#and I don’t want to romance Cameron bc he fucking sucks
lilnasxvevo · 5 months
The new Wylde Flowers update drops in like 2-3 days so you are about to more or less lose me for a few weeks as I do a complete new play through to get all the interactions with the new character
#i wonder if I’ll love them enough to want to romance anybody but Westley#i tried to romance Kim in my most recent play through because I do think Kim is pretty cool#but Kim is simply not a werewolf who owns an independent bookstore. like there is no competition#also I love Westley’s ugly lil outfit so much#and his RUMBLY VOICE ITS SO GOOD#the point of marrying a character and having them move into your house is being able to hear their voice at any hour you want#and not just during daylight hours#which is why it’s pointless to marry anyone from the coven you can go talk to them in the woods whenever you want#also if you marry Damon he calls you ‘kitten’ a lot which I’ve learned that pretty much everyone who’s married Damon VISCERALLY HATES#i don’t want to date Damon or Amira bc they both come on wayyyyyy too strong the first time you meet them and I don’t like it#and I don’t want to romance Cameron bc he fucking sucks#which leaves me with uhhhh#man there are currently 7 romanceable characters but I’m just blanking rn#Westley Kim Damon Amira Cameron. oh there’s Kai too. who else#i don’t want to date Kai because he’s dumb as a sack of rocks#ok I gotta go look it up I’m gonna feel so dumb#IT WAS GIVA. WHO I LITERALLY MARRIED IN MY FIRST PLAYTHROUGH. SORRY GIVA#(I kept bringing her gifts in the week leading up to her witch trial bc I felt so bad for her)#(and then I felt too bad to NOT date her when the option came up and then I felt like I had to marry her too)#(but I started a new save to date Westley shortly after that)#(you can divorce people but Giva is such a sweet woman that I didn’t want to do that)
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gncrezan · 3 years
hi u totally don’t have to answer this if it’s too in-depth or whatever but i love ur art & ocs and was curious was IF games you’ve played & if u could give us a quick run-down of ur MCs & who your main ROs were <3 love u
YES I CAN ..... any excuse to drop random info abt my ocs/mcs LOL... under the cut bc im insufferable and talk abt it forever…. since this got a tiny bit (very) long, i just bolded the info you actually asked for AHAHA
in order of what i played:
wayhaven chronicles !! i played aliyah rana, and now i’ve gotten past the honeymoon stage of “wow this was great!” ive decided im taking ub and running from the author... and ali romaced felix !
they take after rebecca more than rook, but their similarities towards rook is where it counts (in the friendliness, charisma, kindness etc) !! their relationship with rebecca is a little distanced bc neither of them really knew what to say, but they're trying to patch it up now <3 views bobby as a nuisance that calls them every so often LMFAOO
mind blind !! @/sysba the absolute legend recced this (who you can blame for getting me into IF in the first place) n i’ve got two mcs for this! niko romanced gray bc i adored the mutual cookie baking scene, and once i realised kenzie was in fact a dog person, i immediately went back to make a new mc and so laila romanced kent!
laila is quiet and both methodical and very VERRYYY smart! being a genius made them a little overconfident, and so they take failures horribly… think gifted kid burnout except laila is still overachieving on fumes 😭 these wisemans also grew up in a multifaith household (jewish and nepali hindu) so they’re insanely busy in oct/nov/dec LMFAOO …
niko is loud and very funny. while laila is trying to cover up being a little insecure in how she fits into her ment family, niko actually doesn’t give a shit LMFAO… being a zero sucks, but he learnt to live with it: niko genuinely doesn’t think he have anything to prove as a wiseman ! he’s a social butterfly and extremely charismatic, similar to nick in a lot of ways, and would have been rly popular had it not been for the zero
a tale of crowns !! i am so obsessed with this seriously i changed my URL FOR THIS !!! my mc for this is niyaz who romanced rezan ! if ur brown you deserve to read this like LORD it made me insanely happy like just go read this please
niyaz's has charmed their entire way through life and as crown they're abt to charm their way out LMFAO... they're hyperaware of how others perceive them, and try to say the right thing to the right person, even if it doesn't exactly align with their principles, which can backfire. have a nervous habit in scratching at their eyes. their affinity was death of the sun!
body count ! no romances locked in yet bc there is just ... so much to choose from i feel bad for picking one person AHAHA!! it does look as though carmen is going to accidentally trip and fall for nyra, and i have no idea abt cameron . he coupled up with ellis and i will never forgive this website for killing off my themboss...
cam and carmen are competitive with each other and if they had been in the villa together, they would have been mortified LMFAOOO neither of them expected the other to join anything like body count ... cameron studied physics while carmen studied languages and were very good at that until life fucked them over and they didn't land a job related to their major
the two of them dyed their hair blond separately bc they wanted to stand out from each other, and when they found out they were STILL matching, you would not believe the amount of arguing in the family group chat
cameron joined the show on a whim and doesn't know what the fuck he's doing </3 carmen joined because she loves money and loves women... they're very different in a lot of ways, but one thing they do share is they want to be perceived as good looking . LOL
the exile !! alpheus is dear to my heart cause he was a dnd oc first that i threw into the exile for fun and i rly should have realised this was a angst filled plotline otherwise i would have never done this to my boy 😔😭 he’s currently romancing veth and had a will-they-wont-they with sabir !! but the others LIs make me think so hard OTL so this is due to change
borrowed things from his dnd characterisation... he's extremely family oriented and has a great relationship with esme and emeline, even if his relationship with marcelle is a little strained ! he's sarcastic and was popular pre-exile because of his bleeding heart and kindness. values peace and really wasn't built to be a general, even if he's good at killing :( misc things include pheonix blood infusion, fighting with a scythe and being a horse girl at heart <3
faith of gods !! kelsang dorji my beloved.... i draw them often since they were an oc first and i haven’t been able to draw him in a fog-specific context ... and i’ve yet to rly romance anyone 😭
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i’m a little in love with cian but kelsang is not (arthur fist)
kelsang is also religious, and i rmb praying to one of the gods but the name escapes me... i've gotta go back and play it again bc i think the concept is so cool !
i'm also trying to rehash them and give them more personality bc kelsang was a character design thing first and is pretty much a blank slate LOL
i also don’t think i can romance flor cause that’s my best friend’s name and i can’t reconcile that LMFAO
my to read list includes northern passage, mage reborn, citadel, atollo, wayfarer, ofna (MR BHATRA...) and when twilight strikes ! plus more that i don’t rmb bc i always forget to note down what i want to play ! if anyone has gotten this far and wants to rec smthn, feel free to drop that in the replies 👀
and i’m also waiting for (unreleased as of now) golden harp, redwood and eye of the moon ! eotm releases literally this friday tho 🤩
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serkonans · 4 years
sides info dump
i’ve been wanting to talk about my ocs a bunch for a bit so here’s three random facts each about all my fhr characters
hawk lin (remedy/anarchist/ricardo romance):
• very paranoid. back in the day, before his telepathy was advanced enough to Never need ID, he had a fake name for his fake name (his “real” fake name is jonathan lin but literally no one has ever actually called him that)
• natural teacher if only because he watches everything with an analytical eye and loves to criticize for the sake of improvement. pray for herald tbh he didn’t know what he was getting himself into when he asked for training
• he’s a virgo, which is essentially what i just said in point two if you know anything about astrological stereotypes
roan cameron (omen/hero hunter/herald romance):
• his favorite color is yellow, and he loves flowers and all pretty things, really (irises are his favorite flower). also he’s really a bit of a hedonist and an escapist; realistically i think he’s probably got all the canon vices on some level
• fully an idealized self-insert for me in terms of gender; he doesn’t feel any sense of gender or connection w the concept but he likes to be perceived as male. he’s amab tho so that’s pretty easily accomplished
• i think he’s the most likely of my sides to have a less common pet like maybe a turtle or a frog
olivia “olive” dryden (corrosion/crime boss/f!mortum romance):
• only lies when she feels she has no choice; likes to be as truthful as possible. definitely the first of my sides to start telling people who she is
• has the most fun w her puppet’s appearance; rose has pink hair always in new fun styles and purple eyebrows and a wild streak personality-wise. meanwhile olive looks very put together. really olive just feels stifled by her situation and rose is sort of an outlet for all that pent-up need to express herself (also i picked rosie over bo without thinking for this playthrough and had rose and rosie)
• in another, better life she probably would’ve been like an elementary school art teacher or something but as it is she spends her time concocting wild tech ideas and engaging in organized crime
val goodman (anathema/thief/steel romance):
• miserable, wretched dork. i love/hate him. was so beyond excited about helping people pre-heartbreak that he named himself “valentine goodman.” was being herald before herald was being herald (well, maybe not exactly in temperament, but definitely in enthusiasm for helping people). now he breaks my heart bc he’s convinced that he was only designed to hurt people and that doing so is an inescapable fate
• Loves animals but also loves to look nice, which normally would pose a conflict of interest but val has some sort of supernatural ability to repel animal hair. he could show up to the dog park in an armani suit (and has, at least once) and walk away without a single piece of fur on his clothes
• rly into art, as well. a little intimidated by the concept of trying to make it, but loves to look and appreciate. likes pieces that make him think (and is a little horrified to discover he doesn’t hate herald quite so much when herald is talking about art)
kit logan (eclipse/thief/argent romance)
• i’m not sure what the state of video games is in the fhr universe but however they exist kit is into them and is also kind of a tech nerd in general
• absolutely Refuses to drink; they don’t like how wobbly and disoriented it makes them feel
• has a bit of an oral fixation; always chewing gum or sucking on lollipops or gnawing on their lips. you can bet they accidentally re-fucked up their lip a time or two after argent bit them
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