#and I hate canon couples a lot of the time but huntlow and lumity are some of the best ships I've ever come across
yourhighness6 · 2 months
Luz and Hunter are my favorite characters from toh but I would never under any circumstances ship them. Like. Hunter licks Luz's hand and then she smears it on his face. She yeets his fancy emperor's coven staff over the side of a hot air balloon. He antagonizes her gf into giving him one of the most powerful substances in the realm. Her mom basically adopts him. They're. Siblings. Idk what other evidence ya'll need.
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stanlunter · 6 months
What you favourite toh ship says about you
No judgement, just my opinion based on how shippers act and how I would feel if I were them. Pls let me know if I have forgotten something!
Lumity - you're glad you finaly got canon healthy wlw couple in a kid show and became obsessed with it. Also you like highschool romance trope and probably is taken.
Boschlow - you miss s1 Lumity potential and hate the way it was done in s2. Also you want Boscha to be your gf.
Boschamity - you miss s1 Amity and hate the way she was was done in s2. You believe deep inside Boscha is a good person, who has the same trauma as Amity and she could become better too if there was anyone for her. It's very likely that you're a bitch and used to have bitch friends who left you for some reason, but I can't judge you for it, cause I ship it too.
Willuz - you think Amity's arc was rushed. You feel bad for Willow, cause she was "separated" from Luz and Amity in s2 and think she became an ooc in s2 and miss Willow from s1.
Lunter - you think Lumity and Huntlow were written bad. "Highschool romance" is never your otp. You prefer classic (in any way). You're probably on aro spec or believe in soulmates. You and your crush always tease each other. You're good at keeping secrets.
Goldric - it started as a joke, but you don't think it's a joke anymore. When Huntlow appeared you realized you went too far to change anything. Also you just want to have more mlm couples in media.
Huntmira - it started as a respond to goldric shippers, but then you realized it actually has a great potential and their dynamic would be amazing.
Gunter - I haven't seen you, but I really hope you just want all good things for both of them and also think Gus is criminally overlooked.
Raeda - you're bigger than ship wars. Love between teens is overrated and love between adults is underrated. You love suffering and wanna be both Raine and Eda.
Gustholomule - you think it's extremely unfair that Gus doesn't have a partner.
Skasha - you love Boscha and want all the best for her, but you're fine with her being an antagonist and Amity being happy with Luz.
Skamity - for some reason you dislike Lumity, but want Amity to be a good guy and want her to be in healthy and equal relationship with someone who's like Luz. You probably don't really like Amity, but still want good things for her.
Odalador - you want Blight family to be actually good, happy and health family and I can't blame you for it. Also you wanna know more about Alador, Darius and Odalia's friendship in the past. You also think deep inside Odalia isn't as bad or at least want her to have at least some good traits.
Dalador - you really hate Odalia and want Alador and kids to be happy, but not with her. You also think Odalia was a third wheel in their friendship and, again, you hate her in all possible ways
Odarius - Im not sure if you're exist, but if you do, you just find them both hot and want them to fuck. If you also ship them with Alador as a poly ship, then you want them not only to fuck, but also to have some romantic stuff together. But if you're a straight girl, then you're probably just wanna Odalia in this ship.
Daraine - you think Darius as bi and you probably ship Daraeda too. Also you think Darius is underrated.
Amillow - Willow is your favourite character and you hate the way she doesn’t get enought screen time. You also think Amity's redemtion arc was rushed. You probably also had a close friend, who left you and you still miss them and wanna bring them back even tho they hurted you. You also probably still believe in aroace lesbian Willow.
Veenter - you don't exist, but you wanna rewrite toh cuz you see too much of wasted potential in it. Also you have a lot of headcanons about Vee and want her to have an actual role.
Huntlow - you enjoy Amity's redemtion arc and Willow's development. And Hunter is your favourite chatacter. You probably don't have a partner, but very want to.
Guslow - you believe that friends are always more important than a partner. You truly believe in friends-to-lovers and probably don't really believe in m/f friendship.
Amiter - you really love Wittebane and Blight lores and hate how they were revealed. Also you love forbidden love trope.
Veesha - you want everyone to have a partner. You probably also used to ship Tom x Janna and just love "Mysterious demon x a Human who like mystery and demons" trope and want Masha to be inckuded in a Hexsquad. Also you wanna know more about Masha and adore Moringmark's comics.
Veelow - you don't like Huntlow and think Willow should get a gf instead. You also can see this fragile simality between Willow and Vee, but can't explain it.
Bris - you love Bria and wish she ever appeared again
Brisha - you love both Boscha and Bria and think antagonists are more interesting than protagonists
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edoro · 2 years
☕ + Huntlow?
i am very fond of it! honestly though, i really wasn't at first?
rest of this under a cut bc it's long!
like in the first half of s2, i was aware of it as a thing, and it struck me as very like... well pretty much just the het version of Goldric, tbh. the art and fic and posts i saw for it felt, to me, like people just kind of reaching for a way to pair Hunter up with a girl who wasn't Luz (due to the variety of frankly bonkers Opinions And Takes about Lunter lmao) and it all just felt very cishet in a way that was profoundly uninteresting to me.
i spent a lot of s2b gradually considering it more and more while also being absolutely terrified that every single episode was going to confirm it in a way that i would hate. which did not happen!
i know opinions are very divided and some people feel like if it does become canon, it'll be really rushed. it's definitely not going to get the same amount of screentime as the lead-up to Lumity did, but honestly, like... i'm still not sure it IS going to become canon, but if it does, then at this point i think there will be... a pretty decent amount of build-up and foundation for it.
not as much as i'd prefer, but they had their entire third season amputated. Lumity, imo, is kind of a rarity among cartoon ships; they often DON'T get that amount of build-up or development or feel that organic, but i actually personally do think that the hints we've gotten of Huntlow suggest an organically developing relationship.
they're all relatively small, background things, because more important stuff is going on, but they do a good job of communicating that 1) Hunter at least definitely has a crush or at least gets very flustered by Willow and 2) Willow also cares about him a lot
(and, honestly? yeah, sure, getting together after knowing each other for a couple of weeks or a month or two is pretty quick. they're teenagers. plenty of kids develop crushes and attractions to people based just on Thinking They're Really Neat after knowing them for a short amount of time at that age, and impulsively get into relationships. so, Shrug Emoji, i don't really think the argument that it's super unrealistic holds water, and at this point i think they've done a pretty decent amount of build-up for the idea that the two of them might have a mutual crush. it's not like they're gonna get married on-screen.)
the sheer amount of discourse about Huntlow is honestly bewildering to me, and i say this as a person who initially really disliked it and felt like, genuine anxiety watching episodes being worried that it was going to suddenly be confirmed.
(you will notice that despite having this intense emotional reaction to the idea that a cartoon i enjoy might make a decision i don't like, i didn't go around taking it out on people, lmao)
like. it's so inoffensive. what we've been shown so far has been cute. it has cute potential. if it happens it'll probably be good, bc TOH is pretty solid about character development and relationships and has so far shown a refreshing lack of Shipping For The Sake Of Shipping. i totally get being worried about it or disliking it but i also think that there's kind of a tendency to just assume the worst and take what we've been given so far in bizarrely bad faith among some people, and i'm kind of overall tired of this trend of like, treating media creators like they're hostile enemies when they have absolutely NOT earned that kind of treatment. also, the argument that "Hunter can't be in a romantic relationship because he's traumatized" annoys me. Hunter's trauma is going to affect every single type of relationship he has with anyone, ever, for his entire life, romantic or otherwise. i'd love to see an in-depth exploration of how Hunter's trauma causes problems for him in dating Willow, and those problems don't just magically disappear because they love each other - how he has this very paranoid and insecure style of attachment, feels the need to constantly prove himself, is afraid of being punished with withdrawal of affection or replaced, etc etc - instead of having it just be used as a gotcha to try to prove how the ship is wrong.
like, people with trauma get into relationships. being in healthy, functional relationships is a great way to recover FROM trauma. it's ridiculous and infantilizing to say that someone who's traumatized just can't be in a relationship until they're 'better', especially because healing from the severity and duration of abuse Hunter's been through is probably going to be a lifelong project for him. sometimes someone's trauma CAN prevent them from being in a healthy relationship or make it so it would be better if they weren't, and tbh i'd also be interested in an exploration of Huntlow where they end up breaking up/not getting together because Hunter just can't handle the demands of an intimate partnership without spiraling and behaving in unhealthy and self-destructive ways, but, again, i find it insulting for it to be used as a gotcha rather than an actual topic of conversation.
but anyway! i have been thoroughly convinced re: Huntlow. i think they're super cute. i think Hunter is an adorable boytoy sub and that Willow would make an excellent loving domme for him and they should get together, be precious, and end up having a ton of mentally-healing kinky sex.
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