#and I first meant to use Pinterest for work and studies related stuff
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@pastlink tagged me to make a moodboard using the first 9 images that show up on my pinterest feed 🖤
no pressure tagging @thisisntaparty @drippinlou @paleangels13 @theflyingfeeling @ladysorbus @fangirlinglikealoon
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melyaliz · 4 years
Remeber me chapter 2
Master List 
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x OC 
Notes: Special thanks to everyone who has supported this story so far! I see every like and comment and it brings so much joy to my life. 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
-0-0-- Bakugou --0-0-
“Welcome and thank you for joining us today,” The pretty brunette said, her dark hair pulled back in a soft bun. Bits of purple and pink twisted in and out of it. Her bright hazel eyes scanned the room as she stood in front of them all. Her Japanese was a bit rough but the joyful laugh and unassuming attitude made it all seem rather.
Not that Bakugou noticed.
This was a little more preoccupied with the fact that all of this was such a waste of time. They had come to California to help with the spike in earthquakes and fires. Millions of homes and lives had already been lost, to the point that the US had reached out to other heroes to come and help. The border between San Diego and Mexico where he, Kirishima, and some water-based guy from Mexico had been stationed, had been affected the worst. But there had been other patches up the coast that needed help which was where Kaminari, that vine chick from their UA days were going to be stationed.
Although right now all Japanese speaking heroes were crammed in this small conference room listening to this young woman explain how health benefits worked and other “important” insurance things.
“Obviously there will be property damage but we just want to make sure you all understand what to do if anything happens to you, a victim or…” she paused a bit of smile flickering across her deep red lips as if thinking of a joke, “other stuff. It’s not your job to tell people what to do after you help them but, they will probably have questions which is what we are here for. Plus knowledge is power right?'' The last bit was said in a bit of a sing-song voice the playful smirk that had been on her face broke into a wide grin. Chuckling to herself she quickly switched the slide. “Nope? ok,” she muttered in English before continuing.    
“Man she’s pretty cute,” Kaminari said leaning forward in his seat whispering in Bakugou’s ear. Number 2 hero waved his annoying ex-classmate away. Honestly, somethings never changed.
“Aren’t you engaged?” Kirishima chuckled under his breath.
From the front, the young woman paused giving them a thumbs-up as she finished her presentation, “So that’s that, Any questions?”
It was followed by silence. Bakugou sighed rubbing his temples, “When are all these stupid presentations going to be over?” Next to him, his best friend elbowed his ribs.
“Geez man be cool.”
However the woman’s smile didn’t waver, in fact, she laughed lightly. “Welcome to America, but we do need you out there as soon as possible. And let’s be honest you guys are going to forget all this in the heat of battle.” she gestured to the packets they were holding, “So if you have any insurance-related questions my card is there. If I don’t have the answer I will find out.”
“Ok” Getting up Bakugou stood the other heroes standing up. The vine girl rolled her eyes at him.
“You don’t have to be rude, she’s just doing her job”
Glancing over at the woman Bakugou saw her packing her stuff up laughing and talking with the guy who she had come with. Totally unfazed and already moved on to the next thing. Something about her attitude stuck with him. It was so different. Normally he would get some sort of reaction from people around him -mostly annoyance- but not this woman. It wasn’t like she was ignoring him, more like agreeing with him making it into a joke. But like him, she was done with the presentation and moving on.
It was unexpected in a way he didn’t realize he had expected anything else until it didn’t happen.    
Also, her laugh was kind of cute. As if she found just about everything amusing.
Shrugging Bakugou led the rest of the team out already forgetting the insurance chick. He had a more pressing issue to deal with. As the woman -whatever her name was he had instantly forgot after she had introduced herself- they were needed as soon as possible.
“We are here” Bakugou’s voice was soft as he lead Olive into the large apartment. The ride home had been silent, Olive’s face pressed up against the car window taking in the bright city lights. Her hazel eyes wide as if she was trying to take it all in and commit it to memory.
That same wide-eyed look was on her face as she looked around the apartment. As if she was taking it in for the first time and had not lived there for more than two years.
“Wow,” she whispered, “this place is amazing .”
The sound of a soft meow broke through her haze and for the first time ever Bakugou couldn’t help but be grateful to see the fluffy gray and white cat walking up to greet them.
“I… I have a ragdoll!?!” it was the first time since this whole situation started she sounded excited. Of course, that cat would bring her happiness. Bakugou couldn’t help but think back to the first time he had brought the little thing home. It had been a Christmas gift two years ago and Olive had literally started crying with excitement when he had added the little fluff ball to her. Ever since that day the two had been inseparable. To the point that if Bakugou wanted some alone time, he needed to lock that fluff ball outside their bedroom.
“Yeah he’s ok” Bakugou sighed looking down at the pretty cat that was purring around Olive’s legs just begging for all the attention. Letting out a soft coo Olive bent down picking him up giving him a kiss on the head.  
“What’s her name? Oh my god, I love her so much,” she said, a half-hearted smile on her face as she scratched the cat.
It was a simple question but it hurt so much. Something about it making his heart feeling three times too heavy. “Dolomite, I wanted shitty kitty but you said no.”
She chuckled picking up Dolomite who just lay in her arms purring. That cat was so dramatic, acting like he hadn’t seen her in years when it had only been about a day.  
“I have a type,” Olive mumbled as she kissed the cat again her eyes finally meeting Bakugou’s. Bakugou froze, his heart-stopping. Since the hospital, she had been unable to look at him. A few awkward glances but this was the first time he felt like she was really looking at him. He knew she was comparing him to her late husband.
Over the years she didn't really talk much about Eliott. But Bakugou knew there were remnants of that man etched in her whole being. From the things, she said to the jokes she would tell. After years of coming to terms with the woman, he had fallen in love with had been in love with someone else Bakugou had learned to appreciate Olive’s bits that were given to her from that other man. He had realized a lot of those little things he loved about her were better because of what she had gone through.
But now everything was different.
Now it was like all he could see was Eliott. As if the Olive who had been in love with Bakugou, the one who had healed from a year’s distance from the death of her first love was gone. In her place was this broken girl who had just lost her love.
He hated it, feeling so out of control. So unable to help her. To show her that their relationship had been just as -if not more- wonderful than that one.
“This is so… man” she sighed, breaking through his thoughts as she turned slowly walking further into the apartment. Dolomite lounging in her arms blinked slowly up at her adoringly basking in the attention he was getting as she aimlessly walked around. Watching her Bakugou realized she had no idea where she was going.
“Here,” Bakugo said, reaching out his hand, taking her arm. She flinched slightly jumping at the contact. It pierced him like a knife twisting hard in his heat.
He clenched his jaw trying to keep his temper in check. All he wanted to do was grab her and shake her until she remembered. He knew it wasn’t her fault, that it wasn’t anyone’s fault. That fact, in and of itself made him even angrier. There was no one to punch the problem out of. No one he could blast for making her this way. The doctors weren’t sure why she had forgotten everything. In fact, they had been ready to let her leave earlier until she started crying and asking why she was in Japan.
Kirishima had suggested interrogating the robbers who had been at the mall and see if any of them had quirks that could alter memories. It was the only explanation they had to go off of. Nothing else made sense.
Until then here he was. Being angry at no one and unable to navigate his emotions with a woman who had no idea who he was. Letting out a long sigh he nodded toward the hallway that lead to the bedroom, office, and gym.
“Come on you can shower and stuff,” he said leading her toward the bedroom. She followed behind silently, the only sound was her soft footsteps and Dolomite’s purring.
“We live here, in Tokyo?” she whispered finally placing the cat down as he opened the bedroom door. He nodded.
“Wow” her soft voice came up behind him as she looked around the large bedroom. Dolomite, knowing bedtime was near, lept from her arms to the floor before making his way to the low bed that stood in the middle of the room.
The room was clean and modern, a few pictures hung on the walls, one of them being of their wedding. Walking toward it Olive looked up at the two people smiling down at her. Bakugou watched her as she studied it. His heart picking up, maybe…
“Fuck” it was soft and he had no idea what she meant by that. As she turned he saw her eyes were glassy, her hands ringing unsure what to do with them. Looking around she tried to find anything but him to focus on.
Fuck, his thoughts echoing her words. Was she going to cry again? He didn’t know if he could deal with it if she did.
“You sleep here, I will sleep in your office,” he said quickly trying to distract her from whatever was overwhelming her at the moment.
“I have an office?” her voice cracked slightly. Her eyes met his in surprise and maybe a glint of .. was that excitement?    
“Tomorrow, you need to rest,” he said walking toward the large walk-in closet that was separated by a wall behind the bed. She followed him peeking into the large space as he grabbed some sweatpants. There were blankets and extra pillows in the hall. He needed to get away from her for a second. Maybe she just needed to sleep off whatever was going on.
Maybe his happy little badass Olive would wake up.
Nodding Olive peeked into the closet and it dawned on Bakugou he couldn’t just leave her. She didn’t know where anything was.
Letting out an annoyed sigh he brushed past her grabbing a large tee shirt and some fresh underwear for her thrusting them a little harder than he should into her stomach. She looked down at them and then back at him.
“The other door is the bathroom. Towels are on a rack and all your stuff is in the shower,” he said.  
She took the items from him nodding glancing at the bed. “I can sleep in the other room… or I don’t know…” she was struggling unsure what to do or say. Memories of the first time she came to visit him in Japan came rushing back. Such a strong contrast from this moment. Instead of timidly following him she had been running around his fancy skylight penthouse making fun of just about everything she could find.
“Oh my god… do you have three of the same jacket?”
“What!?! I liked it. And they are not the same! This one is Denim this one is cotton… where are you going?”
“Why are your sheets black?” she giggled looking down at his bed.
“Why are you making fun of my sheets?”
“Well look at me Mr. moody hero boy with my black sheets ” she giggled throwing herself onto his bed. He watched her trying to be annoyed as she poked fun. Sitting up she tried to give him a sexy look, eyes squinting, “I’m Mr sexy black sheets.”
“Oh are you now?” he said walking up to her looking down. “And what color are your sheets Miss America?”
“You know, basic bitch shit. White, turquoise, oh and I have some cool red tribal ones too. Wow, these are so soft” she distracted herself petting his sheets.
“They are 800 threat count," he said leaning forward loving the sight of her in his bed. Their long-distance relationship was fine but having her here meant they could do a few things they couldn’t before. Things he was ready to do the moment she had walked off that airplane.
“So fancy,” she whispered that playful smile still on her lips as he closed the distance between them.
“Only the best” he mumbled before kissing him.
“Katsuki?” the sound of his name brought him back as he looked down at her, she stood there holding the clothes now by the bathroom door, “Thank you,” she said softly. Her eyes down at her feet. Grunting he shrugged heading toward the hallway.
“Whatever, just get some rest.”
“Ok… good night… Katsuki.” the way she said his name. So foreign on her tongue.
He hated it.
He hated all of this.
Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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kachulein · 4 years
Got tagged by @ultkyu to answer some questions! Thank you dear, I'm so excited for this~🥺💞
1. If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?
× I'd be a cat, 100%. Cats are my love and my life, I've always wanted to be one, tbh (not in a furry type of way, but I feel like life would be easier if I was a cat, lmao). I love how cats take no shit and do whatever they want. They're very independent and individual and I'm all here for that.
2. What two anime characters or kpop idols are your type?
× Can I do both anime characters and kpop idols??
× As for anime characters, Jaeha from Akatsuki no Yona and Kirito from Sword Art Online are totally my type!!😍
× And in terms of kpop idols... omg,, how am I supposed to *only* name two?? Hmm, thinking about it, I guess not all of my biases are my "type" per se... but there's two that come to mind right now hhhh. One of them is Kevin Moon from The Boyz, he really ticks off (almost) every bullet point in my list for my "ideal type" and honestly, this list is freaking contradictory and has vvv high standards but Kevin is THAT boi, basically my imaginative ideal boyfriend personified. :') And the second one who I'd say is totally my type is Hwang Hyunjin from Stray Kids. I've always loved drawing him the most of all kpop idols and I still do tbh (but I can't fill my feed on my insta art account with JUST Hyunjin drawings,, you know,,,). His fashion!! I'm so here for it and vibe with it so well. Plus,,,idk,,, I feel like I could connect to him in some ways so ajxjsjdjjs yeah. There's just something about him and Kevin that inspires me so much, I really love these two bois.
3. Are there any writers or artists (art or music) that inspire you? If so, list 5.
× YES. I decided to name a few artists because I realize I've never talked about the artists whose artworks inspire me the most. They're all on Instagram, so I'll be naming their @'s
a.) @/shooky_dough: I'm probably not the only one who knows Nikki, hehe, but her art is SO amazing. She's got this really distinct style which I'd put into the category of semirealism. Her kpop fanart is soooo good and I used her tutorials to learn how to get better at sketching. If you look at the sketches I've been posting for the past few months on my insta art account, you'll notice that they're highly inspires by Nikki's art. She's definitely the artist I'm looking at most in terms of inspiration and improving on my own art.^-^
b.) @/angelganev: His art is sooo pretty. He does semirealism and I've found him by browsing through pinterest to find some art inspiration/references/tutorials. He also does drawing contests in which his followers can draw one of his work he selects in their own style and he gives a shout out to the ones he liked best. It's always interesting!!
c.) @/melmadedooks: This man can draw about ANYTHING, he's so talented. He used to draw lots of his 'dooks' and I've found him through seeing some of his works on pinterest (again, lol). I've actually redrawn two of his 'dooks' and posted them to my art account AND HE LIKED BOTH OF THEM, I WAS SO HAPPY OMG!!! He used to draw his dooks using only one coloured pencil, so I've also started experimenting with that and instead of using a graphite pencil, I used coloured pencils for my sketches and those gave off very different vibes that I really liked!!
d.) @/rezajeez: Probably *the* kpop fanartist I've been following for the longest of times. They are AMAZING!! They mainly do huge photorealistic portraits with INSANE details. It's funny actually, because their work is the complete opposite to shooky_dough's work. While Reza draws photorealism on a big surface (probably A3? maybe more??) and draws very detailed, Nikki focuses more on sketches/more semirealistic and "simplistic" art and it's usually drawn quite small, so seeing these opposites really broadens my horizon, I think^^
e.) Last but nor least, @/rossdraws: In my opinion, he's the modern day Bob Ross! His art is so freaking stunning, have you checked out his digital art landscape series?? The amount of talent this man holds in his pinky finger is more than I've got in my whole body like- OOF a huge inspiration to me!!~
4. If you could play any instrument, which would you play?
× The guitar!! I really want to learn how to play it~
5. If you could choose one anime to live in, which one would you choose and why?
× Either Ouran High School Host Club or Your Lie In April. The first one is just so much fun and I'd love hanging out with the host club members and as for the latter,,, I just really want to be here for Kousei and help him through his anxiety because I know so well how it feels like and I also wish I could sing while he plays the piano, we'd be a great duo✊🏻😔 (I'm sorry, I couldn't choose one)
6. This is a bit of an old DeviantArt fic trend, but if you received an Android of your favourite character from any anime/show/etc., who would it be?
× Hmmm... that's a great question omg there's so many amazing choices I could make😭😭 But I think I'd go with Kirito, I just really really love him ahhhhh
7. Is there anything you would like to do but haven't because your friends/family didn't want to do it with you?
× There's actually a few things I could name... first, I really want to go bungee jumping (preferably from the Macau Tower, as it's the highest bungee jump in the world😍) but my fam and friends think I'm crazy for wanting to do this but I'm actually quite an adventurous person which probably not many people know about me, so I love doing stuff like that.✊🏻😂
× I would also really like to travel with friends... it's not that I dislike travelling with my mom and stepdad but whenever I can't take someone with me, I feel like such a child ??? idk,, never travelling (I wanted to say "without adults" but then I realized I AM an adult) on my own with friends and always tagging along with my parents kind of make me feel like I'm not independent or mature/grown-up for it. But I feel like none of my friends want to travel with me... most of them have a travel buddy already but I just... don't akdjsjs
× and last but not least, getting more specific, I really want to travel to Hawaii and South Korea, but so far, I haven't made it there yet :c
8. What's your favourite flower?
× Cherry Blossoms all the way💞 but all flowers are beautiful and I really like roses, too.
9. What are some of your hobbies?
× My hobbies include singing, drawing, dancing, writing, reading, researching astrology, studying Korean, watching youtube videos/netflix, listening to music and OF COURSE DAYDREAMING✊🏻😔
10. If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island with nothing but the clothes on your back and a bag, what would you put in the bag?
× I'd definitely put food and water in the bag, my phone, earphones, a portable solar charger with a USB cable (so that my phone won't die and I could chill for however long I want while watching kpop mv's and then also use my phone to call for someone to rescue me from this island once I start running low on resources), all the books I still want to read, my art supplies and a few sketch books, some towels that I could use to lay on or use as blankets, a pillow and my teddy bear, and obviously a toothbrush and toothpaste, a hairbrush and a few hair ties and bobby pins (you don't want long sweaty hair stuck to your skin during a hot summer ewww), some soap to wash myself and my clothes, sunscreen and also some insect spray to keep the bugs away!! (it's a big bag, okay)
Sorry for writing such an essay omg!!
Here are my 10 questions:
1. What compliment you've received meant the most to you?
2. Would you rather meet your favourite celebrity/group/bias and realize they're not at all how you imagined them to be like (maybe they're not as kind as you thought, for example) or never meeting them in person but it turning out that they're actually the amazing, kind, sweet, generous, etc. person that you thought they were? (I hope that makes sense hhhh I think the ethics of this question are really interesting)
3. What's your current favourite song you always use to get hyped up to or a song currently stuck in your head?
4. If you had to write the book of your life, what genre would it be and what would you choose as a title?
5. Name your top 5 musical artists and your favourite song of each of them?
6. If you were invited to a big humanitarian event and had to give a speech on a topic you'd want to bring about a huge change for the better, what topic would you choose to speak about and voice your opinions/ideas? (Assume public speaking is one of your strongest assets and you'll ace this no matter what)
7. What is something (a skill, personality trait, or something appearance related, it can be whatever) you wish you had and/or you really admire in other people?
8. What's your favourite anime/show/youtuber (you can answer whichever you got an answer for, it can be all three options of course :D)?
9. In kpop, are you more into vocalists, dancers, rappers, maknaes, leaders, or visuals (or maybe a mix of some/all :'))?
10. What's your most beautiful/favourite memory?
oof I hope these questions will be interesting to answer🥺 hmm, Imma tag @littlefallenrebel @jinniesmeow @softpastelmx @yeonki @hanstagrams @marculees @chrryjin and anyone else who'd like to do this~💞💞💞
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itmeansvictory · 5 years
🖋 + hogwarts
ok this took a lot of thought because it turns out I haven’t actually given victoire’s hogwarts day enough thinking. so this is gonna be a LOT messier than my responses to this meme before akakncjcbejchejf
first thing’s first - hogwarts was kind of a scary period of time. because like think about it - she is always surrounded by family members. there’s never a time she’s without another weasley or potter. until she’s at hogwarts. it’s a good few years before someone else in the family comes along to school, and by that point victoire has already found her place. so the beginning was terrifying for this girl. she went from being one in a whole pack to being the only one of her fam around. and for someone whose identity practically revolved around that family, that’s a tough transition. she went from being surrounded by people who loved her at all times to being surrounded by strangers.
strangers which knew her as a member of a famous family and therefore may have had opinions and thoughts on her family. vic knows she’s luckily to not be the kid of like the golden trio or whatever but she’s the kid of a triwizard champion and one of the many ginger weasleys. there’s still this stigma that’s going to follow when you’re related to infamous people. and that’s uncomfortable. some snotty nose kid probably asked her if she’s a weasley “then why aren’t you a ginger?” channeling their karen smith. she probably had a tough time being a hufflepuff because no other cousins came before her and paved the way for “non-gryffindor weasleys”. that’s something she dealt with first and therefore was pretty insecure about at the beginning of first year.
she’s not a rambunctious or even a gregarious kid, so making friends wasn’t easy at first. it took a moment to get comfortable in her house and without family before she got over her social anxiety and made any friends. and she made solid ones, and they became the new people for her to nurture and ‘mom’. yes even at eleven she was being a fucking mom to people. she has one identity, it’s mom. wbk. it’s takes pretty special people to befriend the boring mom type who tries to convince everyone to abide by the rules and to not wander after curfew, or who chastises friends for eating too many bertie bott’s at once. and she was totally a bit of a drag. she’s responsible and practical and a good egg through and through - she’s not the one to suggest sneaking out after hours for any reason. she also doesn’t condone it, but she sure as hell is gonna go along when her friends insist. “someone’s gotta make sure you guys don’t get in trouble and cost us any points!” truth be told, she isn’t the best at being left out but I digress - a total bore but was willing to tag along bc peer pressure.
I want to say she mellowed out eventually but that’s not victoire. she grew out of the paranoia but was still just too responsible to be a part of all the trouble. I mean this girl was totally aiming to become a prefect once she learned about what they were her first year. and she was very dedicated to her academics and those house points. she also felt a responsibility to being a good role model. sure none of her little weasley-potters were at hogwarts yet, but she didn’t want to leave school with a reputation that could eventually get to them and give them the wrong idea of their elder. she wanted to leave behind a respectable legacy. sue her. that’s why she was a prefect for two years and head student her last - who else to keep her peers in line than the saintly mom of hufflepuff?
yes she was in quidditch, but just for a couple years. she really loved quidditch. the pitch is the only place she’s ever let loose and shown any sort of competitive or aggressive side. she wanted to be a chaser originally but found she had a skill with a bat so she ended up playing as hufflepuff’s beater for a handful of years. she’s not a dainty little thing, she’s always had upper body strength and quick reflexes. it surprised a lot of people then, and even now, to hear the warm and tender victoire played in a position that’s typically male-dominated and overly aggressive, but she takes a bit of pride in that. she didn’t last long, though, and that’s because of a couple reasons. she felt there were other extracurriculars that would prove more important to her future and stopped playing quidditch during her last couple years. but also she had a hard time having to hit the bludgers towards players on the rival team, and was known to call out apologies even if she didn’t hit them.
she was in a few clubs during her hogwarts years, ever enthusiastic to be involved. frog choir, s.p.e.w., art club, herbology club, charms, gobstones - you name it, she was likely a part of it at some point. spending several months cooped up in a castle 24/7 with barely any escape meant you needed to fill your time and vic was a busy body. it’s the only way she learned to socialize in a world without cousins and close family friends. of course some circles proved to be more socially acceptable than others - gobstones for one was always kind of the ‘loser’ club, truth be known. but victoire enjoyed learning things and engaging with people over their passions.
did not date. like ever. not properly anyway. I think she got asked out a fair amount. I think she struggles with saying no to people. but I think she never let things develop. as mentioned before, she feels like being part veela comes with the disadvantage of people being attracted to you without really knowing you, and so she had a tendency to always friendzone perspective lovers. she’s also....,,,,.,.......,,,,, kinda dense when it comes to romantic advances??? she’s not a romantic person herself - like yeah she wanted to settle down some day but she was never crazy about that stuff. she didn’t have these romantic notions about dating and stuff. did not have a wedding pinterest board (shocker). her first kiss was probably a total hack, like it probably happened in the common room at 1 am while playing spin the bottle with friends like second or third year or something. yah it took until hogwarts because she hardly socialized with kids her age before then. and I sincerely think this girl is entirely oblivious to anyone showing interest in her. so active teenage love life? sorry she doesn’t know her. she’s incredibly confused by her cousins/siblings who date at all as students. “don’t you guys have homework?” idk how this girl got married and had a baby tbh
she definitely had like rivals and people she didn’t get along with but let it be known that victoire weasley absolutely tried to win everyone over with fresh baked pastries because she struggles with animosity and has this need to at least be on civil terms with most of her peers. so she spent a lot of nights in the kitchens making single serving pies and brownies and what have you in order to buy her rivals’ civility. it didn’t work a lot of the time, but at least she had chocolate to handle the aftermath of any scathing remarks sent her way. girl cannot shit talk for her life okay? she can’t handle mean people. wbk.
she says she did great at all classes but that’s totally not true. barely passed divination and arithmancy - the latter kind of interesting considering she went on to do curse-breaking for gringott’s. but overall she was a strong student. she excelled at classes like charms, history of magic, study of ancient runes, and herbology in particular, but did study dada and potions at the newt level despite not being the best at them.
got detention once in fifth year for “supposedly” being part of the party inciting a food fight and dung bomb war in the great hall. to this day she claims her innocence and that she was merely “acting as a prefect attempting to stop things from going awry” and is forever bitter about that one blemish in her school career.
honestly debated becoming a professor bc she wanted to be there for all the cousins who didn’t overlap school with her (bc by my calculations only two of them did???) but also like how embarrassing would that have been?? imagine getting caught by your older cousin snogging in some empty class room or fornicating in a broom closet. victoire already nags from afar - imagine having a second mom to nag you at hogwarts. you’re welcome guys.
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arabvllas-blog · 6 years
          i don’t actually know how to write intros, i’d rather just kms but let’s give it a try anyway . . . also, disclaimer / i started writing this like three hours ago but right as i was getting to the good stuff my stomach did some freaky weird shit so i had to improvise the rest which is. . . messy, At Best ! but regardless, i hope you don’t judge me too much ? my name is zee, i’m 20 years old and i’m from the gmt timezone. i also use she/her pronouns. under the cut, i’ll be introducing you to ARABELLA HOWARD, who’s small, blonde, and troubled. sounds interesting ? then please give it a like and i’ll hop on your IMs so that we can plot something dramatic and juicy <3
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&. 【 is that OLIVIA HOLT ? oh, never mind, it’s just ARABELLA HOWARD. the CIS FEMALE originally from GRANDVIEW. SHE is majoring in FINANCE and is TWENTY years old. i also hear they’re INCISIVE, yet sometimes PITILESS. they apparently told detective’s they were ava’s TUTOR. i have a feeling there’s more to the story than that !
tw: abuse mention b a c k s t o r y : 
arabella elise howard was born to a fairytale — her mother had been a professor with her round glasses hidden by stacks of books, while her father lived life without a worry, flying from country to country and enjoying the best money could buy. it didn’t make sense for their paths to cross, and it didn’t make sense for matthew howard to fall head over heels for the shy yet headstrong theresa wayne, but they did ; he did. and soon enough, he was whispering loving words to a big belly that housed the very product of their love.
but perhaps because it all seemed too good to be true, their happiness was short-lived. on the eve of arabella’s 3rd birthday, matthew’s car skidded along the icy roads, ending the couple’s life. too young to even notice their absence, arabella was handed over to her mother’s sister — she was a toddler reaching aimlessly for the same head of blonde hair that she’d known since birth. except this one wasn’t as kind, and surely not as loving.
leila wayne had loved her little sister, and had taken care of her when their senile parents couldn’t. growing up, there wasn’t one without the other. theresa was leila’s pride, the one wayne that would succeed and remember her big sister on the way up. that was until matthew barged in, corrupting her sibling, feeding her lies and stealing her away across the country. there wasn’t a day that went by that leila was sure theresa would still be alive if not for that man. him and his lies, convincing theresa that leila was too controlling, too obsessed, that she wanted her little sister to stay in the gutter with her.
the more she looked at arabella, and those dark eyes she’d inherited from her father, the more hatred festered in leila’s heart. she was the only living family that could take care of the orphaned howard child; how ironic.
growing up, arabella was almost fooled into thinking her home life was normal. the screaming at every mistake, the poor dinner comprised of day-old takeouts, the wasted mattress on the corner of the room that she curled into, whimpering as the lights went off and leila locked the door for the night. but still, some part of her knew deep down, that she had once known more; known better. and it was those blurry dreams of loving hugs and white-teeth smiles that kept the child, then teenager, alive.  
after here i got sick so bear with me as i try to complete this fajsidas
she was often alone for most part of her teenage years, burying herself in whatever books she got at the school library. because she couldn’t relate to the rest of the peers her age, arabella focused all her attention towards studying and making sure she could one day get as far away from her aunt as possible. she got a competitive streak, often harboring anger and envy towards anyone that got a better grade than her, though it meant she was always pushing herself to do better — but not always better for her, but better than them.
teachers and counselors often considered arabella as a rare gem, supporting her all the way to college applications and assuring her there was no way she wouldn’t get a scholarship with her record. so it was really a slap to the face when everyone started getting acceptance letters but her. until she discovered them ripped apart and half burnt in the trash, courtesy of leila. when confronted, the older woman claimed she was just like her mother. so eager to get away, to act like she was a monster they had to run from. but she refused to let arabella leave, like theresa had. ( i’m sure there would be a way to reverse this but idk enough about american education so let’s just go w it for the sake of the story). it was a tipping point, the last drop of water that would send the vase tipping over. that night, arabella locked her aunt in the same room she had spent her childhood in, lights turned off, the only sound the faint rumble of cars passing by. no matter how much the woman yelled, slammed, begged, she turned her back and packed the little she had been given. two days later, as the cab driver hauled up her luggage in the trunk, arabella unlocked the door to a passed out and starving leila, and left without saying goodbye.
she ended up going to her last choice aka grandview, while living alone in her little shoebox apt that was all hers, with lots of light. and when the opportunity actually came to attend oakridge, arabella was the first to take it. while it wasn’t her dream college, it was still a prestigious one, and since ridding herself of the dead weight in her life, she’d started planning to rise as far as they would let her go. far enough that the whispers in the dark couldn’t get to her.
p e r s o n a l i t y and t i d b i t s : 
very self-centered, only ever concerned about her and what happens to her and will this affect her ? really the last person to go to if you want someone to listen… that one girl that zones out when someone starts monologuing and comes back only when her name is mentioned. has a hard time feeling sympathy, especially if you’re rich.
always overthinks her words and waits 5 seconds before speaking to make sure it’s exactly what she wants to say and if it’s something bitchy then that’s just the way it is. but she’s more reserved than outgoing, so if she does say smth mean you just really asked for it. or it’s finals time. 
driven and dedicated about her academics…. like obviously they all are but she’s a freak about it. i’m talking redbull intoxication feat. one of those pinterest pics of like a bunch of coffee cups just laying around like someone’s got time to spare. if she’s not studying, she’s reading…. likes classics but also occasionally reads NA in the middle of the night because no one will ever know.
is very scared of the dark. can’t sleep without a light on, or two on very hard days. once in highschool some kids decided to prank the teacher and turn off all lights and blinds in the classroom and she had a panic attack that led them all to detention. it was a very rough year, kids are cruel.
tutored ava for a while in english because it meant some cash on the side, but was about to quit before she died simply because ava was getting better grades and that was really a bitch ass of a situation. her first reaction when she heard of her death was that at least she didn’t have to have an awkward conversation with her about it. . . but then she was a shocked and a little sad, i promise. well, i don’t promise promise but. . .
majors in finance, hates it. she was definitely going for a english major but realistically decided it wasn’t worth putting herself in debt for it ( no offense for any english majors. ) doesn’t actually know what she wants to do with her life after she graduates. she only knows how to be a student, not an actual working woman. 
in summary, arabella elise howard is a broke, over-achieving, cold twenty year old who’s only 5′3 and thinks she can still be intimidating.
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10 Common Mistakes New Affiliate Marketers Make
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Going From Noob To SpammerNot Having A Digital HomebaseNot Modeling What WorksTrying Everything At OnceNot Tracking Your ProgressNot Setting GoalsGetting Distracted Being Scared To Spend MoneyPutting Sales First Promoting The Wrong Stuff
1. Going From Noob To Spammer
The business model for affiliate marketing is basically suggesting or promoting products or services and getting paid a commission when people purchase through your affiliate links. When people first discover this there is a very common tendency for them to spread their affiliate links all over the Internet. I understand this because I made the same mistake. I thought if I have more links in more locations the chances of me getting a commission will increase. Unfortunately it just doesn’t work like that. Spreading affiliate links without providing any value has a very low conversion rate. On top of the fact that it doesn’t convert very well this strategy also reduces your credibility. The average person uses the Internet every day and they can tell the difference between helpful information and spam in a matter of seconds. If you want to be successful at affiliate marketing I recommend creating unique and helpful content that you can add related affiliate links to. The strategy has a much higher conversion rate than just spamming links.
2. Not Having A Digital Homebase
When I started trying to be an affiliate marketer I was on a shoe string budget so I didn’t want to spend money on anything. I started every type of social media account and spammed like crazy. Doing this did nothing to create trust between me and my prospects. It also took a lot of time and effort and yielded nothing as a result. Not only was this a very unsuccessful tactic most social media platforms won’t allow you to post direct affiliate links and will actively block them. Creating a homebase on the Internet can solve a lot of these problems. Your homebase could be a website, a blog or even a YouTube channel. It just needs to be a chunk of Internet real estate where you can brand yourself, share content, and earn trust. After that, then you can recommend products or services.
3. Not Modeling What Works
I have to admit this mistake has stolen more time and effort than any other mistake. I thought I could figure it all out on my own. I spent years testing this and trying that hoping I would discover a new and innovative way to be an affiliate marketer. If I had simply spent a fraction of that time studying how others have managed to become successful at affiliate marketing I would have been much better off. If others have found a way to be successful affiliate marketers there is nothing wrong with modeling what they have done. I am not saying copy or steal others work! I am saying you should model successful strategies because they been show to work for others. If you would like to learn more about the tactics and strategies I use as an affiliate marketer check out my 7 day $7 course - Affiliate Marketing Jumpstart Week. The link for this online course is below. https://yourhelpfulaffiliate.com/courses/affiliate-marketing-jumpstart-week/
4. Trying Everything At Once
Making money online can be a bit like being a kid in a candy store. Every strategy seems appealing at first glance so you just wanna try a little bit of everything. When I started trying to make money online I jumped from referral programs, to drop shipping, to MLM, to affiliate marketing and never really nailed down any of them. I recommend picking one and sticking with it until you see success. Because if you can’t be successful with just one of them what makes you think you’ll be successful trying to do all of them at once. Now this blog is specifically about affiliate marketing. And you can fall into the same type of trap picking affiliate programs. There are a lot of affiliate programs out there. That does not mean you have to sign up for every one. Trying to manage and promote to many affiliate programs can quickly lead to disorganization and confusion. It can become very difficult to track and keep up with this amount of information. This is why I recommend doing a good amount of research before you pick what affiliate programs you will become a member of and start promoting. It’s much easier to keep track of a small number of affiliate programs that you have researched and understand. Honestly I still have trouble with this mistake. Every time I discover a new affiliate program I am always tempted to sign up for it. This is something I’m actively working on getting better at. At this point I don’t actually know how many affiliate programs I am a member of and that’s not good. You want to have a number that’s manageable that way you can actually track your progress.
5. Not Tracking Your Progress
This can be an easy mistake to make. A lot of new affiliate marketers don’t think about what kind of data they should be keeping track of. Creating a simple Excel sheet to help you keep track of your important data is a good way to remedy this mistake. Simply decide how often you’d like to keep track of specific data points and then keep track of them. Examples of the type of data you should pay attention to are- Business costsWebsite visitorsAffiliate link clicksConversionsIncomeHours workedConversion rateWebsite bounce rateMost popular content Keeping track of this type of data and how it changes as you progress can help you understand what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong. I spent years without paying attention to any of this information. This mistake left me without an understanding of how my business was actually performing. It also becomes much easier to actively attempt to improve, for example, your conversion rate if you know what it has been and what it is now.
6. Not Setting Goals
Goals can be in incredibly powerful tool to help you move toward success. However most new affiliate marketers don’t set goals for themselves. I highly recommend setting goals that seem easy to complete in the beginning. As you become more and more successful you should increase the difficulty of the goals you set. Doing this will help push you towards success and help youKeep track of what you actually need to do.
7. Getting Distracted
We are only human and distractions are everywhere. If you actually want to be successful as an affiliate marketer you need to learn how to be your own boss. That means developing self discipline and time management. This also means learning to actively deny yourself from being distracted. The more time you focus on actually working on your business the sooner you will become successful. For me this meant giving up video games and spending the time I would have been playing them working on my business. You would be surprised how much “spare” time you can create by actively removing distractions.
8. Being Scared To Spend Money
I’m sure you have heard this saying. “You have to spend money to make money.”- Unknown This does not mean you have to spend thousands of dollars to be successful. What it does mean is if you are afraid to invest in your own business it’s not a real business. I tried to do affiliate marketing with spending any money for years with no success. When I finally decided to invest in myself and my business everything changed. It just became more real. I had skin in the game and needed to see a return on my investment. This made me work harder and smarter towards that end. If you don’t take your business seriously why should anyone else? Investing in the creation of a website can have a huge effect on the future success of your affiliate marketing business. This is one of the biggest and best decisions I have made for my business and I only wish I had done it sooner. The second best investment I have made for my business was in an online course. There are many online courses that say they will show you how to make money online. I think I have found the best one! This online course is unlike anything else out there. It is taught by two guys who have been successfully make money online for over a decade. They don’t use tricks or deception. They will show you how to create a successful online business of your own using affiliate marketing in just 24 months. To learn more about this course check out the links below. https://yourhelpfulaffiliate.com/project-24-what-you-should-know-before-you-sign-up/ https://yourhelpfulaffiliate.com/what-the-heck-is-project-24-the-best-make-money-online-course-ive-ever-found/ https://yourhelpfulaffiliate.com/income-schools-project24-day-1/
9. Putting Sales First
I get it. You want to make money, but if you make that your number one priority people will see through it right away. Your content will be spammy and not useful to anyone. Focus first on a problem you can help people solve and actually be helpful. This will help you gain trust and people buy from people they trust. I constantly see new affiliate marketers complaining about how it is to hard. It’s because of this very mistake. They have their eyes on the finish line but have missed to start.
10. Promoting The Wrong Stuff
Many new affiliate marketers often choose affiliate programs based on the commission that is paid per sale. I personally feel like this is foolish. When you pick your affiliate programs I suggest picking products and services you know something about. It’s even better if you have used them yourself. People are actively looking for reviews and comparisons. If you have personal experience with the products or services you are promoting your content will be ten times as valuable.
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crossfit416 · 7 years
New Post has been published on CrossFit 416
416Life Team: Meet Emilie Trottier
Emilie Trottier is our Registered Dietician at 416Life. All 416Life new members will book an initial consultation with Emilie to review current lifestyle choices, goals etc. which will give Emilie the information she needs to provide you with your initial macronutrients. To book your consultation with Emilie and become a member of 416Life, Click HERE!
Who are you and where are you from?
Name’s Emilie Trottier (it’s French) and I’ve lived in Toronto for almost a decade. I’m originally from a small town in Northern Ontario called Haileybury. Google it! She far.
What are your favourite types of activity? Least favourite?
Favourite types of physical activity are of course crossfit, running (I used to run long distance), and summer sports like beach volleyball. Least favourite activities involve certain team sports that I never tried much at and am inherently bad at like baseball and rugby. Don’t ask me to be on your team, you’ll regret it!
What do you do when you’re not working or working out?
I don’t do well lying around or relaxing, so I always have something on the go. Other than working as a dietitian, most of my time is spent keeping busy researching my next travel plans, dinner dates with friends, studying for some kind of nutrition-related certification, and preparing for my wedding in the fall. I love when I find time to casually sit with a book and read. Those moments are so satisfying, yet far and few between!
Did you always know you wanted to be a dietitian? What was the plan before this?
When I first discovered marine biology back in say Grade 1 I thought that was what I wanted to do. Until I realized it didn’t involve just swimming with dolphins. But also, I hated physics and that was a prerequisite. My family owned grocery stores up north, so I grew up around food. I danced competitively and played sports (not baseball) growing up so nutrition was important. Once I made the connection between food and nutrition it was a natural fit.
  Where do you find healthy recipes?
I take a lot of recipes from other dietitians or on pinterest and adapt it to my own preferences. I often find the fat content is a bit higher than what I need so I’ll adjust them slightly by reducing the oil or choosing a lower fat cheese for example.
Three foods I couldn’t live without – natural crunchy peanut butter, grainy bakery bread, and probably a fruit like banana. I tend to eat all three of these foods daily in some capacity. Sometimes more than once!
How long have you been flexible dieting?
I started honing in on my eating once I finished my post grad and was able to maintain a bit more of a steady schedule, about 5 years ago. Over the last two years I have been able to be more flexible with my eating since I’m able to plan my food for the day without having o track all the time as it’s become natural.
What’s the main positive thing you notice about living a flexible lifestyle?
What I love (and also talk about with my clients) is the ability to eat what you enjoy. It takes away the restrictions and rules traditional diets follow, which is the reason why they often fail. It’s about eating real food to support your personal goals, whatever they may be.
How can you help a new client feel comfortable starting 416Life?
Embarking into a program that is heavily focused on someone’s eating habits is very personal, I get it. We respect that and never take your relationship with food for granted. Food is everything. It’s emotional, it’s physical, it’s spiritual, it’s environmental. This program isn’t just about giving you a diet plan, it’s so much more than that because we account for all aspects that relate to food. Robyn and I strive to make this program work specifically for you.
Any words of wisdom?
Don’t stress the small stuff. You will NEVER eat a perfect diet forever, nor should you. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Happy and healthy can exist on the same platform.
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bellagbear · 7 years
Every month there will be an update of all the  projects I’ve worked on that month. If I am really amazing this update will be on the 20th. These updates are meant to keep you lovely people up to date with everything I do, well everything craft related you don’t need to know about my cleaning schedule. In this way there will be regular updates and it saves you waiting for blog posts about finished artwork, because I am seriously behind writing those. Also an update like this will prevents any more projects to fall in such a sorry state as the endeavours in the UFO post, because the whole world will know about them. If any of the artworks grabs your particular attention, let me know. In that case I will make extra sure to keep working on that particular one!
The next few months I want to dedicate myself to practising techniques and finishing old projects.  This is good for me because I see my creativity grow when I know how more things work. In that way learning new techniques is a way to open up my mind to new possibilities. This month already I learned a ton of new stuff! So awesome. Here are my exploits of this month:
English paper piercing experiment: fish
In olden times the ‘English paper piercing quilt’ technique was a way to use old scraps of fabric in order to not waste anything. Usually that was done in easy shapes such as a hexagon. Of course I thought that a new technique was exactly the right moment to challenge myself, so I went with an Escher-inspired fish design I found online. Precision is key when you want to make an English quilt so I decided to transfer the patterns to a piece of plastic I had laying around. This is in accordance with the olden day practise of using materials with no other purpose than cluttering up your living space. On the plastic I numbered every piece, so when I assemble everything in that order it would fit, no matter how crooked the separate pieces are, at least that is the theory. I will let you know if that actually worked. This technique is very calming because you are basically wrapping pieces of plastic in fabric.
Pattern I used as inspiration
The numbered pieces
Quilt pattern: star of the orient by Judy Martin
For this one first I have to confess a crime (I think at least it is): I did not purchase this pattern. I found it on Pinterest and loved the shape so much I had to know how to make it. So I stared at it for a long time, and was completely buggered because I had no idea how to achieve this quilting magic.  I also asked my mother, who has years of quilting experience, and she did not understand it as well. Eventually I decided to join some quilting Facebook groups and go ask it there. And can you imagine! The first thing I saw on one of those groups was someone asking exactly the same question as I had.
It turned out there are two ways to make this pattern: either with paper piercing (the kind with paper on the back), or with the use of partial seams. Neither of them I had any experience with. However, after some youtube research, I decided to go for the partial seam technique. I preferred that one because it leaves all the pieces of the star intact, which gives it more the rotating look this pattern has. See and compare for yourself:
‘Star of the orient’ pattern by Judy Martin
‘Spinning star’ pattern by Paula Storm
For this pattern I decided to use some old trouser fabric. That was a bit of a challenge, because fabric like that is usually really though, however I loved how the colours looked, so I had to use it. The partial seam technique is really lovely and I am already thinking of other ways to use it, so this was definitelystar of the successful practise.
Star of the orient (Pattern: Judy Martin)
The example on the left uses the paper piercing technique by Paula Storm and is called ‘Spinning star’. There is a tutorial on her website. The example on the right, the one I used, is ‘the star of the orient’, using the partial seam technique by Judy Martin. If you want to buy it, you can do it with this link.
For the rest of the month I have been into embroidery a lot. I got it into my head that it would be very awesome to use embroidery pieces in a bag or on clothing. This seems an ideal way to use very old school things in a novel way. Currently I am making embroidery myself and scavenging finished ones from second hand stores (see photo banner?). Embroidery helps me to relax, which is good because I am also busy with  a critical stage of my studies. Below you see some of the projects I’ve worked on:
Boat embroidery
Swearing embroidery
With the boat I tried to be creative about the techniques I used to practise and see what the possibilities of embroidery are. In the swearing embroidery below I plan to do the same. The swearing one is even more calming that regular embroidery projects. There is a profound quit to be found in calmly stitching profanities in bright colours. I base this work on a swearing colour page found online.
First attempt at clothes with a pattern
Sooooo many mistakes in this one, but I am also proud because there are also so many pretty things I did I am in awn with. Not sure if this skirt is wearable, but at least I learned a lot and it looks more or less like the pattern! And yes the picture is deliberately vague, because I am too self-conscious about the finished skirt.
First attempt at a skirt
This was all this month my lovelies! See you in the next.
Monthly update: May 2017 Every month there will be an update of all the  projects I’ve worked on that month. If I am really amazing this update will be on the 20th.
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