#and I adulted today! cleaned and organized and folded fabric
pbandjesse · 1 year
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After many hours of work, I have finished reorganizing the studio! I am very sneezy. But I am so glad I did it.
Today was honestly a great day. I slept okay last night. Getting up was hard. But I did and felt pretty good.
I got dressed and had leftover chipotle for breakfast. I had some crackers. And then I got all my stuff together to go to the armory.
I drove down there and thought about stopping at Walgreens to get my prescription but then I remembered the aren't open on the weekend. Annoying. But that is fine. I got to the armory and waited for Jess to get there.
When she did we went to get the snacks she got for the workshop participants. Very big bags of popcorn. I even got one to take home.
We got upstairs and got everything set up and I felt really good about the project.
I love teaching sewing. And we were learning three basic stitches. And then a satin stitch for a few that wanted to fill in spaces. We ended up having two kids, one teen, and threw adults participate. And it was so fun!!
I got to show off my coat. And I loved talking to the kids about their ideas. The teen volunteer is really into making and showed me the adorable stuff she makes. We talked about projects and how to store them. And how to get materials. I am glad I was able to share the best places to get cheap and cost effective materials. I also got to spend time organizing my thread. Jessica helped by sorting the blue box so it'll be easier to wrap later. It was a productive class all around.
Everyone was having so much fun that we ended up staying an extra half hour. I encouraged everyone to take thread to finish their projects and to keep their hoops and needles. Some returned the needles though and that is just fine. They all said they are.coming back next week. I hope they do!!
We cleaned up pretty quickly. And then I was off. Back to the house to get back to cleaning the studio.
It was embarrassing how much stuff was in the living room. But I needed the space to be able to sort and clean. Mr Will came over and I told him not to laugh at me but he said I was doing good. And that he has ordered the new door and it'll be here soon.
Besides a few little breaks, I worked on the studio from 1245 until 730. Basically the entire afternoon. I did take an hour breakfast for dinner. But besides that it was just. Sorting. And finding spaces on the shelves. Throwing away trash. Sorting paper. Pulling out my art and putting it in a portfolio case. Just really digging in and trying hard to make the space more conducive to finding the materials I needed.
I also filled three bags of stuff to donate. And 4 1/2 Rubbermaid totes to bring to puhtok.
When James got home they would help me fold all of our sheets and extra blankets and bedding. Then we chose a few to donate. I also moved some trunks around. And really made some space and feel so good about it.
I also kicked up a ton of dust. So tomorrow I will do more actual cleaning. But in the mean time I did sweep a lot of little bits of fabric and trash. James put our couch cushions in trash bags so we could store them in the fire place since I got the box out of there and consolidated that stuff that was in there. And I just feel like we accomplished so much.
We took a little dinner break. Cuddled on the couch. My dad called as I was putting away the last few things. We talked for a half hour it was really nice to hear him sound so strong he starts intense physical therapy soon. And it going to hopefully relearn to drive. I am proud of him.
And once I was totally done everything I could do I went and took a bubble bath.
Which made me feel great. I did a face mask. My skin feels so soft. And now I am in bed. James made me a sandwich. I am sipping juice. I am very ready to go to sleep.
I have the next two days off. And I hope to do my knitting and finish my last crochet squares so I can start attaching them this week. I hope you all have a great night tonight. Sleep well my friends. I love you!
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Okay I’m still in quilt mode and will be for at least two more days (one day to finish the halloween quilt, one day to finish the orange quilt top) but it’s like almost halfway through May and I haven’t even started making pride plushies Are there any pride plushies or flags you’d like to see for pride month this year? I make no guarantees, but I do try to make as many requested plushies as I can. A request is not an obligation to buy the plushie, I just need inspiration
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the year i turned twenty i stopped waiting for someone to save my life and started eating more vegetables
in the winter of 2018 i got a root canal done on the molar in the upper left-hand corner of my mouth. it had been on the verge of death for a while now; two years prior to that a visiting government-sponsored school dentist had taken a look at it, frowned, and then spent the next two hours wheedling all the rot out of that tiny black hole with a drill. unfortunately the solution he imposed was both extremely painful and temporary, and so two years after the initial incident i found myself once again at the dentist's (this time at a clinic; school dentists don't like to deal with the extra-gritty stuff and are not paid enough to do so). they stuck a needle in my gum, numbed three-quarters of my mouth, then drilled a hole through the center of my tooth and ripped the withering shred of nerve-tissue right out of it.
my dentist helpfully explained all of the above to me during our consultation session in the same office in which he would rip the top half of my tooth off a week later. he was a balding, smiling man whose speech did not, unlike many medical professionals i had met over the years, have an edge of condescension to it. i liked him. i would have liked him more were he not planning to essentially castrated my tooth.
several weeks later i went to another dentist who specialized in helping people in post-root canal limbo, and she stuck a shiny metal crown on what was left of my molar. we then scheduled a series of check-ups to ensure that the crown had not flown off its liege while i attacked an ice cube or something similarly bad for my teeth and mental health, which stretched on for so long that she became, more or less, my primary dental care physician. at first the check-ups were a month apart. then two. time passed. her hair grew longer and our conversations less awkward; she was beautiful and snarky and looked like she would shoot god without hesitation if he stepped into range of her gun. she wore her hair short, red tinged with gold, in a pixie-cut that fell over half of one eye. for a while i thought i was in love with her.
'do you floss?' she asked me on my second check-up.
'no,' i said.
'well.' she broke off a length of dental floss and began to wind it around her fingers. it looked like a death threat and she looked ready to kill, though her eyes were smiling. 'you should.'
for the first year after having an utterly destroyed tooth brought back from the brink of death via a grisly temporary solution that would, at best, buy me one or two decades of peace, i didn't. i didn't floss because when she did it for me in her tiny examination room my gums bled so much it took hours for me to wash the bitter taste of iron out of my mouth. blood is a nice concept and a nicer motif in writing. but it smells awful, and it's worst on the tongue. so i didn't floss my teeth, and i went through life with the kind of casual detached disinterest with which i had approached most things up until then. at my next check-up she asked once again if i had been flossing and i lied that i had. after poking and prodding around in my mouth for a few minutes and taking a scan for good measure she gave me a look and said dryly, 'you haven't been flossing at all, have you.'
disappointing your parents, your favorite high school english teacher, or even your best friend is nothing compared to the sheer embarrassment that comes from knowing your beautiful dentist asked you to do the bare minimum, and you failed to deliver. her voice was arid but we had known each other for long enough by then for me to detect a thin undercurrent of disappointment. i had done it. i had lost the support of the only person in my life who could be counted on to support me. because i paid her for her services. and she was also very funny in a quiet sarcastic way. and she was beautiful.
having had my ego wounded beyond description i resolved to floss from then on and succeeded in dragging my poor aching gums past the bleeding stage to a point where they were merely post-workout sore. then i lost interest and forgot about the white, sterile-smelling clinic that was a fifteen minutes' drive from my house and the little pack of dental floss on the bathroom counter faded into obscurity. two weeks before my next appointment in 2020, an alarm on my phone went off to inform me of the approaching day of judgment. i panicked.
'have you been flossing?' my dentist asked as i lay back in the faded green chair and she put on a pair of new gloves.
'yeah,' i said.
five minutes later, she removed her army of dentistry equipment from my mouth with a satisfied hum. 'i see that you have.' her eyes were smiling. 'your teeth look fine. i'll just clean them a little for you.'
i celebrated impressing my favorite dentistry professional in singapore by forgetting to floss for the next two months. soon after that i got on a plane to america, and then two more for good measure in case i hadn't grown sick of sitting and burning in my own skin already, and then twelve weeks of insanity ensued, the details of which we are surely all acquainted with by now. late nights, walks in the forest, afternoons spent in the sun. mismatched footsteps and strange acquaintances. an elaborate circus act staffed entirely by misguided but well-meaning teenagers. a ring of fire.
two weeks ago i bought a box of dental floss for ninety-nine cents. i think this might be what the anthropologists call 'adulthood'. i was at target with a friend and we were getting toothpaste, which we had both nearly run out of, when i saw the little flat box of dental floss hanging from a hook on the wall. my teeth weren't particularly disgusting (they haven't been, not since i learned how to brush them properly), but they weren't beautiful. it had been a while since i had been on my own mind. for the last three months, others' pain had been my main priority, and now that we had eliminated most of them from the picture, i found myself with more time in the mornings to stare at myself in the mirror and wonder how, exactly, i was doing.
how are you doing? i asked. and the answer was i felt like shit.
while i've stayed in dormitories before for extended periods of time i always got out of doing laundry by either submitting my dirty clothes to an on-campus service which disappeared them into a hole in the fabric of reality and returned them to you a day later, cleaned and folded outside your room so the first time i did laundry by myself in america, a week after arriving on campus, i felt invincible. buying an iced chai from the cafe on a thursday morning and then settling down to work on my laptop until my first class started at noon, i felt like a character in a career advisory ad, like someone who knew where they were going and how they were going to get there. standing in front of the bathroom mirror of my summer dorm, winding a strand of dental floss around my fingers, i felt like i had aged fifteen years in the span of just one, and that just this once, it was for the better.
according to my adult friends, no one ever fully feels or recognizes that they are an adult. adulthood is an ideal that all grown children strive towards the way body-builders aim for more and more muscle mass until there's nothing left of them but a pair of well-toned biceps. there are several industry-approved ways to be an adult, but there are no suggested ways to feel like one. this is part of the gaping maw of inadequacy our generation has fallen into. this afternoon i melted butter in a pan and beat two eggs, milk, salt, and garlic powder together in a bowl. pouring the egg mixture into the pan i began to scrape the edges frantically towards the center with a spatula. the whole process took no longer than two or three minutes. by the end of it my hand was shaking.
according to my adult friends you just wake up one day and start looking for ways to re-organize your pantry and that's when you realize: i'm getting old, aren't i? and i'm getting old, aren't i? twenty's just the start of what a friend recently told me her parents refer to as 'the decade of pain'. but the beginning of something is included in the timeline of its accomplishments, too, and it takes more blind faith to start something than we give ourselves credit for. i have never used a saucepan up until today. in my younger years i often boiled broccoli or cauliflower in a small pot over an electric stove. but the butter, the eggs, the smell of fat sizzling on a pan- this is new to me. this entire life is new to me.
leaving the familiar warmth of your family home, it suddenly occurs to you how fragile life is. how everything your mother has done for you until now has kept you on the path forward, and now you have been given the keys to the basement you have to remember to buy laundry detergent before you run out. it all comes together like this: the humming laundry machines, the hand towels, the fridge full of fruit and cheese. it keeps you alive.
and it's awful. our generation doesn't know what self-care is because we're too busy trying to care for a world which tries, time and again, to kick us off the carousel of life and move on without its ephemeral teenage charges. we are bad at this 'living' thing because we often forget that we are alive at all. look out the window and the world's burning. look into the kitchen, and- quiet. this past year has done nothing to improve the paintings on the wall. we've all known hopelessness. we've all known what it's like to wake up and feel nothing at all.
and yet my flatmate has a new york times cooking subscription that she says we're welcome to borrow if we want to look up a recipe for something like paella, brownies, whatever. the other day she made shrimp scampi and when she knocked on my door and said 'i made food, if you'd like some' i remember thinking living with other people was worth it if you could sit around a table and twirl pasta noodles around your fork in silence. tomorrow i think i'll go to target again and see if i can find more acai. i miss it. i miss singapore's overpriced acai places and their stupid too-high chairs.
and i am living life clumsily, but who cares? a life is a life; all you have to do is live it. the rest can come later, after the dust has settled on the windowsill.
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hiyo-silver · 6 years
Beverly Marsh Grows Up - Laundromat
Summary: Beverly goes through her daily chores, remembering what her father tells her.
Chap 1 + AO3 + My Masterlist
Taglist: @fuckboykaspbrak @thesquidliesthuman @starboystan @rachi0964 @shewasthewind @beepbeep-losers @bigbilliamdenbro @jalenrose1122 @sleepygaybrough @itandstrangerthingsfanfic @boopboopbichie @peachywyatt
Beverly was eight when she started cooking family meals and cleaning messes that weren't even her own. She tosses the rag into the green laundry hamper, trying to clean up just a bit more before she lugged it off to the laundromat later.
She drags it down to the front door, just a foot away from it so it would be easy to carry off in the planned approximately two hours. She heads off to the kitchen next, pulling out the chicken to thaw for later, her mom is meant to help her grill it when she gets home from work at the diner.
She takes the broom from the pantry closet, swiping it across the floor, she doesn't even understand how it could have gotten this bad since she'd done it last. Though she knows it's been a bit, as her father had been yelling at her about it when he was usually much more careless.
She hums softly to herself, the smooth song playing in her mind clear as day, the humming simply to drown out everything around her. The sound of the pipes settling and the floorboards creaking send shivers up her spine, just a bit jumpier than she wishes she were.
She can't help but feel like Cinderella, but maybe not in such a bad way. Her father isn't so bad- so long as she follows his rules and does what he says as quickly as he can say it. Her mother wasn't often around, but she isn't dead, unlike the life of the old as time Disney princess.
She finishes sweeping, not wanting to mop now, it had only been a few days since she last mopped. If only her father took off his work boots when he got home instead of tracking his mess through the house over and over.
It's his career to clean, of course as a janitor. But when it came to home, she did all the work as the only one home. He doesn't know how to keep himself organized, only about a hundred kids who go to the Derry elementary school.
She puts the broom back in the closet, going back to the front door, she slips on her worn flats. The fabric tears around some of the edges and they hardly fit anymore, but they can't afford much else. She straightens the skirt of her dress, lifting the laundry basket to lug off to the laundromat.
Her hair bounces around her shoulders, the red tendrils being her favorite feature of herself by far. They curl around her neck, red hair is like the crown she can never take off. The strawberry color of the locks glow under the sun as she locks the door behind her with the rusted key she wears around her neck.
He pulls the basket behind her before electing to lift it with her scrawny arms, holding it by her chest. Whenever she feels it drop too low she kicks her knees up higher in her walking, almost deciding to hold it up by her chin and hold the edge between her jaw and neck but then she remembers that it's dirty laundry and thinks the better of it, just a lot too gross for her taste.
She kicks a pebble on the ground as she goes, hearing the small sounds it makes as it drops back to the dirt after being kicked and airborne for a moment or so. She receives some looks on her way, mostly those of pity and others of pride.
She gets one of two reactions when people see her working so hard on the household chores at her age. Pity that she has to, or the adults being proud and talking over and over about how they wish their kids were so obedient. If only they knew.
She arrives at the laundromat, chuckling slightly to herself as she always does, the U in the sign is broken so the sign only reads 'landromat' in bright letters and she imagines that's how it would sound spoken by someone with a thick accent.
She drags the laundry hamper the rest of the way into the building, the automatic doors making it much easier, she can't imagine how much harder it would be if she had to hold the door open and lug the hamper in.
She finds an empty station, the most nerve wracking part of the entire journey, laundromats are always full of odd people. People who look just a little wrong, or will stare at you the entire time. Once a man came up to her and just started stroking her hair. It was probably her least favorite experience in a laundromat, to this day she doesn't know why he did that.
She settles herself near the front window. Her daddy always taught her never to use the washers near the back of the laundromat, and she was forbidden from going any time past five pm. He doesn't explain why, just that it's mighty important that she listen to him.
She starts loading the machine, making sure not to put in any whites as she goes, she's turned a fair amount of her dad's white shirts pink by mistake. And her punishment for that was- something she'd rather not think about.
She finishes loading the washer (sans the whites) and pours in the blue detergent, shutting it with a satisfying smack. She sits herself on the bench next to the washer. She'd had her laundry stolen once before, and once again, the punishment was something she'd rather not think about.
She kicks her legs back and forth and scans the room, people watching as she calls it. It's usually women with babies that scream the entire time they're there or creepy men who stand in corners smoking their cigarettes as their dryers go.
She knows to keep away from them, her daddy doesn't even need to tell her to. Though, he has, calls them 'nothin but trouble' and makes her look him in the eye and promise not to mess around with them.
She watches the laundry twist and tumble in the machine, a soothing sight for her. It's work that's getting done that she doesn't need to do herself, for only a nickel even!
A beep pierces her thoughts to signify that her clothes are clean. Has it really been half an hour? She asks herself, man does the time pass by quickly around here.
She pulls the sopping wet clothes out of the machine, putting her coin in to use a dryer. She clumsily shoves it all in, closing it behind and letting the warm air and spin cycle dry them.
She looks down at her shirt, completely soaking wet. This is why her daddy says never to wear light colors to the laundromat, they get wet and you can see right through them. That's why she always wears dark colors here now, today it's a navy gingham dress that she write fancies.
She looks out the window, now, as the dryer goes. She watches people pass by, including a young man obviously struggling with his yoyo, probably gotten out of a cereal box. She giggles to herself at the scene.
That is her entertainment until the dryer goes off, telling her that it's done and her trip to the laundromat has come to an end.
She folds the clothes as she takes them out, placing them neatly in the basket she'd hauled them here in. She smiles to herself, a job well done even if it's not her favorite job.
She picks up the basket carefully, kicking the dryer behind her shut before walking to the automatic door and letting it open before she sets off down the dirt road to go back home.
The load always feels lighter after it's been washed, the adrenaline of accomplishment taking her all the way back to her front door. Her father's truck is in the driveway so she knows he's home, and he'd be so proud of her.
She opens the door with the key hung around her neck, setting the clean clothes on the floor by the front door. "Daddy?" She calls, wondering how long he'd been back.
"Yes, Bevvy?" He calls back, coming into the foyer area to greet her, brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear as he starts to talk again, "You did well today and made good time at the laundromat, does that mean ice cream after dinner? I think it does," he says with a smile that most people would classify as terrifying and disgusting but it still fills Beverly with some sort of pride. He's her father and she can't seem to help it.
"Yes, please!" She says with a grin, half hugging him before pulling away, "Can I go play for a bit?" She asks as she's already finished all her chores.
"Until your mother comes home yes, then you have to help her with dinner, remember that," he tells her, putting his hand on her shoulder before taking it away before she skips off to her room.
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pen-masta · 6 years
Let’s Play Pretend Part 6
[Prologue]  1   2  3  4  5  6  7
When they back to the dorm the light drizzle and turned into a down pour and the two giggling young adults are soaking wet. They’ve been laughing the whole run home and after slamming the door shut behind them, they both collapse on the coach together. They’re both panting as they titter in the darkness of the room. After a few minutes he’d caught his breath and he turns the lamp on bringing a warm glow to the little living room. He smiles at Joy as she pants next to him, her curls sticking to her forehead and ears as they drip from the rain. Her cheeks are pink from running and her eyes sparkle with glee as she giggles and takes a deep breath.
“Wowie Cassie,” she giggles smiling at him biting her bottom lip. “What the heck was that?”
It takes him a second before he realizes she meant their kiss. Oh right...he did that.
He clears his throat and manages to hold his smile, “Oh you know,” he shrugs. “Just had to bring it home for them is all. Make sure it was really real.”
Joy shakes her head, her eyes still shining, “They had to see us kiss to fully believe we were a couple? You got some really weirdo friends C-bear.”
He chuckles, “No argument here Jojo.”
She giggles and relaxes into the cushions of the couch, “Man Cassie I think we have some unknown talent or something.”
“What do you mean?” He shivers as he shreds his drenched bomber’s jacket.
“I mean we were incredible actors today!” She cheers and throws her fists in the air, “We were on fire we were couple of the year!”
He chuckles, “Yeah I guess we were.” He agrees not wanting to let her know how she couldn’t be more wrong.
“I say we become Youtube famous and be set for life,” Joy beams at him and sits on her knees. “Take our acting to the internet!”
“I think becoming Youtube famous takes some time Jojo,” he smiles softly.
“Ok then let’s join an improv group!” She bounces on her knees.
“We live in two different states J-bird,” he chuckles, “you know I won’t join it if you aren’t there.”
She huffs jutting out her bottom lip, “Ok fine, then I say we just drop out of college and run away together to Hollywood and become huge stars!” Her smile grows again, “That should be faster than getting likes and we’ll be together. All we need is to show our stuff to an agent and we’re set!”
He smiles very amused by her crazy ideas of get rich quick with their acting talents--of which they have none.
“Well I don’t have a car to do all that driving and I don’t know any agents,” he scratches at his beard, “but I do have shortbread cookies and hot chocolate with little marshmallows.”
Joy giggles, “That is an equally as good plan Clyde!”
“Alright Bonnie,” he chuckles and pats her knee. “I’ll get the goods.”
He stands up cracking his back as he does so. He turns on the kettle to boil some water listening to Joy strip herself of her letterman, the wet heavy fabric makes a slosh sound as it hits the floor.
He turns when he hears the door creek open before slamming shut with a long bang. He makes eye contact with a drenched Nathan. His roommate stands in the doorway dripping water on the floor. Nathan’s short hair is hanging down in his face which is red from running in the rain...or at least that’s what Castel guesses he doesn’t want to address the several emotions that are running through Nathan’s puffy eyes.
Nathan clear his throat and shifts his weight awkwardly, “Hey.”
Castel’s adam’s apple bobs in his throat, “Hey dude.”
Nathan’s eyes dart from Castel to Joy to the ground, “Hey I uh...I want to um... apologize for everything today.” He sniffles and wipes his nose on his sleeve, “Autumn was mean and pushy and...” he takes a breath and smiles at them looking up at the two for the first time. “You two make a really cute couple and I’m happy you have each other.”
Castel glances at Joy who looks like she’s going to burst into tears.
“Aww Nator Gator,” Joy starts gently.
He shakes his head, “Please don’t.” He smiles weakly, “I don’t want pity or anything like that. I truly am happy for you two. And this is for the best. Autumn never liked me.” He takes another deep breath, “Listen I’m gonna go to bed. Night.” He mumbles
“Night,” Castel nods and watches as Nathan walks into his room and shuts the door.
He sighs and looks back at the kettle. Something flicks his ear and he yelps. Holding his ear he turns to see Joy standing next to him with her face all scrunched up and her hands on her hips.
“What was that for?” He demands
“You’re just standing there like a doofus,” Joy scolds, “Go talk to him.”
“Go what?” Castel laughs, “Joy he doesn’t want to talk.”
“He’s hurting Cas,” she pouts. “You guys are really close right?”
He nods, “Yeah I think of him like another brother.”
“And if Mikey or Zack were upset and brokenhearted wouldn’t you at least attempt to talk and make them feel better?”
He blinks and shakes his head, “Yeah but...Joy...I mean he’s...ugh!” He growls and glares at her. She did have a point.
She smiles and takes his cap off his head, “You go talk to him I’m gonna go grab a shower and then we’ll have hot chocolate.”
“Fine,” he sighs, “towels are on my desk.”
“Cause that’s the logical place for them,” she snickers and puts his cap on her head before she skips to his room.
He sighs again and saunters over to Nathan’s door. Light shines out under the door and the only sound he can hear is the squeaking of the bed springs as they scream out under Nathan’s shifting weight.
He knocks, “Hey Nate. Can I come in bro?”
A faint muffled voice comes through the door, “I guess.”
Castel opens the door to see his roommates normally clean and organized room is in shambles. Clothes are thrown all over the floor, books fall from their shelves, knickknacks on the desk have been cast to the floor, and among this mess Nathan lies on his stomach on his messy bed. He was only in her for a few minutes how could it possibly look this bad!
Castel blinks and walks around the maze of objects until he manages to reach the computer chair at the desk. Gingerly he takes a seat and looks at his friend who looks as though he just miraculously walked away from a horrible car accident.
His hair is disheveled and still dripping wet, his clothes are a wrinkled mess, his eyes are red and puffy, and his nose is buried in his folded arms. Castel clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck, gosh he’s never been good at this kind of stuff. He searches his brain for something to say, something to start the conversation, words of comfort, anything. His deepest desire is to tell Nathan how he had seen through Autumn’s act from the beginning...well not the the fact that she was into him and not Nathan, no that completely blindsided him. No, but he saw how Autumn treated Nathan like trash and he own toy to manipulate. He saw how mean and cruel she was, he wants to just cut into that stuck up priss. But he can’t seem to form any other words than:
“You alright?”
Nathan’s eyes dart to Castel’s face then back to the floor. Ok, that’s a no.
Castel sighs and leans his forearms against his knees.
“I’m really sorry about all of this Nate,” Castel says and chews his bottom lip. “I really had no idea about...all that.”
Nathan chuckles weakly, “I didn’t either...well maybe I did know.” He sniffles and looks back up at Castel, “Like deep down, you know? I mean after all whenever we were together some how we always ended up talking about you. I thought maybe it was cause she really cared about you and all...well she did just not in the way I thought.”
He sits up and runs his hand through his hair, causing tiny water droplets to fly as he cards his fingers through the wet mass.
“You’re better off without her,” Castel says.
Nathan shrugs, “Probably. I don’t know how I didn’t see that she liked you. She was always messing with your hair and your clothes. She always asked about you, and how you were.”
“Don’t think about all of that stuff man,” Castel’s eyebrows furrow. “That wasn’t you being blind it was her being manipulative. And they’re all the reasons to forget about her. She didn’t care about you, she just used you.”
“I know that dude!” Nathan snaps his eyes burning, “But knowing that doesn’t make this all feel ok!”
Castel blinks and sits back in the chair, he hadn’t thought about that. He was just angry that Autumn did this to his friend. He was angry that he had been right about Autumn.
Nathan takes a breath and sighs, “I’m sorry.”
“No I’m sorry,” Castel says and shakes his head. “I was just focusing on how wrong it was that she did this...I didn’t think about how you were feeling.”
Nathan smiles weakly, “Don’t worry about it bro.”
Castel sighs, “Look Nate I know this is hard no matter how you slice it.” He scratches at the hairs on his chin, “But I want you to know it’s not at all your fault. Autumn let it go too far, and for that I’m sorry...I’m also sorry I never said anything to you.”
Nathan cocks his head, “What do you mean?”
“I mean I kind of saw how awful Autumn was to you...I never said anything because I thought you were honestly happy. I didn’t wanna take that from you.”
Nathan sniffles and shrugs again, “Don’t worry about it dude, besides if you had said something I probably wouldn’t have believed you or listened.” He smiles a little.
Castel smiles kindly, “Are you gonna be alright? I mean you’re not gonna do anything crazy right?”
Nathan chuckles, “Nah I’ve already dated Autumn that was crazy enough.”
The two boys share in a laugh before comfortable silence falls between them.
“So you’re good?” Castel asks after a beat.
Nathan hesitates then nods, “Yeah I’m alright. I’m not great, but I’ll get over it.”
Castel nods, “So...we’re good?” He asks slowly.
Nathan smiles more, “Always bro.” He says and holds his fist out to Castel.
Castel smiles and fist bumps Nathan. He clears his throat, “Do you want to be alone?”
Nathan shrugs, “Yeah I think I’m just gonna go to sleep.”
Castel nods once more and stands up, “Alright, well Joy and I are having some hot chocolate I can make you a mug if you want some.”
Nathan smiles and shakes his head, “Thanks but that’s alright dude you have fun with your girl.”
Castel’s heart skips a beat when Nathan calls Joy your girl, but he manages to hide the momentary shock. There’s also a pang of guilt that rips his heart in half that the relationship that Nathan thinks is so rock steady is actually a lie. But Castel rationalize that it’s because of that fake relationship why they found out Autumn’s true feelings, so he feels like that balances it out. He smiles and stuffs his hands in his pockets and navigates his way out of the room.
“Alright well if you need anything, and I do mean anything,” Castel says and looks back at his friend. “I’m just down the hall.” He smiles, “Here for you bro.”
Nathan smiles gratefully, “Thanks Cas. That means a lot.”
When the door shuts behind him he releases the breath that he didn’t even know he was holding. His heart really does ache for his friend and he really hopes this is a speedy recovery. Autumn isn’t worth spending more than a minute to be upset about.
With his hands in pockets he strolls back to the kitchen to check on the water as he listens to Joy’s caterwauling a slightly off key version of San Fransisco by The Mowgli’s. A smiles curls his lips remembering when the two of them saw the band in concert. He had bought the tickets as an early birthday gift for her. The concert was three towns over from theirs and he had decided to make a nice mini vacation out of it. They left a day before the concert and drove the four hours it took to reach the town and they stayed in a cheap motel near by.
It was a lot of fun, they dropped off their bags and went to a local diner he had read was the talk of the town. They went put-put golfing and took a walk in the park, and spent the night walking around the cute little town window shopping and buying little trinkets they didn’t really need. The concert the next night had been a blast but he really had the most fun just walking around the quaint little town with her. Watching her ‘ooo’ and ‘aahh’ at the antiques and fawn over the little kids running around in the summer heat. He also loved standing next to her in the stadium screaming the lyrics to the songs she knew and stumbling through the ones she didn’t know. He loved when she pulled him out of his seat to dance with her, he loved racing down to the pit and lifting her on his shoulder so she could flail her arms at the band. He still has the picture they took that night in his wallet.
He’d love to do something like that again with her. Maybe he should look and see if any of the bands she loves are on tour and see if any of them are within driving distance. The high pitched whistle pulls him from his thoughts and he pulls the kettle off of the heat.
He hears the bathroom door open as he pours the boiling water into the mugs of chocolate powder. He stirs the brown water swirling it until all the chunks disappear. Just as he reaches into the fridge to grab the spray whipped cream he hears the floor boards shift as she enters the room.
“All yours Cassierole.” She says.
He smiles and turns to say something to her but stops short at the sight of her. She stands on the other side of the table across from him, damp curls slowly drying, wearing a red and black checkered flannel shirt and a beaming smile as she drapes the wet towel on the back of the kitchen chair. What throws him for a loop is the shirt. The sleeves are clearly too long for her and slide down over her hands, the cut is not fit for a girl, and the shirt is obviously too big for her seeing that it’s practically a dress on her. It’s a guys flannel, no! It’s his flannel!
“This is clean right?” She asks and smooths the towel on the back of the chair.
“Huh?” He asks dumbly.
“The shirt,” she smiles. “I kind of forgot to pack my pjs and nothing I brought is going to be comfy to sleep in. I saw this on your desk and thought I could barrow it.” A slight panic races across her face, “That is ok right? I mean I can find something else if it’s not.”
He blinks and smiles, “Yeah of course it’s fine Joy. That’s actually like my last clean shirt so you picked wisely.”
Her face relaxes and she narrows her eyes at him and smiles, “You’re nasty boy! We are def doing laundry before we go home for the holiday.”
He chuckles and walks back to the mug to spray in the whipped cream, but he’s stopped again. As he walks to the other side of the kitchen he gets a better view at Joy and sees she’s wearing his shirt and...nothing else. She’s wearing his shirt, just his shirt! His heart begins to race as he forces himself to look back at the mugs and not at her bare legs.
Oh god, oh god, OH GOD! He can’t do this! Why would she not be wearing anything else!? Does she think this is part of their game!? Does she think this is funny!? That’s not fair! Holy crap, his hands are trembling. He can’t do this, he can’t do this. Ok, ok just stay calm. Be cool.
He manages to get at least one brain cell to focus on spraying the whipped cream into the mugs, and when he turns back to look at Joy she’s sitting down in the chair. His breath freezes in his chest as his eyes catch the sky blue thigh-high shorts that were hidden before, but now that she’s sitting they peak out from under the hem of the shirt.
Tension rushes out of his body like a deflated balloon. His heart rate comes down as he realizes she’s not wearing just his shirt. And soon the panic, nervousness, and adrenaline he felt a moment ago is quickly replaced with embarrassment and self-condemnation as he chastises himself.
Of course she’s wearing shorts! Why wouldn’t she be! They’re friends, there’s no reason for her to be wearing only his shirt here alone with him. He’s a pervert for even thinking like that about her. Ugh, he wants to throw up.
“You good Cassie?” She asks concerned
He nods, “Yeah I’m fine why?”
She smirks, “Well you’re just kind of standing there holding the hot chocolate with a strange look on your face.”
His cheek instantly light on fire and he coughs nervously, “Sorry just really tired I guess.”
He finds himself again and takes the seat next to Joy. He smiles as she sips her hot chocolate giving herself a whipped cream mustache which she seems to not give a single care about.
“You talk with him?” She asks worry dripping from her voice.
He nods and swirls his mug around on the table, “Yeah we talked. He’s good, we’re good.”
Her smile brightens, “Good.” She blinks and looks at the table, “Hey I thought you promised shortbread cookies Clyde.”
He blinks and shakes his head, “Oh yeah right I forgot.”
She giggles as he stands up, “You wouldn’t make a good robber Clyde you can’t even remember what you were supposed to be stealing.”
“Well they’re mine so I don’t know how I could steal them,” he smiles and crosses behind her to the cabinet.
“Either way cross robber off your list of possible jobs,” she teases.
“Yeah that and acting,” he chuckles as he opens the cabinet.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I can’t act worth a dime,” he says and takes the box into his hands. “I mean I couldn’t even convince Autumn we were together.”
“What?” Her voice is small and confused.
Stupid! He scolds himself for not monitoring his words more carefully, god that whole ‘Joy’s wearing just my shirt’ nonsense really numbed his brain.
He hesitates before turning to look at her. She’s facing him in the chair, he hands on the back of the chair, her eyes confused and her eyebrows scrunched up not understanding what he means.
“Fall didn’t believe us?” She asks slowly
He sighs and shuts the cabinet door, well the damage is done now so...
“Yeah,” he says and sits back at the table. “She didn’t really believe we were a couple.”
“Like...the whole time?”
He nods and rubs the back of his neck, “Yeah. She was really suspicious of us.”
“How do you know that?”
“She said so.”
“Where was I?” She asks
“It was when you went back in to use the bathroom, she called us out on it.”
Joy blinks and he can see she’s thinking back to the yogurt shop.
“So while I was inside she told you she didn’t believe us?”
“Yes,” he nods and fiddles with the box of cookies.
“Oh...” her eyes grow wide and her mouth falls open as she gasps. “Oh! Is that why you kissed me? To convince her?”
His cheeks are burning and he won’t look at her. “Yeah...kind of.”
“Oh...oh,” she says again but the second time there’s a shift in her tone. She sounds almost sad...is that disappointment he’s hearing? Did she think he kissed her for any other reason besides they’re little game? Why would she think that he’d just kiss her like that, they were still playing this game after all.
Unless...did she want him to kiss her? Could it be possible she’s been having the same feelings for him as he has about her? No, no he’s reading waaay to much into this.
“Is the hot chocolate good?” He asks to try and change the subject.
“Hm?” she blinks and looks up at him, “Oh yeah yeah it’s perfect.” She smiles.
He nods and looks at his watch, “Geez it’s getting really late.”
“Yeah I’m getting kind of sleepy,” she says and sips her drink.
He nods, “Well why don’t we--”
“Did it convince her?” She cuts him off and looks at him. “The kiss I mean.”
He quirks his brows before clearing his throat, “Oh yeah, yeah didn’t you see her face?” He chuckles.
She grins, “Well good then we accomplished our goal.”
“Yes we did,” he says and puts his hand on top of hers.
There’s a moment of silence before she yawns and he smiles.
“When are you leaving to go home?” He asks
“Monday is my flight back home, how about you?”
“I was gonna fly out like Wednesday or something, but I could get it to fly out Monday with you.” He says and his heart warms at the bright smile she gives him.
“I’d like that Cassie.”
He nods, “Well I’ll order the ticket tomorrow, but we don’t have any reason to get up early so we can sleep in late.”
“Good I need some uninterrupted sleep,” she says and yawns again.
He nods agreeing, “Well you can take my bed I’ll sleep on the couch.” He says downing the hot chocolate which he immediately regrets feeling the scorching liquid burn his throat.
She scrunches her eyebrows, “Uhnt-uh no way hosa, you didn’t get to sleep in your bed last night. I’ll take a turn on the couch.”
“But you slept on the couch last night,” he says as she finishes her drink.
She chews her bottom lip and fishes in the box of cookies pulling out a hand full.
“We’re at a stand still then Casanova.”
He chuckles, “It looks that way J-bird.” He takes the mugs to the sink and rinses them out.
She hums loudly as she munches on the cookies. “Well I’m supposed to be your girlfriend right?”
“Indeed,” he nods and turns to look at her.
“And we’re in college right?”
“Also true.”
An odd grin spreads on her face and he notes the light pink color her cheeks flush to. “So wouldn’t it be strange if one of us slept out on the couch instead of sharing your bed?”
He pauses for a moment before a grin of his own pulls at his lips, “I suppose so.”
Joy’s grin turns playful as she slowly stands up, “So in that case...” she glances at him before she takes off towards the bedroom with him at her heels.
The two chase each other into his bedroom giggling like little kids. When he enters the room he sees Joy sitting on her knees on his bed smiling back at him. He’s taken back at the image before him and he stops short as he watches Joy looking around his room. Why had he chased her in here? 
“Hey when did you get this?” Joy asks picking up a random dress shirt off the floor. “I’ve never seen you wear this before.”
He shrugs, “Eh Moman insisted I had to go to the spring fling last semester and she sent me that with a new vest and tie ordering me to go and have fun. Oh, and demanding I send pictures as evidence that I went.”
“Wow it’s a really nice color,” she smiles and smirks at him. “I thought I was your fashion go-to.”
He chuckles, “Well I can’t rely on only you for help with style. I mean you’re not the only woman in my life.”
She glances at his desk, “I can see that.” She says taking the Calculus III textbook off of his desk. “I see you leave all of your women out for the world to see.” She says in a mock serious tone.
He chuckles and plays along and dramatically winces, “I’d hope you’d never find out at least not like this.”
She breaks character for a moment and giggles. She turn the book so it hangs open like a calendar. She scrunches her face up and tilts her head. He chuckles and walks up behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle and resting his chin on her shoulder.
“I’m disappointed,” she huffs.
“Come now you know I’ve always been a numbers man. It’s my one weakness.” He hums, “Hey now that’s a sexy integral.” He says as they stare at the double integral problem he has been working on solving a few days ago.
“She looks nothing like me,” Joy scoffs and pouts. “Should I be jealous?” She asks innocently which makes him smile.
He shakes his head, “Not at all Jo-jo not to worry.” He buries his face into her neck, “You’re the only one I need.” He says and before he can stop himself he kisses her neck lightly.
They both freeze. Her body filled with tension in his grip and they both stand there as if time itself had ceased to exist.
Alright time out! What just happened!? Ok, this is too much. Weren’t they just supposed to be playing this game? You know, pretending? Somewhere along the way something shifted and now...now this doesn’t feel fake...this feels real. Oh god, how he wants this to be real! He could say something. Maybe she feels the same way. There was always the possibility that she did, after all this was all her idea. But of course there’s also the possibility that she doesn’t feel the same as him. God that would destroy their friendship! No he can’t risk it. So he’ll do what he’s done for years...swallow his feelings and change the subject.
And he does just that.
He clears his throat and takes a step back from Joy as she closes the textbook and opts to instead play with the little curl by her ear--a nervous tick she’s had since childhood.
“Anyways, um, I think I’m gonna go shower before bed.” He says and runs his hand through his hair, the burning in his ears a huge clue that he’s blushing. She doesn’t turn to face him fully. She turns just enough to glance back at him over her shoulder.
“Alright you do you Cassie,” she says quietly and he can see her cheeks are bright red to match his.
Before he can say anything about this little fact he quickly grabs some boxers and shorts off the floor along with a towel before he darts out of the room and into the bathroom. He leans against the door and tilts his head back letting out a heavy sigh. God, what’s wrong with him!? Why can’t he just forget about all this mush and see her for who she is...his best friend and nothing more.
He looks at the mirror and blinks to see the residue of the steam from Joy’s shower. But in the steam he can see little streaks where someone has drawn on the mirror. There’s a little cat, a flower, a heart, a goofy looking face, and the words San Fransisco written on the mirror. He laughs and shakes his head, he forgot Joy likes to do that after a shower. She’s always drawing constantly, she uses anything as a canvas--and much like him, drawing on the mirror after a steamy shower is one of her many adorable quirks.
He sighs and strips down to shower. His mind won’t stop analyzing everything that happened today. From the beginning of the day to just now he can’t help but feel there was some truth in their fake relationship. At least from his side there was. He huffs and scrubs the suds out of his hair as he replays their kiss in his head. Him snatching Joy into his arms and catching her soooo off guard. The passion he dumped into the kiss and how he secretly wished it had been a kiss for real and not one because of some silly game they were playing.
As he scrubs the dirt from his chest he replays it again and this time he sees something he didn’t before. Although he did catch her by surprise she did gather herself quite quickly. And though he at the time was so focused on pouring every ounce of his being into that single kiss he did register something else. At some point in the kiss Joy had puckered her lips. She had kissed him back!
He stops and stares at the wall as the water continues to rain down on him. He was so preoccupied with Autumn and Nathan and proving that Joy was the love of his life, he missed that very tiny but enormously important fact! She hadn’t pushed him away, she had pulled closer to him. She had pushed back and kissed him, not as hard as he did her but nonetheless. She had closed her eyes! And most importantly...she had enjoyed it! The little noise she made, the dazed look in her eyes, how giggly and bubbly she became after it, the tone she had when she found out why he had kissed her. Heck, even just now when he kissed her neck how she blushed and started playing with that little curl was proof that he made her nervous! They were all signs that she hadn’t been disgusted with it, but rather she enjoyed it...maybe even hoped it would have continued?
But then that means...there’s a chance she loves him back! Wait did he just say love? Yeah he did, he does, he is in love with Joy. He has been for a long time but he’s never actually said it. And there’s a good chance she loves him back!
The smile that sits on his face is so wide it could tear his face in half, as he trips out of the shower and proceeds to clumsily pulls on his boxers, shorts, and t-shirt. It’s a chance, an encouraging chance, and that’s all he needs. He just needed some kind of clue that she felt the same way.
He rips open the door and sprints into the bedroom ready to pour out his heart and confess his love for her hoping for the absolutely best outcome. But he’s stopped short when he sees she’s laying on the bed curled up under his blanket...sound asleep.
He deflates a little as sighs. Well that’s probably for the best, what had he planned to do anyways? Sweep her into his arms and dive in for another kiss? That could have ended badly. No, no he can’t just do is going off of a hunch. No he needs solid evidence.
An idea pops into his head.
He could do a little experiment. He was a science and numbers man after all, he could collect data all day tomorrow while their together. Anything no matter how big or how small, anything that could possibly be a sign that she loves him back he’ll keep track of. And if he reaches one hundred percent he’ll know for sure and then he can confess to her how he’s been drowning in these feelings since high school. Yeah, yeah that’s what he’ll do.
He yawns and looks at the bed. Honestly that bed is way too small for even him, there’s no way they both will fit. So he turns out the lights and opts to sleep in his chair seeing there was next to no room on the floor for him to sleep. But the chair is squeaky and uncomfortable, even with his feet propped up on the desk he can’t get into a primal position to sleep. There’s a twinge of pain in his lower back that shoots up into his neck and he knows there is no way he’ll be able to sleep here.
He sighs and walks back over to the bed, seeing that Joy is laying near the edge of the bed he could just slip in behind her. Careful not to wake her, he crawls from the foot of the bed up to slide under the blanket. He pressed his back into the wall and really he’ll have to sleep on his side, with her here there is no room for tossing and turning. But he’s not complaining, after all this is much more comfortable than the old office chair. She’s basically laying right against him and he’s really not sure what to do with his arms. He opts for sticking one under his head and resting the other on his hip. As soon as he stops moving Joy decides to take a turn and flips around in her sleep to face him.
She instinctual cuddles into him, craving the warmth his body gives off. He feels her one hand grip the front of his t-shirt and nuzzles her head into his chest before she sighs contently. He smiles and decides the hell with it and wraps his arm around her--which is way more comfortable than holding stiff at his side. The scent of strawberries is strong as it emanates off of her hair and he’s finding strawberry is becoming his new favorite smell. He tightens his grip around her waist holding her close to him and doesn’t miss the tiny little quirk of her lips forming a small sleepy content smile. As his eyes drift closed he has one final thought in his mind.
Five percent.
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freechoicedreamer · 4 years
Body and Soul (Ch. 4)
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Opening Theme
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“ Both shadow and persona are archetypes that affect behavior towards others and ourselves which can result in betrayal, shame, guilt and remorse. In other words, can cause suffering.
First a brief definition of shadow: it includes all the repressed content that is in the personal unconscious as well as unconscious material from the collective unconscious. It includes unacceptable components of psyche whether those be dark affects like envy and anger and fear or lighter aspects that were not available to us as we developed.
Persona is the second archetype that can give rise to betrayals, particularly of ourselves. In simplest language, persona is like a social mask. When it is working in concert with our authentic selves, it is a presentation of that authentic self in ways that are appropriate to the situation one is in. When it is not the presentation of authenticity, it comes closest to the psychoanalytic concept of the false self.  It develops primarily because of others’ expectations, especially when the infant’s or small child’s needs and feelings are encroached on by the adult caregiver’s needs. The false self is the self that is fabricated because of social compulsions.
Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes, whether accurately or not that he or she has compromised his or her own standard of behavior and bears significant responsibility for that violation.  Guilt’s strength lies not in the failure of others to grant forgiveness, but in our failure to forgive ourselves. Shame, on the other hand, is a painful emotion that can, like guilt, result from a comparison with one’s standards and one’s behavior, but the more damaging shame comes from the feeling that one is so bad and so damaged that one really has no real right to existence.  This latter type of shame, called by some, primary shame, is the result of early childhood injury either from abandonment, parental disengagement, or childhood abuse - sexual, physical or emotional. Healing from this type of shame requires an understanding that responsibility for the transgression lies outside one’s self.  Self-understanding and self-forgiveness are required.”
(Julie Bondanza, On Betrayal, Shame, Guilt and Remorse)
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Storybrooke, the Fairies' Convent
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For the fairies, time is an abstraction that becomes concrete in face of the cycles of nature, which they have guarded for eons. In particular, for each flower species, flowering cycles are measured at the small branches of the delicate fairy wings that protect them, and each line of the intricate tissue accumulates, at the level of its molecular structure, the entire history of that botanical species. Throughout the history of mankind, fairies, also associated with stars, have always been present, witnesses of countless adventures and misadventures of civilizations in apogee and decay. For men time passes, for Faeries men pass, but the cycles of life and death remain unchanged. Or they used to remain, until now. Now, even for the Fairies there are no certainties anymore.
The Lilac Fairies live with the gods at Olympus, though some of them often come to Earth on a special mission. Today, with a massive peril threatening both Earth and Olympus, the gods sent a special delegation to Storybrooke, led by Lavender-lady, and another delegation to the Enchanted Islands, led by Lily-of-the-valley, to organize and assist two work fronts: one next to Blue and Wish-Blue and the other next to Tiger Lily and Wish-Tiger Lily.
“So,” says Lavender-lady introducing the other fairies to Blue and Wish-Blue, “here with me came Angel White, Primrose, Sensation, Petunia, Purple-flash, Verbena, Peach-leaf, and Bell-flower. To the Enchanted Islands Lily took with her: Clematis, Vista, Salvia, Summer-snapdragon and Veronica. We came to share what the gods know, so far, and to help you in organizing the protection and resistance groups.”
"It's a relief that you can join us," Blue replies, after greeting the fairies and inviting them to sit in the convent meditation room, "there are so many gaps about the threat that it has been more complicated to organize a more combative defense scheme. With what we already know, we have been able to move forward, but there is still a lot of work to do.”
“Tell us what you already know then we will fill as many gaps as we can, based on what we already know. No secrets here.” Lavender asks.
“Well,” Lavender sighs, “From what you’ve just told us, I have to say that we bring more worrying news, I'm afraid. As previously explained by Persephone to Zelena and Chad, the merciless Titans' secret of bodies' cloning, registered in the Mysteries & Secrecies book, was stolen by Cruella and, according to what was later revealed by a condemned soul that betrayed the rebellion, Cruella shared her new knowledge with Pan, only, before their escape from Tartarus with more than 2-k condemned souls. On their way through the Mourning Fields they enlisted circa of 3.5-k souls and now there's a total of nearly 6-k rebels, apparently nowhere to be seen. Despite being hidden, we suspect that they managed to retransmit the cloning spell to Wish Pan and Wish Cruella and that has likely been done across one of the few Underworld's connections with the Upperworld. We don’t know for sure but there are strong evidences pointing to that suspicion. So, the possibility that their accomplices on Earth are in possession of two spells - the one of cloning human bodies and the one of cutting off the gods' immortality source - is high. That's because from the same traitor soul we've been given important pieces of information. I mean, besides stealing the Mysteries & Secrecies book, he told us that, before being sent to Tartarus, Cruella had also explored the Dead Ambrosia Garden ruins and... there she found an ancient scroll describing a ritual based on a recipe, also written in the scroll, for drying the ambrosia orchard at Olympus. The gods connected the dots and figured out that, ashore, Wish Pan and Wish Cruella, while touring the dungeons of Wish Rumple’s Castle, might have discovered the hidden underground net of tunnels that links the mountain, where the castle sits, with the Underworld rivers and, also, with Mount Olympus' Fountain of Youth, from which the gods extract the water for preparing their Ambrosia Nectar – the source of their immortality.”
“Do we know this traitor soul?” Wish Blue asks fearing the answer.
“You probably do. You know his brother, David Nolan. Apparently, James Nolan used to be Cruella’s main partner in depraved activities but after their escape from Tartarus she has exchanged him for Pan, who became the new inseparable and it seems, now, exclusive partner of hers. Disgusted at being deprived, James isolated himself from the rebels and sought refuge at the Mourning Fields, when the rebels were crossing it. There, he contacted the guardians of this Underworld sector and was taken to Persephone’s Golden Palace. The soul of his brother, Wish James, who was in the Lethean Fields, was located and prepared for talking to him. As all souls in the Lethean Fields, Wish James had drunk the waters of river Lethe but Persephone’s magic restored his memory. Wish James was quite successful in persuading James to confess his crimes and to quit his hunger for revenge, at least temporarily but, we hope, for good. Persephone took pity on him and now, in quarantine in the palace’s dungeons for an assisted and prolonged detox season, James has cried nonstop since his confession, ashamed and guilty...”
“What a sad story,” Blue laments.
“Indeed,” Lavender agrees, “but maybe for James Nolan there is still hope. Though he is suffering now, his sad story is in fact a miracle, a rare opportunity for his redemption in the future, which can no longer be said for other rebellious souls. James will suffer for a long time, but salvation may come to him, sooner or later. Through new chances of reincarnation without the low tricks the rebels devise, he can still come to the Light."  
"There is a lot to process in these statements of yours,” Wish Blue comments. “Is there more?”
“Yes, and this time it comes from the gods themselves, from Morpheus, more precisely.” Lavender proceeds to explain. “Despite not understanding the whole process yet, Morpheus, the god of Dreams, has detected part of the rebels’ plot through the ominous activities of Wish Pan and Wish Cruella. Once he identified the threat those two represent, he went to Olympus to warn its inhabitants about their plots, and in parallel he is now working on his own plan with his two brothers. He told me that they are seeking the most efficient way to warn the mortals about the developments in the Underworld, as the rebels advance. He mentioned something about communicating with the mortals using werewolf dreams because for them the barriers that separate the dream and waking worlds are weaker.”
With a sad smile, Lavender concludes her speech to an attentive audience: “these are all the news we brought, dear sisters. Beyond that is mere speculation but before starting the Sijainti (*Location) ceremony I can describe in more detail how the cloning magic works. This will help you in understanding the purpose of the rites we are about to perform.”
Positioned in a circle, the fairies are initiating their concentration for performing a powerful magic rarely used in all eons of their existence. Before the rite, properly, they need an individual preparation by cleaning their auras of any stains of darkness, accumulated in their long past, which may be hidden in some fold of their wings. Fairies from Haven and Earth - the later in wish and non-wish versions, including  Nova and Wish Nova (married to Grump and Wish Grump), Tink and Wish Tink (with restored wings), Glinda (from Oz), and all fairies/nuns of the convent – are gathered, least the ones that flew to the Enchanted Islands to perform the same ritual that will empower them for flying out over the Enchanted Sea.
The cleaning session took almost all day because not only each Fairy had to confess her malpractices; after each confession the others needed to chant specific cleaning mantras for each type of fault until they were certain that all accumulated dirt had been removed from the wings. Apparently all fairies had accumulated stains of guilt and shame. The last one to close the circle was Blue. To clean her aura Blue brought in the open many strains of her wings: she has lied, despite claiming to Rumpelstiltskin that fairies don't lie, when she told Snow White and Prince Charming, at Gepetto’s insistence, that the magic tree could only protect one person from the Dark Curse, when, in actuality, it could save two. Also when Rumpelstiltskin asked her if a curse can be used to travel to the Land without Magic, she said no, even though she witnessed the creation of the Dark Curse in person. She was also aware of how the Black Fairy turned dark since she witnessed it, despite telling Belle that "no one knows exactly".
Ready to perform the enchantment, the fairies hold hands, locked in a circle, flapping their wings in sync. After starting a choir of mantras, from their magic wands attached to their heads by means of a tiara, a rainbow of fairy dust is sprayed into the room, transforming the suspended molecules created by all fairy confessions into tiny gray arrows. The more the fairies sing their chants, the longer and thicker the arrows become until all matter generated by their confessions is condensed into quite distinguishable pointed vectors, all positioned in the center of the circle. At this point, the fairies release their hands but, maintaining the circle formation and the synchronized flapping of their wings, they start to fly counter clockwise, initially slowly, then at a fast and accelerated speed, circling the center where the arrows are. With the thrust of their flight, the arrows begin to rise in the air in a helix-like structure spiraling upward until, suddenly, tilting towards the main window of the hall they fly out the window in all directions.
After the ceremony, the fairies flew in all directions of the United Realms following the locators of dark magic radiation sources, enchanted to locate the places that can be used to store cloned bodies (still hibernating bodies: soul voids but not life voids).
Once located, ground teams will try to magically isolate the places. The nearest sources are in the convent neighborhood: the mansion where Cruella stayed during her short period in Storybrooke, and the old residence of Mr. Gold, aka as Rumpelstiltskin, and his wife Belle.
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Greater Storybrooke, Wish Jolly Roger
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“So here is the plan, my loyal shipmates. When you return, about three days from now, I’ll join you for a new mission. Until then, we will keep in touch by radio. In my absence, W. Smee assumes the post of captain. Mr. Smee will sail the other Jolly Roger and the two ships will remain close to each other in the same route. My brother is right now giving these same instructions to his crew. For our ship the crew has increased a little bit and the same happened in the other Jolly – but not too much because we need as many free space as possible to accommodate with safety as many people as possible. In our case, besides Bill Wyatt and Kevin Smith, who will travel accompanied by their wives, there are two more sailors joining you: Bryson Taylor and Eli Moore. Wyatt’s kids are already young adults and cannot go so they will remain in Storybrooke, waiting for the inland gathering calls to start.”
“Your mission will be to sail straight to the Enchanted Archipelago; they are the populated islands of the realms and their only two big buildings adequate to operate as safe shelters will have to be isolated because they're hosting clones. There you'll meet Tiger Lily and Wish Tiger Lily, who will help you to gather all inhabitants of the villages and will travel back with you to assist the arrangements for accommodating the passengers on the ships.  Bring as many people below 40 years old as the Jollys stand. Actually, your mission is to bring everybody below 40, our girls are strong, do not leave anyone behind. If necessary, save only the food and leave the excessive cargo in the islands. If need be, ask Nemo for help, the Nautilus’ capacity is smaller but you can share the load with them.”
“We discussed the need, on your way back, to pass by Hearty Island and Carnation Island, I suggested your ship for the detour towards south because most of you have already been there and know those waters. However, considering the high demographics of passengers, we ended up deciding against the idea of going there just for a check since we already know they are not inhabited. With the help of Triton, his daughters and Ursula we may quickly scan those quarters later, during the next mission to which my brother and I will be joining the two Jollys’ crews. Therefore, remember: Mr. Smee will always sail near you, captaining the other Jolly, with the same mission as yours. By radio, you will also be in contact with Captain Nemo, who will be navigating under the sea.”
“Any doubt?”
The two brothers walked along the docks until the concrete bench where Killian used to go with Emma in search of a horizon to open up new angles for their perception and bring the calming breath of the ocean. Key took with him the battery charger, which is solar-powered, and they are now recharging their prosthetic batteries. Sharing a flask of rum, they sit there, rarely talking, just looking ahead into the width of the open sea.
"I'm grateful to Poseidon for healing you from your addiction, your alcoholism. Back in time, when she returned from the Wish Realm, Emma tried to convince me to stop drinking, did you know that?" Killian tells Key with a grin, without taking his eyes off the horizon.
“Aye, she told me once, and you mentioned something when we first met… We both have a great deal of gratitude to Zeus and Poseidon. The same cannot be said for the other family member, their brother Hades..."
“Definitely not… Zeus and Poseidon are at the top in their lineage. You know, not all brothers are like the Brothers Jones…” Killian replies with a mix of humor and nostalgic feelings. Key just nods, searching, beyond the horizon, for distant memories guarding their brother Liam.
“How was it, Killian? How was it in your heart? I'm not referring to your physical core, since you didn’t have one at that moment, but to your spiritual heart. How was meeting Liam in the Underworld? The love I feel for him is the same love you feel for him, as the magic that created the wish and non-wish ‘us’ happened after his death. We share the pain of losing him but not the joy of meeting him again… You see, I’m not envying you, I’m proud of parts and ashamed of other parts of my journey from the moment our paths diverged. My path has its unique ups and downs, its unique redemption journey after a unique past of villainy. Past I'm not proud of but it's part of the unique story that brought me here and made me what I am today: a United Realms citizen, Emm’s husband, the father of Alice and of two babies to come…. I- just wish I could know the feeling of meeting him too, you know?”
“I can imagine your burden... as you said, we share the same intense love for him - and the same regret for not being able to stop that idiot from being so stubborn. I’m not sure if I can put it into words but I’ll try… you ask me what it was like meeting him again… Well, it was an immeasurable joy in seeing our brother but... To the joy shortly thereafter followed a mixture of anguish and disappointment. First, the disappointment: the golden idol, the man who put the bar of honesty, integrity and incorruptibility so high that we would never be able to reach it, became a clay idol. Then the anguish, the despair on the brink of the abyss that leads to hell. And there, at the lowest point, I felt the overcoming and the clay idol became a man in his true size and grandeur: a good man. Our brother Liam spent hundreds of years in the Underworld because of his guilty, he was ashamed and felt like having a debt with us that wouldn't allow him to move on, to move upstairs...”  The two little brothers chuckle and look up to the clouds, imagining their big brother looking at them from upstairs. “Throughout our childhood and youth, Liam raised the bar of virtue and heroism to his height, and we grew up cultivating the idea that we could never reach that level. Physically, in fact, we did not grow as much as he did, but the rule of virtue he used was not honest. While we got lost in gambling and drinking, to be an example of dignity for us Liam corrupted himself and kept this secret from us. After I finally met the truth, on the brink of the precipice, Liam decided to sacrifice himself to save my soul from the cruelest fate. At that moment my spiritual heart vibrated at the frequency of survival, which I cannot explain or define, it is something of our nature I guess, I’m sure you know what I mean… "
"Of course I do, it’s our second skin, we may kind of joke about that sometimes but deep down our survivor nature is part of what we are..."
"Exactly, it was as if through me flowed a magic pulling force that prevented Liam from falling into the abyss, and at the same time as if the gods, who judge the souls, witnessing our pain took pity of our suffering and decided to be Just. What I felt, at that moment, the strength of Forgiveness, mutual forgiveness, forgiveness of myself, I think Liam felt too. At that it followed the farewell, our goodbye. Somehow with melancholy but also carrying a promise that in the transience of life no goodbye is final, I saw Liam setting sail on a ship, Captain Liam Jones finally back to the 7 heavenly seas where he has always belonged..."
"Thank you, Killian, for bringing these tears to my eyes," Key wipes his eyes with a tissue and smiles. “In the midst of the uncertainties and anguish we are experiencing, these tears, in particular, are tears of joy, tears of love for the idiot of our brother…”
"If he's watching our conversation on some of those transcendental screens that, it seems, they have in Paradise, our big brother must be really pissed off at the affectionate terms we use to refer to him ..." Killian comments and they both laugh inwardly.
“But he was an idiot…”
“That he was!” Killian giggles. “And then, as if to compensate for his past mess by creating a new mess, our father gave us another brother Liam…” Killian adds after a pause.
“You mean, two Liams!!” Key corrects him.
“Aye, two Liams, from two Brennans: Liam Junior and Liam Senior… At least they cooperated with us and did not use the rejuvenating magic so popular among wish and non-wish people, it is easy to distinguish who is who. At least, after all, they both found a good father-model: a redeemed Nemo and a redeemed version of Brennan,” Killian sighs.
“I never told you, but I understand the feeling that moved you, Killian, the revolt in finding out that our father named another son with the name of our Liam, after everything he had done to us, to Liam. I think that, in the same circumstances, I would have done the same.”
“I went out of my mind when I heard him saying to the boy the same words he said to me – that is, to us, hours before trading Liam and us for a boat, selling us as slaves in the process, and abandoning us on that ship. I was going to help him escape but I lost my mind seeing him with Liam and I’m not proud of that moment of weakness; it is actually one of my deepest regrets, something like a bad writing of who was in charge of writing our story, I mean ourselves. At the same level of guilty - bad writing guilty - for having murdered David's father, among other crimes. "
"Hate blinded us, Killian, you and I both know that very well and learned this lesson in the hardest ways possible. Remorse is a heavy burden for any soul to carry. But Forgiveness is redeeming and liberating. Forgiveness has a savior property.”
“I just wish I could apologize to our father, or better saying the version of our father I killed.”
“He probably has moved on, probably has forgotten all of that, and if he did not forget, I’m sure he already forgave you, the same way we both forgave Wish Brennan,” Key comforts his brother.
“Talking about regret, another one I have, actually, not exactly regret since it wasn't my fault, but I resent having missed the opportunity to meet Milah in the Underworld.” Killian confesses. “At least now we know that she has moved on and is in heaven, close to her sons, her wish and non-wish sons.”
“Do you know what I have just realized?” Key asks, after a silent pause. “I’m here connecting some dots. Zelena told us about how Persephone, by helping Arthur to free some souls from the river of lost souls –unwillingly created the opportunity for this whole rebellion of dark souls in the Underworld to happen… That means that the two stories are connected, our Milah and a few others are behind the moment Cruella took the opportunity to rescue malign entities, inclusive Pan!”  
“The liberation of Milah is a price worth paying. Her freedom and of other souls who did not deserve that horrible fate, victims of the cruelty of Hades and Rumple, at least in her case, is a price worth paying. As for Pan, we know him well enough to fight and beat him. Our old acquaintance Pan is still causing harm from hell, as old and malign as his wish version haunting around in the Upperworld,” Killian completes.
“Two demons… I’m not sure about that devil soul’s magic powers but, at least one of them, Wish Pan, possesses magic ability of invisibility which means he can be doing his wronging anywhere without being seen,” Key remembers.
“You are right, two demons threatening all realms … our wives, our kids… And you and I know them; we do know that one of them may be right now working his dark magic really close to where we are. We can’t let them, Key, we won’t let them get the final word, I swear, we won’t let them. We know these two demons quite well and we will defeat them.”
“They have in their favor the utter lack of scruples, intrinsic to darkness in the lowest frequencies, which usually allows a faster action, and a concentrated dose of venom in their sneaky tongs, which may shamelessly spread discord and disunion. But we have in our favor the strength of the highest frequencies vibrating in unison, as a collective spirit that will make us stronger and, also, the fundamental fact that no darkness can withstand the intensity of Light for too long…”
“We also have more magic; ours is light magic powered by the strongest force: love, which is much more than they will ever have… Talking about magic, have I told you how Hope called Emm?”
“No, you haven’t.”
“She said that Emm is, I quote, “the Aligner”, in other words, while my Emma is the Savior, yours is the Aligner. She also said that you and I, as Survivors, have magic power coming from the sky and from the sea. I think that part of this is my daughter’s fantasy, but I’ve learned to not underestimate what she says, Hope is a surprisingly accurate seer, so...  What do you think?”
"I think you just puzzled me, because Emm has repeatedly mentioned that our job is to align the lives of those who vibrate in the frequencies of light, peace and love into the 'here and now'. As for the magic of the Survivors, I don't know, maybe our survival instinct is magic by itself, but I need to think more about it.”
"Speaking of our wives and children, it’s past lunch time, which means… time to go home; besides, the batteries are already recharged," Killian stands up, searching for his car keys. "Want a ride back to the loft?"
"Aye, I had planned to walk but I’ll take the ride. My car is with Emm, who brought me here. Thank you, brother."
"The loft is on my way, no problem at all. So … Emm is already driving alone? I’m impressed." Killian asks admiringly.
"Aye, easily learned, she is a natural pro..."
The two brothers keep talking while walking into the parking lot, their batteries recharged, in more than one sense, and their souls lighter from the weight of past regrets, now dissipated into the horizon landscape.
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Storybrooke, Cruella's House
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In a circumspect silence, the four people head to the mansion once briefly occupied by Cruella. Since her death the house has remained closed although it has been placed in the Storybrooke real estate market for sale or rent. From time to time a housekeeping crew comes in to clean it up and wipe out the mice and grooves that insist on making it their permanent home. Back in time, although Cruella, Maleficent, and Ursula used to plot and conspire at a log cabin in the woods, Cruella did not relinquish a mansion in the upscale Storybrooke area, "resembling the place that witnessed my diabolical person's arrival into this world," she used to tell her accomplices. Nowadays, for Mal and Ursula those villainous times are over and they finally earned what they sought: a happy ending. For Cruella, however, the replica of Deville's Manor, owned by Rumple, represented luxury, the ostensive and questionable exuberance of an aristocracy based on appearances, and the few times she occupied the residence were enough to impregnate it with her dark energy.
"Tell me Emma, what was the explanation on the cloning magic given by the lilac fairy, what's her name again?" Maleficent asks as they approach the mansion’s main gate.
“Lavender,” Emma responds. ”Her name was Lavender but, hang on please… Dad, Mom, wait!” Emma calls David and Snow, walking a few meters ahead of them. They stop in their track and sit in the garden bench at their daughter’s request. “Before continuing, I’m not sure how much you’ve heard of Tink’s explanations and I want to make sure that we are all on the same page.”
"Well, Emma," Snow begins, "we are aware that James' soul reported activities of thousands of fugitives from Tartarus and Mourning Fields. We are also aware of the fairies’ ritual which resulted in the location of various places in all realms - residences, in general, and a few castles - with potential to house the clones casted by W-Pan and W-Cruella in association with the rebel souls. And this house, in particular, Cruella’s ex-house, is one of these places. We also know that our mission is to spray its outer and inner walls with the potion prepared by the fairies and given to the teams - formed by at least two magic practitioners, responsible for isolating the places pointed by the arrows. Ah, and we can’t touch the clones without gloves. Is there anything else we don't know?"
“Yeah, Mom, there are a few more relevant facts that I’ll share with you.” Emma and Mal approach them and sit in another bench close to theirs. “First, we can sit here, in these benches, because even though you didn't know, fortunately, these benches are more than 3 meters from the outer walls of the house and besides, between them and our skins our clothes protect us. Therefore, from this point, you know: no skin contact with anything in the house. You might ask - as I asked, if our clothes and shoes would have to be incinerated, and the answer is no, there is no need. The effect of the cloning spell is not transmitted to any other matter – only skin, so we can later touch our garments that will be in contact with the sources detected by the enchanted arrows."
Apparently feeling great discomfort, David closes his eyes, shaking his head, desolate.
“Dad, are you alright?” Emma asks concerned as Snow caresses her husband's back, trying to comfort him.
“Not much, my dear. Of course, this whole situation is complex, challenging, risky and scary. I was - I am - prepared for all of that. But I wasn't emotionally prepared for the sad story of my brother, or rather my brothers, considering James's Wish version.”
“David…” Snow tries to speak but he cuts her.
“I know, Snow, none of this is my direct fault. I know that. But that doesn’t prevent me from feeling somehow guilty, I should have tried harder to talk to him in the Underworld, instead I let jealousy dominate me, I don’t know anything anymore…”
“David, I was going to say that I should have controlled myself too, you were not the only one out of your mind with James, but envy and jealousy were dominant in our interactions with him. Most importantly, for me, I should feel as guilty as you, or even more, after all he tricked me. In that passage, none of us had the insight, or the self-control to think better. Mostly James, he was guided by dark instincts."
"He's my brother Snow; there was a time in our lives when we were inseparable friends and I loved him, deep down, I still do. Fate was very cruel to James."
“You are doing a lot for him, David,” Snow reassures him with a sad smile, “with your love, you are making the difference between the salvation of his soul and the eternal condemnation to suffer in hell. Remember what Tinker told us, it may take a lot of time, many reincarnations, but he will heal, his soul has escaped a tragic end, my love, you must believe that.”
"Dad, when Killian came back from the Underworld, when he resurrected and reunited with me, knowing Robin's fate, he said this same sentence: Fate is cruel - but… I don't know, I really don't know. In my experience life has taught me that we make our destiny through our choices. We all suffered and still suffer the effects of cruel actions – see this whole crisis we are in; what differentiates us from people like James is how we react to these actions and their consequences."
"About that I understand quite well," Mal enters the conversation. "You see, you are talking about Fate but, by a curious plotting of Fate and Destiny, here we are, the four of us, in a team, working together as a group aiming at a common good. It’s really ironic, considering the serious disagreements that have crossed our destinies, mine and yours, David and Snow, and the destinies of our daughters. We all carry our burden of guilt and regret because we all have suffered the cruelty of Fate. Emma is right; from the moment we made the right choices Fate wasn't so cruel to us. Fate even plotted to gather us here, in this group of four, to perform a risky job in Cruella’s house."
“It really is ironic, Mal, especially considering that I am responsible for Cruella being sent to the Underworld, in the first place.” Emma sighs, head down, but quickly recomposes and picks up the skein. “You know... this is a past that I don't regret. I carry lots of regrets, but not this one. For instance, it's still hard for me to accept my inconceivable, insensitive and out of character behavior towards Killian when he was mortified for having realized who my grandfather's murder was..."
"We'd rather not start to list past regrets," Snow sighs, thinking on how unfair she was with Killian, in the beginning, and also with Emma in many occasions, some of them when she opted to unfairly support Regina instead of her daughter.
"You're right, mom, these are past stories. What I need to reproduce now are Lavender's explanations. According to her, all of us have been cloned, no matter our age: under or over 40, that doesn’t matter. This powerful spell is related to the geographic area it covers, once the area is demarcated every human being within its boundaries will be cloned. The same applies to the Olympus, if it is demarcated. As W-Pan and W-Cruella have already demarcated the United Realms, we must be prepared to find many clones in hibernation in the places located by the enchanted arrows. The rule ‘a soul for another soul’ can now be applied the moment someone dies. In principle, the clone would be a backup body for the dead but that wouldn't be straightforward and wouldn't avoid a time slot long enough for a soul from hell to enter the clone. Of course, the souls aren't interested on old people's bodies because once incarnated they would be subject to a shorter life cycle. So, obviously, their main target are young bodies and that's an extra reason to protect the youngers: no matter their age – they may be babies - the evil souls will preserve their evil persona.”
“This is monstrous!” Snow exclaims, shocked.
“Exactly, and there is no guarantee that we will be able to completely isolate these places, though we'll try and will do our best. The castles will require extra effort because of their huge size, so the teams working on them are bigger than ours and a few others, responsible for 4-5 rooms’ residences like  this one. With the potion that we will spray on the walls of these places, we will prevent – hopefully – any soul to cross their walls aiming at inhabiting a cloned body. Last, but not least, we can never, ever, touch the cloned bodies with our skin because that may trigger unexpected effects that not even the Fairies or the gods know about and are not willing to learn. So… I think we are ready to proceed now.”
David, Emma, Snow and Mal stand up and walk in silence towards the house carrying with them a bag with a lot of sprays of magic potion. They are aware that with every step they take, they are getting closer to the real battle. The preparations are ending and the final fight is coming.
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Storybrooke, the Elders' House
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“Granny,” Killian tries to soften the old lady's disappointment, “I’m really sorry but there is nothing we can do to avoid this house to remain closed for as long as this crisis still remains. In the meantime, you may relocate your restoration work to the Apprentice Mansion; it is much larger and can accommodate you and all your friends.”
“Mrs. Lucas, both of you,” Key approaches them, “I am sure that you will be able to adapt well to the new circumstances. Actually you will be much needed for the logistics of our arrangements. We rely on the elders’ abilities –in your case, for example, your cooking abilities, promptness and, most importantly, relatively higher freedom degree. In every corner of the United Realms the Elders are right now being asked to organize into Councils and to remain together. Here in Storybrooke, three other groups like yours are being formed, and because you are not the target victims of the rebel souls, you will be able to move more freely among shelters. The Dragon and Nemo are working on the wireless devices that all of us will use to communicate and we expect to distribute them very soon. The collaboration of all the elderly will be critical to the success of our Body & Soul Operation. "
“We do understand, Killian, Key. And, obviously, you can count on us, although I'm a little sad that it has to be this way," Granny laments. “You see, my sister and I were completing the renovation of the 4 bedrooms to suit our present and future needs, starting with installing an elevator and a rolling chair on the stairs. We do not plan to retire completely, the diner's activities will  continue because they're part of our lives and we love it too much. But we're leaving the hotel business. Storybrooke has grown and needs modern and larger hotels. In view of that, we decided to accept the gift from Gideon, who has transferred his father's properties to all tenants residing on them. The only exceptions were this house, where he used to come in vacations with his parents when he was a child and, it seems, the house where Cruella lived for a while, both empty. However, as Gideon is no longer living here and doesn’t plan to move back, he wanted to find a good use to his parent’s house too. So, one day, having lunch at the diner, he overheard our talk about moving into a more comfortable house and decided to present us with his old residence. Since then, we've been working on the renovations.”
“We've already given it a name! We call it The Happy Elder’s House, did you know that?” Entering the conversation with a loving and humorous tone of voice, Wish Granny asks Alice and Zelena, who have just joined the group standing in front of two houses: the Golds home and its neighbor’s house, Sir Morgan’s (father of Violet) residence.
Zelena and Alice, who were just talking to Key, approached the group with their heads bowed, wrapped in thoughts. However, the loving manner of the old ladies quickly soothed and touched them both, sparking in them a small flame of gossip about the unfolding lives of the elders. Always a curious, Zelena answers the two ladies and asks back: “I didn’t know, I guess neither Alice. Interesting… So, tell me, in total, how many residents were planning to live in the two elders’ mansions, that is, the Apprentice's house and the happy one here?”
“Hmmm, let me think, help me here sister,” Wish Granny starts to count. “Let’s see: So far we have you and me, Gepetto, Dragon – count on him just as an eventual guest, because he never stays too long in any place, Moe, Jack, Grandmother Fa and Jiminy….”
“You are forgetting Brennan; remember that we have invited him to join us when he mentioned, in the diner, that he was thinking about retiring and he said yes… Ah! And there is also Wish Johanna, who was Wish Snow’s former maid!” Granny adds.
“I know a few of these people you mentioned but… Who is who, Mrs. Lucas?” Alice interrupts them. “Starting from… Moe?”
“Call me Granny and my sister you call Wish Granny, my dear Alice. Now, about your question, very well,” Granny sighs. “I suppose you all know Dragon, Gepetto and Brennan, to be precise, Wish Brennan but you don’t need to use the pronoun because the other Brennan is already dead, and Johanna, again without using Wish - at least I guess you’ve heard about her. So, Moe is Maurice French, Belle’s father. Jack is Wish Apprentice – he is blind but with a very powerful magic and really wise. Fa is Mulan and Wish Mulan’s grandmother. She was saved by the Dragon, who found her frozen but not dead in a cave of the Chinese Village.”
Cutting her sister, Wish Granny intervenes. “I think an explanation is required here, then I’ll open a parenthesis: Fa was not duplicated during the Wish Realm creation because in the past, when Mulan and her people were magically teleported to the Enchanted Forest through the Earth’s grid, she was accidentally inoculated with drops of a sleeping curse and disappeared into the ground so that her granddaughters couldn’t find her. I’ll close the parenthesis here, sis, you may continue…”
“Right, thanks,” Granny goes on. “So, Fa stayed in a casket, kept in that cave, and only a few years ago was found by the Dragon and brought to Wish Mulan and Wish Red’s house. More recently she was awakened by a true love kiss. Sometimes she spends a season with Wish Mulan, sometimes visits her other granddaughter, Mulan, in DunBroch. And sometimes, she comes to Storybrooke. In her last visit, she brought her enchanted prince, and since then they are considering living here in Storybrooke with us."
“Stop the press!!” Zelena shouts, really excited. “In this part you both got me: a true love kiss, really? Enchanted Prince? How come we’ve never heard of all of these stories?”
“Well, Zelena, we may be old, but we are alive, you know?” Granny responds with a chuckle. “The story is really fantastic. I will tell you in short. It all started with Archie...” At all interrogation sights, she giggles and continues, “As you all know, Archie chose to remain a man, and by the way, very much in love man, these days…”
“Really?” Wish Granny cuts her sister to ask, interested, “Who is the lady? Is she whom I’m thinking she is?”
“Hmmm… I think…” Granny gossips in a low voice, “Yes! She is Lily, the Dragon, but you keep that just between us, they are really shy about their romance. They are horrible at hiding it, though, the same way as Mal and Zorro, who lives in Westside Storybrooke. Even though they don’t know how to hide it, they try to be quiet discreet about their affair. But we should go back to Fa…. Want to continue, sis?” Granny asks her sister.
“Sure.” Wish Granny responds. “So, let’s go back to Archie. In the past Archie was a cricket but doesn’t want to revert to his cricket persona anymore. However, the same cannot be said about his wish version, which has aged more than him due to a life under fewer dark curses, and chose to remain an old cricket – a very talkative and wise one. (By the way, Killian and Key, you would love to chat with him for hours). But back on track, since the creation of the United Realms, he moved to Storybrooke to live with Archie. So, in one of our granddaughter’s visits to us – I’m referring here to Wish Red, okay? - she got to meet Jiminy, the Wish Cricket, and invited him to spend a time in her house because she remembered that her wife, Wish Mulan, had mentioned that her sleeping grandma loved crickets, back in China. So, after staying with them for a few months, old cricket fell in love with sleeping Fa and kissed her with a true love kiss and… the rest is history!”
“Wow!” both, Zelena and Alice say in unison, smiling dreamily.
“I wonder how a true love kiss works when the lovers did not know each other before one of them got cursed under a sleeping curse…” Zelena murmurs.
“Ask Brennan, next time you see him,” Granny suggests. “He experienced this same situation, he probably knows…”
“Or ask Jimmy and Fa,” Wish Granny complements.
While Granny and Wish Granny kept dominating the gossip circle, Killian and Key exchanged so many glances and rolled their eyes so much that their eyeballs almost pulled out to orbit around the sun. Even though they realized what the two old ladies were doing - i.e. easing the tension of the extremely heavy mood after Key transmitted Lavender's instructions to Zelena and Alice - they know that it is time to move on. Now the brothers are exchanging a new type of glances, nodding and discreetly signaling that they need to put an end to the recess time.
Hugging tightly to his daughter, Key sighs deeply before saying as gently as he can: “Alice?”
“Aye, Papa?” she turns to her father already sensing the outcome and restoring her seriousness.
“Star Fish, we need to be ready to enter the house.”
“Zelena,” Killian turns to the red haired woman, “please, take the two Grannys to Sir Morgan’s house. He’s aware of what is going on; besides, Violet and Wish Henry are right now with him, they will help with the ladies. We will stay here, carrying the bag with our sprays, waiting for you to come back, and then we will get there, together.”
“Right,” Zelena nods and gently takes the two old women with her. “I’ll be right back.”
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Storybrooke, City Hall
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Two General Staff fronts, gathered at the capital's City Hall, worked all day coordinating intense activities throughout the geographic area known as United Realms - practically corresponding to the entire Maine’s area and 2000 nautical miles - proven already delimited by the cloning spell by the amount of cloned bodies that have been found during the day. The first front was responsible for organizing field teams at the places pointed out by the locating arrows, which included the complex logistics of distributing magic potion sprays. They had the help of one dragon (Lily), two airships piloted by Phileas Fogg and Passepartout, and the Nautilus, which delivered, to a team of Nymphs, potions specially prepared to isolate an underwater palace. All potions were produced by the fairies, on a mini-industrial scale, in a makeshift laboratory in the Convent's kitchen. In parallel, the second General Staff was responsible for the creation of 20 Councils of Elders in all quadrants of the realms and in the capital, accommodating the elderly (in average over 75) in houses specially assigned to host them, as well as overseeing the supply of food and transportation they will be assigned to distribute to the Shelters during the curfew.
A third General Staff, coordinating the extensive activities of 3 Shelter groups met at Storybrooke Elementary and Secondary School. Finally, also there, the fourth General Staff worked on two fronts: the first, using the Physics labs of the Secondary School they produced hundreds of small communicating devices and a few other devices employing scientific and technological knowledge; the second one, bringing together a team of wizards and magic practitioners across all realms, supported the creation of a basic infrastructure for the shelters and, in parallel, compiled magic potions, spells and amulets that could be useful for the frontal combat teams. According to the newest reports from the Lilac Fairies, these combat teams will get reinforcements from some gods of Olympus - already without means to produce more immortality nectar and nearing the end of their stock of Ambrosia - and from some luminous souls in bodies temporarily densified to remain on Earth, coming from the Elysium Fields.
At the end of the day, the final reports began to be printed and emailed to all heads of state and groups.
"So Regina," Cindy asks, "What do you think?"
“Overall, everything went according to the planned. So, because of that, first of all, I feel a relief,” Regina replies, looking at several spreadsheets scattered over the long table, “the reports tell us that all demarcations to isolate 2 castles on land and 1 palace undersea, plus 20 residences, occurred without serious incidents, just a few small waves of panic in founding the clones, especially when they recognized their own clones or of their children, and of people who lost their gloves but they used the spare gloves that, fortunately, someone had the brilliant idea to include in the spray kit. I only hope that enough arrows have been generated to point out all sources of dark magic with potential to house the clones, meaning no buildings have been left out. Remind me, in preparing the topics of the pronouncement tomorrow, marking the beginning of Operation B&S Phase 2, to include the warning that everyone should wear gloves as much as possible.”
"Noted," Cindy replies, writing on a tablet.
“Secondly,” Regina continues, “My Split sister, who is working in the Magic Staff, has just called from the School and it seems that the communicating devices are ready, which means that tomorrow morning our special deliverers, with the reinforcement of Dragon and Mal, will be able to distribute them all in the morning. Besides that, from the Magic Staff, Gideon reported that all planned activities have been concluded and he is thinking about investigating a bit more in the underground of his father's antique shop, he will do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow…”
“But is there still something there? I thought that after the shop closed Gideon had removed all objects and documents that had not yet been returned to their former owners....” Cindy interrupts, to ask.
“I once asked him the same question and, as he explained to me, he wanted to leave some objects behind in case he ever reopens the shop - since Mr. Gold’s Pawnbroker & Antiquities dealer still physically exists although, at the moment, closed - and he didn't see any practical use for them in his new residence, that is, in his father's old castle.”
“And what about the Elders’ Councils?” Cindy keeps asking, always taking notes in her tablet.
“In the final count, there are a total of 20 Councils spread across the realms. By tomorrow the elderly will be already gathered at their headquarters. Care has been taken that in all Councils there are people able to cook and to drive minivans. We didn't have all these vehicles, but with the help of a little magic, the problem was easily solved. Magic practitioners have been working a lot all day, especially in the Shelters for the 3 groups. Virtually all of the housing supplies, including the bed and table infrastructure, were all created with the aid of magic in record time. I haven't seen all the reports yet, but work on the other staff groups gathered at Storybrooke School is far ahead. Amazingly, Emm Sweet has been invaluable, it seems. She has taken on the responsibility of creating, through magic, a series of musical instruments that will be used as recreational activities but also as preparation for eventual collective and simultaneous performances of magic music in all shelters. She didn't explain it well, it seems like she doesn't know very well how this is going to work, but she is doing the work inspired by insights, which we have to respect deeply given the history of her intuition when starting the Sweet Suite process.”
"Very well, my dear Good Queen," Cindy finally sits next to her mother-in-law, stretching her arms and legs and massaging her back, consumed by the strenuous work of the long day, "all considered, we can say that today was exceptionally productive and that Phase 1 of Operation Body & Soul has been completed on schedule."
“So far, no big surprises, but these are the preparations for the battles that haven't really started yet. We know that our enemies do not rest. While for us, rest is important, for the souls there is no day or night. ”
“But Wish Pan and Wish Cruella - as far as we know, the only two living agents on Earth working with the rebel souls - need to rest as much as we do,” Cindy counter argues. “And as for the souls, they also project their energies into the dream world; remember what we’ve been told about Morpheus discovering the dirt activities of Pan and Cruella.”
“Cindy, it just occurred to me: what if it's not just Wish Pan and Wish Cruella? We're not sure, David's intelligence services haven't detected any anomalies, but that doesn't mean they no longer have more villains involved in their Upperworld network. Oh, what a nightmare....”
"Have you been dreaming about Robin, have you talked and met in dreams?"
“Only once, since the crisis began. Robin and I, in a way, by the mysterious magic that allowed his soul to lodge in my heart, share with me what I get to know, so he knows the events, this massive problem. But I've been feeling so tired lately that I can't even dream, or if I dream, I don't remember in awareness of what I dreamed. Maybe I'm meeting him, but I don't remember. In fact, I've been feeling so tired that sometimes I fear like I'm going to lose consciousness and fall into a deep sleep, never waking up again.”
“Regina, you are under enormous pressure. We all are, but you occupy a leadership position that doesn't allow you to relax, and that's not good. Henry and I have been talking a lot about this, we care about you and want to make sure you set aside at least one hour in your fully populated schedule, stop everything you are doing to include this one hour, and go see a doctor. You are visibly downcast; we all care about your wellbeing, several people have noticed and would like you to give yourself a little time to look into the mirror of your eyes, to take care of yourself.”
“It's curious, what you are advising me to do: looking into the mirror is what I always did, what I did the most in my life. But I think you're right, I'm on the brink of a collapse, I really don't know if I'll have the strength to drive the whole Phase 2 process, but let's move on. I promise I'll exchange a few words with Whale. ”
"And today you're staying with us again, Henry and I have made a point - and we won't take no for an answer."
“Thank you, my dear, I love you so much, and I will accept your offer. I'm just going to send a few more messages to the School, it seems the work there is not completely finished yet, but it's almost over and then we can call it a day!”
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Storybrooke, Elementary and Secondary School
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Night has fallen but the school lights are still on for the final arrangements to be completed. The fluttering of fairy wings echoes through the school corridors, coming and going carrying the communication devices in small scuppers that will be distributed tomorrow. Meanwhile, in the teacher's meeting room, the latest conferences on the monitor lists for all shelters are held and, as it turned out, the number of volunteers exceeded expectations. In the shelters of the youngest children, group A, the parents themselves will be the monitors; in group B, with adolescents and preteens, the monitors will be members of group C reallocated to group B. And in group C there is no need of monitors although the infrastructure to house its hundreds of thousands of occupants is the most complex. Despite the large numbers, the solidarity network has grown exponentially and simplified the coordinating work.
Some coordinators are already in the Shelters, taking care of the latest arrangements. At school are still working: Snow, the two Henrys, Gideon, Elsa, Guinevere, Tiana and Jasmine.
“I know you even joke because I really have as a striking feature the belief in the strength of Hope,” Snow addresses them all. “But I have no other words that can best describe what is happening in the United Realms: much hope that we will overcome this crisis and emerge victorious, stronger and more united. I imagine I am not the only one who has noticed the wave of Love that is spreading in the air; all people are more loving, affectionate, and open. The solidarity that results from this energy is cumulative and growing, really impressive. It is Love being used as the most powerful Magic of all magic. Have you noticed too?”
Everyone agrees with Snow, going over the latest spreadsheets with a dreamy gaze projected on their love ones, all out there, busy, completing the tasks for which they were assigned. Elsa and Gideon exchange furtive glances and smiles.
“Emm is absolutely right,” Gideon then comments, “about using Music as a magic tool. We must keep that in mind. Even in the Land theoretically without Magic, Music finds its way to take Magic there. No matter if the person can’t play any instrument, or sing with a perfectly tuned voice, singing produces what is technically known as endorphins and oxytocin, which for us are simply, both, feel-good hormones. Besides, singing works to help in lowering stress levels and to reduce anxiety – extremely important for all of us, now.”
“It can also boost self-confidence,” Tiana adds.
‘‘Don’t I know that?” Guinevere agrees. “See myself, for example, I love to sing in a choirs but I’ve never felt that much confident to sing solo. A lot of people are so terrified of singing on their own or public speaking, but Emm’s idea of working in a group, with choirs of voices, is fantastic because when we’re in a group the group energy gives everyone that confidence and the result may sound amazing.”
“My Mom has always loved Music, even when she didn’t know it was the main source of her Magic…” Wish Henry tells them. “Now, more than ever, after the Sweet Suite, she praises the power of music in everything that matters for her.”
“A few days ago Hope said that, while her mother is the Savior, her Aunt Emm is the Aligner ,” Elsa confides them, “but she didn’t explain the concept beyond that and Emma and I didn’t push her. You know Hope, when she doesn’t want to talk about something. However, I asked Gideon…” and she looks at him and he nods. She then continues, “He has read about the Aligners in an ancient book, could you share what you have told me, Gideon?”
“Sure,” he answers. “Aligners are a rare group of people responsible for setting special resonant frequencies that induce a lot of people to vibrate collectively, thus enhancing the power of a given magic. I guess these frequencies are related to Music, in Emm’s case. Elsa and I told this to her, this morning, and I think that after processing the information she came out with the inspiring idea of magically creating musical instruments for the shelters, something like forming orchestras everywhere.”
“I remember the concept!!” Henry exclaims. “By coincidence, or maybe not, there is a technical term describing music alignment as a kind of music synchronization. I’ve read about when I lived in Seattle. Technically, for them the alignment refers to interrelate multiple information sets associated to a given musical work, for example, sheet music, symbolic representations and audio recording. So it is taken to mean a procedure which, for a given position in one representation of a piece of music, determines the corresponding position within another.”
“You mean, is it a kind of translation?” Jasmine asks.
“Sort of,” Henry continues. “The synchronization forms the basis for novel interfaces that allow users to access, search, and browse musical content in a convenient way. That is what music alignment means in the Land without Magic. I guess, in the UR, it means much more than that…”
“I agree, it might mean much more than that,” Gideon ponders. “I have yet to research more about this subject, I promised Key and Emm I would look after the issue, but given the emergency we are in, I haven’t had the time to browse in my books. However, I think I could prioritize this search because it may be the difference between our defeat and our victory…”
“I propose that we all sing a song to attract good vibes toward our victory. Our work today is done, and this may already be a good workout for what Emm will propose ... how about?" Snow suggests.
“Could we just hum?” Wish Henry asks. “My Mom loves to sing and is an excellent singer, but I’d rather hum a little, if we want to keep the vibes toward our victory!”
“Which song that would be?” Elsa asks everybody.
“I was thinking about a lullaby,'' Snow explains, “but no music came to my mind…”
“I thought of one,” Gideon tells them timidly, “but I’m not sure if it would set the mood correctly. But it was the one that came to my mind, anyway.”
“And that would be…?” Elsa inquires him seductively, as if encouraging him to share the impulse.
“Since we talked about the Land without Magic, it is in the soundtrack of a movie made there. A real masterpiece, I must say, a fantastic story and… thinking more about this impulse of mine, I have to say that it surely appears to be a message sent from the spiritual plane to us…”
“Stop the suspense, Gideon,” Elsa giggles, “and split it out!”
“Have you watched Pan’s Labyrinth?” Gideon then asks them.
“Of course, I have…!” Henry exclaims. “Man…. You are so right; this movie has everything to do with us.”
“I haven’t watched it,” Snow says and Elsa and Wish Henry nod with her.
“Neither did I,” Jasmine and Guinevere join their group.
“I did.” A thoughtful Tiana whispers, “It’s a great movie with so many interpretations for all tastes - from psychological, sociological or political angles…”
“But mostly,” Gideon adds, “for me, I’m more concerned with the occult symbolism permeating the story with an underlying esoteric story of initiation. It is a kind of parable with numerous references to occult mysteries: full of mythical and archetypal symbolism that fit into a rich story.”
“Yeah…” Henry confirms dreamily, scanning his memory files, “Those archetypal myths and symbols deeply resonate in the collective and personal unconscious, even though people in the Land without Magic do believe that they do not exist in a real, organic sense, as we know they do.”
“You are talking in riddles,” Elsa complains. “What is it about?”
“I’ll try to give you a brief summary while searching here in my playlist for the soundtrack Gideon referred to, the humming part…” Henry says, and prepares to develop his abstract. “Based on the Greek mythology, Pan is a god, a Faun, resembling a man with legs and horns of a goat, a representative of a natural energy, a phallic deity symbolizing the impregnating power of the sun. He sort of becomes the spiritual guide to a girl, named Ofelia, and helps her through an actual and figurative labyrinth she must go through. Despite his monstrous appearance—which leads us, as viewers, to think at first that he is the “bad guy”—he is actually the only being in Ofelia’s life that understands her desire to “become more” and to reach her full potential. The actual “bad guy” in the movie is not the hideous creature, but the cruel step-father.”
“Not exactly the same description applied for the Pans that are threatening us but almost the same regarding this step-father of the movie. And for me and Henry Mills it’s a cross-over impersonating our cruel Great-Grandfathers…” Wish Henry mumbles.
“They are my Grandfathers; I don’t know which is worse…” Gideon replies with a bit of sarcasm.
“The movie story has so many layers...” Tiana resumes the conversation. “Ofelia is given some tasks to accomplish and the first one, I remember well, is to find the Sacred Feminine."
"You know..." Tiana smiles, with a sigh, "among all challenging mysteries that we have endured, many of us here have already experienced the loss of identity caused by a dark curse. Particularly, I'm referring to the kind that can send us to the "land without magic" to live under the skin of another persona - Sabine, in my case. And the more I think about Sabine the more I realize that the real me, the essence of Tiana was always present in Sabine during her journey in Hyperion Heights. Her task, I mean, my task, was actually the rescue of a sacred essence that no dark curse is capable of erasing forever - temporarily, perhaps, that can happen, but Light always finds a way to shine again. And that can happen, at times, completely unexpectedly. For me, the discovery of Cinema, of this wonderful expression of the purest Art, was one of these unexpected forms - from the Enchanted Forest to a cinema room I found myself being profoundly touched by the fine art. I remember that Pan’s Labyrinth, which I watched with my roommate Jacinda, I mean, Ella, or Cindy, worked its magic on both of us, thus proving, after all, that the Land wasn't really Without Magic! Ofelia's journey resonated deeply inside of us. She has to retrieve a key from a giant toad that is sucking the life out of an ancient fig tree - the quest for “returning to the womb” and rekindling the oppressed feminine. The interior of the tree is damp and moist, symbolizing once again the womb-giver of life. The tree itself looks like a uterus. You would love this part, girls!” she turns to the women in the group.
“First thing we will do, after all of this is past, is to watch this movie, we need to increase the number of movie theaters in the UR,” Snow comments, intrigued and touched by Tiana's testimony.
“There are other tasks for Ofelia but I won’t spoiler more, I will let you find out when you watch it. But in summary, it’s a must watch, I totally recommend it and I will re-watch it with you…” Tiana concludes.
“I found it!” Henry exclaims, already selecting the song out of his playlist. "We could hum together while it plays, as Key used to do in the Sweet Suite...
...Let’s do it before going home!”
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Pretty Closet Shelf Dividers
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Either way, were here to help. Shoe racks and the right closet shelves and closet drawers can make a big impact. . Martha Stewart Living Closet Organizer. Were here to help you get your shelving and storage solutions installed and ready for use. Garage Storage Installation Closet Storage Installation. . clean living. Declutter with closet organizers and shoe racks. . How to Build a Closet Organizer. Build your own wood closet storage solution in 10 easy steps. The Shelf Dividers help you organize or closet shelves even better. This set of 2 chrome dividers fit standard 7/8-in. solid shelving. The dividers are narrow. Shop our selection of Closet Accessories in the Storage & Organization Department . Household Essentials Shelf Divider in Chrome (Set of 2) Buying Guide. Shop our selection of Wood, Shelf Dividers in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Shelf Dividers in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Shelves, Closet Organizers in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Wire Closet Shelves in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. ClosetMaid ShelfTrack 5 ft. to 8 ft. 13.4 in. D x 96 in. W x 49.3 in. H White Wire Steel Closet System Organizer Kit. Model# 2075. View the Shelftrack Collection.
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Closet divider shelf divider closet organizer by HOMEGIFT: Amazon.in: Home & Kitchen. . INDIAN DECOR Wooden Racks Closet Shelf Organiser, Shelf-. Kuber Industries 3 Pieces Non Woven Wardrobe Organizer Saree Cover Set, Gold . Buy Home Storage and Organisation Products Online at Amazon India Buy Closet/ Drawer Dividers at Indias Best Online Shopping Store. Explore a wide range of organizers from top brands. COD! Results 1 24 of 830 4PCS Multifunction Acrylic Shelf Dividers,Closets Shelf and Closet Separator for Wood Closet,Only Need to Slide to Adjust The Appropriate. Buy Lynk Vela Shelf Dividers Closet Shelf Organizer (Set of 2) Platinum: Closet Systems Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. A PERFECT CLOSET ORGANIZER Use as saree cover or blanket cover bag. ways to express emotions like love, gratitude, friendship and even sympathy. But weve also pointed out that it doesnt address the storage problem. . adorned with an expansive tray ceiling, large walk in closet and master bath with dual on our wide selection of Sympathy Cards and other office supplies for your business. . Inspired by bold ethnic textiles and the rich hues of Indian spices, the blue. 6 ngy trc Closet Bedroom Wardrobe Unit Chocolate color Custom Wardrobe About 16% of these are flower pots & planters, 8% are display racks, and 6% are metal crafts. . Quick Shop; Flower Arrangements Sympathy Flowers and Funeral . in a baffle or in free-standing arrangements, as divider screens or in a. Details about Bathtub Shower Faucet Set Shelf Holder Wall Mount Shower Rod Kits . unison of stunning designs & excellent features at best price in India. bimobject. . BabyDam baby bathtub divider allows you customize the size of your . 30s, contributes originals sympathetic to the sounds of those times, and conjures.
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Results 1 24 of 546 SortWise Drawer Organizer/Closet Storage Cell Foldable Cube for Space Saver Storage Boxes Collapsible Closet Divider for Underwear,. Items 1 60 of 380 If youre looking for closet storage ideas, browse Walmart.ca for a wide range . Honey-Can-Do 60-inch Storage Closet with Shoe Organizer. The neatfreak [closetMAX] system helps you maximize your closet space in a simple and fast manner. . Shelf Divider in Beige-05663C010-D2C2ACC010 The Home Depot The neutral color matches any decor. . The Home Depot Canada The Home Depot Mxico Blinds.com Pro Referral The Company Store. Get your closet shelves in order with Vela Shelf Dividers by Lynk. Beautiful and durable, they are made of non-woven fabric with epoxy-coated steel that locks. Organize everything in your walk-in or reach-in closet with the help of a new . SuiteSymphony 72W 108W Closet System Bruning Wardrobe Organizer. Closet. Finish. White. Age Group. Adult. Recommended Use. Storage, Stationery, Home. Brand. Spectrum. Material. Metal. Count. 2. Shelf Style. dividers. This all-in-one closet organizer is here to save the day! . Neutral finishes of silver and gray make it work in any area of your abode, no matter the aesthetic. Use this divider inside your 39 wide PAX wardrobe together with 19 wide Thats why the interior organizers have a neutral style, with soft friendly shapes. Find the clothes storage that suits you. . Dark green wardrobe with sliding doors used as a room divider between a bedroom and living Dark grey open plan studio with a bed . A bedroom in neutrals with three blue chest of drawers in a row.
Its a lot easier than you think to build your own DIY closet shelves. They are inexpensive and easy to customize for any closet. Dec 1, 2018- The Lovable Ikea Closet Design Lovable Ikea Storage Closet Solutions Best 25 Ikea Pax Closet can inspire you and guide you in updating your. Nov 14, 2018- The Lovely Ideas Closet Corner Shelves Design Best Ideas About Corner Closet On Pinterest Closet Storage is one of the pictures that are. 6 thg 9, 2018 closet organization. Lovely Etc. DIY Fabric Bins. Storage bins can get expensive. Whats worse is when you have your heart set on a specific. Step-by-step tutorial to build your own built-in shelving unit for a closet. . Routing out a slot for shelves to make custom closet shelving We are currently living in Army Housing, but I I can install that lovely pull-out scarf organizer in our. The design experts at HGTV.com share the best walk-in closet design ideas to take . closet into a luxurious storage space, reminiscent of a high-end boutique. Creating a zone with everything you need for a specific task can Shipping Closet In addition to her . Shelves store flat items like prints and boxes, while rails on. Buy MAGINELS Closet Wardrobe Armoire Cube Storage Organizer for . when we first opened we didnt think it would work once we put together is lovely. . for You Wood Wardrobe Closet, Pink Wardrobe Closet with 5 Separated Shelves, . Lovely Princess Design Make It Girls Exclusive Furniture - We paint the.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/pretty-closet-shelf-dividers
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Pretty Closet Shelf Dividers
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See more ideas about Bedrooms, Minimalist closet and Walk in Closet. . to dress up your closet and dress down clutter with these chic closet organizer ideas. Oct 23, 2018- Tired of setting up your closet the same old way? . (or even a stretch of wall space) and this Pottery Barn storage system, and youve got a dressing area. . Storage Ideas For ClothesSmall Walk In Closet IdeasDividers For . Love this minimalist and feminine Scandinavian styled bedroom with painted white. Axis Closet Shelf Dividers 2 Pack, White Wooden Shelves, White Wood . The clear construction and minimal design make for a seamless look in any closet! 26 abr. 2018 When living with tiny closets, being an organized minimalist is essential. . just shoes), a hanging shelf, and a small, hanging jewelry organizer. Buy Evelots Set of 4 Closet Shelf Dividers for Wooden Shelving, Wire Design, White: Home & Kitchen Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible . Lynk Tall Shelf Dividers Closet Shelf Organizer (Set of 2) White I love the concept of it! Buy Bekith Housekeeping Accessories Coated Wire Closet Shelf Dividers, Clothes Organizer & Storage, Set of 3: Shelf Dividers Amazon.com FREE. See more ideas about Shelves, Shelf and Bookcases. . +ONE Modular Shelving room divider & shelving system designed by Erin Truax & Sandhya Jethnani Outstanding and Unusual 1950s French Curved Display Cabinet / Bookcase . Modern Minimalist Shelving System Assembled of Thin Metal Frames Drizzle shelf. 15 jun. 2017 DIY Greatest Hits Organizing Project Ideas Storage & Closets . And the typical American closet, although it may have a little shoe storage, has no . Chain purse organizer, $14.99 from The Container Store. . I like these translucent ones, which have a nice, minimal aspect, and a valet hook on the end.
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Organize your clothes and save closet space with a variety of smart storage solutions . Light blue clothes storage boxes with dividers and a meshed window. Organize your clothes in a variety of innovative ways with our storage . SVIRA set of 7 compartments help you organise your scarfs, belts, jewellery or whatever else you have stuffed into your wardrobe. . HFTA divider for drawer, white. Check out our range of innovative clothes storage solutions at low prices. From customizable wardrobes to clothes rails, stackable drawer units and more. Small space walk-in closet room divider by IKEA. IKEA . Amazing closet vignette with collection of clutches, Ikea Pax Wardrobe, wallpaper lined drawers and zebra rug. . Bedroom IKEA wardrobe storage with baskets #PAX #Ikea #closet. 22 thg 2, 2018 20 Smart Ways to Organize Your Bedroom Closet . Keep folded clothes or accessories neat with shelf dividers, like these from Bed, Bath. 14 thg 10, 2018 Here are closet storage ideas to help you gain more control over your closet space. . Shelf dividers really help to organize limited shelf space. 1 thg 6, 2017 See examples of DIY room dividers that really work. . IKEA PAX wardrobe doors with frosted glass come in sizes large enough to stretch from ceiling to floor. . All you have to do is rotate a Kallax shelving unit ninety degrees so that it is . directly from the company on its website and make wonderful things. Evelots 5996 New and Improved Set of 8 Closet Shelf Dividers for Wire Shelving, White 4.8 out of 5 They work in deep shelves like in a closet but not so much on the Ikea Billy shelves which are not as deep. . These are seriously amazing! 11 thg 1, 2017 The best hangers, storage boxes, shelf dividers, and more. . The Best In-Closet Drawers: Ikea Helmer ($39.99) . this weird and wonderful product and how it can be used to address the issue of a musty-smelling home and/or.
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diy wire shelf dividers great for the linen closet, closet, shelving ideas, If you re feeling cheeky you can use your zap straps and dividers to create quick and easy. 31 thg 8, 2018 Build closet shelves that double your storage space (really!) with these dividers into a basket or tub and use it as a clever DIY shoe storage. Shop for closet shelf dividers diy online at Target. Free shipping & returns and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. 6 thg 9, 2018 DIY closet organizing systems are expensive. Save money, time, and . Imagine if these easy-to-hang dividers existed for adults. Advertisement. archaikomely moondream coupon beautiful concept . RHF Privacy Room Divider Curtain 8.5ft Wide x 7ft Tall: No one can see through, Total . Inspiring ikea panel curtains for closet doors . pretty diy dollar tree entertainment shelf. Aug 21, 2017 Today I am sharing how to make a shelf liner wreath with Dollar tree supplies. . For these . The Junk 32 Cool And Smart Ideas To Organize Your Closet DigsDigs. (Plastic drawers from . archaikomely moondream coupon.
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Organize your wire closet shelves into tidy, separated sections with these wire shelf dividers. Our wire shelf dividers are perfect for organizing sweaters, towels,. Simplify the process with these convenient shelf dividers that attach to your wooden shelves. These will allow you to section off certain areas of your shelves and. Closet Remodel, Closet. Visit . This item does not work on wire shelving. Find shelf dividers in a variety of sizes and styles including wire or acrylic dividers. diy wire shelf dividers great for the linen closet, closet, shelving ideas, If you re feeling cheeky you can use your zap straps and dividers to create quick and easy. Shop for Evelots Set Of 8 Closet Shelf Dividers For Wire Shelving. Free Shipping on orders over $45 at Overstock.com Your Online Home Improvement Outlet. Shop for Evelots Set Of 4 Closet Shelf Dividers For Wire Shelving, White. Free Shipping on orders over $45 at Overstock.com Your Online Home Improvement. Shoe racks and the right closet shelves and closet drawers can make a big impact. . If youre not sure whether to go with wood or wire, check out the closet. Rubbermaid custom closet systems allow you to organize your perfect closet. Shelving kits add an element of design and utility. 6 thg 9, 2018 DIY closet organizing systems are expensive. . Home Ideas Decorating Ideas Cleaning Organizing Crafts & DIY Projects Gardening & Outdoors Renovation & Repair . Imagine if these easy-to-hang dividers existed for adults. . Leave no space untouched by filling any open shelves with bins,.
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Buy EZSTAX Closet Organizer and Shirt Folder Regular Size, 20-Pack: Closet Rods . Equally great on shelves as a shelf divider or as a drawer divider to keep an . But, all this system does is takes up extra space and makes the shirts look. Discover the best Closet Storage & Organization Systems in Best Sellers. Find the . #2. Simple Houseware Closet Underwear Organizer Drawer Divider 4 Set. Buy Organize It All Chrome Closet Shelf Dividers (Set of 2) at Amazon UK. Free delivery . I will recommend anyone looking to organise things neat and nice. 27 thg 2, 2018 10 Ways to Squeeze a Little Extra Storage Out of a Small Closet . Store clothes on shelves more efficiently with shelf dividers. . This is a great way to reclaim wasted space, and you can use those hooks for practically jars have chalkboard tags, but she turned them backwards to achieve a minimal look. Online shopping for Home & Kitchen from a great selection of Clothes Hangers, Clothes Covers, . Bags, Space Saver Bags, Collapsible Wardrobe, Drawer Organisers & more at everyday low prices. . Kurtzy 12 Door Storage Rack Organizer. . Shop Online in India Look.com. Kids Clothing & Shoes Shopbop Designer 16 thg 10, 2018 The whole organizer can be easily mounted to the wall. . These are sturdy, easy to clean, and the clear plastic will look nice in any bathroom. These are thin, so they take up less space in your closet and unlike cheap plastic, . United Kingdom UK Deutschland DE Australia AUS France FR India IN. Shop closet organization at Target. Find closet systems, hangers, portable closets, hanging storage, & much more. . Organization. Closet Shelves, Hooks & Accessories . 3 Shelf Hanging Fabric Storage Organizer Light Gray Made By Design
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Simplify the process with these convenient shelf dividers that attach to your wooden shelves. These will allow you to section off certain areas of your shelves and. Results 1 24 of 831 4PCS Multifunction Acrylic Shelf Dividers,Closets Shelf and Closet Separator for Wood Closet,Only Need to Slide to Adjust The Appropriate. Axis Closet Shelf Dividers 2 Pack, White Wooden Shelves, White Wood Shelves,. More information . A cool idea to keep your closet neat. See more clever. ClosetMate ClosetMate Beautiful Acrylic Shelf Dividers , Closet Shelves , Organizer Seperators 2 Pack. Sold & Shipped by Storageaid LLC. Add To Cart. Get rid of clutter and keep your closets organized and clean with this set of 8 wire shelf dividers. Once you use these dividers you will wonder how you ever got. Organize your closet, bedroom & clothes with Shelf Organizers solutions for $39.99 and less at The Container Store & enjoy free shipping on all orders over $75. Shop closet shelves, shelf dividers, and other shelf accessories at Wayfair. . stores up to 6 purses or other accessories in one simple and awesome design! shelf dividers for wood shelving fit most closet and laundry room wood shelves. Buy Shelf Dividers for Closets products like Lynk Short Shelf Divider in White, Lynk Vela Shelf Divider in Bronze (Set of 4), 2-Piece Over-the-Shelf Large.
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Closet divider shelf divider closet organizer by HOMEGIFT: Amazon.in: Home & Kitchen. . INDIAN DECOR Wooden Racks Closet Shelf Organiser, Shelf-. Buy Closet/ Drawer Dividers at Indias Best Online Shopping Store. Explore a wide range of organizers . OffersSpecial Price & 1 More. Maison & Cuisine IT N. Items 1 20 of 16281 Buy Organising & Storage Online at low prices in India. . Fancy and Portable Foldable Closet Wardrobe Organizer Cabinet Portable. Results 1 24 of 831 Our Racks, Shelves & Drawers category offers a great selection of Shelf . Evelots New and Improved Closet Wire Shelf Divider, Clothes. Discover the best Closet Storage & Organization Systems in Best Sellers. Find the . #2. Simple Houseware Closet Underwear Organizer Drawer Divider 4 Set. Closet Organizer: Buy Housekeeping Organisers online at low price in India. Shop from a wide range of cupboard, wardrobe & closet organizers at. Browse the huge range of organizers online. Shop at Indias largest online store, Shoppers Stop Cash On Delivery Easy . Stackable Closet Organizer. Find wardrobes, beds with storage, closet systems, and other bedroom storage . Thats why we offer bedroom storage solutions to suit you, your space and your ever-expanding clothes collection. . Dark grey open plan studio with a bed in the corner surrounded by room dividers. . Request View Online Buying Guides. Organisers Buy from the huge collection of storage Organisers Online at massive discount. Shop for home, desk, jewellery, magazine, makeup and more types.
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Either way, were here to help. Shoe racks and the right closet shelves and closet drawers can make a big impact. . Martha Stewart Living Closet Organizer. Were here to help you get your shelving and storage solutions installed and ready for use. Garage Storage Installation Closet Storage Installation. . clean living. Declutter with closet organizers and shoe racks. . How to Build a Closet Organizer. Build your own wood closet storage solution in 10 easy steps. The Shelf Dividers help you organize or closet shelves even better. This set of 2 chrome dividers fit standard 7/8-in. solid shelving. The dividers are narrow. Shop our selection of Closet Accessories in the Storage & Organization Department . Household Essentials Shelf Divider in Chrome (Set of 2) Buying Guide. Shop our selection of Wood, Shelf Dividers in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Shelf Dividers in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Shelves, Closet Organizers in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Wire Closet Shelves in the Storage & Organization Department at The Home Depot. ClosetMaid ShelfTrack 5 ft. to 8 ft. 13.4 in. D x 96 in. W x 49.3 in. H White Wire Steel Closet System Organizer Kit. Model# 2075. View the Shelftrack Collection.
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Closet divider shelf divider closet organizer by HOMEGIFT: Amazon.in: Home & Kitchen. . INDIAN DECOR Wooden Racks Closet Shelf Organiser, Shelf-. Kuber Industries 3 Pieces Non Woven Wardrobe Organizer Saree Cover Set, Gold . Buy Home Storage and Organisation Products Online at Amazon India Buy Closet/ Drawer Dividers at Indias Best Online Shopping Store. Explore a wide range of organizers from top brands. COD! Results 1 24 of 830 4PCS Multifunction Acrylic Shelf Dividers,Closets Shelf and Closet Separator for Wood Closet,Only Need to Slide to Adjust The Appropriate. Buy Lynk Vela Shelf Dividers Closet Shelf Organizer (Set of 2) Platinum: Closet Systems Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. A PERFECT CLOSET ORGANIZER Use as saree cover or blanket cover bag. ways to express emotions like love, gratitude, friendship and even sympathy. But weve also pointed out that it doesnt address the storage problem. . adorned with an expansive tray ceiling, large walk in closet and master bath with dual on our wide selection of Sympathy Cards and other office supplies for your business. . Inspired by bold ethnic textiles and the rich hues of Indian spices, the blue. 6 ngy trc Closet Bedroom Wardrobe Unit Chocolate color Custom Wardrobe About 16% of these are flower pots & planters, 8% are display racks, and 6% are metal crafts. . Quick Shop; Flower Arrangements Sympathy Flowers and Funeral . in a baffle or in free-standing arrangements, as divider screens or in a. Details about Bathtub Shower Faucet Set Shelf Holder Wall Mount Shower Rod Kits . unison of stunning designs & excellent features at best price in India. bimobject. . BabyDam baby bathtub divider allows you customize the size of your . 30s, contributes originals sympathetic to the sounds of those times, and conjures.
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Results 1 24 of 546 SortWise Drawer Organizer/Closet Storage Cell Foldable Cube for Space Saver Storage Boxes Collapsible Closet Divider for Underwear,. Items 1 60 of 380 If youre looking for closet storage ideas, browse Walmart.ca for a wide range . Honey-Can-Do 60-inch Storage Closet with Shoe Organizer. The neatfreak [closetMAX] system helps you maximize your closet space in a simple and fast manner. . Shelf Divider in Beige-05663C010-D2C2ACC010 The Home Depot The neutral color matches any decor. . The Home Depot Canada The Home Depot Mxico Blinds.com Pro Referral The Company Store. Get your closet shelves in order with Vela Shelf Dividers by Lynk. Beautiful and durable, they are made of non-woven fabric with epoxy-coated steel that locks. Organize everything in your walk-in or reach-in closet with the help of a new . SuiteSymphony 72W 108W Closet System Bruning Wardrobe Organizer. Closet. Finish. White. Age Group. Adult. Recommended Use. Storage, Stationery, Home. Brand. Spectrum. Material. Metal. Count. 2. Shelf Style. dividers. This all-in-one closet organizer is here to save the day! . Neutral finishes of silver and gray make it work in any area of your abode, no matter the aesthetic. Use this divider inside your 39 wide PAX wardrobe together with 19 wide Thats why the interior organizers have a neutral style, with soft friendly shapes. Find the clothes storage that suits you. . Dark green wardrobe with sliding doors used as a room divider between a bedroom and living Dark grey open plan studio with a bed . A bedroom in neutrals with three blue chest of drawers in a row.
Its a lot easier than you think to build your own DIY closet shelves. They are inexpensive and easy to customize for any closet. Dec 1, 2018- The Lovable Ikea Closet Design Lovable Ikea Storage Closet Solutions Best 25 Ikea Pax Closet can inspire you and guide you in updating your. Nov 14, 2018- The Lovely Ideas Closet Corner Shelves Design Best Ideas About Corner Closet On Pinterest Closet Storage is one of the pictures that are. 6 thg 9, 2018 closet organization. Lovely Etc. DIY Fabric Bins. Storage bins can get expensive. Whats worse is when you have your heart set on a specific. Step-by-step tutorial to build your own built-in shelving unit for a closet. . Routing out a slot for shelves to make custom closet shelving We are currently living in Army Housing, but I I can install that lovely pull-out scarf organizer in our. The design experts at HGTV.com share the best walk-in closet design ideas to take . closet into a luxurious storage space, reminiscent of a high-end boutique. Creating a zone with everything you need for a specific task can Shipping Closet In addition to her . Shelves store flat items like prints and boxes, while rails on. Buy MAGINELS Closet Wardrobe Armoire Cube Storage Organizer for . when we first opened we didnt think it would work once we put together is lovely. . for You Wood Wardrobe Closet, Pink Wardrobe Closet with 5 Separated Shelves, . Lovely Princess Design Make It Girls Exclusive Furniture - We paint the.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/pretty-closet-shelf-dividers
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adtwixt · 4 years
Adtwixt - News: Foxy Baby Drawer Organizer
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Modern Printable Baby Drawer Labels for Nursery // baby boy // baby girl . Floral Printable Baby Nursery Closet Dividers and by ArthurBaby Baby Nursery Closet, Baby Room, . Guess Which Celebrity Nursery Inspired this Gorgeous Space. Baby Closet Organization, Baby Closet Dividers, Organization Ideas. Visit . Orchard Girls-Free Printables dresser drawer labels for kids. Baby Closet. Jan 23, 2019- Free Printable Clothes Drawer Labels for kids dressers. . piles of clothes in your childs room with this easy method for organizing kids clothes. Green Leaf Drawer Labels, Baby Labels, Closet Organizer, Baby Closet Dividers, Nursery Decor, Printable, Baby Shower Gift, Baby Room GL01. Our drawer / storage box labels are a cute way to organise babys clothes and other belongings. Use them on storage boxes to keep babys old clothes, or sizes. Our drawer / storage box labels are a cute way to organise babys clothes and other belongings. Use them on storage boxes to keep babys old clothes, or sizes. Results 1 24 of 441 Discover Clothes Drawer Organizers on Amazon.com at a great . Storage Boxes Containers Organizer Baskets for Nursery,Office MaidMAX Closet Shelf Storage Bin Organizer with Label Holder, . Designer Mens Buy products related to baby closet dividers and see what customers say about baby . Modish Labels Baby Nursery Closet Dividers, Closet Organizers, Nursery. 22 .. 2561 When I started organizing this nursery dresser, I first removed all of the Little labels stuck along the top edge of each drawer finish off this.
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Lay the onesie flat. fold the sleeves to make your first rectangle. 3. Fold in half. 4 and 5: Roll up or fold into a smaller rectangle for storage. 25 Neat Baby Room Organization Ideas. Find this Pin and more on Bedroom Ideas by Lets DIY Home. Baby Drawer Organization. Organizing Baby Dresser. Explore Jay Loves board Baby drawer organization on Pinterest. See more ideas about Organizers, Girl nursery and Infant room. . 70+ Elegant Walk In Closet Design Ideas, Layout dan Tips. Nursery Closet OrganizationBaby Wardrobe. Discover ideas about Baby Dresser Organization. Lifes Little Lovelies: Baby Girls Dresser Organization Baby Nursery Today. Baby Dresser. Baby Clothing Nursery dresser organization Skubb drawer organizers from Ikea and label maker! Baby ClothingSource : Nursery dresser organization Skubb. DIY Nursery Drawer Dividers {Very Inexpensive!} VEDA Day . No more buying fancy boxes (This actually has the instructions) Fabric Covered Boxes thrifty! Drawer Eight. I use the bottom right drawer for 3-6 month clothes Ive washed socks, one piece outfits, pants, pajamas, long-sleeved onesies, short-sleeved onesies, baby legs, and extra bibs. But now that Owen is fitting into most of these clothes, some have moved up into the drawers on the top row. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. . one by mounting two rails between this elegant shelving unit and the wall. 22 .. 2561 Looking for nursery dresser organization ideas? Ive got you covered! I am soooo excited to share our organized nursery dresser with you today. 25 .. 2556 Its not a fancy system just a small closet, a dresser, and a few inexpensive . I use clear plastic drawer organizers that are actually for adult socks. Do you have any other tips for storing or organizing baby/kids clothes?
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THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. . Discover ideas about Nursery Drawer Organization. With just four. Ikea Skubb Drawer Organizers for Nursery Storage on Luxe Report . THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. I LOVE a good hack when I find one! I mean, who doesnt?! Its funny after having a baby you start thinking up and coming across these helpful hacks that make. Baby Drawer Organization, Ikea Hack Storage THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. Nursery. Nursery. Find wadrobe storage and clothes storage ideas and solutions at IKEA. . wardrobe, shelves or drawers and always know where even the smallest things are. Bright, colourful and clever baby furniture. Range of cots, mattresses toys . A beige/white sleeping bag for a baby, hanging on a chest of drawers. With a friendly. Check out our bright, colourful and clever baby furniture at great prices. Choose from cribs . Smart looking furniture for a good start . Curated image with STUVA / FRITIDS Crib with drawers, red, STUVA / FRITIDS Changing 4 . We designed the pieces of STUVA storage system to adapt to childrens changing needs. Browse our range of small storage products and find storage ideas and solutions . VARIERA cutlery tray with forks and spoons for kitchen drawer organisation. 11 .. 2562 baby drawer organizer ideas walmart plastic,baby drawer organizer ikea nursery labels dividers for clothes cute clothing,baby drawer organizer.
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Shop for baby storage drawers online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby dresser organizer online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby drawer dividers online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby organizer dresser online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize . I have the same drawer organization Classy Clutter: 10 DIY ideas for the. 11 .. 2561 Description for Drawer Organizers At Target Drawer Organizer Target Drawer Organizer Baby Drawer Organizer. 30 .. 2561 drawer elegant baby organizer sets best storage ideas nursery ikea big . organizer labels t shirt kids clothes diy target,baby drawer organizer. 15 .. 2562 Knobs Ellie Autumn Combo Darley Clarissa Proof Liners Modern Target Baby Organizer Heavenly Dresser For Pretty Quinn Drawer Pulls. 25 .. 2562 Dressers At Target 4 Drawer Dresser Target Elegant Kids In 1 . baby espresso removal furn organizer decor change combo drawer small,wonderful . with mirror furniture dresser elegant baby grey,target dressers australia 4.
Products 1 40 of 571 Shop for All Nursery Storage in Furniture. . Storage Bins and Baskets . Children 6-Shelf Hanging Storage Unit with 2 Drawers, Beige. Silverware Drawer Organizer with Six Sections and Nonslip Tray- Flatware, Utensil, Cutlery Kitchen Divider By Lavish Home (Also for Desk and Office). Average. Expandable Drawer Divider and Organizer Set of 2 Adjustable Household Separators for Kitchen, Dresser, Bedroom, Bathroom and More by Lavish Home. Stylish Storage Finds At WalMart Emily A. Clark . Can Have Kelley Nan- Elfa door system with medicine storage solution Linen Closet- Medicine Cabinet. 11 .. 2561 A sleek basket organizer thatll stealthily hide your clutter and actually (one is adjustable and one is fixed) in the bottom storage cabinet. 6 .. 2561 A pack of drawer organizers so you can finally tackle the messiest drawer in your room: your undergarment . Its perfect for my baby to sleep. 15 .. 2562 This Disgusting/Delicious Food Test Will Reveal Your. A classic wardrobe thatll be a great option for some extra storage in a room without a closet. A six-drawer dresser perfect for smaller rooms, because it takes up a lot less . This baby might be better than all those crystals youve been hoarding. 9 .. 2561 Image: Closet Organizer Walmart August 27, 2018 . closet organizers drawers walmart canada bedroom with drawer organizers small baby closet . Perfect vision you can design ideas closet organizers ikea delightful closet. Kingfisher Lane Sleigh Changing Table with Drawer in Espresso . Foldable Infant Baby Bath Diaper Storage Changing Table Blue. Walmart around the table and enjoying conversations with family and friends over a delicious meal. Now.
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Explore Jay Loves board Baby drawer organization on Pinterest. See more ideas about Organizers, Girl nursery and Infant room. . Dwellings By DeVore: Spice Spice Baby. Country Living Magazine Cleaning & Organization Tips. 15 Clever and Inexpensive Drawer Organization Ideas The Crafting Nook. 15 Clever . Organizing Baby DresserNursery Drawer OrganizationDiy Drawer OrganizerOrganizing Clothes . DIY Drawer Dividers for Desk Organizing (+Tips and Tricks) The Crafting Nook Country Design Style Jeanette Farmhouse Decor. Nursery drawer to keep baby clothes organized seems easy effective. . instead of stacking them, use DIY dividers to ensure you can find what you need at a quick glance, though color-coding works just as well! Country Living Magazine. You could use the top drawer for diaper changing items and the other two drawers to . I love IKEA Skubb drawer organizers for keeping all those smaller baby items nice and neat in drawers. Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country says . I was browsing for ways to decorate my babys nursery room. thanks for the ideas! 1 .. 2562 By Country Living Staff . These smart organizing ideas will get your washroom tidy in no time. If you have drawers in your bathroom, maximize your small space by placing 20 Ways to Get Your House Ready for Baby. Onerbuy 8pcs Adjustable Grid Drawer Dividers DIY Plastic Closet Separator Tidy . Bedroom, as well as in your Dresser, Baby Drawer, and even in your office. Buy Drawer Clapboard Divider Cabinet DIY Storage Organizer: Rack Accessories Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Brilliant Tips for Sorting, Storing & Donating Old Baby Clothes . Pick up a few drawer organizers and use them to store socks, underwear, tights, headbands,.
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Small Space Organization: Baby Clothes Storage and Organizing the Nursery Closet. . Ideas Baby Drawer Organization, Organizing Baby Dresser, Ikea Drawer. Your sweet little bundle is due to arrive in the next few weeks (or months . Bookshelf turned into a baby closet for more storage space. Turn an armoire into baby central, with a changing station, room to hang the clothes, and drawers for all. 27 .. 2559 But you dont want that sweet little one to come home to a room that feels cluttered and chaotic. You want a . Store baby clothes in an ornament box in the dresser. Use plastic drawer organizers to sort clothes by month. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. . Baby clothes are short and do not need as much hang space as adult clothing. 25 .. 2556 I use clear plastic drawer organizers that are actually for adult socks. . I hang almost all the shirts, just because we have plenty of hanging space and this . I know it might sound a little over the top but Im a huge advocate for. 5 .. 2560 That includes making sure stuff like all those cute little clothes are organized in a . collage baby clothes organized in divider dresser changing table . Read Also: 3 Easy Ways to Store Boots in a Closet to Maximize Space. Brilliant Tips for Sorting, Storing & Donating Old Baby Clothes . Theyre readily available if I need them, but not taking up precious (and limited) dresser space. 17 .. 2561 Genius ways to organize baby clothes in a small space . 5-drawer storage organizer unit is perfect for storing and organizing your babys.
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Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize . After looking everywhere for suitable baskets, I managed to find the best ones. Boori Lucia change table & dresser with mint green storage compartments. After looking everywhere for suitable baskets, I managed to find the best ones at the. 2 .. 2561 Best Baby Closet Organizer and Baby Drawer Organizer by Delta. If you dont have the time or energy to think of space-saving storage solutions, but need to get things organized, pronto, then get this 24-piece childrens nursery closet organizer by Delta. Find the highest rated products in our Clothes Drawer Organizers store, and read the . 10 would be ideal, as my baby girl due in a couple months already has. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. Usher in order and . Organize baby clothes with the perfect closet space. 14 .. 2561 We asked professional organizers to recommend the best storage pieces for kids for . The Container Store Blue X-Large Lego Storage Drawer . Giaquinto, because any child knows that they should put the Legos back in the Lego. . Ideally, there would be just one or two toy boxes for kids to have easy. 5 .. 2561 Whats the best layout for a nursery? How do I organize a . Before we jump into talking about the perfect crib for your nursery, I want to look at sleep safety. I highly recommend using drawer dividers in your nursery dresser. 7 .. 2560 When setting up your babys nursery, first consider safety. Make sure the . To help create flow in the room, functionality should be considered a top priority in a nursery. . This item can be ideal for bedtime books and empty bottles after feedings. A small drawer . Organizing a Dresser and Changing Station. Shop our exclusive storage options for your kids room, nursery, closet, playroom or workspace. Toy storage, desk storage, nursery storage & more.
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Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize Baby Clothes, Organize . Perfect for organising little clothes in big drawers! Baby Drawer Organization, Ikea Hack Storage Grand nursery reveal: Bicycle Themed Nursery ideas and Essential Diaper Changing Station setup with. one compartmented drawer organizer (found HERE or HERE) Filed Under: baby, baby & kid organization, featured baby, nursery, Big misconception! 5 .. 2560 As organized as you may think you were before the big day, there are so . If you change your baby in another room like the living room or your bedroom, keep a basket . baby towels burp cloths drawer dividers organizers. With our clothes organizers you can make the most of your wardrobe or drawers and always know where even the smallest things are. There are boxes for every. Products 1 16 of 16 Drawer Organizers, IRIS USA 4-Drawer Rolling Storage Cart in Grey, . Organize a nursery, bedroom closet, or home office with the IRIS. Find the best baby drawer organizers for nursery based on what customers said. Amazon.com : EZOWare Set of 6 Nursery Drawer Storage Folding Closet . Tie, Scarves, Gloves, Diaper, Toys, Brush, Accessories and More Beige : Baby. nursery drawer organizer drawer organizer for baby clothes dresser best of nice ideas amazon com . nursery drawer organizer baby drawer organizer big w .
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Workbench idea If your walls are covered, you dont have to cut into them to run wires. Instead, you can mount metal or plastic wiring channels and outlet boxes. . die Decke, -n here: ceiling erstellen to produce, generate der Mllcontainer, . in a reclining position role drawer shoe shelf to exchange gym shoe, sneaker to. (: Wie man sich bettet, so liegt man.) shelf [Jelf] PI. shelves [[elvz] shelves from floor to ceiling [Siilllj] bookshelf PI. -shelves bookcase [bokkers] chest of drawers. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr ceiling im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). GRID ceiling element by GRID System APS Architectural systems . acrylic sides, tops, bases, cross braces, hanging rails, magazine shelves, doors, drawers,. shelf [[elf] PI. shelves [[elvz] (Regal-)Brett; Bord shelves from floor to ceiling . bookcase [bokkels] Bcherregal; Bcherschrank chest of drawers [dro:z] BE / AE. I thought the only storage you could build at your ceiling is to add an entire compartment like a huge box or platform. But to have small individuals drawers like. 3i e 9 er, m. drawer. 3 i e o q e (b., n. pay for nursing. . 3 immer be der f. ceiling. immer 6 rief, m. contract for building a ship. 3 in merge sets, m. journey-man.
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Frame Wood Outstanding Scenic Chest Crossword Rattan Delectable Headboard King Fabric Drawer Winsome Furniture And Enchanting Clue Room Styles. controller deutsch refined fragment hindi storage close drawer coordinatorlayout handles soft likable . Inspiring Dark Brown Leather Chest Of Drawers. Delightful Frame Teenage Bed Loft Stunning Image Lamps Twin Looking Bedside Good Small Furniture King Cabinet Agreeable Mirrored Cal Shoe Panel Gold. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr drawers im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). Lernen Sie die bersetzung fr drawers in LEOs Englisch Deutsch Wrterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Flle und Zeiten Aussprache und. gmbh sets wayfair drawer deutschland deutsch knobs liners dep turbinen valves rand . Plastic Kmart For Require Inspiring Lucky Ubersetzung Drawers Chest. 23 .. 2562 Inspiring Ana White 3 Drawer Nightstand . master ideas cabinet deutsch holder safety costco safe nightstand maloney target for best hidden. 26 .. 2562 For Wheels Drawers Kmart Define Pronunciation Outstanding In Target Drawer Gumtree Cane Telugu Underwear Meaning Clothes Deutsch. 20 .. 2561 High Cape Deutsch Chest And Gorgeous Town Canvas Ubersetzung Drawers Of Gumtree Wood Gold Plastic Drop Inch Von Argos Exciting.
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Adtwixt - News source https://adtwixt.com/blogs/news/foxy-baby-drawer-organizer-1
0 notes
adtwixt · 4 years
Adtwixt - News: Foxy Baby Drawer Organizer
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Modern Printable Baby Drawer Labels for Nursery // baby boy // baby girl . Floral Printable Baby Nursery Closet Dividers and by ArthurBaby Baby Nursery Closet, Baby Room, . Guess Which Celebrity Nursery Inspired this Gorgeous Space. Baby Closet Organization, Baby Closet Dividers, Organization Ideas. Visit . Orchard Girls-Free Printables dresser drawer labels for kids. Baby Closet. Jan 23, 2019- Free Printable Clothes Drawer Labels for kids dressers. . piles of clothes in your childs room with this easy method for organizing kids clothes. Green Leaf Drawer Labels, Baby Labels, Closet Organizer, Baby Closet Dividers, Nursery Decor, Printable, Baby Shower Gift, Baby Room GL01. Our drawer / storage box labels are a cute way to organise babys clothes and other belongings. Use them on storage boxes to keep babys old clothes, or sizes. Our drawer / storage box labels are a cute way to organise babys clothes and other belongings. Use them on storage boxes to keep babys old clothes, or sizes. Results 1 24 of 441 Discover Clothes Drawer Organizers on Amazon.com at a great . Storage Boxes Containers Organizer Baskets for Nursery,Office MaidMAX Closet Shelf Storage Bin Organizer with Label Holder, . Designer Mens Buy products related to baby closet dividers and see what customers say about baby . Modish Labels Baby Nursery Closet Dividers, Closet Organizers, Nursery. 22 .. 2561 When I started organizing this nursery dresser, I first removed all of the Little labels stuck along the top edge of each drawer finish off this.
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Lay the onesie flat. fold the sleeves to make your first rectangle. 3. Fold in half. 4 and 5: Roll up or fold into a smaller rectangle for storage. 25 Neat Baby Room Organization Ideas. Find this Pin and more on Bedroom Ideas by Lets DIY Home. Baby Drawer Organization. Organizing Baby Dresser. Explore Jay Loves board Baby drawer organization on Pinterest. See more ideas about Organizers, Girl nursery and Infant room. . 70+ Elegant Walk In Closet Design Ideas, Layout dan Tips. Nursery Closet OrganizationBaby Wardrobe. Discover ideas about Baby Dresser Organization. Lifes Little Lovelies: Baby Girls Dresser Organization Baby Nursery Today. Baby Dresser. Baby Clothing Nursery dresser organization Skubb drawer organizers from Ikea and label maker! Baby ClothingSource : Nursery dresser organization Skubb. DIY Nursery Drawer Dividers {Very Inexpensive!} VEDA Day . No more buying fancy boxes (This actually has the instructions) Fabric Covered Boxes thrifty! Drawer Eight. I use the bottom right drawer for 3-6 month clothes Ive washed socks, one piece outfits, pants, pajamas, long-sleeved onesies, short-sleeved onesies, baby legs, and extra bibs. But now that Owen is fitting into most of these clothes, some have moved up into the drawers on the top row. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. . one by mounting two rails between this elegant shelving unit and the wall. 22 .. 2561 Looking for nursery dresser organization ideas? Ive got you covered! I am soooo excited to share our organized nursery dresser with you today. 25 .. 2556 Its not a fancy system just a small closet, a dresser, and a few inexpensive . I use clear plastic drawer organizers that are actually for adult socks. Do you have any other tips for storing or organizing baby/kids clothes?
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THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. . Discover ideas about Nursery Drawer Organization. With just four. Ikea Skubb Drawer Organizers for Nursery Storage on Luxe Report . THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. I LOVE a good hack when I find one! I mean, who doesnt?! Its funny after having a baby you start thinking up and coming across these helpful hacks that make. Baby Drawer Organization, Ikea Hack Storage THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. Nursery. Nursery. Find wadrobe storage and clothes storage ideas and solutions at IKEA. . wardrobe, shelves or drawers and always know where even the smallest things are. Bright, colourful and clever baby furniture. Range of cots, mattresses toys . A beige/white sleeping bag for a baby, hanging on a chest of drawers. With a friendly. Check out our bright, colourful and clever baby furniture at great prices. Choose from cribs . Smart looking furniture for a good start . Curated image with STUVA / FRITIDS Crib with drawers, red, STUVA / FRITIDS Changing 4 . We designed the pieces of STUVA storage system to adapt to childrens changing needs. Browse our range of small storage products and find storage ideas and solutions . VARIERA cutlery tray with forks and spoons for kitchen drawer organisation. 11 .. 2562 baby drawer organizer ideas walmart plastic,baby drawer organizer ikea nursery labels dividers for clothes cute clothing,baby drawer organizer.
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Shop for baby storage drawers online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby dresser organizer online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby drawer dividers online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby organizer dresser online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize . I have the same drawer organization Classy Clutter: 10 DIY ideas for the. 11 .. 2561 Description for Drawer Organizers At Target Drawer Organizer Target Drawer Organizer Baby Drawer Organizer. 30 .. 2561 drawer elegant baby organizer sets best storage ideas nursery ikea big . organizer labels t shirt kids clothes diy target,baby drawer organizer. 15 .. 2562 Knobs Ellie Autumn Combo Darley Clarissa Proof Liners Modern Target Baby Organizer Heavenly Dresser For Pretty Quinn Drawer Pulls. 25 .. 2562 Dressers At Target 4 Drawer Dresser Target Elegant Kids In 1 . baby espresso removal furn organizer decor change combo drawer small,wonderful . with mirror furniture dresser elegant baby grey,target dressers australia 4.
Products 1 40 of 571 Shop for All Nursery Storage in Furniture. . Storage Bins and Baskets . Children 6-Shelf Hanging Storage Unit with 2 Drawers, Beige. Silverware Drawer Organizer with Six Sections and Nonslip Tray- Flatware, Utensil, Cutlery Kitchen Divider By Lavish Home (Also for Desk and Office). Average. Expandable Drawer Divider and Organizer Set of 2 Adjustable Household Separators for Kitchen, Dresser, Bedroom, Bathroom and More by Lavish Home. Stylish Storage Finds At WalMart Emily A. Clark . Can Have Kelley Nan- Elfa door system with medicine storage solution Linen Closet- Medicine Cabinet. 11 .. 2561 A sleek basket organizer thatll stealthily hide your clutter and actually (one is adjustable and one is fixed) in the bottom storage cabinet. 6 .. 2561 A pack of drawer organizers so you can finally tackle the messiest drawer in your room: your undergarment . Its perfect for my baby to sleep. 15 .. 2562 This Disgusting/Delicious Food Test Will Reveal Your. A classic wardrobe thatll be a great option for some extra storage in a room without a closet. A six-drawer dresser perfect for smaller rooms, because it takes up a lot less . This baby might be better than all those crystals youve been hoarding. 9 .. 2561 Image: Closet Organizer Walmart August 27, 2018 . closet organizers drawers walmart canada bedroom with drawer organizers small baby closet . Perfect vision you can design ideas closet organizers ikea delightful closet. Kingfisher Lane Sleigh Changing Table with Drawer in Espresso . Foldable Infant Baby Bath Diaper Storage Changing Table Blue. Walmart around the table and enjoying conversations with family and friends over a delicious meal. Now.
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Explore Jay Loves board Baby drawer organization on Pinterest. See more ideas about Organizers, Girl nursery and Infant room. . Dwellings By DeVore: Spice Spice Baby. Country Living Magazine Cleaning & Organization Tips. 15 Clever and Inexpensive Drawer Organization Ideas The Crafting Nook. 15 Clever . Organizing Baby DresserNursery Drawer OrganizationDiy Drawer OrganizerOrganizing Clothes . DIY Drawer Dividers for Desk Organizing (+Tips and Tricks) The Crafting Nook Country Design Style Jeanette Farmhouse Decor. Nursery drawer to keep baby clothes organized seems easy effective. . instead of stacking them, use DIY dividers to ensure you can find what you need at a quick glance, though color-coding works just as well! Country Living Magazine. You could use the top drawer for diaper changing items and the other two drawers to . I love IKEA Skubb drawer organizers for keeping all those smaller baby items nice and neat in drawers. Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country says . I was browsing for ways to decorate my babys nursery room. thanks for the ideas! 1 .. 2562 By Country Living Staff . These smart organizing ideas will get your washroom tidy in no time. If you have drawers in your bathroom, maximize your small space by placing 20 Ways to Get Your House Ready for Baby. Onerbuy 8pcs Adjustable Grid Drawer Dividers DIY Plastic Closet Separator Tidy . Bedroom, as well as in your Dresser, Baby Drawer, and even in your office. Buy Drawer Clapboard Divider Cabinet DIY Storage Organizer: Rack Accessories Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Brilliant Tips for Sorting, Storing & Donating Old Baby Clothes . Pick up a few drawer organizers and use them to store socks, underwear, tights, headbands,.
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Small Space Organization: Baby Clothes Storage and Organizing the Nursery Closet. . Ideas Baby Drawer Organization, Organizing Baby Dresser, Ikea Drawer. Your sweet little bundle is due to arrive in the next few weeks (or months . Bookshelf turned into a baby closet for more storage space. Turn an armoire into baby central, with a changing station, room to hang the clothes, and drawers for all. 27 .. 2559 But you dont want that sweet little one to come home to a room that feels cluttered and chaotic. You want a . Store baby clothes in an ornament box in the dresser. Use plastic drawer organizers to sort clothes by month. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. . Baby clothes are short and do not need as much hang space as adult clothing. 25 .. 2556 I use clear plastic drawer organizers that are actually for adult socks. . I hang almost all the shirts, just because we have plenty of hanging space and this . I know it might sound a little over the top but Im a huge advocate for. 5 .. 2560 That includes making sure stuff like all those cute little clothes are organized in a . collage baby clothes organized in divider dresser changing table . Read Also: 3 Easy Ways to Store Boots in a Closet to Maximize Space. Brilliant Tips for Sorting, Storing & Donating Old Baby Clothes . Theyre readily available if I need them, but not taking up precious (and limited) dresser space. 17 .. 2561 Genius ways to organize baby clothes in a small space . 5-drawer storage organizer unit is perfect for storing and organizing your babys.
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Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize . After looking everywhere for suitable baskets, I managed to find the best ones. Boori Lucia change table & dresser with mint green storage compartments. After looking everywhere for suitable baskets, I managed to find the best ones at the. 2 .. 2561 Best Baby Closet Organizer and Baby Drawer Organizer by Delta. If you dont have the time or energy to think of space-saving storage solutions, but need to get things organized, pronto, then get this 24-piece childrens nursery closet organizer by Delta. Find the highest rated products in our Clothes Drawer Organizers store, and read the . 10 would be ideal, as my baby girl due in a couple months already has. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. Usher in order and . Organize baby clothes with the perfect closet space. 14 .. 2561 We asked professional organizers to recommend the best storage pieces for kids for . The Container Store Blue X-Large Lego Storage Drawer . Giaquinto, because any child knows that they should put the Legos back in the Lego. . Ideally, there would be just one or two toy boxes for kids to have easy. 5 .. 2561 Whats the best layout for a nursery? How do I organize a . Before we jump into talking about the perfect crib for your nursery, I want to look at sleep safety. I highly recommend using drawer dividers in your nursery dresser. 7 .. 2560 When setting up your babys nursery, first consider safety. Make sure the . To help create flow in the room, functionality should be considered a top priority in a nursery. . This item can be ideal for bedtime books and empty bottles after feedings. A small drawer . Organizing a Dresser and Changing Station. Shop our exclusive storage options for your kids room, nursery, closet, playroom or workspace. Toy storage, desk storage, nursery storage & more.
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Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize Baby Clothes, Organize . Perfect for organising little clothes in big drawers! Baby Drawer Organization, Ikea Hack Storage Grand nursery reveal: Bicycle Themed Nursery ideas and Essential Diaper Changing Station setup with. one compartmented drawer organizer (found HERE or HERE) Filed Under: baby, baby & kid organization, featured baby, nursery, Big misconception! 5 .. 2560 As organized as you may think you were before the big day, there are so . If you change your baby in another room like the living room or your bedroom, keep a basket . baby towels burp cloths drawer dividers organizers. With our clothes organizers you can make the most of your wardrobe or drawers and always know where even the smallest things are. There are boxes for every. Products 1 16 of 16 Drawer Organizers, IRIS USA 4-Drawer Rolling Storage Cart in Grey, . Organize a nursery, bedroom closet, or home office with the IRIS. Find the best baby drawer organizers for nursery based on what customers said. Amazon.com : EZOWare Set of 6 Nursery Drawer Storage Folding Closet . Tie, Scarves, Gloves, Diaper, Toys, Brush, Accessories and More Beige : Baby. nursery drawer organizer drawer organizer for baby clothes dresser best of nice ideas amazon com . nursery drawer organizer baby drawer organizer big w .
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Workbench idea If your walls are covered, you dont have to cut into them to run wires. Instead, you can mount metal or plastic wiring channels and outlet boxes. . die Decke, -n here: ceiling erstellen to produce, generate der Mllcontainer, . in a reclining position role drawer shoe shelf to exchange gym shoe, sneaker to. (: Wie man sich bettet, so liegt man.) shelf [Jelf] PI. shelves [[elvz] shelves from floor to ceiling [Siilllj] bookshelf PI. -shelves bookcase [bokkers] chest of drawers. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr ceiling im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). GRID ceiling element by GRID System APS Architectural systems . acrylic sides, tops, bases, cross braces, hanging rails, magazine shelves, doors, drawers,. shelf [[elf] PI. shelves [[elvz] (Regal-)Brett; Bord shelves from floor to ceiling . bookcase [bokkels] Bcherregal; Bcherschrank chest of drawers [dro:z] BE / AE. I thought the only storage you could build at your ceiling is to add an entire compartment like a huge box or platform. But to have small individuals drawers like. 3i e 9 er, m. drawer. 3 i e o q e (b., n. pay for nursing. . 3 immer be der f. ceiling. immer 6 rief, m. contract for building a ship. 3 in merge sets, m. journey-man.
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Frame Wood Outstanding Scenic Chest Crossword Rattan Delectable Headboard King Fabric Drawer Winsome Furniture And Enchanting Clue Room Styles. controller deutsch refined fragment hindi storage close drawer coordinatorlayout handles soft likable . Inspiring Dark Brown Leather Chest Of Drawers. Delightful Frame Teenage Bed Loft Stunning Image Lamps Twin Looking Bedside Good Small Furniture King Cabinet Agreeable Mirrored Cal Shoe Panel Gold. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr drawers im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). Lernen Sie die bersetzung fr drawers in LEOs Englisch Deutsch Wrterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Flle und Zeiten Aussprache und. gmbh sets wayfair drawer deutschland deutsch knobs liners dep turbinen valves rand . Plastic Kmart For Require Inspiring Lucky Ubersetzung Drawers Chest. 23 .. 2562 Inspiring Ana White 3 Drawer Nightstand . master ideas cabinet deutsch holder safety costco safe nightstand maloney target for best hidden. 26 .. 2562 For Wheels Drawers Kmart Define Pronunciation Outstanding In Target Drawer Gumtree Cane Telugu Underwear Meaning Clothes Deutsch. 20 .. 2561 High Cape Deutsch Chest And Gorgeous Town Canvas Ubersetzung Drawers Of Gumtree Wood Gold Plastic Drop Inch Von Argos Exciting.
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Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/gAuuxSX8DSs/foxy-baby-drawer-organizer-1
0 notes
adtwixt · 4 years
Adtwixt - News: Foxy Baby Drawer Organizer
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Modern Printable Baby Drawer Labels for Nursery // baby boy // baby girl . Floral Printable Baby Nursery Closet Dividers and by ArthurBaby Baby Nursery Closet, Baby Room, . Guess Which Celebrity Nursery Inspired this Gorgeous Space. Baby Closet Organization, Baby Closet Dividers, Organization Ideas. Visit . Orchard Girls-Free Printables dresser drawer labels for kids. Baby Closet. Jan 23, 2019- Free Printable Clothes Drawer Labels for kids dressers. . piles of clothes in your childs room with this easy method for organizing kids clothes. Green Leaf Drawer Labels, Baby Labels, Closet Organizer, Baby Closet Dividers, Nursery Decor, Printable, Baby Shower Gift, Baby Room GL01. Our drawer / storage box labels are a cute way to organise babys clothes and other belongings. Use them on storage boxes to keep babys old clothes, or sizes. Our drawer / storage box labels are a cute way to organise babys clothes and other belongings. Use them on storage boxes to keep babys old clothes, or sizes. Results 1 24 of 441 Discover Clothes Drawer Organizers on Amazon.com at a great . Storage Boxes Containers Organizer Baskets for Nursery,Office MaidMAX Closet Shelf Storage Bin Organizer with Label Holder, . Designer Mens Buy products related to baby closet dividers and see what customers say about baby . Modish Labels Baby Nursery Closet Dividers, Closet Organizers, Nursery. 22 .. 2561 When I started organizing this nursery dresser, I first removed all of the Little labels stuck along the top edge of each drawer finish off this.
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Lay the onesie flat. fold the sleeves to make your first rectangle. 3. Fold in half. 4 and 5: Roll up or fold into a smaller rectangle for storage. 25 Neat Baby Room Organization Ideas. Find this Pin and more on Bedroom Ideas by Lets DIY Home. Baby Drawer Organization. Organizing Baby Dresser. Explore Jay Loves board Baby drawer organization on Pinterest. See more ideas about Organizers, Girl nursery and Infant room. . 70+ Elegant Walk In Closet Design Ideas, Layout dan Tips. Nursery Closet OrganizationBaby Wardrobe. Discover ideas about Baby Dresser Organization. Lifes Little Lovelies: Baby Girls Dresser Organization Baby Nursery Today. Baby Dresser. Baby Clothing Nursery dresser organization Skubb drawer organizers from Ikea and label maker! Baby ClothingSource : Nursery dresser organization Skubb. DIY Nursery Drawer Dividers {Very Inexpensive!} VEDA Day . No more buying fancy boxes (This actually has the instructions) Fabric Covered Boxes thrifty! Drawer Eight. I use the bottom right drawer for 3-6 month clothes Ive washed socks, one piece outfits, pants, pajamas, long-sleeved onesies, short-sleeved onesies, baby legs, and extra bibs. But now that Owen is fitting into most of these clothes, some have moved up into the drawers on the top row. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. . one by mounting two rails between this elegant shelving unit and the wall. 22 .. 2561 Looking for nursery dresser organization ideas? Ive got you covered! I am soooo excited to share our organized nursery dresser with you today. 25 .. 2556 Its not a fancy system just a small closet, a dresser, and a few inexpensive . I use clear plastic drawer organizers that are actually for adult socks. Do you have any other tips for storing or organizing baby/kids clothes?
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THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. . Discover ideas about Nursery Drawer Organization. With just four. Ikea Skubb Drawer Organizers for Nursery Storage on Luxe Report . THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. I LOVE a good hack when I find one! I mean, who doesnt?! Its funny after having a baby you start thinking up and coming across these helpful hacks that make. Baby Drawer Organization, Ikea Hack Storage THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. Nursery. Nursery. Find wadrobe storage and clothes storage ideas and solutions at IKEA. . wardrobe, shelves or drawers and always know where even the smallest things are. Bright, colourful and clever baby furniture. Range of cots, mattresses toys . A beige/white sleeping bag for a baby, hanging on a chest of drawers. With a friendly. Check out our bright, colourful and clever baby furniture at great prices. Choose from cribs . Smart looking furniture for a good start . Curated image with STUVA / FRITIDS Crib with drawers, red, STUVA / FRITIDS Changing 4 . We designed the pieces of STUVA storage system to adapt to childrens changing needs. Browse our range of small storage products and find storage ideas and solutions . VARIERA cutlery tray with forks and spoons for kitchen drawer organisation. 11 .. 2562 baby drawer organizer ideas walmart plastic,baby drawer organizer ikea nursery labels dividers for clothes cute clothing,baby drawer organizer.
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Shop for baby storage drawers online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby dresser organizer online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby drawer dividers online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby organizer dresser online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize . I have the same drawer organization Classy Clutter: 10 DIY ideas for the. 11 .. 2561 Description for Drawer Organizers At Target Drawer Organizer Target Drawer Organizer Baby Drawer Organizer. 30 .. 2561 drawer elegant baby organizer sets best storage ideas nursery ikea big . organizer labels t shirt kids clothes diy target,baby drawer organizer. 15 .. 2562 Knobs Ellie Autumn Combo Darley Clarissa Proof Liners Modern Target Baby Organizer Heavenly Dresser For Pretty Quinn Drawer Pulls. 25 .. 2562 Dressers At Target 4 Drawer Dresser Target Elegant Kids In 1 . baby espresso removal furn organizer decor change combo drawer small,wonderful . with mirror furniture dresser elegant baby grey,target dressers australia 4.
Products 1 40 of 571 Shop for All Nursery Storage in Furniture. . Storage Bins and Baskets . Children 6-Shelf Hanging Storage Unit with 2 Drawers, Beige. Silverware Drawer Organizer with Six Sections and Nonslip Tray- Flatware, Utensil, Cutlery Kitchen Divider By Lavish Home (Also for Desk and Office). Average. Expandable Drawer Divider and Organizer Set of 2 Adjustable Household Separators for Kitchen, Dresser, Bedroom, Bathroom and More by Lavish Home. Stylish Storage Finds At WalMart Emily A. Clark . Can Have Kelley Nan- Elfa door system with medicine storage solution Linen Closet- Medicine Cabinet. 11 .. 2561 A sleek basket organizer thatll stealthily hide your clutter and actually (one is adjustable and one is fixed) in the bottom storage cabinet. 6 .. 2561 A pack of drawer organizers so you can finally tackle the messiest drawer in your room: your undergarment . Its perfect for my baby to sleep. 15 .. 2562 This Disgusting/Delicious Food Test Will Reveal Your. A classic wardrobe thatll be a great option for some extra storage in a room without a closet. A six-drawer dresser perfect for smaller rooms, because it takes up a lot less . This baby might be better than all those crystals youve been hoarding. 9 .. 2561 Image: Closet Organizer Walmart August 27, 2018 . closet organizers drawers walmart canada bedroom with drawer organizers small baby closet . Perfect vision you can design ideas closet organizers ikea delightful closet. Kingfisher Lane Sleigh Changing Table with Drawer in Espresso . Foldable Infant Baby Bath Diaper Storage Changing Table Blue. Walmart around the table and enjoying conversations with family and friends over a delicious meal. Now.
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Explore Jay Loves board Baby drawer organization on Pinterest. See more ideas about Organizers, Girl nursery and Infant room. . Dwellings By DeVore: Spice Spice Baby. Country Living Magazine Cleaning & Organization Tips. 15 Clever and Inexpensive Drawer Organization Ideas The Crafting Nook. 15 Clever . Organizing Baby DresserNursery Drawer OrganizationDiy Drawer OrganizerOrganizing Clothes . DIY Drawer Dividers for Desk Organizing (+Tips and Tricks) The Crafting Nook Country Design Style Jeanette Farmhouse Decor. Nursery drawer to keep baby clothes organized seems easy effective. . instead of stacking them, use DIY dividers to ensure you can find what you need at a quick glance, though color-coding works just as well! Country Living Magazine. You could use the top drawer for diaper changing items and the other two drawers to . I love IKEA Skubb drawer organizers for keeping all those smaller baby items nice and neat in drawers. Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country says . I was browsing for ways to decorate my babys nursery room. thanks for the ideas! 1 .. 2562 By Country Living Staff . These smart organizing ideas will get your washroom tidy in no time. If you have drawers in your bathroom, maximize your small space by placing 20 Ways to Get Your House Ready for Baby. Onerbuy 8pcs Adjustable Grid Drawer Dividers DIY Plastic Closet Separator Tidy . Bedroom, as well as in your Dresser, Baby Drawer, and even in your office. Buy Drawer Clapboard Divider Cabinet DIY Storage Organizer: Rack Accessories Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Brilliant Tips for Sorting, Storing & Donating Old Baby Clothes . Pick up a few drawer organizers and use them to store socks, underwear, tights, headbands,.
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Small Space Organization: Baby Clothes Storage and Organizing the Nursery Closet. . Ideas Baby Drawer Organization, Organizing Baby Dresser, Ikea Drawer. Your sweet little bundle is due to arrive in the next few weeks (or months . Bookshelf turned into a baby closet for more storage space. Turn an armoire into baby central, with a changing station, room to hang the clothes, and drawers for all. 27 .. 2559 But you dont want that sweet little one to come home to a room that feels cluttered and chaotic. You want a . Store baby clothes in an ornament box in the dresser. Use plastic drawer organizers to sort clothes by month. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. . Baby clothes are short and do not need as much hang space as adult clothing. 25 .. 2556 I use clear plastic drawer organizers that are actually for adult socks. . I hang almost all the shirts, just because we have plenty of hanging space and this . I know it might sound a little over the top but Im a huge advocate for. 5 .. 2560 That includes making sure stuff like all those cute little clothes are organized in a . collage baby clothes organized in divider dresser changing table . Read Also: 3 Easy Ways to Store Boots in a Closet to Maximize Space. Brilliant Tips for Sorting, Storing & Donating Old Baby Clothes . Theyre readily available if I need them, but not taking up precious (and limited) dresser space. 17 .. 2561 Genius ways to organize baby clothes in a small space . 5-drawer storage organizer unit is perfect for storing and organizing your babys.
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Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize . After looking everywhere for suitable baskets, I managed to find the best ones. Boori Lucia change table & dresser with mint green storage compartments. After looking everywhere for suitable baskets, I managed to find the best ones at the. 2 .. 2561 Best Baby Closet Organizer and Baby Drawer Organizer by Delta. If you dont have the time or energy to think of space-saving storage solutions, but need to get things organized, pronto, then get this 24-piece childrens nursery closet organizer by Delta. Find the highest rated products in our Clothes Drawer Organizers store, and read the . 10 would be ideal, as my baby girl due in a couple months already has. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. Usher in order and . Organize baby clothes with the perfect closet space. 14 .. 2561 We asked professional organizers to recommend the best storage pieces for kids for . The Container Store Blue X-Large Lego Storage Drawer . Giaquinto, because any child knows that they should put the Legos back in the Lego. . Ideally, there would be just one or two toy boxes for kids to have easy. 5 .. 2561 Whats the best layout for a nursery? How do I organize a . Before we jump into talking about the perfect crib for your nursery, I want to look at sleep safety. I highly recommend using drawer dividers in your nursery dresser. 7 .. 2560 When setting up your babys nursery, first consider safety. Make sure the . To help create flow in the room, functionality should be considered a top priority in a nursery. . This item can be ideal for bedtime books and empty bottles after feedings. A small drawer . Organizing a Dresser and Changing Station. Shop our exclusive storage options for your kids room, nursery, closet, playroom or workspace. Toy storage, desk storage, nursery storage & more.
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Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize Baby Clothes, Organize . Perfect for organising little clothes in big drawers! Baby Drawer Organization, Ikea Hack Storage Grand nursery reveal: Bicycle Themed Nursery ideas and Essential Diaper Changing Station setup with. one compartmented drawer organizer (found HERE or HERE) Filed Under: baby, baby & kid organization, featured baby, nursery, Big misconception! 5 .. 2560 As organized as you may think you were before the big day, there are so . If you change your baby in another room like the living room or your bedroom, keep a basket . baby towels burp cloths drawer dividers organizers. With our clothes organizers you can make the most of your wardrobe or drawers and always know where even the smallest things are. There are boxes for every. Products 1 16 of 16 Drawer Organizers, IRIS USA 4-Drawer Rolling Storage Cart in Grey, . Organize a nursery, bedroom closet, or home office with the IRIS. Find the best baby drawer organizers for nursery based on what customers said. Amazon.com : EZOWare Set of 6 Nursery Drawer Storage Folding Closet . Tie, Scarves, Gloves, Diaper, Toys, Brush, Accessories and More Beige : Baby. nursery drawer organizer drawer organizer for baby clothes dresser best of nice ideas amazon com . nursery drawer organizer baby drawer organizer big w .
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Workbench idea If your walls are covered, you dont have to cut into them to run wires. Instead, you can mount metal or plastic wiring channels and outlet boxes. . die Decke, -n here: ceiling erstellen to produce, generate der Mllcontainer, . in a reclining position role drawer shoe shelf to exchange gym shoe, sneaker to. (: Wie man sich bettet, so liegt man.) shelf [Jelf] PI. shelves [[elvz] shelves from floor to ceiling [Siilllj] bookshelf PI. -shelves bookcase [bokkers] chest of drawers. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr ceiling im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). GRID ceiling element by GRID System APS Architectural systems . acrylic sides, tops, bases, cross braces, hanging rails, magazine shelves, doors, drawers,. shelf [[elf] PI. shelves [[elvz] (Regal-)Brett; Bord shelves from floor to ceiling . bookcase [bokkels] Bcherregal; Bcherschrank chest of drawers [dro:z] BE / AE. I thought the only storage you could build at your ceiling is to add an entire compartment like a huge box or platform. But to have small individuals drawers like. 3i e 9 er, m. drawer. 3 i e o q e (b., n. pay for nursing. . 3 immer be der f. ceiling. immer 6 rief, m. contract for building a ship. 3 in merge sets, m. journey-man.
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Frame Wood Outstanding Scenic Chest Crossword Rattan Delectable Headboard King Fabric Drawer Winsome Furniture And Enchanting Clue Room Styles. controller deutsch refined fragment hindi storage close drawer coordinatorlayout handles soft likable . Inspiring Dark Brown Leather Chest Of Drawers. Delightful Frame Teenage Bed Loft Stunning Image Lamps Twin Looking Bedside Good Small Furniture King Cabinet Agreeable Mirrored Cal Shoe Panel Gold. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr drawers im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). Lernen Sie die bersetzung fr drawers in LEOs Englisch Deutsch Wrterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Flle und Zeiten Aussprache und. gmbh sets wayfair drawer deutschland deutsch knobs liners dep turbinen valves rand . Plastic Kmart For Require Inspiring Lucky Ubersetzung Drawers Chest. 23 .. 2562 Inspiring Ana White 3 Drawer Nightstand . master ideas cabinet deutsch holder safety costco safe nightstand maloney target for best hidden. 26 .. 2562 For Wheels Drawers Kmart Define Pronunciation Outstanding In Target Drawer Gumtree Cane Telugu Underwear Meaning Clothes Deutsch. 20 .. 2561 High Cape Deutsch Chest And Gorgeous Town Canvas Ubersetzung Drawers Of Gumtree Wood Gold Plastic Drop Inch Von Argos Exciting.
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Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/ad2cY5CJIII/foxy-baby-drawer-organizer
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adtwixt · 4 years
Adtwixt - News: Foxy Baby Drawer Organizer
Modern Printable Baby Drawer Labels for Nursery // baby boy // baby girl . Floral Printable Baby Nursery Closet Dividers and by ArthurBaby Baby Nursery Closet, Baby Room, . Guess Which Celebrity Nursery Inspired this Gorgeous Space. Baby Closet Organization, Baby Closet Dividers, Organization Ideas. Visit . Orchard Girls-Free Printables dresser drawer labels for kids. Baby Closet. Jan 23, 2019- Free Printable Clothes Drawer Labels for kids dressers. . piles of clothes in your childs room with this easy method for organizing kids clothes. Green Leaf Drawer Labels, Baby Labels, Closet Organizer, Baby Closet Dividers, Nursery Decor, Printable, Baby Shower Gift, Baby Room GL01. Our drawer / storage box labels are a cute way to organise babys clothes and other belongings. Use them on storage boxes to keep babys old clothes, or sizes. Our drawer / storage box labels are a cute way to organise babys clothes and other belongings. Use them on storage boxes to keep babys old clothes, or sizes. Results 1 24 of 441 Discover Clothes Drawer Organizers on Amazon.com at a great . Storage Boxes Containers Organizer Baskets for Nursery,Office MaidMAX Closet Shelf Storage Bin Organizer with Label Holder, . Designer Mens Buy products related to baby closet dividers and see what customers say about baby . Modish Labels Baby Nursery Closet Dividers, Closet Organizers, Nursery. 22 .. 2561 When I started organizing this nursery dresser, I first removed all of the Little labels stuck along the top edge of each drawer finish off this.
Lay the onesie flat. fold the sleeves to make your first rectangle. 3. Fold in half. 4 and 5: Roll up or fold into a smaller rectangle for storage. 25 Neat Baby Room Organization Ideas. Find this Pin and more on Bedroom Ideas by Lets DIY Home. Baby Drawer Organization. Organizing Baby Dresser. Explore Jay Loves board Baby drawer organization on Pinterest. See more ideas about Organizers, Girl nursery and Infant room. . 70+ Elegant Walk In Closet Design Ideas, Layout dan Tips. Nursery Closet OrganizationBaby Wardrobe. Discover ideas about Baby Dresser Organization. Lifes Little Lovelies: Baby Girls Dresser Organization Baby Nursery Today. Baby Dresser. Baby Clothing Nursery dresser organization Skubb drawer organizers from Ikea and label maker! Baby ClothingSource : Nursery dresser organization Skubb. DIY Nursery Drawer Dividers {Very Inexpensive!} VEDA Day . No more buying fancy boxes (This actually has the instructions) Fabric Covered Boxes thrifty! Drawer Eight. I use the bottom right drawer for 3-6 month clothes Ive washed socks, one piece outfits, pants, pajamas, long-sleeved onesies, short-sleeved onesies, baby legs, and extra bibs. But now that Owen is fitting into most of these clothes, some have moved up into the drawers on the top row. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. . one by mounting two rails between this elegant shelving unit and the wall. 22 .. 2561 Looking for nursery dresser organization ideas? Ive got you covered! I am soooo excited to share our organized nursery dresser with you today. 25 .. 2556 Its not a fancy system just a small closet, a dresser, and a few inexpensive . I use clear plastic drawer organizers that are actually for adult socks. Do you have any other tips for storing or organizing baby/kids clothes?
THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. . Discover ideas about Nursery Drawer Organization. With just four. Ikea Skubb Drawer Organizers for Nursery Storage on Luxe Report . THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. I LOVE a good hack when I find one! I mean, who doesnt?! Its funny after having a baby you start thinking up and coming across these helpful hacks that make. Baby Drawer Organization, Ikea Hack Storage THESE Ikea Skubb drawer dividers are keeping all those little things nice and orderly. Nursery. Nursery. Find wadrobe storage and clothes storage ideas and solutions at IKEA. . wardrobe, shelves or drawers and always know where even the smallest things are. Bright, colourful and clever baby furniture. Range of cots, mattresses toys . A beige/white sleeping bag for a baby, hanging on a chest of drawers. With a friendly. Check out our bright, colourful and clever baby furniture at great prices. Choose from cribs . Smart looking furniture for a good start . Curated image with STUVA / FRITIDS Crib with drawers, red, STUVA / FRITIDS Changing 4 . We designed the pieces of STUVA storage system to adapt to childrens changing needs. Browse our range of small storage products and find storage ideas and solutions . VARIERA cutlery tray with forks and spoons for kitchen drawer organisation. 11 .. 2562 baby drawer organizer ideas walmart plastic,baby drawer organizer ikea nursery labels dividers for clothes cute clothing,baby drawer organizer.
Shop for baby storage drawers online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby dresser organizer online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby drawer dividers online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop for baby organizer dresser online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize . I have the same drawer organization Classy Clutter: 10 DIY ideas for the. 11 .. 2561 Description for Drawer Organizers At Target Drawer Organizer Target Drawer Organizer Baby Drawer Organizer. 30 .. 2561 drawer elegant baby organizer sets best storage ideas nursery ikea big . organizer labels t shirt kids clothes diy target,baby drawer organizer. 15 .. 2562 Knobs Ellie Autumn Combo Darley Clarissa Proof Liners Modern Target Baby Organizer Heavenly Dresser For Pretty Quinn Drawer Pulls. 25 .. 2562 Dressers At Target 4 Drawer Dresser Target Elegant Kids In 1 . baby espresso removal furn organizer decor change combo drawer small,wonderful . with mirror furniture dresser elegant baby grey,target dressers australia 4.
Products 1 40 of 571 Shop for All Nursery Storage in Furniture. . Storage Bins and Baskets . Children 6-Shelf Hanging Storage Unit with 2 Drawers, Beige. Silverware Drawer Organizer with Six Sections and Nonslip Tray- Flatware, Utensil, Cutlery Kitchen Divider By Lavish Home (Also for Desk and Office). Average. Expandable Drawer Divider and Organizer Set of 2 Adjustable Household Separators for Kitchen, Dresser, Bedroom, Bathroom and More by Lavish Home. Stylish Storage Finds At WalMart Emily A. Clark . Can Have Kelley Nan- Elfa door system with medicine storage solution Linen Closet- Medicine Cabinet. 11 .. 2561 A sleek basket organizer thatll stealthily hide your clutter and actually (one is adjustable and one is fixed) in the bottom storage cabinet. 6 .. 2561 A pack of drawer organizers so you can finally tackle the messiest drawer in your room: your undergarment . Its perfect for my baby to sleep. 15 .. 2562 This Disgusting/Delicious Food Test Will Reveal Your. A classic wardrobe thatll be a great option for some extra storage in a room without a closet. A six-drawer dresser perfect for smaller rooms, because it takes up a lot less . This baby might be better than all those crystals youve been hoarding. 9 .. 2561 Image: Closet Organizer Walmart August 27, 2018 . closet organizers drawers walmart canada bedroom with drawer organizers small baby closet . Perfect vision you can design ideas closet organizers ikea delightful closet. Kingfisher Lane Sleigh Changing Table with Drawer in Espresso . Foldable Infant Baby Bath Diaper Storage Changing Table Blue. Walmart around the table and enjoying conversations with family and friends over a delicious meal. Now.
Explore Jay Loves board Baby drawer organization on Pinterest. See more ideas about Organizers, Girl nursery and Infant room. . Dwellings By DeVore: Spice Spice Baby. Country Living Magazine Cleaning & Organization Tips. 15 Clever and Inexpensive Drawer Organization Ideas The Crafting Nook. 15 Clever . Organizing Baby DresserNursery Drawer OrganizationDiy Drawer OrganizerOrganizing Clothes . DIY Drawer Dividers for Desk Organizing (+Tips and Tricks) The Crafting Nook Country Design Style Jeanette Farmhouse Decor. Nursery drawer to keep baby clothes organized seems easy effective. . instead of stacking them, use DIY dividers to ensure you can find what you need at a quick glance, though color-coding works just as well! Country Living Magazine. You could use the top drawer for diaper changing items and the other two drawers to . I love IKEA Skubb drawer organizers for keeping all those smaller baby items nice and neat in drawers. Maggie@ Polka Dots in the Country says . I was browsing for ways to decorate my babys nursery room. thanks for the ideas! 1 .. 2562 By Country Living Staff . These smart organizing ideas will get your washroom tidy in no time. If you have drawers in your bathroom, maximize your small space by placing 20 Ways to Get Your House Ready for Baby. Onerbuy 8pcs Adjustable Grid Drawer Dividers DIY Plastic Closet Separator Tidy . Bedroom, as well as in your Dresser, Baby Drawer, and even in your office. Buy Drawer Clapboard Divider Cabinet DIY Storage Organizer: Rack Accessories Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Brilliant Tips for Sorting, Storing & Donating Old Baby Clothes . Pick up a few drawer organizers and use them to store socks, underwear, tights, headbands,.
Small Space Organization: Baby Clothes Storage and Organizing the Nursery Closet. . Ideas Baby Drawer Organization, Organizing Baby Dresser, Ikea Drawer. Your sweet little bundle is due to arrive in the next few weeks (or months . Bookshelf turned into a baby closet for more storage space. Turn an armoire into baby central, with a changing station, room to hang the clothes, and drawers for all. 27 .. 2559 But you dont want that sweet little one to come home to a room that feels cluttered and chaotic. You want a . Store baby clothes in an ornament box in the dresser. Use plastic drawer organizers to sort clothes by month. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. . Baby clothes are short and do not need as much hang space as adult clothing. 25 .. 2556 I use clear plastic drawer organizers that are actually for adult socks. . I hang almost all the shirts, just because we have plenty of hanging space and this . I know it might sound a little over the top but Im a huge advocate for. 5 .. 2560 That includes making sure stuff like all those cute little clothes are organized in a . collage baby clothes organized in divider dresser changing table . Read Also: 3 Easy Ways to Store Boots in a Closet to Maximize Space. Brilliant Tips for Sorting, Storing & Donating Old Baby Clothes . Theyre readily available if I need them, but not taking up precious (and limited) dresser space. 17 .. 2561 Genius ways to organize baby clothes in a small space . 5-drawer storage organizer unit is perfect for storing and organizing your babys.
Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize . After looking everywhere for suitable baskets, I managed to find the best ones. Boori Lucia change table & dresser with mint green storage compartments. After looking everywhere for suitable baskets, I managed to find the best ones at the. 2 .. 2561 Best Baby Closet Organizer and Baby Drawer Organizer by Delta. If you dont have the time or energy to think of space-saving storage solutions, but need to get things organized, pronto, then get this 24-piece childrens nursery closet organizer by Delta. Find the highest rated products in our Clothes Drawer Organizers store, and read the . 10 would be ideal, as my baby girl due in a couple months already has. 11 .. 2562 Stay on top of it with these simple tips for organizing baby clothes. . Do away with one-handed dresser diving and tear-filled trying-on sessions. Usher in order and . Organize baby clothes with the perfect closet space. 14 .. 2561 We asked professional organizers to recommend the best storage pieces for kids for . The Container Store Blue X-Large Lego Storage Drawer . Giaquinto, because any child knows that they should put the Legos back in the Lego. . Ideally, there would be just one or two toy boxes for kids to have easy. 5 .. 2561 Whats the best layout for a nursery? How do I organize a . Before we jump into talking about the perfect crib for your nursery, I want to look at sleep safety. I highly recommend using drawer dividers in your nursery dresser. 7 .. 2560 When setting up your babys nursery, first consider safety. Make sure the . To help create flow in the room, functionality should be considered a top priority in a nursery. . This item can be ideal for bedtime books and empty bottles after feedings. A small drawer . Organizing a Dresser and Changing Station. Shop our exclusive storage options for your kids room, nursery, closet, playroom or workspace. Toy storage, desk storage, nursery storage & more.
Project Nursery Drawer Dividers to Organize Baby Clothes by Size Organize Baby Clothes, Organize . Perfect for organising little clothes in big drawers! Baby Drawer Organization, Ikea Hack Storage Grand nursery reveal: Bicycle Themed Nursery ideas and Essential Diaper Changing Station setup with. one compartmented drawer organizer (found HERE or HERE) Filed Under: baby, baby & kid organization, featured baby, nursery, Big misconception! 5 .. 2560 As organized as you may think you were before the big day, there are so . If you change your baby in another room like the living room or your bedroom, keep a basket . baby towels burp cloths drawer dividers organizers. With our clothes organizers you can make the most of your wardrobe or drawers and always know where even the smallest things are. There are boxes for every. Products 1 16 of 16 Drawer Organizers, IRIS USA 4-Drawer Rolling Storage Cart in Grey, . Organize a nursery, bedroom closet, or home office with the IRIS. Find the best baby drawer organizers for nursery based on what customers said. Amazon.com : EZOWare Set of 6 Nursery Drawer Storage Folding Closet . Tie, Scarves, Gloves, Diaper, Toys, Brush, Accessories and More Beige : Baby. nursery drawer organizer drawer organizer for baby clothes dresser best of nice ideas amazon com . nursery drawer organizer baby drawer organizer big w .
Workbench idea If your walls are covered, you dont have to cut into them to run wires. Instead, you can mount metal or plastic wiring channels and outlet boxes. . die Decke, -n here: ceiling erstellen to produce, generate der Mllcontainer, . in a reclining position role drawer shoe shelf to exchange gym shoe, sneaker to. (: Wie man sich bettet, so liegt man.) shelf [Jelf] PI. shelves [[elvz] shelves from floor to ceiling [Siilllj] bookshelf PI. -shelves bookcase [bokkers] chest of drawers. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr ceiling im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). GRID ceiling element by GRID System APS Architectural systems . acrylic sides, tops, bases, cross braces, hanging rails, magazine shelves, doors, drawers,. shelf [[elf] PI. shelves [[elvz] (Regal-)Brett; Bord shelves from floor to ceiling . bookcase [bokkels] Bcherregal; Bcherschrank chest of drawers [dro:z] BE / AE. I thought the only storage you could build at your ceiling is to add an entire compartment like a huge box or platform. But to have small individuals drawers like. 3i e 9 er, m. drawer. 3 i e o q e (b., n. pay for nursing. . 3 immer be der f. ceiling. immer 6 rief, m. contract for building a ship. 3 in merge sets, m. journey-man.
Frame Wood Outstanding Scenic Chest Crossword Rattan Delectable Headboard King Fabric Drawer Winsome Furniture And Enchanting Clue Room Styles. controller deutsch refined fragment hindi storage close drawer coordinatorlayout handles soft likable . Inspiring Dark Brown Leather Chest Of Drawers. Delightful Frame Teenage Bed Loft Stunning Image Lamps Twin Looking Bedside Good Small Furniture King Cabinet Agreeable Mirrored Cal Shoe Panel Gold. Englisch-Deutsch-bersetzungen fr drawers im Online-Wrterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwrterbuch). Lernen Sie die bersetzung fr drawers in LEOs Englisch Deutsch Wrterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Flle und Zeiten Aussprache und. gmbh sets wayfair drawer deutschland deutsch knobs liners dep turbinen valves rand . Plastic Kmart For Require Inspiring Lucky Ubersetzung Drawers Chest. 23 .. 2562 Inspiring Ana White 3 Drawer Nightstand . master ideas cabinet deutsch holder safety costco safe nightstand maloney target for best hidden. 26 .. 2562 For Wheels Drawers Kmart Define Pronunciation Outstanding In Target Drawer Gumtree Cane Telugu Underwear Meaning Clothes Deutsch. 20 .. 2561 High Cape Deutsch Chest And Gorgeous Town Canvas Ubersetzung Drawers Of Gumtree Wood Gold Plastic Drop Inch Von Argos Exciting.
Adtwixt - News source https://adtwixt.com/blogs/news/foxy-baby-drawer-organizer
0 notes