#and I gave Darius a purple car
untitled-toh-blog · 2 years
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I don't draw fanart very often, because I'm frankly not very good at it and one drawing ends up taking me forever... but I'm just so in love with @soldrawss Dadrius fic that I had to try something!
(Based on this incredible first chapter!)
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Hell to Pay: Part Fifty-Four
cowritten by @lux-scriptum
The body of the demon Cameron dumped on Cyrus’ floor made a solid thunk. Cyrus winced, but leaned forward out of instinct. Only one of the demon’s eyes was able to open, but the glittering purple was enough to reassure Cyrus that he was indeed still alive. Cyrus chose to look up at Cameron instead, mouth thinning despite his best efforts.
“Is this the sacrifice?” Cyrus asked, despite knowing the answer.
“Do I need to be the one to kill him for this to work?”
Stifling a sigh, Cyrus shook his head. “No,” he promised, reaching for the candles strategically set out. They sprang to life, but even that didn’t ease the amount of magic he had roiling under his skin. He’d been hoarding it for weeks, and supplementing with what he could only really equate to magic energy drinks. It felt like he was seconds away from splitting at the seams and deflating without the magic to hold him up. “But I think I need some of your blood. Just to tie it to him and make sure the spell takes hold in him, not you.”
Cameron took a thin switchblade from his pocket and sliced precisely across his palm. Black blood welled instantly, suggesting he cut deep. “Figured as much. Take what you need.”
“Do you have the ashes?” Cyrus asked, knowing and not caring there was an edge to his voice as he snatched up a cup to catch the blood. It took only a little magic to close the cut on Cameron’s hand with a golden flash. “I think after that we’re ready as we’ll ever be.”
While Cameron left to retrieve the urn, Cyrus went to work, muttering the spells he needed. Where the blood was smeared on the demon, it soaked in and disappeared. As Cameron returned, Cyrus could see the brown hair of the prone figure before him slowly start to morph closer to white.
“With your blood, I was able to shift him into... you,” Cyrus explained as he took the ashes. Cameron hadn’t looked perturbed, but Cyrus felt the need to explain anyway. “Even though... I’m sorry, what is his name?”
“That’s not important.”
Cyrus waitied, folding his hands over the urn patiently. “I want his name.”
“Consider it payment for casting the spell. I never specified my price, but I want to know the name of the demon I’m killing for you. I have to live with his death, whatever he has done.”
Cameron raised a brow, staring him down. Eventually he said, “Sage.”
Cyrus nodded. By this point the demon had fully morphed into an exact likeness of Cameron. Albeit, a very battered looking Cameron. “Even though Sage will be dying in your place, it’s still a body that is... you. It’s cheating in spirit, but Asmi has promised to fill in the gaps to make sure the spell succeeds.”
Cameron gave a thin smile. “I’m sure they’ll be glad to fill the gaps. Angels always are happy to do so.”
“They’re a god, not an angel,” Cyrus muttered, before calling out for Darius, giving a tug with his magic to let the ghost know they were ready.
Darius materialized not a moment later, looking unruffled and determined. “Hello, Cyrus.”
“Are you ready?” Cyrus asked. “We are if this is still what you want to do.”
“It is,” Darius said. He was quiet for a heartbeat. “Will it hurt?”
“It didn’t hurt Levant,” Cyrus said. “This should be the same.” He offered a smile. “Just try not to linger on the other side for three days, and you should be just fine.”
“I will do my best,” Darius said, offering his own smile. He looked at the urn in Cyrus’ hands. “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt pain. Or much of anything else.” He looked back up to Cyrus’ eyes. “Thank you, Cyrus.”
Cyrus only smiled a little, and went to work. It was still a complex spell, and he wove his magic into each word, until his voice was hoarse and his hands shook. Sage’s body slowly disintegrated before them. Without a physical magic to help even out his, the sparks of raw magic fell from his fingertips visibly. Bit by bit, they replaced where Sage had been until a very real Darius lay on the floor instead.
Darius’ golden eyes flickering open was the last thing Cyrus saw before his own rolled back and he toppled to the side.
Cameron watched from his spot as Cyrus crumpled into the floor. He was well aware the witch’s heart was still beating, even if his nose was bleeding steadily. He stepped over Cyrus’ body and knelt next to Darius.
Even if Darius’ brown skin was currently leeched of its warmth, he was still him, still physical and now breathing. And now staring up at him unblinkingly. Even though Cameron was pulling his suit jacket off to cover Darius’ naked frame. “I have clothes for you in the car,” he said. “I didn’t have anything from before, so I had some made.”
Darius opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it, frowning. Instead he took Cameron’s hand into his icy ones. Cameron’s entire body flinched when Darius kissed the top of his hand, almost in a thank you.
“Well,” Cameron said, tersely. “It was the least I could do. I’ll get the witch’s mate.” He slipped his hand from Darius’ and pulled out his phone to send a text, telling the demon to come collect Cyrus and put him to bed. He looked down at Darius, despite the blood pounding in his head. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”
Not that he could.
And it certainly seemed like an amusing thing for Cameron to say by the look on Darius’ face.
He ignored it and disappeared back to his car for the clothes he promised. By the time he got himself back inside, Darius had moved himself into a sitting position, or was trying. “I thought I told you to not move,” Cameron said, flatly, already moving to help sit him up.
Darius patted Cameron’s arm, as if he were trying to humor Cameron. Cameron ignored the suggestion that this was humorous in any way and carefully moved in front of Darius to begin putting clothes on him. “Are you cold?
When Darius shrugged, Cameron sighed irritably. “I see five hundred years in limbo hasn’t taught you how to give yes or no answers.”
Cameron moved to pick Darius up and set him on the couch. He grabbed the few throw blankets available and wrapped Darius up tight, remembering how Lev complained about being cold.
Sorin eventually popped into the house, looking flustered and anxious. Cameron and Darius both watched mildly as he fussed over Cyrus’ limp body.
It was that inopportune time that his phone decided to start buzzing. He had let it go to voicemail twice before answering Ash the third time.
“What the fuck did you do?” Ash said, sounding like he was in tremendous pain.
“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” Cameron said, indifferently, watching Darius.
Darius frowned, but Cameron just looked away as Ash laid into him, giving a few rather choice words about whatever it is Ash ranted and raved about. “I can’t see and I can’t access any of my magic, Cameron. So I ask, what the fuck did you do?”
He wasn’t sure that he had been expecting exactly that, but considering Asmi, and how they are the god to the angels, this was something on brand for the angels. “I gave Lev what he wanted.”
“You gave Lev-” the phone thudded and Cameron could hear Ash yelling at Lev from wherever he was.
Cameron waited a few moments to see if the idiot would pick his phone back up but when he didn’t he decidedly hung up and turned his focus back to the scene in front of him.
Sorin had Cyrus’ head in his lap and was trying to clean the blood. “Cyrus wasn’t sure if you were staying or not,” he said, distractedly. “So he had the guest room set up.”
Cameron looked to Darius, who was already staring at him expectantly. He frowned. “I should… probably let you stay here for a day or two. I need to talk to Nik.”
Darius nodded.
Cameron had completely spaced it off. He’d kick himself later for it, but he had to get Nik’s overreaction out of the way before he brought back someone who was just dead for five hundred years. Last thing he needed was Darius to get sick or for Nik to burst a blood vessel yelling at him because he brought someone home he didn’t expect.
Cameron got up from the couch and swatted Sorin’s hands away before hauling Cyrus over his shoulder and began carrying him back towards their bedroom. “And they called you a soldier.”
Sorin rightfully didn’t say anything and went back to Cyrus’ side when Cameron carefully placed him on the bed. He propped pillows to help with blood flow and left Sorin there to fuss while he tended to Darius.
Nik and Lev had spent the last hour or so putting the gifts from the babyshower away.. There were so many and if it hadn’t been for his belly, it was the gifts and the nursery itself that made it feel real. That he was in fact having a baby.
That was if the kid managed to survive whatever hell Amara and the witch had unleashed on the demonic lands.
He held onto a soft blue and white baby blanket Nate had brought for the baby. “I’m not really doing the right thing, am I?”
“It doesn’t take a genius, Nik,” Ash said, from the doorway. “But I already told you I’d do my best to help keep the baby healthy.”
Nik side glanced Lev, who looked a little saddened. “It might be best for the baby,” Lev said, quietly. “I don’t want to lose either of you.”
Nik looked back down at the blanket, and ran his fingers across one of the thick blue stripes. “I don't want to leave you and Cameron. I also don’t want to deal with Papi. Last thing I need is him breathing down my neck.”
“Could Bay and Nate keep him away from you?” Lev asked. “Or Ash? I don’t want him anywhere near you. You’re ours.”
“I’m sure both Bay and Nate would be more than glad to keep Az’ril away from Nik so he can incubate in peace,” Ash said.
Nik rolled his eyes. “You exhaust me.”
“Yeah, well, next time I tell you to do something, maybe you should do it,” Ash replied, unfazed.
Lev touched Nik’s shoulder. “It wouldn’t be forever.”
Nik sighed. “I’ll… think about it.”
Lev opened his mouth as if to say something, but instead choked on nothing at all and doubled over.
“Lev?” Nik said, putting a hand on Lev’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?” At nearly the same time, Ash crumpled to the ground, pain twisting his face. “Ash- whats going on?”
His voice was rising as Lev heaved, puking black nothing onto the floor, where it slowly faded away. “Will someone fucking answer me?”
Ash’s breath was shallow, and he wheezed in pain, but not before Celeste appeared in the doorway with Dakota in her arms. “Nik, take him,” she ordered, moving to check on Lev.
Dakota was luckily sleeping in Nik’s arms, but he still watched in horror as Lev seemed to be dispelling his own magic.
“Nik,” Ash rasped, “Grab my phone. Right now.”
Nik hurried to grab the phone from Ash’s room, finding it on a desk, and returned as quickly as he could while not waking the baby. “Here.”
The bright green in Ash’s eyes was fading in and out, and Nik could see bruises peeking out from under his shirt. Nik knew enough that it meant that Ash had used far too much magic and it was now burning him nearly from the inside out.
He swiped it from Nik’s hand. It was nearly half a minute before Ash managed to get someone on the other line. ““What the fuck did you do?” Ash snarled.
Rage whitened Ash’s face. “I can’t see and I can’t access any of my magic, Cameron. So I ask, what the fuck did you do?”
Ash froze, head snapping up. “You gave Lev-”
He dropped his phone and tried getting up to his feet, even when in searing blinding pain. “What was that fucking bargain you made with Asmi?” Ash yelled. “And why the fuck did you rope me into it?”
Ash’s mouth snapped shut when Celeste whipped her head in his direction. “You shut your mouth right now, Ashwyn. You are not helping.”
“I don’t know,” Lev croaked. “I said I’d help take the punishment if necromancy was practiced again, but I was supposed to be the only one anyway.”
“Well someone clearly didn’t get the memo,” Ash bit out. “And now I can’t access any of my magic, including the magic that I was using to keep Nik’s baby healthy.”
Nik’s head went very quiet and he went to pick the phone up. But unsurprisingly Cameron had ended the call.
He pulled out his own phone.
Nik: where are you
It was a moment before Cameron finally deigned to answer.
Cameron: I’m at the witch’s house. I was going to call you in a minute.
Nik: sure you were. Why the hell are you performing necromancy???
Cameron: It was something that needed done. And Lev had asked for Darius, so that’s what I’m doing.
Anger sizzled through Nik’s blood and he threw his phone across the room. “Great.”
“I’ll talk to Asmi,” Ash said, using the crib to hold himself up. “I have an inkling they're behind this."
It was only after Cameron got Darius settled in the guest room did Darius ask him for something to write with; Merely a scribble on his hand.
Cameron nodded slowly and went towards the witch's bedroom and leveled a single knock before opening the door. "Where are your writing utensils?"
Sorin was in his demonic form, watching Cyrus for a moment before climbing down from the bed and leading him back towards the office.
There was a sense of a chaotic, but methodical organization that Cameron could make out. Clearly the witch wasn't able to keep his work space clean. Either that or he didn't consider it important enough.
Sorin jumped on the desk, a few papers falling to the floor, as he picked his way across it. He poked around for several moments before sitting on the edge on the left side, draping his tail over the edge until he could grab it with his fluffy orange-striped tail and pull that open. Inside was a supply of pens and sticky notes of varying sizes.
Without prompting, Cameron reached for a pen and one of the larger pads of sticky notes and headed back to the bedroom. Darius was exactly where Cameron had left him, and was watching him very closely. He put the pen and notes in Darius’ extended hand. “Can you still write?”
Darius rose a brow, but looked down at the pad of paper for a few moments before very carefully writing: You should call home and talk to Nik.
“Why don’t you go ahead and tell me that and I will.”
Darius’ brows furrowed, and he looked down once more only to write: :/
Cameron sighed internally. “Alright,” he said, fishing out his phone once more, even if he detested phones. “Have your way.” He rolled his eyes at the smile he got in return for his troubles and decided to FaceTime Nik and get this over with.
It took nearly five minutes of continuous calling before Nik answered. He looked every bit annoyed and angry as Cameron expected. “Oh well, thank you for gracing me with your presence, Cameron.”
“You’re welcome,” Cameron replied, mildly.
“So were you going to just bring home your dead ex-boyfriend and expect us to welcome him in with open arms, or...?”
“He was never my boyfriend,” Cameron said. “That implies I ever agreed to date him.”
“Oh right,” Nik snapped, “just like you’re not my boyfriend, right?”
Cameron ignored that. “It was not my intention to not tell you,” he said. “It just never crossed my mind.”
“It didn’t cross your mind while you went behind my back?”
“I haven’t thought about Darius in over five hundred years,” Cameron said, “and you have also been rather busy being pregnant and miserable, so no, it never really crossed my mind to tell you upsetting news.”
Nik’s eyes narrowed. “Whatever. So is he just going to be living with us, or are you just gonna pick right back off where you left off? Do I need to, you know, pack my bags and go back home now that you have your original model back?”
“I have no intention of making you go anywhere you do not wish to go. If you choose to go back to Liwen, that is solely your choice and yours alone. Everything will remain the same unless you make it so.”
“Yeah right.”
“He will remain with us until he is able to live and move on his own without any assistance. After that, he is free to move about and out just as you are. Nothing changes, Nik. I am mated to you and you alone.”
Nik’s lips thinned. “Fine. When are you going to be home, because I’m hungry. Or are you giving me permission to cook?”
Cameron’s nostrils flared. He did not want Nik cooking in his kitchen. The absolute mess Nik makes no matter how much he tries to not make a mess makes Cameron’s skin crawl. “We will not be back until tomorrow morning,” he said after a moment of internal debate. “So yes, you may cook. Make Lev clean up after you, if you must.”
That at least got a smile from him- though it was sharp and pointed enough Cameron knew well enough that Nik was going to make a mess of his kitchen on purpose.
tagging:  @incandescent-creativity @solangelo3088 @lil-miss-red @halstudies @littleyellowdinosaur @caelisis @idreamonpaper
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ren1327 · 4 years
Pretty Boy Ch. 5
Kenji returned the next morning and noticed Ben wasn’t there.
“Hey, is he sick?” Kenji asked, worried.
“No! No.” Sammy said. “You’re early is all. He and Yaz have been doing…yoga.”
Kenji nearly salivated at the idea of Ben bending this way and that.
“Yup.” She lied and thought back to Monday morning.
 Five days ago…
 “What?” Yaz asked.
Ben was blushing fiercely.
“Please teach me to dance.” He said. “By Saturday night?”
Yaz’s hair was done in a high ponytail and she had just finished stretching, practicing ballet to help with her flexibility.
Sammy sat on a cushioned bench in the observation area of the dance studio. “Please, Honey? He’s got a hot mess of a date at Blue tonight.”
“You don’t sound happy, Love.” Yaz said.
“I’m not. But Ben really wants to impress him.”
Yaz looked at her girlfriend’s puppy eyes and looked back at Ben.
“Fine. There’s extra yoga pants and a tank top in my bag that should fit you. Get changed and we can start some basic moves.”
Ben ran off with the black clothing to the changing rooms as Yaz sat next to Sammy.
“Kenji Kon?” She asked.
“Yup.” Sammy said. “They disappeared the other night and I’m…worried.”
“You know it wasn’t anything special. With me.” She said.
“He just dumped you!” She yelled.
“It was mutual, actually.” Yaz said. “He didn’t feel that spark and I learned I prefer cute women.”
Sammy grumbled a bit and Yaz cupped her chin, pulling her into a kiss.
“Besides. Kenji never asks for a date to meet his friends.”
“Omigosh, you’re right!” Sammy said excitedly. “Could this mean…?”
“Maybe. If it is…well, you better say bye to cute innocent Ben.” She said.
“What does that mean?” Sammy asked.
“Oh, Sam~” She cooed. “Don’t tell me you haven’t ever wanted to push it for a crush.”
“I did.” Sammy said and smiled shyly, Ben coming out of the changing rooms with a determined look on his face.
“Okay Ben.” Yaz said. “I’m going to teach you how to seduce your date in one song.”
“Wh-what does that entail?” He asked.
“Confidence, little bean.” She said and started a song. “You’re going to learn to dance to this song. I’ll make sure it’s played, but you. You need to grab Kon by the throat with your pretty face and hypnotize him with your body.”
“I don’t think I have that kind of confidence.” Ben said with a gulp.
Yaz patted his shoulder. “Yes you do. We just gotta dig deep and coax it out to play.”
Ben smiled at her as Sammy got up and joined them.
“Let’s do this all together.” She said with a bright smile. “Then we can work on improve if we need to.”
Yaz smiled at her girlfriend. “Okay you two. Let’s have some fun.”
Ben nodded and put his hands on his hips.
 Ben came in with a smile and waved at Kenji. Kenji handed him the thermos.
“Dad loved it.”
“And you?” Ben asked, big eyes gazing up at Kenji.
“I love yo—it! I love it!”
Ben’s eyes became impossibly wide and he turned, running into the counter and squeaking out a sorry as he put the thermos in the sink.
“I’m glad! I glad your Dad loves it. That you love…it…” He said, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
Kenji moved closer and took his hand from over the counter, looking into his eyes.
“I do.”
Ben smiled and bit his lip. “I have a carob banana shake you can try before you go work out.”
“Let me at it.” Kenji said as Sammy smirked and texted Yaz about how impossible these two were around each other.
 “Okay. I’m good right?” Kenji asked Dave as he exited his car. “I look good?”
He was in a tight thin blue sweater with black slacks and a black leather jacket with his most expensive boots. Dave meanwhile was in brown board shorts and a crisp flower patterned short sleeve button up with high tops.
He gave Kenji a thumbs up. “You look great, Kenji! Don’t worry about a thing.”
“I really like Ben, Dave. I gotta just…be perfect.” He said.
Dave made a shocked face. “Wait. We got a second date?”
“Yeah?” Kenji said. He stopped.
“Yeah. We do.”
“You must really like this kid.” Dave said.
“I do, Dave. I really, really do.” The boy sighed as he and Dave were let in the front door of the club.
The silver and blue themed club was two stories high with two massive bars on each side, one upstairs and one down. Upstairs were private rooms for groups and booths under sheer blue canopies that wait staff tended. While downstairs just had first come first serve booths. A staircase led down to an area filled with sofas and water cooler watched carefully right next to the dance floor for tired or overheated dancers.
Dave gasped as he saw a familiar man dressed in black slacks and a midnight blue button up.
“Excuse me, kiddo, I’ll be watching from the bar.” Dave said.
“Okay, but—” He noticed Dave was talking to a black man at the bar.
“That’s new.” He said with a smile.
Brooklynn, Darius and Yaz were sitting in one of the sectioned off booths upstairs. Darius was talking to a waiter, most likely ordering drinks.
Darius was in yellow and black patched pants, the latest Jordan’s and a black t shirt with a yellow bandana around his neck. Brooklynn was in a one shoulder red lace dress that went down to her waist and flared out around her knees with some matching red peep toe pumps. Yaz was in a tight purple crop top and a longer black pencil skirt with white lace up high heeled sandals.
“Hey, dude.” Darius called. “We all got here before you.”
“We all?” He asked and turned to see two people walking to them.
First was Sammy in pink cowgirl boots and a white ruffled dress with a tea skirt. But then…
Ben walked next to her, wearing tight faded skinny jeans with rips showing creamy thighs and knees. He was in a short sleeve black and grey button up with the top two buttons undone and black high tops.
He stared at Kenji and Kenji stared back.
He walked up to him. “Hey.”
“Hey.” Ben said with a smile.
Kenji slid into the booth, Ben coming in beside him. A waiter brought them a tray of drinks.
“Rose lemon spritzer?” She asked.
Ben took it from her and smiled. “Thank you.”
She looked him up and down, but Kenji gave her a look and she quietly served the rest of the drinks and left.
“Calm down, Ben’s gonna be 21 in like, three weeks.” Yaz said.
“Really?” Kenji asked.
“Yeah.” He said. “Plus. This is non-alcoholic.”
Kenji wrinkled his nose.
“It’s just ginger ale, pomegranate juice and rosewater with some rose petals on top.” He said and held it out to Kenji.
The older male took a sip. “That’s…really good, actually.”
Ben took it back and, while keeping eye contact with Kenji, turned the glass around and sipped directly from where Kenji had. Ben made a show of licking his lips and hummed.
“Tasty.” He said as Kenji’s face lit up.
Yaz gave a thumbs up as Sammy handed Kenji his Jack and Coke.
“You look thirsty.” She said, trying hard to hold in a giggle.
Kenji huffed and sipped his own drink as Brooklynn and Darius went to dance.
Yaz whispered to a passing waitress and she nodded.
The music seemed to get louder and Kenji held out a hand. “Dance with me?”
“Sure!” Ben said and Kenji shrugged off his jacket, leaving it in the booth.
Kenji led Ben down to the crowded dancefloor as a song he knew Yaz had to had recommended came on.
He saw her and Sammy find their own spot to dance and he smiled down at Ben.
Ben swayed to the intro of the song and batted those long eye lashes at him, cheeks red. Kenji could tell he was a little embarrassed but was hypnotized by the way his hips were swaying side to side.
Kenji placed his hands on those hips and Ben stepped back with a coy smile, lifting an arm and spinning as the beat dropped.
Kenji’s jaw hug as he watched Ben sway and turned away from him, bending his knees and rolling his shoulders, making Kenji’s mouth dry up when Ben smiled at him from over his shoulder. His hips popped as he lifted his hands again, bending the elbows and showing off his frame.
He turned and kept the momentum as he placed his wrists on Kenji’s shoulder, eyes staring into his as he popped his shoulders and despite being so close, still danced out of his reach. He looked Kenji up and down, biting his lip and pressing his chest to Kenji’s solar plexus.
Ben cocked his head and rubbed his cheek against Kenji’s, letting out a soft sigh in his ear before he did a slow turn away from him and seemed to pose, neck extended and eyes heavily lidded.
He rolled a shoulder crooked his finger in his direction and Kenji stepped forward as Ben leaned back into him.
Then he started swaying again and Kenji felt like he was going to die.
He wrapped his arms around Ben’s waist and the smaller man rolled his body into him, slotting their shapes together perfectly. Ben’s arms came up and hooked around his neck. The music slowed for a verse and when Kenji leaned down, Ben brushed his lips over his teasingly. But when Kenji moved forward, Ben moved away again.
He took Kenji’s hands and put them on his hips. He placed his hands on Kenji’s shoulders, swaying his hips from side to side. He smiled and squeezed Kenji’s shoulders, mouthing ‘how you like that?’ to the song.
Kenji could feel his heart thudding in his ears as he yanked Ben forward into a kiss, color exploding behind his eyes as Ben moaned and wrapped his arms around his neck. He pulled Ben closer, as if trying to absorb him.
Ben moaned and pulled away with a gasp, giving Kenji a heated look. The lights and music making him look like some kind of ethereal beauty.
Kenji grabbed his hand and led him to one of the unoccupied rooms, slotting his credit card in the payment kiosk and not caring how much it was. He was surprised when Ben threw the door open and yanked him in, slamming and locking the door behind them
The green eyed boy moaned again when Kenji pinned him against the wall, lifting him up. Long legs wrapped around his waist as he started undoing the buttons to Ben’s shirt.
“Kenji…” Ben moaned softly when he started kissing his neck, sucking a mark right over his collarbone.
“Ben.” He moaned back as Ben lifted his hips and bit his bottom lip.
He could hear the loud music still pumping and he wondered if he was getting drunk off Ben’s voice.
Ben wrapped an arm around his neck and with his other hand, grabbed the back of his head, fisting his hair to keep him in place.
He tasted rosewater and tea and Ben, Ben, Ben!
He panted as Ben yanked his shirt up and off his body, kissing him again.
His heart was racing.
His blood was singing.
He felt like he was made of starlight and he was going to burn through the damn world.
This was it.
Ben was his one.
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One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
Second time's the charm~
A casual greeting at a book store turns into so much more.
[WARNING]: This is a YANDERE story! Stalking, murder, the whole nine yards!!! Read with caution!
If you find this story on any website NOT under misfitgirlwrites/misfitgirl3390 please let me know!
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Cherri: Mary I'm so nervous ;;;
Mary: Nuuu it'll be okay! Did you find the flannel I told you to add to your outfit??
Cherri: Yeah, I did
Mary: Excellent you'll look so cute!!
   Leo didn't look at any pictures of the outfit. He wanted that to be a surprise.
Cherri: What if he is like Darius? He was nice too;;;
Mary: Bab I don't want you to overthink too much! You have every right to be nervous but don't let Darius ruin this for you. He is a meanie! And a jerkface >.> If you don't want to go on the date you don't have to
Mary: If you do go, you have Marcel on speed dial and trust me he will come to wherever you are
   Leo didn't like how much whatever Darius did bothers Cherri this much.
Cherri: You're right I shouldn't let what he did stop me from going
Cherri: It's just hard...
Mary: It won't be easy 😔 Darius is disgusting and not every guy is like him though it may seem like it
Cherri: Okay
Cherri: Thank you, Mary ☺️
Mary: Of course! So are you going? It's okay if you don't want to!
Cherri: I'm still gonna go
Cherri: I like being with him
Mary: Have funnnn!
Cherri: Okayyy ❤
   Leo stood and grabbed his jacket as he started to text Cherri.
[Text]: Ready to see Little Women? 👀
Cherri: Yes!!
[Text]: I heard Arundel Mills Mall is pretty big and the theater is nice
Cherri: Arundel? I've never been out there ;;;
[Text]: If you don't want to go, White Marsh is much closer
[Text]: I figured since that mall was bigger, there's more to do
Cherri: Well, as long as I'm home before 6:30 I'm sure it'll be okay
[Text]: No time to waste then! Text me your address?
   Leo grabbed his car keys and looked at her address before smiling and leaving out to go and get her.
   He was very excited to go and get Cherri and smiled when she came out of the house. Her outfit was cute; Mary did a good job helping her. Cherri got in the car and gave a small smile.
   "Hey." Leo grinned, "you look nice."
   "T-Thank you." Cherri smiled and looked down.
   "Let's get going then."
   The drive was comfortable and Leo was glad that she wasn't as nervous as he thought she'd be. She did get tenser once she realized how far the mall was but he did a good job distracting her. It was clear by her actions that her curfew wasn't flexible. Leo found a parking spot and looked at the time. It just became one in the afternoon.
   "We can get a ticket for the movie now and go see it without missing too many trailers and then grab some food. If you want, we can do something in the city after that so you'll be less tense." He spoke softly and she looked at him.
   "That sounds good. I'm sorry if I'm ruining the mood or anything. I just, I've never--"
   "You're not ruining the mood, I just want to make sure you're comfortable."
   Cherri felt much better after that. She enjoyed the movie a lot and after she convinced Leo to take her to Dave and Buster's since she's never been. They ended up eating there and they didn't even leave right away. Leo enjoyed seeing Cherri so excited and happy, he managed to sneak a few pictures of her. When they left, it was nearly 5 and Leo wanted to make sure she was back on time.
   "That was so much fun!" Cherri held a big purple stuffed unicorn that Leo had won for her.
   "I'm glad you had fun. We should do something like this again." Leo put his arm around her and she looked up at him.
   "I-I would like that."
   The redhead tensed up and Leo quickly looked over once he heard the familiar voice. Darius made his way over to them and arched a brow, "what are you doing all the way out here?" His brown eyes went to Leo. "And who the hell is this?"
   Leo's grip tightened just a bit and Cherri inched a bit closer.
   "I-I was just--"
   "On a date. How cute. Does your dad know?"
   "Don't tell him--"
   "What? Don't tell him that you decided upon yourself to go out on a date with some guy?"
   "Why is who she goes out with your concern?" Leo didn't let Cherri try to respond. He could feel her shaking now.
   "Because she's mine."
   "Oh really?" His green eyes narrowed.
   "I don't care what she told you or what you think." Darius hissed.
   Leo clenched his jaw, "if you think she even remotely likes you, you're fucking delusional." He shot back.
   Darius scoffed and moved closer. Leo was about to as well but Cherri gripped his jacket and he looked down at her.
   "C-Can you take me home? Please? Don't--He wants you to do something to him so you'll get in trouble."
   Right. The Commissioner's son. Leo let out a breath and nodded. He glanced back at Darius.
   "Nice meeting you." He stated before leading Cherri to his car.
   The drive back was quiet. Cherri hugged her stuffed unicorn close to her and her eyes didn't meet his. He could tell that she was embarrassed and nervous all over again. So much for a good date. When he stopped in front of Cherri's house, he got out of his car with her.
   "Thanks for today...I-I'm sorry about what happened."
   "It's alright. Just, text me later?"
   Cherri nodded and made her way into the house. Leo closed his eyes and sighed.
   "Fuck." He got in his car and made his way back home.
Taglist: None yet~
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dottie-n-stripes · 5 years
i imagine darius claims a metro car as his Own and makes it his home. it's filled with knick knacks he's found and a purple octo plush iso padre gave him after sherry escaped
man idk why ive never even thought of iso padre here…
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pcktsprgrl · 6 years
Wanna Get Outta Here?
Pairings: Mona x mc
Rating: general
Published:  2/18/19
Disclaimer: the characters are not mine.
Author's notes: I had this idea. I chose the option to ask what shes pretending to be and it made me kinda sad? Gave me more head canons idk if ill write it.
You sit in the garage as Logan disappears into the back office. You sigh pulling out your calculus book and ear buds.
You see a boot on the table across from you. Looking up you see Mona leaning back smirking at you.
"Having fun?" she quips. You grin. " Now that you're here."
She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I've been here for like twenty minutes." she crosses her arms and a blush creeps up your cheeks.
"Sorry I.." you look back down at your book trying to hide your blush.
She grabs the book and closes it, you start to protest. "Im starting to feel like I'm back in high school. I didn't like it the first time." she grins.
"Wanna get out of here a while?"
"I uh.." you stammer looking around.
"What? Need Logan's permission?"
You scowl at her. "No!"
She smirks "Lets go then.. We can even listen to whatever you are."
You scramble after her heart in your throat. Oh i'm so dead..
You chew your lip as she sticks her hand out for your phone.
Her eyes widen as the first song comes on and she raises her eyebrows at you. your face heats.
"Its my dads play list.. It helps me.."
You choke out.
"It's not bad enough your dad's a cop you gotta listen to this." you start to protest but see the slightest hint of a smile on her face.
"So where are we going?" you ask.
"Surprise." she replies and a kind of calm quiet settles over you both. She pulls into a deserted parking lot overlooking the ocean. "We're here."
You look around curiously. "Where's here?"
She motions at the ocean as if its obvious. Then exits the vehicle leaning against the hood. You scramble after her.
"I come here when I need to think.." she comments.
"And what are you thinking about now?" you ask.
She sighs. "Stuff I shouldn't be."
You turn and look at her. She stares at you glancing momentarily at your lips. She runs her hand across your cheek and you lean into her touch.
"We shouldn't.." she whispers as she turns towards you.
"Ok.." you respond and jump as her other hand slides along your hip and lower back.
"We can't.." she whispers again as if trying to convince herself. You stare in her deep brown eyes as she inches closer. You hands slide up her sides resting on her shoulders.
"We.." she starts again before she finally presses her lips to yours. You melt into her and you bodies press together.
"God.." she murmurs tracing her thumb over your lips as her forehead presses against yours.
The two of you stand staring at the ocean. Her arm snaked around you pressing you firmly back against her. Her breath soft on your neck and you shiver.
"Cold?" she murmurs against your skin. Before you can respond she squeezes you quickly then moves away. Removing her jacket and putting it on your shoulders.
You wrap your arms around her pulling her back against you. She momentarily tenses but relaxes into you and sighs. Your chin rests on her shoulder as your hands lay on her stomach. She cups your hands in her own and you can see her eyes close.
"We should go." she says before moving away quickly. You blink and immediately feel the sadness of loss of her closeness.
Back in the car you're both quiet as your music still plays. The next song comes on and you're surprised when she starts to hum along.
"What? " she asks incredulously. "I had parents too!" she frowns at you and you just keep smiling at her.
The chorus comes on and you begin singing loudly into a twizzler.
"Cause I want.. A girl.. To Caaall my own.." you sing and wiggle your eyebrows at her.
"Pfft dork." she remarks but you see a small smile play at her lips and she reaches over taking your hand in hers.
She pulls up outside your house and you kiss her cheek before hopping out
of the car and bounding up to your front door.
~the next morning~
Your shoulders slump forward as you make your way to the front of the school.
"Hey you!" a friendly voice calls and you spin to see Riya.  You give her a tired smile.
"Isn't it a little warm to be wearing a leather jacket?" Darius questions.
"Well I uh.." you stammer as your cheeks burn. A loud muffler interrupts your stammering and Mona hops out of her purple car.
Darius and Riya stare wide eyed as she saunters towards you all.
"Hey dork.." she smirks and your face heats even further. "You forgot this." she hands you, your calculus book. Her eyes roam your body and she smirks. Your fingers graze hers and you dip your head.
She glances around and up at the front of the school. "I really hate this place." she shakes her head but smiles at you before getting back in her car.
"Later." she mutters and her engine roars to life. Riya and Darius look at you suspiciously and you grin stupidly.
"Oh look.. It's time for..for class." you rush out before hurrying into the building.
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