#ok I gotta go look it up I’m gonna feel so dumb
lilnasxvevo · 4 months
The new Wylde Flowers update drops in like 2-3 days so you are about to more or less lose me for a few weeks as I do a complete new play through to get all the interactions with the new character
#i wonder if I’ll love them enough to want to romance anybody but Westley#i tried to romance Kim in my most recent play through because I do think Kim is pretty cool#but Kim is simply not a werewolf who owns an independent bookstore. like there is no competition#also I love Westley’s ugly lil outfit so much#and his RUMBLY VOICE ITS SO GOOD#the point of marrying a character and having them move into your house is being able to hear their voice at any hour you want#and not just during daylight hours#which is why it’s pointless to marry anyone from the coven you can go talk to them in the woods whenever you want#also if you marry Damon he calls you ‘kitten’ a lot which I’ve learned that pretty much everyone who’s married Damon VISCERALLY HATES#i don’t want to date Damon or Amira bc they both come on wayyyyyy too strong the first time you meet them and I don’t like it#and I don’t want to romance Cameron bc he fucking sucks#which leaves me with uhhhh#man there are currently 7 romanceable characters but I’m just blanking rn#Westley Kim Damon Amira Cameron. oh there’s Kai too. who else#i don’t want to date Kai because he’s dumb as a sack of rocks#ok I gotta go look it up I’m gonna feel so dumb#IT WAS GIVA. WHO I LITERALLY MARRIED IN MY FIRST PLAYTHROUGH. SORRY GIVA#(I kept bringing her gifts in the week leading up to her witch trial bc I felt so bad for her)#(and then I felt too bad to NOT date her when the option came up and then I felt like I had to marry her too)#(but I started a new save to date Westley shortly after that)#(you can divorce people but Giva is such a sweet woman that I didn’t want to do that)
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floral-hex · 3 months
woke up at 4am feeling the weight of my life crushing me, so I’ve been sitting out in my car for the last couple of hours because I just need. to. be. somewhere else.
#tumblr ate something like this but I think I deserve to shout uselessly into the void#shits rough dawg#I know it’s rough for everyone. I feel shitty even talking about myself. still… compelled to vent… big butts#haven’t really been on here much since it hasn’t really scratched that itch lately & just makes me feel lonelier#it’s cold#saw the Jazzercise studio open across the street. 5am for Jazzercise? wow. early.#and then everyone left an hour and a half later. lights out. everybody gone. weird schedule. I am perplexed.#went down the road and got a soda and I’ve been sitting in my driveway contemplating for the last 2.5 hours#guy at the gas station tried to talk to me but I just half assed a smile and nod and left#even though I know I’d love to just… talk to someone. I suppose it has to be ‘on my terms’ whatever those are#I miss having a therapist. or even just when my little brothers would talk to me. when anyone would. blegh#my insurance is still a mess and I’m about to run out of one of my blood pressure meds this week#maybe I’ll have a stroke. scary to think about. I think about dying a lot but that potential feels too real. just… pop! and I’m done.#I’ll try today to finally push to straighten it out but everything feels daunting#woke up with so much anxiety. about my health. my hearing. no money. my life. had to get out of the house even if it’s just right outside#hate to say it but I need(want) thc. haven’t wanted to spend money on it but I could have really used it this morning#can’t be sad if you can’t feel anything (jokingly but also not. whichever is less sad sounding)#actually treated myself to Dune 2 last week and it was so so good. wish I could go again. but it’s drugs food or movie right now. so…#I know. dumb priority but BIG SCREEN. maybe it’ll hit theaters again for the next awards season hopefully. just a real nice loud experience#anyway… I should go inside. almost 7am. need to take my brothers to school then drive my mom to her daily appointments#I’ve felt so hollow and angry and sad for so long it feels like. I feels so weak and sad and I’m tired of it. I’m so tired.#I’ve been eating about 1 meal a day and sleeping a lot. this is the worst my body has ever been. I feel like I’m just waiting to die.#is this relatable?#just have to look past it. it is nothing. this body is nothing. just enjoy your soda.#gonna look at pictures of butts now#ok gotta go I love you goodbye forever#you can ignore this#text
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The 3D is a RESULT
If you assume something in the 4D(your mind) watch it unravel in your 3D
Why is this???
I’m gonna yell at you now
The 3D is a result of assumption
The assumptions you created yourself subconsciously
Manifesting a new job is the same as manifesting
A billionaire status
Stop doubting something that’s so easy
Whether you manifest through The void or whatever other methods it is sooo easy
Quit victimizing and babying yourself and get it the fuck done
Ain’t nobody gonna do it for ya
It’s your life baby you write it design it however the heck you want it to be
I’m not one of those bloggers to be be like “it’s ok pookie if you fail🥹”
Ignore the 3D
It’s physical
The jeans you’re wearing right now or that hoodie
Is physical
You can change it up for you want
The 3D is that
It’s those jeans that hoodie those socks
Change it
If you don’t wanna wear it
If you feel like you deserve better
Bitch you just did
Jesus peanut butter Christ
Cmon y’all
yOu HavE alWayS dONe tHis!!!!
Every time you go to bed
You’re detaching from the 3D(physical reality)
To be in the 4D reality
All you’re doing is becoming aware of it
Oh my god
How hard is that?!!!!
You’re killing me babes😔✋🏾
Please for the love of jell-o
Understand how easy this shizzz is
You’re in the 3D void rn
I know that probably doesn’t exist but hear me out
You’re so attached to this reality right
Every day you are aware that you’re here living in this physical world as a physical being
This is like our 3D version of the void state
It’s not actually the void
But it’s like our state of awareness
Just in this 3D world
We’re aware that we are physical
So to shift your awareness to the 4D simply just
Be aware
Just like you’re aware now
“BUtt hoW dO sTaY aWAkE?”
Who said you gotta be sleepy??
Bitch you could do it rn if you really want to
It’s dumb to think you gotta be tired at to enter the void
You literally are mentally awake
Your BODY is asleep
So why should you??
It’s different if you wanna tap into it WHILE asleep
Like waking up in it
But you don’t need to be dead tired to do it y’all
Listen bitch
You will never make it if you don’t claim your power and go get it
Stop wasting time stop assuming you fail or it’s hard
Sugar baby it’s all in your hands
You’re the God of your reality
Go make your life the way you want it
Quit spending hours trying to find methods to something to you naturally do every night with NO method
When you go to sleep
You are in the state of just being
You’re just sleep
When you’re awake you’re in the state of awakened awareness
You’re just awake and aware
Soooo in the void mix those two together in the void
Mentally Just BE
Physical Just sleep
Omg my new motto
The key to the void state is
That’s it
That’s all
And If your favorite celebrities can manifest so can you
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ju1cyfru1t · 8 months
Okay. Okay. So.
I have a rise! request for you, if you're accepting requests currently! Specifically with Leo which is odd because I'm typically a Donnie girl
So I have a leopard gecko. And in the world of herpetology, oftentimes leopard geckos are referred to as leos.
I'm sure you already have some idea of where this is going, but like,,, to clarify, imagine Reader is just SO EXCITED to have someone new to introduce their leopard gecko to, because they adore their leopard gecko and love showing the pampered little baby off. And at some point, naturally, Reader offhandedly refers to their gecko as their leo, whom they love.
And then our boy Leo's gotta be like "but I'm your Leo too, right? 🥺" or something.
Just as an idea,,,
However you interpret or alter the request is totally cool, and however you answer it is too! Drabble, fic, headcanons, etc. Or even if the answer is "sorry, not feeling this, not writing it", or "not taking requests right now", or even just. "No".
Hope things are going well for you!
ROTTMNT! Leo x Reader
Reader introduces Leo to their Leopard Gecko!
Rise! Leo x Reader
fluff! :D, gn reader, romantic -> established relationship, Leo being dumb 🤌🤞
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“Leo,” you stood in front of the door of your bedroom, “I have someone very, very special I want you to meet.”
“That’s cool,” Leo shrugs with a sly grin, “parents love me.”
“It’s not my parents, Leo.” You sighed and led him into your room.
Leo looked around, confused. He watched you approach some sort of…tank? He couldn’t really see because you were blocking his view as you slowly and carefully slid the top of it over, reaching your hand in.
You smiled brightly, picking up your beloved leopard gecko and carrying him over to your boyfriend. “This is my leo! Isn’t he soooo cute? You see his pattern and his-”
“Woah, woah, woah! Pause! Your Leo?” Leonardo stared at you unimpressed, clearly offended as he crossed his arms.
“Mhm! This is my baby.” There were a few small squeaks from your pet. “Awwww! He wants to say hi!” You moved him closer to Leonardo.
He glared intently at your gecko, leaning down to look at its eyes and whispered, “There can only be one.”
“Stop that! You’re scaring him!” You glared back at Leo, pulling your lizard back towards your chest.
“It’s scaring me!”
“He is not an ‘it!’ Be nice! He didn’t do anything to you.” You gently scratched your geckos chin, “It’s ok. He’s not gonna hurt you, honey.”
“Hmph. You never call me honey.” Leo turned his head away from you, huffing.
You scoffed at him in annoyance, “are you seriously jealous of my leo right now?”
“It’s- he’s gotta know you already have a Leo.” He motioned towards himself.
“You’re both my Leo’s, and I love both of you very much.” You rolled your eyes as you laughed at how ridiculous your boyfriend was acting as you set your gecko back in its tank.
“…but you love me more, right?”
“…I don’t know if I would say that-“
You laughed and kissed Leonardo’s cheek, “I’m just kidding. Relax. You’re still my Leo, too.”
Leo pulled you into a hug, grinning smugly at your other ‘Leo’ over your shoulder.
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poppurini · 1 year
him as a private tutor
leona, jade, malleus, lilia & gn reader
magicless au, platonic, for fun
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˖ leona kingscholar
“Just Leona. Let me see your textbook.” no introductions or anything, just straight to the point. probably doesn’t ask for your name since he already knew. yes he didn’t prepare anything beforehand, no flipping through your syllabus before the actual tutoring because this man just skims through your textbook under twenty minutes and started teaching. yes he’s good at it. unfair, really. sometimes he’ll get a generational shock at the current syllabus though. “The hell are kids learning these days.” “Do you even need these in real life.”
he may seem like an indolent man (and he is) but it’s honestly so impressive of him to be able to understand your syllabus the moment he reads through them and being able to teach you about it.
strictness is 4/10 he doesn’t really care if you didn’t do the homework he assigned bc he’s not gonna be the one failing those exams that determines 70% of your future. yes those were his exact words. he might nag you a little but after that nothing’s on him. clocks off right on time.
˖ jade leech
this mf whips out a whole stack of 9cm tall worth of exercises for you because he thinks it’s funny. eerily friendly. might unintentionally make you feel a little dumb when he does that little inhale and tilts his head slightly, looking genuinely confused as to how you could get this question wrong. wears glasses (i know what jade leech stans are) occasionally. yes those attractive thin framed ones. only when you’re halfway selling off your soul to deal with the mountain of exercises he’s telling you “Oh, you needn’t get all of them completed today.” with that very innocent smile.
strictness is 7/10 he’s scary when he’s strict. might let you off the hook once or twice with incomplete homework (only with valid reasons tho) but afterwards that service smile drops and questions why you’re so reluctant on doing homework. it’s just a 2k word essay. also clocks off right on time even if he’s about to finish teaching a topic he’s not going to provide free labour.
˖ malleus draconia
this man is INSANE literally not one day does he wear a casual outfit to your sessions it’s always professional wear with him. yeaah i’m back with my dress pants dress shirt along with vest plus neat tie malleus only this time he doesn’t have his collar unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up sob sob gotta look clean. intimidating asl but that’s just bc he’s bad at connecting with the younger generations (or anyone, really) however it’s very sweet of him to still try and crack some academic related jokes with a straight face (it’s up to u whether they’re funny or not) hoping you’ll laugh. look he really wants u to open up to him so that u can absorb knowledge better instead of being constantly on edge around him ok
strictness is 9/10 oohlala much like jade he’d close an eye if it’s not a frequent occasion but he demands respect and you constantly putting off the works he assigned to help you clearly shows you don’t think of him as anything. he is patient and nice but only when you deserve it. also he’d delay a maximum of twenty minutes of your time after class ends just to finish talking about the topic.
˖ lilia vanrouge
DEADASS the most fun tutor ever. he’s all malleus ever want to be. bought drinks or snacks on his way and decided to buy you some too (just take it even if the flavours are weird). this man makes you comfortable around him instantly and teaches better than most of your teachers in school. definitely checks out your stationary while you’re suffering in doing matrixes. you can hear him mumbling to himself sometimes “Broo we didn’t even have these back then.” and it’s a squared glue stick. “Can you link me where you got this.” also THE most patient tutor and he won’t even let you feel bad for making him explain the same thing for the nth time. his job is to teach! not scold.
strictness being a 2/10 he’ll still advise you to do your homework but not in a scolding manner. he’ll really gently talk you into doing them for your own good unless you’re outright being disrespectful then the rate changes :p will ask if you want him to continue when the clock strikes end of session. if you don’t, okay! he’ll get back to it next lesson.
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crushedsweets · 5 months
I loved the ask about ticciwork what it would be like if they were able to date! Now I was wondering what that would be like with Jack and Toby!
Though I’m not sure if they have the same chemistry as ticciwork. 😭
Btw you have forever engraved ninakate to my soul LMAO I love them so much!! ❤️
I ABSOLUTELY CAN i think theyre super cute + i have a really sweet ticcijack ask i wanna draw soon. im gonna go off on a tangent about their upbringing and how that'd impact their sexuality tho, cuz i think that'd be relevant .
this was written more like notes for a one-shot of them getting together, rather than the format i did for ticciwork
ok. so for starters, toby has a huge wall to get over. i dont really have sexuality hcs for many of the creeps (jane and kate r lesbians, lius a gay man, ninas bi are my only concrete hcs) BUT i know toby's upbringing involved his dad constantly demeaning him for being 'feminine' (anytime he did something with lyra), a pussy, calling him slurs, telling him to man up, insulting any gay man he might see on tv, etc. and toby hates his dad, so he'd have an easy time being like 'ok whatever old man like i give a shit if a guy fucks a guy' BUT he would still feel a ton of guilt and shame if he were attracted to a guy.
jack might be a little similar, not because his dad was constantly berating him, but he still grew up in a pretty traditional house and his uncles/cousins would often tease him cuz he liked to cook and bake and had a lot of empathy. but he also went to university, and while it was still in alabama, a lot of colleges and stuff are a lot more progressive so it wasn't something he dwelled on much. live and let live, basically
AND AS A RESULT, it would be MUCH harder for either of them to make a move. toby would push any feelings down so fucking fast, and jack would just shrug it off and say he doesn't have like.. the "right" to have such emotions. after all he's done.
but they've also had a ton of intimate moments. the amount of times toby's been sat in his boxers while jack has to stitch up his stomach is kinda obnoxious. the amount of times jack checks toby's temperature and scolds him for dumb shit. toby scoffing and grabbing jacks wrist to pull his hand off, but his touch lingers
jack wears his mask a lot, but toby would make a comment. "i wanna see what you look like. it cant be THAT bad." and then jacks like ? asshole. so toby backtracks and is like "ok but if it is bad, thats kinda cool" and jacks like 'dude shut up'. but then toby would try and go on about 'im serious man you're over here stitching me up every other week and im practically the only person you talk to. let me see' and jack thinks about it. maybe not that day, but eventually he would.
if toby has already kinda come to terms with liking guys, OR he's so oblivious to his own feelings, he might say something stupid like "oh shit you're hot dude why do u wear that stupid ass mask" and jack would get embarrassed. and try to put it back on, but toby would snatch it and toss it on some counter and say "ok well now i know so stop wearing it" and jacks like. ok. fuck you. fine.
and toby stares a lot. like. a lot a lot. and jack kind of knows. the echolocation and thermavision helps him know toby's head is turned his way, but he can't exactly pinpoint where toby's eyes are. but he keeps turning away
toby would eventually just ask 'you gotta know im looking at you , right?' and jack is like ...well i thought so. thanks for confirmation. and toby laughs it off but jack is getting embarrassed
jacks feelings would develop slowly and he'd recognize every single moment he feels something. tobys would develop more rapidly, but he has no fucking idea what he's feeling is romantic. he thinks jacks attractive as fuck, he likes intelligent people, he likes how jack challenges tobys toxic ass mindset (only after the fact, hates it in the moment), and jack does a lot for him. patches him up, cooks him good meals.
the ask i mentioned said something about jack touching toby's lip and toby keeps looking at jacks lips and theres crazy tension etc etc etc. i genuinely dont know who would kiss who first.
if it were jack, toby would sit there kinda stunned, and jack would pull away and fumble out an apology. then toby tells him to do it again. and again, and again.
if it were toby, jack would immediately kiss back. he's had it on his mind for a long time, but genuinely didnt think anything would come.
toby would ask what now. he wants jack to set some sort of guidelines. he hates rules but holy shit does he not know how to navigate this, not with jack. jack would shrug it off and theyd try not to talk about it. toby might not come back to see jack for a while, but end up really hurt and dragged there to get his arm popped back into place. and jack would have to ask why he stopped visiting.
toby would admit it, finally. something about 'because i fucking like you and its really fucking weird and i dont wanna ruin the whole medic patient pal thing we got going on but this entire fucking time ive been avoiding you, im thinking about you a hundred times more'. and jack would ask why he thinks its weird. and theyd talk for a while
jack would ask toby if he could kiss him again, and toby would say yes.
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sinsandsweetness · 9 months
Girl I have a weird fantasy about Daryl being a trucker before the world ended, like he’s older and picks me up on the side of the road after I’ve left home and tells me if he’s gonna take me where I want I go, I’ve gotta give him somthing to make it worth it.
Then giving him sloppy road-head and getting fucked in the cab till I’m dumb
Absolutely love your writing babe 😘
I actually rlly love this. especially since I’ve dated a truck driver who looks like young Norman and will literally sleep the whole time in the cab when he goes on jobs…
I imagine you sitting in the passenger seat, cross legged and snacking on some licorice from a gas station. You’re almost 6 hours into the drive. Still another two nights until you’re in the state you actually want to be in. Nice and far from all the bullshit you’re running away from.
Daryl keeps glancing over at you reading your book, leaned up against the window. Paying special attention to how short your denim cutoffs are and how tight your white tanktop is. Leaving almost nothing to the imagination. The thought dawns on him that in two hours, when the sun has set and both of your eyelids are getting all heavy, he’ll have to pull over at a rest stop. And when he saw you with your duffel bag and your bright red boots, sticking your thumb out as you walked along the shoulder of the highway, he didn’t think about the fact that there’s only one bed in the cab. One, tiny, little mattress, and two of you. You’re way too far in the middle of nowhere to find a motel either. No service. No trace of civilization for at least a couple hundred miles.
Wow. You must be stupid or something. To get in a truck with a stranger. Hell, he could have been some kind of creep. Have you seen any horror movie ever?
He looks back over at you during his internal questioning. Gosh you’re pretty. Effortlessly stunning. Hair a little wild and undone. No makeup on that he can tell at least, but he’s never really been good at noticing that stuff anyway. You’ve got layers of mixed metal jewelry. Necklaces and rings and earrings. All glimmering in the golden hour sun. You kicked your boots off hours ago. Blue polish all chipped off nearly all of your toes. Truthfullt, you’re kind of a mess. A pretty one though.
“What?” You ask him, your honeyed voice brings his brain back to earth.
“Oh- uh… nothin’,” he looks back at the road. Where he should be looking anyway. “Just, it’s gonna be dark soon. Won’t be able to read.” He keeps darting his gaze over at you while he talks.
“That’s ok. I’m sure I’ll find something else to entertain myself with.”
“You should try and sleep. Don’t think we’ll pass a motel until tomorrow night.”
“Oh that’s okay, I’ll just sleep when you do.”
He was hoping you wouldn’t. He was hoping he could avoid the awkwardness of the sleeping situation altogether.
“Yeah, I mean if you want. There’s only one bed so I just thought-“
“What, you don’t wanna share?” You’re giving him a look that he can’t decipher. Are you… flirting with him? You toss your book into your bag and unbuckle your seatbelt.
“Uh- what are you- what are you doin’?” He asks as you climb into the back.
“Well since you’re kickin’ me to the floor I guess I’ll try and catch some z’s before you pull over.” He’s glancing back every few seconds. Trying to keep his attention on the road, but a little too intrigued by you peeling your shorts off to succeed in doing it.
“I’m not- I wouldn’t make you sleep on the floor, I just didn’t- I don’t want to -“ fuck. He didn’t want you to feel like you had to sleep with him. Like you had to share the dingy little sleeper cab that can barely fit his own broad shoulders, let alone another person. An incredibly attractive and insanely good smelling girl. One that’s bending over to fix the sheets and baring her lacy hot pink thong in the process. His eyes widen and get all shifty. Should he look? Should he pretend he doesn’t see?
“Don’t want to what? Sleep with me?” You scoff as you sit back on the bed thing your hair up into a messy blob at the top of your head with a hair tie.
“No I-”
“Don’t worry, I know what you mean. But I really don’t mind. In fact, I probably owe you anyway.”
“O-owe me? I already told you I’m going your way anyhow.” He says, reminding you of his refusal to take any cash.
“I know, but you’ve been so nice and sweet for picking me up in the first place. Wanna make it up to you.” You’re voice is low and sultry. And your words go straight to the tent in his jeans, the one that’s been half hard and ignored since he first invited you into the truck. He glances back at your half naked frame, relaxing into the sleeper cab mattress. Seeing your tanned legs and pretty panties. Wild hair and a playful, up to absolutely no good look in your eyes.
He wants to focus on the road. He does. But his mind is racing with all the ways you could make it up to him. Since you’re offering that is. And he really doesn’t know how much longer he can pretend he doesn’t want to pull over and plow you til the sun comes up. Especially with the way you’re looking at him, hand trailing down to tickle at the waistband of your underwear, biting your lip and flipping through your own filthy fantasies about the handsome, young trucker who’s been kind enough to help you out.
He catches your gaze as he glances back once more and the lustful look in his baby blues sends a jolt straight between your legs. You smile and lick your lips, wanting to be extra clear of your intentions,
“I’m ready whenever you are, pretty boy.”
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ncityprincess · 9 months
And don’t you forget it
Pairing: bf taeyong x single mom reader ft. asshole johnny
Plot: blah blah blah this is just fiction I don’t know these people. Johnny is not very nice in this and he may bring up some abandonment wounds so proceed with caution 🫶🏾
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“Yeah sorry babe, something…came up” Johnny slurred with a dazed chuckle. Here you were, up way earlier than usual getting your 5 year old daughter ready for her day with her incompetent daddy, and he couldn’t even be bothered to give you a heads up before he cancelled. Again.
“Yeah I can see that John” you sighed, running out of the little patience you had left. You could tell he was lying in bed with whichever chick he picked up last night. “You know, being hungover on a Tuesday isn’t a good look. And neither is flaking on your daughter for the umpteenth time in a row.” You were ready to tell him off even more, but you were interrupted by a woman’s cartoonishly seductive voice.
“Johnnyyy baby, come play with me again.” A woman with a thin sheet wrapped around her body came into the frame and leaned down to press sensual kisses into Johnny’s neck. He groaned obnoxiously, making you roll your eyes. “In a minute, doll” he purred.
“Ugh, you’re such a joke. You know, Kaylee is going to kindergarten this year. She’s not dumb John, she’s gonna grow up to resent you for abandoning her like this.” Your voice kept getting louder and louder in the echoey bathroom. You had dealt with his carelessness for far too long.
“Look I’m sorry ok?” He said nonchalantly. “Let’s just try again next week. Gotta go, give Kaylee a kiss for me, will ya?”
“FUCK YOU” You shrieked, and hung up the FaceTime call before slamming your phone onto the bathroom counter. You could feel the hot tears forming in your eyes already. Once again, your child’s father had made all these extravagant plans for your daughter, just for him to not follow through.
A faint knock on the en-suite bathroom door made the shame of the situation set in even more for you. You took a deep breath and let out a defeated “come in.” It was Taeyong, your current boyfriend and first relationship after having your daughter and separating from Johnny.
Even in your state of frustration, you were able to admire how beautiful he looked with his messy bed head and navy blue boxers hanging dangerously low on his lean hips.
Your relationship with johnny all came to a head when he had made the final screw up that made you gain the courage to break up with him. He missed Kaylee’s 3rd birthday party because he was out doing his usual routine of getting hammered, and ended up getting into a bar fight for one reason or another. he had to spend the rest of the night sobering up at the local jailhouse, thus missing his baby girl blow out her candles.
After spending the better part of a year beating yourself up over your break up and blaming yourself for Kaylee not having a good father in her life, you decided enough was enough. Johnny needed to figure his own shit out, and do his own healing. His demons have nothing to do with you or your daughter, and it wasn’t your job to fix him. You made the decision to try the co-parenting thing, but it was easier said than done.
On one spring day, Taeyong had approached you at a cafe to tell you how beautiful you looked in your yellow dress. You couldn’t even look him in the eye, too embarrassed to receive such a compliment. It was the first time you had actually felt seen that way in a while. From there, your relationship flowed like water. Everything just came naturally for the two of you. Kaylee absolutely adored Taeyong, and he loved to spend quality time with her. He would take the three of you to see the latest Disney movie, go to the water park, and treat you to ice cream dates. Everything just felt. Natural.
But of course, the great co-parenting dilemma always lingered.
“Hey” he greeted with a softly with a small, gentle smile.
“I hate him Tae. I hate him so much!” By now the dam had broke, and the tears started flowing. Taeyong immediately embraced you and rubbed your back soothingly.
“My love…” he cooed, but let you continue.
“Why does he get to keep doing this to us? To her? He—he doesn’t even care that he’s hurting Kaylee. And once again, I’m left to break the news that her father doesn’t want to see her.” You sobbed.
This song and dance of johnny attempting to be a father had gone on for far too long. When you were pregnant, you were convinced the three of you were going to be a happy little family forever, but once Kaylee was born, Johnny had changed. A lot. He partied till 4 am, came home plastered, and did the same thing all over again the next day. You were the only one getting up at all hours of the night to feed your daughter and change her. You were cooking all the meals and cleaning the house. You were there to pick up the pieces when Johnny messed things up. You felt like a single parent in your own home. After three years of failing to be a good father to Kaylee, you made the decision to break up with him and asked him to move out of your house.
“He’s a coward. Any man that can’t take responsibility for their child is immature and selfish. We’ll figure this out together baby.” Taeyong held you for a few more moments and pulled away to cradle your face in his warm hands. You looked up at him through tear-stained lashes. His eyes held so much sincerity and reassurance.
“The day doesn’t have to be totally ruined. How about the three of us go to the Zoo! They just opened up that new butterfly exhibit, those are Kaylee’s favorites.”
You sniffled, making taeyong’s heart swell. “Yeah?”
“Of course.” He said softly. Taeyong wiped the last few straggler tears that were left on your cheeks. “You’re too good to me, Tae” you whined. “Nonsense, nothings to good for you, my love. As long as I’m around, you and Kaylee’s happiness are my top priority.”
He leaned down to press a soft kiss against your lips. Taeyong’s kindness was one of the things that drew you to him the most. He was so selfless and never made you feel bad about being a single parent. The overwhelming love you had for him made you fall deeper into the kiss. You wanted to forget all about this situation with your ex.
After a few moments of passionate kissing, taeyong gently grabbed your hand and guided you back into the main bedroom. He stopped right in front of your full length mirror. Taeyong stepped behind you and ran his hands up and down your sides. “Look love, look at yourself in the mirror. Aren’t you so beautiful?” He whispered into your ear.
You cast your timid gaze into your own reflection, noting taeyong’s hungry eyes staring into yours through the mirror. You could feel the front of his body pressed against your ass. You felt yourself getting damp at the sensation of taeyong’s morning wood. You quickly looked down at your feet, the intimate sight in front of you was too much to handle. “Tae come on…”
“Ah ah ah, say you’re pretty. Tell me how pretty you are.” he raised your head back up with gentle fingers and looked down at you. He pressed slow, intentional kisses into your neck, making your eyes roll back.
“I’m—I’m pretty” you finally breathed out.
“Yes *kiss* you *kiss* are *kiss*”
Your legs felt like jelly. If it wasn’t for taeyong’s strong arms wrapped around you, you surely would have melted onto the floor. His one hand snaked up the front of your body, past your tank top covered breasts and settled around your neck. His piercing eyes met yours in the mirror once again “and don’t you forget it.”
Taeyong pulled your tank top off of your body, cursing when he saw your bare breasts. He played with your nipples, admiring the way your ass started to grind against his stiff dick.
“Mmm, I want you” You moaned out. Taeyong guided you onto the bed and laid you on your back. “I’m all yours, my love.” He pulled off both of your bottoms and stroked himself a few times. You both moaned once he finally entered you. The delicious stretch of his cock got rid of whatever lingering thoughts of johnny you had in your mind.
Taeyong wrapped your legs around his hips and picked up the pace. He caressed the side of your face, smiling down at you. “You feel so good baby” he grunted. You loved how gentle and sweet he was being, but you needed something a little different in this moment.
“Tae…pound me, please?” You begged. Taeyong slowed his movements and a smirk grew on his face. “Anything for you, my love”. Before you knew it, you were flipped over and placed on all fours. Taeyong slammed back inside of you, making you cry out.
“Fuckkkk just like that!” You grabbed onto your headboard for dear life, partially to stop it from banging against the wall. Kaylee was only a few doors down.
Taeyong let out a guttural groan, loving the way your walls squeezed his dick. He had a vice grip on your hips, pounding his lower body into yours. “Shit, feels so good baby. You’re so wet.” Your arousal was dripping all over your thighs and his dick, making it nice and easy for Taeyong to piston in and out of you. The obscene noises of pleasure and skin on skin caught up to you, and you were ready to burst any second now.
“Baby I’m gonna cum” you whined, toes curling in preparation for your orgasm. Taeyong reached around to play with your clit, rubbing it in small, tight circles. You couldn’t hold on anymore, and allowed your high to wash over you.
“Oh good girl, I’m right behind you baby” Taeyong praised. He sloppily thrusted into you a few more times before blowing his load inside of you. You whined at the overstimulating feeling, enjoying the sound of taeyong riding out his own high.
He finally pulled out of you, and you both collapsed onto the bed side by side. You caught your breath, and turned to face him. He was already staring at you with sleepy, satisfied eyes. “I love you Tae, thank you. For everything.”
Taeyong caressed your hip. “I love you more baby. Now, let’s go see where Kaylee wants to eat for breakfast before we go to the zoo!”
The end ❤️
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tickling-giggles · 1 year
Hello can I request Hobie tickling Pavitr? He’s pinning him down and tickling his sides and stomach and feet? And pavitr is super ticklish which makes him laugh hard.
A Fun little Game
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Summary: Pavitr is bored out of his mind and he goes to Hobie to see if he can help him with that.
Pav doesn’t like how non-busy or well how dead today is. He’s currently staring out of his bedroom window itching for a robber to go rob a store, or one of those crazy villains to come and try to destroy the city.
“Whatcha’ doing?” Hobie asked leaning on his wall. Pavitr jumped hitting his head on the wall. “Oww, when did you get here?” He rubbed the back of his head. “I’ve actually been here for a good 10 minutes” Hobie looked down at his wrist. “That’s a pretty long time I didn’t even sense you” Pav giggled. “I’ve could’ve kidnapped you if I wanted to” Hobie smirked as he sat down on his bed right next to Pav.
”So you’re just gonna stare out the window like a sad puppy dog, or are you gonna tell me what’s wrong, orrrr do we have to play 21 questions?” Hobie asked. “I- that’s a new one 21 questions? Really” Pav chuckled.
“Don’t play dumb whenever I ask you what’s wrong you always beat around the bush and say ‘oh don’t worry about it it’s dumb’ or ‘it’s nothing really I swear’” Hobie imitated his voice. “I don’t sound like that plus it’s really nothing this time” Pav whined a bit.
“Fine I was zone out because I’m bored, and there’s nothing to do. Before you ask both my girlfriend and Maya Aunty are out of town. There aren’t any people to save nor and bad guys to fight” Pav confessed. “That’s it i could keep you occupied with something” Hobie raised an eye brow before smirking.
“Please because I’m so bored it’s making me sick and moody and I hate being moody” Pav exaggerated. “You know my favorite thing about humans Pav? Is that they are like instruments” Hobie gave him a certain look which caused Pav to immediately get nervous. “Whaaaat instruments that’s random” Pav giggled nervously, he knew that look that Hobie had given him.
“What’re you so nervous for Pav?”
“Hobie teasing isn’t very nice” Pav giggled. “Well I’m not nice now what?” Hobie raised a brow. “Well I guess you’re just mEEheahahahan I knehehehew it ahahaha” Pav burst into giggles, as hobie clawed at his sides.
“See how you’re sides are like a piano” Hobie explained “the higher up your sides I go the higher your voice gets”. “Hobiehehehehehe that’s not funnehehehehEhEhEhE” Pav squealed proving Hobie’s fact to be true.
“What’s that one song you like that Donald glover sung…” Hobie asked. “Lehehes?”
“Yeah that one how’d it go? It was like Ooh girl I wanna know are you ready to cry!!” Hobie sung as he tickled his ribs. “HohohobIEHEHEHEHEHE NOHOHOHOHO”
“‘Cause I’m— what do you not like that song you’re soooo picky” Hobie dramatically rolled his eyes. “Don’t like the piano ey? Let’s play the guitar then shall we?” Hobie let up as he swiftly grabbed his ankle.
“Hobie nohoho I don’t like the guitar caahahan you play I don’t knohow a harmonicaahaha” Pav giggles anticipating what was about to happen next. “Mmmm nope I’ve gotta play the guitar the crowd is going wild!!!” Hobie explained as he scribbled Pav’s foot.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA HOHOHOHOBIEHEHEHE” “The crowd loves my guitar Pav” Hobie looked back at him. “YOHOHOURS? IHIHITS MY FOHOHOT”
“Your guitar needs to be tuned”. Hobie sassed as he tickled his toes.”NAHAHAHA HOBAHAHAHAHAHHAHA IT TICKLEHEHEHEHES SO BAHAHAHAD” Pav shrieked bucking around. “This is no tickly matter Pav” Hobie looked at him with a annoyed look. “HOBIEHHEHEHEHEHEE PLEAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”
“Ok ok don’t need ya passing out on me you still in a sulky mood?” Hobie gave him a warm smile. “Nahaha nope I actually feel behehtter thanks hobie” Pav sat up and thanked hobie.
“I brought taco belllllll!!!”Miles announced as he and Gwen came with food. “Good some grub let’s go eat Pav” Hobie ruffled his hair as he helped him up. “Yess I’m starvingggg”
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shindisworld · 11 months
How (E1610! & E42!) Miles would comfort you when you’re insecure/upset
☄. *. ⋆
A/N: hey loves! I hope you’re all doing alright and remembering to take care of yourselves. I decided to write this since I’ve been in a bit of an emotional funk myself the last few days and figured I could use this as a pick me up. Without further ado, enjoy :)
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E1610! Miles
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He notices you acting a bit different when he first came into your room after patrol
“Amor, what’s wrong?”
If you decide to tell him he’ll just sit beside you and listen intently, not interrupting at any point
If you decide not to tell him, he’ll totally understand, he’ll just go up to you in your bed and sit down. He’ll take your hand gently in his and start rubbing patterns into your hand with his thumb.
He’ll kiss away any insecurity, doubt, or fear in your mind
“Mi vida, you are the best person I know. I love you more than you can even imagine, you mean the world to me. Regardless of how you feel about yourself imma remind you how much you mean to me every day, alright?”
He genuinely can’t see how you don’t see how amazing you are
He wishes he could just give you his eyes so you can see all of the wonderful things he sees about you
He would do anything for you. No matter how silly it may be. If you asked him to get you the moon he’ll try to get it for you
If you start crying or look like you need a hug, he’ll wrap his arms around you tightly and whisper sweet nothings to you while he just holds you
“It’s gonna be ok, baby. We’ll get through it together. I’ll be here every step of the way.”
If you feel like talking he’ll try to distract you by telling you about his latest art project or something dumb in attempts to make you smile
If you don’t feel like talking, he’ll just cuddle with you (he’ll even be little spoon if you want him to be, he just wants to make you feel better)
If he can make you start smiling again, even if it’s at him doing something done, he’ll feel like the luckiest boy on earth
“There’s that beautiful smile. I love you, my sunflower”
E42! Miles
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It’s safe to say that Miles isn’t the best with feelings
Ever since his dad passed he just learnt to bottle his emotions up
That was until he met you tho, ofc
When he came into your room and saw you crying in your bed, hugging your pillow, he could swear something inside him broke
He immediately went over to your bed and wrapped you in his arms
He isn’t the best with verbal comfort, so he tries to show you how much he loves you
“Take your time, mami. We ain’t gotta talk about it if you don’t wanna. I’m here for you regardless, ok? I got you.”
He’ll hold you for however long you need
He’s also making a mental note to buy your Shein cart (or other shopping list if you don’t use Shein) when he gets the chance 👀
While he’s holding you he kinda has this realization moment that he would do anything to keep you happy.
He already knew you meant a lot to him, but the way you cling to him and visibly relax into his touch has him planning out his future with you in his mind.
When he notices you stopped crying he’ll just wordlessly take his thumb and wipe the remaining tears off of your face
“Baby who put all these negative thoughts in your pretty head? I’ll beat they ass for you. You have no reason to feel insecure about that, I love it about you. I love everything about you. You betta not forget that.”
It don’t matter if you insecure about your height, weight, appearance, personality, anything-
it👏🏽 does 👏🏽 not 👏🏽 matter 👏🏽 to 👏🏽 him
This boy is CRAZYYYY about you, he could care less about that stuff
“Ma why would I care about something like that? I love you the way you are, I wouldn’t change anything about you except the way you see yourself, mi sol.”
You feel so relaxed that you start to drift off in his arms, and as you do he kisses your head and holds you a bit closer
He’s so protective of you, not in a bad way, but if he had the chance to take away all your pain and give it to himself he would do it in a heartbeat
You taught him how it feels to just feel again, and for that he’s gonna love you forever 💜
👾-That’s all for now, loves! If you guys have any suggestions, comments, or anything really feel free to just message me! Don’t forget that you’re valid, I love you, and to treat yourself like the royalty you are 🫶🏽💅🏽
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whowantslovergirl · 3 months
bad idea right?
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Topper Thornton x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing, um just y/n being a dumb bitch tbh, this is obviously inspired by the song 😫, slightly suggestive, bold words are the lyrics, this in your pov, HOPE YOU ENJOY MY LOVERSS 🤍
outer banks masterlist
Summary: Y/n knows it bad that she keeps going to Topper but omg look at him!!!!
posted: February 28,2024
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Me and Topper broke up a couple months ago. We were the golden couple and I was way better than Sarah (in my opinion) I didn’t have cold feelings toward Sarah but I didn’t think she was the best person. Sorry getting off topic but I miss Topper and I have this bad habit of going back to him. I know it’s a bad idea but guys look at him!
“Come on you have to come! Yes Topper might be there but it doesn’t matter.” My friend Bianca said trying to convince me to go to this party.
Of course I wanted to go but he’s going to be there. I am not going.
I went.
I saw him and he saw me but I quickly went the other way before anything happened. I mean I haven't heard from you in a couple of months. And you just expect me to just hop back into your arms. Yes I want to do something about it but I'm out right now, and I'm all fucked up, wayyy too fucked up and I don’t wanna go back that road.
I have been here for a couple of hours and Topper still haven’t left. He never stays this long. After dancing for a while I got a little tired so I went to get a drink. And fucking Topper is also getting drinks. I try to ignore him and do what I have to do but that obviously didn’t work.
“Hey Y/n.”
“Hey Top.” I avoid eye contact. “How you doing?” He sounds nervous. “I’m doing good, what about you?” He shrugs. “I been alright better now I’m with you.” You just roll your eyes.
Once you’re done with the drinks you leave or at least try too. He grabs my arm not enough to hurt but his grip is pretty tight. We make eye contact and I can feel myself getting lost in his eyes again. And I know we're done, I know we're through.
But, God, when I look at you
“Come over N/n.” Only he calls me that and it still has the same effect on me. And I hate that. I should probably, probably not. “I don’t know Top.” He cuts me off. “Please N/n, I just wanna see you.”
“I’ll think about it. I will text you later.” Then I walk away to tell Bianca what the fuck just happened.
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
“It’s a bad idea right?”
“Um yes?! Y/n you spent months crying and now he says two words and you’re at his feet?! Stand on business!”
“I am! But he seemed pretty sincere.”
“Fuck being sincere. Y/n don’t do stupid shit.”
“Ok! I’ll text him no.”
“Good now I’m going to dance. Text him no.”
She left and once she’s out of sight. I text him.
n/n 🩷
im coming over
Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine
I went over and we fucked like really fucked. He dropped me off and right now we’re pulling up to my house. “Bye Top.” “Bye N/n.” We kissed for a little bit then I finally left the car.
Bianca’s going to pissed.
“What the fuck?!”
“I didn’t mean too! It just happened.”
“Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect? I only see him as a friend.”
That was the biggest lie I ever said.
“You are such a liar! So friends fuck now? Wow! I did not know that!” I can tell she’s being sarcastic.
“And you’re wearing his shirt!” I looked down and I am indeed wearing his shirt. “My clothes were dirty he was just being nice.”
“You’re so delusional I can’t.”
“It wasn’t my fault! I just tripped and fell into his bed.”
“You are terrible Y/n! Don’t let it happen again.”
She knows it’s gonna happen again.
“No she definitely had sex with him.” Me, Bianca and some other friends were just gossiping about people we don’t like at the country club. Then I got a text from no other than Topper. “Hey I gotta go to the bathroom real quick.” I say while walking towards the bathroom to answer his text.
top 🩷
Can you come over tonight n/n??
n/n 🩷
yea I’ll be there ml <3
As I’m walking back I’m smiling. I’m so excited to see him.
On my way to Topper and I told my friends I was asleep, but I never said where or in whose sheets.
I’m finally here it felt like it was forever since I’ve seen him and I pull up to your place, on the second floor. And you're standin', smiling at the door.
“Hey N/n. I missed you.” We hugged and stayed there for a while. “Top it’s only been 24 hours.” I said while laughing and he slowly joined in. “24 hours too long.” He said while pulling away and looking into my eyes. And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men, but I really can't remember when.
There was another party and everyone was there. Even Topper. I was dancing with Bianca and I can feel eyes on us, I turn and see Topper smiling at me and he sent a little wave. I waved back then he made a come here motion. I nodded and he went to a secluded spot. “Hey Bianca I’m getting something to drink, you want anything?” She shook her head and continued dancing.
I started to follow him and couldn’t find him anywhere. Then I felt arms around me. “Oh my god! Get off you weirdo!” You try to pull him off then he started laughing. You turned around and saw Topper. You slapped his arm. “You’re an asshole.”
“Hey I’m very sorry, just wanted to scare you.” He started to hug me and I hugged him back. “Can you come over tonight?”
I should probably, probably not
“Um ok.” You smiled and gave him a kiss and you both walked back to the party.
This can’t be a good idea. I’m slowly starting to see why we broke up in the first place. He’s getting possessive again. Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein’ you tonight, fuck it, it’s fine
Whatever I’m bored anyway.
It happened again. I fucked Topper and it was better than other times and yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
“I only see him as a friend” Again that is the biggest lie I ever said.
“Y/n I’m only saying this because I’m your friend but you’re becoming old y/n, making excuses defending him when he treated you like shit.”
“And before you said but we. Yea you guys were cute together but everyone slowly saw what was going on behind closed doors.”
Bianca is a really good friend and I understand what she’s saying and I appreciate what she’s saying but I only see him as a friend, I just tripped and fell into his bed.
Then it was excuse after excuse.
“We’re just fuck buddies.”
“I ended it anyway.”
“I just tripped and fell into his bed you know?”
I’m getting really fucking tired of Topper. Right now he’s yelling about something and I’m just zoning him out.
“Are you even listening Y/n?! Do you not understand how this would make someone upset?!”
“Why are you yelling at me? I can't hear my thoughts Topper.”
“I’m not yelling, It’s just-.” Before he could finish I just left. I can hear him screaming behind me but I really couldn’t care less.
But I know it’s gonna be the same thing anyway and the same excuse.
‘I just tripped and fell into his bed’
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An: AGHHHHHSHEIDND ngl i lowkey cooked on this but HOPED YOU ENJOYED MY LOVERSSSS 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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gojoed · 2 years
“bakugo come on, we’re gonna be late!”
it was morning on a thursday, the sky seemed calm. there was no evident sign of the sun in the sky, only pale grey clouds covering it like a blanket. it was winter after all. you stood by the gate entrance of the home of the bakugo’s, waiting for probably one of the loudest kids in the neighborhood to show up already.
“bakugo, i swear to god, i’m leaving without you if you don’t hurry up!”
“ok, jesus y/n wait the fuck up!”
“i’ve been waiting for five minutes already, we gotta go!”
“then wait five more!”
he always knew how to retaliate your comments you gave him. both of you never really gave each other a chance to have a consistent winner in these games of screaming back and forth. you sighed for what seemed the umpteenth time. there was a little breeze coming in, so you hugged the jacket that covered your uniform closer to you. 
“bakugo!” you yelled a third time, a little irritated that he was taking so long, he never took long.
“y/n!” he yelled back, in the same tone as you did, asshole.
bakugo finally rushed out of his home's door, pausing only to hop slightly to adjust his shoes. he ran towards you with his light brown scarf in his hand. he huffed while wrapping it around his neck. 
“damn you can’t even wait a few minutes, impatient ass.”
“well you were taking too long while i was starting to feel my ass freeze over.“
he snorted and retorted with something along the lines of, “what ass?”
you rolled your eyes at him and walked along the sidewalk. it was thursday, a school day, and ever since you started going to school with bakugo, you were never late. so it seemed odd to you that all of a sudden to see him taking longer than he normally would have.
“soooo, why were you taking so long? forgot your underwear or something?”
“the fuck, hell no! i was just looking for something.”
“something? oh come on you’re not even going to give me a little hint to what made you so panicky this fine morning? you even made the clouds worried.”
bakugo gave you the stink eye. but at the same time he moved his left hand out of his pocket where he always seemed to stuff it in. he pulled out a glittery object, the size of a card. well maybe because it was a card, an all might card.
“i was looking for this you idiot.”
“...you know show and tell stopped like in elementary school, right?”
“of course i know!“ bakugo yelled back at you, he shoved it back in his pocket along with his hand. there was a moment of silence between you two, before he sighed and mumbled.
“i’ve always had it on me, you remember when i got those chips with deku and my old friends back then?” 
“the all might chips? yeah i remember those.”
“remember the card i showed you that i got from them?”
you shook your head slightly, to signal a ‘no’ until your mind went back to the card in his pocket. you let out a loud ‘oh!’.
“wait, but why do you still have it?” you wanted to know. those chips were just any old merchandise that helped all might’s name and company earn more money. any other kid could have had it. 
bakugo took another long line of silence before opening his mouth again. the tips of his ears were tinged a now slight pink, and it didn’t look like it was from the cold.
“...i... always wanted to have all might autograph it. wouldn’t mean shit to me if he just signed a random paper, though.”
you remained quiet for a few seconds. so it was that important to him? wait so how long has that card been with him? has he really always carried it alongside him? a small smile grew on your face, remembering when he came over to your house with his friend group shouting how he got all might’s card. he was so happy he was practically bouncing off the walls.
“one day, i’m gonna make all might sign this!” 
bakugo, the one in the present, gave you a side glance. you had a dumb smile on your face now, looking forward. he clenched his fist tighter and tried to shove them deeper into his pockets, which now seemed smaller than he remembered. did you think it was dumb? you always called some of his ideas dumb as a joke. he was so deep in worry that he didn’t notice you staring back at him.
he felt the base of his neck start to heat up under his scarf (thank god he had it on or he wouldn’t hear the end of it from you) and made a ‘tch’ sound. would you just talk to him already?
“well how about this, katsuki bakugo.”
you linked you arms together, only causing more heat to travel up his neck. he was still thankful for his scarf. 
“we’ll get all might to sign that card for you, even if we’re dying, we’ll insist on it.”
he blinked and then smirked at you.
“was already planning on it.”
@scarekat @manursuki
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truths33k3r4 · 5 months
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( TW for blood, needles, stitches, minor surgery, vomiting- not graphic cause ewww )
CHAPTER 13 - A Prick and a Pull
Who knew a little splash of blood could completely end a conversation dead in its’ tracks?
.. Well, now Leo and Lotus did.
Leo’s face twisted into a small grimace as he quickly jolted his foot away from the slowly growing crimson puddle on the floor. After shaking off the excess blood like a cat shaking it’s paw in the snow, Leo drew his attention to Lotus’ incision. 
It wasn’t a lot of blood.. Just what happens when you have a deep cut in your body and you have nothing to stop the bleeding. A thin stream had trickled down Lotus’ leg and slowly began to drip off the side of the surgical table.
‘ I should’ve covered the incision with something.. MAN I SUCK AT THIS. ‘ Leo self- scolded himself.
The strange thing was Lotus didn’t even notice it.. Guess she got too caught up in the so-called ‘conversation ‘ between her and Leo.. If you could even call it that..
Lotus tried to turn herself over to see what it was that made Leo jolt back, but instead jolted herself as another burning sting shot up her leg in protest of the movement. 
‘ ..OK… NOT GONNA MOVE ANYMORE.. NOTED. ‘ Lotus mentally stated as she let out a slight hiss from the pain.
After Leo promptly cleaned up the small puddle and what was remaining on his foot, he brought his focus back to Lotus.
“ Ok.. I’m really sorry Lotus, but I have to stitch you up before it gets infected.. “
Lotus’ shoulders raised the smallest bit.
Leo knew she was scared.. Heck, HE WAS THE REASON she was scared. It was his mistake that brought her so much pain.. Her fear was totally valid thanks to Leo’s awful track record today. 
“ I promise- I’ll go as fast as I ca- “
“ NO, LEONARDO. “ Lotus nearly shouted. 
Leo’s eyes filled with shock at her sudden impulsive reaction to his words.. He was used to her being so.. soft spoken. Blunt, yes, but never fiery or passionate.
Lotus’ shoulders were now completely up as her head began to subtly recoil into her shell. Not completely, but enough for Leo to notice.
“ YOUR MEDICINE DOESN’T WORK. It wore off -  It’s useless. “
Lotus gulped down the lump building in her throat of dread for what she was about to say.
“ You said it will take you 2 minutes? “
Leo nodded.
Lotus paused.
‘ Am I really gonna do this?...
The medicine didn’t work.
It still really hurt. ‘
Lotus subconsciously stroked her left thigh to relieve the pain that was building once again.
‘ It’s only two minutes. 
It will be fine.
I’ve been through worse.
I’ve survived worse.
A prick, a pull, and done.
…. This.. is gonna SUCK EDAMAME BEANS. ‘
“ I don’t need any numbing. Just start. “
Leo’s already wide eyes somehow grew in size as he processed what Lotus said.
“ I- You- You want me to stitch your leg with NO lidocaine???? “ Leo was nearly huffing as he ran through the scenario of what it would look like for Lotus to get stitches feeling… EVERYTHING. He tried again to talk her out of it.
“ Lotus- it’s just one pinch- and then I’ll work as fast as I can!! Don’t you at least want the CHANCE of not feeling it???? Maybe if I work fast it will last long enough! “
Lotus stayed quiet, taking a minute or so assessing Leo’s option.
… But her mind was already made up.
“ No.. thank you. ‘ She spoke in a huff. “ It’s a matter of the mind here Leo. I’m not going to lie to myself thinking that your dumb meds will work when it was just PROVEN that they don’t.
I just gotta tough it out. “
Lotus curled her arms around herself attempting a self hug, as she laid her head onto the surgical table’s pillow.
“ It’s just two minutes. Do your worst.“ 
Leo’s face became flushed with agony and shame. 
Normally, the phrase “ do your worst “ is used in a sarcastic tone. A comedic context. Something two friends would say to each other whilst playing video games, or forcing the other to eat something gross at a sleep over.
But Lotus spoke with no sarcasm. There was no humor to water down the potency of her words. Nothing to make it more bearable. 
Leo’s eyes attempted to form more tears, but the wells remained dry. He pulled a small rolling stool underneath himself and turned to face Lotus’ incision.
“ .. Are you sure?.. You’re going to feel everythi-”
“ YES. DO IT. “
Lotus braced every muscle despite all the protest of her incredibly sore body.
“ NO PAIN. NO GAIN. JUST DO IT. “ She choked out through gritted teeth.
Leo let out a silent sigh as he reached over to the cupboard and pulled out a package of needles and a spool of thread. 
Lotus shut her eyes as she listened to the faint sounds of Leo opening a bottle.
The putrid fumes of rubbing alcohol filled her senses.
With everything that had happened, the horrible burning pain, the constant fight against her nightmares and memories, and the dread of what was occuring NOW.. One couldn’t blame her for what happened next. 
The growing knot in her stomach took the horrid smell as the signal to vacate its’ contents.
It began with Lotus letting out a small gag, to which Leo IMMEDIATELY dropped the bottle onto the rolling table, and reached underneath for a small basin, handing it to Lotus in a panic.
( As the oldest brother of four, he was well-versed in knowing the tell-tale signs of nausea. And.. what came up with it. )
He gently rubbed Lotus’ shell, trying his best to bring her any comfort he could. He could feel under his hand that she was shaking more harshly now. Under such bodily distress, it certainly made sense.
She was completely exhausted.
After Lotus’ stomach was squeezed empty, she placed the basin to her side and hid her face in her crossed arms.
“ I hate this.. I hate this…. “ She squeaked as she began to sob into her arms. 
Lotus’ mind filled with question after question. An action to which nothing responded. No answers. Nothing. 
The void remained still and steadfast; The darkness covering up any chance of answers being given.
Lotus had heard many times at the lab various people shouting out the names of deities. Usually when they accidentally dropped something, or if an experiment proved successful.
On their podcasts or tv shows there would be characters praying to a god. Asking for direction or guidance or answers.
That’s how you knew it was just a tv show. Their questions were always answered. All of their problems magically were taken away thanks to their so-called faith. Thanks to their god.
And all Lotus could sense in her mind was darkness. Unrelenting stress, fear, shame, and anxiety. 
No answers.
Just endless silence.
‘ There is no way there’s a god out there.’
She heard a snip of scissors.
Lotus’s mind was yanked back to her horrible reality in an instant.
“ Try not to brace your muscles.. It will hurt worse. “ Leo spoke to her.
Before she could react, Leo inserted the needle. 
Lotus grasped onto the sides of the surgical table with both hands, squeezing as hard as she could to somehow relinquish the pain. A quiet whimper escaped her lips.
This pain was different. With the implant removal, it was more of a sharp burn accompanied by the frigid cold of the tweezers.. 
But this.. This felt as though someone stabbed into her leg with the thin edge of an iron-tip pen. 
Over and over again. 
With each stitch came a small snap of her skin, and with each needle prick came a tightening pull of the thread. 
For once, that day, Leo’s calculations were correct. 
Lotus’ incision took about 3 stitches to fully close, coming to around 2 minutes to finish the full procedure.
But as Lotus understood quite thoroughly, PAIN SLOWS TIME.
Seconds disguised themselves as minutes and hours. It felt like an eternity as Lotus dug her hands deeper and deeper into the surgical table’s rim. 
Every time the needle pierced into her skin she let out a sharp hiss, followed by a long whimper as Leo tightened the stitch.
It was awful.
Leo ( for once ) kept his word with moving as fast as he could. His hands worked swiftly and smoothly as he finally snipped off the remaining strand of thread.
NOW it was over.
Hohohohooo I had FUNN with this one. :)
If you have any questions about my story, the characters, whatever, you can send me an ask! :)
To God be the glory!
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buckgasms · 2 years
Um hi hello, in response to your Cowboy!Bucky fic, just wow 🥵 I’m going to have to politely request that he hogties us bc we’e been badddd ;o pretty please with sugar on top?
BABY..... You got me goooood with this one.. like 'had to sit down and write it immediately' got me 🥵 I know I'm a whore but dayum I really am a fucking whore...
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Thank you for sending this in and for your lovely kind words, it means the world to me 🥰🥰🥰
Enjoy 🐎
Warnings: bondage, rope play, spankings, oral (m receiving), p in v, dirty talk, he's a COWBOY
"You just never learn do you darlin?" Bucky growled as he tightened the rope that connected your wrists to your ankles and you whimpered around the gag he had placed in your mouth.
He then hoisted you up and hooked the ropes to a hook that hung down in the middle of the barn. He let go and there you were, dangling in mid-air, totally naked and drooling as he took a moment to spin you around, enjoying his handy work.
As much as you were in deep trouble, there was something very relaxing about being tied up like this. You really didn't have to do anything now, just take whatever Bucky was going to give you and pray you were forgiven by the end of it.
"Why do you always have to do it? Acting like a little slut when you go out as if you don't belong to me? So fucking stupid baby, a little dumb slut..." He landed some slaps to your ass before spinning you around and gripping your face between his hands and bringing your eyes to meet his. "So now I gotta spend an evening reminding you who these little holes belong to, and reminding you of your place, when I could be spending a nice evening eating that little pussy and fucking you like a good girl..."
Tears sprung in your eyes and you whimpered behind the gag as his words hit home. Why did you always do shit like this? Perhaps next time you'd be better you lied to yourself....
He spent a long, long, long time landing spanks all over your quivering body. And you could only watch as he pinched your sensitive nipples and slapped your puffy folds. You begged behind your gag but he just tutted and continued until your skin was throbbing from his work.
"Stop tryna talk your way out of it baby, not interested in what you have to say. I'm gonna use these holes till I'm satisfied and then we'll see about what comes next." You nodded silently and he hummed in approval, hand gliding over you possessively until his crotch was level with your face. You watched with greedy eyes as he unbuckled his belt and pulled out his perfect, thick cock, stroking it a couple of times before tapping your face with it.
"I'm feeling generous baby, I'll let ya lube it up with your mouth before I use it anywhere else, but if you so much as utter a word I'm gonna take it away, ok?" You nod again and look up at him with wide eyes and he briefly strokes your cheek, "atta girl." It wasn't quite 'good girl' but you were getting there.
He removed the gag and promptly filled your mouth with cock, fucking your face relentlessly. You choked and whined, spluttering and drooling whenever he pulled out. He braced himself on the ropes and your body jerked forward, taking him deeper as he thrust in. Your whole body shook with desire as he used your throat. "Fuck baby, such a perfect mouth you got. Using it all wrong, made just for this huh? Gotta learn when to use it and when to keep it closed hmm?"
His words and actions had your pussy walls clenching around nothing and your arousal dripped down until by the time he was ready to use it you were a soaking mess.
"Oh darlin' wish you could see what a mess you've made. This all for me?" You whimper and nod and he strokes a finger through your folds and you cry out, jerking in your restraints. "Easy, easy baby, got a long way to go yet." He teased as you felt his cock line up with your aching hole. "Gonna fill you up properly one of these days" he remarked to himself, dreaming of all the ways he could make you his before sinking in, one smooth thrust that made your eyes roll back in your head.
"That's good baby, good girl, taking me so well" he growled and you couldn't help but preen under his praise, your cries getting louder as the sound of your skin slapping together filled the barn. Everything was aflame as he pounded, bringing you closer to your release. Your silky walls squeezed tight enough to make him stutter his hips and groan. "Not yet darlin, hold on just a little longer sweetheart..." He strained and his thrusts came faster and you yelled out, begging for him to let you come.
"Hold it, hold it" his voice stern and harsh as he rubbed your clit, his thrusts never faltering as you screamed until he finally growled out permission. Your vision went white as your orgasm pushed his cock out and you squirted harder than you ever had in your life. His cock pushed back in and filled you up, his beautiful moans filling the quiet barn as you panted heavily. He kept still inside, but his fingers continued to gently rub your sensitive clit.
"Who do these little holes belong to baby?"
You whimpered your reply and he sped up his fingers.
"And are you gonna remember that next time I take you out?"
This time you choked out a sob mixed with a yes as he fucked you slow, contrasting with his fingers.
"Good girl" he pulled out leaving you to whine and wiggle as he left you hanging both physically and from the need for another orgasm. He spun you around and crouched down, his face level with yours.
"You wanna head back inside now sweet thing?" You pouted and nodded and he pressed a loving kiss to your messy mouth, then peppering your face with more soft kisses.
"Get me hard again, I wanna come in that ass and then we'll see if you deserve to come down after that..."
I need the Lord 🙏🏻
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This might sound a bit dumb, but I have an AU idea where Pepper Mint somehow manages to retain control of his Pepperminteppi form & escape with Cadebra. Cadebra: "So my friend is now an immortal Primordial being that can use massive amounts of black magic. Nice." The Cult has to deal with their God not wanting anything to them (& also being in Wizard Jail for, y'know, murdering children).
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absolute delight and excitement and beige comics under the cut let's go insane
first off this is such a fun idea but i kept getting stuck because how did they get out if he didnt get at least a little violent? they were in a Situation. thats why he started blasting in the first place in the movie! he kills everyone holding cadebra and then kills everyone else who is looking at the two of them funny, and he tells her to get out before he starts hurting her too. but anyways i digress. au! my polite little boy uou (transcipts in image descs to save on space. i realize i should be doing this in the first place to be more accessible but i dont do it. ay. someday ill get over that brain hurdle)
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the profs are so. blank eyed about being Stopped. that’s their GOD. they want him to do the prophesied deeds! but he’s not. “aren’t you our god now” no I’m just that kid but I have this primordial god deity chilling giving me horrible advice now in my head. awful. thanks. i just learned real fast real hard how to love and trust myself
and then also i was like. well like. w. what is everyone gonna say. not nice things. thats a scary insect boy (WHY HE INSECT? IVE NEVER DRAWN PEPPERMINTEPPI PROPERLY BEFORE AND ITS KILLING ME WHY IS HE A BEETLLEEEEE).
and also also. also. ???? drinking the ichor SUCCESSFULLY, is quite literally what og peps just,, keeps saying will Recreate Him, OG Peps, so i guess he did that (?? HELLO) or something similar when he was little but as you can tell he did not uh. keep the scary beetle body. maybe he didnt have a bestie to protect
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anyways. so. pep likes being big. :)
also have this
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poor pep trying to mediate between the gay idiot he used to be in his head (not the gay idiot he still is) and the giant scary monster from the before-nothingtimes he just willingly added to the vr chat
and his poor fuckin teachers
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(ron james is too old and anxious for this shit and life giving magus has a thing about not letting people feel sad :( hes an Emotions Wizard being sad makes him do Evil Magic did you watch the episode Little Dude? gotta keep his students feeling loved and safe or else. especially when they’re um. imbued with massive amounts of dark magic. sorry I like the them)
i also have this from discord
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I don’t know how to end this post this au is fun. none of the kids and few of the adults know the significance of this guy. pep is like hnnnnn just wanna be a normal kid but also scarypowerfulbig. enough. to protect. blaines over here like we are not letting him in the school like that are we and weaponhead is like well. the important thing is we aren’t letting the murderers back in. Blaine.
Maybe larry (cousin got fucking murdered by the teachers) and pep (reached level 100,000 just by drinking juice and now kinda scares everyone) drop out together. just chill quiet together. what do wizards even DOOOOOO, get COFFEE??? make up entirely new schools of magic kinda like those jerky secret societies but less jerky (ron James s6e13 “thanks for the crabapples giussepe”)????? just sit around and wait for Blaine (RULES GUY) and Deb (needs structure in her life and thinks school is fun) to get out of class so they can go do things?
also also I was gonna be Sad tm that you said pep was immortal now, but I insist on believing that wizards have long lifespans. so it’s not like Deb and blaine and larry just fucking DIE ten seconds into pep’s infinite life. they’re there. for a while. (:
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Would love to read a part two to the Penguin fic It's Only Make Believe
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It's Only Make Believe: Part 2
Farrell!Penguin x Female!Reader, word count: 700 part one here ok can i be very honest? i thought this was total shit garbage and yet you guys liked it and i feel so...touched, like the grinch when his heart grew big lmao so HERE YOU GO my sweet beans 💜 also i can keep going with this if there's demand, i didn't want to make this way longer than the first chapter! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: angst, pining, lies, fake relationship
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It was a mistake to tell the two of them. They were complete idiots after all, only useful to throw around as muscle and threats. Now, Oswald sat at his desk, head in hands, trying hard not to think about them accidentally bringing it up in conversation with her.
Hey the boss has got a crush on you. Yeah he’s just faking the marriage to get you to fall in love with him. Nah he told us himself! Oh yeah it’s a complete lie, ain’t no money in this for you.
“Hey, Mr. Cobblepot…or…Oswald? Or dear? I should come up with a pet name for you if we’re going to convince anyone that we’re married!”
You were never sure if it made him feel uncomfortable for you to reference the fact that you were now legally married, so you always tried to make a joke out of it. He never laughed though, but nerves kept you awkward.
“Ah, sweetheart you don’t gotta go to all that effort.”
“Nonsense! I said I’d help, and I’m nothing if not committed to the bit. How about…hmmm…well if I was really your wife, I think I’d probably call you Pengy, but that’s kinda dumb.”
He finally looked up from his work, slight smile on his face.
“No, I like that. Or…I mean…I could learn to tolerate that, if I was your husband that is.”
“But you are!”
Your warm smile brought one to his lips, not quite as open as yours, but at least he seemed to have perked up a bit.
“I suppose I should also probably get some work done too, though. Can’t get any special treatment just because I’m ‘sleeping with the boss’ huh?” You shot him a smile, trying to emphasise that you were joking, but his smile had faded. He cleared his throat, shuffling some papers on his desk as he avoided your gaze again.
“Yeah, you better do something at least.”
“Oh…Oz-Oswald-Mr. Cobblepot…I’m sorry if that was too…”
“Oh, it’s ok, it ain’t like that, sweetheart. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”
You shuffled slowly over to his desk, perching on the edge across from him, hand resting on his forearm. He stared at it, following your wrist, your arm, up to your face, looking up at you with a strange emotion behind his eyes that you couldn’t quite place but would have sworn was something akin to deep lament.
“Tell me. I’m here for you. And not just as your pretend wife. As a friend.” You let your thumb draw across his jacket sleeve, back and forth, soothing him, hoping to get him to open up a bit.
“You know, Pengy.” He chuckled softly, leaning back in his chair, easing up slightly. “I’m so grateful for the opportunity, and for the job. I can’t even…it means a lot that you trust me. And…I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. You’re…different to how I thought you would be.”
“How so?”
“You’re sweeter.”
“Oh, you don’t know me well at all, sweetheart. I’m not sweet in the slightest. And to prove it, I’m gonna give you five seconds to get off this desk and start work on that pile of documents over there. Get to it.”
You rolled your eyes, sliding off the desk and walking over to collect the pile, moving to the door to leave for the desk in the hall where you were set up. But you stopped to turn to him.
“I think I do though know you well though. I don’t know…I thought someone so well-established, so charming and handsome might be completely full of himself, but you’re-”
You sat silently, looking at him, not sure what he wanted you to say in response.
“When was the last time you got those glasses checked?”
You giggled a little.
“You don’t think you’re handsome?”
“I absolutely do not. And forgive me, sweetheart, but I don’t believe for a second that you think so either.”
His self-effacing attitude was so endearing, such a sweet quality. It made him vulnerable, human. And as you left the office, you let your head stay around the door as you spoke, before disappearing off to get started on work.
“I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t think you were, Mr. Cobblepot.”
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