#and I don’t mean in the wanna be mentally unstable TikTok way
pixiedust-poppers · 2 months
Sorry Jake fans in most fics I write him there will be something wrong with him and there’s a 50/50 shot he will be ✨mentally unstable✨
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master-jarrus · 10 months
I just wanna say I am 16 and have not started puberty after reading your post I don't want my period lol. Ugh
I won’t lie. Periods are rough as exampled by the post I had made
It was also worse for me though because my lower spine is unstable and the cramps caused the muscles to contract around it making the pain spread much further. That likely won’t happen to you
I do have some things that really help with period cramps that are very affordable
1. Raspberry leaf tea.
This is an herbal remedy that has been studied if you want to look it up.
It tastes kind of minty and I find that hot water is required for the brew but the lower the boil the better. Only 8 oz of water. Let the tea bag sit for for 10 minutes and then I like to add way too much brown sugar but whatever you prefer
You can also take it in pill form
2. Hydration
So tea makes you have to go pee so you really have to make sure your drinking water if you use the tea
But also water helps clear out lactic acid
Whether or not lactic acid causes your muscles to cramp is argued about in studies but I personally find that being hydrated is better than not being hydrated
3. Heat
Heat packs can easily be made with a sock and some rice but if you want a flatter one you can also look up how to make a weighted blanket and do a smaller version with rice instead of beads
You can apply it to exactly where it hurts
Or along your back
Or you can sit on it
I know the last one sounds weird but it helps so much I swear
4. Exercise
I know it can be hard especially because periods can be exhausting but helps
This video is really useful
5. Eating
I know with my cramps especially eating can be hard
But 90% of the time it helps
Literally anything helps
But I find protein dense food is the best even though carbs are what I always crave
6. Showers
You will likely end up feeling sticky or gross at the beginning and end of each day
Just rinsing off in the shower helps
This will also help your mental health because your period will mess with that
7. Rest and Communication
Rest is critical your body will be doing a lot
But if your family is anything like mine you will have to communicate multiple times that you need rest
It can be awkward to talk about your period but just pretend like it’s normal until it is even in front of boys this will help you a lot later if you ever on your period at school or later in work
The best phrases I find help (it will be different for everyone but you can use this a guide) the more confidently said (you can still be confident and quiet if you don’t want other people to know) the more likely the other person will be understanding/uncomfortable but not willing to say anything
“Hey, I just started my period. The cramps are really bad can I do *thing that helps you with cramps*”
“Hey, I’m on my period can I be excused from *things that might strenuous and stressful*”
“I really need to lay down. I’m tired and I’m in pain. Can I please do that?”
Another thing is that it might make you very irritable and you might have to get ready to apologize
It sucks
Especially because most of the time it’s because people are doing things they aren’t supposed to in the first place
But being female/afab means being socially responsible for responsible for other people’s stupidity and you getting annoyed with said stupidity
However don’t apologize for being on your period just apologize for your behavior. Apologizing for your period will cause them to (not always intentionally but some of them do) try to use your period to justify you being in a bad mood and therefore they should be able to get away with more
You can also take ibuprofen, Excedrin, Midol, and Pamprin
Don’t take more then the recommended amount. If the recommended amount isn’t working don’t go higher.
I have had doctors to tell me to just take more until I state out how many mgs that is and then they make a face and have to decide whether or not they want to back track or not
It’s not worth your liver, if the pain isn’t stopping with the recommended amount of pain killer then something is wrong and it needs to be checked out
Keep up to date with period studies. It can be frustrating but it’s good to know how science sees your bodily functions
A good example of this is that it wasn’t until this year that a study was done on period products that used blood instead of saline. This is going to change how doctors diagnose heavy bleeding
Anyways that’s all I got off the top of my head
But feel free to ask more questions.
I am an older sister to 3 younger siblings I got some experience
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