#and I am Very Curious as to what the continued story will be o.o
deepperplexity · 4 years
All Because You Love Me
Title: All Because You Love Me 
Request: Hi love all of your stories, can you make a Snape X Half-Blood Professor reader where they have a love-hate relationship and in the end they end up confessing there love to each other when Severis becomes more nicer to her than all the other professors? Thank You I would very appreciate it. @large-obesession​ 
A/N: This was difficult to write and I don't know if I managed to do the idea in my head justice but I am kind of satisfied with this anyway? O.O I hope you all will enjoy it!
Setting: Hogwarts  
Pairing: Snape x Half-Blood!Teacher!Reader 
ABBR.:│(y/n) - Your Name│ (y/l/n) - Your Last Name │
Word Count: 7280
Warnings: Angst, Hurt, Harsh Language, Alienation, Kissing, Love/Hate, Fighting
Masterlist page // Masterlist post
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Why couldn't he just leave you the fuck alone? Was it really that hard to just mind his own damn business? You fumed as your feet pounded the stone floor on your way to your classroom. Not only had you been forced to deal with a crying student, the havoc-wreaking Peeves and so, consequentially, you also missed breakfast. Oh no, no, you also had to deal with him. Professor Severus Snape. The gloomy, dark, too fucking sexy professor that simply would not leave you the hell alone. He was everywhere, around every corner. Even at night when you slumbered deeply under the covers he infiltrated your mind with harsh words and domineering sneers that made you ache. 
You sighed heavily as you pulled open the door to the classroom. All students already present and waiting for you.  "Sorry for being late, had a bit of a poltergeist problem," you grumbled as you shut the door with a harsh bang that echoed through the room while you took quick, short steps in a hurry to get to the desk and start the first class of the new week.  "Open your books, page 287. Hurry up," you said as your anger still simmered and brewed just below the surface. It was unfortunate for the sixth years that seemed to wonder what was up with you, you were usually so cheerful and happy while teaching. Well, not today apparently, bloody poltergeists and billowing cloaks with galaxy eyes and- no no no, stop that! You hate the man's guts! Stop, stop, stop! 
You shook your head, tried to find your usual sense of self while plastering on a smile in the hopes it would etch itself to your lips for the rest of the day.  "Now, who would like to ask a question for the day?" You always asked the students to ask one question regarding the lessons material as you always made sure to tell them at the end of the previous lesson what they would be working on next. A Hufflepuff girl reached her hand up and as she asked her question, that you would answer throughout the lesson, the first class was underway. It gave you something to focus on, to tether yourself to and eventually your mind focused on the subject - to the delight of the students - as your regular disposition returned with a true smile etched on your lips. 
First and second class had gone by smoothly after the little hiccup in the morning. You were happily dismissing the fourth years for lunch when your stomach grumbled something fiercely. Food, sustenance, gosh, I'm starving, you thought as you ordered your desk for the upcoming lesson before heading towards the Great Hall for the first food of the day for you. You closed the door gently and locked it. 
"No running!" you shouted after some Gryffindor boys as you were about to turn a corner.  "And no shouting, (y/l/n)," a growling voice snarled just as you rounded the corner. Oh, great, fucking great. You glared at professor Snape as he stood a few steps away from you.  "There should be a rule about growling," you muttered under your breath as you walked towards him. Your face was hard and your back straight.  "What was that, (y/l/n)?" You tilted your head back a little further, nose in the air.  "Nothing, Snape," you snarled as you passed him, "I just think you should mind your own business," you continued in a cutting voice after having passed him.  
You could have sworn you heard him grumble something behind you but you paid it no mind. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of entertaining him. Even if your chest ached at his harsh tone. Ignore it, just ignore the hell out of that stupid heart. IGNORE IT! You focused on the pinching pain in your stomach, the growling noises it made and hurried along to reach the Great Hall. Unfortunately, Snape had the same idea as he easily reached you with his long legs and that billowing cloak floating like a thundercloud around him.  "No running," you hissed with a slight twinkle in your eyes, "I thought you were better than the students." He scoffed and arched a brow at you as he slowed his pace to walk alongside you while he spoke.   "And I thought you were human, not a snail," he countered and then sped up yet again. You gasped at him before your fists clenched and you shook with anger. He got you there. You were, truly, a slow walker. Even when you tried to walk fast you were slow as a snail. 
He disappeared around another corner and you tried to walk faster. But it was impossible. You could not take long strides and you could only take so many steps in a short moment. So once you arrived at the Great Hall and entered Snape had already taken his place. You seethed as you saw him sneer out a defiant smile at you. You stalked up to the table and took your place on the opposite side of the table. Food appeared and you gulped it down in a flurry of motions as you truly were starved. All other things disappeared and your stomach rejoiced as it slowly filled up; one bite at a time. 
"Hungry, aren't we?" You choked on your juice as Snape's voice rumbled right beside you.  "Are you trying to kill me?!" you shouted at him and he had the gall to look taken aback at your harsh tone. You smacked down your glass and rose in such haste the chair nearly toppled over.  "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" you screamed as you stalked towards him while you paid no mind to the staring students or the shocked expression on Minerva's face as you poked Snape's chest with the tips of your fingers. 
He staggered backwards, "Seriously Snape! Don't just pop up like that! You could have killed me!" He arched a brow at you while your cheeks turned pink with anger and embarrassment as he looked down on you. The swirling dark of his eyes sucked you in and your heart tugged yet again. Not now! Your thoughts snarled at the roaring and hissing from your heart to be closer. "I did not pop, up," he drawled, "I merely asked if you were hungry."  "You popped up! You scared me!" you shouted before you shoved at him again, with your palms that time. His chest felt tight under them and you wanted to leave them there as your heart pounded harder while he glared at you.  "(Y/n), control yourself," Minerva said with a chiding voice, you spun your head towards her so fast it felt as if your neck would snap.  "He merely asked if you-"  "No, no he scared me half to death is what he did. As he always does. Popping up, growling, lurking in corridors and sticking his nose in other people's business!" 
After that you pushed Snape aside as the other professors gawked at you, stunned as you were usually a happy, cheerful person that wouldn't even hurt a fly. You stomped out of the Great Hall with quick, short steps as tears began to roll down your cheeks. You were so sick and tired of his behaviour. You had been nothing but nice towards him when you started working at Hogwarts a little over a year ago. He had merely drawled and growled, lurked in corridors and commented on your teaching and lesson plans. Never a kind word for you, yet he was always there - pestering you to no end.
In the dark man's defence, some of it wasn't even his fault. You loved him and you had to do anything you could to push him out of your heart, to banish the thoughts and dreams of him. Why did you love him? No fucking clue. You just did. He was marvellous, handsome, commanding, strong, harsh yet helpful in his own way. Not to mention the voice that thundered from his vocal cords. It made your knees weak every time you heard it. That's why you always straightened your back, hardened your face around him. You were not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing how hard his harsh words and haunting glares were on you. Simply not happening so I should stop this damn crying now, for heaven's sake I mean absolutely jack shit to him. He never even calls me by my name, I'm just (y/l/n) to him, unlike all other staff members. 
You stomped your way up some stairs as you were heading towards your classroom. Even though there were nearly 40 minutes left before the next class would begin. You wiped your cheeks to get rid of the tears. A student stopped you, a Slytherin girl from your morning class. A very curious girl who always sat at the front and asked question after question after question. "Professor (y/l/n), are you alright?"  "Oh pipe it, Greene!" you snarled and the girl looked frightened as your harsh face twisted towards hers. Despite the tears that flowed down your cheeks you somehow managed to look utterly enraged at the poor student.  "I'm-, I'm sorry professor, I didn't-"  "I said pipe it, go bother your head of house instead!" You walked past the hunching student as guilt filled you. It wasn't her fault Snape was so evil towards you. You stopped and walked back down the three steps you had walked from the girl. 
"Ms Greene, I'm sorry, I'm fine. Just, go eat some lunch," you sighed out as the girl nodded without saying a word. She walked off, seemingly still taken aback by your harsh way with her. You sighed and snivelled ever so slightly.  "(Y/n)." Your head jerked up as Dumbledores voice rang through the air.  "Headmaster? Yes?" you stuttered as you wiped your eyes one more time.  "You are quite harsh with the students," he said as he peered at you from above his spectacles. Your cheeks blushed as you lowered your head.  "It has never happened before, it won't happen again headmaster," you stuttered weakly. Just my luck that you see me the one damn time I lose it for a moment. "See to it that it does not, this is their home and we are family." You clenched your jaw as you did your utmost not to let harsh words about Snape slip past your lips by the mentioning of being family. 
The week passed as you felt more and more alienated by the other staff members. Your explosion in the Great Hall was no secret, and apparently there was a rumour spreading about your interaction with Ms Greene. Only, it wasn't at all true. It was twisted and far from what had truly happened. You were depicted as a monster who shouted at the poor girl for minutes and there were no mentions of your apology. To top it off someone had seen Dumbledore reprimand you and that had at some point, around Wednesday you would say, been added to the rumour and it turned even more twisted. You had been loved by your students for your cheerful and happy ways, your gentle teaching and approach to your subject but now, most of that was ruined. 
Nobody spoke to you as they had done before. Snape seemed to be around you less, he didn't pop up around corners or comment on your slow walking - he didn't even sneer at your lesson plans as you worked on them in the teachers' lounge in the evenings. Not that you had gone to that room in two days now. It was Sunday morning and everything felt like a disaster. How could one day, one moment in time, destroy a person so completely? Had you not done so many good things? Had you not been gentle, kind, happy and supportive from the beginning? Had you not tried to befriend your colleagues and be of assistance to your students at all times? How could all of it be forgotten and replaced by one single moment in time of disaster? 
Another three weeks gave you the answer. No matter how hard you tried, a month after the shouting incident in the Great Hall, people still treated you differently. Treated you harshly and coldly. You had tried to explain, had tried to talk to Minerva and the others but it was no good. You were new and the other professors had been there for a long time including Snape that you went off on - they had known each other for a long time and it was no surprise they stood together. You understood that but it still did not make it acceptable. To shun someone in such a manner, without giving the person even a chance to explain. The students were a bit better but it did nothing to alleviate your pain and sorrow about the whole thing. (Even if some of them actually praised you for going off on the sort of hated professor.)
But what hurt the most, what you had thought you wanted initially, was the fact that Snape seemed to avoid you completely. Not a word, not a glance or glare. Not a scoff or harsh remark. Nothing. Just, nothing. It hurt, damn it hurt and you could not quite accept the feelings that snaked around in your veins and hissed from your heart. It made the pain more intense when your heart roared at you each time you caught a glimpse of his cloak around a corner, heard his distinct long stride from close by or the few times you saw him fully at dinner or bypassing him in the library. But you kept quiet, kept away from him as well and did not let him see the pain in your eyes as you got ever more isolated. 
You sighed as you glared at a truly shitty essay by a fifth-year student.  "What even is this?" you hissed out as you rubbed your temples. Outside soft light shimmered as it was nearing June and the nights were bright. You looked out the window for a moment and for some reason you banged into a wall of harsh void in your mind. The joy you had felt about teaching was gone, the magic of Hogwarts seemed to disappear and you just wanted to leave. Leave it, them, all behind. Him. Leave him behind. Retreat and lick your wounds, find something else to do with your life rather than hide in shame and isolation in a moist castle with infuriating stairs that seemed to move every time you were in a rush.  "That's it, I'm done." You abandoned your desk, left your office and headed towards the Headmasters office to resign. To throw in the towel and surrender, give up, admit defeat. It's what they all want so why not give it to them? 
You rushed down the infernal stairs, took a few turns and then moved up staircases again on your way to see Dumbledore and give him your notice of resignation. Your eyes stung with tears but you kept them at bay. Never had you felt as horrible as you did currently. It hurt, hurt to be forced in such a horrible way to leave. Yes, it was your choice but you were forced by the actions of others. You simply could not stand it any longer. You were a gentle and sensitive person. You were focusing on what you were going to say to Dumbledore as you took a sharp corner, stomping hurriedly in quick short steps only to be fully stopped as your body smacked into something hard yet soft. 
You stumbled backwards and tried to find your balance as a cold hand gripped your wrist and steadied you.  "Careful," Snape growled with that thundering voice as you looked up at him. Your face hardened yet softened. Your lips in a thin line as you clenched your jaw but you could not help the thrill that travelled through you at his touch and the sound of his voice. So, you glared at him as coldly as you could possibly manage with your watering eyes.  "Sure, as if it matters to you if I'm careful or not," you hissed as you wrung your arm free from his cold grip. His eyebrows raised ever so slightly as he looked at you intently. You stepped around him and continued towards the headmaster's office. 
"It matters very much to me," Snape stated with a deep, powerful voice that vibrated through you. You looked over your shoulder. Did your best to quiet your hearts hissing and roaring about love and lust as you looked at him while your face lost its raging edge.  "Oh I'm sure, it matters so much to you. How could I not see that? Silly me, thinking all the glares, remarks and harsh words were not at all related to your care for me. Oh, how stupid," you tutted with a snarl at the end before you rolled your eyes, shook your head and kept walking.  "Well, what else should I do?" His voice was satin soft and so low you barely heard what he said. But you did.  "Don't think about it, just leave me alone Snape." He drew a harsh breath as you said his last name and that was it. You left and he remained, in silence.
You turned a corner and leaned against the closest wall. Your heart raced, your mind was as calm as a raging storm while your hands and knees shook. Tears leaked out of your eyes and dripped from your chin as you sank to the floor. Exhausted and utterly hopelessly sad as the love you held for him raged in your heart without your consent. You knew, all too well, you had tried with him. Tried and tried, but he had never accepted you as anything but professor (y/l/n) who were young and new and obviously had too many faults to be anything but a nuisance to him. You had tried and tried to be gentle, friendly, sweet and helpful towards him as you were met with growls and sneers that cut deeper than you had admitted from the start. And since it hurt, you turned angry, you had started sneering and glaring back at him. Remarked on things he said, commented on his behaviour. He had turned you into something you were not, just by his own darkness and harshness. I need to leave, you thought as you wiped your tears away and took a few steadying breaths before you pushed yourself up from the floor and kept going. 
"Are you sure about this?" Dumbledore asked as he inspected you. You nodded. As you knew he could see you had been crying, knew he could see you were uncomfortable and no longer the person he had hired.  "I take it I can't persuade you to stay?"  "No, headmaster, at the end of this term I will leave. It gives you about three months to find someone new and I find that to be fair for both of us." Dumbledore looked at you intently as he peered over his spectacles. You twisted your hands where they rested in your lap.  "I am grateful for the opportunity but I don't feel I belong here," you said as you did not want to tell him about the treatment you endured from the other staff at Hogwarts. Sure, it may have helped but then the rumours would probably just get worse as they added snitch to it. So you kept quiet about it. Not wanting to step on anyone's toes anymore despite Dumbledores words of family ringing through your head from the day everything went to hell.  
"Well, I will not force you but it's a shame, I really thought you would fit perfectly here, and I thought for sure you and Severus would-" your head snapped up and your eyes burned with hurt at the mentioning of that name.  "I do not want to talk about that man. There is nothing between us, nor do I wish there to be." Dumbledore smiled softly and you did not like the way he looked at you, not one bit.  "That was not my meaning, (y/n). You and Severus, I thought that you two would be great colleagues as you are quite similar in ways one probably doesn't notice straight away. You are very different, but also very alike. He's quite, well, a lonely man but-"  "For good reasons," you interrupted as you stood up, "I am resigning as this term ends, headmaster." You turned around and as he said 'very well' you left his office. 
The next day you arrived for breakfast with bags under your eyes and you felt out of sorts as you had had a restless night. Twisting and turning, wondering where to go, what to do with your life and if you should tell the others about your resignation. You had decided not to do so and hoped Dumbledore didn't either. With a sigh, you sat down and a plate of toast with a cup of pitch-black coffee appeared before you. You grabbed the cup and started sipping. Nobody glanced your way, nor did they speak to you. Doesn't matter any more, a few more weeks and I'll be gone. They can think whatever the hell they want. You smiled to yourself as relief swept in. Soon you would be free of the shunning and alienation - free to do, well, something else and perhaps not be so miserable. 
You placed the cup down and glanced to your right to see who else was there but your eyes got stuck in Snape's. In those deep, dark galaxies of endlessness. He was looking at you. Not glaring, just looking with a weirdly pondering expression. You rolled your eyes a bit, mostly at your ignorant heart who still hissed and roared for him, and stuffed the toast into your mouth before you chugged the coffee down, wiped your mouth and left without a word to anyone. If they knew you were resigning they said nothing, if that was good or bad you didn't even want to think about. So you just headed off to start the first lesson of the day. Another Monday, another week and it all would pass, end. 
But you only got halfway before you heard the distinct sound of long strides from Snape, he was catching up to you.  "Happy today?" he asked hoarsely with that gruff voice of his. You glanced up at him as your back straightened and your chin lifted up ever so slightly. You did your best to not falter in your pace or let him see how he made you weak at the knees just by being near. So, you did what you had done lately. You snarled back at him.  "None of your business." He raised his eyebrows ever so slightly but quickly found himself again.  "Well, I'd say it is my business, seeing as it is my fault you have not been happy lately," he drawled out and you could have sworn there was some sort of regret hidden in that thunderous voice despite the way he spoke to you. 
You glanced at him but he looked straight ahead as he kept up with you. It wasn't really that difficult as you were, by his own words, slow as a snail.  "Pfth," you tutted, "as if you care," you huffed out and kept walking. Soon you'd reach your classroom and he would be forced to leave you alone.  "I-"  "Don't even say anything," you snarled as you stopped dead in your tracks. He faltered and stopped two steps later. As he turned towards you you folded your arms over your chest as to keep the pounding of your heart hidden - it felt as if it was visible through your clothes as hard as it was frantically beating for him.  "You are ridiculous, you know that?" you said with a flat voice.  "Oh, do elaborate. I do not think that is a word I have been described with before," Snape said and you rolled your eyes.  "Just leave me alone Mr Dark and Dangerous." 
He arched a brow at you and you gasped as the words had slipped out before you could register what your brain made your mouth say. Had it been a pure-blood you spoke with they would most likely have been clueless as it was an expression used by muggles. But Snape was a half-blood, just like you were and he understood the reference. All too well it seemed by his expression. Your cheeks blushed ever so slightly as you threw your hands up in the air and barreled your way past him before he had time to utter another word. But as you glanced over your shoulder he still stood in the exact same spot. Idiot... If you were calling him an idiot or yourself, you had no clue about. 
As the days passed Snape seemed to be nicer, more friendly and talkative. He rarely sneered, glared our spoke harshly to you and in all honesty, it felt strange. Weird and uncharacteristic for him. So as two weeks had passed and you nearly walked into him rounding a corner down in the dungeons after having lead a few stray first years down you just had to ask a question you had been pondering for a few days. 
"Do you know? Have Dumbledore told you?" you asked before he had time to ask what you were doing down in the dungeons.  "I'm, sorry, I don't quite follow?" You sighed at his words.  "Has he told you?"  "Told me what, exactly? I speak quite often with the headmaster," he droned on in a gruff drawl. You sighed and rubbed your forehead with the tips of your fingers.  "Forget it." You took a step to the left to pass him but he sidestepped as well.  "No, tell me, please." 
You stiffened as he used that last word. A word that felt so out of place coming from his thin lips. As if some world law were broken as he vocalized that pleading word. It took you a moment to gather yourself. Well, what's the harm, it's only a few days left before I'm gone. Your face softened as he looked at you differently, more gently and not so darkly harsh.  "I'm leaving,"  "Yes, the dungeons are not your place but tell me-"  "No you idiot," you sighed, "I'm leaving Hogwarts, when this term ends." Even though you called him an idiot, it was done with a soft voice of slight annoyance and nothing worse than that. 
He seemed to stiffen, seemed surprised. You sighed with a shrug of your shoulders.  "Hogwarts is not for me, apparently," you said and his face hardened.  "You got fired? For-, because-, because of me? For what happened?" His voice was different, it gently simmered with anger and it was not directed at you. But you shook your head. Not wanting to tell the reason you simply flattened your voice as much as you could as you spoke lightly.  "I resigned, Hogwarts is just not for me, I'll try something other than teaching."  "But you are a brilliant teacher," he said and you felt like a traveller in a different galaxy that was just all wrong. Did he just compliment me? What the-  "I know you are, your students excel and thrive in your classroom."  "Thank you, but it doesn't matter, not anymore." You gave him a tiny smile and then sidestepped again to leave the dungeons. You were simply too damn tired to argue, debate or throw any harsh comments about. enough was enough. And he didn't say anything else, didn't follow. Strangely enough, your heart hurt more now as he was being friendly. Now that he was civil with you it hurt so badly that it felt as if your chest would cave in on itself. 
As the days passed you found yourself bumping into Snape more often, he talked more with you and there was an apparent effort on his side to be civil, even nice to you. But there were two differences that separated you from the other staff members when it came to Snape. One, he only addressed you as (y/l/n) rather than (y/n) as he did with the others. Two, he was more gentle with you then he was with the others. Before, he had been ruthless, harsh, bordering on cruel at times. But now, he was soft in his ways, gentle in his words and even just saying 'good afternoon' or ask 'having a good day' seemed to be food for your starved heart as it grew heavier and heavier with want and love. With a need you could not fill. 
But you found yourself reverting to your old self, your true self as time passed by and strangely enough your joy for teaching returned. But there was nothing to do about that now as you had resigned and that was that. Besides, it would be good for you to escape the dark man who had captivated you since you laid eyes on him. Despite everything and all his efforts to harm you, hurt you, keep you away your heart had only hungered more for him and as the castle was empty and all students had gone home for the summer you felt it was time to do something about it. Perhaps at least get it out of your system before leaving forever. One regrets the things one do not do, not the things one has done as life ends. The words of your grandfather rang through your head and it steadied you. Gave you courage.
You had packed all your things, dressed in your regular clothing that fitted you as perfectly as your own skin did. You felt like you, not the professor or the colleague - just you. Well, in a moment I'll be just me. When I leave I will no longer be a professor or colleague. You took a breath and headed off towards the dungeons to hunt down Snape. You would at least tell him of your feelings, and then quite possibly run away before he damned you to hell for feeling romantic things regarding him. You had no idea how he would react. But it didn't matter, it was for your sake you were going to tell him. Clear the air and perhaps shut your heart up. 
He was not in his office, or in the common room or his classroom where you knew he brewed potions in his spare time - not that the man actually had any. So you headed off towards his private quarters. You had never been there so it took a moment for you to find the door. His name shined on a little golden sign that was nailed to the door, 'Professor Snape, Private Quarters'. You steeled yourself, tried to find your courage again as your shaky fist knocked on the door. It took a mere moment for the door to be hastily pulled open,  "If another stu-" Snape interrupted himself as you stood before him and not whoever he thought you had been. 
He stiffened, his face turned slightly paler as you looked at him. You could see his adam's apple bounce up and then down behind his cravat as he obviously swallowed quite hard.   "(Y/l/n), what gives me the pleasure?"  "May I come in?" you asked and he arched a brow.  "Yes, yes, come in." You nodded at him and stepped in on shaky legs as he moved aside. The door closed behind you and it felt strangely wrong to be in his private space. Perhaps you should have just blurted it out while the door was open and you could escape him instantly afterwards.  "Can I help you with something?" he asked and you turned towards him, followed him as he stepped around you. Good, the door is clear. 
You shook your head at him, "not really, no."  "Well, then do enlighten me about the pleasure of your company?" Your eyes lingered in his for a moment as you for once allowed yourself to truly listen to his deep voice that vibrated through the air and your own body.   "Well," you started as you looked down towards the floor, "I would like to tell you something," you continued as you braced yourself and looked up. Allowed your eyes to be dragged into his as you slowly floated about in the depths of his onyx eyes.  "Go on," he murmured as he clasped his hands behind his back. He seemed to tense ever so slightly and you allowed your heart to drink him up. For just a moment you would be just you in his presence. 
Okay, here goes all or nothing. Most likely nothing, you thought as you sucked in a breath of damp air.  "I love you." The words were uttered clearly, no hesitation or any attempt at softening them. They were spoken with truth and honesty embedded in every syllable. Snape blinked at you as you merely stood there, looked at him with a nearly stoic face.  "I just thought you ought to know." There, you had said it, you had done it. All the roaring, screaming and hissing from your heart died down. It simply pounded quietly in your chest as the truth was out. As if it held its breath for him to tell you he felt the same, but your head knew that was not what was going to happen. So, to spare yourself and him the embarrassment of stuttered words of some sort of apology, you simply turned and walked towards the door. 
The handle felt cold in an unpleasant way against your palm as you twisted the nob, pulled the door towards you and stepped out without a single glance over your shoulder towards the speechless man behind you. If you had taken a second to look at him you would have found a man who was breaking and crumbling at your words. But you did not. And the door closed gently behind you. You sighed as your shoulders rose and sunk in unison with the air that filled and then left your lungs. Well, that was terrible. You shook your head as reality hit you. That you did not matter to him. Every time your heart screamed for him his remained encased by walls of stone. Every time you drowned in his eyes he remained tethered to reality. You had already known it was so, but to have exposed your truth and receive nothing in return was worse than angry words of disdain in all honesty. 
The empty corridor felt deadly quiet as you began to walk away from the man you had fallen through the pits of hellish love for. You would leave, mend your shattering heart and find something to keep your mind occupied with. You already knew the future would be hard to cope with now that there were no doubts about his feelings towards you. At best disgust, at worse indifference. At least you told him and got an answer, even if your howling heart wanted nothing to do with that answer.  "You'll mend," you whispered softly as you placed a hand over your viciously pounding heart. It tugged at you to go back, its claws dug into your soul and tried to wrench it back towards his door, towards him. But your body refused, your mind took control as your heart was obviously out of sorts at that moment. 
You jumped as a loud crashing sound was heard. Shattered glass against stone, a crescendo of clinking noises of damage and destruction. A loud bang was heard afterwards and then the sound of books or the like that fell and landed on stone as well.  "What in the-" but you had no time to say anything else as Snape's door flew open with a loud bang as it hit the inner wall of his private quarters. You ever so slowly turned towards him as he stepped out in a flurry of black fabric that swayed from his rapid movements. 
His head turned and your eyes landed on his face. It was hard, jaw tensed, eyes darkly brimming with fire. You knitted your brow at him as your heart howled desperately in your chest, your mind did its best to hold the reins though. He saw you and his shoulders sank ever so slightly as if he released a breath, but you were not sure as he was a few steps away. A distance he rapidly closed with long rushed strides.  "(Y/n)," he breathed out as he reached you and grabbed your wrists as if to hold you in place. His hand was wet against your skin, out of pure instinct you glanced down and saw blood dripping from it.  "You're hurt," you stated as you seemed to be in some form of inner turmoil that kept your voice flat and your movements limited. Shock I believe? No? Isn't this shock? I mean, he said my name, my actual name. That's, new. 
He glanced down on his hand but ignored the injury and blood as he instantly looked up to you again instead.  "Why did you not tell me sooner?" he asked with a growl as his jaw looked tense.  "I'm sorry?"  "Why did you. Not. Tell me. Sooner?" he repeated with force between his gritted teeth.  "Well, that's obvious. You hate me, I understand that. From how you treated me the moment we met I've understood that." His eyes widened as you looked at him flatly, unable to portray any emotion as you were, probably, in a deep shock at your own truth and his reaction to it. 
"Elaborate," he growled. You sighed.  "Really, do I really need to?" He nodded and you rolled your eyes as you felt your body go more and more numb. Not only had you told him but now you had to explain the whole thing to the man - how selfish could a person be? Could he not just leave you alone to wallow in your pain and sorrow?  "Never saying my name, the glaring, the sneering and the constant remarks and harsh words. You could barely stand to look at me a few weeks ago. The moment we met you huffed at me and turned your back before storming away as if I was not even worth a second of your time." The words left you in a rush as your emotions started to catch up.  "All the anger, the cruel words you've spoken. As if you did your utmost to push me away-"  "I DID!"
You blinked, confused as to why he shouted such words at you.  "Okay, now you elaborate. I don't understand what I did to deserve such treatment," you said and your voice turned lower and lower. Ah, there we go, here come the emotions... You felt tears sting your eyes as his grip around your wrists hardened. But that was not what made you cry, no it was the realisation that there was no going back and that the whole thing had been a horrible idea.  "You exist, that is enough." You knitted your brows at his gritted words.  "Excuse me for having the audacity to be born," you murmured as your throat was clogged by a knot of sadness and crying you tried to keep at bay. 
He chuckled, "you're amazing."  "What?"  "You're amazing," he repeated as your eyes met and he had an actual smile over his lips. You just gaped at him.  "You, (y/n), are utterly amazing and brilliant. All packaged in such a beautiful form. I do not think I have been able to have a single moment without you in my thoughts since I first saw you. And, it's wrong."  "What's wrong?" He smiled at your confusion.  "That I love you, want you. That I am desperate for you," he stated with that thunderous voice of his, "I have been since that moment you were introduced and I ran away the first chance I got." You gawked at him, his hold on your wrists softened as he lowered his eyes.  "I have done, everything, to push you away and keep you away. Everything, yet you, you just rose to the challenge. I think I still have burns from some of your remarks," he chuckled out and you wrung your hands free from him. Anger and rage pulsed through you like stinging wasps.
You shoved your hands against his chest so hard he stumbled backwards as he was unprepared.  "You mean to tell me I have been going through hell, been turned into this awful person, all because you love me?! Are you fucking kidding me, Severus?!" He gawked at you now.  "That's, the first time you've said my name." "Well of course! You never used mine! You seemed to make a damn point of never calling me by my name but you did with everyone else!"  "I never felt I had the right to utter such a beautiful word with this mouth that has said the foulest of things." You shuddered at his words, the deep darkness that thundered from his mouth. Then, you shuddered with anger again. 
"You fucking bastard," you growled, "you damn-" and words failed you as your heart sprung free from your mind and it took the reins. In the next moment, you crashed your lips against his. He stiffened for a mere second before his arms embraced you and his lips met yours eagerly.  "Bastard," you mumbled against his lips in between breaths, "stupid, stupid, stupid, bastard," you breathed out between crashing of lips against lips as he swallowed your words.  "I love you," he whispered against your mouth, "forgive me." You leaned back at that as you felt his tears grace your own skin. It was just tears, no crying or any other tell of the overwhelming emotions he felt for you. You reached up and kissed his lips softly, gently.  "No more running," you said and he nodded.  "No more hiding," you continued and he nodded yet again.  "No more anger, just love." He leaned in and kissed your neck as he hummed his acceptance of your terms.  "And, use my given name, you bastard," you smiled out and he chuckled against the skin of your neck.  "I will, (y/n)." You leaned into his embrace as your idea of him shattered, only to be replaced by a new one - one you loved deeply and was free of the hatred you had thought he had for you. 
"I love you," you whispered with a slightly broken voice.  "And I love you, I am, truly sorry," he said on a sigh.  "What's done is done, all we can do is mend the things that are broken and love each other from here on out."  "Perfectly put," he murmured as he straightened and looked at you. Your heart cheered its victory as your mind sulked over past hurts but you were too elated to take any notice of it. You reached up your hand to stroke his cheek before your hand gently snuggled into his hair and you dragged him towards you. Your lips met and a roaring howl of joy erupted from your heart as he passionately kissed you back. 
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Masterlist page // Masterlist post
So, as I re-read and edited this I noticed I completely miss interpreted the request - but I am hoping this will do anyway :S <3
Tags: @lizlil @snapefiction  @morphineisouthoney​ @setsuna-meiou31​ @snapefiction​ @monstreviolet @bionic-otp​  @meteoritewolf69​ @flowerdementia @elizabeth-baelish
Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
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tenshibeth1 · 5 years
Fic Writer Meme
Thanks for the tag, @chierafied ! <3
Author Name:
Here and a few other places my author name is Tenshibeth1, which was a username I'd created back in high school some...gosh, ten years ago now? Time flies! But, it was created in part by my group of friends then. I was in the goth group, but they always said I was the nicest and most innocent of the group, like an angel. My nickname in reality is Beth, short from Elizabeth, and I've always been big into Japan, anime, and manga and all, so Tenshi seemed a fitting choice to add onto my name. Tenshi means angel. The one stands for the fact that it was my first author username. Now, Reflection of a Broken Dream (RoaBD) came later in life, when I felt everything I am and was, was broken. It came after my divorce from an abusive and terrible man...he had me believing I was nothing. I could do nothing right, I was a pest to everyone, and my dreams? Get real. I could never make them come true. Writing has always been a balm for me...and even though I believed few would read or like my stuff, I did eventually begin posting stuff again. To my shock, people liked what I wrote...they wrote me such kind words and pleas for continuation. Everyone who liked and commented on the stories gave me hope again, and confidence in myself. So thank you to everyone who read and commented! I'm where I am now because of you all. ,^.^,
Fandoms You Write For:
SessKag and SessOC from Inuyasha, KuraKag and HieiKag from Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha, KuraOC from Yu Yu Hakusho (although I'm not sure if I've posted any...), and, a long while back, I used to post ShinoHina from Naruto. I also wrote some KakaHina, GaaraHina, SasuHina, and ItaHina from Naruto...I don't know if I ever posted any...but I ship it.
Where You Post:
Mainly on here and on Dokuga. I once posted on Spark a long time ago...and I was posting on FFnet, but something went awry when I tried to get the app...and now I can no longer sign in to my account and no staff members will help me, so I'll probably make another account. I also have an AO3, which I need to update. ><
Most Popular One Shot:
On Dokuga, it's a SessKag titled Now and Forever...which is a one-shot sequel to Written in the Stars. Here, it's the SessKag Someone to Protect with 79 hits. I have no oneshots on AO3. And on FFnet is Hinata's Favorite Insect, a ShinoHina, which only won by two follows. It was neck-and-neck with a SessKag Things That Go 'Thump' In The Night.
Most Popular Multichapter:
Here, it looks like the SessKag Alpha is in the lead with 104 hits. With Dokuga...holy crap, it's Cursed with over 12k reads! O.O On FFnet it's Overprotective, which is a HieiKag...and it looks like it's the favorite on AO3, too! Oh, wow. I need to go back and write on so many stories...T.T
Favorite Story:
Ahh...most of them hold a special place in my heart...but there are a few that are a little more...sentimental than others. Cursed, for example, would be one of the top ones. I began writing it when I was living with my ex-husband. It is one of the few reasons I stayed sane...and the original version of that fic was warped...just like my mind at the time. If anyone's curious, I'll tell that story later...but know that it will end well. Rising From the Ashes is going to be a good story if I can ever finish it. It's a bubbling of hope from the darkest recesses of depression...something I suffer and struggle with everyday and have to rise from. Very Merry Christmas With You is going to be a healing fic, Sesshoumaru helping Kagome heal from a trauma that happened to her as a child. They have the relationship I desire most. Same with Alpha, but it's a more recent trauma that reminds me much of my past marriage. The Unexpected, a ShinoHina, was a much earlier echo of this, with an abusive relationship in the making with her arranged betrothed in the Snow. And I just have a special place for Overprotective and All That is Meant To Be because...I do. They were works when I wasn't as confident as I am now, and I really loved and worked on the stories vigilantly outside of what I posted. I kept writing and re-writing to see which directions I wanted to go with them...I need to re-write them both with more detail and post them...
Story You Were Most Nervous to Post:
That's a tie between Arranged Marriage, a ShinoHina, and Cursed, a SessKag. Arranged Marriage was the first real fic I worked on that I posted after several years and the abuse I went through. The anxiety I suffered to post it was...unbelievable. I thought I might pass out. I expected people to boo me out of there since it isn't a very liked ship...but, happily, I found that wasn't the case. And Cursed... I was revamping it to be made public after realizing how messed up it was, and how messed up in the head I'd been... So, I was understandably nervous and trying to make it better. Real. Believable. And not the dark hole it once was...
How Do You Pick Titles:
Erm...I'm with Chiera, I pick whatever feels best. Mostly, I try to pick something short and sweet...and easy to remember.
Do You Outline:
Define outline. Haha. I do try to kind of figure out which events I want in the story and roughly figure out the ending...but I don't always do that. On the ones I have more of a feel of, I do. Ones I don't? I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants and go on the journey with my readers. Some, I still have no idea how they're going to end. We'll find out when we get there. XD
Complete Stories:
Ai yai yaiii...roughly eight. The Best Antiques will get a oneshot sequel or two, but...yeah. Not very impressive. I have a bunch of unfinished published works...and about seven hundred more on my computer... >.>;;
The list of completed fics:
The Best Antiques
Things That Go 'Thump' In The Night
Waiting for You
Hinata's Favorite Insect
Written in the Stars
Now and Forever
Someone to Protect
In Progress:
I am currently working on The Pact, Alpha, and Cursed actively, with some work-ins on the other SessKags. I want to work on them all more, and get back into some of my KuraKag, HieiKag, and ShinoHina.
Coming Soon:
I just posted The Pact chapter 5! Dancing With Your Ghost, a SessKag one shot that likes to rip my heart out every time I write on it. I Found You, a SessKag one shot exploring alternate realities. Romancing, a SessKag series of Sesshoumaru trying to wordlessly woo Kagome. The Dark Guardian, a SessKag I hope to write for Halloween! An interesting take of Sesshoumaru as the deity of death that I started, like, a year ago and forgot about... And I'm working on a fic called The Child, an eventual KuraKag with a rough start. ...I'm also working on another KuraKag in little bits, it's currently unnamed and will revolve around Genkai's secret love child she didn't even tell Toguro about... Yes, I know I'm working on a lot at once. Because of my medicine change I have days where I struggle to focus on any one thing...so I write a little here and there. And some days I don't get to because work kills me sometimes and I have do things after work for work other days. -shrugs-
I love them and am open to them if anyone wants to suggest or send them. They might even help with what I'm writing. The Dark Guardian was created from a prompt. ^.^
("Unbeknownst to you, Death was watching you from the corner of the hospital room when you were being born. Fascinated by life, it imprinted on you. As the years went by, Death often saw you being bullied at school and couldn't do anything but watch; as taking the lives if your bullies would have been too much of a verdict. However, you have just been kidnapped and Death is pissed.")
Upcoming Story You are Most Excited For:
It's a tie between The Dark Guardian and Romancing! I'm excited to explore the role of Sesshoumaru as something loosely like Hades with Kagome as his Persephone...just in a very different way. (If you follow the telling of the story in which he does not rape her. The one I found, she could read the inscriptions and said it did not explicitly say he raped her, just whisked her to Hell.) But that isn't exactly the way the story is going, just that Kagome is his light in the all-consuming darkness. Romancing...is going to be sweet and funny, with a bit of drama added in. And frustration. Why does she not understand?! XD Poor Sesshy... If I could get my act together, I would work on The Youkai Games...something I've been working on, off and on, for the past ten years or so...
Five Authors:
And anyone else who wants to try! ^.^
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ashketchup119 · 3 years
A Chance Encounter
Almost posted something really personal O.O hazards of doing business with google docs.
This is a snippet from the same story as the last one, and if you read some bits and go w h a t  i s  h a p p e n i n g uhhh... feel free to slide into my dms or askbox. Again, been writing this since sixth grade, so I’ve put a lot of thought and effort into this story and love sharing it.
It’s very fantasy/sci-fi, and I enjoy writing it.
Mirzin tsked as they watched the gathering around them with judgmental eyes. It had been decades, centuries even, since they’d participated in a proper social event, and they were beginning to remember why it had been so long. There had been a time, once, when they and their best friends had flitted from one party to the next, but with one best friend dead and another missing, they found it difficult to enjoy these types of events alone.
Beyond that, moving to a new city was rough enough. Moving to a whole other reality was even worse. Most of the time, Mirzin found themself lying in bed, still trying to adjust to the newness of it all. They hadn’t really used technology before, and simply playing with their new cell phone took up any time spent outside the bed. It was tiring, in their (esteemable) opinion.
But they’d been asked to attend by Zaida, a local friend, and in their (usually correct) opinion, it was best not to cause trouble with one of the few people who put up with them.
So, here they were, dressed in clothes that had gone out of fashion in an alternate universe years ago, standing stiffly in a corner not occupied by carefully arranged plantlife. The walls were a mint green and covered with bits of paper- a small, torn picture of Zaida at a beach; a poster from a magazine featuring some new movie Zai clearly liked enough to feature in her home; drawings of her dogs, who were currently weaving in and out of the house, following the paths of those who would pet them. The floor was carpet, and Mirzin usually took their shoes off at the door, choosing to delight in the sensation of carpet under their feet. Their own apartment was tile, and they hadn’t found the time to purchase a rug. Too busy laying in bed and trying to figure out how to lower the brightness on their phone without having to go into the phone settings every time. There was a sofa in the living room area, bright pink with large lilac flowers embroidered in the center of the cushions, and next to it was a recliner, dark green and plain. Mirzin considered sitting down, but after noticing a new stain on the arm of the recliner and a couple on the sofa, they decided their corner was the safest bet. At some point, Zaida had come by with a soda, and they now stood holding the beverage with both hands to their chest. They weren’t drinking from the soda can, talking to anyone, or enjoying themself. Why were they here again?
Oh right. Zaida.
“Mirzyyyy!” A familiar voiced slurred near their ear, and Mirzin started, accidentally dropping the soda. “Mirzyyyy! I got some-someone that you just,” she trailed off as she threw a pale arm around their shoulders for balance. “You gotta meet ‘im. You gottaaaa!”
Mirzin winced and replied, “Zai, I’m not really feeling up to it. In fact, I think I’m going to go home. You know, I have a very busy day tomorrow, and-“
Zai burped loudly, and Mirzin tried their hardest to subtly remove her arm from it’s position on their shoulders. They moved forward slightly, only to frown at the floor as their foot bumped into the discarded soda can. Zai’s hold on them got stronger, and they found themself being pulled through the throng of people inside the house towards the back door. They tried to resist, making slight protests about pending tasks and errands, but they were curious.
Curiosity is what they and their best friends had bonded over, and given that one of them had ‘curious’-ed himself into a coffin and the other a dark cave complex they had yet to walk out of…
Well, the old saying did say “curiosity killed the cat.”
Mirzin firmly pushed away from Zaida’s hold. “I’m leaving. I’m going home, and I’m going to shower, and I’m going to watch my favorite show off some website that really tests my ad blocker until I fall asleep. Maybe I’ll get some food on my way home, I don’t know. Goodnight.” They murmured in a tone that sounded final, to their ears.
Zaida did not agree, clearly, because she grabbed their arm and continued to drag them along behind her. The two of them passed through the sliding glass doors to an even louder scene outside, with people milling about, talking to friends and occasionally taking small sips of their drinks. As Zai and Mirzin passed, the partygoers waved and tried to chat, but Zai brushed them off with ‘I’ll be right back’s and ‘I’m a little busy, sorry!’s. Mirzin, for their part, just looked vaguely annoyed in a manner which discouraged any sort of interaction, and those who did try to talk to them were hit with a death glare that seemed as though it might truly be fatal, under the right circumstances.
Finally, the sea of people parted to reveal a tall, dark man, hovering near the wall separating Zaida’s backyard from the neighbors’. He was leaning against the back wall, shoulders relaxed, in a manner that suggested ease. A smile played on his lips, and he glanced around with amused eyes. His clothes looked average enough, but still managed to retain an appearance that hinted at money. When he caught sight of Zaida and Mirzin, his left eyebrow raised in a questioning manner, though his eyes still sparkled the same way.
Mirzin’s first thought was ‘Oh no! He looks nice!’. Actually, no. Their first thought was less of a ‘thought’ and more of an ‘internal scream that vaguely communicated that they did not want to meet this man, especially if he turned out to be nice, because then they would have no excuse to leave the conversation without seeming rude’.
“Raffie!!” Zaida yelled, letting go of Mirzin’s arm to hug the man (who was even taller than Mirzin had thought he was! Why was he so tall?!) She then released him, turned around, and grabbed Mirzin’s arm once again. “Raf, Mirzin.” She raised Mirzin’s arm to punctuate her statement. “Mirzy is… new. They’ve lived a lot of life not here.” She paused to burp. “Raf is not new! He’s lived a lot of life here. I think you should be friends! Or maybe,” she wiggled her eyebrows, “More than friends.”
Mirzin pulled their arm out of her grip and flushed slightly. They weren’t looking for any sort of romantic relationship, certainly not only a couple of months after moving to a new reality. However, new friends were new friends, and while Zaida and the three other people they’d managed to befriend were helpful and nice, it was still kind of telling that they spent all of their time alone.
“Hi, Mirzin.” The man- Raf- greeted, smiling. “Pleasure to meet you.” He stuck his hand out, waiting for Mirzin to take it.
Mirzin’s brain went slightly haywire for a few seconds, though this time the internal screaming had more of a ‘I don’t like talking to new people and this man seems friendly enough but what if I make the wrong impression’ sound. They weren’t really used to being introduced to people- usually, others introduced themselves, and Mirzin responded in kind. For some reason, though, this felt different from those interactions. Maybe it was Zaida standing with a drunken smile between the two of them or the fact that she’d implied that she hoped for some romantic spark to come to life, but they felt nervous, and noticed with a slight grimace that their palm was sweaty. Their grimace turned into a scowl when they noticed that Zaida had disappeared, presumably to keep her word and talk to the people they’d passed by earlier.
Regardless, they knew they had to give some sort of response. They grabbed Raf’s hand and shook it mechanically for a few seconds before realizing they hadn’t responded verbally.
“Thanks.” Mirzin said, then instantly felt so embarrassed they had half a mind to turn tail and run.
Raf just laughed and used his grip on Mirzin’s hand to pull them closer. “Mirzin! Are you as interested as I am in leaving this place and heading home? I know we’re supposed to be talking and getting friendly or…” He drifted off, and Mirzin managed to discreetly pull their hand from his. “Whatever, but I am really, really tired, and would much rather just give you my phone number and, as my mom would say, ‘blow this pop stand.’” Raf smiled at this, and Mirzin got the distinct feeling that this was some sort of joke. Either way, it wasn’t a phrase they were familiar with from their home reality, nor did they recognize it as a common phrase from this reality. They wondered, vaguely, if Raf’s mother, whoever she was, was also a Traveler.
Mirzin nodded quickly, and Raf maneuvered the two of them out of the party, giving general goodbyes to those who came up to them while Mirzin followed close behind, though this time their face held a vaguely lost expression.
In the car, Raf again began to speak. “I’m glad you didn’t think I was some sort of weirdo for meeting you and immediately asking to escort you home. Address?”
“Uh, 1-8-24 Maliznek.” Mirzin replied automatically, in the way they’d practiced in the mirror a month ago.
Raf nodded and put the directions into the navigation module. “As I was saying, you just didn’t look comfortable. I’m not really a party sorta guy, but Zaida insisted I come and meet you. I’ve lived here in Munae-21 since I was a kid.”
Mirzin started. “You know about…?”
“The different realities that people can travel between if they’re powerful enough? Yeah.”
“I didn’t think- are you a Traveler?”
Raf shrugged. “I guess? I don’t travel much between realities, but my mom was born and raised on Earth-2059, and I lived there for a couple years when I was little.”
“Ah.” Mirzin smiled sarcastically. “It’s always Earth-2059.”
“Are you a Traveler?” Raf asked.
Mirzin hmm-ed under their breath as they attempted to figure out how to explain. Eventually, they settled on, “Well, when Zaida said I was new here, I’m… very new. To this reality. I grew up in… another reality, and things changed recently.” It was vague, but they figured it got the point across well.
Raf smiled widely. “Thank the goddess. FINALLY someone I can just… talk with! You don’t know- it’s so difficult-“ He paused, gesturing uselessly. “I’M HAPPY I MET YOU!” He burst out, finally.
The smile on Mirzin’s face turned genuine, and they found themself relieved to find someone who understood, at least a little bit. 
“Ah, is this your place?” Raf gestured to the building they’d arrived at, and Mirzin looked to find their apartment complex.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Mirzin murmured as they left the car, and was surprised to find that they meant it.
They turned and almost walked into the building before they heard a voice yell, “Wait!”, behind them.
Raf grabbed their shoulder as they turned around and offered his phone. “You never gave me your phone number.”
A beat passed, then the two of them started laughing as Mirzin took the phone. They didn’t stop until someone half-pushed Mirzin away from the door in an attempt to get inside the apartment complex.
“Here.” Mirzin plugged their phone number into the phone, cheeks slightly flushed from laughing.
“Thanks!” Raf responded, eagerly taking it back. “I’ll text you… tomorrow?”
“Uh sure, but I still don’t really know how to use…” They gestured to the phone. “Everything.”
Raf smiled. “It’s okay. I’ll wait for your response, take your time.”
With this, he left, giving a final wave before finally settling inside his car.
Later, when they were once again ensconced in their bed sheets, Mirzin finally allowed themself to smile, a light feeling bubbling up in their chest the thought of making friends with the tall, friendly man.
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jojo-suga · 8 years
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*SURPRISE* - Jimin scenario
Pairing: Jimin + reader
Genre: fluff/romance
Word count: 1785
SUMMARY: Your relationship with Jimin is new. You’ve been together for almost 2 months and you haven’t spoken yet about how you will spend your monthsary as a couple. He was always busy because of his busy schedule as an Idol and he haven’t talked to you in days. But you were always that girlfriend who is very understanding even before when you’re still suffering for how many months because of him.
*Jimin’s POV*
After how many days of preparation along with my busy schedule, finally the long wait is over. Luckily, Bangpdnim gave us 3 days vacation before promotions. Life is great!
“Hello Mika… how are you? This is Jimin… Can you do me a favor?” “Yes, chimchim.! I’m okay, what is it?” “Sorry if I’m bothering you, but I really need your help…” “No, It’s Okay…” “I’m actually preparing for a surprise date for Y/N and I’m almost done with it. I need you to invite her and don’t tell her why, just make your own story. Haha. Please? I know it’s hard, but I know you can do it, Mika.” “Wow, is that for real? Omg! That’s so cute, I’m sure Y/N will love it Jiminie… and of course, I’m willing to help. Just tell me the time and place and you’re good to go, boy.” “Wahhh.. Thank you so much, Mika! I’ll just send you the details later. And don’t forget… it’s a secret, Okay?” “Arasseo… Take care! bye!”
*Y/N’s POV*
“Mr. Yoon, here are the permits for the renovation of room 216. I’ve already contacted the contractor and probably they will start tomorrow. Just call me if you still need anything.” “Don’t worry, Y/N… I’m sure everything will be okay. I’ll just call you if anything happens. I’ll go ahead.” “Annyeong! Ahjussi….” Mr. Yoon went ahead and I’m still busy checking out all the tenant’s contract when I heard someone knocked on my office door.
It’s Mika… why? I thought she’s hanging out with his lovey dovey since they’re having a 3-day vacation. Jimin said he’s going to be busy and will visit his family in Busan. I’m quite sad because it’s supposed to be our 2nd month of being together, and it seems that he forget about it already. But it’s alright, I understand his situation, though. He must be having a hard time because of his busy schedule.
“Hey! What’s up bitch?” I welcomed her warmly. LMAO “I’m okay, Bitch! Haha.. So, are you busy today?” “Actually… NO. I’m just checking some papers and I’m done with my collection, so yeah! I’m kinda free. WHY?” “Hmmmm… Coz’ I need to go somewhere. My friend invited me to a beach birthday party and I have no one to go to, Suga is busy with his mixtape and he said I can’t go if I don’t have someone to accompany me. Can you go with me, please?” “Why are you even asking? Of course! It’s a party! count me in, Girl!” “Yes! Thank you…. I owe you one!” Mika said excitedly. “Oh wait! I’m gonna call Jimin first…”
“Hello baby? Can I go with Mika, today? She’s going to a beach party…” “Beach party? Just be careful, Okay? Text me when you get there… and behave.” “Okay… but I won’t promise…HAHA!” I teased. “What did you say?!” he exclaimed from the other line. “Ouch… I’m just teasing you… of course, I’ll definitely behave. My boyfriend is Park Jimin, so should I ask for more?” “Exactly… Y/N, I’m telling you.” I can’t see if he’s serious or not, but I’m definitely enjoying this. “You’re acting like a baby… duh. I promise, okay.” “Good, stay with Mika.” “Okay, baby… I LOVE YOU. Bye!” I ended the call and realized that Mika is staring at me weirdly.
“That’s so grossssss…” Mika blurred out. “What? Yah! Mikaela… its as if you’re not like this with Yoongi, and I think you two are the worst!” “Yah… we’re not!” “Really? Jimin told me that you two were doing something in his music room and the boys caught you in the act! Haha… now, who’s EWW?” “Excuse me, we’re not doing something bad. Okay?! It’s Hobi’s dirty mind fault…” Mika defended. “Hahah! then why are you blushing?” “Pffft…no I’m not! Yah… are you coming with me or not?” “I’m just teasing you…bish. I’ll go. I’ll just prepare very quick.” “See you later… Y/N!”
After 2 hours, Mika and I went to the train station and I just realized that we’re going to Busan. We took the train and arrived after 3 hours. When we arrived at the venue, I’m totally in love with the place. The resort is indeed beautiful and peaceful.
“Y/N… c'mon. My friend already provided us a room.” We headed to the reception area and claimed our room keys. The room that was provided is an isolated mini beach house which is located almost front of the sea.
It’s curious that the place is very quiet. A type of vacation spot that can give you peace of mind and serenity. This is quite not suitable for parties. Oh well, who am I to complain? I’m just an extra and this is totally great! Hehe. Mika’s friend is probably rich.
As we entered the room, I can’t help but to admire the surroundings. Elegant but simple. Fresh looking designs with an overlooking view of the seas. My type of getaway indeed. Something that I’ve always been dreaming of.
“Omg! I totally forgot to tell you that this is gonna be a white beach party. Did you bring a white dress?” “Yah! You didn’t tell me. I just brought some but it’s all printed.” “Oh wait, I’m just gonna check my bag. Great! Luckily I have prepared two white dresses. Here take this!” Wow. She is indeed prepared, and wow again, the dress is extremely beautiful.
“Are you sure…You’re not going to wear this?” “Yes, I have another one right here. hehe! Geeezz I’m so excited. Hurry up! You could take your shower first and put some make up. Omg! Why am I even? You’re an expert, so you could definitely make yourself pretty without even trying. Haha!”
“Mika? Are you okay? You seemed so giddy. Maybe you should hurry up too!” “Me? oh im so sorry! I’m just excited because this is gonna be my first time to wear a white dress!”
We laughed and I proceeded to enter the bathroom and took a shower.
I’m feeling nervous and I don’t know why. By the time I went out of the bathroom, Mika isn’t around. I wonder where did she go. I wore the dress and put on a light make up, sprayed some Giorgio Armani Sensi perfume. Wore my white gladiator sandals and I’m done, but where the hell is Mika?
I took my phone and texted Mika.
ME: Where are you? MIKA: I’m here at the hotel lobby. If you’re done can you come by here? ME: Okay. Wait for me there.
I left the beach house and made my way to the hotel lobby. When I reach there, Mika isn’t around. This is getting a little bit weird, I prepared too much and here she is playing games. Where the heck is she?
I’ve been standing and walking for a while so I decided to sit down on the elegant couch and waited for Mika a little more. After 30 minutes of waiting, the time is already at 7:10 pm. I’m starting to get scared for myself and for Mika too. Is this some kind of a joke or what? Where is she?
My hands are getting sweaty. I tried to call her but her number is unattended. Wtf? Then my phone beeped…
MIKA: girl I’m so sorry… I went back to our room. Sorrrrryyyyy. I need to get hurry because the party will start at 7:30… Can I get some help? I don’t know how to do my make up. You know I suck at making myself pretty. thank you bestie! ME: You scared me bish… I thought I lost you. Okay… I’ll be there.
When I reached the beach house, I immediately opened the entrance door but the lights are off. Seriously Mika? Pulling pranks?
I was struggling to find the switch when I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. OMG. It’s the scent that makes me shiver and the voice that can make my heart flutter.
Am I just dreaming? Am I? But its the scent and touch that lingers inside my heart.
“Surprise…” he whispered.
“Happy Monthsary….” Jimin blurted out while hugging me from the back more tightly.
“Is this real? Jiminie?’
"No, it’s a wonderful dream… Do you want to continue?” he kissed my neck lovingly.
“I’m afraid to wake up… if this is just a dream.” I mumbled.
There was a long silence and I heard a muffled cry.
“Are you okay?” I carresed his arms around me.
Silence again… I felt his tears trickled on my shoulder…😢
“Mianhae… Mianhae….” he said in between sobs.
“Hey, why are you like that… C'mon baby tell me. You’re scaring me… are you breaking up with me..?”
“No, its not like that… I just remember the times that I hurt you so much, the pains, the neglect… I’m so sorry for everything, Y/N.” his face is resting on the crook of my neck.
“I know, I have been so hard on you before. I sometimes think that I really don’t deserve you, Y/N…”
“Yah… are you stupid? I shouldn’t have accepted you in the first place!” I playfully hit his arms.
“It’s all the past… I’ve already forgiven you. I still believe that everything happens for a reason. And all that had happened before made us together…”
“Is that for real, baby? Thank you…” He still can’t believe it. Jimin is so cute. Omg!
“I promise. So don’t worry anymore. And where the hell is Mika?!” and i also realized that we were confessing in the dark. Lmao.
“Don’t mind her, she’s on her way to Seoul now… So you’re officialy detained here for two days like a prisoner.” then he covered my eyes with his little hands pushing me somewhere, then I felt the sea breeze on my skin… guess he’s leading me on the porch.
“Yah… Jiminie, you basically kidnapped me. I’m going to sue you and Mika. For real.”
“Oh yeah… I’m scared, baby. And Yoongi hyung will be very mad if you do that.” he chuckled.
He let go of my eyes and I was stunned on the beauty on in front me… So romantic. Just like what I wanted… 😍
Candlelight dinner in front of the sea… With flowers scattered all over the veranda. Should I cry right now? Wtf is this. I’m not prepared. Haha.
And here he comes smiling so sweetly holding a bunch of white combined red roses with dried tears on his face.
“I love you…” he mumbled. My heart… My goodness. I’m not supposed to cry but my tears started to fall.
I swiftly ran to his embrace and cried on his chest. “I love you too… Jimin.” I replied with all honesty.
He hugged me back while crying with me. Omg. And he pulled out something on his pocket and he ask me to turn around. As i did, he placed something on my neck, a necklace.
“This is my heart, Y/N…. It’s all yours. Look, I have mine too…” He chuckled as he wiped the tears on my eyes.
His necklace is indeed paired to mine. Oh god, this is so wonderful. How can I ever hate this person?
“Thank you so much, Jimin…” I smiled at him and wiped the tears in on his chubby cheeks.
This is indeed the most beautiful moment of my life.
A/N: who wants to read the continuation? 😂
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