#and I haven't done any of these on herrr
emmalovesfitzloved · 6 months
Who are your fav characters, and why ? And favourit ship/s ?
Eeeeek finally getting round to this lovely ask by the smartiest @imabitchforjemcarstairs hehehe
I have answered this lovely q, and here is the link for the full unhinged answer for the "why" them, hehe.
But the TLDR just for fire rapid answers is:
Favourite characters:
Will/Tessa (tie)
Kitty and Jessa tie
Malec (if allowed a sixth place)
Top Ships:
(lots of cheating with the ties, but im going to be honest, i can't choose frfr)
Now to enjoy this read and not make and make this answer half assed, I will be original and give my two cents on the topic of Wessa vs. Jessa i haven't had the time to chat about until now. So technically you didn't ask for this lol but i feel like we love Jem and this is a perfect opportunity to give an essay responce on the whole shindig :)
So scooch in for me @imabitchforjemcarstairs we need a chat ;) .
On the topic of Jessa vs. Wessa vs. Herongraystairs in TID:
I think I liked them a lot especially in TID, but i think that the lack of Jem POV makes it hard to really understand what's going inside in his head. And i think the relationship as a ship in writing, suffers from it, especially when we have Will's POV. And that rather, the decisions that 'metamorph' in their relationship is out of Jessa's hands, but a response to the events CC convienently plops in, not allowing any of these three characters decided eyes wide open their fate. Which imo, is a cop out. Let's breakdown the sneaky manipulative writing CC did ;)
I recently reread TID (for about the 10th time now, as one does during the christmas season lol) and found that even during the Herongraystairs arc, it felt like the writing gave more bonding and more to Wessa than Jessa. I call this in romance novels the, "convincing period", where the author in those formative chapters has to convince the reader that these two individuals should be in a ship. CC convinced us on Wessa bc they were into each other since day 0 when Will saved her from the Twin sisters, had so many hobbies in common and shared the same common struggles of figuring out who they want to be in this world (Will struggling w/ his identity and curse and Tessa as a weird hybrid warlock who constantly gets gaslit her who life). So the convincing is done well there i think we can all agree on that pretty easily.
For Jem and Tessa, it seems as if Tessa always defaulted to him because he was a failsafe from Will. And i don't mean that negatively, but in that, he was brilliant, light, elegant, poised and studied and that is literally sexy as hell lol. LIKE COME ON, HE MADE MUSIC ON HIS VIOLIN FOR HERRR. THAT'S HELLA ROMANTIC. And is very "show don't tell" when it comes to his love, my fav trope. He is very clear, which at the time, was the opposite of Will. So that in of itself is attractive to Tessa. But it's a canon event, that she went into the engagement collaterally in book 2, bc Will constantly kept deflecting what they had. She wouldn't have explored a relationship with Jem, if it weren't for Will's deflections. This is literally a canon event. And Tessa wanted to explore what she had with Jem bc he was very decided and less flakey than Will. Which tbh makes utter sense to me!
But as you can see, later on, once Jem leaves the silent brothers, the way i interpreted this is that, Jem and Tessa became a thing bc of the history they have, the loyalty they have to the trio friendship group and bc Tessa doesn't have Will anymore. It's giving very much "begin again" by Taylor Swift Vibes (not too much but yk kinda that aesthetic). And what I'm trying to say, is that I read the Jessa relationship at a disadvantage when up against Wessa. I think CC would have benefited writing Jessa and Wessa independent, and not collaterally contigent on the happenings of what was going on with the status of the other relationship. And then, on Wessa's side in response to Jem leaving for the Silent Brothers, they didn't want to get together in Book 3, bc Will didn't want to take his best mate's girl away bc his best mate never asks anything of Will and he's also high key dying.
It’s unfair that Wessa happened bc Will felt like there was a curse which gave way for Jessa’s engagement, and conversely, it’s unfair that Wessa only got together once the silent brothers made Jem one of them. So again, the autonomy of these characters are not happening 'authentically' but are happening bc of circumstances.
There is also the accidental (ig) trope that Jem with his illness he was given which in political theory we call, “the children are dying” trope. Which means, you give blanket equity or veto power to someone irrespective of the context of deserving because they are “closer to death” than anyone else. This is THE DRIVING FORCE, of why everyone acts the way they do around poor Jem and it drives him, and us the readers crazy, rightfully so. Jem and Will become friends, not because Will at first fr liked Jem as a person or thought he was a talented shadowhunter, but “because he was dying”, blanket permission for friendship. Tessa was kind to Jem at first because, you guessed it, blanket permission because he is closer to death than she is. They get engaged despite not knowing each other for a long time, conveniently for Jem because, yes, he’s close to death. So much of autonomy is once again stripped from characters around Jem, because most of their actions are respective to his illness. Which is polite, lovely, but it rightfully upsets Jem because he is still a person. Not a a make a wish kid nor a charity case. This was touched on briefly when he said he didn’t want a nurse out of Tessa but a wife. This wasn’t morally delved into deeply save for Tessa’s answer “no I fr like u dude wdym” but than her actions proceed to default back to the “children are dying” complex around him. And we’re only freed from this trope finally once Jem has lived basically the immortal life and is a very changed person after silent brotherhood.
So WTF to do right? Seems like CC built up amazing grounds and complications in these characters, but what to do right? How can she wrap this up in a nice bow? Well CC went naturally via the occam's razor route, which is: Jem becomes a literal monk giving him 'immortality', so circumstantially, the only option JUST SO HAPPENS that Will and Tessa can be together. Again, its not a decision Tessa makes, its a problem that solves itself for Tessa. She goes with Will for now, and maybe in the future, she will go with Jem if he ever leave the silent brothers.
Which again, imo is a bit of a cop out. But CC didn't allow Tessa to put her big girl panties and choose a man. But one thing is clear, which is CC didn't write Will and Jem equal from the start. And it is very clear that Will was written from the beginning as the forbidden love and chosen one. Which is extremely unfair to Jem bc there is so much we could have learned and gained from a Jem pairing that DIDN'T happen bc of the circumstances of Wessa not working out. I truly think that Jem was written with an unfair disadvantage. Like i said, One bc his POV hasn't ever been explored that well. and Two, bc all of Tessa's choices weren't made bc she willed them, but bc CC wrote the circumstances in to take away the choice for her.
Now what I do think is right, is that Jessa, both being immortal are together later on in Shadowhunter Canon. I love Mina and I love what they can be for each other. They make each other happy. And for anyone who says that you can have only 1 love in ur life has a very romantic judeo-catholic view on things XD. U can have many loves in ur life, and each of them can be independent from each other. Love is not mutually exclusive. How is it that you can love unbundently and feel equal love for your multiple pets and children, but not find it in yourself to love more than 2 men? It is entirely possible. And so I do think there is room for Jessa, even if Wessa happened first. And I don't think it is disrespectful or cheating to remarry or find another love after one has ended.
I read criticism about them and how they don't live up to the same version as they were in TID, but i think living hundreds of years does that to you. And i don't think it's the fault of anyone in the pairing to 'bring out' the best in the other, but they can also be very changed people from when they were young. This criticism that they aren't great together later on in life is rooted in their own way of dealing with immortality AND THEN each other. I think what is a pity is that it isn't explored as well as Magnus's immortality has shaped his life which i think again, puts Jessa at a disadvantage. Magnus' continuity as I explained before is given a wider girth than Jessa which is why he is my preferred immortal. But then again, what would Magnus do, if he was immortal forever with his ship? He would be a very changed person he wouldn’t be his own comedic relief that’s for sure. In fact, Camille was not wrong when she said that immortality changes your relationship greatly. Where she fucked up was treating poor babygirl Magnus like shit just in general lol, and being immortal doesn't mean u have to be an asshole. I think immortality truly did a number on Jem and Tessa, irrespective of each other and has not a lot to do with Jem or how he treats her, but a lot about how how Tessa and Jem are quite literally a hundreds of year old great grandma and gramdpa hahahahaha.
But if Will were still alive or immortal like Tessa, would Tessa still be with him now that she has the option of being with Jem forever? Again, we are stripped away from that option because the circumstances decided over the characters. But I do think she would still chose Will.
Final question is, would Herongraystairs actually work? The answer in CC's eyes and again, the occam's razor answer is obviously 'yes'. In fact Tessa herself in Book 3 said it is entirely possible to be in love with 2 people at once and I think poly relationships are a beautiful thing. But is it the easiest and first answer, or is it the TRUE answer? Again, that we will never know bc Tessa's decisions on this matter are in response to the environment she is in, not because she truly believes it.
It is very clear that Will is written all across Tessa's mind in Book 1, and is what she thinks about 24/7. There were times where i was like, "girl just go up to him and JUST EXPLODE UR FEELS ON HIM UR GIVING ME A HEADACHE". But the plot just so conveniently every time they had a moment alone, would get 'interrupted' and the moment was gone. Only after in response to this mess of a situationship, did she go for Jem bc of his ease and what he represented (which we talked about before^) but it wasn't equally organic. It was in response to what happened with Will. Truly we all know, that Tessa would not have even considered Jem, if Will and Tessa decided to be a couple and engage by book 1. And I hate that Jessa read to me as second best, instead of a true, equal 1st place like Wessa. Which is would have to be, in order to have a Herongraystairs. I don't like that CC made Jessa collateral, but tbh i think she didn't know how to chose in the making of TID. So instead of choosing or rewriting the relationship so that both ships were dealt with equally, she made the events of the plot decide for the characters instead.
In defence of CC, a lot of our lives happens in response to our surroundings and circumstances instead of pure Free Will. Which might ironically make Jessa and Wessa and Herongraystairs even more realistic than maybe the idyllic cleanly chosen choices. Life moves fast and we can barely respond to it in time. And what matters most at the end, is that all three of these characters love each other dearly and would be there for each other no matter what. However, the way the plot was almost TOO conveniently choosing everything instead of the characters making hand on heart choices, swings us back to being a bit too unrealistic.
I truly, really love Jessa and I would marry Jem myself lol, but I really disliked the way it wasn't dealt with fairly. I am happy that they end up together at the end, I just didn't like the way they went about it. I would be more sold on Herongraystairs if it was dealt with more evenly instead of the other side of the poly v, instead of being collaterally contingent to the happenings of Wessa. Who knows, CC said that Jessa will re-encounter Will again and not in shadowhunter heaven so i wonder if there is any ability to clean this all up. But bc of the way CC wrote Jessa over how i WISHED she wrote them, Jessa is not in the top 5 ships for me unfortunately. It's def top 10 (and for sure over Clare lol) probablly like 7th place but not top 5. I think there are other relationships in the Shadowhunter fandom that are written a lot more cleanly where the characters are given by CC more autonomy in their choices which makes it easier to follow along. Not to mention get their POVs.
I cannot wait for your own lovely essay on our fav Jem @imabitchforjemcarstairs ! I hope my re-mentioning of it doesn't come across as antsy or like i'm trying to 'remind you' passively lol. Which would be awfully rude. As you can tell, I took my time to reply to this one :). My intention is one of pure excitement, fandom-ing over it and showing support.
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art credit: @giannyfili on instagram
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Aww hey y'all :)
Idk why I'm smiling there I don't want him to get with her xD but eh whatever
Okay but mood (to the wine bit) XDD
The nice lady there lol
Oh my gosh slflgjdhks LOL
She's specifyingggg xDD
Nahh is she gonna say something more specific xD she is ain't she
Aaaand she gets that xD
Gosh this poor girl lol
Ahh okay so we're explaining it xD
Who is he talking to lol?
AHH (awh not aah) the insurance lady lol xD
YAYY lol xD
How long has this lady been listening to this story lol
He's gonna ask her if she should propose isn't he
Well basically xD
This poor lady lol
XDDD I'm so glad he's not stopping lol
C'mon ask her ask her
Sorry lol I just really wanted him to xD
C'mon Gina respond 🥺😭❤️
Oooh that's a good response :o o.o
Oh dang two divorces
I'm sorry Gina :(
Oh noo Chim 😭 c'mon don't doubt
You don't regret trying :'DDD
Awww :')) 🥰🥰🥰
Themm :))
Lol xD yes they're just some guy and his insurance adjuster, shush xD
AAAHHHHH YESSS thank you Gina :DD
Gina's the goat 😌😌😌
XDD I love her she's my favorite character lol
Love you Gina <33!!
Anyway lol xD
Oh hey Hen :))
Ope who is that?
Ope is it Maddie o.o
YUP o.o
Hmm but she's hiding the ring this time XDD
OOHHH she said it though :O :D
Ayy Hen has the exact same reaction as Buck lol xDD like "namely, how???" type XDD
Ope o.o
Yeah she kinda knows now xdd
LOVE Maddie defending herself :D
Like I truly believe Hen wasn't trying to downplay anything she just wasn't thinking great besides knowing Chimney needed to be sure but still xD Maddie doesn't have to take no crap
Also love how Hen immediately knew it was Buck
Okay but let's not Y'ALL argue though ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ didn't think I had to worry about you two xD
Yesss though she wanted him to take a breath
Yeah please let's not escalate this any further xdd
Telling her not to be embarrassed I mean
But yeah why haven't you told him xD
Ahh yeah
But I don't think she's gonna back out of (more like back away from, since it snot a commitment she already made lol) it :')) I think she's ready
YESS he's not him 😭 :'))
YESSS and you're not her :'DD
Hen is SLAYING in this conversation :D
They both are :))
LOL yeah back to the ring being stuck xD
Awww 🥰🥰🥰 y'all :'DD
I love them <333 🥰🥰❤️❤️
Oh dang he told her everything o.o??
Or like all of them I mean lol
Dang xD aight well done then Buck I guess lol
And she's cool with it! Good for her xD
I mean she can't exactly blame you for having exes but you know lol
Ope 👀😳 are y'all about to kiss
But c'mon y'all buddie 😭😭 drop herrr you have Eddie xD
Who is it though xD like Maddie or somebody maybe?
But kinda "Nope?" because I don't know who this lady is xD
OHH is it his college friend's wife :O
Or his high school friend or whatever he was lol
Ahhh yeah I think it is
Oof girl xdd you okay?
😬😬 Natalia is nooot liking that
(the only reason I know her name is because I'm from the future and he says it in a minute xD)
Girl a place to STAY?? It's that bad DD: :(?
Poor girl :((
I think y'all can work it out though xd
Uhh ohhh
O o f it looks like she's leaving xdd
Yeepp xdd 😬😬 :((
I'm sorry Buck :(( DD:
My poor boy 😭💔❤️
But hey now you have EDDIEEE-!!!
I want both a cut off and !!! so yeah xD
I swear Buck better not get with his friend's wife xD
Like sir are you
Because if you are
Stop xdd
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Archetype — The Creator Birthday — September 22nd, 1993 Zodiac Sign — Virgo  MBTI — INFJ Enneagram — 2; The Helper Temperament — Phlegmatic Hogwarts House — Slytherpuff Moral Alignment — Lawful Neutral Primary Vice — Anger Primary Virtue — Humility Element — Earth
Mother — Elizabeth Finkelstein nee Addair (dead) Father — Arran Finkelstein Mother’s Occupation — Teacher Father’s Occupation — Neurosurgeon currently retired because he got into a car accident that left him paralyzed from the waist below  Family Finances — They got monneeeyyyyy forgot the formal word for that, but yeah they very well off Birth Order — Only child because Elizabeth died during child birth Brothers — None Sisters — None Other Close Family — Nope. Arran was very possessive with his daughter so they didn’t go around visiting family, so Sally does have aunts and uncles but she knows none of them. Best Friend — Daniel!!! lmao I laugh bc sadly he is deaad :(( but he was the ONE friend she had in her childhood and they grew so close that no one has yet to take that spot for her :(( Other Friends — Ummm Sally was really like the pariah of her hometown. No one wanted to be her friend because of her magic, so she really didn’t have much of any growing up like except Daniel. On top of that, Arran was very possessive of Sally and kept her locked up as much as possible, so that made socializing rather hard.  Enemies — Her hometown, no one liked her again except Daniel. Her father, it is a very BAD relationship between the both of them and it is something that Sally has yet to be able to forgivee. Pets — Salene!!!! She’s a Dalmation Sally adopted at the plantation in Swynlake. Her full name is Salene Morticia Finkelstein!!! :DD Home Life During Childhood — Oh gawwd, yeah Sally did not have a good childhood at all!!!! Her father kept her locked up for most of it. At first it wasn’t too bad, Arran had been an exceptional single father, but as Sally grew older and started to look more and more like a mirror image of her mother.... that was when the unhealthy obsession inside of Arran began to manifest and there started the lock up because he wanted his daughter all to himself basically.Then later on in life like when she became thirteen, Arran got into a car accident that left him paralyzed leaving Sally now as his sole caretaker. Her only moments of freedom were when she had to go to school. Those became ruined, however, when her visions started appearing, and she became the pariah of the town so yeah.... It was a very isolating and rough childhood for Sally :(( Town or City Name(s) — Larkhall, Scotland. Glasgow Scotland What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Very decorative!!!! Sally went all out since ya know she was pretty locked up so, this was an escape for her, especially for all her restless energy. Very Halloweenish and Autumnish because those are her things. Dark colors, a lot of black. Any Sports or Clubs — Not really. Sally was never much of a very sports person, doesn’t even watch much of any. Plus, she a klutz so yeah, it never mixes well. Favorite Toy or Game — Ouija board lmao tbh she only played it to piss her father off because HE DOES NOT like that stuff xD He’s convinced her visions came about because of it.  Schooling — Sally has gone through Primary and Seconday in Larkhall and then commuted to Glascow for Uni majoring in Design (due to her LOVE of sewing). Was very heavy with online classes because of her father’s behest. However, she was never able to finish Uni because Daniel died in the middle of it, then she found out about her father’s incestuous obsession with her and so... she ran away to Swynlake. Favorite Subject — Art Popular or Loner — Loner for sure. Popularity was never in the cards for Sally  Important Experiences or Events — Daniel’s death was an important event because she had foreseen it happen and wasn’t able to stop it. At the same time, it took a huge part away from her. He was the ONLY friend she had, her best most dearest friend, so it was a lot. A painful experience (aside from seeing Daniel’s tragic death) was the exorcism. Her father took her to church once and they actually performed an exorcism on the poor girl due to her visions. :( Nationality — Scottish Culture — Scottish Religion and beliefs — Raised Catholic and her father were very devoted to the Catholic religion. Sally attended mass every Sunday when she was younger because of her dad, but had stopped all together when she got older. The church was very judgmental of her, believed she was possessed by demons because of her magic (especially since she often saw death).
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Karen Gillian Complexion — Fair skin with freckles on her nose and cheeks!! Hair Colour — Ginger!!! But a little more on the reddish side.   Eye Colour — A hazelish to very light brown mix. It’s very pretty!!! Height — 5’10″ she has to be my tallest girl <3 Build — Tall pretty average to slim build.  Tattoos — Nope, but she’ll definitely get one if someone suggested it haha Piercings — Yes, just the standard two ear piercings. Common Hairstyle — Sally mostly wears her hair down. For so many things my baby can do, hair isn’t exactly her strongest.  Clothing Style — More on the punk-ish side when it came to Sally’s style. Lover of dark colors. Nothing crazy, your typical jeans and t-shirt type of gal. Boots and sneakers are what she prefers. Use to wear like skirts and dresses but not so often anymore, not since the scarring on her legs, so when she does wears them she normally wears tights that covers. She does loves sweat-shirts and hoodies.   Mannerisms — Sally often wrings her fingers togethers, hides her hands within pockets and tugs at the fabric, doesn’t maintain the best eye-contact, rakes her hands through her hair when nervous, stutters when speaking with pauses as well, 
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nope. Sally is very good at keeping up with her health. Physical Ailments — Sally does have scars on both of her legs. They look like patch work but are burned scars from one of the crazy events that has happened in Swynlake. She has electrical burns.  Neurological Conditions — Headaches and migraines that are often cause from emotional overload she receives being an empath. Sometimes her vision leave her with a terrible migraine as well.  Allergies — None Grooming Habits — Good. She has clean hygiene habits. Makes sure she looks well kept.  Sleeping Habits — Sally doesn’t have the best sleeping habit at all. Ghosts don’t really stop talking just because it’s night time. The voices often keep her up and steal away her ability to remain asleep. Sometimes as well, she’ll get a vision in her sleep and welp there goes sleeping for the night. Eating Habits — Healthy. Sally is organic with her food choice and often grows as much as she can from her garden, but she’s not strict with this. She’ll break it whenever she wants. If she wants sweets, she’ll get her sweets.  Exercise Habits — Sally does yoga has been doing it for years now and is very, very, very good at it!!! But, aside from that she doesn’t really exercise, except for like when she takes Salene for a walk.  Emotional Stability — Umm.... when it comes to her own personal emotions I guess she’s somewhat stable? But she often carries the emotions of others over her shoulder, being an empath and all, and that at times can make things unstable.   Body Temperature — Sally tends to lean more on the colder side. She has a cold touch to her, and her skin feels more on the frigid lines of things. It comes with the fact that she has been in death’s clutches far too many times, and now also with the fact that she can talk/see the dead.  Sociability — Sally is super, super, SUPER shy!!!!! It’s a struggle for her to talk to new people and she often stutters because of it. She does, however, open up completely with people she has grown to know because she feels more comfortable with them.  Addictions — None. Drug Use — Nope.  Alcohol Use — Not really.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — Klutzy, restless, impatient, sassy, can hold a grudge, shy, soft-spoken, blunt (but never means for it in a bad way or to cause harm), uncontrollably curious, awkward, socially unaware  Good Habits — Kind, creative, gentle, clever, honest, resourceful, loyal, sweet, loving, down-to-earth, humble, optimistic, understanding  Best Characteristic — Loving and kind Worst Characteristic — The fact that she has the ability to hold a grudge Worst Memory — The exorcism she was forced into, and Daniel’s death. There is also the vision that brought to light her father’s obsession. Yeah.... Sally has a lot of bad memories.  Best Memory — There was a Christmas where Sally’s dad had to stay in the hospital for his job. Daniel came over for that Christmas and they spent the night decorating a Christmas tree, Halloween style!!!!!! It’s the prime reason for why Sally decorates her Christmas trees in that fashion now in the present.   Proud of — How she has been able to semi-control her visions, or at least control them in the best way they can be controlled. Also, that she has been able to control her empathic abilities as well. These were both very over-powering abilities and she has been able to live through them both and control them over time!!!! Embarrassed by — All her klutzy, clumsy moments. The fact that she stutters and pauses in her speech because of her shyness. Her scars over her legs.   Driving Style — Sally has learned how to drive and drives pretty decently, but she really doesn’t drive much presently. Strong Points — Her kindness and positive outlook when things look rough  Temperament — Phlegmatic Attitude — Determined, restless Weakness — Shyness   Fears — The lost of her loved ones and not being able to do anything about it. Already has happened with Daniel.  Phobias — Isolation. She has lived a life of isolation through both her father and because of her magic, she doesn’t want to live through isolation again.  Secrets — Her father’s obsession with her, and the fact that she stole a good chunk of her father’s fortune when she ran away lmao  Regrets — Not being able to prevent Daniel’s death, especially when she saw it happened ahead of time. Not being able to prevent a lot of foreseen deaths. Not allowing Daniel to love her.   Feels Vulnerable When — She comes back from a vision. Right after a vision happens, it takes a moment for Sally to get her gatherings together so she is at her most vulnerable physically then. When she’s isolated she also feels very vulnerable.   Pet Peeves — Doesn’t really have many.  Conflicts — Her magic has caused a lot of conflicts for Sally. There is also the conflict of death when it comes to her visions whether she should try to do her best to prevent them, or simply allow them to be.  Motivation — Belongingness. It’s really sad but like Sally has been isolated for a grand portion of her life she just wants to feel like she can belong somewhere :(( Short Term Goals and Hopes — Do something professionally with her exceptional and awesome sewing skills!!!!! (I’m going to start working on this for herrr) Sleep better. She definitely needs more sleep in her life. Long Term Goals and Hopes — To be able to have full control of all of her magical abilities.  Sexuality — Bi-sexual, Demiromantic Exercise Routine  — Yoga in the morning, sometimes at night too Day or Night Person — Night owl Introvert or Extrovert — Introvert Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist
Likes and Styles:
Music — Rock, punk rock, indie, soft rock that whole general area of music is Sally’s favorite. She’s a huge fan of Evanescence.  Books — Edgar Allen Poe is her favorite author. She does enjoy some of Emily Dickinson’s work as well.  Her favorite story is Ligiea by Edgar Allen Poe.  Magazines — Nope. Foods — Sally isn’t really picky, she’ll eat just about anything. She prefers organically made and loves to cook off of her grown garden.   Drinks — Hot chocolate and any drink with added pumpkin spice!!!!!  Animals — Dogs, solely because of her precious Salene.  Sports — Not really that into sports tbh if you’d ask her about any game she wouldn’t know what to tell you unless like she had a vision and knew the winning team ahead of time but other than that nope Social Issues — Magic v. Anti-Magic since she’s a magick herself.  Favorite Saying — “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back” Color — Blackkk she does love orange as well!!!! Jewelry — None. She’s not a huge jewelry person, does puts on studs for her ears from time to time  Games — Meh...   Websites — Not a website person. Sally doesn’t have any form of social media not even an instagram. She doesn’t want her father knowing where she ran off to.  TV Shows — Sally does love the Adam’s Family!!! Both the original tv show and the movies!!! They’re her favorite :DD Movies — Scary/Horror movies. The Chucky series are her favorite.  Greatest Want — To be in full control of her magic.  Greatest Need — I’m not sure to be honest... I’ll have to come back to this one hahaha
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Sally lives in a two bedroom house in the Southern Isles. She could definitely afford something a lot nicer, but she’s happy where she’s at. She’s not the show off-y type of gal.  Household furnishings — Her house is fully furnished with all the furniture one would expect in a house. Dark furniture of course blacks and dark cherry wood stuff like that. Decorative because Sally loves to decorateeee.  Neighborhood — Southern Isle Neighborhood on the South end of Swynlake Town or City Name — Larkhall, Scotland in her childhood. Presently, Swynlake, England Details of Town or City — For Larkhall whatever wikipedia saysss and Swynlake you all know how Swynlake issss Married Before — Nope. Significant Other Before — Also, nope. Would have loved a chance with Daniel though :(( Children — Nope. Relationship with Family — Estranged Car — Nope. Could afford one though, but just doesn’t want one Career — No career at the moment (I gotta stop being lazy) Dream Career — Dressmaker, Sewist, Seamstress (She could lean towards being a Designer but she what she loves the most is the sewing aspect of it all)  Dream Life — One where Daniel is alive and all the horrors of her past hadn’t happened. A life where her mother didn’t die giving birth to her and she was a part of a happy family. She would love a family even if it isn’t one with kids but like her and a loved one.... but she just... doesn’t believe that’s out there for her. Love Life — None, but wanted one with Daniel  Talents or Skills — Sewing (she’s very very VERY FREAKING GOOD AT IT), baking, cooking, decorating, designing, gardening Intelligence Level — Very intelligent, but she’s so quiet and soft-spoken that it’s often times not noticed Finances — She got monnnneeeyyyy stolen money, but moneeyyyy nonetheless xDD
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — Hasn’t gone around to having a career yetttt Past Lovers — None :(((  Biggest Mistakes — Not being able to prevent Daniel’s deaathhhh  Biggest Achievements — Gaining the control that she does have presently over her magic.
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hollandroos · 2 years
assistant!reader and tom havent been intimate in a whole and she doesnt really notice or care but tom is needy and misses herrr it can be fluff or angsty idk
"Please baby, I need you."
Tom was extra whiny tonight, his hands hadn't left your thighs since you'd clambered into his bed over an hour ago. Initially, you had insisted you get some emails done which you were damn serious about. To Tom, that was code for something else.
"You've got me, I'm right here." You hum, hooded eyes not leaving the computer screen.
Nibble fingers continue to graze over the keyboard however your mind was slowly drifting elsewhere. You had already half-forgotten exactly who you were writing to.
"Not close enough." Sitting up, Tom grabs the laptop out of your lap and places it on the bed beside him. The action doesn't necessarily make you angry - but it surely makes you groan in frustration.
"Tom that was an important email." You reach for the laptop. Tom swats your hands away. Unaware that it was more work you'd have to do tomorrow.
"You can have it back after." He tells you. "I miss you."
"I haven't left your side in two weeks."
"You know what I mean."
It was true. The two of you had gone a week or so without any of your rather unprofessional antics. You hadn't thought twice. You'd been so busy with work that you'd barely had time to think about what it felt like to be with him in that way.
Though you had thought about it briefly when he stepped out of the shower with nothing but a towel around his waist, or when he called you at 6am, his morning voice breathing down the phone in a way that made your palms sweat.
But you were his assistant at the end of the day. Maybe the two of you hooked up every now and then and maybe you were a little cuddlier than most but at the end of the day, that's all it was.
You were hesitant to get your heart broken. That was fair enough, right?
"Maybe a small break would be okay." You breathe out, letting your palms rest on his bare abdomen.
Tom gives you a knowing look. For this, you'd make him help you with your work tomorrow.
"See, that sounds good, doesn't it darling?"
He prompts you on top of him and you give in, your legs resting on either side of his figure.
It was that easy. You gave in too quick, your body quite practically melts into the palms of his hands with a few slick words. He could have you in any way he wanted.
Your heart was bound to break. It was all a matter of when.
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aspirationfail · 7 years
Leilani, how long have you been dancing/teaching dance?
Tumblr media
“I’m 26 so…. it’s been almost 18 years? I’ve been dancing since I was tiny thang. Teaching it though, prolly like 8 or 9. Not too sure, I just know that I started off teaching at my tio’s place when I was a teenager.”
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sketchguk · 3 years
Hi teresa I came for some advice haha 😔 I was very close with this mutual on Tumblr and we used to talk everyday. but my shifts at work changed and bcoz we're in the same timezone I was not able to talk to her much 😭 but now I'm free again so I tried talking normally but she's not the same with me 😭 I don't know what to say to her. bcoz she talks to me normally but it feels like she's always doing other things when she's talking to me 😔
Ahh I'm sorry to hear about that !! But please don't blame yourself or feel as if you've done anything wrong :-( Perhaps your friend really is busy. I don't think it would hurt too much to ask ! Communication is the key to any kind of relationship. You can let her know you haven't spoken in a while and you miss herrr ! She probably feels the same if you were/are close !!
It kinda sucks when we have to live our adult-y lives 💔 The schedules never line up, and we hardly have time to talk to our loved ones :-(( Maybe you can ask her what she's been up to these days ! Something could be on her mind, or maybe she has a priority that's important to her. Maybe she could use a friend to talk to about it !! Sorryy, I wish I knew the situation better though :c These are just a few of my thoughts
I really hope everything works out !! Please take care 💛
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