beron and the human queens seem to be acting up.”
Zyair faced hardened at the reminder of the possible looming war that could break out, having read the report Thesan had gotten from the high lord and lady of the night courting days ago.
“Whatever happens we do together” Zyair stated, staring deep into Thesan’s eyes. Thesan gave him a slight nod, not trusting his voice as he reached for Jian’s hand
“Let me help you relax” Zyair mumbled while kissing the top of Thesan’s damp hair hoping that it would distract them both from the uncertainties the future faced.
Thesan gave a slight nod, shifting to get comfortable enough for whatever Zyair planned. Zyair immediately grabbed the shampoo bottle, pouring a generous amount in his hand as he started lightly messaging the suds through Thesan’s soft hair.
Thesan leaned his head into the pressure, almost purring at the feel of Zyair’s fingers through his hair. Once Zyair removed his fingers, Thesan took the hint to dunk and wash the suds out; repeating the same step with the conditioner. Once his hair was clean Zyair grabbed a nearby rag and bar of soap, lathering it up before brushing it against Thesan skin. 
Starting from the neck, Zyair washed every nook and cranny of Thesan, grazing softly of his nipples and chest before going lower. Thesan let out a series of soft moans as he felt Zyair move the rag lower and lower, softly going around and over his obvious arousal. Finishing soon after, Thesan turned around giving his love a grateful kiss before quickly withdrawing. Confused, Zyair looked up.
Thesan gave a soft smile before motioning him to turn around “Your turn”
Zyair quickly turned letting Thesan drag the rag up and around his chest. Zyair stayed silent for a couple of minutes enjoying the feel of his mate’s hands-on him before gasping suddenly at a new sensation. Turning, Zyair watched as Thesan softly brush his hand over the smaller, softer feathers at the base of his wing, carefully tracing up the ridges of the fragile bones. His wings flex and stretch against the satisfying ache that echoes through his muscles as a spike of arousal shot through him. 
“Unless you want to stay in this tub for a while or so I suggest we take this somewhere else” Zyair growled lowly, eyes shinning with unspoken promises.
Thesan inhaled sharply before pulling Zyair out of the tub and towards their bed before giving in to the carnal desire that had been building between them.
Hours after, the two laid together in each other’s arms. Zyair’s arms wrapped tightly around Thesan, allowing him to hear the steady beat of his love’s heart as he fell into a deep sleep. It was at moments like this that Thesan thank the Mother every day that they both had found each other, knowing how many times they had come close to losing each other, even before they had confessed their love for each other. Snuggling closer, Thesan allowed himself to fall into sleeps embrace knowing that whatever the future held, they’d face it together until the very end.
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modernbookfae · 7 years
‘we’re on a roadtrip with some friends and we have to share a hotel room and there’s only one bed and a whole lot of sexual tension’ Nessian au
Nesta, Cassian and their friends stop at a hotel during their roadtrip. Now Nesta and Cassian are put in a room together. With only one bed to share. This leads to an evening where Nesta does everything in her power to make Cassian on edge after the endless amount of flirtatious remarks.
But she’s not the only one playing in this game. And Cassian isn’t one to admit defeat lightly.
“Are you seriously going to sleep in just your underwear?” Nesta jolted out of the bed with a glare. She didn’t mean to act so flustered, but she had never seen a man so confident in such a state of undress. Nor had she ever slept beside a half naked man. And she felt more unsettled that it was Cassian she would be sleeping with. 
Read on AO3 | TAGS: bed sharing, fluff, Cassian is a flirt, Nesta gives it back in full force
Nesta fumbled with the hotel key card as she tried to adjust her backpack that slouched precariously on her arm.
“Need help Nesta?” Cassian asked from behind her as he too held his own duffel bag on his arm.
“If you kept quiet for once that would helpful,” Nesta bit out as she swiped the card and the door opened with ease. She stepped into the darkened hotel room and flicked on the light switch.
Cassian followed behind her and both stopped dead in their tracks as they looked at the bed. One bed. Not two as they were told would be waiting for them.
“Are you kidding me?” Nesta asked and whipped out her phone to call Feyre who was in her own room with Rhysand. “This has to be some sort of joke or nightmare.”
“More like this is a dream,” Cassian laughed and launched himself onto the bed. His arms spread out wide as if they were wings. He took up most of the bed space with his large muscled body as he stretched out his torso that inadvertently caused his grey shirt to rise up enough that Nesta caught a hint the skin hidden underneath.
Nesta rolled her eyes at him and waited for Feyre to pick up the phone. Her sister failed to answer not once, but four times as Nesta continually tried to call. She received the same lack of response from Mor who was rooming with Azriel.
With a frustrated sigh Nesta made her way back to the door fully intending on going to the front desk to fix this problem.
“Where are you going?” Cassian eased up on his forearms to watch her grab her purse.
“What does it look like? We obviously can’t share this room together,” Nesta replied.
“Why not? You weren’t to opposed to it earlier,” Cassian raised a brow and the corner of his lips began to turn up in a smirk Nesta knew well enough.
“That was only because my sister and Mor guilt tripped me into staying with you so they could have some alone time with their boyfriends,” Nesta tried to push away the imagery that came with that sentence. She now had a good guess as to why none of them picked up their phones now. Which also meant there was no way she would be tempted to even knock on their doors for fear of hearing what may come from the other side.
“So what’s the big deal,” Cassian rolled back onto the bed, but turned his head to face Nesta who was reaching for the door. “Are you scared, because there’s only one bed?”
Nesta froze with her fingers mere inches from the door handle.
“Scared? Who said I was scared?” Nesta faced Cassian with ice in her eyes.
Cassian schooled his features. Making sure not to smile in triumph before shrugging with disinterest. “I’m not the one running out the room in a fluster.” He paused to raise a brow. “I never took you to be a woman who gives up so easily.”
And that did it. Nesta’s ire rose to new heights as she strode back into the room with lethal grace.
Her nose wrinkled in annoyance, but Cassian always found the little movement adorable. Especially when the rest of her face was hardened in stone. He knew that when her nostrils flared that is words were breaking down those walls of steel she kept up between her and the world.
“I’d say your repulsive stench is enough to make the entire floor leave the building,” Nesta sniffed the air once to add emphasis to her statement. “ There is no way I’m getting in that bed with you smelling like a pig.”
“Nothing a bath won’t fix,” Cassian gave her a cheeky grin. He didn’t smell bad. At least not as bad as everyone else from the road trip today. They all smelled faintly of sweat after hiking in the woods, but in the enclosed space of the car he could easily pick out Nesta’s faint scent among the others.
“Then why don’t you wash off the filth before you get it all on the bed,” Nesta waved to where he was still lounging on the bed.
“I’m going to go through my stuff first,” Cassian stood up and walked to where he put his bag at the foot of the bed. He looked up to see Nesta flicker her eyes from his backside up to where his eyes met hers.
Had she been checking him out? Cassian thought with a tinge of pride and excitement.
“Unless of course,” Cassian gave her his trademark cocky grin that always managed to get under her skin. “You would like to join me in the shower?”
Nesta blinked. The only sign that she was the slightest of bit unsettled by his offer.
“Only in your fantasies,” Nesta turned around and went to her own bag before pulling out what Cassian assumed to be her pajamas. “I’ll shower first if you plan to keep wasting my time speaking nonsense.”
She went to the bathroom and shut the door with a firm click. It didn’t take long before Cassian recognized the soft sounds of Nesta removing her clothes and turning on the water.
He focused his attention on smaller tasks. Getting ice from the ice machine down the hall while also grabbing him and Nesta drinks from the vending machine on his way back. He considered it a small bit of luck that he noticed the same brand of grape soda that he had seen Nesta drink occasionally on their road trip from the mountains.
After arriving back to the room with ice and drinks in hand Nesta was still in the shower. Cassian put their drinks in the ice, but wrote a small note on her soda.
In case you get thirsty while I’m showering.
Cassian smirked at the innuendo and debated about adding a winking face, but he decided not to push it too much tonight. He’d rather wake up alive the next morning.
The water turned off in the bathroom and it didn’t take long before Nesta stepped outside. Wrapped tightly with only a towel on. Water ran down her shoulders and Cassian eyes followed one drop that rolled down between her breasts before it disappeared underneath the towel.
Nesta took note of Cassian’s stunned gaze. She flushed in embarrassment and hoped that the heat of the shower would be a good enough excuse for her reddened cheeks.
She hoped that Cassian wouldn’t ask why she was out here rifling through her bag. Surely he would just-
“Forget something Nesta?” Cassian curiously asked as he tried not to stare too long at the exposed skin of her pale legs and the sweep of dark golden hair across her back that was visible above the towel.
He would be lying if he said he’d never admired Nesta’s form. At times he felt ashamed, but he always found his eyes straying to her lithe arms that were starting to form muscles during these past weeks they had started exercising at the gym together much to her chagrin and his delight.
Yet never had he seen her so unclothed until now. Sure she wore shorts and fitted tank tops that did wonders in showing off her curves, but this…Cassian was quite certain his breathing had stopped the moment she walked in with only a towel separating him from seeing what was hidden beneath. A few meager feet spanned between them and the single bed.
Idly he wondered what Nesta would look like with the towel forgotten on the floor and her body lying down on the sheets. Long locks of hair splayed out for him to run his fingers through as he lowered himself over her and-
Suddenly it felt as though Cassian’s pants were becoming unbearably tight. He bit the inside of his lip to tame the wild thoughts running in his head. Stamping them out like flames that were becoming to uncontrolled.
Nesta failed to notice Cassian’s reaction to her form as she searched through her bag for the article of clothing she forgot. Perhaps it was a lapse of judgment or simply trying to put Cassian on edge after he had already done so to her today that made her pause.
She could only take his teasing so much accompanied by his laughter and bright eyes before her walls started crumbling. And after being with him these past two days on their trip Nesta finally decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.
In any other circumstance Nesta may have wondered why it was so easy to give Cassian a mischievous smile that now played on her lips. But that didn’t stop her as she turned around holding her towel together with one hand while the other dangled her favorite red lacy underwear from her index finger.
The reaction of Cassian’s face was priceless. His mouth gaped open and Nesta was half tempted to laugh outright at his eyes widened in shock. Instead she managed to keep composed.
“I forgot these,” Nesta raised her panties a bit more as emphasis. “If you’re that curious.”
Without another word she walked back to the bathroom fully expecting a vulgar or suggestive comment from Cassian, but surprisingly he said nothing. When she stepped inside the bathroom and shut the door it was as though a wave washed through her body.
She felt both embarrassed and exhilarated by her action. Still the night was young. Cassian was sure to retaliate in some way. Nesta slipped into her underwear and tugged on her comfy pajamas before taking a calming breath.
Just get through the night without killing each other. That was Nesta’s mantra as she stared into her reflection.
Outside Cassian was still staring at the bathroom door Nesta had gone through. Had he gotten too much sun today or did Nesta just show him her panties? That red lacy piece o temptation belonged in one of those lingerie boutiques.
Cassian was in deep shit. He couldn’t focus on anything other than that slip of red fabric that dangled from Nesta’s fingers.
He didn’t have too much time to dwell on that thought or if Nesta had a matching bra to go with it when she walked back into the room with her head held high as if nothing was amiss.
“There’s still hot water left,” Nesta replied to give him a glance. “Although I imagine you would prefer a cold shower instead.”
Damn her. Cassian brushed off her observation and walked to where she was pulling a book out of her bag. Leave it to Nesta to bring a book on a road trip for hiking.
“I prefer my previous offer,” Cassian whispered as brushed up against her. “If you’re feeling more brave tonight to join me.” Cassian gave her a shit-eating grin which she responded with a vulgar gesture.
A clear refusal, but Cassian couldn’t help to try his luck.
“I got you a drink by the way,” Cassian pointed to the ice box holding their canned sodas. He didn’t mention the little note he left for her as he carried his change of clothes into the bathroom.
Cassian rid himself of his clothes and saw that his body was definitely effected by Nesta’s teasing. His cock was almost fully erect and it became clear that he would need to deal with it before he stepped outside to face her again.
He turned on the cold water and the shock of the frigid temp washed away the sweat and images of Nesta on the bed wearing just those enticing pieces of lace.
After he scrubbed his body with soap Cassian rinsed frigid water through his long dark hair before finishing his brisk shower. He made quick work of drying off and putting on his boxers.
He walked out the bathroom door while still toweling off his wet hair when he noticed Nesta taking a small sip from the drink he had bought her.
“I guess you did get thirsty while I was in the shower,” Cassian commented.
Nesta didn’t glance up from her book as she read in bed. The sight looked so natural and at ease. Cassian wondered if this was part of her nightly ritual or if she was reading to distract herself from knowing they would be sharing a bed together.
“You’re little note was not amusing,” Nesta said as she turned a page. “Keep that up and you’ll be out in the hall-” Nesta paused as she glanced up and noticed Cassian’s attire. Or lack thereof.
“Unless you want the maids to get a good luck at me in my boxers and wonder if we’ve had some sort of couple’s argument then I suggest scooting over,” Cassian strode to the bed and lifted the covers so he could settle into the soft sheets.
“Are you seriously going to sleep in just your underwear?” Nesta jolted out of the bed with a glare. She didn’t mean to act so flustered, but she had never seen a man so confident in such a state of undress. Nor had she ever slept beside a half naked man. And she felt more unsettled that it was Cassian she would be sleeping with. 
Cassian shrugged against the headboard. His bare chest fully visible as the covers were pulled down to cover his lap. “Why not? I figure since I got to see yours you should seen mine.” Cassian gave her a lazy smile that would have had most women leaping back into bed.
But Nesta crossed her arms and stared him down silently.
“Or,” Cassian continued. “I could sleep as I usually do back home.”
“Which is?” Nesta implored impatiently.
“Nude.” Cassian responded with such seriousness that Nesta shook her head in exasperation and went back to the bathroom to brush her teeth and calm her nerves.
Cassian chuckled as she stormed off. Most times he usually slept in boxers and shorts, but he usually got so warm at nights during the summer that at times he did strip down completely.
He heard Nesta brushing her teeth and before long she was returned while turning off the light switch by the main door.
Darkness filled the room as Nesta used the moonlight shining through the curtains to guide her way. She was quiet. So quiet that Cassian’s ears strained to hear her as she approached her side of the bed and slipped between the covers.
In the dark Cassian heard Nesta roll her face toward him. He turned his head to faintly make out her features in the dark.
For a moment she was so quiet that Cassian thought she fell asleep with their faces mere inches from one another.
“Cassian,” Nesta whispered in the dark. Her breath ghosted across his lips and Cassian fought against the urge to brush the loose strands of hair from her cheek.
“Yes Nesta?” He responded with equal softness. The faint sounds of her fidgeting closer made his heart stop and his body freeze. He could feel her warmth hovering just above his jaw as her face lowered closer to his than ever before.
She smelled of mint and something faint that reminded him of coffee. Cassian’s mouth watered at her scent, and his fingers ached to touch her through the soft fabric of her shirt.
“If you touch me,” Nesta spoke in a hushed tone and her lips grazed the top of his ear making him shiver in restraint. “I swear I’ll rip your balls off.”
She leaned back and rolled over on her side of the bed with a satisfied smirk.
Cassian’s voice lowered in arousal. “Well I certainly have no complaints if you touch me.” He watched her back rise and fall for a few beats before he continued. “And feel free to touch me anywhere you want sweetheart.”
Nesta mumbled something he didn’t quite catch, but Cassian rolled over onto his back to stare at the ceiling.
He counted the minutes and assumed Nesta had fallen asleep beside him after her breathing evened out. In her sleep she rolled back toward him. Her narrow fingers landed on his tattooed chest where his muscles quivered at the contact.
Cassian was awe-struck. The tense lines of Nesta’s face had disappeared and revealed a relaxed expression that many never saw.
In her unconscious state her face drifted to nestle above his pounding heart. She took a deep breath and yawned with a little sound that made Cassian want to tether that noise for safe-keeping.
She relaxed and a small smile formed on her lips. “Cass..ian…” Nesta murmured against his skin.
In that moment Cassian had never been more lost to a person. His arm drifted around her shoulder. Bringing her closer to his warmth before placing a lingering kiss to the top of her forehead.
“Sweet dreams Nesta,” He said and allowed sleep to take him into a blissful dark with Nesta cradled against him.
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